What exercises are needed to gain weight. A set of basic exercises for gaining muscle mass

> > Mass training program

Mass training program

Building muscle is a time-consuming and time-consuming process that requires not only an effective mass training program, but also a complex of actions, from nutrition to sleep. As simple as it may seem, many people actually fail to get results for one of two main reasons - they are either trying to over-complicate the process or they don't really understand the underlying principles of mass gain. It is important not only to know how many sets and repetitions you need to do to gain mass, but how to maximize muscle growth through proper rest and nutrition.

Principles of mass training

The more a person trains, the more he becomes adapted to the loads, therefore it is important to choose the right amount of loads, sufficient to ensure consistent muscle adaptation and further growth. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly increase the working weight so that the muscles adapted to a certain load continue to progress, and therefore increase in volume.

For muscle growth optimal number of repetitions is the zone from 8-12 times. Since three approaches with moderate weight are suitable for adaptation to the load, more trained athlete must be carried out 4 sets with maximum weight, working until the "failure" of the muscles.

So, the weight of the load should be selected in such a way that it is it is impossible to lift more than 12 times. But not less than eight times, since strength will develop, and work in the minimum rep range will not increase muscle volume - this is very important.

Rest between sets should not exceed two minutes, this time is enough for the muscles to rest from the load. It is also important to set up a proper mass training schedule, as overworking will not lead to growth. Preferably exercising every other day, and leave two full days of rest. Therefore, a suitable mass training system for most athletes is 3 days a week.


The increase in muscle volume will inevitably depend on two things.

  1. First, in order to progress, muscles need recovery, including adequate rest and intake of the right nutrients;
  2. and secondly, at some point there will be a "dead point".

The second usually occurs around the 8 week mark, and is associated with an inability to recover quickly and more stress on the central nervous system and other important regulators of muscle growth. At this stage, you can reduce the load, or relax for a few days. This should give the body a chance to recover, adapt and grow further.


Athletes need to get enough calories, that is, energy to maintain and grow muscles, from carbohydrates and fats, this is also important for the production of hormones. Protein must come from sources such as meat, eggs, dairy, whey protein, and for those in need of protein supplementation and recovery, full-cycle amino acids and (essential amino acids) are needed for muscle building.

Remember that the total amount of protein and calories in the diet will be the most important determinant of muscle growth, with supplements to help improve nutrition and "fill in the gaps". Sports supplements such as can help maintain strength in the gym, so this is a great option for people looking to maximize muscle growth.

A significant increase in load volume can also have a big impact on the immune system, so Vitamin C supplementation is important. Other supplements that will benefit those looking to build muscle are Omega-3s, fish oils, and Vitamin D.

An important condition for muscle growth is eating immediately after exercise. Within forty minutes after exercise, the body must replenish energy reserves, proteins and carbohydrates. During this period, all nutrients are fully absorbed by the muscles, and this provides a significant impetus for the restoration of damaged tissues, and hence growth. Also it is important to replenish glycogen stores after sleep Since they begin in a hungry body, the timely intake of protein and carbohydrates will stop the breakdown of their own protein.

Gym weight training program for men

Day 1 (Chest, biceps)

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Bench press at an angle of 45 degrees 3 x 10-12.

  1. Reduction of hands in a crossover at an angle of 30 degrees 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Press: 3 x 15-20.

  1. Abs: leg raises on uneven bars 3 x 15-20.

Day 2 (Back, legs)

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Bending the legs in the simulator 3 x 10-12.

Day 3 (shoulders, triceps)

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Delta machine 3 x 10-12.

Each person is individual. Some people get better from eating too much, while others cannot gain weight for years. A lack of body weight for a man is a very serious problem. Its solution requires a responsible approach. A set of mass should consist of several key elements. You need to follow the sleep regimen, the rules of nutrition, and also visit the gym regularly. Thus, you yourself will be able to answer the question of how to quickly gain weight for a man.

Almost all athletes want to increase their muscle mass levels. Even professional bodybuilders regularly try to gain a few pounds to look more impressive. For ectomorphs (thin-boned people), the process of mass gain often becomes a real drama. Some guys may consume large amounts of chocolate, flour products, and fast food products, but they will not observe much change in weight. And if many women can only dream of such a figure, men are trying with all their might to gain a couple of kilograms of muscle mass.

