The Pyramid of Cheops

The largest pyramid of Ancient Egypt is the Pyramid of Cheops. The volume of this pyramid is approximately 2,521,000 cubic meters. Its base area is 53,000 square meters. The weight of the pyramid is 6,400,000 tons.

Initially, the height of the pyramid was 146.6 meters, but due to the loss of the crowning granite block - the pyramidion - as a result of an earthquake, its height has now decreased by 9.8 meters and is now 137.2 meters. The length of the side of the pyramid is 230 meters. It is made up of approximately 2.3 million stone cubes, stacked in 203 tiers (originally 210). The average weight of a stone is 2.5 tons, but there are also larger ones whose weight reached 15 tons.

The pyramid was built in the 26th century BC. e. Pharaoh Khufu (2590-2568 BC), in Greek his name sounded like “Cheops”. Thus, for more than three thousand years (until the construction of the cathedral in Lincoln, England, around 1300), the pyramid was the tallest building on Earth. The volume of this pyramid is approximately 2,521,000 cubic meters. Its base area is 53,000 square meters (the area of ​​10 football fields). The weight of the pyramid is 6,400,000 tons. Its base rests on a natural rocky elevation about 9 m high in the center. The architect of the pyramid is considered to be Hemiun, a vizier and relative of Cheops.

One of the wonders of the world

Already in ancient times, the pyramids of Giza were considered one of the seven “wonders of the world.” The largest of the pyramids was built by Pharaoh Khufu (2590 - 2568 BC), in Greek his name was Cheops. Currently, the height of the pyramid is 138 m, although originally it was 147 m: the top stones fell during earthquakes. The pyramid is made up of 2.5 million limestone blocks of different sizes, weighing an average of 2.5 tons. Initially, it was lined with white sandstone, which was harder than the main blocks, but the lining has not been preserved. At the base of the pyramid lies a square with a side of 230 m, oriented to the cardinal points. According to some legends, the corners of the square symbolize Truth, Reason, Silence and Depth; according to others, the pyramid is based on the four material substances from which the human body is created.

There are no inscriptions or decorations inside the Cheops pyramid, with the exception of a small portrait in the passage leading to the Queen's chamber. This image resembles a photograph on a stone. On the outer walls of the pyramid there are numerous curvilinear grooves of large and small sizes, in which, at a certain lighting angle, one can discern an image 150 meters high - a portrait of a man, apparently one of the deities of Ancient Egypt. This image is surrounded by other images (the trident of the Atlanteans and Scythians, a bird-plane, plans of stone buildings, pyramid rooms), texts, individual letters, large signs resembling a flower bud, etc. On the northern side of the pyramid there is a portrait of a man and a woman with their heads bowed towards each other. These huge images were painted just a few years before the main pyramid was completed and installed in 2630 BC. top stone.

Inside the Cheops pyramid there are three burial chambers, located one above the other. The construction of the first chamber was not completed. It is carved into the bedrock. To get into it, you need to overcome 120 m of a narrow descending corridor. The first burial chamber is connected to the second by a horizontal corridor 35 m long and 1.75 m high. The second chamber is called the “queen’s chamber,” although according to the ritual the wives of the pharaohs were buried in separate small pyramids.

Pyramid of Khafre

The second largest pyramid of Giza belongs to Pharaoh Khafre.

It was built 40 years later than the first. Sometimes it seems that the pyramid of Khafre is even larger than Cheops. It's actually a little smaller. The side of the square base of the Khafre pyramid is 215 meters. Height - 136 meters.

The ensemble of the great pyramids of Giza is completed by the pyramid of Mikerin. Its construction was completed in 2505 BC. This pyramid is significantly smaller than its predecessors. The base side is 108 meters, the original height is 66.5 meters (today - 62).

The burial chamber of the pyramid is carved into its rocky base. The Pyramid of Mikerin emphasizes the greatness of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre. The latter are not difficult to distinguish from each other: the Pyramid of Khafre has partially preserved white basalt cladding near the top

Many years of research by scientists have shown how the pyramids were created. Stone blocks were cut down in Mount Muqattam on the other side of the Nile. The ancient quarries are still clearly visible. They were then transported by ship to Giza along a canal specially dug for this purpose. Recently, archaeologists found a pier next to the pyramids. The blocks were dragged onto the pyramid along an inclined earthen embankment.

The Great Pyramids are part of the vast necropolis of Giza. Next to them are several small pyramids, where the wives of the pharaohs, tombs of priests and major officials are buried.

Great Sphinx

Not far from the pyramids of Giza there is another famous monument of Ancient Egypt - the Great Sphinx.

Near the lower granite temple, devoid of a roof, lie the ruins of the Sphinx temple. And behind them, the ancient guardian of the pyramids, the Sphinx, a resting lion with the head of a man (Mamluk soldiers shot off his nose), turned his gaze to the east.

The Great Sphinx is a mysterious creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man, carved from solid stone. The length of the Sphinx from the tip of its paws to its tail is 57.3 meters, its height is 20 m. It is believed that the Sphinx was cut down during the construction of the Pyramid of Khafre, and its face bears the features of this pharaoh. According to one version, the Sphinx was fired upon by Napoleon's artillerymen in the last century. According to another, the Mamelukes, who ruled Egypt at one time, fired at the Sphinx from cannons.

In Egypt, during the Middle and New Kingdoms, sphinxes were often depicted with the head of a ram or falcon. For example, in the Karnak Temple a whole alley of ram-headed sphinxes has been preserved. However, the Great Sphinx of Giza is the most ancient of the Egyptian sphinxes. Apparently, the sphinxes played the role of guardians of sacred places. It’s hard to even imagine how many centuries have flown past this proud guardian of antiquity. And each generation settled only as dust from the sands at his paws. How many different faces and peoples he saw! Entire civilizations buried in the sands of oblivion.

Egypt is a country of ancient secrets, still protected by its sphinxes from overly curious eyes, but revealing its secrets to those who seek knowledge.

Which Egyptian pyramid was the first to be built? Ancient pyramid technology

The first pyramid, which gave rise to all Egyptian pyramid construction, is located at Saqqara, about 17 km south of Giza. It was built in 2667-2648 BC for Djoser, the first pharaoh of the third dynasty.

History of the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser

The invention of masonry dates back to the beginning of Djoser's reign. The Pyramid of Djoser is considered the oldest stone structure on Earth; its prototype was the mastaba of the pharaohs of the first dynasty, built of unbaked brick. At first it was also a mastaba made of stone, but then it went through five stages in its development.

First, the pharaoh's architect Imhotep built a large mastaba, similar to the previously built tomb of Djoser in Upper Egypt. This time the mastaba was made not of brick, but of stone blocks. Subsequently, during the reign of the pharaoh, it was expanded in four directions, and then made oblong. The decision to expand the building a fourth time resulted in a tomb unlike any built before. Imhotep built three more mastabas, placing them on top of each other, each smaller than the previous one. This is how the first pyramid appeared, which became the prototype of all Egyptian pyramids.

However, Djoser wanted to make the pyramid even larger; he ordered to enlarge its base and make six terraces on its top. The pyramid was faced with limestone, which was brought from the opposite bank of the Nile, from the hills of Tura.

Design Features

To create Djoser's step pyramid, several independent layers of masonry were used, they rested on a central base of. All the pyramids that appeared in the future were built in a similar way - Khafre, Khufu and other pharaohs who reigned later. However, unlike later pyramids, here the stone blocks are inclined inward at an angle of 74° in order to give the structure greater strength. In the pyramids built later, the layers of masonry are arranged horizontally.

Djoser's tomb was located under the foundation, it was carved into the rock, and a square shaft led to it. The entrance to the mine was located far outside the pyramid, to the north of it. A massive ten-meter wall was built around the pyramid, and inside it was a square on which several temples and

Modern and ancient pyramids come in different shapes and sizes. To determine, which pyramid is the largest pyramid It would probably be correct to compare their heights. For example, the Transamerica Pyramid, with a height of 260 meters (85 feet), would undoubtedly be a strong candidate for the list of largest pyramids.

Many large pyramids, however, have a very large base (base) but not a very large height. But that doesn't make them smaller. The best indicator for comparison is therefore probably the volume of the pyramid. The volume of the pyramid can be calculated using the following formula:

Base length * Base width * Height * 1/3.

For example, for the Transamerica Pyramid, this is 54 x 54 x 260 x 1/3 = 252,720 m³, and this is not enough to be included in our list of the largest pyramids.

Many people think that using this formula it is not too difficult to determine the largest pyramids in the world. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Many pyramids are not very regular pyramids, they do not have smooth sides, many of them are step pyramids. Another problem is that some of the largest pyramids on Earth have not yet been fully excavated.

8. La Danta, El Mirador (0.9 million m³)

The El Mirador complex is located in the north of the Guatemalan department of Peten, near the Guatemala-Mexico border, 13 km northwest of Nakbe. El Mirador was the main city of the Mayan Empire, which flourished from around the 6th century BC. and until the 1st century AD, reaching a peak population of more than 8,000 inhabitants by the 3rd century BC. After a break in construction of several centuries, construction was restored, further buildings were attempted, but by the end of the 9th century this construction was completely abandoned.
The ruins were discovered in 1926, but little attention was paid to excavations due to the remote location of the site, deep in the jungle of northern Guatemala. Today the site is still largely covered by tropical jungle and the two largest structures in the El Mirador complex are: " El Tigre" And " La Danta"represent two large hills.

The La Danta complex consists of several platforms. The lowest platform is a 310 x 590 meter (1,017 x 1,936 ft) structure, 7 meters (23 ft) high and containing a number of buildings. The next platform measures approximately 190 x 240 meters (623 x 787 ft) and rises another 7 meters. Above this is another platform about 21 meters high (69 feet), which tops a complex of three pyramids, the tallest of which is 21 meters. The La Danta complex (70 meters or 230 feet) is slightly higher than El Tigre (about 55 meters or 180 feet), although La Danta includes a low natural hill.

According to some La Danta sources, the complex has a total volume of 2,800,000 cubic meters, making it one of the largest structures in the world. The question, however, is how accurate this calculation is, and whether the entire complex can be considered one pyramid. It could be argued that part of the lower platform should be excluded from the calculation as it supports multiple buildings.

7. Pyramid of the Sun (1.2 million m³)

Pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacan(Teotihuacán) and one of the largest pyramids in Central America. But, according to researchers, only a tenth of the complex is now open. It is believed that the original height of the pyramid was about 71 meters (now 64.5 meters), and the perimeter of the base was about 900 meters.

The name of this pyramid comes from the Aztecs who visited the city of Teotihuacan centuries after it was abandoned. The pyramid was built in two stages. During the first phase of construction, around 100 AD. the pyramid was built to almost the size we see today. The second phase of construction completed the pyramid, measuring 225 meters (733 feet) across and 75 meters (246 feet) high.
Pyramid of the Sun- perhaps not only the most famous, but also the most popular ancient monument in Mesoamerica. During the dry season on weekends, a whole line of people line up near it to get to its top and touch the life-giving flow of energy, which, as many believe, passes through the pyramid.

6. Luxor Hotel - Luxor Hotel (1228 million m³)

Pyramid Luxor Hotel was one of the first in a ten-year wave of new mega hotels to spring up on the Las Vegas Strip ( Las Vegas Strip) in the 1990s. Luxor Hotel opened in 1993, after just eighteen months of construction, and was renovated in 2006.

The hotel is an Egyptian-style complex consisting of three pyramid buildings and is the second largest in the United States. The top of the thirty-story black glass pyramid lights up every night, making it the world's largest floodlight. At the entrance, guests are greeted by a huge sphinx.

Luxor Hotel debuted as a complex containing 2,526 rooms, a giant casino district, an exhibition hall, restaurants and entertainment venues on the 2nd floor. The rooms are also decorated in Egyptian motifs, with beautiful panoramic views of the city from the windows of the rooms on the upper floors.

With a base 183 meters (600 feet) long and 110 meters (350 feet) high, the Luxor Hotel pyramid is significantly smaller than its famous model, the Great Pyramid of Giza.

5. Bent Pyramid (1237 million m³)

Bent pyramid located in Dashur, and is the second pyramid built by Pharaoh Snefru. Bent pyramid, created by Pharaoh Snefru of the 4th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, dates back to around 2600 BC.

It is interesting that the pyramid first rises above the desert at an angle of 55 degrees, and then suddenly changes its elevation angle to 43 degrees. One theory is that due to the steepness of the starting angle, the internal chambers and passages became too large, forcing builders to accept a smaller angle. This is a unique example of the first real pyramid, not a step one. It is also unique in that the only burial complex of its kind was created around it.

The base of the pyramid is 188.6 meters (619 feet) and the height is 101.1 meters (332 feet).

4. Red Pyramid (1.69 million m³)

Northern pyramid(or Red pyramid) is one of the largest pyramids in Egypt and ranks third in height among all Egyptian pyramids. This pyramid is located on the territory of the Dahshur necropolis.

Built by Pharaoh Snefru, Red Pyramid represents the world's first successful attempt to build a truly correct pyramid. If we talk about the name of the pyramid, it is associated with the unique color of the stone blocks from which it was built.
The pyramid has base dimensions of 220 by 220 meters (722 ft) and 104 meters (341 ft) in height. It was the largest pyramid in Egypt before the construction of the Pyramids of Giza.

What Really Makes a Pyramid Red Pyramid What's special today is the absence of the crowds that are always present on the Giza Plateau and the relatively unregulated access to the interior.

3. Great Pyramid of Cholula (1.8 million m³)

Great Pyramid of Cholula located in Mexico, and appears to be a natural hill topped by a Catholic church. This is the church “Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios”, which was built in 1594 on the site of the temple.

It is worth noting that Pyramid at Cholula is the largest in the whole world in terms of volume, it surpasses even the Cheops pyramid. Today, most of the pyramid at Cholula has been destroyed. Inside the presented pyramid there is simply a huge tunnel, the length of which is almost eight kilometers. All the giant slabs from which this pyramid is built are covered with amazing carvings.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, this pyramid is actually the largest pyramid ever built anywhere in the world, with a total volume of over 4,450 thousand m³. This is based on a size of 450 to 450 meters (1,476 × 1,476 ft) and a height of 66 m (217 ft).

The complex consists of several buildings built on top of each other, dating from the 3rd century BC to the 9th century AD. The pyramid at Chochul is the last stage of construction, which was carried out between 200 and 400 AD. During the colonial period, this pyramid was used as a cure for various diseases.

2. Pyramid of Khafre (2.21 million m³)

Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid in Egypt and is located next to Great Sphinx. These two structures can be considered together, since, most likely, they were built as a single composition. It was built forty years later than the Cheops pyramid. Khafre was the son of Khufu (Cheops), which is why his pyramid is located not far from the Great Pyramid of his father. However, the pyramid of Khafre surpasses the pyramid of Cheops in its inaccessibility. It will take a group of experienced climbers at least an hour to reach its peak.

Pyramid of Khafre While smaller than his father Khufu's pyramid, its position on a higher hill and its steeper slope make it a worthy rival to the Great Pyramid. The pyramid has a base 215.5 meters (706 ft) long and originally rose to a height of 143.5 meters (471 ft), but is now 12 meters shorter. The most distinctive feature of the Pyramid of Khafre is the top layer of smooth stones, which are the only remaining part of the body of stones on the Pyramid of Giza.

The uniqueness of the Pyramid of Khafre is that it is the most compact building in the world. With a volume of 16,292,000 square meters, the free space of the pyramid occupies less than one hundredth of a percent!

1. Great Pyramid of Cheops - Great Pyramid of Khufu (2.58 million m³)

Great Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and only remaining wonder of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Pyramid of Cheops is a masterpiece of engineering art not only due to its gigantic size. This pyramid was the tallest structure created by man for 3,800 years.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the most significant and famous of all the pyramids located in Giza. It amazes the imagination with its grandiose dimensions and unique design features. More than 2 million stone blocks were used to build the pyramid, over a 20-year period ending around 2560 BC.

There are a very large number of truly huge pyramids, both modern and ancient. The largest of them can be determined by many parameters, the simplest of which would be to simply measure the height. However, a more correct way would be to compare pyramids by volume using the standard formula for determining volume. True, there are also a number of inaccuracies here; many pyramids are partially destroyed, and some are still far from completely excavated. However, I present to you a list of the 8 largest pyramids in the world

8. La Danta in El Mirador

(0.9 million cubic meters)

El Mirador was one of the main Mayan cities from the 6th century BC to the 1st century AD. The peak population here was over 8,000. For unknown reasons, the city was abandoned at the end of the 9th century AD. Its ruins were discovered in 1926, but they did not become too popular due to their location deep in the jungle of northern Guatemala. Today everything here is overgrown with jungle, and the largest building here, the La Dante complex, looks more like a large green hill

The La Danta complex consists of several platforms, on the highest of which there are three pyramids, one of which reaches 21 meters in height

7. Pyramid of the Sun Teotihuacan

(1.2 million cubic meters)

The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest structure of the ancient city of Teotihuacan and one of the largest pyramids in South America. The name comes from the Aztecs, who settled here several centuries after the city was abandoned

6. Hotel Luxor

(1.228 million cubic meters)

The Luxor Hotel was one of the first mega-structures to appear in Las Vegas in the 1990s. In 1993, Luxor was opened after 18 months of construction. Inside there are 2,526 guest rooms, a giant casino, a showroom, restaurants and a disco club on the second floor. with a length of 183 meters and a height of 110 meters, Luxor is significantly inferior to the Pyramid of Cheops in Giza, after which it was built

5. Bent Pyramid in Egypt

(1.237 million cubic meters)

3. Great Pyramid of Cholula

(1.8 million cubic meters)

The Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico looks like a no longer natural hill, on top of which a Catholic church is built. According to the Guinness Book of Records, this temple is actually the largest pyramid in the world. Its total volume was estimated at 4.45 million cubic meters

However, during subsequent excavations and research, scientists came to the conclusion that the complex consists of several structures built on top of each other at different periods of time, and the base of the pyramid itself is much smaller in volume. However, even with such calculations, it ranks third in the list of the largest pyramids in the world

2. Pyramid of Khafre in Egypt

(2.2 million cubic meters)

The Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid on the Giza Plateau. Although it appears taller than the Great Pyramid due to its elevation, it is smaller in size. The length of its base is 215 meters, and its height is 143-5 meters. Also a distinctive feature is the preserved layer of facing stone in places.

1. Pyramid of Cheops

(2.58 million cubic meters)

The Great Pyramid of Cheops is the largest pyramid in the world, as well as the only remaining wonder on the list of 7 ancient wonders of the world. Its construction was completed in 2560 BC, 2 million huge stone blocks were used within 20 years. The height of the pyramid is 139 meters, and the length at the base is 230 meters

change from 03/29/2016 (make simple geometric constructions)

The Great Pyramid is considered the largest stone structure on Earth. Its base covers an area 52.609 m2- the equivalent of seven blocks of the business center of New York (Manhattan), and the height is equal to the height of a 40-story building. The construction took 2.3 million limestone and granite blocks, each of which weighed from 2.5 to 70 tons, the total weight was about 6.3 million tons. No modern crane is capable of lifting stones of such mass; it will simply tip over. The bedrock beneath the Great Pyramid is so perfectly leveled that no corner of the pyramid's base is higher or lower than another within 1,75 cm. This leveling accuracy significantly exceeds the accuracy of modern architectural standards.

It is also strange that the pyramid was erected exactly in the center of the earth's land - on the true axis mundi. The east-west axis is located at the longest parallel, covering the largest area of ​​land and the smallest area of ​​water, passing through Africa, Asia and the Americas. The longest meridian on earth, crossing Asia, Africa, Europe and Antarctica, also passes directly through the pyramid. The probability of accidentally discovering such a perfect “location” is 1: . For years we did not understand the significance of this arrangement, but as we will soon see, it has to do with the flow and location of the natural outflows of the Earth's energy fields, which remain unknown to traditional scientists in modern times.

The faces of the pyramid are aligned with true north rotation so precisely that the discrepancy is only 3' arcs in any direction - less than 0.06%. Another “coincidence” is that if you calculate the average land elevation above sea level, taking Miami as the lowest and the Himalayas as the highest, you get the value 138,75 m - the exact height of the Great Pyramid.

When the Great Pyramid was completed, it was lined with 84,984 m2 of shining, smoothly polished white stones– in total 115.000 blocks of pure white limestone, average thickness 2,53 m. If during the day you caught a flash of sunlight reflected from the stones, it would be dazzlingly bright, justifying the name of the pyramid Ta Khut or “Light”. The reflections could be seen from the mountains of Israel hundreds of kilometers away. Although some of the facing stones weighed 16 tons to fit one another, all six edges were cut so perfectly that the gaps between them were only 0,17 cm - narrower than a human nail. This is how Sir Flinders Petrie described it in the late 1800s: “the finest optical work on the scale of centimeters,” likening it to the precision of turning telescope lenses. Richard S. Hoagland pointed out that even the tiles on NASA's space shuttle did not fit together with such precision. And what’s even more surprising is that the gaps are not empty, they are filled with incredibly strong cement. There are still no known ways to place the solution into gaps measuring 0.17 cm and evenly adjust areas measuring 1.5 x 2.13 m in the vertical direction. And if you are foolish enough to smash the veneer stones with a jackhammer, you will find that the limestone itself will crumble first, and then the cement.

Make simple geometric constructions and you will understand - how did the builders cover the pyramid with cladding made of hexagonal slabs? Obviously, the highest precision had to be observed when layer-by-layer laying the rectangular blocks of the body of the pyramid, and in each layer for further installation of the cladding slabs it was necessary to make the outer layer of the rectangular blocks not even, but jagged. It is very difficult. In addition, the back planes of the facing tiles exactly matched the planes of the pyramid blocks. This is all very much reminiscent of the design of a reflector and waveguide.

