Vaseline oil. Is it effective for constipation?

4.2 out of 5

Vaseline oil is a laxative medicine used for constipation..

Composition and release form of Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is produced in the form of a colorless, oily, non-fluorescent liquid (liquid paraffin) in bottles of various sizes (20-250 ml).

pharmachologic effect

The use of Vaseline oil helps improve the motility of the large intestine and softens stool.

The oil is one of the most popular remedies for treating constipation due to its availability, safety and effectiveness. Numerous studies and long-term observations have confirmed the absence of a negative effect of liquid paraffin on internal organs. The product has no carcinogenic, toxic or mutagenic properties, does not affect the intestinal microflora, does not accumulate, is not absorbed into the blood and is completely eliminated from the body unchanged.

Unlike other organic oils, liquid paraffin, distributed over the surface of the intestines, is not absorbed into the walls of the digestive tract. This creates a protective barrier on the intestinal mucosa and allows stool to slide freely through it. In addition, feces, passing through the oiled intestines, soften, which greatly facilitates the act of defecation.

Indications for use of Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil, according to the instructions, is prescribed against constipation.

The product can also be used as a base for various ointments, gels, liniments and applied externally.


It is contraindicated to take Vaseline oil orally:

  • Against the background of hypersensitivity;
  • Inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • Against the background of intestinal obstruction;
  • Against the background of acute febrile syndrome;
  • Pregnancy (as this may cause reflex stimulation of the uterus).

How to use Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil for constipation should be taken orally in between meals (interval - at least two hours). Daily dosage – 15-30 ml per day. The laxative effect is usually observed 5-6 hours after taking the drug. The duration of the treatment course should not exceed 5 days. Longer use of the drug is undesirable, as this can lead to addiction and the development of chronic forms of the disease. If constipation is persistent, you should consult a doctor to identify the causes that cause it. In many cases, it is necessary to change the diet to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

External use of Vaseline oil for newborns:

  • Helps remove crusts on the head;
  • Promotes safe and easy clearing of the nose and moisturizing of its sinuses;
  • Is a preventative way to prevent chafing from using a diaper;
  • Helps in caring for wrinkles, as well as skin care for heat rash;
  • It is effective as an adjuvant when administering an enema or gas tube. The oiled tip of the enema does not injure the delicate baby skin;
  • Promotes healing of irritated skin and also moisturizes it.

The oil is often used by nursing women for compresses against the background of stagnation of milk. As a rule, after using such a compress at night, hardening in the breasts softens, which significantly improves the flow of milk.

Side effects

According to the results of clinical studies, the use of the drug orally, subject to recommended dosages, usually does not cause negative side effects. Long-term use of Vaseline oil for constipation can lead to intestinal catonia, as well as hypovitaminosis A, E, K.

Poorly purified or unrefined liquid paraffin can be irritating to the skin.

Storage conditions for Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil, according to the instructions, is an over-the-counter medicine. The shelf life of the medicine is 5 years, provided it is stored in sealed packaging and in compliance with other recommendations.

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It is used in the treatment of people of all ages. It is perfect in cases where the intestinal muscles cannot cope with their duties, which is explained by the properties and effect on the intestines.

This artificially created product is often used in veterinary medicine and in medicine. You just need to know how to use the composition correctly and in what doses it is taken.

Vaseline oil is a product obtained from the processing of petroleum products. This is a clear liquid that contains a large amount of carbohydrates of maximum purity. Due to the fact that oil is used to obtain the product, it is considered environmentally friendly and safe.

In order to solve a problem such as constipation, Vaseline oil is used for internal use. Its main difference is that the components are not absorbed into the intestinal villi and do not have any effect on the flora. Once in the intestines, it helps soften stool and facilitates its passage.

