How to open a sports nutrition store. How to open your own sports nutrition store

The sports nutrition business does not require large investments and competition in this segment is still small. The demand for such goods increases by 20% every year; the main consumers are young people involved in strength sports.

Each of those who would like to open their own business asks the main question: how much will it cost? The most interesting business is one that requires minimal investment. This is understandable: making good money while taking minimal risks is the dream of any businessman.

Trade in sports nutrition is a relatively young type of business that requires very little investment. There is little competition in this market: the distribution of sports nutrition is mainly occupied by small online stores located in Moscow and the Moscow region. According to experts, the annual growth of the market volume is at least 20%.

Sports nutrition: description, composition, consumer groups

What is sports nutrition? In terms of chemical composition, it is an absolutely harmless concentrated mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and minerals.

Most often, it comes in the form of powder, capsules or tablets. Sports nutrition is produced from natural products: eggs, meat, soy, milk, etc. The basis of sports nutrition is protein, which is the main source of energy for an athlete.

Experts determine the following optimal composition of sports nutrition and the cost of these products per month:

  • Protein mixtures for muscle growth – from 1,300 rubles.
  • Carbohydrates for recovery after high energy costs - from 800 rubles.
  • Creatine to increase strength and endurance – about 600 rubles.
  • L-carnitine for fat burning – about 600 rubles.
  • Complex of vitamins and minerals – about 600 rubles.

Consumers of sports nutrition are young people from 18 to 30 years old who are actively involved in strength sports, as well as professional athletes and individual age fans of various sports.

It is better to open a business selling sports nutrition in cities with a population of 100 thousand or more, where there are sports schools, fitness centers, boxing clubs, etc.

Several main ways to implement sports nutrition:

  • Organization of retail outlets in sports and recreation complexes, gyms, sports clubs, etc. In this case, the administration of these institutions can be involved in the implementation, interest them in a percentage of the profits.
  • Organization of small (5-7 sq. m.) specialized departments for the sale of sports nutrition in large shopping centers with a large number of potential buyers.
  • Organization of an online store for the sale of sports nutrition with home delivery of goods.

The choice of trading method will mainly determine the amount of investment in the business. In the case of organizing a sales department, costs consist of purchasing sales equipment, putting the outlet in order and purchasing goods. Most likely, this option will be the most expensive due to the need to constantly pay rent and wages to hired sellers.

Let us consider this option in more detail, since it is this option, despite the costs, that looks the most promising due to the potentially highest revenue.

Organization of a sports nutrition store:

Selecting a location

It would be optimal to locate a retail outlet in a large sporting goods store, a shopping center, on the territory of a large sports and fitness complex, club or gym.

The area of ​​the rented retail space depends on the expected sales volume. There is no need to start immediately with a store or large department. At first, 5-7 square meters would be enough. m of retail space for one storefront with goods, and then, as demand grows, it would be possible to gradually expand the retail space.

Formation of assortment

The main assortment of the sports nutrition store consists of:

  • Proteins, creatine.
  • Products for ligaments and joints.
  • Fat burners.
  • Vitamins, minerals.
  • Amino acids.
  • Protein-carbohydrate mixtures (gainers).
  • Glutamine.

At least 100 thousand rubles must be spent on purchasing the necessary range of goods to start the store.

The assortment should include the main popular items that are in constant demand. As sales progress, you need to track items that are in high demand and increase the purchase of these items. To increase sales volumes of sports nutrition, consultations on this topic should be constantly carried out. Sports nutrition advertising should be a continuation of articles about a healthy lifestyle, the benefits of playing sports, etc.

The main task when organizing the sale of sports nutrition is concluding agreements with suppliers of quality products at low prices. When concluding contracts, it is necessary to assume that the retail trade margin is at least 50%.

An example here is the German company Milei, which supplies sports nutrition at low prices. In general, direct contacts with importers are the most profitable due to the minimum price. It can only be more profitable to deliver the goods yourself. At the lowest prices, the retail markup can range from 50 to 100%. Be sure to require quality certificates for each batch of goods.

Financial expenses

To begin with, registration of a business entity is required. An individual entrepreneur will cost 800 rubles, provided that you prepare the documents yourself. Retail equipment (racks, display cases) will cost approximately 50 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses will be:

  • Rent of retail space is approximately 10 thousand rubles per month.
  • Purchase of goods – 100 thousand rubles.
  • The salary of a sales consultant is 12 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising – 8 thousand rubles.

Total: 130 thousand rubles.

It is clear from the expenses that if the purchased volume of goods is sold for 100 thousand rubles with a 50% markup, the profit will be 20 thousand rubles per month. To increase profitability you should:

  • Increase turnover
  • By increasing sales to 200 thousand per month, you can count on doubling your net profit, up to 40 thousand rubles.
  • Increase the markup (reduce the purchase price).
  • Reduce costs.

You can, for example, refuse the services of a sales consultant and trade on your own at first.

The business of opening a sports nutrition store is promising and has large reserves for development. It is better to start a business with a small sales department, gradually increasing turnover. The main thing in profitability is to find a supplier with minimum prices for goods with guaranteed high quality. Proper advertising is of great importance.

You should look for non-standard ways to work with clients. Income could be increased, for example, by the production and delivery of protein shakes to sports and fitness centers and sports clubs upon prior requests from clients.


Sports nutrition is a fairly popular product. Today, a large number of fitness clubs are opening, people are purchasing subscriptions, and are increasingly starting to exercise seriously. Thanks to this, the sports nutrition market is expanding annually by approximately 20 percent, and in the capital by 10 percent.

Prospects for a business selling sports nutrition

There are very few sports nutrition stores in our state, and in cities with a population of less than a million people, there are often no such stores at all, but if there are, they are small retail outlets with a minimized assortment. Most athletes order sports nutrition via the Internet from foreign companies directly, after which they can wait for the order, sometimes for a whole month. Accordingly, this does not suit many people. Therefore, the business idea of ​​opening a similar food store is quite attractive.

Popularization of sports nutrition by artificial means is one of the favorable criteria:

  • Experienced athletes understand the effectiveness of such nutrition. They treat training responsibly, so they are ready to purchase sports nutrition (creatine, protein, other supplements) as much as necessary. Approximately this category of people allocates up to 30,000 rubles monthly for this food.
  • Most fitness club owners are in partnership with sports nutrition dealers. They actively advertise canned protein among visitors to their training rooms. Most often, beginners listen to their advice.
  • Last year, online entrepreneurs appeared on the market who are actively offering protein on the Internet. Millions of people who until that time were not interested in sports at all learned about this nutrition. Of course, many will purchase protein on a regular basis, but it is safer and easier for them to buy it in a special store located near their home or sports center than to buy it on the Internet.

The business of selling such food in our country has a disadvantage. We have not yet established the production of high-quality sports products, so we mainly have to sell food produced abroad. The main suppliers are American and German manufacturing companies.

The purchase price is tied to the exchange rate. Another collapse of the ruble could lead to significant losses.

Investment in opening a sports nutrition store

How to open a food store and build your own business on it?

  • The first step is to decide on the method of opening a point - will it be a franchise store or created independently. To organize a franchise business you need to have about 150,000 rubles, but this option greatly simplifies opening a store.
  • How much money do you need to allocate for the first purchase of goods? In order to establish business partnerships with reliable wholesalers, the first transaction must be for at least 200,000 rubles.
  • Renting premises. Depending on the area of ​​location, premises for a point can cost 30–40,000 rubles. In the city center, of course, rent is much more expensive, but setting up a store here is not necessary.
  • The average salary of a hired salesperson is 20–25,000 rubles. It depends on the region where the store is located. But, at the initial stage of launching a point, you can work as a seller yourself.
  • A business requires advertising costs, which will depend primarily on the region where the store is located, the chosen methods of promoting the product: printed publications, leaflets, business cards, posting advertisements on information boards around the city, on Internet sites, etc.
  • When drawing up a business plan and calculating expenses, it is necessary to provide for a reserve expense item.

Approximately, to create a business selling such food you will need 500,000 rubles.

How profitable is the business of selling sports nutrition?

  • When purchasing a product directly from a foreign manufacturer or distributor, a markup of 40–60 percent is possible.
  • In a small town with virtually no competitors, customers will appear quickly. In large cities, competition is stronger, so it is recommended to locate a store selling this nutrition, if possible, near fitness centers.
  • If you agree to supply your own goods to fitness clubs equipped with a minibar for selling sports nutrition, then the markup on the goods can be up to 130 percent.

It is also worth understanding that a large markup on products sold does not guarantee a large profit. The sports nutrition business relies heavily on regular customers. Therefore, you need to consistently monitor the quality of the product offered and its range.

  • The average profitability of a sports nutrition store is 20 percent. For example, if you reach a turnover of 500,000 rubles/month, then the profit will be 100,000 rubles.
  • A business selling sports nutrition pays off in at least six months, but can only pay off in two years.

Phased opening of a sports nutrition store

Registration of individual entrepreneur (LLC)

Both options for registering business activities have their own advantages and disadvantages. But experts recommend using the individual entrepreneur form to open a sports nutrition store. In this case, all profits received can be freely disposed of, without paying attention to tax issues. If you do not hire workers, but engage in sales yourself, then this option for entrepreneurial activity is the most impeccable.


For small businesses there is a simplified taxation system:

  • one tax instead of three;
  • no paperwork;
  • the ability to choose the optimal tax rate

The standard tax system at the starting stage of a small business is very inconvenient and unprofitable due to too high deductions and a large volume of paperwork.

Key activities for opening a store

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs with the Federal Tax Service.
  • Obtaining permission for trading activities from the state fire safety agency, district administration, SES.


For a sports nutrition store, it is enough to rent a premises of 50 square meters. The product is quite compact, so there is no need to maintain a separate storage room, and several dozen additional cans of food can be kept at home. The main product can be freely placed on the sales floor. To save significantly, you can purchase used counters and racks to display goods.

  • shopping mall;
  • large sports equipment store;
  • the building in which the fitness club is located or nearby;
  • sports complex.

Important points

The quality of the products offered.
Every athlete who consumes this nutrition first checks the quality of the product. You can't fool them in this regard. You can forever lose a potential buyer even because of a torn protective film. This is immediately an anti-advertisement for the store among familiar athletes.

Target audience of the sports nutrition store:

  • men 20–28 years old. The bulk are students who want to gain muscle mass in a short period, as well as former athletes who monitor their own shape. This category makes up 70 percent of all buyers;
  • men from 25 to 28 years old, whose average income is 35,000 rubles;
  • professional athletes over 30 years old. If they like the quality of the product and the service of the store, then they will become regular customers and bring about 15,000 rubles to the store every month.

Women buy such food infrequently.

After some time, the sports nutrition store should become a type of hobby club. Potential buyers will come to the store on the advice of regular customers.

The store’s assortment must include training programs and relevant literature. To effectively promote the outlet’s products, it is recommended to create your own website on the Internet and communities on social networks. As a result, many interested athletes will be able to order the product directly on the website. All that remains is to arrange courier delivery.

Conclusions: the niche for creating a business selling such food is promising. You can count on a monthly profit from one store of up to 80,000 rubles.

It is better to engage in the trade of this food for those who are involved in sports themselves, former athletes. Without understanding the work of sports supplements and the basics of building body texture, it will be quite difficult to choose the necessary range of products that would fully satisfy the needs of athletes.

In any area, be it trade, services or production, a business can be launched only when the area (more precisely, demand) grows. It's simple: when demand grows, each new player will be able to join it with minimal costs. But if the area is in a state of stagnation, in this case, in order for a new player to locate in it, it is necessary to snatch clients from existing companies, and this is actually very difficult.

And one of the areas in which there is growth, despite the crisis in the country, is sports nutrition.

And one of the ideas that is spinning in my head is the “production” of these same proteins.

In general, it was not by chance that I put “production” in quotation marks. The fact is that this entire industry consists of two groups of companies:
- the first produces the raw materials itself;
- and the second one buys bags of these raw materials from the first ones, adds flavoring additives, packages them in beautiful packages and puts them on sale.
That is why this business is not something complicated.

1. Regarding producers of raw materials, there are both Russian and Western ones. Below is an overview of the main producers of raw materials.

1.1. Arla products

The brand of whey concentrate is Lacprodan®. The largest concern with factories around the world: Denmark, Argentina, Switzerland, Norway.
ARLA also produces whey isolates, and, unlike other manufacturers, hydrolysates. Hydrolyzate is whey protein that is partially “decomposed” (by hydrolysis) into its components. The most technologically complex product among the whey proteins, and the most expensive - many times more expensive than concentrates. The advantage of hydrolyzate is its absorption rate. The absorption time depends on the degree of hydrolysis; in ARLA products it ranges from 6-10% to 30%.
ARLA products are packaged in 15 and 20 kg bags.
Concern website

1.2. Hochdorf Whey Protein

Plant: Hochdorf (Switzerland)
Product: LEDOR 80
Plant website
Swiss whey protein concentrate 80% The sweetest of all because the lactose content is almost 9%
Chemical properties per 100 g.
Protein - 76.5-86.3%
Water (102°C) - max.5.0%
Fat - max.6.39%
Carbohydrates (lactose) - max.9.81%
Color: white cream
Smell: milky
Taste: milky sweet

One of the most popular factories in Switzerland, the plant is owned by German shareholders. The price for a factory bag is around 10.5 euros per 1 kg. The main direction of the plant is healthy nutrition. Founded in 1895. The product is of very high quality and stable in protein content, like the well-known Swiss cans.
Hochdorf imposes high quality standards on its products, production process management, reliability of packaging processes, as well as storage conditions and delivery times in order to fully satisfy customer needs. In addition, Hochdorf adheres to strict environmental regulations regarding production, packaging, energy consumption and disposal methods.
Proof of this is the certificate of the International Organization for Standardization 9001/14001.

The high quality of Hochdorf products is confirmed by:
DIN ISO 9001/14001 Milk Hygiene Regulation (HACCP)
Quality control for suppliers of ingredients for animal feed (QC-PDV) QS, a control system on all steps of food processing including the raw materials.

1.3. Whey Protein Milei 80

Milei 80 is a natural water-soluble whey protein concentrate made from fresh whey through an air-drying process. It is a high-quality dietary protein product with many functional properties: water binding, emulsification, provides viscosity, forms a gel. Thanks to the diverse combination of protein fractions, Milei whey can be used in baby and dietary nutrition, in the dairy industry, in the production of gourmet foods, confectionery and bakery products, and in meat products.

About Milei
Milei has been working with dairy products for over 30 years, focusing on various nutritional, organoleptic and functional properties, with a constantly increasing demand in various areas of the food industry.

Milei imposes high standards of quality on its products, production process management, reliability of packaging processes, as well as storage conditions and delivery times in order to fully satisfy consumer needs. In addition, Milei adheres to strict environmental regulations regarding production, packaging, energy consumption and disposal methods. Proof of this is the certificate of the International Organization for Standardization 9001/14001.

The high quality of Milei products is confirmed by:
DIN ISO 9001/14001
Milk Hygiene Regulation (HACCP)
Quality control for suppliers of ingredients for animal feed (QC-PDV)
QS, a control system on all steps of food processing including the raw materials.

Product composition per 100 g
protein - 80%
lactose - 5%
fat - 5%
minerals - 3%
water - 5%
pH - 6.3

1.4. Whey protein Hilmar 8000, 9410.

Hilmar 8000 and 9410 (the numbers indicate the percentage of protein content in the mixture of 80 and 94%, respectively) are another cheap ultra-filtered whey protein from the American company Hilmar, which is used in more than 150 food products (drinks, foods, baby food, sports supplements, etc. .). The most modern technologies are used in the production of this product.

Hilmar products have a strong global reputation for exceptional quality products that meet the most stringent industry standards. The company received the International Organization for Standardization 9001:2008 certificate. All Hilmar products are safe for health, which is why they are actively used even for the production of baby food.
Composition of Hilmar 8000 product per 100 g
Protein - 78%
Lactose - 5%
Fat - 5%
Minerals - 3%
Water - 4.5%

1.5. Whey protein concentrate Lactomin 80.

Pure protein content 80%. Produced by the largest German manufacturer - LACTOPROT Deutschland GmbH. In many ways, Lactomin is similar to Milei; it has a higher lactose content, which makes it taste slightly sweet. This product is used in dairy, confectionery, and bakery products. Used as a raw material for the production of sports nutrition. It dissolves well in water. Read more: Lactomin
Lactomin 80 is packaged in bags of 15 and 20 kilograms. In Russia, Lactomin 80 is officially supplied only in 20 kg bags, but 15 kg bags are imported through intermediary companies.

LACTOPROT Deutschland GmbH also produces proteins:
Whey Protein Concentrate:
Lactonat EN (Sodium Caseinate, extruded)
Lactonat EC (Calcium Caseinate, extruded)
Lactonat EP (Potassium Caseinate, extruded)
Lactonat HV (Sodium Caseinate, high viscosity)
PROTEVIT (Caseinate, attrition-dried)
Rovita FN 5 U / Rovita FN 5 S (Sodium Caseinate, roller-dried)
Plasvita / Plasvita U (Calcium Caseinate, roller-dried)
Plasvita E (Calcium Caseinate, roller-dried, improved dispersibility)
Rowi K / Rowi K 20 (Potassium Caseinate, roller-dried)

Acid casein
Rennet casein

1.6. Meggle products.

Meggle is a private dairy plant founded in 1887 in Germany, exporting dairy products to many countries around the world. On the Internet you can find whey protein from Meggle (80%), less often a milk mixture (whey protein + casein).

The company's activities are divided into three main parts:
— Dairy products for the end consumer
— Food ingredients for production
— Lactose for the pharmaceutical industry
The most common Meggle products in Russia are butter, yoghurts and baby food.

1.7. Textrion Progel 800 whey protein.

Plant: DMV International Frisland Campina (Holland)
Product: Textrion Progel 800
Plant website

Chemical properties per 100 g.
Protein - 80%
Water (102°C) - max.5.0%
Fat – max.4.8%
Carbohydrates (lactose) – max.6.5%
Color: white cream
Smell: milky
Taste: milky salty

The manufacturer is DMV International, a large organization located in the Netherlands. Produces whey protein, caseins and many other nutritional components.
Textrion Progel 800 is a whey protein concentrate intended for use in the food and dairy industries.

According to the manufacturer, the product has exceptional quality characteristics that allow it to be used in a wide variety of food products. It is ideal for increasing the viscosity of drinks and for creating shape and consistency in solid foods. Textrion PROGEL 800 is added to bakery, meat, dairy and other food products.

1.8. Belarus. Shchuchinsky KSB.

Whey protein KSB80UF
Plant: JSC "Shchuchinsky MSZ" (Belarus)

Product: KSB80UF
Factory website

Chemical properties per 100 g.
Protein - 80% Water (102°C) - max.5.0%
Fat – max.10%
Carbohydrates (lactose) – max.2%
Color: yellowish
Smell: milky
Taste: milky neutral

In 2009, JSC Shchuchinsky MSZ mastered the production of whey protein concentrate with a mass fraction of 80%. The bacterial content of the product does not exceed 10 thousand KOE/cm3.

On the negative side, the following composition can be noted: it is very grainy, unlike all European proteins, which indicates poorer digestibility. The color, unlike all European proteins, is very yellow, which indicates high fat content. Underweight in factory bags is 100-400g.

Whey protein concentrate is produced by drying whey concentrate obtained by ultrafiltration. The concentrate is packaged in paper bags with 15 kg liner bags, stored at a temperature of 0 to 25 C and a relative humidity of no more than 85%. The shelf life of the concentrate under the specified storage conditions is 413 days from the date of manufacture.

The retail price for Shchuchin protein is 7,500 rubles per 15 kilogram (one bag)
The quality of the protein is also confirmed by international ISO certificates
Almost all sports nutrition companies produced in Russia use this particular protein.
The low price is due to the fact that Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan have a free trade zone, and the same taxes are not paid as on imports from other countries.

1.9. Ukraine. Buchatsky KSB70.

Buchatsky Cheese Factory LLC (Ukraine) also recently began producing whey protein concentrate. Protein concentrate with a mass fraction of 70%.

Energy value: (calorie content) 100g of product: 383.5 kcal.
Nutritional value of 100g of product:
fats - 3.5g,
proteins - 70g,
carbohydrates - 18g.
The concentrate is supplied in thick paper bags with cellophane bags-liners of 7 kg and 8 kg, at a price of $80 per 8 kg (retail price of Buchatsky KSB as of 06/01/2014). The shelf life of the concentrate is 8 months from the date of manufacture at a temperature of 0 to 18 degrees and a relative humidity of no more than 80%.

2. Comparison table for some types of technical protein

So, we have more or less decided on the raw materials.
However, it is very important here not to buy just anywhere, but to take the choice of supplier very seriously, since there are a lot of fakes.

3. Next we need:
3.1. Entity. VAT INCLUDED. Preferably LLC.
3.2. Come up with a name, for example, Profprotein (this is just an example). (I'm sorry, I liked this name so much that I just registered the domain myself)
3.3. Internet site with a direct phone number (or even 8-800).
3.4. Room. It must be dry and clean. I also recommend UV lamps to kill all bacteria - this will increase shelf life and reduce the likelihood of problems with packaged products.
3.5. Measuring spoons. I think you can find one made from food-grade plastic for pennies.
3.6. Packaging containers. Plastic jars will be expensive, so you may want to order bags branded for your company.
3.7. Kitchen scales.
3.8. Flavoring additives.
3.9. Milk.
3.10. Water.
3.11. Stickers for finished products. More on this later.
3.12. Straight arms.
3.13. Brain.

4. At first, we buy a bag of each product.
4.1. Let's experiment with flavors. You have to spend a lot of time to get good flavors.
It is important to remember that the taste greatly depends on what you mix with, water or milk. For example, I usually mix it with milk and therefore usually feel an unpleasant cloying taste. Therefore, it makes sense to make two main groups, for mixing with water and milk.
4.2. We package and send products for certification. For example, at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. I can’t tell you right away how much certification costs, but if you contact them directly, without intermediaries, then I think it’s quite adequate money.

4.2. After you receive the certificate, you begin negotiations with retailers.
First of all, you are looking for sports nutrition distributors and retail stores. Here I would like to tell you right away that no one will buy your products for money, and you have only one option: to ship your products to them with payment upon their sales. Don't try to sell your product yourself through your website - you'll ruin your business.
After you receive their consent to ship your products to them, you purchase the required number of bags of raw materials and begin packaging.

5. Basic concept: high business transparency.
5.1. That is, you don’t need to say that your protein is the best in the world, that it contains some kind of secret formula, etc. - this will only scare everyone away from your products. You say directly:
We take, for example, Lactomin-80, add such and such a flavoring additive and package it. All. Nothing else!
At the same time, you can even use the names of your products, something like:
Profprotein Lactomin 80
Profprotein Hilmar 8000
And you write about this directly on your website, with links to raw material manufacturers!

5.2. Further, we use the Nokia-Samsung concept in marketing, when a large range of products with the same characteristics is produced. For example,
5.2.1. We use 6 types of proteins.
5.2.2. We use 8 types of flavoring additives
In total, we get an assortment of 48 products.
5.2.3. We create products for mixing with water and milk
We get 48 x 2 = 96 types of products.
5.2.4. Four types of packaging: 125 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g.
We get 96 + 4 = 384 types of products.

6. Marketing.

As soon as you start shipping to retail stores and distributors, you begin hidden marketing.
There are a ton of methods, for example:

6.1. Go to Yandex.Market, We select all sports nutrition stores and give them good reviews, something like:
“I ordered three packs of Profprotein Hilmar 800 in the store with different flavors. The store delivered the next day. A check on the manufacturer's website showed that the product is original! I highly recommend this store." And when you leave such reviews for a hundred stores, and with a certain frequency (1 review per week for each store), this will begin to generate interest in your products.

6.2. We go to the websites of the largest sports nutrition sellers and We leave positive reviews under the name of our products. There is no need to write, saying that in a week you got muscles like Schwarzenegger, but write directly: high-quality protein without unnecessary impurities, made from the best raw materials, which can be consumed without fear of illegal chemicals.

6.4. Be sure to form RRP price tags and we control that all stores comply with them.

6.5. Create a “Where to buy” section on your website and place a list of recommended stores there. To that list, add all stores that comply with the RRP price tag.

6.6. Send your person to fitness centers, having come to which, they must find local trainers and simply give them “samples” - 125 gram packages.
By the way, in terms of packaging, the volumes of 125 and 250 grams were not chosen by chance. Such a small volume will allow you to offer your products at the lowest prices: for a person who has never drank proteins and wants to start somewhere, it is easier to buy a sample of 125 grams for testing, 250 rubles, than a large, more expensive package.

6.7. Negotiate with large retail chains so that they put an ad in their stores and send their sellers to you for a half-hour training. To do this, for some little money you can rent a room for presentations, where you will tell the sellers what raw materials you use, how you package (naturally, you won’t talk about what you package at home, in the kitchen) and let them try different flavors of your products. At first, yes, you will have to pack everything at home, in the kitchen. However, a little later, when sales begin, be sure to rent a separate room for this that meets sanitary requirements. As an additional motivation for salespeople to come to you for training - give each 500 grams. packaging (whatever flavor and composition you want).
The fact is that often, a person who has never taken protein comes to a retail store and asks the seller what protein he should try.

6.8. Create an “affiliate program” both for online stores and for sellers in stores.
For example, an online store that has placed your products on its website - it does not have to actually buy it, it can send you the order and you will send the order to the buyer yourself, and add a certain amount to the store’s balance, which he can pick up either in products or live money.

And here you can have 2 balances: financial and commodity.
For example, the financial balance is 10% of the order amount, and the commodity balance is 20% of the order amount (if you need to describe in more detail the difference between the financial balance and the commodity balance, write in the comments, I’ll tell you).

6.9. Motivation for sellers. Quality assurance.
Place a special sticker with a serial number on each package. What does the serial number on the back of the sticker have to do with it?

Serial number two.
The first one for the buyer, by which he can check the originality of the products on your website.
The second is for the salesperson (or trainer at the fitness center) or someone else.
Under the second serial number and by registering on your website, registering this serial number, the seller will be able to receive additional. bonuses, say 5% cash balance or 10% merchandise balance.
What do you think, with such motivation, if a person comes to a store asking for advice on what is the best protein to buy, what products will the seller try to sell him?

True, it will be necessary to immediately think through a mechanism so that sellers do not tear off the stickers immediately after a batch of products arrives at their store! Let's say, some additional inscription under the sticker. Moreover, such a policy will allow you to conduct a more in-depth analysis of in which regions of Russia how many of your products are sold to end customers: after all, you will not be able to obtain this information from the distributor to whom you shipped your goods.

7. How much money do you need?
Relatively not a lot, do the math yourself.
The risks are small, since the costs of organizing a business are relatively low; the main costs are products that can always be sold.

Still have questions?
Write, I will try to answer.

Opening a store selling sports nutrition is an almost win-win business option that brings people health and beauty. A healthy lifestyle is finding more and more supporters, and every person enjoys being fit, cheerful, self-confident and cheerful. We bring to your attention a business plan for a sports nutrition store, in which the bulk of the assortment will consist of healthy products and special supplements recommended not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people who care about their health.

Project Description

The business plan of a small sports nutrition store assumes that the initial investment will be 608,000 rubles. The total cost of implementing the project for the year is 3,336,000 rubles.

The projected return on sales is at least 18%.

Reaching the break-even point – no later than two months after the opening of the store.

Payback period is from 8 to 10 months.

Data are calculated for average risks.

Sports nutrition is a specially developed complex of food additives that have high nutritional, energy and biological value. For their production, mainly, exclusively natural products are used, processed using the most modern technologies to get rid of foreign components and substances.

Sports nutrition should not be considered as a complete substitute for regular nutrition, since increased nutritional and energy value can adversely affect health. These products are necessary for people who regularly experience heavy loads and those who regularly play sports. They help increase the intensity and effectiveness of training, and make it possible to recover faster after exercise. Special sports nutrition is also used to build muscle mass and reduce body weight.

Main types of sports nutrition:

  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Proteins (protein).
  • Amino acids.
  • Creatine.
  • Gainers.
  • Fat burners.

The most popular type are proteins, widely used to build muscle mass. Vitamin complexes that are used to replenish the body with microelements are also selling well. Amino acids and creatine help increase the intensity of workouts and speed up the body's recovery after them. The least purchased are fat burners and gainers, which are used to reduce or increase weight, respectively.

Market analysis

Sports nutrition sales points on the domestic market do not lose their relevance. According to economic statistics, their number increases annually by 15 percent or more, depending on the region. For example, the capital market for these products alone is estimated at more than 4.5 billion rubles.

In Russia, leading positions are occupied by foreign manufacturers of sports nutrition, primarily German Multipower and Weider. The products of these brands have gained great popularity thanks to their competent classification into series and courses, which allow you to choose nutrition in accordance with the individual characteristics of the human body.

The share of domestic sports nutrition manufacturers is small - about 10%. Its main competitive advantage is low cost.

The general situation in the domestic sports nutrition market today is relatively stable, despite sanctions that have significantly reduced the supply of semi-finished products used by domestic manufacturers to manufacture final products. In addition, the depreciation of the ruble caused the purchase price of foreign goods to almost double, hitting retail stores hard.

The psychological readiness of the Russian population to purchase sports nutrition still remains at a low level, since prejudices that dietary supplements are harmful to health are still strong in the public consciousness. That is why a business plan for a sports nutrition store with calculations contains an item of expenses for advertising and marketing activities, which should be carried out systematically, and not only at the starting stage of the project.

The target consumer audience for this product is professional and amateur athletes who regularly experience significant physical activity and need to quickly recover from it.

Over 70% of buyers are men aged 20-28 years, among whom the core of current and former athletes aged 25-28 stands out. Having an income of 40-50 thousand rubles per month, they can spend up to 10 thousand rubles on sports nutrition. Women are noticeably inferior to men and rarely buy these products. The cost of the average check varies significantly depending on the region and time of year. The purchase can be 700-800 rubles, or 10,000-12,000 rubles, or more.

The degree of competition in the domestic sports nutrition market remains high. This is due to the presence of both large federal chains and a large number of small stores. Some competition also comes from fitness centers and gyms, which also sell sports nutrition.

Organizational events

The choice of the organizational and legal form of doing business “individual entrepreneur” is due to the fact that:

  • At the initial stage of the store’s operation, products will be purchased from intermediaries, and not from direct manufacturers.
  • The founder of a trading enterprise is one individual.
  • This form allows you to work under a simplified taxation system, which significantly reduces the cost of business accounting support.

Choosing a supplier is one of the main conditions for successfully promoting your business. The range of sports nutrition products is very wide, so the founder needs professional help in forming the store’s assortment.

It must be taken into account that it must fully comply with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency and technical regulations CU 021/2011 “On food safety”.

To register a store with Rospotrebnadzor, you must submit the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Copies of documents confirming product certification.
  • Notification of the product manufacturer about its compliance with the requirements of quality and safety standards (in writing).
  • Copies of product labels (or packaging labels).
  • Sampling reports.
  • Confirmation from the product manufacturer about the presence/absence of genetically modified components.
  • Acts of hygienic examination.
  • Extract from the state register of individual entrepreneurs.

Products are purchased in bulk from official distributors of sports nutrition manufacturing companies. The estimated discount is 12-15 percent. This will make the retail price of products competitive.

Additionally, special literature on the use of food additives and other types of sports nutrition is purchased from suppliers.

Selection of premises and equipment

Considering that sports nutrition is a specific product, and its target audience has significant gender and age restrictions, the premises for the store are chosen near sports complexes, large shopping and fitness centers, points of sale and rental of sporting goods. These objects have high traffic, regardless of the category of consumers.

The area of ​​the rented premises is 40-50 sq. m. meters.

The store equipment consists of:

  • Showcase made of durable polished glass with a height of 1500 mm.
  • Demountable glazed counter made of metal profile.
  • Collapsible racks made of perforated metal or chrome-plated pipes.

A cash register is installed in the store premises.

After concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to submit documents to local municipal authorities, Gospozhnadzor and SES for the necessary approvals.

Operating mode

When the store premises are located on the premises of the lessor, the operating hours are established in accordance with the schedule of the facility where the store is located.

When the store premises are located with a separate entrance, the operating mode is as follows:

from 08:00 to 20:00 hours. On weekends, store opening hours are moved forward by 1 hour.


For a sports nutrition store, the selection of competent specialists is one of the most important conditions for a successful business. They must know not only the range and properties of products, but also be able to advise customers on the rules of use.

In addition to being aware of the characteristics of the product, sales consultants must have a neat appearance, be polite and optimistic. Senior university students may be considered as possible candidates for vacancies.

Advertising and Marketing

  • According to its location.
  • On-site – at sporting and other public events.
  • Through your own website.

It is possible to cooperate with sports organizations and fitness centers to hold joint events to promote the store’s products.

Promising areas of work:

  • Drawing up agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation with the payment of a percentage of sales to organizations that refer customers to the store.
  • Production and implementation of loyalty cards that provide discounts on store products.

Financial plan

Project costs

The main expense items for this project at its initial stage are the costs of purchasing sports nutrition and equipment for the store. Fixed expenses include funds allocated for renting premises, paying sales consultants, advertising, and utility bills.

A separate item consists of unforeseen costs associated with the return of purchased goods, the acquisition of defective products or the expiration of their shelf life. This table shows an example of calculating expenses for a sports nutrition store for a year.

Sales plan

The income of a sports nutrition store is calculated based on the number of purchases and the amount of the average check, taking into account the seasonal factor:

Benefits and Risks

The sale of sports nutrition is not associated with significant fluctuations in consumer demand. The level of sales is influenced by seasonal factors, which must be taken into account when drawing up a sales plan. As a rule, on the eve of the holidays and in the summer there is a slight decline in the market, and at the end of winter there is a revival in sales associated with the active preparation of athletes for the opening of the season. Therefore, the optimal time to launch a project is the end of summer - beginning of autumn. With a competent approach, this will allow you to reach the payback point by the peak sales period and receive the greatest profit.

A SWOT analysis of the project parameters shows that its main advantages and risks are the following:


When assessing the balance between the advantages and risks of the project, there is every reason to assert that opening a sports nutrition store is a promising area of ​​business activity. This project does not require significant investments and allows you to use only the personal funds of the founder.

The project is characterized by high liquidity without significant losses while increasing risks for business activities. Profitability and profitability, confirmed by the calculations in this business plan, make it possible to consider this type of activity as profitable, with average risk and survivability indicators.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

A win-win option for a profitable business is a business related to beauty and health. A sports lifestyle, in turn, combines both spheres: spending all your free time on the couch without physical activity, you should not count on a beautiful body or good health. At the same time, every athlete knows that the results of his training depend largely on his nutrition. Moreover, the diet of a person who wants to get a beautiful and strong body should include not only healthy foods, but also special supplements that increase the effectiveness of training.

Types of sports nutrition

The complexes of these special food additives have increased biological and nutritional value. They are made, as a rule, from natural products using complex technologies, as a result of which all unnecessary and unnecessary substances are removed from the raw materials. Of course, sports nutrition does not replace the usual one, but only complements the usual diet. Compared to conventional products, such supplements have increased nutritional value, helping to increase the effectiveness of training, restore strength after heavy physical activity, build muscle mass and even lose weight (of course, if you follow a diet).

The main types of sports nutrition include proteins (protein), gainers, creatine, amino acids, fat burners and vitamin complexes. According to sales results and public opinion polls, the leader in this list is proteins - protein supplements for building muscle mass. Next in popularity are vitamin complexes, since dieting or dietary restrictions do not allow you to receive all the microelements in the required quantities. Third place is occupied by amino acids and creatine. L-creatine allows you to significantly increase the intensity of your workouts, increasing muscle endurance. And amino acids contribute to the rapid replenishment of nutrients in the muscles after training. Gainers and fat burners come in last place in demand. Gainers are used to quickly gain body weight. They contain proteins and high-quality carbohydrates, which are necessary for building muscle mass. Fat burners, on the other hand, help break down fat during exercise and turn it into energy, which leads to weight loss.

Sports nutrition market

A sports nutrition store may not be an original business idea. However, this direction does not lose its relevance. The sports nutrition market is developing at a rapid pace. Its growth reaches 15% per year. In the Moscow market, this figure is slightly lower and equal to 10%, which is due to the high level of competition and proximity to saturation. Moreover, until recently, about 35% of sports nutrition sales were in the capital. In value terms, the Moscow sports nutrition market is estimated at 4.2 billion rubles.

In general, products from all major manufacturers are represented on the domestic market. Most consumers prefer sports nutrition from foreign brands, considering it more effective and of higher quality. In particular, the products of the German company Multipower are in great demand, their product range includes a wide selection of sports nutrition - from vitamin and mineral complexes to gainers. A big advantage of this manufacturer’s products is the division of products into series, which, in turn, are arranged into courses, taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete. Another well-known German brand in Russia is Weider, which produces high-quality sports nutrition that has passed a large number of different tests.

But the share of domestic products in the sports nutrition market in our country is not yet very large. It does not exceed 10%. The main advantage of food additives from Russian manufacturers is significantly lower prices compared to foreign-made products. It is precisely because of this advantage that sports nutrition from Russian brands is usually purchased by beginner athletes who want to save money. Experienced and professional athletes do not trust domestic companies, considering their products less effective. According to laboratory studies, indeed, the effectiveness of Russian food additives, in general, is somewhat lower than German or American ones. However, many Russian enterprises are engaged only in packaging and marketing of sports nutrition. The “semi-finished products” themselves are imported from abroad.

Ready ideas for your business

The situation on the domestic sports nutrition market is assessed by experts as stable. It is influenced by a large number of different factors - the growth of the population's well-being, the fashion for an athletic figure, the increase in general physical fitness, the popularity of fitness clubs and gyms... But with all this, consumers are still poorly informed about the existence of various types of sports nutrition and their purpose. In addition, there is a persistent myth about the dangers of food additives for health. All this has a negative impact on the development of the sports nutrition market in general and small businesses in particular.

In order for your business to be successful, you will have to put a lot of effort and time into informing consumers about the benefits and effectiveness of special additives, their purpose and the main differences. We will write about this in more detail below.

The target audience of such products are people who love sports, engage in them regularly or even professionally. The age range is quite wide - from 16 to 50 years (sometimes older). But the predominant age group here is from 25 to 40 years. As for the gender composition, it is mainly men who are interested in sports nutrition (about 75-80% of the total number of consumers).

Competition in the retail sales of sports nutrition is quite high, but this applies primarily to large cities. Large federal chains and independent small shops have long been represented in the million-plus cities. Indirect competition for sports nutrition stores comes from trainers in gyms and fitness centers who sell sports nutrition products to their clients.

Organizational issues: LLC or individual entrepreneur?

So, you decided to open your own sports nutrition store. Where to begin? First of all, you need to decide on the organizational and legal form of your future business - whether it will be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. A limited liability company is a legal entity that can be created by one or more founders. The latter can be either an individual or a legal entity. An individual entrepreneur is an individual who is engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity. The main disadvantage of the individual entrepreneur form is that an individual entrepreneur is liable for the obligations of his company with his personal property. But the founders of an LLC do not bear such responsibility for the company’s obligations. They only lose their contribution to the authorized capital. A significant disadvantage of the IP lies in its “undignity”. Many large and medium-sized companies are reluctant to enter into contracts with individual entrepreneurs. Although there are no serious reasons for this (moreover, the situation itself is illogical, because establishing an LLC does not require large capital), but this fact does exist. Therefore, if you plan from the very beginning to purchase products not from intermediaries (wholesale companies), but directly from manufacturers, including foreign ones, and/or organize an entire distribution network in the near future, then it is better to give preference to a limited liability company.

The individual entrepreneur form is not suitable if you are opening a business with one or more partners. There are other significant differences between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur, which include the name of the company, methods of management, features of investing and lending, accounting and taxation. Therefore, before registering, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the optimal legal form for you. If this is not possible and you are planning to open one small store without big plans for expansion, give preference to individual entrepreneurs.

Opening a sports nutrition store

Sports nutrition is a specific product. On the one hand, it is very popular, and on the other hand, its target audience is quite narrow and heterogeneous. For these reasons, it makes no sense to open a sports nutrition store in a residential area. But you shouldn’t try to find premises closer to the city center either: the rent there is too high. The optimal location for such a retail outlet is next to sports complexes, large fitness centers, sporting goods stores, or on the territory of a large shopping center. The last option may seem controversial. But some shopping centers or nearby may have gyms or fitness rooms. The cross-country ability in them is very high. True, the rental price here is also above average, but sports nutrition does not take up much space, so renting a small island in a shopping center will cost less than renting a separate room for a store (even if the latter has a small area of ​​40-50 square meters).

Even the operating hours of your store are of great importance. If it is located in a shopping center, your store will work in accordance with the schedule of the shopping center itself. But even if you open in a separate building, it is advisable to increase the opening hours from 8 (or 9) to 20 (or 21) hours. This is especially true if your store is located near sports centers that are open from early morning until late evening.

After concluding a rental agreement for the premises, you will need to go through approval procedures with the SES, State Fire Supervision Authority and the administration of your city.

Choosing a sports nutrition supplier

The largest expense item is the purchase of goods. The range of sports nutrition is quite wide. It includes not only the nutritional supplements mentioned above, but also various mixtures, quick breakfasts, bars, salads according to special recipes, enriched with vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for athletes. As a rule, one does not enter such a business by accident. Most likely, if you are thinking about opening a sporting goods store, you yourself are or have been involved in sports and understand the topic. In this case, you will be able to correctly formulate the assortment of your store, taking into account the most popular items and famous brands. The main share falls on fat burners, gainers, protein supplements, vitamin complexes and energy products. If you consider professional athletes as your main target audience, then you must strictly take into account the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency. There is an accredited laboratory (anti-doping center) in our country, but it is located in Moscow.

In any case, no matter what audience you are targeting, the sports nutrition you sell must have state registration, which confirms the safety of the product and its compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products.” State registration is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

Ready ideas for your business

To obtain state registration of sports nutrition, you must submit a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor. For regulated goods manufactured in the customs territory of the Customs Union, this list includes: application; copies of documents in accordance with which products are manufactured (standards, technical specifications, regulations, technological instructions, specifications, recipes, information on composition), certified by the manufacturer (manufacturer); written notification to the manufacturer (manufacturer) that the products manufactured by him (product samples) meet the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are manufactured; document of the manufacturer (manufacturer) on the application (operation, use) of regulated goods (instructions, guidelines, regulations, recommendations) or a copy thereof certified by the applicant (if available); copies of labels (packaging) or their layouts for regulated goods, certified by the applicant; act of sampling (samples); declaration of the manufacturer (producer) on the presence of genetically modified (transgenic) organisms, nanomaterials, hormones, pesticides in food products; research (test) protocols (hygienic examination reports), scientific reports, expert opinions; extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

For regulated goods manufactured outside the customs territory of the Customs Union, the list of documents is slightly different and includes: application; copies of documents in accordance with which products are manufactured (standards, technical specifications, regulations, technological instructions, specifications, recipes, information on composition), certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which state registration is carried out; declaration of the manufacturer (producer) on the presence of genetically modified organisms, nanomaterials, hormones, pesticides in food products; document of the manufacturer (manufacturer) on the application (operation, use) of regulated goods (instructions, guidelines, regulations, recommendations) or a copy thereof certified by the applicant (if available); written notification to the manufacturer (manufacturer) that the products manufactured by him (product samples) meet the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are manufactured; a copy of the manufacturer's (manufacturer's) document certifying the safety and quality of the samples under study, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which state registration is carried out; copies of product labels (packaging), certified by the applicant; a copy of the document of the competent health authorities (other state authorized bodies) of the country in which sports nutrition is produced, confirming the safety and allowing the free circulation of these products in the territory of the state of the manufacturer (manufacturer), certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which registration is carried out, or information from the manufacturer that there is no need to prepare such a document; research (test) protocols (hygienic examination reports), scientific reports, expert opinions; copies of documents confirming the import of samples of regulated goods into the customs territory of the Customs Union, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which state registration is carried out.

Choose your supplier carefully. First, study the retail prices of your competitors' products, then start looking for wholesale companies or manufacturers that sell sports nutrition. Not only prices and various bonuses for dealers (special clothing for consultants, advertising materials, information support, etc.) are important. The main thing is the presence of all permits, annotations for the drugs and packaging in Russian (or additional stickers with translation).

If you purchase products from local wholesalers, you should not expect significant profits. Their conditions are initially not very favorable, so you will not be able to make your own large markup, trying to keep prices at the market average. It is most profitable to purchase food from suppliers of well-known brands, or order it abroad and take on all the hassle of completing the necessary documentation. In this case, your markup can be about 50-70%. Include in your assortment special literature on training and nutrition, as well as various video courses on discs.

Ready ideas for your business

In a small store, as a rule, the most popular items are presented. Sports nutrition has its own expiration date. Of course, it is much longer than that of regular food products, but it makes no sense to purchase supplements for future use that are practically not in demand. But you can offer your customers the opportunity to deliver any products to order. Not everyone knows how to order what they need from foreign online stores. For rare purchases, they may turn to you for help. This will be additional profit for you and an opportunity to significantly increase the loyalty of your customers.

Good sellers are the main condition for successful trading

Even if you yourself are a specialist and are well versed in the variety of sports nutrition, this is not enough to successfully run a business. It is extremely important that your sales consultants understand the products as well as you do and can advise visitors on any issue. Experienced athletes do not need help, but beginners and amateurs will need qualified assistance. The main task of a good seller is not at all to sell as much product as possible, even if in fact this is not at all what the client needs. Consider every visitor as a potential repeat customer. After all, most likely, he will become one if he receives exactly what he came to you for (and preferably even a little more). Make it easier for yourself and your sellers - organize a convenient display of goods on display cases and racks, classifying them by type of sport, expected effect, planned loads. Do not forget that some buyers do not like to seek help from consultants, fearing intrusive attention or embarrassed to show their ignorance. For such clients, it is advisable to make brief instructions and annotations on the use of a particular product and place them on the display case.

In addition to awareness and unobtrusiveness, good sales consultants have another requirement related to their appearance. No matter how well your employee understands all the nuances of sports nutrition, if he himself does not look athletic enough, people will not trust him. Finding sellers that meet all the requirements is not as difficult as it seems. These could be students or recent graduates who are actively involved in sports. Place advertisements on job sites, in social groups and forums, as well as on the territory of sports centers, gyms, stadiums, etc.

Don't forget about advertising. Take care of the design of shop windows, signage on the facade and, if possible, install a pillar at the entrance to the store. It is best if you agree with the nearest gyms, sports sections and fitness clubs on mutually beneficial cooperation. They can refer clients to you, and you will pay them a percentage of sales. In this case, targeted advertising is most effective. Don't put flyers in mailboxes. It is better to spend this money on producing loyalty cards that entitle you to certain discounts.

The main cost items for opening a sports nutrition store are related to the purchase of products, registration of the enterprise, rental of retail space, selection and training of personnel, advertising, and wages of your employees. A separate item includes overhead costs and unforeseen costs (for example, possible defects, returns to the supplier, etc.).

Sports nutrition is in relatively stable demand throughout the year, but on the eve of the New Year holidays and in the summer there is a lull in its sales, and the greatest demand occurs at the end of winter - beginning of spring, when beginners and amateur athletes begin to prepare for the summer season. To open a small retail outlet on the territory of a shopping center you will need from 300-400 thousand rubles (the exact amount depends on the region and assortment). Many factors influence the payback period, but, in general, with the right approach, you can return all expenses within six months. It is recommended to open the point in late summer - early autumn.

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