Fairytale therapy: how to treat psychological problems in children with fairy tales. Rules for making an ordinary fairy tale therapeutic

Elena Martinyakova
Fairytale therapy in the development of young children

1. Introduction

3. Methods and techniques fairytale therapy.

4. Sensory in software fairy tales for young children.

5. Conclusion.


Touch child development is development his perception and formation of ideas about the properties of objects and various phenomena of the surrounding world.

Period early age characterized by intense development of the perception process. It is no coincidence that in the history of psychology and pedagogy, the problem of the genesis of perception and sensory abilities has attracted the attention of many scientists and researchers.

Sensory education, aimed at developing a full perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for knowledge of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, aesthetic and moral education largely depends on the level of sensory child development, i.e. how completely the child hears, sees, touches the environment.

There are the following types of sensory sensations: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory. Children can get these sensations from fairy tales.

2.1Word “ fairytale therapy“appeared in the Russian language relatively recently. And how, as is typical for every not yet established term, it evokes diverse associations.

For some “ fairytale therapy “is treatment with fairy tales, for others – methods of correctional work.

For others, it is a way of transmitting basic knowledge about life.

Before you start talking about opportunities fairy tales as educational and psychotherapeutic agent, let's remember one old eastern parable. A wandering seeker saw a large stone on which was written - Turn over and read. With great difficulty, he turned over the heavy stone and read on the other side - Why are you looking for new knowledge?

if you don't pay attention to what you already know? Maybe this parable is just about fairy tales?

Modern science distinguishes the following types fairy tales:

1. Animal Tales.

2. Magical fairy tales.

3. Novelistic fairy tales. (household)

4. Legendary fairy tales.

5. Fairy tales-parodies.

6. Children's fairy tales.

Children's fairy tale- one of the most accessible means for development of child's emotions, which has been used by teachers and parents at all times. No knowledge, even super necessary, should be ahead of moral child development!

Choosing a nursery a fairy tale for a child, be sure to take into account the peculiarities of his mental development. Necessary

know which age this tale It will be useful for the child. At two years old the child already developed ability, retain in memory one’s own actions with objects and simple actions fairy tale characters. This age when children really like fairy tales about animals. Children with pleasure, following adults, imitate the movements and sounds made fabulous animals, their actions with various objects. IN fairy tales kids notice and love repeated plot lines. This technique is well known to us from such children's fairy tales, How "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok". Similar organization of speech « storyteller» helps a small child remember the plot and "get comfortable" in him. Psychologists note that for a better understanding fairy tales children need to rely not only on verbal descriptions, but also on images. The visual image serves as the main support for tracking events. Such supports can be good illustrations in books, or action, acted out by adults based on a fairy tale using dolls.

Begins between two and five years of age develop the child’s ability to visualize and fantasize. In other words, the child’s brain is ready to perceive magical fairy tales. However, it is precisely this achievement of mental development child may cause fears associated with magical characters fairy tales. In this aspect, you need to be extremely careful and not frighten the child, but figure it out and explain the situation.

2.2 Methods and techniques fairytale therapy.

So, some tricks:

Reading and subsequent discussion fairy tales;

- telling a tale;

Changing the end fairy tales;

Dramatization (production)

Drawing illustrations

Composition fairy tales.

2.3 Fairy tale beginnings.

Development auditory perception: Once upon a time there was a drum. He was cheerful and active and really loved loud sounds - he rumbled always and everywhere, he didn’t even think about the fact that many people didn’t like it. He drummed loudly at breakfast, during sleepy hours, during games and conversations of his parents...

Development visual perception: The bunny was known as cowardly even among other hares, having never been known for his courage. He was afraid not only of the wolf and the dark...

Color development: in a magical land there lived a beautiful Flower. Many admired his visual appeal and wonderful aroma and wanted to make friends with him...

Program works. Fairy tales and nursery rhymes(secondary fairy tales) .

Forty-forty. Tactile sensations (circular movements with a finger on the palms). A horned goat is coming, Ladushki-ladushki also has tactile sensations.

Cockerel-cockerel - examination, study of body parts showing different cockerels, namely soft toy, rubber, plastic).

Ryaba hen (knock-knock onomatopoeia, egg-oval, examination of a chicken).

Kolobok (round, round, yellow - like the sun).

Turnip. Round, big, yellow, green grass.

In addition, it is important to teach your child to identify human emotions.

Emotions of joy.

Introducing the nursery rhymes “Two cheerful geese”, “Geese-geese”.

Getting to know the emotions fear. “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”.

Getting to know the emotion of resentment. “Turnip”.

Getting to know the emotions sadness. “Chicken Ryaba,” nursery rhyme for Roar the Cow.”


Alas, within one seminar we cannot tell you about all the secrets that he hides within himself fabulous effect, as we cannot even list the main methods fairytale therapy. But we can define the basic model fairy tales, which will help our kids.

1. Create a world in which the child will be interested and safe.

2. Don't limit this world to your group or room. 3. Create permanent heroes of your fairy tales that will help or hinder the normal course of events.

4. Create a main character that your kids can identify with and who fairy tales will be able to solve all those problems that your kids cannot yet cope with. Or overcoming fears that our children are not yet able to overcome.

And try every time narrated you made the story new and interesting, because if the child gets bored or cannot empathize with the fate of the heroes fairy tales, fairytale therapy will be useless and ineffective for him.


1. T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva Workshop on fairytale therapy

2. I. V. Vachkov Introduction to fairytale therapy

3. L. A. Metieva Sensory education as one of the areas of correctional assistance to children early age.

4. E. A. Yanushko Sensory early childhood development

Publications on the topic:

It's the month of March and we are all looking forward to the arrival of spring. I really want to bask in the rays of the warm spring sun and see the mysterious.

Our group is called “Sun”. On the central wall we always have the emblem of our group - the gentle sun. You've already seen how.

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Individual self-education plan “Implementation of a system of measures for children’s health” Individual work plan for professional development for 2015 – 2020. Educator: Lyudmila Viktorovna Gubina Topic: “Implementation.

"Baby Elephant with Balls"

Fairytale therapy means “treatment with a fairy tale.”

In the shortest possible time, it is possible to work through all kinds of fears with children.

When told, a fairy tale for a child means like a psychological consultation for an adult, only the work takes place on the internal, subconscious level of human problems and ways to solve them. Children will be wiser, and their behavior will be appropriate.

Goal: to work through fairy-tale situations with children, how a fairy-tale lesson will be used in real life.

Objectives: Solving the problems of children's whims. Development of creative abilities, expansion of consciousness, improvement of interaction with the outside world. Answer questions and correlate the answers with your behavior.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, I invite you to sit down on a fabulous “flying” carpet, hold hands, close your eyes for a few minutes and imagine that you are flying to the land of fairy tales;

Once upon a time there was a little elephant. Mom and dad loved him very much. They played together, walked, swam in the river and blew fountains from their long trunks. The little elephant really loved spending time with his parents.

But one day, while walking with mom and dad in the park, the baby elephant saw the monkey holding a large balloon. The baby elephant really liked it and wanted one like it.

Mom, dad, I also want such a ball, please buy it for me!

Mom and dad loved their son very much and decided to please the baby. They bought him a beautiful yellow ball.

The little elephant was happy, he walked everywhere with his ball. And when I went to bed, I tied him to my crib.

Soon, while walking in the park, the baby elephant saw a very beautiful green ball from the bear cub, and of course asked his parents to buy him the same one. Mom and dad didn’t want to upset their beloved son, so they bought him a green ball. The little elephant really liked it.

But soon the baby wanted to have a red ball and a blue one too. And loving parents again could not refuse him. But the baby elephant wanted more and more balloons, and the parents no longer had any money left. And then the baby began to be capricious and say:

Well, buy, buy me this ball, because I don’t have one yet!

Then the baby elephant's parents had to take on extra work to earn more money for balloons. And the more their son asked them for balloons, the longer they began to stay late at work. They began to spend less time with the baby elephant and play with him, and their walks together in the park stopped altogether.

The little elephant felt sad alone, and even the numerous balloons no longer made him happy.

And then the day came when it was no longer possible to enter the baby elephant’s room. There were so many balls in it that the baby couldn’t even move.

Then the little elephant collected all the balls and went outside. But there were so many balls that they began to lift the baby elephant high, high into the sky. The baby was afraid that he would fly away from his parents forever and began to call for help. He shouted: “Help! Help! »

The sparrows flew in and began to peck the balls with their sharp beaks - one after another. So gradually the baby elephant sank to the ground. He sat down on the grass and thought.

What do you think about? Children's answers. Maybe he thought about how good it was to walk with mom and dad, play, swim in the river and let out big fountains from his trunk?

What do you think a baby elephant can do for this?

Children come to the table, there is paper, colored pencils and wax crayons on the table.

What do you think a baby elephant can do for this? Draw and

tell him, please.

Phys. just a minute. Guys, this is the same balloon. Let's play it! Balloon game.

Analysis, discussion of a fairy tale, elaboration of fairy-tale meanings and connection with real life situations.

Each child speaks. What did the fairy tale teach you? What was interesting? How did he feel during the lesson? What was interesting? What are you leaving with?

We summarize the lesson, recognize individual children for their merits, emphasize the significance of the experience gained, and talk through specific real-life situations in which children can use new experience.

Ritual of “exit” from a fairy tale. Repeating the ritual of “entering” a lesson with an addition. We say: “We take with us everything important that happened to us today, everything we learned. This knowledge will be useful in life.”

Reflection. Look at each other, smile. Close your eyes and listen to me: another person is a joy for you, the world around you is a joy for you... You are always a joy for another. Take care of yourself and take care of others. Respect, love everything that is on Earth - it is a miracle! And you too are a miracle! Thank you everyone for your work, for being you. Thank you.

Believe in yourself(O. Khukhlaeva)

In one forest there lived a little Bunny. More than anything in the world, he wanted to be strong, brave, and do something useful for others. But in reality, nothing ever worked out for him. He was afraid of everything and did not believe in himself at all. “Can I do anything? Will I be able to do anything? I’m scared in the evening in the dark, scared at home alone, scared to swim far away,” he thought. that's why everyone in the forest called him the Cowardly Bunny. This made him feel sad and offended. And he often cried when he was alone. And only his only friend Badger did not tease the Little Hare.

And then one day the two of them went to play by the river. Most of all they liked to catch up with each other, running across the wooden bridge. The little hare was the first to catch up. But when Little Badger ran across the bridge, one board broke and he fell into the river. He did not know how to swim and began to flounder and scream, asking for help. And the Little Hare knew how to swim a little, but he himself was very scared. He ran along the shore and called for help, hoping that someone would hear and save the Little Badger. But there was no one nearby. And then the Little Hare realized that only he could save his friend. He said to himself: “I’m not afraid of anything, I can swim and I’ll save the Little Badger.” Without thinking about the danger, he rushed into the water and pulled his friend ashore. The little badger was saved!

When they returned home and told about the incident on the river, no one at first could believe that it was the Little Hare who saved his friend. But then they began to praise the Little Bunny and organized a big celebration in his honor. This day became the happiest for the Bunny. Everyone was proud of him, and he himself was proud of himself, because he believed in his strength, in his ability to do good and useful things.

And for the rest of his life he remembered the words that he said to himself in difficult times: “Believe in yourself - and you will win!”

One day a boy and his father went to the mountains. Suddenly the boy tripped and fell. Having hit himself painfully, he screamed: “OOOOOO yyyy!”

To his surprise, he heard that somewhere far away in the mountains some voice echoed him: “OOOOOO yyyyyy!”

Prompted by curiosity, he shouted: “Who are you?”

And in response I heard: “Who are you?”

Angry at this answer, the boy shouted loudly: “Coward!”

The answer came to him: “Coward!”

Then the boy looked at his father and asked: “What is this?”

The father smiled and said: “Son, now listen carefully!”

He then shouted towards the mountains: “I admire you!”

Then he shouted again: “You are a winner!”

The boy looked at his father with a surprised, incomprehensible gaze.

Then the father explained to his son: “People call this voice an ECHO, but in reality it is life. She takes back everything you say or do. Our life is a simple reflection of our actions. Life will give you back everything you gave it.”

One of the laws of life says: “As it comes around, so it will respond.” Parents must remember that every minute our children absorb something that will later echo in our lives.

"Scars on the Soul"

One boy often got angry with others and lost his temper easily. One day his father gave him a bag of nails and said:

Every time you can't control your anger, drive one nail into the fence post. On the very first day, the boy drove 37 nails into the post. But he learned to control his anger and every day he hammered fewer and fewer nails. Finally, the day came when the boy never lost his temper. He told his father about this, and he replied:

Every day that you manage to hold back,

pull one nail out of the post.

Time passed, and one day the boy came to his father again and said that there was not a single nail left in the pillar. Then the father led the boy to the fence:

You completed the task, look how many holes are left in the pillar. He will never be the same again.

So it is with man; when you say an evil word, a scar remains on his soul, the same as these holes.

Even if you apologize later, the scar will still remain. Take care of your friends, show them how much they mean to you.

"A Request to God"

One day, a primary school teacher asked the children to write an essay about what they would like God to do for them.

In the evening, when she was checking her notebooks, she came across an essay that really upset her.

At that moment, her husband entered and saw that the woman was crying.

"What's happened?! - he asked her.

“Read,” she answered, handing over the boy’s essay.

“Lord, today I ask you something special: turn me into a TV. I want to take his place. I want to live like the TV lives in our house. I want to have a special place and gather the whole family around me. I want to be listened to without interrupting or asking questions when I speak. I want to be the center of attention. I want them to treat me like they treat a TV when it stops working. I want to be in the company of my father when he returns home, even tired. So that my mother, instead of ignoring me, would come to me when she is alone and sad. I wish that at least sometimes my parents would leave everything aside and spend a little time with me. God, I’m not asking for much... I just want to live like any TV person lives.”

"Nightmare! Poor boy!" - exclaimed the teacher's husband.

“What kind of parents are these?!”

She answered with tears in her eyes: “This is our son’s composition.


Life is like a symphony, and each of us is an instrument playing our own unique part in this beautiful piece of music. Neither instrument can play a melody written for another. Everyone has their own and unique party. Each is important and necessary to achieve harmony.

If we, as instruments, play our melody out of harmony with the other instruments, then we create disharmony. If we, as instruments, do not notice the instructions of the Cosmic Conductor, then we thereby hinder the harmonious performance of the Earthly Symphony.

If an instrument loses the notes it's supposed to play and forgets what it's supposed to play, it's likely to play along with others. But this game will no longer be his unique game. He will not find true happiness and joy by performing parts written for others.

If an instrument falls in love with a particular part and refuses to play what the cosmic conductor asks, then this instrument will be of no use for the Earthly Symphony and it can become an obstacle to harmony.

And besides, if the instrument is out of tune, then it will not be able to play any part euphoniously. The instrument needs to be tuned (analogous to discipline) and played every day.

Do you know your party? Are you fulfilling it? Are you being false? Are you ready to perform the different parts offered to you by the cosmic conductor?

Parable "Two Angels"

The Lord had two angels on his errands. One of them constantly traveled between earth and heaven. Another spent almost all his time sitting on a cloud and wondering why another little angel travels between earth and heaven all the time.

The sitting angel decided to ask the busy one what he was doing. “Tell me, brother angel, what kind of work do you have that you are busy with all the time?” And the busy angel answered him: “I collect all the “I ask you, Lord” from people on Earth and bring them to the Lord. But let me ask you, what is your job if you sit on this cloud almost all the time and look at the Earth?

The sitting angel answered solemnly: “My job is to collect all the “Thank you, Lord”s from the people on Earth and deliver them to the Lord.”

(Let's give a bored angel a job!)

