A fairy tale composed by children of the middle vitamin group. Lesson outline (middle group) on the topic: Vitamins

Gisvain V.D., teacher of MBDOU No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny RT


1. Didactic game"Vitamin Family"

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about vitamins, their benefits for human health, and the content of certain vitamins in vegetables and fruits.

2. Role-playing game: “Let’s prepare a vitamin-rich lunch for the guests.”

Target: improve children’s ability to use substitute toys in play, consolidate children’s ability to reflect episodes of their surrounding life in play, and cultivate a sense of collectivism.

3. Conversation with a subgroup of children on the topic: “Why do we need food?” (look at illustrations).

4. Before breakfast, find out from the children what the cooks have prepared for breakfast, if it is porridge, have a short conversation on the topic: “What is porridge made from? and how to make porridge tasty.”

5. Consideration of types of cereals in the experimentation corner: buckwheat, peas, semolina, pearl barley, rice, etc.

6. Classes to familiarize yourself with the environment on the topic: “Vitamins in human life. How vitamins strengthen the body."

Target: to form in children an idea of necessary for the body human substances and vitamins, tell children about the role of vitamins in human life. Introduce them to the concept of “vitamins”, consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about healthy foods that contain vitamins. Foster a culture of nutrition, a sense of proportion and rules of cultural behavior.

Material: Dunno doll, pictures with food, vegetables, fruits, berries. A set of products, bread products, trays.

Vocabulary work: vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, coagulability, resistance.

Progress of the lesson

On the teacher’s board there are pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, berries, and bread products. There are products from the play corner on the table. Dunno comes to visit the children.

Guys, Dunno came to visit us today, say hello to him. He loves to eat, and you love to eat?

What is the most favorite dish does your mother cook? (children answer).

Look guys, Dunno brought pictures for us, a lot of products and asks us: what healthy foods, and which ones are not. Let us tell Dunno today about what you need to eat for normal development and the growth of our body. The teacher says: the body must receive from food everything it needs for life; in order to help the body, one must regularly eat a variety of foods and drink water. Now we will find out about this.

Guys, come to the table (children come to the table and name the foods lying on the table: fish, eggs, sausages, fried chicken).

These are proteins, they form our body and keep it in shape, thanks to proteins a person grows normally.

Children go to the second table, on which there are potatoes, pasta, bread, cookies, and sugar.

These guys are carbs. They provide energy, develop endurance, thanks to carbohydrates a person actively works, moves, and plays sports.

Guys, Dunno invites you to the third table. Name the products that you see on the table. (Children call: milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts).

These guys are fat. They accumulate energy and develop the brain. When a person gets sick, it is the energy of fat that helps fight the disease.

Guys, let's once again name for Dunno the substances that our body needs so much: proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

Physical exercise "Cabbage"

We chop the cabbage, chop it,

We three, three cabbage.

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We mash the cabbage and mash it.

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables.

Guys, there are also six different vitamins in our lives, which also greatly help the development of our body.

Listen to the riddle:

Red hidden spine

Only an inch is visible from above,

And you will pick it up cleverly

And in your hands... (carrot).

Children name and show the picture on the board.

These guys are vitamin A - for vision and skin. Let's tell Dunno what dishes can be prepared from carrots. (Children call).

Listen to another riddle:

There a bush grew in the garden bed,

All you can hear is crunching and crunching.

In cabbage soup, in hodgepodge thickly -

It's me... (cabbage).

This is vitamin C - for disease resistance.

Dunno will tell you the following riddle:

Here the fire burns brightly for us

Let's sit next to each other - it's very hot.

And the fire went out a little -

Baked for sweetness... (potato).

This is vitamin B - for digestion.

The teacher asks the following riddle:

Although he is not at all fragile,

And he hid in a shell.

Of all the fruits it is the hardest

It's called... (nut).

These guys are vitamin E - anti-aging.

Listen to the riddle:

Bigger and redder than everyone else

It tastes best in a salad

And guys from a long time ago

They love it very much... (tomato).

This is vitamin K, guys, for blood clotting.

And the last riddle, guys, from Dunno:

Liquid, but not water

White, not snow... (milk).

This is vitamin D - for growth.

(After solving riddles, children taste, determine the taste of the products, and feel).

Well done boys! We guessed the riddles, Dunno really enjoyed it with us. Today he learned a lot about vitamins, healthy foods, varied foods, and you guys helped him with this.

Dunno, guys, has prepared a surprise for you. (The teacher brings out a dish: vinaigrette (or cabbage salad with carrots).

Let's eat the most vitamin-packed salad with Dunno.

7. Before lunch, have a short conversation on the topic: “Lunch is bad if there is no bread.”

8. In the afternoon, organize a conversation with the children on the topic: “Time to eat buns.” Looking at illustrations.

9. Board game: "A Walk on Sesame Street."

10 Drawing on the topic: “Vitamin drawing.”

Target: To improve children’s ability to reflect in drawings what children understand by the word “vitamins”: vegetables and fruits, foods. Expand the ability to correctly position a drawing on a sheet of paper, paint over a drawing without going beyond the outline, develop a sense of color and composition. Foster independence.

11. Didactic game: “Setting the table.”

12. Before dinner, a short conversation on the topic: “It’s time for dinner.”

Working with parents

  1. Consultation for parents:

    - “Vegetables, fruits, berries and greens”

    - “Rules for those with a sweet tooth”

    - “If the child has a poor appetite”

  2. Wall newspaper for parents “Flower of Health”.
  3. Questionnaire for parents and children together: “What rules do I follow?”

In the group in book corner organize an exhibition of literature about proper nutrition, about food, etc. These are books for reading, illustrations, encyclopedias.

Tasks: introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”; to form in them an idea of ​​the need for vitamins in the human body, healthy foods that contain vitamins, to cultivate in children a culture of nutrition, a sense of empathy, and a desire to help.

Equipment and materials for the lesson:

Demo material: tape recorder, “live” vitamins, dummies and pictures of fruits and vegetables, basket, easel, pointer, hoops, tambourine.

Handout: empty cups, cups with cereal, emblems - vitamins.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all so healthy and beautiful today. Well done! What mood did you have when you came to class today?

Children: Good, cheerful, smiling, perky, kind.

Educator: Share your good mood with our guests. Smile at them. There's a lot waiting for you today exciting games, and you will learn a lot of interesting things. I think you will succeed, you will be attentive and active good mood, which we will share with everyone.

Educator:“Today we will go on a trip to an amazing country called Vitaminia.

Vitamin - Wonderland. And we will get there using magical transport. What magical transport do you know?”

Children: Mortar, flying carpet, broom, magic running boots.

Educator: Well done, you know a lot about magical transport. But you and I will fly on a magic carpet airplane.

Educator: Sit back and get ready to fly. Relax, close your eyes and we will fly. The sun is pleasantly warm, the breeze blows across our faces. We are flying. (music sounds)

Now open your eyes, we have landed.

Vitamins are substances that help children grow strong and healthy. Both plants and animals can produce vitamins themselves, but humans cannot do this. Therefore, a person must receive vitamins from food. A lot of vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, as well as in other foods that people eat. And if a child receives few of these vitamins, then he begins to get sick often, loses his appetite and grows poorly.

Educator: Each vitamin has its own name. Do you want to meet them? (Yes)

Guys, let's get up and go to the easels.

This is vitamin A. Vitamin of growth and vision. I'll tell you a riddle now. And you will guess it and recognize a product that contains a lot of vitamin A.


Beauty grows - a green braid,
All red sits in the ground,
It crunches when you chew it.

- Now look and tell me where else vitamin A is located.

Children: tomato, cherry, apple, sea buckthorn, carrot, peach, apricot, pumpkin.

Game "Find out by touch"

Educator: I would like to introduce you to another vitamin - this is vitamin B. It is very important for the functioning of the brain and the whole body. This vitamin is found in various cereals. Look and tell me where vitamin B is found.

Children: Peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.

Educator: Guys, look, all our cereals are mixed up, but we’ll fix everything now. You have very dexterous fingers and they will quickly pick through the cereal.

Game “Sort the grains”

(children stand around the table in subgroups and sort through mixed cereal in 2 cups).

Educator: Guys, let's get back to our vitamins. I didn't tell you about a very important vitamin.

This is vitamin C. These vitamins protect the body from various diseases, especially colds and flu.

Guess the riddle and find out where vitamin C is found.

Dressed in gold
Not a single fastener.
He is a healer, doctor and friend.
He cures any ailment.

Educator:“There is a lot of vitamin C in all vegetables, fruits and berries. Look and tell me where vitamin “C” is located?

Children: Blackcurrant, rosehip, lemon, orange, garlic, onion, cabbage.

