D aspartic acid. Aspartic acid

D-aspartic acid (English D-Aspartic acid or DAA ) is an endogenous amino acid that is present in the body of all vertebrates and invertebrates. D-aspartic acid plays important role in operation and development nervous system. During the embryonic stage of development, an increase in the concentration of this substance in the brain and retina is observed. D-aspartic acid is also a neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses from one neuron to another. In addition, D-aspartic acid increases the level of cyclic AMP in nerve cells and is transported from the synaptic cleft. nerve cells special carrier.

For athletes, it is interesting precisely for its effect on some important areas of the hypothalamus. Namely, those that are gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn affects the release of the main male anabolic hormone testosterone. In addition to it, it is also positive in to a large extent affects the natural natural release of somatotropin (growth hormone), which is also very important for a person involved in sports.


The first data on the ability to increase testosterone production were obtained in rats, but a human study was recently performed, which confirmed the effectiveness D-aspartic acid for people.
A group of 23 people received 3 g of D-aspartate (DADAVIT®) daily for 12 days, while the other 20 people received a placebo (dummy). As a result of the experiment, tests were carried out that determined that testosterone levels increased by an average of 42%, gonadotropin levels increased by 33%.

It should be noted that all of the above properties are characteristic only for the D isomer of aspartic acid, while all the protein and amino acids proposed in sports shops contain an L-shape. Interestingly, the L-form is able to be converted into the D-form in the body, however, additional consumption of the L-form does not lead to an increase in testosterone concentration.

The scientists also found that the concentration of D-aspartic acid in the brain gradually increases until the age of 35, and then begins to decrease. The same is true for testosterone levels.

D-aspartic acid has caused a significant stir in the bodybuilding world. The effectiveness of the supplement is confirmed by the reports of athletes (strength indicators increase, libido increases, and other signs of an increase in testosterone levels), some of them performed an analysis of testosterone levels before and after use. The data obtained confirms the results of studies - testosterone does increase.

How to use:

D-aspartic acid is taken at a dose of 3 g per day, divided into 2-3 doses, for 3-5 weeks. The first dose immediately after sleep (can be mixed with a protein shake or breakfast), subsequent - in the afternoon before meals. On the day of training, it is taken 30-40 minutes before the training itself, on the day of rest in the morning or at night.

D-aspartic acid(English D-Aspartic acid or DAA) is an endogenous amino acid that is present in the body of all vertebrates and invertebrates. D-aspartic acid plays an important role in the functioning and development of the nervous system. During the embryonic stage of development, an increase in the concentration of this substance in the brain and retina is observed. D-aspartic acid is also a neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses from one neuron to another. In addition, D-aspartic acid increases the level of cyclic AMP in nerve cells and is transported from the synaptic cleft of nerve cells by a special carrier. D aspartic acid is available from pharmacies in some countries, making it extremely affordable.

Recently, this amino acid has been found to be involved in the regulation endocrine system, they regulate the release of certain hormones. An important discovery in bodybuilding was the property of D-aspartic acid to interact with certain parts of the hypothalamus, which leads to increased secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn enhances the production of gonadotropin, while the latter increases the production of testosterone, the main anabolic hormone. In addition, this amino acid enhances the secretion of prolactin and growth hormone. The scientists also found that D-aspartic acid is involved in the release of testosterone and progesterone by the testicles.


The first data on the ability to increase testosterone production were obtained in rats, however, a human study was recently performed, which confirmed the effectiveness of D-aspartic acid in humans. Over time, it became possible to find d aspartic acid in a pharmacy.

A group of 23 people received 3 g of D-aspartate (DADAVIT®) daily for 12 days, while the other 20 people received a placebo (dummy). As a result of the experiment, tests were carried out that determined that testosterone levels increased by an average of 42%, gonadotropin levels increased by 33%. As a result, reviews of d aspartic acid were very positive, against the background of an increase in testosterone, strength indicators also increased.
"Attention" It should be noted that all of the above properties are characteristic only for the D isomer of aspartic acid, while all protein and amino acids offered in sports stores contain the L-form. Interestingly, the L-form is able to be converted into the D-form in the body, however, additional consumption of the L-form does not lead to an increase in testosterone concentration.

The scientists also found that the concentration of D-aspartic acid in the brain gradually increases until the age of 35, and then begins to decrease. The same is true for testosterone levels.

Thanks to the research and feedback on d aspartic acid, it has caused a significant buzz in the bodybuilding world. While in Russia they are just beginning to learn about it, in the West, athletes are already actively using this supplement. The effectiveness of the supplement is confirmed by the reports of athletes (strength indicators increase, libido increases, and other signs of an increase in testosterone levels), some of them performed an analysis of testosterone levels before and after use. The data obtained confirms the results of studies - testosterone does increase.

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Aspartic acid, otherwise aspartate, together with its big brother glutamic acid (glutamate), are classified as dicarboxylic amino acids, i.e. compounds with two COOH acid tails. The importance of these compounds is such that, together with amides, they make up half of the total amino nitrogen in tissues, and in the nervous system they make up 70% of all amino acids.

Aspartic acid (aspartate) has 2 optical isomers, which are conventionally called L-aspartate and D-aspartate. The natural proteinogenic amino acid belongs to the L-isomers, the D-isomer occurs in the human body in a free form, but performs its specific functions and is not included in the protein. Next, we will talk about L-aspartic acid and its derivative asparagine.

Structural formulas

Due to the presence of two acidic tails, it is classified as an acidic amino acid. Acid tails impart hydrophilic properties to the amino acid, i.e. it dissolves well in water. It matters because all enzymatic reactions take place in an aqueous medium, and aspartic acid is a very active participant in the biochemical conveyor. Asparagine is an amide of aspartic acid, i. in the second acid tail, the hydrogen atom is replaced by the second amine group, it turns out, as it were, the second head, attached to the tail, in the world chemical compounds this will not surprise anyone.

Aspartic acid is part of almost all proteins in the body. Since the hydrogen atoms on acid tails are highly mobile, they provide hydrogen bonds that form the secondary and tertiary structure of protein molecules, stabilizing them in an aqueous environment.

Fortunately for us, aspartic acid and asparagine are non-essential compounds, i.e. the body itself synthesizes them in its biochemical factory from precursor compounds, which are always in abundance.

Aspartic acid and asparagine are glucogenic compounds, in the process of biosynthesis they turn into oxalacetate, which either burns to form energy, or goes to the synthesis of glycogen.

Functions of aspartic acid

  1. Structural - is part of almost all proteins
  2. Participates in the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases - compounds that form the information matrices of DNA and RNA
  3. Energy: during the breakdown, oxalacetate is formed, which either burns to form energy, or goes to the synthesis of glucose
  4. It is directly involved in the synthesis of ATP, a substance that carries chemical energy for the operation of a biochemical conveyor.
  5. Is a depot of amine groups
  6. Transports amine groups throughout the body
  7. Carries potassium and magnesium ions
  8. Participates in the neutralization of ammonia
  9. Is a neurotransmitter
  10. immune activity

Biosynthesis of aspartic acid and asparagine

Aspartic acid is continuously produced in the body. Still, because it, together with glutamic acid, is a kind of warehouse of amine groups. 11 non-essential amino acids are converted into each other in transamination reactions. Upon entering the body, the transferase enzymes cut off the amine heads and plant them, no, not on stakes, but synthesizing glutamate and aspartate. An active participant in the transamination reaction is pyridoxal phosphate or vitamin B 6, it makes the transferase enzyme work, taking over the amine head from glutamate and transferring it to oxalacetate, which turns into aspartic acid.

In this form, amine groups are transferred along bloodstream where there is a need for them, and those amino acids that are needed right now are synthesized on the spot. This is how nitrogen is redistributed in the body.

First of all, with a lack of protein, blood proteins are utilized: transport and immune. If they are not enough, the proteins of the liver, kidneys, spleen and intestines are mobilized. Usually this is a temporary measure, and as soon as the proteins come from food, the body patches up the holes that have formed, but there are extreme situations, for example, protein starvation. Also extreme physical exercise that are arranged by athletes - pros, in pursuit of records without adequate nutrition due to the redistribution of nitrogen, the liver and kidneys can be seriously affected, because their proteins will be used for construction muscle tissue.

In addition, aspartic acid can be formed from homoserine, a conversion product essential acid threonine, as well as when the amine group is cleaved from asparagine.

Aspartic acid is the link between sugar metabolism and protein metabolism: an intermediate product of both biochemical pipelines is oxalacetate. It can be synthesized from glucose and, if necessary, not burn in the furnace, but go to the synthesis of aspartic acid, which will transfer amino nitrogen to where it is needed. On the other hand, an excess of aspartic acid, as soon as it is formed, will turn into oxalacetate and then go either to the furnace or to the synthesis of glucose.

Aspartate is a precursor of another dicarboxylic amino acid, glutamine (glutamate). In the body, there is a constant transfer of amine groups from aspartate to glutamate and vice versa. The transfer is carried out through the notorious oxalacetate with the participation of the enzyme transferase and pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin B).

Ammonia neutralization

At rich in proteins food contains more amino acids than are needed for protein synthesis. The excess is sent to the chopping block, which is located in the liver. Enzymes cut down the amine heads, the skeletons are sent for processing into the gluconeogenesis cycle, but the amine head begins to live the life of a zombie, turning into ammonia - a cellular poison. The same passion occurs with intense muscle work. Work is energy, energy needs glucose to get glucose…. Well, you understand. Wandering amino acid heads in the form of ammonia, which are no less dangerous than fabulous ghouls, must be neutralized. Aspartic acid is one of the participants in this heroic saga.

Firstly, it attaches ammonia to itself, since aspartate is always available in excess. And it turns into asparagine - a transport form of ammonia transfer. Further, the hero's path diverges into two paths: the first - to the well-known frontal place in the liver, the second - to the kidneys, where the asparaginase enzyme cuts off both amine heads, the resulting ammonia combines with inorganic salts and is excreted in the urine.

A completely different magical action takes place in the liver, where the resulting ammonia is neutralized through a cascade of reactions, in one of which aspartic acid is directly involved, all this magic ends with the formation of harmless urea, which is excreted through the kidneys. Half of the nitrogen released in the processes of biochemical transformations of amino acids does not form ammonia, but is immediately captured by aspartic acid and involved in the synthesis of urea.

Aspartic acid together with glutamic acid bind, transport and utilize biologically active nitrogen. In fact, all the nitrogen involved in metabolism passes through these two amino acids. Aspartic acid helps maintain nitrogen balance in the body.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


D-aspartic acid - which is integral part cartilage, membranes, enamel. Accumulates in the brain (more in pituitary gland and pineal gland) and testicular spermatids. Plays a major role in the functioning of the nervous system, increasing the function of neurons and is neurotransmitter , transmitting nerve impulses. Studies show that this amino acid acts as a nootropic - improves memory. Its concentration in the brain increases up to 35 years, and then decreases.

It was found that this amino acid regulates release hormones ( , luteinizing hormone ). This amino acid through the production gonadotropin increases production testosterone , the level of which decreases after 35 years. The experiment showed that when taking this substance, its level increases by 42%. Testosterone And a growth hormone render big influence for recovery after strength training, accelerate muscle growth.

The effectiveness of the supplement in bodybuilding is confirmed by improved training intensity and increased endurance, increased strength, accelerated fat burning and muscle building, fast recovery after training. In addition, there is an increase libido . Available as an amino acid supplement.


No data available.

Indications for use

  • decline libido ;
  • in bodybuilding.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • elevated;
  • elevated level;
  • kidney failure;
  • age up to 25 years;
  • testicular hypertrophy;
  • heart disease.

Side effects

  • promotion blood pressure ;
  • irritability;
  • gynecomastia ;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • hair loss.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Take 3 g per day, divided into 3 doses 15 minutes before meals (1/3 measuring spoon). The first dose is taken in the morning (possible with a protein shake), the next - in the afternoon. To maintain a constant concentration in the body, it is better to divide the dose into 3 doses. It is possible to take the entire dose at one time in the morning. If there is a workout on this day, then the supplement should be taken 30 minutes before the training. The powder form is mixed with liquid or juice.

The course of admission is 4 weeks, then a month of rest. Long-term use does not increase the level testosterone .

Three grams is the minimum daily dosage. After the first cycle, the tolerability of the supplement and its effectiveness should be assessed. In subsequent courses, it is possible to increase it to 5-10 g per day.


Overdose manifests itself headaches , decreased mood, nausea, indigestion, decreased blood pressure . In such cases, the supplement should be discontinued.


Cannot be used at the same time steroid hormones and combine 2 boosters.

It is combined with proteins and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Temperature up to 25°С.

Best before date


Tribulus Terrestris , Forskolin , 6-OXO , Ikariin .

Reviews about D-aspartic acid

D-aspartic acid, as testosterone boosting supplement is actively used by bodybuilders. Testosterone master hormone, which determines the level of protein synthesis and muscle mass. Under the influence of this amino acid, the production of growth hormone - also an important anabolic hormone that promotes fat burning and muscle building.

Not much research has been done on this supplement. In general, it should be noted that the impact on the level testosterone more pronounced (this is a testosterone booster), and its anabolic effects are not so significant. On the other hand, when reduced rates testosterone gaining muscle mass is very difficult. If after six months of playing sports the result is absent or insignificant, then they begin to take a testosterone booster.

B-amide of aspartic acid; B-aminosuccinamic acid. A natural amino acid that plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism. Structural formula:

It melts with decomposition at t°=236°, the specific rotation of the plane of polarization of light in water at t°=25° is –7.4. Isoelectric point = 5.4. Asparagine was first obtained by Vauquelin and Robiquet (L. N. Vauquelin, P. J. Robiquet) in 1868. from asparagus juice. Asparagine is the first amino acid derived from natural source. It is widely distributed in nature both in the composition of proteins and in the free state. Asparagine plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism. In organisms, Asparagine is synthesized from aspartic acid and ammonia with the participation of ATP under the action of the enzyme asparagine synthetase (aspartate-ammonia ligase; K. F.


Asparagine is involved in reactions transamination, transferring the amine group to keto acids and turning into ketosuccinamic acid (ketosuccinic acid amide), which further decomposes to oxaloacetic acid and ammonia. Under the action of the enzyme asparaginase (L-asparagine aminohydrolase; KF, Asparagine splits off ammonia and forms aspartic acid, which is used in a number of important metabolic reactions.

Asparagine is synthesized by animal tissues and thus belongs to the non-essential amino acids; Some human and animal lymphoid tumors are unable to synthesize Asparagine and need to be supplied from outside. In this regard, asparaginase began to be used to treat leukemia, which, by breaking down Asparagine, disrupts the synthesis of proteins and tumors.

Aspartic acid

(aminosuccinic acid, 1-aminoethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid) - natural amino acid; the most important constituent of proteins. Structural formula:

L-aspartic acid rotates the plane of polarization of light to the right:

In water and in 5n. HCL. Of all natural amino acids, Aspartic acid has the most pronounced acid properties, its isoelectric point lies at pH = 2.8; respectively, acid dissociation constants -- pK=1.88, pK2=3.65. Aspartic acid was first obtained by acid hydrolysis of the amide of Aspartic acid - asparagine, and then from protein hydrolysates (Ritthausen, 1868); The formula of Aspartic acid was established by Liebig in 1833. Aspartic acid, along with other amino acids, is an essential component of proteins. As part of proteins, in the free state, as well as in the form of asparagine and other derivatives, it is widely distributed in organs and tissues various organisms. Among the derivatives of aspartic acid, mention should be made of N-acetyl-aspartic acid, which is found in significant amounts in brain tissues, as well as in other tissues. Aspartic acid can be synthesized in the human and animal body from other substances and, thus, refers to non-essential amino acids. However, for some microorganisms, Aspartic acid is a necessary growth factor and must be present in the nutrient medium. Being one of the intermediate products of the metabolism of nitrogenous substances, Aspartic acid plays an important role in metabolism. Along with glutamic acid, it plays a particularly important role in the reactions transamination, transferring amino groups to keto acids, forming a number of other amino acids, while turning into oxaloacetic acid and linking, thus, the pathways of nitrogen metabolism with oxidative transformations of nitrogen-free compounds. In the same reactions, aspartic acid is formed from oxaloacetic acid after the addition of an amino group given to it by one of the other amino acids.

Forming Asparagine, Aspartic acid plays an important role by binding, neutralizing and transferring ammonia in the tissues of animals and plants. When asparagine is cleaved by the action of the enzyme asparaginase, ammonia is released and Aspartic acid is formed.

In bacteria, aspartic acid decomposes into ammonia and fumarate or is synthesized from these products under the action of the enzyme aspartase.

½ ¾¾¾® ½ ¾¾¾®½½

Asparagine Aspartate Fumarate

In microorganisms, the decarboxylation of Aspartic acid by the action of Aspartic acid decarboxylases is also common.

Aspartic acid is involved in the formation of a number of biologically important compounds in the body. Thus, Aspartic acid is a source of the 3rd (nitric) and 4th, 5th and 6th (carbon) atoms of the pyrimidine ring, which is formed from Aspartic acid and carbamyl phosphate through the steps of carbamilaspartic, dihydroorthic and orthic acids. During the formation of purine nucleotides, Aspartic acid in the presence of GTP aminates inosinic acid, converting it into adenylic acid (AMP) with the intermediate formation of adenylsuccinic acid. In the urea cycle, aspartic acid aminates citrulline to form arginine succinic acid, which is further broken down into arginine and fumaric acid.

Asparagine plays an extremely important role in the body, it serves as a raw material for the production of aspartic acid, which is involved in the work immune system and synthesis of DNA and RNA (the main carriers of genetic information). In addition, aspartic acid promotes the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose and the subsequent storage of glycogen. Aspartic acid serves as an ammonia donor in the urea cycle in the liver. Increased consumption of this substance in the recovery phase normalizes the content of ammonia in the body. Aspartic acid and asparagine can occur in fruit juices and vegetables: for example, in apple juice it is about 1 g / l, in tropical fruit juices - up to 1.6 g / l. Reference literature gives total values ​​for both amino acids.

Good sources of asparagine and aspartic acid:
- Potato
– Coconut
– Alfalfa
– Peanut
- Eggs
- Meat.



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