Experts identify several main causes of deficiency in body weight:

  • Individual characteristics of the organism. genetic predisposition.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Diseases associated with the work of the thyroid and pancreas.
  • Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Worms.
  • Frequent stressful situations, chronic fatigue syndrome.

To gain muscle mass, a man must follow all the principles of the mass recruitment process. You also need to eliminate the root cause of underweight. If a few months after the start of classes, no visible changes have occurred, then you need to contact an endocrinologist.

In rare cases, a man may be prescribed special hormonal drugs. It is also recommended to use special sports supplements. Thus, in a few weeks you will gain a couple of kilograms.

Basic Rules

To quickly gain weight, you need to know about the features of this process.


People who have trouble gaining weight should eat every 2-3 hours. The rule of thumb is to consume more calories per day than you burn. Food with the maximum amount of proteins and carbohydrates is best suited. You also need to drink as much water as possible. Thus, food will be better absorbed.

Training program

To understand how to gain weight, you must make the right one. You can work out both in the gym and at home. Do basic exercises correctly. Three classes a week will be enough for you. Work on the arms, shoulders, chest as well as the legs.


After intensive training, you should have a good rest. Sleep at least eight hours. Sleep must be sound. If possible, take a nap for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Avoid stressful situations. The nervous system must be fully restored.

How long to wait for the result?

Gaining muscle mass for men is a long process. Many novice athletes stop exercising after a week of training. Remember, it is impossible to achieve results in 7 days. You have to train hard and also eat right. Only a month after the start of classes, the athlete begins to gradually gain weight.


The effectiveness of the training program will largely depend on the correct diet. You must correctly compose the daily menu. Focus on foods such as eggs, poultry, seafood, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, rice and buckwheat.

First you need to calculate the daily calorie intake. This indicator is individual for each. Take into account your age, height, weight, and lifestyle. It is also recommended to keep a special diary and analyze how many nutrients you consume daily.

If there is no result after increasing your daily calorie intake, you can start consuming protein or. This is a special sports nutrition that has protein or carbohydrates in its structure. Most often, protein is drunk in the morning, as well as after a workout.

The main meals should be alternated with light snacks. Eat foods high in complex carbohydrates. Thus, you will receive an energy boost for the whole day. It is also recommended to eat protein foods. Nuts, beans and meats are better foods that are high in protein.

Despite the fact that you are gaining weight with difficulty, limit yourself to eating sweets and starchy foods. After a while, you may have excess fat deposits in the abdomen. We are committed to gaining quality muscle mass. Don't eat at night. Thus, you will disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system.

To gain weight, the athlete can use special drugs and vitamins. Brewer's yeast helps a lot. They contain many useful trace elements. You will improve the metabolism in the body, as well as improve the condition of the skin.

Training Mode

To achieve a result, a man must organize the training process. If you do not work out in the gym, then all the weight gained will go into fat. Muscle growth does not occur during the training itself, but during rest. This means that you need to recover well after each session.

Before training, do a warm-up, warm up the joints and ligaments. At the initial stage, you can train with an experienced trainer. He will help you create a high-quality training program, as well as show the correct technique for performing movements.

It is best to exercise for 50-60 minutes. Limit execution. They will only help burn fat. Work on principle. Work one large and one small muscle group in one session.

Features of studying at home

At the initial stage, regular workouts at home are also great for you. Thanks to pull-ups and push-ups, you will quickly strengthen the body, as well as prepare the body for subsequent loads.

In one lesson, you can work out all muscle groups at once. Best suited with their own weight. You may also need kettlebells or dumbbells. Beginners can replace these sports equipment with water or sand bottles.

An example of an effective home workout:

  • Pull-ups with a wide grip.
  • Twisting.
  • Dumbbell bench press.
  • Squats.

Do these five exercises in every class. The horizontal bar can be installed even in the doorway. If you don’t know how to pull yourself up, then just weigh on the bar for a long time. This way you will be able to strengthen your hands. Push-ups from the floor will help pump the chest and triceps of the athlete. Beginners often perform the movement in a kneeling stance. Also do crunches regularly. If you have little body fat, then it will not be difficult to achieve the effect of cubes. Work hard.