Even more difficult was installing the hexagonal plates themselves. Not only did they have to have a smooth polished surface, but their shape itself had to be perfect - all sizes and angles, including a single cladding angle of 52 degrees. We repeat - there were 115 thousand cladding slabs! Each weighing 16 tons! And each slab of brittle limestone had to be absolutely accurate, and absolutely precisely, not scratched or damaged during transportation, slinging and installation, mounted in its place!

Despite all the undeniable grandeur and complexity of the task of building a pyramid, for some reason the builders needed to cover it hexagonal slabs. For what? Rectangular ones are both simpler and easier, but here they are so complicated. Or was there some serious reason that the pyramid could only be faced with hexagonal slabs? Was. And more than serious - the pyramid, like a giant focusing crystal, used the wave radiation of the environment, and primarily the radiation of higher space, i.e. the principle of interdimensional energy transfer was implemented in the pyramids, and the pyramid could not work in principle with any other cladding plates other than a hexagonal one!

Why? Yes, because the same principle of energy transfer was implemented in the pyramid as in the DNA of living matter, which has “antenna modules”. It is the ability of a living thing to receive for its functioning the energy of a neighboring space, a higher energy level, that is the fundamental and main difference between living and non-living things. Skipping all the scientific calculations that can be found in the works of Yu. Babikov on the biology of living things, we present the chemical formula of a biological transmitter and its similar diagram through the eyes of a physicist.

Have you noticed that the structural formula of adenosine triphosphoric acid necessarily contains a benzene hexagon ring? And there are two pentagonal ones - in two perpendicular planes. Here are the antenna wave elements that activate the basic reference torsion vectors of our space. Only in conjunction with them can the penta-receiver of the higher field antenna module work. So in the pyramid - the volumetric mesh of the honeycomb lining is precisely such an antenna element, and the queen’s chamber is the penta-receiver. Without the hexagonal casing, the entire subsequent scheme simply would not work. And the writings applied to the cladding apparently played the role of filters or resonators of specific types of energy.

Moreover, it could work like a cell phone, but much more powerful. A person lay down in a granite sarcophagus and then the pyramid had to be turned on. And it turns on from a magical note, which is included in the chord of the planet’s own frequency. The sound of this note causes the pyramid to vibrate. Further, thanks to the quartzite filling of the granite blocks from which it is composed, an energy flow arises. It excites high-frequency vibrations in the pyramid, essentially torsion ones, which are capable of transporting any information over vast distances, be it in sounds or images.

Now look at the new telescope named after. James Webb Space Telescope - JWST. The hexagonal beryllium mirrors are coated with a thin layer of gold to achieve a high degree of infrared light reflection. JWST's scientific missions include studies of processes in the early Universe and the properties of planets orbiting nearby stars.

Remember when we wrote about the ring pulse focusing transmitter, once built by a lost civilization around Saturn? What do we see at the pole of Saturn? Hexagonal ring structures, albeit of a slightly different level and order. But this doesn’t change the essence. This is the source of interdimensional energy.

But we digress. Realize how fantastic this may sound. It is one thing to see the pyramid as it is now, a gigantic mass of decaying stone blocks. It's quite another to see it in its pristine form - a giant shining white structure in the desert, nothing like other technological advances we see on earth, whether from ancient times or in our modern world. Fortunately, many people saw facing stones in their original form and recorded their observations for centuries. This story can be found in the book “Secrets of the Great Pyramid of Cheops” by Peter Tompkins.

According to Tompkins, unlike marble, which is susceptible to erosion by time and weather, limestone becomes harder and smoother over time—think of the magnificent stalactites and stalagmites found in underground caves. Therefore, over the centuries, the pyramid has not looked any more boring since its construction. Around 440 BC, Herodotus wrote that the facing stones of the pyramid were completely polished, and the joints between them were so thin that they were difficult to see with the naked eye. In the thirteenth century, the Arab historian Abd al-Latif said that despite polishing, these the stones are covered with mysterious incomprehensible writings, and there are enough of them to fill ten thousand buildings. His colleagues believed that these writings were graffiti left by myriad tourists of antiquity. In the early 1300s, the Dominican friar William Boldencil visited the pyramid. He noted in his notes compiled in 1336 that the surface of the Pyramid is covered with strange symbols inscribed in orderly rows. Over time, when the casing stones were lost, any hope of recording these mysterious symbols for future decipherment and study disappeared.

Diodorus Siculus, who lived in the era following the era of Christ, wrote that the stone facing was “complete and untouched by the slightest destruction.” The Roman naturalist Pliny observed how local boys climbed the polished edges to the great delight of tourists. Around 24 AD, Strabo visited Egypt. He wrote that on the northern edge of the pyramid there was an entrance door mounted on hinges. It could have been raised, but it was difficult to distinguish with the eye against the background of the surrounding masonry.

There are three different chambers inside the Great Pyramid. The largest of these is known as the King's Chamber, which is the only part of the pyramid made of red granite due to its high strength. In the 1990s, Bernard Peach analyzed twenty different stones on the floor of the King's Chamber and made a fascinating discovery. Strangely, although all the stones were either square or rectangular, they are all different sizes, except that you have identical pairs on either side. The stones are laid in a series of six different rows, and each row is different in width. In Anatomy of the King's Chamber, Peach presents stunningly complex and comprehensive evidence that the dimensions of the stones encode the measurements of Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, including the periods of their orbits.

Inside the King's Chamber is an empty stone sarcophagus, carved from extremely durable chocolate brown granite and estimated to weigh three tons. Thanks to ring-drilling marks found inside, engineer Christopher Dunn calculated that the sarcophagus was carved using a tubular drilling technique that could cut granite five hundred times faster than any technology available to us today. Skeptics believe that in Egypt this could have been done with a diamond-tipped drill, despite the impossibility of achieving the required speeds with any modern technology. Dunn points out that the strongest material at that time was copper. Diamonds could cut copper like butter, but would barely make even a dent in granite.

The sarcophagus has grooves for a lid, but it was never found, as if it was never destined to be found. Many pyramid researchers, including Peter Lemesurier, interpret the open tombstone as a symbol of a time when there will be no more death, the coming Golden Age. The coffin is empty, and there is no trace that it once contained a mummy. The granite sarcophagus cannot be pulled through the Antechamber, meaning that it should have been built into the pyramid from the very beginning, which is completely contrary to any known burial practices in Egypt.

Although it was not discovered until much later, the north and south walls of the King and Queen's Chambers contain ventilation ducts extending at a sharp upward angle all the way to the surface of the Pyramid. They provided a sufficient supply of oxygen to freshen the atmosphere inside each chamber. In the mid-1990s, Rudolf Gantenbrink sent a miniature robot 65 m up the canals and confirmed that in the King's Chamber the southern shaft pointed to the star Alnitak or Beta Orionis. The northern shaft points to Alpha Draconis, which was used as a pole star in the third millennium BC. The northern shaft of the Queen's Chamber is aimed at Beta Ursa Minor, and the southern shaft is aimed at Sirius. All alignments date back to around 2,500 BC. This was the very last time they all aligned. According to ancient civilizations researcher Joseph Jochman: As Bauval and Gilbert have shown with the help of computer calculations, the constellation alignments captured in the air shafts for 2450 BC had occurred before, somewhere around 10.500 BC due to the precession of the equinoxes. The Cayce Reading of June 30, 1932 states that work on the Pyramid and Sphinx began that same year.

