Child nutrition after rotavirus infection. What can a child eat with rotavirus infection?

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Your child woke up, as usual, cheerful and cheerful, but suddenly for a short period of time he felt unwell: his temperature jumped sharply, his stomach hurt and he started vomiting? What could have happened? After all, there were no prerequisites for the disease even close to felt. Most likely this is a rotavirus infection, because this particular disease has the ability to begin so insidiously and unexpectedly.

Rotavirus infection (also known as stomach or intestinal flu) is an intestinal infection caused by rotaviruses, and symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting and fever. It occurs in both adults and children, but much more often it occurs in childhood (especially under two years of age). But it is much more severe because the immune system at such an early and tender age is not yet fully formed. The main treatment for a disease such as rotavirus infection in children is diet.

Proper nutrition for children with rotavirus infection

Only diet can relieve inflammation in the intestines, because, unfortunately, there are no special drugs that would fight rotaviruses. Treatment of rotavirus infection mainly depends on careful adherence to dietary nutrition and timely measures taken to prevent dehydration. By following a few rules, you can mitigate unpleasant symptoms and overcome the infection.

Rule 1. Eliminate from the diet so-called “dangerous” foods that can provoke the development and progression of rotavirus infection:

  • all dairy products - cheese, milk and cereals with milk;
  • all lactic acid products - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream, kefir, yogurts;
  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks.

Some nuances regarding the nutrition of an infant: if he is breastfed, then this should not be changed, because mother’s milk contains many useful substances, vitamins and immunoglobulins; but you should refrain from feeding other foods for now;

when artificially feeding, it is worth switching the child to dairy-free formulas or cereals (lactose-free).

Rule 2. Avoid dehydration. It is necessary to introduce more drinking into the diet. Most often, rehydron is prescribed, which will help compensate for the loss of water and important mineral elements; however, it does not taste very pleasant, and therefore children are reluctant to drink it. Drinks prepared independently can serve as a substitute:

  • compotes (for example, from dried blueberries);
  • jelly (boil any homemade jam with starch and water);
  • carrot-apple liquid mixture (grate boiled carrots and apples into a sieve and dilute with slightly sweetened boiled water);
  • rice water;
  • tea (not strong);
  • herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint, rosehip).

Rule 3. Don’t force your child to eat: if he doesn’t want to, don’t!

Rule 4. Eating (as well as drinking) should be frequent enough, but in very small doses so as not to provoke vomiting.

Rule 5. Last on the list, but not the least important: before you start treatment and put your child on a diet, be sure to consult with your pediatrician, since the symptoms may be a sign of a much more dangerous disease.

Diet for rotavirus infection

Now, let’s actually figure out what exactly can be given to a child who is over a year old. In the first days (two or three), stool should be normalized; porridge with water (especially rice!), but without oil, and low-fat chicken broth are suitable for this. Then you can gradually introduce other dishes, but always easily digestible ones, for example:

  • porridge (again with water);
  • steamed omelette;
  • homemade white bread croutons;
  • chicken or meat soup (thin and low-fat!) with well-cooked vegetables or cereals;
  • meatball soup; steamed meat or fish cutlets;
  • carrot or applesauce;
  • mashed potatoes.

In order to slightly diversify the menu, you can prepare baked apples for your child’s snacks. At the recovery stage, when the urge to vomit stops, the temperature and stool normalize, it is worth introducing yoghurt into the diet to restore the intestinal microflora.

The disease is seasonal; outbreaks occur during the cold season of the year. Young children and people with reduced immune defenses are susceptible to the disease.

The course of the disease is individual and different. In children, severe dehydration can lead to life-threatening conditions. Adults often suffer from the disease on their legs. Rotavirus can be carried by healthy people without clinical signs of illness. Antiviral therapy is nonspecific and includes drugs based on immunoglobulins. If E. coli manages to attach to a viral infection, treatment with antibiotics will be required. Your doctor will determine how many days you will need to take the medication.

There is no etiotropic treatment for the disease. The complex of therapeutic measures consists of pathogenetic steps and elimination of the symptoms of the disease. The body must recover from the illness. It is vitally important to eat properly during the acute period of the disease and during the recovery stage. It will speed up treatment for stomach flu and make it effective.

Purpose, purpose of gentle nutrition for rotavirus infection

Eating properly during rotavirus infection is a beneficial condition for recovery. Along with food, the body receives the necessary biologically active substances that help the body restore strength and normalize immune defense. In the acute period of the disease, the body is weakened - there is not enough strength and energy for a full digestive process. Therefore, during the course of the disease, food must enter the body in an easily digestible form.

A diet for rotavirus infection can be a medicine to eliminate symptoms. The astringent properties of the products will help fight diarrhea. Fruit compote and decoctions of medicinal plants will help restore normal water-salt balance.

Do not refuse to eat food during the acute period of the infectious process. Before preparing a dietary menu for a patient, find out the details of nutrition for rotavirus infection.

Medical nutrition

The first days of the disease are accompanied by intense vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms lead to severe dehydration, loss of minerals and trace elements by the body. Each entry of food or water into the stomach can provoke attacks of vomiting.

  1. To avoid the development of vomiting and worsening the condition, reduce your daily diet, eat small meals, but more often. The number of meals during the day is at least 6-8.
  2. Choose cereal porridges boiled in water. Rice and semolina porridge are useful. They are characterized by an astringent effect and envelop the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Another useful property of the products is the absence of fermentation processes in the intestines after consumption. Cook the porridge until semi-liquid, do not add salt, milk or butter.
  3. It is not recommended to consume vegetable oil or butter during the acute period. The first enhances intestinal motility and aggravates diarrhea. Due to enzymatic deficiency, which occurs due to damage to the intestinal epithelium, butter is poorly digested and absorbed by the body.
  4. On the third or fourth day, the diet for intestinal infections is expanded with other water-based porridges - oatmeal or corn. You can boil buckwheat.
  5. If the patient's condition improves, meat can be added to the diet. Proper nutrition for rotavirus infection should include lean boiled and steamed meats. Give the sick rabbit fillet, veal. It is healthy to eat chicken breast and turkey. It is better to cook steamed cutlets or meatballs from meat - this will improve digestion and absorption of healthy food components.
  6. The diet after rotavirus infection allows the consumption of low-fat fish.
  7. After the introduction of meat, the patient is allowed to eat eggs. It's better to cook a steam omelette. Remember the norm - 1-2 eggs per week.
  8. You can eat fruits and vegetables boiled or baked. Prepare vegetable puree in water without adding oil or salt. The patient is served potatoes, carrots, broccoli, and zucchini.

Drinks for rotavirus infection

On the first day after the onset of the disease, it is allowed to drink clean filtered water and electrolyte solutions - Regidron, Gastrolit. After the patient’s condition improves, begin to give him decoctions of rose hips and raspberries. You can drink jelly from sweet berries, compote from dried fruits. Weak black tea is allowed.

After 4-5 days of illness, you can gradually introduce kefir into the menu. Other fermented milk products are also useful - yogurt or acidophilus. These products normalize and restore microflora.

Follow the diet during the period of illness, for 2 weeks after the start of recovery. During this time, complete regeneration of the intestinal epithelium will occur, and the usual regime and diet will gradually return.

Prohibited Products

A diet for intestinal infections in children involves complete exclusion from the diet:

  1. Dishes made from fatty meats - chicken legs, wings, pork, lamb, duck, goose.
  2. Fatty fish.
  3. Milk, sour cream.
  4. Fresh vegetables, fruits. Apples are allowed baked on the 7-10th day of illness.
  5. Smoked, pickled products, pickles.
  6. Confectionery – chocolate, cakes, pastries.
  7. Brown bread, fresh white bread, pasta.
  8. Highly carbonated sweet drinks - Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola.
  9. Adult patients need to remember: alcohol is strictly contraindicated for rotavirus infection.
  10. It is not recommended to eat foods containing phosphoric acid as a stabilizer.

Eating foods from the list stimulates intestinal motility - leading to increased diarrhea. They cause increased fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines. Animal fats will not be able to be fully digested in the intestines due to the enzymatic deficiency that occurs during rotavirus infection.

Features of the diet during the recovery period

Following a diet and adhering to the principles of gentle nutrition is important in the acute period of an intestinal infection. After stopping the acute process, the body needs to restore structural elements and normalize physiological functions. If you carefully adhere to the rules of dietary nutrition and observe a gentle diet, recovery will occur much faster.

After the acute process is over, follow the diet for 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, the condition may worsen with the return of unpleasant symptoms.

If a patient at the recovery stage has a good appetite, it is strictly not recommended to overeat. The body has not restored enzymatic activity. Young immature intestinal epithelial cells, which begin to develop in place of the damaged ones, do not have time to produce a sufficient amount of enzymes. It is important to eat small portions, but often. Food should have a comfortable temperature, not too hot or cold. The rule concerns the intake of liquids. Give your baby something to drink every 30 minutes. Give one ml of liquid at a time. If the patient eats too much food or drinks too much liquid, prepare to vomit.

You should not force a child to eat if there is no appetite. It is imperative to drink liquid. If your child categorically refuses to drink or develops signs of obvious dehydration, seek medical help immediately. The doctor will have to resort to parenteral drip infusions of saline solutions.

Dishes prepared for a patient after rotavirus should be boiled or steamed. Eating fried and smoked foods is unacceptable. Beer and alcoholic beverages are strictly contraindicated for adult patients.

Features of diet in children

Gentle nutrition for rotavirus infection in children requires an individual approach, depending on the age of the child and his condition. A prerequisite for any age is a dairy-free diet in the first days after the onset of the disease. If the child is breastfed, additional difficulties arise. Rotavirus kills intestinal epithelial cells and suppresses the production of lactose, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar. The diet after rotavirus infection in children requires excluding milk in the first days.

The child will have to be switched to lactose-free formulas for the period of illness and recovery. It is recommended to introduce lactose-free soy-based mixtures into the diet. A dairy-free diet is accompanied by drinking compotes and decoctions of medicinal herbs. The lactose-free mixture Lactazar is diluted with water.

If the baby refuses food

Often a child who has recovered from a viral infection refuses to eat food. This also occurs in the acute period of the disease. The child feels unwell and refuses to eat.

Do not panic. If a child does not want to eat, do not force him. If you try to feed your child against his will, you will provoke vomiting and the condition will worsen. Be sure to give him something to drink. Offer a decoction of rose hips and raisins. In the subacute stage, add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the drink instead of sugar.

From the third day of illness, in case of intestinal infection, porridge without milk, vegetable dishes in the form of puree, and semi-liquid are allowed. Food should be gentle and easy to digest. You can gradually introduce the following dishes into your child’s diet:

  1. Lean meats - chicken, turkey, rabbit.
  2. Low-fat boiled fish.
  3. Liquid porridge on water. Boil buckwheat and oatmeal. In the first days, it is better to feed the child rice and semolina liquid porridge.
  4. Steam vegetables for the child.
  5. On days 3-4, include a banana in your child’s menu. You should not give the patient fresh apples or tangerines.

Rotavirus rarely leaves serious complications. The diet after rotavirus is strictly and strictly followed - it will speed up the recovery process in children and adults.

Some recipes for rotavirus infections

Below are recipes for dishes to prepare for a rotavirus patient at home.

Preparing rice water

The decoction has a strengthening, enveloping effect and will reduce diarrhea. To prepare the drink you will need 4 full tablespoons of rice cereal. Fill them with a liter of water and boil over low heat. Cooking time is from 2 hours. Make sure the rice is boiled.

The mixture is removed from the heat and pureed until smooth. The resulting liquid should be cooled, add half a teaspoon of salt and soda to it on the tip of a knife. Place the finished cooled mixture in the refrigerator for storage. If you need to give the patient something to drink, a couple of spoons of the mixture can be slightly warmed up.

Apple and carrot puree

Giving fresh vegetables and fruits to a patient with rotavirus infection is strictly contraindicated. A healthy and tasty alternative to fresh vegetables is carrot puree with apples. Children eat the dish with pleasure even if they have no appetite. Most parents leave positive reviews about it. Television pediatrician Komarovsky recommends this dish in the subacute period for feeding a child. Remember: you can eat purees in small portions.

Apples and carrots are taken in equal proportions, washed and peeled. Grate the products on a fine grater, add 5 tablespoons of sugar per 1 kg of vegetable mixture. You can use natural honey instead of sugar. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Once ready, the puree is poured into small glass jars and stored in the refrigerator so that it does not go to waste.

Menu for children

To prevent your child from getting tired of monotonous food, diversify the menu. For breakfast, serve steamed omelettes and low-fat cottage cheese. You can wash down your breakfast with weakly brewed tea. Give a couple of sweet crackers for tea. An alternative to omelet and cottage cheese is porridge with water.

For lunch, prepare vegetable broth soup for your baby. For the main course, serve lean meatballs and fish cutlets. The second option is just boiled fish. Side dish – mashed potatoes, boiled buckwheat. For the third - dried fruit compote, rosehip decoction.

For dinner, the child will happily eat porridge or steamed fish cutlets, carrot puree with apples. At night, for children who have suffered a rotavirus infection, doctors suggest 50 ml of kefir and rosehip decoction.

Prepare a dessert for a sick child from a banana or baked apple. As the child’s body recovers, dried bread and lean boiled meat can be gradually introduced into the diet. If you have an intestinal infection, it is recommended to eat in small portions. It is not recommended to eat too much food at once. Chew each piece thoroughly. Mineral water without gases can help an adult. With this drink you can quickly restore the balance of mineral elements in the human body. With intestinal flu, this takes weeks.

Dairy baby food is introduced into the diet three weeks after the illness during the period of complete recovery. Parents think about acceptable foods in their child’s diet after rotavirus while the exacerbation is occurring, but they forget about drinking. Drinking plenty of fluids is much more important in the acute period. Helps the body fight against rotavirus infection.

To avoid severe dehydration from rotavirus, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids. It is better to use a water-salt solution. Buy sachets of rehydron at the pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself at home. 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar are dissolved in a liter of boiled water. Add a spoonful of table salt and half a teaspoon of soda to the solution. Drinking for a child at any age is a home remedy against rotavirus, treating symptoms of dehydration and removing toxins from the body.

Prepare a decoction of raisins - the drink will be rich in magnesium and potassium. It is not recommended to feed your child grapes and raisins.

You need to give your baby 50 ml of water every half hour. Use weak tea, a decoction of rose hips. It is not recommended to give chicken broth in the acute period - it contains extractive substances that are not digestible or absorbed by the body. The epithelium has not recovered after an intestinal infection and is unable to cope with a complex task.

A properly selected gentle diet for children allows the body to quickly defeat stomach flu and rotavirus. A nutritionist or gastroenterologist will tell you what foods are allowed in the acute period, during rehabilitation, and what to prepare during the acute stage of the disease. Find out from a nutritionist why you should not eat specific foods when you are sick. It is important to consider product compatibility.

Therapeutic nutrition: what to feed a child with rotavirus infection, diet and menu for every day

Switching to a special diet is a mandatory aspect of rotavirus treatment. Diets during and after illness are different. However, they also have something in common - the foods consumed and dishes made from them should contribute to the child’s recovery after illness. We will talk about what to feed a child with rotavirus infection in this article.

Diet for breastfed children under one year of age

When a baby in the first year of life shows all the symptoms of rotavirus, the question automatically arises of what to do with breastfeeding. Today, the opinion of doctors is divided into two groups:

  1. It is imperative to continue breastfeeding, since only mother’s milk can maximally help the child’s body cope with the disease.

With natural feeding, the mother, along with breast milk, transfers to the baby not only the necessary nutrients, but also antibodies, due to which the future immunity of the little person is formed. Milk contains special cells that help the inflamed intestines recover faster.

  • Since rotavirus damages the cells of the intestine that is not fully formed, it cannot efficiently process lactose. Therefore, some pediatricians recommend giving up breastfeeding for a while and switching to lactose-free or soy-adapted formulas.

    However, it is important to know that during a period of illness it is extremely undesirable to “tear off” the baby from the breast and suddenly switch to formula. In addition, it is often difficult to return to full natural feeding even after a break of 2-3 weeks.

  • As you continue to breastfeed your baby, follow these basic guidelines:

    • Give your baby the breast more often than usual. The food will come in smaller portions, making it better absorbed. It happens that the baby does not want to suck at the very moment when you offer it to him. In this case, feed on demand as always.
    • If rotavirus causes lactase deficiency, the pediatrician will definitely prescribe medications containing lactase:
      • "Lactrase"
      • "Lactazar"
      • "Lactase Baby".

    Nutrition for artificial babies up to one year

    In artificial dieters, the diet remains the same, but the frequency of food intake changes, and its usual quantity decreases somewhat. It is possible to focus on several feeding schemes depending on the severity of the baby’s condition.

    Feeding plans. Table 1

    • "NAS Fermented Milk";
    • "Nutrilak Fermented Milk";
    • "Humana LP";
    • “Humana LP+SCT”;
    • It is acceptable to feed porridge cooked in water.

    Feeding plans. table 2

    Artificial babies are allowed to drink a glucose-saline solution to avoid dehydration. For a liter of drinking water, 1 teaspoon of salt + 1/2 teaspoon of soda + 1 tablespoon (4 teaspoons) of sugar.

    What can children over one year of age eat if they have rotavirus?

    Babies over one year old, as a rule, eat from the common table. All dishes must be fresh and home-cooked. Especially during periods of illness and remission.

    In a painful state, the intestines accept only soft, ground food, without spices and seasonings.

    The patient's table should be extremely gentle. When cooking, it is better to use either the stewing or boiling method. There should be no fried food.

    Try to ensure that everything you give to your baby is quickly and easily digested: fermentation and rotting of food in a small stomach is unacceptable, as this can further aggravate the situation.

    We must not forget about drinking plenty of fluids; this is the only way to protect your baby from critical fluid loss. If he does not want to drink, you will have to persuade him or use unconventional drinking methods. Alternatively, you can use a syringe without a needle, with which the liquid is poured into the cheek.

    What can you eat

    During the first week, not many foods are allowed:

    • poultry-based broths;
    • meat prepared by boiling;
    • fish dishes (low-fat fish);
    • oatmeal porridge (in water) with minimal addition of butter;
    • on days 6-7, semolina porridge, rice porridge, buckwheat, cooked exclusively in water and rubbed through a sieve are allowed;
    • omelette;
    • cottage cheese with minimal fat content;
    • wheat crackers or custard cookies;
    • steamed vegetables;
    • porridge diluted with vegetable broth;
    • bananas. A pediatrician will help determine whether a sick child can take a banana. As a rule, on day 3-4, with noticeable improvements, you can gradually return this fruit to your diet.

    Drinks allowed to be consumed:

    • green tea,
    • jelly,
    • rosehip decoction,
    • glucose-saline solution,
    • light raisin decoction,
    • fruit drink (during the recovery period).

    When symptoms decrease or disappear, the baby gradually and very carefully returns to the usual menu. There is no need for rubbing through a sieve.

    What is prohibited to eat

    To remove the load from the intestines as much as possible, it is necessary to exclude a whole list of food products from the diet of a child over 1 year old.

    "Excluded" products include:

    • sweets, baked goods. Only grams of sugar per day are allowed, for example, to sweeten tea or compote;
    • juices (grape, plum, apricot), kvass, fruit drink;
    • fresh and dried fruits, raw vegetables;
    • fatty meat and fish;
    • dairy products. For children after 1 year of age in the acute period and after recovery, a dairy-free diet is established for more than a month;
    • flour and pasta products;
    • porridge from egg, millet, pearl barley;
    • canned food;
    • onions, garlic, beets, radishes, radishes, spinach, mushrooms, sorrel, cabbage;
    • beans;
    • sausages;
    • eggs (fried and hard-boiled);
    • spices, spicy, fried, smoked.

    Menu for rotavirus

    The basic rule for creating a menu is that meals should not be repeated day after day, should not become boring and should be easily digestible. It is very important to maintain such a diet for a month after rotavirus or for a period determined by the pediatrician.

    If the child is in a hospital, his diet will be determined by therapeutic nutrition (tables 4b and 4c). If he is on home treatment, the pediatrician will advise you to adhere to the foods recommended on these tables in the baby’s diet.

    Diet 4b is a moderate diet to help improve digestion. Diet 4b is prescribed during the recovery period and provides complete nutrition with a reservation for certain disorders of intestinal function. The dishes from these diets are quite varied, despite the fact that a sufficient number of foods familiar to the baby are “banned.”

    Doctor Komarovsky: what to eat if you have intestinal flu

    Pediatrician Komarovsky offers one single diet for all children, regardless of age. Its principle is the complete exclusion of all dairy products from the diet of a sick child. This is due to the fact that with rotavirus, intestinal activity decreases and it ceases to cope with the high-quality processing of lactose.

    Therefore, according to Komarovsky, even mother’s milk can cause deterioration in the baby’s condition. The doctor does not insist on a complete (during the illness) transition to specialized lactose-free formulas. But he recommends replacing at least a few feedings with formula. This regime should be followed for about 2-3 weeks. This will complete the treatment, and breastfeeding can be resumed.

    If the baby is initially artificial, then during the illness the usual formula is replaced with a special one. There is no point in delaying feeding these mixtures for up to a month or two. Once rotavirus diarrhea has passed, another 3 weeks of prophylaxis are enough for the baby’s body to get stronger. Then you can return to your normal diet.

    What can you eat after an infection?

    The desire of parents to feed their child as tightly as possible after recovery is fundamentally wrong and can only harm him. The diet immediately after illness and the diet a month later will be slightly different from each other.

    The main principles of nutrition in the first weeks after the virus are as follows:

    • do not include any products containing milk in your diet for approximately three weeks;
    • after the acute phase of diarrhea:
      • on the 1st day only crackers,
      • the next day, rice porridge with water is added,
      • then buckwheat or oatmeal with water, mashed potatoes of a very thin consistency without butter and milk are allowed;
    • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids (as prescribed with the addition of medications):
      • "Smecta"
      • "Regidron"
      • glucose-saline solution,
      • dried fruits compote,
      • green tea,
      • rosehip decoction.

    Immediately after illness for a week, it is better to stick to a sample menu, which will include the following dishes:

    • porridge with water;
    • broths based on lean poultry meat;
    • pureed vegetable soups;
    • veal broth;
    • steamed turkey meatballs;
    • omelette;
    • baked apples;
    • carrot-apple puree;
    • on the seventh day you can add butter;
    • fish cutlets.

    This diet lasts about a month. Then familiar foods are returned to the diet in small portions. At the same time, for a while, completely or partially, it is worth abandoning:

    2-3 weeks after the illness, begin to return food in its usual form. Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, allow the following fermented milk products to be consumed immediately after rotavirus:

    • kefir,
    • fermented baked milk,
    • curdled milk,
    • yogurt without chemical additives (live yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 5 days, containing exclusively milk and starter culture).

    The child does not eat anything after illness: what to do?

    There are often cases when, after an illness, a baby refuses to eat, and parents begin to seriously worry about this - their strength is already lost, they need to restore it, but their appetite has disappeared.

    Refusal to eat is a sign that the body has not yet fully recovered from the illness. Therefore, in such situations it is better not to insist and not to force feed. Such parental behavior can easily provoke a negative attitude towards meals or gag reflexes at the sight of food in the future.

    After an illness, continue to give your baby more water - this will help the germs leave the child’s body faster. It is very important to monitor the baby all this time. If, when refusing food, the baby is cheerful and cheerful, active, there is no need to worry. Soon your appetite will improve, but now it’s enough just to offer dishes, but not to insist.

    Try giving a more filling drink rather than plain water. Suitable for this purpose:

    Diet and nutrition after the virus

    Every day the child is recovering, the appetite is returning, and you can add a little variety to the meager dietary table. Below are examples of menus that will help you navigate the choice of dishes for your baby.

    Diet for rotavirus infection in children

    Nutrition for a child with rotavirus infection is one of the treatment methods. If the diet is correct, it will speed up the healing process and protect against dehydration.

    Basic nutrition rules

    Features of the diet for rotavirus infection are determined by the effect of the virus on the intestines. With this disease, the production of lactase in the intestines decreases, and restoration of the ability to produce this enzyme can take up to 2-3 weeks.

    Features of nutrition for rotavirus infection:

    • A child with rotavirus infection should be fed in portions. Drinks and food that are allowed to be consumed are given in small portions with short intervals between meals.
    • If your child has lost his appetite, which often happens in the first days of this illness, do not force him. Offer your baby drinks and light meals periodically. And when the baby wants to eat, give food according to the therapeutic diet.
    • Until the diarrhea ends, all food should be steamed or well boiled, and thoroughly chopped.
    • In case of infection in an infant, the type of feeding is taken into account. If a child is fed formula milk, then during illness it is advised to replace it with formulas with a reduced lactose content. There is no need to stop breastfeeding during this infection.
    • On the first day of illness, the child can be fed according to the BRYAS principle - according to this abbreviation, the baby can be given banana (ripe), rice (boiled), apples (in the form of puree) and crackers.

    What can you eat?

    In the diet of a baby suffering from rotavirus infection, you can leave:

    • Semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, cooked in vegetable broth or water, without sugar and butter;
    • Low-fat broth, which may contain a handful of rice or well-cooked vegetables;
    • Steam omelette;
    • Fresh mashed cottage cheese;
    • Steamed fish or meat balls;
    • Baked apples without skin;
    • Fermented milk products (low fat);
    • Fruit marmalade (preferably made at home);
    • Homemade croutons from loaf crumb;
    • Boiled vegetables.

    What can't you feed?

    During illness, the following are excluded from the child’s menu:

    • Fatty broth and soup;
    • Fatty meats;
    • Sausages and frankfurters;
    • Raw fruits and vegetables (especially onions, cabbage, cucumber and other fiber-rich foods);
    • Cocoa and chocolate;
    • Pasta;
    • Baked goods;
    • Sweets;
    • Fresh black bread;
    • Pearl barley, barley and millet porridge;
    • Fatty fish and canned fish;
    • Nuts;
    • Mushrooms;
    • Any smoked and pickled products.

    What can and cannot be given in drinks?

    Getting enough fluid to replenish losses from vomiting and diarrhea is extremely important during rotavirus infection. First of all, the child should receive water-salt solutions - from pharmaceutical preparations or prepared independently. You can also give your baby herbal teas with mint and chamomile.

    When the symptoms begin to subside, you can give your baby rice water, jelly, rosehip compote, apple and carrot compote, and dried blueberry compote. Carbonated drinks and tea with milk should be excluded from the child’s diet.

    Recipes for water-salt solutions for rotavirus

    Homemade solution

    Pour two tablespoons of sugar into a liter of water, stir, add baking soda and salt a teaspoon at a time, stir again. Give this solution every five minutes in a small amount.

    Salt solution with raisins

    Boil a third of a glass of raisins in a liter of water for 60 minutes and then cool. When straining the raisins that will remain in the sieve, mash well so that more glucose gets into the broth. Add 4 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the drink. The taste of this drink is very pleasant and children drink it with pleasure.

    Diet after illness

    To ensure sufficient recovery of the digestive tract after illness, the following foods should be limited for at least 2 weeks after recovery:

    • Drinks and foods at low temperatures, such as ice cream;
    • Bean dishes;
    • Rye bread;
    • Beetroot;
    • Millet porridge;
    • Whole milk.

    If a child gets sick during the introduction of complementary foods, you should return to trying new foods no earlier than after a month.

    Diet and nutrition for rotavirus infection in a child

    Rotavirus infection in a child develops as a result of infection with the virus of the same name. Most often, rotavirus occurs in the earliest age category: from 6 months to 2 years. Therapeutic therapy and the success of the baby’s recovery directly depend on compliance with the correct composition and diet.

    Diet for rotavirus: main purpose

    The diet that a doctor prescribes for a child during the period of illness and after it is designed to:

    • significantly reduce the load on all digestive organs;
    • prevent dehydration;
    • shorten the recovery time.

    It is the main method of treatment: after all, rotavirus infection is not eliminated by any of the medications.

    Basic rules for the diet of children with rotavirus

    1. To normalize digestion and prevent vomiting, you need to stick to a fractional diet: eat in tiny portions, but with a short time interval. Usually, in the first day or two of the disease, patients have no appetite.
    2. If a child does not want to eat, you cannot force him by force-feeding. As an alternative, you can offer permitted drinks (tea, jelly, decoctions).
    3. Under no circumstances should even slight dehydration of the child’s body be allowed. The diet should include plenty of fluids to compensate for the loss of water and important minerals.
    4. Before the patient’s condition normalizes, all products must be chopped, boiled well, steamed or baked, but without forming a rough crust.
    5. It is necessary to exclude from the child’s diet all “dangerous” foods that can provoke the growth of infection. The diet should be based on nutrition that is healthy during this period.
    6. Children can be transferred to a common table only a week or two after complete recovery.

    Prohibited foods (1-2 weeks after infection with the virus)

    During the acute period of illness and throughout the entire recovery phase, the diet requires the exclusion of the following foods:

    • milk (as an ideal breeding ground for infection);
    • fatty varieties of cheese;
    • sugar, honey and any sweets;
    • black and rye bread, any fresh bread and baked goods;
    • pasta and vermicelli, dough products (dumplings, dumplings, manti, dumplings, pancakes, etc.);
    • legumes (peas, lentils, beans);
    • raw vegetables, fruits (except banana) and berries;
    • fermented and pickled products;
    • rich and fatty broths with meat, fish or mushrooms, borscht, cabbage soup;
    • fatty types of meat, any sausage products;
    • fatty, salted or smoked fish and canned fish;
    • coarse cereals - barley, millet, corn and pearl barley;
    • mushrooms;
    • lard;
    • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • any cold drinks and food.

    Diet: food composition

    After the child’s appetite is restored and the infection begins to subside, you can offer him:

    • homemade croutons made from white loaf pulp;
    • drying biscuits;
    • rice, buckwheat, semolina, a little later - oatmeal in water (without using butter or sugar);
    • low-fat broths to the maximum (vegetable, secondary with meat or fish);
    • soups with thoroughly boiled cereals and vegetables;
    • steam omelette or soft-boiled egg (but no more than 1 egg per day);
    • steamed meat or fish soufflés, meatballs, quenelles and cutlets (meat - chicken, turkey, fish - hake, pollock, cod);
    • oven-baked apples (non-sour);
    • puree from carrots and potatoes boiled in water (without butter and milk);
    • pumpkin and squash puree - boiled and slightly salted (if there is no loose stool);
    • pureed fresh cottage cheese (for 3-4 days);
    • fermented milk products such as acidophilus, activia, lactobacillin, bifidocus, etc. (for 3-4 days).

    During the period of treatment for rotavirus, it is very important to prevent dehydration of the child’s body. Therefore, half of the entire diet will be liquid. The infection is well washed out not only with mineral water without gases, but also with home-prepared drinks, teas, decoctions, jelly, etc.

    You need to drink often, but little by little. At the very peak (the first few days), a solution of water and Regidron will be the ideal drink. Due to the specific taste of the drink, not all children agree to it. You can try preparing such a solution using a home recipe. It's simple:

    1 liter of warm water,

    2 teaspoons sugar,

    The mashed raisins are poured with water and boiled for about an hour. The well-cooled broth is filtered, the remaining ingredients are added to it and boiled over low heat for another couple of minutes. Sometimes mint or chamomile tea is added to this homemade drink.

    You can prepare it yourself for children:

    • unsweetened compotes (from dried berries and fruits);
    • jelly (from any homemade jam with cornstarch and water);
    • carrot-apple juice (the boiled ingredients are ground or crushed in a blender and diluted to a liquid state with warm boiled water with the addition of a small amount of sugar);
    • rice water;
    • weakly brewed tea;
    • decoctions of chamomile, mint, rosehip.

    If your baby is an infant

    If an infant who is breastfed becomes ill, he should not be weaned from the breast at this time. Mother's milk contains all the nutrients and immunoglobulins necessary for the baby, which best help defeat rotavirus.

    During the period of exacerbation of the disease, additional complementary foods should not be introduced. If the baby eats artificial formulas, he is temporarily transferred to dairy-free cereals and lactose-free formulas.

    The diet for each child will be special: after all, children often do not eat any foods at all or simply, due to their young age, are not yet able to perceive any food. Parents must independently develop a menu for their child during the period of his illness and immediately after it. The basis for them will be nutritional rules, prohibited and permitted foods and drinks and, of course, the taste preferences of the baby himself. This is the only way to eradicate the rotavirus infection.

    What can a child eat with rotavirus infection?

    Diet for rotavirus infection for adults and children

    A diet for rotavirus infection is an important step on the path to recovery, because it is during this period that the body suffers quite severely and loses nutrients, vitamins and minerals. All this negatively affects the patient's health.

    For information

    So, the pathogens of the virus penetrate the body and strive to get into the gastrointestinal tract, since that is where they begin to actively manifest themselves. A person experiences elevated body temperature, vomiting and even diarrhea. Children are especially susceptible to infection. In most cases, the disease is not life-threatening: there are only 3-5% of cases of severe form of the disease, the rest disappear without a trace with proper treatment. Due to an imperfect immune system, children get sick more severely, but a special diet for rotavirus in children will help replenish all the substances and moisture the body needs.

    Is it possible to breastfeed during this period? If your baby gets sick while breastfeeding, you should not change his usual diet during this period of time. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients that will help you cope with the disease faster. Milk contains a huge amount of antibodies that a nursing mother contains, and it is they that help to quickly defeat the disease and strengthen the child’s immunity.

    If you have rotavirus, you should breastfeed as often as possible, but in small portions. If the child refuses to eat according to this scheme, then breastfeeding can be given on demand. If a child experiences lactase deficiency during illness, then it is imperative to give medications containing enzymes, for example Creon, Lactazar. You can give medications in a spoon, after mixing them with breast milk. As soon as the baby’s stool returns to normal, you can transfer him to a normal diet with the usual portions.

    If the baby is bottle-fed, then you should not change the formula, as the body may react poorly to changes. It is necessary to reduce the portions and feeding time by about 2 times, this will make it easier for the body to cope with the load on the gastrointestinal tract. It is good to give your baby fermented milk mixtures, which contain all the necessary substances to restore the digestive system. If the baby has already reached 6 months, then he can be given dairy-free porridge, preferably rice porridge, which helps bring metabolism back to normal. If artificial feeding has been going on for quite a long time, then you can add vegetable broths after the cessation of loose stools; they will prevent constipation.

    Diet for children after 12 months

    Your doctor will tell you what you can eat if you have this disease. The diet after rotavirus infection for children over one year old should be gentle, that is, food must be boiled, steamed and be sure to grind. It is better at this time to return to a puree-like consistency, as it is better absorbed by the body. It is forbidden to give your child foods that accelerate peristalsis, cause fermentation, or increase the secretion of gastric juice and bile. Fats and carbohydrates should be reduced by a quarter, but protein, which is found in meat and milk, should be given according to the age norm. It is this substance that can protect the body from excessive loss of moisture.

    With rotavirus infection in children, the body becomes very dry, so the pediatrician often prescribes Regidron, which is able to compensate for the loss of vitamins and moisture. However, the medicine has a rather unpleasant taste, which children do not always like. Instead, you can make your own homemade remedy.

    So, if you are worried about rotavirus infection, a water-salt solution is good. It’s quite simple to prepare; all you need to do is take 100 g of raisins and boil them in 1 liter of water for 60 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. You definitely need to mash the raisins to release all the glucose from them. Next add 1 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. sugar, ½ tsp. soda Then boil and cool. Can be taken as a stand-alone drink or together with herbal tea. After all the symptoms of rotavirus disappear, you can safely make a decoction based on rice, carrots and apples, dry rose hips and blueberries. It is useful to eat baked apples; they help cleanse the body.

    The diet after rotavirus should be gentle. There are quite a lot of prohibitions in it, and the basis is restorative decoctions. Their recipes are quite simple. Kids drink them with pleasure and gain strength.

    To prepare rice water, you need to take 2-4 tablespoons of cereal and boil them for 2 hours in plenty of water. Then strain using a sieve, grind the rice, then add a little salt. Cool the finished broth and take it orally instead of your usual drink.

    Food after rotavirus infection should be dietary, low-fat, pureed. The child should be fed in small portions 5-6 times a day. The basis of nutrition should be decoctions and dairy products, which should make up 60% of the total diet for children after 12 months and up to 3 years.

    Nutrition for rotavirus

    What to feed a child with rotavirus? Of course, balanced food, steamed or boiled. The body needs a lot of nutrients to recover. The main thing is to prevent the body from drying out. For this, it is good to give the child prepared decoctions and compotes. To restore the body after rotavirus, you need to eat little and drink plenty. Food should be introduced one after another: first rice water, then cereals, vegetables, meat, broths, fruits.

    It is necessary to introduce vegetables and fruits in cooked form; it is best to boil or bake them. It is useful to eat baked pears and apples.

    The menu should be quite strict, but at the same time balanced. On the second day of the disease, feeding should be carried out according to a gentle regimen. The menu could be like this:

    Breakfast: you can choose from a steamed milk omelette, non-sour cottage cheese, semolina or rice porridge without milk, crackers.

    Lunch: secondary chicken or beef broth with boiled vegetables and cereals. For the second course, you can prepare steamed fish balls and rosehip broth.

    Dinner: steamed fish or meat cutlet, buckwheat porridge or carrot puree.

    As a treat, you can prepare baked apples; you can add cottage cheese or a drop of honey to them.

    Throughout the entire healing process, it is better to replace fresh bread with dried bread. You can make your own croutons. To do this, you need to take the crusts from a white loaf and dry them in the oven. You can return to a normal diet only after the child’s well-being has significantly improved and vomiting and diarrhea have completely stopped.

    Feeding should consist only of well-cooked, baked or steamed foods. You should definitely consume fermented milk products, which will help maintain healthy intestinal microflora. Instead of sweets, you are allowed to eat cherry, apple or apricot marmalade. This is all you can eat during treatment. Other products can harm the body.

    Product bans

    Rotavirus and hepatitis B can be combined, even necessary. At this time, the mother can follow a nursing diet and not be afraid of harming the baby. No harmful substances will penetrate into the milk. Moreover, it tends to adapt to the child’s condition; it can be moderately fatty and easily digestible. Breast milk should be a priority if the baby has already tried complementary feeding. During the illness, it is better to remove it completely and leave only the chest.

    A number of products are prohibited; you need to be especially careful about this if the child is already eating from the common table.

    In the first 2-3 weeks, the following are completely prohibited:

    For the entire time, sweets, fresh fruits and berries, and dried fruits should be excluded from the diet. You can't eat fatty fish and meat. All spicy vegetables should also be excluded, these include garlic, peppers, horseradish, onions, radishes and radishes. In the first week, it is allowed to give secondary broths, pureed boiled meat, meat and fish soufflé. You should give your baby fresh infusions or green tea, preferably unpackaged and unflavored.

    Afterwards, the list of prohibited foods can be slowly reduced and solid and unground foods introduced into the diet. Lastly, add fruits and juices. It is better to dilute the juice with water so as not to injure the gastrointestinal mucosa. You need to prepare food immediately before eating. It is forbidden to feed the child from public catering to prevent complications.

    After recovery, you should stick to the diet for 30 days. A strict diet and feeding a child during illness are the main criteria on the path to recovery. If you do not take the specialist’s recommendations properly, you may end up with complications. A child's fragile body tolerates diseases much worse than an adult. This is due to the fragile immune system and the immaturity of many organs. The entire treatment process must be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician.

    Diet for rotavirus infection in a child

    Rotaviruses are a separate genus of viruses belonging to the Reoviridae family. Rotaviruses seek to penetrate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, where they infect it and cause symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Rotavirus infection in a child manifests itself most acutely, since children have an imperfect immune system. The diet for rotavirus infection replenishes the moisture deficiency in the body and provides the nutrients necessary for recovery.

    Rotavirus infection greatly dries out the body, so the patient is often prescribed rehydron, which compensates for the loss of mineral elements and moisture. This drug, which is supplied in the form of a solution, is very undesirable for children to drink, so very often self-prepared remedies come to the rescue.

    Homemade salt water solution recipe

    100 grams of raisins must be boiled in a liter of water for one hour, after which the broth must be allowed to cool and strain. In this case, it is necessary to knead the raisins so that the glucose it contains is completely converted into a solution. Add a spoonful of table salt, four spoons of granulated sugar and half a spoonful of baking soda to the resulting solution. After this, the solution is boiled for a couple of minutes and cooled. The finished product can be diluted with tea from pharmacies, such as chamomile or peppermint, or can be used without additives.

    Over time, when the symptoms of the disease begin to subside, you can gradually switch to a rice-based broth, as well as a mixture of carrots and apples. Baked apples and decoctions based on dry blueberries and rose hips will also be of great benefit, as they contain pectin substances that help cleanse the body.

    Rice congee recipe

    It is necessary to bring a liter of water to a boil and pour 2-4 tablespoons of rice into it, then cook for about two hours until the cereal is completely softened. After this, rub the rice through a sieve and add half a spoon of soda and two-thirds of a spoon of salt. The finished decoction is poured into sterile bottles, then it needs to be allowed to cool and placed in the refrigerator. Before use, the flock should be shaken and slightly warmed.

    Carrot-apple mixture recipe

    In order to prepare a carrot-apple mixture, you need to take 500 grams of carrots and apples, peel them and cook until completely softened in a liter of water. Next, they need to be rubbed through a fine sieve and added 5 tablespoons of sugar, then brought to a boil again and poured into sterile bottles. The mixture is shaken and slightly warmed before use.

    Dried blueberry compote recipe

    A liter of water is brought to a boil, after which 2-3 tablespoons of dried blueberries are added and cooked until the berries are completely softened. Next, the berries should be rubbed through a sieve, after which 35 grams of sugar pestle should be added to them and stirred well.

    Nutrition for rotavirus infection

    The diet for rotavirus infection in a child on the second day of the disease suggests switching to a gentle diet with the following menu:

    • Breakfast: steamed omelette or homemade non-sour cottage cheese, semolina, rice or buckwheat porridge with water, vegetable broth or broth, as well as tea with white bread crackers
    • Lunch: low-fat chicken or meat soup with well-cooked vegetables or cereals, as well as steamed fish or meat meatballs and rosehip broth
    • Dinner: steamed fish cutlet and boiled buckwheat porridge or carrot puree
    • Snacks: baked apples

    The diet for rotavirus infection in a child prohibits eating bread at the onset of the disease, but crackers from a white loaf can be used instead. To prepare such crackers, use the crusts of a white loaf, which need to be cut off and dried in the oven. You can switch to normal nutrition only if your stool is normalized and your child’s well-being improves.

    During the diet, all foods should be served to the child well baked or boiled. Fermented milk products must be present in the diet, since they contain beneficial bacteria that accelerate recovery. Cherry, apple or apricot layered marmalade can be served with tea. All other sweets should be excluded during the first two weeks of the diet.

    For the first 2-3 weeks you should avoid the following foods:

    • Cold temperature drinks
    • Sauerkraut
    • Legumes
    • Cucumbers and beets
    • Whole milk
    • Rye bread
    • Ice cream
    • Millet

    A diet for rotavirus infection in a child promotes a speedy recovery without complications.

    Diet for rotavirus infection

    General rules

    In the structure of acute intestinal diseases (AI), especially during the epidemic autumn-spring period, up to 80% of cases of all diseases are due to rotavirus infection (rotavirus gastroenteritis). Children under 5 years of age are most often affected; due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract and the immaturity of immune defense factors, they are highly susceptible to the causative agent of rotavirus infection (RNA rotavirus).

    The disease with rotavirus occurs with symptoms of gastrointestinal damage - vomiting and loose stools (from 5 to 20 times / day), accompanied by varying degrees of dehydration, intoxication (fever up to 38-39˚C, drowsiness, weakness, lethargy, headache, loss appetite). Later (respiratory wave of the disease) redness and sore throat, runny nose and weak dry cough appear. In adults, the manifestations of rotavirus infection (RVI) are more blurred, and in some cases the disease is asymptomatic.

    The leading component of the treatment of patients with rotavirus infection and especially children is nutritional therapy. The diet for rotavirus infection, both in children and adults, is aimed at:

    • Ensuring the physiological needs of the body for food macro/micronutrients.
    • Preventing fluid loss and body weight.
    • Reduced intoxication.
    • Reducing the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Normalization of intestinal function and digestive processes, normalization of intestinal microflora.

    The basic principles of the diet for RVI are:

    • In the first days of the disease, the total volume of the daily diet is reduced by 15-50% of the physiological norm.
    • Providing the body with a physiologically normal protein content while limiting fats, carbohydrates, salt and total calorie intake.
    • Ensuring that the gastrointestinal tract is protected from mechanical/chemical irritants.
    • Food should be varied in taste and easily digestible, consumed warm (35-38 °C), in small portions (5-6 times/day).
    • The food is boiled, steamed and mashed/pureeed.
    • The diet includes low/lactose-free foods, as well as fermented milk drinks enriched with bifido/lactobacteria.

    A properly formulated diet for rotavirus infection in children is of particular importance.

    Properly organized nutrition for children with ARVI is the most important condition for a relatively mild course of the disease and a quick recovery. At the same time, inadequate nutrition and poor drinking habits, as well as long-term dietary restrictions can worsen the child’s condition. It is important not to forget that it is always necessary to strive for a diet that provides physiologically complete nutrition, taking into account the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract and the age of the child.

    The volume and composition of dietary nutrition are largely determined by the age of the child, the severity of the general condition, the severity and type of diarrhea syndrome.

    As for unloading in nutrition, in mild forms, on the first day of treatment, the daily diet is reduced by 15-20% of the daily age norm, in moderate forms - by 20-30%, in severe forms - by 30-50%. The difference in nutritional intake should be compensated for by drinking fluids. For infants, especially with severe diarrhea and frequent vomiting, it is necessary to transfer to dosed feeding with a mandatory 6-hour night break. If there is positive dynamics, the volume of single feeding increases daily from the second day, and the breaks between feedings lengthen.

    However, already on the third – fifth day of fasting, the child’s nutrition should be brought up to the age norm. In children over three years old, it is recommended to fast the diet on the first day with kefir at the rate of every 4 hours. In older children and adults, there is practically no appetite in the first days. You cannot force feed your child during this period. It is better to offer low-fat chicken broth and fairly strong unsweetened tea. In the acute period, rice porridge, prepared in liquid form in water without the addition of butter, salt and sugar, is very useful, having a binding and enveloping effect.

    To reduce vomiting and normalize digestion, food and drink should be given in small portions at short intervals. In order to prevent dehydration, it is necessary to offer the child clean boiled water/saline solution for rehydration (Rehydron). At the same time, children under 2 years of age should consume ml of fluid after each case of diarrhea, and older children - ml. After each case of vomiting, after 10 minutes the child should be offered a drink, which should be consumed slowly, in small sips.

    At elevated temperatures, for children under 3 years of age the volume of free fluid is 150 ml/kg of body weight, and for children over 3 years of age - 80 ml/kg. As a liquid, we can recommend weak green tea and herbal teas based on chamomile, linden, sage, rosehip infusion, blueberries/raspberries, still table water, dried fruit compote. To speed up the absorption of fluid, its temperature should be close to body temperature.

    In case of severe dehydration and intoxication, hospitalization and the use of enterosorbents (Smecta, Polysorb), antidiarrheal drugs (Probifor, Enterol, Bifiform, Bifistim) and drugs that regulate water-electrolyte balance (Humana Electrolyte, Regidron) are necessary.

    For children who refuse to drink Regidron, we can recommend the option of a homemade water-volitional solution. Its composition (per 1 liter of boiled water) includes: table salt (1 teaspoon), soda (5 teaspoons), sugar (3-4 teaspoons) and 100 g of raisins. Preparation is extremely simple: raisins are poured with water and boiled for an hour, filtered after mashing the berries. Add the remaining ingredients, simmer over low heat for another 2 minutes and cool.

    During the acute period of the disease, all foods/dishes that stimulate intestinal motility and contribute to increased decay/fermentation processes in the intestines should be excluded from the diet - pure butter and vegetable oil, raw vegetables, sour ones, sauerkraut, radishes, plums, pears.

    Excluded from the diet: barley, wheat and pearl barley porridge, concentrated meat/fish broths, fatty meat and fish (goose, duck, pork, salmon), sausages, legumes, canned food, sweet carbonated drinks, whole milk, black bread, table soda water. Also excluded are fresh white bread, muffins, pasta, onions, garlic, radishes, white cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, cocoa, and chocolate.

    Restrictions are imposed until the frequency and nature of stool normalizes. The salt content in the diet depends on the severity of diarrhea and fluid loss from the body. With a slight loss of fluid, the salt content in the diet can be limited to 8-10 g/day, and with severe dehydration, salt intake should be increased by 10 g/day.

    In the acute period of the disease, the diet should contain fermented milk products (acidophilus mixtures, low-fat kefir) containing lacto/bifidobacteria, which improve digestion processes, stimulate the motor and secretory functions of the intestines, improve the absorption of fats and calcium salts, and have a bactericidal effect against opportunistic microflora .

    For children, completely (Nutrilon, Tutteli, Frisolak) and partially adapted infant formulas (Malysh, Vitalakt) can be used, but preference should be given to probiotic therapeutic and preventive products - Bifikefir, Lactofidus, Biolact, Acidolakt, Bifilakt. The bifido/lactobacteria included in their composition normalize the intestinal microbiocenosis, preventing the progression of dysbacteriosis, have an immunomodulatory effect, and participate in digestion.

    In the presence of “fermentative dyspepsia” and severe flatulence, it is recommended to include low-lactose/lactose-free foods or specialized infant formulas with nucleotides (Similac, Frisolac, Enfamil) in the diet.

    After reducing intoxication and improving appetite, nutrition is expanded: the menu includes low-fat fish, meat (turkey, rabbit, beef in the form of cutlets, meatballs), fresh pureed cottage cheese, steamed omelet and egg yolk. Rusks made from white bread, slimy cereal soups with boiled noodles in non-concentrated chicken broth, porridge (with the exception of pearl barley/millet) in milk diluted with water are allowed.

    Of particular importance in children's nutrition are products containing pectin, calcium and magnesium salts (vegetables and fruits - carrots, apples and bananas), prepared in the form of purees, which do not cause side effects and are easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Pectin binds water well in the intestinal lumen, and the resulting colloidal mass, moving through the intestines, adsorbs undigested food residues, microorganisms and their waste products. In addition, under the influence of an acidic environment, calcium is split off from the pectin structure, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa. The bactericidal effect that organic acids contained in vegetables/fruits have is also important, as well as tanning properties, which have an astringent effect and have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora. It is recommended to give apples baked. It is useful to include in the diet lemons and pomegranates, black currants, cherries, blueberries, which have an astringent effect, and their freshly prepared juices.

    The diet after rotavirus infection should continue for at least another 2-3 weeks after the end of the acute period, and in severe cases - 2-3 months. The diet of children and adults with a weakened digestive system after rotavirus for several months should remain moderately gentle and exclude aggressive foods (fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, confectionery, ice cream, marinades, sour foods, alcohol-containing and carbonated drinks, foods containing fiber / essential oils, strong broths, spices, onions, radishes, coffee, radishes, chocolate). Taking vitamin-mineral complex tablets is helpful.


    Rotavirus infection (rotavirus gastroenteritis) in adults and children.

    Greetings, dear friends, blog readers. Today I propose to talk about what to feed a child with rotavirus infection (sample menu, recipes, recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky).

    I think many mothers of preschoolers have encountered this problem, and I was no exception. So in today’s article I’ll tell you how to organize meals if a child is sick with rotavirus infection, what to feed the baby, what menu to follow, recipes, as well as recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky.

    Rotavirus infections are one of the types of massive viral epidemics among children. In the field of infectious pathology, this disease can be diagnosed early thanks to modern technologies. Rotavirus infection has a pronounced manifestation. The virus can seriously infect the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, not only children, but also adults are susceptible to the disease. Only a child’s body, due to its fragile immunity, is more difficult to withstand the attack of the virus. And we need to do everything to help the baby. In particular, it is necessary to change the child’s diet in case of rotavirus infection.

    What is rotavirus infection, as well as the consequences it can lead to, and whether it is necessary to vaccinate a child against this disease, says Dr. Komarovsky:

    Features of rotavirus infection in children

    Today, the spread of viral infections is no less pronounced than before. Mass diseases cause many problems. Fortunately, doctors have learned to quickly identify the causes of diseases and fight them. Drugs against rotavirus infections have a focal effect. Comprehensive treatment of the child, including nutritional therapy, usually helps. Therefore, the question of what to feed a child with rotavirus infection is relevant. The virus mainly affects peristalsis; the symptoms of the disease have the characteristic features of unpleasant consequences in intestinal and digestive disorders. Doctors unanimously say that during an intestinal infection it is necessary to follow a diet. When a child becomes ill, all signs of intoxication in the body intensify and the temperature rises.

    Therapeutic food for a child with rotavirus infection

    Having fallen ill, the child refuses food. At this time, you can give your baby porridge with water, boiled dishes, and jelly. As for fermented milk products, experts have somewhat different opinions. So, in some children even kefir can cause an increased reaction. The baby constantly vomits and has diarrhea. While for others, this drink relieves spasmodic reactions and unpleasant consequences. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition.
    At this time, it is important to give the child plenty of fluids and frequent drinks in an amount that will not cause a gag reflex in him. Sweetened tea also helps. You just need to add less sugar than usual. But these are more preventive measures.

    What to feed a child with rotavirus infection if the child refuses to eat?

    Recommended are fish, chicken, vegetables, and cereals. White bread, fatty broths, canned food, pasta, cabbage, and radishes should be excluded from the diet. All meals during illness must be prepared in a gentle way. It is necessary to exclude coarse, fibrous foods, fried, spicy, salty foods, and marinades from the child’s diet, so as not to further cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa. It is better to cook well-chopped and steamed food. Pureed, pureed foods are best.

    In most cases, rotavirus infection does not cause serious consequences. However, it is worth remembering that this is the strongest allergen for a small organism. An intestinal infection quickly leads to dehydration and significant loss of nutrients. And this is already serious damage to the immune system.

    It is important to follow a diet not only during illness, but also for another two to three weeks after recovery. As soon as the child has a more or less good appetite, you can give him food in small portions several times a day.

    If you have a viral disease, you need to drink 50-70 ml every 30 minutes. If you exceed the volumes of food and drink that the child’s body is currently able to absorb, then you can provoke profuse vomiting. It is better not to give fresh vegetables and fruits for now. Let another couple of weeks pass until complete recovery and normalization of stool. The child himself will feel when he feels better. Of course, all actions, refusal or consent to take any products should only occur under the supervision of a doctor.

    Recipes for children with an intestinal virus

    When preparing food, you can use more universal recipes to know what to feed your child with rotavirus infection.

    Rice congee recipe.

    This drink is prepared in water for two hours. Three to four tablespoons of rice need to be boiled in 1 liter of water. You need to make sure that the cereal is completely boiled. Then the resulting mass must be wiped and added ½ teaspoon of soda and 2/3 teaspoon of salt, stir. When finished, the decoction can be poured into sterile bottles and cooled. For storage, the broth should be placed in the refrigerator, and when necessary, it can be shaken and heated.

    Recipe for a mixture of carrots and apples.

    This product has not only healthy, but also incredible taste. To prepare the mixture you will need 500 g of peeled apples and grated carrots. The mass needs to be softened and rubbed, add sugar (5 tablespoons). The mixture is then brought to a boil. And you can bottle it.

    Menu for rotavirus infection in a child

    When the baby begins to eat food as before in the form of three meals a day, you can create a special menu for him, since the body is still weakened.

    Breakfast may consist of a steamed omelet. Low-sour homemade cottage cheese will also be useful. A diet of porridge made from semolina, buckwheat and rice. Vegetable decoction or broth is useful. It is also good to give your child weak tea with crackers.

    At lunch You can make soup with meat broth. The main thing is to make sure that the vegetables are well cooked. You can also give soup with fish balls. Lunch can be washed down with rosehip decoction.

    Dinner may consist of steamed fish cutlets, boiled buckwheat porridge and carrot puree. Baked blocks are great for snacking.

    What else is important to remember

    It is important for parents to remember that a small organism is significantly weakened during illness. And it is impossible to demand that your baby eat as before in order to gain strength. Appetite is reduced as the body uses other resources to fight the infection. You should also not self-medicate. A child's illness must be diagnosed by a doctor. The recovery process should take place only under his control. The therapist will determine the composition of nutrients in the child’s diet, based on specific test results and taking into account individual food tolerance.

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    Rotavirus infection is a contagious viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets, through the consumption of low-quality or spoiled food, as well as through dirty hands. Rotavirus infects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and is then eliminated from the body naturally.

    Symptoms of rotavirus infection:

    • Sneeze;
    • Heat;
    • Sharp pain in the abdomen;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Vomit;
    • Malaise and weakness.

    According to statistics, about 137 million people in the world suffer from rotavirus infection, while only a quarter of them are hospitalized. In order to avoid hospitalization, it is necessary to urgently take a number of measures to treat the disease.

    As Dr. Komarovsky says, almost the entire population suffered from this disease at different times. Another name for this disease is intestinal flu. Rotavirus causes severe diarrhea and high fever. It flows quickly.

    Rotavirus is especially dangerous for young children aged 6 months to 2 years. Rapid dehydration of the body occurs, which can be stopped at home or in a hospital setting, where fluid will be injected into the body by drip.

    The infection begins unexpectedly, when in the evening the child was calm and did not complain of feeling unwell, but in the morning his temperature rose sharply.

    Rotavirus is also called intestinal or stomach flu, which occurs more often in children than in adults. Rotavirus gastroenteritis is an infectious disease that includes 7 types of rotaviruses, but only 3 (A, B, C) affect the small intestine.

    Entering the human body, the virus penetrates the acidic environment of the stomach and small intestine, where it attacks enterocyte cells at high speed. The virus spreads quickly and is almost never eliminated from the body on its own: treatment is necessary.

    The child’s not fully formed immunity fights the virus for 3-8 days; this is an acute period of the disease. “Gentle” nutrition for rotavirus infection is the main principle of treatment that will help your baby recover.


    Any healthy child can catch rotavirus; it is transmitted by airborne droplets from person to person. This may be a single case of infection or a seasonal epidemic that occurs in the colder months of the year (often spring-autumn).

    The cause of the disease can be:

    1. Spoiled products (most often dairy).
    2. Tap water containing E. coli.
    3. Not washed hands.
    4. Children's toys, things after a baby recovered from rotavirus.
    5. Direct contact with a virus carrier that could cause infection.

    Children are much more susceptible to rotavirus infection, especially at an early age (up to 2 years). The symptoms of the disease in children correspond to adults, however, treatment is much more difficult, since in childhood the immune system is not yet fully formed.

    If a child is breastfed with rotavirus infection, then the normal diet should continue, since mother's milk contains all the necessary vitamins, immunoglobulins and other beneficial substances.

    The diet for rotovirus in children 2-5 years old according to Komarovsky is aimed at relieving inflammation in the intestines and replenishing fluid deficiency in the body. In the first 2-3 days, it is necessary to give the child porridge cooked in water without oil, lean broths, and crackers.

    In the following days, you can gradually expand your diet by adding lean meat and fish, steamed omelettes, potato, apple or carrot puree. Baked fruits (apples, pears) are recommended as snacks. At the recovery stage, when gag reflexes cease, temperature and stool normalize, it is recommended to include yoghurt in the child’s diet to restore intestinal microflora.

    Basic rules of diet for rotavirus infection according to Komarovsky:

    1. Exclusion from the diet of dairy, fermented milk products, raw fruits and vegetables, carbonated drinks, sweets;
    2. Drink plenty of fluids. You should give your child a rehydron solution as often as possible, but since it tastes unpleasant, you can replace it with compotes, jelly, and berry decoctions. The child needs to drink 50 ml every 30 minutes;
    3. Meals should be fractional (7-8 times a day), but in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting;
    4. There is no need to force a child to eat;
    5. Before starting a diet, you should definitely consult your pediatrician.

    List of permitted and prohibited products

    Diet for rotavirus infection - allowed foods and dishes:

    • Dried wheat bread;
    • Low-fat fish or meat broth;
    • Vegetable soup;
    • Lean meat (beef, rabbit);
    • Lean poultry (turkey, chicken);
    • Low-fat fish (hake, carp, bream, pollock, pike);
    • Eggs (1 hard-boiled egg per day);
    • Buckwheat, rice, semolina;
    • Potatoes, beets, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower;
    • Jam, honey

    The following drinks are allowed during a diet for rotavirus infection: tea, compotes and decoctions of berries (blueberries, currants, raspberries), herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, mint), jelly. During the day, you need to drink as much fluid as possible, at least 2-2.5 liters of pure water without gas, to restore the water balance in the body, which was disturbed by rotavirus infection.

    Prohibited foods during the diet for rotavirus infection:

    • Fresh bread (rye, wheat);
    • Butter baked goods and flour products;
    • Fatty meat (lamb, beef);
    • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout);
    • Fat bird (duck, goose);
    • Fatty meat broths and other first courses (soups, borscht);
    • Sausages;
    • Smoked and canned goods;
    • Pasta;
    • Pearl barley, millet, barley;
    • Dairy products;
    • Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt);
    • Cheese (all varieties);
    • Radishes, onions, garlic, white cabbage, cucumbers;
    • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils);
    • Citrus fruits, plums, grapes, apricots;
    • Chocolate, candy and cocoa.

    When dieting during the acute period of the disease, carbonated drinks and coffee are excluded.

    A balanced diet after rotavirus in children lasts on average 14 days, sometimes the period increases to 3 weeks. A baby, like an adult, needs to be given a lot of liquid: decoctions, compotes and teas with a minimum sugar content. You can also give your child non-carbonated mineral water.

    When formula-fed, formulas with a reduced lactose content or without it are chosen. If the child is more than 5 months old and has already been introduced to complementary foods, then add rice or buckwheat porridge, as well as vegetable purees. You can give any jelly as a drink.

    If the child is more than 8 months old, then the diet is significantly expanded: it is acceptable to use various cereals, jelly and purees, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and egg yolks, and light soups. Additionally, you can give lean meat or canned food for children.

    Approximate nutrition for children in the first month

    If the rotavirus has already subsided, then they gradually begin to add porridge and vegetable purees with a small content of vegetable oil to the gentle diet. If your child loves sweets, it is recommended to replace sugar with honey. Meat broths and steamed cutlets will help restore strength.

    Fermented milk products can be given from the 3rd week of the diet. Calculate how many days the diet lasts after rotavirus. If the baby feels well and more than 2 weeks have passed, then you can safely expand the diet. Here is an example of a menu for 1 day:

    • for breakfast the child is given tea, a spoonful of honey, crackers and a steamed omelette;
    • before lunch, you can give a baked apple and fresh yogurt without additives in the amount of 1-2 spoons;
    • for lunch, chicken broth with rice or mashed potatoes is recommended, as well as boiled chicken fillet or cutlet;
    • for an afternoon snack you can give dry cookies and jelly;
    • It is better to have dinner with rice porridge and boiled fish without butter or milk.

    Throughout the day, you can give your child jelly and compotes, various herbal teas with beneficial properties. Chamomile infusion works well.

    You can find out what to feed your child with rotavirus infection from your attending physician, who knows the individual characteristics of your child.

    If the baby does not have allergies, then his menu for the period of illness may include:

    • porridge on water without oil and sugar - rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal;
    • low-fat broth with pureed vegetables or a handful of rice;
    • low-fat fermented milk products, including fresh cottage cheese;
    • steamed meatballs from fish or meat;
    • homemade fruit marmalade;
    • baked apples (be sure to remove the skin);
    • croutons from the crumb of the loaf;
    • boiled vegetables.

    It is very useful to include fermented milk products with bifidobacteria in the patient’s diet: bifidoc, lactobacillin, acidophilus, Activia and others.

    If rotavirus disease appears in an infant, then it is important to provide all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay during this period. The child should be given as much fluid as possible. If he is breastfed, he should be put to the breast more often.

    Breast milk contains an increased level of beneficial and nutritional components that help the baby overcome this infection. If the baby is bottle-fed, then he needs to drink the formula, preferably as often as possible. During this period, the baby needs to drink more fluids.

    Features of baby nutrition:

    1. During an exacerbation of the disease, you should not introduce additional complementary foods into the menu.
    2. If the child is bottle-fed, then he needs to be temporarily switched to dairy-free cereals and lactose-free mixtures.
    3. Parents should carefully consider their child’s menu; it should not include prohibited foods that can greatly harm the baby during this period.
    4. When creating a menu, you should be based on the general rules of the diet, permitted and prohibited foods, as well as the child’s taste preferences.

    There are no special drugs to eliminate inflammation in the intestines. Special nutrition is the basis of therapy for this disease. The inclusion of certain foods in the diet prevents the development of fermentation processes, eliminates vomiting and diarrhea. If you carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations, the baby’s condition will return to normal in the shortest possible time.

    There are two opposing opinions regarding nutritional rules during an exacerbation of rotavirus. One group of doctors insists on temporary fasting, active use of fluids and restorative drugs. Other experts point out the need for mandatory intake of liquid cereals, lean meats and steamed vegetables.

    Both categories of doctors agree on the need to limit the child’s diet during the active phase of the pathology. During periods of weakness, the body requires a reduction in the load on internal organs and systems, and especially on digestion.

    To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, adhere to 2 basic nutritional rules:

    1. Refusal of foods that stimulate fermentation in the intestines. Rotavirus infection progresses with consumption of fermented milk products, sweets (except honey), and carbonated drinks.
    2. Prevention of dehydration. The disease is often accompanied by vomiting, which leads to loss of fluid from the body. To make up for the deficiency, children are prescribed Regidron and sorbent drinks prepared at home.

    Decreased appetite and even refusal to eat is normal for a child in the acute phase of the disease. This is due to a general weakening of the body and lack of strength to process food. Don't panic and force your child to eat. Eating against one's will most often provokes vomiting and further deterioration of the patient's condition.

    To detoxify the body, you need to give your baby a decoction of raisins and rice, sweetened with honey, and at the same time continue taking restorative medications. On days 3-4, the child’s condition should improve, as indicated by the appearance of appetite.

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    The following products are gradually introduced into the patient’s menu:

    • boiled chicken and lean fish (crucian carp, cod, perch);
    • watery semolina and rice porridge;
    • steamed vegetables;
    • bananas.

    Diet is the main treatment for rotavirus infection. Today there are no special drugs that eliminate inflammatory processes in the intestines. It is necessary to temporarily remove fermentable foods from the child’s diet and use recipes for light protein dishes, salt-based drinks and rice.

    Rotavirus infection affects children much more strongly than adults, so their nutrition should be taken more seriously, besides, the children's immune system, and the body as a whole, is much more difficult to tolerate, both the disease and the diet.

    Forbidden food

    1. To normalize digestion and prevent vomiting, you need to stick to a fractional diet: eat in tiny portions, but with a short time interval. Usually, in the first day or two of the disease, patients have no appetite.
    2. If a child does not want to eat, you cannot force him by force-feeding. As an alternative, you can offer permitted drinks (tea, jelly, decoctions).
    3. Under no circumstances should even slight dehydration of the child’s body be allowed. The diet should include plenty of fluids to compensate for the loss of water and important minerals.
    4. Before the patient’s condition normalizes, all products must be chopped, boiled well, steamed or baked, but without forming a rough crust.
    5. It is necessary to exclude from the child’s diet all “dangerous” foods that can provoke the growth of infection. The diet should be based on nutrition that is healthy during this period.
    6. Children can be transferred to a common table only a week or two after complete recovery.

    Diet for babies up to one year old rotavirus infection

    Rational nutrition menu and recipes for rotavirus for children and adults

    In order to cure rotavirus infection at home, you should follow a soft, gentle diet aimed at replenishing fluid deficiency in the body. First of all, you should exclude from your diet all dairy products, fatty, fried, smoked, pickled foods, as well as sweets and fresh baking.

    In the first days, due to intoxication of the body, diarrhea and vomiting, there is a lack of appetite. However, in order to replenish all nutrient losses, it is simply necessary to eat, preferably 5-7 times a day, but in small portions.

    Food should be easily digestible, have binding and astringent properties in order to prevent diarrhea. It is recommended to eat porridges, low-fat soups, and wheat bread crackers during the diet. You can eat vegetables during your diet, but only boiled, stewed or baked.

    With rotavirus, the human body is dehydrated, and therefore it is worth drinking as much fluid as possible. It is recommended to drink 50-70 ml every 30 minutes. You can drink both purified water without gas, as well as compotes and jelly from berries, and herbal decoctions. You can add sugar for taste.

    For a speedy recovery, it is recommended to use rehydration solutions, which you can prepare yourself at home (for example, rice water, rosehip infusion), or purchase specialized drugs at the pharmacy (hydrovit, rehydron, humana, gastrolit), which are diluted with water and taken half a glass every 1.5-2 hours.

    A balanced diet after rotavirus in adults should be based on dietary table No. 4:

    • light broths;
    • rice and semolina porridges;
    • steamed meat and fish without excess fat;
    • small cottage cheese;
    • white bread croutons.

    When the stool is completely normalized, and rare attacks of diarrhea cease to bother you, you can add more rich broths. At the same time (approximately 5 days after illness), mashed potatoes and vegetable soups are allowed:

    • carrots and beets;
    • broccoli and cauliflower;
    • tomatoes.

    From day 7 you can eat vegetables and fruits, honey, and a small amount of jam. All dishes are steamed or baked. Remember that all foods are introduced into the diet gradually. You should not add broths, meat and fresh vegetables on the same day if a person previously ate only rice and drank herbal decoctions. A sample menu looks like this:

    • the first meal consists of crackers, semolina or rice porridge, you can drink tea with a spoon of honey;
    • the second dose consists of 100 g of apples or fresh berries such as blueberries and raspberries;
    • for lunch, secondary broth and lean meat with crackers are allowed;
    • You can have a snack before dinner with jelly and white bread croutons;
    • For dinner they prepare oatmeal without adding oil, a chicken cutlet and drink compote.

    You need to switch to your usual diet gradually, but not earlier than 8 days after the complete elimination of diarrhea.

    Following a diet after rotavirus in adults and children guarantees rapid recovery of the body without complications. Rotavirus is very insidious; if your immune system is weakened, you can become infected again very quickly. The diet will not allow this.

    For bottle-fed babies, the diet consists of adapted mixtures that contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, dairy-free porridges (rice, buckwheat, semolina with apple or banana). If the child refuses to eat and is underweight, it is recommended to give polymer hydrolysate mixtures.

    Diet for children over one year old

    Food for one-year-old children and older during the course of the disease should be freshly steamed, boiled, pureed, and free of chemical additives. Prohibited products:

    • sweets;
    • fruits, berries, vegetables in their natural form;
    • dried fruits;
    • fatty meats and fish;
    • whole milk;
    • bread;
    • pasta;
    • millet, barley, pearl barley;
    • legumes;
    • garlic, onion;
    • canned food

    Cottage cheese, meat, eggs should be consumed according to the age norm, as this will prevent fluid loss due to rotavirus infection. The baby should be fed 5-6 times a day. In the first days of the disease, you can give light broths, boiled meat or fish dishes, porridge (semolina, buckwheat, rice), omelet, crackers or unbaked cookies.

    Therapeutic drinks as part of the diet include:

    • green tea;
    • decoction of rosehip, quince;
    • slightly alkaline mineral water;
    • jelly.

    After a week, the list of prohibited foods is reduced, more solid, crushed food, vegetables and fruits, a variety of cereals, and lactic acid products are added to the diet.

    A balanced diet plus drinking water for a child with an intestinal infection are the two main conditions for an easy course and quick elimination of the disease.

    • with a choleretic effect;
    • starting fermentation processes;
    • traumatic and irritating to the intestines.

    Fried foods, alcohol, coffee, borscht are strictly contraindicated for intestinal infections.

    The diet should be energy-rich, but low in fat and carbohydrates. The amount of protein in the diet does not decrease. Food is prepared without spices, steamed or boiled. Allowed drinks, saline or pharmaceutical solutions are drunk often, little by little.

    Symptoms of rotavirus infection

    • repeated vomiting;
    • a sharp increase in temperature;
    • pain, contractions, rumbling in the stomach;
    • diarrhea.

    The nature of the stool helps diagnose infection. In the first days of the disease, the stool is liquid and yellow in color. After some time it becomes gray-yellow, clay-like.

    The disease is characterized by additional symptoms. A runny nose, pain, discomfort in the throat, lack of appetite, loss of strength, and weakness appear.

    The infection affects children aged from six months to 2 years. They are characterized by complex symptoms. The disease in adults occurs with less pronounced symptoms, resembling a common digestive disorder or being completely asymptomatic.

    Symptoms indicate that metabolism, excretory system functions, and electrolyte balance are disrupted. A deficiency of microelements when the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed leads to various diseases, including the genitourinary system, and weakening of the heart muscle.

    Rotavirus is much more difficult in infants than in children aged 2 years or more. Rotavirus infection can be determined by the main symptoms and their characteristics:

    1. Dehydration of the body. Infants have additional signs: tearfulness, decreased activity, weakness of the body, categorical refusal to eat and drink, increased sweating. Toddlers sometimes complain of headaches.
    2. Intense heat. Elevated temperature often accompanies the disease: in the first two days it can reach 38-39 degrees with a gradual decrease (in the case of acute rotavirus infection, the fever cannot be brought down within 5-7 days).
    3. Loose stools. Frequent bowel movements with rotavirus worsen the baby’s condition, increasing the intoxication of the body. In infants, stools can be watery, with mucous discharge resembling foam, up to 12 times a day.
    4. Nausea and vomiting. In the first days of the disease, vomiting may be frequent; vomiting in breastfed babies can last up to 2 days.
    5. Painful cramps in the abdomen. When palpating the middle and lower abdomen, babies may experience painful sensations (babies - cry).

    All these symptoms are similar to other childhood diseases (gastrointestinal disorders, salmonellosis).

    Prohibited foods (1-2 weeks after infection with the virus)

    During the acute period of illness and throughout the entire recovery phase, the diet requires the exclusion of the following foods:

    • milk (as an ideal breeding ground for infection);
    • fatty varieties of cheese;
    • sugar, honey and any sweets;
    • black and rye bread, any fresh bread and baked goods;
    • pasta and vermicelli, dough products (dumplings, dumplings, manti, dumplings, pancakes, etc.);
    • legumes (peas, lentils, beans);
    • raw vegetables, fruits (except banana) and berries;
    • fermented and pickled products;
    • rich and fatty broths with meat, fish or mushrooms, borscht, cabbage soup;
    • fatty types of meat, any sausage products;
    • fatty, salted or smoked fish and canned fish;
    • coarse cereals - barley, millet, corn and pearl barley;
    • mushrooms;
    • lard;
    • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • any cold drinks and food.

    General rules of treatment

    The basis of treatment is diet for rotavirus infection and rehydration of the body. There is no one specific cure for this infection. You can administer various rehydration solutions that are sold in pharmacies.

    If children with rotavirus infection are breastfed, the disease is not the reason for its cessation. In the case of artificial feeding, nutrition involves the exclusion of milk. It is recommended to include carrots in the diet, give the child rice water, and after rotavirus, you can gradually give the same type of milk that was before the disease.

    Other foods for rotavirus include mashed banana, grated apple, chicken broth. The diet after rotavirus infection involves returning to normal nutrition as quickly as possible.

    Among medications, the child can be given intestinal adsorbents, probiotics, and antipyretics. If severe dehydration occurs, he should be hospitalized for approximately 4–5 days.

    Modern experts point out that a diet for rotavirus in children does not make sense, and is not recommended in modern literature. Fasting for too long (more than 12 hours), in turn, can prolong the duration of diarrhea.

    After initial rehydration (6–8 hours), the baby should eat his usual food and breastfeeding should continue during the initial rehydration. After the introduction of the usual diet, you should continue to take the rehydration solution to replenish lost fluid.

    The main danger with rotavirus disease is intoxication of the child’s body. Drug treatment is aimed at maintaining the body in a normal state.

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    It is the dietary nutrition system that is the main “healer”; none of the drugs is able to get rid of the infection completely.

    When creating a therapeutic diet during illness and after, you need to understand why it is needed:

    1. Prevents even greater intoxication of the child’s body.
    2. Reduces the load on the inflamed digestive system.
    3. Helps relieve symptoms and get better.

    Key points in nutrition during and after illness:

    1. Feed only approved foods, trying to chop them well, bake or boil them. Using a double boiler will come in handy more than ever.
    2. As practice shows, in the first days there is no appetite. It is worth holding off on the therapeutic diet, offering a light dish or drink (low-fat broth, rice porridge with water, jelly, herbal decoction). The diet should be started when the child shows interest in food; force feeding is not recommended.
    3. You need to stick to the fractional regime. Offering food or drink should be frequent (about 3 hours apart), but in small portions so as not to trigger the gag reflex again.
    4. It is necessary to drink a lot of fluids to restore the natural water-salt balance of the body after dehydration.
    5. After an illness, you should not immediately give the foods that the baby ate, making sure to maintain the principle of a therapeutic diet. But the list of permitted products can be significantly increased;
    6. It is worth consulting with a specialist (pediatrician) about your current symptoms to rule out the possibility of a more serious illness.


    What to feed a child with rotavirus infection? What can you eat if you have rotavirus? In these cases, you can use special recipes that will help quickly eliminate all the signs of this disease.

    Steamed chicken soufflé

    For the souffle you will need 500 grams of chicken breast, one egg, 75 grams of wheat flour, a little salt.

    How to make soufflé:

    • chicken breast should be cut into small pieces;
    • put the meat in a pan, add water and boil until done;
    • after this, the chicken is ground in a blender or minced;
    • you need to add egg yolk to the prepared minced chicken;
    • the egg white is whipped until foamy and poured into the minced meat;
    • pour 100 ml of broth and add flour and salt;
    • Mix the finished base thoroughly, put it in a mold and steam it.

    Blackcurrant jelly

    For the jelly you will need 600 grams of black currants, a liter of water, 75 grams of starch, and a little granulated sugar.

    How to prepare jelly:

    • First, wash the berries and rub them through a sieve;
    • the resulting juice should be poured into a container and stored in the refrigerator;
    • the remaining cake is filled with water and placed on the fire. Everything is boiled and strained;
    • starch should be diluted in cold water and poured into a decoction;
    • Add granulated sugar and let it boil, stirring constantly;
    • Pour the currant juice into a container and boil the jelly for about 3-4 minutes;
    • Remove from heat, cool slightly and serve.

    Apple and carrot puree

    To prepare you will need several apples and carrots.

    How to cook:

    1. Carrots should be washed well and boiled until tender.
    2. Apples are baked in the oven until cooked.
    3. Vegetables and fruits should be placed in a blender and grind to puree.
    4. Apples and carrots can be rubbed through a sieve or minced.

    Baked vegetables

    For cooking, you can use several tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, and eggplants.

    How to cook:

    • tomatoes should be washed and cut into small slices;
    • rinse carrots and eggplants and cut into slices;
    • remove seeds from pepper and cut into half rings;
    • Place all ingredients on foil, add a little salt and wrap;
    • Place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked.

    In any case, before starting a diet, it is worth studying all its nuances, recommendations and rules. Rotavirus infection is a fairly serious disease that is accompanied by serious symptoms. It is worth starting treatment for this disease from the first days.

    The only way that can eliminate this disease is to follow proper nutrition. Therefore, it is worth studying which foods can be eaten during this period, and which should be excluded. You also need to maintain proper nutrition after full recovery.

    Despite the baby's lack of appetite, eating the same food gets boring. To diversify the menu, you can prepare several healthy dishes.

    Steamed cottage cheese soufflé

    Add 2 tbsp to boiling water. semolina and bring it to full readiness. After this, 500 g of cottage cheese is mixed with porridge, butter and a small amount of sugar. Whipped egg whites are added to the thoroughly mixed mixture and the soufflé is steamed.

    Curd pudding

    To prepare curd pudding you will need 60 g of semolina. It needs to be filled with warm milk and left to swell. 400 g of pureed cottage cheese are mixed with 3 yolks, sugar, porridge, whipped whites and berries to taste.

    The resulting mass is cooked in a water bath for 45 minutes. Cooled pudding is served with berry jelly.

    Chicken quenelles

    To prepare the quenelles, you need to finely chop the chicken fillet. Place the pieces in a blender, add 100 ml of milk, add salt and herbs to taste. It is important that the composition resembles a thick pate, and therefore you can increase or decrease the amount of milk. The homogeneous mass is placed in small balls in molds or on a baking sheet, after which they are steamed.

    If you or your child is affected by rotavirus infection, you will need recipes for delicious, and most importantly, dietary dishes that will help make your treatment more enjoyable.

    Boil 2-3 small carrots, bake a few apples in the oven, grind them in a blender until pureed, add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.

    Take one chicken fillet, 2 medium tomatoes, 2 small carrots and mineral water. Make transverse cuts on the fillet for quick cooking, soak in mineral water for softness. Cut carrots and tomatoes into strips. Place everything together on foil and bake in the oven for about half an hour. You can add a pinch of salt for taste.

    • Steamed stuffed peppers

    For this dish you will need several bell peppers, a medium zucchini, eggplant and carrots. We cut off the top of the pepper, so it looks like a basket. Finely chop the zucchini, carrots and eggplant and stuff the peppers with this vegetable mixture. Place them in a steamer and cook for half an hour.

    For the stew you will need an eggplant, 2 medium carrots, 3 tomatoes, beans, cauliflower. Cook cabbage for 7 minutes. Cut the eggplant, tomatoes and carrots into cubes. Cook the beans separately for 10 minutes. Then we place it all in a frying pan or in a slow cooker, add a little water and simmer until done. You can add a little salt.

    Steamed chicken soufflé


    • chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • wheat flour - 2–3 tsp;
    • salt.
    1. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, boil and then grind in a meat grinder. You can use a blender for the same purpose.
    2. Add raw egg yolk, beaten egg white and 3-4 tbsp to the resulting minced meat. l. broth mixed with wheat flour and a pinch of salt.
    3. Mix the mass well until it becomes homogeneous, put it in a mold and steam it.

    Blackcurrant jelly


    • black currant - 0.6 kg;
    • water - 4 glasses;
    • starch - 2–3 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar.
    1. Wash the berries and rub through a sieve.
    2. Separate the juice that has formed and place it in the refrigerator.
    3. Pour the remaining cake with water, put on fire, bring to a boil and strain.
    4. Add sugar to taste and starch diluted in cold water to the resulting broth.
    5. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring all the time.
    6. After this, add currant juice, stir and cook over low heat for another 2-3 minutes.
    7. Cool slightly before serving.

    Delicious dietary dishes that will make treatment enjoyable will help you cope with the disease.

    Peppers stuffed with vegetables

    For cooking you will need bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, and eggplant. After removing the tops of the peppers, fill the cavities with a mixture of chopped vegetables. Steam for half an hour.

    Chicken fillet with vegetables

    Cut the fillet in several places, soak in mineral water. Cut carrots and tomatoes into strips. Bake in the oven for half an hour in foil. Baked vegetables and meat can be seasoned with a pinch of salt.

    Fruit and vegetable puree

    Boil carrots (2 pcs.), bake an apple in the oven. Mix in a blender to a paste, season the mixture with a spoon of honey.

    As it was written above, what you can and cannot eat during illness. It is recommended to eat only boiled lean meat, heat-treated fruits and vegetables, etc. But how can you diversify your dietary table and make it more tasty? To do this, you can use several recipes for preparing delicious food.

    Recipe No. 1. Chicken breast with vegetables

    For cooking you will need a chicken breast without skin and bones, large carrots, 2 small tomatoes, potatoes and mineral water. We make transverse cuts in the breast and soak it in mineral water for about 40 minutes to make the meat much softer.

    Then cut the carrots, potatoes and tomatoes into small cubes, place them next to the breast on a baking sheet and cover everything with foil (you can bake it in a sleeve). Place in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees and bake until fully cooked. If desired, the dish can be slightly salted.

    Recipe No. 2. Steamed stuffed peppers

    Bell peppers are washed well and the core and seeds are removed. Then the minced meat is prepared (you can use ready-made): beef or turkey meat is minced through a meat grinder with the addition of a small head of onion and carrot, zucchini or eggplant, 1 egg and a small pinch of salt

    Stuff the peppers with the resulting mixture and place them in a double boiler. Cook for at least 40 minutes until fully cooked. You can chop the vegetables finely instead of putting them in a meat grinder. This way they produce less juice and it will be retained in the main dish.

    Recipe No. 3. Apple and carrot puree

    Boil 2 carrots in an aluminum pan and bake several large apples in the oven. Mix the vegetable and fruit in one container and beat well with a blender until smooth. You can add a little honey for sweetness.

    Recipe No. 4. Kissel from berries (black currants)

    Rinse fresh or frozen berries well and place in a pan filled with water. After the broth boils, strain it through a sieve and discard the resulting cake. To the still hot compote, add starch and a teaspoon of sugar, previously mixed in cold, clean water.

    Choosing a diet for rotavirus

    With rotavirus infection, an inflammatory process begins in the intestines, which disrupts the synthesis of an enzyme capable of breaking down lactose. That is why in the first days dairy and fermented milk products should be completely excluded from the diet.

    During the rehabilitation period, which lasts at least 3 weeks, you should continue to follow the diet menu for rotavirus infection, eating cereals, soups, boiled or stewed vegetables, lean meat and fish. Foods prohibited during the diet should be introduced gradually during the rehabilitation period.

    MORE ABOUT: Two meals a day for weight loss

    During the recovery period, other side effects are possible with the diet - constipation or stool retention. In this case, you need to drink a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed beet juice at night or prepare a salad of boiled beets, grated, seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Adults can add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic to the salad.

    Towards the end of the recovery period, you can gradually add dairy and fermented milk products (for example, kefir or natural yogurt) to your diet, observing the body’s reaction and gradually increasing their amount.

    As part of preventive measures to avoid re-infection with rotavirus infection, it is recommended to carefully observe the hygiene regime, wash your hands with soap before eating, and also pay close attention to the food you eat, monitoring their consumer characteristics and expiration dates.

    Following a diet is necessary to prevent the development of repeated inflammatory processes in the stomach. After all, at this time the gastrointestinal tract system is weakened and needs support. A balanced and gentle diet will improve food processing. For this purpose, varied but light dishes are selected.

    But refusing to eat is prohibited - this can lead to even worse consequences. The intestinal mucosa will no longer recover, resulting in a deterioration of immunity and an increased risk of re-infection not only with rotavirus, but also with other diseases and infections.

    A proper diet after an illness—rotavirus—is the basis for effective recovery; only probiotics are acceptable medications. Other drugs simply will not provide the desired effectiveness. Among the key principles of therapy are:

    1. Constant fluid replenishment. With rotavirus, the body loses an enormous amount of fluid. It is necessary to replenish reserves during illness and after it.
    2. Warm food. You should not eat cold and scalding foods. The optimal temperature level is from 35 to 40 degrees.
    3. Increased protein content. Carbohydrates, salt and water should be a minimum in the diet of a recovering person.
    4. You need to eat often. Portions should be small - this will help restore metabolism.
    5. Heat treatment of all products. You cannot eat raw vegetables and fruits during the recovery period.

    In the diet after rotavirus infection, exceptions must be provided.

    You should not include foods that stimulate fermentation and are difficult to digest:

    • all fruits and vegetables are fresh, baked apples and pears are acceptable;
    • fatty meat, especially pork;
    • dairy products (only fermented milk products are allowed);
    • any wheat-based products, including pasta and bread;
    • You cannot drink carbonated drinks or eat any sweets;
    • Homemade and store-bought canned goods are completely prohibited;
    • Butter and vegetable oil are prohibited.

    It is also undesirable to consume semolina, but buckwheat and rice will be useful during the recovery period.

    In children, this period can be extended until the symptoms of illness and weakness completely disappear.

    Therapeutic nutrition of a child is an important and necessary measure aimed at:

    • to reduce the load on the digestive tract;
    • speedy recovery of the baby;
    • to prevent dehydration, which is very dangerous in childhood;
    • to provide the baby with important nutrients.

    Loss of appetite in the first days of the disease is a natural reaction of the baby’s body to the introduction of the virus, so do not force him to eat. It’s better to offer your baby a drink or chicken broth (cook it from skinless chicken breast). Homemade jelly or moderately strong tea without sugar is what you can offer a sick child.

    When the child develops an interest in food, you can switch him to the diet recommended by the doctor. The diet of a child with rotavirus gastroenteritis is determined by the effect of the virus on the intestines.

    During this period, lactose deficiency, that is, milk intolerance, may develop. Therefore, doctors prescribe special medications with the enzyme lactose for breastfed and formula-fed babies.

    After the illness, the recovery period lasts for another 2-3 weeks, during which you can continue taking medications with lactose. To help your baby cope with the disease faster, you must adhere to the following recommendations for his nutrition:

    • Give permitted drinks and food in small portions. Meals should be fractional with short intervals between meals;
    • steam or thoroughly boil all food for the period while the child has diarrhea, serve it chopped;
    • When an infant has an infection, the type of feeding is taken into account. For bottle-fed babies, during illness, regular milk formulas are replaced with formulas with a reduced lactose content. Breastfeeding does not stop during the period of illness;
    • In the first days of illness, a sick baby can be given a ripe banana, pureed boiled rice, baked apple puree, and crackers.

    For a sick child, a properly formulated diet is sometimes practically the only method of treating rotavirus, since even the latest medications do not guarantee recovery.

    The diet prescribed for rotavirus and after it provides the following:

    1. Allows you to reduce the load on the digestive organs.
    2. Nutrition prevents dehydration.
    3. Shortens the period of complete recovery.

    Diet is considered the main method of therapeutic therapy, because this viral disease cannot be eliminated with medication.

    If a patient is diagnosed with rotavirus, then first of all it is necessary to prescribe a certain dietary intake. The diet for rotavirus in adults should consist only of approved foods, as well as dishes from the dietary menu of table No. 4.

    During this period, the patient may experience poor or complete lack of appetite. You should not force him to eat; it is best to give him as much fluid as possible, this will restore the water-salt balance in the body.

    1. Treatment should be based on increased fluid intake. It is recommended to drink a lot of mineral and ordinary water, as well as rehydron solution.
    2. During the day, 5-6 meals are allowed. Portions should be small.
    3. After each meal, it is imperative to monitor the patient’s condition. If he experiences deterioration after consuming a certain product, then it should be removed from the diet.
    4. Nutrition for rotavirus in children and adults should be carefully considered. It is recommended to consume light, easily digestible foods with increased levels of nutrients.
    5. Since at this time the patient has a decreased appetite, all dishes should be tasty and appetizing. It is important during this period to diversify your diet, make it interesting, but at the same time healthy.
    6. During the day, the patient can make porridge with a high level of carbohydrates, vegetables, stewed or raw. It is advisable to include fruits with a high content of vitamin C, they will boost the immune system.
    7. To improve the condition of the microflora of the digestive organs, you need to drink broths once a day.
    8. Dietary nutrition for rotavirus infection usually lasts from 5 to 7 days, sometimes a little more, it all depends on the dynamics of recovery.

    Features of nutrition after rotavirus

    The diet after rotavirus may include various foods, but it is recommended to introduce them with extreme caution. At the initial stage, it is worth consuming one product at a time and in small quantities, then gradually increase.

    How to eat properly after this illness:

    • In the first period, you should eat light vegetables, porridge, and some lean meat is also allowed.;
    • after an illness, the body is greatly weakened, so it should be protected from the effects of various stresses;
    • in order not to put too much strain on the internal organs, you should exclude all fried, fatty foods from your diet, you should remove rich soups with fatty meats, coffee;
    • It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible and stay in the fresh air.

    In order to quickly and completely restore the digestive organs after an illness, it is recommended to follow proper nutrition for two weeks. After recovery, during this period you should refrain from consuming the following foods:

    • various low-temperature drinks and foods, such as ice cream;
    • dishes from legumes;
    • Rye bread;
    • beet;
    • wheat porridge;
    • whole milk.

    To quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, stick to a soft, gentle diet. The consumption of dietary products is aimed at replenishing water balance and restoring the functions of the digestive system. A special diet is followed even after the end of the acute phase of the pathology. Eating heavy food immediately after the baby has recovered leads to the re-development of the disease.

    Forbidden food

    • milk;
    • fats;
    • sugar in large quantities;
    • fatty cooked foods and products;
    • fatty creams and cream;
    • dairy products, except hard cheeses with low fat content in small quantities;
    • sausages;
    • canned food (except for baby food);
    • fat meat;
    • goose, duck, game;
    • canned meat;
    • marinades;
    • fatty and smoked fish, sardines, caviar;
    • dark black bread;
    • nuts;
    • spices (black and hot pepper);
    • bouillon cubes;
    • soy sauce;
    • carbonated drinks (containing CO2);
    • fried foods;
    • yeast;
    • flour products;
    • sweets, candies, chocolate.

    Soufflé with fruits

    • coffee and strong tea;
    • milk;
    • kefir and yogurt;
    • fruit juices;
    • store drinks.

    Rotavirus is a type of intestinal infection and a disease that affects adults and. A virus of the genus Reoviridae, entering through the upper respiratory tract, infects the intestines. The infection disrupts, the patient suffers from vomiting and diarrhea. The disease begins acutely and leads to dehydration of the body. A key role in the treatment of infection is played by an increased drinking regime, as well as diet; rotavirus will certainly recede if all recommendations are followed.

    With intestinal symptoms, the patient loses fluid, and with it a lot of electrolytes. The disease can be fatal with a loss of 10-15% of fluid. In such a situation, the goal of treatment is to restore water and electrolyte balance.

    There are no drugs specifically aimed at suppressing intestinal infections. Drug therapy mainly eliminates the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, the basis of treatment is dietary nutrition and drinking regimen. During the days of active infection, the body is weakened, so all the necessary substances and microelements are replenished with food intake. This helps to improve the digestion process, water-salt balance, and restore strength.

    Rotavirus infection in children and adults

    Rotavirus has similar features to respiratory diseases, which is why it got its name. Every year, about half a million children die from infection in the world only because the disease is not given a special status and they do not go to the doctor.

    Symptoms of rotavirus infection

    The virus penetrates through the mouth or nose into the mucosa of the small and then large intestine; the infection causes death and inflammation of epithelial cells of the digestive tract. The disease is accompanied by the penetration of fluid into the intestinal lumen. Due to the pathological activity of the microorganism, characteristic symptoms develop:

    • repeated vomiting;
    • a sharp increase in temperature;
    • pain, contractions, ;
    • diarrhea.

    The nature of the stool helps diagnose infection. In the first days of the disease, the stool is liquid and yellow in color. After some time it becomes gray-yellow, clay-like.

    The disease is characterized by additional symptoms. A runny nose, pain, discomfort in the throat, lack of appetite, loss of strength, and weakness appear.

    The infection affects children aged from six months to 2 years. They are characterized by complex symptoms. The disease in adults occurs with less pronounced symptoms, resembling a common digestive disorder or being completely asymptomatic. The viral infection is contagious, transmitted in several ways: through the air, through food and unwashed hands. The disease is seasonal. The number of patients increases from November to April.

    Symptoms indicate that metabolism, excretory system functions, and electrolyte balance are disrupted. A deficiency of microelements when the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed leads to various diseases, including the genitourinary system, and weakening of the heart muscle.

    Products allowed and prohibited for rotavirus

    To ease the course of the disease and speed up recovery, you need to remember proper nutrition and follow a diet. During the treatment period the following are contraindicated:

    • raw vegetables and fruits;
    • butter and bakery products;
    • milk;
    • fermented milk products, cheeses;
    • carbohydrate foods;
    • fatty meat, fish;
    • canned, pickled foods;
    • smoked meats, semi-finished products;
    • butter and vegetable oil.

    The diet for rotavirus infection also excludes the consumption of simple carbohydrates. The list is:

    • pearl barley;
    • pasta;
    • millet;
    • fresh bread.

    I would like to dispel the myth that kefir is a panacea that can magically destroy an infection and improve the health of the intestines in case of illness. In fact, fermented milk products should not be consumed during the first 3 days of illness. Dairy products create favorable conditions for the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

    What can you do about rotavirus infection?

    Diet will help weaken rotavirus:

    • porridges cooked in water (buckwheat, rice, semolina, corn);
    • jelly, compotes;
    • dietary cookies, crackers;
    • strong tea;
    • chicken bouillon.

    In case of infection, fluid losses must be replenished. It is recommended to cook yellow cherry compote. In its absence, soldering occurs with ready-made solutions of potassium and sodium. Powders, Humana Electrolyte are sold in pharmacies and diluted with boiled water at home. Solutions are taken cooled to room temperature. During the acute stage of an infectious disease, fluids should be taken every half hour, 50 ml or less, so as not to provoke vomiting.

    Basic rules for building a diet

    Starvation diets are not recommended for infectious diseases, as this leads to weakened immunity and delays recovery. If there is no appetite, the sick person should not be forced to eat. You can offer to drink berry jelly or chicken broth. If the patient refuses to drink or becomes dehydrated, it is necessary to seek medical help.

    There are basic rules of dietary behavior at different stages of the disease:

    • During the acute period, prohibited foods include vegetable oil and butter.
    • During the first days, the patient should drink electrolyte solutions.
    • On day 3, the menu expands, supplemented with healthy water-based porridges, medicinal decoctions, tea and jelly are allowed.
    • If your condition improves, you can add protein foods, lean meats, and fermented milk drinks in small portions to your diet.
    • At the recovery stage, provided you have a good appetite, it is not advisable to overeat.

    Immature intestinal cells growing at the site of damaged epithelium will not be able to cope with the enzymatic load and nullify all the results of the diet. At the end of the acute period of the disease, it is recommended to follow the diet for another 2 weeks. This will help avoid relapse.

    Rational nutrition menu and recipes for rotavirus for children and adults

    The diet of children under one year of age differs from the diet of older children. Features of the diet during the period of illness are associated with natural or artificial feeding. Treatment for older children and adults consists of eliminating dangerous and harmful foods while maintaining a drinking regime.

    Diet for babies up to one year oldrotavirusinfections

    The main source of nutrition for infants is mother's milk. If an infection occurs, there is no need to switch to formula or introduce new complementary foods. Breast milk contains antibodies against many pathogenic microorganisms, as well as a number of hormones that help restore the intestinal epithelium. It is advisable to breastfeed often, but little by little. If the regimen is not accepted, feeding is carried out on demand.

    For bottle-fed babies, the diet consists of adapted mixtures that contain dairy-free cereals (rice, buckwheat, semolina with apple or). If the child refuses to eat and is underweight, it is recommended to give polymer hydrolysate mixtures. For persistent vomiting, anti-reflux mixtures diluted with weak rice water are suitable. When you feel better from the fifth day, the diet is expanded using vegetable decoctions.

    Diet for childrenolderof the year

    Food for one-year-old children and older during the course of the disease should be freshly steamed, boiled, pureed, and free of chemical additives. Prohibited products:

    • sweets;
    • fruits, berries, vegetables in their natural form;
    • dried fruits;
    • fatty meats and fish;
    • whole milk;
    • bread;
    • pasta;
    • millet, barley, pearl barley;
    • legumes;
    • garlic, onion;
    • canned food

    Cottage cheese, meat, eggs should be consumed according to the age norm, as this will prevent fluid loss due to rotavirus infection. The baby should be fed 5-6 times a day. In the first days of the disease, you can give light broths, boiled meat or fish dishes, porridge (semolina, buckwheat, rice), omelet, crackers or unbaked cookies.

    Therapeutic drinks as part of the diet include:

    • green tea;
    • decoction of rosehip, quince;
    • slightly alkaline mineral water;
    • jelly.

    After a week, the list of prohibited foods is reduced, more solid, crushed food, vegetables and fruits, a variety of cereals, and lactic acid products are added to the diet.



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