From the book “Modern Parables” by Robert Elias Nudgeti

Once upon a time there lived a bird that could not fly. She walked on the ground like a chicken, although she knew that some birds fly.
It so happened that, due to a number of circumstances, the egg of a flying bird was hatched by this flightless bird. In due course the chick hatched, and with the power of flight, which had already been manifested from time to time while it was still in the egg.
Sometimes he asked his adoptive mother: “When will I fly?” And the bird tied to the ground answered him: “To fly, you must be persistent in your endeavor, like all birds.”
She didn’t know how to teach a fledgling chick a lesson in flying, she didn’t even know how to push it out of the nest so that it could learn.
But it is strange that the chick himself did not notice this. The feeling of gratitude to his adoptive mother did not allow him to understand his situation.
“If it weren’t for her,” he reasoned to himself, “I would still remain in the egg.”
And sometimes he said to himself like this:
- Anyone who could sit me, of course, will teach me to fly. It's only a matter of time, or perhaps it all depends on my own efforts, maybe for this I need to have some kind of higher wisdom - there are no other reasons. The bird that brought me to where I am today will one day take me to the next level.

This story appears in one form or another in various versions of Awarif al-Maarif, a work by Sohraverdi written in the 12th century, and carries many meanings. It is said that the student can interpret it intuitively, according to the level of consciousness he has achieved. On an ordinary, superficial level, it certainly provides the moral basis on which modern civilization rests. Two ideas are emphasized here.
The first is the assumption that one thing “necessarily follows from the other” may turn out to be absurd and hinder further progress.
The second is that if a person can cope with one task, this does not mean that he can cope with another.

A tale of two brothers and a strong will

A long time ago, in a distant country, there lived two brothers. They lived very friendly and did everything together. Both brothers wanted to become heroes.

One brother said: “A hero must be strong and brave” and began to train strength and agility. He lifted heavy stones, climbed mountains, swam along a stormy river.

And the other brother said that a hero must be persistent and persistent, and began to train his willpower: he wanted to quit work, but he saw it through to the end, he wanted to eat pie for breakfast, but he left it for dinner; he learned to say no to his desires.

Time passed, the brothers grew up. One of them became the strongest man in the country, and the other - the most persistent and persistent, he became a man with a strong will. But one day trouble happened: the terrible Black Dragon attacked the country. He carried away livestock, burned houses, and kidnapped people.

The brothers decided to save their people. “I will go and kill the Dragon,” said the first brother.

“First we need to find out what his weakness is,” answered the other brother. “I don’t need to know what his weakness is,” said the strong man, “The main thing is that I am strong.” And he went to the high mountain on which stood the castle of the Black Dragon.

“Hey, Dragon! I’ve come to defeat you! Come out to fight!” the strong man shouted. The castle gates swung open and the terrible Black Dragon came out to meet him. His black wings obscured the sky, his eyes burned like torches, and fire burst out of his mouth.

Seeing this monster, the strong man felt fear enter his heart, he began to slowly retreat from the Dragon, and the Dragon began to grow, grow, and suddenly he flicked his tail, and the strong brother turned into stone.

Having learned about what happened to the strong man, his brother decided that it was his turn to fight the Dragon. But how to defeat him? And he decided to ask advice from the Wise Turtle, who lived on the other side of the earth.

The path to this turtle lay through three very dangerous kingdoms.

The first was the kingdom of Wantkalk. A person who found himself in this kingdom immediately had many desires: he wanted to receive beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, toys and delicacies, but as soon as he said “I want”, he immediately turned into a wisher and remained forever in this kingdom. Our hero also had many desires, but he gathered all his will and said “no” to them. Therefore, he managed to leave this country.

The second on his way was the kingdom of pokes, whose inhabitants constantly pulled each other and distracted them from business, so in this kingdom no one could do anything: neither work, nor rest, nor play. Our hero also wanted to start pulling others by the hands and pestering passers-by, but he again remembered his will and did not do this. And he did well, because otherwise he, too, would have become a poker and would have remained in this kingdom.

And finally, the third on his way was the most terrible kingdom - the kingdom of the yakalok. As soon as he entered this kingdom, he immediately wanted to shout: “I am the smartest,” “I am the bravest,” “I am the most beautiful,” “I am the most…”. And here he needed all the willpower that he had trained for many years. He silently passed this kingdom and found himself at the house of the Wise Turtle.

“Hello, Wise Turtle,” he said. “I came to you for advice.” Please teach me how to defeat the Black Dragon.

“Only a person with a strong will can defeat the Dragon,” answered the Turtle. “You have passed through three terrible kingdoms, which means you can do it.” The stronger a person’s will, the weaker the terrible Dragon. Go, you will win.

And the Turtle closed her eyes, and our hero bowed to her and went back to his country.

He approached the gates of the castle in which the Black Dragon lived and challenged him to a fight. The dragon came out of the castle, spread its black wings and walked towards the daredevil.

The hero became scared at the sight of the monster, but he gathered his will and overcame his fear, he stood still and did not retreat a single step.

And suddenly... the terrible Dragon began to shrink, it became smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared! The Turtle told the truth: the stronger the will of a person, the weaker the evil Dragon.

As soon as the Dragon disappeared, his black castle also crumbled, and the living and unharmed inhabitants of the country, among whom was his brother, ran out to meet the hero. Since then they lived happily. So a strong will helped the hero defeat evil.

Will - what is it?

Why do we need it?

The Tale of the Good Hedgehog

“A hedgehog mother gave birth to a hedgehog.

A hedgehog doesn't need sheets or diapers.

He'll bury himself in the leaves as soon as he sticks his nose out.

He grew up obedient, cultured and polite.

Both mom and dad loved the hedgehog,

Even the clubfoot bear loved him.

He always gave way to the bear,

Don't get under his clubfoot.

He helped everyone, didn't laugh at anyone,

And he tried to help everyone in some way.

He collected leaves for the birds' nest,

On his back he wore mushrooms for the squirrels.

The hedgehog said hello to everyone, said goodbye,

He communicated with all the animals in the forest.

And the forest animals fell in love with him

And they came to visit him with joy.

A fox appeared from a neighboring forest,

She behaved proudly, like a princess.

Laughed at everyone, didn't take anyone into account

And she endlessly boasted about her bushy tail.

The fox said to the hedgehog proudly:

“You are gray, prickly, not at all beautiful!

How can you walk in this prickly fur coat!

It’s probably better for you to stay at home!”

But the hedgehog answered her simply, without anger:

“Today we have guests.

Everyone is happy there, no one is offended,

Spiky fur coat? Isn't it embarrassing?

I'm not angry with you, but it became clear to me:

Having a prickly character is unpleasant!”

No, the hedgehog wasn’t angry at the fox at all,

He only tried to reason with her.

The fox continued to behave impudently,

And the animals drove the fox out of the forest.

They told her: “We are not happy with you!

Even though you are beautiful, we don’t need it!”

The fox yelled at everyone out of habit,

But they quickly forgot about this fox.

And the little hedgehog is as cheerful as ever.

He goes to the forest animal school.

He studies various sciences there,

He will tell his children and grandchildren about them.

He's kind and sweet and everyone loves him

After all, a good person will not become angry or angry.

He who is polite and meek will be loved,

And whoever is quarrelsome will be persecuted.

No need to be angry, no need to scold

And only good things need to be learned.”

Honest boy

A long time ago, there lived a boy in a mountain village. His father died, his mother worked for strangers from morning to night, and the boy chopped firewood in the forest and sold that firewood at the market. One autumn day, when the last leaves had fallen from the trees and the cold wind had driven the forest animals into their holes, the boy took his ax and went for firewood.

He walked and walked and came to a mountain lake. And near that lake there grew a large tree. “I’ll cut down this tree,” the boy thought. “It will make a lot of firewood.” As soon as he began to chop down a tree, the ax suddenly slipped out of his hands and fell into the lake. The boy sat down on the shore and cried: for him, an ax is more valuable than gold. How will he chop wood now?
Suddenly blue waves roamed the lake, and an old man came out of the water.
-What are you crying about, boy? - asks.
The boy told him what trouble had happened to him, and the old man said: Don’t worry, boy, I’ll find your ax.
He said so and disappeared under the water.
Once again the blue waves roamed the lake, and an old man came out of the water, and in his hand he had an ax made of pure gold.
- Is this ax yours? - asks. The boy waved his hands:
- What are you saying, grandfather, this ax is not mine!
The old man grinned into his gray beard and disappeared under the water again.
The boy waited for him for a long time. Finally the old man came out for the third time and handed the boy a silver axe.
“Here, take your ax,” he says.
And the boy answers him:
- No, grandfather, my ax is made of iron.
And again the old man plunged into the lake, and again came out with an ax. Only this time he had an iron ax in his hands.
The boy saw the ax and was delighted.
“Here’s my axe, grandpa,” he says.
And the old man smiled affectionately and said:
- Well done, boy. You didn’t take someone else’s, you didn’t covet silver and gold. For this I will give you all three axes. Sell ​​them at the market - they are expensive - and let your mother no longer work for strangers.
He said so and handed the boy a gold, silver and iron axe. The boy took the axes, thanked the old man a hundred and a thousand times and went home. Since then, he and his mother did not know need and grief.

