Rheumatic carditis is cardiac rheumatism. Typical complaints and laboratory changes

A disease of the connective tissue of the body of a systemic nature, accompanied by an inflammatory process, is commonly called rheumatism. In this case, they are damaged various organs and systems. But first of all, and to a greater extent, the heart suffers and musculoskeletal system. Rheumatic carditis - what is it? The answer is simple: inflammation localized in the heart vascular system. This pathology develops as a complication after infectious diseases. The main provocateur of this condition is streptococcus, which is also the cause of sore throat, scarlet fever, and sinusitis.

Rheumatic carditis is a condition that occurs only after the diseases listed above, several weeks later. Against the background of the apparent full recovery signs of heart problems suddenly appear. The source of incipient inflammation is group A streptococcal beta-hemolytic infection. It is localized in mucous tissues upper organs breathing. This pathogen releases toxic elements into the blood that promote pathological reactions in various layers of cardiac tissue. Other representatives pathogenic microorganisms cannot cause rheumatic diseases.

The following categories constitute a special risk group:

  • persons with a genetic predisposition;
  • women;
  • people with weakened immune systems who often suffer from sore throats and other infections respiratory tract;
  • young patients (7-15 years old).

Many people get sick chronic tonsillitis, suffer severe acute respiratory diseases, including purulent sore throat. However, not everyone develops rheumatism of the heart.

Poor heredity is one of the main factors contributing to the occurrence of connective tissue inflammation.

Upon invasion streptococcal infection the immune system sends antibodies to fight the foreign element. However, cells connective fibers in a person with genetic characteristics similar in structural structure with the pathogen. Therefore, immune agents begin to attack healthy tissues of the body’s own. The first thing that gets hit is the heart.


The classification of disease types is based on several signs. So, according to the clinical form, primary and secondary (recurrent) rheumatic carditis are distinguished.

According to the nature of the spread of the inflammatory process, focal and diffuse lesion cardiac membranes.

Depending on the intensity of symptoms, three degrees of rheumatic heart disorders can be noted:

  1. The first one is lightweight.

There may be no symptoms at all. Structural changes not observed in cardiac membranes.

  1. The second, moderate-intensive.

Some appear typical symptoms rheumatic carditis. There is a noticeable increase in heart size. Hemodynamics are not affected.

  1. The third, pronounced (severe).

The inflammatory process covers all the membranes of the heart, the symptoms appear with full force. Blood supply is poor. The volume of the heart increases even more.

Symptoms of clinical forms of rheumatic carditis

Primary rheumatic carditis is also known as the first cardiac rheumatic attack. It may have an acute, pronounced onset or proceed without any obvious manifestations. In the first case, two phases of the development of the disease are distinguished: one is characterized by vivid symptoms and lasts up to two months, then pathogenic signs gradually subside until complete disappearance (after 2-3 months).

Typical manifestations of the disease:

  • joint pain;
  • protruding seals form in the joint area;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • difficulty breathing and coughing attacks when physical activity;
  • murmur in the heart area when listening;
  • secretion of a large amount of sweat;
  • poor appetite;
  • the skin turns pale;
  • internal organs enlarge;
  • feverish state with temperature fluctuations, thermometer readings can reach extreme values;
  • Certain abnormalities can be recorded on the electrocardiogram;
  • blood test shows high level leukocytes, immunoglobulins and ESR, antibodies to streptococcus are detected.

Primary rheumatic heart disease has the following types:

  1. Pericarditis.
  2. Myocarditis.
  3. Endocarditis.

Each of these species has a special set of distinctive features.

Symptoms of rheumatic pericarditis

This condition refers to inflammation of the outer lining of the heart, which forms a cavity. It may accumulate inside a large number of specific fluid (effusion). Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between dry and effusion pericarditis. The first form does not differ in pronounced symptoms; in the second case, the presence of the following signs can be recorded:

  • the face and neck swell;
  • shortness of breath;
  • the heart beats quickly;
  • blood pressure drops sharply;
  • bile stagnates, causing heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, and possible belching;
  • when listening, you can identify the noise that occurs when the pericardial layers rub;
  • rashes appear on the skin in the form of nodules (in the hair, in the inner part of the elbow joint).

Symptoms of rheumatic myocarditis

When rheumatic myocarditis This refers to inflammation of the muscular layer of the heart - the myocardium. This process has a focal (in a limited area) or diffuse (spread) character. Focal lesion not so dangerous. The following symptoms indicate it:

  • discomfort in the heart at rest;
  • different types of arrhythmia;
  • The phonendoscope records the presence of systolic murmur.

Inflammation that covers the entire layer of the myocardium is considered more serious.

Symptoms of diffuse myocarditis

This pathology is characterized by severity and often leads to the death of the patient. The onset of an attack can be judged by a person’s appearance:

  • expression of suffering and fear on the face;
  • the patient takes a forced position to alleviate the condition;
  • the skin turns white, cyanosis is possible;
  • neck veins pulsate and swell;
  • the liver does not work well, so the stomach sticks out.

Other signs of pathology:

  • fever;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • coughing up blood;
  • tachycardia;
  • pressing pain in the heart;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • muscles weaken, a person has difficulty moving.

A blood test reveals leukocytosis, hemoglobin is reduced, so are red blood cells, and there is a noticeable increase in ESR.

Symptoms of rheumatic endocarditis

Characteristic signs of this condition are damage to the valve apparatus. The cells become inflamed, replaced by scar formations, become rough, lose mobility, and do not adequately perform their functions. Such disorders contribute to the development of heart defects. The mitral bicuspid valve is primarily affected. This leads to hypertrophy of the organ chambers and myocardial failure, with all the ensuing symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • severe weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • cyanosis of skin tissue;
  • rapid breathing;
  • cough;
  • ascites (fluid in the peritoneal area).

Treat similar condition very difficult, the prognosis for the course of the disease is unfavorable.

Symptoms of recurrent myocarditis

A distinctive feature of recurrent (secondary) myocarditis is that attacks of the disease occur against the background of developed pathological changes in the layers of the heart: foci of scar tissue, fused areas of the pericardium, valve defects. New rheumatic attacks are accompanied by symptoms characteristic of the listed disorders. These manifestations join the signs of primary myocarditis.

Repeated myocarditis can exist in two varieties:

  1. Relapses occur constantly. Heart defects worsen, the person dies.
  2. The disease progresses slowly with steady deterioration. Heart failure progresses gradually along with liver cirrhosis. The patient cannot live long with such disorders.

Diagnostic features

To identify rheumatic carditis, standard instrumental research methods are used:

  • EchoCG (ultrasound examination);
  • phonocardiogram recording (records heart murmurs);
  • X-ray examination of the chest area;
  • electrocardiography (detects changes heart rate).

The doctor also resorts to a blood test. Immune, general and biochemical tests are performed.

The specialist examines the patient and evaluates him appearance(presence of edema, cyanosis, pale skin, dermatitis in the form of nodules), respiratory activity, auscultation of the heart.

During a conversation with the patient, the doctor should find out:

  1. Have there been any cases of rheumatic disorders in childhood or adolescence?
  2. How did the patient react to the transferred infectious diseases, whether there were heart problems.
  3. How long did the recovery process take for sore throats and other respiratory diseases?

On initial stage It is difficult to diagnose the disease because the signs may be blurred or absent altogether.

There are hidden forms rheumatic carditis, when the pathology is similar in its symptoms to other diseases.

Treatment of rheumatic carditis

Rheumatic carditis, heart-piercing, must be treated at the first signs of the disease. The earlier therapy is started, the greater the chances of success. If prolonged inactivity is allowed, the disease will lead to irreversible consequences: heart defects, myocardial failure.

In the active phase of the pathology, the patient is forced to be under inpatient observation. It is imperative to relieve the heart as much as possible during this period; for this, the patient must lie in bed almost constantly. The basis drug treatmentantibacterial drugs, which are capable of acting on group A hemolytic beta-streptococcus. For this purpose, drugs of the penicillin class, sulfonamides or Erythromycin are used.