The dumbbell bench press is a great basic exercise. Work with a comfortable weight. In order to perform the movement, you will need a special bench for the bench press. You can also practice on the floor, but this is not very convenient. Do squats for the last exercise. This is a great basic movement that will stimulate testosterone production.

At the initial stage, this load will be enough for you. After a while, start exercising with heavy sports equipment. Work with a barbell and dumbbells will stimulate (increase in muscle volume).

Training program

Some time after exercising at home, you need to start working out in the gym. Break the training week into three visits to the gym. Do the exercises on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Between classes there should be a break of one day of rest.


On the first training day of the week, you should also biceps. Exercise with heavy sports equipment. Perform 8-12 reps per set with maximum weight.

Pull-ups with a wide grip.

  • Upper block pull.
  • Lifting the bar for biceps while standing.
  • Bending the arms on the Scott bench.
  • Twisting.

Pull-ups can be done with weights. You need to put on a backpack with pancakes on your back. Do not work with jerks. Movements should be smooth. The pull of the bar to the belt is a rather difficult exercise. It is very important to feel the work of the latissimus dorsi. With the help of you will be able to qualitatively complete a workout aimed at developing the muscles of the back.

The barbell curl is a great basic exercise. You should work without cheating, i.e. the movement should be carried out only with the help of the biceps. Bending the arms on the Scott bench allows you to purposefully work out the target muscle group. At the end of the lesson, you can perform a couple of approaches to the press.


On this day of the week, the athlete needs to work on the development of the muscles of the chest and triceps. It is best to exercise with dumbbells and a barbell. Be technically correct. It will be enough for you to complete 3-4 sets of each of the exercises.

Start your training program with push-ups from the floor. Work at a fast pace. The bench press is one of the most popular mass building exercises. Do 3-4 sets. Each set should have 8-12 repetitions. Incline bench press with dumbbells will help to work out the upper part of the chest. With the help of the French bench press, the athlete will qualitatively work out the triceps. You can finish off the muscle with push-ups at the back. You can put a pancake on your knees.


On the last training day, the athlete must work out the muscles of the legs, as well as the deltas. You should work at a slow pace, this will allow you to feel how your muscles work, help control your technique, and also make movements safe.

  • Bench press sports equipment sitting.
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Warm up your legs well before squatting. Do the movements correctly. Lunges with dumbbells and leg presses will help to work out the buttocks, calves, and thigh muscles. At the end of the lesson, do some exercises to develop deltas.

Very often, beginners are engaged in a training program for professionals. You can't do that! Work according to a quality and appropriate lesson plan. Training ectomorphs has a huge number of nuances. Also, you can not cope with the program, according to which famous bodybuilders have been exercising for many years in a row.

During mass recruitment, the athlete must constantly increase the load. Exhausting workouts that last more than a few hours will not suit you. Thus, you will burn a very large number of calories.

Keep a dedicated workout diary. It can record your current strength indicators, muscle volumes, as well as body weight. Weigh yourself regularly. In addition, you can take special body photos every month to monitor your progress.

Numerous visits to bodybuilding websites convince me that one of the most relevant topics and the subject of active discussions on them is questions rapid weight gain and muscle growth, which excite not only beginners, but also quite venerable athletes. Although this is not surprising - it is worth looking at yourself from the side in those days when our main tasks were exclusively building huge muscles, gaining maximum mass, giving volume to the biceps, expressiveness of the chest or the width of the back.

Reading articles on mass gain found on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that there is catastrophically little really high-quality information on this topic on the network, you can even say that it doesn’t exist at all, well, maybe, with the exception of just some very common truths, and even then, unfortunately, not all. Having stumbled on the net more than once with similar questions about the same bodybuilding beginners, I decided to write a series of articles in which I planned to include detailed materials on the training program, nutrition, and sports supplements. Today we will talk about a training program aimed at effectively gaining muscle mass.