In the 13th century, an Arab historian compared the Pyramid to the greatest female breast, noting that it was still perfect in form, except for the entrance carved into it by Al-Mamun. The disaster occurred in 1356, when the first series of earthquakes leveled large areas of northern Egypt, turning entire city blocks into ruins. Earthquakes shook the Pyramid so violently that many of the facing stones broke and turned into a giant mess. The people were desperate to rebuild the city and used the fallen casing stones as raw materials to build a new capital, Al-Qahira (“The Victorious”), and to rebuild Cairo. Apparently, the already fallen stones were deliberately broken, since the quality of the limestone remained very high and provided excellent building material. According to the Frenchman Baron D'Anglure, who visited Egypt in 1396: “Some desperate masons destroyed the orderly rows of huge stone facing and scattered stones throughout the valley.” Two bridges were even specially built, which made it possible to drag the heaviest stones across the Nile River to camel caravans to deliver them to Cairo, where numerous mosques and palaces were built from them.

As centuries passed, the legend of the (once facing) stones turned into a superstitious myth. However, starting in 1836, Colonel Richard Howard-Wise excavated near the Pyramid. And this forever put an end to the objections of the skeptics. Wise discovered that the Pyramid was surrounded by debris piles of limestone and sand that rose 15 m above the base. He cleared a small area of ​​land in the center of the northern facade, hoping to get to the base and underlying rock of the Pyramid. There he found two of the original facing stones, ending forever the schoolboy doubt as to whether the Pyramid had ever been covered with a completely flat, polished white surface. The original blocks were still carved so perfectly that an accurate measurement of the angle of inclination could be calculated. According to Wise, “The inclined plane was as precise and neat in its treatment as if it were a modern work done with optical instruments. The joints were almost indistinguishable, no wider than the thickness of silver foil.”

Wise published detailed measurements and notes in 1840, and his assistant John Perring published his own book. These works opened a new era in Pyramidology. John Taylor, a gifted mathematician and amateur astronomer who worked as publisher of the London Observer in the nineteenth century, was already over fifty when Wise's data arrived from Egypt. It was then that Taylor began a thirty-year meticulous study of all dimensions relating to the Pyramid, in search of hidden mathematical and geometric formulas. Taylor discovered that if you measure the perimeter of the base in inches, it roughly equals 100 times 366, and if you divide the perimeter by 25 inches, you get 366 again. So what's the big deal about 366? It is suspiciously close to the exact length of the Earth's year - 365.2422 days. Taylor realized that if the length of an ordinary British inch were slightly changed, the numbers became accurate reflections of the Earth's year. Was there cheap math talk or priceless science behind it? That question was soon answered when a very timely “coincidence” occurred almost simultaneously.

Sir John Herschel, one of the most respected British astronomers at the turn of the nineteenth century, had very recently attempted to invent a new unit of measurement to replace the existing British system. He wanted it to be based on accurate measurements of the Earth. Without knowing anything about Taylor's research, Herschel used the more accurate measurements of the Earth available at the time and suggested that we use slightly longer than normal inches—half the width of a human hair, or 1.00106 British inches. Herschel literally shocked the French by basing his metric system on the curvature of the earth, which can be changed, rather than on a straight line passing through the center of the earth from pole to pole. The recent British Ordance Survey recorded that the distance of the earth from pole to pole is 12709.14 km or 500,000,000 British inches. It would be exactly 500 million inches if the British inch were a little longer. Herschel insisted that to obtain a truly scientific unit of measurement, the existing British inch should be officially lengthened slightly.

Fifty of these inches would be equal to one ten-millionth of the earth's polar axis. Twenty-five inches would provide a very useful cubit, capable of replacing the existing British yard and foot. Herschel did not know that in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid Taylor had already discovered the same units. Upon learning of this, Taylor became very worried. Now he has definitive proof that the builders of the Pyramid knew the true spherical dimensions of the planet and built the entire measurement system on them. Again, this suggests that the ancient Egyptians had much more advanced technology than we usually give them credit for. Lemesurier reported that in the International Geophysical Year of 1957, measurements of the earth from pole to pole were carried out with impeccable satellite accuracy, much more accurately than in Herschel's time. As a result, we now know that an inch of the Pyramid is equal to one five hundred millionth the diameter of the earth at the poles. The connection is so precise that the numbers are confirmed down to many decimal places. This means that the Pyramid was built to be a mathematically perfect reflection of the length of the year on earth along its perimeter. Such precise earth-scale measurements appear again and again and in the most obvious ways both inside and outside the Pyramid.

However, an even greater mystery is revealed when we measure the diagonals of the Great Pyramid, namely the distance from one corner, over the top and down to the other corner. It is 25.826.4 inches of the Pyramid and appreciably approaches modern calculations of the true duration of the precession of the equinoxes in years.

It certainly appears that the designers of the Great Pyramid intended us to use the Egyptian inch. By making the diagonals of the Pyramid add up to the precession of the equinoxes in Egyptian inches, they conveyed a message to pay attention to this great cycle. The same builders apparently knew the exact measurements of the earth and, therefore, could well have traveled the world, planting ancient myths in many ancient cultures. In Hamlet's Mill, Santillana and von Dechend revealed again and again that the hidden message of every ancient myth tells us to pay attention to precession, or what many ancient cultures called the Great Year. The Primitive Mountain, the Ben-Ben Stone, the Shiva Lingam, the Navel, the Baetyl and the Kaaba Stone, not to mention the worldwide symbolism of the pine cone of the Maya, Egyptians, Hindus, Buddhists, Greeks and Romans, also suggest a planetary awareness of what the completion of the Great Year involved would awaken the pineal gland. It now appears that the Great Pyramid is another way in which our ancestors tried to preserve this message for future generations. The Vatican seems to be aware of this as they placed an open Egyptian style sarcophagus directly behind a giant pine cone statue flanked by Bennu/Phoenix birds.

The giant bronze pine cone in the Vatican is much taller than a man and is surrounded by Egyptian symbols. At the base, the statue is guarded by two lions; they sit on pedestals covered with Egyptian hieroglyphs. Behind the pine cone statue is an open Egyptian-style sarcophagus similar to the sarcophagus discovered in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. The sarcophagus is covered with a protective plexiglass cover to prevent people who want to climb into it.

If the Great Pyramid truly tells us a symbolic story, then another obvious part of the message would be that it was deliberately left outwardly incomplete. At the top of the Pyramid there is a flat square area where the capstone, another type of baethyl stone, is to be placed. If we remember how well the Great Pyramid preserves the exact measurements of the Earth, it is not surprising that Peter Lemesurier, author of The Great Pyramid Deciphered, believed that the flat top meant that, like the Great Pyramid, the Earth itself was incomplete. It is likely that the people who built the Pyramid intended to return - perhaps at the end of the Great Year - to complete the work they had begun. The return of the capstone transforms the Pyramid from a hexagonal object - with a base, four sides and a platform at the top - into a pentagonal one. According to Lemesurier, in Egyptian numerology “six” means “imperfection”, and “five” means “Divine Initiation”. Considering that in the perimeter we see the exact duration of the earthly year, and in the diagonals the exact period of precession, we can assume that the cycle of precession will remove the imperfections of humanity, leading us through some kind of Divine Initiation.

Ancient prophecies do not predict universal extinction, they predict the onset of a Golden Age. Moreover, we have already discovered a number of significant technical details in the Great Pyramid, including the true size of the Earth, the exact length of the year, the distance from the Earth to the Sun, different planetary measurements, the alignment of the stars, and the precession of the equinoxes. This suggests that it was the builders of the Pyramid who were responsible for the spread of ancient myths and prophetic religious teachings throughout the world. What if the pyramid structure itself was part of the Message we were to inherit? Is it a working technology using science that we haven't yet discovered on a traditional level?

In the 1970s, the study of the possibilities of pyramids was derided by skeptics as a brief outbreak of gullibility on a mass scale. The story of a Frenchman named Antoine Bovy, who visited the Great Pyramid at the beginning of the 20th century, caused great excitement. According to legends recounted in many books about the Pyramid in the 1970s, in the King's Chamber Bovey discovered a trash can containing the corpses of cats and other small animals. Strangely, they did not smell at all, but simply dried out and mummified, did not decompose. If the Great Pyramid was a tomb, then the Egyptians did not have to work hard to mummify the bodies of their beloved rulers. Just put them in the sarcophagus, give them a little time to do the magic and pull the mummies back out, leaving the Pyramid to do all the work.

However, history has put everything in its place. In 1999, the former director of the National Museum of Egypt told a Danish skeptic that there had never been a trash can containing the bodies of dead animals in the King's Chamber. Moreover, although many authors liked what Bovey felt, saw and smelled when he discovered the trash can, the truth is that he never left France, and the legend of his visit to the Great Pyramid was created by other authors who misinterpreted his work. What actually happened was that at his home in France, Bovey built a 75 cm high wooden model of the Great Pyramid and placed a dead cat where the King's Chamber would be. He claimed that the carcass was mummified. According to the same Danish skeptic Jens Lajgaard, this was not a rumor at all.

“Thousands of people have tried to leave different foodstuffs inside the pyramid. They believed that the power of the pyramid would preserve the freshness of fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits and milk. Once in the pyramid, the fresh flowers retained their color and freshness. Moreover, it was said that after being in the pyramid, coffee, wine, liquor and tobacco emitted a more appetizing aroma.”

Despite skepticism, further research revealed that in the 1950s, Karel Drbal, a radio engineer from Prague, successfully repeated Bovey's “occult experiments” with several different dead animals. The carcasses were perfectly preserved. Drbal concluded: “There is a definite relationship between the shape of the space inside the Great Pyramid, on the one hand, and the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring within that space,” although he did not know why this was happening. Drbal also appears to have been the first to discover (in 1959) that dull razor blades were sharpened by jamming them into a pyramid structure made from a deck of cards.

At that time, many Eastern European countries had problems with good razor blades, so it was very interesting to see if the pyramid trick worked. The Czechoslovak Patent Office refused to allow Drbal to protect his discovery until the leading scientist obtained the same results, and rest assured, the latter did. Then Drbal was issued patent No. 91304 for “devices for sharpening razor blades.” Pyramid of Cheops made of cardboard.” In fact, when Lyell Watson wrote about it in his wonderful book Supernature (1973), these devices were made from foam plastic.

And that is not all. In 2001, Russian scientist Vladimir Krasnogolovets repeated Drbal's legendary blade experiment and, using scanning electron micrographs, proved that the pyramidal shape could change the molecular structure of the edge of a razor blade. Contrary to Drbal's discovery, it appears that placing the blade in a north-south alignment does not make the blade sharper. However, the east-west alignment had a clear, measurable sharpening effect, transforming straight, flat surfaces into lumpy, bumpy, undulating curves on a microscopic level. Traditional science does not recognize this effect.

Lyell Watson, author of Supernature, also repeated Bovey's original experiment with eggs, rump steak and a dead mouse. He found that “everything placed in the pyramid was well preserved, but the same thing, placed in a shoe box, soon smelled and had to be thrown away. I am forced to come to the conclusion that the copy of the Cheops pyramid made from cards is not just a random arrangement of cards, it has special properties.” Without citing specific references, Watson shares additional intriguing details on the next page.

“A French company once patented a special container for the production of yogurt, because this shape enhanced the action of the microorganisms involved in the process. Czech brewers tried to change the shape of barrels from round to polygonal. But they found that this led to a deterioration in the quality of the beer, despite the fact that the processing method remained unchanged. A German researcher showed that mice with identical wounds healed faster when kept in spherical cages. Architects in Canada report sudden improvement in schizophrenic patients living in the hospital's trapezoidal wards."

Could such exciting discoveries be true? Many other magnificent pyramids appear in Egypt and South Africa, and new research points to pyramids in Bosnia, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Russia and China, although many of them (with the exception of one in China) are covered with soil, trees and other vegetation, so they are difficult to recognize. Also, some may be natural mountains processed into a pyramidal shape. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is twice the size of the Great Pyramid, and the geometric symmetry of this unusual mountainous area is undeniable.

An aerial view of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, which is still not recognized by traditional archaeologists as an intelligently designed structure.

Why manipulate massive multi-ton stone blocks over and over again, stacking them into entire mountains in the form of pyramids, and/or building giant pyramidal hills out of earth, if there is no good reason for this? Why did many different cultures independently come up with the same idea of ​​building structures using techniques that are in many ways superior to our current level of technology? Once you start exploring the wonders that pyramids can do, everything makes a lot more sense.

Despite the facts, the whole concept of the power of the pyramids has become an urban myth. And this continued until 2001, when the website of the Association for the Study of the Pyramid of Giza by John De Salva first published the results of new sensational Russian research on the pyramids for the information of the Western world. The story begins in 1990, when Moscow scientist and military engineer Alexander Golod began building large pyramids in Russia and Ukraine. By 2001, 17 pyramids had been built in eight different locations in Russia and Ukraine, and by 2010, more than 50 pyramids had been built around the world, again predominantly in Russia and Ukraine.

All Hunger Pyramids are built using an internal frame of vinyl chloride pipes covered with sheets of fiberglass to create smooth edges. The construction also took into account the proportions of the golden ratio, the so-called phi ratio (1:1.618), which often appears in the growth patterns of living organisms, such as the spirals of shells. This proportion makes the Hunger structures steeper than the Great Pyramid, with an inclination angle of about 70 o. Twice as tall as the Great Pyramid in relation to the perimeter of the base, the Pyramids of Famine look more like obelisks, church spiers, or baetyls on Greek and Roman coins.

The height of the largest pyramid of Hunger is 44 meters, weight is more than 55 tons. It took five years and more than a million dollars to build. Construction was completed in 1999, using “non-conductive materials, without a single metal element.” Hunger discovered that any metal in the pyramidal structure greatly reduced magical effects, if not eliminated them altogether, as if it were absorbing some mysterious energy fields. This is one of the key design elements that can negate all attempts by skeptics to reproduce the effects of the pyramids. In the US capital, the Washington Monument is also built in the form of an obelisk. But it contains a lot of metal, so it is not nearly as effective as the Pyramids of Hunger.

The website of the “Association for the Study of the Pyramid of Giza” by John De Salva summarized the results of Hunger and many professional colleagues.

“Many different experiments have been carried out with the pyramids, including research in the field of medicine, ecology, agriculture, physics and others. What is significant is that they were carried out by leading scientists in Russia and Ukraine, who scientifically recorded the changes occurring in the pyramids.”

As you can see, this is not occult or armchair science at all, and is taken very seriously at the highest levels. A lot of time and money have been invested in experiments. The Pyramids of Famine provided wonderful opportunities for scientific exploration. The only tragic part of this story is that not a single traditional scientific journal published the results, despite the meticulous application of rigorous scientific methods. It seems that the main reason is that the power groups felt the threat that all the technological breakthroughs of these discoveries could pose.

Hunger's research was taken so seriously that crystals from his pyramids flew on the Russian space station Mir for more than a year. Later the experiment was repeated on the ISS. The Pyramid of Life website states that these studies were covered by “CNN, BBC, ABC, AP, Boston Globe, The New York Times and other international media.”

Back in 2001, reading about this research and imagining the great implications, it was realized that the pyramids were the most advanced technology ever used on Earth. They have always been before our eyes, patiently waiting in the wings, and only our ignorance prevents us from recognizing this advanced technology. Fortunately, many teams of recognized traditional Russian scientists did all the work for us. The results suggest that pyramid technology and its applications could save the world and significantly improve our physical, mental and spiritual health. Plus, they would leave no stone unturned about everything we thought we knew about our own bodies and science in general. The more you learn about it, the more wonderful the consequences become.

Imagine if you could take a simple drug that helps people fight viruses, and suddenly make it 3,000% stronger. This is exactly what is described in a study by the Ivanovo Research Institute of Virology at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nosik studied a natural antiviral compound produced in human beings called venoglobulin. When the drug was dissolved at a concentration of 50 micrograms per millimeter and placed briefly in a pyramid, apparently for a few days, it became three times more effective at fighting viruses. Strangely, the drug worked just as well when dissolved more and more, although usually ultra-weak concentrations, such as 0.00005 micrograms per millimeter, had no effect in fighting viruses.

If this is not enough, then the healing discovered by Professor A.G. Antonov and his colleagues from the Russian Research Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology seems like a miracle. In the hospital unit, they routinely treated premature babies with terminal medical problems who were given only days to live. Since scientists knew that the pyramid enhanced drugs, and that the drug itself was not even required, they tried something even more outrageous. Instead of using any known drug, they took a placebo (40% glucose solution in distilled water) and kept it in a pyramid. By applying just one millimeter of the solution to twenty different premature babies on the verge of death, they completely cured them all. Children who received regular glucose solution died as usual.

They wondered if the pyramid could somehow activate the naturally healing element in glucose? The only way to be sure is to switch to regular water and try to repeat the experiment. And one milliliter of “pyramid water” worked great.

And this is what one of the cabbage varieties looks like.

What happens when you put a living organism inside a pyramid? The medical group of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences under the leadership of N.B. Egorova wanted to find out. Two groups of ordinary white mice were injected with an extract of virus 415 (typhoid fever), in equal doses on the same day. The only difference was that one group of mice was placed in a pyramid and the other was not. Surprisingly, 60% of the mice in the experimental group survived, and only 6% in the control group. Even when using large doses of infection that would normally kill all the mice, 30% of the mice in the experimental group survived, and of those unfortunate enough to end up in the pyramid, only 3% survived.

Dr. Egorova also fed pyramid water to mice infected with dangerous carcinogens, which almost always led to the formation of large cancerous tumors. The control group was given the same carcinogens, but they were given plain water, which had never been in the pyramid. Mice drinking pyramid water developed significantly fewer tumors than mice drinking regular water.

No dangerous or disease-causing effects were observed as a result of this treatment. The Hunger Collective found that the higher the pyramid, the stronger the effects. But even the tallest pyramid was only a quarter of the height of the Great Pyramid. Of course, building a pyramid requires money, but compared to the sky-high costs of healthcare and the search for effective, publicly available drugs, the gamble is worth the candle. If just one millimeter of water is enough to save children from death, think about how much healing water just one pyramid can offer.


Miracle healings are just one piece of the puzzle. Remember the effect on the molecular structure of razor blades? Other quantum effects have also been discovered. For example, pieces of granite and crystals were placed on the floor of the tallest pyramid of Hunger for months. As seen in the Internet video, faint but noticeable white stripes appeared on the tops of the stones, which are usually red-brown. They did not appear over the entire surface of the stones, but formed a visible ring, perfectly aligned with the central axis of the pyramid. From the end of 1997 to the beginning of 1999, this result was repeated 40 times in the same pyramid, each time with a different breed. Each ring covered 50-3,000 stones with a total weight of 20 to 200 kg. The Hunger Collective has collected evidence to suggest that when the rings formed most clearly, the number of epidemics in the surrounding area decreased.

Golod also conducted studies of the air above the pyramid using a Russian instrument known as a “military locator,” similar to radar. A pillar of “unknown energy”, 500 m wide and 2 km high, was discovered around the pyramid. Unfortunately, Dr. Hunger did not explain what this energy is, since all the detection technology used is still classified. Later they discovered an even larger circle of energy around the pyramid, 300 km wide. The Golod team calculated that if such a colossal disturbance in the atmosphere were created by electrical energy, its creation would require the power of all power plants in Russia operating at their maximum capacity. Moreover, the ozone hole directly above the pyramid closed two months after its completion.

Hunger built pyramids over oil wells and then compared the results with nearby wells. It was found that the oil under the pyramid was 30% fluid, which increased productivity by the same 30%, since such oil is easier to pump. The surrounding wells, which did not have a pyramid above them, showed no changes. Hunger also discovered that the oil was much cleaner. Undesirable impurities such as fine coal, asphaltites and paraffins have been significantly reduced. The Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin confirmed the accuracy of the results; this is not a fiction.

In addition, the Hunger team placed seeds of agricultural plants in the pyramid, where they remained for one to five days. More than twenty different types of seeds were then planted on 10,000 hectares. In each case, the seeds that were in the pyramid showed an increase in yield by 30-100%. The plants did not get sick or suffer from pests. The same effects can be achieved by placing stones that have been in the pyramid along the edges of the fields.

Hunger and his colleagues discovered the following: everything that is harmful to life is transformed for the better if it lies inside the pyramid. Poisons and other toxins will miraculously become less harmful after even a short stay in the Pyramid of Life. Radioactive materials decay faster than expected. Dangerous pathogenic viruses and bacteria become much less harmful to living organisms after being placed in the pyramid. Even psychotropic drugs such as LSD have less of an effect on people who have been in or near a pyramid. If we remember that our thinking takes place directly within the Source Field, this antipsychotic action begins to make more sense.

Conventional placebo solutions (glucose in water) are becoming effective treatments for alcoholism and drug addiction. All you need to do is first keep them in the pyramid for a few days. Treatment can be done either through intravenous injections or simply by drinking liquids.


Now let's look at the discoveries made in other smaller Hunger pyramids built in Russia and Ukraine. In this case, the research was coordinated by Yuri Bogdanov at the Kharkov Scientific and Technological Institute of Relay.

In the village of Ramenskoye near Moscow, a 12-meter pyramid increased wheat yields by 400%. Radioactive carbon decayed twice as fast. The salts exhibited curious changes in underlying crystal patterns. The concrete became stronger. Diamonds synthesized in the pyramid were stronger and purer than ordinary diamonds. Other crystals underwent measurable changes - they became cleaner. I know it's hard to believe right now, but as we continue, everything we discuss will make more sense. Bogdanov and his colleagues found that rabbits and white rats became 200% more resilient, and the number of white blood cells increased. This discovery will be of great interest to professional athletes. The body's capabilities are increased without any harmful consequences that result from illegal use of steroids; Essentially, athletes become healthier. If knowledge of the magic of the pyramid were spread through national prestige and the investment of millions of dollars, what country wouldn't want its Olympians to enjoy the benefits of the pyramids, not to mention all the other professional sports teams fiercely competing with each other?

The Arkhangelsk region of Russia was experiencing serious water problems, and management was looking at the Hunger Pyramids as a potential solution. The water was poisoned with strontium and heavy metals. The municipal administration ordered the construction of pyramids in this area, and after a short period of time, people were drinking clean water. It seems the water remains clean to this day. The same thing happened in the town of Krasnogorsk near Moscow. There, a single pyramid purified all the salt that had polluted the water.

However, the magic of this ancient technology did not fully become clear until I read about what other teams working at the Russian National Academy of Sciences had discovered. They discovered that the pyramid protects us from catastrophic Earth Changes. Given the incredible destruction caused by hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and the like, there is no reason why such opportunities should not be explored on a worldwide scale. And if the skeptics come forward and try to say that you shouldn't try this technology because it is “pseudoscience,” my response would be, “How can we afford not to try?” How can we be so ignorant and overconfident of modern science that we completely ignore the power of cheap, easy-to-build technology that could save the Earth?

Here is one compelling example of what can be done through pyramid technology. Russian scientists compared the number of earthquakes in the same places before and after the construction of the pyramids. Surprisingly, instead of one strong earthquake, several hundred small earthquakes occurred that did not cause any destruction. The pyramids appear to mitigate the friction and geotectonic stress that typically causes large, catastrophic earthquakes beneath the surface, through a process that remains a mystery to conventional science.

The team of the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute in Moscow discovered the following. If you take seven pieces of granite weighing one hundredth of a gram, lying in a pyramid, and place them in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 1 m, the probability of lightning striking the circle decreases by 5,000%. They were able to confirm this by placing granite on a flat metal plate with an electrode connected to it, releasing 1,400 kilovolts of energy. Typically, when they turned on the power source (for a short time), the electrical current would create an “arc” and form a ball of lightning that would strike the metal plate and leave a molten mark. They carried out a hundred different discharges, and a circle of granite that had been in the pyramid protected the inner area from a lightning strike; there were five times less emissions - 5,000% efficiency.

Remember the 500-meter column of energy that forms around the pyramid, and the larger 300-kilometer column, which would require the energy of all Russian power plants to create? It seems that this huge pillar does not just “sit and rest”, it actively softens the storms and harsh weather around the pyramid. Incredibly, storms avoided this place. Imagine what this kind of technology could do for hurricane-prone regions. The cost of building the pyramid would be much less than the cost of rebuilding the inevitable destruction.

Another series of sightings adds even more mystery and intrigue to the puzzle. The aforementioned three-hundred-kilometer column of energy appeared around a 22-meter pyramid built on Lake Seliger. After a few months, the ozone hole above this place decreased significantly. As time passed, new water streams appeared in the surrounding countryside. The stork felt comfortable enough to build a nest. And most amazingly, the surrounding fields were covered with flowers that never existed, since they apparently died out long ago. In short, the earth was renewed, healed and transformed. This suggests that the life-giving energies collected by the pyramid had a significant impact on everything around the pyramid.

New pyramids or pyramid-shaped mountains are being discovered that are not part of traditional archaeology. In Nakhodka, one of the largest ports in the far east of Russia, two pyramids or pyramid-shaped mountains were discovered on the plain. They were called Brother and Sister.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Russian traveler, historian and anthropologist Arsenyev said that in ancient times these hills were holy places, and many travelers from China and Korea visited them to pray. The first Korean settlers said that these are not natural formations, they were built a long time ago, and people do not know who built them. According to researcher Maxim Yakovenko: “Then and now people say that on the hills they feel happy and healthy. And I agree with them. The sides of the hills are oriented north, west, south and east, like the pyramids in Egypt.” Tragically, in the 1960s, Brata's summit was blasted to remove stones for construction projects, lowering the height by 78.5 meters. Here’s the amazing part: After the destruction of the Brata peak (the hill is located 5-6 km from the city), the climate in Nakhodka changed in just a few weeks. People said that after the explosion there were very strong winds and rain for several days.” Apparently the weather has become very cold. This change fits perfectly with the influence of the pyramids on weather patterns discovered by Hunger and his colleagues. Even if Brother and Sister are natural formations, as soon as Brother's structure was disrupted, the weather changed noticeably.

The latest study I read from the Russian National Academy of Sciences almost drove me crazy. It demonstrates how closely our consciousness is connected with the world around us. If pyramids can dampen earthquakes and mitigate severe weather, they can do the same with tornadoes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Let's not forget that 7,000 people were able to reduce worldwide terrorism by 72% simply by meditating. If Russian pyramids are capable of exerting similar influences on human behavior without any human intervention, then we have a new connection worth exploring.


Could our consciousness be responsible for amplifying or even creating earthquakes, hurricanes, severe weather, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis? Does this mean that we have a cheap and easy way to help the Earth during this important transition period, so we shouldn't just hope and pray that someone or something will save us? Does this imply that the Earth acts as a feedback mechanism to our consciousness? Is our collective “disease” manifesting as destructive Earth Changes? Is the absence of love reflected in the universal mirror? Is the coming Golden Age enough time for humans to move to a positive, loving attitude that will protect us from further problems?

The National Russian Academy of Sciences has confirmed that the energy of the pyramids can mitigate criminal behavior and enhance feelings of love and peace. Here's what they did: They kept granite and other crystalline structures in a pyramid and then placed them in and around some prisons in Russia, which housed a total of about 5 thousand prisoners. According to a summary of the results published on the Pyramid Research Association website: “After a few months, crime had almost disappeared and behavior had improved.” In the prisons themselves, nothing has changed except for the granite charged in the pyramids placed around.

This last study of prisoners is one of the most significant points once you combine it with the Source Field information we shared in the first five chapters of the book. Somehow, feelings of love and peace, which are usually considered abstract emotional phenomena of a strictly psychological nature, have a direct impact on our environment. The energies of the pyramids create a measurable improvement in criminal behavior, as did the 7,000 person meditation we discussed earlier, which reduced international terrorism by 72%. Armed with this knowledge, we can heal the Earth. It is as if life itself has an as yet undiscovered energy field that maintains its existence and is emitted directly from the earth, where it is then captured by unique pyramidal structures. It is possible to quickly reduce radiation, patch ozone holes, mitigate or even eliminate earthquakes and severe weather, purify water, increase crop yields, alleviate disease, make buildings stronger and safer, and greatly reduce, if not eliminate, crime, terrorism, and mental illness. We habitually believe that all these problems must be dealt with separately, and the ability to cope with them exceeds the capabilities of one person. Now everything can be seen as part of an interconnected whole.

Once you realize all the possibilities of the new science, it becomes clear why many ancient cultures made enormous sacrifices and built giant pyramids, mounds, standing stones and other forms of megaliths around the world. It appears that natural crystalline materials such as limestone and granite are the most effective building materials we can find to construct the best and most durable Source Field generators. The laws of physics that make the power of the pyramids a reality can work on any planet that supports life at any time - past, present and future. Therefore, it is very possible that pyramids will be found throughout the Universe. It seems that we are only now turning to the science behind the pyramids.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs