Multivitamins for women. The best vitamin complexes for women Women's vitamins at 40 years old

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Today, terms such as “vitamins for women”, “vitamins for men”, “vitamins for children”, etc. are quite popular. However, often the meaning put into these terms by their authors - medical scientists - is either simplified or distorted, as a result of which various statements arise that are in the nature of dogmas or axioms, on the basis of which numerous, but, alas, untrue, arguments about , in what doses and forms, as well as why, why and how often women, men, children, etc. need to take vitamin preparations. Let's consider what meaning is meant by practicing doctors and scientists in the term “vitamins for women”.

Vitamins for women - definition

Currently, almost every adult knows that for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, special substances called vitamins are necessary. Vitamins– these are small organic compounds that perform the function of activating their own molecules synthesized by the human body, which carry out the entire complex and cascade of biochemical transformations.

We can say that vitamins are a necessary component for the occurrence of a particular process in the body. That is, vitamins do nothing on their own, but are a necessary component for launching a cascade of biochemical transformations, without which nothing can start working. In this sense, vitamins can be compared to gasoline, which is necessary for a car to move. That is, relatively speaking, the entire structure of a car, all its parts and mechanisms, are an analogue of compounds synthesized in the body that are necessary for its normal functioning. But a car can only move when gasoline gets into it, and in the same way, substances in the body can begin to carry out biochemical transformations only when vitamins enter.

Moreover, each vitamin participates in a certain cascade of transformations or triggers the work of an enzyme. Therefore, for the normal functioning of the entire body, all 13 known vitamins are necessary, each of which will trigger a certain cascade of metabolic reactions.

Thus, we can definitely say that vitamins are needed by all people of any age and gender without exception. However, due to the fact that some gender- and age-specific biochemical transformations occur with particular intensity in the bodies of children, men and women, they have a particularly pronounced need for certain vitamins. This does not mean that all other vitamins are not needed, just that compounds involved in specific metabolic reactions are especially necessary. Thus, it becomes clear that the term “vitamins for women” means a group of organic compounds that have vitamin activity and perform important and specific functions for the female body.

What vitamins does a woman need?

Vitamins for women of all ages

For the normal functioning of the female body, the successful occurrence of cyclic processes (menstruation), conception and gestation of a child, as well as his subsequent birth and feeding, absolutely all vitamins are necessary, but the most important are B 6, B 12 and folic acid (B c or B 9 ). We can say that these vitamins are responsible for the realization of the main purpose of a woman - procreation, therefore many scientists and doctors consider them to be the main ones for the fair sex. Therefore, B 6, B 12 and folic acid are often called “reproduction vitamins”.

However, in addition to the vitamins necessary for procreation, every woman also needs other compounds that make her beautiful and attractive, as well as preserve youth and delay aging. These vitamins are traditionally called “beauty vitamins”, since they ensure healthy skin, hair, nails, as well as good vitality and attractiveness of a woman. The “beauty vitamins” include A, E and C.

In addition, during the female “autumn” period, when menopause sets in and the body undergoes hormonal changes inherent in the decline of reproductive function, representatives of the fair sex need to take care of strengthening bones, which become fragile and brittle. To maintain normal bone density, vitamins D and K are needed, which are considered “maturity vitamins.”

Thus, typical “women’s vitamins” include the following:

  • Vitamin B 6 – pyridoxine;
  • Vitamin B 12 – cyanocobalamin;
  • Vitamin B c (B 9) – folic acid;
  • Vitamin A – retinol, retinoic acid, beta-carotene;
  • Vitamin E – tocopherol;
  • Vitamin C – ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin K – phylloquinone;
  • Vitamin D – ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol;
  • Vitamin F (F) – omega-3 and omega-6.
The listed vitamins are especially important for the normal functioning of the female body, so they are often included in complex preparations intended for women. However, it should be remembered that, in principle, women need all known vitamins, and these are especially needed. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives all vitamins, but especially carefully monitor the consumption of the listed compounds that are most important for women's health and beauty.

It should also be remembered that at different age periods a woman’s need for “women’s vitamins” is not the same. That is, each age has its own, especially important and necessary vitamins, the intake of which requires the strictest control. Let's consider which vitamins are most important for women of different ages.

Vitamins for women after 30

Young women who have crossed the 30-year mark need vitamins that support their reproductive function and natural beauty, which has entered its blossoming phase. Women from 30 to 35 years old have not yet begun to age, so they just need to maintain their skin, hair and nails in good condition and ensure normal functioning of the ovaries, which will also have a beneficial effect on their appearance. At the age of 30–35 years, the key to a woman’s beauty is the normal functioning of the ovaries, that is, in fact, the maintenance of reproductive function. Therefore, most of all, young women need vitamins that support reproductive function, such as:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin B 3;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 12.
Vitamin E activates the work of the ovaries and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function, which, in turn, maintains the beauty of a woman, preventing the skin from sagging and becoming wrinkled, and hair and nails from starting to fall out, flake, split, etc. In addition, vitamin E is involved in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which maintain the necessary elasticity and firmness of the skin. Vitamin B 3 improves the metabolic process, and Vitamin B 6 normalizes the activity of the immune and nervous systems. Folic acid is truly a women's vitamin, as it ensures the normal functioning of all genital organs.

Vitamins for women after 35

Women aged 35–40 years are at the beginning of aging. Outwardly, this is still practically imperceptible, but corresponding changes are already taking place in the body, which consist in the gradual fading of the function of the ovaries, which produce hormones that support youth, beauty and the ability to bear children. It was not for nothing that in ancient times a woman was considered young until her menstruation ended. Therefore, at this age, a woman needs vitamins that can support the functions of the ovaries, thereby preserving and, as far as possible, prolonging her youth. Also, a woman aged 35–40 years needs vitamins with antioxidant activity, which will reduce the rate of aging processes and prolong youth. Thus, women aged 35–40 years especially need the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 9 (folic acid);
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C.

Vitamins for women after 40

After 40 years, a woman’s body begins to experience an active decline in menstrual function, and, consequently, a gradual entry into menopause and inevitable aging. At the age of 40-45, a woman’s aging process is especially activated, since the ovaries produce less estrogens, which are the main hormones that support youth, beauty and fertility. It is impossible to stop this process, so a woman will have to maintain her beauty by other methods, first of all, by the active use of vitamins with antioxidant activity. It is antioxidants that significantly reduce the rate of aging, maintaining a woman’s body in a relatively young state, as if “preserving” it. Therefore, for women 40–45 years old, the most important are antioxidant vitamins, such as:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin F (F);
  • Vitamin B 12.
These vitamins are the components of “beauty” elixirs for mature women.

Vitamins for women 45

At this age, a woman’s body begins to experience an acute shortage of estrogen hormones, which are no longer produced by the ovaries with their function steadily fading. It is after 45 years that women begin to become truly “old”; wrinkles form intensely, their skin loses elasticity, their hair begins to fall out and turn grey, and their nails become brittle and ugly. In addition, due to a decrease in estrogen, the skeletal and cardiovascular systems begin to suffer. So, against the background of a small amount of estrogens, calcium salts begin to be washed out of the bones, that is, osteoporosis develops. And cholesterol plaques begin to deposit in the vessels, forming atherosclerosis, which was previously prevented by a constantly high level of estrogen. In addition, against the background of low estrogen concentrations, a woman begins to gain weight, and fat is deposited in the abdominal cavity, forming a large, male-like belly. That is why vitamins that can reduce the negative impact of menopause on the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, such as:
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin K
In addition, antioxidant vitamins (A, E and C) are still important for women, which, in combination with the above, ensure optimal functioning of all organs and systems, and also reduce the rate of aging.

Vitamins for women 50

After the onset of menopause, the most important are vitamins that have antioxidant activity and are able to maintain the normal state of the skeletal and cardiovascular systems, preventing osteoporosis, obesity and atherosclerosis. Antioxidants are needed to prevent the development of cancerous tumors and prevent the rapid development of senile changes in the structure of connective tissue, skin and mucous membranes. At the age of 50 – 55 years, antioxidants keep the number of wrinkles constant and do not allow them to increase and deepen. Antioxidants also prevent drying of the mucous membranes, which reduces the risk of colds and genitourinary infections, maintaining pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.

Vitamins that reduce the negative impact on the bone and cardiovascular systems, reduce fat deposits in blood vessels, thereby preventing atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and other severe chronic diseases. Reducing the negative impact on the skeletal system is to prevent osteoporosis, and, consequently, fractures and cracks of bones that will heal poorly and take a long time.

Therefore, the following vitamins are most important for women over 50 years of age:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin K

Vitamins for women over 55 years old

At this age, women need to slow down the natural aging process by keeping their skin, hair, nails, teeth and bones in good condition. This requires vitamins that can maintain the elasticity of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as provide good nutrition for the mucous membranes, hair, nails and bones. These vitamins are:
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Vitamin F.
Vitamin D in women over 55 years of age retains moisture in the skin, thereby maintaining elasticity and firmness, and also maintains the normal strength of hair and nails. In addition, vitamin D improves calcium absorption and prevents its leaching from bones, which effectively prevents osteoporosis.

Vitamin K strengthens bones and teeth, and also normalizes blood clotting, reducing the tendency to bruise. With vitamin K deficiency, mature women often develop bruises under the eyes.

Vitamin F (F) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid known as omega-3 and omega-6, which improves the restoration of skin structures and reduces swelling. This promotes better blood circulation and weight loss by burning subcutaneous fat, as well as better nutrition of hair, nails and skin.

What vitamins do women need at different ages - video

General characteristics of vitamins for women of different ages

Each “female” vitamin performs a specific function that is very important for a woman’s body. Let's look at the functions of vitamins for women of all ages.

Vitamin B 6 for women very important because it ensures normal metabolic processes and brain functioning. And normal metabolism is the key to the optimal and proper functioning of all organs and systems.

Vitamin E for women. This compound is necessary to maintain the integrity of cell membranes, and, consequently, prevent the destruction of cells in various organs and tissues. Under the influence of vitamin E, cells become strong, they do not collapse, as a result of which collagen, elastin and other large molecules remain intact and provide good firmness and elasticity of the skin, soft tissues and mucous membranes. Due to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E reduces the rate of aging.

Vitamin D for women improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strong bones and nails, as well as for the normal functioning of the heart and brain.

Vitamin B 12 necessary for maintaining normal metabolism, as well as for protein synthesis. In addition, vitamin B 12 ensures proper cell division, which is very important for the formation of complete tissues with the correct structure.

Vitamin F (F) improves the process of restoration of skin structures, making it firm, toned and elastic. In addition, vitamin F improves microcirculation, removes excess cholesterol and relieves swelling of the subcutaneous tissue.

What vitamins are needed for women in different situations?

Beauty vitamins for women

Beauty vitamins for women are as follows:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin C.
It is these vitamins that have the most pronounced effect on maintaining a woman’s beauty - maintaining elastic and smooth skin, shiny hair and strong nails.

Vitamins for hair loss in women

To stop hair loss in women, it is necessary to take vitamin preparations internally and apply externally, which help strengthen the hair structure and improve its nutrition. So, the following vitamins can help stop hair loss:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin H (B 7);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • B vitamins (B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 and B 12).
All of the vitamins listed must be taken orally, and vitamin E can also be used externally, making hair masks, etc. from the solution.

Vitamins for women when planning pregnancy (vitamins for conception)

Having decided that the right time has come for pregnancy, you must definitely start taking folic acid 400 mg per day. Folic acid can be taken several months before the planned pregnancy and must be continued during the first 12 weeks of gestation. This vitamin is mandatory for all women planning pregnancy, or already pregnant for up to 12 weeks.

In addition to folic acid, women can take the following vitamins if desired during pregnancy planning:

  • Vitamin E 10 – 30 IU per day;
  • Vitamin D 400 IU per day;
  • Vitamin K 1 mg per day;
  • Vitamin H 300 IU per day;
  • Vitamin A 3000 IU per day;
  • Vitamin C 60 mg per day;
  • B vitamins.
The most important vitamins when planning pregnancy are vitamins E, D, H, C and group B. However, all of the vitamins listed do not have to be taken at the stage of pregnancy planning if the woman is healthy. Only one vitamin is required to be taken at the planning stage - folic acid.

Vitamins for immunity for women

In order to increase the activity of the immune system, it is necessary to take vitamins that can activate various parts of the immune system. Vitamins that can improve the functioning of the immune system of women include the following:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 9 (folic acid);
  • Vitamin D.
The listed vitamins improve the functioning of various parts of the immune system, and therefore can be used in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of any nature.

However, to get rid of frequent colds, the most effective vitamins that improve the functioning of the corresponding parts of the immune system are the following - C, B1, B2, B3, B6, A and PP.

Sports vitamins for women

If a woman is seriously involved in sports, then a vitamin-mineral complex should be selected by a qualified doctor who specializes in pharmacological support for an optimal training regimen to ensure the best results. If a woman simply gives herself moderate physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle and self-training, then you can use any vitamin and mineral complexes produced by pharmaceutical companies (for example, Duovit, Complivit, Merz, Centrum, Vitrum, etc.). In principle, when exercising for up to 2 hours a day, a woman can take the vitamins that she usually uses. With moderate physical activity, a woman’s need for vitamins does not increase so much that she needs to take special vitamins. A set of certain vitamins in relatively large dosages is necessary only for those women who play sports seriously, devoting at least 3 hours to training every day, intending to continue their career at the international level.

However, if desired, you can purchase special vitamin and mineral complexes intended for use during periods of intense physical activity, such as, for example:

  • Alphabet Effect vitamins for sports and fitness;
  • Orthomol Sport.
In addition, women should be aware of which vitamins their need may increase when exercising.

Currently, doctors and scientists believe that exercising women and men need the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 3;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin A.
The listed vitamins can be taken in courses, but separately during the entire period of active sports training.

Daily requirement of vitamins for women

Currently, the following average daily intakes of various vitamins have been established:
  • Vitamin A – 3000 – 5000 IU;
  • Vitamin B 1 – 1 – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 2 – 1.5 – 3 mg;
  • Vitamin B 3 (PP) – 15 – 20 mg;
  • Vitamin B 6 – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 12 – 2 – 6 mcg;
  • Vitamin C – 60 – 90 mg;
  • Vitamin D – 400 IU;
  • Vitamin E – 10 – 30 mcg;
  • Vitamin H – 300 mcg;
  • Folic acid – 200 – 400 mg;
  • Vitamin K – 1 m;
  • Vitamin F (F) – 20 g of unrefined vegetable oil per day.
Above are the average recommended intakes of each vitamin per day. However, it is impossible to accurately measure the dose of vitamins in your daily diet, so the given norms are approximate. There will be no negative consequences if a person eats more of one vitamin today and less of another, and vice versa tomorrow, etc. The main thing is that the diet should be balanced in order to prevent the development of a persistent deficiency of any vitamin. And then the body can easily cope with daily fluctuations in the intake of various vitamins.

Vitamins for women - names of complexes

Currently, pharmaceutical companies produce various vitamin and mineral complexes for women, men, children, etc. The complexes contain vitamins and minerals that the human body needs daily. Below is a list of the names of the most common and popular vitamin complexes for women:
  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • VitaCharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Gerimaks;
  • Duovit for women;
  • Imedin;
  • Complements Radiance;
  • Complex Lunden Ilona "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Lady's formula;
  • Merz;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Oenobiol;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfect;
  • Pikovit;
  • Farmamed for women;
  • Phytophaner;
  • Woman's Formula;
  • Centrum;
  • Qi-Clim;
  • Zincteral;
  • Wellwoman.
The above list contains pharmaceutical vitamin preparations that contain chemical compounds obtained by organic synthesis. In other words, these are synthetic vitamins produced by pharmaceutical factories. In addition to these synthetic vitamins, there are natural ones obtained from various plant and animal raw materials. Products containing natural vitamins are classified as dietary supplements, the spectrum of which is unusually wide. And it is precisely because of the large number of different dietary supplements with vitamins that we did not give their list, which will turn out to be extremely long. Suffice it to say that vitamins in the form of pharmacological preparations and dietary supplements have similar effectiveness and action, so you can choose any remedy. However, if a woman needs a precise dosage of vitamins, then it is better to choose a pharmaceutical drug, since in dietary supplements the dosage of active substances is very conditional.

Vitamin complex for women - brief description and reviews of the most popular drugs

Let's look at the composition and brief characteristics, based on reviews from women, of some of the most popular and frequently used vitamin complexes.

Vitamins for women Duovit

They contain 12 vitamins and 5 microelements in dosages that cover the daily requirement almost completely. According to reviews from women, these vitamins give strength and vitality during periods of apathy, bad mood and depression. Women also note that vitamins help restore the normal structure of nails and hair. Most often, women take Duovit in spring and winter, when various symptoms of hypovitaminosis are most pronounced, for example, fatigue, apathy, broken, dull hair, layered nails, sagging skin, etc. However, many note that the vitamins are too large, as a result of which the tablet cannot be swallowed whole and has to be broken.

Farmamed vitamins for women (Lady's formula)

Women mainly take these vitamins to strengthen their hair and stop hair loss. Reviews about Pharmamed vitamins are quite different - the drug helped some and stopped hair loss, making it shiny and beautiful, but many were unable to solve the problem. Accordingly, women who were satisfied with the result speak positively about the vitamins, while those who were unable to solve their problem, on the contrary, write a negative review about Farmamed. In general, we can conclude that Pharmamed vitamins are not the most effective and popular among women due, on the one hand, to a rather narrow range of “indications”, and on the other, not 100% effectiveness.

Vitamins Alphabet for women

Alphabet vitamins for women are called "Alphabet Cosmetic". They are very popular among the fair sex of all age categories. Women take Alphabet vitamins in order to restore or maintain their beauty. The vast majority of women took Alphabet for dull and falling hair, flabby and unhealthy dark skin, peeling and breaking nails, etc.

Moreover, the overwhelming majority of women note that vitamins really have a positive effect, the severity of which depends on the initial condition of the skin, hair and nails. Someone managed, after one course of taking vitamins, to completely restore the health of their hair, nails and skin, making them strong, shiny, smooth, elastic, etc. And some managed to achieve their goal only partially. But all women note that after a course of taking Alphabet vitamins, their hair, nails and skin became better. Many women take vitamins in courses, several times every year, specifically to maintain normal skin, hair and nails.

The alphabet is rarely used to eliminate fatigue and to increase the overall tone of the body, however, almost all women note that a course of vitamins improves their overall well-being. But still, the main area of ​​application of Alphabet vitamins remains improving the appearance and condition of skin, hair and nails.

Vitrum vitamins for women

Vitrum vitamins for women are called “Vitrum Beauty” and are widely used by the fair sex in the fight for beautiful skin, hair and nails, as well as for good overall health and high performance, especially in the autumn-winter period. Women take Vitrum vitamins for two main purposes:
1. Improve overall well-being, increase efficiency, get rid of fatigue and weakness in the morning, improve your mood and feel a surge of energy and vigor;
2. Improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, stopping their loss, reducing fragility, flaking and sagging.

According to reviews from women, Vitrum vitamins allow you to achieve both the first and second goals. Moreover, even if vitamins were taken to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, women still noted that their general well-being after the full course of treatment improved significantly.

Quite a few women have managed to stop hair loss and peeling nails by taking Vitrum vitamins. Naturally, they were pleased with the result, and from that moment on, many women regularly take vitamins to prevent and maintain their own well-being and the condition of their skin, hair and nails at a good level.

Vitamins Formula for women

Vitamins Formula Woman, strictly speaking, are a dietary supplement that improves the functioning of the reproductive system of the fair sex. However, the dietary supplement Women's Formula contains vitamins that are beneficial for the female body. Many women begin to take these vitamins in order to normalize the menstrual cycle, relieve pain during menstruation and get rid of painful PMS symptoms, and at the same time receive an improvement in the condition of their skin, hair and nails. Most women note the positive effect of dietary supplements on menstrual function. After a course of taking vitamins, the menstrual cycle normalizes, becomes regular, periods are painless, and PMS is practically absent.

At the same time, the Woman's Formula also improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, eliminating hair loss, fragility and sagging. This effect is also noted by the vast majority of women who took the Women's Formula dietary supplement.

Qi-Klim vitamins for women

Qi-Clim vitamins for women are recommended for use during menopause in order to relieve unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, feeling hot, etc. Some women note that Qi-Clim really improved their well-being, relieving them of unpleasant menopausal symptoms. Other women say that Qi-Klim turned out to be completely ineffective, since it did not improve their well-being and condition, but did not worsen it either. That is why reviews of Qi-Klim are different - both positive and negative, depending on the exact effect the drug had in this particular case.

But the most important property of absolutely all reviews about Qi-Klim is a certain wariness associated with the fact that women do not believe in the strength and effectiveness of the drug. And even when they experience an improvement in their condition after a course of taking Qi-Klim, they write about it very carefully, pointing out that “I didn’t expect” such a good effect, but “I don’t know if I’ll use it again,” etc.

The concern stems from the fact that in the countries of the former USSR, women suffered from menopausal symptoms for decades, but drugs that would help them improve their condition simply did not exist because no one had developed them. No one was interested in women of menopausal age - after all, they would no longer give birth, therefore, there was no need to care about their condition, and menopause could be endured. In a literal sense, a woman of menopausal age was perceived as living out her life. Therefore, deterioration of the condition and complaints should be its natural companions. And now, after such a long period of “oblivion,” women simply do not believe that anyone is concerned about their problems, because they are already “old.”

The best vitamins for women

According to review statistics, the vitamins Vitrum, Alphabet, Duovit, Lady's formula, Multi-Tabs, Pantovigar and Perfectil received the largest number of positive opinions. Consequently, these vitamins can be considered the best from the point of view of women themselves.

Greetings to all my readers! Vitamins for women after 40 years old - is it important or not so important? Women can’t even imagine how important this is! After all, the body needs to work hard, but where can you get the strength to withstand stress and fatigue? Vitamins will help you overcome all life's difficulties!

How to always be in shape

You look at some women, they seem to be dressed beautifully and their lips are painted, but their faces are sallow and tired! She doesn’t even assume that the body lacks vitamins! Therefore, let's not discount these useful substances, but choose the best of them to always be in shape.

Every age needs their own. At the age of 40, the flowering of female beauty and charm begins, in order to maintain oneself in such a flourishing state, it is necessary to select useful complexes. Let's look at everything in order.

  1. Let's call first vitamin E. It is considered the main one among those that support our youth, beauty, and reproductive capabilities.
  2. Vitamins of group D are responsible for the excellent condition of bones, joints, heart, and the removal of toxins from the body.
  3. Vitamins C and A provide beauty, help strengthen hair and nails. But most importantly, they maintain the skin in an elastic, youthful state.
  4. B vitamins strengthen blood vessels, the nervous system, and perfectly rejuvenate the female body. Deficiency of this group manifests itself in rapid fatigue, constant tiredness, and drowsiness at any time of the day. Before and after childbirth, they are especially necessary for every mother.

When going to the pharmacy for health aids, it is important to consider all the pros and cons. Many complexes have contraindications, so advice from your doctor is required. But not every lady will find time to go to doctors, so we will try to study the ratings of drugs to choose the best one.

Universal drugs

To avoid deterioration of health and other manifestations of deficiency of nutrients, you should buy the necessary medications. Now the question arises: which ones to buy. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of universal complexes. Among them are Duovit for women.

It contains 12 vitamins and 5 minerals. These components improve the condition of the entire body.

From personal experience. On the advice of the family doctor, my friend took Duovit vitamins. After the course of treatment, the condition of the skin improved, and strange blisters on the hands disappeared.

The drug can be taken by women of all ages. The only drawback is that the large tablet is difficult to swallow.

Advice to all representatives of the fair sex: try to buy complex formulations that have no contraindications. See what compounds you can drink without fear of consequences.

Such drugs include a complex "Doppelhertz Active", which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the thyroid gland. After its use, an improvement in the condition of varicose veins was noticed.

After 40 years, many beauties experience decreased skin tone and various diseases that never existed before. At this age, the first signs of menopause often begin. Don’t wait for the body to start complaining a lot, buy the best domestic assistant - Evalar qi-klim.

When menopause occurs, the drug reduces sweating, improves well-being, and relieves pain.

Don't forget to purchase "Calcium D3".

Women taking this drug note its high effectiveness. It contains two necessary elements: calcium And vitamin D3. This is exactly what the body needs after the age of 40.

This product with calcium and D3 improves joint mobility and has a positive effect on the skin, bones, and appearance. If you suffer from frequent fractures, have osteoporosis, your hair is falling out, and your hair is starting to deteriorate, then this drug is created especially for you.

Differs in natural composition Undevid. The inexpensive drug contains folic, ascorbic acid, a whole list of vitamins and minerals. They fight fatigue, drowsiness, fatigue.

The product keeps the body of the fair half in good shape.

How to prolong your youthful state

If you notice signals from the body in the form of chronic fatigue, nervousness, poor skin and hair condition, then do not give up. This is just a physiological phenomenon associated with the restructuring of the body, a decrease in sex hormones. You must fight for your youth! In this case, vitamin complexes will also help.

So, you decided to stop time! First of all, you are shown vitamins.

pay attention to "Formula Woman 40 Plus".

Manufacturers took into account many of the body's needs of a 40-year-old lady. So, this drug contains the main beauty vitamins – A, C, E.

To improve heart function it includes - sodium, magnesium, selenium. It also contains metabolic activators and plant extracts. Those taking this complex noted an improvement in their condition, so they quietly went through menopause, without noticing its symptoms.

Vitamins "Vitolize" include powerful antioxidants.

The drug includes the most important ingredients that can maintain muscles and bones in good condition. This , magnesium, iron. Vitamins C, D, E, B6, B12, folic acid provide restoration of cells of the skin, mucous membranes and nervous system.

It is especially useful during menopause, but is not contraindicated for any age.

Essential Multivitamins

pretty senior woman relaxing on a couch

Is it possible to do without vitamins completely? Most likely no! There are essential substances without which a woman loses her femininity, beauty, and charm.

This is due to the fact that during her life, the fair half undergoes hormonal changes several times, which affect her health. Added to this is the frantic pace of life, stress, poor nutrition,...

Such overlays lead to vitamin deficiency, which affects the appearance of ladies of any age. Is it possible to fill the deficit with food alone? It is not possible to replenish, only supplement, so choose the right drug for yourself.

When choosing drugs, choose those that are marked with the GMP mark. High efficiency is confirmed by numerous tests. Among the best tools, with a set of required elements, we can highlight "Alphabet".

The composition includes groups of vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, H and K, and many minerals: from coenzyme Q10 to inulin. It is valuable that “Alphabet” contains extracts of nettle, aloe, horsetail, and birch leaves. They are available in the form of three-color capsules, which must be taken every 4-5 hours daily.

The dangers of selenium deficiency

Multivitamins with selenium help women maintain beauty, health and youth. In small doses it is a very useful element, but if the norm is exceeded, it becomes poisonous. Why should you take products with selenium? If the body is deficient in this element, then you face:

  • excess weight gain;
  • acquisition of diabetes mellitus;
  • risk of heart attack;
  • risk of acquiring heart and vascular diseases;
  • risk of developing cancer;
  • increased aging.

Having looked at all this, every lady would rather find preparations with selenium than be exposed to such a risk.

Name of preparations with selenium for all ages of the female half:

  • "Classic";
  • “During the cold season”;
  • “Energy” (will keep you alert and energetic throughout the day);
  • "Teenager";
  • "Cosmetic" and others.

pay attention to “Classic”, “Energy”, “Cosmetic”, and "Multi-tabs". If you fall asleep at work, then take "Energy Plus". Becoming popular among the female population "Selenium-Active". Follow the dosage to provide the body with the required share of this element.

Herbal complex - Solgar

To maintain youth throughout your life, experts suggest taking Solgar. It, like nothing else, helps to avoid the unpleasant phenomena of menopause. You will not be afraid of hot flashes, irritability, pressure surges, or excessive sweating.

A balanced composition consisting of natural ingredients will not harm your body. Each component is responsible for its own area of ​​action, positively influencing the entire body. If you see the first signs of aging, then take Solgar.

To prevent aging

I really don’t want to grow old! So don't get old! Don't be afraid to take vitamin complexes! Among the most effective are "Supradin". Why is this drug so famous?

The complex contains all the elements necessary for the female body:

  • Retinol– helps create the structure of the skin, teeth, bones.
  • B vitamins– support cardiac and nervous activity, restore tissue.
  • Ascorbic acid– strengthens capillaries, acts as an antioxidant.
  • Vitamin D3– regulates the exchange of two elements - phosphorus and calcium.

Supradin contains almost the entire periodic table. If you feel that fatigue is setting in and you are losing the desire to be active, take this drug. Its analogues are known, for example, "Pikovit", "Vitrum", "Menopace", choose your beauty assistant.

Daily intake of vitamins from Fancl will maintain health, skin elasticity, lift your spirits, add strength, energy, and help maintain your bones and eyesight. It contains all the necessary microelements, vitamins, and other useful substances.

Dear women: do not be afraid of the onset of menopause if there are such helpers for our health as vitamins for women after 40 years.

Vitamins for the female body are a special topic. It is advisable to use these very important components. They are the fuel for launching biochemical transformations in the body.

A woman needs vitamins for:

  • procreation;
  • maintaining youth and attractiveness;
  • with the decline of reproductive functions.

Essential women's vitamins for all ages

The most feminine vitamin is considered “B9”, folic acid. Women especially need it during pregnancy and lactation. But his merits do not end there.

  • regulates the onset of puberty and menstrual cycles;
  • affects hormones and delays menopause;
  • during menopause, reduces symptoms in the form of: hot flashes, pressure surges, emotional state;
  • fights stress.

Products with "B9": spinach, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, cod liver, beef and pork liver, cottage cheese, whole grains and legumes.

In addition to folic acid, there is a galaxy of vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of a woman.

Although the fairer sex needs all the vitamins, the following products are considered the most feminine.

Vitamin "E" activates the sex glands and the endocrine system. Produces sperm in men and assists in pregnancy and childbearing. Otherwise, it is called “bearing offspring.” Allows the skin to remain young and toned. Does not allow cells to age and free radicals to penetrate.

Thanks to it, you can avoid suffering from illnesses associated with heart and vascular diseases. The brain is stimulated. Contain this vitamin: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, leafy greens, wheat sprouts, beef liver, chicken and quail eggs, vegetable oils, all green vegetables.

Pyridoxine "B6". Helps reduce symptoms of PMS. It is found in: plant and animal products, unrefined cereal grains, spinach, yeast, cereals, rice, legumes, carrots, avocados, bananas, nuts, cauliflower and white cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruits, corn, field mustard, potatoes, soybeans , meat, fish, oysters, beef and cod liver, kidneys, heart, eggs, dairy products.

Vitamins "A": support skin tissues, mucous membranes. These are the guardians of youth. They guard the health of skin and hair. They form and monitor the growth of skeletons. Thanks to them, vision and hearing improve. It is rich in them: caviar, liver, fish oil, eggs, butter, full-fat cottage cheese, whole milk, seeds, nuts, cereals, beans. Vegetables: onions, spinach, parsley, cabbage, celery, carrots, tomatoes. Plums.

Useful, amazing "B12". It is the most water soluble. Enhances the effect of vitamin C.


  • improving performance;
  • protecting the liver from obesity;
  • form bone tissue and cope with stress, insomnia, and apathy.

Products containing this vitamin: meat, fish, beef, pork liver. Contains very little of it: soy, hops, spinach, seaweed. For vegetarians, it is advisable to also consume cyanocobalamin.

"B3" or "PP"- vitamin-like elements that affect metabolism and help stimulate the growth of living organisms. But they have all the properties of vitamins. Thanks to them, cholesterol levels are reduced and myocardial contraction is improved. Helps cell division and improves liver function. Contained in: milk, dairy products, liver, brewer's yeast, koumiss, whey, plant roots.

Ascorbic acid "C" improves immunity, helps absorb iron. It is included in products of plant origin: rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, red sweet peppers, sauerkraut and a little of it in animal foods.

Phylloquinone "K" strengthens skin, teeth, bones, kidneys. It has a leading role in blood clotting. Preserved in: green leafy vegetables, green tomatoes, all types of cabbage, especially broccoli, nettles, shepherd's purse, raspberry leaves, birch, linden, rose hips. Soy and olive oils, walnuts, milk, fish oil, pork liver are saturated with it.

Ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol “D”. Although it can be produced in the body independently, this is not enough. It maintains beauty and healthy skin. Promotes its firmness and elasticity. Helps absorb calcium. This is especially important during menopause.

"D3"- a sun vitamin, so a woman needs ultraviolet rays. At least 10 minutes a day. “D” is present in large quantities: green leaves, eggs, butter, cheese, white cabbage, fatty fish, caviar, dairy products, brewer’s yeast

Vitamin "F" - omega 3, omega 6. Thanks to them: lipid metabolism is regulated, excess cholesterol is removed. They have a positive effect on reproductive function. They regenerate the skin, help improve blood outflow and circulation, prevent swelling, burn subcutaneous fat, reduce weight, and improve the condition of hair and skin. They are rich in: vegetable oils, fish oil, avocado.

Different ages require their own vitamins

It is advisable to take vitamins at different ages. And not only as pharmaceutical drugs, but also as food products.

When a woman crosses the 30-year mark

At this age, more than at any other age, maintaining reproductive functions and natural beauty is required. Girls do not become seniors until they are 35, but they need vitamins. In order for your skin to shine, nails, hair to have an impeccable appearance and the ovaries to function normally, it is enough to use vitamins “E”, “B3”, “B6”, “B9”, “B12”.

To activate the work of the ovaries and the beneficial functioning of the reproductive organs, and therefore support beauty, you need vitamin “E”. “B3” monitors metabolic processes, “B6” helps cope with stress and supports immunity. For the genitals to function normally, you need “B9”.

After 35 years, aging begins

Outwardly this has no effect, but internally the body begins to change, because the functioning of the ovaries, which are the key to youth and beauty, fades away. In the old days, a girl was considered young while she was menstruating. And then she turned into an old woman. Thank God, such times have sunk into summer. Now, in order to feel confident, a girl just needs to use pharmaceuticals and not forget about proper nutrition. Therefore, a large role at this age is given to vitamins: “E”, “B6”, “B9”, “B12”, “A”, “C”.

After 40

Menstrual cycles gradually fade away. At 40-45, processes associated with the body’s transition to a new quality are activated. Estrogens are no longer produced by the ovaries, which means that in order not to lose youth, beauty and the ability to bear children and to preserve your body for many years, antioxidants are needed: “A”, “E”, “C”, “F” and “B12”.

After 45

Women clearly begin to show signs of old age: wrinkles, skin becomes saggy, hair turns grey, nails break. Diseases such as osteoporosis, atherosclerosis may appear. First of all, vitamins “D”, “F”, “K” will provide effective help. And you can’t give up antioxidants: “A”, “E”, “C”.

After 50

This is the age of menopause. For a favorable state of the skeletal and cardiovascular system and a normal weight category, it is necessary to take vitamins: “A”, “E”, “C”, “D”, “K”. Antioxidants prevent the development of cancer, as well as osteoporosis, obesity, and atherosclerosis. Thanks to them, normal sex life is maintained and colds and infectious diseases are prevented. “D” will retain moisture in the skin and monitor the condition of hair and nails.

After 55

To preserve: skin, hair, teeth, nails, bones, it is necessary to use vitamins “D”, “K”, “F”. So that the skin and mucous membranes are elastic. They had good nutrition: hair, nails and bones.

Vitamin D helps retain moisture in the skin and support hair and nails. During this period, calcium is washed out. To prevent this process, support is needed, both from pharmaceuticals and food.

Vitamin K has a strengthening effect on bones and teeth. Helps blood clotting and reduces the tendency to bruise. You can immediately see a deficiency of this vitamin if a woman has black circles under her eyes.

It is impossible to do at this age without polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and 6 - “F”. They are necessary for blood circulation, weight loss, nutrition of nails, skin and hair.

How vitamins help women overcome different situations

All representatives of the fair sex always want to shine with their beauty and figure. Moreover, regardless of age. Beauty vitamins can support a woman.

Beauty vitamins “E”, “F”, “A”, “D”, C and group of vitamins B

  • Vitamin “E” connects cell membranes and prevents them from being destroyed. It gives improvement to the skin. It has antioxidant properties that slow down aging.
  • “F” promotes firmness, firmness, and elasticity of the skin. Improves microcirculation, removes excess cholesterol, relieves swelling in the subcutaneous tissue.
  • “A” is necessary for good vision and also for strengthening bones, soft tissues, skin, and mucous membranes. Beta-carotene prevents aging quickly.
  • “E” helps healthy hair, nails, and skin. Protects against free radicals.
  • When taking vitamins of group “D”, calcium and phosphorus are absorbed well. It is also necessary for strong bones and nails and for the functioning of the heart and brain structures normally,
  • “C” forms red blood cells, norepinephrine, which is needed for concentration. It is a very good antioxidant and collagen. Helps heal damage to the skin, mucous membranes, nails, and hair.

Group of vitamins:

  1. “B1” - improve blood circulation,
  2. “B2” - support healthy hair, nails and skin,
  3. “B3” - they don’t allow you to go gray early,
  4. “B5” – prevents the appearance of wrinkles,
  5. “B6” – stimulate metabolic processes.

How to get rid of hair loss

A good worker, a wonderful mother, a loving wife, a skilled housewife, all this should be combined in a woman. And naturally, under such a load, hair can fail. They will begin to fall out, break, split, and quickly turn gray. So, the following vitamins will be recharged:

  • “B2” will maintain active blood flow to the bulbs. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends.
  • “B3” - prevention and stop of hair loss
  • “H and B5” will directly penetrate the bulb, improve blood circulation, nourish the scalp, and promote good metabolism at the cellular level.
  • “B6” powerfully stimulates metabolic processes. Dandruff and itching disappear, hair stops falling out.
  • “B9” will enhance the effect and impact of vitamin B5
  • “C” – will improve microcirculation, blood flow and nutrition.
  • “A” - will give normal hair thickness, elasticity, accelerate hair growth, normalize sebum production, without excess fat content.
  • “E” - nourishes the hair follicles, due to it, the secretion of sebum is regulated.
  • “F” – is responsible for hair strength

All vitamins are taken orally, and “E” is used externally, making masks.

Don't forget about vitamins when planning offspring

To avoid difficulties with conception, and in the early stages of pregnancy, the body will need vitamins. Let's start with "B9" or folic acid. In view of the fact that the norm reaches 400 mcg/day, in order to conceive a fetus, in addition to nutrition, you also need pharmaceuticals.

Vitamin “B1” is needed to prevent problems in the nervous system. Considered a "B2" growth agent. “C” will help you get sick less. “D” - helps the development of the skeleton and teeth. "E" is a powerful antioxidant. It nourishes and enriches cells with oxygen.

Important: The most important vitamin for conception is folic acid.

The immune system should not fail

In order to have a strong enough defense of the body from various external irritants, you need good immunity. This issue can be solved with the help of vitamins. They are also called strong antioxidants. Because their action is also aimed at combating free radicals.


  1. “A” – protects vision and hearing, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, prevents breast cancer
  2. “C” - ascorbic acid does not allow infections to enter the body and stimulates phagocytes
  3. “E” – protection of the skin from premature aging, dryness, and dermatological diseases. Quickly resolves blood clots
  4. “P” – gives the body resistance to radiation and neoplasms
  5. “B9” – monitors bone marrow function

Sports vitamins

If you seriously engage in sports, then you need a competent specialist to select vitamin and mineral complexes. And with moderate physical activity, when a woman is focused on a “healthy lifestyle” and self-training, you can use Duovit, Complivit, Merz, Centrum, Vitrum.

Or take vitamins. In addition to antioxidants that affect metabolic processes: “C” (ascorbic acid), lycopene (tomatoes), tannin (coffee, tea), vitamins of group “B” are also needed. They are necessary for water exchange of the skin, its smoothness, elasticity and healthy color.

To nourish the skin, internal organs (kidneys), bones, vitamin “K” is entrusted during physical activity.

To remove cholesterol and improve overall well-being, vitamin “F” is needed.

And also to support the body and normalize muscle activity, it is advisable to take: “C”, “D”, “E”, “A”.

How many vitamins should you consume per day?

Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble vitamins; they dissolve in fats and enter the body along with animal products. Fat-soluble, slowly excreted vitamins are organic compounds. They help to fully develop, grow, and support vital processes.

Water-soluble, dissolves in water and with plant and animal products. There are also vitamin-like substances. The elements resemble vitamins, but if there are not enough of them in the body, then there will be no pathological changes.

VITAMINS Daily doses
A (retinol) - fat soluble 700 mcg
B1, (thiamine) - water soluble 2-2.5 mg
B2 (riboflavin) - water soluble 1.5 - 3 mg
B3, (vitamin PP, niacin) - water soluble 15 - 20 mg
B6 (pyridoxine) - water soluble 2.0 mg
B12, (cyanocobalamin) - water soluble 3 mcg
C - water soluble 80 mg
D (ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol) - fat soluble 2.5 mcg
E (tocopherol) - fat soluble 8 mg
K - fat soluble 45-65 mcg
Biotin (H) – a vitamin-like substance 0.03 – 0.10 mg
Folic acid (Vs or B9) - water soluble 0.2 mg
Choline (B4) is a vitamin-like substance 4 g -6 g
Vitamin P (bioflavonoids: rutin, quercetin, hesperidin) - water-soluble 25 - 50 mg
Vitamin F (fatty acids) – a vitamin-like substance 15 mg

The table shows approximate figures. Mkg is micrograms. Nothing bad will happen if you eat more than one vitamin today. The main thing you need to achieve is a balanced diet. So that no shortage is felt. And the body itself will take care of daily fluctuations in vitamin intake.

Vitamin complexes

Complexes are medicinal preparations, the basis of which are vitamins, organic and mineral substances. They support the immune system and all body systems.


The Alphabet complex, also called Alphabet Cosmetic, includes three tablets. In the first “B1” and iron. It acts on hematopoiesis and synthesizes blood components.

The antioxidant effect begins with the 2nd tablet. Cells are protected from free radicals. “D3” is presented in symbiosis with biotin, calcium and vitamin “A”. The drug not only maintains beauty. But it also returns what was lost.

For some, 1 course is enough to restore skin, hair, and nails, while others have to repeat the treatment. It does not eliminate fatigue, but as it turns out, according to user reviews, taking the product also improves overall well-being.


"Vitrum" provides organisms with vitamins and minerals. Acts against hypovitaminosis and vitamin and microelement imbalances.

In addition, thanks to the complex it improves:

  • general well-being, increased performance, mood, energy and vigor;
  • hair, nails, skin.


"Multitabs" helps the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. They have a positive effect on the skin and strengthen the immune system.


“Complivit” with cobalt and vitamin “B12” carries out the process of breakdown of protein, carbohydrate, and fatty compounds. Has a positive effect on metabolism and hematopoiesis.


“Centrum”, containing vanadium, which helps produce energy, reduces cholesterol production, and helps stimulate cell division. He is an enemy of cancer cells.

Expectant mothers who need large amounts of iodine, as prescribed by a doctor, can use the Alphabet complex. Mom's health." The tablets have different shades. Therefore, if an allergy develops, you can immediately find the source and refuse some kind of colored pill.

Other drugs

  • "Vitrum Prenatal" has a large amount of iron. It will be useful, on the advice of a doctor, for anemia in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Materna has a lot of iodine and folic acid.
  • Also, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can use Pregnavit.
  • To improve blood circulation and if there is a threat of miscarriage, the doctor may recommend Elevit, which contains a large amount of magnesium.
  • Experts recommend that women over 30 take: “Duavit”, “Alfa-Cosmetic”.
  • After 45, the doctor can prescribe Cyclim, Klimafit, Cyclovita, Nadezhda, Perfectil.

The most effective complexes for women over 50 are:

  1. "Undevit"
  2. "Vitrum Centuri"
  3. "Alphabet 50+"
  4. "Qi Klimom."

But before you start using vitamin complexes, you must visit your doctor and take all the prescribed tests.
Also check out the following video, in which you will learn a lot more useful information about the vitamins women need:

Women over 40 find it increasingly difficult to maintain health and beauty. The skin loses its elasticity, nails become brittle, hair falls out, and the skin becomes covered with a network of wrinkles. It is difficult to look beautiful at this age, so women have to resort to cosmetic procedures to rejuvenate. However, there is another way to maintain health and an attractive appearance. We are talking about different vitamins and micronutrient complexes.

When choosing the best vitamins for women over 40, the advice of doctors should be taken into account first. Incorrect selection of medications and uncontrolled intake of biological additives can lead to hypervitaminosis - poisoning of the body, which manifests itself when taking too high a dose of microelements and other substances.

Do women need vitamins after 40?

Many people have encountered the fact that various biological supplements do not help cure diseases and do not have the expected effect. This happens due to the fact that the body does not need them, because it receives enough substances from food. With age, food may be digested worse, and substances necessary for the functioning of organs and systems are difficult to absorb into the bloodstream. For this reason, vitamins for women at 45 years old will be useful, and in some cases even necessary. They will increase immunity and improve a woman’s health.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

When a woman reaches 40 years of age, the reproductive functions of her body begin to gradually fade away. The production of estrogen and other sex hormones is reduced, and less microelements enter the body. This leads to the following changes:

  • the woman becomes nervous and irritable, she exhibits aggression and frequent mood swings;
  • sleep deteriorates;
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • periodically there are bouts of sweating and fever;
  • the skin loses elasticity, becomes dry and flabby;
  • the oval of the face becomes less clear, nasolabial folds and wrinkles appear;
  • libido decreases;
  • bone density decreases, which leads to severe stooping;
  • visual acuity decreases.

The listed signs signal that menopause has begun - a period during which a woman loses her reproductive abilities. If a woman’s diet during this period is unbalanced and insufficiently nutritious, she receives few nutrients. Her hair becomes dry and loses its shine, and her nails break. Metabolism slows down, causing you to gain weight faster.

To slow down the aging process and improve health, doctors prescribe vitamins for women after 45 years of age. To determine which vitamins the patient should take, the specialist refers her to diagnostic procedures. The woman needs to donate blood, which will be tested in a laboratory. Based on the test results, it will be clear which vitamins are missing in the body, and the appropriate drug will be prescribed.

Daily requirement of vitamins

Despite the fact that microelements are of great benefit, their excess can lead to disorders and malfunctions of the body. Doctors recommend sticking to the daily intake. The maximum dosage is different for all substances:

  • A - 1 mg;
  • B1 - 1-2 mg;
  • B2 - 1.5 - 2.4 mg;
  • B3 - 15 mg;
  • B5 - 10 mg;
  • B6 - 2 mg;
  • D - 2.5 μg;
  • E - 10 mg;
  • C - 75-150 mg.

It is not recommended to exceed the indicated daily intake. To control consumption, you can purchase a special vitamin complex for women over 45 at the pharmacy and take it according to the instructions. In preparations of this type, the substances are balanced in such a way that, if used correctly, they cannot cause the slightest harm to a woman’s body.

Vitamin-rich foods

To get enough essential nutrients, you need to be careful about your diet, make it balanced and include meat, vegetables and fruits. With the help of properly selected products, there is no need to buy vitamins for women over 40 years old. To make your diet healthy, you need to pay attention to the following vitamins and foods containing them:

  1. A. This substance can be obtained from turkey liver, beef and chicken, sweet red peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, butter, spinach, pumpkin, milk, green peppers, melon, chicken eggs, apricots, tomatoes, peas . The largest amounts of this vitamin are found in cod and turkey liver oil.
  2. B1 (thiamine). Contained in nuts, buckwheat, corn, asparagus, beans and bread made from wholemeal flour. Bran, yeast, potatoes and sprouted grains of barley and wheat are rich in this element.
  3. B2 (riboflavin). It is found in large quantities in milk, poultry, eggs, offal, fish, cheese, yeast, green peas and wheat flour bread.
  4. B3 (niacin). This substance can be obtained from meat, eggs, organ meats, yeast, green vegetables, eggs, seeds and nuts.
  5. B5 (pantothenic acid). To get enough of this substance, doctors recommend eating beef, milk, eggs, cabbage and green peppers.
  6. B6 (pyridoxine). This vitamin can be obtained by eating oatmeal, liver, mushrooms, egg yolk, and cabbage.

The listed products should be consumed at least 100 g per day. The use of vitamin complexes will simplify the task and help control the intake of necessary substances into the body.

The best vitamin preparations

Vitamin complexes will help replenish the supply of missing substances and improve the health of the body. The most popular names of drugs for maintaining health are Vitrum and Alphabet.

Vitamins to improve appearance after 40 years

Regular consumption of vitamins helps maintain youth. The following products and supplements will help improve the condition of your nails and hair:

  1. Alphabet Cosmetics. This drug is designed specifically to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. It is a combination of vitamins, microelements, acids and natural ingredients. Has a rejuvenating effect and calms inflammatory processes. The product can be purchased from 467 rubles.
  2. Vitrum Beauty Elite. The product is a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal ingredients. Designed for comprehensive rejuvenation, improving the condition of facial skin, strengthening nails and hair. Such beauty vitamins can be purchased from 1300 rubles.
  3. Complivit. These are the best and most affordable vitamins for improving your health. They are made taking into account the daily needs of the body for the substances it needs. Replenishes missing elements, and with regular use improves the appearance of skin, nails and hair. You can buy Complivit from 150 rubles.

When choosing special complexes, you should carefully read their composition. Some medications contain herbal ingredients that cause allergic reactions.

Vitamins to strengthen the immune system

With age, the body's defenses decrease, which is why it needs additional help. Taking multivitamins will help improve health and increase the body's defenses. In the ranking of quality drugs, the first places are occupied by the following complexes and biological additives:

  1. Alphabet Classic is a complex of substances developed taking into account the age, working conditions and living conditions of women. The difference between this drug is that each tablet contains only those components that are combined with each other. The cost of the drug is from 385 rubles.
  2. Spirulina VEL is a biologically active food supplement. The drug is made from Spirulina Platensis, an algae that has powerful immunomodulatory properties. The drug should be taken with caution, as an overdose can cause disruption of the thyroid gland. The cost of the product is from 193 rubles.

Another option is Vitrum Performance. It is a complex of vitamins, minerals and acids. An additional component is ginseng. Increases immunity, improves performance and heals the body.

After a woman reaches the age of 40, her body begins to work differently, many processes change, so support is required from within to more easily cope with hormonal changes. First of all, doctors advise replenishing the lack of vitamins, the deficiency of which begins to be felt more acutely than before. Below is a list of popular vitamin complexes that help cope with the characteristics of the body at the time of restructuring.

Women's vitamins after 40 years

The Internet and television are simply full of beautiful promising headlines and cliché bottles of vitamins, promising strength, youth and health - all in one small bottle. And they know their job - they hit where it hurts. Who among us doesn’t want to be young and healthy? But is this really so? How to understand that these particular vitamins are the best for women after 40 years of age? And do we need this, and aren’t they of dubious quality?

In fact, the reality is this: an excess of any vitamin or mineral in the body causes an imbalance with all that it implies. Therefore, your doctor should decide which vitamins you need based on a blood test.

And for women after 40 years of age, the most necessary are 3 basic elements that create a solid foundation for optimal health and are necessary for absolutely everyone, but it is also necessary to consult a doctor. Naturally, there are many other very useful vitamins and minerals, but you need to start with these.

Vitamin D for women after 40: dose

Almost all of us have low levels of vitamin D3. It's the "sunshine vitamin" and we just can't hang out in shorts every day of the year to get enough of it! During the summer months, when there is more sun, sunscreen blocks the absorption of any natural vitamin D3 (but using sun protection is just as important as the sunshine vitamin).

But vitamin D3 is very important, especially for women over 40 - it helps our body absorb and retain the calcium we get from food. Calcium is one of the main components of bone mass, so vitamin D3 strengthens our bones more than any other nutrients and also reduces the risk of age-related osteoporosis.

Some other important benefits of vitamin D3:

  • Reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions, as well as coronary heart disease.
  • Improves immune function and protects against the flu (Are you still asking what vitamins should a woman take in the fall after 40?).
  • Regulates mood and reduces depression,
  • Promotes weight loss and suppresses appetite.
  • Promotes DNA repair, increases protection against certain types of cancer.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults include:
  • General fatigue, pain, and a general feeling of ill health.
  • Severe bone/muscle pain or weakness that may cause difficulty climbing stairs or rising from low positions.
  • Waddle gait.
  • Stress fractures, especially in the legs, pelvis and hips.
Doctors can diagnose vitamin D deficiency based on a simple blood test.
Foods containing vitamin D include:
  • Salmon,
  • Sardines.
  • Egg yolk,
  • Shrimps.
The risk of getting too much vitamin D is that in healthy people, blood levels of vitamin D above 100 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) can cause extra calcium absorption and lead to the formation of kidney stones.

One study found that postmenopausal women over 40 years of age who took daily vitamin D and calcium had a 17 percent increased risk of developing kidney stones compared with women who took a placebo.

Recommended dose:
To obtain the required amount of vitamin D, the Institute of Medicine sets 600 IU (0.01 mg) per day for people aged 1 to 70 years and 800 IU (0.02 mg) per day for those aged 71 or older, doctors recommend eating foods such as salmon, tuna, milk, mushrooms and fortified grains in the daily diet.


Another women's vitamin, the deficiency of which is especially acute after 40 years.
Magnesium is involved in the work of all important organs and systems, and its deficiency entails the most serious consequences, fortunately, most of them are reversible:
  • Cramps.
    This is the very first sign of magnesium deficiency in the body. If you suddenly notice that your legs begin to cramp in the morning, donate blood to check for magnesium. 100% - content is less than normal.
  • Depression.
    The second sign of a lack of an important microelement in the body. Adding magnesium-rich foods to your diet can solve the problem without taking additional medications.
  • Constipation.
    If stools become irregular and rare, this is also a symptom of microelement deficiency.
  • Edema.
    If you start noticing that you are swelling for no reason in the morning, check your blood for magnesium.
In addition to the symptoms of diseases that can be easily eliminated by adjusting the microelement in the diet, magnesium deficiency can cause many serious diseases, such as:
  1. Dementia;
  2. Osteoporosis;
  3. Stones in the kidneys;
  4. Cardiovascular diseases;
  5. Diabetes.
Thus, to avoid the above diseases, it is recommended to regularly donate blood for magnesium levels. The daily dose for women is 0.7-1 mm.
Magnesium deficiency can be corrected by adding foods rich in this microelement to your diet.

The list of such products is more than diverse:

  • Green pea;
  • Broccoli;
  • Chocolate 70% (one slice per day);
  • Nuts (no more than 70 grams per day);
  • Cereals;
  • Wheat sprouts.
  • Spinach.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Yogurt or kefir.
  • Almond.
  • Avocado.
  • Figs
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Bananas.
Types of magnesium
There are several types of magnesium supplements, but not all of them are well absorbed by the body. The best 2 types that are readily available and can be easily absorbed are magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate:
  1. Magnesium citrate - magnesium combined with citric acid. There may be a laxative effect when taken in high doses, but it is safe to use to improve digestion and prevent or treat constipation.
  2. Magnesium glycinate is highly absorbable and is recommended for people with magnesium deficiency. Causes laxative effects much less frequently than some other magnesium supplements.
Magnesium dose
The Recommended Daily Allowance for magnesium is approximately 320 mg per day for women and is designed as a minimum amount to prevent obvious deficiency symptoms, but does not necessarily indicate "optimal" functioning for individual needs. However, researchers believe that these numbers would be too low for a starting dose and it is believed that approximately 600 mg would be the best starting dose.

A lack of one element leads to a deficiency of another - this is very important to remember.


Omega-3 fats are very beneficial for overall health (particularly for women over 40) and have a positive effect on heart and brain function, as well as reducing inflammation in the body.

Omega-3 comes from both animal and plant sources. The main animal sources are krill oil and fish oil. The main plant sources are flaxseed.

Omega-3s have been shown to be beneficial for:

  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Arthritis.
  • Cancer.
  • Crohn's disease and colitis.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • High cholesterol content.
  • Infertility.
  • Inflammation.
  • Macular degeneration.
  • Skin problems (acne, eczema and psoriasis).
Symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency may include:
  1. bad memory
  2. dry skin,
  3. heart problems,
  4. mood swings,
  5. joint pain and autoimmune diseases.

The problem is common in people who consume large amounts of processed foods, hydrogenated oils, and foods on a vegetarian diet.

Top 10 List of Omega-3 Products:

  • Salmon.
  • Sardines.
  • Mackerel.
  • Beef.
  • Linseed oil.
  • Chia seeds.
  • Walnuts.
  • Tuna.
  • Dairy

The best vitamins after 40 years for women - name, description, price

    Considered one of the best in the USA.
    A high quality multivitamin known for its purity, specifically formulated for women to support breast, reproductive, bone, skin and heart health. Made from nutritious, raw whole foods so more vitamins and minerals are absorbed when consumed compared to synthetic multivitamins. Additionally, unlike other multivitamins, they can be taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

    Contains vitamins and minerals including folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamins A, C, D3, E and B-complex to support women's specific nutritional needs. Supports good digestion and the immune system with live probiotics, enzymes and antioxidants, gluten-free, dairy-free.
    Price on Amazon: $47.

  1. Nature Made Multi for Her Multivitamins

    Known for their quality, Nature Made vitamins provide many of the benefits and ingredients women need, but at a more affordable price. Contains the required amount of vitamin D3, iron and calcium.

    Vitamins are designed for easy absorption and digestion. If you are looking for high-quality, affordable vitamins for women over 40 from a reliable supplier, this is a great choice.

    Antioxidant-rich ingredients support a strong immune system and healthy hair, skin and nails.
    MegaFood Multivitamins are gluten-free, non-GMO, and can be taken on an empty stomach.
    Price on Amazon: $48.

  2. Opti-Women Multivitamins for healthy hair, skin and nails

    A complex of 23 vitamins and essential minerals is especially beneficial for supporting women's hair, nails and skin. Women report dramatic increases in hair and nail growth, as well as improved skin color.

    Optimum Nutrition also contains essential amounts of calcium, iron and folic acid, as well as soy isoflavones.
    The dosage is one tablet per day, unlike other vitamins.
    Amazon price: $17.

  3. One A Day Women's VitaCraves Multivitamin Gummies

    If you don't like swallowing pills, gummy vitamins can be a convenient alternative. A leader in the vitamin industry, One Day does not disappoint. Unlike some others, they are delicious, low in calories and without high fructose corn syrup.

    Contains essential nutrients to support heart health and healthy blood pressure, plus vitamins A, C, E and selenium to support immunity. The gummies help support bone health with calcium and vitamin D, and also contain vitamins B6, B12, pantothenic acid, chromium and folic acid to support physical energy by helping convert food into energy. If you're looking for an inexpensive gummy multivitamin from a trusted source, One A Day is your best choice.
    Price on Amazon - $14.

  4. These are easily digestible tablets that provide the vitamins and minerals needed to support women's health.
    Along with some of the essential vitamins such as A, C, D3, E, B6, B12 and others, the formula also includes several organic herbs: apple extract, gingko leaf, basil leaves and several others.
    This vitamin should be taken as one tablet daily or as recommended by a physician.
    Price on Iherb from $38.96

Domestic vitamins after 40 years for women - name, description, price

According to many doctors, there is no need to purchase expensive vitamin complexes, whereas in our pharmacies you can buy analogues at very affordable prices, which for the most part are no worse. However, pay attention to the content: natural or synthetic products. Among the domestic ones, the following are popular among women over 40 years of age:

The line of vitamins of this brand was developed taking into account the needs of the body of a woman over 40 years old; each drug has its own narrowly targeted effect:

  1. Vitrum Beauty Elite contains the necessary elements to maintain the beauty and health of skin, nails and hair. This complex will not only help support the immune system, but will also give the body the strength to fight premature aging.
  2. Vitrum Performance will help to endure changes associated with the restructuring of metabolic processes for those who are struggling with the consequences of poor nutrition.
  3. Vitrum Osteomag is recommended for use as a remedy that reduces the risk of fractures and promotes overall bone strengthening, which is especially important for women after 40.
  4. Vitrum Memory is aimed at maintaining brain performance, helping to cope with fatigue and fatigue due to the heavy load on the body during the period of adjustment.
  5. Vitrum Atherolitin is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis.

This product is accompanied by positive reviews from doctors and nutritionists, and contains elements of plant origin:

  1. Alphabet Classic is a complete set of vitamins necessary for the female body upon reaching the age of 40.
  2. Alphabet Cosmetics is aimed at maintaining the body's ability to rejuvenate and helps cells regenerate.
  3. Alphabet Energy gives the necessary reserve of strength, contains plant extracts, and contributes to the overall strengthening of the immune system. This multivitamin will give you the energy you need to cope with menopause more easily.

Recommended for women over 40 years of age. This drug has a complex effect on the immune system and improves metabolic processes.
It also helps to better cope with the symptoms of menopause:

  1. frequent mood changes,
  2. sudden tides,
  3. excessive sensitivity and emotionality.

Vitamin complex "Fito 40"

It contains herbal remedies aimed at combating premature aging. Reduces the risk of cancer and lowers cholesterol levels. Due to the presence of herbal components in its composition, it has good reviews.

The drug is designed to maintain vitamin and mineral balance in the body, helping to control hormonal levels. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and metabolic process, and restores normal sleep. Contains motherwort extract and B vitamins.



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