How to cure ulcerative colitis with folk remedies. Herbal medicine for inflammatory bowel diseases

The diversity of the etiology of colitis hides more than 15 varieties of this disease, each of which has its own cause and requires a separate approach to treatment. Drug therapy in most cases, it acts quite aggressively, so many experts, along with a special diet, put the treatment of colitis with home remedies in the category of the main methods of influence. Traditional recipes can gently and delicately relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and remove bloating and flatulence. And most importantly, natural ingredients folk remedies do not give any side effects, if they are selected correctly and in the right proportions.

Advantages and features of traditional medicine

Selection medicines plant origin in case of intestinal inflammation should be carried out taking into account complex impact on the patient's body. The main thing is to eliminate the cause of the pathology as quickly as possible, stop the development of inflammation, and prevent the appearance of ulcerative lesion, and return the intestines to the ability to perform their functions normally.

Doctors use folk remedies as self-therapy at chronic form almost all types of intestinal damage or how helper methods treatment to enhance the effect pharmacological drugs, and eliminating their side effects.

It should be remembered that you get positive effect Treatment with home remedies is possible only if the drugs are prescribed by a specialist.

Only a gastroenterologist can select the herbal mixtures needed in this particular case, determine the method of administration, and calculate the correct regimen and dosage.

The course of treatment necessarily includes the following stages:

  1. Elimination of the cause of development.
  2. Reducing the activity of the inflammatory process.
  3. Influencing symptoms in order to eliminate them.
  4. Recovery normal flora intestines and healing of affected areas of the mucous membrane.
  5. Preventing exacerbations and prolonging periods of calm.

Eliminating the symptoms of colitis with decoctions and infusions

In order for treatment with home remedies to be as effective and at the same time safe as possible, the doctor needs to find out exact reason diseases, and accordingly, determine the type of colitis.

Catarrhal colitis

Is initial stage defeats various types diseases. Catarrhal colitis can be caused by provocative factors such as:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules or consumption of unwashed fruits and vegetables (infectious form);
  • sudden physical or mental stress;
  • nervous shock or stress (spastic);
  • genetic predisposition of the body;
  • inadequate reaction immune system to the stimulus;
  • errors in nutrition.

This form of the disease is not dangerous, and the right approach resolves within two to three days. After identifying the cause and eliminating it, it is recommended to stick to these days starvation diet, consume as much fluid as possible during painful attacks Apply an ice pack to the painful area.

Traditional medicine recommends treatment with infusion of cumin seeds(pour a tablespoon of dry seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place for an hour). You need to take two tablespoons of the infusion throughout the day, as often as possible. The product relieves the first symptoms of inflammation and helps quickly flush out food irritants.

Pseudomembranous (drug-induced) colitis

A common type of disease that appears against the background long-term use antibiotics or independent attempts to treat other diseases. This form is a secondary pathology, as it develops against the background of other systemic diseases. The aggressive action of drugs disrupts the balance of the natural intestinal microflora, creating comfortable conditions for the rapid reproduction of opportunistic bacteria.

Treatment of colitis folk remedies start after stopping antibiotics. It is recommended to take a glass of rice water in the morning on an empty stomach. It also helps relieve intoxication and restore normal microflora intestines infusion of oak bark. 25 mg of dry bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Take ½ glass in the morning and evening after meals.

If the doctor decides to continue antibacterial therapy, you can simultaneously drink an infusion of chamomile or celandine.

Erosive colitis

This form usually occurs after the penetration and reproduction of representatives of pathogenic microflora, such as streptococci, pathogenic bacteria, coli or staphylococci. Quite often, erosive colitis develops against the background of damage to such diseases as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • atonic constipation;
  • after suffering injuries.

Danger erosive form is that with inadequate treatment or ignoring symptoms, existing lesions of the intestinal mucosa quickly degenerate into multiple ulcers. And symptoms of the ulcer type threaten serious complications for the patient.

Ulcerative colitis

This is the most dangerous form colitis, which is different unknown to science reasons and low result drug treatment. Natural remedies Treatments are most effective, appropriate and safe specifically for the development of a peptic ulcer type of disease. After special diet, the vast majority of gastroenterologists recommend taking traditional medicine.

On the first day of exacerbation of ulcerative colitis, you must stop eating food altogether, replacing it with non-carbonated food. mineral water or soft natural juices no pulp.

From the second day, you can start eating pureed food, such as porridge with water or puree. In the morning before your first meal drink raw potato juice. Between meals, take an infusion of herbs such as chamomile and St. John's wort. Prepare before bed green tea with the addition of the same herbs and honey.

Spastic colitis

Develops against the background of disorders in the central or autonomic nervous systems. The causes are nervous shock, stress, prolonged depression, chronic fatigue. In this form, there are no lesions of the intestinal mucosa as such, but everything is present negative symptoms colitis

To eliminate them, as well as with the ulcerative type, medicinal plants are more suitable than ever, the properties of which have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system. Recommended recipes include:

  • infusion of mint, cumin, lemon and cloves;
  • decoction of fennel fruits;
  • a mixture of honey, aloe juice and a few drops of valerian.

Taking a collection of herbs such as:

  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint.

In addition to ingesting infusions and decoctions from various medicinal plants, they can be used as microenemas. Treatment of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa similar method indicated for exacerbation of ulcerative or erosive colitis, atonic and toxic.

Plantain, calendula, sage and pharmaceutical chamomile effectively relieve inflammation, help stop bleeding and heal ulcers and ulcers.

Oak bark and aloe juice stimulate motor skills during atonic colitis, and celandine and St. John's wort easily remove toxins.

In addition, microenemas help get rid of constipation during colitis and normalize stool formation during diarrhea.

We invite you to watch videos about nonspecific ulcerative colitis on YouTube:

Colitis occurs when excess pita (fire) pushed out by vata (water) enters the colon and causes inflammation. Therefore, calming pitta is the main condition in the treatment of colitis.

Herbal remedies: An excellent herbal remedy for the treatment of colitis:
- shatavari - 4 parts
- shanka basma - 1/8 parts
- kama dudha - 1/8 part
- sanjeevani - 2 parts

Take 1/4 teaspoon of this mixture with warm water two to three times a day for one to two months.

You can take aloe juice/gel 1 tablespoon twice a day. Aloe has a cooling effect and is good at calming pitta.


For ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is characterized by diarrhea, mucous and bloody discharge from the anus. For this disease, Ayurveda recommends a basti (enema) with a decoction of herbs that have astringent properties, such as vilva, ashoka, sandalwood or licorice root. This procedure is carried out as follows:

Boil 1 tablespoon of an herb (such as licorice root) in 0.5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Strain the broth and while it is still warm, add 2 tablespoons of ghee to it. Let the liquid cool to room temperature and do an enema with it, and try to hold the liquid for at least five minutes. Do this enema once or twice a week. ( Detailed information about basti, see Appendix 3.)

Licorice contains natural steroid precursors that promote ulcer healing. It's simple and safe way treatment of colitis or ulcerative colitis.

Oil enema. The colon is the seat of vata. When colitis occurs, pitta also enters the colon under the influence of vata, so enemas that are recommended for the treatment of this disease should not only help reduce pitta, but also calm vata. Suitable for these purposes Coconut oil. Use a cup of slightly warmed oil for your enema and try to hold it in for at least five minutes, but don't worry if you don't succeed.

Nutritional nature
- Simple and useful remedy for colitis - eat boiled apples, seasoning them with a pinch nutmeg. Peel a couple of apples, remove seeds and cook. Mash them into a puree, add a teaspoon of ghee and a pinch of nutmeg. This is an excellent way to relieve intestinal irritation due to colitis.
- Fresh apple juice also helps in this situation.
- If you have ulcerative colitis, you should never eat hot food. spicy food, drink alcoholic drinks or smoking tobacco, as all this arouses pitta and increases irritation of the colon.