Other medications used to combat rheumatic carditis:

  • Inflammation in the severe stage is relieved with the help of glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Triamcinolone); easy stage treats with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, Meloxicam, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen).
  • To maintain the functioning of the heart in case of significant damage, diuretics, cardiac glycosides (Digoxin), ACE inhibitors(“Enap”), drugs for normalization metabolic processes(“Panagnin”, “Potassium Chloride”).

At the remission stage, it is advisable for patients to visit medical resort or a sanatorium, undergo a course of physiotherapy. The use of:

  • massage;
  • baths with radon or hydrogen sulfide;
  • therapeutic mud (on the joint area);
  • electrophoresis with antibiotics;
  • ultraviolet.

When a developed heart defect occurs, surgical treatment is indicated after the active stage of inflammation has subsided. Balloon valvuloplasty (“valvulus” means “valve”) is preferred. This is a minimally invasive operation with a catheter bringing a special balloon to the area where the narrowed valve is located and then inflating it.

Diet food

  • sweets;
  • flour, confectionery products;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • strong drinks with caffeine (tea, coffee);
  • fried foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • products with high content fat

Food enriched with vitamins, protein, and potassium will be beneficial:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits, nuts;
  • eggs;
  • milk products;
  • cereal dishes (especially rice and buckwheat porridge).

Don't forget the basic rules healthy eating: do not overeat, do not take long breaks between meals, do not eat at night.

Preventive measures

Prevention is as follows:

  • hardening the body, strengthening the immune system;
  • taking vitamins, balanced nutrition;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • sanitation of lesions chronic infection;
  • adequate treatment of infectious diseases caused by streptococcus;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • regular preventive medical examination, especially after suffering from a sore throat and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • V special cases Long-term use of penicillin-based drugs is required (possibly throughout life).

Traditional medicine does not treat this serious illness like rheumatic heart disease. However, the benefit medicinal plants(hawthorn, chokeberry, elderberry, rose hips, eleutherococcus, currant, nettle, chamomile and others) is obvious. They can be used as tonic, When inflammatory process is in the decaying stage.


The outcome of the disease identified on the early stage. This cannot be said about rheumatic carditis, which is diagnosed as recurrent. In this case there is a high risk fatal outcome. The main complications arising from rheumatic heart disease: pathological changes in valves, development of severe arrhythmia, progressive heart failure.

If heart defects have developed, the situation can be improved by timely surgery. Implantation of an electronic pacemaker will help eliminate arrhythmia.

An important role in predicting the flow similar pathologies The behavior of the patient himself, his mood and desire to assist the medical staff play a role. Correctly and timely therapy will prolong the patient’s life and improve its quality.

New defects of the valvular endocardium are formed in the form of combined and combined heart defects.

Diagnostic criteria for rheumatism according to Kissel-Jones (as modified by the American Rheumatological Association, 1982). Major and minor criteria for the course of the disease are identified.

Major criteria include: carditis, polyarthritis, chorea, annular erythema, subcutaneous rheumatic nodules. Minor criteria include: previous rheumatism, arthralgia, fever, increased ESR, increased C-reactive protein, leukocytosis, prolongation of the PQ interval on the ECG, increased titer of anti-streptococcal antibodies in the blood, detection of streptococcal antigen.

If two major and one or two minor criteria are present, the diagnosis is considered reliable; if one major and two minor criteria are present, the diagnosis is considered probable.

Additional diagnostic testing. Of the laboratory indicators, a complete blood count (hypochromic anemia, leukocytosis with a shift to the left, increased ESR) is of diagnostic importance. biochemical research blood (appearance of C-reactive protein, increased fibrinogen, dysproteinemia, α 2 -hyperglobulinemia, increased content of haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, acid phosphatase).

An immunological study should be carried out to determine the increase in the titer of antibodies ASG, ASL-O, ASA, and myocardial antibodies.

Instrumental research methods include ECG (detection of various rhythm and conduction disturbances) and Doppler echocardiography.

X-ray examination can be informative in severe cases, when there is an enlargement of the left chambers of the heart. During the first attack, no heart changes are detected.

Differential diagnosis. Should be performed with infectious myocarditis. The disease develops at the height of infection; it is not characterized by progression or signs of valvulitis.

Among connective tissue diseases, it is necessary to take into account periarteritis nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus, and scleroderma.

With neurocircular dystonia of the cardiac type, there are various complaints, but there are no objective signs of the disease.

In primary tuberculosis syndrome, there are no radiological symptoms of the primary complex or antistreptococcal antibodies. Mantoux and Pirquet tests are performed, and tuberculosis mycobacteria in sputum are examined.

Treatment. With active rheumatism, mandatory hospitalization is required for up to 40–60 days or more.

An appropriate regimen is prescribed: in the absence of carditis - semi-bed rest for 7-10 days, then free; in the presence of carditis - strict bed rest for 2-3 weeks, then semi-bed rest and loose.

From the diet, table No. 10 is prescribed with a protein content of at least 1 g/kg, limiting table salt to 6 g/day.

Mandatory early prescription of antibiotics is carried out: benzylpenicillin 1.5–4 million units per day (depending on the degree of activity) for 2 weeks. Then they switch to a prolonged form: bicillin-5 1.5 million units every 2 weeks for 2 months. After this, antibiotic therapy is carried out every 3 weeks every month for at least 3 years in patients without a history of carditis and for at least 5 years in patients with a history of carditis. If you are allergic to penicillin, antibacterial drugs of other groups are used - macrolides, oral cephalosporins.

Glucocorticoid drugs are prescribed only for severe carditis, acute (less often - subacute) course of the disease: prednisolone 20-30 mg/day for 2-3 weeks, then the dose is reduced until the drug is completely discontinued, the course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

NSAIDs are used as monotherapy; in case of recurrent or protracted course, they are combined with quinoline drugs (Delagil, Plaquenil for many months).

Metabolic drugs include phosphalene, cocarboxylase, polarizing mixture and antiarrhythmic drugs (for arrhythmias).

When circulatory failure develops, saluretics are used: hypothiazide, furosemide, uregit, short-course ACE antagonists.

Flow. If the disease lasts up to 6 months, it is considered acute; over 6 months, it is considered chronic.

Forecast. Determined by the condition of the heart. The absence of signs of clinical formation of defects within 6 months is a good prognostic indicator. The formation of a defect within 6 months is considered to be an unfavorable prognostic sign.

Prevention. TO primary prevention refers to the hardening of children from the first months of life, good nutrition, physical education and sports, improvement of living conditions, timely treatment and sanitation of foci of streptococcal infection.

Secondary prevention in patients who have suffered a first rheumatic attack without carditis is more effective before reaching 18 years of age; in patients with carditis during the first attack of rheumatism, it is more effective before reaching 25 years of age.

In patients with valve disease, bicillin prophylaxis can be carried out throughout life.

Rheumatic heart disease - dangerous chronic illness, in which the process of inflammation that appears due to infectious pathology joints, affects the cardiac membranes and leads to disorganization of the cardiac connective substance.

Chronic rheumatic heart disease is not an isolated disease, but one of the forms of rheumatism caused by hemolytic group A streptococci. Often infectious focus located in the tonsils, entering the upper sections respiratory system.


Rheumatic carditis becomes a complication rheumatic disease, which occurs as inflammatory allergic disorders in the body - this is its reaction to the presence of hemolytic streptococci. Chronic rheumatic heart disease can be triggered by the body's reaction to streptococcal and viral associations. The heredity factor plays an important role in the progression of rheumatic lesions.

During the development of the disease, the prevailing theory is that antigens—protein substances produced by streptococci—cause a hypersensitive reaction in adult patients. The reaction is associated with the release of special antibodies and disruption of the immune system. The described processes cause pathological changes processes of body defense and the formation of autoimmune reactions leading to the destruction of connective tissue in organs. In ancient times, doctors said: “Rheumatism tastes the joints, but eats the heart.”

Study possible factors, leading to the formation of symptoms of rheumatism of the heart, still continues.

Cardiac rheumatism manifests itself in the form of standard cardiac signs.

Symptoms of rheumatic carditis

Signs of rheumatic heart disease in adults can be general or cardiac:

  • General symptoms: lethargy, fatigue, excessive sweating, decreased interest in food, increased temperature.
  • Cardiac symptoms: rapid heartbeat, in rare cases the rhythm is slow, low blood pressure, stabbing and nagging pain on the left side of the chest, heart rhythm disturbances. Signs of heart failure often appear, such as shortness of breath and swelling of the extremities.

Attention! If after a person has had a sore throat or scarlet fever, after certain time the temperature suddenly increases or does not go down for three weeks, you have the symptoms described above, you should go to see a cardiologist. If the doctor hears a heart murmur, be sure to undergo an examination and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, take measures to treat rheumatic heart disease.

Symptoms and treatment

If you treat scarlet fever and pharyngitis on your own, the risk of developing inflammatory reactions in heart. Therefore, as soon as signs appear rheumatic lesions heart at any age, you need to go to the hospital for diagnostic examination.

Typical patient complaints include the following:

  1. A sharp rise in temperature to 40 degrees.
  2. Severe and prolonged pain in large joints.
  3. Characteristic changes in the electrocardiogram.
  4. During a blood test it is observed high rate leukocytes, ESR, the presence of C-reactive protein, protein balance is disturbed, the percentage of immunoglobulins increases, streptococcal antibodies can be detected.

Types and degrees of the disease

Chronic rheumatic heart disease can have three forms:

  1. The first degree is weak.
  2. Second degree – average activity.
  3. The third degree is the most pronounced.

Depending on the spread of the inflammatory process, doctors distinguish between focal and diffuse types of rheumatic carditis. The disease can occur in acute, mildly acute, latent (unexpressed) or protracted form.

There are forms of primary and recurrent rheumatic carditis. The primary attack of rheumatism of the heart can have three development options:

  • Myocarditis.
  • Pericarditis.
  • Endocarditis.

Cardiac rheumatism in children

The spread of rheumatic carditis in children is associated with allergic pathologies infectious origin, which are accompanied by systematic pathologies of connective tissue in the vascular system and heart. When rheumatism of the heart in a child affects the synovial articular membranes, heart and joints, serous tissues nervous system, kidneys, liver, respiratory and vision organs, skin.

Pediatric rheumatic heart disease

In newborns and older children, against the background of rheumatic processes, rheumatic carditis, polyarthritis, nodes of rheumatoid origin, nephritis, pneumonia, and annular erythema can develop. Differential diagnosis childhood disease based on symptoms of rheumatism of the heart, previously overcome by the body infections with the presence of streptococci, which is confirmed laboratory examinations patients. When determining the treatment of rheumatism in a child, the cardiologist prescribes penicillin, quinoline, and glucocorticoids.

Causes of childhood rheumatism

Of particular importance in the appearance of rheumatism in children are factors of heredity or features of the body constitution. In many cases, there is a family history of rheumatic disease. The information that fever due to rheumatism occurs in only 3 percent of children and adults who have overcome a pathological streptococcal infection makes it possible to judge that “rheumatic diathesis” occurs.

Squirrels cell membranes streptococcus provoke and prolong the process of inflammation in the liver, some parts of the heart and the membranes of organs. M protein neutralizes phagocytosis, providing toxic effect and the appearance of anticardiac bodies in the body.

In young children, rheumatic pathologies manifest themselves in active and inactive forms. Minor criteria for activity are the severity of symptoms and indicators of laboratory test violations.

Diagnostic features

Chronic rheumatic heart disease in the first phases and with minor manifestations of endocarditis is not easy to diagnose. This is due to the vagueness and variety of symptoms. Often during medical practice diagnostic errors occur. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate the symptoms and diagnoses of heart pathologies.


