Allergy to dust: symptoms and prevention. Allergy to dust and ways to solve this problem Allergy to household dust

Allergy to dust occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and other organs, as well as the skin. It often manifests itself in the form of facial swelling, runny nose, and lacrimation. The development of angioedema of the pharynx is rarely observed.

Causes of dust allergies

Dust consists of microparticles that break off from different compounds. Street water differs from home water because it consists primarily of soil minerals. In cities, they are supplemented by bitumen and gravel contained in asphalt on roads, combustion products and plant components. The latter include fungal spores and pollen.

Household allergies manifest themselves not only to microparticles brought from the street. House dust, which is 6 times more toxic than substances from the street, can also provoke the development of allergies, since dirt, volatile substances from burned gasoline and particles of pet skin settle in the home.

All this is reinforced by pathogenic microorganisms that multiply in dusty places.

The following types of house dust are identified that cause household allergies:

  1. Paper: often found on toilet paper and money.
  2. Contained in waste products of pets: dander and hair, sweat and saliva.
  3. Construction: cement dust, caustic substances in paints, whitewash and sawdust that remain in the apartment after renovation.
  4. Pyroglyphid mites: live in pillows, blankets and between carpet fibers.
  5. Bookstore: volumes of old books on the shelves of the home library (collecting dust from the streets).
  6. Plant: fungal spores and pollen.

All microparticles enter the respiratory tract along with the air. The respiratory system is covered with sensitive ciliated epithelium, so it immediately reacts to potential allergens. An inadequate immune system response develops: immunoglobulin E is produced, swelling and rhinitis occur.

Allergy to dust mites

Insects feed on the dead stratum corneum of the skin, the scales of which remain on all surfaces of the apartment. As a result, dermatophagoid mites try to settle closer to the food source:

  • pillows;
  • blankets;
  • carpets;
  • stuffing upholstered furniture and toys.

In 1 g of dust ball a colony of up to 10,000 pests can develop, but most often their number does not exceed 100 pieces. So many insects will not cause harm to the body if the immune system is functioning normally. But for allergy sufferers, 10 mites are enough, which periodically change the exoskeleton and leave excrement on the bed linen. When inhaling their waste products, swelling of the nasopharynx develops, lacrimation and allergic rhinitis begin.

The negative immune response is caused by the ingestion of protein contained in insects. Proteins are highly active, therefore they are mistakenly regarded by immunocompetent cells as a threat - a pathogenic agent.

How is it developing?

Regardless of the type of dust, an allergic reaction develops according to one algorithm:

  • a potential allergen (dust, particles of cement, cellulose) enters the respiratory tract;
  • microelements penetrate into the bloodstream through the alveolar capillaries and from the pulmonary circulation into the large circulation;
  • substances circulate through the vessels, they are caught by immunocompetent cells and begin to be captured;
  • during the immune response, antibodies damage the body’s own units - mast cells containing histamine, it is released into the blood and triggers the process of inflammation;
  • swelling provokes lacrimation, runny nose, and skin rashes.

Symptoms and signs of dust allergies

Allergy to dust in infants rarely develops in the presence of a hereditary predisposition.

There are 5 main types of allergies in adults, which differ in their clinical picture. It is impossible to determine the type of negative immune reaction in advance, since it depends on the number of potential allergens in the dust coma.

The area where they end up also plays an important role. These places include mucous membranes, respiratory organs or skin. A child may develop several types of allergies at once.

Dust allergies can take a chronic form. Exacerbations develop when an allergen enters the body, and in its absence, a stage of remission occurs.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, occurring in mild, moderate or severe form. Allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by:

  1. Redness of the conjunctiva. Small vessels become clearly visible on the whites of the eyes, and hyperemia of the sclera is observed.
  2. Increased tear production. Histamine causes irritation of the lacrimal sac, resulting in the production of large amounts of fluid.
  3. Inflammation and redness of the eyelids. Due to swelling, the eye partially closes.
  4. The appearance of Horner-Trantas spots. These are yellowish dots that develop against the background of keratoconjunctivitis. In this case, the skin around the eyes turns pale due to the outflow of blood.
  5. Swelling of the face. Occurs only in severe cases of allergic conjunctivitis or Quincke's edema.

In 95% of allergy cases, both eyes are affected.

Allergic rhinitis

Develops in 85% of people with allergies. Characterized by the following symptoms:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • itching in the nasopharynx and nasal passages;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • discharge of clear fluid from the nose;
  • congestion that develops after contact with dust.

Symptoms of rhinitis are relieved at night, due to the release of hormones with anti-inflammatory properties. Mostly after 20:00, the production of cortisone and hydrocortisone is observed, which relieve swelling and nasal congestion.

If, instead of clear liquid, purulent yellow-green exudate begins to flow, this indicates the development of an infection in the paranasal sinuses.

Atopic dermatitis (eczema)

The skin is affected gradually. The allergy is chronic and manifests itself in childhood from 5 to 12 years. The following clinical picture is observed:

  1. Severe itching. Occurs during an exacerbation period. The severity of the symptom increases during contact with dust, under stressful conditions, or when chemical irritants come into contact with the skin: salt, acetic acid, ethanol.
  2. Dryness. Histamine causes swelling of soft tissues, which increases and compresses the vessels in the subcutaneous fat. As a result, epithelial cells do not receive the necessary oxygen and nutrients in sufficient quantities. The production of sweat and sebum decreases, and the skin dries out.
  3. Swelling of the lips, development of cheilitis.
  4. Peeling, formation of trophic ulcers. At the age of 9-12 years, wet ulcers begin to appear on the skin, causing pain and discomfort. After 15-18 years, they are accompanied by abundant peeling.
  5. Dermographism. The symptom is checked using a ruler - it is pressed against the eczema and waited for 20 seconds. In allergic dermatitis, white spots do not go away within 120 seconds due to compression of blood vessels.

At the age of 12, ulcers form more often in the joint area, on the face or lower leg. In older people, eczema spreads to the back of the head, neck, upper limbs and chest.


Diagnosis of urticaria is carried out during an external examination of a person. The pathological process is accompanied by the development of the following symptoms:

  1. Blisters of different sizes. Around the tumors, the skin turns red, irritation and severe itching begin. They disappear on their own within 24-30 hours.
  2. Inflammation and periodically manifested hyperemia. The lesion is characterized by pain and does not itch. Swelling goes away within 72 hours.
  3. The appearance of spots on the skin. They come in red and brown colors. When scratched, the skin swells and fills with fluid.

Hives develop quickly as a result of large amounts of allergen entering the body. Relapse occurs rarely.


Clinical picture:

  • increased skin temperature, redness;
  • development of urticaria.

The pathological process develops over several hours or days. With hormonal therapy with glucocorticosteroids, symptoms disappear within a day.

Diagnosis of the disease

The examination is carried out in several stages:

  1. Anamnesis collection. The patient is asked about complaints, symptoms that appeared and the time when they appeared.
  2. Clinical blood test. Eosinophils are counted. In case of allergies, their number exceeds 0.3 × 109/l. ESR rises to 15-25.
  3. Allergy tests. Substances containing potential allergens are applied to the skin of the back. After this, the development of the reaction is observed. If hyperemia, blisters and inflammation appear, the test is considered positive. Tests are not carried out if there are signs of infectious skin lesions on the back and during periods of exacerbation of allergies.

Allergy tests are carried out in 3 ways:

Name Method of implementation Features of the allergy test
Prick test The forearm is disinfected with medical alcohol, and 1 drop of various allergens is applied. The skin is punctured 1 mm through the liquid. The test result is positive if redness with a diameter of 3 mm or more forms around the puncture. It is used in 95% of cases and is considered the safest method. It does not allow large amounts of allergen to enter the body, and false symptoms do not occur.
Scarification The back or forearm is disinfected and the skin is scraped off. A drop of allergen is applied to each scraping. When the skin becomes swollen or red, the test is considered positive. Used when for some reason it is impossible to perform a skin prick test. The risk of developing false symptoms is about 15%.
Appliqué The skin is wiped with alcohol, and a potential allergen is applied without scraping or puncturing with a needle. The reaction is recorded after 10 minutes. Used to diagnose the etiology of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.

If there is no response to special tests, a provocative test is performed. To carry it out, a potential irritant is applied to the lesion:

  • with rhinitis on the ciliated epithelium in the nose;
  • with allergic conjunctivitis on the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • for food allergies in the oral cavity.

The test is carried out only in the presence of an allergist who has the skills to assist with the development of anaphylactic shock.

How to properly collect dust samples for a doctor?

To submit dust particles for laboratory analysis, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Collect dust from curtains and furniture. Do not touch the floor surface.
  2. To collect samples from the floor, use a vacuum cleaner capable of picking up microparticles. 1 tsp is enough for analysis.
  3. The collected dust is sifted through a sieve and placed in a sterile container.

How to distinguish allergies from colds?

Most people confuse the symptoms of allergies and colds due to the similarity of the clinical picture:

  • runny nose;
  • cough and sneezing;
  • headache;
  • chest compression.

A cold occurs when the body is overcooled. If symptoms develop after cleaning the house and are accompanied by itching, burning, and rashes, this means an allergy. When going outside, the symptoms weaken.

In case of an infectious disease, thick yellow mucus is released from the nose. In case of allergies, clear liquid flows. In this case, pathology occurs regularly in the presence of dust. Cold symptoms disappear within a week.

Allergy treatment methods

There are the following methods to combat dust, which provokes the development of allergies:

  1. Reduce contact with microparticles. Carry out regular wet cleaning of all surfaces in the apartment, clean carpets, wash bed linen. It is recommended to purchase synthetic pillows and blankets, ventilate the rooms in the morning and artificially increase the humidity level in the room.
  2. For allergic rhinitis, use protective sprays. They contain coating substances that protect the nasal mucosa from potential allergens.
  3. Take medications (antihistamines, membrane protectors). For severe allergies, use glucocorticosteroids orally or parenterally.
  4. Carry out specific immunotherapy. An effective way to eliminate rhinitis and allergic asthma. Treatment continues for 2-5 years.

First aid how to deal with lung spasms

In some cases, dust causes angioedema of the pharynx, which is accompanied by respiratory failure. In this case, when inhaling, a characteristic whistle is heard, the skin turns pale, and fainting is possible.

The victim requires first aid:

  1. Move the patient further from the source of the allergy, call an ambulance.
  2. Try to calm down, ask to breathe more slowly.
  3. Sit on a chair facing the back, placing a soft cloth under your chest to facilitate breathing. After this, ventilate the room, open windows and doors.
  4. Use bronchodilators in the form of inhalation, antihistamine tablets, or give an Eufillin injection.

Medicinal methods

Drug therapy includes the following systemic drugs:

  1. Histamine I receptor inhibitors: Cetirizine, Loratadine, Desloratadine. Relieve symptoms by preventing further release of histamine from mast cells.
  2. Membrane protectors: Ketotifen. It is used when the effectiveness of antihistamines is low. Reduces the sensitivity of cells to allergens and histamine.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids. Used to relieve swelling of the pharynx, intestines, and upper respiratory tract. These include: Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine is used only as a preventive measure for the disease, since it has virtually no positive effect during an exacerbation and can worsen the patient’s condition.

The following medications are used:

  1. Rinse with calendula flower tincture. 1 tsp. herbal mixture, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Effective for rhinitis.
  2. Saline solution for nasal congestion. ⅓ tsp. salts are dissolved in a glass of water and the nose is rinsed.
  3. Eucalyptus oil against ticks. Before washing, place bedding and clothes in water mixed with 2-3 drops of the product for 30 minutes.
  4. A decoction of cornflower flowers against conjunctivitis. 1 tsp. collection, pour 150 ml of hot water, leaving for 20 minutes. Wipe the mucous membranes with a cotton pad.

Alternative medicine

For dust allergies, hirudotherapy or leech treatment is often used. The procedure is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with low blood pressure;
  • patients with iron deficiency anemia;
  • for bleeding disorders.

How to treat with homeopathy?

For homeopathic treatment, small doses of the potential allergen are used and administered orally. During therapy, it is prohibited to stop taking medications.

The following types of drugs are used:

  1. Cinnabsin. Available in tablets containing yellow root extract, mercury sulfide, echinacea essence and potassium dichromate.
  2. Luffel. Made from extract of liana-like herbs. Used for rhinitis.
  3. Karsat-Edas. Contains oat grains, echinacea, wood ash, arsenic.

Treatment of children

In childhood, symptomatic therapy is carried out:

  1. Allergic rhinitis. Nasonex is prescribed in the form of inhalation. Drink Rinopront capsules or syrup.
  2. For bronchospasm and sputum, Bromhexine syrup and Salbutamol inhalation are used.
  3. Conjunctivitis. Treatment with Cromohexal is indicated for a child over 2 years old, Allergodil for children over 4 years old, and Lecrolin for children aged 6 to 12 years. Available in the form of eye drops.
  4. Skin lesions. Ointments for external use Sinaflan, Celestoderm are used. Apply once daily for 4 weeks. Among non-hormonal products, newborns can use Fenistil gel or Skin-cap 2 times a day. Bepanten helps speed up skin regeneration. Chlorhexidine is used for disinfection.

Among antihistamines, the child is prescribed Zyrtec, Suprastin for children or Telfast.

Prognosis and prevention

To prevent the development of allergies, you need:

  • reduce contact with the allergen;
  • clean the house (wet);
  • ventilate the apartment in the morning and evening;
  • replace bed linen, carpets and mattresses with synthetic products;
  • undergo a preventive examination with an allergist 2 times a year;
  • undergo a course of specific immunotherapy.

With adequate treatment with antihistamines, the prognosis is favorable.

Which mattresses are best for dust allergies?

Latex products are considered the best option. This is a durable material that is not susceptible to tick infestation.

Among the more affordable options you can purchase mattresses:

  • made of artificial latex;
  • with foam;
  • with padding polyester content.

Which vacuum cleaners to choose?

For allergy sufferers, vacuum cleaners with a HEPA filter are suitable, which traps dust microparticles and does not throw them back into the air.

You can also buy vertical types of vacuum cleaners that have a water or fabric micromesh filter.

Which blanket to choose?

  • silicone;
  • holofiber;
  • fluff of swans.

The duvet cover is chosen from natural materials.

What can replace carpet?

Carpets on the walls are thrown away because they collect a lot of dust. Flooring products can be replaced with bamboo mats, synthetic or silicone pads.

Nutrition and supplements

People with allergies need to follow a hypoallergenic diet. It excludes the use of any spices, spices, dyes and flavor enhancers. A small amount of salt is allowed per day. Highly allergenic foods are completely removed from the daily menu. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages, fatty and smoked foods.

Why does an allergic reaction to house dust, food and pollen develop, can the disease occur in adulthood, how do different generations of antihistamines differ, and are new types of allergies appearing in Russia?

Elena Bobrova, head of the department of allergology and immunology at the clinic of the Pavlov First Medical University, answers the most common questions about allergies.

- What allergies are most common in St. Petersburg?

In the northern regions, among the adult population, the most common allergies are those caused by the so-called household allergen - the allergen of house dust mites and the epidermis of domestic animals. 80 percent of patients suffering from allergic diseases have this type.

In our country, in the northern regions, allergies to tree pollen are also common: birch, alder, hazel. Alder and hazel pollen have already appeared in the air, and birch pollen is about to appear. They all bloom in April-May, and this period ends in early June.

Another common type of pollen allergy is grass pollen allergy. These are grasses that grow on lawns, meadow grasses.

In addition, allergies to pollen from weeds, such as wormwood, are common: although it also grows here, people most affected by allergies to wormwood pollen are in the steppes and southern regions.

Food allergies are rare in adults. This is a pediatric problem. Children are often allergic to animal products, such as cow's milk proteins, chicken eggs, fish, as well as grains and soy. These types of food allergies usually disappear by the age of five, and in many children - earlier.

- What allergies usually persist even into adulthood?

Most often, an allergy to fish persists from childhood. Adults may experience [allergic reactions] to products of plant origin. Typically, they also suffer from pollen allergies because pollen [and some foods] have cross-antigens. For example, in about 40 percent of people with an allergy to birch, we can find an allergy to nuts and stone fruits. Only five percent have cross food allergies to grains.

About 27 percent of those with pollen allergies to wormwood also have food allergies, such as mustard or asteraceae. This group includes many medicinal herbs: yarrow, calendula, chamomile.

- How does an allergic reaction occur and how does it depend on the type of allergy?

Allergies develop according to certain laws. There are four types of allergic reactions. As a rule, during allergic reactions to pollen or plant products, specific class E immunoglobulins are produced. For example, such antibodies appear to birch and hazel pollen, apples, and carrots.

Allergy is always a genetically determined disease.

- What is the reason for the growing number of allergies in this case? For example, the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology speaks of an epidemic increase in incidence.

There is indeed an increase in allergic diseases. Most often, allergic diseases affect the respiratory tract, which is manifested by allergic rhinitis, asthma, and conjunctivitis. In childhood, a pathology such as atopic dermatitis is often encountered, which with age usually transforms into a respiratory form of the disease.

Damage to the respiratory tract is largely associated with air pollution in industrial centers, where there are many emissions from enterprises. Polluted air damages the epithelium, and a weak antigen penetrates through it, which did not cause diseases in previous generations: pollen, an allergen of house dust mites. In this case, the allergic reaction occurs in the form of bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis.

- That is, such an allergy can occur in the middle of life?

After all, allergies are predominantly an early disease. Therefore, there are many allergy sufferers among children.

Protection against allergic disease is carried out through the production of blocking antibodies - immunoglobulins of the G4 class. They do not allow the development of a clear clinical picture, which is caused by a high concentration of class E immunoglobulins.

But if for some reason the production of immunoglobulins of the G4 class is disrupted, then a clinical picture of an allergic disease may develop or the symptoms that were in the past may return. Therefore, it happens that a number of people had symptoms in childhood, then they went away, and then in adulthood, at 30–40 years old, a clinically pronounced allergy may suddenly develop.

If a person continues to have an allergy into adulthood, can it still subside over the course of life?

If the diagnosis of bronchial asthma was made in childhood, but the patient has not had signs of suffocation for many years and nothing bothers him, this diagnosis is not removed.

Whether such a patient can be treated is another matter. If there are absolutely no complaints and functional indicators remain within normal limits, then no. But still, a person should know what caused bronchial asthma in childhood and avoid these causally significant factors. Otherwise there will be a relapse. If you comply with [the necessary requirements], then a huge number of years can pass and the patient will have a stable remission - this applies to bronchial asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis. So treatment at different periods of life and periods of the disease is different.

How does a dust allergy develop? Does it depend, for example, on the composition of the dust settling at home?

An allergy to house dust is a household allergy to an antigen that is located in the apartment. First of all, it is associated with an allergy to domestic mites. Ticks are microscopic animals that are invisible to the eye, that do not bite, but produce an allergen. This was proven back in the 50s of the last century. In Latin they are called Dermatophagoides.

Ticks spread from infested apartments. In our city, about 80 percent of apartments are infected with them. How does this happen? As a rule, if people move to a new apartment and bring there from relatives at least one small pillow that had ticks in it, that is enough. They reproduce quickly; in three months their numbers [will] double.

There are no ticks in completely new apartments where no one has lived. They also do not happen in institutions or hotels, because there are usually no personal belongings that could be contaminated, and sanitization is carried out.

That is, is urban dust - for example, that which accumulates on roads and in the air after winter - safe in this sense?

This is a large dispersed dust that does not penetrate the lower respiratory tract and cannot be an allergen. An allergen is a protein with a certain molecular weight that can penetrate the epithelium. But dirt simply does not penetrate the epithelium.

How do different generations of antihistamines differ? Is there a difference in how they affect allergies?

There are two generations of antihistamines. First-generation drugs usually last six hours, are taken three times a day and have a lot of side effects, such as drowsiness, lack of coordination, and addiction.

There are a huge number of second-generation drugs that everyone has been using lately. All of these drugs work 24 hours, they are taken once a day, and, as a rule, they do not have the side effects that I mentioned. They allow you to drive a car, which is absolutely impossible to do when taking first-generation drugs.

If a person has minor allergies that do not cause a serious condition such as choking, is it necessary for him to take antihistamines?

Even if there are minor manifestations of allergies, you should consult a doctor. Antihistamines are not a panacea that helps in all cases. There are different ways to treat allergic diseases: for example, the treatment of bronchial asthma differs from the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Different means are used and different means will be effective. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist.

Is it necessary to take allergy tests for those people who do not have a diagnosed disease or any symptoms?

If the patient has no symptoms or complaints, then, in my opinion, there is no need to take tests - and they are quite expensive. If all of a patient’s relatives suffer from allergies, but he himself has no symptoms, then he can, if desired, consult an allergist.

-Are new types of allergies emerging?

If we talk about food allergies, a person’s diet does not change that much: the way it was for many years remains the same. Most often they eat dairy products, eggs, beef, pork, chicken, cereals in any form, fruits and vegetables.

On the other hand, in the past there was very little soy in our northern diet, so allergies to it were practically unreported. Soy is common throughout the world, and allergies to it occur. Now it appears more often in our country as we began to consume more of this product. Or, for example, sesame appeared [in our diet] - this is also an allergen. So I would say that new allergies are related to changing eating habits.

As for pollen allergies, plants that grew in our country many years ago still grow today. Nothing new appears here. But there are differences related to temperature: if there is earlier warming, then symptoms of pollen allergy appear earlier. And if there was a cold winter, and then a sharp warming, then all the plants begin to bloom at the same time, which is why more severe outbreaks of respiratory allergies occur.

- Which allergies are the most dangerous in terms of health consequences?

A very dangerous allergen is the allergen of hymenoptera venom: wasps and bees. An allergic reaction to the bite of such an insect is also determined in a laboratory way - by determining the corresponding specific immunoglobulins.

The situation here is quite complicated: a person must behave in such a way that he will not be bitten. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious - up to the development of anaphylactic shock. During the consultation, we tell such patients what they need to have at home and do on their own when they are bitten by a wasp or a bee.

A fish allergy can also cause a severe reaction. Patients usually know about it since childhood. Some not only cannot eat fish, but also react sharply even to its smell. Such patients should behave extremely carefully in public eating places, because if there was fish on the plate, it was removed and something else was put on, then this trace can provoke an extremely severe reaction in the patient.

Pollen allergies do occur in northern regions, but they are not as severe as, for example, in southern regions. Allergies to pets and ticks can cause severe asthma, but this is usually controlled and if the patient follows the [doctor's] orders, acute severe reactions often do not occur.

If we talk about fish allergies, does quantity play a role here? Let’s say, will there be a difference if a person’s fish just sat on his plate or if he ate a whole piece at once?

Any allergic reaction, including to fish, is not dose dependent. A small amount of antigen can enter the body, and a cascade of allergic reactions immediately develops, which can be very severe. And for another person - on the contrary, lungs. It depends on the patient, not on the amount of material received.

There is such a thing as pseudo-allergies: for example, these include “allergy” to cold. How do they work and how are they different from regular allergies?

There are a huge number of pseudo-allergic reactions - more than allergic ones. They are distinguished by the absence of an immune phase, that is, an antigen reaction within the body. Pseudoallergic reactions are based on many completely different mechanisms. Therefore, during diagnosis, we find out what disease is causing this reaction. They often occur due to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, fermentation disorders, intestinal dysbiosis - for example, after the use of antibiotics.

Here, by the way, there is a dependence on the dose of the product consumed. The more a person eats, the worse he feels. And when the patient is cured, he can eat [this product] again. In case of allergies, the patient can never consume [products that cause allergic reactions].

As for allergies to cold, this is usually a symptom of another disease. For example, a skin rash can develop with connective tissue diseases or autoimmune diseases. Therefore, a reaction to cold may be due to the fact that a person is poorly treated and does not receive enough medications. It's not an allergy.

An allergy is always a reaction to a substance, most often a protein of a certain molecular weight. It cannot arise from a physical factor.

In case of household allergies, antibodies to house dust are most often detected - from 25 to 30%. It is characterized by multiple allergenicity, since the components of house dust are very diverse. Under a microscope, dozens of its constituent elements are visible: food debris, hair, exfoliating scales of human skin, dander and hair from domestic animals, rodents, the secretion of their sebaceous glands, saliva, bird feathers, pollen, mold spores, microscopic mites, fragments of insects, their excrement , elements of chitinous cover. Household dust contains fibers from upholstered furniture, clothing, bedding, and book dust.

The allergen enters the body through the respiratory system. Antigens accumulate in carpets, interior items, mattresses, pillows and easily penetrate into the air. Their small size allows them to remain suspended for a long time.

Symptoms of an allergy to house dust

Allergy to dust is manifested by such pathologies as bronchial asthma, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. Exacerbations caused by household mites occur through direct contact and when protein allergens enter the body through the respiratory system.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

House dust is the main source of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is a chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is based on an immune response to stimulation by all kinds of irritants. The disease is manifested by a complex of symptoms:

  • copious secretion of watery mucus from the nose;
  • itching in the nose;
  • attacks of sneezing, more often in the morning;
  • nasal congestion;
  • less often, burning, itching in the nasopharynx, in the palate.

Due to an allergic runny nose, deterioration of the outflow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses, peeling and redness of the philtrum and on the wings of the nose, nosebleeds due to increased nose blowing and nose picking, painful sensations in the ears, especially when swallowing, hearing disorders, sore throat appear. , dry cough.
General symptoms of the disease: headache, difficulty concentrating, lethargy, irritability, malaise, poor appetite, fatigue sets in quickly, poor sleep, depressed mood, sometimes nausea from swallowing a lot of mucus, fever (extremely rare).

With allergic rhinitis, there are visual disorders: fear of light, itching, yellowness of the sclera and eye membrane, lacrimation, dark circles under the eyes.

Allergic rhinitis can exist as an independent disease or begin simultaneously with bronchial asthma. These two pathologies have a proven close relationship. The onset of allergic rhinitis in early childhood is the cause of the formation of allergic asthma in adolescence, as well as in adulthood.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation in the bronchial wall, which in response to the influence of causative factors leads to spasm, swelling of the mucous surface, increased secretion of mucus and bronchial obstruction. Recognizing the disease in typical cases is not difficult. This is episodic shortness of breath, an attack of suffocation, which is accompanied by wheezing and whistling.
Sometimes a typical attack is absent from the clinical picture. In this case, the symptoms of allergic asthma are as follows:

  • feeling of squeezing in the chest area;
  • loud paroxysmal wheezing with whistling, worsening on exhalation and disappearing with the use of bronchodilator medications;
  • slight secretion of mucus;
  • nonproductive cough (not a common symptom, especially in a child).

Symptoms often appear at night or early in the morning. When diagnosing bronchial asthma, a hereditary predisposition to allergies and the presence of concomitant diseases (for example, allergic rhinitis) are taken into account.

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, caused by a causative allergen. Symptoms of the pathology: swollen eyelids, feeling of sand in the eyes, itching, redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, fear of light.
With hypersensitivity to house dust, the disease occurs year-round. Allergic conjunctivitis of this type is characterized by a subacute form of the process with unexpressed external signs, combination with bronchial asthma and/or atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis. More often there is a moderate burning sensation of the eyes, typically slight discharge, and occasional itching of the eyelids.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

It manifests itself as skin rashes with intense itching, weeping, and inflammation. In chronic forms, skin thickening, peeling, and constant infection gradually develop. The disease often occurs at an early age (up to 5 years) and is a harbinger of the development of allergic lesions of the respiratory system. In adult patients, household allergens provoke the disease in 38% of cases.

Dust mites

The main objects of increased sensitivity to house dust are household mites of the pyroglyphide family Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. For them, house dust is their habitat. D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae belong to the group of permanent inhabitants of dust and occupy a dominant position in relation to other species of mites in residential areas. D. pteronyssinus feed on desquamated scales of the epidermis of human skin and the microflora that develops on them. D. farinae also feed on food debris found in dust.

It is not the mites themselves that have the greatest allergenic activity, but their small fragments and larval skins, as well as waste products of dust mites - fecal particles. During the research, about 20 tick-borne allergens were identified, mainly represented by digestive enzymes of ticks. To be even more precise, the immediate irritants are proteins with low molecular weight. They dissolve well in mucus and other organic liquids.
House dust mites multiply quickly at high humidity and temperatures from 17 to 24 ° C. Their highest numbers are found:

  • in bed linen – 91.5%;
  • in carpet dust samples – 84.8%;
  • on bookshelves – 45.8%.

The prevalence of mites in the house depends on a number of microclimatic characteristics of the place of residence (indoor humidity, temperature), biotic factors - the presence of yeast and mold fungi, social and living standards. Excellent conditions for tick reproduction are created with large crowds of people in a small living space and with occasional wet cleaning of the premises.

Microscopic mites of the genus D. Farinae and D. Pteronyssinus most often provoke rhinitis and bronchial asthma. To a lesser extent (10–14%) the development of atopic dermatitis is provoked.
Being permanent residents, household mites cause progressive diseases. Scientists are surprised to say that the number of ticks and their species diversity in places where people live is increasing.

Allergy to dust in a child

In children aged 3 to 7 years, food allergies lose their main role, giving way to inhalation allergies.
On average, house dust contains about 190.6 arachnids per gram of dust with an average indoor air humidity of 66%. It has been established that the accumulation of 100 tick-borne allergens per 1 gram of dust causes the development of sensitivity in patients with a genetic predisposition. Their concentration in an amount of 500 copies/gram provokes an asthma attack. It is assumed that the level of accumulation of tick-borne allergens that contribute to the development of sensitivity in a child is several times lower.

Allergy to dust provokes the development of asthma in infants and preschoolers. Interaction at an early age with toxic tick-borne allergens develops sensitization to them later. Boys are more likely to suffer from bronchial asthma in early childhood and adolescence. Typically, the disease is preceded by atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis, which subsequently accompany the course of asthma.

Allergic rhinitis often begins in childhood. Symptoms of the disease may appear early, but they are not always diagnosed. In 68% of children with allergic rhinitis, hyperreactivity of the bronchial tree is detected - a sharp spasm of the bronchi, dry wheezing in the lungs (infrequently) in response to a very low dose of histamine.


To prevent exacerbation of dust allergies, it is necessary to minimize contact with allergens. Necessary:

  • carry out wet cleaning of the premises;
  • wash bedding frequently at high temperatures;
  • change the mattress regularly;
  • use bedding with synthetic filling;
  • remove old furniture, carpets, curtains from the apartment;
  • purchase special protective covers for beds and upholstered furniture.

It is difficult to exclude contact with causally significant air allergens. However, even selectively performed measures will alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the need to take medications. Wet cleaning is something that is important to do every day.

For allergic rhinitis, irrigation-elimination therapy is performed. The procedure flushes mucus and dust particles from the nose, stimulates blood circulation, and removes pathogenic agents. This is irrigation of the nasal cavity, rinsing it and the nasopharynx by moving fluid, showering the nasal part of the pharynx. Therapy is carried out with medications based on sea water. These preparations contain trace elements and salts that provide the required therapeutic effect. Medicines with different concentrations of sodium chloride are used: hypotonic (0.65%), isotonic (0.9%) and hypertonic (2.3%) saline solutions. Nasal swelling and the amount of inflammatory mediators are reduced, and mucus is mechanically removed.

  • maintaining long-term remission after a course of treatment – ​​3 – 5 years;
  • prevention of complications of clinical allergy symptoms, for example, the addition of asthma to allergic rhinitis;
  • reduction in the need for symptomatic treatment of allergies after 1–2 years of therapy;
  • prevention of expansion of the number of allergens to which the immune response follows.

Treatment with drugs takes place in various groups of drugs. Most recommendations suggest a step-by-step treatment regimen depending on the type of disease and the severity of its course.

Allergies are considered the most common and unpleasant disease for millions of people. It is caused by any allergen: food, fabrics, flowers, even household dust. It is house dust that brings the most inconvenience, because it is impossible to get rid of it completely, even if you rinse it every day. Literally after 10 minutes, dust particles appear in the cleaned area again.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you are walking down the street or watching TV at home, this allergen always accompanies you. People are so accustomed to this disease that they do not perceive allergies as something dangerous, but in vain. First of all, the presence of allergies indicates that the immune system is not functioning properly. Therefore, at the first sign of allergic symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Allergies to house dust are especially common in large cities, where human health experiences various types of stress every day:

  • Moral;
  • Physical;
  • Exposure to various toxic substances.

The problem is that it is impossible to completely cure allergies; modern medicine only helps to alleviate symptoms and remove the consequences of exposure to the allergen.

What is dust

Do not think that house dust contains only small particles of debris. The composition of the home is varied:

  • Pulp particles from book dust;
  • Pet fur and parts of their skin;
  • Dead particles of human skin. They can be located on all surfaces, especially on the bed.
  • Waste products of small insects, including dust mites.
  • Microscopic spores of various bacteria and viruses.

These insects are so small in size that they can only be seen under a microscope, and they feed on dead human skin cells. Dust mites are the most common cause of allergies. Their favorite place is all soft surfaces in the house, especially feather pillows and bed mattresses.

How does a dust allergy manifest itself?

Allergies to household dust manifest themselves in different ways. Commonly encountered symptoms include:

  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Itching in the nose and nasopharynx;
  • Runny nose, when no drops help, except special anti-allergy ones;
  • Uncontrollable tearing;
  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Skin rash;
  • In severe cases, difficulty breathing or asthma.

A person's general condition worsens when he is in a room with a large number of carpets or soft toys. A cough or runny nose begins while resting on the bed or sleeping. But as soon as the allergy sufferer leaves the room, his condition improves and the symptoms subside.

How does dust allergy manifest in different people? Each person is different, so an allergen may affect you differently. Someone sneezes intensely and suffers from a runny nose, another breaks out in a rash, and a third begins to choke.

The symptoms provoke the development of chronic ailments, which worsen during contact with dust. But there are also several types of dust, household and industrial:

  • House dust;
  • Cement;
  • Street;
  • Even an allergy to the concrete mixture develops due to the presence of cement and sand in it.

Therefore, you should understand what type of dust your body reacts to. If the reaction is to cement dust, then you should avoid places where construction is taking place. Cement contains heavy metals, which are most likely in excess in your body.

Why do dust allergies develop?

Every person, one way or another, comes into contact with dust, but some exhibit allergy symptoms, in mild or acute form. But it doesn’t bother others. Why is this happening? Doctors, having conducted research, believe that much depends on a person’s genetic predisposition.

Over the past decades, people's immune systems have weakened significantly due to exposure to environmental factors, and this directly affects the future generation. After all, all the diseases are passed on to him from his parents.

There are also many reasons for the development of allergies:

  • Ecology deteriorating every year;
  • Life in big cities. Where the level of toxins in the air is significantly higher;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Addiction to bad habits: alcohol, smoking.

Allergic symptoms can appear not only in adults, but also in children, even in infancy. The problem arises in making the correct diagnosis, especially in cases of bronchial allergy. When the wrong treatment is prescribed, it further worsens the condition of the body.

What to do and how to find out that a child has an allergy? It should be checked by an allergist-immunologist. There, after conducting a series of tests, you can accurately determine the presence of the disease, as well as calculate the allergen that causes it.

The symptoms of dust allergies in adults differ from those in children. The body of an adult is stronger, so a mild form is more common, manifested by external symptoms: tears, runny nose, frequent sneezing. In a child, symptoms may manifest themselves in a more severe form, often masquerading as bronchitis.

What diseases do allergies cause?

When an allergen enters the human body, the immune system fights it. As soon as the first reaction appears, the patient immediately feels discomfort from external symptoms.

  • Severe sneezing begins;
  • In some cases, a cough occurs;
  • The nasopharynx becomes inflamed and a runny nose begins;
  • Uncontrollable tearing begins as a consequence of inflammation of the conjunctival film of the eyes;
  • The most severe allergic symptom is difficulty breathing caused by coughing.

Each of the described symptoms indicates a specific human illness:

  • Allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Skin eczema or allergic dermatitis;
  • Hives;
  • And in rare cases, angioedema.

Any of these diseases is dangerous and requires individual treatment. There is no universal tablet or drop to cure allergies, so you need to consult a doctor.

It is worthwhile to dwell in detail on each allergic disease. Due to the huge content of various allergens in house dust, it is sometimes difficult to determine which one causes a negative reaction. And frequent contact of house dust with skin, the allergen can be located on the hands, and then enter the body through: open wounds, eyes, mouth, etc.

Inflammation of the conjunctival film of the eyes

The problem with an allergy to household dust is that it can be present in a person all year round and the change of seasons does not play a big role. It is by this sign that this disease is recognized. The disease is divided into three forms:

  • Light;
  • Average;
  • Heavy.

It is possible to identify which form a patient has by the complexity and frequency of the symptoms manifested during the attack. Each form has its own name:

  • Conjunctive hyperemia - capillaries and redness clearly appear on the eye.
  • Tearfulness - can manifest itself at different stages of an allergic disease, the severity of the form depends on the intensity of tear production.
  • Swelling of the eyelids occurs with a moderate allergic attack. If the eye is completely swollen, it means that a severe form of conjunctivitis has occurred.
  • The stage when swelling spreads from the eyelids to the entire face occurs in an acute and severe form; without emergency assistance, swelling can spread to the neck, which will lead to difficulty breathing.
  • When instead of redness of the eyes, yellow spots appear around the edges. The eyes themselves become very pale, another name for this allergy symptom is “Horner's spots.”

Depending on the severity of the attack, the forms of allergic conjunctivitis are called differently to make it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment. It is also convenient for even an allergy sufferer to determine at what stage the disease is.

An allergic reaction manifests itself in both eyes, which will help to immediately eliminate other eye diseases.

Allergic rhinitis

This is the most common form of reaction to dust. The allergen found in house dust irritates the nasal mucosa. Therefore, the disease can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Sneezing;
  • Itching in the nose;
  • Copious discharge of fluid from the nose.
  • Congestion may also occur due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

As soon as a negative reaction to dust occurs, the allergy sufferer should immediately leave the room. Being outside with fresh air will help relieve nasal inflammation and you will be able to breathe again. At night, the patient also feels relief, because during sleep the body intensively produces certain hormones that fight the allergen.

Eczema or allergic dermatitis

Usually the provocateur of this disease is a food allergen, but dust can also provoke attacks due to the abundant content of all kinds of microbes and bacteria in it.

Eczema appears as an itchy rash on any part of the body. Constant scratching causes symptoms to worsen. Ulcers begin to form and become covered with a flaky crust. If such signs of dust allergy are detected, it is necessary to minimize contact with it. The doctor usually prescribes a suitable ointment for treatment.

The skin around the affected part is dry. The progression of this type of allergy can trigger the development of skin dermographism. To determine it, you need to apply a ruler to the surface of the skin and press it a little, then remove it; if the skin remains white for more than 20 seconds, then you have allergic dermatitis.


This form of allergy is also a reaction to an irritating element found in dust. This manifestation of dust allergy is detected when examining a person. Often found in children. And it looks like small goosebumps on the skin that do not go away even after warming up this area of ​​the body. The reaction occurs quickly after contact with the allergen. Therefore, by removing it, the symptom will disappear.

Edema form of allergy

This reaction is quite rare and is observed mainly from food allergens. Such a reaction to dust is extremely rare. And if you start treatment immediately, you can quickly get rid of it. And although the symptoms pass quickly, you need to be extremely careful, because swelling of the larynx may occur as a complication, which will make breathing difficult.

Methods for treating allergy symptoms

Can allergies be cured? Unfortunately, even modern medicine is unable to cope with this disease. But constantly improving means that relieve symptoms help improve the life of allergy sufferers. How to treat dust allergies? Your doctor will give you all the necessary advice during your consultation.

Also, the tests and analyzes carried out will help you choose the appropriate medications so as not to harm the body. Treatment of dust allergies, especially in acute and severe forms, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. After all, the presence of one allergen can provoke a negative reaction to any component of the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

It is impossible to completely cure allergies, but there are effective ways to treat the symptoms of dust allergies. First of all, this is taking antihistamines, which help get rid of external signs6 of redness, tearing, runny nose, etc.

Afterwards, it is necessary to take medications that are aimed directly at combating the allergen present in the body, enterosorbents.


Even with allergies, you can live your life to the fullest, the main thing is to undergo treatment on time and take medications regularly to strengthen the immune system.

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Modern doctors admit that every year there are more and more people with allergies. This is due to the development of technologies and means of protection. That is, we shelter the child from infancy from various external pathogens and thereby do him a disservice. The body does not encounter various particles and does not learn to resist them. As a result, the child develops an allergy. Living a child in a sterile environment is very dangerous for his health and immunity. It has long been proven that people living in rural areas suffer from allergies several times less. But city dwellers are much more susceptible to allergic reactions. Today we’ll talk about dust allergies - how and why it manifests itself, what to do about it and how to protect yourself from the allergen.

Allergies are difficult to diagnose, since parents often associate coughing, sniffles and sneezing with the cold-like nature of the disease. So, how does a dust allergy manifest itself?

  1. Nose. Very often, the manifestation of allergies begins with a banal runny nose. The discharge is clear and liquid. Rhinitis is manifested by frequent sneezing, nasal congestion, itching and soreness in the nasal passages.
  2. Eyes. In some cases, an allergic reaction manifests itself as conjunctivitis. In this case, active lacrimation is observed, the whites of the eyes become red, the eyes sting, itch, the eyelids swell, the person experiences a burning sensation, and cannot look at the light. Sometimes the patient may be diagnosed with a temporary decrease in visual acuity.
  3. Leather. Allergies often manifest themselves as various rashes on the skin, which can itch and swell. There is redness in some areas of the epidermis, and blisters may appear.
  4. Lungs. Most often, an allergy to dust is manifested by coughing, wheezing, and bronchial spasms. If timely measures are not taken, an allergic cough develops into asthma, which is much more difficult to combat.

Allergic manifestations to house dust can be individual or combined. For some, allergies manifest themselves only as a cough, while others suffer from the whole complex of the listed symptoms. But where does the disease come from?

how to get rid of house dust

But trouble does not come alone. Often, an allergy to dust is combined with an allergy to pollen and a reaction to mold spores. House dust is present in our homes all year round, but why does the disease worsen only in summer and spring? The fact is that it is during the warm period of the year that ticks actively reproduce and grow.

Many parents cannot distinguish the allergic nature of the disease from other diseases with characteristic symptoms. If your child is coughing and sneezing and has mucus coming from his nose, don't rush to treat his cold. Pay attention to his throat - as a rule, with allergies the throat does not turn red, but with viral diseases it almost always becomes inflamed. Next, pay attention to the temperature - if it has increased, it is most likely ARVI. The allergy goes away with a change in localization, that is, the symptoms subside as soon as you leave the house. Often, with an allergy to dust, the symptoms intensify in the morning and evening, when a person is in bed. If all the symptoms are very vague and you cannot be sure of the proposed diagnosis, be sure to consult an allergist. He will prescribe a blood test for Immunoglobulin E to the patient. If allergic reactions occur in the body, this indicator will be significantly overestimated. You can also get tested for allergens and determine what exactly the reaction may be to - dust, pollen, animal hair or something else.

how to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold

The most important thing in treating allergies is getting rid of the main pathogen, in our case, dust. It can accumulate anywhere. To reduce allergy symptoms, you need to do some spring cleaning.

  1. Clean the apartment of any dust. It can accumulate in curtains and drapes, in bookcases, on carpets, in pillows and soft toys. If possible, get rid of carpeting and toys - they serve as excellent dust accumulators. All textiles must be washed thoroughly at high degrees.
  2. Be sure to use professional exterminator services to get rid of ticks - it is very difficult, almost impossible, to remove them yourself.
  3. Rinse all hard surfaces thoroughly. By the way, wet cleaning should be done daily.
  4. Change pillows and blankets once a year, and the mattress once every 3-4 years. After all, one gram of mattress dust can contain thousands of mites.
  5. Be sure to install humidifiers and air purifiers - they will help get rid of flying dust in the air.
  6. Swap your regular vacuum cleaner for a washable model. The fact is that the vacuum cleaner only sucks in large particles of dust and debris, and, on the contrary, throws small ones into the air, spreading them throughout the apartment. But water vacuum cleaners perfectly collect even the smallest dust, while simultaneously doing wet cleaning.
  7. Change bed linen at least once a week and wash it at high temperature. In winter, move pillows and blankets outside to kill possible ticks with frost. On sunny days in summer, leave the pillows in direct sunlight. Bed linen must be ironed before use.
  8. Choose synthetic fillings for pillows and duvets that won't feed mites like feathers or down.
  9. Clean the air conditioner cartridges in a timely manner and invite a professional for preventive cleaning.
  10. If you have dried flowers at home, you should also get rid of them. It is better to keep books in plastic containers that can be wiped clean from dust.

These are simple but irreplaceable rules that will help you reduce the likelihood of exposure to an allergen on the human body. But what to do if the allergic reaction is in full swing? How to help a patient?

how to keep your apartment clean and tidy

The first thing that might come to mind is taking an antihistamine. Indeed, such remedies will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of allergic manifestations. However, this is not always enough, especially if the reaction is violent.

  1. For rhinitis, it is important to cleanse the nasal mucosa of dust microparticles. The most effective way to do this is to rinse your nasal passages with warm salt water. This can be done using a small teapot, a syringe, or simply drawing the liquid from the palm of your nostrils. If your nose is itchy, sneezing and you don’t have time to prepare a solution, you can use ready-made nasal rinses, for example, Aqualor. Drop vasoconstrictor drugs into your nose, which will not only open up your breathing, but will also be effective against the allergic nature of a runny nose. Among such means, Vibrocil can be distinguished.
  2. Conjunctivitis can be cured with simple iced tea. Rinse your eyes or apply wet tea bags to them. This will relieve itching and redness, relieve lacrimation and burning. In difficult cases, when there is an acute manifestation of conjunctivitis, you can drop antibacterial drops into the eyes - Levomycetin. The composition will eliminate the formation of purulent lumps after sleep. If an allergy catches you at a party and you have nowhere to get iced tea, just use special drops that will help relieve inflammation, redness and itching. Among them are Okumetil, Allergodil, Visin, etc.
  3. Rash. If your allergy results in a skin rash, taking an antihistamine can help stop the itching. The main thing is not to scratch the skin, so as not to injure it and cause an infection. Hormonal ointment - Hydrocartisone - will help relieve swelling and itching. It quickly relieves swelling and redness, cools and soothes. Fenistil, Flucinar, Psilo-balm, etc. will help get rid of severe itching. If you don't have the right ointments and gels on hand, just take a cold shower - this will help you get rid of the itching until the allergy medicine starts to take effect.
  4. Cough. This is the most serious and dangerous manifestation of an allergic reaction. After all, during a bronchial spasm or an asthma attack, a person can suffocate if appropriate assistance is not provided in time. It is necessary to stop the patient’s contact with the allergen as soon as possible, sit him down and calm him down. After all, it is nervous overexcitation and anxiety that intensifies the attack. The patient should sit on a chair and tilt his head back a little, with a pillow placed under his head. In this position, the lumen of the larynx is as open as possible, making breathing much easier. Be sure to give the person an antihistamine, provide a flow of fresh air - open the windows. If the attack did not occur for the first time, there is probably an inhaler in the patient’s bag or pocket to dilate the bronchi, in the form of a spray. As a rule, these are Salbutamol, Bricanil, etc. You can give an injection against an asthma attack - Ephedrine. The injection will begin to work much faster. If the patient does not get better, be sure to call an ambulance.

Along with any measures taken, it is mandatory to take antihistamines. Among them are Zyrtec, Zodak, Diazolin, Allergide, Lordes, Cetrin, etc. There are a lot of them, through trial and error you will find the one that will help you.

Allergy to house dust is a serious disease that cannot be ignored by constantly taking antihistamines. Over time, the body's sensitivity to the drug will decrease, and it will become increasingly difficult to get rid of attacks. The most dangerous complication of allergies is the development of bronchial asthma, asthma attacks, and even death. It is necessary to be treated by an allergist, and perhaps take a course of medications to reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks. And, of course, avoid contact with house dust. Be alert, treat your allergies, and don’t leave her any chance of survival!

how to get rid of allergies to household dust

How does a dust allergy manifest itself and how can it be distinguished from a cold? Are there effective methods for treating and preventing the disease? Basic tips for creating a hypoallergenic lifestyle.

Dust is not a specific substance; it contains:

In one house, the main distributors of dust are soft toys, in another - home textiles, in a third - a huge library, a source of pride for several generations (paper dust). And road dust contains a large number of a wide variety of elements and chemicals from passing vehicles.

It is the substances that are part of various types of dust that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

House dust also contains very unpleasant neighbors of people - dust mites. In total, about 150 species of ticks are known that can live in human homes. Dust mites are usually divided into 3 subgroups:

  • barn.
  • predatory species that feed on their fellows from the first subgroup.
  • ticks that accidentally got into the house and do not reproduce in the home.

The favorite habitat of dust mites is an apartment filled with various interior items. The mite infests in upholstered furniture, soft toys, blankets, mattresses, bed linen, and books. As the temperature and humidity rise, the tick begins to multiply at a rapid pace. The food of ticks is the smallest dead particles of human epidermis, skin, feathers and fur of pets.

An allergy to house dust mites does not appear from the bites of this insect. The reaction is provoked by tick waste products.

Dust can be not only household, but also “professional”: tiny particles of wood, cement, concrete dust, wool and small particles of skin of farm animals. Often in this case, a reaction develops to chemicals, components of manufactured products, reagents, etc. In this case, it is appropriate to use the term alveolitis.

It is worth noting that in this case it is very easy to confuse the symptoms of an incipient occupational disease (asbestosis, silicosis, etc.) and signs of a dust allergy.

A few words about cross-allergy, when painful manifestations are provoked by not one, but several allergens, the amino acid structure of which is similar.

  1. Thus, an allergy to household dust is often combined with hypersensitivity to seafood (crabs, shrimp, lobsters, lobsters, etc.). However, hypersensitivity to fish is usually not observed.
  2. In addition, “dust” hypersensitivity is often combined with mold allergies and hay fever.

Despite the fact that house dust, as well as the fungi and mites that live in it, is a year-round phenomenon, allergies to house dust often worsen in spring and summer. During the warm season, especially favorable conditions are created for dust mites and mold fungi.

Dust allergy symptoms

Since this reaction occurs quite often, it is useful to know how an allergy to house dust manifests itself. Here are the most common symptoms of dust allergies in adults.

  • allergic rhinitis(sneezing, clear nasal discharge, swelling of the mucous membrane, sore throat, itching);
  • conjunctivitis(profuse lacrimation, redness of the whites of the eyes, itching and burning, swelling of the eyelids, temporary decreased vision, photophobia);
  • hives(rash, itching, blisters, skin hyperemia)
  • asthma(bronchospasm, cough, wheezing)

Sometimes the manifestations of allergic bronchial asthma resemble bronchitis. If a person is allergic to house dust, he notices that when leaving the room his health improves significantly.

If the signs of this hypersensitivity are most pronounced in the morning and at night, there is every reason to suspect an allergy to dust mites.

Allergy symptoms can be exacerbated by factors such as:

  • sleep disorder
  • stressful situations,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on how timely the disease was diagnosed and antiallergic therapy was started.

Its peculiarity is that it turns into bronchial asthma much faster, and the likelihood of severe bronchospasm and suffocation is higher.

An allergy to dust in an infant can even become fatal, because... Young children, like no one else, are prone to stopping breathing under the influence of even minor stimuli.

In addition, their symptoms of hypersensitivity include not only rhinitis, conjunctivitis and rash, but also:

  • increased temperature (up to convulsions),
  • tearfulness,
  • refusal to eat,
  • digestive and sleep disorders.


For a complete and correct diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. When consulting with an allergist, you need to talk about the sources of dust at home and in the workplace. It is advisable to provide dust samples from these locations for analysis.

Brief instructions for collecting samples

  1. They collect dust from curtains, upholstered furniture and other surfaces, but not floor coverings (carpets, etc.).
  2. For this purpose, use a vacuum cleaner with pre-cleaned filters and a container for collecting dust. The required amount of dust is approximately a quarter of a teaspoon.
  3. The resulting quantity must be sifted through a fine sieve and placed in a clean container.

To make a diagnosis, skin tests and a blood test for immunoglobulin E are performed.

In its manifestations, an allergic reaction to dust is in many ways similar to a cold, but there are differences.

Colds and allergies are very similar in their symptoms. Cough, runny nose, sneezing, headache are typical for both conditions. To distinguish one disease from another, it is necessary to notice after which the painful phenomena appeared.

For the treatment of colds, as a rule, one week is enough.

After the examination, the allergist will select treatment.

It is important to understand:

If you do not start it on time, then the symptoms of a dust allergy may well get worse. For example, rhinitis can develop into bronchial asthma.

Treatment is carried out in three areas:

  • Eliminating or minimizing contact with the allergen;
  • Drug therapy;
  • Measures to improve immunity;

The first direction is the fight against dust in the house and relates more to the prevention section, which will be covered.

An attack of suffocation (bronchospasm) due to allergies develops quite rapidly. The patient experiences difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath is accompanied by wheezing with characteristic whistling sounds. The algorithm for providing first aid to an allergy sufferer is approximately the following.

  • Immediately stop the patient's contact with the allergen.
  • Reassure the patient. The success of treatment depends on this.
  • Place the victim on a chair “astride” (facing the back of the chair), place a pillow under the chest. In this position of the body, the lungs make breathing movements most easily.
  • Provide fresh air.
  • Use an inhaler with a bronchodilator (Bricanil, Salbutamol).
  • Give the allergy sufferer an antihistamine tablet (Tavegil, Diazolin, Claritin).
  • Good anti-asthma drugs are Ephedrine or Eufillin. It is advisable to give an injection, since the tablets begin to act after 40 minutes.
  • Be sure to call an ambulance.

Drug therapy is quite varied. The drug and the medication regimen are prescribed by the attending physician, since uncontrolled use of medications can only worsen the state of health.

When prescribing medications, it is necessary to take into account factors such as concomitant diseases, pregnancy or lactation. Antihistamines can be prescribed as a last resort to a pregnant or lactating woman under the strict supervision of a specialist.

  1. Dust allergy pills such as Cetrin, Claritin and other antihistamines will help to quickly relieve allergy symptoms.
  2. In addition to tablets, the doctor will prescribe nasal drops or eye drops to relieve conjunctivitis and/or allergic rhinitis. For nasal medications, these are, for example: Nasonex, Avamys. Nasal drops such as Salin and Aquamaris are safe even for pregnant women and babies.
  3. It is recommended to rinse your nose as often as possible. This can be done with saline solution or special preparations - AquaLor, etc.

How long can I take Zyrtec if I have a dust allergy?

For frequently recurring attacks of allergies, as well as for seasonal allergies, the course duration is from 20 to 25 days, followed by a break of 2 to 3 weeks

When describing methods of treating allergic reactions, special attention should be paid to ASIT - allergen-specific immunotherapy. The main difference between this method and all others is not in eliminating the manifestations of the disease, but in combating the origins of its occurrence.

The technique consists of gradually introducing small doses of the allergen into the patient’s body. The body's sensitivity to allergens gradually decreases. The result of this is long-term remission and a decrease in the number and strength of allergic reactions. ASIT is carried out in relation to a specific allergen in house dust.

The possibility of carrying out is determined by an allergist. Children undergo therapy from the age of 5 years.

What happens if allergies to household dust are not treated?

If you ignore allergy symptoms, hoping that they will “go away on their own,” or, worse, take medications uncontrollably, the symptoms can become chronic or develop into a more serious illness. For example, bronchial asthma.

Folk remedies for treating dust allergies

Treatment with folk remedies does take place, but it is important to remember that this will only be symptomatic therapy, and it is not always effective. Before using these methods and means of treatment, you must agree with your doctor.

Let's consider several methods from the field of traditional medicine that will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms:

  • To irrigate the nasal cavity in case of allergic rhinitis, a tincture of calendula flowers is helpful. One teaspoon of flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water, cooled and filtered.
  • A regular solution of table salt will also help get rid of allergic rhinitis (dissolve 1/3 of a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water)
  • A compress using a decoction of cornflower flowers will help get rid of allergic conjunctivitis. One teaspoon of flowers is poured into 0.5 cups of boiling water and left for 20 minutes.
  • Eucalyptus oil will help quickly kill dust mites. Before washing, soak the items in water for half an hour with 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil added.

Hirudotherapy for dust allergies takes place, but only in the absence of pathology of the blood coagulation system, hypotension and anemia, as well as pregnancy. In general, this treatment method can increase the overall resistance and tone of the body, but will not affect the pathochemical processes of allergies.

Speleotherapy will also be useful.

Before starting treatment with this method, it is important to know that their clinical effectiveness is not supported by serious research.

The basic principle of treatment, which is used by homeopathic doctors, is “knocks out a wedge with a wedge.” This is nothing more than using very small (“homeopathic”) doses of the allergen to treat the patient.

The peculiarity of homeopathic medicines is that they do not accumulate in the body and do not produce side effects. The selection of drugs is purely individual. Homeopathy helps the body cope with allergies on its own.

Unlike herbal medicine, which uses medicinal plants, homeopaths use plants, minerals and even toxic substances to make medicinal products.

Examples of homeopathic remedies:

  • Luffel. Made from liana-shaped herbaceous plants. Helps well against allergic rhinitis.
  • Rhinitol-edas. A drug for allergic rhinitis based on chamomile, onions and lumbago herb.
  • Karsat-Edas. The medicine contains oats, bearberry, echinacea, charcoal and arsenic.
  • Cinnabsin. Tablet antiallergic drug based on goldenseal, echinacea, as well as minerals (potassium dichromate and red mercury sulfide). Eliminates the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.

When prescribing a particular drug, the homeopathic doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as other existing diseases.

The following set of measures will help reduce the concentration of dust in the air, as well as reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction:

  • Regular wet cleaning of rooms. Clean furniture and floors are the best remedy against allergic reactions. During wet cleaning, do not be lazy to remove dust from hard-to-reach places (for example, from heating radiators);
  • Use of devices for humidification and air purification;
  • Using high-quality ventilation devices with HEPA or even ULPA filters
  • Replacing a traditional vacuum cleaner with a dust bag with a modern model with a wet cleaning function.
  • Regular cleaning of air conditioner filters, replacement of cartridges.
  • Elimination of all “dust collectors” - carpets, dried flowers, soft toys (they can be stored in plastic containers), even books;
  • Use of special mattress covers and pillowcases;
  • Change bedding approximately 2 times a week, wash bed linen at high temperature.
  • Replacing duvets and pillows filled with down and feathers with synthetics (they are unattractive to dust mites).
  • Keeping bedding in the cold or in the hot summer sun helps get rid of dust mites. Dust mites do not like either too high or too low temperatures.
  • Replace blankets every year and a half, and mattresses every three years. A good remedy against dust mites is treating bedding, carpets, and soft toys with a steam cleaner. The procedure itself is simple, but its effectiveness is beyond all praise.
  • A good way to reduce air humidity in the house is fans in the bathroom and kitchen.

If it turns out that allergies are caused by the epidermis of pets, the best option would be to give your feathered or furry pet to good hands. However, if this is not possible, you need to bathe your pet more often or use anti-allergenic wipes, keep it out of the owners’ bedroom, and try to minimize contact with it.

Establishing a hypoallergenic lifestyle throughout the entire home, and not just in the room of a person suffering from allergies, is the basis for successful treatment of the disease. Allergy is not a death sentence, but it is necessary to accustom yourself to order. This is the only way to get rid of the painful manifestations of the disease.

About the benefits of swimming

Swimming is one of the sports that is beneficial for people with dust allergies. However, it is necessary that the loads be dosed. It is advisable to conduct classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Which mattresses are best for dust allergies?

Hypoallergenic mattress Erland (Perrino)

The best option for allergy sufferers are latex mattresses. Latex is a practical, durable material that is completely unattractive to pathogens and dust mites. If you can’t afford a natural latex mattress, there are cheaper and also hypoallergenic products made from artificial latex.

A good option in terms of combating allergies are products filled with synthetic padding polyester and foam rubber. The only drawback of these products is that they wear out quite quickly.

Synthetic materials suitable for allergy sufferers include cholcon (a material made from polyester fibers). This material is also recommended for newborns.

Mattresses filled with coir (coconut fiber) are well suited for allergy sufferers. The remarkable ventilation properties of the material create unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms and mites.

The hypoallergenic category also includes mattress fillings such as buckwheat husks, horsehair, and algae. But there are some peculiarities here. When plant fibers fray, dust-like particles are created that penetrate the mattress pad.

As for the mattress cover itself, the best option is cotton material with special impregnation or synthetics.

How often should I change my mattress?

Which vacuum cleaners to choose if you are allergic to dust?

The main requirements for vacuum cleaners for allergy sufferers are as follows.

  • High suction power (350 - 400 W).
  • Disposable dust bags. In this case, it is necessary that they have protection from foil and be equipped with special hygienic valves. In this case, the design of the bag protects the allergy sufferer well from contact with dust.
  • Availability of aquafilter. A good filter traps almost all dust.
  • Wet cleaning function. After all, frequent wet cleaning is an important part of a hypoallergenic life.
  • Pay attention to steam vacuum cleaners equipped with a water filter. In addition to traditional carpet cleaning, a steam vacuum cleaner is perfect for cleaning laminate floors, decontaminating upholstered furniture, and washing windows.

Which blanket to choose if you are allergic to dust?

For allergy sufferers, blankets with fillings such as silicone, artificial swan down or holofiber are best suited. These materials retain heat well, are resistant to wear, and are machine washable. It is advisable to choose a blanket cover made from natural material.

If there is a person in the family who suffers from this reaction, you need to get rid of high-pile carpets. After all, they are the best “dust collectors”. You can replace the carpet on the floor with rugs or lint-free rugs made from coarse material.

If you used carpet, you can replace it with vinyl, wood or laminate.

What is the difference between dust allergy and cat allergy?

In the case of dust allergies, the reaction is caused by waste products and particles of the chitinous cover of dust mites, as well as microorganisms contained in dust (including fungal spores) and many other elements, including pieces of dead epithelium of the skin of cats.

An allergy to a cat is a reaction to fur and (or) waste products of the animal (saliva, urine), pieces of dead skin epithelium. As noted above, they may also be present in house dust. By the way, the statement that some cat breeds are hypoallergenic (Sphynxes, Ukrainian Levkoys, wire-haired breeds) is nothing more than a myth.

Is it possible to test for allergies to diamond dust?

Diamond dust itself is not an allergen, although it is very dangerous for the body (damage to the skin, respiratory tract). Diamond dust is dangerous for everyone without exception.

Is it possible to sleep on a wool pillow if you are allergic to house dust?

It is undesirable, since wool is a favorable environment for the reproduction of dust mites and microorganisms. And this is a direct danger of an allergic reaction.

Is there a deferment from the army if you are allergic to household dust?

Allergies, as such, are not included in the list of diseases that are grounds for deferment from military service. However, if the allergy is complicated by bronchial asthma, the conscript may be transferred to the reserve. Subject to medical evidence.

Can a child have a dust allergy practice boxing?

In principle, there is no direct prohibition. But a consultation with a doctor before enrolling a child in the section is mandatory.

How to treat allergies to house dust in Orthodoxy?

Prayers for allergies only help if a person sincerely believes in their healing power. Here is the text of one of these prayers.

“Morning angel, when you fly over my house, flap your wing, let the good air purify my child, let him not know troubles and illnesses, let him live, enjoy life and make me happy, amen, amen, amen.”

Prayer is offered to God in the morning. After praying, go to the Temple and light a candle to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint helps in curing a variety of diseases, including allergies.

How to study at school if you are allergic to library dust?

An allergy to library dust is nothing more than a reaction to the components that make up the paper, as well as fungal spores that are present on old books (hence the specific smell).

To minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction, use electronic sources of information more. They are convenient, affordable and completely safe in terms of allergies.

Keep household books in closed cabinets and vacuum them at least once a year. To keep your shelves mold-free, place activated carbon tablets on them.

Among the diseases that arise for reasons beyond a person’s control and poison life, one of the first places is an allergy to household dust. The disease can manifest itself in any season and even in those who meticulously monitor the cleanliness of the house.

Because for a reaction to occur, a small amount of dust containing microscopic dust mites is sufficient. The allergic reaction is especially acute in children.

Therefore, cleaning the apartment of people prone to allergic reactions should not only be thorough, it must be done with the help of special means that kill ticks and do not allow them to multiply and enter the human body.

Everyone suffering from this disease and all their loved ones should be aware of how the presence of dust mites in the house affects their health and how to get rid of them. An important component of the fight against the disease is having information about treatment methods.

Photo: View of house dust under a microscope

What is house dust

Dust, which is constantly present in the apartment, consists of a huge number of different microparticles that are formed as a result of the vital activity of people and pets.

  1. hairs;
  2. wool;
  3. dead skin epithelium;
  4. particles from clothing fabrics;
  5. furniture upholstery;
  6. various chemical compounds.

Each of these components can become an allergen for a person, but most often an allergy occurs to house dust mites.

The habitat of this tiny creature is the world around us, and its nutrition is the product of exfoliation from the skin.

Thus, ticks can settle wherever people and animals live, but their favorite place is:

  1. bed;
  2. folds of upholstered furniture;
  3. pillows and other bedding.

In Latin, the genus of mites is called Demodex.

The reaction caused by exposure to mites manifests itself:

  • runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, up to suffocation;
  • as well as skin itching and eczema.

Any of these phenomena in itself is unpleasant, but the consequences that an allergy brings are much more serious than the listed symptoms. This is due to the fact that during allergies, dysfunctional changes occur in the body, which lead to systemic diseases.

For example, a constant runny nose can become a condition for the development of polyps and other neoplasms in the nose; inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract provokes the onset of asthma and makes the child sick for life.

Thus, allergies are a springboard for the entire body to begin to function improperly. As a result of an allergy, a program of disorder of the entire health system is launched, so it should be treated immediately after the first signs appear.

Allergies occur for many reasons. Among them are immunological, psychophysical and external, the latter including the very presence of dust in a person’s home. The accumulation of dust pollution is typical for places where people rarely look.

It can be:

  1. bookshelves and racks that accumulate dust over the years;
  2. children's stuffed toys that are not washed or cleaned properly;
  3. old pillows and feather beds that have not been subjected to special treatment;
  4. any items that are stored in the house for a long time, especially old clothes, shoes and other items.

    Photo: Dust can collect on bookshelves for years


    The human immune system is designed to protect the body from various diseases. The immunological causes of allergies are weakened immunity. This happens when a person’s barriers to control over the activities of organs and systems of the body are reduced.

    For example, in the spring due to vitamin deficiencies. In addition, in the spring the flora begins to bloom and this provokes a reaction to plant pollen; the appearance of a pollen allergy becomes a factor in weakening the immune system and, in parallel, a reaction to Demodex may occur.

    In this case, it is necessary to cure first of all the pollen allergy, as the immunological cause of the reaction to the Demodex mite.

    The psychophysical state of a person is important for the strength to resist any disease. Dust allergies are no exception. All other things being equal, an allergic person who has experienced stress has a more difficult reaction because his immune system has little control over the situation. There are cases when a person has external manifestations and symptoms of a dust allergy, when there is not and cannot be a mite in the room.

    Such outbursts without reason can occur against the background of strong experiences or subconscious associations. For example, if you bring home a cleaned carpet that an allergy sufferer has negative memories associated with, he or she may experience an allergy attack. These connections occur at the receptor level and in this case the central nervous system is subject to treatment.

    In addition to the main culprit of house dust allergies - waste products of the Demodex mite, this disease can be caused by other allergens contained in dust particles:

    1. hairs of pets, including cats and dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs, and so on;
    2. remains of cockroaches and other beetle-like insects that are found in the house;
    3. bird down, from which pillows, blankets, feather beds are made;
    4. book dust - waste products of paper microorganisms;
    5. mold and other fungal formations that appear in damp rooms.

    Different types of allergies have similar symptoms, so diagnosis is complicated and requires special research.

    Signs of a dust allergy are:

    1. runny nose, while the symptoms of rhinitis are prolonged, accompanied by sneezing, accumulation of mucus in the nose;
    2. redness of the eyes, accompanied by lacrimation, and turning into conjunctivitis;
    3. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, causing coughing;
    4. swelling of the mucous membranes of the larynx and bronchi, leading to shortness of breath and suffocation.

    To make a diagnosis for very similar symptoms, a special study should be carried out. It involves testing for an allergen. Before conducting them, the doctor collects anamnesis and finds out when and under what circumstances signs of the disease appear.

    Conclusions are drawn based on a patient interview and sample results. Only after this is treatment prescribed.

    See how it manifests itself

    allergy to wine

    Read about the features of potato allergy in children under one year old here.

    How to remove an allergen

    Elimination of the allergen, which is the waste product of Demodex mites, is impossible. But other significant allergens can be removed.

    For example, remove all down pillows and blankets, replace them with synthetic ones, get rid of fungus in the house, part with pets, cover bookcases with dust-proof glass. And, of course, you need to do impeccable cleaning of the premises.

    Treatment of allergies to house dust

    There are several effective ways to treat an allergic reaction to dust. These include the use of medications, folk remedies and immunotherapy. The immunological method is based on the fact that an allergen is introduced into the body, starting with microscopic doses, and then they are increased.

    This training is not in vain; having gotten used to small injections of the allergen, the body does not react so sharply to large doses.

    In our body, histamine is responsible for the outbreak and development of the reaction to the allergen; to block its action, antihistamines are administered.

    But any medicine in this group has significant side effects. They inhibit a person’s reaction to the environment and cause drowsiness. Therefore, doctors, along with the use of medications, recommend using other methods.

    Among the folk recipes for treating dust allergies, it is recommended to rinse the nose with an aqueous solution with the addition of salt and soda. Irrigation of the nasal cavity should be done frequently, optimally after three hours. A simple saline solution also helps if you don’t have soda on hand.

    Inhalation of hot water steam also relieves symptoms of runny nose and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Deep inhalation of steam in a sauna also helps.

    Treatment with folk remedies in the form of decoctions of medicinal herbs should be used with caution; any medicinal plant can provoke an attack in those prone to allergies. Therefore, you first need to make sure that there is no reaction to this or that drug.

    A modern home treatment method is the ionization of air with negatively charged ions. This can be done using an air conditioner with an ionization function.

    Dieting and food exclusion:

    • corn;
    • chocolate;
    • coffee and other products that your doctor warns you about are harmful will also help you avoid allergic provocations.

    Among the proven medicinal preparations against dust allergies, we can recommend treatment with a seven-component solution of:

    1. centaury;
    2. St. John's wort;
    3. dandelion root;
    4. rose hips;
    5. horsetail;
    6. pharmaceutical chamomile;
    7. corn silks combined in parts, for example, in tablespoons - 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1.

    Mix the raw materials, having previously crushed the rose hips and dandelion roots, take five spoons and make an infusion in cold water (1 liter) overnight. Let it sit all night, and in the morning heat it until it starts to boil, but do not cook. Then cool the infusion and take 70 ml three times a day. The course lasts at least a month.

    As preventive measures, use known methods of dealing with dust:

    1. ventilation of rooms, especially bedrooms;
    2. cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth should be carried out at least every other day;
    3. frequent change of bed linen is necessary;
    4. you need to abandon carpets and carpeted floor coverings;
    5. getting rid of mold and fungal deposits should be a rule of hygiene in the home.

    Find out which

    cheese allergy symptoms

    What could be the causes of potato allergy? Read here.

    How an allergy to pumpkin seeds manifests itself, see here.


    It is possible to fight ticks at home. To do this, subject problem areas and things to heat treatment. For example, you can remove ticks from clothes by ironing them on both sides. Pillows and mattresses should be sent for special cleaning. If necessary, you need to call professional disinfectants.

    A topical treatment for Demodex mites is DEMODEX COMPLEX™. This is a set consisting of soap, tonic, KANG cream for morning use and Xinsheng cream for application at night.

    These drugs are proven and considered the most effective against mites living in household dust. With the help of these remedies you will protect your skin from re-infection. Washing with Demodex complex soap can be used as a preventive measure against contact with ticks.

    According to statistics, about 10-30% of the total population suffers from allergies. According to WHO forecasts, the 21st century will become the era of allergic diseases. An allergy is an overreaction of the body that occurs in response to a certain environmental factor (allergen). There are many allergens, and contact with some of them can be minimized. But what to do if allergies are caused by dust? Where can we get away from it if it surrounds us everywhere?

    Table of contents: 1. Causes of dust allergy 2. Symptoms of dust allergy - Allergic rhinitis - Allergic conjunctivitis - Bronchial asthma - Atopic dermatitis 3. Diagnosis 4. Treatment of dust allergy - Avoiding contact with the allergen - Drug therapy - Allergen-specific immunotherapy

    Dust consists of many components: these are mineral particles, textile and paper fibers, the epidermis of animals, insects, people, and pollen. Each of these components in itself can already act as an allergen.

    But according to modern research, in most cases an allergic reaction develops to dust mites of the genus Dermatophagoides. One gram of dust can contain several thousand mites. These are small arthropods measuring 0.1-0.5 mm, which can only be seen under a microscope. They do not bite humans and are not carriers of infectious diseases, but their waste products are allergenic to humans.

    Ticks feel most comfortable at temperatures of 18-25 degrees and high humidity. Therefore, arthropods live mainly in blankets, mattresses, pillows, carpets, and upholstery. Ticks feed on dead human epidermal cells.

    People with dust allergies report painful symptoms throughout the year. But exacerbations are observed in the spring-autumn period. And it is not surprising, because at this time the air temperature gradually rises, reaching numbers that are most comfortable for ticks.

    Dust allergies can manifest in different ways among people. It is noteworthy that if a person leaves an apartment with dust mites for a long time, his condition noticeably improves. Dust allergies can occur in the following forms:

    1. Allergic rhinitis;
    2. Allergic conjunctivitis;
    3. Bronchial asthma;
    4. Atopic dermatitis.

    Rhinitis begins with an itchy sensation in the nose, accompanied by sneezing. Then the person notices the appearance of mucous, clear, profuse discharge from the nose. A runny nose can make it very difficult for a person to breathe. Impaired breathing may cause headaches. In addition, a person may be bothered by itching and soreness in the nasopharynx.

    With this form of allergy, a person is bothered by a burning sensation in the eyes, which is why he constantly rubs his eyelids. Swelling of the eyelids, redness of the conjunctiva, and lacrimation are observed. Sometimes vision may deteriorate: surrounding objects appear blurry to a person. Conjunctivitis is especially severe in people who use contact lenses.

    It is believed that in approximately 70% of people with asthma, attacks are triggered by inhaling dust. When an allergen enters the respiratory tract, a spasm of the respiratory muscles occurs, as well as excessive production of mucous secretion by goblet cells. All this leads to suffocation, the person suffocates and coughs. The patient begins to panic and rush around the apartment. An attack of suffocation can be fatal if medical assistance is not provided in time.

    This form of allergy affects the skin, mainly the flexor surfaces of the limbs, face, neck, hands, feet, and fingers. The skin in these areas turns red, peels, and small pink-red rashes appear. In addition, the skin is very itchy, a person rubs it intensely, thereby leaving scratch marks on it. When bacterial microflora attaches, wounds may become weeping with the formation of yellowish crusts. In the future, against the background of atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis and bronchial asthma may occur.

    Blood test for allergens

    To diagnose dust allergies, skin tests, provocative tests, and immunological tests are used.

    Skin tests are:

    • Scarification:
    • Prick tests;
    • Application tests.

    Scarification tests are carried out as follows: a drop of allergen is applied to the skin of the flexor surface of the forearm. In one manipulation you can apply 10-15 allergens. Then, through each drop, two parallel scratches are applied with a scarifier. After ten minutes, each drop is carefully blotted with separate cotton pads. After another ten minutes, the skin reaction is assessed. If hyperemia and blisters appear at the site of skin contact with the allergen, then the allergy test result is positive.

    Prick tests are carried out with special devices that pierce the skin. The results are assessed in the same way as with scarification tests.

    To conduct application tests, plates with allergens applied to them are attached between the shoulder blades and left for two days. The reaction is assessed half an hour after removing the plate, and then a day later. The appearance of hyperemia, papules, vesicles, blisters indicates the presence of an allergy.

    Provocative tests are a diagnostic method based on contact of a susceptible organ with allergens. To identify allergies to house dust, nasal, conjunctival, and inhalation tests are performed. When conducting a nasal provocation test, a drop of control liquid is instilled into a person's one nostril, and into the other - one drop of a dilution of the dust allergen in succession: 1:100, 1:10, and then the whole allergen. The test is positive if symptoms of rhinitis appear. In an inhalation test, dust allergens are introduced into the respiratory tract.

    Immunological diagnostic methods are based on the detection of antibodies to dust allergens in the blood. Venous blood is taken from the patient and then placed on panels containing household allergens (house dust, mites of the genus Dermatophagoides, fur and epithelium of domestic animals). If a high level of antibodies to one of the allergens is detected, we should talk about the presence of an allergy to dust.

    There are several ways to combat allergies: by eliminating contact with the allergen, using medications, and undergoing a course of specific treatment.

    My home is my temple. This is where we spend most of our lives. And I don’t want the house to be associated with unpleasant symptoms of the disease. To do this, you need to create a hypoallergenic environment in your home.

    First of all, you need to clear the room of unnecessary objects that collect dust: carpets, curtains, decorative fur skins, soft toys. It is advisable to replace furniture with fabric upholstery with leather, and curtains with blinds. These objects themselves do not accumulate dust and are easy to clean.

    Down and feather pillows and blankets should be replaced with synthetic ones with good breathability. It is also important to regularly beat and air mattresses, blankets and pillows. Bedding should be washed once or twice a week; you can use special detergents against mite and epidermal allergens. The same substances can be used to treat upholstered furniture.

    Particular attention should be paid to cleaning. You need to start with the basics: frequent ventilation of the apartment, and with wet cleaning the main thing is not to overdo it, the optimal air humidity should be up to 50%. Unfortunately, ordinary vacuum cleaners cannot cope with dust; you need to use vacuum cleaners equipped with special filters. You need to vacuum very carefully, including cleaning furniture in this way. It is advisable that the cleaning be done by a person who does not suffer from allergies, since cleaning one way or another contributes to the movement of dust in the air, which can provoke an increase in allergies. If this is not possible, doctors recommend that a person suffering from allergies use protective masks during cleaning.

    You can reduce dust in your room using air purifiers. Air purifiers are devices equipped with filters. A fan is also built into the design, which ensures the passage of air through the filters. It is important to clean and change filters promptly.

    For drug treatment, drugs are used that affect the central links of the allergic reaction. These include antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids, membrane stabilizers, antileukotriene drugs.

    Allergy treatment. Review of third generation antihistamines

    There are three generations of antihistamines. Currently, third generation antihistamines are most actively used, such as:

    • Cetirizine;
    • Fexofenadine (Telfast);
    • Desloratadine (Eden);
    • Acrivastine (Semprex);
    • Astemizole (Gistalong);
    • Ebastine (Kestin).

    Third generation antihistamines do not have the side effects characteristic of earlier drugs: drowsiness, toxic effects on the heart, dry mouth.

    Glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone) are often used when antihistamines are ineffective.

    This is the only etiopathogenetic treatment method that allows you to influence the cause of the allergy. The patient is injected with the allergen in gradually increasing concentrations, thereby inducing the development of tolerance to the irritant.

    According to the method of introducing the allergen, the following types of ASIT are distinguished:

    • Subcutaneous;
    • Local (sublingual, oral, nasal, bronchial).

    Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) can reduce the severity of allergies, the amount of medications used, and significantly improve the quality of life.

    Grigorova Valeria, medical observer



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