It is worth noting that the product is very often used in veterinary medicine. The dosage is selected by the veterinarian, but if this is not possible, then the following scheme is used for calculation: 0.2 milliliters per 100 grams of kitten weight. For an adult pet, a dosage of 10-15 milliliters is sufficient. After 4-5 hours, the procedure is repeated, reducing the volume by 5 milliliters. 4-5 times are allowed. Naturally, the cat will not drink the liquid, so it is recommended to use a syringe without a needle and inject the medicine into the oral cavity.

Contraindications to the use of petroleum jelly for constipation

Despite the fact that the product is completely purified and environmentally friendly, it also has its contraindications:

This method of treating constipation cannot be used constantly. The fact is that petroleum jelly creates a film on the intestinal walls, which means that not a single nutrient will be absorbed into the blood, which can lead to a decrease in the level of vitamins and microelements.

Features of using Vaseline oil for constipation

In order to avoid any complications, it is important to consult a doctor before use. This is especially true for the treatment of constipation in children. The product is used for constipation only for therapeutic purposes. It is not used as prophylaxis. The dosage and duration of treatment are selected especially carefully, since abuse is likely to develop.

If you choose petroleum jelly, use for constipation should be carried out in accordance with the following scheme:

When used correctly, the effect is always positive. In this case, the dosage and frequency of use must not be exceeded. But, despite this, you cannot use this remedy on your own, much less for a long time. It is important to understand the cause of the pathology and eliminate it. Vaseline oil is only a symptomatic remedy in the treatment of the disease, but it does not solve the problem, much less help to permanently normalize intestinal motility. Therefore, if problems arise, it is important to see a doctor and undergo an examination, and use constipation remedies only in extreme cases.

Pain and bloating, flatulence, a feeling of a plug in the rectum and incomplete emptying after defecation, increased dryness of stool - constipation brings a lot of inconvenience and a great desire to get rid of this condition. Vaseline oil can solve the problem. After oral administration, the product softens stool and promotes its movement through the intestines.

Signs of constipation

A condition is considered normal when bowel movements occur from three times a day to three times a week, so if a person does not defecate daily, this does not always indicate pathology. Constipation is a condition in which difficult, slow, or insufficient bowel movements (bowel movements) occur. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • small amounts of excrement;
  • very dense, hard and dry feces (another name is fecal stones);
  • after defecation there is no feeling of complete bowel movement;
  • a feeling of blockage, the appearance of a plug in the rectum after bowel movement;
  • the process of defecation is painful, accompanied by long straining;
  • when emptying, there is pain, a feeling that feces are scratching the rectum, anus;
  • hard lower abdomen;
  • gas formation (flatulence), which is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen;
  • less than three bowel movements per week.

Constipation can be a consequence of poor nutrition, especially if the diet contains foods that cause bowel problems. Low physical activity, side effects of certain medications, pregnancy, and prolonged bed rest can also provoke pathology. Constipation is often a symptom of a serious illness. For this reason, if problems with stool do not go away within a few days, you need to consult a doctor, find the cause and begin treatment. Pathology can be caused by the following factors:

  • intestinal obstruction due to a tumor or inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • motor diseases of the intestine;
  • hemorrhoids, anal fissure and other anal diseases;
  • pelvic floor diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • spinal cord injuries.

Regardless of whether the cause of constipation is illness or poor nutrition, the problem cannot be ignored. In addition to unpleasant sensations that make it difficult to concentrate on daily activities and rest, problems with stool cause intoxication of the body with harmful substances. The functioning of the digestive system, primarily the stomach and intestines, is disrupted. Chronic constipation can cause hemorrhoids, cause bleeding during bowel movements, and cause the appearance of polyps and tumors in the rectum.

The effect of Vaseline oil on constipation

Vaseline oil (another name is liquid paraffin) - an oily, colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid - can help with constipation. The product is a purified petroleum fraction without impurities of harmful organic substances, which is obtained after distilling off kerosene. It is used for both external and internal use. The drug has no toxic effect on the body, rarely causes allergies, and does not affect the balance of microflora.

After entering the intestines, the oil is evenly distributed throughout it. After some time, the feces soften, the mucous membrane is lubricated with oil, which promotes peristalsis (wave-like contractions of the organ) and the movement of feces out. At the same time, a protective barrier appears on the intestinal walls, which protects them from damage. The laxative effect begins five to six hours after taking the drug. The drug is almost not absorbed into the blood, it comes out along with the feces.


Vaseline oil for constipation can only be taken orally by adults, including older people. For chronic constipation, liquid paraffin is drunk on an empty stomach (2 hours before meals) or 2 hours after a meal. The course of therapy lasts five days. Shake the drug before use. Take it 2 tsp. 1-2 times throughout the day. If necessary, you can increase the dose to 2 tablespoons.

Another option for using oil is an enema at night using a pear. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 2-3 tbsp. l. products with 100 ml of warm water (37–38°C). A warm enema is often given to an adult - it has a relaxing effect on the intestinal walls, eliminates smooth muscle spasms, softens stool, greatly facilitating the process of defecation. The procedure does not have an immediate effect: the result of its action can be seen after 8–12 hours.

Vaseline oil for constipation in children is recommended to be used as an enema (including for newborns). Before preparing the solution, you should consult a doctor, who will indicate a clear dosage depending on the age and weight of the baby. In order not to injure the child, to prevent cracks and irritation, before giving an enema, you need to lubricate the anus with liquid paraffin. The same can be done to facilitate the emptying process. Vaseline oil should not be given orally to children: the instructions for use clearly indicate children's age among the contraindications.

It is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can provoke tone (contraction) of the uterus, causing miscarriage or premature birth. The product can be used during lactation, but only after consultation with the doctor, strictly following the instructions given to him. This is especially important if problems with stool arose immediately after childbirth.

If Vaseline oil contaminates your skin or clothing, it should be wiped off with a cotton swab and washed off with warm soapy water. During oral administration and for some time after the end of the course of treatment, the drug may be released from the anus and stain underwear. To avoid embarrassing situations at this time, it is better to wear special pads.


Not everyone is prescribed Vaseline oil orally. Contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance to the drug (allergy);
  • acute phase of inflammation of the abdominal organs (peptic ulcer, colitis, appendicitis, peritonitis);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy;
  • period;
  • poisoning with phosphorus or compounds that contain organophosphorus substances;
  • fever of an infectious or other nature.

Side effects

Vaseline oil is not a prophylactic agent, so it should not be taken to prevent constipation, or for longer than the period indicated in the instructions. Over time, addiction to the drug occurs, which is why the intestines stop working independently, waiting for outside help. As a result, atony develops due to oil intake. The pathology is characterized by a decrease in intestinal tone, when its ability to independently contract and remove feces deteriorates.

In addition, an overdose leads to disruption of the digestive system, which causes nausea, vomiting, allergies, rashes, and itching in the anus. Side effects include hypovitaminosis A, D, K, and anorexia, since vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances not absorbed by the body begin to be released along with feces.

The drug should not be used during treatment with fat-soluble anthelmintic drugs (Vermox, Medamin). This is explained by the fact that it increases the manifestation of the side effects of these drugs, causing nausea, headaches, abdominal pain, cramps, an allergic reaction, even anaphylactic shock. The liver may react negatively to this combination with oil - an increase in liver enzymes or the development of hepatitis is possible.


Vaseline oil is liquid paraffin, colorless and odorless. This substance is of mineral origin. To obtain it, a vacuum method is used to distill oil products. Vaseline oil does not contain harmful impurities, however, it does not contain any beneficial substances. Moreover, this substance has a number of useful properties.

Artificial and natural methods are used to produce petroleum jelly. It mixes well with other oils, which makes it applicable in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology and industry.

Why and how to use Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is widely used in various areas of life and to solve a number of problems. It has found wide application in the manufacture of cosmetics. The product is included in many creams, hair and body care products. Vaseline oil is also used in medicine. We will discuss the use of Vaseline in more detail below.

Oral use for constipation

Constipation is systematic difficulty in defecation. It can occur for various reasons, the main one being intestinal obstruction. Vaseline oil, which has emollient properties, helps solve this problem.

In case of constipation, the oil is taken orally. It has no toxic or mutagenic properties, is not absorbed into the blood and does not accumulate in the body. The oil is evenly distributed along the intestinal walls, thereby creating a protective wall between the feces and the mucous membrane.

Due to its viscous structure, the oil is fixed to the vertical walls. This allows stool to slide through the intestines and is much easier to excrete from the body. At the same time, they soften and stimulate the functioning of the digestive tract. Within five hours after taking this drug orally, the act of defecation becomes easier. It can be used at home, which is very convenient.

The use of petroleum jelly for constipation has a number of advantages:

  • The stool softens;
  • The intestines are lubricated;
  • A mucous barrier is formed that promotes the movement of feces;
  • There is no stagnation in the intestines.

It is recommended to take Vaseline oil two hours before or after meals. For an adult, the required dose is 2 tsp. This drug can also be used to combat constipation in children aged one year and older. Children under three years old should be given half a teaspoon. For a child over three years old, the dosage should be increased to two full spoons.

External use in the form of compresses

Vaseline oil is used for joint diseases and muscle pain after physical activity. In this case, it is used externally in the form of compresses, which have a fairly quick and positive therapeutic effect.

It is best to make such compresses at night as follows:

  1. Prepare a gauze napkin or a bandage folded in several layers;
  2. Moisten a napkin with Vaseline oil and squeeze out;
  3. Apply a napkin to the sore area;
  4. Cover the compress with compress paper;
  5. Secure the compress and paper with a bandage (wide bandage).

A compress made from Vaseline oil and alcohol is also highly effective. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the sore spot with oil, after which a napkin moistened with water and sprinkled with alcohol is applied.

For treating the skin of newborn babies

Every family with newborn children must have Vaseline oil in their medicine cabinet. Its beneficial properties will help in caring for the baby’s skin, with constipation, as well as in caring for the breasts of a nursing mother. How and where will they be used?

  • Yellow crusts often form on the baby’s scalp. They are also called diathesis. It is not recommended to rip them off, as this may cause damage to the integrity of the child's skin, which will lead to the risk of infection entering the child's body. To remove such crusts, Vaseline oil is used, which is lubricated on the child’s scalp. You can achieve a better effect by lubricating your baby’s scalp after the bath. After a few minutes, the crusts will soften and can be safely and easily removed.
  • Diaper rash and heat rash are the most common skin problems for children. Vaseline oil can cope with these unpleasant irritations. To do this, after washing the baby, problem areas and folds must be lubricated with oil. This drug can be used as a prophylaxis for diaper dermatitis and used under a diaper.
  • Infants may have difficulty breathing due to difficulty breathing. The reason for this may be the accumulation of dust and dirt in the nose. Vaseline oil is used to lubricate the nasal passages. It moisturizes and softens the mucous membrane and helps the child breathe more easily and freely.
  • In case of constipation, the child should have an enema. Vaseline oil used as a lubricant will help facilitate the entry of the tip into the rectum;
  • Breastfeeding mothers often experience the problem of milk blockage. This leads to the formation of hardness in the chest and painful sensations. A compress of Vaseline oil can soften the breasts. This will remove discomfort and pain, and also improve milk flow.

The use of Vaseline oil in cosmetology

Vaseline oil mixes well with other oils and substances, which allows it to be used in cosmetology as a base for various creams and ointments. This drug is of particular importance in the field of hair care.

How to use on hair

The most common hair problem is hair loss. The reason for this may be frequent styling, the use of dyes, hair dryers, curling irons, etc. However, hair loss can also occur due to internal factors, such as poor heredity, poor nutrition, nervous overload, etc. In hair treatment, it is important to find the cause and eliminate it, but you can improve the condition of your hair at home using simple remedies such as Vaseline oil.

Vaseline oil in its pure form can only soften and moisturize the scalp. In combination with other oils, you can achieve a significant positive effect. To prepare masks with petroleum jelly, it is recommended to use the following oils: olive, burdock and sea buckthorn oil. Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect. You can get a pleasant mask by adding drops of pine needles, tea tree, mint or lavender to the main composition.

How to prepare such masks? Vaseline oil is mixed with other oils in equal proportions. A few drops of essential oil are added to the composition. The resulting mixture is applied to damp hair for an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Contraindications to use of the product

The use of petroleum jelly has its limitations. It should not be used by persons who have:

  • Infectious diseases of the abdominal cavity;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Ulcerative intestinal lesions;
  • Temperature.

Pregnant women should also not take petroleum jelly internally, as this can cause uterine tone.

Vaseline oil helps relieve constipation

Properties of Vaseline Oil

The product has a wound-healing, disinfectant, laxative effect, it is odorless and colorless. When applied to the skin, it forms a dense thin film that retains moisture and protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment (cold, sunlight).

When consumed orally, petroleum jelly helps cleanse the intestines and improve peristalsis. It removes harmful substances from the body that have accumulated due to infrequent bowel movements. Once in the intestines, the product creates a film on its walls and softens the stool, without being absorbed and completely eliminated from the body.

The oil is hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and does not have a negative impact on human health. However, it must be taken into account that its frequent oral use provokes a decrease in intestinal muscle tone (atony), and also impairs the functioning of the stomach and the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Vaseline oil: application

The product is used in medicine and cosmetology. It is used to eliminate constipation, improve the condition of skin, hair, and eyelashes. Vaseline oil is considered an excellent skin care product for babies. It helps fight diaper rash and infantile seborrhea (the formation of crusts on the head in newborns).

The oil is used as:

· individual skin care products;

· laxative;

· bactericidal agent for lubricating the nasal cavity;

· bases for creams and cosmetics.

Liquid paraffin dissolves in other oils (with the exception of castor oil); cosmetologists recommend using it together with essential oils. The product itself does not contain nutrients, so its use without additional components does not benefit the skin.

The instructions for using Vaseline oil state that it is consumed on an empty stomach, up to 2 times a day, a tablespoon. The laxative effect occurs six hours after taking the drug. It is possible to increase the single dose of oil if the stool does not return to normal after 1 dose. You should not use the drug without consulting a doctor, as it only eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but does not fight the cause of constipation.

Contraindications for oral use:

· pregnancy;

· childhood;

· intestinal obstruction;

· heat;

· inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;

Bleeding and sharp pain in the abdomen.

If you have oil intolerance, the drug is also not recommended for use. When using liquid paraffin, you need to know that the duration of its use should not exceed five days.

The product used on the skin can cause acne and pimples. To avoid this, you need to use it correctly. On oily skin, petroleum jelly creates a film and interferes with normal oxygen exchange in cells. Therefore, the use of the drug for this skin type is not recommended. The oil is suitable for normal and dry skin; it helps restore the skin with dermatitis, diaper rash, cuts and scratches.

The product can be mixed with apricot oil and then applied to the skin - this way the beneficial substances will be absorbed faster. In the cold season, the drug is applied to the skin of the hands and face during adverse weather conditions (snowfall, strong wind). Before visiting the beach, the oil will provide your skin with protection from the negative effects of sunlight. Remember that the product must be washed off after several hours of being on the skin, otherwise the risk of a greenhouse effect increases.

Liquid paraffin is an inexpensive and accessible product with a wide range of applications. The average cost of the drug is 40 rubles per package. Compared to other products of similar action, Vaseline oil is much more effective, safer and cheaper.



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