You can use candles during menstruation. The use of candles during menstruation: it is possible or not


During the treatment of thrush, it is recommended to use local preparations. However, what to do if menstruation began during the treatment period because it is impossible to cancel it? Are there special suppositories that can be used during menstruation or do I have to wait with treatment?

In some situations, topical treatments are used through the anus. In this case, there is no question whether candles can be used during this period. This type of treatment is carried out independently, without outside help, although it is less comfortable to introduce suppositories during menstruation, there is nothing difficult in this, as well as obstacles to treatment.

Another thing is when you have to use suppositories from thrush during menstruation, which are recommended to be inserted into the vagina. The situation can be viewed from different angles. If suppositories are administered on critical days, then this allows you to provide:

  • Continuity of therapy. This advantage is important in the presence of bacterial infections. In no case should pathogens be allowed to adapt to substances that suppress their vital activity. If there is an uneven supply of solid components, with a broken circuit, this is possible. As a result of a pause, treatment is greatly complicated, strong remedies may be required.
  • Quality of treatment. During menstruation, the reproductive system is updated and obsolete tissues are shed. If you treat thrush during menstruation, this will speed up therapy and recover faster after it.

Unwanted use of suppositories

Preparations of this kind can reduce the effectiveness of funds during their use during menstruation in a number of cases:

  • Blood during menstruation washes out the medicine, bringing it out. It may not have time to have the necessary effect, the treatment will not be effective. If there may be an infection, then during therapy it will become chronic. Disadvantages are especially noticeable when using candles during menstruation.
  • During menstruation, there is a change in the acidity of the vagina. This can play a big role when the components of the drug enter into a chemical reaction with secretions, which leads to itching and discomfort. When the action of the drug affects the local microflora, you can get the wrong result.
  • In some cases, menstruation may be different compared to the moment before using the medicine as a result of some side effects. This leads to a feeling of anxiety in the patient and can mislead the doctor when making a diagnosis.

If we compare the advantages and disadvantages that are obtained as a result of using during monthly candles, then much is determined by their type, the medicinal components that make up their composition. The need for treatment is caused by the urgency of their intake, combination with various pills and injections. Some medicines should be taken at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

When are anesthetic suppositories used?

In some cases, it is difficult to endure pain. And the treatment directed to the main cause, not in all cases can cope with the syndrome. During menstruation, anesthetic suppositories are shown if discomfort is caused by critical days. Many vaginal tablets are distinguished by their anti-inflammatory action. And it is important during this period that during menstruation, the disease can worsen.

The components that can have a therapeutic effect in the composition of suppositories are not able to enter into a chemical reaction with mucus and blood, they have a light effect and are not washed off quickly.

Treatment for thrush during menstruation?

Women at least once in their lives faced with candidiasis. Like many diseases, thrush manifests itself during critical days. The balance of hormones and secretions cause changes in the local microflora. It is difficult to predict in which direction they tend, however, in any case, favorable conditions are observed for the spread of a fungal infection.

Some candles for the treatment of candidiasis are completely useless during thrush. Their use leads to a negative effect. Medicinal components that can destroy the fungus are excreted along with the blood, only a small amount of them remains in the vagina, which does not fight the disease. Each of the drugs used in the disease must be studied separately:

  • Clotrimazole - candles during menstruation, can increase the symptoms of candidiasis. As a side effect, itching of the mucous membrane is observed when the drug is used for cystitis and inflammation. Although the components of the drug are resistant to flushing, it is not recommended to use suppositories during menstruation.
  • It is undesirable to use pimafucin during menstruation. After staying in the vagina, the suppositories turn into a foamy mass, which is excreted in the blood. Another reason as a result of which it is not recommended to use the remedy is side effects. The drug has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, causing severe itching.
  • The use of terzhinan suppositories for menstruation and other diseases can be a salvation for women. In their use, critical days will not be an obstacle. A feature of the drug can be called the fact that in a humid environment the drug begins to act actively. Menstruation will not be a hindrance, on the contrary, they enhance the effect of the medicine. Even with heavy discharge, you can not stop using the tool.


Local remedies are recommended for use in the treatment of vaginitis, cervicitis, during which the affected area is captured by the action of the drug. Is it effective to use funds during menstruation if they are prescribed to treat an illness?

Chlorhexidine is used as the active ingredient. The substance is able to spread rapidly in a humid environment, which is undesirable for treatment. Allocations during menstruation just contribute to this, reducing the effectiveness of the application. For this reason, it is undesirable to use them during this period.


It is allowed to use Betadine suppositories during menstruation. The drug has a disinfecting effect, eliminating various pathogenic bacteria. The tool contains iodine, which works quickly and glycerin, which does not allow the vaginal suppository to slip out of the vagina in a short time. The exception is too heavy periods, not allowing the full effect of the medicine. The drug is not able to irritate the mucous membrane, so during its use no discomfort occurs.


Candles Genferon are antiviral and antibacterial, in the presence of heavy periods, their activity is reduced. During this period, the composition of microorganisms in the vagina changes. If they are used in the presence of heavy periods, this will lead to the adaptation of bacteria to medicinal substances. In this case, it is recommended to enter them into the anus.

If scanty discharge is observed, then it is possible to use suppositories vaginally. Especially if they are prescribed once a day. If you put a candle in the evening, then the medicine will have time to act overnight, because at this time there is less discharge.

How to administer suppositories during menstruation

During menstruation, it is recommended to insert candles in compliance with the rules of hygiene and very carefully. It is necessary to do this in order not to introduce an infection or to neutralize involuntarily the medicinal substances that make up the drug. The first is especially dangerous, since during menstruation the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bopened.

Before the introduction of the suppository, it is recommended to wash the perineum and hands. It is extremely important that not a drop of detergent remains on the mucous membranes and skin, as it can reduce the effectiveness of the use of the drug. It is necessary to introduce suppositories while lying on your back, after which it is recommended to stay in this position for 20 minutes.


It is better to discuss directly with the doctor whether it is worth putting candles during menstruation or whether it is better to refrain from this. Not every doctor approves such treatment, even when the instructions for the medicine do not prohibit it. The best option is the complete absence of menstruation at the entire stage of treatment.

The monthly cycle obeys its own laws, if a match is inevitable, you need to know exactly, stop using these drugs, and also administer drugs rectally or use them vaginally without any contraindications.

On this score, they say that there will be no point in this, since the basis of vaginal suppositories is a substance that is simply washed off by menstrual blood. True, there are such vaginal suppositories, in which the basis is a substance that is resistant to mechanical rinsing, and, as a rule, this is always indicated in the annotations to vaginal suppositories.

But such a composition is rather an exception, such candles are very rare.

Should I use suppositories during my period?

Currently, most antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral drugs intended for topical vaginal use are available in the form of capsules and tablets.

And in the annotation to the drugs it is clearly indicated that during menstruation it is impossible to interrupt treatment. These are more modern dosage forms than vaginal suppositories, allowing you to not interrupt the effect on pathogens during menstruation. Menstruation is a natural provocation for the female body, it shakes the body, forcing it to resist the introduction of infection more actively. As a result, those infectious-inflammatory foci that remained untreated, latently flowing, reappear and are immediately treated with treatment that is not interrupted during menstruation. Treatment does not stop during menstruation with Betadine, Terzhinan and some others.

Thus, we can conclude: in the issue of using vaginal dosage forms during menstruation, a woman should carefully read the annotation to the drug. If nothing is said there about whether this drug can be used during menstruation, then you will have to take a break in treatment. But it is best to ask a gynecologist in advance whether this vaginal remedy can be used during menstruation, whether it be candles, tablets or capsules.

How to use vaginal products correctly?

About how should be written in the instructions (annotations) attached to the tool. Most vaginal suppositories are easy to use - they just need to be inserted into the vagina to the maximum possible depth in the supine position. You need to enter once a day, preferably at bedtime. An important addition: before the introduction of any means of local contraception, it is not recommended to use soap or gel, as spermacids are destroyed.

The use of any drug always has its own characteristics and side effects, and you should be aware of them.

Treatment of gynecological diseases may involve the use of local therapies. But what if the timing of health-restoring measures coincides with menstruation, because it is impossible to cancel it? Are candles shown during menstruation or will you have to wait for them to end?

Read in this article

Advantages and disadvantages of using topical treatment on critical days

In some cases, the use of local funds is possible through the rectum. And then the question of whether it is possible to put candles during menstruation does not arise at all. This type of treatment is carried out independently, without requiring the intervention of doctors or home assistants. And although during menstruation the introduction of a suppository is less comfortable, there is nothing complicated about it, as well as obstacles that can prevent the body from perceiving healing components.

Another thing is when a woman is forced to use candles during menstruation, putting them in the vagina. This situation can be viewed from different angles. If suppositories are administered on critical days, this will provide:

  • Continuity of treatment. The advantage is especially important in bacterial infections. Pathogenic microorganisms must not be allowed to adapt to substances that suppress their vital activity. And when the healing components come in unevenly, with violations of the scheme, with a long break, this is possible. Treatment due to a pause becomes more complicated, stronger means may be needed;
  • The quality of therapy. On critical days, the reproductive system is updated, gets rid of obsolete tissues. If you use candles during menstruation, this will help speed up the treatment, recover from it faster.

Why the use of suppositories may become undesirable

Such drugs can also reduce their effectiveness when taken on critical days for the following reasons:

  • wash off the medicine, bringing it out. It may not have time to act, the treatment will be half-hearted. If we are talking about an infection that needs to be eliminated, in this case it can become chronic. The disadvantage is especially noticeable if candles are used during;
  • The acidity of the vagina changes on critical days. This may be important if the components of the suppository enter into a chemical reaction with secretions, which is expressed by unpleasant sensations, itching. When the drug is intended to affect the local microflora, its effect may be the opposite of what is desired;
  • Periods sometimes pass differently than before the use of the drug, due to the side effects of the components of the drug. This will cause anxiety in the patient, may mislead her doctor.

If we sum up all the pros and cons that candles give when used during menstruation, it turns out that everything is determined by their type, the medicinal substances contained in suppositories.

The need for therapy can be caused by the urgency of taking it, as well as by combining it with injections,. Some of the drugs need to start drinking at the beginning of the cycle.

When to put painkillers suppositories

It can be hard to endure. And therapy aimed at their underlying cause is not always able to cope with the syndrome. Moreover, anesthetic suppositories are shown during menstruation, if the sensations are caused by the presence of critical days. Many of the suppositories also have an anti-inflammatory effect. And this is especially important in this period, because diseases tend to worsen on critical days.

Candles for pain during menstruation, which the discharge will not interfere with:

  • Naproxen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Voltaren.

The substances that provide a therapeutic effect in the composition of these suppositories do not enter into a chemical reaction with blood and mucus, are not easily washed off and act quickly enough.

Suppositories from thrush: is it possible to use them on critical days

Many women have suffered from candidiasis at least once. Like most gynecological ailments, it often reminds of itself on critical days. After all, the discharge and lead to a change in the local microflora. It is difficult to predict in which direction it will lean, but conditions are favorable for the spread of the candida fungus.

The drug "Livarol" during menstruation: indications, contraindications, admission during menstruation. ... Therefore, the answer to the question, is it possible to put livarol suppositories during menstruation, most specialists will have a positive one.

  • Candles "Klion D" during menstruation: is it worth it to be treated or wait until the end of menstruation? Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area requires consistency and regularity.
  • With the onset of menstruation, women have to abandon the use of local drugs. However, Depantol during menstruation can be used as efficiently as possible. The drug copes well with the restoration of the mucosa, various diseases. It can be used during pregnancy, lactation.

    Contraindications and adverse reactions

    Considering the issue, for starters, it is necessary to exclude individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. Extremely rarely possible side effects in the form of an allergic reaction (itching, burning, discomfort). They go away on their own at the end of therapy. In rare cases, additional antihistamine therapy is required.

    Sometimes a woman may complain of a bleeding-like discharge. However, the instructions for use state that Depantol does not affect the normal course of menstruation in any way. Depantol is not the cause of bleeding. In most cases, this condition is observed after surgery (removal of papillomas, cauterization of cervical erosion). In addition, most spotting is directly related to the inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

    In most cases, patients easily tolerate the medication without encountering side effects.

    Features of the drug

    Candles Depantol consist of chlorhexidine, dexpanthenol. Features of the drug are that it acts in a complex way. The first component has an antiseptic effect, destroys bacteria, fungus, and protozoa.

    The second component of the drug has regenerative properties. As a result, candles during menstruation stimulate the activity of restoring the mucous membrane, improve metabolism. The drug is able to maintain its activity even in the presence of any secretion (pus, blood).

    Depantol is a fairly effective remedy for the treatment of local inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs, and most importantly, it can be used during the menstrual cycle. When the active substances are dissolved inside the vagina, an oily liquid is formed that envelops the mucous membrane.

    Since the active substances of suppositories are not absorbed into the circulatory system, they can be prescribed even during pregnancy, lactation.

    Indications for use

    Depantol during menstruation should be used only as directed by a doctor. If a woman encounters any manifestations of pathological conditions (blood smears, unpleasant odor, burning), you should immediately go to a specialist to identify their nature.

    In no case should you use medications on your own without consulting a specialist, otherwise the likelihood of aggravating the problem increases.

    To use suppositories, a woman must experience such pathologies at the acute or chronic stage:

    • vaginitis;
    • cervicitis.

    Depantol is prescribed for recovery, elimination of inflammatory processes after surgical treatment. It is used after childbirth to restore the mucous membrane of the vagina, in the complex therapy of cervical erosion, its removal by cauterization, after the removal of papillomas. Depantol has established itself as an effective means of disinfecting the genital organs before the onset of childbirth.

    How to apply

    Suppositories can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The instructions for use indicate that the candles must be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina. The course of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the pathology, usually one week. During the use of Depantol, a woman should refuse personal hygiene products, which include surfactants.

    In cases where the course of therapy coincided with the menstrual cycle, the woman should use pads instead of tampons. Sanitary pads will be needed outside of menstruation, because after dissolution, the active substances turn into a copious amount of oily liquid.

    During menstruation, it is quite difficult for women to treat local pathologies. However, Depantol is a universal drug that is able to fight the disease even during menstruation, without contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

    Suppositories are a good remedy for local therapy of gynecological diseases. The course of therapeutic measures with their use is usually 2-3 weeks and, accordingly, can be superimposed on the menstrual cycle. In this regard, many women are interested in whether it is possible to put candles during menstruation. In this case, first of all, you should pay attention to the type of medication prescribed. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions for use and make sure that the period of menstruation is not a contraindication to the use of a particular medicinal substance.

    There are many drugs, the use of which should be stopped during critical days. It is recommended to continue therapy after their termination. This is due to the complete or partial loss of the effectiveness of the active substances during menstruation. For example, some candles are not used during menstruation, because:

    1. Uterine bleeding washes out medicinal substances from the woman's genital tract.
    2. Some drugs change the acidity of the vagina, destroying the natural anti-infective barrier, adversely affecting the microflora of the penis.
    3. A number of drugs affect the length of the menstrual cycle.

    Other side effects of drugs are indicated in the instructions for use.

    During menstruation, pain-relieving suppositories can be used for treatment, which is characterized by discomfort during menstruation. Using candles, consisting of anesthetics, you can stop the pain syndrome.

    In addition to the analgesic effect, they will reduce blood loss and relieve discomfort. Indications for use:

    • recovery after surgical interventions, including abortion;
    • inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system;
    • prevention of adhesive disease.

    For therapy, suppositories Diclofenac, Voltaren and Ketoprofen are used. These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic properties. Their therapeutic effect is to reduce swelling of the vaginal mucosa, lower body temperature, fight inflammation, and relieve pain and spasms.

    Another drug used on critical days is Betadine. During menstruation, it does not lose activity, interacting with uterine blood, and continues to have an antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial effect. In addition, the tool has no side effects. Quite often prescribed.

    Pharmacologists do not prohibit the use of Terzhinan during menstruation. Menstrual blood even helps him in action, as he is more active in an environment with high humidity.

    This medicine is similar to Betadine, but Terzhinan has a wider spectrum of action. The therapeutic effect corresponds to the therapeutic effect of antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group.

    In principle, on critical days, you can continue treatment with any drug. If this period is indicated as a contraindication in the instructions for use, then the course can not be interrupted by administering the medicine in another way, for example, using rectal suppositories.

    Contraindicated during critical days

    Using vaginal suppositories during menstruation in the case of the use of a number of drugs is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. For example, during the menstrual period is contraindicated. The consequences of the action of the remedy will be opposite to the expected therapeutic effect: the amount of discharge will increase, and the itching will intensify. Therefore, therapy should be postponed for the period of critical days.

    Another drug that is contraindicated is Pifamucin. This is an antifungal agent. On critical days, suppositories quickly dissolve in the woman's genital tract, turning into a white foam that irritates the mucous membrane of the genital organs and causes itching.

    Often, a fungal infection of the genital organs is treated in a complex way, using both suppositories and tablets. On critical days, it is not recommended to use the first type of drugs, it is worth limiting yourself to tablets.

    The reason for the ineffectiveness of the use of a number of drugs during menstruation is a change in the environment of the vagina. It becomes alkaline and deactivates many medicinal substances.

    Why is it better to treat candles outside of menstruation

    Interested in the question of whether it is possible to insert candles during menstruation, first of all you need to read the instructions that came with the drug. It will contain the necessary information about the method of use, contraindications and side effects.

    Suppositories are common in medical practice, because it is easy to use candles. At room temperature, they are solid, but when introduced into the vaginal cavity, they melt after 15 minutes, and the active substances begin to have a therapeutic effect.

    Suppositories consist of an active substance and a base: paraffin, gelatin or glycerin.

    Although not every drug is suitable for use during menstruation, many drugs are used during menstruation to reduce pain. Many medicines do not lose their effectiveness in uterine bleeding, and the effect of some vaginal suppositories is even enhanced by discharge.

    There is another side of the coin. Using candles during menstruation, you can achieve the opposite effect of the drug. In particular, this is true for drugs against thrush. In many cases, menstrual blood simply deactivates the healing substance, and the therapy will not bring the desired result.

    If you have the opportunity, use gynecological suppositories before the start of the next menstruation, and with the onset of the first day of menstruation, replace them with rectal or oral remedies.



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