Let's touch on the fundamental truths, without which high-quality muscle building is impossible:

  • It is necessary to do a warm-up before the main workout, which includes heavy loads for weight gain. The athlete must warm up well so that his joints and ligaments have time to warm up, and for this I would recommend that the athlete use it, running at an average pace for ten minutes will prepare the body for subsequent heavy exercises. Then you need a stretch, aimed specifically at those areas of the body that you have the most “problematic”, for example, elbows or shoulders - it is these that must first be carefully and thoroughly kneaded.
  • Before each main working set, you need to do one or two warm-up approaches. using light weight, which should be about 40-50 percent of the worker's weight. Warm-up approaches allow the athlete to also experience this exercise.
  • Don't go to the gym for too long- Quite enough intensive work for an hour. And remember this simple truth: In training, the main thing is not its duration, but only the intensity.
  • The end of the workout should be a small hitch to stretch the muscles and joints.. A good option is swimming in the pool.
  • During training for the mass, you should not be distracted by extraneous matters. The observable pictures of what often happens in the gym are depressing: someone is talking enthusiastically on the phone, someone is busy with a new toy in his iPhone, someone is talking to a neighbor and the like. That is, training people do not understand why they came here and lose the time allotted specifically for training in the gym, and then they get, as a natural result of this, the absence of any, even a little progress in bodybuilding. Make it a rule: since you came to the gym to train and your goal is to gain weight, so train without being distracted by extraneous matters and absolutely nothing at all.
  • Key condition for success is to work in a working approach until the very last repetition, performing it as well. It is the last one or two repetitions, done already through overcoming, that become the most effective in the process of training and it is thanks to them that effective muscle building occurs.
  • You need to follow a nutritious diet, on which success in bodybuilding depends half. I can subscribe to my every word and responsibly declare that without high-quality nutrition, mass gain is impossible and you will never be able to build decent muscles. My next article will be devoted to this - it will be convenient for you to follow the news using the newsletters of this blog.
  • Sufficient rest before the next workout is also important.. Do not be surprised and do not be afraid now - the goal of bodybuilding training is precisely to injure muscle fibers, however, in the safe sense of the word - during heavy loads, our muscle tissue receives microtraumas, which then the body seeks to heal and due to this, tissue growth occurs. So, for this restoration of muscle fiber, the body needs several days and therefore daily training is absolutely contraindicated for the average static bodybuilder.

In this list, I have listed the rules that should be followed during training aimed at gaining mass. And now you can go directly to the training program itself.

You will have to do three times a week: on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - it's convenient for anyone, and here the main condition is a mandatory break between workouts of at least one day.

As a rule, athletes distinguish chest, legs, shoulders, triceps and biceps into separate muscle groups and, accordingly, each of our workouts will be focused on pumping a specific muscle group.

Three day workout

Monday: work on the muscles of the press, chest and triceps

The exercises of this workout are aimed at pumping the pectoral muscles and triceps. First, five approaches are performed, the purpose of which is the press. For this, any exercises are taken to work out the abdominal muscles. In any case, the pumping of the pectoral muscles is also associated with the study of the triceps (triceps muscle). Fully work out the triceps by bench press and incline bench press.

  • . After two warm-ups, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions follow. This exercise most effectively works out the pectoral muscles, increasing their volume and mass.
  • After one warm-up, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions follow. This exercise allows, in addition to gaining muscle mass, to give the muscles a beautiful relief and a good athletic shape.
  • After the first warm-up, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions are performed. When doing bench presses, do not forget about a partner! The exercise is effective for working out the triceps and the inner part of the pectoral muscles.
  • in four sets of 8-12 repetitions, but only after the obligatory warm-up of the muscles of the shoulder joint to reduce the risk of injury to the shoulder. This exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the upper chest.
  • in four sets with the maximum possible number of repetitions in each approach. This exercise is an excellent training not only for the triceps, but also for the entire shoulder girdle.

What has been done: the exercises allowed us, first of all, to pump the pectoral muscles through a heavy load - bench press, and thus we launched the mechanism of their growth, and also worked on their shape. All bundles of the triceps are also fully developed to stimulate its effective growth. After such a training, a hitch is needed and the best option here is the pool - swim to your health for 10-20 minutes.

Wednesday: back and biceps workout

This workout focuses on the muscles of the back, which should become wider and more powerful as a result, as well as pumping up our beloved biceps. Do not forget about the obligatory warm-up warm-up before training and five approaches to the press.

