All varieties of the terrier breed. Types of Terriers

What is a terrier? This is an active and energetic dog, not stupid, amenable to training, but willful and stubborn. In most cases, it is not recommended for inexperienced owners to purchase terriers, because you need to be able to get along with this dog. Among these pets there are decorative, hunting and fighting breeds. But all terrier breeds are active and require attention from the owner. And they must be raised carefully and methodically.

Characteristics of Terrier Breeds

Initially, terriers were burrowing dogs, and were used to hunt foxes and badgers, and exterminate rodents. The word terrier itself is translated from French as “hole”, or “hole dog”. But although these dogs originated in France, the birthplace of most terrier breeds is Great Britain. In this country, burrowers were in demand as hunters and protectors from rodents, and from here they spread throughout the world. But over centuries of breeding and crossing with other dogs, the number of terrier breeds has increased, and their decorative and fighting varieties have appeared.

Currently, terriers are used as hunters and fighting dogs, as service animals, and as domestic companions. And hunting instincts have become dulled only in some varieties of fighting terriers; in other breeds they periodically make themselves felt. Energy is characteristic of any dog ​​of this type, so walks are vital for them. In addition, they are generally distinguished by good health and relative longevity - they live 12-15 years.

When breeding terriers, various breeds were used, depending on what qualities were required from them. Genes from pinscher, corgi, pug and even Chinese crested dog were added. Some mestizos were discarded, but a number of breeds have survived to this day. Therefore, now there are about three dozen varieties, each of which has the word terrier in its name. Although some of them, according to the classification, are not included in this class.

Terrier care

No matter how long a dog lives, in order for its life expectancy not to become shorter, it must be properly cared for. All animals of this class need to be walked for a long time, because they simply need physical activity. For the most part, these dogs do not need to be cut, because wire-haired terriers, like their long-haired counterparts, need trimming, and smooth-haired dogs get by with a comb. Once every six months, any dog ​​sheds, and at this time it is brushed daily. The tail and ears of some breeds are docked, but this is done only at an early age. When buying a dog, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian and find out when and how to dock the tail or ears.

Returning to the question of walks: babies like the Yorkshire Terrier can be trained to use the toilet in the house, but it is still better to walk outside. If there are no plans to get offspring, then it is better to sterilize the dog, because the bitch’s energy increases during the period of heat, and it is not easy to keep track of her. If mating is planned, then it is advisable to match the girl with a purebred male of her own breed, with a good pedigree and characteristics that meet the standard. Finding such a gentleman is not difficult, because purebred terriers are popular, and many owners are also looking for partners for their pets.

Childbirth and pregnancy in most dogs of this type occur without serious problems. But it is advisable to give birth in the presence of a professional who can help if necessary. Of all terriers, problems during childbirth most often occur in small, decorative breeds, and the smaller the dog, the more difficult it is for it to give birth. Terrier puppies, like puppies of other breeds, stand up and begin to walk at about 2-2.5 weeks of age. Puppies that are already two months old are vaccinated; at an earlier age, vaccinations for puppies are dangerous.

Feeding Terriers

These pets are undemanding when it comes to food, but it is still worth keeping an eye on their diet. Milk can only be given to puppies, and adult dogs can only be given kefir or cottage cheese from similar products. It is recommended to monitor what the dog chews during walks, because from time to time terriers try to eat completely inedible objects. And if your pet feels sick or vomits, then he should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. Terriers should not be given sweet or spicy foods, otherwise they will develop diabetes or gastritis.

Adult terriers eat twice a day, and they should be fed based on how much physical activity the dog receives. The diet includes lightly boiled meat, cereals and vegetables. The preferred cereals are rolled oats or buckwheat, boiled in meat broth. As for vegetables, carrots, fodder beets and a little cabbage or zucchini are recommended. Meat makes up 30-35% of the diet, porridge - about half, and the rest - vegetables and cottage cheese. But this is how a hunting terrier eats; for decorative dogs, the share of meat in a serving decreases.