Why is the titmouse crying?

V. Sukhomlinsky

A man and a woman lived in a house on the edge of the village. They had two children - Misha and Olya. A tall, branchy sedge grew near the house.

“Let’s make a swing on the sedge,” said Misha.

* Oh, it will be good to swing! - Olya was happy.

Misha climbed into the sedge and tied a rope to a branch. Misha and Olya started rocking, and just rocking themselves.

The children are swinging, and the sedge is swinging. Children are swinging, and a tit is flying around them and singing, singing.

Misha says:

- And the tit is happy that we are swinging. How joyfully she sings.

Olya looked at the trunk of the sedge tree and saw a hollow, and in the hollow there was a titmouse’s nest, and in the nest there were small chicks!!!

The titmouse is not happy, but crying,” said Olya. Why should she cry? - Misha was surprised.

Think about it,” Olya answered. Misha got off the swing, stood on the ground, looked at the titmouse’s nest and cried?

In autumn it smells like apples.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Quiet autumn day. Bumblebees fly in the apple orchard. So they noticed an apple that had fallen from the tree and was lying on the ground. Sweet juice flows from the apple. Bumblebees stuck around the apple. The sun has set. And the garden smells of apples warmed by the sun. Somewhere a cricket began to sing. When an apple fell from an apple tree to the ground - whoop... The cricket fell silent. A frightened bird flew by. Somewhere beyond the forest, a star flashed in the night sky. The cricket started singing again. A month has already floated into the sky, and the apples smell like the hot sun.

Everybody sings in the forest

V. Sukhomlinsky

In the spring we went to the forest. The sun rose, the slight breeze died down, and all the trees in the forest began to sing. Everyone sang their own song.

The birch tree sang a tender song. We listened to this singing and wanted to approach the fair-haired beauty and hug her. The oak tree sang a song courageously. When we listened to this singing, we wanted to be strong and courageous.

The willow tree that bent over the pond sang a thoughtful song. Listening to this singing, we thought that autumn would come, and the leaves would fall from the trees.

Rowan sang an alarming song. From this singing came the thought of a dark night and a stormy thunderstorm, from which a thin mountain ash bends, seeking protection.

These are the songs we heard in the forest.

Morning in the apiary

V. Sukhomlinsky

It was a sunny spring morning. A bee flew out of the hive. It circled over the apiary and flew up
He looks and sees something white on the ground. I went down and the apple tree was blooming. She found the most fragrant flower, sat on the petals and drinks the sweet juice. I got drunk and gave it to my kids. She rose again and flew. He flies over the meadow and suddenly sees: there are many golden suns on the green carpet. A bee has come down. In front of her is a dandelion blooming. The flowers are large and fragrant. The bee found the most fragrant flower. She sat down in the golden sun and collected a lot, a lot of honey.

The bee returned home. She took the honey to the hive and poured it into small bowls. And she flew to her friend. I told her about the apple tree and the dandelion. And they flew together.

And the sun was shining over the whole world. It warmed the apple tree, the green meadow, and the pond. And the bees sang joyfully because there was sun. And golden flowers of the sun.

How a bee finds a lily of the valley flower

V. Sukhomlinsky

A bee flew out of the hive. He flies over the apiary and listens a lot. He hears: somewhere far, far away, loud bells are ringing. A bee flies to the music of bells. I flew to the forest. And these are the lily of the valley flowers ringing. Each flower is a small silver bell. Inside is a gold hammer. The hammer hits the silver - a ringing sound is heard, right up to the apiary. This is how the lily of the valley calls the bee. A bee flies in, collects pollen from a flower and says: Thank you, flower...

And the flower is silent. He just humbly lowers his head.

Grey hair

V. Sukhomlinsky

Little Misha saw three gray hairs in his mother’s braid.

Mom, there are three gray hairs in your braid,” said Misha. Mom smiled and said nothing. A few days later, Misha saw four gray hairs in his mother’s braid.

Mom,” Misha said in surprise, “there are four gray hairs in your braid, but there were three... Why did another hair turn gray?

From pain,” the mother answered. -When your heart hurts, then your hair turns grey...

Why did your heart hurt?

Do you remember when you climbed a tall, tall tree? I looked out the window and saw you on a thin branch. My heart ached and a hair stood out.

Misha sat thoughtful and silent for a long time. Then he approached his mother, hugged her and quietly asked:

Mom, when I sit on a thick branch, won’t my hair turn grey?

1. What did Misha see in his mother’s braid?

2. What caused mom’s gray hairs?

3. Why did the mother have more gray hairs after a few days?

4. Did Misha understand why his mother had | White hair?

Apple in the autumn garden.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Late autumn, the little twins Olya and Nina were walking in the apple orchard. It was a quiet sunny day. Almost all the leaves from the apple trees had fallen and rustled underfoot. Only here and there were yellowed leaves left on the trees.

The girls approached a large apple tree. Next to the yellow leaf they saw a large pink apple on the branch.

Olya and Nina screamed with joy.

How was it preserved here? - Olya asked in surprise.

Now we’ll pick it,” Nina said and picked the apple. Everyone wanted to hold him in their hands.

Olya wanted her to get the apple, but she was embarrassed to admit it, and so she said to her sister:

-Let you have an apple, Nina...

Nina also wanted the apple to go to her, but she was also embarrassed to express this desire, so she said to her sister:

- Let there be an apple for you, Olya...
The apple passed from hand to hand, the girls could not come to an agreement. But then the same thought flashed through both of them: they ran to their mother, joyful and excited. They gave her the apple.

Joy shone in my mother's eyes

Mom cut an apple and gave the girls half each.

1. What did Olya and Nina find in the autumn garden?

2. Why did the girls pass the apple one by one?

  1. What did they decide to do with the apple?
  2. Why was mom happy?
  3. Why do you think mom divided the apple equally between the sisters?

Didn't your heart tell you anything?

V. Sukhomlinsky

Andryusha came home from school and saw his tearful mother. He put down the books and sat down at the table. Lunch is waiting.

“And dad was taken to the hospital,” says the mother. - Father fell ill.

She expected her son to be worried, alarmed. But the son was calm and calm.

The mother looked at Andrei with big eyes.

“We should go to the forest tomorrow,” says Andryusha. - Tomorrow is Sunday. The teacher told everyone to come to school at seven in the morning.

*Where will you go tomorrow? - asked the mother.

* To the forest... As the teacher said.

* Didn’t your heart tell you anything? - asked the mata and began to cry.

1. Why did mom look at Andrey with big eyes?

2. Why did mom cry?

3. What kind of people are called heartless?

Crow and nightingale.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Raven brought out one single chick - Little Crow. She loved her child and treated him to delicious worms.

But then the Crow flew for food and disappeared. The sun had already risen above the tree on which they lived, but still there was no mother. Little Crow cried. Crying, tears flowing in streams onto the ground. Quite a few birds fell silent, they felt sorry for the unfortunate fellow.

The Nightingale heard the cry of the Little Crow. The nightingale's heart trembled with pity. The Nightingale left his nest, flew to the crow, sat down next to the chick and sang his wonderful song. The wind had already died down and I was listening.

And Little Crow, as if he didn’t even hear the nightingale’s singing, bursts into tears.

But then Little Crow heard - somewhere in the distance his mother’s voice was heard: kra|, kra|... He instantly stopped crying and said:

* Hear, it’s my mother singing! Shut up, please, no food!

* Kra, kra-kra|... - sounded nearby, and the Nightingale fell silent. He flew to a nearby tree and thought... That evening the forest did not hear the nightingale singing.

