Causes of bloody stool in humans. Why is there blood in stool? Should you panic?

Bleeding from the anus during stool without pain is an alarming symptom. The appearance of blood may be associated with a serious illness, but you should not panic. The best thing you can do for yourself is to pay close attention to the problem, study it yourself and contact a specialist.

The reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge from the anus during bowel movements can be different. Based on the color of the discharge and its consistency, some conclusions should be drawn.

When it enters the intestines, the blood is affected by enzymes, so it turns a darker color. When the intestines work faster, the blood does not have time to darken, so there is a possibility that the discharge occurs in the stomach due to gastritis or ulcers.

Do not pay attention to the fact that defecation is painless. Pain in the diseases described above is not at all necessary.

Possible diseases

Bleeding from the anus during stool may be a symptom of a minor malfunction or evidence of a dangerous disease.

There are cases when it is necessary to take urgent measures and call an ambulance, these include situations when:

  1. Bleeding does not stop for a long time;
  2. Bleeding is accompanied by vomiting blood;
  3. Bleeding is accompanied by the appearance of blood from the nose and the appearance of bruises on the body;
  4. Bleeding causes general malaise in the patient;
  5. Bleeding is accompanied by significant abdominal pain and increased body temperature.


Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. The disease is the formation of hemorrhoids. With internal hemorrhoids, the nodes are practically invisible and do not cause discomfort. Externally, there is obvious prolapse of the nodes, accompanied by acute pain.

The description of the problem of blood discharge during defecation fits the case of internal hemorrhoids, when the hemorrhoids are located under the intestinal mucosa and do not hurt. A feature of this type of hemorrhoids is the absence of mixing of blood with feces.

It should be noted that eliminating hemorrhoids at the initial stage implies gentle treatment.

Cracks in the intestines

The crack is characterized by the presence of a defect in the mucous membrane of the canal. The cause of the occurrence may be excessive stretching of the walls of the canal with feces, which is caused by constipation and the subsequent release of a large amount of compressed feces.

A crack can remind you of itself while doing hard work. A feature of the disease is the absence of mixing of bright-colored blood with feces, so blood can be found on toilet paper or on linen.

Colitis is inflammation of the colon. It is characterized by stool failure, flatulence, pain in different locations of the abdomen, and an unpleasant odor of feces.

There are acute and chronic colitis. Acute colitis occurs violently and quickly, while chronic colitis occurs over a long period of time. There are several types of colitis based on the method of exposure, the most common are:

  1. Ulcerative;
  2. Ischemic;
  3. Infectious;
  4. Drug.


A disease that is an inflammation of the rectal mucosa. Symptoms vary from person to person; common ghosts include:

  • Pain in the intestines;
  • Discomfortable sensations;
  • Pain in the perineum: in women it can radiate to the labia and vagina, in men – to the scrotum and genital organ;
  • Lumbar pain;
  • Slight increase in body temperature;
  • General malaise;
  • Abnormal stool;
  • Excessively frequent urge to defecate;
  • Pain during bowel movements;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge from the anus.

There are acute and chronic proctitis. At the first signs of this disease, you should consult a specialist.

Crohn's disease

The disease is an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the formation of ulcers and scars. Crohn's disease can be a genetic or infectious disease, or a disease of a person's autoimmune system.

Accompanied by pain in the intestines and anus, as well as diarrhea mixed with bloody discharge.


A polyp is a benign tumor that can increase significantly in size over time. Blood during defecation can form due to damage to the polyp during the movement of feces through the intestines.

In most cases, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but constipation and diarrhea are likely due to changes in the intestines. Polyps can lead to cancer.


A disease in which the composition of intestinal bacteria involved in the digestive process is impaired. The intestines contain an environment inhabited by different bacteria: good, bad and neutral. When the balance is disturbed and the advantage goes to the side of harmful bacteria, dysbiosis occurs.

Symptoms include flatulence, bowel movements, bad breath, and nausea.

The disease is characterized by early symptoms in the form of mucus and blood discharge from the anus. The discharge can be of different colors, from bright red to black, and mixed with feces. There may be clots.

Patients with colon cancer complain of inconsistent bowel movements, including constipation and diarrhea, and abdominal pain. With the disease, profuse bleeding may occur.