Health and diseases of terriers

Caring for the health of any dog ​​begins with its birth, and terriers are no exception. Terriers are characterized by a regular scissor bite, and any deviation in this matter is considered a serious defect. Fighting breeds, which have in their blood the genes of dogs with congenital underbite, are more likely than others to develop problems with malocclusion. It is recommended to correct it with the help of special braces, since this form of teeth is harmful to the animal, not to mention the fact that such dogs are not allowed to exhibit. Even with such a bite, everything that the dog eats is not completely chewed, and this harms digestion.

Most terriers have strong immunity and rarely get sick, but owners shouldn’t relax here either. Moreover, sometimes the owners themselves harm the health of their pets - and we are not talking about the child giving the dog chocolate cake, although this is harmful. Grooming your Wirehaired Terrier increases the risk of colds and respiratory diseases, and we're not just talking about a runny nose. This is why it is recommended to trim such dogs. It is also worth using flea and tick repellents, as both can seriously harm your dog.

Terrier diseases

There are a number of diseases that are common to this group of dogs, and we are not talking about bumps and bruises. Their terriers get stuffed often. If your pet feels sick and vomits, his fur becomes dull, he becomes lethargic and does not want to play, then this means that it is time to visit the veterinarian. These dogs are also quite smart, and sometimes they themselves complain to their owners about feeling unwell. It’s just important not to confuse when a dog whines in pain and when he sings from the heart - this also happens. Here are the diseases that terriers suffer from:

  • Hernia. A breed of dog has not yet been bred that does not suffer from this disease. A hernia is an unnatural prolapse of internal organs, and it is difficult not to notice it. Umbilical hernia is most common in puppies and is recommended to be addressed by a veterinarian. If you do this on time, successful treatment is almost guaranteed.
  • Dental diseases. Toy terrier breeds are more likely to suffer from them, so sweets and hard bones are not recommended for these dogs, as this causes their teeth to deteriorate.
  • Hip dysplasia. This disease most often affects large terriers, that is, the Airedale Terrier, the Black Russian Terrier and the fighting varieties of this group of breeds.
  • Digestive problems. The metabolism of these dogs is designed in such a way that they require physical activity in order to avoid health problems. Otherwise, they are at risk of gastritis, indigestion, diabetes or obesity.

Different types of terriers

Conventionally, all types of terrier breeds can be divided into three groups. The first group includes decorative dogs, whose purpose is to be companion animals. The second group of terriers, which can be considered the most numerous, includes hunting and working dogs. Well, the third group is fighting dogs, such as the bull terrier, those that were originally bred for dog fighting and bull baiting. All these types differ in appearance, body structure and human use.

Description of terrier types

The decorative group includes dogs such as the Yorkshire or American hairless terrier. These small terriers are distinguished, for the most part, by their elegant and fragile physique, small size and not the best health. Some of these breeds are not even classified as terriers, although they were bred from them. The Russian Toy Terrier, for example, is considered the closest relative of the Continental Toy Spaniel. These pets are not used for hunting or as guards.

The second group, which includes hunters and working dogs, consists entirely of typical representatives of this class of dogs. With one exception, the Black Russian Terrier is considered a Schnauzer and the closest relative of the Giant Schnauzer. Therefore, the largest terrier is the Airedale, which is equally good as a working dog and as a hunting dog. In this group there is a wide range in height and size - from a baby Scotch Terrier, which is now considered almost a decorative dog, to the already mentioned Airedale. But all these animals can be used as companions, and as hunters, and as working dogs.

The third group consists of fighting breeds, and differs from other terriers both in appearance and in character. These animals were bred to participate in such cruel entertainment as dog fighting and bull baiting. They are distinguished by a strong and heavy build, powerful and well-developed muscles and short hair, which is not easy to grasp. They are also called bulldog-type terriers due to their breeding habits. These pets do not get along very well with other animals, but in their relationships with people they are friendly and sweet, as every owner will confirm.

Selected terrier breeds

Among the decorative breeds, the Yorkshire Terrier and the American Hairless Terrier are famous. The baby Yorkie can be called a record holder for the number of incorrect names - Cheshire, Ruff, Ruff and other similar spellings - that's all about him. The question of where so many incorrect names came from remains open. However, the American Hairless Terrier is also called hairless.

Among the hunting and working terriers, popular breeds are the West Highland White Terrier, the Norwegian or Norwich Terrier, the Airedale Terrier, the similar-looking Welsh Terrier, the Jagd Terrier (which is also called Young for some reason) and the Russian Terrier. By the way, the Airedale is sometimes called the El der Terrier, and this name appeared tritely due to problems with pronunciation. Well, West Highland white is also called highland white. Many people also love the Cairn Terrier, which is also compared to the Miniature Schnauzer. In the USA they love the Teddy Roosevelt Terrier and the Rat Terrier. By the way, both of these breeds, the Ret and the Teddy Roosevelt, are sometimes no longer classified as hunting animals, but as companion dogs.

Of the fighting dogs of this group, the most famous is, of course, the American Staffordshire Terrier. And he is also sometimes called not entirely correctly - Staff Terrier, Staffordshire (omitting one letter), or simply Stafford. Forgetting that there is also a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which, although related to the Amstaff (as it is also called), is a separate breed. This group also includes the Bull Terrier and Gull Terrier. The Ghoul or Gull is a Pakistani terrier, similar in appearance to a Bull Terrier.

It is worth describing several breeds as examples so that future owners have some idea of ​​terriers in general. And it is important to remember that in terms of character description, habits and principles of education, all terriers are similar. If we talk about the conditions of detention, then everything is very similar here too. Terriers should not be kept in a booth; they prefer to live at home, next to their owners. But enough about that, it’s time to move on to the description of the breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier

This breed of decorative terrier was bred in Yorkshire, located in the UK, and was originally intended as a companion dog. These babies are not intended for hunting, because it is difficult to find game that would not exceed them in size and strength. But the Yorkie never minds catching small insects or even rodents, because the terrier genes have not disappeared anywhere. Because of the same genes, the Yorkie is active and energetic, and is always happy to go for walks with his owner.

Due to ignorance, some people call this baby the Ruffy or Ruffy Terrier, although its name is pronounced Yorkshire or Yorkshire Terrier, from the English Yorkshire terrier. When developing the breed, Skye and Dandie Dinmont terriers were used, along with such decorative dogs as the Maltese. In terms of size, the Yorkie is one of the smallest dogs, which is larger, perhaps, than the Chihuahua. But the Papillon or dwarf Spitz is larger than the Yorkshire Terrier. Although this breed is not loved for its small stature. The size of the Yorkie is really small - it weighs about 3 kg, and its height is 20-25 centimeters.

This baby has a beautiful and silky coat that requires careful care. If you do not bathe your long-haired Yorkshire Terrier in time, its hair will begin to fade and become tangled. In this case, its beautiful golden and blue color no longer looks so impressive. Therefore, constant and careful combing and bathing in a special shampoo are required. It is also recommended to monitor the baby’s health, as he is predisposed to a number of unpleasant diseases. He has digestive problems, suffers from allergies and dental problems. This is why your Yorkie should be fed only high-quality food and never given sweets.

This working dog, also called the black terrier, essentially does not belong to a class, and is included in the same group with the Giant Schnauzer, which is its closest relative. The irony is that the giant schnauzer used in the breeding of black was first introduced in Germany as the “Russian schnauzer bearcutter.” It had nothing to do with Russia, but was used in the breeding of a real Russian breed of dogs. This breed is not a hunter, but is valued for its intelligence and service qualities, which make this dog a watchdog, a search animal, or an assistant to border guards. Black was developed for this kind of work, and for this it is suitable.

The Black Terrier was bred in Russia by order of the state, and large rescue dogs, shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzers and Airedales were used in its breeding. He is also called Stalin’s dog, although this breed has nothing to do with this particular person. People who want to buy this animal must remember that the black dog requires a certain occupation, it is not capable of sitting idle. He also needs communication with family members, socialization and training, which will somewhat smooth out his natural suspicion.

It is not for nothing that Black is related to the giant schnauzer, they are similar not only in size and appearance - in height, perhaps, this is not a royal Great Dane, but the size, in any case, is impressive. Both animals need exercise and long walks, and both require extra grooming. Black's hair should be combed daily with a special brush, and the mustache and beard should be combed with a comb and cleaned of dirt and food debris. This wire-haired pet also needs to be trimmed, and if the owner does not have the necessary skills, it is recommended to contact a specialist. And the last similarity between Risen and Black - these dogs not only need training, they also mature slowly, and the dog loses its puppy playfulness only by the age of 1.5-2 years.

The Norwich or Norwich Terrier is a small hunter that is still used to this day for hunting small game. But he also makes a wonderful home companion who will become a wonderful friend for his owners. The size of the Norwich is really small - he is 25-30 cm tall, and the dog weighs 5 or 6 kg. The hunting instincts of this pet are strong, so during a walk you need to watch him closely and not give him the opportunity to give chase, during which he will get lost. And you need to walk this dog often and for a long time, because it is a bundle of boiling and overflowing energy that needs an outlet. It is also necessary to walk because otherwise the dog is at risk of obesity due to the peculiarities of its metabolism.

For Norwich, red, black, gray and wheaten (but not yellow) colors are acceptable, and the color should be monotonous, without any spots. But at the same time, scars received during hunting are considered almost an adornment and do not spoil the dog’s appearance. It is not recommended to try to cut your dog's hair, as its rough coat will not tolerate such treatment. Here only careful trimming is acceptable, and this should be done either by the owner or a hired professional. The fur is also combed weekly with a special comb. And it is advisable to bathe your Norwich three or four times a month in a special shampoo.

The energy of the Norwich Terrier is directly related to its playfulness, so even an adult dog of this breed periodically behaves like a puppy. She requires toys and the attention of her owner, games with whom are most dear to her. But we must remember that a pet that is playing too hard can even slightly bite its owner, although it is difficult to call these bites painful even if one wants to. This display of excitement during play is quite acceptable; it is only important to make sure that the terrier does not start biting too often. This kind of thing needs to be stopped so that the baby doesn’t start biting strangers or children.

Choosing a Terrier Puppy

When buying a dog, you need to look at compliance with the breed standard. The Jack Russell Terrier can be tri-colored, the Scotch or Russian Terrier is always bearded and single-colored, and some northern dog, like the Norwich, has a dense and warm undercoat. But no matter who the future owners choose, they must carefully compare the dog’s parameters with the existing standard. Look at the photo of the puppy, watch training videos in which professionals explain how to choose a pet. But you shouldn’t get by with photographs alone; you need to look at the baby in person. Here are the reviews that dog handlers leave when talking about choosing an animal:

“You shouldn’t look at the pretentious nicknames and names of the puppy’s parents, like Don Juan and stuff like that. Only the pedigree and external characteristics of the animals are important. And nothing more".

All about the breed - Jack Russell Terrier

Russian Toy Terrier, fight with owner. Tough!


Black Terrier - features of the breed

American Staffordshire Terrier. The truth about the breed.

The cost of a puppy depends on the breed, pedigree and who breeds these dogs. It ranges from 10 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the popularity of the breed and the purity of the animal.

Sadness and a feeling of loneliness most fully correspond to a person’s desire to have a devoted friend and companion in his home, active and cheerful, capable of dispelling your everyday life. This article will present species with photographs and names.

Toy Terrier: photos, varieties

By origin, dogs of this breed - descendants of small game hunters. They inherited such qualities as speed, activity and the ability to endure physical activity, and courage.

But for a long time selection was directed to reduce aggressiveness and develop the ability to live in close proximity to a person. This led to changes not only in the psychological qualities of that terrier, but and to a decrease physical endurance, some delicacy, which has become inherent in this breed.

Currently best known in the world there are such kinds like English Toy, Russian Toy, American and English. The rarest ones, which are very difficult to find and find out anything about them: Chinese, Japanese, German toy terriers. Toy terriers are also divided into smooth-haired and.

English toy terrier

He is a representative of the “classics” of the breed: quite miniature, his height at the withers is from 25 to 30 cm, and his weight is 2.7 – 3.6 kg. Refers to the type of smooth-haired toy terrier.

Color Only black and tan allowed.

Like all dogs of this breed, it is active, willful, and requires attention and training. recommended Only homemade, easily trained to the tray.

Important! can create inconvenience for its owner with frequent barking and noisy games.

Japanese toy terrier

It is distinguished by a tricolor color, creating the feeling of a mixture of breeds: the body is predominantly white, and the head is black-brown.

The growth is larger than that of American relatives - 30-35 cm, weight is also greater - 4-6 kg.

On a note! Representatives of this breed are a real rarity; they can hardly be found even at exhibitions in their homeland.

American Toy Terrier

- This is a derived species from the English Toy and is classified as smooth-haired.

Like their predecessors, they have a fairly miniature structure: height at the withers is 24-25 cm, and weight is 1.5-3.5 kg.

Their features include an unusual color: the body is white, there are black or red spots on the head and rump, which gives them a very unusual appearance.

Russian toy terrier

Presented in two variants, which can subsequently be divided into different types: smooth-haired and long-haired.

The first one largely repeats the characteristics of the English toy. But the dimensions are somewhat smaller - 20-23 cm at the withers and weight does not exceed 3 kg.

Color requirements are much wider: Ranges from black and tan to red.

The long-haired version of the breed involves the presence of feathering on the limbs on the back side and long hair on the ears, forming a fringe.

Dwarf Toy Terrier: photo, description

A dwarf is a dog that closely resembles a fawn due to its slender, straight hind and forelimbs.

Interesting! This breed is registered in the Guinness Book of Records with a weight of 681 grams as the smallest dog in the whole world.

Sometimes there are adult terriers whose weight ranges from 900 grams to two kilograms, and their height at the withers is 18-26 cm.

Useful video

All varieties of the terrier breed

On a note! Toy terriers will be good companions both for single people and for large families with children and the elderly.

These species have, in addition to a common origin and physical structure, such common features as a perky and friendly character, and tenacity of affection.

The definition of "terrier" (from French - "chien terrier", and English "terrier") has always been used to designate a "burrowing dog", or a dog that has good hunting performance in underground tunnels and dens. Indeed, all representatives of the breed had a passion for hunting, so they were used to catch badgers, foxes, valuable rodents and some types of rats.

At the moment, there are more than 30 types of terrier breeds. Thanks to the efforts of scientific breeders, each breed has a memorable appearance, and representatives of the same group of dogs can have significant differences in character and appearance.

Small terrier breeds

This group includes 10 breeds of dogs weighing up to 10 kg and height up to 30 cm. Most of these terriers are not used for hunting, being typical indoor decorative dogs. Basically, these are squat, strong animals with a long body and hard hair that needs constant care. These dogs are good watchdogs, but at the same time retain their natural temperament (they hunt small predators and rats, attack cats and dogs). Small terriers respond well to training and are very intelligent and smart.

The most prominent representatives of this subspecies are:

In addition to the listed breeds, Norwich Terriers, Austrian Terriers, Scotch Terriers and Skye Terriers are very popular.

Medium and large breeds

Today there is a stereotypical opinion that all terriers are small defenseless dogs. In fact, there are also quite large representatives, who sometimes have a rather frightening appearance. Medium and large species include:

Bedlington Terrier

The ancestors of this terrier breed have been known since the 13th century in the village of Bedlington, near Rothbury in Northumberland. The original breeds included the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, the Otter Dog and the Whipetet. Initially, Bedlington Terriers were used to hunt foxes and as rat catchers, and later to fight rats in drifts. The Bedlington Terrier was recognized by the English Kennel Club in 1873.

Border Terrier

Border Terrier

The Border Terrier originates from the borderlands of southern Scotland. The ancestors of this breed and the ancestors of the ancient breeds (Bedlington Terriers, Lakeland Terriers and Dandie Dinmont Terriers) are common. The breed received the name Border Terrier in 1880, and a breed club was formed in 1920. Initially, Border Terriers were used to hunt foxes along with a pack of hounds.


The ancestors of the Brazilian Terrier were European terriers brought to Brazil in the 19th - early 20th centuries. In Brazil, they were crossed with Pinschers and local breeds, including Chihuahuas. The new breed, with its smooth contours and smooth hair, began to look like a smooth fox terrier.

Welsh Terrier

most likely descended from the now extinct Old English Black and Tan Terrier (also called the Old English Wirehaired Terrier) and the Fox Terrier. The Welsh Terrier breed was used in Wales to work in packs of fox, badger and otter, i.e. for the same purposes as other terriers and otter dogs. The Welsh Terrier breed was registered by the Kennel Club in 1886. The Welsh Terrier breed standard was adopted in 1947.

The main feature of most terriers is the fact that they are burrowing (terrier - earthen) dogs, with the help of which they hunt foxes, badgers, and valuable rodents. This article discusses the main groups of terrier dogs; photos of all types are posted in the photo gallery.

Distinctive features of family members

At first, all representatives were distinguished by powerful jaws and courageous character. What common features are shared by modern animals?

Basically, all representatives of this breed have a cheerful, cheerful character, good health and a great passion for hunting.

They are very loyal to their owners. They make good companions and watchdogs. An exhibition in Perm was filmed on video by Pavel Sterkhov.

Representatives of a large group of Terrier breeds

A large group includes more than 30 species of breeds for which standards have been approved.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the following groups were developed:

  • fighting;
  • hunting;
  • decorative.

Representatives of different groups differ in the length of their fur. They come in long-haired, short-haired and wire-haired varieties, and there are also hairless breeds.

Great companions

Austrian, English and American Toys are good companions. They can become true friends and keep company on the hunt, as they have retained their hunting qualities.

Beautiful hunters

The Bedlington Terrier is now used as a pet and watchdog, although it is a good burrow hunter. Smooth Fox Terriers are a hunting dog breed bred to hunt foxes, as evidenced by its name, which translates as fox. The Cairn Terrier has long been used to hunt badgers, hares, foxes and otters.

Versatile pets

Many terriers gradually went from hunting to being versatile.

For example, the Irish Terrier is a hunter, but today he can be a good watchman, herd animals, and hunt small rodents.
The Bull Terrier belongs to the fighting dogs; nowadays it is more used as a guard dog, as a flock guard, and as a hunter of small rodents.

The Kerry Blue Terrier is an excellent hunter; in addition, it protects herds and property well, and can serve as a police dog. Airedale terriers are used to hunt otter in marshy areas and wild boar, in addition, they are used as guard, service and bodyguard dogs.

Companions in sports and entertainment

For people leading an active lifestyle, a Manchester Lakeland Terrier, for example, will be an excellent companion for jogging and cycling.

Excellent companions in entertainment are small pets: Norfolk Terrier, Parson Jack Russell and Black Russian Toy Terrier.

Service Pets

Wire Fox Terriers were bred for hunting, but over time they became decorative and can be good watchdogs. The Welsh Terrier is a hunter, currently more used as a pet and home guard. The West Highland Wye and the Uruguayan Cimarron do their job well.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Skye Terrier Photo 2. Wire Fox Terrier Photo 3. Austrian Terrier Photo 4. German Jagdterrier Photo 5. Jack Russell Terrier



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