At differential diagnosis the doctor should pay attention to following symptoms rheumatic carditis:

  • Long-term fever that continues after joint pain subsides.
  • If anti-inflammatory nonspecific agents do not have an effect, this indicates the presence of heart problems.
  • Manifestation of leukocytosis.
  • Nodules on the skin.
  • The boundaries of the heart are changed and violated.
  • Characteristic noises are heard.

Difficult to reveal hidden recurrent rheumatic carditis. This form diseases are hidden under other ailments or under febrile outbreaks that occur without obvious reasons. Often in such cases, adults may be diagnosed with thermoneurosis.

Treatment of rheumatism of the heart

The effectiveness of treatment of rheumatic heart disease depends on how early the disease is detected, on the measures taken to prevent the occurrence heart defect. Features of the treatment of chronic rheumatic heart disease (CRHD) depend on the duration, form and severity pathological disorders. At the peak of an exacerbation of the disease in adults, bed rest is recommended.

Conservative methods

Standard therapy includes the following measures:

  • Antimicrobial treatment - patients are prescribed antibiotics based on penicillin, complex and sulfonamide agents. Take medications according to the schedule.
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment. If the differential diagnosis reveals a severe stage of rheumatic inflammation of the heart and there are corresponding symptoms, then treatment consists of taking glucocorticosteroids. And if the form mild illness, then anti-inflammatory salicylic drugs are prescribed.
  • Symptomatic therapy – medications are prescribed that provide support acid balance, and tranquilizers, diuretics and vitamin complexes.

After finishing active phase doctors advise patients to have long-term illnesses spa treatment using physiotherapy, sea mud and thermal baths.

Important! At the rehabilitation stage rheumatic carditis can be treated surgically if the disease is complicated by heart disease. The therapeutic preparedness of the patient for surgical intervention is important.

What are the forecasts?

Timely measures taken therapeutic measures to eliminate rheumatoid carditis provide a favorable prognosis. Most patients return to full functionality after recovery. So the common outcome of rheumatic carditis is positive. Only 20 percent of cases develop heart defects. Death– rare, occurs in 0.2 percent of cases.



Preventive measures are to prevent rheumatism. Doctors' recommendations are as follows: keep correct image life, do exercises in the morning, toughen up, arrange leisure– this will help maintain a healthy heart and body for many years.

Olga Medonos | 08/27/2015 | 514

Olga Medonos 08/27/2015 514

Is it possible to avoid heart damage when diagnosed with rheumatism? What needs to be done for this? What to do if the disease still affects main body blood circulation?

Rheumatism is called systemic disease, because in the absence of properly selected and timely treatment, not only the musculoskeletal, but also the cardiovascular and nervous systems are affected.

What systems does rheumatism affect?

If the disease spreads to cardiovascular system , the victim experiences pain in the chest and joints, nausea, weakness, and complains of difficulty breathing.

The inflammatory process can lead to serious damage to the central circulatory system, including heart disease.

In the articular form of rheumatism, the inflammatory process occurs in several joints at once. As a rule, the largest of them suffer: knees, elbows, pelvis, shoulders, etc.

Without proper treatment, even a common cold can have serious consequences for the body.

The patient experiences weakness and quickly gets tired even with minimal physical exertion. However, the main complaint is pain in the affected joint, which is usually deformed and swollen.

One of the complications of rheumatism can be nervous system damage. It is expressed in mood swings, sleep disturbances, and mobility. In this case, sick children are diagnosed with chorea.

How does rheumatism affect the heart?

Rheumatic inflammation of the heart (rheumatic carditis) can occur in several forms:

  • easy(there are only minor lesions of the heart muscle, symptoms are usually absent),
  • average(there are significant lesions of the heart muscle, the heart is enlarged, the patient is bothered by a rapid pulse, discomfort in the sternum area)
  • severe(the patient’s condition worsens, he complains of pain in the heart, swelling, and fatigue).

If the muscular lining of the heart is affected, the patient is diagnosed myocarditis. The main manifestations of this form of the disease are arrhythmia, shortness of breath, and discomfort in the heart area. Heart failure is often diagnosed.

Pericarditis– damage to the outer tissue membrane of the heart, in which the amount of pericardial fluid increases significantly. Patients complain of shortness of breath, pain in the area chest, dry cough, fever, irregular pulse.

The severity of symptoms in rheumatic inflammation of the heart largely depends on the state of the body’s immune system and the stage of the disease.

At endocarditis the inner lining of the heart is damaged, which leads to changes in the heart valves. Clinical manifestations of the disease: fever, chills, increased sweating. The patient may also complain of weakness, headache, joint pain, significant weight loss...

At pancarditis All layers of the heart are damaged, which is why it cannot function normally. As a result, blood circulation is impaired and cardiac arrest may occur.

Symptoms and signs of rheumatic carditis

The first symptoms of rheumatic carditis usually appear 2-3 weeks after past infection upper respiratory tract. The patient's body temperature rises, he experiences weakness and malaise. Rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath bother you even when doing normal household chores.

Other complaints include arrhythmia, dull, It's a dull pain in the heart, swelling lower limbs, cough.

Upon examination, it is discovered that the size of the liver and heart is significantly increased.

Patients are concerned about shortness of breath and Blunt pain in heart

Diagnosis of rheumatic carditis

Diagnosis of the disease begins with a survey and examination of the patient.

The patient’s complaints, information about previous diseases, as well as the presence of rheumatism in close relatives - all this will allow the doctor to more accurately make a diagnosis.

The patient will also have to donate blood for general and biochemical tests, immune status.

The patient will need to go and instrumental examinations: electrocardiogram, phonocardia, chest x-ray, ultrasound of the heart.

Treatment of rheumatic carditis

To prevent development serious consequences disease, its treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Which medications Are they indicated for rheumatic heart disease? First of all, antibiotics (to suppress infection) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effects).

Sanatorium treatment will strengthen all body systems

Prevention of rheumatic carditis

Primary prevention of rheumatic carditis as one of the manifestations of rheumatism is to strengthen the immune system and increase the overall resistance of the body. In order not to encounter illness, with childhood need to lead active image life, exercise, eat properly and nutritiously.

For those who have suffered from the disease, it is also very important to strengthen protective forces body and do not neglect preventive antibacterial therapy to prevent relapses and complications. Timely elimination of foci of chronic infection will allow achieving stable remission of rheumatism.

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One of the consequences of joint diseases is rheumatic carditis, which in turn is the main clinical manifestation for rheumatism.

With this disease, localization is observed pathological process usually in the heart. It should be noted that rheumatic carditis mainly occurs in children whose age ranges from 7 to 15 years
Yes, it is slightly less common in preschool children.

There is an inextricable link between the development of the disease and group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. It is under the influence of the latter that the development of autoimmune disorders begins in the human body.

Rheumatic carditis is expressed by attacks that develop 1.5-2 weeks after the infection acute type in the nasopharynx.

Streptococcal infections are characterized by increased massiveness. They are responsible for causing direct or indirect damaging effects on tissue human body because of large number toxins and antigens.

The causes of rheumatic carditis include reduced level in the body's resistance to streptococcal infections. In this case, the doctor prescribes certain medicines to the patient.

There is also a family genetic predisposition to this disease. In this case, some of the medications used during treatment may not be suitable.


Today, there are several types of diseases such as rheumatic carditis, which differ in their severity. Their list consists of three degrees:

  • Severe degree, in which there is a bright severe symptoms, expansion of cardiac boundaries, as well as insufficiency in blood circulation;
  • Moderate severity, which is characterized by multifocal lesions. As for the manifestations, they are not bright, but they cause the patient some discomfort. The boundaries of the heart also expand, however, there are no symptoms of insufficient blood circulation;
  • Mild degree with fewer lesions. At this stage there are no symptoms, cardiac boundaries are normal, and there is no circulatory failure.

It depends on the degree of the disease what medications the doctor prescribes to the patient. There is also acute and chronic rheumatic carditis, which in turn can cause inflammation in the patient’s body, including in the joints.


The history of rheumatic carditis is characterized in relation to the degree of damage to the myocardium of the heart.

To the symptoms of this disease include focal and diffuse myocarditis with other etiologies. Typically the list typical signs rheumatic carditis consists of:

  • increased speed of ROE;
  • prolonged low-grade fever;
  • instability of the pulse with an increased tendency to heart rhythm disturbances (tachycardia).

It is possible to alleviate the diagnosis of rheumatic carditis in the case of a combination of the disease and rheumatic arthritis or polyserosite. In this case, the doctor prescribes certain medications specifically for this situation.

Most relevant later periods disease, then the diagnosis is facilitated by the appearance of symptoms indicating endocardial damage and not occurring during myocarditis with other etiologies.

Rheumatic carditis is characterized by an increased duration and cycle in the development of rheumatism.

One more distinctive feature The disease is a tendency to exacerbations, leading to subsequent changes in cardiac activity and aggravating the actual valve defect. In any case, the outcome is rheumatic carditis varying degrees damage to the heart muscles and the subsequent development of valve defects (usually mitral).

In severe cases there is possible appearance effusion pericarditis, embolism (in the case of atrial thrombosis), as well as rheumatic lesions coronary vessels when blood circulation is impaired and they do not receive nutrients, including to connective tissues joints.


During the examination of patients with rheumatic carditis, dilatation is detected
identification of cardiac boundaries with muted tones.

Heart murmurs appear, blood and electrocardiogram changes. As a rule, treatment of rheumatic carditis is aimed specifically at reducing the symptoms inflammatory in nature and absolute elimination of heart failure.


Rheumatic carditis occurs in its mild form, characterized by damage to the myocardium of the heart without any other damage to the body. In this case, folk remedies can help.

Over time, the addition of pericarditis is observed, which indicates severe course diseases. If left untreated, the disease lasts for two months, after which a latent form appears.

The treatment of patients with rheumatic carditis must necessarily take place in a hospital. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotic therapy are usually prescribed. If the patient has frequent tonsillitis, then in order to cure rheumatic carditis, the tonsils are removed.

If rheumatic carditis is severe, then the use of glucocorticosteroids (usually prednisolone) is necessary. During the treatment of the disease, the method is used symptomatic treatment. The doctor prescribes diuretics to the patient.

With increasing heart failure, the list of medications is supplemented with cardiac glycosides and vasodilators. In some cases, you cannot do without a pain reliever.

The next direction of treatment for rheumatic carditis is preventive actions during repeated attacks. It is necessary to carry out sanitation of foci of inflammation and hardening. During the first 3 years after the first attack, bicillin is prescribed, which the patient must take every month. Then the frequency of use is reduced to two times (spring and autumn).

Traditional treatment

Folk remedies are also used to treat rheumatic carditis, namely a tincture containing motherwort and hawthorn. To do this, you need to take 6 tablespoons of hawthorn and the same amount of motherwort. All this is poured with boiling water (1.5 liters) and left for a day. The use of this tincture is recommended 1 glass half an hour before meals.

There are several more folk remedies, with which you can treat rheumatic carditis.

  • The tincture consists of 50 grams of finely chopped Eleutherococcus rhizome and 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. This composition must be placed in a cool, dark place for half a month. The mixture is stored in a dark bottle. The infusion is consumed 30-50 drops 40 minutes before meals for a month.
  • Dried hawthorn flowers (10 g), filled with 100 g. alcohol All this is infused for 20 days in a dark place. After this, you need to strain the infusion and consume 30-35 drops 4 times a day.
  • The main ingredients of another decoction include eleutherococcus leaves (6 g), which should be crushed and poured into 1 glass warm water. This decoction must be placed in an enamel closed container for 15 minutes. Then cooling occurs for 40 minutes. After this, you should strain it and add it to the broth. boiled water to obtain the original volume.

The shelf life of the resulting infusion is no more than three days. The patient should take one tablespoon 4-5 times a day per half hour of meals for a month.



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