Even young people whose relatives have not had cancer are at risk. Signs indicating the possible presence of colon cancer:

  • Changes in stool, including changes in the shape, consistency, thickness of stool. Also include stool breakdowns in the form of constipation and diarrhea.
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
  • Nausea and bloating.
  • Bleeding of any shade during bowel movements.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Significant weight loss.
  • Anemia and iron deficiency.

If the patient has all the signs, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor to refute cancer or begin urgent treatment.

The disease is characterized by the formation of pouch-like protrusions on the intestinal walls. Doctors believe that the disease is associated with weakness of the intestinal wall. The diverticulum (sac) may grow and not cause discomfort to the patient until it ruptures.

Violation of the sac is accompanied by pain and bleeding from the anus. The patient may also be concerned about inflammation of the diverticulum when moving stool.

If the formation ruptures, scarlet blood flows out; if the diverticulum is in the colon, the blood will be dark in color. A broken diverticulum is extremely dangerous and requires urgent surgical intervention.


The disease represents changes in the intestinal mucosa due to the patient's old age. The surface of the intestine is characterized by the presence of destroyed vessels, their increased fragility and expansion.

Bleeding from the anus without pain can continue for a long time.


The presence of an intestinal infection in the body can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Weakness;
  • Diarrhea mixed with blood and mucus.

Preparation for inspection

Scarlet blood from the anus during evacuation without pain is a serious point that is worth paying attention to, as this may be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Specialists in this field are very attentive and polite with patients, so there is no need to delay going to the doctor. The inspection is carried out using special modern equipment.

Preparing for a visit does not require giving up food, following a special diet or choosing a morning time. It is enough to administer an enema yourself an hour before visiting the doctor.

You should not panic when you see blood on linen or toilet paper; you need to take measures to restore your health. Remember that it is better to prevent the development of the disease at the initial stage by resorting to gentle treatment.


The information in the article is purely informational. It is recommended that you consult a specialist (doctor) before applying the tips described in the article.

The causes of blood in the stool of an adult can be different. Bloody stool, or hemocolitis, is a symptom of many diseases that affect different parts of the gastrointestinal tract and occur with a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. The systematic appearance of blood in the stool is usually a sign of a serious pathology, therefore, at the first such symptoms, a comprehensive examination is necessary.

If blood appears repeatedly in the stool, you should consult a doctor - a therapist, proctologist or gastroenterologist. If necessary, a gastroenterological examination, consultation with an oncologist, infectious disease specialist or surgeon will be prescribed.

Bleeding in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract

By the appearance of the stool, one can guess in which part of the digestive tract the bleeding occurred. To do this, the color of the blood is assessed: the higher the lesion is located, the darker the blood. Stool containing dark blood (tarry stool, melena) signals diseases in the upper gastrointestinal tract - the stomach, small intestine or the initial parts of the large intestine.

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Ulcer perforation

If dark blood in the stool is accompanied by intense abdominal pain, a perforated stomach or intestinal ulcer can be suspected. In this condition, the stool will be significantly liquefied and dark in color. Ulcer perforation is a severe complication of peptic ulcer disease, which leads to the development of peritonitis - acute inflammation of the peritoneum. This is the most common cause of dark blood in the stool.

Perforation of an ulcer requires urgent medical intervention, so you need to know its signs. There are three periods:

  1. Pain shock- occurs at the time of perforation of the ulcer. Suddenly there is a sharp, sharp pain in the abdomen, aggravated by movement. Initially, it is localized in the upper abdomen, then spreads downward, possibly radiating to the right shoulder, supraclavicular region and right scapula. During this period, the patient cannot get up in bed and takes a forced position - lying on his side with his legs pulled up to his stomach. The abdomen is pulled in, the abdominal muscles are sharply tense and cease to participate in breathing. Body temperature rises, cold sweat appears on the forehead, blood pressure drops, and pulse slows.
  2. Imaginary well-being– pulse, pressure and temperature are aligned. Acute pain subsides, although pain persists when feeling the abdomen.
  3. Purulent diffuse peritonitis- begins 10-12 hours after the attack in the absence of treatment. The first symptom is vomiting. The skin and mucous membranes become dry, body temperature rises, and breathing quickens. At this point, medical care may already be too late.
Urgent medical care is needed when bleeding does not stop for a long time and threatens large blood loss.

At the first signs of ulcer perforation, you should call an ambulance.

Scarlet blood in stool

Bright scarlet blood in the stool indicates the development of pathologies of the lower gastrointestinal tract: ulcerative colitis, intestinal diverticulosis, infectious inflammation, benign or malignant tumors, Crohn's disease.

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane of the colon and is manifested by a destructive ulcerative process. Ulcerative colitis always occurs in a chronic form, so patients may not notice its symptoms for a long time or not attach importance to them. It is the appearance of blood in the stool that often becomes the sign of ulcerative colitis with which patients consult a doctor. Bleeding with ulcerative colitis occurs in 90% of patients, but the amount of blood can vary - from barely noticeable marks on toilet paper or streaks of blood in the stool to large blood losses.

In addition to bleeding, ulcerative colitis is characterized by:

  • mucus and pus in stool;
  • diarrhea several times a day;
  • constipation – occurs less frequently than diarrhea, their appearance indicates an inflammatory process in the rectum and/or sigmoid colon;
  • false urge to have a bowel movement, in which instead of defecation, blood with pus or mucus comes out of the intestines;
  • nocturnal bowel movements that interfere with sleep;
  • pain in the left side of the abdomen, moderate or weak intensity;
  • signs of general intoxication - fever, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, weight loss, dehydration.

Intestinal diverticulosis

Intestinal diverticulosis is a disease in which pouch-like protrusions form in the wall of the colon. This disease is typical for older people, since with age the elasticity of the intestinal wall decreases, and pressure on it associated with flatulence or constipation leads to the formation of diverticula.

The admixture of blood in the stool can be hidden; to detect it, a occult blood test is prescribed.

Diverticulosis can occur without pain, unnoticed by the patient, and moderate pain in the left half of the abdomen occurs less often. Abnormal bowel movements may occur in the form of constipation or diarrhea, as well as bloating.


Anal fissure

Another lesion of the lower intestine has similar symptoms to hemorrhoids - a fissure in the anus. It can be a consequence of injury to the intestinal mucosa with solid feces due to chronic constipation, infectious diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS), leukemia and other pathologies leading to deterioration of blood supply to the rectal mucosa. The development of anal fissures is also promoted by poor diet, leading to constipation, abuse of alcohol and tobacco products, anal sex, and a sedentary lifestyle. This disease is more common in women.

Anal fissures can be acute or chronic. An acute anal fissure usually occurs as a result of trauma to the rectum. It does not require special treatment and heals within a few weeks.

Chronic anal fissure tends to progress.

Bleeding with ulcerative colitis occurs in 90% of patients, but the amount of blood can vary - from barely noticeable marks on toilet paper or streaks of blood in the stool to large blood losses.

In the absence of adequate treatment, its depth is constantly increasing. Its symptoms:

  • severe pain during and after the act of defecation;
  • swelling of the anus;
  • spasm of the anal sphincter associated with inflammatory damage to the nervous tissue.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by damage to all layers of the digestive tube, the formation of ulcers and scars of the mucous membrane and inflammation of regional lymph nodes. Possible perforation of ulcers, which leads to the formation of fistulas and abscesses.

Crohn's disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, including the oral cavity, but its most common location is the final part of the small intestine, the ileum. This disease develops in both children and adults. Symptoms of Crohn's disease are similar to those of ulcerative colitis, which complicates diagnosis. It is characterized by:

  • stomach ache;
  • constant or nocturnal bowel disorder;
  • bloating, rumbling stomach;
  • streaks of scarlet blood and mucus in the stool;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • vomiting, which leads to dehydration;
  • signs of general intoxication - fever, sudden weight loss, lack of appetite, general weakness and apathy;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and oral cavity;
  • inflammation in the perianal area;
  • joint pain;
  • enlarged and painful lymph nodes.

The admixture of blood in the stool can be hidden; to detect it, an occult blood test is prescribed.

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer can be asymptomatic for a long time; in such cases, the tumor is detected by chance during a clinical examination. A screening test that makes it possible to diagnose intestinal cancer at a relatively early stage is a stool occult blood test - the appearance of blood in the stool is often the first manifestation of the disease.

If hemorrhoids were not diagnosed in the early stages, and if treatment for one reason or another did not have the required effect, the disease gradually becomes more complicated and becomes chronic.

As the tumor progresses, there is more and more blood in the stool, it becomes visible in the stool in the form of streaks, and painful sensations occur during bowel movements. Subsequently, bleeding intensifies, intestinal functions are disrupted, and pain appears. It is important to diagnose cancer at an early stage, so all patients at risk (people with a family history of colorectal cancer, as well as all people over 50 years of age) are recommended to have a stool test for occult blood once a year.

What to do if blood is found in stool

If blood appears repeatedly in the stool, you should consult a doctor - a therapist, proctologist or gastroenterologist. If necessary, a gastroenterological examination, consultation with an oncologist, infectious disease specialist or surgeon will be prescribed.

You should immediately seek medical help if the appearance of blood in the stool is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature to febrile levels;
  • intense abdominal pain, regardless of department;
  • other bleeding, such as from the nose;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages, hematomas;
  • general deterioration of health, disturbances of consciousness, weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting, blood in the vomit.

Also, urgent medical care is needed when bleeding does not stop for a long time and threatens large blood loss.

If blood appears in the stool of an adult or child, you should not self-medicate - this will not lead to recovery and will only increase the risk of developing severe complications.

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Blood that is released during or after defecation is a symptom of many proctological diseases; it is what patients most often notice.

If blood appears once and in small quantities, then this rarely causes concern in a person, but in vain!

Blood as a symptom of proctological diseases

Most often, blood during and after bowel movements occurs as a result of certain proctological diseases, which include:

  • colon cancer;
  • polyps;
  • diverticulosis;

The reasons why blood bleeds from the anus during bowel movements in the case of these diseases are as follows:


The nature of blood discharge can vary depending on the characteristics of the disease:

The nature of bleeding directly depends on the characteristics of a particular disease in the patient.

That is why, when making a diagnosis, doctors must pay attention to the characteristics of blood secretion in patients.

About provoking factors in brief

There are a huge number of reasons why blood occurs during and after bowel movements.

The main causes of this pathological condition are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or diseases that are infectious in nature.

The appearance of blood in stool is influenced by:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • intestinal polyps;
  • duodenal or gastric ulcer;
  • varicose veins in the esophagus;
  • tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal tuberculosis.

If a patient has bloody stools, but none of the listed diseases have been identified, what else could it be:

Bloody stool in an adult man

Very often, blood during bowel movements is observed in men; most often in representatives of the stronger sex, blood discharge appears as a result of the development of hemorrhoids, cirrhosis of the liver, peptic ulcers, cancer, infectious diseases, intestinal diverticula, Crohn's disease, etc.

If a man takes hormones for a sufficiently long time, then this leads to the development of this pathological condition.

A fairly common cause of such a violation can be a genetic predisposition. With increased acidity of the stomach of a male representative, he also has blood during and after defecation.

If a man has the first signs of pathology, he needs to immediately seek help from a proctologist. This will allow timely detection of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Women have a hard time too

Scarlet blood from the anus during bowel movements in women is a fairly common problem.

It occurs when a female representative develops polyps, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, polyps, and colon cancer.

This pathological condition is very often observed in women who are in an interesting position. This is due to the fact that the fetus puts pressure on the digestive tract. In most cases, blood stops flowing after the baby is born.

Liquid, bloody and painful

Loose stools with blood occur very rarely. This pathology can occur as a result of the body’s reaction to exposure to toxic substances.

If the development of pathogenic microorganisms is observed in the gastrointestinal tract, this leads to the release of blood during bowel movements. Very often, loose stools are observed with:

  • rotavirus infection;
  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • colitis;
  • gastroenteritis.

If a person eats low-quality foods, this leads to bloody diarrhea. Treatment of pathology is aimed at eliminating its symptoms.

Bloody obstruction

Constipation with blood is a very common occurrence in both men and women. Pathology occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the colon by feces.

The cause of this pathological condition may be the patient’s poor diet. If a patient develops neuroregulatory disorders or intestinal diseases, this leads to constipation.

A sedentary lifestyle is also the main cause of pathology. the patient just needs to lead a healthy lifestyle.

How to avoid missing the moment?

The first goal in treating patients who experience bleeding after bowel movements is to make a correct diagnosis.

For this purpose, the patient undergoes a study by a gastroenterologist, passes stool and blood tests. If necessary, it can be sent for ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of pathology most often consists in eliminating the causes of its occurrence.

For example, if blood discharge appears as a result of gastritis, then this disease is treated. The most common treatment used is drug therapy. There are times when there is a need for surgical intervention.

If you do not carry out timely treatment of pathology, then this can lead to certain complications.

For example, with cracks in the rectum, after a certain time, its ruptures can be observed.

A rather dangerous complication is a large loss of blood in the patient. This poses a danger not only to health, but also to human life.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid the appearance of blood during a bowel movement, certain preventive measures must be observed.

For this purpose, the patient needs to eat properly. He should eat vegetables, fruits and a variety of foods that contain fiber in small quantities.

This will promote normal digestion and stool consistency that will not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

A person also needs to lead a correct lifestyle. He should move a lot and play sports. All these preventive measures will limit the possibility of violations and, as a result, the possibility of blood appearing after a bowel movement.

During or after the act of defecation, this is a very serious pathological condition that indicates the presence of an upset gastrointestinal tract.

If you notice the first signs of pathology, then you will need to seek help from a proctologist who will correctly diagnose and prescribe rational treatment.

– the main sign of bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract. The cause of their occurrence, in most cases, are the anorectal region. In rare cases, such bleeding occurs when the upper gastrointestinal tract is affected, vascular pathology, or blood diseases.

The most common causes of anal bleeding include:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissure;
  • benign neoplasms of the large intestine (polyps);
  • colorectal cancer;
  • diverticular disease;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal infections (dysentery, amoebiasis);
  • traumatic damage to the anus and rectum (foreign bodies, anal sex);
  • (with massive bleeding);
  • extragenital endometriosis;
  • side effects of certain medications.

Characteristics of bleeding

Already by the appearance of the blood, its color, the characteristics of the content in the feces, and the time of excretion, one can presumably determine the level of intestinal damage.

The less the blood is changed and the less it is mixed with feces, the lower the source of bleeding is located.

Most common reasons


About 10% of people in the middle age group suffer from hemorrhoids; men are affected 4 times more often.

Its development is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, heavy physical labor, and pregnancy.

At the beginning of the disease, there is discomfort and a sensation of a foreign body in the anus. Recurrent rectal bleeding then appears. They occur during defecation or immediately after it. The blood has a bright red color; it does not mix with the feces, but covers it on top. Traces of blood may be found on toilet paper and underwear. The volume of blood released varies from a few drops to a puddle. Frequent intense bleeding leads to the development of anemia.

When inflammation occurs, pain occurs during defecation and persists for some time after it.

Mucus discharge irritates the skin around the anus, causing an itchy sensation, and contributes to the development of eczema.

Anal fissure

It is a linear ulcer located in the lower part of the anal canal.

Its main symptoms are bleeding and pain that occurs during bowel movements. The pain is quite intense, burning, stabbing in nature, radiating to the perineum, sacrum, and rectum. It lasts from several minutes to several hours.

Bleeding is usually minor. In this case, the blood is on the surface of the stool in the form of stripes and does not mix with it. Sometimes blood comes out in drops at the end of a bowel movement, leaving marks on paper or underwear.

Polyposis of the colon

belong to benign neoplasms of epithelial nature. They can be single or multiple, localized in any part of the colon, and are prone to degeneration into.

The main complaints of patients with polyposis are:

  • discomfort;
  • abdominal pain that does not have a clear localization;
  • bowel dysfunction in the form of alternating constipation with diarrhea;
  • stool mixed with mucus and blood.

Bleeding with polyposis is not intense. The blood is dark, mixed with mucus and feces, however, the closer to the anus the polyp is located, the brighter the blood. Bleeding can also be hidden, and quickly leads to anemia in the patient.

Colorectal cancer

Tumors of the large intestine begin to manifest themselves only after 1.5-2 years from the moment of their occurrence. Bleeding is a delayed symptom and develops at the stage of tumor disintegration.

The first signs of rectosigmoid cancer are spastic constipation, the stool becomes ribbon-shaped, and later mucus and blood appear on its surface. Often with intestinal cancer, hemorrhoids develop, which are extremely difficult to treat. Pain is not typical for this location and appears only with the development of intestinal obstruction. The tumor may not be detected by palpation even in the late stages of the disease.

When a tumor affects the right parts of the colon, the first symptoms appear very late and are nonspecific. Signs of intoxication increase (fever, accelerated ESR), lack of appetite, rapid loss of body weight. Pathological impurities appear in the stool: mucus, blood (usually hidden), pus, and sometimes the stool takes on the appearance of “raspberry jelly.” Later, pain appears in the right half of the abdomen, and the tumor is often detected by palpation.

Rectal cancer is characterized by nagging, burning pain in the rectum, frequent urge to defecate, followed by the release of mucus and blood. Blood does not mix with feces, but unlike hemorrhoids, it is released at the beginning of defecation. Feces may include pus and tumor breakdown products.

In most cases, it affects the large intestine, mainly its left sections. The incidence of the disease increases with age, affecting more than 60% of the population after 70 years of age.

Uncomplicated colonic diverticulosis is usually asymptomatic. Inflammation of the diverticulum manifests itself:

Diverticulitis is complicated by bleeding in 3-5% of patients. It is often profuse and develops suddenly. Signs of acute blood loss increase (weakness, pale skin, dizziness, tachycardia), and little changed blood appears in the stool.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

Inflammatory bowel disease with similar intestinal manifestations. They are characterized by an undulating course with periods of exacerbation and remission.

The main symptoms of diseases are:

  • bloody diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • fever during exacerbations.

With nonspecific ulcerative colitis, diarrhea with blood can be the only symptom of the disease for a long time. With Crohn's disease, bleeding occurs less frequently; depending on the level of damage, blood in the stool may be detected in the form of dark clots or bright red streaks.

In addition to intestinal damage, there are systemic symptoms (erythema nodosum, arthritis, skin and eye damage, sclerosing cholangitis, etc.)

Intestinal and other infections

Anal bleeding is sometimes a symptom of certain infectious diseases (dysentery, typhoid fever, amoebiasis, hemorrhagic fevers).

Infectious diseases are characterized by:

  • acute onset;
  • febrile fever;
  • weakness;
  • headache, muscle pain;
  • and other manifestations of intoxication: vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain.

In this case, abdominal pain always precedes bleeding. The blood is usually dark and mixed with stool and mucus.

Pseudomembranous colitis

One of the dangerous complications of antibiotic therapy. Most often it develops while taking sulfonamides, clindamycin, ampicillin, lincomycin, and cephalosporin drugs.

The disease manifests itself as cramping abdominal pain, intoxication syndrome, and severe diarrhea. The stool is copious, watery, and in severe forms it takes on the appearance of “rice water.” The stool contains pathological impurities - mucus, blood.


  • . Already at the stage of preliminary examination of the perineum and anus, anal fissure and hemorrhoids can be diagnosed. Digital examination allows you to evaluate the mobility of the rectal wall and the condition of the lymph nodes.
  • And . Allows visual examination of the rectum and distal sigmoid colon. Using these methods, the presence of neoplasms of the mucous membrane, erosions, ulcers, cracks, and signs of inflammation is determined. These methods also allow for subsequent coagulation of the bleeding area.
  • . The most informative method that allows you to examine the large intestine along its entire length. Thanks to its high resolution, colonoscopy can detect pathological changes in the intestine at the earliest stages, perform multiple tissue biopsies, remove polyps, and coagulate a bleeding vessel.
  • . X-ray method for examining the large intestine. Using this method, it is impossible to determine the source of bleeding, but it allows one to obtain information about the underlying disease (diverticula, neoplasms) that likely caused the bleeding.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

Normally there should be no blood in the stool. Any, even minor, bleeding from the anus is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

However, there are a number of situations when medical assistance must be provided immediately:

To undergo a routine examination regarding anal bleeding, you must first contact general practitioner or coloproctologist. Even if the diagnosis seems obvious and harmless (anal fissure, hemorrhoids), it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the intestines to exclude a more serious pathology.

Blood in the stool is a sign of intestinal damage. Normally, there are no red blood cells in feces. The presence of these blood cells indicates damage to the blood vessels. The most common cause is hemorrhoids. It can also disguise a more serious pathology (intestinal cancer). The presence of this symptom should force the sick person to see a doctor and get examined.


The gastrointestinal tract is long. Most often, streaks of blood in the stool are caused by damage to the lower sections. If the source of bleeding is located in the stomach and small intestine, clotted blood may be released in the feces. It is dark in color and appears in the form of clots. Blood in the stool of women and men can be visible to the naked eye or detected during laboratory tests.

There are many reasons for this pathology. Not all of them are associated with intestinal pathology. False blood in the stool can be observed when taking certain medications, vitamins and foods (beets, tomatoes, currants). Often other pathological impurities (mucus, pus, tumor particles) are also excreted in the feces. If blood is found in the stool, the following diseases and pathological conditions may be the cause:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • acute intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery);
  • Crohn's disease;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • colon cancer;
  • hemangioma;
  • polyps.

The discharge can be constant or periodic. Sometimes the stool becomes dark in color. It is black and liquid. This condition is called melena. It indicates massive intestinal bleeding. In childhood, this pathology is often caused by Meckel's diverticulum. The most common causes of melena in adults are neoplasms and peptic ulcers.

Duodenal ulcer

Abnormal stools combined with blood indicate the presence of neoplasms. These can be benign tumors and cancer. Their exact etiology has not been established. Polyps are the least dangerous, as they are benign neoplasms. From 2 to 20% of the population faces a similar problem.

A feature of polyps is their tendency to be asymptomatic for a long time. Some of them may undergo malignancy. Sometimes a pathology such as hereditary polyposis is diagnosed. With it, the number of neoplasms is in the tens and hundreds. Blood and mucus are signs of the presence of villous polyps located in the lower parts of the intestinal tube.

Large tumors make it difficult to move feces. Additional signs of polyps include mild abdominal pain and loose bowel movements. Fresh blood may be a sign of colorectal cancer. This is a very common cancer pathology. It is more often detected in people whose diet is dominated by meat and lacks dietary fiber. People at risk include people with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Finding blood in the stool during constipation is a common sign of cancer.

This symptom is observed when a tumor affects the rectum or sigmoid colon. The stool may look like a ribbon. Patients complain of discomfort during bowel movements, weakness, malaise, weight loss, bloating, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines. Blood in cancer is often mixed with stool. It appears at the beginning of bowel movement. If a malignant tumor is suspected, occult blood in the stool must be determined.

If there is blood in the stool, the reasons may lie in. This pathology is very painful. Cracks can be acute or chronic. The following reasons for the development of this pathology are known:

  • chronic constipation;
  • use of low-quality toilet paper;
  • eating rough food;
  • lack of fiber in the diet;
  • severe course of labor;
  • having anal sex;
  • proctitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • diaper rash;
  • hard physical labor;
  • staying in a sitting position for a long time.

The main symptoms are pain, itching, burning and bleeding. The latter is bright scarlet. The blood is not mixed with the feces, but is located on top. It looks like drops. The cause of bleeding is rupture of capillaries as a result of pushing. The harder the stool, the more severe the symptoms during bowel movements. Such people experience pain during defecation, as the mucous layer at the site of the crack is injured. Conservative treatment of cracks is not always effective. The chronic form of the disease requires surgical intervention.

If a person has mucus and blood in their stool, it is necessary to be examined. The patient is examined by a doctor and questioned. Carrying out instrumental research requires preparation of the patient. The main method for diagnosing intestinal disease is endoscopic examination.

Before performing it, you need to do an enema. The mucous membrane should be clearly visible. The presence of stool makes diagnosis difficult. If a fissure or hemorrhoid is suspected, a digital rectal examination is required. Sometimes blood clots are found during examination. For vomiting and abdominal pain, FEGDS is performed. This is a method for studying the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

When a neoplasm is detected, a malignant tumor must be excluded. Biopsy required. If the stool turns brown due to the presence of blood, then treatment is necessary. It depends on the underlying disease. For acute fissures, an important aspect of therapy is adherence to a strict diet. The feces should be soft so that the mucous membrane is not injured.

It is recommended to include compotes, figs, dried apricots, beets, bran, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. You need to drink more fluid. You can use olive oil. In case of diarrhea, foods that enhance fermentation processes are excluded from the diet. Baths and suppositories (Posterizan, Relief) and ointments (Ultraproct, Proctosan, Methyluracil) are used.

Sea buckthorn or petroleum jelly oil is often included in the treatment regimen. For chronic cracks, electrocoagulation or cryodestruction is performed. Treatment of hemorrhoids involves the use of suppositories, diet and the use of phlebotonics (Detralex, Venarus). For duodenal ulcers, antibiotics, gastroprotectors (De-Nol), proton pump inhibitors and antacids are prescribed. For Crohn's disease, aminosalicylates, antibiotics and corticosteroids are effective. Thus, the appearance of red blood cells in the blood indicates a serious pathology.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs