Well-being or beauty secrets. Sleep and rest

From today we will talk not about magic and not about plastic surgery. And preservation of youth we will create practices and life rules, following which you can at any age (if you wish) to remain healthy, full of strength and vitality.

Hormone of youth

Not so long ago, scientists discovered the hormone melatonin, which helps the body fight against free radicals, causing aging, prevents the occurrence of cancer, provides sound healthy sleep and, as a result, . In a word, he does everything possible to make our life long and active.

O the body increases its production after you eat something, rich in carbohydrates, for example, pasta with vegetables, bananas, potatoes baked in their skins, cereals. You should also not forget about vitamins that increase the production of melatonin, in particular, vitamins B3 and B6 (the elderly are more likely to suffer from a lack of the latter). Dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole grains of wheat - pantry of vitamin B3. And you will find vitamin B6 in carrots, soybeans, hazelnuts, lentils, as well as in salmon fish.

Invigorating moisture for well-being and beauty

About the bottom supermodel to the question "How do you manage to look so good?" - replied that the recipe is extremely simple: drink more water, less coffee, and in the morning lubricate the lips with mayonnaise to moisturize. It seems that the model was a little cunning: it is well known how much time and money the stars spend on their appearance. However, she is right about one thing: well-being and beauty are impossible without a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture.

It is estimated that we excrete through the kidneys, lungs and skin up to 15 glasses per day. These losses must be compensated in full, because, according to doctors, a significant number of diseases are associated with a lack of clean water. There is not enough water - it means that metabolic products are not removed from the body in time, and it becomes slagged; the urinary system suffers; salt deposits appear; diseases occur digestive system... Therefore, the regular use of water is one of the main conditions wellness. To this end, doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of water daily, and juices, coffee, tea are not taken into account.

Cleanliness is the key to good health

And because of stress and malnutrition Most of us have toxic bodies. Toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream various bodies and hit them. The skin also suffers - the main excretory organ: the more toxins in our body, the worse her condition. So, no matter how prosaic it sounds, but timely bowel movements are the key to a good appearance, good health And wellness.

E same morning portion of oatmeal, just brewed with boiling water, dairy products And raw vegetables should become a mandatory column in your diet if you want to have healthy skin and excellent health.

Intimate talk

Heed the advice of Dr. Chia from Thailand, who developed the original warning system various diseases based oriental medicine. Oriental healer's recommendations are very popular in Europe and the USA. Dr. Chia teaches his patients about wellness through the so-called inner smile. The inner smile allows you to establish broken connections in the body.

Make it a rule to smile at the organ that gives you anxiety several times a day, talk to it: say, for example, that you love it. Rest assured, your conversation will not go unnoticed!

Physical education is a friend of well-being

Active physical exercise contribute to greater blood circulation, which is responsible for ensuring that all organs and tissues of our body receive oxygen on time and in sufficient quantity. By the way, "bags" under the eyes - the result poor circulation. Going in for sports, you can get rid of them in 1-2 months. And the bags will disappear and well-being will improve.

For good health, older people need physical education no less than young people, only the loads should not be Olympic, but regular. For example, a daily hourly walk. And in the summer, during the swimming season, it is good to arrange "walking on the waters": go into the water up to the hips or chest and wander like this for 20 minutes. This exercise is good because the load is distributed evenly, and much more calories are burned than in the summer cottage.

Dream - the best medicine for well-being

The common truth that a person needs sleep to restore the body and spirit has long been proven scientifically. Is it possible to talk about good health if you did not sleep the night, especially in old age. One sleepless (or restless, with broken sleep) night reduces brain metabolism by 7%. And this is a lot. Each such loss is restored in several days. Try to determine the duration of sleep you personally need (this will turn out on the fourth day), in the future, try to stick to it and, if possible, do not reduce it.

Remember also that one hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two after. This is true for the quality of rest for yourself, your brain, your body, as well as your skin, your well-being. Sleep consists of several cycles that are repeated many times during the night. And only the phase of the so-called "slow recovery" is so necessary for full recovery body happens only late in the evening until midnight.

Ministry of Health warns

Let's not lecture about the dangers of smoking, let's just say that a cigarette smoked just before bedtime will nullify all your facial care efforts. Even if you are not going to part with your addiction at least try not to smoke at night. And postpone your first cigarette until 12 noon.

Inner radiance for wellness

At Trom, going to the mirror, smile at your reflection: this simple "facial" exercise will help you tune in to an optimistic mood. A person, regardless of age, looks much better if his face lights up with a smile.

And avoid people who constantly grumble, grumble. Negative emotions are not good good health. Try not to respond with aggression for aggression. Sooner or later, negative energy returns to the one who sends it.