Exercises to strengthen your colon

Leg lift. With ulcerative colitis, the tone of the colon is weakened. To strengthen it, lie on your back and, being careful not to bend your knees, gradually raise both legs until the angle between them and the floor reaches approximately 45°. If you find it difficult to lift both legs together, you can lift one leg first and then the other. To begin with, try to hold your legs in a raised position for at least a few seconds, and after a few weeks, increase this time to 1 minute.

Yoga poses.

Slowly move through Knees to Chest, then Plow and Grasshopper, and if you can, Rising Lotus. Also, train your stomach by alternately pulling it in and pushing it out. This will strengthen the walls of the colon (see Appendix 4 for illustrations of yoga poses).

Foods that calm Pitta dosha

Pitta is a hot dosha and therefore cold or room temperature food is favorable for this type of person, but not hot. Pitta has good digestion, therefore, people of this type can eat everything at all times, but they should not overeat and abuse salty, sour or sweet foods. Best View Nutrition for Pitta is vegetarianism.

Rules Ayurvedic nutrition for Pitta type people:

Chilled, plentiful and dry food with a minimum content of salt, spices and oil is favorable. Food should be freshly prepared, and not “long lasting”.
- Fried, fatty, salty and heavy foods should be avoided, especially fatty meat, as well as overeating.
- Pitta’s diet should include a large number of raw food and juices, as well as foods with a bitter or astringent taste (especially salads and vegetables), and a minimum of pickles, marinades, canned food, sausages and cheeses.
- Ideal for Pitta vegetarian food with a predominance of vegetables, cereals and milk in the diet, potatoes and legumes are also useful, and in the summer - ice cream.
- Drinks and juices should be consumed chilled, coffee, tea and alcohol should be avoided.
- For breakfast, cold oatmeal or rice porrige, cinnamon bread or sweet toast apple juice or mint tea.
- You can have a glass at lunch cold water, eat salad instead of hot soup, bread with a little butter and skip dessert.
- Pitta should not eat at night, or when angry or depressed.
- Remedy for reducing aggravated Pitta: stir two teaspoons of ghee in a glass warm milk and have a drink instead of dinner.

DAIRY PRODUCTS. Milk, cream, cottage cheese, soft and processed cheese, melted (ghee) and unsalted butter are healthy. Should be excluded dairy products(buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, sour cream), sharp, salty and hard cheeses, salted butter.

SWEETS, HONEY and SUGAR. Everything is good, especially halva, limit your honey consumption only.

VEGETABLE OILS. The best oil are sunflower, olive and ghee. Coconut oil is ideal for external use. You should limit the use of corn and sesame oil, as well as margarine.

BREAD PRODUCTS. Unleavened bread, pasta, croutons, crackers, crackers, bagels, dry breads, breakfast cereals, bran, popcorn (unsalted), pancakes, cheesecakes and pancakes, bread made from sprouted wheat are healthy; avoid overconsumption rye bread and muesli.

VEGETABLES. Favorable: potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, Bell pepper, all types of cabbage, leaf salad, green beans and peas, black olives, pumpkin, asparagus, celery, mushrooms. Should be avoided: eggplants, tomatoes, raw: carrots, beets, radishes, spinach, corn, turnips; green olives, onions, garlic, chili, mustard, capsicum.

Fruits and berries. Sweet fruits are favorable, such as: pears, cherries, grapes, ripe sweet apples, cherries, pineapples, oranges, plums, mangoes, watermelons, melons, prunes, figs, raisins. Any sour or unripe fruits and berries should be avoided, such as: cranberries, grapefruit, lemon, unripe (sour): oranges, apples, pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, plums. Limit the consumption of bananas, apricots, peaches, persimmons, and strawberries.

CEREALS and LEGUMES. Favorable: wheat, barley, White rice, oats and all types of legumes except red lentils. Limit consumption of corn, rye, millet, brown rice, and buckwheat.

SPICES and SPICES. Favorable: parsley, dill, cilantro, parsnip, mint, coriander, cucurma, fennel, cumin, orange peel, vanilla, saffron, cumin and a small amount fresh ginger and black pepper. It is worth limiting the consumption of ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar, salt, horseradish, mustard, ginger, lemon, soy sauce, spicy chutney, cloves, anise, pepper, bay leaf and chocolate.

NUTS and SEEDS. The most useful are sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts - coconut and peeled almonds, exclude all other types of nuts and seeds.

MEAT and SEAFOOD. Chicken, pork and game are possible, other meat products should be excluded.

TEA, COFFEE AND DRINKS. Favorable: warm herbal teas, hot milk with spices, coffee from cereals, black and green teas, cocoa, kvass, beer, vegetable juices and sweet fruits: apricot, pineapple, orange, grape, cherry, pomegranate, apple, pear, peach, plum, mango, papaya. Drinks that should be avoided include: carbonated and iced drinks. lemon water, iced tea, natural coffee, sour, berry and tomato juice, alcohol.

HERBS and PLANTS: Marshmallow, Wintergreen, Hibiscus, Blackberry, Jasmine, Strawberry, Ginger (fresh), Catnip, Nettle, Red Clover, Lavender, Liquorice, Lemongrass, Burdock, Alfalfa, Raspberry, Melissa, Peppermint, Oat Straw, Borage, Dandelion, Comfrey, Chamomile, Passionflower, Yarrow, Fennel, Violet, Hops, Chicory, Barley. Not suitable: Ajwain, Basil, Hawthorn, Cloves, Ginseng, Ginger (dry), Yerba mate (Paraguayan tea), Holly, Mormon tea (ephedra), Pennyroyal, Fenugreek, Sassafras, Sage, Rosehip, Eucalyptus, Juniper berries.

When a pathology occurs, the patient feels painful spasms V abdominal area, stool consistency and frequency also change acute stage The disease causes an increase in body temperature, bloating - all these symptoms lead to a general weakening of the body.

What causes colitis?

Exacerbation of colitis symptoms wrong mode nutrition, allergic reactions, fatigue, severe psychological stress, prolonged use of antibiotics.

Homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of colitis

For the purpose of treatment and preventive measures to prevent colitis, traditional medicine is successfully used, their advantages in the fight against the disease are recognized even in the medical community, doctors often prescribe to their patients as adjuvant therapy herbal decoctions and other homeopathic remedies.

Treatment of colitis with herbs

To treat colitis, a herbal mixture is used: sage, chamomile and centaury. Take it as a decoction, one tablespoon every 2-3 hours, excluding bedtime. The course of treatment with this decoction should be carried out for a month.

Also prescribed for colitis course treatment cabbage cake, which is alternated with potato cake, is made from raw vegetables.
Take three tablespoons, morning and evening.

As additional aids kvass made from wormwood and tansy, rowan fruits and peppermint.

Getting rid of colitis with folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are several recipes that help to successfully cope with the disease.

Recipe one

Place 1 tablespoon of thyme in the plant hot water, let the solution sit for 30-40 minutes. Take one tablespoon orally 3-5 times a day.

Recipe two

Dry the watermelon rinds, crush them, then brew 80-110 grams of boiling water, take half a glass 4 to 7 times a day.

Recipe three

Pour boiling water over freshly picked mint leaves, let the broth brew, then wait until it cools to room temperature. Take one glass of infusion half an hour before meals.

Remember that all infusions and decoctions must be drunk cooled to room temperature. Hot drinks irritate the stomach.

Recipe four

Taking 8 grams of propolis every day on an empty stomach also helps relieve acute inflammation in the intestines.

Recipe five

Boil 200 grams of water over low heat, adding 20 grams of dried pomegranate peels. This decoction should be consumed 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Recipe six

Survive the onion onions juice and consume before meals in a dose equal to one tablespoon.

Recipe seven

Lovers of mulled wine will enjoy a decoction of port wine with the addition of one tablespoon of honey and fresh elecampane roots. Simmer the broth over low heat for 10 minutes. Take 50 ml after meals.

Strictly follow the dosage of ingredients and daily dose, overdose is fraught allergic reactions and possible toxic poisoning.

Recipe eight

Wormwood (20 grams) and leaves medicinal sage, in the same quantity, pour boiling water over it, then let it brew. Take 9 grams orally every 2 hours, excluding sleep time.

Recipe nine

Mix peppermint leaves, sage, chamomile stems, thyme and St. John's wort in equal proportions and pour boiling water, after cooling, strain, consume orally, half a glass 3-5 times a day.

Homeopaths also speak well of medicinal properties sparkling cuffs. A decoction from the plant helps relieve inflammatory processes in the stomach, and helps eliminate pain symptoms.

Method for preparing a decoction of mantle

Pour 400 grams of boiling water over three large spoons of the herb and let it brew for 4-5 hours, covering with a lid. Accept remedy Half a glass is recommended before each meal.

Infusion for prevention

To prevent the occurrence acute attacks colitis, doctors recommend regularly drinking an infusion of 50 grams of poplar buds, pouring 0.5 liters of vodka over them and leaving for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink one spoon 3-4 times a day.

Herbal infusions to cure colitis

One of the effective treatments acute pathology, homeopaths call dill seeds. From them you need to make a decoction with milk, mixing in proportions of one to one, and boil. And after the decoction has cooled, drink half a glass daily.

Treatment of ulcerative and chronic colitis

When treating any type of colitis, the patient must follow strict diet, it gives a greater positive effect than everything else medications. Manifestations of chronic and ulcerative colitis are an extremely severe degree of intestinal disease.

For the treatment of severe pathology - ulcerative colitis and chronic type of disease ethnoscience recommends the following recipes:

Recipe one

Mix a glass of boiled rice with half a lemon, while chopping the zest with a grater. Consume this porridge for 5-6 days; after this time, patients feel a noticeable improvement in digestive processes, and feces normalize.

Recipe two

Consume daily before each meal the whey that is formed during the preparation of feta cheese, it improves acid-base balance in the intestines, helping to normalize bowel movements and relieve inflammation in the stomach.

Homeopathic remedies came into medicine from folk recipes, one of the recipes that has been tested for centuries, is considered an infusion of aspen ash, it needs to be poured with boiling water and allowed to stand in the dark for about 10 days.

This infusion is taken for 14 days, 7-8 spoons after each meal, then you need to pause for 28 days, and then continue treatment for a month.

If a patient has ulcerative colitis, doctors recommend taking fish fat, it improves general tone, reduces and slows down inflammatory processes in the intestinal area, thereby improving general state sick.

But before you start getting rid of the disease at home, the sick person needs to consult a specialist. A gastroenterologist will be able to determine the exact nature of the disease and establish the cause of origin, a nutritionist will be able to select an individual diet, and a homeopathic doctor will prescribe a course of treatment with decoctions and herbs that will help cure the patient.

Chronic intestinal colitis.

Chronic colitis may have some severe symptoms. Ulcerative colitis is the worst with cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloody stools. Less severe - simple colitis will not cause the same problem, but when you have cramping abdominal pain and bloody and watery stool, you need to see a doctor. The main causes of colitis are indigestion, prolonged stress, poor nutrition, medications and allergies to certain products. Colitis begins in lower parts intestines and, if not treated, rises upward.

Ulcerative colitis results from open sores in the colon, and if not treated properly, the result can often be watery and bloody stool, fever, and severe weight loss.

There are ways to relieve and treat flare-ups of colitis using home remedies, but always remember to see a doctor because colitis can be fatal.

  • Eat ripe ones every day to help relieve colitis symptoms. Bananas are easy to digest because they are soft and smooth. Bananas relieve the symptoms of colitis and promote the healing process.
  • Eat at least one a day, or boiled apples every day. Apples are rich in minerals such as iron and phosphate and can be a very effective home remedy to help with the healing process of colitis.
  • Drink a glass of kefir at least once a day.
  • Mix a bowl of boiled rice with a glass of kefir and a ripe banana and eat it every day. Rice is a product with low content fiber and has a soothing effect on the intestines of patients suffering from colitis. For those who suffer from colitis it is very important to eat healthy food. A bowl of boiled rice, kefir or buttermilk, and a banana is good source nutrition and will help relieve the symptoms of colitis, as well as assist in the healing process.
  • Give yourself an enema with warm water. After the intestines have cleared, wait 10 to 20 minutes and then do an enema with 90 to 120 ml. wheatgrass infusion. Try to hold the infusion within yourself for 15 minutes. Helps detoxify the colon wall when used as an enema. Wheatgrass is very effective means from diseases and disorders associated with colitis.
  • does not cause side effects and is perfectly absorbed by the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties, lubricates the intestinal mucosa and, therefore, promotes faster emptying. It also causes reflex emptying of the gallbladder.
  • (sesame) is used in folk medicine for diseases of the liver, heart, pancreas, gastrointestinal colic, kidney stone disease, anemia, hyperfunction thyroid gland, internal bleeding. It neutralizes acidity, moisturizes and cleanses the intestines, compensates for general exhaustion of the body, helps with burning during urination, weakens the stomach and is accordingly used as a laxative and anthelmintic.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of honeysuckle flowers into one glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 30–40 minutes, then strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • To prepare a medicinal water infusion, you need to take a few leaves, wash them thoroughly and pass through a meat grinder, after which five times the volume of water is added. The mixture must be left for exactly one hour so that the product can infuse, then put on fire, boil for several minutes, after which the product must be filtered and used in the presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract, the medicine must be taken orally (two or three times a day, one teaspoon, but no more). This is an excellent folk remedy.
  • Marigold flowers in the amount of two teaspoons should be poured with boiling water (two glasses) and left for about fifteen minutes, strain and drink half a glass 4 times a day.
  • Pour one glass of vodka over the crushed tablespoon. Leave for a week, strain. Traditional medicine recommends taking 25-30 drops internally, and externally you can apply lotions and rinses. To douche, you need to dilute one tablespoon in a glass of water.
  • Nettle leaves - 2 tablespoons, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, after this time, filter and take a third of a glass 3 times a day. This infusion is good as an anti-inflammatory and multivitamin remedy.
  • When treating ulcerative colitis, you can use rosehip oil enemas (through a 50 ml rubber catheter) into the rectum daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 15–30 days. How to prepare it at home and what diseases it treats can be found on this page.

Drink plenty of vegetable juices to maintain healthy diet. Eat plenty of fruits such as apples, bananas, papaya. You should eat steamed vegetables, rice and curd. Full bed rest and avoid stress.

Avoid citrus juices. Avoid foods such as white sugar, White bread, white flour, strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and foods cooked in an aluminum pan. Contact your doctor if you have symptoms of colitis. Although these home remedies can be used to help relieve symptoms and promote the healing process, colitis can be fatal, so it is important to seek medical attention from a doctor.

Diet for colitis

The diet should be balanced. An important component effective treatment, like all other diseases digestive system, is to support certain nutritional principles. Basic recommendations: increase the number of meals so that there are five or six. Portions should be taken in small quantities. At acute colitis, you need to eat less food rich in carbohydrates.

If you already have colitis, then you need to exclude beef, pork, cold and hot foods from your diet, fried foods, fruit juices and raw vegetables, hot spices, fresh bread, coffee.

When choosing a diet for colitis, we must consider the following points:

  1. Food should be high in calories, but easily digestible. Boiled or steamed products are preferred.
  2. Food should not contain irritating ingredients.
  3. The diet should predominate protein products animal origin.

Useful foods for colitis

  • Lamb, chicken
  • Pear, apple, plum, seedless and baked
  • All vegetables do not contain seeds. Vegetables – steamed or boiled
  • Eggs no more than one day old, soft-boiled
  • Fruit desserts without seeds and spices
  • Oils: olive oil, melted butter, no more than 5 grams per meal
  • Stale bread
  • Not a large amount of sugar up to 20 grams per day
  • It's good to drink a glass before breakfast boiled water room temperature, but coffee should be avoided

Products that are prohibited chronic colitis fatty meat, fish, ketchup, mustard, horseradish, pepper, canned fish.

Cold drinks, coffee and tea with milk, carbonated drinks.



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