Statuses about a great mood, optimism and life is beautiful! Sunny, beautiful, happy sayings. Statuses about the fact that everything will be fine

Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe!

Stop wasting time worrying!

Smile! Everything will be alright, I've asked.

Everything will be fine, because it cannot be otherwise!

Everything will be fine wherever you go!

Everything will be not just good, but much better! Necessarily! Don `t doubt!

As spring comes after winter, so joy follows sadness. Everything will be fine!

Man is the product of his thoughts. For he becomes what he thinks about most of the time!

Everything will be fine! Believe in yourself and you will get through!

Wherever you are, tell yourself: Since I'm here, then everything will be fine!

Sometimes, in some strange ways in life, everything gets better by itself!

Everything will be fine: theoretically ... logically ... deductively ... yes, in any case!

Let it be bad now, but then everything will be fine. You just need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. Necessarily!

Everything will be fine! Live actively, think positively!

If you wake up with the thought that something good will happen today, it will.

And you know, it still will. The south wind will still blow and the spring will still conjure and the memory will turn over.

Never regret anything - everything is for the best!

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Believe, everything will come true! Everything will be awesome!

The sun is always behind the clouds. Yes! Everything will be fine!!! Despite everything...

You have to survive the rain to see a rainbow! Everything will be fine!

If you feel very bad, find someone who is worse off and help him. You will feel much better!

If you have been offended, use the magic rule of three Ps: understand, forgive, bury.

Never take revenge on anyone. All will be! We are good, but they deserve it!

Believe me, all troubles will go away ... Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

The train goes to the final station "Success" with all the stops: Failure, Apathy, Betrayal, Mistakes, Actions ... Success.

Everything will be as it should! Everything passes ... this too will pass ... everything will be ho-ro-sho!

Happiness is when you don't have to lie that you feel good.

A strong person is not one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. You are stronger than you think!

Everything that happens happens at the right time. This is the best that could be!

The end of something bad is always the beginning of something good.

Don't be sad... everything will be fine, life is full of pleasant moments!

Do not grieve and do not be sad! All the best is ahead!

Everything will be fine in the end. If it's still not good, it's not over.

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom.

No eclipse lasts forever. Don't be discouraged, everything will be fine!

The sun in the sky is good, but the sun in the soul is more important. Take care of your sun!

Look at your problems from a different angle! Relax, everything will be fine!

Everything will be fine! And even yesterday's mistakes will do you good!

I found the mood for myself to be lucky. Yesterday was good, but today is better!

Tasks for today: stand in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, smile and tell yourself: “Everything will be fine!”

Go to the "Settings" of the soul, open the "Status" folder, check the "Happy" box and forget the password!

Everything will be fine, because bad does not suit me!

Everything will be fine, because that's how I want it to be and that's how it should be!

It is important to have a person next to you who will hug and say: everything will be fine. And it's you!

No one will feel good next to you while you feel bad alone with yourself.

5 Rating 5.00 (2 Votes)

As usual - everything is strawberry!!!

The best decoration of life is a great mood.

Carefully! I radiate positive vibrations!

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Tell yourself a beautiful compliment, and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let us leave the past for winter, spring blooms in the soul, and summer mood!

Happiness is such an ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish positive, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good it is, I manage to do even better!

If life doesn't make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want change in your destiny? So start from within.

We are looking for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

You can't get away from the sun if it's inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves, by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself - a good person will not wish bad!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lies a trembling spring, and behind the cover of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

In vain in this world nothing happens! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, not obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you're just denying yourself too much? ..

Being happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Rather, take a ray of sunshine as a gift!

You noticed - you can change the world: you are sad - and the world is cloudy, smiled - and the world shone.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is excellent, even rolls over!

The mood is excellent - familiar in the spring!

I love spring for a great mood, a charge of emotions, a new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always a new life, rebirth, youth and good mood.

In the spring there is a lot of strength, I want big and bright, so why not start today? ..5

Rating 5.00 (4 votes)

Everything will be fine! Statuses, quotes, poems, wise thoughts, wishes to friends.

Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe!

Stop wasting time worrying!

Smile! Everything will be alright, I've asked.

Everything will be fine, because it cannot be otherwise!

Everything will be fine wherever you go!

Everything will be not just good, but much better! Necessarily! Don `t doubt!

As spring comes after winter, so joy follows sadness. Everything will be fine!

Man is the product of his thoughts. For he becomes what he thinks about most of the time!

Sometimes, in some strange ways in life, everything gets better by itself!

Everything will be fine: theoretically ... logically ... deductively ... yes, in any case!

Let it be bad now, but then everything will be fine. You just need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. Necessarily!

Everything will be fine! Live actively, think positively!

If you wake up with the thought that something good will happen today, it will.

And you know, it still will. The south wind will still blow and the spring will still conjure and the memory will turn over.

Never regret anything - everything is for the best!

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Believe, everything will come true! Everything will be awesome!

The sun is always behind the clouds. Yes! Everything will be fine!!! Despite everything...

You have to survive the rain to see a rainbow! Everything will be fine!

If you have been offended, use the magic rule of three Ps: understand, forgive, bury.

Never take revenge on anyone. All will be! We are good, but they deserve it!

Believe me, all troubles will go away ... Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

The train goes to the final station "Success" with all the stops: Failure, Apathy, Betrayal, Mistakes, Actions ... Success.

Everything will be as it should! Everything passes ... this too will pass ... everything will be ho-ro-sho!

Happiness is when you don't have to lie that you feel good.

A strong person is not one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. You are stronger than you think!

Everything that happens happens at the right time. This is the best that could be!

The end of something bad is always the beginning of something good.

Don't be sad... everything will be fine, life is full of pleasant moments!

Do not grieve and do not be sad! All the best is ahead!

Everything will be fine in the end. If it's still not good, it's not over.

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom.

No eclipse lasts forever. Don't be discouraged, everything will be fine!

The sun in the sky is good, but the sun in the soul is more important. Take care of your sun!

Look at your problems from a different angle! Relax, everything will be fine!

Everything will be fine! And even yesterday's mistakes will do you good!

I found the mood for myself to be lucky. Yesterday was good, but today is better!

Tasks for today: stand in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, smile and tell yourself: “Everything will be fine!”

Go to the "Settings" of the soul, open the "Status" folder, check the "Happy" box and forget the password!

If you are sad, and your mood is not getting better, and your loved one just comes up to you and hugs you with the words: “Everything will be fine, I’m with you” - this is real happiness. If after his smile and warm words you feel better, cherish this person.

Happiness will come ... It will only timidly knock and quietly cross the threshold. And with his arrival, everything will be fine.

For some, happiness is when there is no time to take care of the farm in the VKontakte application, because you still need to have time to respond to numerous messages.

Happiness does not have the ability to come tomorrow, it does not know about yesterday. It does not look into the future and does not return to the past. It can come only now, only at this moment, so it is so important not to miss it.

Best Status:
It becomes lighter in the soul when you see someone's smile, but you cannot describe the feeling when a smile is meant for you.

How good it is to wake up early in the morning out of habit, but a little later to understand that you don’t need to get up early today, and, wrapping up warmly, continue to sleep. What happiness!

For happiness, one thing is enough, but every day is different.

There will be happiness, I believe ... it will be ... there is still a little bit left and everything will be fine ...

Happiness is when you don’t have time to water the garden at the Farm, because you are bombarded with messages =)

Happiness is when, if you are in a bad mood, he will come up, hug you and say: “Everything will be fine.” And then he smiles, and your soul becomes warmer.

Happiness has no tomorrow; he does not have yesterday either; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present ... and that is not a day, but a moment.

what happiness to wake up, and without opening your eyes to understand that you don’t need to go anywhere, calmly roll over to the other side and fall asleep again.

Sedna was brushing her teeth, and touched a glass with toothbrushes and a razor, but she caught it all) unless this is not a small happiness ..)

If you are not like others, it does not mean that you are worse.

Want to cry. Cry with happiness!

Happiness is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.

It's nice to see how happy a person smiles. It is doubly pleasant when you are the reason for his smile.

The happiest person is the one who, having got into the past, would not change anything there.

You must be able to be happy every moment, and not wait for happiness to come sometime later. Suddenly today is generally the best thing that was, is and will be in your life ...

Happy give out eyes ...

Happy give out eyes ...

To be happy you need only one thing, only a new one every day.

He is happiness ... and that's all ... I love him .... even if not in catchphrases .... I just love .... albeit at a distance ....

Difficult in places, but the other is not needed.

Happiness is when people speak well of you, and you are still alive.

And sometimes you really want to snuggle up to your loved one when it’s so bad, snuggle just for the sake of her saying “Everything will be fine!” Let there be more tears from this phrase, but then everything will definitely be fine, only because there is someone to snuggle up to



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