The effect of menthol oil on hair. Benefits of using menthol oil for hair

It was not for nothing that the ancient Romans wore mint wreaths. Menthol oil actually contains neurogenic essential substances. By influencing the nervous system, they correct the emotional state, relieve stress, give strength and help concentrate attention.

Menthol oil has analgesic properties. It acts as an analgesic, quickly relieving various pains: headaches, muscle pain, and menstrual pain. For headaches, apply oil to the temples, crown, and forehead. A menthol pencil is specially produced for migraine sufferers.

A cotton swab with oil placed on a sore tooth does not relieve pain completely, but significantly reduces its severity. Pain in muscles or joints due to myositis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis subsides if you rub problem areas with menthol oil, diluted olive or sunflower oil. This is also a good remedy for dislocated joints, sprained tendons and ligaments.

The drug very effectively destroys bacteria and viruses, has an antipyretic effect, and is therefore useful in the treatment of colds and respiratory tract inflammation. Having a softening property, it eliminates hoarseness and restores lost voice. For prolonged periods, five-minute inhalations with two to three drops of oil and rubbing of the chest are recommended.

Menthol oil also relieves vascular spasms and increases cerebral circulation. Thanks to these properties, it increases the effectiveness of such popular cardiac drugs as Corvalol, Validol, Zelenin Drops.

The oil has found very important use among those who suffer from seasickness. For them, it is simply a salvation, since it significantly improves their well-being, preventing or reducing dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

Menthol oil also has excellent deodorizing properties. It is an essential ingredient in many air flavors, mouth rinses and toothpastes, which create a pleasant cooling sensation and fresh breath. It is also added to improve the taste of potions, balms, and medicinal lollipops, especially those intended for children.

Cosmetic properties

Menthol oil is very popular in cosmetology. First of all, it is valuable because its “cold” perfectly tightens pores and slows down the production of sebum by the glands. Another valuable quality is that it is suitable for all skin types. Oily skin becomes less oily and dry skin less dry as peppermint oil helps it retain moisture.

Another remarkable property is that it effectively removes signs of fatigue from the face. Even if a person has been awake all night, the oil smoothes out facial features and gives it freshness.

In addition, thanks to its bactericidal effect, it relieves inflammation, acne, and various dermatitis. Peppermint oil significantly heals the skin at the initial stage of eczema, preventing its progression. It is also used to relieve skin itching from insect bites.


Menthol oil should not be used if it is complicated by bronchitis. It is contraindicated to be treated with thrombophlebitis, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is strictly forbidden to apply oil to the skin of children under seven years of age.

The drug may cause allergic reactions. If it gets into the eyes, the mucous membranes become severely irritated and inflamed.

It is not advisable to use it in the evening as it may cause problems with sleep. Sometimes when using menthol oil, nausea, dizziness, and increased blood pressure occur.

10 g or 20 g, vaseline oil 990/980 g.

Release form

Oil solution 1% or 2% in glass bottles of 10 ml and 25 ml for topical use and inhalation.

pharmachologic effect

Locally irritating.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


A local irritant that, when applied to the skin, causes antimicrobial , anti-inflammatory action and reduces itching . The distracting effect is accompanied by a feeling of cold and the elimination of pain. The feeling of cold turns into a feeling of unexpressed burning and tingling.

Irritation of skin or mucous membrane receptors stimulates the release of biologically active substances that are involved in the regulation of pain. When applied to the skin in the temple area, it has antimigraine effect . The tone of not only superficial vessels, but also those located in the internal organs changes reflexively. When taken under the tongue - reflex coronary dilator , antianginal effect . Has a weak analgesic effect in small doses. At higher concentrations it exhibits pronounced painkiller And antiseptic effect (relieves pain when swallowing).


When applied topically, resorptive effects do not appear.

Indications for use

  • respiratory tract diseases (in the form of inhalations during , or lubricating the nasopharynx during );
  • (instillation into the nose);
  • neuralgia , myalgia , itchy dermatoses , arthralgia (as a painkiller, a distraction).


  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 years (instillation of oil or lubrication of the nasopharynx causes the risk of reflex respiratory depression and respiratory arrest).

Side effects

  • rash, itching, ;
  • reflex respiratory depression, collapse (in children with intranasal use);
  • decreased blood pressure, weakness, dizziness;
  • nausea, abdominal pain (if taken orally).

Menthol oil, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

For external use.

At runny nose instill 5 drops into both nasal passages 2-3 times a day, rub the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose every 2 hours. After the procedures, the feeling of nasal congestion disappears.

At myalgia , myositis , neuralgia used in the form of rubbing.

At respiratory diseases perform steam inhalations: 15 drops per 200 ml of hot water. Inhalation lasts 10 minutes. 2-3 times a day. At cough apply compresses to the chest, rubbing or massages at night.

Menthol oil is used for hair . With regular use of masks, hair growth increases, since the oil stimulates blood circulation, as a result of which the hair roots become stronger and hair growth improves. Reduces the production of sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff, itching and irritation. When using it, hair looks healthy and shine appears. The oil can be added to shampoo for daily use, 3 drops per serving, or used as a hair mask. For oily scalp and oily hair, take 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 4 drops of oil. The composition is rubbed into the roots of the hair, left for 15 minutes and washed off. To rinse hair, use essential menthol oil to avoid greasy shine and weight of hair - add 5 drops to 1 liter of water.

Menthol, present in large quantities in essential mint oils, has a fairly wide spectrum of action. MirSovetov found out exactly what properties distinguish this substance:

  1. Metol has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, calms, relieves stress and tension, and relaxes the body.
  2. It also has an analgesic effect and can relieve spasms.
  3. The substance combats the manifestations of skin itching.
  4. Menthol also has antiseptic properties, acting as a disinfectant, antiviral and antimicrobial agent.
  5. The cooling ability of this component helps fight muscle and joint pain.
  6. Among other things, menthol acts as a mild laxative.

Menthol has a lot of useful qualities, thanks to which it is used in a variety of areas:

  1. In pharmaceuticals, this substance is used to create drugs for various purposes. Peppermint extract is used to make antispasmodics, painkillers, antiviral and antimicrobial medications, and itching relievers.
  2. In the food industry, menthol acts as an ingredient for confectionery products, drinks, and chewing gum.
  3. In the production of household chemicals, the substance is added to shampoos, soaps, air fresheners, various detergents and cosmetics.

The use of menthol oil in cosmetology

Perhaps one of the most extensive areas in which menthol has found its application is cosmetology. MirSovetov found that as a cosmetic product this component can have the following effects:

  • relieve skin inflammation, redness, eliminate, fight against various origins;
  • , eliminate oily shine on the skin;
  • remove signs of fatigue, give the face a fresh and rested look.

Menthol oil is a popular component of a variety of lotions, toothpastes, creams, shampoos, rinses, breath fresheners and many other products. Among other things, aromatic mint essence can be found in homemade cosmetic preparations.

Recipes for products using menthol oil

Fight cellulite.

Peppermint oil is often used to eliminate the so-called “orange peel” on the skin. This recipe will be most effective if you combine menthol with alcohol. The remedy is prepared as follows:

  1. Stock up on these ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. natural blackcurrant juice, 100 ml menthol oil, 10 g dried calendula flowers.
  2. Mix the oil and juice, pour the resulting liquid over the calendula flowers, and place the product in a dark place for 3 days.

After three days, the mass can be used for compresses. To do this, you need to prepare small pieces of fabric or gauze, moisten them generously in the prepared liquid and apply them to problem areas. Then you should fix the compress on the body using cling film, between the layers of which you can lay a cloth soaked in an aqueous-alcohol solution. You need to walk with this bandage for about 5 hours, after which it can be removed.

It is advisable to repeat the procedure every other day and perform it for some time. Having noticed positive dynamics, you should not stop at the achieved result. You can speed up and consolidate the effect with the help of physical exercises, for example, exercising on a machine or running. An integrated approach to cellulite treatment will lead to fairly quick and noticeable results.

Menthol oil for dislocations, fractures and sprains.

Menthol oil is considered a good pain reliever; it helps eliminate pain that occurs when bones, muscles and ligaments are damaged. In the case of fractures, the oil is not rubbed into the skin, but compresses are made from it. To do this, dilute 10 ml of oil with 100 ml of water, moisten the cloth and apply it to the sore spot, securing it with a bandage. The cooling effect of menthol helps to quickly relieve pain.

Sprains can be treated in exactly the same way. In this case, mint will help not only get rid of pain, but also relieve muscle tension, eliminate swelling, and avoid the occurrence of large bruises.

A warm bath with peppermint oil will help with dislocated joints. Fill the bath with hot water at a temperature of at least 40 C, pour 50 ml of the product, stir and soak in the water for about 30 minutes. Try to relax as much as possible and massage the damaged area if possible. After taking a bath, rub a small amount of oil into the skin in the area where there is a dislocation or sprain.

Treatment of runny nose and cough.

For swelling of the nasopharynx and a runny nose, it is recommended to drink menthol oil with hot tea or warm milk. Approximately 5-6 drops of oil are added to 1 glass of liquid, after which the product is taken orally. This treatment should be carried out at least 3 times a day every day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Menthol inhalations, both wet and dry, are also very effective. Simply rubbing the product onto the bridge of your nose will help relieve symptoms. Doing this every 2 hours will quickly and effectively relieve nasal congestion. should be carried out three times a day, and immediately after the procedures it is advisable to go to bed and wrap yourself well in a blanket.

At the first manifestations, you can apply compresses to the chest. To do this, the oil is diluted in warm water, applied to gauze and placed on the chest, after which it is well covered. Compresses should be done once a day, preferably in the evening before bed.

A chest massage using menthol oil will help get rid of a cough. Place a few drops on your chest and move towards your heart. After warming up the skin in this way, gradually increase the pressure. Massage your chest with both hands for at least 20 minutes. Gestures should be quite active. Along with chest massage, you can also massage your back, but here the patient will need outside help.

Treatment of headaches.

Menthol is considered an effective remedy for combating and. To eliminate such problems, menthol oil is used as inhalation, for which it is advisable to purchase a special aroma lamp. Drop a few drops of the product onto such a lamp or onto any other heating object and inhale the fragrant fumes for at least 30 minutes.

To eliminate headaches, you can simply smear peppermint oil onto your temples, bridge of the nose and forehead, rubbing the product into the skin with light massaging movements. Sometimes the oil is taken orally, after diluting it with water. Place 3-5 drops of the product into a glass of clean water and drink the liquid when the first symptoms of migraine appear.

Contraindications to the use of menthol oil

Like any medicine, menthol oil has a number of contraindications. It should not be used to treat children under 3 years of age. The substance may cause allergic reactions in some people. In undiluted form, the product should not be applied to mucous membranes or damaged skin. In large quantities, oil can lower blood pressure, which should also be taken into account during the treatment process. Taking the medicine orally is also sometimes accompanied by side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness.

Mint or menthol hair oil has special properties for healing the scalp. Peppermint oil is obtained from a medicinal plant, peppermint, which grows everywhere. Mint is a well-known healing plant that has antispasmodic, bactericidal properties, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Menthol from the plant is a flavoring agent in the production of confectionery, chewing gum, and oral care products. Recently, menthol oil has become a popular remedy for maintaining the health and beauty of hair. It is enough to read numerous reviews to choose menthol oil to care for your curls once and for all.

Origin, composition, properties

On a commercial scale, menthol oil is obtained from dried, dehydrated leaves and stems of the peppermint plant by distillation. In order to obtain 1 kg of the final product, you need to process about 50 kg of grass. Concentrated menthol oil contains a lot of menthol and other volatile compounds.

Peppermint oil is used as an antispasmodic in the composition of medications: Corvalol, Validol and others. Menthol has a weak antiseptic property, so mint is often used in the manufacture of oral care products: toothpastes, rinses, chewing gums, fresheners. Mint drinks are very popular, they are refreshing in the July heat, giving energy and vivacity. Mint is used in almost all areas of production of products for general human use: soaps and detergents, food products, medications, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Peppermint essential oil is transparent, with a slight yellowish tint, and a strong menthol aroma. The composition and content of components is influenced by the conditions of growth, collection, and storage of raw materials. The plant variety is of great importance. Russian mint oil consists of the following components:

The use of menthol oil makes curls soft, manageable, gives shine and strength. The product perfectly tones and warms the scalp, increasing blood flow and stimulating hair growth. The sensations after use are absolutely extraordinary: in the July heat it cools and soothes the skin, on cold frosty days it warms and relaxes. Menthol oil dries hair and regulates sebum secretion. For hair and scalp, peppermint oil has the following effects:

  • tones the scalp;
  • normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • gently cleanses skin pores;
  • soothes itching, irritation;
  • copes with dandruff;
  • improves hair growth;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • strengthens roots;
  • adds shine.

How to use mint miracle

Peppermint oil is used in shampoos, conditioners, and hair rinses. It is used as the main ingredient in a strengthening mask and hair rinse. Essential oil is combined with other components, resulting in excellent nourishment for weak, damaged hair that lacks shine and strength.

For normal, dry hair, you can rinse your hair with a small amount of peppermint oil after basic care. In addition to the healing effect, the hair will be clean, fresh with a pleasant menthol smell. A mint rinse can be easily prepared from mint leaves, brewed with boiling water and cooled to room temperature, and a few drops of menthol oil (3-4 drops).

You can easily care for your hair 2-3 times a week using a mint rinse. On the world wide web you can find a lot of fans of this procedure, confirmation with photos, reviews, options for using the product. For our readers, we found valuable feedback on how to use rinses: peppermint oil eliminates unpleasant odors and is well suited for those who make “smelly” hair masks - from onions, garlic, brewer’s yeast. With such aromatic protection, the curls will remain healthy, strong and “tasty”.

Mask recipes

A mask with menthol oil will be useful for caring for oily hair. Menthol extract narrows the ducts of the sebaceous glands, regulating the production of sebum, relieves inflammation, irritation, treats bacterial dermatitis, eliminates pustules and dandruff. 2 yolks, 1 tsp. Mix fresh lemon juice and 3-4 drops of mint essential oil and apply to the roots. Rub into the bulbs, massaging the skin, after 15 minutes, rinse under the tap with shampoo. To consolidate the result, you can rinse your curls with mint water.

For dry, colored, chemically damaged hair, a mask with castor and burdock oils is useful. Combine the main vegetable oils in equal parts (2 tablespoons each), add 2-3 drops of mint oil. Rub into hair roots, rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes.

Menthol essential oil can transform weakened and dull strands into shiny, healthy locks, so you should take note of the reviews of those who have already tried the product and, if necessary, purchase a bottle at the pharmacy.

A product called menthol oil is obtained by distillation from peppermint, a plant that has a whole range of medicinal qualities. Mint grows everywhere in vegetable gardens and orchards. The primary raw materials for oil production are the stems and leaves of this plant. The substance obtained from it is called menthol.

The substance is used in the production of medications for the cardiovascular system. It is one of the components of validol and corvalol.

The drug has found wide use in the food industry. Thus, menthol from the plant is added to products in the production of chewing gum, soft drinks, and confectionery.

Its use is popular in the household industry. Many oral care products contain this plant element. This is largely due to the fact that mint extract is a natural antiseptic.

Menthol oil is popular as a hair care product. It is added to shampoos, conditioners, masks, conditioners and other similar products. Menthol hair oil can also be used on its own. The product can be added to homemade masks. Properly selected ingredients of such a mask will mutually enhance each other’s effects, providing comprehensive hair care.

The oil contains the following elements:

  • free and essential menthols (50-80%);
  • menton;
  • pinene;
  • limonene;
  • pulegone;
  • terpinene;
  • cineole;
  • thymol;
  • carvacrol

According to its external physical characteristics, it is an oily liquid of a transparent color with a faint smell of mint, which is menthol diluted in petroleum jelly.

There are two forms of release: with 1% and 2% concentration of menthol (free or synthetic). This means that 100 g of Vaseline base contains 1 or 2 g of menthol. The more concentrated the solution, the more intense its effect and the more it tends to burn the mucous membranes.

Pharmacological action, medicinal properties

Pharmacological properties of the drug:

  • antispasmodic;
  • sedative;
  • sedative;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • regenerating;
  • natural estrogen;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands

It has a local irritant effect, promoting tissue regeneration, eliminating swelling and inflammation. It has vasodilating and antianginal properties. It exhibits analgesic effect in high concentrations.

Use in medicine

Inflammatory and infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract

Local and external use. In the treatment of respiratory diseases, the benefits of menthol are realized through inhalation, aroma lamps, and nasal drops. Inhaling vapors (for laryngitis, tracheitis) from inhalation helps the product penetrate such hard-to-reach places as the lungs. Thus, there is an extensive local and to some extent systemic effect.

The following solution is prepared for inhalation: for 200 ml of water – 15-20 drops of the product. The duration of the procedure is approximately 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

For pharyngitis and tonsillitis the affected areas need to be lubricated with cotton swabs dipped in an oil solution.

For rhinitis The oil should be instilled into the nose in the amount of 5 drops in each nasal passage. This needs to be done 2-3 times a day.

As an auxiliary aid, essential oil is used in aromatherapy with aroma lamps daily for 20-30 minutes.

In addition to inhalations, aroma lamps and drops, you can do rubbing, compresses and massages with oil. Rubbing the chest is effective. If the temperature is slightly elevated, you can apply compresses to the chest.

If the disease manifests itself intensely and acutely, for example, flu with chills and fever, then a compress with oil will only worsen the situation. In this case, you must contact a medical institution.

Cardiovascular diseases

Menthol has antianginal and coronary dilation effects. This suggests that it is able to reduce attacks of angina and ischemia. This effect of the medicinal component is due to its ability to dilate the blood vessels of the heart.

If your heart rhythm is abnormal, you can take an oil bath. To do this, take 50 ml of essential oil and add it to a warm bath. You can simultaneously rub it into the body and use it for massage.

Menthol oil cannot be used as monotherapy for heart problems. This is dangerous to life and health. It may only be used as an auxiliary aid.

Skin diseases

Due to its antiseptic properties, the drug can help in the treatment of infectious diseases on the skin surface. He is able to cope with viral, bacterial and fungal infections in the initial stage. Them You can cure dermatitis, fungus, scabies. Pimples and blackheads disappear without difficulty. The effect on the skin is marked by increased blood circulation and metabolic reactions in this place.

Menthol baths and a menthol pencil are used, which are applied to problem areas. Local application is possible using a cotton swab or cotton pad soaked in the composition.

When treating infections in the foot area, foot baths are popular. They have a systemic effect on the feet, adjusting various biochemical processes in this area. Due to this, healing occurs much faster.

To prepare a menthol bath, add 10 drops of the product to a bowl of warm water. The duration of the procedure is at least 30 minutes. Use for therapeutic purposes should continue for at least 3 months, 2 times a day.

Treatment of skin infections is a labor-intensive and lengthy process that requires systematic adherence to procedures. After treatment, supportive preventive measures are necessary.

Pain of various etiologies

The oil is an excellent analgesic that copes with headaches, dental, menstrual and muscle pain.

For migraines The area of ​​the temples, crown, back of the head and forehead is coated.

For rheumatism, myositis, osteochondrosis painful areas of the body are rubbed. For ease of application there is a special menthol pencil.

For toothache A cotton swab soaked in the solution is applied to the tooth for 15-20 minutes.

If you are worried about painful periods, This remedy can be taken orally. To do this, add 4 drops of the substance to a glass of water.

Before using oil for painful menstruation, first of all, you should consult a gynecologist and find out the cause.


For damage to bones and joints The oil is used as an adjuvant to the main therapy. In order not to aggravate the picture of the disease in case of a fracture, it should not be rubbed in, but only used in the form of a compress or bath.

In case of dislocation of joints You can add 50 ml of essential oil to your bath.

For a sprain or fracture You should apply a compress to the problem area. To prepare the mixture for the compress, add 10 ml of oil to half a glass of water.

Application in cosmetology

For scalp and hair

Benefits of the product for hair:

  • tonic effect on the scalp;
  • soothes itching and irritation on the skin;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • stimulates blood flow and metabolic processes in the skin;
  • stimulates curl growth;
  • strengthens;
  • nourishes;
  • restores;
  • moisturizes.

Being an antiseptic, menthol oil can cope with incipient infectious and inflammatory processes on the surface of the head, including dandruff. The main cause of dandruff is a fungus. By regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, the product is able to eliminate excess sebum production in the case of oily hair.

The last listed beneficial properties of the substance are closely interrelated. Stimulation of blood circulation and metabolic processes on the surface of the head contributes to better nutrition of the hair, timely delivery of the necessary microelements and substances to their roots. This promotes the strengthening and growth of curls, the appearance of undercoat in the form of new hair.

The product can revive dry, lifeless hair due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties. Oil envelops the surface of damaged hair and glues its scales. This further eliminates the problem of split ends.

Recipe 1. Conditioner for dry and normal hair. 4-5 drops of oil are added to a bowl of water. The resulting conditioner is used to rinse the hair at the end of washing. It doesn't wash off.

Recipe 2. For dry hair. Take a base in the form of sunflower oil (a little, by eye), and add 4 drops of essential oil to it. All this is mixed and slightly heated. Then massage it into the hair roots and along the entire length. The composition must work for at least 30 minutes. After this, it is washed off with shampoo. The mask can be done every 3 days. If your hair is very dry, then you should combine this mask with conditioner using our main product.

Recipe 3. Mask for oily hair. To 4 drops of the drug add lemon (a teaspoon) and 2 yolks. All this is washed off after thirty minutes. The mask can be repeated after 3 days.

Recipe 4. you can use a mixture of different oils: 2 tbsp. and castor oil mixed with 5 drops of menthol. You can add 10 drops of vitamin E to the finished composition. The composition is washed off after 30 minutes. In all cases, washing is carried out with running warm water.

For body and face skin

The product effectively copes with enlarged pores, especially in combination with cosmetic ice. Pores tend to shrink under the influence of cold. As an antiseptic, menthol oil relieves any rashes on the surface of the face (acne, blackheads). It removes swelling and helps with age spots. The drug can help almost any skin: oily, combination and dry. Can reduce sebum production while at the same time hydrating dehydrated areas of the face.

For dry skin, the following recipe is relevant:. Take 3 drops of essential oils - menthol, lavender, pine, myrrh - and the resulting mixture is frozen in the freezer in special forms. Ready-made cosmetic ice should be used 2 times a day, gently and quickly running it along the massage lines of the face.

With a systematic approach, oil can remove the appearance of cellulite. According to one of the recipes, you need to take about 10 g of calendula and pour it with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. currants and 100 ml of oil. All this should be infused in a dark place for three days. After which you need to take a cloth previously soaked in the resulting liquid and start making wraps. The procedure lasts approximately 5 hours, it is recommended to repeat it every other day.

For teeth and oral cavity

Under the influence of the oil, small ulcers, cracks, and wounds in the oral cavity heal. In addition, bad breath is eliminated. Breath takes on notes of freshness.

You can make homemade toothpaste for cleaning your teeth, where one of the ingredients is menthol oil.

Required composition:

  • calcium in powder form (5 tsp);
  • diatomaceous earth powder (1 tsp);
  • baking soda (2 tsp);
  • 3 tsp essential coconut oil;
  • a couple of drops of menthol.

Making pasta at home is a labor-intensive and costly process, so it is better to give preference to store-bought products. You can prepare a mouthwash with menthol oil, where 4-5 drops of oil are added to a glass of water.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

The substance has a positive effect on the central nervous system, and also has a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system. Used in monotherapy and complex therapy of neuroses and depression. When used regularly under medical supervision eliminates anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, prevents their occurrence and development. This medicinal ingredient is observed in the composition of the drug “Zelenin Drops”, intended for the treatment of neuroses.

If you have an anxious personality, it is recommended to wear aroma pendants (aroma medallions). These are special pendants that have a reservoir into which you can drip essential oil. 1-4 drops of your favorite oil are enough for the aroma medallion to begin to smell like your favorite aroma.

An aroma lamp with a few drops of this product can instantly relieve stress and help you relax. The aroma of mint has an invigorating effect on the body, helping to concentrate and maintain attention even after a hard day at work. Aroma lamps are containers for heating (with or without water). Add 4 drops of oil to the container. The aromatherapy process takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

When aromatherapy, you need to take breaks so that the substance does not weaken its effect in the future. So, aroma pendants should be worn no more often than every three days.

Other uses of oil

This essential oil is active used in everyday life as a disinfectant and a source of pleasant aroma. It is added to almost all cleaning products: powders, gels, dishwashing drops, and so on. Air fresheners also often have a menthol scent.

To remove a stain from clothing, you need to drop menthol oil onto the stain and wait 20-30 minutes. When washing floors and other surfaces, add 5 drops of the substance to a bucket of water.

Essential oil is an enemy of insects and rodents. If you treat places where pests accumulate with it or light aroma lamps with oil, the pests will leave the room very soon. If you add eucalyptus oil to menthol, then this remedy will be doubly effective.


This medicine is contraindicated:

  • with hypotension;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the elements of the composition;
  • suffering from bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • for severe diseases;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • children under three years old.

Side effects

Side effects are rare. The following skin reactions to the drug are possible: itching, redness, rash. From the gastrointestinal tract, side effects can manifest themselves in the form of intestinal colic and nausea. Young children are at risk of collapse or respiratory depression as a result of using the drug. In this case, therapy should be carried out under the close supervision of adults.

Release form

Available in the form of a concentrated oil solution in glass packaging of 1% (10 ml) and 2% (25 ml). Another form of existence of the substance is a menthol stick, which also comes in 1% and 2%.

It is better to buy at a pharmacy; in cosmetic stores the price is noticeably higher.

Please note that cosmetic products are not intended for internal use.


This oil can be found in pharmacies for a minimum cost of 60 rubles per 10 ml. and maximum - 200 rubles for 25 ml. The cost may vary slightly depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy.



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