  • - perform five approaches for the maximum number of times. If it doesn’t work with pull-ups, then you can use a pull-up simulator, or a block simulator with a handle pull to your chest. But my advice is this: since there is nothing better for the muscles of the back than pull-ups, try not to use the simulators, but pull yourself up in the classic way - on the crossbar and believe that this works much more efficiently.
  • , doing four sets of 8-12 times after two warm-ups. This is the most effective exercise for the biceps.
  • 8-12 times. The deadlift is a basic and highly effective exercise for both the back muscles and the whole body - in the process of its implementation, a large number of anabolic hormones are produced that stimulate muscle growth. A prerequisite is a thorough warm-up of the back before the deadlift, especially the lumbar region in order to avoid injury during the exercise.
  • in four sets, sitting, 8-12 repetitions. This exercise perfectly forms the biceps, emphasizing its relief and increasing its height.
  • . After one warm-up, perform four sets of 8-12 repetitions. Exercise effectively draws the muscles of the back, giving them a beautiful shape.

What has been done: Thanks to pull-ups and deadlifts, the mechanism of muscle growth was launched, all the muscles of the back were worked out to the maximum, which will now make it grow. Pumped biceps due to the most effective exercises. Now it's time to cool down and stretch.

Friday: shoulder and leg work

The emphasis of the exercise of this workout - a squat with a barbell on the shoulders, is done on the entire surface of the leg muscles. We also pump the shoulder girdle.

  • in four working sets of 8-12 repetitions after completing two warm-ups. Before training, it is necessary to thoroughly stretch the shoulder joints, given that the shoulder is the most vulnerable place in the bodybuilder's body in terms of injury.
  • . The squat is an exercise from the heavy arsenal and there is nothing harder than it. And here, as nowhere else, the athlete must be as concentrated as possible and have perfect technique. Before performing this exercise, especially thorough kneading of the knee joints, ankle and lumbar spine is necessary. Having completed all four approaches and giving all the best at the same time, the athlete feels a real pumping. After doing just one squat on a leg workout, I usually have no energy left for anything else.
  • in four working sets of 8-12 repetitions after three warm-ups. When performing this exercise, the risk of injury to the shoulder joint is also high. It is necessary to perform lifting the barbell behind the head, concentrating as much as possible, without jerking, and always in the presence of a coach or someone who can put the barbell on the rack after the exercise.

What has been done

During the training, the leg muscles were worked out and a good impetus was given to their growth. Shoulder muscles worked too. Now we move on to the hitch and stretching.

So, here I have given the entire weekly training cycle, working on a set of muscle mass. An athlete can dedicate two or three months at the most to him, and then he must definitely change radically. This is done so that the body does not have time to get used to and adapt to monotonous loads. In my next articles, I will talk about and give an overview of the types acceptable for an athlete that contribute to muscle gain.

A slender fit figure is a guarantee of health, good mood, attractiveness and self-confidence. That is why you should always look good. But what if there is no time for training in the gym? Practice at home!

Yes, getting in shape without leaving home is real. Especially at the initial stage of training, when the muscles do not need professional simulators and too large weights.

We will help you understand all the nuances of training at home and create the right program for gaining muscle mass.

How to build muscle mass at home

For the fastest set of muscle mass at home, you need to learn a few important rules:

Regular does not mean exhausting. Three workouts a week for 40-50 minutes is the best option for both beginners and "experienced" athletes. The main thing to remember is that it takes a week to fully restore the muscle, that is, seven days must pass between the first and second workouts for a particular group.

You can build muscle mass at home only if you follow the diet. It is necessary to provide the body with energy - carbohydrates and fats, and building material - protein.

The athlete's diet should contain chicken egg proteins, cottage cheese, lean meat, poultry, fish, cereals, nuts, legumes, mushrooms.

The athlete's body's need for protein is 1.8 - 2.3 g per kilogram of weight, here it is written what and when to eat, calculations of the body's need and the menu are given.

If this norm is difficult to satisfy with food, then you need to think about buying a protein or a gainer.

During sleep, the body is restored, which is why proper rest is as important a part of the mass gain program as nutrition and training. In this case, the duration of the athlete's sleep should be at least 8 hours, the recommended norm is 9-11 hours.

To provide your body with healthy sleep, you need to go to bed at the same time, rest on an empty stomach, and do not play sports before bedtime.

  1. Adaptation to new conditions

The body's ability to adapt to changing conditions can adversely affect an athlete's progress. That is why the training program at home should be drawn up taking into account the habituation of the muscles to the level of stress.

  1. Inventory

To work with weight, you need to purchase a bar, dumbbells, pancakes of different weights. You can also install a horizontal bar at home, buy or make weights for legs and arms, and stuff an old backpack with something heavy, such as sand. Otherwise, all you need is comfortable, breathable clothing and a water bottle.

Workout program for gaining muscle mass at home

Each workout should begin with a 15-minute warm-up, which will prepare the muscles for increased work and further growth. The warm-up should warm up the muscles, increase the blood supply to the muscles, "accelerate" the pulse and reduce the risk of injury. At the same time, unlike the main training program, a warm-up does not involve working on a specific muscle group - it must prepare the entire body.

Day one: deltas, chest, back, biceps and triceps

Day two: abs, psoas

Day three: glutes, legs

The above program is just a drop in the ocean of opportunities that open up for an athlete who seeks to improve his form.

The mass training program for men implies, firstly, the presence of a certain foundation that was laid earlier, and secondly, a certain experience that a person gained by laying it. Thus, an athlete burdened with training experience has the opportunity, as well as the need, to engage in a more advanced training program, which we will consider today.

This article is a logical continuation of the difficult path of a beginner in the gym. In it, we talked about which training program to start with and what to strive for. Well, now, as promised, we move on to split workouts. And by tradition, we will explain what this means. And this means that it will be possible to train not the whole body for a workout, but specific muscle groups. This will allow you to give them a varied load and increase the stimulation of different muscle fibers within the same group.

What is considered the basis for building a training program according to the split scheme? Split, translated from English means "separation". This is how we will do it. We will build mass gain for men based on the fact that we train six muscle groups (let me remind you: legs, back, chest, deltas, arms, abs), and training takes place three times a week, we will divide them in this way: we will train two muscle groups in day. Exercises on the abdominal muscles, as before, will be present all the time.

The duration of the second stage will be 6 months. We will change the program every month, we will give priority to basic exercises with the inclusion of additional ones for this muscle group. We will work mainly in the range of 10 repetitions. Training time - up to 1.5 hours, rest between moderate sets - a minute / one and a half, rest between heavy sets - 2 minutes, or until full recovery, as discussed in previous articles. We still continue to do hyperextensions at the beginning of each workout, and do ab exercises at the end of the workout. Also, deadlift appears in our program. But before we start, let's go back to three old questions.

First- Is the training program given here aimed at gaining muscle mass or total body mass? The program below is a training program for gaining muscle mass for a man. We have in our arsenal the skills of the technique of performing exercises built during the first stage and the laid foundations for the formation of a neuromuscular connection. This is already a great help in the process of building muscles.

Second- can less experienced and more experienced athletes train according to the split scheme? It is highly recommended for a beginner to train according to the “fullbody” principle, if you start training with a split scheme from scratch, then only under the guidance of a personal trainer. More experienced athletes not only can, but often use the split scheme as a fundamental principle of building training programs.

So. Stage two. Duration: 6 months. Purpose: building muscle. Change of training cycle: every 4 weeks.

Men's Muscle Gain Program: 1st Cycle

We will build training in the first month in this way. Day one: chest/shoulders. Second day: biceps / triceps. Third day: legs / back.

Comments. 1st day: hyperextensions will be written separately below. Bench press - on a horizontal bench, dumbbell press and breeding as well. Seated dumbbell press, chin row and reverse dilutions according to the technique. 2nd day: straight barbell lift, dumbbell lift and standing hammers, according to technique. Push-ups will also be discussed separately. French bench press and extension from behind the head according to the technique. 3rd day: barbell squats, leg extensions and lunges according to technique. About pull-ups also at the end, the barbell row in the slope - with a direct grip, the dumbbell pull to the belt according to the technique.

Men's Muscle Gain Program: Cycle 2

We will build the second month of training in this way. Day one: back/triceps. Second day: legs/shoulders. Third day: chest / biceps.

Comments. 1st day: barbell row in the slope - reverse grip. The deadlift will be discussed below. The thrust of the horizontal block according to the technique. Close grip press, dumbbell french press and arm extension according to technique. 2nd day: squats - with a barbell on the chest. Romanian deadlift and calf raises according to technique. Standing barbell press is performed from the chest. Breeding dumbbells in an incline and shrugs with dumbbells - according to the technique. 3rd day: bench press lying - on a bench with an upward slope. Chest press in the simulator and butterfly according to the technique. We perform the barbell lift in the Scott bench with the EZ bar, the lift of the dumbbells in the Scott bench and the concentrated lift - according to the technique.

Men's Muscle Gain Program: Cycle 3

The third month we will train as follows. Day one: legs/biceps. Second day: chest / back. Third day: shoulders/triceps.

Comments. 1st day: we perform standard squats. Leg press and leg curl according to technique. Lifting the barbell - with a straight neck, hammers according to the technique - sitting, lifting in the block also according to the technique. 2nd day: barbell bench press - on a horizontal bench, dumbbell bench press as well, information in a crossover - from the upper blocks. Pull-ups and deadlifts are performed according to the technique, the T-bar row in the station with emphasis on the chest. 3rd day: Arnold press, standing dumbbell raises and shrugs with dumbbells are performed according to the technique. Push-ups on the uneven bars according to the technique, sitting French press - with a barbell, extension of the arms in an inclination - simultaneously with both hands.

Men's Muscle Gain Program: Cycle 4

For the fourth month, we will compose the training in this way. Day 1: chest/triceps. Second day: back/shoulders. Third day: legs / biceps.

Comments. 1st day: barbell bench press is performed on a bench with a downward slope, dumbbell bench press as well. Butterfly in the simulator - according to the technique. Reverse push-ups from the bench - with weights, extensions from behind the head and in an inclination according to the technique. 2nd day: bent-over row - with a direct grip, deadlift - according to the technique, vertical thrust - to the chest. Bench press while sitting we perform behind the head. Breeding in the slope and thrust of the bar to the chin - according to the technique. 3rd day: squats - with a barbell on the chest. Romanian deadlift and leg extension - by technique. Biceps curls in the Scott bench - EZ-bar. Lifting dumbbells for biceps and hammers - according to the technique.

Men's Muscle Gain Program: Cycle 5

Let's designate the fifth month as such a training split. Day one: back/biceps. Second day: legs/triceps. Third day: chest/shoulders.

Comments. 1st day: pull-ups, deadlifts and horizontal block pulls are performed according to technique. Lifting the barbell for biceps - straight neck. Concentrated biceps curl and biceps curl in the block - according to the technique. 2nd day: squats are standard. Hack squats and calf raises while standing - according to the technique. Bench press with narrow grip and French bench press - according to the technique. Reverse push-ups - with additional weights. 3rd day: bench press is performed on a horizontal bench, breeding dumbbells as well. Information in the crossover is from the lower blocks according to the technique. Seated dumbbell bench press, sitting dumbbell raises and reverse breedings - according to the technique.

Men's Muscle Gain Program: Cycle 6

For the sixth month we will train in such a split. First day: chest/legs. Second day: back/shoulders. Third day: triceps / biceps.

Comments. 1st day: bench press is performed on a bench with an upward slope. Chest press in the simulator and butterfly information - according to the technique. Squats - with a barbell on the chest. Leg press and barbell lunges according to technique. 2nd day: T-bar thrust in the simulator with an emphasis on the chest. Deadlift and dumbbell pull to the belt - according to the technique. Bench press standing - from the chest. Breeding in the slope - according to the technique. Shrugs are performed with a barbell behind the back. 3rd day: push-ups on the uneven bars and a sitting dumbbell french press - according to the technique. Extension of the arms in the block - with a rope. Lifting the barbell in the Scott bench - with a straight neck. Lifting the bar with a direct grip and hammers - according to the technique.


Hyperextensions. Earlier, for two months of the first stage, we performed this exercise without weights. The muscles of the lower back have already become accustomed to such a load and, most likely, they practically do not react to it. This suggests that it is time to use additional weight in the exercise. The most convenient for this purpose is a disc for the barbell, which must be thrown over the head and held on the shoulder blades.

Bars. Everything is purely individual here, but if you can do push-ups on the uneven bars more than 10 times, it makes no sense to do it 15, 20, or more times, since you will train endurance, and mass gain for men involves slightly different manipulations. What to do? Take a belt, a chain, and do push-ups with weights, but as before - no more than 8-10 times. Where to begin? Hang a 2.5 kg disc on your belt. Still doing more than 10 times? Hang 5 kg. Pick up the weight for 8-10 reps.

Pull-ups. The same story as with push-ups on the uneven bars. If you can pull up more than 10 times, hang weights on your belt. Start the same way, for example with 2.5 kg. Adapt the weight according to the same principle - select the weight for a given number of repetitions. In this case, it is necessary to choose the weight so that at the 8th, 9th repetition you already feel tired and stressed, and the final repetition went through strength.

Deadlift. As you noticed, it is absent in the first cycle, since we shake our back on the same day with our legs and it is undesirable to perform two heavy basic exercises on the same day. Moreover, during the first cycle, on hyperextensions, you will sufficiently work out the lumbar muscles that are involved in the deadlift, without which, in turn, the training program for gaining muscle mass for a man would be incomplete.


As for the number of approaches: while the weights are small, you can perform one warm-up approach before working weight. A working weight is a weight with which you can perform a given number of repetitions. For example, if in the bench press you have to perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions according to the program, and for this number of repetitions you can squeeze out, say, 40 kg, then it will be enough to complete one warm-up approach with a weight of 20 kg, and then three workers with a weight of 40 kg. Warm-up sets do not count. When you reach a weight of, say, 80 kg, you can perform two warm-up approaches, the first with a weight of 40 kg, the second with a weight of 60 kg, and then proceed to working approaches. The warm-up rule applies to all exercises. We have already said that the warm-up is necessary.

Globally, the approach to the training process described in this article is called the linear progression method. The weight training program for men, in the context of this method, provides for the following basic conditions. The first is the constant increase in working weights (we have already talked about this). And the second, which follows from the first, is that every week is hard, that is, every next week you try to take more weight than the previous one. This is the principle of linear progression.

MYTH. There is an opinion that some exercises can be put in a split, some cannot. The very concept of weight training debunks this myth. The essence of the training is to create the maximum traumatic effect for the muscles, which will give them an incentive to heal and grow. It is the quality of the workout that matters, not the split itself. For this reason, the definition of "correct split" or "incorrect split" is inherently completely untenable.

EXPERIENCE. You can often hear the question - why do several exercises for one muscle group? The answer is extremely simple. Each muscle group needs to be worked out comprehensively, to give a load to each of its sections (external, internal, lower, upper, peak part), then you will get the result. Whatever muscle group you work on, a prerequisite is the implementation of basic exercises, as well as a variety of loads due to various exercises on the target muscle group.

ADVICE. Most beginners who just come to the gym either copy the training programs of famous athletes, or start training according to the same programs as their more experienced friends. Both cases, for obvious reasons, exclude the period of laying the foundation. Such a course of events is a significant omission, like trying to build a house not on a solid foundation, but on soft ground, which in the future will either lead to injuries, or stagnation in training, or a lack of desire and refusal to train. Don't neglect


You can find a full illustrated description of the exercises given in this program, the technique for their implementation and tips by clicking on the links to the articles with the corresponding title:


At this point, the six-month mass gain phase for men ends. During this phase, we worked hard on each muscle group and strengthened the foundation laid during the first phase. Performing the second is just as important because in these half a year you have tried all the exercises for each muscle group. Of course, we did them not thoughtlessly, but listened to our body and determined which of them it responds best to. In the future, this will help us adjust the training program so that it consists for the most part of exactly those exercises that give your muscles (in your individual case) the best stimulus for growth. If you have reached this point and you are not tired of the gym yet, and the results in the measurements and in the mirror motivate you to further exercise, then you are ready to move on to the next level, where the muscle gain program for men will be presented in a completely new, more complex and varied form.



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