Be inquisitive. Admiration for the surrounding world and various hobbies cause a sparkle in your eyes, illuminate inner light your whole appearance and help keep your interest in life. And you are assured of good health.

Thus, well-being can be created by oneself, there would be a desire.

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Our life is full of worries, and after a hard labor day very often we feel tired, headache and heaviness in the legs. Is it possible to maintain good health for the whole day? How to regain vivacity and freshness? These simple secrets good health will help you solve these and other problems!

This notorious healthy lifestyle

No matter how trite it sounds, but the reasons constant fatigue often consist in the absence of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle includes not only the rejection of bad habits and proper nutrition, but also emotional state and physical training. It's not a set of rules and obligations, it's a way of life.

Nutrition must be right

We all hear a lot about proper nutrition, but what does it mean? Nutrition should be appropriate for your age, it should take into account the needs of the body in certain elements, as well as your taste preferences.

Here are some simple secrets that affect well-being:

  • during the day, it is necessary to eat in small portions, without waiting for the stomach to be filled to capacity (as you know, saturation occurs much earlier than we realize it);
  • eating at night is not recommended, since during sleep all processes slow down;
  • should be given preference fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices;
  • nutrition should be balanced meat dishes better to use in the morning;
  • it is useful to organize fasting days.

Love, stress and wellness

Many have probably heard that love inspires, gives strength. It really is. How to quickly relieve fatigue? Of course, fall in love! Love is best recipe health, youth, beauty. Your chronic fatigue will become a thing of the past, as the produced endorphin (hormone of happiness) strengthens the immune system. A simple secret - and you are guaranteed good health: you need to find a loved one. Are you still in search? This is not a problem, give your love to family and friends.

How to beat fatigue if you are constantly in a state of anxiety or stress? Maybe your job or boyfriend is to blame. Anger and negative emotions you have to learn to suppress yourself. There is a known relationship between malignant diseases And emotional state person. The more we experience negative emotions, the more more likely occurrence serious illnesses. Think positive, learn to switch your thoughts and operate them like a switch button. Only positive emotions will help you overcome all life's difficulties.

Movement is life

With the advent of new types of technology, our life becomes more convenient and at the same time immobilized. But our body just needs to move. How to overcome fatigue if we do not even want to move? Movement starts our body: blood circulation begins to work better, our internal organs, breathing becomes deeper, and oxygen enters all cells of the body. And here is a simple advice for well-being: do not be lazy to make daily hiking, remember, even five minutes of running in place can extend your life. Perhaps you need to go to the store, then go ahead, go to the one that is located further away, especially since there are so often various promotions and discounts there.

Sleep and rest

The simple secret to your good health, especially in the morning, is healthy sleep. Required condition- get some sleep! Teach yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, in this case, your body will work like a clock. Ventilate the room before going to bed.

Rest is not just a vacation, you need to rest every day, taking breaks at work and at home. In addition, rest does not always have to be passive. Believe me, lying on the couch has not yet added strength to anyone. Better think about how to get a relaxing massage or go for a run.

If you use the simple secrets of well-being, then about headaches and bad mood can be forgotten, and for a long time.

On hot days, it is often difficult for people to gather their will into a fist and do any important things. Relax not only the scorching rays of the sun and thoughts about the upcoming vacation, but also some changes that occur in the body. They are associated with errors in nutrition and lifestyle. But, even in summer, you can remain absolutely cheerful, active and productive. You just need to know what the secret of good health is. Let's take a look at 7 simple tips, which will help you stay in good health, even on the hottest days.

Mineral water.

The most common reason feeling unwell in summer - a lack of minerals in the body. The problem is that in the summer human body loses great amount liquid that evaporates from the surface of the skin, and minerals leave with it. It is very easy to make up for the deficiency - it is enough to balance your diet and drink 4-5 glasses of mineral table water daily, which will additionally enrich the body with valuable substances.

Give up coffee.

Another reason for summer ailments is the lack of fluid in the body. The bottom line is that coffee activates the processes of removing fluid from the body, and when it acts in combination with the scorching sun, dehydration occurs much faster. Therefore, for the summer it is better to give up coffee, replacing it with other, less diuretic drinks. In addition, coffee destabilizes blood pressure, and any jumps in summer period feel much more intense.

Proper sleep pattern.

For many people, going to bed on time in the summer is a whole problem. This is not surprising, because it gets dark later, and melatonin is produced, respectively, also in more late hours. But, wrong mode Sleep can make you feel unwell and unwell. perfect time for sleep, it is a period of darkness. That is, in the summer it is approximately from 21-22 hours to 4-5 hours in the morning.

Stay out of the sun less.

Every living thing on our planet needs sunlight. And man is no exception. But, too much sun can be harmful, so it's best to avoid being outside during the hottest hours. Protect your head from the sun, use a protective cream, and your health will improve several times. You won't be as tired by the end of the day and stay fresh and active throughout the summer.

Rest more often.

Summer gives us a great mood and a desire for change. This is fine. BUT, do not overexert yourself and bring yourself to exhaustion. Rest more often and restore your personal energy so as not to feel exhausted and tired. If you have the opportunity, get away from the city on weekends, enjoy the harmony of nature and draw positive energy from it, which will fuel you during the working week.

Don't forget about proper nutrition.

When it's +35 outside, few people can boast good appetite. Due to malnutrition, as well as increased intake of vitamins and minerals by the body, some of which is lost due to evaporation a large number fluid from the surface of the skin, the body may weaken. This affects your well-being and health. But, in the summer it is very easy to solve this problem - each person has access to fresh vegetables and fruits, which are fully capable of meeting the needs of the body. Therefore, it is during this season that you can do without pills and drugs that compensate for the deficiency. nutrients, but it is important to remember that we need a balanced diet every day!

Walk barefoot.

Try to find at least 10-15 minutes every day to walk barefoot on succulent grass, sand or pebbles. Walking barefoot has a beneficial effect on our health and improves well-being. On the human foot there are many active points, stimulating which you can achieve a surge of strength, improve mood and well-being.

Do not forget that health depends on many factors, and you can achieve good health at any time of the year only by taking care of your body in a complex way. Avoid stress and overexertion, take care of your body!

IN Lately All more people starts thinking about healthy way life and correct mode food in particular. They try to keep diet food, to control the quality of food consumed, but, unfortunately, few people care about the diet, and this is no less important. The diet has a huge impact on the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, as well as on the state of the body as a whole.

Biorhythms of the body

The diet should be selected taking into account many factors. One of the most important are the biorhythms of the body and individual organs.

For most people, the word "biorhythms" is something vague and unreal, although this word defines specific processes in the human body. Our body is designed in such a way that the organs do not work with a constant intensity, but cyclically: sometimes more intensely, sometimes calmer. There are periods of maximum effective work body, and there are periods of rest. A person must organize his life in accordance with the work of the body, then he will work more efficiently and harmoniously.

Imagine what will happen if you drink a lot of fluid during the period of rest of the kidneys and Bladder, or perform physical exercise during the period of rest of the heart. The organs will be forced to work "through force", without rest, and this will lead to poor health and rapid "wear and tear" of the body.


Food also needs to be taken in accordance with the work of the digestive and excretory organs. Maximum Activity stomach observed from seven to nine o'clock in the morning. It is at this time that breakfast should be taken. Breakfast should be the main meal of the day, it should be dense and rich.

If you eat from seven to nine, you can be sure that all the food is digested and nothing is deposited in "fat stores". This is especially important for people who want to lose weight. During breakfast, you can eat a lot without fear of gaining weight. Hearty breakfast starts the metabolism at full capacity, and the food will be digested well.


From nine to eleven o'clock the spleen and pancreas work. They stimulate the process of digestion of food. From eleven o'clock the heart begins to work actively. Eating at this time, that is, from eleven to one, is not recommended, especially for people with heart pathologies, because eating will make the heart work harder, and this can lead to arrhythmia, tachycardia and even heart attacks.

From noon to three days you can go to lunch. Lunch should not be as dense as breakfast, and consist mainly of protein foods and fats. Carbohydrates will interfere with the digestion of proteins and fats, because they are processed much faster and provide a lot of energy. The body simply will not need to digest other food.


Dinner should be from five to half past six in the evening. Dinner later is not recommended, as the kidneys are actively working from five to seven in the evening, and then there is a period of rest. Fatty and rich food in the evening will cause kidney problems, ranging from edema to urolithiasis. And the stomach hardly digests food eaten after nine in the evening.

For dinner, it is better to eat light carbohydrate food, it is quickly broken down to energy, and at night the body can fully relax. Overeating in the evening will lead to poor health, swelling of the face and limbs, unhealthy and inadequate sleep. Late dinner leads to stagnation of food in the digestive tract and its decay, as a result - flatulence, belching and heartburn.

Nutrition for diseases

For a number of diseases, nutritionists recommend eating not three, but five or six times a day. In this case, you should eat in small portions with a break of three hours. You can not snack between meals, this will cause an overload of the stomach.

Nutrition Process

Remember to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. You should drink only very dry food, it is better to drink not earlier than an hour after eating. Water liquefies gastric juice, complicating the processes of digestion and causing fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines. Drinking after a meal (in an hour) is mandatory, since the pancreas has given up juices to digest food, and it needs to restore the supply digestive enzymes. You need to drink a glass of water.

Need to drink throughout the day enough water, one and a half to two liters. Water is essential for metabolism and cleansing of the body. If you have kidney problems required amount It is better to drink water before six o'clock in the evening, in order to avoid excessive stress on the kidneys. If you don’t feel like drinking at all (there are such people too), this is a reason to think that not everything is in order in the body, and start drinking, at least a little.

The intense pace of life modern man forces him to violate the biologically determined diet, and this leads to problems with overweight, digestive organs and well-being. Try to organize your day so that your body works harmoniously, and you will keep your health for many years to come!

Any problems with well-being affect the quality of our life. No one can be as productive, happy, and resilient as possible when something hurts. But, as you know, our well-being is a mirror image of the state of health. Therefore, in order to feel good, you need to take care, first of all, about your health. In this article, we will look at 12 tips that will help you feel good.

1. Water will help you maintain your well-being at a decent level. If you experience a lack of fluid, first of all, the viscosity of the blood will increase, and at the same time blood circulation will worsen. This will lead to oxygen starvation, will make you weak, lethargic, drowsy. So, carry a water bottle with you everywhere, and don't forget to replenish your supplies, especially if it's hot outside.

2. Try to gradually reduce the amount of salt intake. The fact is that salt contributes to fluid retention in the body, which is why it does not have time to cleanse itself in a timely manner. If you constantly consume a lot of salt, then over time you may need to detox in a hospital, not to mention the fact that this is a huge burden on the kidneys. The accumulation of toxins leads to a deterioration in well-being, increased irritability, drowsiness.

3. Many doctors still claim that the sun is extremely harmful and dangerous for our health, but in fact, it is impossible without it. This shows the results latest research, which prove positive influence sunlight on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, in case of moderate contact. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive energy and health from this heavenly body. In addition to feeling good, Sun rays will also provide you good mood and beautiful tan.

4. Balanced diet- this is the most best diet in the world. Which can only be imagined. It doesn’t matter if you are a vegan or a vegetarian, a meat-eater or a supporter of fruits, in any case, you can properly compose your diet in order to get the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates seasoned with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other vital components.

5. Don't blame yourself for wanting to sleep or increased drowsiness during the day. You have nothing to do with it, and your laziness is also not a reason for self-condemnation. Your body just needs to recover, and without it in any way. And he needs to do this regularly, that is, daily. Healthy sleep should be moderately long, deep and strong. Therefore, create all the conditions for yourself and find opportunities to get enough sleep if you want to feel good.

6. Very often you can hear the statement that all diseases are from the nerves. Partly it is. Each stress does not pass without a trace for our body. After suffering strong stressful situations, you will feel exhausted, exhausted and devastated. To avoid this, you need to learn how to manage stress in your life.

7. One of the most common reasons for feeling unwell is reduced level hemoglobin in the blood. Determining this is quite simple - you just need to pass general analysis blood. If the deficiency is serious, the doctor will prescribe treatment, and if not, you can restore blood composition with food. Liver, hematogen, vitamin C (citruses, apples, berries), beef - all this should be included in your diet to prevent anemia.

8. We all know from childhood that movement is life. But, over the years, for some reason, many people are less and less active. Due to the lack of movement, many problems overtake our body, and all because muscle contractions are the only “pump” for lymph, which is the “tool” of immunity. Move more and you are guaranteed to feel good!

9. No less important component of good health are positive emotions. Laughter prolongs life, and it's true. Despondency, resentment and others destructive feelings adversely affect our well-being and health. But, there is good news - we ourselves have the right to decide what emotions our life will be filled with to a greater extent.

10. Limit your sugar intake, especially in the afternoon. This is the "energy" for our nervous system, and therefore, excessive consumption sugar depletes the brain, in addition, it is a burden on the digestive organs.

11. Take care of strengthening the immune system. Take care of hardening - it's not difficult. Good for a start cold and hot shower walking barefoot. When you feel ready, you can wallow naked in the snow. It is also helpful to use antibiotics as little as possible and antiviral agents. Nature has given us a lot natural medicines- use them. Honey, raspberries, lemons, herbs are safe, and in most cases just as effective.

12. Use the experience of your ancestors for your health and well-being. Not since yesterday, the bath has been used to cleanse the body, prevent diseases, and improve health. A weekly visit to the bath will return your energy and joy of life! Source -



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