Educator: And now I suggest you collect a “Vitamin Basket”. Only those vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C should be placed in the basket.

The amount of vitamins entering our body depends on the time of year. Guys, what time of year do you think we get the most vitamins?

Children: summer, autumn.

Educator: And at other times of the year, so that people do not lack vitamins, vitamin tablets are sold in pharmacies. Have you all seen and eaten them? (Shows)

Physical exercise “Find your house”

The teacher invites the children to play new game"Find your house." There are three hoops laid out on the floor, with one colored circle in the center of each.

The teacher explains the task: “We have vitamins different color. What color are the vitamins?

Children repeat the names of the vitamins again.

Educator: Well done boys! You know the names of vitamins well. Now we need to place these vitamins in the houses. Each vitamin has its own house: the yellow house (the teacher points to yellow circle on the floor), red house, and orange house. What color is vitamin A, Katya?

Kate: Red.

Educator: Which house will you put her in?

Kate: In red.

Educator: Right! Well done!

Thus, all vitamins find their homes. As the game progresses, the names of vitamins are actively repeated. The teacher praises each child. If a child makes a mistake, another child helps him.

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end. In the country of Vitaminia we saw and learned a lot of interesting things.

What vitamins did we meet today?

Children: With vitamins A, B, C.

What vitamin helps us see better?

Children: Vitamin A.

Which vitamin helps us grow better?

Children: Vitamin B.

What vitamin fights colds and flu?

Children: Vitamin C.

Well, I think that if we take vitamins, we will not get sick. To avoid getting sick, what can we advise?

Children read a poem: tips.

1 child:

Remember the simple truth -
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drink carrot juice.

2nd child:

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon,
Although it is very sour.

3rd child:

Fish oil is the healthiest.
Even if it's disgusting, you have to drink it.
He saves from diseases.
It is better to live without diseases.

4th child:

I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C

Educator: Well done boys, good advice you gave.

And our journey has come to an end. (they sit on the magic carpet) music sounds.

Where have we been today? What did you like most?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, it was very interesting for me to travel with you too. Look what this is wonderful pouch. (juices in a bag - give to children).

Drawing. Middle group.

Topic: Vitamins for animals.

Target: the ability to visualize familiar fruits (oranges) and vegetables (carrots), achieving expressive color rendering. Practice mixing red and yellow paints to get orange.

Material: Place paper, divided by folding into large squares, gouache. Palette. Colored wax crayons, brushes; letter to children from Dr. Aibolit. He appeals to the children with a request to urgently send boxes of oranges and boxes of carrots to the north in order to maintain the health of the animals after illness.

Having received the consent of the children, the teacher invites each child to “fill” a box with fruit or a box with carrots (to choose from). Drawing one large orange and carrot in each cell. Then determine the shape of the carrot (oval) and orange (round). They find out what color the oranges and carrots are and whether there are such colors in the set. After the children are convinced that there is no orange color, the teacher asks them to remember how to get it (first, a spot is applied to the palette yellow color, then the brush is washed, dried, and red paint is drawn onto the tip of the brush, which is mixed with the yellow spot).

The teacher helps each child get the desired result - orange paint. Then he talks about how, when depicting, they can achieve an expressive rendering of not only color, but also its contours. To do this, you need to draw the outline of an orange in each cell with orange paint.

Then take an orange wax crayon (or a piece of a candle with a pointed end) and draw dots inside the outline. After that, paint everything with orange paint. In those places where the dots are applied, the paint will not adhere, which creates the effect convex surface orange peel. Before drawing carrots, children “draw” carrots with their finger and then with a dry brush, placing them in the cells of the box from top to bottom.

At the end of the lesson, the children, together with the teacher, carefully review all the work and send the boxes to the north. And then they receive a letter of gratitude from Dr. Aibolit.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Goal: to consolidate ideas about external properties subject: color, size; ability to solve riddles; evoke positive emotions...

Summary of direct educational activities in the first junior group Topic “Vitamins for animals”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the external properties of an object: color, size; ability to solve riddles; evoke positive emotions. Objectives: Educational: 1. Strengthen your ability to distinguish colors by...

Summary of continuous educational activities in the middle group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard on the topic: “Autumn Vitamins.”
Prepared by: GBOU School No. 2109 preschool department “Fantasy” Alekseeva Yulia Anatolyevna Moscow 2016 Educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development, physical development.
Goal: To create conditions for children to develop ideas about proper and healthy nutrition through integration educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, physical development.
Contribute to enriching ideas about vegetables and fruits.
To help children develop an understanding of the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health.
Create conditions to imagine which foods are healthy and which are harmful to the body.
Develop the ability to classify products, highlight characteristic features(shape, size, color, taste, olfactory characteristics of vegetables).
Create conditions for the development of children's curiosity.
Promote the development of research skills.
Cultivate the desire and ability to express your opinion.

Equipment: story pictures « Healthy eating", multimedia projector, presentation "Riddles about vegetables", musical accompaniment for physical education, sounds environment(child's laughter and crying), vegetables, unhealthy food, two baskets.
Golitsyna N.S.
Summaries of comprehensive thematic classes. Middle group. Integrated approach - M.: SCRIPTORY Publishing House 2003, 2016. – page 42
Approximate GCD move:
You can hear a child crying. The teacher, turning to the children, asks: “What happened?”, “Who is crying?”, “Who was offended?” Children notice a picture on the screen and conclude that a boy is crying. Problematic situation. The teacher, addressing the children, invites them to look at the picture and think about why the boy is crying. They conclude that the boy feels unwell and has a stomach ache. The teacher asks the children why they decided that their stomach hurts, and why the boy’s stomach might hurt. If the children find it difficult to answer, pay attention to the fact that on the table there are foods that the boy ate. List with children: chips, Pepsi, crackers, chewing gum. The teacher explains that not all foods that are tasty are healthy. The boy did not eat properly and therefore does not feel well, leading to the conclusion that in order to maintain health it is necessary to exercise and eat right. - “Guys, how do you understand what it means to eat right?” - “What do you need to eat to be healthy?” The teacher offers to solve riddles (see appendix), praises the children for the correctness of their answers, and clarifies how these products can be called in one word. Clarifies what other vegetables they know. Pictures appear on the screen: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers. Leads to the fact that raw vegetables Fruits and fruits contain many vitamins. Afterwards he offers to go to the garden to collect the harvest. Physical education session to music. Zheleznova “Let’s go to the garden now” (see appendix). Problematic situation. The teacher informs the children that on the way to kindergarten she bought a lot of products, but she doesn’t quite understand which of them are healthy and which are not very healthy. Asking her to help her figure this out? He takes out bags of groceries and invites the children to sort out the groceries. In the basket with a yellow bow, put healthy products that contain a lot of vitamins, and in the basket with a red bow, put not very healthy products that do not contain vitamins.
Didactic game “Useful - not useful.” The teacher checks the correctness of the task during the game. After the game, the teacher offers to look at the baskets, clarifies which basket contains healthy products and which are unhealthy. Praises for the help provided. Research activity. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the basket with vegetables. - “Do you think all vegetables are the same?” - “How are they different?” - “Let’s see.” Children look at the vegetables, touch them with their hands, smell them and taste them. They conclude that all vegetables are different. They differ in shape, color, smell and taste. - “Guys, besides vegetables, what else should you eat to be healthy and full of energy? “(fruit) - “In the fall, fruits ripen, which are full of vitamins, and they make tasty and healthy juice.” He offers to go to the tables and drink juice. Sitting at the tables, the teacher offers to say kind words:
I will save my health. I will help myself!
A picture of that same boy appears on the screen. Only now he doesn’t cry, but laughs. The teacher pays attention to the boy. Does he want to know what the boy looks like now? (cheerful, joyful, strong, healthy, strong) - “What did he do to be healthy and strong?” If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher draws attention to the table with food that stands near the boy (fruits, vegetables). Children conclude that the boy ate healthy food and did physical education. At the end, the teacher invites the children to play role-playing game“Shop”, the junior teacher helps create conditions for artistic and aesthetic activities on the topic. - “Please tell me, where do your mothers and grandmothers get vegetables and fruits?” (in the store) - “Who wants to play in the store?”, “Who sells food in the store?”, “Then let’s use a little counting rhyme to choose a seller, and go to the store for healthy products, and then cook in the kitchen holiday dinner." - “Who wants to draw vegetables and fruits, healthy foods? Take a seat at the tables." Thus, educational activities children begin to engage in independent activities.

1. Big, like a small elephant, She is a champion in the garden. (Pumpkin.)
2. It is more important than all vegetables
For vinaigrette and borscht. (Beet.)
3. He is onion's brother, he is also evil, and he is useful to us raw. (Garlic)
4. Doesn't upset anyone, but makes everyone cry. (Onion)
5. The red nose has grown into the ground. (Carrot).
Let's go to the garden now
We'll pick up some vegetables there (children walk in place)
One, two, three, four, five (clap hands)
What will we collect?
Potatoes, carrots (fingers bent)
Turnips and beets
Tomatoes, cucumber,
And finally cabbage!
We all came to the garden (children walk in place)
We found vegetables there.
In the garden we tried -
Bent low to the garden bed (bend over)
To potatoes, to carrots (bend fingers)
For turnips and beets
To tomatoes, to cucumbers,
And finally to the cabbage!
We were all in the garden (children walk in place)
Vegetables were found there.
They have all harvested (they straighten up and, pointing in front of them, spread their arms to the sides).
There he is, see? Get it! (pointing in front of you, extend your palms forward)
Potatoes, carrots (bend your fingers)
Turnips and beets
Tomatoes cucumbers,
All the guys are great!

Attached files

Lesson summary on the topic “Vitamins” in the middle group

Program content:

Clarify children’s understanding of vegetables and fruits;

To form children’s understanding of the body’s need for vitamins;

To develop the ability to classify (vegetables, fruits);

Develop theatrical abilities, children's speech (dramatization);

Develop thinking;

Cultivate an interest in nature.

Demo material:

3 trays, 3 towels;

Natural vegetables and fruits;

Models of vegetables and fruits;

2 baskets;

A painting depicting “What is good for vegetables and fruits.”


Vegetable masks: cucumber, beets, carrots, cabbage, tomato.

Preliminary work:

Didactic games “Find out by touch”; “Find out by taste”; “Where is what is ripening? "; "Tops-Roots";

Learning physics minutes “Salting cabbage”, “Chiki-chiki-chiki-sha”;

Learning poetry;

Looking at pictures of vegetables and fruits;

Dramatization “Quarrel of Vegetables.”

Teacher training:

Lesson development;

Drawing a picture “What is good for vegetables and fruits”;

Posters: “In a healthy body- healthy mind", "The big guy is the head of everything", "Health is more valuable than wealth";

Preparing children and material for the lesson;

Fairy-tale character - Aibolit;

Treats for children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. The teacher, accompanied by the song “Everyone is ready, let’s begin,” organizes the children for the lesson.

Educator: Guys, today we will go to the world of vegetables and fruits. Let's remember what time of year it is now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: What do they collect in the fields and gardens in the fall?

Children: Harvest.

Educator: That's right, people harvest in the fall. The harvest is a reward to people for their work throughout the year.

The teacher reads the verse:

“We dug up potatoes,

The cucumbers were picked from the ridge,

They pulled out all the carrots,

They cut the cabbage deftly.

And in a basket from the Earth

They brought you a gift! »

2. Meeting with Aibolit: a knock is heard on the door.

Educator: Is someone in a hurry to visit us?

(Aibolit appears with a suitcase)

Aibolit: Hello, guys (children say hello). Do you know what the word “Hello” means?

Children: We greet the person and wish him health.

Aibolit: That’s right, because “The big guy is the head of everything.”

Educator: Aibolit, the kids also know sayings about health:

1 child: “Eat garlic and onions, you won’t get sick”

Child 2: “An apple a day gets the doctor out the door”

Aibolit: Well done, and in my suitcase just there are vegetables and fruits. After all, they contain a lot of vitamins for health. Each vitamin performs its own function for the body. Let's come to the table. You see, there are 3 trays. Listen to the riddle and you will find out one of the products that is hidden on 1 tray:

“The red spine is hidden,

Only the top is visible from above.

And you will pick it up cleverly,

And in my hands... (carrot)"

The teacher, together with the children, removes the napkin from the 2nd tray and calls: carrots, cabbage, onions, peppers...

Aibolit: Guys, they contain vitamin A - we need it for good vision And beautiful skin.

(Children with a teacher go to tray 2)

Aibolit: Listen to the riddle:

“There was a bush growing in the garden bed,

All you can hear is crunching and crunching.

In cabbage soup, in hodgepodge thickly

It's me... (cabbage) "

Children with a teacher remove a napkin from 2 trays and name: cabbage, lemon, orange, kiwi, apple, cucumber, zucchini...

Aibolit: You named everything correctly. These vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C - we need it to resist diseases in our body.

The teacher continues: Guys, we need vitamin C so that we don’t get sick, but if we do get sick, then vitamin C will help you quickly cope with the disease if you eat fruits and vegetables, the same as those on this tray.

(children with a teacher go to tray 3)

Aibolit: Listen to riddle 3:

“Here the fire burns brightly for us,

Let's sit next to each other - it's very hot,

And the fire went out a little -

Baked to your heart's content... (potatoes) »

Children and their teacher take off the napkin and name: potato, tomato, turnip, apple, beet, pumpkin, orange, garlic, eggplant...

Aibolit: They contain vitamin B - we need it for good digestion.

The teacher explains to the children: Digestion, guys, is the process of proper assimilation and digestion of foods.

3. Physical education break: “Pickling cabbage”

Educator: Aibolit, do it with us.

(accompanied by hand movements)

“We chop the cabbage, chop it,

We three carrots, three

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

And then we press and press.”

4. Didactic game “Vegetables - Fruits”:

Educator: Aibolit, you told us about the usefulness of vegetables and fruits, and now the children and I will play the game “Vegetables - Fruits” (the teacher explains to the children: they will put only vegetables in one basket, and only fruits in the other)

Aibolit: Well done, guys, you can determine where the vegetables are and where the fruits are. Do they know what grows where?

Educator: Of course they do.

5. Sketch and exercise “What grows where? »

Educator: Let's all sit in a circle, I will say the name of the vegetable or fruit, you must show: if it grows on a tree, raise your hands up, if on the ground, squat.

6. The teacher offers to listen to poetry: Aibolit, now sit down and listen to the children.

Child 1: I got up early

And she ran to the garden,

I have carrots in the garden

The garden is always in order!

Child 2: I watered the radishes

I picked radishes

You put up the baskets,

Here's to the fall harvest!

Child 3: I have potatoes

She grew up good!

I haven't been lazy all summer,

I worked in the garden.

Educator: I have a garden! Here!

And growing in the garden:

Tomato and cucumber

Pumpkin is just great!

Wonderful cabbage

Beetroot, carrots,

Watermelon, zucchini,

Hot pepper pod.

Generous basket-

Enough for the whole winter!

Vegetables are all wonderful

But which one is the most

Children love it

I do not know yet.

Aibolit: Good poetry, but do I hear some noise?

Educator: Yes, it’s something the vegetables didn’t share among themselves.

Vegetables come out to stage “Quarrel of Vegetables”

Vegetables (together): Which of us is the tastiest?

Which of us is the most important?

Cucumber: I am delicious

I am the most important.

We live in a brine

Everyone eats us to their heart's content.

Beet: Don't shout, cucumber,

You are, of course, great

But who is more important than beets?

Who, tell me, is more needed?

Sugar is made from beets,

And beet salads,

And beetroot too.

Who is more important, who?

Carrot: An important vegetable, you beetroot,

And more importantly, I am a carrot!

You can't make soup without me

You can't go a day without me!

Cabbage: So that you feel empty,

Cabbage is the best!

Rich in vitamins

My guys love cabbage soup!

Tomato: Oh, what a ridiculous argument,

Everyone a tomato is healthier!

The one who drinks tomato juice

That healthy one is growing!

Aibolit: Quiet, quiet, don’t make noise,

Stop the quarrel quickly.

Every vegetable is a gift

Young and old know this.

Educator: There are no tasteless vegetables,

All are useful, no doubt.

To grow and be healthy,

You need to love vegetables!

7. Physical education warm-up: (children stand one after another, place their palms on the back of the person in front)

“Chiki-chiki-chiki-sha (clap your palms)

Here's the cabbage for the borscht.

I'll chop the potatoes (tapping with the edges of your palms)

Beetroots, carrots,

Half a head of onion and a clove of garlic (beat with fists)

Chick-chick-chick-chick! (stroke with palms)

And the borscht is ready! »

8. Examination of the picture “What is good for vegetables and fruits”

Aibolit: Guys, now look at this picture:

What do you see here? (children tell what they see in the picture)

That's right, for vegetables and fruits to grow well, they need sun, clean air, and water. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says “The sun, air and water are ours.” best friends! " And for vegetables and fruits they are also the best friends. Without them it is impossible to grow vegetables and fruits.

I really enjoyed visiting you today. Now you know everything about vitamins, the health benefits of vegetables and fruits. I leave you this treat (apples). Goodbye guys.

Teacher and children: Goodbye, Aibolit! Thank you! (To the accompaniment of calm music, the teacher distributes refreshments to the children)



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