  1. Why was Little Crow crying?

2. How did the Nightingale console Little Crow?

3. When did Raven stop crying?

4. Why didn’t the forest hear the nightingale’s singing that evening?

Glass of water.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Yurin's grandfather fell ill. Grandfather is eighty-five years old.

He knows a lot of interesting fairy tales and amazing stories that Yura loves to listen to.

And now grandpa is lying and breathing hard. Mom ordered:

- Sit, Yura, near grandfather, look after him. If he asks for water, give him fresh water, if he asks you to open the window, open it.

Yura was sitting near the bed of his sick grandfather, reading a book. In half a day, grandfather asked for water three times.

The guy got tired of sitting. He put the book on the table, quietly left the house and ran to the guys to play football.

I walked around the stadium for several hours, and the sun was already setting.

But| he was restless in his soul. Something seemed to oppress him. Yura left the game and ran home.

He opened the door slightly, walked up to the bed, and fell to his knees. Grandfather lay dead. And there wasn’t even a drop of water in the glass. Then all his life Yura was tormented by reproaches of conscience. He thought: grandfather apparently died because there was no water. He was thirsty, but there wasn’t a drop in his glass. And he played ball with the guys.

“Do not what you want, but what you need,” Yura taught his son.

1. What order did Yura receive from his mother?

2. Did Yura fulfill his mother’s order?

  1. What happened while Yura was playing football?

4. Why did he die | grandfather?

5. What did Yura teach his son?

Birthday lunch.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Nina has a large family: mother, father, two brothers, two sisters and grandmother.

Nina is the youngest: she is eight years old. Grandma is the oldest: she is eighty-two years old. Grandma's hands are shaking. Carries| spoon grandma| — the spoon trembles, droplets fall on the table.

Nina's birthday is coming soon. Mom said that they would have a festive dinner on her name day. Let Nina invite her friends for lunch.

This day has come. Mom sets the table with a white tablecloth. Nina thought: Grandma will sit at the table too. And her hands are shaking.

Nina quietly said to her mother:

“Mom, don’t let grandma sit at the table today.”

* Why? - Mom was surprised.

* Her hands are shaking. It drips on the table.
Mom turned pale.

Without saying a single word, she took the white tablecloth off the table and hid it in the closet. She sat silently for a long time, then said:

- Our grandmother is sick today. Therefore, there will be no birthday dinner. Happy birthday to you, Nina. My wish for you: be a real person.

1. Tell us about Nina’s family.

2. What holiday has arrived?

3. Why didn’t Nina want her grandmother to be present at the festive dinner?

4. What did mom do? Why?

A fairy tale forms in a child the resources for successful socialization, as it affects him at the value level. In the process of directed work, pedagogical and psychological problems are solved, taking into account the personal potential and spiritual and moral guidelines of a person. A fairytale therapist helps to understand the past and present, model successful behavior in the future and helps to rethink the inner world.

Areas of application of fairy tale therapy

Since ancient times, with the help of fairy tales, experience, moral norms and rules accepted in society have been passed on “by word of mouth.” As a method of psychological correction, fairy tale therapy arose in the late 60s of the last century and began to be used by psychologists and teachers. Pused to improvehuman interaction with others,development of creative abilities, expansion of the boundaries of the inner world. It has no age restrictions and is intended for children, teenagers and adults. It is used in pedagogy to solve educational, educational, developmental problems, in trainings, and in psychotherapy. The fairy tale acts as a mediator between the psychologist and the patient, reducing the latter’s anxiety and resistance.

Fairytale therapy allows you to:

  • better understand the cause-and-effect relationships of one’s own and others’ actions, external events;
  • realize your capabilities and hidden potentials;
  • determine values ​​in life;
  • get acquainted with different worldviews;
  • build meaningful, constructive interaction with people around you;
  • feel inner harmony.

Most often this method is used among children. A difficult life situation, which a child cannot cope with due to his young age, is presented in the form of a fairy tale. This helps him understand the problem in an accessible form and find the right solution. And working with a psychologist is perceived as a game in the world of familiar fairy-tale characters and plots. At the age of 2-3 years, a person develops an interest in fairy tales and begins to remember the simple actions of the characters.

Up to 10-12 years of age, information is better absorbed through visual and vivid images, since the right-hemisphere, imaginative type of thinking predominates in children. Music, illustration, cartoon, fairy tale evoke strong emotions, influence the thought process, are better remembered, and serve as the basis for creativity. A fairy tale is an effective way to provide knowledge about the world around us. Perceiving it, the child integrates what he heard into his life experience. If from an early age until entering early adolescence, the mother read and told stories, and then they discussed them together, the listener gradually forms a “catalog” of life situations: about the structure of the world, relationships between people, his own place in life. If they are read or told without discussion, this knowledge is not fully formed, and it will be difficult for a person to apply it in reality.

After reading the story, adults are recommended to discuss it with the child, helping them to understand the wisdom that the fairy tale teaches. At about 4 years old, the child develops the ability to separate fairy-tale reality from reality. It is necessary to teach him to look for correspondences and contrasts with real life, to turn to acquired experience. Then the ability to act consciously and explore one’s own capabilities is naturally formed; interact creatively, make decisions.

For teenagers and adults, the cognitive (analysis of a fairy tale, discussion) and creative aspects of the work are relevant. Discussion helps to change or expand your view of routine situations and think about spiritual values. In creativity, a person develops cognitive processes, imagination, and realizes hidden abilities.

Fairytale therapy is recognized as one of the effective methods of working with special children in preschool age: as a concomitant treatment, it is used in speech therapy practice in children with mental retardation (MDD) and mental retardation. One of the functions is diagnostic: during classes, a person’s mental development, attitude towards himself and others are revealed, and motives for behavior are determined. Taking into account the age, speech status of the patient, the severity of the deviation and the characteristics of his psyche, music and dance therapy are also used. For serious disorders that require a long course of sessions with a specialist, fairytale therapy allows you to develop speech functions, form cognitive abilities, assimilate cause-and-effect relationships and social norms in a playful form accessible to the child.

Working with fairy tales in psychotherapy

Fairy tale therapy is used to:

  • developing skills for constructive expression of emotions, emotional regulation;
  • correction of aggressive behavior, hyperactivity;
  • reducing anxiety levels, overcoming fears and phobias (darkness, separation from parents, fear of visiting a doctor);
  • correction of behavioral disorders with physical manifestations (problems with eating, uncontrolled urination, etc.);
  • overcoming the difficulties of adapting to new conditions (kindergarten, school);
  • relieving stress in case of family problems (parents' separation, the arrival of a new family member, the loss of loved ones or a pet);
  • increasing educational motivation in younger schoolchildren, the desire to overcome difficulties in learning;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards oneself, adequate self-esteem;
  • creating conditions for the development of imagination, fantasy, unconventional thinking, and creative self-expression.

Types of fairy tales

Several types of fairy tales are used in therapy:

  • didactic;
  • psychological;
  • psychocorrectional or therapeutic;
  • psychotherapeutic.

Didactic fairy tale

The didactic fairy tale is intended for preschoolers and children of primary school age. The main task is the transfer of knowledge, awareness of the importance of new skills and abilities. The scope of application of this type is large. It will help children 3-4 years old to learn the names of colors, letters, etc.; understand why you should wash your hands and brush your teeth, say “thank you” and “please,” and share toys with friends. Even a boring or unpleasant activity becomes interesting if you include it in a story where objects come to life and animals speak. To be more effective, the narration can be accompanied by a task that a 5-6 year old child can complete independently or with minimal help from an adult: draw an intersection with a traffic light, make and hang a bird feeder, plant seeds in the ground. A didactic fairy tale serves as a model, reflecting various situations, pointing out the consequences of unconstructive resolution of conflicts and offering acceptable ways out.

Parents and teachers often create stories themselves, aimed at a specific child or group of children, because they know their interests: airplanes, trains, horses, space. There are also original works, for example, stories by L. N. Tolstoy, G. N. Yudin, J. Rodari, L. I. Khramtsovskaya, A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova. Modern didactic fairy tales are widely distributed in the form of short cartoons with a simple plot, dedicated to one skill (“Arkady Parovozov” - about safety at home; “The Adventures of the Brown Bear”, “Charlie and Lola”, “Cats, Go!”, “Baby Kids”, “Three Cats” is about relationships in the family and among friends). Cartoons are easier for children to understand and watch with interest, but this does not exclude subsequent discussion of the plot.

Didactic fairy tales are ineffective for adults and are not widely used, since at this age people are skeptical about such simple propaganda.

Psychological fairy tale

A parable, or psychological fairy tale, is based on real events and contains fiction. It is intended for teenagers and adults. The goal is to convey important information in the form of a metaphor, allegory, thereby influencing a person’s personality. This is where the difficulty lies because it focuses on the psychological side of action. She explains why to take care of life and health, how to forgive, and build trusting relationships with friends. Having understood this while working with a fairy tale, a child or an adult will be able to independently list several situations that are suitable for a given story, which will help to treat their health correctly. This contributes to the formation of personality.

An example of a psychological fairy tale is a parable about two people who came to a strange city and stopped to get drunk. Both are interested in who lives here. In response, the local old man asks what kind of people are there and where they came from. One interlocutor replies that there are evil, cruel people in his city. The second says that his land has honest and friendly people. The old man answers both in the same way: “You will find the same ones here too.” The tale ends with the conclusion that “everyone sees only what he carries in his heart: he who does not find anything good near him will not be able to find anything positive anywhere, no matter how much he wanders.” Its deep meaning is that if a person is negative towards something in his environment, then very often it is not the phenomenon itself that is bad, but his opinion about it.

It is recommended to use psychological fairy tales with subsequent discussion and explanation. It is important that the listener, and not the therapist, be the first to answer the question of what the story is about and what its meaning is. If the therapist’s opinion differs from the listener’s views, joint work begins to find an option that both like.

Psychocorrectional or therapeutic tales

Intended for children under the age of 11–12 years and told with the aim of influencing the child’s attitudes and behavior. Actions in them can be similar to real events, or they can be added as allegories. They first show an undesirable action, and then demonstrate an alternative that leads to a happy ending. The plot unfolds in a certain sequence; getting to know the characters and their lives - the appearance of difficulties similar to a child's problem - the characters' unconstructive attempts to solve the problem - finding the right solution (advice from a wise mentor is possible) - the hero's awareness of wrong behavior, solving the problem, denouement - morality, learning from his actions.

The therapeutic fairy tale is perceived on two levels. A person consciously understands that the plot is fictional. But he identifies himself with the character, sympathizes with him, imagines himself in his place. In this way, a parallel is drawn between the plot of the story and one’s own life. When a child recognizes his problem, even if he thinks it’s not about him, what he hears is internalized on a subconscious level. He reconsiders his behavior and learns a lesson from the fairy tale.

As an example, here is the story about Little Raccoon: after listening to someone else’s opinion, he approached the stream with a stick. It seemed to him that someone angry and armed lived there. Smiling at the stream, he saw a cute raccoon there. When working with this plot, the importance of a smile and a positive attitude towards the world is realized. This can happen in real life, for example, when joining a new team.

An example of a fairy tale-metaphor: a sad and crying Wolf goes to live in another forest, since no one loves him here and everyone is afraid of him. The little hare asks if he took his terrible teeth, claws and menacing roar with him.

A psychocorrectional fairy tale without allegories can be read without discussing it, since it is clear enough and gives you the opportunity to think about its meaning yourself. If desired, the child can draw a fairy tale or dramatize it with toys. The metaphorical tale needs to be discussed.

Psychotherapeutic fairy tale

This variety has the most powerful impact on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, helps to reveal the deep meaning of events, and allows you to look at the problem from an uncharacteristic perspective. These stories are ambiguous, they do not always have a happy ending, and the outcome is sometimes unclear. The topics covered are deep and complex and are already in the field of philosophy: problems of life and death, a person’s attitude to himself, to the people around him, to gains and losses, love and wealth, and the world in general. This promotes personal growth. The purpose of psychotherapeutic fairy tales is support in difficult life situations, help with psycho-emotional trauma.

These can be fairy tales about transformation, change (H. H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”, S. Lagerlöf “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese”); artistic and folk magic (most interesting for children 6-7 years old); scary tales about devils, witches, ghosts. By repeatedly creating and experiencing frightening moments in a fairy tale, recipients relieve tension and fear, acquiring constructive ways of responding. The ending of a horror story is always unexpected and funny. Similar stories are told in a group of children 8-9 years old and teenagers; you need to read in a “scary” voice, with appropriate intonation.

Examples of fairy tales:

  • Russian folk: “Morozko”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Snow Maiden”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Baba Yaga”;
  • author's: S. T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”, S. Ya. Marshak “Twelve Months”, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”, L. Panteleev “Two Frogs”;
  • foreign: G. H. Andersen “The Little Mermaid”, C. Perrault “Cinderella”, “Donkey Skin”, “Sleeping Beauty”, the Brothers Grimm “Mistress Blizzard” and many others.

Reading rules

Reading or telling a story is a form of communication between people. The reader or storyteller needs to relate emotionally to this process. Basic recommendations:

  1. 1. The storyteller should position himself so that the listener can see his face, observe his facial expressions, and exchange glances with him.
  2. 2. Reading should be accompanied by genuine emotions. This is expressed in a variety of intonation, the use of different voices, and author’s pauses.
  3. 3. You cannot interrupt the lesson, get distracted, or allow prolonged pauses.

Technology of working with a fairy tale

Work with a fairy tale can be individual or group. After reading a work out loud (perception stage), its awareness and interpretation follows. The plot structure, situations, and character behavior are analyzed and discussed. The questions asked should not have a ready-made correct answer. They are built according to the principle of complication: from identifying the personal sympathies of listeners (who liked/disliked most?), through independent clarification of cause-and-effect relationships (why did the hero do this?), to predicting probable actions (what would have happened if the hero behaved differently? What would the fairy tale be like if this character were not in it? and others).

Telling a story on behalf of other persons, participating or not participating in the plot, contributes to the development of thinking, imagination, and fantasy. It's not that easy, but starting from the age of 7-8, a child can handle it.

Rewriting and adding to a fairy tale is a common technique used when the listener is not satisfied with the plot, the behavior of the characters, or the end of the story. By changing a fairy tale, a person chooses a plot twist that is more consistent with his inner state. He does this to relieve tension, so changing the plot is a valuable diagnostic material. The “new” fairy tale contains, in encoded figurative form, a problem that is relevant to humans, and a specialist should help solve it.

When fairy-tale images are analyzed, their meaning is found and connected with real situations in life, other forms of work are used: drawing or modeling, making dolls and staging a fairy tale with their help, dramatization, music and sand therapy. Playing with dolls gives a person the opportunity to express through them emotions that a person does not actually show (for some reason he does not allow himself to do this), to play as expressively as possible. In addition, a person sees that all his movements are reflected in the actions of the doll. This helps you think about adjusting your own behavior.

Starting from the age of 4-5 years, the child himself is able to compose a fairy tale. An adult can suggest characters and a setting. The story reflects the problematic situation and ways of overcoming it that are understandable to the author; significant emotions and internal conflicts are revealed. The content of history is a kind of mirror reflecting the inner world of a person.


Fairytale therapy is not used:

  • in acute and chronic psychoses or conditions close to them;
  • in severe forms of cerebral-organic lesions;
  • with severe mental impairment (with IQ below 85).

Therapy will be ineffective if the person is insufficiently motivated, openly unwilling to interact, or has an overly skeptical attitude toward the method.

Have you noticed with what delight and rapture your baby listens to fairy tales? He worries about the main character, is surprised by his adventures, rejoices at his victories and successes. Together with the heroes of fairy tales, he tries to distinguish good from evil, courage from cowardice, loyalty from betrayal, generosity from stinginess. A fairy tale awakens the child’s imagination, and, fantasizing, he transforms into magical characters, gaining life experience, confronting difficulties, looking for a way out of the most difficult situations. A fairy tale is not only the key to understanding the world, but also a way to overcome fears. Read about fairytale therapy for children in our material.

What is fairy tale therapy: goals and objectives

The fairy tale therapy method is also available to parents: any fairy tale can be made useful.

Fairy tale therapy- This is a method of “fairy tale treatment”. Experts say that the use of fairy tale therapy for children is similar to psychological counseling for adults. The point of this specific, almost magical therapy is that, having discovered any problem in the child’s behavior, his internal state, character, you can tell a fairy tale that will eradicate this problem.

Teachers, psychologists, and doctors use fairy tales in their practice. This method is also available to parents: any fairy tale can be made useful.

Fairytale therapy is an excellent method of transferring knowledge, experience, skills and abilities to children. And a necessary and timely tale told affects the consciousness and subconscious of the baby. With the help of a fairy tale, you can simulate any situations from a child’s life and transfer them to the characters. This will demonstrate how a fairy-tale hero can cope with the problem that has arisen. For example, if a baby is afraid of the dark, then you can tell a story about a boy who fought the darkness and defeated it.

With the help of a fairy tale, you can simulate any situations from a child’s life and transfer them to the characters.

The method of fairy tales with a therapeutic effect is most often used for the following purposes:

  • reducing the level of aggression in children
  • eliminating anxiety and fears
  • development of emotional self-regulation
  • establishing positive relationships with other children.

Objectives of the fairy tale therapy method:

  • development of children's speech and cognitive activity
  • identification and formation of creative abilities
  • reduction in levels of aggressiveness and anxiety
  • development of emotional regulation and communication skills
  • developing the ability to overcome difficulties and fears
  • strengthening the relationship between child and parents.

“Did you know that a correctly chosen and timely fairy tale can eliminate almost any child’s problems?”

Types of fairy tales

Razida Tkach in her book “Fairytale therapy for children’s problems” highlights types of fairy tales from the perspective of individual problems:

  • on overcoming fears (the dark, the doctor’s office, etc.)
  • to reduce hyperactivity
  • to overcome aggressiveness
  • aimed at working with behavioral disorders
  • to overcome problems related to family relationships (cases of parental divorce, the emergence of new family members, etc.)
  • in case of loss of beloved relatives or animals.

The following are used as children's therapeutic tales:

  • parable
  • fairy tale
  • fable
  • legend or myth
  • epic
  • joke
  • detective.

According to another well-known typology, fairy tales are of the following types:

  1. Artistic.
  2. Folk.
  3. Copyright.
  4. Didactic.
  5. Psychocorrectional.
  6. Psychotherapeutic.

The plots of fairy tales are varied

Fairy tale plots varied:

  1. Tales about animals, as well as their relationships with people. Such tales (and are perfect for younger and middle preschoolers, since children between 1.5 and 5 years old can easily identify themselves with animals.
  2. Everyday tales. These stories tell about the difficulties of ordinary life, family relationships, and ways to resolve conflicts. These tales are not devoid of irony and humor; they are suitable for older children (schoolchildren).
  3. Tales of transformations (transformations, transformations). Suitable for children with low self-esteem, with the feeling that they are not loved, shy children, as well as adopted children.
  4. Scary tales. Witches, goblins and other evil spirits are the main characters in such stories. Children can even compose such fairy tales themselves: by experiencing anxious situations, children get rid of tension and fear. Typically, “horror stories” are used as a therapeutic method for children aged 7 years and older.
  5. Fairy tales. These fairy tales transport life wisdom into the child’s subconscious. They are most popular with children aged 6-7 years.

“Having realized the child’s problem that you need to work with, you can choose a folk tale, one of the fairy tales of domestic or foreign writers, or come up with a story yourself.”

List of fairy tales that have a therapeutic effect

For children who are facing problems in the family:

  • "Morozko"
  • "Little Khavroshechka"
  • "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"
  • "Snow Maiden"
  • "The Scarlet Flower"
  • "Cinderella"

For children experiencing crisis, stress, neurosis:

  • "Sleeping Beauty"
  • "Mistress Blizzard"
  • "Tserevna-Frog"
  • "Gray Neck"

For adopted children, children with low self-esteem:

  • "Tom Thumb"
  • "Ugly duck"

To overcome fears:

  • "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • "Swan geese"
  • "The wolf and the seven Young goats"
  • "Baba Yaga"
  • and many other tales.

Program for overcoming children's fears

The right fairy tale will help you overcome any fear.

Very often, fairy tales are used to overcome children's fears.

Special techniques help to identify what fears torment a child (for example, “Two Houses”, where the child is asked to draw a black and a red house into which they need to “settle” their fears - the strongest and not so strong). Typically, children's fears are divided into:

  • medical(fear of pain, injections, doctors, diseases)
  • physical(fear of damage from means of transport, unexpected sounds, fire, war, elements)
  • fear of one's death
  • fear associated with fear of animals
  • fear of fairy tale characters
  • fear of the dark and nightmares
  • social fears(people, children, loneliness, etc.)
  • fear of space(depth, height, confined spaces).

Once everything is clear with fears, you can apply program for overcoming fears of preschoolers:

  1. Play a sketch based on the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes.”
  2. Play the dramatization game “Hares and the Wolf.”
  3. Organize a search for ways to combat feelings of fear with the help of relaxation exercises “Conversation with the Forest” and “Flight of the Butterfly”, sketches “The cabbage was delicious!” and “Different moods.”
  4. To promote the formation of skills in expressing different emotions with the help of fairy tales “Why was the coward sad?”, “The brave coward.”
  5. Develop courage by overcoming fears with the help of the fairy tale “My Fear is My Enemy” and the games “Tag” and “Hide and Seek with a Voice.”
  6. Form the necessary behavioral skills with the help of the fairy tale “It’s time to sleep.”

Group classes for children of the same age are effective.

Such a program is best carried out with a group of children of the same age for preventive and therapeutic purposes with the participation of a child psychologist. When working individually with a child, the program can be varied, taking into account the nature of the problem, filling fairy tales with new meaning.

Rules for making an ordinary fairy tale therapeutic

For an ordinary fairy tale to become therapeutic, you need to create it taking into account certain rules:

  1. The fairy tale should meet the child’s problems, but not be completely similar to it.
  2. A fairy tale must necessarily contain a substitute action, using which the child will learn a new approach to solving his problem.
  3. The plot of a therapeutic tale should be consistent:
  • The main character of the fairy tale must correspond to the gender of the child, preferably to the age and character
  • further - a description of the life of the main character in such a way that the child finds similarities with himself
  • further - a description of the problem situation where the hero finds himself and which should be similar to the situation of a child (the hero’s experiences should correspond to the experiences of the baby)
  • further - the hero’s search for a way out of their problematic situation (worsening the situation, the main character meeting with different characters, searching for alternative solutions to get out of the situation)
  • at the end - the protagonist’s awareness of his wrong behavior, recognition of mistakes, acceptance of the optimal option.

When considering a program for overcoming any childhood problem (for example, fears), you need to take into account child's age:

  • at 3-4 years old - the main character can be the baby’s favorite toy, a little person, an animal
  • from 5 years old - introduce fairies, sorceresses, princesses and princes, soldiers, etc. into fairy tales.
  • from 5-6 years old - make fairy tales filled with magic.

“One of the important components of the psychological impact of fairy tales is metaphor, which is the basis of a fairy tale. Metaphor is a comparison with something else based on a common feature. The accuracy and imagery of metaphor is the key to the effectiveness of therapeutic techniques.”

The secret of therapeutic fairy tales is that the child perceives the meaning of what he hears simultaneously on the conscious and subconscious levels. The kid consciously worries about the main character and realizes the fictionality of the fairy tale plot. The child’s subconscious captures and absorbs the truths of the fairy tale, identifies itself with the main character, and reconsiders its behavior.

Watch videos about how easy it is to create a fairy tale with your child, focusing on his problems

Fairytale therapy classes

Lessons with a psychologist in the format of fairy tale therapy are effective. In the process of working with a child, the specialist focuses on acquiring the knowledge he needs to solve his problem, and most importantly, develops useful skills.

Whether you are a psychologist or just a mother, remember that in fairy tale therapy, communication between an adult and a child is very important, as well as a bright emotional coloring of the sessions.

When conducting classes, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. While telling a fairy tale, it is important to position yourself opposite the child so that he can see your eyes and facial expression.
  2. When you tell or read a fairy tale, you need to convey the true feelings and emotions of the characters.
  3. Prolonged pauses should not be allowed.
  4. The fairy tale and the situations in it should be based on a problem that is relevant to the child.
  5. When working with a fairy tale, pay attention to the fact that it does not contain a ready-made answer. Let your child think and suggest a way out of this or that situation himself.

Parents themselves can try to correct the behavior or character of the baby with the help of a fairy tale.

“Parents can easily become storytellers and successfully correct their child’s problematic behavior themselves. People usually turn to a psychologist or a specialist in the field of fairy tale therapy with complex questions.”

So, you have become familiar with a method that allows you to solve any children's problems with the help of fairy tales - fairy tale therapy. Parents themselves can try to correct the behavior or character of the baby with the help of a fairy tale. And if you decide to choose a specialist, know that he must have a high level of training, the ability to write therapeutic fairy tales to suit the needs of the child, use metaphors, and have sufficient work experience.

Fairytale therapy for preschoolers. Parents' lectures about the rules of behavior and the meaning of life cause rejection in children, which means an alternative method is needed.

There is a saying: people will tell you when they stop. But the truth, worldly wisdom, learned truths, apt characteristics, observations that pass from generation to generation in the form of legends, poetic lines, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings and sayings, have the greatest power and meaning. For example, here are the following expressions: “a word can hurt, but it can also save,” or “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.” What is this if not psychological help for those who are in a difficult situation or are looking for answers to their questions? In other words, therapy.

A fairy tale is not a deception, but a mystery

If adults themselves choose what to read or listen to, then young children trustingly absorb what their parents’ heads are stuffed with. But notations in the form of lengthy moral teachings about the rules of behavior and the meaning of life, oversaturated with wise quotes, as a rule, if not scare away preschool children, then cause them to be rejected and irritated by misunderstanding.

How then can we convey to them the wisdom contained in the word? How to help overcome your fears, complexes, loss of faith in yourself or friends. For example, when a kindergarten friend suddenly laughed at her for no reason (and in front of the whole group!) for her habit of sleeping with her favorite toy, whose ears were already frayed! Or a friend, showing off his new transformer, stepped on his beloved soldier! When mom just doesn’t understand that foam on hot milk is an unimaginably terrible thing that can’t be swallowed, which makes it even worse.

This is where fairytale therapy for preschoolers comes in!

A fairy tale is always a mystery, an intrigue that you really want to unravel! Both super active lively people and phlegmatically clumsy silent people are ready to listen to her with equal attention and desire for hours on end. Magic is a bewitching action.

We read, discuss, act out - model

For the harmonious development of a little person’s personality, all kinds of fairy tales are necessary and important. But when reading “Ryaba Hen” or “Kolobok” to a child, we only introduce him to objects, concepts, and traditions. This is a detached, non-life situation, in which there is simply no point in participating in for a child.

Fairytale therapy gives them the opportunity to take part in a favorite or simply interesting fairy tale, imagining the plot, acting it out... This is every child’s dream! By embodying it, we use a fairy tale as a tool for correcting a situation that worries a preschooler, we correct the model of his behavior, completely rewriting the script of the problems that have raged in his small but personal life.

When a child takes on the role of the main (of course!) hero, firstly:

  • clearly demonstrates the fears and doubts hidden in his soul;
  • shows how he sees solutions to problems;
  • he himself (!) extricates himself from the complex life collisions into which the hero finds himself.

Secondly, by selecting examples of fairy tales, we can:

  • focus the child’s attention on a specific, momentary situation;
  • correctly and clearly point out the error of the chosen course of action;
  • help him get rid of this or that habit;
  • show that there is another line of behavior - the opportunity to achieve the desired result.

Let's say a child is catastrophically afraid of the dark - we find or invent a courageous hero who, with one look and a sigh, defeats the darkest machinations of the dark kingdom. Does your child like to lie, and no one takes his word for it? — we tell a fairy tale about a shepherd and wolves. Or, together with him, we create a hero who lied so much that he forgot his name and the liar had to re-acquaint himself with himself and honestly in order to find his place in life.

By inventing, and most importantly, discussing in detail (!) with the baby fairy tales in which selfish or vile actions have a clearly negative connotation, we thereby unobtrusively and at the same time very persistently form his rejection of such qualities in himself. The fairy tale does not scold, does not shout, does not read some incomprehensible adult morals, and does not put you in a corner, it tactfully educates and gives an answer to any question! And at the same time, we help the little one who has discovered injustice or deception in his environment, or some other negative qualities, to find the strength to resist them with dignity and kindness.

Thirdly, fairytale therapy helps strengthen the bond between children and their parents. Together they create a magical story - a miracle. And the fate of the heroes depends only on their joint decision!

Example of a fairy tale

If your child does not master the need to say “magic” words, does not like to take into account anyone’s opinion other than his own, and does many things in defiance, try reading him a fairy tale about a naughty mouse.

Once upon a time there lived a mouse. She loved for everyone to revolve around her - to please and please. The parents and older sisters and brothers tried to pamper the little one, but the time had come to prepare supplies for the winter - it was necessary to spin. They called the little one with them, but she pouted her lips and turned her tail away - she didn’t want to help, she just wanted to get out of the hole and take a walk. But her parents don’t let her out - they scare her with a scary cat that lives upstairs, and add: “You don’t respect your elders, you don’t know kind words - stay at home!” And they left.

It became boring and gray. What to do? She began to dig her own way out, secretly from everyone - and slipped out of the hole!

The pintail traveled all day through the courtyard, which seemed like a huge fairy-tale forest. The mouse is small - even a blade of grass is taller than it.

Towards evening, her empty stomach began to growl - she wanted to eat. Here and there, but nothing. Mom is far away - she won’t serve you food at the first whim. Looks like some furry animal is drinking sour cream from a bowl.

“Move over,” she muttered to the kitten (and it was him!).

- For what? – he was surprised.

- I am hungry.

- Don’t you know the magic words: “please, excuse me, allow me...”, or at least “hello”?

“Here you go,” the mouse snorted. – I want to eat and that’s it – without any words.

“No, it won’t work like that,” the kitten meowed. “I don’t mind sour cream,” he even moved away, “but you’re acting very ugly.”

“Oh, so,” the hungry mouse got angry. And as soon as he grabbed the kitten by the antennae, as he pulled them, his whole little head dived into the sour cream.

- Mother! - the offended kitten cried for no reason.

- What happened here? – a large shadow of the mother cat grew over the bowl. “Oh, son, how you got all dirty,” she shook her head disapprovingly, licking the boy’s face.

“It’s not me,” he whined.

- Then who? – the cat looked around in surprise.

- And here she is! – the kitten, smearing the sour cream with its eyelashes, pointed with its paw at the prankster hiding under a plantain leaf.

- Mouse?! – the mother cat’s eyes flashed with a predatory fire, her fur stood up, another moment and...

- Oh oh oh! - the mouse squealed, falling into the hole, which, fortunately for her, was right under her.

Mom, dad, brothers, sisters rushed to her.

- There! There,” the mouse trembled, pointing to a clawed paw trying to dig up the ground around the hole, “there is a monster: shaggy, tailed, toothy...

- Cat! – her relatives exhaled in fear, quickly running away deeper into the hole.

When everything finally calmed down, my mother suddenly asked:

-Where have you been for so long? – we searched everything around, but only found the earth scattered at the entrance.

“I... I,” the mouse babbled in confusion.

She wanted to lie, but mother’s eyes looked at her daughter so intently that the lie flew out of her head. She told the whole truth, despite the fact that she was afraid: now she would get hit! But my mother only whispered: “I trusted you so much, daughter.” She turned away and cried.

Nobody said anything else to the mouse. Everyone was silent. But this made her feel especially bitter. And it seemed that the silence was whispering something to her that she definitely needed to understand and remember. But where to look for this “something”? The mouse looked around, took a closer look at her family and their friends: how they communicate, how they act - they don’t lie, they give in to each other, they smile warmly, they help everyone and do not forget to thank themselves for the help...

And then the mouse realized that if you want to be treated kindly and kindly (and not just pampered because you are less than everyone else), learn to be polite and respect the wishes of others, never do harm to anyone, and since they trust you – don’t betray your trust – second chances are not given often.

And as soon as she realized this, she had many friends and girlfriends. And the mouse was never bored again!



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