Which dried fruits are better? Types and names of dried fruits

We have known the Christmas goose surrounded by delicious prunes and the pleasant compote with dried apricots since childhood. Helpers of culinary magic are dried fruits, the names of which make up a huge list of delicacies known to residents of various places on the planet.

The requirement to preserve the harvest has long evolved into a tradition of turning fresh fruits into dried fruits. Fruits and berries available in a particular area were dried and dried, turning into a healing, tasty delicacy. Dried fruits were taken by sailors on long journeys, using them as an invaluable vitamin storehouse, delicious food. The development of the industrial capabilities of society has proposed new technologies for producing dried fruits, preserving in them all the beneficial qualities of fresh gifts of nature.

Types of dried fruits

Now there are no problems in purchasing dried fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, melon, mango, raisins, apples, pears. Raspberries, blueberries, mulberries, currants, rose hips, and many other types of products decorate markets and store shelves. They come with or without a bone. In the form of whole fruits, cut into pieces, slices, lumps. Fruits sprinkled with powdered sugar, scalded, glazed, and buttered. They are dried in the sun, in the shade, and made into fruit chips. Industrial technologies use pre-chemical treatment processes, which protect dried fruits from mold and pests. They last longer, but must be washed well before use. Drying methods include dried fruits dried in the sun (oftobi), in the shade (soyagi), and in loznitsa. These are ancient devices for processing fresh fruits on coals for a week. Used in private households. Dried fruits, dried in the shade, are soft, tasty, suitable for consumption without preliminary preparation. After exposure to the sun, the fruits become hard. It is best to cook compotes from them. Modern production facilities are equipped with special drying chambers adapted for the mass production of dried fruits, such as dried apricots, prunes, figs, and other types.

Numerous dried fruits are usually divided into two groups. One of them includes dried fruits. Another group includes various dried berries. Among the list of the first group of dried fruits, the following types are known:

  1. Dried apricots. This type of dried fruit is obtained from pitted apricot halves by natural drying in the sun. Large apricots, dried without seeds, are called kaisa. After drying, dried apricots should retain their natural shade. Too much bright color talks about the use of chemical treatment. The main suppliers of dried apricots are considered to be China, California, Asian countries, and the Caucasus region. There are different varieties of dried apricots on sale, differing in price. This is a table grade, first, highest, extra. They are produced using fresh apricots of varying quality. Dried apricots and kaisa contain a large number of calcium, magnesium, mineral salts. Sugars, carotene, iodine, other vitamins, fiber, minerals. Harmonious chemical composition Dried apricots, when consumed regularly, can improve blood composition and normalize processes in the intestines. Strengthen vision, relieve blockage of blood vessels, create a general strengthening effect for the entire body.
  2. Prunes. Increasingly, we use recipes for preparing meat dishes, drinks, salads, and pilaf that contain prunes. Slightly shiny black in color, the soft dried fruits derived from the black plum fruit have long been a culinary favorite. To get it, choose juicy, large, ripe fruits. They are blanched, cooled in running water, and dried in steam dryers. The quality of prunes is confirmed by the absence of a brown tint that appears when the drying process is disrupted. There should not be even a slight bitterness in prunes. Properly dried black plum fruit is considered a real gift for human health. It helps normalize work digestive system, cope with heart disease, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases. The high content of vitamin A has a beneficial effect on strengthening vision. The antioxidants contained in dried fruit absorb free radicals and serve as a preventive barrier against the development of malignant tumors.
  3. Dried apricots. The inhabitants of the East call dried fruit a fruit of beauty, a gift from Allah. Otherwise it is called Sheptala, kandak. In many of its properties, apricots differ from, for example, dried apricots. The apricot remains on the tree until the amount of moisture contained in it becomes minimal. A natural concentrate is formed, a clot useful substances. If you drink an infusion of wild apricots every morning, you can live more than a hundred years without illness. This is what the Tajiks think. The fruit of beauty rejuvenates the skin and hair. Sweet varieties of apricots are used to treat diseases of the nervous system. Sours relieve a person from migraine attacks, serve preventive measure against colds. In terms of the amount of potassium, apricots are considered a champion among other dried fruits.
  4. Dates, melon. The fruits of the date palm, valued by the world's population since construction Egyptian pyramids, are in constant demand among people. An interesting fact is the chemical composition of the date is different from modern species fruit found in Israel. Its age is about 5000 years. Unfortunately, this type of palm tree has not been found on the planet. Easterners considered dates to be “second bread”. The composition and beneficial qualities of the exotic fruit allow it to be the main type of food for humans for a long time. The energy volume of 100 g of dates is about 350 Kcal. Sweet, delicious fruits are not stored for long fresh. You can get a sea of ​​vitamins, minerals, and numerous beneficial components of dates through regular consumption of dried fruits. Melon is sold in the form of original braids and cubes. Among them, cantaloupe or dried Thai melon is considered popular.
  5. Kumquat. An orange-like fruit belonging to the citrus plant family. Their taste contains a slight sourness, similar to tangerine. The sweet skin of the kumquat is edible. Industrial plantations of dried kumquat fruit are located in China, Asia, Japan, Corfu Island, and America. Six species of the plant and several hybrid forms are known, for example, kumandarin, limequat, calamondin, demonquat. Candied fruits, marmalade, and liqueurs are made from healthy fruit.
  6. Figs The fruits of the oldest tree on the planet, called fig, fig tree, fig tree. feast on fresh fruits It won't work for long. They do not tolerate transportation well and quickly begin to ferment, losing their taste and beneficial properties. But dried figs have been known for a long time and are used in recipes. traditional medicine in the treatment of cough, anemia, as a laxative, etc. The healing abilities of figs are recognized by official medicine.
  7. Pears, apples. One of the common types of dried fruits used by peoples of different climatic zones. Used in home cooking in winter.
  8. Raisin. Dried grapes is considered the main representative of the second group of dried fruits obtained from berries. By useful qualities it ranks first among all types of dried fruits. Raisins retain 100% of the properties of grapes. There are various varieties of raisins available in the markets. For example, dark seedless raisins (cinnamon, shigani, bidana). Light seedless raisins (kishmish, sabza). Varieties of sultanas differ in drying methods and the type of grapes used. Kishmish white obtained by drying in the sun without pre-treatment. Tailed raisins are dried together with the stalk. This allows you to preserve the appearance of the berries. Each variety of raisins has numerous beneficial properties. Regular, competent use of it in nutrition brings great benefits to the human body.

Dried berries of rose hips, hawthorn, blueberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, currants, despite the price, are worthy for constant use. Very many of most valuable gifts nature can be dried efficiently at home.

Now on the shelves with exotic dried fruits, dried watermelon, lychee, kiwi, lime, pomelo, juba or Chinese date, and many other healthy delicacies attract attention.

Benefits and medicinal properties of dried fruits

Dried fruits and berries serve as a healing “pill” for the entire body at any time of the year. High concentrations useful elements provide all its systems necessary materials. Nutritional qualities, unique chemical composition, and the possibility of long-term storage have created the fame of dried fruits as a popular food product. At the right time, they come to the aid of diseases, for preventive purposes to the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, and intestines. They are convenient to take on the road. Along with a small amount of nuts, dried fruits will replace lunch and dinner. Even small children, starting from the age of 1.5 years, are introduced into their diet individual species dried fruits In winter, they are able to compensate for the lack of vegetables and vitamins. The main thing is to know the characteristics of the body, for example, a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence specific diseases, choose the right dried fruits.

How to choose and store dried fruits

Industrial technologies for drying fruits and berries use various ways their processing. Long-term storage of the product cannot be ensured without the use of sulfur dioxide, caustic soda, and numerous types of preservatives. These compounds are toxic to the body. To reduce them harmful effects You need to carefully examine the dried fruits. The fruits must have a whole, undamaged shape. They should be free of mold, rot and stains. Brilliant, bold look dried fruits confirms the use of fat, glycerin to improve appearance. A bright color that does not match the natural shade indicates undesirable chemical treatment. It is not recommended to buy such dried fruits.

It is recommended to store dried fruits in glass jar, away from straight lines sun rays, heating equipment.

All types of dried fruits are useful for people of any age. When going after them, it is useful to remember tips on choosing and consuming each specific type of dried fruit. Delicious, healthy treats should become a regular guest in every home.

Dried fruits are a tasty and healthy product, although they raise some questions among those who watch their figure. Indeed, the higher concentration of sugar compared to fresh fruit, on the one hand, and the mass of useful substances, and therefore properties, on the other, make you think. We will consider these subtleties.

Types of dried fruits

There are many types of dried fruits, like their fresh counterparts. They can be with or without seeds, whole or in the form of halves or small pieces, dried in the shade and under open rays, or even boiled in sugar syrup (candied fruits).

The list of their names is quite long (by the way, it also includes berries): raisins, pear, apple, rose hips, barberries, cranberries, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, cherries, dates, peach, banana, figs, papaya, unabi and many others. Let's focus on those that are especially useful in weight loss. And the vitamins in dried fruits are very diverse, if they are not chemically processed.

What dried fruits are good for weight loss

There is an opinion that it is impossible to eat fruits during a diet, and that it is generally unacceptable to consume dried fruits, because the first of them are sweet, and the second are very sweet. If you adhere to any specific strict diet(protein, for example), then of course, by definition, there cannot be any fruit in it. Otherwise, you should think carefully about this issue.

What dried fruits are healthy? Dried fruits are useful for dietary nutrition at least because they are a concentrated container of various useful substances that we so need for normal well-being. They also help suppress the feeling of hunger, and their sweetness, perhaps, the only way out do without chocolates and sweets (relieving attacks of irritability).

Eat certain types dried fruits that you should give preference to when dieting. First of all, with a low glycemic index (GI), because this means that the product is broken down slowly, gradually, is digested for a long time and does not cause a sharp release of insulin.

Why is it important? Because when large doses sugar entering the body, part of it is sure to turn into fat. At the same time, thanks to insulin, the body is only able to build adipose tissue, but do not split it.

That is why, if 2 people eat the same number calories, but the products will be different, with a strikingly different GI, they will lose weight (or gain weight) with different results.

Useful properties of dried fruits

The presence of a whole set of micro- and macroelements, fiber and vitamins makes dried fruits an ideal food, especially in the winter season. This product also boasts a balanced amount of organic acids and fiber, which, by the way, plays a huge role in cleansing the body of harmful substances, stimulates peristalsis and normalizes intestinal microflora.

Each type of these sweets has its own unique set of “benefits”, and therefore is often purposefully used for the treatment or prevention of not only vitamin deficiency, but also certain diseases.

The benefits of dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots are a nutritious product that suppresses hunger and gives energy. In addition, it should be added to the diet if the heart and thyroid gland are failing, or vision is weakened. It contains a huge amount of minerals that work for the benefit of the whole body.

Benefits of prunes for the body

Prunes have a positive effect on digestion and intestinal function, regulate cholesterol levels and give a feeling of fullness, and are an antidepressant. It should be consumed if the digestive tract requires attention, because it is known remedy to cleanse the intestines, and prunes also have antioxidant properties.

What are the benefits of dates?

But the benefits of dates are difficult to limit to any limits. They are recommended to be used to strengthen the heart, kidneys, and liver; for anemia, hypertension, cough, dystrophy; dates activate brain function, reduce risk cancer diseases, and are also a general strengthening agent. And this is not a complete list.
However, there is one “but”.

Dates have a high GI, which is doubly unfortunate since they are one of the most delicious and sweet foods. However, do not rush to exclude it from your diet. You can reduce the GI coefficient if you drink dates with milk or kefir.

These products delay the breakdown of sugar, thereby reducing glycemic index. This applies to all dairy and fermented milk products, but give preference to products with a low fat content.

Benefits of raisins for women

Raisin. Normalizes digestion and acidity, is a source of energy (a necessary component of the diet at high physical activity). In addition, it is useful for thyroid gland in view of great content Yoda.

The benefits of figs for weight loss

This fruit has an ideal ratio of nutrients, as well as (the only one from plants) omega-3 and -6 acids. In addition, it removes fluid from the body, reduces hunger, and helps normalize digestion. And most importantly, figs have a relatively small amount of calories and a low GI.

Whichever of these sweets you choose, remember that the portions should be small - up to 10 pieces of fruit per day. By chewing your food thoroughly and slowly, you will “deceive” the feeling of hunger, but will replenish your reserves of essential nutrients.

How many calories are in dried fruits

Table of calorie content and GI of dried fruits

How to choose dried fruits

It is no secret that food products are often treated with special and not always harmless substances. Therefore, the first thing that should alert you is an overly bright color.

Typically, this is the result of using sulfur dioxide (E220). This preservative may cause severe allergies in asthmatics, and also aggravate gastrointestinal diseases, as it destroys the mucous membrane. But if the product has an inexpressive color and a wrinkled, dusty surface, you can take it.

The second thing you should be alert to is an uncharacteristic smell or taste. For example, plum fruits are difficult to dry naturally, as they turn sour quite quickly.

Resourceful manufacturers dry them in special ovens - gas and gasoline - thanks to which dried fruits acquire the appropriate taste, smell and numerous cracks in the peel where carcinogenic substances settle. Vitamins and enzymes die.

It is better to buy dates with seeds, and prunes and raisins with stalks.
Another alarming point is the unnatural shine.

This often applies to prunes, which are treated with glycerin or soaked in low-quality oil to add softness and shine. The coffee tint indicates that the fruits were scalded with boiling water, and this significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in them.

Dried fruits for diabetes

People with this disease need to be extremely careful when choosing dried fruits. Dried fruits can be eaten in moderation if you have diabetes. You will have to immediately give up exotic overseas fruits, as well as bananas, figs and pineapple. Prunes, raisins and dates can be consumed in very limited quantities (no more than 3 prunes, 1 tablespoon of raisins, and 1 date per day).

But unsweetened varieties of apples, currants and especially pears can be eaten without fear for health, but also without fanaticism. The patient must agree with the doctor for a complete list of dried fruits that diabetics can and cannot eat.

This applies not only to this disease. A person suffering from several illnesses at the same time can cause harm to himself. For example, if in addition to diabetes there is an ulcer, it is better to exclude raisins altogether, and if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should also avoid dates.

Dried fruits during pregnancy

Of course, in view huge amount for all kinds of “benefits”, pregnant women should consume a variety of dried fruits in reasonable quantities, while paying close attention to their quality. The human body is complex and reasonable system, able to suggest what exactly he is missing.

Therefore, a pregnant woman should listen to her appetite and eat the appropriate fruits.
And yet, doctors especially recommend dates (not in last resort thanks to the substance oxytocin).

They are useful during pregnancy and lactation; facilitate childbirth and promote the mother’s milk production, as they trigger a whole cascade of reactions in the female body.

Dried fruits instead of sweets

What are the advantages of dried fruits over confectionery? Despite the calorie content, a very small portion of dried fruits will be enough to both heal and saturate the body.

In addition, without denying yourself sweets, you also get rid of depressive state, a frequent companion to diets. And unlike all kinds of cakes and chocolates, dried fruits are a natural product.

Dried fruit dishes

Dried fruits can not only be added to oatmeal, although it is both quick and tasty. Based on them, you can cook broths and soups, make pilaf and salads, and also prepare delicious curd desserts, without compromising the basic principles of dietary nutrition.

The conclusions are obvious: dried fruits can and should be included in the diet, especially for those who are losing weight or controlling weight, as well as pregnant women. And if you have any diseases, you should first consult your doctor.

Many of us know that dried fruits are useful product. Firstly, they are high in fiber, which stimulates digestion and metabolism. Secondly, they contain more minerals than fresh fruits. They contain a lot of potassium (needed by our heart), iron (which improves blood formation), as well as carotene and B vitamins. All of them are important for normal operation heart, brain, nervous system and muscles. Dried fruits have a cleansing effect on the intestines (one prune is worth it). They fight well increased acidity stomach, enveloping its walls with a protective layer. And plant fibers, which dried fruits are rich in, normalize digestive processes, improve intestinal motility and help with constipation.

Properties of some types of dried fruits

Dried fruits have many beneficial properties for our body. Here are some of them:

Dried apples contain a large amount of iron, which has a good effect on blood composition; improve intestinal microflora.

Raisin rich in organic acids, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and B6, C. It contains iron, boron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus. Helps strengthen the nervous system, helps relieve tension, fatigue, and improve sleep. Useful for pregnant and lactating women: it replenishes iron deficiency and improves lactation. Raisins have a positive effect on the health of the heart muscle, strengthens the nervous system and immunity.

Dried pears have a calming effect on the nervous system and improve mood. In addition, they have a tonic property and help remove toxins from the body. Dried pears are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, C, pectin, iron, iodine, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, and carotene. Useful for disorders of the pancreas, urinary tract. Help fight colds and reduce stress.

Exotic fruits also have mass beneficial properties. For example, figs help with inflammation oral cavity, when coughing, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Peach useful for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Dried apricots- it's not only beautiful tonic, this dried fruit helps prevent and relieve anemia, heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases, and also improves vision. Constant use eating dried apricots reduces the likelihood of vascular blockage and improves blood circulation; helps skin stay young for a long time and hair stay strong.

Prunes and raisins increase hemoglobin and are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Dry fruits are a mild laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Dates rich in vitamins A, E, group B, amino acids. They contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Dates are useful for people with weakened immune systems and anemia. They help relieve fatigue and speed up recovery after past illness, strengthen cardiovascular system, activate the liver and kidneys. Dates are believed to help prevent oncological diseases. Useful for pregnant women: used in the prevention of depression and help strengthen the muscles of the uterus.

From dried apples and pears compotes are prepared and consumed for liver and kidney diseases, gastritis and other digestive disorders.

But we must remember that during drying, due to the loss of water, the concentration of sugars in the fruit increases. Let's say, fresh apricots have 50 kcal per 100 g, and dried apricots - already 200-250. Plums have about 60 kcal per 100 g, and prunes - 250. Grapes have 70 kcal per 100 g, and raisins - 280. This must be taken into account by those who are on a diet.

In principle, this sugar is not so terrible: due to the abundance of fiber, the glycemic index of dried fruits is low and does not sharply increase blood glucose levels.

And now about the sad...

The real problem is that dried fruits are subjected to intense chemical processing to give them an attractive appearance. marketable condition and extend their shelf life.

Almost all dried fruits that we see on the market or in stores were obtained through industrial drying. After drying, dried fruits lose their natural colors, saturation and brightness are out of the question. Beautiful colour achieved only through chemistry. Thus, golden figs, bright orange dried apricots and amber color raisins are the work of food coloring and the result of fumigation with sulfur dioxide.

The usual technology for processing dried fruits involves fumigation with sulfur dioxide. On the packaging this will be designated as additive E220. With its help, manufacturers kill bacteria and make the product “unpalatable” to insects. This treatment gives dried fruits gloss and shine - sultanas and apricots become golden, prunes begin to shine. Of course, it is worth mentioning that the concentrations of such hazardous substances are strictly specified, and recommended doses should in theory not cause harm. But are you willing to risk your own health by believing that the nameless manufacturer was honest?

It is also worth paying attention to the shine of dried fruits. Real dried fruit has an unassuming appearance - these are matte, wrinkled slices. To make them shine, manufacturers treat dried fruits with cheap vegetable oils or glycerin.

To speed up drying, dried fruits can be processed with a burner, which gives them a gasoline taste and contributes to the occurrence of carcinogenic substances due to poor filtration. Often the fruits are dried in a tunnel oven (dryer). This gives the dried fruits a diesel smell. To soften some fruits, especially those picked ahead of time and therefore hard, boiling water with caustic non-food soda is sometimes used. This helps create fine cracks in the peel, which speeds up drying.

It is also common practice to soak exotic fruits in sugar syrups, which gives the product additional sweetness and calorie content.

So, when choosing dried fruits, pay attention to:
  • unnaturally bright color
  • unnatural shine
  • strange taste.

How to protect yourself

Rule 1.

Remember, high-quality dried fruits, as a rule, have an unattractive appearance. They are dark, wrinkled, and dusty. Too bright a color in dried apricots, raisins, or dried cherries indicates that they were most likely treated with sulfur dioxide or food coloring. Before use, soak dried fruits for 20–25 minutes in water at room temperature, and then rinse thoroughly under running water.

Rule 2.

When buying dried fruits, take a good sniff. The smell of gasoline and smoke leads to suspicion. Severely cracked dried fruits are a defect.

Rule 3.

In the store, try to buy dried fruits in transparent packaging - this way you can immediately assess the color of dried apricots, the suspicious shine of prunes or raisins.

Rule 4.

Pineapple, papaya, watermelon, mango and some other types of fruits that are now sold in large quantities in stores are not dried fruits in the true sense of the word. These are candied fruits, as they are first candied and only then dried.

Rule 5.

Before consumption, rinse dried fruits thoroughly to remove dirt, sulfur and chemicals.

Rule 6.

If you want to make compote from dried fruits, then you do not need to cook them. Just pour boiling water over them and cover tightly with a lid and let it brew well.

Rule 7.

Buy dates with pits, raisins and prunes with stems. Such fruits retain nutrients better.

Rule 8.

If you buy raisins, make sure that the berry always has a stalk. The berries should not stick together.


Dried fruits are concentrated foods, so they should be consumed in moderation. It must be remembered that dried fruits are a mild laxative and diuretic. It is advisable to dry fruits the old-fashioned way or using professional equipment. This way you will be confident in the quality of the berries. If you still prefer to buy dried fruits, then before consuming it is necessary to treat them with boiling water or soak them in water at room temperature, and then rinse them with cold running water.

Today, fruit drying is widespread. Almost half of these products sold are raisins, dates, prunes, figs, apricots, peaches, apples and pears. They are referred to as "conventional" or "traditional" which have been dried in the sun or in special wind tunnels. Many fruits, such as cranberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries and mangoes, are soaked in sweeteners (such as sucrose syrup) before drying. Some products are sold as dried fruits, such as bananas, papayas, kiwis and pineapples.

These also include nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios, Brazilian nut, hazelnuts, seeds, Pine nuts, peanuts, corn nuts, pumpkin seeds, soy nuts and macadamia nuts.

(You can learn more about macadamia nuts in this article).

They save most nutrients fresh fruit. They all provide essential nutrients and a variety of bioactive ingredients, making them a valuable tool for improving diet quality and helping reduce the risk of chronic disease.

These foods can be whole (eg grapes, berries, apricots, plums) or pieces of fruit (eg mango, papaya, kiwi, bananas). Residual water content can vary from 3 - 8% to a significant 16 - 18%, depending on the type of fruit. The fruit can also be dried into a puree or powder form. Another type of drying is used - sublimation (freeze drying). Fresh fruit is frozen and placed in a vacuum drying chamber. Heat is applied and the water evaporates from the fruit while the fruit is still frozen. The fruit becomes very light and crisp and retains much of its original flavor.

They are widely used in confectionery and baking. Manufacturing plants Nutritionists use these products in various sauces, soups, marinades, side dishes, puddings and food for babies and children.


  • Successful drying depends on warmth, dry air and good air circulation.
  • Choose fresh, fully ripe fruits. Unripe fruits lack flavor and color. Drying does not improve the quality of food.
  • Store them in tightly sealed containers and in a cool, dry place.

As with all preservation methods, drying causes some loss of nutrients. Nutritional changes that occur during cutting include:

Calorie content: does not change, but is concentrated in a smaller mass due to the removal of water.

Cellulose: without changes.

Vitamin A: Keeps fairly well at controlled temperatures.

Vitamin C: pre-treatment with ascorbic acid or lemon juice increases vitamin C levels, although losses occur during the drying process.

Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin

Minerals: preserved quite well.

For better preservation of nutrients in dry food products, store them in a cool, dark, dry place and use them within a year.


Apples contain many phytonutrients ( natural component plants that provide nutrition) that act as antioxidants, ridding the body of causing cancer free radicals. They are also great source fiber.


Are good source fiber, they also contain vitamin A, C and iron.


An exotic fruit, little sold in Russia. Mango is rich various vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which are necessary for healthy skin and the immune system.


Compared to other fruits, they have significantly higher levels of antioxidants, as well as important nutrients such as beta-carotene, folic acid and fiber.


While some fruits may lose some of their nutrients when dried, figs do not. Figs contain large amounts of iron, folic acid and potassium.


This exotic fruit is also not sold in Russia. Named the "fruit of angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya is an excellent source of antioxidants. Recent studies have shown that they may help prevent diabetic heart disease.


Blueberries also contain vitamins A, E and B, which are essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system.


Raisins without cholesterol, with low content sodium, high in fiber and completely fat-free.

Black currant

Blackcurrants are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and contain high amounts of vitamin C, manganese, iron and potassium.


Such plums are called prunes. They are an excellent source of vitamins and have the added benefit of regulating the digestive system.


Pears are a good source of vitamin C and copper, and are full dietary fiber.



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