Aortic insufficiency. Aortic valve insufficiency: types of disease and treatment regimens Aortic valve dimensions

The aortic valve is the part of the heart that is located between the left ventricle and the aorta. It is needed to prevent the return of released blood into the chamber.

What does the aortic valve consist of?

Permissive cardiac nodes are formed due to outgrowths of the inner layer of the heart.

AK consists of the following elements:

  • Fibrous ring- formed from connective tissue, underlies the formation.
  • Three semilunar valves along the edge of the annulus fibrosus- when connecting, they obscure the lumen of the artery. When the aortic crescents close, a contour is formed that resembles the logo of a Mercedes car. Normally they are the same, with a smooth surface. AK valves are made of two types of tissues - connective and thin muscular.
  • Sinuses of Valsalva- sinuses in the aorta, behind the semilunar valves, two are connected to the coronary arteries.

The aortic valve is different from the mitral valve. So, it is tricuspid, and not 2-cuspid, unlike the latter, it is devoid of both chordae tendons and papillary muscles. The mechanism of action is passive. The aortic valve is driven by blood flow and the pressure difference that occurs between the left heart ventricle and the associated artery.

Algorithm of the aortic valve

The work cycle looks like this:

  1. Elastin fibers return the valves to their original position, move them to the walls of the aorta and open them to blood flow.
  2. The aortic root narrows, tightening the crescent.
  3. The pressure in the heart chamber increases, a mass of blood is pushed out, pressing the outgrowths against the inner walls of the aorta.
  4. The left ventricle contracted and the flow slowed.
  5. The sinus at the walls of the aorta creates vortices that deflect the valves, and the hole in the heart closes with a valve. The process is accompanied by a loud bang, which can be heard through a stethoscope.

When and why do aortic valve defects occur?

Aortic valve defects are divided into congenital and acquired according to the time of occurrence.

Congenital malformations of AK

Disorders are formed during embryonic development.

The following types of anomalies occur:

  • Quadricuspid AC is a rare anomaly, occurring in 0.008% of cases;
  • The valve is large, stretched and sagging, or less developed than others;
  • Holes in the crescents.

The bicuspid structure of the aortic valve is a fairly common anomaly: there are up to 20 cases per 1 thousand children. But usually 2 leaflets are enough to ensure sufficient blood flow; no treatment is required.

If there is no crescent in the aortic valve, the person most often does not experience any discomfort. This condition is not considered a contraindication for pregnancy in female patients.

In case of congenital defects with stenosis of the aortic mouth, bicuspid aortic valve is detected in 85% of sick children. In adults, about 50% of such cases.

Unicuspid aortic valve is a rare defect. The valve opens thanks to a single commissure. This disorder leads to a severe form of aortic stenosis.

If such a patient gets sick with infectious diseases with age, the valves wear out faster and fibrosis or calcification may develop.

Such congenital heart defects (CHDs) in children usually form after infections that a woman had during pregnancy, due to unfavorable factors, exposure to x-rays.

Acquired anomalies

AK defects that arise with age are of two types:

  • Functional - the aorta or left ventricle expands;
  • Organic - AC tissue is damaged.

Acquired aortic heart disease is caused by various diseases. Autoimmune diseases and rheumatism, which provoke 4 out of 5 disorders, are of great importance in the formation of such defects. When the disease occurs, the valves of the valves fuse together at the base and become wrinkled, many thickenings appear, causing deformation to form on the pockets.

Acquired AV defect is caused by endocarditis, which, in turn, is provoked by infections - syphilis, pneumonia, tonsillitis and others.

The membrane inside the heart and valve becomes inflamed. Then the microbes settle on the tissues and create colony tubercles. On top they become covered with blood proteins and form a growth on the valve, reminiscent of warts. These structures prevent the valve parts from closing.

There are other reasons for AK anomalies:

  • Hypertension;
  • Enlarged aortic valve.

As a result, the shape and structure of the base of the aorta may change, and tissue rupture occurs. Then the patient suddenly experiences characteristic symptoms.

Acquired anomalies in the structure of the aortic valve are sometimes the result of injury.

There is a two-valve disorder - mitral-aortic, aortic-tricuspid. In the most severe cases, three valves are affected at once - aortic, mitral, tricuspid.

Fibrosis of the valve leaflets

Often during diagnosis, a cardiologist identifies fibrosis of the aortic valve leaflets. What it is? This is a disease in which the valves thicken, the number of blood vessels and tissue nutrition deteriorate, and some areas die. And the more extensive the lesions, the more severe the patient’s symptoms.

The most common cause of fibrosis of the valve leaflets is aging. Age-related changes cause atherosclerosis and the appearance of plaques on the valve, which also affects the arterial blood vessel.

Fibrosis also occurs with changes in hormonal levels, metabolic disorders, after myocardial infarction, excessive physical exertion, and uncontrolled use of medications.

There are three types of fibrosis of the aortic valve leaflets:

AC stenosis

This is a defect of the arterial valve, in which the lumen area decreases, which is why the blood does not escape during contraction. This causes the left ventricle to enlarge, causing pain and increased blood pressure.

There are congenital and acquired stenosis.

The development of this pathology is facilitated by the following disorders:

  • Single-leaf or double-leaf AK, while three-leaf is the norm;
  • A membrane with a hole under the aortic valve;
  • A muscle cushion that is located above the valve.

Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections lead to the development of stenosis, which penetrate the heart through the bloodstream, causing the same endocarditis. Another reason is systemic diseases.

Age-related disorders, calcification, and atherosclerosis also play an important role in the origin of aortic valve stenosis. Calcium and fatty plaques settle on the edges of the valves. Therefore, when the doors are open, the lumen itself is narrowed.

There are three degrees of aortic valve stenosis based on the size of the lumen:

  • Light - up to 2 cm (with the norm being 2.0–3.5 cm2);
  • Moderate - 1–2 cm2;
  • Heavy - up to 1 cm 2.

Stages of AA deficiency

There are degrees of aortic valve insufficiency:

  • At 1st degree There are practically no symptoms of the disease. The walls of the heart on the left become slightly larger, and the capacity of the left ventricle increases.
  • At 2nd degree(period of latent decompensation) there are no pronounced symptoms yet, but the morphological change in the structure is already more noticeable.
  • At 3 degrees Coronary insufficiency develops and blood partially returns to the left ventricle.
  • At 4 degrees AV insufficiency weakens the contraction of the left ventricle, resulting in vascular congestion. Shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, swelling of the lungs develops, and the development of heart failure is observed.
  • At grade 5 disease, saving the patient becomes an impossible task. The heart contracts weakly, causing blood to stagnate. This is a dying state.

Aortic valve insufficiency

Symptoms of AA deficiency

The disease sometimes goes unnoticed. Aortic valve disease affects health if the reverse flow reaches 15–30% of the left ventricular capacity.

Then the following symptoms arise:

  • Heart pain resembling angina pectoris;
  • Headache, vertigo;
  • Sudden loss of consciousness;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Vascular pulsation;
  • Increased heartbeat.

As the disease worsens, these symptoms of aortic valve insufficiency are supplemented by swelling and heaviness in the right hypochondrium due to congestive processes in the liver.

If a cardiologist suspects an AC defect, he pays attention to the following visual signs:

  • Pale skin;
  • Changing pupil size.

In children and adolescents, the chest area bulges due to excessive heartbeat.

When examining and auscultating the patient, the doctor notes a pronounced systolic murmur. Measuring pressure shows that the upper reading increases and the lower reading decreases.

Diagnosis of AC defects

The cardiologist analyzes the patient’s complaints, learns about lifestyle, diseases that were diagnosed in relatives, and whether they had such anomalies.

In addition to the physical examination, if aortic valve disease is suspected, a general urine and blood test is prescribed. This reveals other disorders, inflammations. A biochemical study determines the level of proteins, uric acid, glucose, cholesterol, and identifies damage to internal organs.

The information obtained using hardware diagnostic techniques is valuable:

  • Electrocardiogram- indicates the frequency of contractions and size of the heart;
  • Echocardiography- determines the size of the aorta and lets you know whether the valve anatomy is distorted;
  • Transesophageal diagnostics- a special probe helps to calculate the area of ​​the aortic ring;
  • Catheterization- measures the pressure in the chambers, shows the characteristics of blood flow (used in patients over 50 years old);
  • Dopplerography- gives an idea of ​​the return flow of blood, the severity of prolapse, the compensatory reserve of the heart, the severity of stenosis and determines whether surgery is required;
  • Bicycle ergometry- carried out by young patients if there is a suspicion of an AC defect in the absence of patient complaints.

Treatment of AC defects

In mild stages of failure - for example, with marginal fibrosis - observation by a cardiologist is prescribed. If, for more severe lesions of AK, treatment is prescribed - medicinal or surgical. The doctor here takes into account the condition of the aortic valve, the severity of the pathology, and the degree of tissue damage.

Conservative techniques

In most cases, AA deficiency develops gradually. With proper medical care, it is possible to stop the progression. For drug treatment, drugs are used that affect symptoms, the strength of myocardial contractions, and prevent arrhythmias.

These are the following groups of funds:

  • Calcium antagonists- do not allow mineral ions to enter cells and regulate the load on the heart;
  • Vasodilation agents- reduce the load on the left ventricle, relieve spasms, reduce pressure;
  • Diuretics- eliminate excess moisture from the body;
  • β-blockers- prescribed if the aortic root is dilated, heart rhythm is disturbed, blood pressure is increased;
  • Antibiotics- for the prevention of endocarditis during exacerbation of an infectious disease.

Only the doctor selects medications, determines the dosage and duration of treatment.

Who is suitable for surgery?

You cannot do without radical methods if the heart stops performing functions.

For congenital defects of the AV with minor abnormalities, surgery is recommended after 30 years. But this rule can be violated if the disease rapidly progresses. If the defect is acquired, the age limit rises to 55–70 years, however, even here the degree of changes in the aortic valve is taken into account.

Surgery is required for the following conditions:

  • The left ventricle is partially or completely incompetent, the chamber size is 6 cm or more;
  • Return of more than a quarter of the expelled blood volume, which is accompanied by painful symptoms;
  • The volume of returned blood is above 50%, even in the absence of complaints.

The patient is denied surgery due to the following contraindications:

  • Age from 70 years (there are exceptions);
  • The proportion of blood flowing into the left ventricle from the aorta exceeds 60%;
  • Chronic diseases.

There are several types of heart surgeries that are prescribed for AV failure:

Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation. The operation is indicated for early AV failure. A balloon with a hose through which helium is supplied is placed into the femoral artery.

When the AC is reached, the structure inflates and restores the tight closure of the valves.

The most common operation consists of replacing damaged tissue with a silicone and metal structure.

This allows you to functionally restore the functioning of the heart apparatus. Arterial valve replacement is indicated when reflux is 25–60%, there are multiple and significant manifestations of disease, and the ventricular dimensions exceed 6 cm.

The operation is well tolerated and allows you to get rid of arterial insufficiency. The surgeon dissects the chest, which subsequently requires long-term rehabilitation.

Operation Ross. In this case, the aortic valve is replaced with a pulmonary valve. The advantage of this method of treatment is the absence of risks associated with rejection and destruction.

If the operation is performed in childhood, the fibrous ring grows with the body. Instead of the removed pulmonary valve, a prosthesis is installed, which works longer in this place.

If the AC is formed by two valves, tissue plastic surgery is performed, in which the structures are preserved as much as possible.

Prognosis, complications for AC defects

How many people live with similar pathologies? The prognosis depends on the stage at which treatment is started and the cause of the anomaly. Typically, survival in severe forms, if there are no signs of decompensation, is 5–10 years. Otherwise, death occurs within 2–3 years.

To avoid the development of such a heart defect, doctors recommend following simple rules:

  • Prevent diseases that can disrupt the structure of the valve;
  • Carry out hardening procedures;
  • For chronic diseases, undergo timely treatment prescribed by a doctor.

AV insufficiency is a serious illness that, without observation by a cardiologist and treatment, leads to life-threatening complications. Against the background of the anomaly, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, and pulmonary edema occur. The risk of thromboembolism - the formation of blood clots in organs - increases.

Compliance with preventive measures by a pregnant woman will help avoid congenital heart disease, including abnormal valve structure - unicuspid, bicuspid. Prevention consists of healthy habits, regular walks in areas with green spaces, avoidance of foods that are harmful to the body, heart and blood vessels - fast food, fatty, smoked, sweet, salty, refined foods.

You should get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse. Instead, the daily menu includes vegetables and fruits - fresh, boiled, steamed or baked, low-fat fish, and cereals. It is also necessary to reduce psycho-emotional stress.

Video: Aortic valve insufficiency.

website - a medical portal about the heart and blood vessels. Here you will find information about the causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, traditional and folk methods of treating cardiac diseases in adults and children. And also about how to keep the heart healthy and blood vessels clean until old age.

Do not use the information posted on the site without first consulting your doctor!

The authors of the site are practicing medical specialists. Each article is a concentrate of their personal experience and knowledge, honed over years of study at the university, received from colleagues and in the process of postgraduate training. They not only share unique information in articles, but also conduct virtual consultations - answer questions you ask in the comments, give recommendations, and help you understand the results of examinations and prescriptions.

All topics, even those that are very difficult to understand, are presented in simple, understandable language and are intended for readers without medical training. For your convenience, all topics are divided into sections.


According to the World Health Organization, arrhythmias, irregular heartbeats, affect more than 40% of people over 50 years of age. However, they are not the only ones. This insidious disease is detected even in children and often in the first or second year of life. Why is he cunning? And because it sometimes disguises pathologies of other vital organs as heart disease. Another unpleasant feature of arrhythmia is the secrecy of its course: until the disease goes too far, you may not be aware of it...

  • how to detect arrhythmia at an early stage;
  • which forms are the most dangerous and why;
  • when is enough for the patient, and in what cases is surgery indispensable;
  • how and how long do they live with arrhythmia;
  • which attacks of arrhythmia require an immediate call to the ambulance, and for which it is enough to take a sedative pill.

And also everything about the symptoms, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various types of arrhythmias.


The fact that excess cholesterol in food plays a major role in the development of atherosclerosis is written in all newspapers, but why then in families where everyone eats the same way, often only one person gets sick? Atherosclerosis has been known for more than a century, but much of its nature remains unsolved. Is this a reason to despair? Of course not! The site’s specialists tell you what successes modern medicine has achieved in the fight against this disease, how to prevent it and how to effectively treat it.

  • why margarine is more harmful than butter for people with vascular damage;
  • and why it is dangerous;
  • why cholesterol-free diets don't help;
  • what will patients with;
  • how to avoid and maintain mental clarity into old age.

Heart diseases

In addition to angina pectoris, hypertension, myocardial infarction and congenital heart defects, there are many other cardiac ailments that many have never heard of. Did you know, for example, that it is not only a planet, but also a diagnosis? Or that a tumor can grow in the heart muscle? The section of the same name talks about these and other heart diseases in adults and children.

  • and how to provide emergency care to a patient in this condition;
  • what to do and what to do so that the first does not turn into the second;
  • why the heart of alcoholics increases in size;
  • Why is mitral valve prolapse dangerous?
  • What symptoms can you use to suspect that you and your child have heart disease?
  • which cardiac diseases are more threatening to women and which ones to men.

Vascular diseases

Vessels permeate the entire human body, so the symptoms of their damage are very, very diverse. Many vascular diseases do not bother the patient much at first, but lead to serious complications, disability and even death. Can a person without medical education identify vascular pathology in himself? Of course, yes, if he knows their clinical manifestations, which this section will talk about.

In addition, here is the information:

  • about medications and folk remedies for the treatment of blood vessels;
  • about which doctor to contact if you suspect vascular problems;
  • what vascular pathologies are deadly?
  • what causes veins to swell;
  • How to keep your veins and arteries healthy for life.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins (varicose veins) are a disease in which the lumens of some veins (legs, esophagus, rectum, etc.) become too wide, which leads to impaired blood flow in the affected organ or part of the body. In advanced cases, this disease is cured with great difficulty, but at the first stage it can be curbed. Read how to do this in the “Varicose veins” section.

Click on photo to enlarge

You will also learn from it:

  • what ointments exist for the treatment of varicose veins and which one is more effective;
  • why doctors prohibit some patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities from running;
  • and who it threatens;
  • how to strengthen veins using folk remedies;
  • how to avoid blood clots in affected veins.


- such a common illness that many consider it... a normal condition. Hence the statistics: only 9% of people suffering from high blood pressure keep it under control. And 20% of hypertensive patients even consider themselves healthy, since their disease is asymptomatic. But the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke is no less! Although it is less dangerous than high, it also causes a lot of problems and threatens with serious complications.

In addition, you will learn:

  • how to “deceive” heredity if both parents suffered from hypertension;
  • how to help yourself and your loved ones during a hypertensive crisis;
  • why blood pressure increases at a young age;
  • how to keep your blood pressure under control without medications by eating herbs and certain foods.


The section devoted to the diagnosis of heart and vascular diseases contains articles about the types of examinations that cardiac patients undergo. And also about indications and contraindications to them, interpretation of results, effectiveness and procedures.

You will also find answers to questions here:

  • what types of diagnostic tests even healthy people should undergo;
  • why is angiography prescribed for those who have suffered a myocardial infarction and stroke;


Stroke (acute cerebrovascular accident) is consistently among the ten most dangerous diseases. People at greatest risk of developing it are people over 55 years of age, hypertensive patients, smokers and those who suffer from depression. It turns out that optimism and good nature reduce the risk of strokes by almost 2 times! But there are other factors that effectively help avoid it.

The section dedicated to strokes talks about the causes, types, symptoms and treatment of this insidious disease. And also about rehabilitation measures that help restore lost functions to those who have suffered from it.

In addition, here you will learn:

  • about the differences in clinical manifestations of strokes in men and women;
  • about what a pre-stroke condition is;
  • about folk remedies for treating the consequences of strokes;
  • about modern methods of rapid recovery after a stroke.

Heart attack

Myocardial infarction is considered to be a disease of older men. But the greatest danger it poses is not for them, but for people of working age and women over 75 years of age. It is in these groups that mortality rates are highest. However, no one should relax: today heart attacks overtake even the young, athletic and healthy. More precisely, underexamined.

In the “Heart Attack” section, experts talk about everything that is important to know for everyone who wants to avoid this disease. And those who have already suffered a myocardial infarction will find here many useful tips on treatment and rehabilitation.

  • about what diseases a heart attack is sometimes disguised as;
  • how to provide emergency care for acute pain in the heart area;
  • about differences in the clinical picture and course of myocardial infarction in men and women;
  • about an anti-heart attack diet and a heart-safe lifestyle;
  • about why a person suffering from a heart attack must be taken to a doctor within 90 minutes.

Pulse abnormalities

When we talk about pulse abnormalities, we usually mean its frequency. However, the doctor evaluates not only the speed of the patient’s heartbeat, but also other indicators of the pulse wave: rhythm, filling, tension, shape... The Roman surgeon Galen once described as many as 27 of its characteristics!

Changes in individual pulse parameters reflect the state of not only the heart and blood vessels, but also other body systems, for example, the endocrine one. Want to know more about this? Read the materials in the section.

Here you will find answers to questions:

  • why, if you complain of pulse irregularities, you may be referred for a thyroid examination;
  • whether a slow heart rate (bradycardia) can cause cardiac arrest;
  • what does it mean and why is it dangerous;
  • how heart rate and the rate of fat burning when losing weight are interrelated.


Many heart and vascular diseases, which 20–30 years ago doomed people to lifelong disability, can now be successfully cured. Typically surgically. Modern cardiac surgery saves even those who until recently were given no chance to live. And most operations are now performed through tiny punctures, rather than incisions, as before. This not only gives a high cosmetic effect, but is also much easier to tolerate. It also reduces the postoperative rehabilitation time by several times.

In the “Operations” section you will find materials about surgical methods for treating varicose veins, vascular bypass surgery, installation of intravascular stents, heart valve replacement, and much more.

You will also learn:

  • which technique does not leave scars;
  • how operations on the heart and blood vessels affect the patient’s quality of life;
  • what are the differences between operations and vessels;
  • for what diseases is it performed and what is the duration of a healthy life after it;
  • What is better for heart disease - to be treated with pills and injections or to undergo surgery.


“Rest” includes materials that do not correspond to the topics of other sections of the site. Here you can find information about rare cardiac diseases, myths, misconceptions and interesting facts regarding heart health, unclear symptoms and their significance, the achievements of modern cardiology and much more.

  • about providing first aid to yourself and others in various emergency conditions;
  • about the child;
  • about acute bleeding and methods to stop it;
  • o and eating habits;
  • about folk methods of strengthening and healing the cardiovascular system.


“Medicines” is perhaps the most important section of the site. After all, the most valuable information about a disease is how to treat it. We do not provide here magical recipes for curing serious illnesses with one tablet; we honestly and truthfully tell everything about the drugs as they are. What are they good for and what are they bad for, for whom are they indicated and contraindicated, how do they differ from their analogues, and how do they affect the body. These are not calls for self-medication, this is necessary so that you have good command of the “weapons” with which you have to fight the disease.

Here you will find:

  • reviews and comparisons of drug groups;
  • information about what can be taken without a doctor’s prescription and what should not be taken under any circumstances;
  • a list of reasons for choosing one or another means;
  • information about cheap analogues of expensive imported drugs;
  • data on the side effects of heart drugs that manufacturers are silent about.

And many, many more important, useful and valuable things that will make you healthier, stronger and happier!

May your heart and blood vessels always be healthy!

Chapter 8. Mitral valve

General issues

Normal heart valves are so thin and flexible that they cannot be visualized using most diagnostic techniques. Echocardiography, which records differences in acoustic characteristics between connective tissue and blood, allows for detailed examination of the heart valves. All existing types of echocardiography are used to study the valvular apparatus of the heart.

The advantage of M-modal echocardiography is its high resolution; The disadvantage is the limited observation area. The main application of M-modal echocardiography is the recording of subtle valve movements, such as diastolic vibration of the anterior mitral valve leaflet in aortic regurgitation or mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Two-dimensional echocardiography provides a large observation area, however, the larger this area, the lower the resolution of the method; An important advantage of two-dimensional echocardiography is that this method can determine the extent of damage to the valve apparatus, for example, with sclerosis of the aortic valve.

Doppler echocardiography allows qualitative and quantitative assessment of blood flow through each of the heart valves. The main disadvantage of the method is the need to direct the ultrasound beam strictly along the flow to avoid distortion of the research results. However, the capabilities offered by Doppler echocardiography, such as assessing the hemodynamic significance of aortic stenosis and calculating pulmonary artery pressure, are almost revolutionary advances that can serve as a model of what a non-invasive method can provide.

With the widespread use of echocardiography, an increasing number of patients are undergoing surgical correction of valvular heart disease without prior cardiac catheterization. You can confidently rely on the results of echocardiographic assessment of the severity of the defect that led to severe hemodynamic disturbances. Only in two cases is an echocardiographic study not enough: 1) if there is a contradiction between clinical data and the results of an echocardiographic study; 2) if, with the undoubted need for surgical correction of the defect, other issues need to be clarified, most often - the presence or absence of pathology of the coronary arteries.

Normal mitral valve

Historically, the mitral valve was the first structure recognized by cardiac ultrasound. The orientation of the wide surface of the anterior mitral valve leaflet in relation to the chest makes it an ideal target for reflecting the ultrasound signal. The anterior leaflet of the mitral valve is very mobile, the ratio of the length of its edge to the base is large: this makes it possible to clearly examine its structure and movement both in M-modal and two-dimensional studies.

Echocardiography allows you to diagnose almost any pathology of the mitral valve; in particular, mitral valve prolapse. Our knowledge of the widespread prevalence of this pathology in the population is a consequence of the widespread introduction of echocardiography into clinical practice over the past 15 years.

A complete echocardiographic examination should include M-modal, two-dimensional and Doppler (pulsed, continuous wave and color scanning) studies of the mitral valve. Doppler methods are very informative for diagnosing mitral valve pathology and for quantitative assessment of transmitral blood flow. The mitral valve is examined from several approaches: parasternal, apical and, less commonly, subcostal.

An M-modal study shows that the movement of a normal mitral valve reflects all phases of diastolic filling of the left ventricle (Fig. 2.3). Early maximum opening of the mitral valve (movement of the anterior leaflet towards the interventricular septum) corresponds to early, passive, diastolic filling of the left ventricle; the second, smaller peak corresponds to atrial systole. Between these peaks, the mitral valve almost closes (diastasis period) due to equalization of pressures in the ventricle and atrium. During atrial systole, the valve opens again, so that the shape of the movement of the anterior valve leaflet resembles the letter M, and the movement of the posterior leaflet mirrors the movement of the anterior leaflet, inferior in amplitude. Closure of the mitral valve at the end of diastole occurs as a result of a slowdown in blood flow from the atrium and the onset of isometric contraction of the left ventricle.

Two-dimensional images of the mitral valve depend on the position from which the examination is performed. Thus, when parasternally examined along the short axis, the mitral valve is visible as an ovoid-shaped structure, and when examined along the long axis, it resembles opening and slamming doors, the anterior one of which is larger than the posterior one. In Fig. 2.1 shows an image of the mitral valve when examined along the parasternal long axis of the left ventricle, in Fig. 2.11 - when examining in a four-chamber position from the apical approach. In general, a normal mitral valve should appear as a flexible bicuspid structure that opens enough to not impede ventricular filling and closes securely in systole without collapsing into the left atrium. The normally closing mitral valve moves into systole with the base of the heart and is involved in pumping blood into the left atrium. Other anatomical structures related to the mitral valve are the chordae, papillary muscles, and the left atrioventricular annulus.

Doppler examination of a normal mitral valve reveals that the speed of blood flow through it can also be represented graphically by the letter M. In other words, blood flow has a maximum speed in early diastole, then almost stops and accelerates again during atrial systole. It is most often possible to direct the ultrasound beam parallel to the blood flow through the mitral valve from the apical access, which is used for Doppler examination of the mitral valve. Normally, the maximum velocity of transmitral blood flow is slightly less than 1 m/s (Fig. 3.4C).

Mitral stenosis

Mitral stenosis was the first disease recognized by echocardiography. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of mitral stenosis is rheumatism. The anatomical manifestations of mitral stenosis include partial fusion of the commissures between the anterior and posterior leaflets and changes in the subvalvular apparatus - shortening of the chords. As a result, the area of ​​the mitral orifice decreases, which leads to obstruction of diastolic blood flow from the left atrium to the ventricle. With mitral stenosis, due to incomplete opening of the valve, the trajectory of its rapid two-phase movement changes. Echocardiography allows not only to diagnose mitral stenosis, but also to accurately calculate the area of ​​the mitral orifice, so that the patient can be referred for surgery or balloon valvuloplasty without prior cardiac catheterization. Quantitative assessment of the severity of mitral stenosis can be made by three echocardiographic methods.

1. M-modal research. When M-modal examination of a patient with mitral stenosis, changes in the shape of the mitral valve movement are visible, expressed in prolongation of the time of its early closure (Fig. 8.1). Unidirectional diastolic movement of the tips of the mitral valve leaflets can be seen. The slope of the early diastolic covering of the anterior mitral valve leaflet (EF segment of the M-modal image of the mitral valve) allows recognizing mitral stenosis. An EF segment tilt of less than 10 mm/s (normally > 60 mm/s) while holding the breath indicates severe mitral stenosis. Currently, this sign is practically not used, since it is the least reliable way to determine the severity of mitral stenosis.

Figure 8.1. Critical mitral stenosis, M-modal study: unidirectional diastolic movement of the tips of the mitral valve leaflets; the inclination of the diastolic covering of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve is almost absent. RV - right ventricle, LV - left ventricle, PE - small effusion in the pericardial cavity, aML - anterior mitral valve leaflet, pML - posterior mitral valve leaflet.

2. Two-dimensional study. Normally, when examining the long axis of the left ventricle from the parasternal position, the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve during maximum valve opening in diastole looks like a continuation of the posterior wall of the aorta, whereas with mitral stenosis it has a dome-shaped rounding towards the posterior leaflet. The shortest distance between the valves is the distance between their tips (Fig. 8.2). The dome-shaped rounding of the valve occurs due to increased pressure on its unfixed part; An analogy would be inflating a sail. The area of ​​the mitral orifice should be measured in the parasternal position of the short axis of the left ventricle strictly at the level of the tips of the leaflets (Fig. 8.3). This planimetric method for assessing the severity of mitral stenosis is significantly more reliable than the M-modal method.

Figure 8.2. Mitral stenosis: parasternal position of the long axis of the left ventricle, diastole. Dome-shaped protrusion of the anterior mitral valve leaflet (arrow). LA - left atrium, RV - right ventricle, LV - left ventricle, Ao - ascending aorta.

Figure 8.3. Mitral stenosis: parasternal position of the short axis of the left ventricle at the level of the mitral valve, diastole. Planimetric measurement of the area of ​​the mitral orifice. RV - right ventricle (dilated), PE - a small amount of fluid in the pericardial cavity, MVA - mitral orifice area.

3. Doppler studies of transmitral blood flow (Fig. 8.4). With mitral stenosis, the maximum speed of early transmitral blood flow is increased to 1.6-2.0 m/s (the norm is up to 1 m/s). The maximum diastolic pressure gradient between the atrium and ventricle is calculated from the maximum velocity. To calculate the area of ​​the mitral orifice, changes in this gradient are studied: the half-life of the pressure gradient is calculated (T 1/2), i.e., the time during which the maximum gradient is halved. Since the pressure gradient is proportional to the square of the blood flow velocity (?P=4V2), its half-life is equivalent to the time during which the maximum speed decreases by?2 (approx. 1.4) times. Hatle's work has empirically established that the pressure gradient half-life of 220 ms corresponds to a mitral orifice area of ​​1 cm 2 . The mitral valve area (MVA) is measured in constant wave mode from the apical access using the formula: [Mitral valve area (MVA, cm 2)] = 220/T 1/2.

Figure 8.4. Two cases of mitral stenosis: critical stenosis ( A) and mild stenosis ( IN). Continuous wave Doppler examination, apical access. The measurement of the mitral orifice area is based on the calculation of the half-life of the transmitral pressure gradient. The faster the speed of diastolic transmitral blood flow decreases during mitral stenosis, the larger the area of ​​the mitral orifice. MVA - mitral orifice area.

Of all three named methods, Doppler is the most reliable, and should be given preference over M-modal and two-dimensional determination of the area of ​​the mitral orifice. In table 10 shows a list of measurements that must be made during a Doppler examination of a patient with mitral stenosis.

Table 10. Parameters determined during Doppler examination of a patient with mitral stenosis

Color Doppler scanning allows you to see the area of ​​​​acceleration of blood flow at the site of narrowing of the mitral opening (the so-called vena contracta) and the direction of diastolic flow in the left ventricle. Color scanning makes it possible to more accurately determine the spatial orientation of the stenotic jet, which helps to position the ultrasonic beam parallel to the flow during a constant-wave examination with an eccentric direction of the jet.

It must be remembered that the half-life of the pressure gradient depends not only on the area of ​​the mitral orifice, but also on cardiac output, left atrial pressure, and left ventricular compliance. The use of Doppler mitral orifice area measurement may lead to underestimation of the severity of mitral stenosis in cardiomyopathy or severe aortic regurgitation, since these conditions are accompanied by a rapid increase in left ventricular diastolic pressure and, consequently, a rapid decrease in transmitral blood flow velocity. An incorrect result of measuring the area of ​​the mitral orifice can be given by atrioventricular block of the 1st degree, atrial fibrillation with a high frequency of ventricular contractions or its pronounced variability. It is sometimes difficult to decide which complex of diastolic transmitral blood flow to take as the basis for calculating the area of ​​the mitral orifice in atrial fibrillation. We recommend using complexes corresponding to the largest RR interval (equal to at least 1000 ms) on the electrocardiogram monitor lead. Another source of error in measuring mitral orifice area may be the nonlinearity of the decrease in the velocity of diastolic transmitral blood flow (Fig. 8.5). In this case, it is also difficult to decide which part of the Doppler spectrum to select for measurements. Hatle recommends measuring the part of the spectrum corresponding to the longer half-life of the pressure gradient (and therefore the smaller mitral orifice area).

Figure 8.5. Mitral stenosis: continuous wave Doppler study from the apical approach. Nonlinearity of the descending part of the Doppler spectrum of the stenotic jet is a possible source of error in the Doppler determination of the area of ​​the mitral orifice. The figure shows possible options for calculating the area of ​​the mitral orifice; During cardiac catheterization, the area of ​​the mitral orifice was found to be 0.7 cm2.

Indirect methods for assessing the severity of mitral stenosis include determining the degree of shortening of the chords, the severity of calcification of the mitral valve leaflets, the degree of enlargement of the left atrium, changes in left ventricular volumes (i.e., the degree of its underfilling), and examination of the right heart. By studying the size of the right heart and the pressure in the pulmonary artery (along the gradient of tricuspid regurgitation), it is possible in each individual case to judge the consequences of mitral stenosis and the risk of surgery.

Left ventricular afferent tract obstruction of non-rheumatic etiology

Mitral annulus calcification is a common echocardiographic finding. This is a degenerative process, most often associated with the advanced age of the patient. Often, calcification of the mitral ring is detected in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and kidney disease. Mitral annulus calcification can cause atrioventricular conduction disturbances. Typically, calcification of the mitral annulus is not accompanied by hemodynamically significant mitral regurgitation or stenosis (Fig. 8.6), but in rare cases, calcium infiltration of the entire mitral valve apparatus is so pronounced that it leads to mitral orifice obstruction, requiring surgical intervention. Doppler measurement of mitral orifice area is the best way to identify and assess the severity of this rare complication of a common pathology.

Figure 8.6. Mitral annulus calcification: apical position of the four-chambered heart. RV - right ventricle, LV - left ventricle, MAC - mitral orifice calcification.

Congenital defects accompanied by left ventricular outflow tract obstruction are rare in adults. These defects include the paravalvular mitral valve (the only papillary muscle), the supravalvular mitral annulus, and the triatrial heart (Fig. 8.7). Normal filling of the left ventricle can be prevented by left atrial myxoma. Carcinoid syndrome can develop in patients with metabolically active serotonin-producing tumors. This is a rare syndrome and most often involves isolated involvement of the right side of the heart (Fig. 10.3). Of 18 cases of this disease observed at the UCSF Echocardiography Laboratory, only two had left heart pathology, presumably associated with bronchogenic cancer.

Figure 8.7. Cor triatriatum (three-atrial heart): membrane dividing the left atrium into proximal and distal chambers. Transesophageal echocardiographic examination in the transverse plane at the level of the base of the heart. Ao - ascending aorta, LAA - left atrial appendage, dLA - distal chamber of the left atrium, pLA - proximal chamber of the left atrium.

Mitral regurgitation

Stenotic lesions of the mitral valve alter its diastolic motion and can be easily recognized using M-modal and two-dimensional echocardiography. Mitral valve pathology accompanied by mitral regurgitation is often subtle and more difficult to diagnose. This occurs because the movement of the mitral valve during systole is minimal, but if even a small part of the valve is not functioning correctly, severe mitral regurgitation occurs. However, in a large number of cases of mitral regurgitation, its anatomical causes can still be identified using echocardiography.

The data given in table. 11, give an idea of ​​the main etiological causes of mitral regurgitation. This table is based on the results of a study conducted in 1976-81. work, which examined data from echocardiography, angiography and surgical treatment in 173 patients with mitral regurgitation. Note that mitral valve prolapse turned out to be the leading cause of mitral regurgitation.

Table 11. Etiology of mitral regurgitation

Number of cases Share of the total, %
Mitral valve prolapse 56 32,3
Rheumatism 40 23,1
Myocardial diseases (LV dilatation - 11%, hypertrophy - 6%) 30 17,3
Cardiac ischemia 27 15,6
Bacterial endocarditis 11 6,3
Congenital heart defects 9 5,2
Adapted from Delaye J, Beaune J, Gayet JL et al. Current etiology of organic mitral insufficiency in adults. Arch Mal Coeur 76:1072,1983

Doppler examination plays a very important role in the diagnosis of mitral regurgitation of any severity. The best method for searching for mitral regurgitation is color Doppler scanning, as it is highly sensitive and does not require much time. Color Doppler scanning provides real-time information about mitral regurgitation. Although an idea of ​​the direction and depth of penetration of the regurgitant jet can be obtained in pulsed Doppler mode, color scanning is more reliable and technically simpler, especially with eccentric regurgitation. From the apical approach, mitral regurgitation appears as a light blue flame appearing in systole, directed towards the left atrium (Fig. 17.9). To register mitral insufficiency and determine the degree of its severity, the color scanning method is close in sensitivity to X-ray contrast ventriculography.

About 40-60% of healthy people have mitral regurgitation, which is caused by insufficiency of the posteromedial commissure of the mitral valve, but this regurgitation is mild. The regurgitant jet penetrates the cavity of the left atrium by less than 2 cm. If the flow penetrates the cavity of the left atrium by more than half its length, reaches its posterior wall, enters the left atrial appendage or the pulmonary veins, then this indicates severe mitral failure. In Fig. 17.9, 17.10, 17.11 show mitral regurgitation of mild, moderate and high severity.

It should be borne in mind that when examining a dilated left atrium, there is a loss of color scanning sensitivity at great depths, and the severity of mitral regurgitation may be underestimated. The width of the developing jet at the valve level and its divergence on the atrial side of the valve also make it possible to judge the degree of mitral regurgitation.

As a rule, if mitral regurgitation is not detected using color scanning, then other Doppler methods are no longer used to search for it. However, if cardiac imaging is poor, color scanning may not be sensitive enough. In cases where transthoracic echocardiography is technically difficult and precise knowledge of the degree of mitral regurgitation is necessary, transesophageal echocardiography is indicated. Circumstances that make it difficult to assess the degree of mitral regurgitation during transthoracic examination include calcification of the mitral annulus and mitral valve leaflets, as well as the presence of a mechanical prosthesis in the mitral position.

In Fig. Figure 17.2 shows a transesophageal color Doppler image of mild mitral regurgitation in a patient with a dilated left atrium. Note that the choice of the correct gain led to clear visualization of “spontaneous contrast enhancement” of the left atrium, which indicates a technically correct study and eliminates underestimation of the degree of mitral regurgitation. In Fig. 17.13 shows minor mitral regurgitation, typical of a normally functioning prosthetic mitral valve. Rice. Figure 17.14 illustrates high-grade perivalvular regurgitation with a disc graft in the mitral position. In Fig. 17.15 you can see how the jet of mitral regurgitation enters the gigantic appendage of the left atrium.

If color scanning is not possible, the degree of mitral regurgitation is determined using a Doppler study in pulsed mode. The control volume is first set above the closure of the mitral valve leaflets into the left atrium. We recommend searching for mitral regurgitation in several positions, as it may have an eccentric direction. Careful Doppler examination with modern sensitive equipment often reveals early, low-intensity systolic signals that are consistent with so-called “functional” mitral regurgitation. The low density of the Doppler spectrum when such regurgitation is detected indicates a small number of red blood cells participating in it. It is possible that the detection of such minor regurgitation is associated with the registration of the movement of a small number of red blood cells remaining at the end of diastole in the vestibule of the mitral orifice.

With hemodynamically significant mitral regurgitation, the intensity of the Doppler spectrum is significantly higher. However, due to the high velocity of the mitral regurgitation jet, caused by the large pressure gradient in systole between the ventricle and the atrium, a distortion of the Doppler spectrum occurs during pulsed Doppler studies and color scanning. The larger the volume of regurgitant blood, the denser the Doppler spectrum. Mapping the Doppler signal in pulsed mode consists of tracking the regurgitant jet, starting from the point of closure of the mitral valve leaflets and then as the control volume moves towards the upper and lateral walls of the left atrium. This method of determining the degree of mitral regurgitation is used in cases where color scanning cannot be performed. The denser the spectrum of mitral regurgitation and the deeper into the left atrium it penetrates, the more severe it is. Continuous wave testing can accurately measure the maximum velocity of mitral regurgitation. However, this parameter is of little significance for assessing the severity of mitral regurgitation, since the maximum velocity reflects a large systolic pressure gradient between the left ventricle and the atrium, and it is large both in normal and pathological conditions. Only with very severe mitral regurgitation does the pressure in the left atrium during systole reach such a value that the maximum velocity of regurgitation decreases.

To assess the severity of mitral regurgitation, two-dimensional and Doppler methods can be used to calculate the volume of regurgitant blood. In mitral regurgitation, the volume of blood that flows from the left ventricle into the aorta is less than the volume that enters the ventricle in diastole. The difference between the values ​​of stroke volume calculated by planimetric (end-diastolic minus end-systolic volume) and Doppler (the product of the linear integral of blood flow velocity in the outflow tract of the left ventricle and the area of ​​the outflow tract) methods is equal to the volume of regurgitant blood for each cardiac cycle. However, these calculations give a large error, since planimetric measurements underestimate, and Doppler measurements overestimate, stroke volume values.

The formula for calculating the regurgitant volume fraction to assess the severity of mitral regurgitation is rarely used due to the high probability of errors. We still consider it necessary to provide a method for calculating the regurgitant volume fraction (Table 12). Note that the condition for the applicability of the above formula is the absence of pathology of the aortic valve.

Table 12. Calculation of regurgitant volume fraction (RF) in mitral regurgitation

Positions and measurements
1. Apical 2-chamber position
2. Apical 4-chamber position
3. Opening of the aortic valve in the M-modal mode parasternally
4. Aortic blood flow from apical access in constant wave mode
Design parameters
1. Aortic valve opening area (AVA) - based on the diameter of its opening
2. Regurgitant volume fraction (RF):
a) Stroke volume (SV p) according to Simpson
b) Doppler calculation of stroke volume (SV d): SV d = AVA ? VTI, where VTI is the integral of the linear velocity of blood flow through the aortic valve
c) RF = (SV p – SV d)/SV p

Indirect indicators of the severity of mitral regurgitation can be the size of the left atrium and ventricle. Severe mitral regurgitation is accompanied by dilatation of the left ventricle due to its volume overload. In addition, pulmonary artery pressure increases, which can be assessed by measuring tricuspid regurgitation jet velocity.

Rheumatic damage to the mitral valve, as a rule, is expressed in its combined damage. Moreover, despite the presence of anatomical signs of rheumatic mitral stenosis, hemodynamically significant obstruction of the left ventricular afferent tract is often not detected. An echocardiographic study in M-modal and two-dimensional mode, even in the absence of hemodynamic changes, reveals signs of rheumatic lesions in the form of thickening and sclerosis of the leaflets, diastolic dome-shaped rounding of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. In the differential diagnosis of combined lesions of the mitral valve and “pure” mitral insufficiency, Doppler studies play a major role.

Mitral valve prolapse was first described as a syndrome involving clinical, auscultatory and electrocardiographic changes in the mid-60s. Then it was shown that the mid-systolic click and murmur correlate with sagging of the mitral valve leaflets revealed by angiography. Awareness of the importance of this syndrome occurred in the early 70s, when it turned out that mitral valve prolapse has clear echocardiographic manifestations. And it was thanks to echocardiography that it became clear how widespread this syndrome is in the population. Two-dimensional echocardiography is of greatest importance in its diagnosis; Doppler studies complement it, making it possible to detect late systolic mitral regurgitation and determine the degree of its severity.

M-modal echocardiography gives about 40% of false-negative results if cardiac auscultation is taken as the diagnostic standard. Perhaps this low sensitivity of the method is associated with chest deformations; It has been shown that up to 75% of patients with mitral valve prolapse have radiological signs of bone deformities of the chest. Such deformations (eg pectus excavatum) can greatly complicate M-modal examination. However, what is much more important is not the interference with echocardiography, but the fact that skeletal changes indicate the systemic nature of connective tissue damage in mitral valve prolapse.

Diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse requires a mandatory combination of M-modal and two-dimensional echocardiography (Fig. 8.8, 8.9). A two-dimensional study allows you to examine the entire mitral valve leaflets and find the place where they close. Apparent sagging of the valves into the left atrium does not create diagnostic problems. If the leaflets (or one leaflet) reach only to the atrioventricular tubercle, and not further, this can cause diagnostic difficulties.

Figure 8.8. Mitral valve prolapse: parasternal position of the long axis of the left ventricle, systole. Both mitral valve leaflets prolapse (arrows). It is clearly visible that the anterior leaflet has an excessive length that does not correspond to the size of the ventricle. LA - left atrium, LV - left ventricle, Ao - ascending aorta.

Figure 8.9. Late systolic prolapse of the anterior mitral valve leaflet, M - modal study. Prolapse of the anterior mitral valve leaflet occurs at the end of systole (arrows).

A number of researchers believe that since the mitral ring has a saddle shape, and its upper points are located in front and behind, the displacement of the leaflet above the level of the mitral ring should be recorded only from those positions that cross the valve in the anteroposterior direction. These positions are the parasternal long axis of the left ventricle and the apical two-chamber position. The addition of Doppler to M-modal and 2D was found to provide a specificity for diagnosing mitral valve prolapse of 93%. It appears, however, that the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse cannot be based on Doppler studies. Given the prevalence of minor mitral regurgitation, this may lead to overdiagnosis of mitral valve prolapse. In our opinion, only the detection of late systolic mitral regurgitation can be considered a diagnostically important result of a Doppler study for recognizing mitral valve prolapse.

In addition to changes in the trajectory of the leaflets, mitral valve prolapse is also accompanied by their thickening and deformation. Typically, the tips of the valves are the most affected and resemble the head of a pin with a dull surface. Thickening of the valves sometimes extends to the chords. Such changes in the valve apparatus are called its myxomatous degeneration (degeneration). The more deformed the valve, the higher the chances of detecting thickening of the endocardium of the interventricular septum in the place where it comes into contact with the excessively mobile anterior leaflet (similar local thickening of the endocardium of the interventricular septum is often found in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). The more deformed the valves are, the higher the likelihood of clinical manifestations and complications of mitral valve prolapse: chest pain, cardiac arrhythmias, bacterial endocarditis, embolism and chordal rupture. In extreme cases, it is often impossible to distinguish prolapse from flailing leaflets and massive vegetations on the mitral valve (Fig. 8.10).

Figure 8.10. Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve, complicated by chordae rupture and flailing posterior mitral valve leaflet. Parasternal position of the long axis of the left ventricle, diastole ( A) and systole ( IN). RV - right ventricle, LV - left ventricle, LA - left atrium.

Bacterial endocarditis has become significantly better diagnosed with the advent of echocardiography; The range of information about this disease has expanded. The direct and main sign of bacterial endocarditis with damage to any valve is the detection of vegetations. By disrupting the integrity of the leaflets or chords, vegetations prevent complete closure of the valve and lead to mitral regurgitation. Vegetations look like formations on valves, usually very mobile. Detection of formations on the valves in the presence of clinical suspicion of bacterial endocarditis almost always allows for a correct diagnosis. However, myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve, old, “healed” vegetations, and a ruptured cusp or chord can be mistaken for fresh vegetations. On the other hand, if echocardiographic examination is performed soon after the first clinical symptoms of bacterial endocarditis appear, vegetations may not be detected. Small vegetations may remain undetected during echocardiographic examination due to insufficient resolution of the device, low signal-to-noise ratio, or due to insufficient qualifications or inattention of the echocardiographer. At the UCSF Echocardiography Laboratory, vegetations less than 5 mm in diameter were almost never recognized by M-modal examination. Two-dimensional examination in such cases usually revealed some changes in the valves, but not in the vegetation. At the same time, the M-modal study of patients with suspected bacterial endocarditis has the advantage over a two-dimensional study that it can detect a violation of the integrity of the valve, since it registers high-frequency systolic vibrations, invisible in a two-dimensional study due to lower temporal resolution.

It must be borne in mind that bacterial endocarditis usually affects the initially altered valves; therefore, it is almost impossible to recognize small-sized vegetations (less than 5 mm) against the background of existing valve changes. A good example of possible diagnostic difficulties is myxomatous mitral valve degeneration with chordal rupture (Fig. 8.10). In this case, a large, mobile, prolapsing, non-calcified formation is detected, giving systolic vibration. Diagnosis of such echocardiographic findings should be based on the clinical picture and bacteriological blood tests.

The most reliable method for detecting vegetations is transesophageal echocardiography (Fig. 16.16). Its sensitivity for clinically confirmed bacterial endocarditis exceeds 90%. We recommend transesophageal echocardiography in all cases where vegetations are not detected during transthoracic examination, but there is a suspicion that the patient has bacterial endocarditis.

From the book Sex Bible by Paul Joanidis

From the book Veterinarian's Handbook. Animal Emergency Guidelines author Alexander Talko

Aortic insufficiency is a pathology in which the aortic valve leaflets do not close completely, as a result of which the return flow of blood into the left ventricle of the heart from the aorta is disrupted.

This disease causes many unpleasant symptoms - chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat and more.

The aortic valve is a valve in the aorta, which consists of 3 leaflets. Designed to separate the aorta and left ventricle. In a normal state, when blood flows from this ventricle into the aortic cavity, the valve closes tightly, creating pressure due to which ensures the flow of blood through thin arteries to all organs of the body, without the possibility of reverse outflow.

If the structure of this valve is damaged, it closes only partially, which leads to the backflow of blood into the left ventricle. Wherein organs stop receiving the required amount of blood for normal functioning, and the heart has to contract more intensely to compensate for the lack of blood.

As a result of these processes, aortic insufficiency is formed.

According to statistics, this Aortic valve insufficiency occurs in approximately 15% of people having any heart defects and often accompanies diseases such as the mitral valve. As an independent disease, this pathology occurs in 5% of patients with heart defects. Most often it affects males, as a result of exposure to internal or external factors.

Useful video about aortic valve insufficiency:

Causes and risk factors

Aortic insufficiency occurs when the aortic valve is damaged. The reasons that lead to its damage may be the following:

Other causes of the disease, which are much less common, can be: connective tissue diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, diseases of the immune system, long-term radiation therapy for the formation of tumors in the chest area.

Types and forms of the disease

Aortic insufficiency is divided into several types and forms. Depending on the period of formation of the pathology, the disease can be:

  • congenital– occurs due to poor genetics or the adverse effects of harmful factors on a pregnant woman;
  • acquired– appears as a result of various diseases, tumors or injuries.

The acquired form, in turn, is divided into functional and organic.

  • functional– formed when the aorta or left ventricle dilates;
  • organic– occurs due to damage to valve tissue.

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 degrees

Depending on the clinical picture of the disease, aortic insufficiency occurs in several stages:

  1. First stage. It is characterized by the absence of symptoms, a slight enlargement of the heart walls on the left side, with a moderate increase in the size of the left ventricular cavity.
  2. Second stage. The period of latent decompensation, when pronounced symptoms are not yet observed, but the walls and cavity of the left ventricle are already quite increased in size.
  3. Third stage. The formation of coronary insufficiency, when partial reflux of blood from the aorta back into the ventricle already occurs. Characterized by frequent pain in the heart area.
  4. Fourth stage. The left ventricle contracts weakly, which leads to congestion in the blood vessels. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, lack of air, swelling of the lungs, heart failure are observed.
  5. Fifth stage. It is considered the pre-mortem stage, when it is almost impossible to save the patient’s life. The heart contracts very weakly, resulting in blood stagnation in the internal organs.

Danger and complications

If treatment does not begin in a timely manner, or the disease occurs in an acute form, pathology can lead to the development of the following complications:

  • – a disease in which an inflammatory process forms in the heart valves as a result of the impact of pathogenic microorganisms on the damaged valve structures;
  • lungs;
  • heart rhythm disturbances - ventricular or atrial extrasystole, atrial fibrillation; ventricular fibrillation;
  • thromboembolism – the formation of blood clots in the brain and other organs, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

When treating aortic insufficiency surgically, there is a risk of developing complications such as implant destruction, endocarditis. Surgical patients often have to take medications for life to prevent complications.


Symptoms of the disease depend on its stage. In the initial stages, the patient may not experience any discomfort, since only the left ventricle is subject to stress - a fairly powerful part of the heart that can withstand disruptions in the circulatory system for a very long time.

As the pathology develops, the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • Pulsating sensations in the head, neck, increased heartbeat, especially in a supine position. These signs arise due to the fact that a larger volume of blood enters the aorta than usual - the blood that returned to the aorta through a loosely closed valve is added to the normal amount.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the heart. They can be compressive or squeezing and appear due to impaired blood flow through the arteries.
  • Cardiopalmus. It is formed as a result of a lack of blood in the organs, as a result of which the heart is forced to work at an accelerated rhythm to compensate for the required volume of blood.
  • Dizziness, fainting, severe headaches, vision problems, ringing in the ears. Characteristic of stages 3 and 4, when blood circulation in the brain is disrupted.
  • Weakness in the body, increased fatigue, shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances, increased sweating e. At the beginning of the disease, these symptoms occur only during physical exertion, later they begin to bother the patient even in a calm state. The appearance of these signs is associated with impaired blood flow to the organs.

The acute form of the disease can lead to overload of the left ventricle and the formation of pulmonary edema, coupled with a sharp decrease in blood pressure. If surgical care is not provided during this period, the patient may die.

When to see a doctor and which one

This pathology requires timely medical attention. If you notice the first signs - increased fatigue, throbbing in the neck or head, pressing pain in the sternum and shortness of breath - you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This disease is treated therapist, cardiologist.


To make a diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient’s complaints, his lifestyle, anamnesis, then the following examinations are carried out:

  • Physical examination. Allows you to identify such signs of aortic insufficiency as: pulsation of the arteries, dilated pupils, dilation of the heart to the left side, enlargement of the aorta in its initial section, low blood pressure.
  • Urine and blood analysis. With its help, you can determine the presence of concomitant disorders and inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Biochemical blood test. Shows the level of cholesterol, protein, sugar, uric acid. Necessary to detect organ damage.
  • ECG to determine heart rate and heart size. Find out everything about.
  • Echocardiography. Allows you to determine the diameter of the aorta and pathologies in the structure of the aortic valve.
  • Radiography. Shows the location, shape and size of the heart.
  • Phonocardiogram for the study of heart murmurs.
  • CT, MRI, CCG- to study blood flow.

Treatment methods

In the initial stages, when the pathology is mild, patients are prescribed regular visits to a cardiologist, an ECG examination and an echocardiogram. Moderate form of aortic insufficiency is treated with medication, the goal of therapy is to reduce the likelihood of damage to the aortic valve and the walls of the left ventricle.

First of all, drugs are prescribed that eliminate the cause of the pathology. For example, if the cause is rheumatism, antibiotics may be indicated. The following are prescribed as additional means:

  • diuretics;
  • ACE inhibitors – Lisinopril, Elanopril, Captopril;
  • beta blockers - Anaprilin, Tranzikor, Atenolol;
  • angiotensin receptor blockers - Naviten, Valsartan, Losartan;
  • calcium blockers – Nifedipine, Corinfar;
  • drugs to eliminate complications resulting from aortic insufficiency.

In severe forms, surgery may be prescribed. There are several types of surgery for aortic insufficiency:

  • aortic valve plastic surgery;
  • aortic valve replacement;
  • implantation;
  • Heart transplantation is performed for severe heart damage.

If aortic valve implantation has been performed, patients are prescribed Lifelong use of anticoagulants - Aspirin, Warfarin. If the valve was replaced with a prosthesis made of biological materials, anticoagulants will need to be taken in short courses (up to 3 months). Plastic surgery does not require taking these medications.

To prevent relapses, antibiotic therapy, strengthening the immune system, and timely treatment of infectious diseases may be prescribed.

Forecasts and preventive measures

The prognosis for aortic insufficiency depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on what disease caused the development of the pathology. Survival of patients with severe aortic insufficiency without symptoms of decompensation approximately equals 5-10 years.

The stage of decompensation does not give such comforting prognoses– drug therapy is ineffective and most patients, without timely surgical intervention, die within the next 2-3 years.

Measures to prevent this disease are:

  • prevention of diseases that cause damage to the aortic valve - rheumatism, endocarditis;
  • hardening of the body;
  • timely treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Aortic valve insufficiency – an extremely serious disease that cannot be left to chance. Folk remedies won't help matters here. Without proper drug treatment and constant monitoring by doctors, the disease can lead to severe complications, including death.

The physical properties of ultrasound determine the methodological features of echocardiography. Ultrasound of the frequency used in medicine practically does not pass through air. An insurmountable obstacle to the path of the ultrasound beam can be the lung tissue between the chest and the heart, as well as a small air gap between the surface of the sensor and the skin. To eliminate the last obstacle, a special gel is applied to the skin, displacing air from under the sensor. To exclude the influence of lung tissue, to install the sensor, select points where the heart is directly adjacent to the chest - the “ultrasound window”. This is the zone of absolute cardiac dullness (3-5 intercostal space to the left of the sternum), the so-called parasternal access, and the zone of the apical impulse (apical access). There is also a subcostal approach (at the xiphoid process in the hypochondrium) and suprasternal (in the jugular fossa above the sternum). The sensor is installed in the intercostal spaces due to the fact that ultrasound does not penetrate deep into the bone tissue and is completely reflected from it. In pediatric practice, due to the lack of ossification of cartilage, examination through the ribs is also possible.

During the examination, the patient usually lies on his back with his upper body elevated, but sometimes for better adherence of the heart to the chest wall, a lying position on the left side is used.

In patients with lung diseases accompanied by emphysema, as well as in persons with other causes of a “small ultrasound window” (massive chest, calcification of costal cartilages in elderly people, etc.), echocardiography becomes difficult or impossible. Difficulties of this kind occur in 10-16% of patients and are the main disadvantage of this method.

Ultrasound anatomy of the heart in various echolocation modes

I. One-dimensional (M-) echocardiography.

To unify studies in echocardiography, 5 standard positions have been proposed, i.e. directions of the ultrasound beam from parasternal access. 3 of them are mandatory for any study (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Basic standard sensor positions for one-dimensional echocardiography (M-mode).

Position I - the ultrasound beam is directed along the short axis of the heart and passes through the right ventricle, the interventricular septum, the cavity of the left ventricle at the level of the tendon filaments of the mitral valve, and the posterior wall of the left ventricle.

Standard position of sensor II - tilting the sensor slightly higher and more medially, the beam will pass through the right ventricle, the left ventricle at the level of the edges of the mitral valve leaflets.

N.M. Mukharlyamov (1987) gives the numbering of standard positions in reverse order, since research in M-mode often begins with echolocation of the aorta, then tilting the sensor downward to the remaining positions.

Image of the heart structures in the first standard position.

In this position, information is obtained about the size of the ventricular cavities, the thickness of the walls of the left ventricle, impaired myocardial contractility and the magnitude of cardiac output (Fig. 4).

pancreas– cavity of the right ventricle in diastole (normal up to 2.6 cm)

Tmzhp - swelling of the interventricular septum in diastole

Tzslzh(d)– thickness of the posterior wall of the left ventricle in diastole

CDR– end-diastolic size of the left ventricle

KSR- end-systolic size of the left ventricle

Rxs. 4. M - echocardiogram in the I standard position of the sensor.

During systole, the right ventricle and interventricular septum (IVS) move away from the transducer toward the left ventricle. The posterior wall of the left ventricle (PLW), on the contrary. moves towards the sensor. In diastole, the direction of movement of these structures is reversed, and the diastolic velocity of the LVAD is normally 2 times higher than the systolic velocity. The endocardium of the LVAD therefore describes a wave with a gentle rise and a steep descent. The epicardium of the LVAD makes a similar movement, but with a smaller amplitude. Before the systolic rise of the left ventricle, a small notch is recorded, caused by the expansion of the cavity of the left ventricle during atrial systole.

Basic indicators measured in the first stationary position.

1. End dinstolic diameter (EDD) of the left ventricle - the distance in diastole along the short axis of the heart between the endocardium of the left ventricle and the IVS at the level of the beginning of the QRS complex of a synchronously recorded ECG. The EDR is normally 4.7-5.2 cm. An increase in EDR is observed with dilatation of the left ventricular cavity, a decrease is observed with diseases leading to a decrease in its volume (mitral stenosis, hypertrophic


2. End systolic diameter (ESD) of the left ventricle - the distance at the end of systole between the endocardial surfaces of the left ventricle and the IVS at the highest point of elevation of the left ventricle. The CSR is 3.2-3.5 cm in the middle. The CSR increases with dilatation of the left ventricle and with a violation of its contractility. A decrease in ESR occurs, in addition to the reasons that determine the decrease in ESR, in the case of mitral valve insufficiency (due to the volume of regurgitation).

Taking into account the fact that the left ventricle is an ellipsoid in shape, its volume can be determined by the size of the short axis. The most commonly used formula is L. Teicholtz et al. (1972).

= 7,0 * 3


where D is the anteroposterior dimension in systole or diastole.

The difference between end-diastolic volume (EDV) and end-systolic volume (ESV) will give stroke volume ( UO):

UO - KDO - KSO (ml).

Knowing heart rate, body area ( St), other hemodynamic parameters can be determined.

Impact index (UI):


Minute volume of blood circulation ( IOC):


Cardiac index ( SI): SI = IOC/St

3. Thickness of the left ventricle in diastole (Tslzh(d)) is normally 0.8-1.0 cm and increases with hypertrophy of the walls of the left ventricle.

4. Thickness of the left ventricle in systole (Tsl(s)), the norm is on average 1.5-1.8 cm. A decrease in Tsl(s) is observed with a decrease in myocardial contractility.

To assess the contractility of a given area of ​​the myocardium, an indicator of its systolic thickening is often used - the ratio of diastolic to systolic thickness. The norm Tzslzh(d) / Tzslzh(s) is about 65%. An equally important indicator of local myocardial contractility is the magnitude of its systolic excursion - i.e. amplitude of endocardial movement during heart contraction. The systolic excursion of the left ventricle is normal - I cm. A decrease in systolic excursion (hypokinesis) up to complete immobility (myocardial akinesia) can be observed with lesions of the heart muscle of various etiologies (IBO, cardiomyopathy, etc.). An increase in the amplitude of myocardial movement (hyperkinesis) is observed with insufficiency of the moral and aortic valves, hyperkinetic syndrome (anemia, thyrotoxicosis, etc.). Local hyperkinesis is often determined in IHD in intact areas of the myocardium as a compensatory mechanism in response to decreased contractility in the affected areas.

5. The thickness of the interventricular septum in diastole (Tmzhp(d)) is normally 0.6-0.8 cm.

6. Systolic excursion of the IVS is normally 0.4-0.6 cm and is usually half as much as the excursion of the LVSD. The reasons for hypokinesis of the IVS are similar to the reasons for the decrease in systolic excursion of the left ventricle. In addition to the above-mentioned causes of LVSD hyperkinesis, myocardial dystrophies of various etiologies in the initial stages of the disease can lead to moderate hyperkinesis of the IVS.

In some diseases, the movement of the interventricular septum changes to the opposite - not towards the left ventricular septum, as is normally observed, but parallel to it. This form of IVS movement is called “paradoxical” and occurs with severe hypertrophy of the left ventricle. “Paradoxical” movement of a limited area (IVS, apex, side wall), i.e. its “bulging” during systole, in contrast to the contraction of neighboring zones of the myocardium, is observed in left ventricular aneurysms.

To assess myocardial contractility, in addition to the measurements of the heart walls described above and the calculation of hemodynamic volumes, several highly informative indicators have been proposed (Pombo J. et al., 1971):

1. Ejection fraction is the ratio of stroke volume to end-diastolic volume, expressed as a percentage or (less commonly) as a decimal fraction:

FV =UO/KDO 100% (normal 50-75%)

2. The degree of shortening of the anteroposterior size of the left ventricle in systole (%ΔS):

%ΔS=KDR-KSR/KDR 100% (norm 30-43%)

3. The rate of piricular shortening of myocardial fibers

(Vcf). To calculate this indicator, it is first necessary to determine from the echogram the ejection time of the left ventricle, which is measured at the beginning of the systolic rise of the LVAD endocardium to its apex (Fig. 4).

Vcf =KDR-KSR/ Tee KDR (env./ With), Where Tee- period of exile

Normal value Vcf 0.9-1.45 (c/s silt s-1).

A feature of all measurements in the first standard position is the need to direct the ultrasound beam strictly perpendicular to the IVS and LVSD, i.e. along the short axis of the heart. If this condition is not met, the measurement results will be overestimated or underestimated. To eliminate such errors, it is advisable to first obtain a two-dimensional image of the heart along the long axis from a parasternal approach, then, under the control of the resulting B-scanogram, set the cursor to the desired position and expand the image in M-mode.

Image of heart structures in standard position II of the sensor (Fig. 5)

The ultrasound beam passes through the edges of the mitral valve (MV) leaflets, the movement of which provides basic information about the condition of the leaflets and disruption of the transmitral blood flow.

During ventricular systole, the valves are closed and fixed in the form of a single line (S-D interval). At the beginning of diastole (point D), blood begins to flow from the atria into the ventricles, opening the valves. In this case, the front sash moves up to the X sensor (interval D-E), the rear sash moves down in the opposite direction. At the end of the period of rapid filling, the amplitude of the divergence of the valves is maximum (point E). Then the intensity of blood flow through the mitral orifice decreases, which leads to partial closure of the leaflets (point F) in mid-diastole. At the end of diastole, transmitral blood flow increases again due to contraction of the atria, which is reflected on the echogram by the second peak of opening of the valves (point A). Subsequently, the valves close completely during ventricular systole and the cycle repeats.

Fig. 5. M-echocardiogram in the II standard position of the sensor .

Thus, due to the unevenness of the transmitral blood flow (“biphasic” filling of the left ventricle), the movement of the moral valve leaflets is represented by two peaks. The shape of the movement of the front leaf resembles the letter “M”, the rear – “W”. The posterior valvular valve is smaller than the anterior one, so the amplitude of its opening is small and its visualization is often difficult.

Clinically, both peaks of diastolic filling of the ventricles can be manifested by 3rd and 4th heart sounds, respectively.

The main indicators of the echocardiogram in the II standard position

  1. The amplitude of the diastolic opening of the anterior leaflet of the playing valve (vertical displacement of the leaflet in the D-E interval) is the norm of 1.8 cm.

  1. Diastolic divergence of the leaflets (at the height of peak E) is normal 2.7 cm. The values ​​of both indicators decrease with mitral stenosis and may increase slightly with “pure” mitral valve insufficiency.

  1. The speed of early diastolic closing of the anterior moral leaflet (determined by the slope of the E-F section). A decrease in speed (normally 13-16 cm/s) is one of the sensitive signs of the early stages of mitral stenosis.

  1. The duration of diastolic divergence of the mitral leaflets (from the moment of opening of the leaflets to the point of closure in the D-S interval) is the norm of 0.47 s. In the absence of tachycardia, a decrease in this indicator may indicate an increase in end-diastolic pressure in the left.

  1. ventricle (LVEDD). 5. Speed ​​of diastolic opening of the anterior leaflet
(determined by the slope of the D-E section and is normally 27.6 cm/s). - A decrease in the opening speed of the valves can also be an indirect sign of an increase in LVEDP.

Image of the heart structures in the third standard position of the sensor (Fig. 6).

An echogram in this position provides information about the condition of the aortic root, aortic valve leaflets, and left atrium.

Rice. 6. M-echocardiogram in the standard position of the sensor.

The ultrasound beam, passing through the anterior and posterior walls of the base of the aorta, produces an image in the form of two parallel wavy lines. Above the anterior wall of the aorta is the outflow tract of the right ventricle, below the posterior wall of the aortic root, which is also the anterior wall of the left atrium, is the cavity of the left atrium. The movement of the aortic walls in the form of parallel wills occurs due to the displacement of the aortic root along with the fibrous ring anteriorly to the sensor during systole.

In the lumen of the base of the aorta, the movement of the aortic valve leaflets (usually the right coronary leaflet above and the left coronary leaflet below) is recorded. During the ejection of blood from the left ventricle, the right coronary cusp opens forward towards the transducer (upward on the echogram), the left coronary cusp opens in the opposite direction. During the entire systole, the valves are in a fully open state, adjacent to the walls of the aorta, and are recorded on the echogram in the form of two parallel lines located at a short distance, respectively, from the anterior and posterior walls of the aorta.

At the end of systole, the valves quickly close and close, moving towards each other. As a result, the aortic valve leaflets describe a “box”-like shape during left ventricular systole. The upper and lower walls of this “box” are formed by echo signals from the aortic leaflets, which are completely open during expulsion, and the “side walls” are formed by the divergence and closure of the valve leaflets. In diastole, the aortic valve leaflets are closed and fixed in the form of one line parallel to the walls of the aorta and located in the center of its lumen. The shape of the movement of the closed valves resembles a “snake” due to vibrations of the base of the aorta at the beginning and end of ventricular diastole.

Thus, the characteristic form of movement of the aortic valve leaflets normally is the alternation of a “box” and a “snake” in the lumen of the base of the aorta.

Main indicators recorded in the III standard position of the sensor.

  1. The lumen of the aortic base is determined by the distance between the inner surfaces of the aortic walls in the middle or at the end of diastole and does not normally exceed 3.3 cm. Expansion of the lumen of the aortic root is observed in congenital defects (tetralogy of Fallot), Marfan syndrome, aortic aneurysms of various locations.

  2. Systolic divergence of the aortic valve leaflets - the distance between the open leaflets at the beginning of systole; normally 1.7-1.9 cm. The opening of the valves decreases with stenosis of the aortic mouth.

  3. Systolic excursion of the aortic walls is the amplitude of displacement of the aortic root during systole. Normally it is about 1 cm for the posterior wall of the aorta and decreases with a decrease in cardiac output.

  4. The size of the cavity of the left atrium is measured at the very beginning of ventricular diastole at the place of greatest displacement of the aortic root to the sensor. Normally, the atrial cavity is approximately equal to the diameter of the base of the aorta (the ratio of these dimensions is no more than 1.2) and does not exceed 3.2 cm. Significant dilatation of the left atrium (cavity size 5 cm or more) is almost always accompanied by the development of a permanent form of atrial fibrillation.

II. Two-dimensional echocardiography.

Image of the cardiac structures in a longitudinal section along the long axis of the heart from the parasternal approach (Fig. 7)

1 - psmk; 2 - zsmk; 3 - papillary muscle; 4 - chords.

Figure 7. Two-dimensional echocardiogram in a long-axis section from a parasternal approach.

In this projection, the base of the aorta, the movement of the aortic valve leaflets, the cavity of the left atrium, the mitral valve, and the left ventricle are clearly visualized. Normally, the leaflets of the aortic and mitral valves are thin and move in opposite directions. With defects, the mobility of the valves decreases, the thickness and echogenicity of the valves increases due to sclerotic changes. Hypertrophies of the heart parts are determined in this projection by changes in the corresponding cavities and walls of the ventricles.

Cross-section from the parasternal short-axis approach at the level of the edges of the mitral leaflets (Fig. 8)

1- PSMK; 2- ZSMK.

Rice. 8. Short-axis section from the parasternal approach at the level of the edges of the open mitral leaflets.

The left ventricle in this section looks like a circle, to which the right ventricle is adjacent in front in the form of a crescent. The projection provides foam information about the size of the left atrioventricular opening, which is normally 4-6 cm2. The distance between the commissures is normally somewhat greater than between the valves at the moment of their maximum opening. In rheumatism, due to the development of adhesions at the commissures, the intercommissural size may be smaller than the interleaflet size. Modern echocardiographs have the ability not only to determine the size, but also to directly measure the area of ​​the mitral orifice and its perimeter (Noshu W.L. et al., 197S).

Cross-section from the parasternal approach along the short axis of the heart at the level of the base of the aorta (Fig. 9)

1st right coronary leaflet;

2nd left coronary cusp;

3-non-coronary leaflet.

Rice. 9. Short axis section from the parasternal approach at the level of the aortic root.

In the center of the image is a circular slice through the aorta and all 3 leaflets of the aortic valve. Below the aorta are the cavities of the left and right atria, and above the aorta in the form of an arch is the cavity of the right ventricle. The interatrial septum, tricuspid valve, and, with a greater tilt of the sensor, one of the pulmonary artery valve leaflets are visualized.

Projection of the 4 chambers of the heart from the apical approach (Fig. 10)

1st interatrial septum

2nd interventricular septum

Rice. 10. Scheme of a two-dimensional echogram from the apical approach in the projection of 4 chambers.

The sensor is installed above the apex of the heart, so the image on the screen appears “upside down”: the atria are below, the ventricles are above. In this projection, left ventricular aneurysms and some congenital defects (ventricular and atrial septal defects) are clearly visualized.

Echocardiogram for certain heart diseases.

Rheumatic heart defects.

Mitral stenosis.

Rheumatic endocarditis leads to morphological changes in the mitral valve: the leaflets fuse along the commissures, thicken, and become inactive.

The tendon threads change fibrously and are shortened, and the papillary muscles are affected. Deformation of the leaflets and disruption of transmitral blood flow lead to a change in the shape of the leaflet movement, determined on the echogram. As stenosis develops, the transmitral blood flow ceases to be “biphasic”, as is normal, and becomes constant through the narrowed opening throughout diastole.

In this case, the mitral valve leaflets do not close in the middle of diastole and are in the maximum open state throughout its entire length. On a one-dimensional echogram, this is manifested by a decrease in the speed of early diastolic covering of the leaflets (slope of the EF section) and the transition of the normal M-shaped movement of the leaflets to a U-shaped one with severe stenosis. Clinically, in such a patient, protodiastolic and presystolic murmur, corresponding to the E- and A-peaks of the M-echogram of the mitral valve, turns into a murmur that occupies the entire diastole. In Fig. Figure 11 shows the dynamics of a one-dimensional echogram of the mitral valve during the development of moderate and severe mitral stenosis. Moderate stenosis (Fig. 11.6) is characterized by a decrease in the speed of early diastolic Covering of the anterior leaflet (EF slope), a decrease in diastolic divergence of the leaflets (marked by arrows), and a relative increase in the DC interval. Severe stenosis is manifested by a U-shaped unidirectional movement of the leaflets (Fig. 11, c).

Fig. 11 Dynamics of the M-echogram of the mitral valve during the development of stenosis: a-norm; b-moderate stenosis; c-severe stenosis.

Unidirectional movement of the leaflets is a pathognomonic sign of rheumatic stenosis. Due to adhesions along the commissures, the anterior leaflet, during opening, pulls with it a smaller posterior leaflet, which also moves towards the sensor, and not away from it, as is normal (Fig. P., Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. A-M echocardiogram in the II standard position of the sensor. Mitral stenosis. Unidirectional U-shaped movement of the valves of the valve.

B-dome-shaped movement of the PSMC on two-dimensional echocardiography (indicated by an arrow). 1 - amplitude of divergence of valve valves; 2 - PSMC; 3 - ZSMK.

A significant echographic sign of mitral stenosis is an increase in the size of the left atrium cavity, measured in the third standard position of the sensor (more than 4-5 cm, normal 3-3.2 cm).

Features of valve changes in rheumatic lesions of the edges of the valves and commissure commissures) determine the characteristic signs of stenosis on a two-dimensional echocardiogram.

The "dome-shaped" movement of the anterior leaflet is determined in a longitudinal section from the parasternal approach. It lies in the fact that the body of the valve moves with a greater amplitude than its edge (Fig. 12, B). The mobility of the edge is limited by the fusions, but the body of the valve can remain intact for a long time. As a result, at the moment of diastolic opening of the valve, the body of the leaflet filled with blood “bulges” into the cavity of the left ventricle. Clinically, at this moment, the opening click of the mitral valve is heard. The origin of the sound phenomenon is similar to the clap of a sail filled with wind or an opening parachute and is due to the fixation of the flap on both sides - the fibrous ring at the base and the adhesions at the edge. As the defect progresses, when the body of the valve also becomes rigid, the phenomenon is not determined.

Fishmouth mitral valve deformity occurs in the late stages of the disease. This is a funnel-shaped valve due to adhesions of the valves along the commissures and shortening of the tendons. threads The valves of the riveting form a “head”, and the thickened unidirectionally moving edges resemble the opening of the fish’s mouth (Fig. 13, a).

Deformation of the valve in the form of a button loop - the mitral opening is in the form of a gap formed by the compacted edges of the leaflets (pv. 13.6).

a b

Rice. 13. Typical deformations of valve leaflets in mitral stenosis.

A two-dimensional echocardiogram in a short-axis section at the level of the edges of the mitral valves at the moment of their maximum opening allows you to measure the area of ​​the mitral orifice: moderate stenosis with an area of ​​2.3-3.0 cm 2, pronounced - 1.7-2.2 cm 2, critical - 1.6 cm 2 or less. Patients with severe and critical stenosis are subject to surgical treatment.

In addition to the above direct signs of the defect, with the development of pulmonary hypertension and hypertrophy of the right heart, corresponding changes are revealed on one-dimensional and two-dimensional echocardiography.

So, the main signs of mitral stenosis on EchoCG are:

1. Unidirectional U-shaped movement of the valves on a one-dimensional echogram.

2. Dome-shaped movement of the anterior leaflet on two-dimensional echocardiography.

3. Reduced amplitude of leaflet opening on one-dimensional and two-dimensional echocardiography, reduction in the area of ​​the mitral orifice on two-dimensional echocardiography.

  1. Dilatation of the left atrium.

Mitral valve insufficiency

Compared to mitral stenosis, echocardiography is of much less importance in the diagnosis of this defect, since only indirect signs are assessed. A direct sign - a jet of regurgitation - is recorded by Doppler echocardiography.

  1. Signs of mitral valve insufficiency (MV) on one-dimensional echocardiography

  2. Increased systolic excursion of the posterior wall and interventricular septum, moderate dilatation of the cavity of the left ventricle (signs of LV volume overload).
3. Increased excursion of the posterior wall of the left atrium in the third position of the sensor (1 cm or more); moderate hypertrophy of the left atrium.

4. "Excessive" amplitude of opening of the front leaf (more than 2.7 cm).

5. Moderate decrease in the speed of early diastolic closing of the leaflets (EF slope), which, however, does not reach the degree of decrease in this indicator with stenosis.

When the NMC is “steady”, the movement of the lines remains multidirectional.

Signs of NMC on two-dimensional echocardiography should also include a violation of the closure of the leaflets, which is sometimes determined.

Mitral defect with predominant stenosis.

EchoCG corresponds to that for mitral stenosis, but changes in the left ventricle are also recorded (increased excursion of the walls, dilatation of the cavity), which is not observed with “pure” stenosis.

Mitral disease with predominant insufficiency.

In contrast to “pure” failure, unidirectional diastolic movement of the leaflets is determined. In contrast to the predominance of stenosis, the speed of early diastolic closure of the anterior leaflet (EF) is moderately reduced and its movement does not reach a U-shape (two-phase remains - peak E followed by a “plateau”).

Aortic stenosis

Sonographic diagnosis of aortic defects is difficult due to the difficulties of visualizing both intact and deformed valves and is based mainly on indirect signs.

The main symptom of aortic stenosis is a decrease in the systolic divergence of the aortic valve leaflets, their deformation and thickening. The nature of the valve deformation depends on the etiology of the defect: with rheumatic stenosis (Fig. 14.6), adhesions are determined along the commissures with a hole in the center of the valve; with atherosclerotic lesions, the bodies of the valves are deformed, between which gaps remain (Fig. 14, c). Therefore, with atherosclerotic disease, despite the pronounced auscultatory picture, the stenosis is usually not as significant as with rheumatism.

Fig. 14. Scheme of leaflet deformation during aortic stenosis, a-normal leaflets in diastole and systole; b-rheumatism atherosclerosis. PC-right coronary cusp, LC-left coronary cusp, NC-non-coronary cusp.

An indirect sign of aortic stenosis is hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium without enlarging its cavity, as a result of pressure overload. Wall thickness is measured in the first standard position of the sensor or on a two-dimensional echocardiography.

Aortic valve insufficiency

With this defect, dilatation of the left ventricular cavity is determined as a consequence of volume overload and an increase in the systolic excursion of its walls due to the volume of regurgitation. The flow of regurgitation can be directly recorded using Doppler echocardiography.

The regurgitation jet, heading in diastole to the open anterior mitral leaflet (Fig. 15, a - indicated by the arrow), can cause its small-amplitude flutter (Fig. 15, b - indicated by the arrow).

Fig. 15. Aortic valve insufficiency: a-two-dimensional chogram, b-one-dimensional echocardiography in the second standard position of the sensor.

Occasionally, on a two-dimensional echogram one can see an expansion of the aortic root and a violation of the diastolic closure of the valves. On a one-dimensional echogram of the base of the aorta, this corresponds to the symptom of diastolic non-closure (“separation”) of the leaflets. In Fig. Figure 16 shows a diagram of an M-echogram of the base of the aorta in a patient with a combined aortic defect. A sign of stenosis is a decrease in the amplitude of the systolic divergence of the leaflets (1), a sign of insufficiency is the diastolic “separation” of the leaflets (2). The aortic valve leaflets are thickened and have increased echogenicity.

Fig. 16 Scheme of the M-echogram of the base of the aorta with combined aortic defect.

When stenosis and failure are combined, a mixed type of left ventricular hypertrophy is also determined - its cavity increases (as with failure) and the thickness of the walls (as with stenosis).

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
In the diagnosis of cardiomyopathies, echocardiography plays a leading role. Depending on the predominant localization of hypertrophy, several forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (PSMP) are distinguished, some of which are presented in Fig. 17;

Asymmetric hypertrophy of the interventricular septum is indicated if its thickness exceeds the thickness of the posterior wall by more than 1.3 times. The most common form (in almost 90% of all HCM) is the obstructive form, previously called “idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis” (Fig. 17, d). The thickness of the IVS in patients reaches 2-3 cm (the norm is 0.8 cm). Approaching the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve or the hypertrophied papillary muscles, it thereby creates obstruction of the outflow tract. Accelerated systolic blood flow in the obstruction zone due to hydrodynamic forces (wing effect) pulls the anterior leaflet towards the hypertrophied IVS, aggravating the stenosis of the outflow tract.

A one-dimensional echogram in the P standard position reveals the following signs of obstructive HCM (Fig. 18):

1. An increase in the thickness of the IVS and a decrease in its systolic excursion due to fibrotic changes in the myocardium.

2. Anterior systolic deflection of the mitral leaflets and the approach of the anterior leaflet to the interventricular septum.

Rice. 17. Forms of HCM:

a-asymmetric interventricular septum;

b-concentric left ventricle;

b-apical (non-obstructive);

d-asymmetrical basal sections of the IVS, the arrow indicates the area of ​​obstruction of the LV outflow tract.

Rie. 18. Echocardiogram of a patient with obstructive HCM. Increasing the thickness of the IVS. The arrow indicates the systolic deflection of the mitral leaflets to the septum.

On the echogram of the base of the aorta in the third position of the sensor, due to a decrease in cardiac output, mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve leaflets can be observed, the form of movement of which in this case resembles the M-shaped movement of the mitral leaflets (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve leaflets (indicated by an arrow) in obstructive HCM.

Dilation of cardiomyopytia

Dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by diffuse myocardial damage with dilatation to her heart cavities and a sharp decrease his contractile function (Fig. 20).

Fig.20. Scheme of echocardiography of a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy: a - two-dimensional echocardiography, pronounced dilatation of all chambers of the heart; b- M-EchoCG-hypokinesis of the IVS and LVSD, dilated cavities of the RV and LV, an increase in the distance from the anterior MV leaflet (peak E) to the septum, characteristic movement of the MV leaflets.

In addition to dilatation of cavities, decreased myocardial contractility, including a drop in ejection fraction, DCM is characterized by the formation of blood clots in dilated cavities with frequent thromboembolic complications.

Due to a decrease in the contractility of the left ventricular myocardium, LVDP increases, which is manifested on echocardiography by the characteristic movement of the mitral leaflets. The first type (Fig. 20, a) is characterized by high speeds of opening and closing of the leaflets (narrow peaks E and A), low point F. This form is described as a “diamond-shaped” movement of the mitral leaflets, which is considered characteristic of a left ventricular aneurysm against the background of coronary artery disease ( J. Burgess et al., 1973) (Fig. 21, a).

The second type, on the contrary, is characterized by a decrease in the speed of early diastolic closure of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, expansion of both peaks with deformation of the presystolic one due to an increase in the AS period and the appearance of a kind of “step” in this segment (Fig. 21, b - indicated by the arrow).

Rice. 21. Types of movement of the mitral valve leaflets in DCM.

The mitral valves are well located against the background of the dilated cavities of the left parts of the heart and move in antiphase (“fish pharynx” according to H. Feigenbaum, 1976).

It is often difficult to distinguish DCM from dilatation of the heart cavities in other diseases.

In the later stages of circulatory failure caused by ischemic heart disease, dilatation of not only the left, but also the right parts of the heart can also be observed. However, in IHD, left ventricular hypertrophy predominates, and the thickness of its walls is usually greater than normal. With DCM, as a rule, diffuse damage to all chambers of the heart is observed, although there are cases with predominant damage to one of the ventricles. The thickness of the walls of the left ventricle in DCM usually does not exceed the norm. Even if there is slight hypertrophy of the walls (no more than 1.2 cm), then visually the myocardium still looks “thinned” against the background of pronounced dilatation of the cavities. IHD is characterized by a “mosaic pattern” of myocardial damage: the affected hypokinetic areas are adjacent to intact ones, in which compensatory hyperkinesis is observed. In DCM, the diffuse process causes total hypokineticity of the myocardium. The degree of hypokinesis in different areas may be different due to the different degrees of their damage, but hyperkinetic zones in DCM are never detected.

An echocardiographic picture of dilation of the heart cavities, similar to DCM, can be observed in severe myocarditis, as well as in alcoholic heart disease. To make a diagnosis in these cases, it is necessary to compare echocardiographic data with the clinical picture of the disease and data from other studies.


1. Dvoryakovsky I.V., Chursin V.I., Safonov V.V. Ultrasound diagnostics in pediatrics. - L.: Medicine, 1987. -160 s.

2. Zaretsky V.V., Bobkov V.V., Olbinskaya L.I. Clinical echocardiography. - M.: Medicine, 1979. - 247 p.

3. Instrumental methods for studying the cardiovascular system (Handbook) / Ed. T.S. Vinogradova. - M.: Medicine, 1986. - 416 s.

4. Interpretation of a two-dimensional echocardiogram / Yu.T. Malaya, I.I. Yabluchansky, Yu.G. Gorb and others - Kharkov: Vyshcha school, 1989. 223 p.

5. Clinical ultrasound diagnostics: A guide for doctors: T.I/ N.M. Mukharlyamov, Yu.N. Belenkov, O.Yu. Ltysov and others; edited by N.M. Mukharlyamova. - M.: Medicine, 1987. - 328 p.

6. Makolkin V.I. Acquired heart defects. - M.: Medicine, 1986. - 256 s.

7. Mikhailov S.S. Clinical anatomy of the heart. - M.: Medicine, 1987. - 288 p.

8. Moiseev V.S., Sumarokov A.V., Styazhkin V.Yu. Cardiomyopathy. - M.: Medipina, 1993. - 176 p.

9. Mukharlyamov N.M. Cardiomyopathies. - M.: Medicine, 1990. - 288 p.

10. Soloviev G.M. and others. Cardiac surgery in chocardiographic research. - M.: Medicine, 1990. - 240 p.

11. Feigenbauii) H. Echogardiography. - Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1976.-495p.


Rheography - a bloodless method for studying blood circulation, based on graphical recording of changes in the electrical resistance of living tissues during the passage of electric current through them. An increase in blood supply to vessels during systole leads to a decrease in the electrical resistance of the studied parts of the body.

Rheography reflects the change in blood supply to the studied area of ​​the body (organ) during the cardiac cycle and the speed of blood movement in the vessels.

Arterial pressure - an integral indicator that reflects the result of the interaction of many factors, the most important of which are systolic blood volume and the total resistance to blood flow of resistive vessels. Changes in minute blood volume (MVR) are involved in maintaining a known constancy of mean pressure in the arterial system, which is determined by the relationship between the values ​​of MVR and arterial peripheral vascular resistance. Given the coordination between flow and resistance, the mean pressure is a kind of physiological constant.

The main parameters of general hemodynamics include stroke and minute blood volume, mean systemic arterial pressure, total peripheral vascular resistance, arterial and venous pressure.

Average hemodynamic pressure in mmHg.

Proper values ​​of Rdr. depend on age and gender.

In assessing the functional state of the circulatory system, the parameters of central hemodynamics are important: stroke (systolic) volume and cardiac output (minute blood volume). Stroke volume - the amount of blood that is ejected by the heart with each contraction (the norm is between 50-75 ml), cardiac output(minute blood volume) - the amount of blood ejected by the heart within 1 minute (the normal IOC is 3.5-8 liters of blood). The magnitude of the IOC depends on gender, age, changes in ambient temperature and other factors.

One of the non-invasive methods for studying central hemodynamic parameters is the tetrapolar thoracic rheography method, which is considered the most convenient for practical use in the clinic.

Its main advantages, along with high reliability - a total error of no more than 15%, include ease of registration and calculation of basic indicators, the possibility of repeated repeated studies, the total time consumption does not exceed 15 minutes. Indicators of central hemodynamics determined by tetrapolar thoracic rheography and hemodynamic indicators determined by invasive techniques (Fick method, dye dilution method, thermal dilution method) highly correlate with each other.

Determination of stroke volume of blood (SV) using transthoracic tetrapolar rheography according to Kubichek and Yu.T. Pushkar

Rheography - a bloodless method for studying blood circulation that records the electrical resistance (impedance or its active component) of living tissues, which changes with fluctuations in blood supply during the cardiac cycle at the moment an alternating current is passed through them. The method of impedance cardiography or tetrapolar thoracic rheography has become widely used abroad to determine the hemodynamics of the left ventricle of the heart.

Kubizek (1966) recorded the value of body impedance using the principle of four electrode measurements. In this case, two ring-shaped electrodes were placed on the neck and two on the chest, at the level of the xiphoid process. To implement the method, you need: rheoplethysmograph RPG 2-02, a recorder with a recording width of 40-60 mm. It is better to record volumetric rheography and its first derivative in parallel with recording an ECG (II standard lead) and PCG on the auscultatory channel.


Calibrate the recording scale. The device provides two calibration signal values ​​for the main rheogram: 0.1 and 0.5 cm. The amplitude of the calibration signal is 1 and 5 cm/sec, respectively. The choice of the recording scale and the magnitude of the calibration signal depends on the amplitude of the differentiated rheogram.

Electrode application diagram:

The interelectrode state L is measured with a measuring tape between the middles of potential electrodes No. 2 and No. 3 along the anterior surface of the chest.

The dial indicator on the front panel of the device continuously shows the value of the base impedance (Z). With the patient breathing freely, we record 10-20 complexes.

The amplitude of the differentiated rheogram (Ad) in each of the complexes is defined as the distance (in ohms in 1 sec) from the zero line to the peak of the differentiated curve.

The average expulsion time (Ti) is defined in the same complexes as the distance between the beginning of the rapid rise of the differentiated curve to the lower point of the incisura or from the point corresponding to 15% of the height to the lower point of the incisura. Sometimes the beginning of this period can be determined by the beginning of a step on the curve, which corresponds to the end of the isometric contraction phase. When the incisura is weakly expressed, the end of the expulsion period can be determined by the beginning of the second tone on the FCG with the addition of a constant delay time of the differentiated rheogram curve by 15-20

The measured values ​​of L, Z, Ad and Ti are transferred into the formula for determining the CV:

SV - stroke volume (ml),

K - coefficient depending on the location of the electrodes, on the type of device used (for this technique


G - blood resistivity (ohm/cm) N=150;

L - distance between electrodes (cm);

Z - interelectrode impedance;

Ad - amplitude of the differentiated rheogram curve

Tu - expulsion time (sec).

Voltage index - time:


The tetrapolar thoracic rheography method is widely used to determine the type of central hemodynamics in patients with hypertension. The distribution is usually carried out according to the cardiac index (CI). Thus, patients with a cardiac index (CI) of more than M + 15% of its value in healthy individuals belong to the hyperkinetic type of hemodynamics, respectively, with a CI of less than M - 15% of its value in healthy individuals, patients are included in the group with the hypokinetic type. With an SI value from M-15% to M+15%, the state of blood circulation is considered eukinetic.

It is now a generally accepted fact that hypertension is hemodynamically heterogeneous and requires a differentiated approach to treatment depending on the type of blood circulation.


1. Kassirsky I.A. Handbook of functional diagnostics. - M.: Medicine, 1970.

2. Pushkar Yu.T., Bolypov V.M., Elizarova N.A. and others. Determination of cardiac output by the method of tetrapolar thoracic rheography and its metrological capabilities // Cardiology. - 1977. - No. 7. - p.85-90.

3. Harrison T.R. Internal illnesses. - M.: Medicine, vol. 7, 1993.


Phonocardiography (PCG) is a method of graphically recording heart sounds and murmurs and their diagnostic interpretation. FCG significantly complements auscultation and introduces many fundamentally new things into the study of heart sounds. It allows you to objectively assess the intensity and duration of heart sounds and murmurs. However, correct interpretation is possible in conjunction with the clinical picture of the disease. The sensitivity of the human ear is more significant than that of the PKG sensor. The use of channels with different frequency characteristics makes it possible to selectively register heart sounds and determine third and fourth sounds that are not audible during auscultation. Determining the shape of the noise makes it possible to establish its genesis and resolve the issue of its conductive nature at different points of the heart. Simultaneous synchronous registration of PCG and ECG reveals a number of important patterns in the relationship of heart sounds with the ECG.

Phonocardiographic research technique

FCG recording is carried out using a phonocardiograph, consisting of a microphone, an amplifier, a system of frequency filters and a recording device. A microphone located at various points in the heart region perceives sound vibrations and converts them into electrical ones. The latter are amplified and transmitted to a system of frequency filters, which select one or another group of frequencies from all heart sounds and then pass them to various recording channels, which allows selective recording of low, medium and high frequencies.

The room in which the FCG is recorded must be isolated from noise. Typically, FCG is recorded after a 5-minute rest of the subject in a supine position. Preliminary auscultation and clinical data are decisive in the selection of main and additional recording points, special techniques (recording in a lateral position, standing, after physical activity, etc.). Typically, FCG is recorded while holding the breath during exhalation, and, if necessary, at the height of inspiration and during breathing. When using airborne microphones, absolute silence is required for recording. Vibration sensors - detect and record vibrations of the chest, less sensitive, but more convenient in practical work.

Currently, the two most common frequency response systems are Maass-Weber and Mannheimer. The Maass-Weber system is used in domestic phonocardiographs, German and Austrian. The Mannheimer system is used in Swedish devices


Frequency characteristics according to Maass-Weber:

The channel with the au-cultivative characteristic has the greatest practical significance. FCG recorded on this channel is compared in detail with auscultatory data.

On channels with a low-frequency characteristic, III and IV tones are recorded; I and II tones are clearly visible in cases where they are obscured by noise on the auscultatory channel.

High-frequency noise is well recorded on the high-frequency channel. For practical work, it is good to use auscultation, low-frequency and high-frequency characteristics.

The FCG must have the following special designations (in addition to the surname of the subject, date, etc.): ECG lead (usually standard II), frequency response of channels and recording points. All additional techniques are also noted: recording in a position on the left side, after physical activity, while breathing, etc.

Normal phonocardiogram consists of oscillations of the I, II and often III and IV heart sounds. The systolic and diastolic pause on the auscultatory channel corresponds to a straight line without fluctuations, called isoacoustic.

Scheme of normal FCG. Q-I tone. a - initial, muscular component of the first tone;

B - central, valve component of tone I;

B - final component of tone I;

A - aortic component of the II tone;

P - pulmonary (pulmonalis) component of tone II

When recording FCG synchronously with an electrocardiogram, oscillations of the first tone are determined at the level of the S wave of the electrocardiogram, and the second tone - at the end of the T wave.

The normal first sound in the region of the apex of the heart and in the projection of the mitral valve consists of three main groups of oscillations. Initial low-frequency, small amplitude oscillations are the muscular component of the first tone, caused by contraction of the ventricular muscles. The central part of the first tone, or as it is called - the main segment - more frequent oscillations, large amplitude, are caused by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The final part of the first tone is a small amplitude oscillation associated with the opening of the aortic and pulmonary artery valves and vibrations of the walls of large vessels. The maximum amplitude of the first tone is determined by its central part. At the apex of the heart it is IVa "2 times greater than the amplitude of the II tone.

The beginning of the central part of the first tone is 0.04-0.06 seconds from the beginning of the Q wave of a synchronously recorded ECG. This interval is called the Q-I tone interval, the period of transformation or transformation. It corresponds to the time between the onset of ventricular excitation and the closure of the mitral valve. The greater the pressure in the left atrium, the greater the Q-I sound. Q-I tone cannot be an absolute sign of mitral stenosis; it may be a sign of myocardial infarction.

The second tone at the base of the heart is 2 times or more greater than the first tone. In its composition, the first group of oscillations, large in amplitude, corresponding to the closure of the aortic valves, the aortic component of the second tone, is often visible. The second group of oscillations, 1.5-2 times smaller in amplitude, corresponds to the closure of the pulmonary valves - the pulmonary component of the second tone. The interval between the aortic and pulmonary components is 0.02-0.04 seconds. It is caused by a physiological delay in the end of right ventricular systole.

Normal III tone is often found in young people under 30 years of age, asthenics and athletes. It is a weak and low-frequency sound and is therefore heard less frequently than recorded. The third tone is well recorded on the low-frequency channel in the form of 2-3 rare oscillations of small amplitude, following 0.12-0.18 seconds after the second tone. The origin of the III tone is associated with muscle vibrations in the phase of rapid filling of the left ventricle (left ventricular III sound) and the right ventricle (right ventricular III sound).

Normal IV tone, atrial tone is detected less frequently than III tone in the same population. It is also a weak, low-frequency sound, usually not audible during auscultation. It is determined on a low-frequency channel in the form of 1-2 rare, low-amplitude oscillations located at the end of P, synchronously recorded ECG. IV tone is caused by atrial contraction. Total gallop - a 4-beat rhythm is heard (there are 3rd and 4th tones), observed with tachycardia or bradycardia.

It is advisable to begin the analysis of FCG with a description of the tones and time intervals associated with them. Then the noises are described. All additional techniques and their effect on tones and noises are at the end of the analysis. The conclusion can be accurate, differential diagnostic, or speculative.

Pathological changes in phonocardiogram.

Pathology of tones.

Weakening of the first tone - a decrease in its amplitude has independent significance in the area of ​​the mitral and tricuspid valves. Mainly determined in comparison with the amplitude of the second tone. The weakening of the first tone is based on the following reasons: destruction of atrioventricular valves, mainly the mitral valve, limitation of valve mobility, calcification, decreased myocardial contractile function, with myocarditis, obesity, myxedema, mitral valve insufficiency.

Strengthening the first tone occurs with fibrosis of the atrioventricular valves while maintaining their mobility, with a rapid increase in intraventricular pressure. When the P-Q I interval is shortened, the tone increases, and when the interval is lengthened, it decreases. It is observed with tachycardia (hyperthyroidism, anemia) and often with mitral valve stenosis. With complete atrioventricular block, the greatest amplitude of the first tone (“cannon” tone according to N.D. Strazhenko) is observed when the P wave is directly adjacent to the QRS complex.

Splitting of the first tone up to 0.03-0.04 seconds with an increase in both components occurs with mitral-tricuspid stenosis due to simultaneous closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves. It also occurs with bundle branch block as a result of asynchronism in ventricular contraction.

Weakening of the second tone has independent significance in the aorta, where it is caused by the destruction of the aortic valves or a sharp limitation of their mobility. A decrease in pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery also leads to a weakening of the second tone.

Strengthening the 2nd tone on the aorta or pulmonary artery is associated with an increase in blood pressure in these vessels, compaction of the valve stroma (hypertension, symptomatic hypertension, hypertension of the pulmonary circulation, atherosclerotic changes).

Second tone splitting characterized by a stable delay of the pulmonary component, independent of the phases of breathing - a “fixed” splitting of the second tone according to the terminology of foreign authors. It occurs when the ejection phase of blood from the right ventricle is prolonged, which leads to later closure of the pulmonary valves. This occurs when there is an obstruction to the outflow of blood from the right ventricle - pulmonary artery stenosis, when the right heart is overfilled with blood. The pulmonary component of tone II increases, becomes equal to the aortic one and even exceeds it with increased blood supply to the pulmonary circulation and decreases or completely disappears with low blood supply to the pulmonary circulation. Pathological splitting of the second tone is also observed with blockade of the right bundle branch. The development of severe pulmonary hypertension with changes in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation leads to a shortening of the phase of blood expulsion from the right ventricle, to an earlier closure of the pulmonary valves and, consequently, to a decrease in the degree of splitting of the second sound. Then the large component merges with the aortic one, as a result of which a large, unsplit II tone is determined, maximally expressed in the area of ​​the pulmonary artery, which is determined upon auscultation as sharply accentuated. This II tone is a sign of severe pulmonary hypertension.

Splitting of the second sound with a delay of the aortic component is rare and is called “paradoxical”. It is caused by a sharp slowdown in the ejection phase of blood from the left ventricle with stenosis of the aortic orifice or subclasal stenosis, as well as with blockade of the left bundle branch.

Pathological III tone - large amplitude, fixed on the auscultation channel and clearly audible during auscultation, associated with increased diastolic blood flow to the ventricles or with a sharp weakening of myocardial tone (myocardial infarction). The appearance of a pathological III tone causes a three-part rhythm - a protodiastolic gallop.

Pathological IV tone is also characterized by an increase in amplitude and fixation on the auscultatory channel. Most often occurs when the right atrium is overloaded with congenital heart defects. The appearance of a pathological atrial tone causes the presystolic form of the gallop rhythm.

To characterize tones, low-frequency PCG recording is used.

Sometimes a click or late systolic click is recorded on FCG during systole. It is better heard during exhalation at the apex and at Botkin's point. Click - on the FCG, a narrow group of oscillations recorded on the mid-frequency or high-frequency channel of the FCG, at the beginning or end of systole and associated with mitral valve prolapse.

In diastole, an extraton is recorded - a click of the opening of the mitral valve (open snep "O.S.") occurs with mitral stenosis. OS - consists of 2-5 oscillations, with a duration of 0.02-0.05", necessarily visible on the high-frequency channel, at a distance of 0.03-0.11" from the beginning of the second tone. The higher the pressure in the left atrium, the shorter the distance of the second sound - 08.

With stenosis of the 3-leaf valve, the sound of the opening of the tricuspid valve is analogous to the click of the opening of the mitral valve. Short and rare, best heard on the right and left of the xiphoid process, in the fourth intercostal space to the left of the sternum. It is better heard during exhalation, and is located at a distance of 0.06" - 0.08" from the second tone.

To analyze the noise pattern, medium and high frequency channels are used.

Noise characteristics:

1. relation to the phases of the cardiac cycle (systolic and diastolic);

2. duration and form of noise;

3. temporal relationship between noise and tones;

4. frequency response

5. by duration and temporary relationships. I. Systolic: a) protosystolic;

B) mesosystolic;

B) late systolic;

D) holo or pansystolic.

Scheme of changes in tones and noises in acquired heart defects.

OS m - mitral valve opening tone;

OS t - opening tone of the tricuenidal valve;

I m - mitral component of the first tone;

I t - tricuspid component of the first tone;

1 - mitral valve insufficiency;

2 - mitral stenosis;

3 - mitral stenosis and mitral valve insufficiency;

4 - aortic valve insufficiency;

5 - stenosis of the aortic mouth;

6 - stenosis of the aortic mouth and aortic valve insufficiency;

7 - tricuspid valve insufficiency;

8 - tricuspid stenosis;

9 - tricuspid stenosis and tricuspid valve insufficiency.

Functional systolic murmurs are low-amplitude, low-frequency, separated from the first sound by 0.05", with a duration of less than 0.5" of systole, usually of an increasing nature or have a diamond shape. For differential diagnosis, physical activity, the Valsalva maneuver is used, conductivity is taken into account, a test with amyl nitrite is an increase in functional noise.


Kassirsky I.A. Handbook of functional diagnostics. - M.: Medicine, 1970. Harrison T.R. Internal illnesses. - M.: Medicine,



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs