Reduce intraocular pressure. How to reduce eye pressure: lower the level of the indicator with medication and folk remedies

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous for your health.

Everyone who is familiar with this problem should know how to reduce eye pressure. There are many ways to normalize eye pressure, ranging from conservative treatment, laser therapy and ending with surgery. The goal of pharmacotherapy is to lower the pressure inside the eye to normal values ​​in order to reduce the risk of damage to the optic nerve. If simple methods do not help, surgical treatment is necessary.

High eye pressure is the main cause of glaucoma.

Permissible values ​​of intraocular pressure are in the range between 11 and 21 mm Hg. Art. They depend on the time of day, the rhythm of the heart, blood pressure and respiration. Daily fluctuations should not exceed 5 mm Hg. Art. The highest values ​​occur in the first half of the day - between 8 and 12. The level of intraocular pressure is affected by the production of intraocular fluid and the rate of its outflow.

Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of irreversible blindness in the world. It is defined as a group of diseases of different course, caused by different reasons, among which a common feature is the presence of specific damage to the optic nerve.

There are many methods for classifying glaucoma: anatomical, biochemical, genetic, molecular criteria are taken into account. Glaucoma can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital glaucoma is associated with the presence of an anomaly of a developing nature. There is a division of glaucoma into primary and secondary. Primary glaucoma usually occurs on both sides and is not associated with eye diseases that impede the outflow of aqueous humor. Secondary glaucoma affects, as a rule, one eye, is caused by difficulty in the outflow of aqueous humor. In addition, open or closed glaucoma is distinguished, depending on the state of the anterior chamber.

The implementation of the appropriate treatment should be well thought out by the ophthalmologist. The choice of therapy depends not only on the type of glaucoma, but also on the general diseases of the patient. The risks associated with the treatment being carried out should always be compared with the expected results.

The more advanced the changes in the disease are at the time of diagnosis, the lower the target pressure level should be to retard the progress of the disease.

How to lower eye pressure? Most often, eye pressure is reduced using drugs in the form of topical drops.

In the case of various types of open-angle glaucoma, laser surgery can be performed as an addition to conservative treatment.

For the effectiveness of the drug in the form of drops and increase its contact with the surface of the eyeball, it is recommended to close the eyes for 3 minutes after using the drug and instill it into the lacrimal sac.

Preparations for lowering intraocular pressure can be divided into several groups depending on their chemical composition and mechanism of action:

  • β-blockers;
  • α 2 -agonists;
  • prostaglandin analogs;
  • topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors;
  • miotics.

These drugs reduce the secretion of intraocular fluid, increase its outflow through the chorioretinal sclera or through the formed trabeculae.

Treatment usually starts with a single drug. If the intraocular pressure is very high, one or more drugs are included in the therapy. If the treatment does not help to lower the eye pressure to the desired level, then an attempt can be made to change the drug to another one. If monotherapy is ineffective, the use of a combination drug is recommended. Its effect is the total effect of its individual components.

Some patients may experience ocular side effects. They are very often associated with reactions to preservatives, mainly benzalkonium chloride.

In cases where high intraocular pressure poses a serious threat of loss of vision and there is a need to quickly reduce it, a general treatment is used. It uses carbonic anhydrase inhibitors that are administered orally or intravenously.

Laser trabeculoplasty is one of the most frequently performed laser procedures in the treatment of glaucoma. Laser surgeries facilitate the outflow of fluid in the eye.

This is a procedure with a high safety factor. Rarely, complications arise in the form of an increase in intraocular pressure immediately after surgery, peripheral anterior adhesions, and inflammation in the anterior chamber of the eye.

Selective laser trabeculoplasty is a procedure similar to laser trabeculoplasty. Its advantage is the possibility of repetition.

In the case of angle-closure glaucoma, the most common laser procedure is iridotomy. It consists in making a hole in the peripheral part of the iris with a laser. This allows the flow of aqueous humor from the back of the eye to the front. A contraindication to surgery is the lack of transparency of the cornea, a significant reduction in the anterior chamber, as well as the lack of cooperation from the patient. During the operation, bleeding from the vessels of the iris may occur, which stops spontaneously or under the influence of slight oppression. Rarely, there is damage to the lens or corneal endothelium, an increase in intraocular pressure, or the appearance of a mild inflammatory reaction in the anterior chamber.

If glaucoma progresses despite medical and laser treatment, surgical treatment is recommended. The most common procedure is a trabeculectomy. Due to the formation of a channel that allows the flow of aqueous humor to exit the anterior chamber, there is an effective reduction in intraocular pressure.

First of all, get checked out by a doctor. Regular eye examinations should become a habit, as early detection of the disease will allow for more effective treatment.

Use eye drops, which can reduce eye pressure. Consult with your doctor to choose the right drops for you. They can reduce the production of fluid in the lacrimal glands and moisturize the eyes. All, however, have one goal - to prevent an increase in intraocular pressure. The dosage of drugs should be observed, since their excessive use can, on the contrary, cause reduced intraocular pressure.

Limit activities or sports that can damage your eyes. Some eye injuries lead to glaucoma immediately, others cause glaucoma even after many years.

To normalize eye pressure at home, you need to avoid sugary and carbonated drinks, as well as caffeine and alcohol, which cause dehydration.

With high eye pressure, eye diseases develop: glaucoma, cataracts, which are accompanied by a decrease, or even loss of vision. Most at risk are people over 40 years of age, as well as those who have a genetic inheritance for eye diseases. Children sometimes manifest. The gradual decrease in vision is imperceptible.

Is it possible to lower the house?

It is quite difficult to check high eye pressure on your own, without the help of a specialist, therefore, at the first suspicion and feeling unpleasant symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist. For prevention and first aid at home, in order to reduce intraocular pressure, you need:

  • Avoid eye strain. When working, take breaks every half hour.
  • When working at a computer, follow the lighting. It should be bright, but not striking in the eyes.
  • With this disease, it is not recommended to go to the cinema.
  • You should sleep on orthopedic high pillows.
  • Do not wear tight ties, collars, scarves.
  • The use of complex vitamins is recommended to reduce eye pressure.
  • Go in for sports, but weightlifting is prohibited.
  • Do massages around the eyes.
  • Balance your diet. Add more fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products to your meals. Exclude: fried, salty, spicy, alcohol.

It is possible to treat eye pressure at home only after a complete examination and diagnosis. After completing the course of therapy, come for an examination to an ophthalmologist.

Methods of treatment

The problem can be solved by taking a number of medications.

Elevated levels in eye pressure quite often have a secondary basis. Their occurrence is caused by other diseases: injuries, tumors. Ways to stabilize intraocular pressure are as follows:

  • drug treatment;
  • ethnoscience;
  • physiotherapy.


All should be prescribed by a doctor, as they can cause side effects and develop unwanted symptoms. He also selects an individual treatment of eye pressure and monitors its course. List of prescribed drugs that can help with glaucoma:

  • Beta blockers. They help to reduce the synthesis of fluids inside the eye. They are often prescribed with another drug - prostaglandin. Available in the form of drops. With diabetes or lung disease, it can cause unpleasant consequences. Bright representatives are considered "Timolol", "Kumol".
  • Cholinomimetics. Medicines that contribute to the narrowing of the pupil and thereby contribute to the outflow of excess fluid from the fundus. Pilocarpine drops are popular.
  • Prostaglandins. Promote the outflow of intraocular fluid. Drugs that cause a rapid decrease, Travatan, Xalatan, Taflotan.
  • Inhibitors. Serve as an obstacle to the production of eye fluid. Side effects - redness and burning in the eyes, a bitter taste in the mouth. Representatives: Azopt, Trusopt.
  • Combined funds. Helps reduce production levels and increase fluid outflow. An example is Proxofelin.
  • Diuretic tablets to stabilize high blood pressure are used only as part of complex therapy.

Folk remedies

Honey with water can be used for local procedures.

To cure and completely get rid of the problem, only alternative medicine is not enough. Treatment with folk remedies is suitable only for prevention or part of complex therapy. Beekeeping products and medicinal herbs are considered more effective. Recipe examples:

  • For a compress, you need to dissolve a spoonful of honey in boiled water, moisten a bandage or cotton wool and apply to your eyes.
  • First aid to bring down the pressure - dill tincture. Dry the seeds of the plant, grind. In 500 ml of boiling water, pour 1 tablespoon of dill, insist until cool. Drink 10 minutes before meals.
  • A bedtime compress based on seeds placed in boiling water and left to cool completely.
  • Eyebright grass. Make a decoction based on this plant, moisten bandages or cotton pads in it. Apply throughout the day.
  • Grind 2 potato tubers to a puree state, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and leave for half an hour. Put this mixture on a bandage and apply to the eyes.
  • The use of fresh blueberries, compotes, tinctures from them will help.
  • Carrots help a lot. Grated fresh with a small addition of apples or sugar. Drink concentrated fresh juice from it.

The Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation states:“Hypertension is not a death sentence. The disease is really dangerous, but it is possible and necessary to fight it. Science has stepped forward and there are drugs that eliminate the causes of hypertension, and not just its consequences. All you need is… Read article >>

Eye pathologies are a fairly common phenomenon, because lately people have been constantly sitting, “buried” in a computer, tablet or phone.

In this case, often experienced stress can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure.

In medical practice, this disease is called ophthalmohypertension. Treatment of eye pressure should not be left "for later", because a decrease in visual acuity is possible.

Glaucoma (an eye disease in which intraocular pressure increases) is quite difficult to determine on your own, so if you feel unpleasant symptoms, you should contact an ophthalmologist who will tell you how to reduce eye pressure.

After all, folk remedies are only suitable for additional therapy or prevention of the disease.

Here are some tips to help lower eye pressure at home:

  • You need to sleep on a high pillow. Orthopedic models in this case are the best option.
  • When working at a computer, the lighting should be bright, but not striking in the eyes. It is advisable to put some green plant near the monitor, because it is believed that this color is the most favorable for relaxing the eyes.
  • With this pathology, you should not visit cinemas. This format of showing films negatively affects the eyes.
  • Tight collars or tight scarves and ties also have a bad effect on the eyes.
  • Eye strain must not be allowed. While reading or working at a computer, breaks should be every 30 minutes.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking should be avoided.
  • Start eating right. Increase your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and meats. Fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.
  • Play sports such as swimming, badminton, tennis or table tennis. Under the ban with intraocular pressure is weightlifting.
  • Perform massages around the eyes, using light strokes. Use a contrast shower, directing a stream of either warm or cold water to the same area.
  • You should take vitamins for the eyes.
  • Reduce salt intake.

An important point in the treatment of this disease is calm. You can not allow stress and do not be upset because of the little things.

If you can’t cope with nervous conditions on your own, you need to drink a soothing tea based on motherwort or lemon balm.

Medical treatment

Many patients are interested in the question of how to reduce intraocular pressure and do it quickly. However, the process of therapy can be delayed for a certain period of time.

For medical treatment, doctors usually prescribe eye drops. There are many types of them. Some help improve blood circulation, others - a rapid outflow of fluid.

There are also drugs that reduce the production of intraocular moisture.

In addition to drops, you should definitely take tablets, they have a similar effect. However, the result when using them is more effective. Only complex treatment will help normalize eye pressure, as well as stop the decline in vision.

Laser therapy is often prescribed. Such treatment helps to create additional channels for a greater outflow of moisture, and also improves fluid circulation. In severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated.

Traditional medicine methods

Folk remedies are ineffective in the treatment of such a pathology. They must be combined with medicines, after consulting with a specialist. The following tips will answer the question of how to relieve eye pressure at home:

  • The juice of several leaves of aloe should be mixed with warm boiled water. The proportion should be one to ten. Rinse your eyes with this solution for two weeks, five times a day.
  • Make a cocktail of beetroot, carrot and parsley juices. Add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and drink a glass of this drink every day.
  • You can use an eye compress. For him, you will need half a glass of nettle and lily of the valley leaves, in the amount of one teaspoon. They must be crushed and mixed with a tablespoon of boiled water. After that, you can apply such a compress to your eyes.
  • Tea from currant or rowan leaves. Drink this drink several times a day.
  • You can also relieve eye pressure with a honey compress. A spoonful of liquid honey should be mixed with the same amount of boiled water. Then soak a cotton pad in this mixture and apply on the eyes. Keep no more than 15 minutes. You can also rub honey into the eyelids with the addition of a decoction of dandelion.
  • Mix golden mustache juice with the same amount of water and make a compress.
  • An effective remedy is an infusion of dill seeds. They must be dried and crushed, pour boiling water and insist until the mixture cools down. Half a liter of water will need a tablespoon of seeds. This drink should be consumed before meals.
  • Mash two pre-boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes, add a small spoonful of vinegar and mix thoroughly. Leave for half an hour, wrap in gauze and apply on the eyelids.
  • You can make a decoction of motherwort and bury their eyes.

In order to understand how to lower eye pressure with folk remedies, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Only he will suggest effective methods of therapy.


To prevent the development of glaucoma and to reduce intraocular pressure, simple exercises to relax the eyes should be performed ( drawing pupils of various geometric shapes).

They should be performed two to four times a day, and also immediately after the onset of fatigue. These exercises will help you feel better.

The eyes must be closed. You can't move your head at this moment.

The first 8 exercises need to be performed from 2 to 10 times (reps), the remaining 12 can only be done in 1 repetition.


Please note that after each of the exercises, it is necessary to perform a central fixation (or in simple words, blink quickly).

Blinking should be performed once every three seconds. You can first close the right eye with the palm of your hand, blink freely for one minute, then repeat this exercise for the left eye.

There are various exercises to reduce eye pressure:

"Fluttering eyelashes" (slight, frequent blinking)

When watching TV or working at a computer for a long time, the gap between blinks increases, which causes eye strain.

This exercise helps to relax the eyes and eye muscles.

  • Body position - sitting or standing:
  • Place your fingertips (without tension) on your temples. Make 10 quick and light blinking movements with maximum speed.
  • Relax a bit with your eyes closed and hands down. Take 2 or 3 deep breaths, relax the muscles of the lower jaw, as well as the eyebrows.
  • You need to repeat this exercise twice. No movement should be felt at the temples under the fingertips. It is important! It is not the muscles of the face that work, but only the muscles of the eyelids. During the exercise, you do not need to close your eyes.


In this case, you should focus your eyes on some close object and look at it for about ten seconds. Then abruptly switch your gaze into the distance, for example, at a tree outside the window. This exercise should be repeated every hour during work that strains the eyesight.

"Palming" (or eye biophoresis)

Exercise relaxes the eye muscles and improves the blood supply to the eyes.

  • Body position - sitting.
  • Rub your palms together for 5-10 seconds until warmth appears.
  • Close your eyes with both hands, relax. Breathe regularly and easily. During the procedure, the eyes are closed.

Moving the eyes from near to far

This exercise helps to restore the flexibility of the muscles that are responsible for the motor abilities of the eyeball, and the ability of the eyes to refocus also improves.

  • It is necessary to take the position of the body in a position, standing or sitting.
  • Make a paper cross measuring 10 by 10 cm and place it on the wall.
  • Stand about 40 or 50 cm away from the wall. Pick up a small object (for example, a pen, pencil, etc.) and focus on this object (do not take a mobile phone, as it can distract attention during the exercise, we recommend turning off the phone altogether for this time or at least turn off the sound). Then shift your gaze to the cross and back. We perform the exercise 3-4 times.

Focus on fingers

Stretch out your hand in front of you. Focusing on it, start moving your fingers slowly. This exercise is performed for about two minutes.


Exercise improves blood circulation, provides oxygen to the eyes and face. Strengthens the visual system, relaxes the eye muscles. Removes the feeling of fatigue.

  • Position - sitting or standing:
  • To begin, take a deep breath while closing your eyes as tightly as possible. Try to keep tension in all the muscles of the neck, face, head (including the muscles of the lower jaw). Hold your breath in this position for 2-3 seconds and try not to relax.
  • The next step is to exhale quickly, open your eyes wide and feel free to exhale loudly. Repeat this exercise 4 times.

Relaxation complex to reduce visual tension and restore visual performance

Exercise 1

General relaxation:

  • Sitting with eyes closed, relaxing the muscles of the face, leaning back in a chair, hands on hips;
  • Duration 10 seconds.

Exercise 2

Thermal heating (non-contact massage techniques)

  • It is necessary to cover your eyes with your palms (while your eyes are closed)
  • The duration of the exercise is two minutes.

Exercise 3

"Palming" (method of W. Bates and M. Corbett).

  • Rub your hands for a few seconds until warm;
  • Slowly close your eyes, covering them with the palms of your hands so that the center of the palms completely covers your eyes. The fingers should be superimposed on each other (crosswise) and located on the forehead so that the base of the little fingers lies on the bridge of the nose;
  • We fold our palms in a bowl, in this position they do not cause eye strain, since they do not put pressure on the eyeballs;
  • Relax your hands. In order to prevent the penetration of light through the fingers, one should select the position of the palms, which is individual for each;
  • This exercise has an extremely beneficial effect on the psyche;
  • You can perform the exercise for 1-3 minutes;
  • Remove your palms from your eyes, carefully open your eyes, blinking frequently.

Exercise 4

Performing self-massage of the eyes (while the eyes are closed) with the pads of the index fingers with both hands:

  • Stroke the upper eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  • Stretch the eyebrows in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  • Stretch the upper cheekbone from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
  • The exercise must be completed within 3 minutes.

Exercise 5

Performing self-massage of the eyes with the pads of the middle and index fingers of both hands (eyes closed):

  • Vibrate (knock) the upper eyelid;
  • Stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples;
  • Stroke the lower eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
  • The duration of the exercise is up to 3 minutes.

Exercise 6

Performing a finger massage of acupuncture points (reception of traditional Chinese massage "Jinglo"):

  • Pressure on a point located at the base of the bridge of the nose near the eyes (point "Jiling");
  • Pressure on the dimple of the temples (point "taiyang");
  • Pressure on a point located on the upper cheekbone under the center of the eye and near the base of the nose (point "sybay")
  • Pressing on a point located behind the auricle in the center of a round bone (Fenci point).
  • The duration of pressure on each point is from 3 to 5 seconds.

Since the treatment of eye pressure with folk remedies alone is not effective, it must be combined with a medical course of therapy.

If you experience any symptoms of intraocular pressure, you should consult a doctor.

Glaucoma is a rather dangerous disease that gradually leads a person to blindness. To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist. Modern medicine offers a wide range of medicines that can cure an ailment. In addition, it is possible to treat eye pressure at home.

The main symptom of glaucoma is not immediately noticeable. The pressure inside the eye rises when the water balance in the organ of vision changes. Violated fluid production and its functioning. The contents of the eyeball begin to put pressure on the membranes of the eye. This leads to the fact that in the last stages of the disease, visual signals from the outside world do not reach the brain and the person stops seeing. The main causes of the dangerous symptom are:

  • violation of water metabolism;
  • physical and chemical injuries of the eye;
  • the use of medications - hormonal and antidepressants;
  • consequences of operations on the organ of vision;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases associated with the cardiovascular system;
  • other severe pathologies of the eye.

At first, a person may not notice increased intraocular pressure. It doesn't show itself as anything. But there are a number of methods by which you can determine the presence of the disease.

  1. Palpation. This method is indispensable when you need to urgently measure the pressure. The procedure is easily done in any conditions. You need to put your fingers on your forehead. Forefinger - to grope for a moving eyelid and slightly bring it up. The middle finger should touch the eyeball. If there is no pathology, then with very light pressure, a pulsation will be felt inside the eye. In the case of increased pressure, the impulse is felt only with strong pressure on the eyelid.
  2. Wireless blood pressure monitor. This special device directs the flow of air over the eye towards the cornea. The method is suitable for carrying out the procedure at home.
  3. Tonometry of the organ of vision. Medical equipment makes an impression of the eye by slightly pressing on the corneal substance. The procedure is performed in a hospital under anesthesia.

Main symptoms

Usually, treatment for high eye pressure at home is carried out when the signs of glaucoma become stronger and interfere with normal life. It is quite possible to reduce the progression of the disease if symptoms are noticed in time and treatment is started. Here are the characteristic signs of a developing disease:

  • the occurrence of pain in the region of the eyeball with a slight pressure on it;
  • blurred vision;
  • headaches in the forehead and temples;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • the appearance of black dots before the eyes;
  • feeling of nausea.

If these symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Folk ways

When glaucoma is detected, the doctor prescribes medications, as a rule, these are special drops (for example, Oftimol) and tablets. But you can lower eye pressure at home. Folk recipes are a great addition to the mandatory treatment.

Herbal formulations

Reducing eye pressure with folk remedies is very simple. It is enough to use the recommendations below.

  1. Herbal compress. You will need to take half a glass of chopped nettle leaves and add one tsp to them. lily of the valley. Pour 1 tbsp into the resulting mixture. l. water. Make a compress and apply over the eyes. This composition is designed to relieve pain and lower blood pressure.
  2. Aloe decoction. Cut off two leaves and soak in a glass of water. After 2 minutes, remove the greens and get rid of the juice, which must be poured into the main broth. This liquid should be instilled into the eyes 2 times a day.
  3. Currant and rowan leaves will help relieve pressure. They must be thrown into a liter of boiling water and brewed. The infusion can be taken instead of tea throughout the day, which also helps to lower eye pressure.
  4. The juice of the woodlice plant can bring down the symptoms of pressure. It is necessary to squeeze a liter of juice from the leaves and add 100 grams of vodka to it. Leave for 2 days. Take orally a quarter cup 2 times a day.

Gymnastics for the eyes

A good addition to the therapeutic course are exercises for the organ of vision. The eye will relax and water balance will be restored. The treatment complex itself is quite simple.

  1. Set the stopwatch timer for 1 minute and blink your eyelids very often until the final call.
  2. Do the same exercise at a slower pace.
  3. Extend your hand in front of you and move your fingers, carefully following them with your eyes. Gradually zoom in on the image.
  4. Mentally draw a square, a triangle, a figure eight, an asterisk and a bow in front of you with your eyes.
  5. Sit in front of the window and notice a bright thing next to it. Look first into the distance to the street, then to this object. Do a few repetitions.
  6. Make movements with the pupils in a circle and in different directions.

Treatment of increased intraocular pressure can be carried out with folk remedies, but do not forget about control examinations by an ophthalmologist. High eye pressure is fraught with terrible consequences, therefore, in case of any deterioration in the condition, you should inform your doctor about it.

- this is an indicator of the tone between the pressure of the fluid that fills the eyeball and the fluid that washes the organ of vision from the outside.

This pathology may go away with time, but in some cases, high eye pressure requires medical intervention.

The main question of the article: how to reduce eye pressure? Therefore below we will tell you which drugs will make the treatment of the disease the fastest and most effective. And also let's talk about the possible side effects of drops and tablets.

What is eye pressure?

Eye pressure rises when there is a difference between the pressure of fluids exerted from inside the eye and outside.

Typically, this pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of "bursting" of the eyeball from the inside;
  • heaviness in the organs of vision;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Read more about the symptoms and causes of the disease in a separate article at this link.

With a constant high level of intraocular pressure (IOP) increases the likelihood of developing glaucoma, while in the early stages of the development of this disease, symptoms may not be felt.

Typically, elevated IOP affects older people- from forty years and above.

Increased intraocular pressure in ophthalmology is called "ophthalmohypertension" and needs to be removed from the root cause.

Before moving on to further study of the material, it may be interesting for you to familiarize yourself with the concept of IOP norm, because. at different ages, the value can be different and, accordingly, treatment needs to be approached differently.

Eye pressure treatment

Important! To treat elevated IOP, it is first necessary to diagnose and measure IOP, since in the treatment of such a disease it is important to eliminate the root cause.

Below we will focus on the treatment of eye pressure at home.

Not always with such a disease, medical intervention is required, therefore, in order to relieve pressure Some other methods can be tried as a treatment:

  • wearing sunglasses with an ultraviolet protective layer;
  • performing special exercises for the eyes;
  • limitation of eye strain, including - reducing the time spent at the computer;
  • application of ophthalmic drops b;
  • lack of physical activity(particularly when it comes to sports).

Medical preparations

For the treatment of increased intraocular pressure, a number of drugs are used, which are divided into different groups:

  1. Beta blockers(ocupress, timolol, cumene, beoptic).
  2. Carbanhydrase inhibitors that reduce the production of excessive intraocular fluid.
  3. Cholinomimetics. When using such drugs, the size of the pupil decreases, and as an additional effect, there is an increased outflow of fluid that accumulates inside the eyeball.
  4. prostaglandins that increase the drainage properties of the eye (xanthan, xaltan, travotan)


Also, with this disease, medicines in the form of tablets can be used to lower the pressure indicator, which contribute to the removal of excess intraocular fluid and have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes of the body as a whole.

In particular, such pills have a diuretic effect, since many of these tablets contain potassium at their core.

Basically, with a disease associated with a violation of pressure in the organs of vision, they are prescribed three types of tablets:

  • okupres;
  • acetalzolamide;
  • azarga.

Okupres-e is prescribed for developing or progressive glaucoma, being a miotic agent.

Another type of pill for high IOP is acetazolamide., which is an antiglaucoma, diuretic and antiepileptic drug.

Due to the suppression of carbonic anhydrase, which accumulates in the ciliary body, this medicine leads to a decrease in the activity of the glands that produce intraocular fluid.

Reference! Azarga in the form of tablets actively reduces intraocular pressure. This is due to the action of two active components - timolol and brinzolamide.

The latter reduces the production of intraocular fluid, and in general, the drug provokes its increased outflow. It is noteworthy that both of these substances, acting in parallel with each other, mutually reinforce the mutual effect.

Side effects when taking eye pressure medications

Like any other medication, eye drops and pills from increased intraocular pressure can always have a number of side effects.

If we talk specifically about ophthalmic drugs, they have such effects are most obvious, since these drugs are based on active chemicals that inhibit the active separation of intraocular fluid.

In case of intolerance to such components, a patient with intolerance may first experience burning and stinging in the eyes, however, this effect disappears a few minutes after instillation of the drug.

Attention! Sometimes there may be a slight discomfort that occurs when blinking. A more severe consequence can be considered the development of conjunctivitis, which occurs due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

In some patients, the color of the cornea may change, and puffiness appears on the mucous membrane. In rare situations, allergic reactions occur to the drugs used.

Very rarely there is a violation of the work of the heart muscle and even signs of bronchial spasm may appear.

Such serious side effects are mainly manifested if the patient is self-medicating and, without prior consultation with the attending physician, purchases ophthalmic drugs, and in the event of such consequences of taking medications, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Complications arising in the absence of treatment

Provided that intraocular pressure decreases and remains at this level for a long time, visual quality can be significantly reduced, while there is a possibility of developing atrophic processes in the eyeball.

These irreversible processes without adequate treatment necessarily lead to blindness., and it is impossible to restore vision in such cases.

If IOP rises, in most situations this leads to glaucoma. Such a disease is fraught with damage to the optic nerve, which, in the course of atrophic processes, also leads to complete and irreversible blindness.

Prevention of eye pressure

Eye pressure disorders are not so difficult to avoid if you follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists regarding prevention:

  1. Annually required be examined by an ophthalmologist, and upon reaching the age of forty, such examinations must be performed every six months.
  2. To reduce the risk of increased IOP, it is important revise your menu to include fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as products that directly contribute to the production of elements that have a beneficial effect on vision. First of all, these are blueberries, sea fish and carrots.
  3. If the activity is related to working at a computer - take at least a five-minute break every hour, during which it is desirable to do gymnastics for the eyes.
  4. It is desirable to play sports, but if time does not allow, it is enough just to take daily walks and walk at least two to three kilometers a day. Such physical activity contributes to the stabilization of general and eye pressure.

Useful video

In the video you will see a story about the treatment of glaucoma and reduced eye pressure:

Often, elevated IOP is diagnosed in the later stages, since initially may be asymptomatic.

In these cases, modern medicine is powerless, and although it is possible to slow down the development of pathological processes through medical and surgical treatment, loss of vision will only be a matter of time.

For this reason, ophthalmic examinations should be performed annually. in order to diagnose the disease in time and treat it.

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