What vitamins can be taken with stomach ulcers? Your ulcer diet. Specific areas of therapy

- as characteristic of an anxiety reaction as wrinkling of lymphoid tissue. There have been cases where ulcers have developed overnight in passengers during an unsuccessful air flight, in soldiers in anticipation of battle, and even in students full of gloomy forebodings before an exam.

What causes a stomach ulcer

Investigating numerous cases of stomach ulcers, scientists carefully observed the movement of the stomach and the behavior of its walls. They measured the concentration and amount of hydrochloric acid in the most different conditions.

When the patient was angry, the walls of his stomach became red, swollen and severely inflamed, movement was markedly accelerated, and both the amount and concentration of hydrochloric acid increased.

Identical symptoms arose when people were in a state of indignation, anxiety, grief, resentment, depression, fear. Such changes are most noticeable in people with ulcers, and the walls of their stomachs were much paler than in healthy people.

When a patient with an ulcer was nervous, for example, he remembered past failures and disappointments, his stomach boiled, the walls burned and swelled, and strong acid flowed out in “glasses”. The ulcer became painful and recovery stopped. This reaction is typical for many people. None of the foods, however, caused them concern, although coffee, alcohol, and meat did increase the acidity of the stomach somewhat.

In all examined patients, heartburn was associated with excess acid production and worsened when the stomach was empty. The same thing happened from too dense or too fast food or from emotional distress, but not caused by indigestion.

A fantastic variety of foods, drugs, and chemicals had little or no effect on the stomach, even in people with ulcers. Hot peppers, curry seasoning, pickles, vinegar, raw cabbage, anchovy oil, smoked herring, rhubarb, mustard, clove oil, spices, herbs, 30-60-degree alcohol, sugar, aspirin, digitalis, iron salts and huge variety other chemicals did not have the slightest effect. In other words, studies have supported the conclusion that the stomach, whether healthy or ulcerated, "recycles unreservedly any material classified as edible." True, gloomy forebodings can cause inflammation in the stomach before food or medicine gets there, but it is on them that curses are poured in case of any trouble.

Bitter foods increase hydrochloric acid, and black pepper stimulates mucus production. Some strong medicines cause inflammation and increase the secretion and movement of the stomach, but almost the only substance that irritates the ulcer is alkali. Ironically, for decades the main cures for ulcers were various alkalizing powders.

Ordinary drinking soda given to patients with ulcers duodenum, accelerates the emptying of the stomach so much that the ulcer, exposed to caustic acid for a longer time, becomes even more inflamed. This interferes with protein digestion to the extent that healing is delayed and next appointment food, the stomach secretes twice as much acid. When a patient who didn't like drugs was given a placebo, starch tablets that he thought were drugs, his stomach became inflamed, bowel cramps developed, and diarrhea began. On the other hand, a toxic dose of a drug that the same patient thought was a placebo had no effect at all. An ulcer is the clearest example of how emotions can affect the digestive tract.

Deficiency of any nutrient can cause an ulcer

Experimental animals develop ulcers when they are fed a diet too low in calories or deficient in almost any nutrient, be it protein, vitamin A, B2, B6, E, choline, pantothenic, or folic acid. Similarly, in humans, for example, when folic acid is deficient, healthy people develop ulcers on the lips and in the mouth, they suffer from abdominal pain, indicating the onset of an ulcer. Only this vitamin can help them. A stomach ulcer also affects vitamin E deficiency.

With insufficient supply of the body with protein or the only sulfur-containing amino acid - cystine - an ulcer develops both in the stomach and in the duodenum. Since eggs are especially rich in cystine, they are very beneficial for ulcers. Stress causes protein to break down so quickly that ulcers are the first to strike those whose food is deficient in it.

If very little fat is eaten, the food leaves the stomach so quickly that its walls are exposed to strong hydrochloric acid for a long time. Thus, a low-fat diet leads to the formation of ulcers. Ulcers caused by excess acidity were completely prevented by supplementing food with vitamin E. Therefore, it is important for people prone to ulcers to get enough vitamin E at every meal and some fat in between meals, especially during times of stress, so as not to unnecessarily expose the stomach to exposure to caustic acid.

With an insufficient supply of choline, bile is constantly expelled from the intestines back into the stomach, causing fast education ulcers.

Such an ulcer heals when choline is added to food, but the cure is accelerated by the additional intake of vitamin B 6, although other B vitamins do not give tangible effect.

heavy stress malnutrition by itself can cause ulcers. Ulcers, for example, are not common in observant people due to high blood pressure. rice diet that does not satisfy almost all the needs of the body. It is highly doubtful that an ulcer can develop in a person who eats rationally. However, many nutrients that may not play any role in the development of an ulcer are needed in large amounts to speed healing. Although stress - the underlying cause of ulcers - increases all the needs of the body, it is people in whose body there is already a deficiency of various nutrients, are the least able to resist it and therefore are especially susceptible to this disease.

Vitamin C and pantothenic acid

The need for vitamin C increases so dramatically during times of stress that it can become deficient in a few hours, even if there was no previous deficiency of this vitamin. Because blood vessels become fragile in the absence of vitamin C, a lack of vitamin C allows small lesions, such as a small sore, to cause heavy bleeding.

An ulcer cannot heal without vitamin C, and moreover, people on an ulcer diet have more than once developed scurvy as a result of total absence this vitamin.

A stomach or duodenal ulcer has often been created unintentionally in patients when they were given cortisone as a medication. Cortisone is known to break down the body's protein and increase both the amount and concentration of stomach acid in the same way as during times of stress.

mild insufficiency pantothenic acid causes too little hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach, but as the deficiency becomes more severe, acid secretion in the stomach gradually increases until the acidity rises 2 or 3 times. If this situation is superimposed with anger or other emotional disorder can quickly form an ulcer.

People who are predisposed to ulcers may also have an unusually high need for pantothenic acid, which is why the disease is considered hereditary.

Ulcer Diet Goals

The ulcer, which is similar to a festering wound, in the initial stage is less than 0.005 mm in diameter, but gradually grows and becomes larger. When the body's proteins are broken down at the onset of stress, the mucus-producing glands in the walls of the stomach are affected, so they cannot secrete enough mucus to protect the stomach from the acid needed to digest food. At the same time, stress makes the stomach overactive and causes it to release more concentrated acid and more than normal amounts. With each contraction of the muscles of the stomach wall, the valve between the stomach and the small intestine opens slightly, and acid is injected into the duodenum - the initial site small intestine.

The corrosive action of this acid can cause an ulcer to form in any part of the stomach that is not covered with mucus. Since the intestinal wall is less protected by mucus than the stomach, there are about 8 times more people with duodenal ulcers than those with gastric ulcers. Since the causes of both types of ulcers are identical, the same diet is appropriate for both.

To be complete ulcer diet must meet the following requirements: provide the body with all the nutrients in larger than usual quantities; contribute to a speedy recovery; neutralize the acidity of the stomach while healing occurs; keep the stomach in as much as possible calm state. An ulcer is unlikely to heal when concentrated acid is constantly poured on it or while it is mechanically injured: stretched and compressed by vigorous muscle contractions.

Vitamins A, C, and E are especially beneficial for people with ulcers, as they stimulate mucus production, speed up healing, and prevent scarring. However, these vitamins are rarely given in sufficient amounts.

The time-honored "infant" diet of hourly milk and cream feeding appeared long before the birth of nutritional science. Although this diet is still used, it is too low in protein to promote healing during times of stress, and deficient in iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, pantothenic acid, choline, inositol, vitamins B 1 , B 6 , C, P, E and other nutrients. However, the basic principles of this diet are time-tested and relevant at the present time. Milk protein neutralizes acid, fat soothes an active stomach, keeping food in it longer, therefore, does not allow acid to ulcers. Milk, preferably non-homogenized, still remains the best basis for an ulcer diet.

The effect of the ulcer diet can be clearly demonstrated by trying to bake a lemon pie. If you add lemon juice to sweetened condensed milk to thicken it and then mix it with whipped cream, you get delicious stuffing for lemon pie. This recipe can be made more nutritious by adding 1/2 cup of powdered milk and mixing it all with frothed condensed milk. Lemon pie should definitely sour, but no matter how much you add lemon juice, the acid will be completely neutralized. All your efforts to achieve a sour taste will be in vain. Likewise, if a protein-rich food is eaten at short intervals, the acid in the stomach can be completely neutralized and there is nothing left to irritate the ulcer.

During a study on the effect of diet on ulcers, patients were given meals providing 50 grams of protein (the amount found in six glasses of milk), and the value of each food was evaluated by the completeness of neutralization of acid in the stomach and by the amount of time it takes for pain to pass. It turned out that 1/2 cup of soy flour is more effective than 3/4 cup of skim milk powder or 8 eggs; and it (flour) is almost twice as effective as huge portions of beef, chicken or fish. A single glass of milk, egg cream, egg liqueur, or milk pudding neutralizes acid as effectively as a dose of antacid medication. An ulcer, however, heals well when the contents of the stomach are slightly acidic (pH 3.2 to 3.6). For example, orange and grapefruit juices, despite their citric acid and vitamin C content (also weak acid), accelerate rather than delay recovery.

Ulcerative diet and atherosclerosis

People on the milk-and-cream ulcer diet often die of heart disease, sometimes 3 months after starting treatment. Autopsy results, compared with dietary histories, showed that heart attack dies 2-6 times more ulcer patients who received the "infant" diet than patients who ate regular food.

A modified "infant" diet of canned skim milk and partially hydrogenated soybean oil lowered blood fat and cholesterol levels in patients and promoted a satisfactory recovery, although it provided too little protein, pantothenic acid, and vitamin C to fully meet the body's needs under stress. and too little vitamin E (32 units per day) to prevent scarring. Fortified milk, much more nutritious and less expensive, can be made at home.

The basis of ulcerative diets

Fortified milk can be used as the basis of any ulcer diet. If a high-calorie drink is desired, you can add 1/2 cup vegetable oil, whole milk, a few eggs or egg yolks and frozen undiluted Orange juice, banana or other fruits. The amounts of fortified yeast, soy flour, and milk powder can be increased to 1/2 cup of each.

Those on an ulcer diet should be aware of their blood cholesterol levels, and if they are above 180 mg, fortified milk and supplements should be adjusted accordingly. Acidophilus culture is especially useful for ulcer patients because it destroys putrefactive bacteria in intestinal tract, which release histamine and increase acidity in the stomach.

If all the original products are of high quality, fortified milk is well digested and provides 4-5 times more complete protein than plain milk. If the ulcer is painful or bleeding, it should be slowly "sucked out" 1/2 cup every hour. Later, 2/3 cups may be given at two-hour intervals during the day and each time the patient wakes up during the night, but the worse the pain, the more frequent meals should be. Since unconscious anger, fear, and other emotions are especially destructive when the conscious mind is asleep, ulcer patients often release more hydrochloric acid at night than during the day, so nighttime feedings have special meanings and they need to continue until full recovery.

Your ulcer diet

There is no consensus among doctors as to what an ulcer diet should be. Most still recommend the old-fashioned "infant" diet of milk, cream, and thin, tasteless, mashed, unseasoned meals that prevent patients from eating in society, in a restaurant, or even in a cafeteria. As one physician aptly remarked, “If doctors themselves were put on such a program and made to follow it, tremendous changes would quickly occur.” All physicians, however, are unanimous in their opinion that portions of food should be small, and her meals should be frequent, and one should eat regularly. In addition, the denser the food, the more active the stomach works, and a stronger acid is released.

Ulcer patients complying bed rest and a strict diet, do not heal any faster than those who are allowed to get up and eat more varied foods. Patients eating previously forbidden foods such as whole grain breads and cereals, raw fruits, sardines, slaw, and fresh salads, recovered much faster than those who followed the liquid diet "with all its mashed variations." Moreover, the ulcer returned less frequently when patients were allowed to eat ad libitum. Some researchers even gave ulcer patients jelly-like dishes of roast lamb and beef - and the patients recovered safely.

Pureed soups, boiled fruits and vegetables, meats, egg liquor, dairy products, whole grain breads and cereals, puddings can be eaten as soon as the pain subsides. Coffee, alcohol and strong tea increase the amount and concentration of acid in the stomach, so they should be avoided. Fresh juices citrus fruits hasten healing even when given (mixed with milk) to patients with bleeding ulcers. Cream is no more effective at reducing stomach acid than fried foods, vegetable oil or fat in any other form, therefore, dishes fried on and in oil are acceptable, however, at low temperature processing.

Since any anxiety can slow down recovery, from emotional mood your doctor and yourself largely depends on how long you can eat raw fruits and salads.

Any writing that you feel might make you unwell, try a little at first. If there is no pain, gradually increase portions until you start eating regular food. Eating pureed food for months after an ulcer has healed is like taking an aspirin for last year's headache.

Neutralization of stomach acid

Except during the anxiety response to stress, ulcer patients usually have low stomach acid. drinking soda and various antacids delay healing and hasten gastric emptying to such an extent that they can cause a recurrence of an already healed ulcer or exacerbate pain in an existing one. These remedies should never be used for self-medication. With frequent high protein diet they are not needed.

Powders for the "infant" diet and similar drugs, which consist mainly of calcium carbonate, can cause severe magnesium deficiency. If taken in excess for a long time, dangerous and painful calcium deposits can form in the lungs, kidneys, arterial walls, and other tissues.

Learn to let off steam

old saying: “The cause of an ulcer is not what you eat, but what eats you” is especially true. However, "what eats you" often continues indefinitely and leads to multiple recurrences of the ulcer. Until recently, the impact of emotions on health was poorly understood. Negative feelings experienced by a person in early childhood, such as anger, prohibitions, fear, are forgotten as they grow older, but subconsciously come to life when such situations arise in Everyday life. Hiding in the subconscious, they can remain there all their lives. Therefore, ulcers originating from emotional stress, come back as easy as carrier pigeons home. The often heard advice "Learn to live with your ulcer" should be changed to "Learn to live without an ulcer."

When large amounts of cortisone are injected into the bloodstream, preparing the body to "fight or flee," the ulcer-prone person does not fight or run. He is usually a good, sensitive, hard-working person who needs approval and keeps his anger, resentment and other negative emotions for fear of not getting that approval. However, a steam boiler that periodically releases steam does not explode, but over-compressed steam is indeed dangerous. Of course, if a person wants to keep his job, he will not dare to openly object to his boss, however, as soon as he gets home, nothing prevents him from drawing a whole album of caricatures of his boss.

The best thing a person affected by an ulcer can do is turn to psychotherapy, which often cures the disease. When such therapy is not available or the patient does not want to undergo it, at the first possible moment after a fit of anger, he should blow off steam: play tennis, football, piano, or do household chores that involve tense muscles. It is also helpful to discuss your problems with an understanding friend.

The more complete the food, the less damage stress can do to an ulcer. Apparently, ulcers should always have nuts, protein waffles, fermented milk tablets, vitamin C and pantothenic acid with them and take them hourly when stress occurs. When hydrochloric acid is splashed into the stomach in full glasses, you should drink it as soon as possible. whole milk, eat nuts and/or other high protein foods and continue taking them at hourly intervals.

See also: Gastric and duodenal ulcer - treatment with folk remedies.

When a person is diagnosed with gastritis, you have to completely change your lifestyle. First of all, nutritional adjustment follows, then refusal bad habits. It is very important to monitor what the patient consumes, it is necessary to eat sparing food so as not to aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

A balanced diet is the key to beauty and health, which means that it will be easier for the stomach to recover. Vitamins for gastritis play a lot important role in restoring the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, it is necessary to know which vitamins are required by your diseased organ and in which foods they are contained. It will not be superfluous to use additional synthetic vitamin complexes. They also increase defensive forces body and favor the regeneration of altered body tissues.

Which vitamin deficiency can contribute to the development of gastritis

The inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa occurs in most people. The causes of this disease are:

In this regard, a person has a lack of nutrients, the body does not receive, but only spends its vitamin reserves. As a result, they violate biochemical processes metabolism, beriberi develops, nausea, vomiting, psychological disorders increases the vulnerability of the gastric mucosa.

Which vitamin deficiency leads to digestive system disorders:

  1. Vitamin C. Its deficiency in the body leads to a disruption in the performance of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity. vascular tissue. As a result of insufficient strength of the vessels, pinpoint hemorrhages of the gastric mucosa appear, decrease protective functions organism.
  2. Vitamin K. If the body does not receive daily allowance vitamin K, then the synthesis of certain proteins in the body is disrupted, there are problems with blood clotting.
  3. B group vitamins. Erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa occur due to insufficient intake of vitamin B2. With B12 deficiency, anemia develops, which negatively affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Vitamin E and a nicotinic acid . With a deficiency of these substances, the regeneration process slows down, which means that erosion that affects the mucous membrane heals very slowly.
  5. Vitamin A. The lack of this vitamin can cause atrophy of the epithelial layer of the stomach, reducing the production of secrets that help important body digest food.

What vitamins are needed for a patient with gastritis?

Before you start giving preference to certain vitamins, you need to know what type of gastritis you have. Vitamins are very useful for our body and for the stomach, in particular, but they daily intake should be normal. Since thoughtless use will not lead to anything good. In this case, you need to consult a gastroenterologist, who, having studied the patient's medical history and test results, will recommend paying attention to required group useful elements.

If the acidity of the stomach is increased

  • vitamin E normalizes the production of secretory substances in the diseased organ, actively heals the damaged gastric mucosa, and helps to inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid. This vitamin is rich in vegetable and animal fats, cereals, eggs and dairy products;
  • irreplaceable sulfur-containing amino acid methionine neutralizes increased output hydrochloric acid in the stomach, has analgesic and healing effects. Methionine is used to treat stomach ulcers and gastritis, in which the acidity is increased. Contained in beets, turnips, cabbage and carrots;
  • vitamin B5 reduces the concentration of gastric juice and restores the mucous membrane of the affected organ. Helps the body absorb potassium and folic acid. Vitamin B5 is found in seeds, avocados, beef liver, meat, fish;
  • especially relevant vitamin B12 if autoimmune disorders have become the cause of the inflammatory process in the stomach. B12 is found in beef and calf liver, fish and other seafood;
  • folic acid or vitamin B9 perfectly relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is rich in green foods: spinach, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, as well as nuts, barley grits, tuna, salmon;
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6) reduces the symptoms of gastritis, reduces nausea, has sedative effect. Most content pyridoxine in tuna, mackerel, beef liver, buckwheat, chicken breast;
  • a nicotinic acid normalizes the amount of production of gastric juice, relieves diarrhea. Its high content in yeast, liver, kidneys, cereals.

If the acidity of the stomach is low

In case of reduced stomach acidity, the use of medicines and natural components that increase the acidity of gastric juice.

