Health in elementary school. Class hour in elementary school about a healthy lifestyle

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"Healthy lifestyle in elementary school"

Working programm

course on extracurricular activities elementary school students


Compiled by:

Munavarova Guzel Faritovna

Age of students:

7-8 years old, 1st grade

Implementation period:

2015-2016 academic year

"Children's curiosity is boundless.

Children want h learn everything about yourself and the world in which you live"

Robert Roitenberg

Explanatory note

One of the priority tasks of reforming the education system today is the preservation and strengthening of the health of students, the formation of the value of their health, a healthy lifestyle, the choice of educational technologies that are appropriate for age, eliminate overload and preserve the health of schoolchildren. Health-saving technologies are firmly included in the educational process.

Therefore, within the framework of the district program for the creation of experimental school grounds and the enrollment of the first grades of elementary schools to test the New Educational Standards, this program was developed. It is designed for elementary school students and takes into account age features schoolchildren.

Provided different types work with students: work in groups, practical lessons, project work, drawing competitions, diagnostic studies.

The program is modified, it is based on the following developments:

The program is designed for one academic year (33 weeks). Children of the first grade (7-8 years old) participate in the implementation of the program. The number of lessons per week is 1, 35 minutes each.

Program goal: Contribute to the development of a holistic view of human health, healthy way life, ways of maintaining and strengthening health in real environment, education in students of sustainable motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Program objectives:

1. Introduce students to the concept of "Healthy lifestyle".

2. To ensure the consistent formation of the basic concepts of human health, the factors that shape health, and the factors that destroy health among students.

3. Link lifestyle to human health and safety.

4. Show that health is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

5. Uncover the factors of a healthy lifestyle: balanced diet, daily routine, work and rest, physical activity, physical culture and hardening, personal and public hygiene. Relationship culture, ability to overcome stress.

Relevance: the need to improve the health of primary school students .

The program includes the following modules:

1. Informing:

    informing students, parents, teachers on the problems of maintaining health and forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle;

    informing about correct composition and competent use of the contents of home first aid kits;

    informing students about correct mode day for a first grade student.

2. Diagnostics:

    conducting diagnostics (questionnaires, testing, observation, etc.) among students (with the consent of their parents or other representatives) in order to identify health problems.

3. Classes with students:

    conducting classes aimed at forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle;

    conducting activities aimed at improving emotional state and increased resilience to overwork and stress.

The implementation of the program will allow:

    instill in students basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of a healthy lifestyle;

    to form in children a scientifically based system of concepts of the basics of life safety;

    develop the necessary skills and habits of safe behavior in Everyday life in the event of various dangerous and emergency situations.

The result of the implementation of the program will be summing up the results of various competitions within the framework of this course:

for the most best project"Water is life itself"

to the most interesting poster "My home is my fortress",

to the most beautiful slogan “Our class is the healthiest”.

Syllabus programs

Section name

Number of hours

Total hours:


Introduction to the course.

healthy eating. Daily regime.

Personal hygiene

Ecology of the house and city. Safety.

Good and bad habits. Vitamins and folk remedies.

Approximate content of the course program

"Healthy lifestyle"

Introduction to the course (3 hours).

What will the classes be about? What is health? Human health and beauty. How to keep healthy? What is a healthy lifestyle?

Healthy food. Daily regime (9 hours).

Personal hygiene (5 hours).

Why do you need to wash? How to do it right? Personal hygiene. How to brush your teeth properly? What is good and what is bad for teeth? What do we know about water? The role of water for life and health. Water purification in natural conditions and in the house.

Ecology of the house and city. Security (8 hours).

Our home is our castle. Ecology at home. Where is the garbage in the city? City ecology. How they help natural phenomena a person to maintain and strengthen health? Safe Behavior in the forest in winter and summer. Safe behavior on ice, on the river. First aid. Folk remedies. Safety rules for dealing with strangers.

Good and bad habits.

Vitamins and folk remedies (8 hours).

Harmful and good habits person. Bad habits - smoking and narcotic substances. Helpful medicines. medicinal plants. Final lesson.

Literature and other sources of information

1. Antibiotics /drug or poison/. M.: AST, 2006.

2. Vitamins /drug or poison/. M.: AST, 2006.

3. Krutetskaya V.A. and Shinkarchuk S.A. Rules of health and first aid /series Primary School/, Litera Publishing House, S.-P., 2008.

4. Makarov K.A. Chemistry and medicine. M.: Education, 1981.

5. Uzhegov G.N. Secrets of Survival emergency situations. M.; ANS, 1999.

6. Chemistry for all / reader /. To eat or not to eat, to drink or not to drink. Izhevsk, 2000.

7. Encyclopedia for children. T. 17. M.: Avanta+, 2000.

8. Website http:// www. proshkolu. en/ search/

Thematic planning

"Healthy mind in healthy body- here is a short one, but Full description happiness in this world."
D. Locke

Planned date

Fact. date

Approximate lesson content:

Lesson form

Introduction. What will the classes be about?
What is health?

Human health and beauty.

Group work.

Centenarians. Heredity. The story of my family.

Group work

Daily routine and the need to comply with it.

Group work.

Diet. Healthy food.

Group work.

Features of nutrition different peoples. Traditional food of the KhMAO aborigines.

“Only cows chew all the time.” Chewing gum - pros and cons.

Workplace and landing rules. Correct posture.


What shoes do we wear? Flat feet and its prevention.

Group work.

Tiredness and overwork. Rest in the course of educational activity.


Why are eyes tired? Glasses. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Playing out skits

Why do you need to wash? How to do it right?

Conversation, game.

Personal hygiene. What is this?


How to brush your teeth properly? What is good and what is bad for teeth?

Drawing competition.

What do we know about water? The role of water for life and health. Safe behavior near water bodies.

Purification of water in nature and at home.


Our home is our castle.

Ecology at home.

Where is the garbage in the city?

City ecology.

Safe behavior in the forest in winter and summer. Fire safety at home and outdoors.

Group work

Safe behavior on ice, on the river.

First aid. Folk remedies.

Bad and good human habits. Where are they from?

Drawing competition

Safety rules when communicating with strangers.

Game, scenes.

Dangerous Habits- drugs.

Sports as a means of improving health.

Medicinal properties of northern berries.


Folk remedies for prevention colds. Keeping healthy in autumn.

Vitamins and the history of their discovery.

Final lesson. Summarizing.

Health notebook (summer task)

Awarding the winners of competitions and the healthiest.

Target: expansion of children's ideas about medicinal properties some products, their ability to heal and strengthen the body.

Event progress

I. Conversation with Doctor Nebolite.

Dr Nebolite. Hello guys. Let's get to know you. Of course, you know very well my older brother, Dr. Aibolit. So, I'm his colleague. Wherever I go, my patients immediately get rid of all diseases. That's why they called me Doctor Nebolite. I really want you to always listen to my advice.

Tip #1

If you have an unbalanced character, if you are too irritable when communicating with others, first of all, change your diet and switch to plant foods.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that 85% of those who consume mainly meat products are too quick-tempered and aggressive. At that time, 90% of vegetarians, on the contrary, are calm and balanced.

Historically, in Russia there have long been quite a few followers of "kill-free nutrition". The fasts were strictly observed and fast days prescribed by the church. In addition, our country was mostly peasant.

An unbalanced diet with a predominance of meat in the diet is fraught with trouble for our body. Numerous studies have shown that nutrition is predominantly meat food increases the load on the liver, irritates the kidneys, creates prerequisites for obesity. More than 2,000 years ago, Socrates said: "Abstain from eating and drinking more than your hunger and thirst require." Let's stick to this wise rule, but let's not forget that we still need to consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible.

Tip #2

You probably went to the pharmacy with your mother more than once to buy small peas - vitamins. A person will eat one or two such peas and then he feels great. However, there were times when there were no pharmacies. And there were no peas.

However, already in those distant times it was known that sauerkraut very good for health. So they harvested it in whole barrels. In this form, cabbage was stored for years and at the same time did not lose its beneficial properties.

Tell me, do you like cabbage - sauerkraut or fresh? If you haven't fallen in love yet, I definitely advise you to do it. A few fresh cabbage leaves a day or a stalk is very good for health, especially in winter when there are few vitamins in food.

Tip #3

Did you know that in the middle of the last century, carrots were considered a delicacy of gnomes - little fairy-tale forest men. There was even such a belief: if you take a bowl of steamed carrots into the forest in the evening, then in the morning you will definitely find an ingot of gold in this place. It was said that the gnomes ate carrots and generously rewarded for their favorite food.

Tell me, have you already fallen in love with carrots? Those guys who gnaw carrots in the morning have long forgotten how their teeth hurt.

And the one who eats carrot salads grows faster, and his eyesight gets better. Who doesn't want to grow up faster?

Tip #4

Chewing gum: nice, but is it healthy?

You should not trust TV dentists who claim that Orbit saves you from a visit to the dentist.

It is not at all necessary to wash off the remnants of food with saliva formed from chewing gum - it is much easier to rinse your mouth with water or gnaw on an apple or carrot. It is also important that with constant chewing movement there is an active production of gastric juice, which at this moment is not required by the body for digestion. The resulting hyperacidity affects the gastric mucosa and can provoke various serious illness such as gastritis.

Excess saliva is not normal for healthy body. It leads to the growth of pathological microorganisms in the mouth, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Often with active use chewing gum old fillings fall out, dentures are injured, not to mention the fact that her long-term use can provoke the development of arthritis of the maxillary joint.

Regrettably, gum chewers are significantly more likely to end up in the dentist's chair than those who regularly brush their teeth day and night and rinse their mouth after eating.

Tip #5

Plums have played an important role in medicine since ancient times. Already ancient Greek and Arab doctors began to use these fruits as a laxative and cholagogue. modern medicine fully confirmed the fact healing properties plums.

IN folk medicine fresh plums are used to regulate the function digestive tract; dry, together with other dried fruits (apples, pears, apricots) are used for the use of compotes, concoctions recommended for use in fasting days at overweight body.

Well, to all those who are healthy, I also advise you to eat plums and prunes, drink compotes and plum juice, feast on plum jam or marmalade, as it is very useful. A lot of plums should not be eaten only by those people in whom these fruits cause severe disorder stomach.

Tip #6

Did you know that the peel of a lemon contains more vitamin C than its pulp. Therefore, you need to eat the whole fruit without a trace. In order to satisfy daily requirement an adult in this vitamin, you need to consume about 100 g of lemon daily, that is, two small or one large fruit. Lemons can be useful for people suffering from some forms of urolithiasis. In pediatrics, lemon juice is one of the most recognized remedies for the prevention of rickets in young children. A good way to stop nosebleeds is to instill fresh lemon juice into the nasal passages. In folk medicine, lemon, together with the peel (circles sprinkled with sugar), is used for heart diseases.

And don't forget the lemon tea. It quenches thirst well, invigorates, tones the body, saturates it with vitamins and other valuable substances.

Tip #7

Grapefruit is relatively little known to the population of our country compared to its closest counterparts - orange, tangerine and lemon.

Unfortunately a lot of people don't like it. bitter taste grapefruit fruit, and completely in vain. Substances that cause bitterness are concentrated mainly in the peel, seeds and films, which must be removed when consumed. Grapefruit juice is also slightly bitter, but this is not a drawback, but rather a "highlight" of this fruit. Thanks to its taste data, grapefruit quenches thirst well, stimulates appetite, improves digestion, and has a tonic effect on the body.

Grapefruit contains more vitamin C than tangerines, but less than oranges and lemons.

It should be noted that grapefruit is stored much longer than other citrus fruits, and at the same time does not lose its taste and nutritional qualities. The same applies to the content of vitamin C.

They eat grapefruit most often with powdered sugar or sugar, it turns out much tastier, at least for children. Grapefruit juice is useful to drink before breakfast, on an empty stomach.

You need to be friends with grapefruit!

Tip #8

Who among us is unfamiliar with currants! When the berries ripen, every more or less economic person seeks to prepare for the future one or two jars of pureed currants or cook currant jam. All of us are driven by one desire: to have our own vitamins in the winter, when there are few vegetables and fruits.

Probably not everyone knows what is in the currant great value represent not only berries, but also buds with leaves.

Currant buds are harvested in winter or early spring, when they have not yet had time to blossom. This is a valuable raw material for the food industry - fruit essences and syrups are prepared from them. And the kidneys just contain a large number of vitamins. Currant leaves are used in salting and fermentation as a spice. They also make excellent vitamin tea.

Currant syrup is used to treat colds and whooping cough in children.

For those who love tea, I advise you to brew in winter dried berries or dried leaves and drink decoctions. This, like currant jam, compote and juice, will help increase the body's resistance to influenza. Black currant is also very useful for children.

General advice.

1. Limit yourself to refined foods, especially sugar. It is better to replace it with honey, which contains many useful substances.

2. Reduce your salt intake.

3. It is desirable to exclude fried, smoked.

4. Eat meals at the same hours whenever possible.

5. The basic principle of nutrition is moderation. Don't overeat.

6. Try to keep your table varied.

II. Crossword "Vegetable miracles".


1. Grows in the ground in the garden

Orange sweet.

2. How I put on a hundred shirts,

Crunched on the teeth.

3. It tastes sweet, juicy,

Not growing yet with us

He is an exotic fruit

We all love...

4. Pink cheeks, white nose,

The whole day sits in darkness,

And the shirt is green

She is all in the sun.

5. The caftan on him is green,

And the heart is like a bag.

Tastes like sugar, sweet

It looks like a ball.

6. Green house is cramped:

Narrow, long, smooth.

Sitting side by side in the house

Round kids.

Trouble came in autumn

The smooth house cracked.

Jumped, who where,

Round kids.

7. Both beautiful and elegant,

He, friends, is different -

Yellow, pink and red.

8. Amazing Sunshine:

This sun has a hundred windows,

From those windows they look

Hundreds of little jackdaws.


1. Carrot. 2. Cabbage. 3. Pineapple. 4. Radish. 5. Watermelon. 6. Peas. 7. Tomato. 8. Sunflower.

Keyword: tangerine.

III. Summarizing.

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"General education secondary (complete) school

1 city of Beloyarsky.

Conversation with students on the topic:

" We are for a healthy lifestyle".

Nikitina S.M.

Primary school teacher


Topic: "We are for a healthy lifestyle:


to give an idea of ​​such a concept as "health";

to promote the formation of positive motivation for physical education and sports;

form the habit of a healthy lifestyle;

bring up negative attitude to bad habits;

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation (PowerPoint) "Healthy lifestyle".

Hello guys.

Let's get to know each other better. My name is Svetlana Mikhailovna. I am a 3rd grade teacher. I love what I teach and I love those I teach. I also love to sing and dance.

Now, each of you, say your name and favorite hobby passing this talisman of kindness, justice, sympathy to each other.

Let's sit down a bit.

You have chosen a topic Healthy lifestyle!» (Slide 1)

Which keyword is in this offer? (Health)

How do you understand what health is? (Feel good physically and emotionally, rarely get sick, have no bad habits.)

Many people ask themselves the question: “How to live so as not to grow old?” And they answer to themselves: “It doesn’t happen like that.” Every person gets sick in some way or another. But why does one end up in the hospital twice in a lifetime, and the other almost every month?Children's answers.- Do you want to know how healthy you are? Let's do a little testing and find out about your health, you are offered a list of statements, each of which requires a yes or no answer. This information will be useful, first of all, to you.

Test "Your health".

1. I often have a poor appetite.

2. After a few hours of work, my head starts to hurt.

3. I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and sullen.

4. Periodically, I have serious illnesses when I have to stay in bed for several days.

5. I hardly go in for sports.

6. In Lately I put on some weight.

7. I often feel dizzy.

8. I currently smoke.

9. As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses.

10. I have poor sleep and discomfort in the morning after waking up.

For each “yes” answer, give yourself 1 point and calculate the amount.

Results. (Slide 2)

1-2 points. Despite some signs of deteriorating health, you are in good shape. In no case do not give up efforts to preserve your well-being.

3-6 points. Your attitude to your health can hardly be called normal, it is already felt that you upset him quite thoroughly.

7-10 points. How did you manage to get yourself to this point? It's amazing that you're still able to walk and work. You need to change your habits immediately, otherwise...

Of course, you have the right to disagree with this interpretation of the results, but let's better think about health and highlight the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

What is health?

(Children's answers ) (Slide 3)

The following statistics also make you think about health:

In our country high level mortality, which is 3 times higher for men than for women, and among the working-age population, the mortality rate for men is 6–7 times higher than in developed countries.

Average duration life was: (Slide 4)

in India - 69 years;

in France - 80 years;

in the Czech Republic - 76 years;

in Japan - 82 years;

in the USA - 78 years;

in Ukraine - 68 years.

Signs of a healthy person

Guys, I suggest you complete the following task. You have papers on your desks. Healthy man- this is ... ... ... a person. Please connect the definitions that you think are correct with arrows.

A healthy person is ....... a person.












Creative task "What decision to make?"

And now I propose to unite in groups and from each pair of statements in the dialogue of two friends, you must choose the one that reflects a lifestyle that is beneficial to health.

Two boys are talking to each other.

1. “Every day I do morning exercises and water treatments. “I don’t have time to wash my face, do morning exercises and water procedures, and I don’t feel like it either.”

2. “I brush my teeth twice a day and take care of my oral cavity. I go once every six months preventive examination at the dentist."

“I don’t visit the dentist – it’s very scary, and why? I brush my teeth once a day. I think this is enough."

3. “To be healthy, you need to temper, pour yourself cold water, take sunny and air baths, exercise". - “Pouring cold water, and even in winter, is very harmful - you can catch a cold, get sick. And I have no time to go in for sports, I like to play computer games until the evening!"

4. “During the day, wash your hands as often as possible, especially after using the toilet and before eating. It helps protect against infectious diseases.”

“I sometimes forget to wash my hands before eating, and why? After all, I didn’t go out anywhere, and the cat, which I love to stroke, is our home.”

5. “When writing and reading, I sit at the table correctly. I watch TV no more than an hour a day. I do eye exercises to relieve tension.

“Having come from school, I lie down on the sofa and leaf through my favorite magazine “Auto”, I read all the information that interests me. And when I learn my lessons, I like to watch TV for a long time or play computer games.”

6.- “When reading, I lie on the sofa. I watch TV a lot until my eyes hurt

- “When I come home from school, I rest, then I do my homework. I take a rest break. Then I go for a walk."

(listen to all answers)

What decision should these boys make? (Remember that health is greatest value on which much depends in our lives. Therefore, one should continue to take care of their health, and the other should decide that it is necessary to change their behavior and start taking care of their health.)

Conclusion: our health largely depends on ourselves, on our attitude towards ourselves and on what behavior we choose.

"House of Health"

Imagine that in our country there is a Health House. What should the people living in this house observe?

Select titles life values and components of a healthy lifestyle and place them in this house.

(Proper nutrition sleep, activity and leisure, rejection of bad habits, ability to cope with stress, kind attitude towards people).

Why did you choose these qualities?

Let's look at each point separately.

(children express their opinions, summarize together)

1. Proper nutrition (Slide 5) - foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Reduced morbidity of students, improved psychological condition children, their mood rises, and most importantly, their working capacity and interest in learning activities increase.

2. Sleep (Slide 6) has a very positive effect on the human body. There is a lot of controversy around how much sleep a person needs? It used to be stated that a child - 10-12 hours, a teenager - 9-10 hours, an adult - 8 hours. Now many come to the conclusion that this is all individually, some need more, some less. But the main thing is that a person should not feel tired after sleep and be whole hearty day.

3. Active activity and active recreation. (Slide 7)

Statistics: sedentary image of life is one of the top 10 causes of death and disability worldwide. deficit physical activity It is the cause of 2 million deaths per year. Less than 30% of youth leads active image life, sufficient to maintain their health in the future.

Raise your hands who attends sports sections outside the school.(...)

Who is in the school sports sections?

Who visits other sections and for what purpose?(....)

We spend with you at the lessons, what for rest? (physical minutes)

4. Rejection of bad habits (Slide 8)

Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) are the worst health destroyers because they can be deadly. And you should always remember this.

4. If the person is friendly, (Slide 9) loves to help, uses justice in relation to others, then in life he gets a lot of good. It attracts honest and open people.

I will open the record on a slide, and each of you may open the law of health.

Conclusion. Reflection. (Slide 10)

This is where our conversation came to an end. I would like to know your opinion, what new and interesting things you got during our meeting. And we will end our conversation with a poem by David Tukhmanov.

We are born to live in the world for a long time:

Sad and sing, laugh and love,

But to make all dreams possible,

Ask yourself: are you ready to work -

Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

Throw away the cigarette? Trample the drug?

Take a look around: beautiful Nature

We are called to live in peace with her.

Give me a hand, friend! Let's help you

On the board you see the scales. One side of the scale means "yes" and the other "no" Put your circle on one of the sides of these scales and we will find out what conclusion you have drawn from our conversation.

Thank you for the conversation. I hope that in life you will be healthy people.

Memo "Healthy lifestyle rules".

1. Keep your body clean

clothing, housing.

2. Eat right.

3. Move more.

4. Temper yourself.

5. Don't get into bad habits.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in primary school.

Preservation of life, health and development of children is the main direction of the organization of the educational process.

The team of our school is working on the topic “Study and implementation modern technologies formation of a healthy lifestyle junior schoolchildren and preschoolers. Main distinctive feature health-saving pedagogy is the priority of health, i.e. competent health care, as required condition educational process. This determines the consistent formation of health-preserving education at school. educational space, in which all teachers, specialists, students, their parents, in a coordinated manner, solve common tasks related to health care and assume joint and several responsibility for the results.

Organization of extracurricular activitiesstudents in grades 1-4 as part of the implementation of the GEF onthroughcircle "In a healthy body - healthy mind”, which contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among students, hardening of the body.

3 hours at school physical education, health days, sports Saturdays are held monthly.

The subject "Culture of health" is studied integrated within the subject "Physical culture".

The most important element a comprehensive strategy for setting priorities in the field of health is the program of teaching the culture of health to students of general educational institutions (Zhukov O.F. Educational program "Health Culture" for students in grades 1-11 / O.F. Zhukov, M.I. Lukyanova. - Ulyanovsk: UlGU , 2011.)

The purpose of the program "Education for a culture of health":

To develop in students the knowledge, skills and abilities (competences) that will help them to carry out responsible behavior in relation to their own health and personal well-being throughout their lives.

Tasks to achieve the goal:

Formation of knowledge about the physical, mental, social well-being of a person;

Teaching a child self-knowledge;

Safety training and accident prevention;

Training in hygiene rules and prevention infectious diseases;

Teaching healthy eating;

Prevention of addictions psychoactive substances(surfactant);

Formation of personal physical culture;

The program consists of seven sections:

Health, healthy lifestyle; self-knowledge training; interpersonal communication; safety training and accident prevention; formation of personal physical culture; prevention of substance abuse.

These sections reveal three interrelated components of health: physical, psycho-emotional and social health.

The program is based on the students' mastery of life skills and skills to preserve and strengthen their own health.

An important component program implementation is to use interactive methods learning that allows you to create positive motivation and arouse interest in the materials being studied.

The main methods of active involvement of students in the process of developing skills and abilities include: discussion, demonstrations and practical activities under the guidance of a teacher, role-playing games, work in small groups, educational games and case modeling, case studies, storytelling, audio-visual presentation techniques.

In an educational institution, a lot of explanatory work is carried out among children about the need for physical activity, about prevention various diseases about bad habits. Thus, the organization and conduct of sports and recreation activities in the mode of the school day can significantly increase motor activity students, to solve a number of problems of a health-improving and educational nature, to improve their health, to cause them positive emotions which, in turn, increase mental performance successful acquisition of knowledge.

To health problems in preschool group include: health protection and comprehensive physical development child through hardening, improving body functions, increasing activity, creating a cheerful and cheerful mood.

These tasks are solved by organizing the daily routine, proper nutrition, recreational activities and physical education.

The school also does a lot of work with parents of students. At parent meetings, they are given information about medical examinations, as well as seasonal epidemics and infectious diseases and ways to deal with them. This year's Parent Meetings addressed the following questions:

1. Organization of hot meals.

2.Safety of children in the summer.

3. Prevention of flu.
4. Prevention negative manifestations among students.

5. Household children's traumatism and its prevention.

IN summer period all interested students can improve their health and relax in the schoolhealth camp "Solnyshko". According to a survey of children, the highest emotional response was received by sports events, trips around the native land, participation in the project "We and the Road", a training game according to traffic rules "Safe Wheel". The boys spent a lot of time fresh air, most of the games and sports activities were held on the street, they had the opportunity to relax and improve their health. Important for health and good nutrition, and movement, and rest, and psycho-emotional comfort. The camp was for health improvement, and the guys received not only enhanced nutrition, juices and fruits, but additional vitamins and treats enriched with vitamins.
Was held with the guys educational work: conversations about rules traffic, O safe way to the camp and home, about the rules of behavior on the street, in in public places, on walks, about a healthy lifestyle, about proper nutrition, about friendship and mutual assistance.

Experts in many ways attribute the poor health of students to the inability of schoolchildren to receive full-fledged, including hot, meals in their schools. The solution to this problem can rightly be considered as a health-saving technology that complements educational technologies maintaining and strengthening the health of students.

For students and pupils, a cyclic 10-day menu has been developed, varied, fortified.

The school has developed programs: "Healthy nutrition for schoolchildren", "Providing vegetables."

In the past academic year, the number of those who eat at school is 21 (100%). Eating free - 5 people (24%)
For the prevention of colds at school in the autumn-spring period, C-vitaminization of dishes is carried out.

The program of sports and health education of students at school.

In terms of nutritional school workacademic year was implemented

program of sports and health education of students.

Tasks. Creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and moral health of students.

Big job It is carried out on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in students. Conversations are regularly held for students in order to identify the level of knowledge about risk factors, analysis of the attitude of children different ages to mentally active substances, revealing the knowledge and attitudes of children of different age groups to a healthy lifestyle. The analysis reveals that already in the 1st grade, children are clearly aware of the danger associated with the use of PAS, speak negatively against the use of PAS and believe in the effectiveness of preventive measures. Children of all age groups have a complete understanding of a healthy lifestyle and try to adhere to it. Conversations are held about a healthy lifestyle (“I take care of my health - I will help myself”, “Observe the daily routine”), which help children develop sanitary and hygienic skills. The "Parental Lecture Hall" on sanitary propaganda has a successful effect. The FAP paramedic conducts conversations in classes and at parent-teacher meetings on the prevention of infectious diseases (“Methods of healing children at home”), the prevention of school injuries, and regularly examines children for skin diseases and pediculosis. The stand "Health Corner" was decorated in the school corridor. class teachers conversations are regularly held with viewing presentations on a healthy lifestyle “If you want to be healthy”, prevention of colds and infectious diseases “Vitamin therapy”, “Influenza prevention”, adherence to the daily routine, health days. As part of the health day, a lesson was held with children on sports competitions"Race for the leader", specialist sports school Zakharov E.V. The school held the Small Olympic Games during the Olympiad. The children followed the achievements of our athletes every day and put up gold, silver, bronze medals on the stand. We got acquainted with the history of the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games.Also within the framework world day health classes are held with a presentation, sporting events.

In order to attract students to regular physical education and sports, to promote basic sports, physical education and healthy lifestyle programs are being implemented, the strongest students are identified and a school team is being formed to participate in district competitions. Children take part in athletics, ski regional competitions.

The methodological association of primary school teachers worked on a methodological topic"Study and implementation of modern technologies for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for younger schoolchildren and preschoolers" .

Primary school teachers during the academic year organized work onpreservation and promotion of health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The school has created a material and technical base that provides optimal conditions to preserve and improve the health of students: gym , school canteen, summer playground.Conversations and practical exercises were held with the children on the observance of the rules of personal hygiene. Fizminutki at the lessons, dynamic pauses for first-graders, 3 lessons of physical education contribute to the health of students and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Competitions of drawings, posters on the fight against smoking, alcoholism, parent meetings on the problem of children's health, walks and outdoor games with elementary school students.

In modern conditions, the problem of preserving the health of children is extremely important in connection with sharp decline percentage of healthy children. Many explanations for the current situation can be offered. This is also unfavorable ecological situation, and a decrease in the standard of living, and neuropsychic stress, etc. A very significant factor in "school ill health" is the inability of the children themselves to be healthy, their ignorance of elementary laws healthy life, the basic skills of maintaining health.

Annotation map

Competition festival nomination

Topical issues updating the content and technology of teaching subjects in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Full name of the participant of the festival-competition: pedagogical ideas: "Kaleidoscope of professional finds".

Prokhorova Yulia Anatolievna

Job title

Teacher speech therapist

OS name

MBOU "Secondary School No. 27"

Brief summary of the material

extracurricular activity on the promotion of healthy lifestyles for elementary school students "If you want to be healthy"

Purpose: to generalize and systematize children's knowledge of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


    To systematize knowledge about the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

    Allow students to demonstrate their Creative skills when performing tasks on a specified topic, to develop logical thinking, ingenuity, memory;

    Provide pedagogical support in the ability to hear the captain, take personal initiative and bear collective responsibility for decisions made.

Lesson progress

What is a healthy lifestyle? (student answers)

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life of a person aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health.

Guys, we all want to be healthy. No one wants to get sick, lie in bed, swallow pills, feel pain.

And in order not to get sick, each person must know himself well, his body. Know how his organs work: heart, lungs, brain, muscles. Know what is good for your body and what is bad. Know how to eat healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. Books help us with this, from books we get knowledge about everything in the world, including health.

Today we have gathered to remember, discuss and consolidate the rules that are good for our health. Guys, raise your hands those who lead a healthy lifestyle. All! Now we will check it. What should be done to be healthy? I ask you questions, and you answer YES or NO in unison.

Do you brush your teeth regularly?

Watch more TV?

Do you follow the daily routine?

Exercise in the morning?

Eat a lot of sweets?

To walk outside?

Eat vegetables and fruits?

Wash your hands before eating?

Drink with a friend from the same glass?


Sit straight at the desk?

I believe you, you correctly answered all the questions.

Now we will conduct a short warm-up, after which we will proceed to the questions of the brain-ring game.

If my good advice,

You clap your hands!

On not right advice

Say no, no, no

    Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

    Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It's very, very tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

    Luba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Luba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Young love?

    Oh, awkward Lyudmila

She dropped the brush on the floor.

Picks up a brush from the floor

Continue brushing your teeth.

Who will give the correct answer?

Young Luda?

    Forever remember

dear friends,

Without brushing your teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

    you brushed your teeth

And go to sleep.

grab a bun

Sweet in bed.

Is this the right advice?

To strengthen teeth,

Good for chewing nails.

Is this the right advice?

    Remember this helpful tip:

You can not chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

Well done you guys

You will be all right!

And now, guys, you should split into 2 teams, each team comes up with a name for itself. We start the game Brain-ring "If you want to be healthy."

Round 1. Do you know?

Questions for the first team:

1. What human organ is compared to a pump? (heart)

2. What is the function of the skin? (protective)

3. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

4. They overtake all their lives, but they cannot overtake each other (legs)

5. I have been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many of them (hair)

Questions for the second team:

1. What human organ is compared to a computer? (brain)

2. What security posts do not allow invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt to enter your body? (skin, nose, tonsils)

3. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears? (for eye protection)

4. My brother lives behind the mountain, but does not meet me (eyes).

5. Always in the mouth, but do not swallow (tongue).

Round 2. Hygiene is the basis of health

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they are told: "Wash yourself!" - They don't wash. When they are told: "Don't climb a tree!" - they climb. For such children, the writer G. Oster came up with "Bad Advice".

Never wash your hands. Neck, ears and face. This stupid activity leads to nothing. Hands get dirty again. Neck, ears and face. So why waste energy. Time to waste. Striking is also useless. There is no point. By old age, the head will become bald by itself.

Questions for the first team:

1. Why do we have to brush our teeth twice a day?

2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or at least with your hand when coughing and sneezing?

3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or sweep with a dry broom?

Questions for the second team:

1. Why is it necessary to wash hands before eating?

2. What can lead to bad habit- bite your nails?

3. Why should a person daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, wash in the shower or in the bath, or in the bathroom?

Round 3. Proper nutrition is the key to health

Food should be healthy and varied. Some products give the body energy to move, think a lot, not get tired (for example: buckwheat, raisins, butter). Others help the body grow and become strong (fish, meat, nuts). And the third - supply the body with vitamins and minerals, help grow and develop (vegetables, fruits, dairy products). But not all foods that a person eats are good for health. Proper nutrition is a condition of health, improper nutrition leads to disease.

Which foods do you think are good and which are bad? Why?

Competition "Guess healthy foods» One player from each team participates, 2 minutes are given for reflection. Lay out the cards with the names of the products in order of usefulness. In one pile - useful, in the other - harmful. Explain why.

Products will be shown on the slide, and the guys need to write out only useful products on the board.

Round 4. Riddles on the topic "Sport and Health"

    Get up early in the morning

Jump, run, push up.

For health, order

People all need (charging).

    Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels run (bike)

    The rain is warm and thick

This rain is not easy:

He is without clouds, without clouds

Ready to go all day (shower).

    He is with you and with me

Walked through the woods.

Friend walking behind

On belts with fasteners (backpack)

    I have guys

Two silver horses

I drive both at the same time.

What kind of horses do I have? (skates).

    Do you want to break the record?

So it will help you (sport).

    To become a great athlete

There is a lot to know.

And dexterity will help here

And, of course, (training).

So guys. You are all great. Let's summarize our lesson.

What is the definition of a "healthy lifestyle"? (student answers)

Okay, now let's look at the blackboard again and read what is related to a healthy lifestyle.

Well done, guys, you did an excellent job with the tasks, I hope that today was not in vain, you learned a lot of useful things for yourself, learned. Be always healthy, active, cheerful!

“I wish you to bloom, grow,

Save, improve health

It's for a long journey

essential condition". (S. Ya. Marshak)



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs