How to make a compress with camphor oil. How to make a compress on the ear with camphor oil? Camphor oil in gynecology

A compress with camphor oil is very popular, as this product has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. First of all, it is used for various injuries associated with tumors and hematomas, for mastitis, radiculitis, as well as for the treatment of rheumatism, skin itching, arthritis, myalgia and other diseases. Especially with the onset cold weather A compress of camphor alcohol is widely used to treat cough and otitis media.

To get rid of a cough, you need to warm up camphor oil to an acceptable temperature for the body, then moisten a gauze napkin in the prepared oil and place it on the chest. You need to place polyethylene on top and wrap yourself in a down scarf. The lotion needs to be left on all night.

Given folk medicine is an excellent remedy for bruises and bruises. The compress should be applied until the injury or bruise completely disappears. Camphor oil not only has a warming effect, but also accelerates the healing process of wounds and various cuts.

It should not be forgotten that in some cases camphor alcohol may cause redness on the skin. The thing is that camphor oil has the property of an irritant. To avoid this side effect, to prepare a compress, you should first dilute the alcohol with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Compress on the ear

To prepare a compress, heat camphor oil in a water bath, moisten a piece of gauze in the warm liquid and place it around the auricle so that ear canal was not blocked. Cellophane is placed on top, then cotton wool and everything is fixed with a bandage. This compress should be kept for about two hours.

After the procedure, the ear is wrapped in a woolen scarf. Treatment of otitis with camphor oil can indeed be effective, but only if all recommendations and warnings are followed.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • instill camphor oil into the ear canal for otitis, as this can cause a slight burn, which will only complicate recovery;
  • make compresses from this tool children under 2 years of age, as oil vapors can cause poisoning.

For lactostasis

Lactostasis is a disease of the mammary gland, namely when the milk ducts become blocked. With this disease, milk cannot flow from the nipple. It causes painful sensations, engorgement and swelling of the mammary gland. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by a temperature of up to 37-38 oC.

At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor, as untimely treatment can contribute to the appearance of mastitis, accompanied by high fever and chills. In 85% of cases, lactostasis contributes to the appearance of mastitis.

When treating lactostasis, it is first recommended to put the baby to the breast more often. When mild degree lactose lactose, in the absence of fever, the child should be applied once an hour. For more severe forms, doctors recommend careful independent pumping 1 to 3 times. Expressing should be performed with massaging movements, with an emphasis on the compacted area of ​​the breast, while finger movements should be made in the direction from the periphery to the nipple.

It is worth remembering that when performing pumping and massage, movements should not be too active, as this can cause blockage of other ducts.

Some doctors advise making a compress of camphor oil after expressing milk. To do this, you need to apply a piece of gauze soaked in oil to your chest, put cellophane on top and secure it with a scarf. The compress should be kept for about 6-8 hours.

To the throat

Treatment of laryngitis folk remedies is quite effective way. Main folk ways Treatments are compresses and rinses. In this case, a warm compress for the throat based on camphor oil is suitable. The oil needs to be slightly warmed, then applied to gauze or cotton wool, applied to the throat and secured on top with compress paper and a warm scarf.

An infusion of dry eucalyptus leaves is good for gargling. To do this, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of this plant into a glass of boiling water, cool and gargle 2-3 times a day. It also helps a lot with sore throats, which you can read about in our next article.

Lotions on the chest

Almost every pregnant or lactating woman faces problems with her breasts: painful sensations, the breasts swell and stop expressing. Very often women do not know what to do in this situation and how to cure this disease. In such a situation, many qualified specialists It is advised to resort to a camphor oil compress for help.

The procedure is very simple. First, you need to heat the oil in a steam bath to an acceptable temperature for the body, then place the moistened gauze or bandage on your chest and secure it with cling film and a down scarf. It is better to do the procedure at night. By the morning the results will be noticeable, the swelling will go away and the milk will flow easier. Before you start feeding your baby, you should wash your breasts. warm water.

The scope of use of camphor oil in medicine is quite wide. But in everyday life we ​​most often come across this drug in the treatment of bronchitis with stagnation for rubbing chest, as well as for joint pain for massage. In case of inflammation of the middle ear, such a compress can be done only before the formation of a purulent process, so as not to cause the infection to spread throughout the body.

Up to last days century before last, camphor oil was 100% natural product. It was obtained from the wood of the camphor tree in the form of crystals, which were then dissolved in vegetable oil. It has been used for medicinal purposes for a very long time; it is believed that the benefits of this remedy were discovered in India in ancient times. The camphor tree is a relative of the noble laurel, whose fragrant foliage we gladly use as a spice in food.

At the end of the 19th century, they learned how to extract camphor from pinene - resin coniferous tree, i.e. received a product of semi-synthetic origin. Much later, it began to be extracted from petroleum products, that is, it became a completely synthetic substance. That is why an ear compress with camphor oil is used externally and on intact skin to avoid side effects.

The composition of the drug includes the following substances:

  • Camphor is a terpene ketone.
  • Safrole.
  • Cineole.
  • Pinen.
  • Camphene.
  • Limonene.
  • Phellandrene.
  • Bisabolol.

Camphor oil is used externally as a sufficient effective remedy against severe skin itching, against insect bites, as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, an anti-inflammatory, locally irritating substance with an analgesic and distracting effect. Camphor oil is used for rubbing for myalgia, arthritis, radiculitis, sciatica, as well as excellent remedy against the formation of bedsores and treatment of existing ones.

The warming, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effect of camphor oil is mainly used as compresses.

Natural preparations based on camphor were actively used in medicine until they were replaced by other drugs, and camphor oil itself became artificial. He had some unpleasant side effects, therefore, it is not currently used for internal administration.

At the beginning of the century, especially during the First and Second World Wars, camphor oil was actively used for medical purposes and saved more than one life. It was injected for respiratory and cardiac problems, and was injected subcutaneously to stimulate pulmonary ventilation, the number of heart contractions, and activate blood flow, in particular in the vessels of the lungs.

You can learn more about how to properly apply a compress to your ear from the video:

The drug was also used for drug poisoning and narcotic substances, causing problems with respiratory and cardiac activity, with pneumonia with “collapse” of the pulmonary alveoli, with acute and chronic form heart failure, collapse.

Natural camphor and its oil, extracted using ancient methods from natural raw materials, are still used in folk medicine, cosmetics and cooking, especially in India and Southeast Asia.

For what ear diseases can camphor oil be used?

An ear compress with camphor oil is most often done for inflammation of the middle ear and swelling. eustachian tube. It is important to ensure that there are no active purulent processes, otherwise, using camphor oil for heating can only cause harm, spreading pus with infection to nearby tissues.

Considering that there are such nearby important organs like the brain, eyes, throat, teeth, bronchi and lungs, and the bones of the skull are light and porous, the spread of infection can lead to very harmful consequences.

A compress based on camphor oil has a mild warming and local anesthetic, distracting effect, but does not actually treat the disease itself, so it is most often used as part of complex therapy otitis Without the use of other means, for example, ear drops special compounds and reception medications, a pronounced effect cannot be achieved with its help alone.The doctor will give necessary recommendations on treatment and will advise when and with what intensity you need to use camphor compresses on the ear.

How to properly apply a compress to the ear

In order for a compress on the ear with camphor oil to bring only benefits, you need to apply it correctly.

To do this, you should listen to these rules:

  1. A square is cut out of gauze and folded in several layers so that a compress is obtained, the size of which exceeds the area of ​​the auricle with a margin.
  2. In the middle of the tampon is performed vertical section with such calculations that you can thread it through auricle.
  3. The compress is soaked in camphor oil so that it is completely moistened with the oil composition, but it does not drip from it. If there is too much oil, gauze must be squeezed out.
  4. The resulting compress is applied so that the oiled gauze fits tightly to the area around the ear. The auricle is brought out through a pre-made incision. The compress is not applied over the auricle!
  5. From above, the area of ​​the compress is covered with a reserve of plastic film, insulated with a thick layer of cotton wool and secured with a gauze bandage, bandage, scarf or scarf. From above it is still desirable to additionally insulate sore ear a warm scarf or a hat.

Keep the compress for at least two hours. It can be left on all night if it does not cause discomfort. However, you should not lie directly on the sore ear.

You can repeat compresses every day, every other day, or as recommended by your doctor.

If, when applying a compress with oil, the patient feels severe itching, irritation, pain, or an allergic reaction begins to develop, you should immediately remove the compress, wipe the area behind the ear dry with a dry cloth, then remove the remaining camphor with a swab with a small amount vegetable oil.

It is necessary to close the external auditory canal and carefully wash the ear and the area around it with soap, rinsing off any remaining product. Then carefully dry the ear, remove the turunda from it and apply a clean, dry compress on top. A patient with strong manifestations allergies, skin rashes and mucous membranes such as urticaria, you need to take an antihistamine. Usually such measures are sufficient to eliminate the consequences acute reaction for the drug.

Possible contraindications and side effects

The use of camphor oil can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Acute allergic reaction such as urticaria.
  2. Inflammation of the skin if its surface has been irritated or damaged.
  3. Severe itching, which leads to scratching until scabs form.
  4. Swelling of the skin.
  5. Hyperemia.
  6. Increase in local body temperature.

The external use of camphor oil may be prohibited in the following cases:

  • If you are allergic to camphor in any form or manifestation.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • IN childhood up to 24 months.
  • Integrity violation skin.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Tendency to seizures.
  • Hypersensitivity to the smell of camphor.
  • The presence of purulent and/or bloody discharge from the ear canal.

Compresses with camphor oil are auxiliary treatment of ear diseases, therefore cannot be used independently. Before using this product, you should consult your doctor and take into account all the nuances of its use.

Among the traditional medicines that are widely used for colds in children, camphor oil occupies a special place. This is a very effective remedy for ear diseases, rhinitis, and cough. But it is also one of the most discussed in the professional community, since doctors have still not come to a consensus on whether camphor oil can or cannot be used in the treatment of children.

ENT doctors claim that camphor can impair hearing and damage eardrum when instilled into the ear, pediatricians do not agree with this, but, in turn, warn about the possibility of poisoning the child with camphor oil vapor if it is used ineptly. Toxicologists disagree with the formulation “camphor poisoning,” unless, of course, the child was given it to drink. And allergists unanimously insist that this treatment with camphor can cause severe allergies, which will be quite troublesome to get rid of later.

Let's take a closer look at camphor oil together, find out its properties and weigh the pros and cons.

What it is

Camphor oil - unique herbal preparation, which can be purchased inexpensively at any pharmacy. It consists of vegetable oil and camphor, the concentration of which is finished product- 10%. The substance that gives the product its name is obtained from camphor laurel, which grows in abundance in Indonesia, as well as in China, Japan and our Far East.

In addition to the natural extraction of bay leaves, camphor is also extracted synthetically. But maximum amount useful substances It is still contained in a natural preparation.

Camphor oil is widely used in cosmetology, in alternative medicine due to wide antiseptic properties, it disinfects and anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

The drug facilitates the discharge of sputum when coughing and to some extent increases the overall immune defense organism.

An oil solution of camphor is an excellent remedy against flying pests. If you pour it into a small container and place it in the room so that the child cannot reach it, you don’t have to worry mosquito bites, since camphor vapor is a real poison for most insects.

Use in children

Due to the fact that camphor oil contains active aromatic and ethereal compounds, doctors of various specialties do not recommend using it to treat children under two years of age. The optimal age for camphor therapy is 3 years. However, some pediatricians take responsibility and in certain cases recommend the drug even to children over the age of 11 months, albeit in an extremely low dosage.

Camphor oil can be given to a child only for external and local application. Under no circumstances should you drink the drug! Any attempt to use camphor in treating a child must be agreed with a doctor, otherwise the consequences of self-medication can be extremely severe.

Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on the topic of a compress for children with otitis media can be seen in the following video.


Pharmacy 10% oil solution camphor, according to official instructions, can be used for the following diseases:

  • Myositis
  • Neuralgia

The instructions prescribe subcutaneous administration of oil in case of opiate poisoning (as an antidote), in case of heart failure and depression of the functions of the respiratory center.

Traditional medicine with light hand Traditional medicine has found other uses for the drug. So, it is instilled into the ears for otitis, compresses are made and rubbed on the chest for bronchitis, pneumonia and unproductive dry cough, when it is necessary to provoke rapid liquefaction and removal of sputum. Dropped into the nose for a runny nose and widely used in for cosmetic purposes, for example, as a facial product in the treatment of teenage acne.


Camphor oil should not be used to treat children prone to allergies. It is not allowed to be administered subcutaneously to children suffering from epilepsy. Externally, you should not apply camphor solution to too deep and purulent wounds, this can only make it worse inflammatory process.

How to treat

Now let's look at several gentle ways to use the drug in the treatment of children.


If the ear hurts, the drug can be used as a means for instillation into the ear, in the form of tampons in the auricle and in compresses. This will help relieve the child from acute ear pain, will reduce the spread of the inflammatory process. Be sure to consult your doctor!

When external acute otitis media recommended single dose no more than 2-3 drops of oil, which must be dripped into each ear while heated. You should first make sure that the drug is not hot. To do this, apply a drop to back side palms. After the procedure, the entrance to the ear is closed with clean and dry cotton wool.

For otitis media, it is better to put tampons with camphor oil in the ears. They are carefully inserted for 2-3 hours, a woolen scarf is tied on top of the ear to preserve heat, after which the tampons are removed and the entrance to the ear is covered with dry cotton wool.

With the most severe, internal, otitis, camphor oil cannot act as independent drug for therapy. This disease needs serious treatment with the use of antibiotics, traditional medicine with such severe inflammation can't cope.

Information about otitis in children with medical point vision is presented by Dr. Komarovsky in the following video.

When treating any form of otitis with camphor oil solution, remember that purulent otitis media Do not heat with compresses or tampons. If a child's ear congestion is accompanied by a runny nose, camphor oil can be used only after the nasal cavity has been cleared of mucus and vasoconstrictor drops have been instilled in order to completely restore nasal breathing.

At high temperature If it accompanies otitis, it is undesirable to use camphor, or only with the permission of a doctor.

Muscle pain

If a child has a cold in a muscle (doctors call this condition myositis), a compress with camphor will help. For such a drug, the medicine is prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator.

Onions (4 medium onions) need to be grated on a coarse grater and pour medical alcohol or vodka (100 gr.). The mixture should be infused for about an hour and a half, after which onion infusion add camphor oil (3-4 pharmaceutical bottles). The mixture should be kept in a closed jar for about 10 days, always in a dark place. Then this ointment is rubbed into the sore muscle several times a day or a compress is made with it for 10-15 minutes twice a day.

If myositis has already happened, and there is no ready-made medicine at home, you can take pharmaceutical camphor oil and then heat it in a water bath. Apply it to the sore spot with gentle movements and wrap it warmly so that the muscle warms up. After 20 minutes, wash off the camphor with a swab dipped in warm water and apply a dry, warm scarf to the inflamed muscle.

Sprains and bruises

In case of injuries and especially sprains, the child can rub camphor oil into the sore spot with intense movements. Apply warm compress in this case it is not necessary. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. A compress with this drug can be applied to a bruise or injury site for a child over 2 years old; it should be kept for no more than half an hour, and then after 3-4 hours, repeat the procedure.

For joint pain

Helps with joint pain cabbage leaf with camphor oil. To do this, the drug is mixed with dry mustard and applied to a cabbage leaf. Such a compress is briefly applied to a sore spot.

General decrease in tone, sleep disturbances, depression, chronic fatigue

To combat such conditions, camphor oil can be used as a means for aroma lamps. Today they can be bought anywhere, but it should be remembered that camphor vapors can cause symptoms of poisoning in children under three years of age. Such sessions should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and with extreme caution.

Skin diseases, burns and abrasions

With acne, which so torments most teenagers in puberty, camphor oil solution in equal proportions can be mixed with grape or Vaseline oil. After first wiping the teenager’s face with cucumber lotion, carefully apply largest accumulation acne the resulting mixture. The mask should be kept for no more than half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water without soap. Repeat healing procedures preferably once a day.

Runny nose

If the nose is stuffed up, and there is no snot as such, this may indicate viral infection. In this case, camphor oil can be used, but only for children from 3 years old. To prepare the drops, take equal amounts of sunflower oil, pharmaceutical camphor and propolis tincture. The components are mixed, the resulting composition should be dripped several times a day, 2-3 drops into each nostril.

If the runny nose is allergic or is accompanied by green or purulent snot, such forms of rhinitis will require more qualified treatment antibiotics or antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor. Camphor oil in this case can only do harm.

Perhaps every person has used compresses at least once in his life during the treatment of some ailment. These are bandages with several layers of gauze or cloth, which can be cold or hot, but in any case it is used in medicinal purposes. Compresses have great benefit for a person, despite the ease of use.

One of the substances that is used to apply a compress is camphor. It is made from camphor wood, also called Japanese laurel. It is believed that his homeland is East Asia, but today it grows on almost all continents.

In Australia, the camphor tree first appeared almost 100 years ago, but quickly became a weed, destroying entire river embankments and sewer systems, as well as surviving eucalyptus trees.

For compresses, camphor oil is used, which is obtained from crushed raw materials - wood, shoots and leaves. The consistency has a pale yellow color or, in general, it is colorless. Also available in red, black, white oil, as well as natural camphor. The smell of the oil is quite intense, spicy.

The properties of camphor oil are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, analgesic and antispasmodic, decongestant and tonic.

Camphor compress on the ear

To relieve ear pain due to otitis media and others ear diseases(for example, swelling of the Eustachian tube), camphor oil is often used when applying compresses. It warms the ear, however, in no case should there be a purulent process in it.

For those who are still wondering how to do it camphor compress Please note that the recipe is quite simple. Camphor oil must be heated in a water bath.

After gauze bandage, folded in several layers, and with a slot for the auricle, is moistened in it. Preparation for the compress is done by thoroughly cleansing the ear itself and the skin around it, as well as applying cream to avoid redness or rashes.

For an even greater warming effect, a layer of cellophane or polyethylene is applied. Next comes the cotton wool, and then the entire structure is fixed with a bandage. From above you need to wrap your ear in a warm woolen scarf. By the way, after removing the compress, it is also better to use it to healing effect lasted as long as possible.

IMPORTANT! Before using an ear compress made from camphor oil or any other substance, you should consult a specialist to make sure there are no contraindications.

Side effects of camphor

An ear compress with camphor oil should not be used for children under two years of age, because a small body can be poisoned by the vapors of the medicinal substance.

It is not recommended to use camphor oil, as well as camphor alcohol, in pure form, since they can damage too sensitive areas of the skin. If you overdose on oil, a person may suffer severe dizziness, headaches and redness on the face.

Contraindications to the use of compresses with camphor oil include diseases such as epilepsy, because it can cause new seizures and convulsions. Naturally, one cannot resort to such treatment if a person has individual intolerance to the components of the substance.

If the skin near the ear has any damage, camphor oil is undesirable for use. During your appointment homeopathic medicines it can completely neutralize their effect.

Many responsible parents wonder whether camphor oil can be used to treat children? It’s possible, but in such cases you need to behave more carefully with him. This is due to the toxicity of oil vapors, which can lead to poisoning even if they get into children's body through the pores of the skin.

It is not advisable to make compresses before the child reaches the age of two, and before the age of three you should not drip the oil itself into the ears. You are only allowed to use special turundas soaked in camphor oil. In this case, the skin should not have direct contact with the oil, so you need to additionally wrap the turundas with a bandage.

When using camphor oil for the first time, the procedure is carried out a short time, and after it the auricle and the skin around the ear are carefully examined for irritation.

Otherwise, the child is too sensitive to camphor oil, he does not tolerate it well, and therefore such treatment will have to be postponed. Allergy manifests itself severe itching in the ears.

Camphor compress on the ear: treatment of otitis media

Most often, otitis occurs in humans during the autumn and spring periods. From the slightest draft an inflammatory process can begin, which from untimely treatment becomes chronic.

Treatment with camphor oil is common in folk medicine, but it should be used differently depending on the stage of the disease.

Otitis externa. This stage does not affect the quality of hearing at all, but outwardly it is quite unpleasant - the ear swells, burns and itches. This can even lead to improper hygiene ear, psoriasis, mechanical damage and insect bites. For treatment, camphor oil should be instilled into the ear. Wherein prerequisite is to eliminate a runny nose, if present.

Otitis media. Occurs from a viral infection in the ear. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, and this mainly involves taking antibiotics. Of course, camphor oil is also used, only as additional treatment. A cotton swab is soaked in camphor oil and left in the ear for four hours.

Otitis with internal inflammation. Often a consequence bad treatment middle ear. So, you can significantly deteriorate your hearing or lose it altogether. Along with drug treatment, apply a compress to the ear with camphor oil every day.


It is very important to cure otitis media completely, so as not to suffer from it later. severe consequences. The use of camphor oil, both in the form of drops and in compresses, is quite easy process, requiring a little time. But such treatment should not be unauthorized, only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Video about the treatment of otitis media with camphor oil

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures used for otitis, warming wet compresses and warming the ear with dry heat have gained wide popularity. This is due to the effectiveness of these activities, as well as the absolute availability of funds used for this. All compresses, depending on the components used, are divided into oil and alcohol.

The presence of alcohol in these procedures is due to its pronounced antiseptic action and the ability to retain heat. Many are based on alcohol. ear drops, means for external use, used in ENT pathology.

Oil solutions are able to retain heat longer, which makes it possible to use such compresses even at night.

Characteristics of the solutions used

Among the solutions widely used for preparing compresses, the most popular is the alcohol-vodka component, alcohol solution boric acid, as well as camphor alcohol and camphor oil. In addition to disinfectant and antiseptic properties, the active use of these products is due to their ability to retain heat for a long time, creating the necessary warming effect.

Therefore, before use, it must be warmed to necessary indicators. To do this, vials with solutions can be placed in a container for several minutes. hot water, the temperature of which is about 50 degrees.

The duration of the procedure itself may vary, depending on what particular product is included in the compress. A compress with camphor alcohol on the ear can be used for 3-4 hours, an oil compress - up to 8 hours. To extend the validity alcohol compresses, camphor alcohol should be mixed with warm camphor or sunflower oil in equal proportions. Technically, all compresses are prepared in the same way. To make a compress on the ear with camphor alcohol, you will need the following components:

  • bandage or gauze;
  • polyethylene film;
  • cotton wool;
  • camphor alcohol in a volume of 50-60 ml.

The bandage is folded in several layers, forming a square with a side of 10 cm. A hole for the ear is cut in the center of this napkin. Similar shape cut out the plastic film. Step-by-step instruction it looks like this:

  1. To eliminate irritant effect camphor alcohol; it is recommended to first apply a protective cream to the skin of the parotid area;
  2. The prepared gauze napkin must be moistened in heated alcohol, squeezed out, and, having passed through the ear, cover the parotid area with it;
  3. To ensure that the napkin retains moisture for a long time, it is covered with plastic wrap;
  4. To enhance the warming effect, a layer of cotton wool is applied on top;
  5. You can fix the compress on your head with a bandage, scarf or hat.

This is how you get a compress. Camphor alcohol on the ear can be used in another way. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in a heated solution. The method is simpler, but no less effective. It is most common in children. This version of the compress can be used for several hours.

An ear compress with camphor oil is prepared in the same way. The only difference is the heating component used. However, even when using oil that retains heat longer, it is not recommended to leave it overnight.

If the use of a compress is accompanied by a worsening of the condition, increased pain in the ear, burning or itching, the compress must be removed and the parotid area examined. The presence of redness or any rashes in this area indicates the development of allergic reaction. The remaining solution should be blotted with a soft cloth, excess oil should be removed using warm water. You should consult your doctor regarding this situation.

Various materials can be used as a warming component. medicines, herbal decoctions, oil. However, no matter which of the components is chosen for these purposes, the indications for the procedure are always the same. Most Applications received warm compresses for catarrhal otitis media. It was during this period, thanks to the activation defense mechanisms, regression of the disease is possible.

The purulent course of otitis media is absolute contraindication for carrying out any thermal procedures, including compresses.

Purulent otitis can be determined by the existing suppuration. However this symptom is very informative, but not mandatory. In some cases, suppuration may occur not through the injured eardrum, but through the auditory tube.

Clarifying the diagnosis can help instrumental diagnostics carried out by an otolaryngologist. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing severe complications when due to the thermal effect and anatomical proximity, purulent exudate extends to the structures of the skull and the membranes of the brain.

In addition, camphor-based preparations are potent allergens, and therefore their use should be limited in patients prone to developing such reactions. Compared to other products used to prepare compresses, camphor alcohol and oil have a pronounced irritant effect.

The use of these procedures is contraindicated if the patient has wound surface in the parotid area, psoriatic lesions or other changes in the skin.

Having a pronounced warming effect, this procedure helps to increase the patient's body temperature. Ear inflammation is also accompanied by the development of hyperthermia. Therefore, applying compresses risks further increasing the temperature. The use of compresses at temperatures above 37.3 degrees is unacceptable.

In children, due to the structural features of the hearing organ, imperfect immune system, transformation catarrhal otitis purulent may take only a few hours. Despite the fact that quite often the disease is characterized by a sluggish course, in some patients it can have a fulminant form. All this makes it extremely dangerous to carry out warming procedures in children, even in the most initial period diseases.

For children under 5 years of age, wet compresses are not used in children.

It is possible to use a dry compress, which does not use additional heat, but ensures the preservation of its own thermal regime.

The use of any procedures should not only be effective and contribute to speedy recovery, but also safe. To do this, their appointment should always be agreed with a specialist. In the case of ear inflammation, this is especially important, since it is possible to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment only by performing an otoscopy and examining the eardrum.



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