I wake up at night because I don't. Bad sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem

neurologist, top blogger of LiveJournal

Is it normal to wake up at night or not? There is fierce debate on this topic. Oriental medicine experts say it should be continuous. And if you wake up, be sure to look at the clock - they say, every hour we can be awakened by different emotions, and we need to work with them. Urologists, nephrologists and cardiologists will immediately begin to find out why you woke up. If you just look at the ceiling a little, then okay. And if you are woken up by signals from the bladder, then only one, or better yet, not a single walk to the toilet is considered normal. Andrologists will say that even one single trip to the toilet at night already indicates a hidden testosterone deficiency in men - they say, wait, decreased libido, abdominal obesity and tearfulness are just around the corner.

Let's try to figure out why night awakenings happen and in which case it is worth scheduling a visit to the doctor.

Anxiety and obsessive thoughts

Wake up at 4–5 am. Remember something not particularly important. Realize that this is more important than it seemed before. Immerse yourself in anxious planning: what if it happens like this? What if it turns out like this? To feel that sleep has vanished, but rapid heartbeat, internal trembling and a feeling of extreme discomfort are present in full. And during the day, of course, there is severe drowsiness and decreased performance.

Regular awakenings at night, which are accompanied by painful thoughts, anxiety or intense sadness, are a reason to visit a psychiatrist. They may be a manifestation of anxiety or depressive disorders. Good news: properly selected pills normalize not only sleep, but also emotions, and also help cope with anxiety.

When those around you don't sleep

The person sleeps well all night. But for some reason his loved ones tell outrageous things: he screams in his sleep, sits up on the bed and, like a statue, sits there with a blank look or closed eyes until they forcefully put him back down. It can also be worse: night cramps, when your arms and legs begin to shake, and then your body tenses and arches. And it is impossible to wake a person during an attack. All these problems have one thing in common: they look scary and therefore greatly disturb the relatives of such an “eccentric”, but he himself does not see the problem, because he simply forgets everything that happened at night.

All such nighttime incidents can be divided into two groups: epileptic seizures and parasomnias. Both are reasons to consult a neurologist. Parasomnias, or literally symptoms that occur “around sleep,” are more often found in children. These are nightmares, when a child wakes up screaming in a cold sweat, but often falls asleep after such an attack as if nothing had happened, and somnambulism (what is commonly called sleepwalking), when the baby, without waking up, develops strange motor activity - walks aimlessly around the apartment, freezes in an incomprehensible position, tries to sort through things. This happens a little less often in adults. For women, one of the common parasomnias is nocturnal eating disorder, when after stress or while following a strict diet, the body itself seems to lead the woman to the refrigerator, where a “night watch” takes place, often consisting of a bizarre combination of foods; in the morning she does not remember anything, but she has an aversion to food and feels other signs of recent overeating.

Sometimes parasomnias can be easily confused with epilepsy - in the latter case, the selection of special medications is necessary. Therefore, any screams at night, a feeling of “sleep paralysis”, when a person feels for some time that he is aware of everything, but cannot move even a finger, and experiences severe fear and other unusual night symptoms, is a reason to contact a neurologist, and sometimes for additional examination: electroencephalography, MRI of the brain, polysomnography.

You wake up for a few seconds

Short-term awakenings at night are the norm. The depth of sleep changes throughout the night, and so does physical activity. All healthy people have short-term awakenings at night, it’s just that most people forget them.

Anxious people, as well as patients with chronic illnesses, are more likely to remember their night awakenings. This is no problem if sleep returns almost immediately.

It's like you're not sleeping at all

A typical complaint at an appointment with a neurologist: “I don’t sleep at all.” In response to clarifying questions, the patient continues to insist that he does not sleep at all, all night, for many nights in a row. There is even a name for this phenomenon - “sleep agnosia.” The patient is sure that sleep has left him completely. Of course, such a phenomenon is impossible: a complete lack of sleep would disable a person’s brain in just a few days, followed by death. Usually the patient feels as if he is not sleeping at all when his sleep is superficial, with frequent awakenings. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different: from high blood pressure without proper correction with medications to sleep apnea syndrome, when a person experiences regular short-term nocturnal breathing stops and the brain is seriously damaged due to oxygen starvation.

In this case, it is better to start by visiting a therapist. A confidential conversation and examination will help the doctor decide on examinations and the need for additional consultations with a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, and otolaryngologist.

When the bladder wakes up

Frequent urination is another reason for frequent night awakenings. Normally, the functioning of the kidneys and bladder is regulated by the body depending on the time of day. At night, the priority is to get adequate sleep, and therefore less urine is produced, and the sensitivity of the bladder to the volume of fluid entering it also decreases. A healthy person sleeps all night or wakes up once to go to the toilet.

Deterioration of the kidneys and heart can change the situation for the worse. The body cannot cope with regulating the volume of incoming fluid, and difficulties arise in removing excess water. It lingers in the body and manifests itself in the form of edema. Sometimes the bladder suddenly begins to respond too early with signals to empty - the reasons may be infection, hormonal changes and other problems. If you get up to go to the toilet more than once at night, this happens regularly and has nothing to do with the fact that you like to drink a liter or two of tea at night or casually eat half a watermelon for dinner, it makes sense to consult a cardiologist, urologist and nephrologist.

Other causes of night awakenings

Sometimes a bad night's sleep hides quite obvious reasons that are not related to illness. They are provoked by an excessive desire for a healthy lifestyle. For example, those who count calories and maintain a severe calorie deficit may regularly wake up at night from hunger. A diet of 1,500 kilocalories, for example, only at first glance seems like an opportunity to eat fully: after a normal breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack, there are simply no calories left for dinner. Or you have to be content with modest meals throughout the day, and each time without feeling full. As a result, a person goes to bed hungry, which cannot but affect the quality of sleep. Increasing the caloric content of the diet is a logical solution to this problem.

Fans of evening workouts may also face the problem of being too light a sleeper. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system forces the body to go into “fight or flight” mode - what kind of sleep is that? Moving exercise to the morning or afternoon may help.

You can also take steps to address the causes of your anxiety, from eating right before bed to learning how to cope with negative emotions.

Here are the possible reasons why you wake up in the middle of the night.

Problems sleeping between 23:00 – 1:00 – self-esteem

If you're having difficulty sleeping around this time, you may be overly critical of yourself. Disappointment with your loved one can also lead to you being unable to sleep and constantly waking up at this time. Try not to be so hard on yourself and be more confident in your abilities.

On a physical level, difficulty falling asleep at this time may indicate problems with the gallbladder. Your gallbladder signals that you need to eat less fatty foods, stop smoking, etc.

Disturbance of night sleep can be caused by various reasons: external factors or diseases, be permanent or episodic. In the United States, according to statistics, at least 40 million people suffer from sleep disorders (insomnia). In developed countries, sleeping pills account for 10% of all prescribed medications.

Perfectly healthy young people (students and schoolchildren) who do not have enough time to sleep may complain of insufficient sleep duration.

People over 40 who have health problems are dissatisfied with the duration and depth of sleep. They have difficulty falling asleep, and at night they are very bothered by frequent awakenings due to suffocation or palpitations. Many in this category are susceptible to somatic and neurological ailments, their mood is unstable, with manifestations of asthenia.

Shallow sleepers have similar symptoms, but they are more bothered by prolonged falling asleep.

Women complain of poor sleep more often than men, but they visit the clinic less often. Women sleep worse for personal reasons as well.

Sleep disorders are quite widespread phenomena. Between 8 and 15% of the world's adult population report frequent or persistent complaints of poor or insufficient sleep, between 9 and 11% of adults use sedative-hypnotics, and this percentage is significantly higher among older people. Sleep disorders can develop at any age. Some of them are more common in certain age groups, such as bedwetting, night terrors and somnambulism in children and adolescents, and insomnia or pathological sleepiness in middle-aged and older people. A neurologist, chief physician, Ph.D. will tell us about sleep disorders. Slynko Anna Alekseevna.

– Anna Alekseevna, tell our readers why our body needs such an important component of life as sleep?

– Sleep is one of the most important components.

This phenomenon worries many at first, as there is a belief: if you wake up at 2 am, they are casting a spell on you.

Those who don’t believe in old wives’ sayings are simply afraid that, having not slept the whole night as usual, they will not feel fully rested the entire next day. Sometimes people wake up with the feeling that there is someone else in the room, but when they look around, they find no one.

Frequent awakenings at night do not exclude intrasomnic disorders (we won’t go deeper for now). Many blame all sorts of external forces, one can also assume that this is a normal physiological process in the body, which is quite explainable scientifically (since the body reaches its highest temperature during sleep).

Sleep disorders are the most common problem that almost every person faces. About 8-15% constantly complain of some kind of sleep disturbance (waking up at night, drowsiness, etc.), and 9-11% use sedatives immediately before bed.

Most often, a psychiatrist or neurologist is consulted with the problem of frequent awakenings at night. This condition may be associated with neurological, psychiatric, and general somatic diseases. In addition, insomnia is a constant companion for people who abuse alcohol, drugs and certain medications. Stressful conditions also play a significant role in the development of sleep disorders.

Frequent awakenings at night are not a terrible problem in themselves. The very attitude of people towards this is much worse. Often, people take night awakenings too seriously, and instead of continuing to sleep peacefully, they begin to frantically search for the cause.

How? Have you ever been in a Lucid Dream?

The work day is over. He just flashed through a thousand things, worries, anxieties and worries. The head falls wearily onto the pillow and sleep comes. However, shallow sleep with disturbing, intrusive dreams is interrupted by awakening at night. This frequently repeated picture should alert you and make you think about the reason that disrupts your normal night’s rest.

A broad understanding of insomnia includes not only an absolute lack of sleep, but also problems falling asleep and waking up early. These phenomena are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and may be accompanied by a deterioration in general health. Long-term insomnia requires medical intervention.

There are several rules to prevent sleep disturbances at night. They are easy to use.

But the dangerous frequent awakenings are not so much as the attitude towards this problem. Frightened by these awakenings and frantically trying to fall asleep, you postpone falling asleep even further. Treat the fact that you cannot sleep peacefully for a long time - stay in bed and just relax. The natural trance state and general relaxation allow you to rest almost the same as during normal sleep.

Sleep disorders are divided into several types

1. Waking up early

2. Frequent awakenings.

Sound sleep speaks of a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. Shallow sleep, and even interrupted by frequent waking up, signals like a flashing light that not everything is in order in the body and help is needed. Since you are reading this article, it means that you are worried about the question “why can’t I fall asleep and often wake up at night?” Let's figure out what a bad dream tells us. What to do to restore quick sleep without frequent waking up.

Types of night rest disturbances

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently. Hypersomnia – increased sleepiness. Parasomnia.

It should be noted that everyone's need for night rest is different. Some people need 8-9 hours to get enough sleep, while others need 4-6 hours. This need is established in childhood and practically does not change throughout life. Therefore, if a person begins to sleep less over time than in his youth, it is not a matter of age. Most likely, we can talk specifically about insomnia.

There is a transitional form of the disease.

Many people easily wake up only on weekends. Having slept thoroughly, on Saturday and Sunday they get out of bed fresh and full of energy. On weekdays, as a rule, it takes them quite a long time to finally wake up and feel invigorated.

Difficulty waking up is a very common sign of sleep disorders. However, not every case when a person has difficulty getting out of bed indicates the presence of a disease.

If you have difficulty getting up in the morning and you suspect you have sleep disorders, contact us at the Center. We will help you effectively! Make an appointment by phone: -69-07, -69-08.

How to determine if you have difficulty waking up?

It would seem that there is absolutely no ambiguity in this matter. If a person is too lazy to open his eyes and get active in the morning, it means it’s hard for him to get up...

It's actually not that simple. Even when a person got enough sleep and woke up on his own, throughout.

The usual story - you haven’t gotten enough sleep for three days and this time you decided to go to bed early. You go to bed at ten in the evening hoping to get a good night's sleep, but suddenly wake up at two in the morning. No sleep in either eye, you lie and look at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep again. It takes two hours before you fall asleep again, and then almost immediately the alarm goes off and you're sleep-deprived and feeling terrible again. What is the reason for such awakenings, Chronicle.info will tell you with reference to Hyser.

Causes of night awakenings

Common external causes include street noise, snoring of a partner, too much light in the bedroom, inappropriate temperature (too warm or too cold), pets nesting in.

Reason one – long tossing and turning in bed

This is probably happening because the temperature in your home is too high. As you know, during the daytime the human body temperature is maximum, at night it becomes minimum. If the house has a sufficient temperature of +21 degrees, then comfortable sleep will be ensured at a temperature of +18 +19 degrees. If you don’t “cool down” at night, you will have great difficulty falling asleep.

Reason two – restless sleep with talking and walking

These phenomena can be caused by a variety of reasons. It could also be due to the use of alcoholic beverages or medications, heredity, or obsession with obsessive thoughts. All this causes hallucinations during sleep - in this state you cannot understand whether you are dreaming or not. In general, no harm can be expected from people suffering from parasomnia. But if a person is externally prone to displays of aggression, including sexual aggression, then he needs to be examined to determine the cause of such a disorder.

Night awakenings are not uncommon. There can be many reasons for midnight vigils: from illness to stress. It's not scary to wake up at night - it's much worse if you can't fall asleep immediately after waking up. Then in the morning fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability appear.

It has been noticed that very often night awakenings occur at three in the morning. There is even the concept of the “Three O’Clock Club,” which unites people who wake up at this time. The answer to the question “why do I wake up at this time at night?” was found by biologists, the fact is that at three o’clock in the morning a person’s body temperature is at its maximum during the entire sleep period and this leads to awakening.

The human brain produces four types of brain waves at four frequencies: alpha, beta, delta, tesh. All four are produced simultaneously, but only one is dominant at any given time. Alpha dominance is observed in a state of relaxation of the brain, often before falling asleep, when thoughts flow smoothly and freely, but the body does not.

53 comments on “Waking up in the middle of the night, part one: reasons”

Today I was just wonderfully woken up at 4 am.

It looks like someone was shot. I heard 7-10 shots, from which I really don’t know (either a gas pistol or a firearm). I looked out the window, not a single lamp was on.

In general, our yard is “cheerful”...

I completely agree about thoughts in the middle of the night,

but those who wake up in the middle of the night are probably spared insomnia ((.

I somehow woke up in the middle of a thought and didn’t realize where I was at all, a 3-second shock and came to my senses, like: “ugh, you’re a fool, you’re at home”))

And I often wake up at night, sit up, then lie down again and fall asleep, but I don’t understand how this works.

Dasha, listen to your body, the main thing is that at this moment nothing hurts and you breathe normally.

And I wake up sharply with a deep sigh and at the same time sit down)

Anna, if this happens often, it is better to see a doctor.

Sleep disorders, sleep depth and duration disorders, awakening disorders, daytime sleepiness.

Sleep is a periodically occurring state in which the best conditions are created for restoring the functioning of the body, in particular the central nervous system. Sleep is a vital necessity for every person: a third of his life passes in a state of periodically occurring daily sleep. During sleep, phase changes in muscle tone are observed (most of the muscles of a sleeping person are relaxed), a sharp weakening of all types of sensitivity - vision, hearing, taste, smell, skin sensitivity. Unconditioned and conditioned reflexes are inhibited. The supply of blood to tissues decreases, which is accompanied by a decrease in metabolic rate by 8-10% and a decrease in body temperature. During sleep, the brain processes information accumulated during the day in order to perceive it the next day.

Normal sleep consists of two phases - the slow-wave sleep phase.

The usual story - you haven’t gotten enough sleep for three days and this time you decided to go to bed early. You go to bed at ten in the evening hoping to get a good night's sleep, but suddenly wake up at two in the morning. No sleep in either eye, you lie and look at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep again. It takes two hours before you fall asleep again, and then almost immediately the alarm goes off and you're sleep-deprived and feeling terrible again. What is the reason for such awakenings?

Causes of night awakenings

There are many reasons, both external and internal, why a person may suffer from sudden awakenings at night.

Common external causes include street noise, a partner snoring, too much light in the bedroom, inappropriate temperature (too warm or too cold), pets snuggling in your bed, an uncomfortable mattress, or a child waking up and coming into your room.

The internal causes of sleep are also varied and depend on many.

Why do people wake up at night: reasons for awakenings

Adequate sleep without waking up is an indicator of good human health. Why people wake up at night for no apparent reason, often at the same time, is of interest to sleep specialists - somnologists and people suffering from insomnia. How to return a healthy night's rest to adults, children and the elderly will become clearer with a deeper study of the topic of sleep.

Bad sleep at night

The quality of night's rest is one of the main factors in a person's full life. Insomnia, no matter what the cause, affects people's physical and emotional health. It is impossible to cure this disease with medication, because it becomes addictive to the medications. A person taking sleeping pills becomes dependent on the drug. The absence of medicine frightens a person and makes him nervous.

The main reasons for poor sleep in men and women are:

  • overwork;
  • excitation;
  • disruption of habitual life biorhythms (work, study, entertainment at night);
  • uncomfortable conditions for night rest;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • mental and physical illnesses.

During pregnancy, women sometimes wake up due to hormonal changes in the body. This natural process, although it brings inconvenience to the expectant mother, is a temporary phenomenon. Don't worry about this. General somatic diseases such as osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other organs can lead to disruption of night rest due to painful symptoms.

Psychosomatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, etc. in their nature have both physical and mental aspects. Stressful, panic states, and psycho-emotional experiences significantly excite the patient’s nervous system while awake, which leads to sleep disturbances. These reasons prevent adults and children from getting a good night's rest.

Some medications prescribed by a doctor to treat a particular disease have sleep disturbances as side effects. For example, beta blockers, a common type of medication used to treat cardiovascular diseases, have this side effect. When using medications, you must carefully study the instructions for use. If after using the medicine the patient begins to sleep poorly, he should contact his doctor with a request to change the drug.


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In adults

People don't always think of nighttime urination as a problem, but it does exist. At night, the process of urine production slows down; a healthy person can sleep for 8 hours straight. Nocturia causes you to wake up frequently due to a burning desire to urinate. As the body ages, the quality of sleep is disrupted: it becomes superficial and intermittent. Old people may wake up several times a night due to the physical pain that accompanies their chronic illnesses.

Alcohol drunk in the evening can quickly plunge a person into deep sleep. Some men and women use this remedy to relax and fall asleep quickly. The body will have to process alcohol at night, when most of the body's organs are not active. This creates an additional load on the liver, which causes internal unconscious anxiety in a person, a state of anxiety. As a result, he can wake up several times a night.

Sleep apnea (stopped breathing reflexes) is another cause of poor sleep. This disease affects about 5% of the world's population. Congenital pathologies and excess weight affect the narrowing of the upper respiratory tract at night, which leads to temporary cessation of breathing. The unconscious instinct of self-preservation forces you to wake up when there is a critical amount of oxygen in the blood. Sleep apnea sufferers often snore, which impairs the quality of their night's rest.

Patients with depression sleep poorly. Constant stress does not give the body the desired relaxation. It is difficult for a person to sleep, he often wakes up. Due to lack of sleep, anxiety increases and the disease worsens. With restless legs syndrome, the patient cannot sleep due to an irresistible desire to move his legs. This neurological disease causes unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, tingling of the legs. They are so strong that the signals from the nervous system force you to wake up.

Night heartburn, coughing attacks, pain when swallowing - for these reasons, most people wake up during the night. With gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), these symptoms torment the patient, forcing them to wake up from acid reflux (reflux of acidic gastric juice into the esophagus). Such emissions can occur several times during the night. The patient wakes up every time.

In children

Anxious mothers are alarmed by the fact that their infants often wake up during the night and cry. The crying of infants in itself should not alarm parents. The daytime disturbances that the baby receives while awake can cause awakening. This emotional aspect is not pathological, because new impressions naturally excite his fragile nervous system.

Night feeding of a newborn baby is considered normal. If a mother breastfeeds her baby by the hour, waking him up for night feedings is natural. Gradually, mothers can increase the time between feedings, then, instead of milk, teach the child to drink water at night. With age, the habit of waking up at night will leave the baby if the parents are consistent and patient.

Babies are often bothered by colic in the stomach due to the fact that the child’s body’s metabolism has not yet normalized. This may cause nighttime crying. A tummy massage, a warm diaper that warms the abdominal area, and special teas will help mothers relieve the child’s pain. Colic can bother babies up to three months of age. When a baby is teething, he becomes very restless and capricious, often waking up. This natural process brings suffering to the child. Your temperature may rise. Mothers should definitely seek help from their pediatrician at this time.

Babies have very sensitive skin. A full wet diaper worries the baby and he wakes up. A child does not sleep well when he has a cold, as he is bothered by a cough, snot, and fever. Like adults, children sleep poorly due to an uncomfortable bed, inappropriate clothing, and uncomfortable air temperature in the nursery. They are frightened by loud sounds and irritated by strong smells. If optimal conditions are created for your baby, he will stop waking up at night.

It happens that older children wake up in the middle of the night and call for their mother. This is fine. Perhaps the child had a nightmare. Children often wake up if they are afraid. It is very important to put your baby to sleep correctly. When he is put to bed by loving parents, the environment is friendly and the child is healthy, he will have no reason to wake up at night and cry.

Why does a person wake up at night?

Melatonin is a sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland of the brain. It begins to be actively produced after 21 hours. If melatonin is produced normally, a person does not know what insomnia is. Closer to morning, dopamine receptors in the pineal gland become active, blocking the release of melatonin. If the production of these hormones fails, a person sleeps poorly. A polysomnographic examination can identify the causes of a patient’s poor sleep, and a sleep specialist will give the necessary recommendations.

Somnologists help understand why people often wake up at night. In their opinion, there are a number of reasons that affect the quality of night rest. By analyzing them and eliminating negative factors, you can stop waking up at night. The temperature of the room where adults sleep should be 17-20°C. In the children's bedroom - 18-21°C. The body of a sleeping person, according to physiological processes, must cool down a little in order to enter the sleep phase. If your child often wakes up drenched in sweat, you need to change his blanket and pajamas to lighter ones.

Frequent waking up

The reasons for frequent awakening at night may be functional disorders of the body (parasomnias). It will not be possible to cope with them without the help of a doctor. Parasomnias include:

  • sleepwalking (walking unconsciously at night);
  • unexplained night terrors, nightmares;
  • enuresis (involuntary urination at night);
  • sleep paralysis

At the same time

Why people wake up at the same time at night can be understood by understanding the anatomy of the human body and its functioning cycles. If you have poor sleep, do not neglect the help of a doctor; he will select the necessary medication or cognitive behavioral treatment. The reasons for waking up at certain hours of the night may be as follows:

  • The human gallbladder is active from 23:00 to 1:00. This is the period when fats consumed during the day are broken down by the body's bile acids. If you wake up during these hours, you should follow a lean diet and not overeat before bed. Psychologists say that grievances, condemnation, and inability to forgive are likely reasons for loss of sleep at this time.
  • From 1.00 to 3.00 hours the active phase begins for the liver. It processes harmful toxins. Evening drinking of alcoholic beverages and fatty foods can cause loss of sleep at this time due to the fact that the liver is overloaded. From a psychological point of view, anger and guilt are also the causes of insomnia after 1:00 am.
  • From 5.00 to 7.00 hours is the active phase of the intestines. All his work is aimed at cleansing. More often in the morning, a person emptys the intestines of processed food debris. If someone believes that interrupting sleep during this period of time is unacceptable for him, then he needs to undergo bowel cleansing procedures.

Every night

You can understand why you can’t sleep at night if you carefully examine your sleeping area. Often interruptions in sleep are caused by an uncomfortable bed or unusual furnishings of the room in which you have to spend the night. Stale air, pungent odors, coffee drunk before bed, emotional discomfort - this is not a complete list of reasons that lead to disruption of a good night's rest.

At 3 o'clock in the morning

From 3.00 to 5.00 the lungs are active. During these hours, people suffering from lung diseases wake up. The cough intensifies because the lungs cleanse themselves at this time. If you wake up during this period, you should pay more attention to your lung health - quit smoking, for example. People susceptible to depression often wake up before 5 am.

In a cold sweat

Therapists will help determine why a person wakes up at night, pouring out cold sweat for no reason, by diagnosing diseases with this symptom. Cold sweat, along with other signs, is a clinical picture of the following diseases:

  • In case of infectious diseases, the patient breaks into a cold sweat and has a fever. Viral pathologies: influenza, HIV are accompanied by sweating when the skin is cold.
  • Migraine is diagnosed by frequent headaches that even wake a person up. He wakes up covered in cold sweat.
  • Withdrawal syndrome, characteristic of patients with chronic alcoholism, is accompanied by chills and cold sweat. An alcoholic sleeps restlessly and often wakes up in a cold sweat.
  • Mental illnesses are characterized by constant sweating. Irritants in mental disorders can be situations that a healthy person perceives as normal.
  • Anemia is almost always accompanied by a feeling of cold extremities. The patient often wakes up in cold sweat.
  • Cancer causes sweating and weight loss. Poor sleep and general physical malaise often plague these patients.
  • Hormonal disruptions during menopause often cause cold sweats or hot flashes in women, causing them to suddenly wake up at night.
  • In hypertension, surges in blood pressure are accompanied by sweating. The body turns on the protective property of thermoregulation by narrowing blood vessels. Taking diuretics (medicines that increase the rate at which urine is produced) to lower blood pressure may cause you to wake up at night.
  • Thyroid disease affects the psycho-emotional state of the patient. The condition of the thyroid gland affects the physical condition of the entire body. Hormonal imbalance can cause cold sweats.

What to do if you wake up at night

If nighttime urination is a problem, you should limit your fluid intake after 7 p.m. Tea and coffee are natural diuretics, so you should avoid them in the evening. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, nocturia, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus can provoke the desire to urinate at night. It is worth treating the root cause, not the effect: reviewing the medications prescribed by the doctor against the disease. Replace those that are diuretics and have sleep disturbances as contraindications.

Watching your lifestyle will help you stop waking up at night. If you drank alcohol in the evening and waking up at night is associated with this fact, you should give up alcohol in the evening. Napping in front of the TV, like sleeping during the day, can cause you to wake up at night. Exercising and evening walks will help you fall asleep quickly.

How not to wake up in the middle of the night

A comfortable bed, a high-quality mattress, and natural bed linen are the key to a healthy night’s rest, which contributes to a person’s excellent well-being during the day. A ventilated room, the absence of noise, bright lighting, emotional experiences and other irritating factors will help you not to wake up at night. Those who sleep poorly should follow simple rules that will help restore normal night rest for 7-8 hours without waking up:

If you have no problems falling asleep, but wake up in the middle of the night, as if by an internal command, this is also a sleep disorder. Having woken up, the person begins to toss and turn, tries to fall asleep again, but nothing works. All this leads to the fact that the phase of so-called slow sleep is significantly reduced, therefore, in the morning there is no feeling of vigor.

What does this situation depend on and how to deal with night waking?


There can be many of them, both internal and external. The most common include noise from the street, snoring, lights in the bedroom, a grunting baby, unsuitable room temperature, or pets snuggled up next to your bed. Among the causes is sleep apnea, which needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Often, when waking up, a person begins to worry about something. And when anxiety comes, the brain is activated and a stress hormone, that is, a stimulant, is released in an increased dose. This reduces the chances of the awakened person falling back into sleep.

In addition, older people often complain of interrupted sleep at night, because they may doze during the day and wake up in the middle of the night. New mothers have awakenings. This is due to the traditional time of feeding the child; at this time, as if on command, dads can also wake up.

Also, many wake up from the effects of certain medications and illnesses. This can be due to arthritis, diabetes, cystitis, or when taking diuretics.

If you experience sudden awakenings more than three times a week for a month and last more than half an hour, you should consult your doctor.

Non-drug measures

Effective measures to eliminate insomnia include sleep hygiene itself.

  • You need to go to bed and get up at a certain time, use a comfortable bed.
  • The room should be ventilated and the bedroom should be completely dark. After all, in the dark the pineal gland works well, producing the sleep hormone, that is, melatonin. It just sets up the rhythms of wakefulness and sleep.

Light from mobile phone and computer displays also significantly reduces the production of melatonin. Try to use them as little as possible late in the evening.

  • If you are driven by the fear that you won't get enough sleep, you don't need to look at your watch all the time at night.
  • Learn to realize and convince yourself that isolated sleep disturbances cannot be perceived as its absence. Moreover, do not consider this problem a disaster. If you take a less dramatic approach to the situation, it will make it easier for you to manage yourself.

Additional funds

In addition, sleep is normalized by sedative herbal infusions and relaxing baths, smart meals and increased physical activity during the day.

Stress, increased fatigue, and neuroses require taking sedative pills, such as Persen, Novo-Passit and others.

Another thing is CPAP therapy. However, there is no need for it in the case of sudden awakenings.

Of course, special drugs from the group of sleeping pills can also be recommended, and in case of severe diseases, tranquilizers can also be used. Such potent medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly determine the duration and dosage of administration.

Bad sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem

People call healthy sleep sound, peaceful, sweet. After such a dream, a person will wake up energetic, in a good mood, ready to move mountains.

Poor sleep can be caused by various factors

Types of night rest disturbances

Sleep disturbance is manifested by difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking up or, conversely, drowsiness. Types of sleep disorders:

  1. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently.
  2. Hypersomnia – increased sleepiness.
  3. Parasomnia is a malfunction of organs and systems associated with sleep.

The most common sleep disorder is insomnia. In everyday life it is simply called insomnia. All types of sleep disorders require treatment after examination using polysomnography.

Causes of insomnia

With insomnia, the question often arises: “why do I often wake up at night?” The most common cause of insomnia is a nocturnal lifestyle, in which a person works or has fun at night and then sleeps all day. The change from night to day is unnatural for humans. The biological rhythms of owls and predatory animals are adapted to hunting at night and are determined by the natural laws of survival and continuation of life. The functions of their organs are tuned to a nocturnal lifestyle - acute night vision. Human biological rhythms are genetically tuned to active life during the day and rest at night. The human brain produces the sleep hormone melatonin at night. With insomnia, the hormone decreases to a critical level, and thus insomnia becomes chronic.

The main hormone of the pineal gland is melatonin.

Insomnia can also be caused by short-term or permanent conditions or diseases.

The most common factors that lead to insomnia:

  • situational insomnia due to emotional overexcitation;
  • mental or neurological diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • long-term use of sleeping pills and sedatives, as well as their withdrawal syndrome;
  • somatic diseases are disorders in the functioning of organs and systems that lead to insomnia for various reasons.

Elderly people quite often complain to the doctor, “I wake up at night, prescribe a remedy for good sleep.” In old age, disruption of night rest is natural. Herbal medicines help older people get rid of light sleep. When treating sensitive sleep in older people, taking a vasodilator (for example, vinpocetine) is also recommended.

What diseases interfere with sleep?

If a person says, “I wake up often,” then he should think about what causes sensitive night rest. The causes of frequent waking up and poor sleep are the following somatic diseases:

  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in people who snore;

Sleep apnea disease

  • enuresis (bedwetting).

In case of cardiopulmonary failure, the cause of a sensitive night's rest is oxygen starvation - hypoxia, which forces the body to take an elevated position to facilitate breathing.

The problem of “waking up often at night” occurs with restless legs syndrome. Very often, varicose veins manifest as vascular insufficiency of the legs. If blood circulation in the legs is impaired, the need to move the lower extremities reflexively arises to restore it. It is this unconscious desire that causes restless legs syndrome. If during the day a person moves his legs without noticing it, then at night involuntary movements cause the person to wake up frequently. Timely measures taken to treat your feet will help get rid of insomnia.

One of the serious reasons for a sensitive night's rest is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) in people who snore. It is caused by dangerous stoppages of breathing at night due to diseases of the nasopharynx. A person wakes up from suffocation due to the cessation or restriction of air flow through the nasopharynx. The causes and treatment of sleep disturbances due to snoring are dealt with by somnologists and neurologists. If you are concerned about the problem of “I often wake up at night,” you should contact these specialists. Treating snoring will relieve you of insomnia.

Treatment with prepared drugs

Ready-made remedies for insomnia in drops, tablets, capsules and solutions are very popular. The following medications will help get rid of insomnia or light sleep:

  • Novo-passit is a combined mixture of medicinal herbs and guaifenesin. This remedy not only calms you down, but also relieves anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep. Novo-passit is often used to treat insomnia.
  • Phytosed has a calming effect and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • Corvalol and Valocordin drops also soothe and help get rid of anxiety, thus improving the quality of night's rest.
  • Motherwort Forte tablets contain not only the plant, but also magnesium and vitamin B6. This composition of the drug relieves irritability and will help get rid of the problem of difficulty falling asleep. Treatment with motherwort is effective with light night rest.
  • Donormil tablets speed up falling asleep and increase sleep duration. They should be taken 15–30 minutes before going to bed for two weeks.
  • Valocordin-doxylamine has proven itself well as a mild sleeping pill. Its use is indicated for situational sleep disturbance after nervous tension.
  • Melatonin is a hormone-like drug. Just like a natural hormone, it regulates sleep. Its use is recommended at the very beginning of treatment for insomnia in order to start the correct rhythm of life - work during the day, rest at night. It is recommended to take the drug together with medications, preferably of herbal origin.

Ready-made products for good sleep can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Using herbs for insomnia

For mild cases of sleep disturbances, herbal remedies are very effective. They can be prepared at home in the form of a decoction or infusion. The following popular herbs are used to treat insomnia:

The pharmacy has ready-made herbal mixtures for the treatment of insomnia. To prepare the infusion, you should brew 2 tbsp. l. dry collection with a glass of boiling water, put on water bath for 15–30 minutes, then leave for 45 minutes. The product should be taken strained 3 times a day. Take the last dose of infusion 40 minutes earlier before going to bed. Infusions help deepen shallow and sensitive sleep.

Use of synthetic sleeping pills

In the treatment of insomnia, drugs of the benzodiazepine group are used. We give preference to the following medications:

  • Triazolam and Midazolam are recommended for difficulty falling asleep. These are short-acting sleeping pills.
  • Relanium, Elenium and flurazepam have a longer action. It is recommended to take them when waking up in the early morning hours. However, they cause daytime sleepiness.
  • Medium-acting hypnotics: Imovan and Zolpidem. These drugs are addictive.
  • Amitriptyline and doxemine belong to the group of antidepressants. They are prescribed by neurologists for depression.

The disadvantage of this group of funds is that they are addictive. If the medication is discontinued after prolonged use, insomnia may develop.

As a result, we looked at the most common causes of sleep disturbances in people. We learned how to get rid of bad, unproductive sleep with the help of herbs and ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. Remember, chronic insomnia needs to be treated, and for this you should consult a neurologist.

And a little about secrets.

Personally, only individual earplugs helped me sleep normally, and regular ones at that. The ones from the pharmacy did little to provide adequate protection for my light sleeper.

We urgently need to take action. My depression started after losing my job. I just sat at home in front of the computer, didn’t want anything, ate, didn’t sleep, didn’t go outside. I didn't want to see anyone. As a result, + 10 kg and red eyes. I just didn't want to live. Mom is tired of feeling sorry for me. She brought positive pills and started giving me something to drink. Now I'm looking for a new job. I sleep better, I stopped crying.

Silence, darkness and glycine - that's what helps 100%. Glycine has no side effects and works well for the body as a whole. only the dosages are often meager, it’s better to take more. I usually take 500 mg of glycine forte so as not to drink half a pack at once. Good dreams everyone)

And endocrinol helped me normalize my sleep. I suffered for about a year, probably. Nothing helped, but then I came across this drug and after a month of taking it I noticed that I hardly woke up and was more alert in the morning

The pharmacist at the pharmacy also recommended endocrinol to me, but I was somewhat skeptical that it would help, but I have already heard a positive response from more than one person. I'll try, I hope for results soon.

I’m also taking endocrinol now, it’s a good drug, it keeps my hormones normal and my health has improved, now at least I can sleep at night. And immediately there is mood and strength.

Anastasia.E., an interesting solution to the problem. Apparently you had problems with your thyroid gland, since endocrinol helped you? My mother just took it additionally when she was treating her. But she also had problems with insomnia. But I prefer a contrast shower before bed, drinking chamomile and exercising 3 times a week - my sleep immediately improves! Especially when after training you also have to swim in a couple of pools!

Again, any thing that happens in the body and is not the norm, you need to understand where the legs grow from, and identify the reason for this non-normality. Insomnia also turned out to be one of my symptoms, problems with the thyroid gland. I was treated with Endocrinol, it helped correct the problem with the thyroid gland, and all the worries associated with this problem, including insomnia, went away. You have to take it in a course, because the drug is completely herbal; I took it for three months.

Earplugs do not always help; here you need to consult a doctor. For example, I didn’t want to stuff myself with strong chemicals like the sleeping pills phenesipam or diphenhydramine, which I told the doctor about. I opted for the Sleep Formula dietary supplement, enhanced with the phyto + melatonin formula, and now I’m finishing the course. Already from the second week there were improvements, this affected both the quality of sleep and the duration, and I began to fall asleep faster. Naturally, my nerves also settled down. So, before taking strong sleeping pills, try something easier.

After the session there is no way to get your nerves in order. Constant anxiety and therefore sleep disturbance. Now I started taking tryptophan calm formula, I seem to be able to sleep better. I want everything to get back to normal soon.

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Most often, when talking about insomnia, people complain about difficulty falling asleep. It is much less common to hear the complaint: “I feel bad because.” But frequent awakenings at night are no less exhausting than classic insomnia, and the consequences of such sleep disturbances are irritability, chronic fatigue, decreased performance and the risk of developing cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

I often wake up at night for no reason

There are many people who say: “I often wake up at night, but I don’t understand why. Everything seems to be fine with me.” However, nothing happens in our body just like that, without a reason. We just may not understand or notice the reason.

If you often wake up at night and feel groggy and sleep deprived in the morning, start by analyzing your lifestyle. Are you moving enough? Maybe you are a big fan of coffee, smoke a lot, or love computer games? But these not very healthy habits have a detrimental effect on sleep.

Abuse of coffee and energy drinks, a sedentary lifestyle and excessive passion for computer games lead to many unpleasant consequences, including problems with sleep. Sleep disorders almost always affect heavy smokers, people who abuse alcohol, and those who work on a shift schedule for many years. Sleep problems can also occur as a side effect of taking certain medications.

If your lifestyle does not include any of the above factors, and, nevertheless, you begin to experience difficulty sleeping, or one of your loved ones begins to complain: “For some time now,” you should consider visiting a doctor. The fact is that sleep disturbance is one of the symptoms of about five dozen different diseases, including hypertension, angina pectoris, gastric and duodenal ulcers, neurosis, depression and a number of other ailments.

Those people who, in addition to sleep disturbances, experience a decrease in general immunity, rapid fatigue, severe headaches and frequent dizziness, and a periodic sensation of “woolly” limbs, should rush to see a doctor. After all, such symptoms occur when a brain tumor begins to develop. If the above is also accompanied by decreased hearing and vision, and a lack of coordination of movements appears, then you should consult a doctor as quickly as possible. After all, the sooner a tumor is detected and treatment is started, the better the prognosis and the greater the chance of recovery.

I often wake up at night due to overexertion

For most people, normal sleep is disrupted due to nervous tension. People often wake up at night before some important event ahead of them: first-graders - before their first day of school, students - before an important exam, a bride - the night before the wedding, or an athlete - before his first serious start. We sleep poorly on the eve of starting a new job or when we decide and cannot solve some complex problem. People sleep poorly after a serious conflict, while waiting for a decision on whether they will be hired, because of anxiety about a sick child, and for a number of other reasons that cause nervous strain.

This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body; it is a rare person who is able to sleep soundly before a fateful day in his life. However, if you are very impressionable, then even minor events and changes can make you restlessly toss and turn in bed and wake up frequently at night. If you know that you have this characteristic, try to take an active walk or swim in the pool on the eve of important events for you - this will help relieve stress. Don’t drink tea in the evening, much less coffee, and don’t watch TV. Read something for bedtime and drink milk and honey. And if you are in difficult mental circumstances for a long time, for example, in the event of a divorce or dismissal, you can take a course of drugs with a mild sedative effect, such as Novopassit, Tenoten or Afabazol. Just don’t prescribe medicine for yourself - consult your doctor.

I often wake up at night and have nightmares

Nightmares are another cause of sleep problems. " I often wake up at night in a cold sweat because of nightmares and then I can’t sleep for a long time. As soon as I fall asleep, I again have another nightmare,” - you really can’t envy a person in such a situation. Nightmares can plague people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Most often, these are people who have been in a war zone and have experienced the loss of loved ones, as well as violence, natural disasters or serious surgery. It is very difficult to cope with sleep disturbances in a situation of post-traumatic disorders on your own, without the help of a good psychologist.

People who are anxious and overly impressionable, as well as representatives of creative professions, often suffer from nightmares. In this case, experts usually advise following a daily routine, taking courses of mild sedatives and working with a psychologist.

Nightmares can be triggered by an excessively rich dinner, consisting of heavy food and taking certain medications. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat heavy, difficult-to-digest foods for dinner and eat immediately before bed. As for medications, read the instructions for them and monitor your body after starting to take any drug that is new to you. If side effects occur, contact the doctor who prescribed the medicine immediately.

Insomnia undermines health, can lead to depression, and reduce productivity. Sleep disorders can occur in anyone and at any age. You can't put up with them. And first of all, you need to determine why the sleep disorder syndrome occurred.

Causes of insomnia

Often, to get rid of lack of sleep, it is enough to eliminate what is causing insomnia. Experts advise keeping a diary in which, over the course of several days, you need to record in detail the events of the day and your reactions to them, as well as meal times, menus, stages of getting ready for bed, and note the quality of your sleep. Reviewing your recordings will help you determine why your sleep problems are occurring.

Most often, this is the cause of insomnia, which you can eliminate on your own:

  • sleep hygiene violations (strong lighting in the room, uncomfortable bed, stuffy room, uncomfortable air temperature, loud noises, etc.) stressful situation (inability to sleep due to constant thinking about the problem)
  • poor nutrition can also cause insomnia (hunger or overeating before bed, heavy and fatty foods for dinner)
  • disturbances of the circadian rhythm (flights from one time zone to another, night work or active recreation at night)
  • Taking drinks and drugs that stimulate nervous activity also contributes to sleep disturbances (tea, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, cola, narcotic drugs)

A reduction in the physiological need for prolonged sleep is normal in old age, when there is a decrease in physical activity and metabolic processes in the body. This is not a sleep disorder and drug treatment is not required.

In adolescents, sleep disturbances often occur due to anxiety, since at this age boys and girls are very emotional and often think about their problems while lying in bed. In women, sleep disturbances often occur for the same reasons.

There are a number of causes of sleep disturbances that can only be treated with the help of a specialist:

  • diseases of the nervous system (concussions, depression, neuroses, neuroinfections and others)
  • any pain and ailment
  • snoring, which can lead to sleep apnea (sleep breathing disorder)
  • hereditary tendency to insomnia

If there are such sleep disorders, treatment should begin with getting rid of the underlying diseases, as well as with the use of medications for insomnia.

Frequent complaints related to insomnia:

  • I don't sleep well at night

    “I don’t sleep well at night, I wake up often, what should I do?” - patients with insomnia turn to the doctor with this complaint. Superficial and unsatisfying sleep is one of the types of sleep disorders. Such a dream is more like a nap with frequent awakenings due to extraneous sounds. This night sleep disorder is characterized by nightmares and early morning awakenings. At the same time, a person does not feel the morning vigor, feeling tired and sleep-deprived. He complains to his loved ones: “I don’t sleep well at night.” This is a debilitating sleep disorder and treatment and medication must be started immediately.

    Shallow sleep is one of the phases of normal sleep. In a small child, it can reach 60% of the total sleep time. However, in adults, the disorder is considered to be the superficial phase with a total duration of more than 20% of the total time. What to do if your sleep quality is poor? If you can’t sleep, you can improve the quality of your night’s rest with the help of special medications, such as the adaptogenic medicine Melaxen. It gently regulates falling asleep and sleep depth, acting like natural melatonin (sleep hormone).

    Before treating a sleep disorder with medication, pay attention to preparing for falling asleep. The bed should be as comfortable as possible, preferably with an orthopedic mattress. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom. Dinner should be light, and before bed you can drink some warm milk or water. For sleep disturbances, treatment may include soothing teas, such as a decoction of chamomile, thyme or lemon balm. If these methods do not help, then you need to consult a somnologist who will advise what to take if you have sleep disturbances.

  • I often wake up at night

    Normal sleep should be uninterrupted and last 6-8 hours. If you often wake up at night, and there is no obvious reason for this, then you need to seek help from a specialist to treat insomnia. There are many reasons for frequent awakenings at night. The most common of them are convulsions, breathing problems, pain, nightmares, overexcitement and some diseases.

    Chronic insomnia can also occur with seizures. Their appearance at night requires consultation with a neurologist. Sometimes seizures occur when taking statins for cholesterol. This result can be caused by eating fatty foods that interfere with blood circulation. An uncomfortable bed can also cause cramps.

    If frequent awakenings at night are caused by breathing problems (asthma, apnea) and heart disease, then it is necessary to urgently begin treatment for the underlying diseases. Symptoms of this type of sleep disorder include sudden awakening and a feeling of shortness of breath. There may be a feeling of fear.

    Waking up at night can include headaches, coughing due to acid reflux, thirst due to hypothyroidism, and the urge to urinate due to prostate or bladder problems. When treating insomnia in such cases, you need to get rid of the diseases that caused sleep disturbances. But to increase the effectiveness of any treatment, proper sleep is necessary, so you should start taking the drug Melaxen, which safely and naturally regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

    Unresolved problems and stress can trigger nightmares, leading to frequent awakenings. This is the work of the subconscious, and to treat insomnia you need to change the dream picture with positive emotions: pleasant thoughts, reading positive literature, watching comedies before bed, etc. Pleasant procedures such as a warm bath, aromatherapy, and herbal teas will also help in treating insomnia.

    Epilepsy, hypertension, ulcers, angina pectoris and many other diseases can also cause sleep disorders. In addition to treating underlying diseases, it is necessary to take care of sleep hygiene and take safe medications to improve sleep, such as Melaxen.

  • I suffer from insomnia

    Are you having trouble sleeping, are you tossing and turning in bed for a long time and can’t fall asleep? This means you are suffering from insomnia. It can be episodic (no more than once a month) or chronic. Episodic may include the so-called jet lag (time zone change syndrome), as well as lack of sleep due to external stimuli (noise, bright light, heat, etc.). In such cases, eliminating the irritant and normalizing sleep by taking Melaxen will help.

    If you suffer from chronic insomnia, then comprehensive treatment will be required. The reasons for its occurrence can be different: prolonged depression, uncomfortable bed, painful conditions, hereditary low melatonin production, stressful work and others. Often the reasons for not sleeping at night are unclear, and only a somnologist can help you understand the situation.

    To get rid of insomnia, a set of measures will help, consisting of taking medications, improving sleep hygiene and eliminating the physical and mental causes of disturbances in the sleep-wake cycle.

Treatment of insomnia

The fight against insomnia should begin immediately after the problem appears. This is always a whole set of measures to normalize the sleep/wake cycle. In half of the cases, to get rid of insomnia, independent measures to improve the environment and the stages of preparation for falling asleep are sufficient.

But every person in life has situations when it is impossible to avoid negative factors that affect sleep: changing time zones during business trips or travel, daily work, visiting night entertainment venues, etc. To get rid of insomnia and minimize damage to the body, you should use drugs that act as a natural sleep hormone - melatonin. These include Melaxen, an effective adaptogenic agent.

Methods to combat insomnia

In addition to the use of medications, you can use methods to combat insomnia that stimulate sleep and reduce anxiety. It’s better to start by preparing the bedroom. The temperature in it should be comfortable for the body. It will be difficult to fall asleep in a hot room. An hour before bedtime, the bedroom should be ventilated. Dry air in the room is not conducive to quality sleep, so it is worth purchasing a humidifier.

“I often wake up at night and lie down, looking at the clock,” this can be heard from those who complain of a sleep disorder for which they would like to begin treatment. To start, simply remove the clock from the bedroom. They make you feel anxious and look for the cause of your insomnia, thereby worsening the situation. Use the bed only for sleeping. Do not watch TV while lying in bed and do not do needlework or read books. When you suffer from insomnia and you don’t know what to do, don’t toss and turn in bed for a long time, but rather get up and do something relaxing. Such wakefulness will be more useful than torment in bed.

“I don’t sleep well,” a heavy dinner lover might say. Eating a lot of food is a common cause of insomnia. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and spicy foods harm sleep by stimulating the nervous system and delaying sleep for several hours. But buckwheat or oatmeal, bananas and milk for dinner will help you fall asleep faster.

Regulation of the sleep-wake cycle

Disruption of circadian rhythms (daily biorhythms) is fraught with insomnia. If you go to bed at different times, your body does not have time to adjust. Therefore, treatment of the sleep-wake cycle consists of establishing a routine and strictly following it. Determine for yourself a convenient time for falling asleep and waking up - and strictly follow it even on weekends. There should be 8 hours between falling asleep and waking up. Such a fight against insomnia will give the desired result in just a few days.

Daytime naps often disrupt the biological clock, causing severe sleep disturbance in the form of insomnia, so it should be avoided. This rule does not apply to children under 6-7 years of age, who need a longer sleep time per day.

Treatment of disrupted circadian rhythms is possible through the use of adaptogenic agents that have a mild hypnotic effect. This is Melaxen. It helps make you fall asleep quickly and have a full night's sleep. Having taught the body to fall asleep at the same time with the help of Melaxen, in the future you will be able to do this without the help of drugs. With this product, the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle occurs gently and effectively.

The use of Melaxen is especially important during periods when sleep disruption is forced, for example, caused by a change in time zones or daily work. This drug does not affect the body's production of the sleep hormone (melatonin), and therefore its use and withdrawal occur without consequences.

Treatment of chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia is always caused by a complex of reasons. This may be a violation of the sleep/wake cycle, the habit of eating a heavy dinner, physical illness, prolonged stress and depression. But whatever the reason, you need to immediately begin treating insomnia.

There are drug and non-drug treatments for chronic insomnia. The first involves giving the patient sedatives and sleeping pills, as well as medications to treat diseases that cause insomnia.

Non-drug methods involve regulating a person’s behavioral skills. Specialists who devote their time to treating insomnia use the following techniques:

  • stimulus control therapy (reducing the patient's anxiety about falling asleep)
  • sleep restriction (reducing time spent in bed before falling asleep)
  • relaxation (training in methods of physical and psychological relaxation)
  • cognitive therapy (changing the patient's sleep-related stereotypes)
  • sleep hygiene training (proper preparation for bed)

By following the general rules of sleep hygiene, adjusting your routine and reducing the level of stress in everyday life, you can forever get rid of complaints such as “I don’t sleep well”, “I wake up often” and other manifestations of insomnia. Mild-acting sleeping pills, such as Melaxen, will help you quickly recover in case of forced regime disruptions. To establish the causes and begin treatment of insomnia as quickly as possible are the main tasks. In complex cases of chronic sleep disorders, it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

If you constantly wake up in the middle of the night, your body is sending signals that you shouldn't ignore.

Finding out why you wake up can help you sleep better.

You can also take steps to address the causes of your anxiety, from eating right before bed to learning how to cope with negative emotions.

Here are the possible reasons why you wake up in the middle of the night.

Problems sleeping between 23:00 – 1:00 – self-esteem

If you're having difficulty sleeping around this time, you may be overly critical of yourself. Disappointment with your loved one can also lead to you being unable to sleep and constantly waking up at this time. Try not to be so hard on yourself and be more confident in your abilities.

On a physical level, difficulty falling asleep at this time may indicate problems with the gallbladder. Your gallbladder signals that you need to eat less fatty foods, stop smoking and...

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Disturbance of night sleep can be caused by various reasons: external factors or diseases, be permanent or episodic. In the United States, according to statistics, at least 40 million people suffer from sleep disorders (insomnia). In developed countries, sleeping pills account for 10% of all prescribed medications.

Perfectly healthy young people (students and schoolchildren) who do not have enough time to sleep may complain of insufficient sleep duration.

People over 40 who have health problems are dissatisfied with the duration and depth of sleep. They have difficulty falling asleep, and at night they are very bothered by frequent awakenings due to suffocation or palpitations. Many in this category are susceptible to somatic and neurological ailments, their mood is unstable, with manifestations of asthenia.

Shallow sleepers have similar symptoms, but they are more bothered by prolonged falling asleep.

Women complain of poor sleep more often than men, but they visit the clinic less often. Women sleep worse for personal reasons, but...

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Neurologist about sleep disorders in humans. Insomnia (insomnia): causes and treatment

Sleep disorders are quite widespread phenomena. Between 8 and 15% of the world's adult population report frequent or persistent complaints of poor or insufficient sleep, between 9 and 11% of adults use sedative-hypnotics, and this percentage is significantly higher among older people. Sleep disorders can develop at any age. Some of them are more common in certain age groups, such as bedwetting, night terrors and somnambulism in children and adolescents, and insomnia or pathological sleepiness in middle-aged and older people. A neurologist, chief physician, Ph.D. will tell us about sleep disorders. Slynko Anna Alekseevna.

– Anna Alekseevna, tell our readers why our body needs such an important component of life as sleep?

– Sleep is one of the most important components...

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If you suddenly find yourself suddenly awakened at 2-3 am, rest assured - you are not the only one. After conducting several surveys of those present at the seminar, it was found that 80% had encountered this phenomenon in their lives.

This phenomenon worries many at first, as there is a belief: if you wake up at 2 am, they are casting a spell on you.
Those who don’t believe in old wives’ sayings are simply afraid that, having not slept the whole night as usual, they will not feel fully rested the entire next day. Sometimes people wake up with the feeling that there is someone else in the room, but when they look around, they find no one.

Frequent awakenings at night do not exclude intrasomnic disorders (we won’t go deeper for now). Many blame all sorts of external forces, one can also assume that this is a normal physiological process in the body, which is quite explainable scientifically (since the body reaches the highest temperature in the world during sleep...

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Sleep disorders are the most common problem that almost every person faces. About 8-15% constantly complain of some kind of sleep disturbance (waking up at night, drowsiness, etc.), and 9-11% use sedatives immediately before bed.

Most often, a psychiatrist or neurologist is consulted with the problem of frequent awakenings at night. This condition may be associated with neurological, psychiatric, and general somatic diseases. In addition, insomnia is a constant companion for people who abuse alcohol, drugs and certain medications. Stressful conditions also play a significant role in the development of sleep disorders.

Frequent awakenings at night are not a terrible problem in themselves. The very attitude of people towards this is much worse. Often, people take night awakenings too seriously, and instead of continuing to sleep peacefully, they begin to frantically search for the cause...

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Why should frequent awakenings at night be a concern?

How? Have you ever been in a Lucid Dream?

Well, you're in vain...

And I will send you simple working instructions that will help you get into a Lucid Dream tomorrow!

The work day is over. He just flashed through a thousand things, worries, anxieties and worries. The head falls wearily onto the pillow and sleep comes. However, shallow sleep with disturbing, intrusive dreams is interrupted by awakening at night. This frequently repeated picture should alert you and make you think about the reason that disrupts your normal night’s rest.

A broad understanding of insomnia includes not only an absolute lack of sleep, but also problems falling asleep and waking up early. These phenomena are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and may be accompanied by a deterioration in general health. Long-term insomnia requires medical intervention.

There are several rules to prevent sleep disturbances at night. They are easy to...

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Frequent awakenings at night are the most common symptom of sleep disturbance for which a person consults a psychiatrist or neurologist. Frequent night awakenings in adults can be a manifestation of a neurological, psychiatric or general somatic disease. Insomnia also occurs due to alcoholism, drug use, taking certain medications and stress. Sometimes frequent awakenings at night or difficulty falling asleep in the evenings are present as a separate phenomenon.

But the dangerous frequent awakenings are not so much as the attitude towards this problem. Frightened by these awakenings and frantically trying to fall asleep, you postpone falling asleep even further. Treat the fact that you cannot sleep peacefully for a long time - stay in bed and just relax. The natural trance state and general relaxation allow you to rest almost the same as during normal sleep.

Sleep disorders are divided into several types

1. Waking up early

2. Frequent awakenings...

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People call healthy sleep sound, peaceful, sweet. After such a dream, a person will wake up energetic, in a good mood, ready to move mountains.

Sound sleep speaks of a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. Shallow sleep, and even interrupted by frequent waking up, signals like a flashing light that not everything is in order in the body and help is needed. Since you are reading this article, it means that you are worried about the question “why can’t I fall asleep and often wake up at night?” Let's figure out what a bad dream tells us. What to do to restore quick sleep without frequent waking up.

Poor sleep can be caused by various factors

Types of night rest disturbances

Sleep disturbance is manifested by difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking up or, conversely, drowsiness. Types of sleep disorders:

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently. Hypersomnia – increased sleepiness. Parasomnia...

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Insomnia (insomnia) is a condition in which the quality of sleep and its duration are disturbed, which causes a state of drowsiness, “brokenness” during the day. In addition, sleep disturbance at night leads to impaired attention, weakened memory, and causes anxiety and tension. If you think about what disease almost every person has suffered in life, then you need to admit that one or another sleep disorder is familiar to everyone. That’s why now we’ll talk about sleep disorders, causes in adults, symptoms, what to do to sleep normally.

It should be noted that everyone's need for night rest is different. Some people need 8-9 hours to get enough sleep, while others need 4-6 hours. This need is established in childhood and practically does not change throughout life. Therefore, if a person begins to sleep less over time than in his youth, it is not a matter of age. Most likely, we can talk specifically about insomnia.

There is a transitional form of the disease,...

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Many people easily wake up only on weekends. Having slept thoroughly, on Saturday and Sunday they get out of bed fresh and full of energy. On weekdays, as a rule, it takes them quite a long time to finally wake up and feel invigorated.

Difficulty waking up is a very common sign of sleep disorders. However, not every case when a person has difficulty getting out of bed indicates the presence of a disease.

If you have difficulty getting up in the morning and you suspect you have sleep disorders, contact us at the Center. We will help you effectively! Make an appointment by phone: 8-495-635-69-07, 8-495-635-69-08.

How to determine if you have difficulty waking up?

It would seem that there is absolutely no ambiguity in this matter. If a person is too lazy to open his eyes and get active in the morning, it means it’s hard for him to get up...

It's actually not that simple. Even when a person has slept and woke up on his own, for...

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Doctors told how to deal with frequent awakenings at night. The main reasons for frequent awakenings at night were named.

The usual story - you haven’t gotten enough sleep for three days and this time you decided to go to bed early. You go to bed at ten in the evening hoping to get a good night's sleep, but suddenly wake up at two in the morning. No sleep in either eye, you lie and look at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep again. It takes two hours before you fall asleep again, and then almost immediately the alarm goes off and you're sleep-deprived and feeling terrible again. What is the reason for such awakenings, Chronicle.info will tell you with reference to Hyser.

Causes of night awakenings

Common external causes include street noise, snoring of a partner, too much light in the bedroom, inappropriate temperature (too warm or too cold), pets nesting in...

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Reason one – long tossing and turning in bed

This is probably happening because the temperature in your home is too high. As you know, during the daytime the human body temperature is maximum, at night it becomes minimum. If the house has a sufficient temperature of +21 degrees, then comfortable sleep will be ensured at a temperature of +18 +19 degrees. If you don’t “cool down” at night, you will have great difficulty falling asleep.

Reason two – restless sleep with talking and walking

These phenomena can be caused by a variety of reasons. It could also be due to the use of alcoholic beverages or medications, heredity, or obsession with obsessive thoughts. All this causes hallucinations during sleep - in this state you cannot understand whether you are dreaming or not. In general, no harm can be expected from people suffering from parasomnia. But if a person is externally prone to displays of aggression, including sexual aggression, then he needs to be examined to determine the cause of such a disorder...

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Night awakenings are not uncommon. There can be many reasons for midnight vigils: from illness to stress. It's not scary to wake up at night - it's much worse if you can't fall asleep immediately after waking up. Then in the morning fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability appear.

It has been noticed that very often night awakenings occur at three in the morning. There is even the concept of the “Three O’Clock Club,” which unites people who wake up at this time. The answer to the question “why do I wake up at this time at night?” was found by biologists, the fact is that at three o’clock in the morning a person’s body temperature is at its maximum during the entire sleep period and this leads to awakening.

The human brain produces four types of brain waves at four frequencies: alpha, beta, delta, tesh. All four are produced simultaneously, but only one is dominant at any given time. Alpha dominance is observed in a state of relaxation of the brain, often before falling asleep, when thoughts flow smoothly and freely, and the body does not...

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53 comments on “Waking up in the middle of the night, part one: reasons”

Today I was just wonderfully woken up at 4 am.
It looks like someone was shot. I heard 7-10 shots, from which I really don’t know (either a gas pistol or a firearm). I looked out the window, not a single lamp was on.
In general, our yard is “cheerful”...

I completely agree about thoughts in the middle of the night,
but those who wake up in the middle of the night are probably spared insomnia ((.

I somehow woke up in the middle of a thought and didn’t realize where I was at all, a 3-second shock and came to my senses, like: “ugh, you’re a fool, you’re at home”))

And I often wake up at night, sit up, then lie down again and fall asleep, but I don’t understand how this works.

Dasha, listen to your body, the main thing is that at this moment nothing hurts and you breathe normally.

And I wake up sharply with a deep sigh and at the same time sit down)

Anna, if this happens often, it is better to see a doctor.


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Sleep disorders, sleep depth and duration disorders, awakening disorders, daytime sleepiness.

Sleep is a periodically occurring state in which the best conditions are created for restoring the functioning of the body, in particular the central nervous system. Sleep is a vital necessity for every person: a third of his life passes in a state of periodically occurring daily sleep. During sleep, phase changes in muscle tone are observed (most of the muscles of a sleeping person are relaxed), a sharp weakening of all types of sensitivity - vision, hearing, taste, smell, skin sensitivity. Unconditioned and conditioned reflexes are inhibited. The supply of blood to tissues decreases, which is accompanied by a decrease in metabolic rate by 8-10% and a decrease in body temperature. During sleep, the brain processes information accumulated during the day in order to perceive it the next day.

Normal sleep consists of two phases - the slow-wave sleep phase...

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The usual story - you haven’t gotten enough sleep for three days and this time you decided to go to bed early. You go to bed at ten in the evening hoping to get a good night's sleep, but suddenly wake up at two in the morning. No sleep in either eye, you lie and look at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep again. It takes two hours before you fall asleep again, and then almost immediately the alarm goes off and you're sleep-deprived and feeling terrible again. What is the reason for such awakenings?

Causes of night awakenings

There are many reasons, both external and internal, why a person may suffer from sudden awakenings at night.

Common external causes include street noise, a partner snoring, too much light in the bedroom, inappropriate temperature (too warm or too cold), pets snuggling in your bed, an uncomfortable mattress, or a child waking up and coming into your room.

The internal causes of sleep are just as diverse and depend on many...

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