Decreased acidity is associated with a deficiency in the human body of vitamin B12, vital important element, which is synthesized by some bacteria, the absorption of this vitamin is significantly hampered by gastritis with low acidity.

It is unacceptable to exceed the daily intake of vitamin E, if you take vitamin E separately, it is better to exclude dairy products with high fat content, grapes, flour products containing yeast, as it will reduce the production of hydrochloric acid.

With gastritis with low acidity, the following vitamins are needed:

  • vitamins A and C normalize the composition of gastric juice, increase immunity, restore the gastric mucosa, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, serve as excellent antioxidants. These substances are found in carrots, citrus fruits, rose hips, bread, dairy products, bell peppers;
  • vitamin PP balances the acidity of gastric juice.

Complex vitamin preparations for gastritis

B vitamins are used for any form of the disease, including gastritis with normal acidity. This group of nutrients has a beneficial effect on the restoration and regeneration of the inflamed mucosa. They can be consumed with food, as well as together with vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, multivitamins containing divalent iron should be avoided, since this element irritates the gastric mucosa and aggravates the course of the disease.

Vitamin-mineral complexes contain a moderate dosage useful substances which can be taken by patients with gastritis.

To obtain maximum effect from the vitamin complex, the drug should be used subject to certain rules:

  1. Multivitamins are prescribed only by the attending gastroenterologist, taking into account the age of the patient and the presence of other diseases.
  2. Before using the drug, you should read the instructions.
  3. Tablets or capsules are not chewed or crushed, they are washed down big amount water. Since with increased acidity of the stomach, vitamins are destroyed in an acidic environment, and capsules or whole tablets have a protective shell that does not dissolve quickly in the stomach.
  4. It is unacceptable to skip taking the drug.
  5. It is important to use vitamins every three months for 2-3 weeks, especially in winter and spring, when the human body receives minimal amount useful substances.

The use of ascorbic acid for gastritis

Ascorbic acid plays a significant role in gastritis and in metabolic processes organism. It increases the defenses, and therefore favors the recovery of patients with gastritis. At people who smoke and those who are exposed passive smoking, consumption ascorbic acid increases significantly, which means that the daily requirement should be above the norm - 150-200 mg.

With chronic atrophic gastritis vitamin C is allowed to be consumed in the form pharmaceutical product. Drink vitamin C after meals, drink clean water but not tea or other drinks.

Vitamin C is found in rose hips, sea buckthorn, herbs, citrus fruits, red fruits, cauliflower, green peas, and beans. However, not all products are allowed with a certain form of gastritis. Therefore, the use of each product should be coordinated with your doctor.

Compliance with the rules for the use of nutrients in gastritis gives a positive result in complex treatment serious stomach disease. Vitamins will become real helpers for any form of gastritis when you need to follow a diet. During this period, the body does not receive enough useful substances. And in order to increase the protective functions of the body, it needs useful substances that are contained in certain products food or in pharmaceutical preparations.

Many people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases lack vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Although hypovitaminosis is not key reason development of diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is still able to significantly worsen the patient's condition. So let's figure out if vitamins are allowed for ulcers and gastritis, and which ones are most effective.

Patients with problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract often complain of the following symptoms- fatigue and fatigue, irritability and nervousness. This indicates that the human body does not have enough vitamins that it needs so much. And if at the right time you do not sound the alarm, then this can lead to irreversible consequences.

Influence of Helicobacter pylori

It is known that infection of the body with the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori is one of the most common causes of ulcers and gastritis. Scientists managed to find out that the presence of this microorganism in the gastrointestinal tract is associated with a lack of certain beneficial substances. For example, vitamin E, selenium and beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

To improve the rate of these nutrients in the body, the use of multivitamin complexes is acceptable.

Vitamin complexes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In the treatment of such serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors prescribe the intake of useful substances. Often they affect the production of hydrochloric acid and reduce the vulnerability of the diseased mucosa. For example, vitamins of group A are aimed at stopping the development of infection, and PP avoids diarrhea and optimizes the production of gastric juice. Consider the most important vitamin substances more.

fat soluble

  1. If you have low acidity stomach, then you are recommended to take Retinol, better known as vitamin A. This substance has a beneficial effect on the functioning immune system, normalizes the production of hydrochloric acid. Contained in green pepper, pumpkin (even more than in carrots), apricot and milk. To maintain health, it is recommended to consume up to 5000ME per day.
  2. Vitamin E with gastritis with high acidity has proven its effectiveness. The substance neutralizes the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid and normalizes acidity. This fat-soluble biological compound is also necessary to fight the disease in the pancreas and regenerate the gastric mucosa. Contained in dairy and other products: red fish, sunflower and olive oils, flaxseed, nuts, etc. In the form of capsules, it is recommended to take tocopherol (the second name of vitamin E) at a dose of 400 units per day.

water soluble

  1. With reduced secretion of gastric juice folic acid poorly absorbed by the body. But, if it is increased, then the substance fights against inflammatory processes mucous. In a considerable amount it is found in spinach, cabbage and liver. Not so long ago, scientists conducted an experiment, during which it turned out that in people suffering from atrophic gastritis, the absorption of folic acid is significantly reduced.
  2. Regardless of the acidity of the stomach, we recommend using B vitamins(in particular, cyanocobalamin, popularly known under the name B12). The substance is found in oysters, octopuses, crabs, cheeses, beef and fish. People with gastritis are often deficient in folic acid and vitamin B12. The lack of these components of the vitamin "cocktail" can cause anemia. Reception of these biological substances especially effective in autoimmune gastritis.
  3. Pyridoxine (known as vitamin B6) helps reduce discomfort with gastritis. For example, relieve nausea and vomiting, reduce pain. This biological compound is known to help control homocysteine ​​levels and improve performance. digestive tract. Vitamin B6 comes from legumes, breads and cereals, nuts, poultry and bananas.

Vitamin C

Separately, I want to talk about the effect of vitamin C on the human body, not only with gastritis, but also with trophic ulcers. Few people know that these diseases can be triggered by vitamin deficiency of the immune system (for the functioning of which ascorbic acid is responsible). After all, Helicobacter pylori is able to live in the human gastrointestinal tract for decades and begin to show vigorous activity only if the immune system fails.

Vitamin C is not produced by the body, so it is recommended to enrich the diet with foods that are rich in it: rose hips, sea buckthorn, lettuce peppers, citrus fruits and herbs.

Ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant, the deficiency of which in the body can lead to the development of scurvy. Vitamin helps the body absorb iron and calcium salts, has a positive effect on the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.


In various medical articles, you can read conflicting information about whether a person with gastritis needs to take iron. Most sources tend to iron-containing preparations can be harmful for gastritis. After all, for the development of Helicobacter you need iron. Therefore, it is recommended to take drugs with this element for helicobacteriosis only in case of its acute shortage.

In 2008, foreign doctors examined schoolchildren aged 10-15 with anemia. Experts have found that they are twice as likely to be infected with Helicobacter than children with normal indicators iron content in the body.

Vitamin U

This vitamin-like substance, developed in the 1940s, is sometimes referred to as an "anti-ulcer" compound. It proves its effectiveness in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcers(especially those localized in the duodenum). In addition, it is useful for frequent seizures heartburn, therefore it is recommended not only for people with gastrointestinal diseases of all ages, but also for expectant mothers.

IN in large numbers vitamin U is found in raw vegetables- cabbage and greens. If you want to receive maximum benefit from cabbage - drink juices based on it. Also, experts advise eating vegetables in pickled form. Such fermented foods reduce the risk of duodenal, lung, stomach, colon, and prostate cancers.

How to take the complex

Exists a whole set rules that you need to know before you start taking any vitamin complex.

  1. It is necessary to take into account the compatibility of vitamins with each other. For example, group A substances cannot be combined with K and B12. And vitamin B12, in turn, will interfere with the "work" of ascorbic acid, pyridoxine. But vitamin E and folic acid will be more useless if taken together.
  2. With atrophic gastritis, it is forbidden to chew vitamins. It is better to swallow the pills with plenty of water. This is not a whim of the manufacturer, such a recommendation has a completely reasonable explanation. The fact is that the acidic environment that reigns in the stomach destroys the beneficial properties of vitamins. If you swallow them, then the special protective shell will not be damaged, the substance will “get” to its destination and start working.
  3. It is desirable that the course of treatment falls on the winter and spring periods. It is at this time that the human body is most depleted and needs to be “recharged” with vitamin cocktails.
  4. After you finish taking the remedy, you must take a break for at least 3 months.

What can be taken

gastritis and stomach ulcer do not belong to diseases that can be cured by taking vitamins. However, they will be useful as an additional component of drug therapy.

Among the drugs presented in pharmacies, we advise you to pay attention to such as: Complivit, Centrum, Alfavit. They contain in a small dosage substances that are so necessary for atrophic gastritis and ulcerative formations.

Vitamins for gastritis are an irreplaceable thing. But in addition to multivitamin complexes, it is very important to enrich your diet with foods high in nutrients. For example, vegetable oil rich in vitamin E, with gastritis, will accelerate the process of regeneration of the mucosa, and nicotinic acid normalizes the production of aggressive hydrochloric acid.

But remember that vitamins are only a small part. treatment program. Alas, no reception medical preparations prescribed by a doctor, it will not be possible to defeat gastritis and ulcers.


A peptic ulcer is a disease in which ulcers appear in the duodenum and/or stomach. It most often affects men between the ages of 20 and 50. A characteristic feature is the cyclicity and chronic course. IN frequent cases exacerbation occurs in autumn and spring.

Often the cause of the disease is a microbe. Helicobacter pylori damaging the gastric mucosa. The appearance of an ulcer is accompanied by a violation of the autonomic nervous system that causes spasm blood vessels and muscles of the stomach. With absence good nutrition the stomach becomes vulnerable to the effects of hydrochloric acid and therefore ulceration occurs.

Factors affecting the occurrence of ulcers:

  1. The use of spicy and rough food - there is an increase in the level of production of hydrochloric acid;
  2. Unlimited medication - aspirin, reserpine, corticosteroid hormones;
  3. Bad heredity;
  4. Smoking - nicotine damages the walls of the stomach, increases the production of hydrochloric acid, disrupts the normal production of protective factors gastric mucosa in the pancreas;
  5. Alcohol - reduces the protection of the mucosa and increases the aggressiveness of gastric juice.

Essential Vitamins

With a stomach ulcer, vitamins are very useful. Especially such as: B1, B6, B2, B12, C, E, P, a, U, folic acid. It is also useful to take vitamin complexes: Undevit, Stress formula, Complivit. Useful multivitamin complexes are those that contain bismuth, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Mineral complexes that contain iron (an element capable of provoking an ulcer) are not recommended.

In the treatment of stomach ulcers, vitamin E (tocopherol) has a good effect. Vitamin E is natural fat soluble vitamin, which reduces the increase in the number of fats subject to the oxidation process. It must be taken at 400 mg. in the morning and in the evening, at the same time you need to take 2 tablets of means that soothe the stomach 3 times a day. A course of treatment 4 weeks.

Reception large doses vitamin E creates favorable conditions for the treatment of ulcers: increases the saturation of tissues with oxygen, stimulates the growth of capillaries, improves blood circulation in the peripheral vascular system.

It is important! Possible side effects: mild malaise, bloating, dizziness.

Tocopherol reduces the risk of recurrence of ulcers after recovery by slowing down the multiplication of microbes in the pylorus.

Patients who have a very large ulcer and treatment does not positive results Your doctor may suggest taking vitamins C and A.

Vitamin A (retinol) is very important for division and normal growth epithelium. Retinol prevents the development of ulcers against the background of stress (with severe injuries, there is a large release of hydrochloric acid and a decrease in the resistance of the gastric mucosa to it). Vitamin also has side effects, so it should be taken only under the supervision and on the recommendation of a doctor.

The impact of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on the body:

  • Stopping the synthesis of nitrous amine and salts of nitrous acid in the stomach;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Elimination of toxicity and cessation of the activity of carcinogens in the liver;
  • Reducing the amount of nitrogenous amines in the body.

Lack of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in the body contributes to the development of ulcers. Vitamin intake gives positive effect. The daily dose is from 50 to 100 mg.

Diet for ulcers

The diet for an ulcer is very important. It is he who affects the endowment or deterioration of the patient's condition. The diet for stomach ulcers should include foods that can restore the gastric mucosa.

It is important! sheet and cauliflower, broccoli are a must. They contain a substance that neutralizes bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.

Antibiotics are the main drug for treatment, despite this proper nutrition very important. Since antibiotics kill not only harmful microorganisms, but also those that are needed to maintain normal life organism.

Bacteria that cause peptic ulcers can also be affected by foods such as: honey. It must be consumed in the morning and evening. Experts also recommend the use of such products:

  • Brussels sprouts, kale and cauliflower, broccoli (contain - sulforaphane, which effectively destroys Helicobacter Pylori);
  • Yogurt with biologically active bacteria (they inhibit the activity of bacteria, effectively heal ulcers).

It is important! An effective prevention is the use of "live" yogurt every day.

With peptic ulcer of the stomach, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • Alcohol, fatty foods, coffee - for the digestion of these products you need a significant amount stomach acids, which provokes the appearance of an ulcer;
  • Spicy and spicy food- it irritates the tissues of already formed ulcers and increases pain;
  • Milk - increases the content of stomach acids.

Kalina with peptic ulcer

Kalina is widely used in alternative medicine, as it has many useful properties: reduces pain, has a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, improves renal circulation.

Viburnum fruits contain organic acids (isovaleric and valeric), which have a calming effect on the central nervous system, vitamin C. Berries help with stomach diseases, have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, and increase heart contractions.

Kalina is used to treat jaundice and liver diseases. Fruits must be harvested after the first frost, when the berries become sweeter. Viburnum drink cleanses the blood very well.

Viburnum with a stomach ulcer can be used in the form of a fruit drink, add juice to tea and coffee.

For cooking useful decoction you need to take 1 tablespoon of viburnum berries, pour 1 glass of boiling water, then leave for a couple of hours and strain. Take before meals 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons.

When the stomach (or the initial part small intestine) loses its protective mucous membrane, the acidic contents of the stomach damage its wall, forming an ulcer. Usually it has dimensions from 1-2 mm (with a pinhead) to 2 cm. Characteristic symptoms ulcers: pain in the area adjacent to the stomach for about an hour after eating, or pain in the stomach that makes you wake up early in the morning; in both cases, the pain subsides after eating or taking anti-acid drugs. Symptoms may come and go. As recent studies have shown, some bacterial infection can cause a chronic ulcer that reappears even after a course special therapy(drugs such as tagamet, zantag, pepsid and oxide). Although medications may be needed to treat stomach ulcers, nutrition plays an extremely important role. In the article "Heartburn" we already wrote about some nutritional components that help to cope with such a problem. But in this case there are features. Let's take a look at them.

Essential fatty acids are the precursors from which prostaglandins, both "good" and "bad", are formed in the body. Carriers of the "good" group protect the stomach and intestines from ulcers, making their lining more resistant to damage and contributing to the rapid healing of injuries that have already occurred. Suggestions: to get best effect from the consumption of essential fatty acids, start with the main set of macrocomponents (see the same section) and add linoleic acid and fish oil to this base in a ratio of 1:4. Take this supplement one to three times a day. You can buy in most stores diet food containing linoleic acid evening primrose oil, as well as fish oil. Since it is not as pure form, the dose will be different. good replacement will give this combination: 500 mg evening primrose oil (source of linoleic acid in capsules), 1000 mg fish oil, 200 IU of vitamin E one to three times a day. (Caution for diabetics: fish oil can sometimes cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Keep a close eye on this when using fish oil and stop taking it if blood sugar becomes difficult to control.)

What helps with benign diseases (tumors) of the breast?

Vitamin A preparations prevent the development of ulcers due to stress. For severe physical or mental trauma(burn, car accident, internal injury from a blow or fall), a significant amount of hydrochloric acid can be released and the resistance of the stomach lining to it will decrease. Suggestions: after severe stress take 50,000 IU of vitamin A twice a day for no more than three to four weeks, under medical supervision if possible. Read the description of this vitamin and familiarize yourself with its symptoms. overconsumption. Because the body is able to store vitamin A, it can accumulate in toxic amounts. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking it until its level drops. In case of more mild stress you can take instead of vitamin A, its predecessor, beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body in accordance with the emerging need. Take 25,000 IU of beta-carotene daily.

Deficiency of vitamin B 6 contributes to the development of stomach ulcers, and additional intake of this vitamin can lead to healing effect. Recommendations: Take 50-100 mg of vitamin B 6 daily. With more severe symptoms you can increase the dose to 150 mg, but not higher. If you take more than 200 mg daily for several years, this can lead to the development of a nervous breakdown.

Vitamin C deficiency increases the risk of ulcers and bleeding in the stomach, and additional intake may speed up recovery. Recommendations: Take at least 500 mg of vitamin C four times a day. See for its importance to health and how it should be taken (in the crystalline or powder form that is considered preferred).

Vitamin E deficiency can lead to the development of stomach ulcers. Preparations of this vitamin protect against disease. Recommendations: Take 400-800 IU of natural vitamin E as d-alpha tocopherol succinate daily. Caution: Vitamin E may cause an increase in some people. blood pressure. Check out the article dedicated to this vitamin and, following the instructions given, gradually increase the dose to the recommended level.

Bismuth is active ingredient stomach-enhancing drugs such as peptobismol. As shows clinical experience, bismuth not only creates a protective cover for inflamed stomach and small intestine, but also kills H. pylori, a bacterium that appears to cause peptic ulcers to recur after treatment. Doctors are currently using chronic ulcer"triple therapy": drugs that block acid secretion (tagamet, zantac, axid and pepcid), antibiotics (for example, tetracycline or metronidazole) and bismuth subsalicylate (peptobismol, ikveit and other similar drugs). Recommendations: Take two tablespoons of bismuth subsalicylate daily. Be aware that bismuth causes browning of the feces as well as the tongue. Such changes do not matter for health. Note that bismuth preparations contain a substance similar to aspirin; if you are taking medication for gout or anemia, or if you are allergic to aspirin, you should not use bismuth products.

Histamine (the same substance that causes allergy symptoms in the nose) stimulates the production of acid by the cells of the stomach. This stimulation is especially enhanced by stress and may play a major role in the development of a stress ulcer. Zinc, by inhibiting the release of histamine, helps prevent stress ulcers from forming. Recommendations: Take 20-50 mg of zinc complex compounds (zinc aspartate or zinc picolinate) twice daily. Caution: Consumption of ionic zinc may cause deficiencies in other micronutrients, such as copper, due to competitive intestinal absorption. The intake of complex compounds prevents such competition and ensures the full absorption of all trace elements.



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