Echocardiogram of the heart is normal. Echocardiography: indications for performance. Hypertrophy of the walls of the right sections

Leading position in identifying heart disease in this moment occupies ultrasound - ultrasound examination. This diagnostic method is also called echocardiography. The first information about the use of cardiac ultrasound dates back to the middle of the last century. But the term “echocardiography” appeared a little later. It was proposed in 1965 by AIUM - American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

Ultrasound of the heart is an informative diagnostic method, characterized by harmlessness, reliability of results, and ease of implementation. It is prescribed to people only if indicated. These include:

  • purchased and birth defects hearts;
  • IHD (coronary heart disease);
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • endocarditis ( inflammatory processes, which occur in the inner lining of the heart) caused by bacteria;
  • heart tumors;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • thrombosis, thromboembolism;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • aortic diseases;
  • suspicions of other pathological conditions.

In some cases, echocardiac ultrasound is not performed if indicated. The reason for this lies in the existing contraindications. For example, transesophageal echocardiography is not performed if the patient being examined is very in serious condition or has various diseases esophagus The intravascular ultrasound diagnostic method has a contraindication if the person is in an extremely critical condition.

Methods for performing ultrasound of the heart

There are several different echocardiographic techniques. The first to appear is one-dimensional scanning (M-method). It allows you to obtain graphic images of the structures of the heart depending on the level of the cut and the direction of the ultrasound beam. One-dimensional scanning allows specialists to:

  • find out the dimensions of the walls, chambers of the heart, valve openings;
  • get an idea of ​​the movement of organ structures.

The next method is B-mode. It allows you to obtain two-dimensional images. Thanks to this echocardiography, doctors:

It is impossible to assess the functioning of the heart without examining the blood flow in the blood vessels and chambers of the heart. This is done by specialists using Doppler echocardiography.. This method studies of intracardiac blood flow are based on the Doppler effect. The essence of Doppler echocardiography is to register changes in the frequency of the ultrasound signal directed by the sensor and reflected from moving elements, and to automatically determine the speed of blood flow and its direction.

Among the cardiac ultrasound methods, transesophageal echocardiography is particularly worth highlighting.. The main advantage of this diagnostic method is the absence of interference in the path of the ultrasound beam ( lung tissue, muscles, subcutaneous fat, etc.). Using transesophageal echocardiography, the functions of prosthetic heart valves are assessed, aortic wall dissection is diagnosed, and infective endocarditis and complications of this disease.

Another method ultrasound diagnostics- stress echocardiography. To implement this diagnostic procedure special ones are used ultrasonic systems, having the necessary programs for processing and presenting the received information. Stress echocardiography records images obtained in standard positions at rest and during various stages of a stress test in real time. This process is carried out in conjunction with synchronous ECG registration.

3D echocardiography is becoming increasingly popular and accessible.. This diagnostic method allows you to obtain three-dimensional images of the heart thanks to the following options:

  • when performing “live” three-dimensional echocardiography - in the volume of a truncated cone;
  • when performing three-dimensional echocardiography in “full volume” - with a wider locating angle;
  • when performing three-dimensional color Doppler mapping.

How is an ultrasound of the heart performed?

Scanning important body human body Using ultrasound, it is performed in a specially equipped room. Before starting the diagnosis, the doctor interviews the patient, performs auscultation of the heart, and reviews the necessary medical documents. Next, he places electrodes on the arms and legs of the person being examined, which are necessary for synchronous ECG recording.

Experts identify several main approaches for diagnostics:

  • apical approach (examination of the heart is performed through a place located in the fifth intercostal space along the left midclavicular line);
  • parasternal access (ultrasound is performed through the area located in the third, fourth intercostal space along the left edge of the sternum);
  • suprasternal access (examination is carried out through a part of the body located above the sternum in the area of ​​the jugular “jugular” fossa);
  • subcostal access (ultrasound is performed through a site located in the epigastric region).

During an ultrasound examination of the heart, performed from the first two approaches, the patient lies on his left side on a special functional bed. Its headboard is raised by 30 degrees. During examination internal organ of the last two approaches, the person lies on his back. The specialist is positioned either to the right or left of the patient. He can hold the sensor in his left or right hand.

The area of ​​the body to which the sensor is planned to be applied is lubricated with a special gel. With its help, the air gap between the body and the device is eliminated. The result is sharper images. The gel is safe for the skin. It can only cause minor discomfort due to the fact that it is cool.

Decoding the echocardiogram of the heart

The patient who has undergone an ECG receives an echogram of the heart - the results of the examination with a conclusion. The document indicates by the specialist all the parameters measured during ultrasound examination internal organ. All values ​​that were determined in 1D and 2D modes are marked. Information obtained as a result of Doppler echocardiography is also indicated.

The lower part of the document contains the doctor's report. The specialist indicates in it what corresponds to the norm, whether there are any pathological abnormalities. The conclusion also notes the patient’s exact or suspected diagnosis.

Normal values ​​of indicators

Echo CG performed in M-mode is characterized by the standards indicated in the table below.

Table 1. Some normal results echocardiography in one-dimensional mode

Below are normal values for echocardiogram indicators, B-mode.

Table 2. Some standards specific to B-mode

Index Average value
Parasternal position, long axis
1. Left ventricle:
anteroposterior size during systole 48 mm
anteroposterior size at diastole 31 mm
2. Anteroposterior size of the right lower chamber of the heart during diastole 28 mm
3. End-diastolic size of the left atrium 36 mm
4. Base of the aorta during the end-diastolic phase 29 mm
Parasternal position, short axis, at the level of the base of the aorta
1. Aortic diameter during diastole 30 mm
2. Diameter pulmonary artery at the time of diastole: at the level of the valve and in the middle part of the trunk 23 mm and 28 mm
3. Anteroposterior size of the left upper chamber of the heart at systole 36 mm
Parasternal position, short axis, at the level of the chordae
1. Anteroposterior size of the left ventricle:
end-diastolic 48 mm
end-systolic 32 mm
2. Anteroposterior size of the right ventricle, end-diastolic 30 mm

Doppler echocardiography is also characterized by certain norms. They are listed in the table below.

Table 3. Some normal parameters of Doppler echocardiography

In conclusion, it is worth noting that ultrasound of the heart, echocardiography, is considered highly informative diagnostic method. And indeed it is. The examination allows specialists to obtain objective data about anatomical structure important organ of the human body and its functioning in real time.

When visiting a cardiologist, patients are faced with a variety of examination methods. One of these methods is echocardiography - instrumental method examinations that allow using ultrasound to see the structure of the heart and evaluate it contractile activity. Ultrasonic waves tend to be reflected from all tissues of the human body with at different speeds depending on the density of the fabric. Having been reflected, the waves return in the form of an electrical impulse, which is processed by a computer and displayed on the screen in the form of a specific pattern.


Depending on the method of implementation, there are several types of echocardiography:

  • transthoracic – carried out through the chest with a sensor;
  • transesophageal echo CG is a rather rare method, used only if there are strict indications;
  • stress echocardiography – evaluates heart function during physical activity.

There are also three types of echo CG:

  1. M-mode, or one-dimensional - the sensor produces a wave directed in one direction, resulting in a real-time image of the heart with a “top” view. This type helps check all cardiac structures - atria, ventricles, aorta.
  2. Two-dimensional – ultrasonic wave with a high frequency of 30 m/s, passes at an angle of 90°, the result is a high-quality image in which all structures are clearly visible.
  3. EchoCG with the Doppler effect is based on a change in the speed of wave reflection from a moving object in relation to a change in the frequency of the signal - in this case, the signal is displayed from red blood cells - erythrocytes. With this method, colored zones appear on the screen indicating the flow of blood in the ventricles and atria.

Heart ultrasound procedure

Cardiography using echo allows you to visually assess the work of the heart, its structural changes and structural features, look at the contractile activity of the myocardium, the work of the heart under stress, and use Doppler to determine hemodynamic parameters (for example, whether there is a reverse flow of blood).

In what cases is an echocardiogram indicated?

During a routine examination:

  • newborns – identification of developmental defects;
  • children 12-14 years old - during active growth the development of the heart may be slightly delayed, due to this the load on the heart muscle increases;
  • pregnant women - if available cardiovascular pathologies allows you to decide on an independent delivery or a caesarean section;
  • people actively involved in sports.

To diagnose diseases:

  • endocardium and heart valves (thrombosis, malformations, endocarditis);

This is what it looks like aortic valve with stenosis

Complaints that most often force an echocardiogram:

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • a feeling of interruptions in his work;
  • dyspnea;

The appearance of shortness of breath with light exertion is a reason to consult a doctor.

  • pain after stress and spontaneous;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • fatigue and feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • chronic headaches.

How is the procedure done?

Depending on what type of echocardiography is performed, the patient is required to perform different actions.

Transthoracic echocardiogram

The patient undresses to the waist and lies down on the couch on his left side - this body position provides a better picture on the monitor. A special gel is applied to the body, and several electrodes are attached, which simultaneously record an ECG. The doctor moves an ultrasonic sensor over the surface chest, while an image of cardiac structures appears on the monitor in real time - a cardiogram.

Echocardiogram through the esophagus

Scheme of transesophageal echocardiography

In the presence of acoustic barriers, transesophageal echocardiography is performed. In this case, a sensor, similar to a flexible tube, is inserted into the esophagus, which is in close proximity to the left atrium. This study helps to see the cardiac structures closer, but is very unpleasant for the patient and requires fasting before the procedure.

Stress echocardiography

Recumbent ergometer for echocardiography

This method allows you to evaluate the work of the heart under load, which is given using physical exercise or special medicines. Stress cardiography reveals areas of ischemia. To prepare for a stress test, you should not eat a lot of food, drink a lot of fluids, and wear loose and comfortable clothing, because a stress cardiogram takes about 45 minutes.

What is the difference between an echocardiogram and an ECG?

How does echocardiography differ from ECG?

  1. First of all, an ECG evaluates the functioning of the conduction system of the heart, which generates electrical signals that cause the heart to beat, while an echocardiogram evaluates the functioning of the heart as a whole.
  2. An ECG is a static graph on paper, and an echocardiography is a dynamic image on a monitor.
  3. An ECG reveals cardiac arrhythmias and myocardial hypertrophy, while echocardiography can detect many structural and functional abnormalities.

Despite the obvious advantages of an echocardiogram, an ECG is a very accessible and convenient diagnostic method, and an ECG is often sufficient for correct setting diagnosis.

Interpretation of echocardiography indicators

The interpretation of the cardiogram results is carried out by a cardiologist. The main indicators are assessed:

  • Thickness of the heart walls.
  • Measurements are taken of the ventricles and atria.
  • The presence of prolapse and the degree of prolapse.
  • The presence of stenosis and the level of valve narrowing.
  • Blood flow speed and the presence of backflow - regurgitation.
  • Diastolic function is the ability of the heart muscle to relax.
  • The speed of blood flow in the aorta.
  • Pressure in the pulmonary column.
  • During a stress test, the presence of an ischemic area and blood flow velocity are determined.
  • Stroke volume is the volume ejected by the ventricle in one contraction.
  • Valve mobility, volume and uniformity.
  • Condition of the pericardial sac.

Thickening of the myocardial walls on the cardiogram – characteristic feature arterial hypertension, a decrease in its contractility - a heart attack, changes in the valve leaflets may indicate developmental defects - stenosis or insufficiency. In any case, only a doctor can decipher the results of the cardiogram, and only during an in-person examination can make the correct diagnosis, because even with the use of echocardiography, the need for other examination methods does not disappear. Self-decoding results can cause irreparable harm to health, and only the doctor decides whether treatment is necessary and what it will be - inpatient or outpatient.

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Both of these methods are accurate, but if cardiac pathologies are suspected, ECHO is usually used.

Echocardiography in a simpler sense is an ultrasound of the heart. The following features can be determined using ECHO:

Methods for performing ECHO:

  • Transthoracic (echocardiography is carried out through the surface of the patient’s body).
  • Transesophageal.
  • Stress ECHO (the procedure is carried out under stress on the heart muscle, which makes it possible to identify pathologies that are hidden).

Since such a study accurately characterizes cardiac activity, it is used very often. It can be performed even on newborns.

The reason for conducting an ECHO is:

ECHO should be carried out only in a medical institution, and it should be carried out by a person who has the knowledge necessary to decipher the data.

Such research has several advantages. This is the safety of ECHO (the same as when performing an ECG), the absence of unpleasant sensations for the patient and side effects, and the accuracy of the results. There are no contraindications for cardiac echocardiography; only stress echocardiography is performed with minor restrictions.

It contains 8 useful medicinal plants, which have extremely high efficiency in the treatment and prevention of arrhythmia, heart failure, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, and many other diseases. In this case, only natural ingredients, no chemicals or hormones!

What diseases are diagnosed using this method?

An ECHO can determine the condition of the heart valves. Also, such a study allows us to study the structural features of the organ. Thus, among the diseases that can be detected using this method are the following:

  • Heart failure.
  • Stenosis.
  • Prolapse.
  • Heart attack.
  • Aneurysms.
  • Heart disease.

Vasospasm (angina)

Thanks to additional methods diagnostics you can find out how the valve apparatus functions.

It is impossible to identify the causes of chest pain using cardiac ECHO. Also, this method does not indicate the state of the vessels, does not detect arrhythmia and blockade.

Despite its safety and the absence of contraindications for its implementation, it cannot be assumed that echocardiography alone is enough to be sure of the absence of cardiac problems. Diagnostic methods should be chosen by a doctor, and only he should evaluate the research results.

Execution Features

Patients who are prescribed ECHO are interested in how this procedure is done. It is simple and does not require preparation. To get the maximum accurate information the patient is placed on his left side.

It is with this positioning of the person that the heart is closest to the chest, and the picture becomes more accurate.

Data is recorded using a sensor. Ultrasound beams from this sensor are capable of studying the chambers of the heart. When examining, it is important that the beam be correct form and was directed into the space between the ribs. The ribs become an obstacle to the procedure and make it insufficiently effective.

The examination begins by examining the aorta and studying its condition to identify pathologies. After this, the ventricles and atria are studied, then the contractile properties of the heart muscle are assessed.

To carry out this study, special knowledge and experience are required, so only doctors perform echocardiography. They decipher the received data and, based on this analysis, make a diagnosis. Next, treatment is prescribed.

The patient does not need to take any action before this procedure, as well as before the ECG. There is no need to follow a diet, nor do you need to stop taking medications.

What influences the results?

Distortions in the results of this cardiac study may occur due to anatomical features patient. For a group of people, diagnosing in this way is very difficult.

These include people suffering from obesity, patients with abnormal placement of organs inside the body or the structure of the chest.

Few people know that in addition to the standard electrocardiography procedure, there are other methods of examining the heart, for example, ultrasound, CT, MRI, which allow you to assess the functioning of the heart non-invasively.

Ultrasound of the heart takes longer and costs more, but ultrasound examination is more informative. This procedure is usually prescribed after the procedure, if its results are doubtful or unclear.

What is echocardiography and ultrasound of the heart? Advantages of the method

The ECG procedure is known to everyone. This examination allows you to identify malfunctions of the heart, rhythm disturbances, etc. However, using an ECG it is not always possible to specify the diagnosis, so further examination is prescribed.

Often patients are interested in whether ultrasound of the heart is the same or not. Echocardiography is called cardiac ultrasound because it is based on an ultrasound examination of the heart, but it also includes elements of electrocardiography. During the examination, an ultrasound and ECG procedure are performed simultaneously, which significantly increases the information content.The method is based on the ability of body tissue to reflect ultrasound and return it back to the sensor.

Since different tissues have different echogenicity, a two- or three-dimensional image is displayed on the screen.

Cardiac echocardiography has many advantages:

  1. Painless and non-invasive. The procedure is carried out as regular ultrasound, but with several electrodes attached to the body. It's completely painless. No injections are performed before the procedure. The only discomfort that the patient may experience is a slight cold from the gel and the sensor. Any pain during echocardiography is not associated with ultrasound exposure.
  2. Safety. The procedure is safe for patients of all ages. It has virtually no contraindications. EchoCG can be performed on elderly people, children, and pregnant women. Ultrasound does not have side effects and has no effect on the fetus.
  3. Availability of the procedure. The procedure can be carried out in any medical center, private or municipal. If you have a doctor's referral, the procedure is free of charge. Equipment for carrying out echocardiography available in almost every city.
  4. Small price. Compared to MRI, the price of echocardiography is low. The price for an ECG is slightly lower, but the procedure itself is less informative. Cost varies depending on medical institution.
  5. High information content. The EchoCG procedure is highly informative. By using ultrasound examination you can evaluate not only heart rate and heartbeat, but also the size of the heart, the functioning of blood vessels, the presence of cysts and tumors.

Indications and contraindications

The echocardiography procedure can be performed either as prescribed by a doctor or as a preventative measure. It is recommended that everyone who has symptoms of heart disease, suspicion of having a cardiovascular disease, and also for preventive examination existing chronic diseases.

Appointment for examination:

  • Heart disorders. If the patient often experiences attacks or angina pectoris, the heartbeat increases or slows down greatly, all this is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the chest area, a heart examination is necessary. Usually an ECG is prescribed first, and then an ultrasound.
  • Dyspnea. IN healthy body shortness of breath may occur after physical activity And . But frequent or constant shortness of breath even in calm state requires mandatory examination. Most often, it indicates problems with the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Edema. The occurrence of edema indicates fluid retention in the tissues of the body. This may be a sign of either kidney problems or cardiovascular diseases. In this case, a comprehensive examination of the body is prescribed.
  • . People with elevated blood pressure are at risk for heart disease. Permanent high blood pressure significantly increases the load on the heart and blood vessels. For this reason, annual heart screening is recommended for hypertensive patients.
  • Chest pain. Chest pain can only occur in a certain position, when walking or at rest. In any case, it is considered alarming symptom in need of examination. Echocardiography is also prescribed for frequent headaches.
  • Very often, athletes whose hobbies are related to extreme sports undergo this procedure. Such sports increase the load on the heart, and they can only be practiced after a preventive examination.

The procedure has virtually no contraindications. Both ECG and ultrasound are performed for everyone without exception. Only chest injuries, deformations, and skin inflammation can interfere with the procedure. In this case, the examination will be difficult. In some cases, the procedure interferes with excess weight. Then the echocardiography procedure is replaced with an MRI.

Preparation and procedure

The procedure does not require any preparation. For a standard echocardiography procedure, you just need to come to the office at the appointed time. In some cases, it is recommended not to overeat or eat 3 hours before the examination. Full stomach raises the diaphragm slightly, which may make examination difficult.

The EchoCG procedure is quite simple for the patient. It is carried out quickly and takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

  • The patient enters the doctor's office, undresses to the waist and lies down on the couch on his left side. The doctor lubricates the patient's skin in the chest area with a special gel and attaches electrodes.
  • The doctor moves the ultrasound probe to the chest. The image is displayed on the screen, the doctor records it and takes notes. The patient experiences only slight cold and slight pressure. About any pain you need to tell your doctor.

If a conventional echocardiography procedure is not possible, a transesophageal procedure is indicated. This procedure resembles FGS. A sensor is inserted into the patient's mouth through the esophagus, through which information is transmitted to the monitor. Preparation in this case will be somewhat more complicated: before the procedure you need to abstain from food for at least 8-10 hours. During such an examination, a strong vomiting reflex. The patient is advised to breathe deeply through the nose and not strain the muscles of the larynx and esophagus.

There is another type of this procedure - stress echocardiography.

The examination is carried out during physical activity, or the work of the heart is enhanced with the help of special drugs. This procedure is considered more informative because it allows us to identify hidden disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

The whole procedure takes about an hour. Loads are selected individually for each patient. The subject is asked to come in comfortable clothes so that nothing interferes with the procedure.

More information about cardiac ultrasound can be found in the video:

Neither pregnancy nor breast-feeding are not contraindications for ultrasound. There is no need to interrupt breastfeeding. For greater convenience, a woman visits a doctor's office after breastfeeding. Next feeding can be done in the same way as usual. Ultrasound has no effect on breast milk and does not harm the child.

Decoding the results

All indicators are entered into a special protocol, which is then given to the patient. The indicators include the size of the myocardium, the size of the ventricles and the thickness of their walls, heart rate, stroke volume of the heart, and the volume of ejected blood. Using Doppler ultrasound, you can evaluate the work of arteries and vessels, the movement of blood through them.

Using echocardiography, the following diseases can be identified:

  • Aneurysm. In an aneurysm, part of the heart muscle bulges, forming a sac. Contractility In this case, the heart rate decreases. Typically, an aneurysm appears as a consequence of a heart attack. This disease causes weakness, shortness of breath,... Aneurysm rupture is usually fatal.
  • Heart failure. Heart failure can occur due to various reasons. It leads to disruption of the heart, which becomes unable to fully supply all organs and tissues with oxygen. Blood flow deteriorates significantly, which leads to various complications.
  • Pericarditis. Inflammation of the pericardium usually occurs due to infection or previous infection. At proper treatment pericarditis is cured completely and is not accompanied by complications.
  • Heart defects. Defects can be congenital or acquired, but all of them require regular examination. With heart defects, various defects of valves or septa are observed, as a result of which normal operation the heart is disturbed. Some heart defects can be fatal.
  • Tumor processes. Echocardiography can detect various tumors and cysts on early stages. Malignant and benign neoplasms in the region of the heart are rare, but they timely diagnosis very important.
  • Myocardial infarction. During a heart attack, the blood supply to part of the heart muscle is cut off, resulting in necrotic processes. A heart attack can lead to both the death of the patient and various serious consequences.

It is worth remembering that the heart is complex organ and its examination is also carried out taking into account many nuances. Only a cardiologist can decipher the examination result. You cannot interpret the results yourself, as this will lead to an erroneous diagnosis.

EchoCG is one of the most modern methods conducting heart examinations and contractile activity his muscles. It is an echocardiographic study that helps to obtain visualization of a functioning organ and blood vessels.

It is based on the use of ultrasound, which is absolutely not perceived by the human ear. What kind of study is an echocardiogram, what does it show, and what does an ECG show, how to prepare for the procedure, how an ultrasound of the heart vessels is done: find out the answers to all questions from this article.

ECG and EchoCG are among the most effective examinations of cardio-vascular system. They are characterized by joint goals and tasks. But the methods and methods used to carry them out differ significantly from each other. What is the difference between EchoCG (ultrasound of the heart) and ECG and what does each of these studies provide?

Method of carrying out. To take an ECG you need to use a cardiograph and electrodes. At the same time, the electrostatic activity of the heart muscle is examined and recorded, and then the results are translated into a graphic drawing. It clearly shows:

  • whether the activity of the organ is characterized by a stable pulsation rhythm;
  • what are the numerical indicators of runout;
  • presence or absence of arrhythmia.

To perform cardiac echocardiography, it is necessary special electronic equipment, which is called a converter. It must be applied tightly to the chest, and then brought into working condition. This device is a generator of waves belonging to the ultrasonic spectrum. They are able to penetrate inside the organ, fight off its tissues and return back.

Special equipment helps process the received data and display it on the screen. At the same time on his monitor you can see a three-dimensional picture.

If the main purpose is to identify the electrostatic activity of heart tissue and study heart rhythms, then echocardiography is carried out to study the ability of the cardiovascular system to pump blood.

With the help of the latter, doctors are able to establish and prevent the occurrence of organ failure, check the activity of the valve, and determine the location of atrophied fractions of the heart muscle.

An echocardiogram is used to study the heart condition of a patient who has suffered an attack, identifying serious blood clots that are not moving. In addition, with the help of current echo transducers, it is possible to study the functioning of a vital organ in a 3D image.

In comparison with an ECG, the converter is able to provide a more understandable picture of the examination, as it detects the presence of almost all diseases of the organ.


There are several types of echocardiogram; let’s look at each one separately.


A standard type of echocardiogram, which is painless and somewhat similar to an x-ray, this procedure assesses the health of the child before birth.

To carry out this type of echocardiography, a sensor that transmits high-frequency sound waves, applied to the chest. The heart muscles fight off these waves. In this way, images and sounds are created, by analyzing which the doctor determines the presence or absence of anomalies and diseases of the organ.


With transesophageal echocardiography, a sensor in the form of a swallowing tube connecting the stomach with the oral cavity inserted into the esophagus. Its close location to the heart helps to obtain a clear image of the structure of the organ.

When performing an echo-ultrasound of the heart through the esophagus, there is no effect on the lungs or chest.

Stress with stress test

An echocardiogram, which is performed during a stress test, using dobutamine or adenosine, refers to stress echocardiography. Only here it is not the physiological load on the organ that is applied, but the influence medical supplies stimulating the work of the organ.

With the help of this study, it is possible to assess the state of the organ in the case when there is no opportunity to use a path or bicycle for these purposes, load tolerance, the possibility of coronary disease, the effectiveness of the therapy.


During the patient's sports activities using a jogging or cycling track perform stress echocardiography.

During this procedure, it is possible to visualize the movements of the heart walls and analyze its pumping function.

With the help of a stress echocardiogram, unlike other similar studies, it is possible to determine the lack of blood flow.


For use intravascular ultrasound used during cardiac catheterization. At the same time, into the cavity blood vessels a special sensor is introduced. A catheter is used for this.

In most cases, this procedure is performed in order to analyze the blockage inside the vessel.

Only experienced medical specialist will be able to determine which type suits you individually.

Types of echocardiography

There are 3 types of echocardiograms:

  1. One-dimensional in M-mode– the wave supplied by the device is placed along one axis. Therefore, the monitor shows a top view of the organ. By moving the ultrasound line, the ventricle, aorta and atrium can be examined.
  2. Two-dimensional An echocardiogram helps examine the heart in two projections. Therefore, when performing it, it is possible to analyze the movement of cardiac structures.
  3. Doppler echocardiogram carried out in order to assess such parameters of the organ’s functioning as the speed at which the blood moves and its turbulence. As a result of the accepted results, a conclusion can be made about the presence of defects and the degree of filling of the ventricle.


An echocardiogram must be performed if the following symptoms are present:

  • pain in the chest or heart;
  • noises and rhythm disturbances during organ activity;
  • or ;
  • symptoms that indicate the presence of heart failure;
  • shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, lack of air, increased paleness of the skin.

An echocardiography procedure is mandatory for patients who have undergone surgery with an injured chest. Also A referral for a cardiac ultrasound can be obtained by those who have:

  • chronic headaches;
  • artificial valve;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • actively involved in sports.

EchoCG is used to diagnose congenital or acquired defects, as well as in cases of improper weight gain in newborn babies.

Preparing the patient for the study and features of the study

Preparation for the procedure is not unusually difficult. The patient must take off your clothes to the waist and lie on your left side. This position ensures that the chest is closest to the top of the organ being examined. This helps ensure the clearest possible image.

After this, the sensor locations are lubricated with gel. Their various positions contribute to the most visual identification of the cardiac sections, as well as the measurement and recording of the results of their activity.

Attaching these sensors not painful and does not cause discomfort. Actually, with their help, ultrasound is sent, changing during its passage through tissue, being reflected and returning back.

Then the sounds are converted into signals that enter the echocardiograph. Sound wave changes when exposed to modifications in the state of organs.

After signal processing A clear picture appears on the monitor, according to which the doctor makes appropriate conclusions about the patient’s condition.

Learn how to do an ultrasound of the heart from the video:

Decoding the results

A continuation of the echocardiographic study is. Accurate and comprehensive Only a cardiologist can analyze them.

And despite the fact that it seems simple and understandable to an ordinary person, the doctor as a result sees a complete picture of the condition of the organ. In addition, the result of the study is influenced by the condition and age of the patient, as well as the purposes for which it was carried out. this study.

In any conclusion of an ultrasound examination there are unchanged, constant parameters that are characteristic of good condition and organ functioning. According to their values ​​and the features of the functioning and structure of the heart chambers are determined. These include data characterizing the ventricles, interventricular septum, valves and pericardium.

When performing echocardiography, the following parameters are specified: normal indicators ventricular activity. Depending on the degree of deviation of the actual results from these indicators, the development or presence of the corresponding pathology is established.

Simpler, in comparison with the parameters of the ventricles, is deciphering the results of examinations of the heart valves. In case of deviation from the norm, you can say about the development of either insufficiency or stenosis. A reduced lumen diameter, which makes pumping blood significantly more difficult, indicates the presence of stenosis.

Formation of insufficiency provokes a slightly different process: leaky valves allow blood to return back into the chamber, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the heart.

The most common pathology of the pericardium is pericarditis - between the pericardium and the myocardium, which significantly complicates the functioning of the organ.

Find out more useful information about what and how the doctor evaluates during the study from the video:

The cost of echocardiography has a very wide range. Its performance is greatly influenced by the qualifications and reputation of the specialist who conducts this study, as well as the level and location of the medical institution. This is due to the fact that only a highly qualified specialist can fully and correctly decipher the information received.

In addition, only a specialist can establish the correct diagnosis based on the results obtained and prescribe the correct treatment. If you start to figure all this out on your own, this will lead to incorrect conclusions and erroneous treatment.

And since the heart is practically the most important human organ, which provides vital activity to our entire body - that’s what there is no need to risk his condition. Because very often it ends in death.



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