Scientific and practical work. “Aromatherapy: the influence of aromas on the physiological and psychological state of a person

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Department of Education of Astana City
Borzokh Anastasia
5th grade

Astana – 2011
for the scientific project “Aromatherapy” of a 5th grade student
school gymnasium No. 3 Borzokh Anastasia
The student classified aromatic oils taking into account psychosocial problems
Despite the development of medicine, the problem of morbidity among schoolchildren
especially viral and colds, fatigue, their
emotional state remains a topical issue around the world. More often
Doctors turn to natural therapy for help, so the use of
aromatherapy for the well-being of students in general is more relevant than ever.
The work examines the theoretical aspect of the concept of “aromatherapy”
With scientific point vision. Borzokh Anastasia studied the history of development
aromatherapy, doctors' research Ancient Egypt, India, Greece,
investigated the mechanisms of odor perception, considered the difference
synthetic and natural aromatic substances. Presented in detail
principles of aromatherapy and mechanisms of their use and storage.

physical condition of a person.
The research part of the project should be noted for its significance
aromatherapy for schoolchildren, closely related to theoretical part. For
To test the hypothesis, the student conducted an experiment in 2 groups of children:
control and experimental, during which it was found that
the use of aromatherapy helps to activate the mental
activity of the student, relieve his fatigue, increase his academic performance,
cure colds, normalize sleep and simply create
good mood (graphic support). Unlike many
medical products according to the subjects, aromatherapy
medicinal compounds very easy to use and children like it.
When conducting research and writing Borzykh Anastasia
used an extensive list of domestic and foreign literature
scientists, psychologists, publicists Yu. Ekoreva, A.I. Arinshteina, Radchenko
N.M., Petrovskaya K.M., Serkova A.A., Belousova T.P., encyclopedias
Wanda Sellar, Dragunsky V.V., newspapers, magazines, fiction
The booklet presented by the student is a practical guide for
students and their parents. It describes everything necessary for the session.
aromatherapy items, the stages of the process are reflected and detailed information is included
table containing the classification of aromatic substances depending on
from problems of a person’s psychophysical condition.


1.1. History of aromatherapy
1.2. The concept of "aroma oil"

Chapter 2. Aroma oils and their use in life
2.1. Classification of aromatic oils
2.2. Aromatherapy and schoolchildren
Chapter 3. Experiment
Information sources
Annex 1
Appendix 2

Purpose: To study the influence of aromatic substances on psychological and
physical condition of a person.


Explain the concept of “aroma oil”.
Analyze methods and uses
aroma oils in various fields human life activity.
Conduct an experiment and draw conclusions about the impact
aromatic oils on the condition of schoolchildren and their academic performance.
Object of study: Aroma oils.
Subject of study:
Possibilities of influence of aromatic
substances on the human condition.
The novelty of the research lies in the fact that until today
aromatherapy was not considered as a means of increasing the level of
students' learning ability.
Hypothesis: If regularly at home and in the classroom correctly
use aromatic oils, then the psychological and physical state
schoolchildren will improve significantly, and work will become better accordingly
memory, thinking, attention, etc.

Aromatherapy as a science has been around for many thousands of years. In Egypt, Greece, Rome,
In China and other ancient peoples, aromatic agents were used to
throughout a person’s life - from birth to old age -
to maintain health of body and spirit. The effectiveness of natural
herbal remedies for medicinal and cosmetic purposes in many cases
superior to currently used "chemical" drugs.
Return to natural herbal remedies at the end of the 20th century
is natural, since chemically produced medicines have revealed
a number of negative side effects, which have now become known almost
to every inhabitant of the Earth. This is suppression immune activity, and development
candidiasis infections, and the widespread use of medicinal
allergies... As a result, we have to use increasingly stronger medications,
leading to even more harmful nonspecific pressure on the body
person. At the end of the century it became clear that the way out of this vicious circle
is to return to natural methods of healing with high quality
new level.
The study of aromatic plants has great importance. Smells
play a huge role in the biosphere. It is by smell that insects pollinate
find nectar-bearing plants. Smells play an important role not only in
animal life, but also human life. After all, the sense of smell is one of the five
vital human feelings. The human body instantly
reacts to smell. Smells can make us feel pleasant or unpleasant.
memories, sensations, images.
The aroma of rosehip flowers is reminiscent of summer, the aroma of exquisite
perfume emanating from a stranger suddenly fills the soul with dreams, and the aroma
apple pie envelops me in childhood memories...

What has been said is not enough to appreciate the true role of smell in
our life. The lightest, almost imperceptible smells of the surrounding world
can be a clear sign of the safety of the surrounding world, a kind of
universal code "friend of the stranger". The smells of home give a feeling
safety, but our sense of smell is many unpleasant odors
warns a person in a timely manner about an impending threat, be it smoke
a starting fire or, alternatively, the wind from a creeping
Essential oils are fragrant, highly volatile substances contained in
various parts plants, mainly in flowers, leaves, fruits,
With the help of essential oils you can resist various
infections: pulmonary, liver, intestinal, urinary tract, uterine,
nasopharyngeal, cutaneous. Aromatherapy produces results that
cannot be obtained by any other modern means.
Having found your scent, you can resist difficulties and human
hostility, become more sociable and passionate, have
greater success in various endeavors, improve your health. And our task
to trace whether plant aromas affect the improvement of mood, memory,
sleep of primary school students. Do they help relieve fatigue?
regulate and restore the functioning of the body and thereby increase their
academic performance. Indeed, currently only 10% of healthy children
study in secondary schools. There is an increase in overall
increase in neuropsychiatric diseases and
morbidity of children,
functional disorders. Therefore, the relevance of the problem of conservation
physical and mental health of schoolchildren is becoming increasingly
So, the problem that is revealed in this work is
improvement of the physical and psychological state of schoolchildren.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspect concept of "aromatherapy"
1.1. History of aromatherapy
Aromatherapy (less commonly aromatherapy, or aromatherapy) is the science of
methods of using natural essential oils and other volatile
aromatic substances.
The term "aromatherapy" was first coined in 1928.
who took care of the family
French chemist Gattfoss,
perfume business. He became interested in the therapeutic properties
oils after I discovered that burns on my hand, smeared with lavender
oil, healed quickly, and there was no scar left in this place.
The beneficial effects of odors have been known since ancient times.
The first who began to extract their aromatic components from plants were
there were Egyptians. They used the extracted odorous substances for religious
rites and rituals, including for embalming, as well as in medicinal
therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. So, even Avicenna in his “Treatise on
heart remedies" wrote that the red Damask rose thanks to
the aromatic substances contained in it are used in case of loss
consciousness and fainting. In Ancient Egypt and Assyria, houses and temples were fumigated
incense; in Rome, rooms were irrigated with fragrant waters. In the East with
ancient times, they determined by smell whether a person was sick or not” (Ekarev, 1995).
This technique is also used in the practice of our experienced doctors. IN
ancient temples of India, Egypt, Greece had baths, usually with
aromatization of air. Temple of Memph, numbered by the Egyptians as one of the seven
wonders of the world, had a luxurious bath compartment in which water, steam and
the aroma was lavished in abundance on the bathers. For medicinal purposes
aromatic substances were successfully used by such famous doctors as
Hippocrates and Avicenna. Sets of smelling salts calmed various
seizures, headaches and other illnesses. Scythians in bathyurts

psycho-emotional sphere person. The second with the influence of odorous substances
on olfactory receptor cells.
Odorous synthetic substances are less effective compared to
natural substances: they can only cause the corresponding
associations, but the reflex component is often absent. It's connected
with a complex multicomponent structure of fragrant natural substances,
which cannot be recreated in laboratory conditions.
1.2. The concept of "aroma oil"
having healing properties,
are an extract obtained by processing medicinal
aroma oils,
plants. These are essential oils that are extracted from seeds, roots,
leaves, fruits, inflorescences and even plant wood. Oils from different
elements of the same plant have different qualities and a certain
range of applications.
Essential oils are mixtures of volatile, fragrant substances.
They were called essential because they are highly volatile, and oils because
greasy to the touch, do not mix with water and are lighter than it. The ability to produce
essential oils are not expressed equally in all plants, to the greatest extent
they are produced by essential oil plants. Number of broadcast
oils in plants vary widely - from thousandths
percent up to 25%. The accumulation of essential oils is influenced by
various factors: climate, light, soil, phase of plant development, age and
The oil can be natural - one hundred percent. And
synthetic or identical to natural. At the same time, synthetic and
There are identical to natural ones quality oils but they don't
suitable, for example, for treatment or strengthening the immune system. And the aroma

create a magnificent one. Therefore, to achieve a therapeutic effect
You must use only natural aromatic oils.
The healing properties of oils are multifaceted. This gift of nature to man
psycho-emotional impact.
Aroma oils treat colds
diseases, stabilize the activity of the nervous system and have
anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. They activate
biochemical processes in the body, normalizing the metabolic process and
work of internal organs. Each type of natural oil is used with
specific goals.
To achieve better results, aromatherapists
adhere to the principles of aromatherapy:
1. A complex approach to the patient
2. The principle of influence on own strength body.
3. The principle of individuality.
4. The principle of multifaceted influence.
5. Dosing principle.
6. The principle of determining the duration of the aromatherapy course.
7. The principle of combining aromatherapy and other treatment methods.
Aroma oils are used not only externally (for massages and treatment
burns and bruises), but also internally (decoctions, infusions and inhalations).
Most often, oils are used for inhalation. Getting into
respiratory tract, aromatic oils can affect mood and
human sensations, while simultaneously causing physiological changes in
body. Odors can change muscle strength, breathing rhythm and heart rate,
affect vision and hearing. For example, sweet and bitter increase
performance, musky gas exchange. And mint, pink, lemon
fragrant oils, on the contrary, reduce the latter. Unpleasant odors
quicken and deepen breathing. Vanillin has the opposite effect,
rose and bergamot oils. Repulsive odors increase blood levels
pressure, and pleasant ones reduce it (Ekarev, 1995).

antiseptic and other beneficial properties natural aromatic
thanks to
oils provide us with a wide range in the choice of means and methods in
treatment of many diseases, removal of unpleasant symptoms and relief
the patient's condition, restoration of both his physical and his
mental functionality. However, incorrect use or
an inaccurate understanding of the principles of aromatherapy can lead to unpleasant
consequences. Always, before using aromatic essential oils,
you should consult your doctor.
1.3. How to use aroma oils correctly
The smells of aromatic oils affect our mood, mental and
physical condition, performance, heighten senses. But always
we need to clearly know what effect we want to achieve and choose the right one
The right essential oil for us.
It must be remembered that any natural essential oil
potent, biological active drug, in large doses it
may even be toxic.
Never use a pure, undiluted product,
You may suffer burns or skin irritation. Always before use
dilute essential aromatic oils with a water or oil base, for
unless the recipe calls for another option.
You can add a few drops to the base cream, shampoo or
bath water.
It is advisable to use the same aroma oil or their mixture no more than
34 weeks, because the body develops an addiction to this combination
aromatic hydrocarbons and the therapeutic effect of their effects dramatically
decreases. It is necessary to take a break of 1014 days (during this time the body

restores sensitivity to this aroma) and then continue it
Essential oils should be stored protected from light.
a place difficult to reach for children.
Thus, correct application aromatic oils
promotes healing of the body, increases immunity, regulates
the functioning of the nervous system, improves performance.
Chapter 2. Aroma oils and their use in human life
2.1. Classification of aromatic oils
There is the following classification of aromatic oils:
based on the different effects of oils on the body.
Head ones
Lavender, fir
Lemon, cedar
Pine, eucalyptus
Therapeutic and prophylactic effect: essential oils of lavender, lemon,
pine, fir, eucalyptus, cedar.
For colds, flu, runny nose: mixtures of eucalyptus oils,
lavender, rosemary combined with oil peppermint. During the epidemic
flu experts recommend to students, their parents and school teachers
wearing various aroma jewelry.

For headaches of various origins mixtures of: lavender,
geranium, eucalyptus oils with the addition of a drop of clove.
At stressful conditions caused by nervous tension and
excitement: lavender, lemon, cypress.
And when mental fatigue the mixture has a positive effect
oils: lemon, rosemary, bergamot, the same result can be obtained with
adding 12 drops of sweet orange essential oil to the mixture.
The smell of plants is a complex of biologically different
active substances, so the same fragrances can be used for
treatment of several diseases, and at the same time various fragrant
substances can treat the same ailment.
You can use not only one essential oil, but also compositions.
Currently, several hundred aromatic oils are known, but
There are significantly fewer of them used in medical practice: only a few
dozens. At home, it is enough to have a set of 12 aroma
oils: “Anise”, “Rose”, “Clary sage”, “Lemon”,
“Rosemary”, “Clove”, “Tea tree”, “Eucalyptus”.
So, having only a few aromatic oils at home, you can
medications to cure many diseases, as well as regulate
the functioning of the nervous system, which will allow the body to work without
functional problems.
2. 2. Aromatherapy and schoolchildren
The method of using oils is based on artificial compensation
lack of phytoncides in the air. An important benefit of aromatherapy
is the possibility of mass application. In this case, use
low concentrations of essential oils. When students stay for a long time in

in a poorly ventilated area, air saturation increases
The problem of cleaning school premises can be solved with the help of
saturating the air with essential oils. For example, lavender essential oil
with a half-hour exposure, the amount decreases within two hours
microorganisms in the air by 23 times. The effect lasts throughout the day.
Essential oils are used by diffusing in primary school classrooms
right during lessons. Oils used: lemon, grapefruit, rosemary,
Citrus and pine fruits are used when working with hearing-impaired children.
essential oils. Very good effect gives sweet orange oil,
tangerine, lemon, grapefruit, pine.
A good adaptogen, palmarosa essential oil restores strength,
adapts to external conditions, promotes concentration and
improves memory.
Grapefruit balances, relieves
creative perception
Rosemary and cedar eliminate self-doubt. They're good
Use before important tests and exams.
Sage in small dosages has a strengthening effect and increases
body immunity.
Nowadays there are quite a lot of children in adolescence suffers
pathology of increased AD. Often high blood pressure
is a manifestation of school maladaptation and essential oils here
work quite well. During aromatherapy sessions using oils
lavender, rose, tangerine, lemon balm, clary sage, neroli during 2030
minutes, it was repeatedly possible to reduce elevated AD during vegetative-vascular

Many children suffer from chronic fatigue. Rapid
fatigue, poor concentration, apathy and indifference to everything.
Aromatherapy in these cases can be a stimulating factor
improving the student’s body condition.

Chapter 3. Experiment
An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis.
The experiment was carried out in a school auditorium of an educational
center "Integral". Two groups of children were selected: control and
experimental. In the experimental group, regular
aromatherapy sessions, not a single session was conducted in the control group.
The experiment involved: 18 children 6 years old, as well as 2 adults (30
35 years old) people. Of these, there are 9 students and one adult in the experimental group
people, the same number in the control group.
The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effects of aromatic
oils on physical and mental state.
Progress of the experiment.
Before the experiment began, we carried out a color test in each group.
test. This rather interesting test is called the Luscher color test.
(see Attachment)
According to the Luscher method, children and adults were offered the choice of the most
the color you like, and then the color you dislike. Based on received
Based on these data, we concluded that the psycho-emotional state of the participants
experiments are a little excited, but in general about the same for
everyone. The majority of students, both in the first and second groups,
unsure of their abilities and susceptible to stress.
So, let's start the experiment.
Stage I.
In the middle of the school day, an aromatherapy session was held.
Lavender, lemon and bergamot oils were added to the aroma lamp. Turned on
relaxing music, which was accompanied by watching a video with
depicting beautiful landscapes.
Observations: Out of 10 participants, 2 people fell asleep, the rest were

You can note a wonderful relaxing effect and sound sleep.
We recommend using it in stressful conditions,
overstrain and anxiety, as well as mental fatigue.
The next day during an aromatherapy session they used
orange and clove oils. Invigorating music was turned on for listening.
Observations: All participants in the experiment had an increase in
mood and performance. These oils can be used for
increasing tone and improving emotional background.
After several days, when we were thoroughly convinced of
action of aromatic oils, we began to regulate psycho
emotional state of students, which affected the quality of education.
Thanks to a timely increase in tone or, conversely, relaxation and
reassurance, we have received high quality knowledge, great mood And
satisfaction from educational process and from communicating with each other.
In addition to tonic or relaxing oils, we also used
adaptive oils. For example, we added rosemary and cedar. It's a combination of smells
eliminates self-doubt and is good to use before
responsible tests and exams.
A mixture of eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary oils combined with oil
peppermint was used regularly for a month for
prevention of colds.
Observations: During the month there were no
colds in either children or adults.
In the control group, where no aromatherapy sessions were conducted,
there were regular quarrels, reluctance to learn, much lower quality
training and, moreover, during the experiment, out of 9 students
viral diseases 5 children were ill.
Stage I
The final stage. At the end of the experiment we again
conducted the Luscher color test in the control and experimental groups.

The test results showed that the psycho-emotional state of the participants in
the control group did not improve; for some, on the contrary, it became worse.
But in the experimental group the condition of children and adults is much more
improved, anxiety went away, self-confidence appeared, observed
low level of irritability and aggression when the level has risen
friendliness and good mood.
At the end of this experiment, the following results were obtained:
Aggression, bad
mood, apathy
15 %
learning ability
55 % 95% 67 %
57 % 60 % 44 %
56 %
For a more complete presentation of the results obtained, we
made a diagram of the experimental group

as well as the control group
The diagrams in blue show the results of the study before
experiment, and red - after the experiment. The diagrams clearly show
it is clear that aromatherapy has positive influence for development
schoolchildren. Aromatherapy is a stimulating factor for improvement
state of the student’s body.
Confidence in
in my own strength,
calm and
activity and
uncertainty about
to myself, at
apathy and
and learning ability
I wasn't sick either
one participant
5 of them got sick
9 participants
High level
Below the average
Thus, as a result, we observed the impact
aromatic oils on the condition of schoolchildren, and we can conclude that

Targeted aromatherapy increases healthy potential
Aromas accompany us all our lives; they are the ones that can evoke
the most distant and dear memories, they are poetic and beautiful, but,
It turns out that they are also useful. The origins of aromatherapy lie in deep
antiquities. The ancient Romans, Egyptians, and Greeks did not part with healing
scents throughout your life.
Aromas, despite their elusiveness and lightness, help
maintain youth and beauty. Essential oils, which are
The root cause of aroma is multicomponent organic compounds.
All oils, without exception, have bactericidal, antiseptic and
anti-inflammatory properties, have a positive effect on the nervous system
system, actively preserve and restore the beauty of skin and hair,
update the self-regulation mechanism in the body. Many oils are cleansing
the body from toxins, treat digestion, neutralize poisons, etc.
It's no secret that smell creates atmosphere. Even a subtle aroma
essential aromatic oil can awaken feelings of joy or
nostalgia, create a festive atmosphere, or inspire a feeling of loneliness.
This is confirmed by the results of the experiment. In the group where the
aromatherapy sessions, children became calmer, but more active in lessons.
Tests and sections were painless for them and completed
high results. The incidence rate of students has also decreased
experimental group, which made it possible to study program material without
delays In the control group, the level of student achievement is much higher
below, the psychological state of the children was expressed by nervousness and
whims. Of the 9 children in this group, 5 had respiratory problems.
viral diseases.

The experiment and daily observations allow us to
It is safe to say that correct and targeted use
aroma oils improve psychological and physiological state
To summarize, I would like to say that aromatherapy is a treatment with
the use of natural essential oils that can normalize
mental state of a person, balance the processes occurring in
body, and thereby increase its resistance to harmful external
influences. Aromatherapy strengthens the body's natural strengths,
promotes health and beauty. It allows us, using
healing powers of nature, make our lives more joyful,
healthy and happy. The range of application of oils is very wide. In our
the body oil can enter through the respiratory tract, smell, breathing,
inhalation; through the skin massage, bath, compress; through the mucosa
rinses, drops, microenemas. The use of aromatherapy in
pediatrics allows you to activate the child’s mental activity, relieve
he is tired, improve academic performance, cure colds,
normalize sleep and simply create a good mood. Unlike many
medical products, aromatherapy medicinal compositions are very pleasant
in use, so children will certainly like them.
Based on the above material and the conducted
experiments, we recommend practicing aromatherapy because it
the activity is beneficial for human health, provided that
security measures. It should be remembered that aromatherapy is only one of the means
health promotion and in case of serious illnesses always necessary
consult a doctor.
Be healthy!

Information sources
1. Arinshtein A.I., Radchenko N.M., Petrovskaya K.M., Serkova A.A. World
fragrant plants. M., 1983.
2. Belousov T.P. Sauna or Russian bathhouse “dry wind”, 1991.
3. Brown D.W. Aromatherapy. – Grand, 2007.
4. Brown D.W. Aromatherapy: an illustrated guide. Per.s
English N. Buravova. M.: FAIRPRESS, 2006. 128 p.:
5. Wanda Sellar. Encyclopedia of essential oils. - Per. from English TO.
Tkachenko. - M.: FAIRPRESS, 2005.
6. Voitkevich S. A. Essential oils for perfumery and aromatherapy.
Moscow: " Food industry", 1999.
7. Dragunsky V.V. Color personality test. M.: AST, 2000.
8. Geykhman L.3. Aerophytotherapy, 1986.
9. Cooper M., Matthews A. Language of color. M.: EKSMO - Press, 2001.
10.Leonova N.S. Aromatherapy for beginners. M.: FAIRPRESS,
11. McGilvery K., Reed D. Basics of aromatherapy. Publisher: Rosman,
volume 96 pp. 1999 edition
12.Patricia Davis. Aromatherapy from A to Z. M.: FAIRPRESS, 2004.
13. Soldatchenko S.S., Kashchenko G.F., Golovkin V.A., Gladyshev V.V. Full
supplemented and
book on aromatherapy.
Second edition,
recycled. – Simferopol: Tavrida, 2007.
14. Soldatchenko S.S., Nikolaevsky V.V. Essential oils. The most ancient
medicinal product. Linkz.Ru, 2004.
15. Ekorev Yu. Smells in our lives // Arguments and facts. 1995.No.26.

Annex 1
Avicenna. Abu Ali adHusein Ibn Abdallah
Ibn Sina
famous Arab philosopher and doctor, b. 980 in Afshem, in Bukhara, studied
in Bukhara mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine, was a courtier
physician to the Samanid and Dailemite sultans.
Adaptogens are drugs that facilitate adaptation
(adaptation) of the body to various adverse effects.
Such drugs can prevent disease or promote
easier flow. Not being a cure for any
individual disease, they can help with many diseases.
Antibiotics (from anti... and Greek bĺоs - life), substances
biological origin, synthesized by microorganisms and
suppressing the growth of bacteria and other microbes, as well as viruses and cells.
Many A. are capable of killing microbes. Sometimes A. is also referred to
antibacterial substances extracted from plants and animals
Gattfoss. At the beginning of the 20th century, the French chemist René Maurice Gattfoss,
While experimenting in his laboratory, he accidentally burned his hand and put it in
a vessel with lavender oil standing nearby. To his surprise, the burn on his hand healed
much faster than usual, and, moreover, there were no scars left. This
Gattfoss became interested, and he began to study the properties of lavender oil
more thoroughly. He presented the results of his research in a book
"Aromatherapy". It was Gattfoss who coined the term aromatherapy.
Gattfoss studied how aromatic oils affect the body
person. He proved that aromatic substances can affect
only to the sense of smell, but also to the skin and internal organs. Through these organs
aromatic substances kill pathogenic microorganisms.

Dermatitis is a contact acute inflammatory skin lesion,
resulting from exposure to irritating factors
chemical, physical or biological nature.
Mentality is intellectual and emotional characteristics
an individual whose thoughts and emotions are inseparable, where thoughts are dictated
culture, and emotions are a reaction to changes in the external environment, which
is based on the cultural values ​​of the individual.
Relaxing scents. Smells that promote relaxation.
Relaxation is the state or process of entering a state of muscle
Phytoncides (from Greek phytón - plant and Lat. caedo - I kill),
biologically active substances produced by plants that kill or
suppressing the growth and development of bacteria, microscopic fungi,
protozoa; play an important role in plant immunity and
relationships between organisms in biogeocenoses. Owls are open. scientist B.P.
Tokin in 1928.
inflammation surface layers skin nervously
allergic in nature, resulting from exposure to external or
internal irritants, characterized by polymorphism of the rash, itching and
long relapsing course.
Effect Sedation is a state that occurs after
taking sedatives (see Sedatives).

Appendix 2

lavender aromatic oil.
Add up to 10 drops of lavender oil to
a hot bath will help you get rid of
from stress and relieve anxiety and
anxiety. Taking an oil bath
lavender, you will feel a sense of relief,
calmness and a feeling of pleasant drowsiness.
For vivacity and energy boost
take a cool aromatic bath
bath, add 4 drops of lavender oil, 4 drops of thyme oil and 2
drops of peppermint.
To raise your spirit, clarity and cleanse your consciousness, spend
inhalation with aromatic lavender oil. To do this, add 5 drops
lavender essential oil in a liter of boiling water.
Recipes and medicines based on or using
lemon aromatic oil. For cleansing and disinfection
air in the room, add a few
drops of eucalyptus oil into a glass of hot
water. To speed up the process, put
glass on the radiator or battery.
If you have a cough or cold, then
for relief and relief of symptoms
diseases add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil
into a hot bath.
To relieve muscle pain, add a few drops of eucalyptus
oil per 50 ml of base base (almond oil can serve as a base,
soybean, sesame, peanut or sunflower oil), rub
the resulting solution for 35 minutes.
Recipes and medicines based on or using
jasmine aromatic oil.
To counteract stress,
fatigue and overwork. Add up to 10
drops of jasmine oil into a hot bath.
Add a deodorizer to the evaporator
up to 8 drops of jasmine aromatic oil,
spray a solution of 8 drops in the room
jasmine with water or drop 16 drops
jasmine oil on logs in the fireplace, until
before you light the fireplace. This simple recipe will fill your home with aroma.
flowers, freshen the air and create a pleasant atmosphere for the evening

Recipes and medicines based on or using
sandalwood aromatic oil.
IN cold weather, add to
hot bath 3 drops of sandalwood oil, 3
drops of ylangylang oil and 3 drops of pine
essences. Aromatic bath with such
composition will calm your nerves and
will help if you are hypothermic
or got your feet wet.
To treat rough, dry skin on the feet, you can
use the following composition used in aromatherapy. 3
Mix drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of sandalwood oil in 30 ml
olive oil. Rub the resulting solution into the soles of your feet for 5

MBOU Academic Lyceum

Research work on the topic

« Aromatherapy - a direction of preventive medicine».

Rezyapova Victoria,

Turnaeva Vera,

8th grade students

MBOU Academic Lyceum

Head: Ragimova A.M.

teacher of chemistry and biology

MBOU Academic Lyceum


1. Introduction……………………………………..

2. Theoretical part…………………………….

3. Practical part

4. Conclusion


Relevance of the topic: In our age of scientific and technological progress, which makes it possible to synthesize 200–300 new drugs annually, which, as a rule, do not have time to pass laboratory tests, it is very important to use natural remedies that have been tested for centuries.

Goal of the work: to acquaint students with non-traditional methods of treatment with plant odors (aromatherapy), to cultivate a culture of attitude towards the environment and their health.

Research objectives:

study the theoretical basis of the use of natural essential oils, the history of use

to study the attitude of the population towards the use of aromatic oils

To test in practice the effectiveness of using essential oils for the prevention of colds and harmonization of the psycho-emotional sphere of schoolchildren

Research methods.

1. Sedimentation method.

2. Observations and statistical approach to the identified results

1. Introduction

In health science, the concept of health itself has a very general definition, which makes it very difficult to quantify it. According to World Organization Health (WHO), health is not only the absence of disease, but also a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

Meanwhile, to assess the state of health, doctors use indicators that are essentially indicators of “ill health” - morbidity, disability, mortality, etc. Therefore, health remains out of attention healthy people, as well as people who are this moment cannot be classified as either “healthy” or “sick,” but who are in a state of varying intensity of their body’s adaptive capabilities. In such people, initial unfavorable prepathological changes are detected, which can subsequently lead to pathologies.

It is known that human health currently depends only 8-12% on the direct effects of drugs on the body. At the same time, more than 25% of it is related to the state of the environment.

We have to admit that the school itself sometimes contributes to the deterioration of children’s health. In our conditions, this is aggravated by the peculiarities of the climate: short daylight hours in winter, low temperature regime, short growing season for plants. Children's health has been steadily deteriorating in recent years. AND we're talking about not only about physical but also mental health.

The low level of health of children also affects the process of their adaptation to academic loads and further complicates the problem. These include chronic colds, blurred vision, scoliosis, and as a result of the lack of cultural human relations- childhood neuroses.

The problem of colds in our school is acute. This work offers an attempt to solve this problem.

It is believed that man is the ruler of the Universe. At the same time, he is a child of technological progress and spends most of his life in a closed space of walls, which he calls home, work, shops, etc. Free time from work is spent on laundry, cleaning, cooking at the stove, sitting in front of the TV or computer , communication in smoky rooms. Living in big city, a person breathes air saturated with the smells of burning, chemicals, artificially created flavors and synthesized perfumes - thus existing in an artificially created world, a person has artificial health, supported by chemicals that, while curing one ailment, cause another.

What about the rhythm of modern life? Haste, stress, and lack of natural movement cause a number of mental and emotional disorders in the human body, creating tension in the muscles, inhibition of circulating blood and metabolic processes. And as a result of “civilized” life, a person receives an accumulation of toxic substances, obesity, premature aging, etc., and subsequently various diseases and ailments, immediate causes which doctors cannot find.

The world in which you and I live and call civilized takes man further and further away from his natural habitat. The very fact of a person’s removal from nature puts him on the path of self-destruction and illness.

The general level of air pollution inside buildings exceeds the level of atmospheric air pollution by 1.5-4 times, depending on the degree of pollution of the latter, the area of ​​location and the intensity of internal sources of pollution. In addition, closed spaces are characterized by the absence or limited action natural factors suppression of pathogenic air microflora, and the presence of a large number of people in schools, kindergartens, clinics, etc., accelerates the growth of the number of microorganisms in the air. Therefore, the problem of improving the indoor environment is very relevant.

Essential oils occupy an important place in improving the air environment of places where people work, study and relax. Their use, both individually and together, allows not only to suppress harmful air microflora: pathogenic bacteria, mushrooms, viruses; improve the chemical composition of air, increasing the amount of O 2 and decreasing CO 2, and the physical state of its molecules, ionizing them, increasing the content of light negative ions with a decrease in heavy ones, which is necessary for human health.

Essential oils have directional therapeutic effect on the human body and can be used in the treatment of various diseases: cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, etc., as sedatives, hypertensives, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, restorative, anti-inflammatory drugs.

2.Theoretical part

History of the use of essential oils

Aromatherapy is a very ancient science, because the influence of aromas on the physical and mental state of a person has been known since ancient times, as evidenced by vessels for incense and images of fragrant plants found during excavations of ancient civilizations.

It is believed that the ancestral home of the art of aromatherapy is the civilization of Ancient Egypt. About 6,000 years ago, the Egyptian physician Imhotep recommended the use of aromatic oils for bathing, massage and... when embalming corpses. The sacrament of aromatherapy permeated the entire daily life of the Egyptians. Incense fumigation was carried out everywhere: in temples, palaces and even in the poorest homes. So, at noon, when the air was too filled with the fumes of the earth, the Egyptians practiced fumigation with myrrh, and at sunset - with incense consisting of 16 ingredients: fragrant reed, juniper, cypress, myrrh, frankincense, sage, mint, rosemary, saffron, cardamom and others.

The Bible and the Koran describe all sorts of effects of using natural aromatic substances. The Gospel of Mark mentions incense that was used to pour a libation on the head and anoint the feet of dear guests. Myrrh was one of the gifts of the eastern wise men who came to worship the baby Jesus.

Detailed descriptions of the use of aromatic substances can be found in the Indian Mahabharata and Ramayana, which tell about events that took place more than 5,000 years ago. There is such a description: “When Lord Krishna entered the city, the elephants from their trunks sprinkled fragrant water on all the roads, streets and alleys; all the inhabitants gathered here and there, anointed with aromatic oils. Fragrant incense was smoked inside the houses, and smoke came out of the windows, filling the air with a pleasant aroma.”

The first mentions of aromatic candles and sticks appear there, used to create a favorable atmosphere in rooms, for performing magical rituals and treating all kinds of ailments.

The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks valued incense as gold, silver and spices, considered them symbols of wealth and presented them as valuable gifts.

Aromatics were the best antiseptics available at the time, and people knew it! Aromatherapy was also used by Hippocrates, the father of medicine.

In the 19th century, a revolution occurred in medicine - the creation of a new generation of drugs began. Every natural preparation acquired its “chemical double”. Essential oils were no longer used as cheaper chemical analogues were synthesized.

The revival of aromatherapy occurred thanks to a happy accident only in the 20th century. The French chemist R. Gattefosse, who was involved in the perfume business, once severely burned his hand in an explosion in his laboratory. He immediately immersed it in the lavender essence that he happened to have on hand. To his amazement, the burn healed very quickly, leaving no traces. Interested, Gattefosse began studying the healing properties of essential oils; it was he who coined the term “aromatherapy” - treatment with aromatic oils.
Aromatherapy today is one of the most popular and rapidly growing areas alternative medicine, because it is harmless and easy to use.

Modern civilization makes daily human contact with nature impossible, and the environment around us is becoming increasingly saturated with chemicals. The conditions of modern life, haste and stress cause a number of physical, mental and emotional stresses in the human body. And as a result, severe chronic diseases develop.
Aromatherapy, like other areas of natural medicine, is an attempt to slow down this process. All aromatherapy methods very quickly introduce aromas into the human circulatory system, which carries healing molecules throughout the body. Aromatherapy normalizes a person’s mental state, improves blood and lymphatic fluid circulation, balances the processes occurring in the body, and thereby increases its resistance to harmful external influences.

Here is a general overview of the properties of essential oils

Absolutely all essential oils have bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, have a positive effect on nervous system, on emotions and mental health, update the self-regulation mechanism in the body;

70% of essential oils quickly eliminate skin defects after burns and injuries;

65 have an analgesic effect;

60 have a beneficial effect on the condition of organs

50 normalize the condition of the circulatory system;

40% have a healing effect on the digestive system;

40% restore the health of the body’s excretory systems;

30% cleanse the body of toxins, neutralize poisons;

30% of essential oils increase the activity of the body's immune defense;

30% optimize the functioning of the endocrine glands, normalizing the body’s hormonal levels;
In addition, essential oils affect the human aura. Essential oils are the quintessence of plants, possessing the energy of the four elements: earth, water, fire and air, and this “elemental energy” is transformed by the plant and is subordinated to the main goal - “to live.” Plants always have a large supply of energy, allowing them to adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions (reflect magnetic storms and changes in atmospheric pressure). Volatile aromatic compounds, penetrating into the human aura, eliminate its starvation, immune deficiency, promote wound healing, redistribution and harmonization of energy, clarification and densification of electromagnetic fields. Moreover, essential oils have a powerful effect on physical health and the motives of the individual’s behavior, introducing his life principle: “Live in this world without disturbing others. But, if others interfere, resist (do not attack) and Live!

Each essential oil has its own effect on the human aura!

Orange – increases optimism, self-confidence, opens the aura to goodness and the perception of positive information. Revives after a serious illness.

Basil – this essential oil restores the objectivity of self-esteem and eliminates complexes.

Carnation – helps to overcome and get rid of hysterical nature, helps to protect oneself from other people’s anger, envy, helping rapid recovery after injury, illness and surgery.

Geranium – eliminates mechanisms of self-destruction: inferiority complex and dependence on other people’s opinions. Geranium essential oil helps to recover from unpleasant communication or minor loss.

Oregano – essential oil helps close holes and defects in the energy shell associated with increased irritability, hot temper, impulsively committing bad deeds, and helps to quickly “work out” your mistakes.

Cedar – essential oil enhances the processes of renewal and restoration of aura energy, builds up thinned layers, helps quickly restore strength and energy in case of illness and excessive loads on the nervous system. Gives nobility and validity to thoughts and actions, etc. full information look at our work.

3.Practical part

To find out how people feel about aromatherapy, we conducted a survey.

The following questions were asked:

1. Do you know what aromatherapy is?

A) yes – 92%

B) no – 8%
The rest of the surveys were asked only to those who answered that they knew this method of therapy

2. Do you think this method in a serious way disease prevention

A) yes – 35%

B) no – 52%

C) don’t know – 13%

3. Do you use essential oils for prevention or treatment?

A) no – 27%

B) from time to time – 60%

C) in the system – 13%

4. Did the doctors at the clinic suggest using this method for treatment or prevention?

A) no – 65%

B) yes, at home – 22%

B) yes, in a hospital setting – 13%

Analysis of the results obtained shows that aromatherapy is undeservedly forgotten, its role in disease prevention is underestimated!

Academician S. Prozorovsky noted that, according to the Ministry of Health, the share acute respiratory infections and pneumonia account for 50-60% of all morbidity in children. These incidence rates are almost 5 times higher than the corresponding rates of all other infections combined.

An important task of the medical service in educational institutions is to maintain a high level of sanitary and hygienic conditions. Of the entire range of such activities, greater attention is paid to rehabilitation indoor air. The significance of the problem is due to the fact that when large cluster people and their prolonged stay in enclosed spaces, the microbial contamination of the atmosphere sharply increases. Indoor air becomes a transmission medium for respiratory infections.

In recent years, essential oils have begun to be used to sanitize the air (along with ventilation and ultraviolet irradiation). They reduce microbial contamination of the air by 2-6 times. At the same time, the number of sarcina, staphylococci, streptococci and other microorganisms significantly decreased; they also effectively act on the fungal flora of the air.

In addition, the aromas of essential oils ionize and ozonate the air of enclosed spaces, eliminating the specific smell of hospitals.

Against the background of positive changes in immunity indicators, the number of persistent rhinitis decreases, the frequency and duration of respiratory diseases, and their severity decrease. This indicates a beneficial effect aromatherapy on the state of immunity.

We set out to test whether using essential oils in a group of students helped prevent or reduce colds.

The study was conducted in the families of children who study with us (10 people). For two weeks, aroma lamps with essential oils (juniper, orange, lemon, tea tree) were placed at home every day for 20–30 minutes.

We calculated how many hours were missed by students due to illness in the period from October 12 to November 12, when aromatherapy was not carried out, and in the period from November 16 to December 16, when aromatherapy was carried out.

Thus, the data obtained allowed us to conclude that the number of students who missed classes due to illness decreased by 30%.

Along with the pronounced disinfecting effect of the air, aromas have positive impact on the general condition of the body: increased vigor, efficiency, motor activity, relieved fatigue, fatigue, has a calming effect.

There are also disadvantages to this method; some students did not like the aromas of some oils; they noted the appearance of a headache, a sore throat and pain in the eyes. Based on this, we recommend treating the room with essential oils 20 minutes before bedtime. And it would be useful to conduct such aroma prevention courses in our schools during the peak of respiratory diseases and flu epidemics, since essential oils can support and enhance immune reaction in two ways: directly fighting harmful microorganisms and enhancing the activity of organs and cells that fight them.

Here are some Methods of using essential oils.

Treating yourself with essential oils is simple: drop 1-2 drops of oil on a piece of cotton fabric and inhale the healing aroma for 7-10 minutes. Or, following the example of society ladies of past centuries, use a bottle with a snuff mixture (mix a few drops of oil with a pinch of finely ground salt). Salt retains the aroma of the oil well. Therefore, you can use it for several months.

For long-term exposure to essential oils, during flu epidemics and other infectious diseases, hang such a bottle on your chest

You can use a special ceramic aromatherapy lamp. A small amount of water or refined vegetable oil is poured into the container, add 1-2 drops (per 5 sq.m. area) of essential oil, light a candle from below - and your room will be filled with a healing fragrance. Plant aromatic substances have the ability to neutralize toxic gases, ionize the air and clean it of dust - which is why it is so useful to fumigate a room where you spend a lot of time.

Dilute 10 drops of essential oil in 0.5 glass of milk or 2-3 tbsp. spoons of kefir and pour into a bath with a temperature of 36-38 o C. in hot water You can’t add oil - it will evaporate quickly. It is not necessary to rinse your body with water after a bath. The course of treatment is 10-20 procedures for 20-30 minutes.

Dissolve 5-6 drops of oil in a tablespoon of alcohol or vegetable oil, soak a piece of gauze folded in 4 times with this solution and apply to the sore spot 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

For migraines - cold compresses, but not warm ones.

For diseases of the mouth, gums and throat, inhalations and rinsing with essential oils give excellent results.

INHALATION: 1 spoon of hot (40-45 o C) water + 4 drops of essential oil, cover with a towel and inhale for 5-8 minutes.

RINSE: 1 glass of warm water + 1 teaspoon of soda or salt + 4 drops of oil, diluted in 1 teaspoon of honey. Gargle and gargle 3-5 times a day.

MASSAGE: 0.5 cups of vegetable oil + 20 drops of vegetable oil. Use only 1 tbsp. spoon of mixture. Massage should be done every 2-3 days, course – 1-12 procedures.

Storing essential oils

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, you should strictly follow the rules for storing essential oils.

Follow the dosage strictly! Do a sensitivity test (skin, smell).

Store for 2 years in dark glass bottles in a cool place, protected from light and away from fire.


Our work is devoted to the problem of using aromas in Everyday life. Nowadays a person is in a state of constant tension, he often has nervous breakdowns, ailments, headaches. The environment is saturated with the smells of burning, chemicals, artificial perfumes, scented food products. All these harmful factors lead to the fact that we are increasingly using chemical medicines. Aromatherapy is the most effective way today to combat stress and related diseases, as well as chronic diseases. She can't replace classical medicine for serious illnesses, but the use of essential oils can simplify treatment with medications.

Aromatherapy normalizes a person’s mental state, improves blood circulation and lymphatic fluid, balances the processes occurring in the body, and thereby increases its resistance to harmful external influences.

While conducting our research, we became acquainted with the concept of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the science and art of treating illnesses with plant essences. This type of therapy is also called harmony therapy, since it addresses not only the physiological, but also the psychological state of a person.

People who regularly use essential oils usually have high level resistance to disease, they get fewer colds, and if they happen to get sick, they recover quickly. Thus, aromatherapy is an effective but underused method of disease prevention.
1. "Aroma oils."

Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Crimea

Crimean territorial branch of MAN

Evpatoria city branch

Department: Chemistry and Biology

Section: general biology


Work completed:

Ablyametova Avasherfe Safetovna

8th grade student

Evpatoria educational and educational

complex "Integral",

candidate for full member of the IAS

Scientific adviser:

Voevodina Irina Vladimirovna,

circle leader

communal establishment

"Evpatoriya station

young naturalists

Evpatoria City Council"

Evpatoria - 2012

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ .......................4

1. Literature review......................................................... ........................................................ .....6

1.1. History of the use of essential oils................................................................. ...............6

1.2. Physical and chemical properties of essential oils.................................................13

1.3. Raw materials for the production of essential oils.................................................... ........15

1.4. Production of essential oils................................................................... ........................16

1.5. Counterfeiting of essential oils.................................................... .....................18

2. Materials and research methods............................................................ ........................20

3. Research results......................................................... ........................................23

4. Conclusions........................................................ ........................................................ ....................25

List of sources used......................................................... .......................26


Essential oils are a priceless gift of nature. They push the usual boundaries of the world around us and create a completely unique mood. With a bouquet of miraculous properties aromatic plants man met many thousands of years ago. They were the first cosmetics, medicines, and were also used to create a certain emotional atmosphere.

Essential oils are volatile substances that are produced by essential oil plants and determine their smell and practical value. Oils play an important role in the evaporation and life processes of the plants themselves and protect them from disease. They are described as the "hormones" or "life blood" of plants due to their high concentration and volatile nature. These are multicomponent mixtures of organic compounds. The number of different components of one essential oil varies from 50 to 500.

Essential oils are found in various parts of plants - roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits. From different parts From the same plant, essential oils of different composition and properties are obtained. The accumulation of essential oils depends on various factors: climate, light, soil, phase of plant development, their age. Young plants contain more essential oils. Essential oils in plants are contained in isolated cells - glands in a free form, or chemically bound - in the form of glycosides, as in the seeds of bitter almonds or mustard. The amount of essential oils in various plants ranges from traces (0.001%) to 25% on a dry matter basis. .

Essential oils are called essential oils because of their volatility and evaporation, and oils because they are greasy to the touch, do not mix with water, and are lighter than it.

Essential oils have become widespread. As a result, various fakes of natural essential oils have appeared on the markets, which not only do not bring any benefit, but can even cause allergic reactions. In addition, fakes come in a huge variety of shapes. They may not contain certain ingredients, or may contain negligible amounts of them. Counterfeit essential oils may be harmless, or they may contain contaminants, impurities, and even toxic substances.

The relevance of this work is to study ways to obtain natural essential oils at home and in the future learn to distinguish natural essential oils from counterfeit ones.

The purpose of this work: obtaining essential oils at home in various ways and studying their quality.

The objectives of the study included:

Study theoretical materials about the history, composition of aromatic oils and methods of their production.

Obtain aromatic oils in three ways using available means.

Trace the dependence of the amount of oil obtained on the manufacturing method.

Study the quality of the obtained essential oils.

Analyze the results obtained and draw preliminary conclusions.

Object of study - essential oils; The subject of the study is plants from which essential oils can be obtained at home.

Research methods:


comparison and analysis of the obtained data.


1.1. History of the use of essential oils

The influence of odors on the psychological and physical state of a person has been known since ancient times. Excavations are evidence of this. Elements of fragrant plants are found in the motifs of decorative drawings of primitive cave people. The first evidence that people learned to extract aromatic substances from plant materials dates back to approximately the 5th millennium BC. Incense vessels from this period are identical to those in which remains were later found during excavations in ancient Egypt, India, China, Greece, and Rome. fragrant oils. There are also many written sources containing instructions for obtaining and using essential oils.

Archaeologists discovered that Paleolithic man, helpless before the formidable forces of nature, tried to find remedies against numerous diseases in plants. Archaeological excavations in different parts of the globe reveal more and more new data on the use of various plants for medicinal purposes by ancient peoples. A special place among them is occupied by aromatic essential oil plants. Pagan priests, sorcerers, shamans, and soothsayers were the first keepers of the secrets of healing - the initial origins medical science.

Humanity has been familiar with the benefits of natural vegetable oils for more than 5,000 years, including their healing, cleansing, preservative properties, ability to improve mood, not to mention their delicious aromas. Now we turn to the wisdom of centuries in search of the balance lost in modern life and rediscover the beneficial effects of these oils. Stress, pollution, poor nutrition, a restless, but at the same time sedentary lifestyle, have a harmful effect on our body and soul. The art of aromatherapy harnesses the power of pure extracts from aromatic plants, flowers and resins, affecting the senses of smell and touch, and restores harmony in the human body.

Evidence of the origins of aromatherapy can be found in religion, medicine and public life all major civilizations. The medicinal properties of plants, as far as can be judged, were discovered in China around 4500 BC. However, the honor of the discovery and widespread use of aromatic extracts from plants to influence the human body and soul belongs to the Egyptians.

Already in the 4th millennium BC, essential oil plants were used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, as well as for embalming the dead. They also defined fragrances for public and home use. When carrying out important state events, they smoked incense, the smell of which “opens” the soul. Slave dancers attached incense balls to their hair, which gradually melted, filling the surrounding air with life-giving aromas. Some information about the plants used by the ancient Egyptians can be gleaned from tomb paintings discovered, the oldest of which date back to approximately 2800 BC. The inhabitants of ancient Egypt made powder, candles, pills, medications, as well as ointments and pastes for external use from plant and animal substances. The ash of burnt plants was also used. The tradition of using anise, thuja, onions, garlic, cumin, coriander, grapes and watermelons came to us from Ancient Egypt.

The Egyptians had a very highly developed culture, but they did not know the process of distilling essential oils. However, archaeologists have found clay tablets in the tombs of ancient Egyptians with references to the import of thuja and cypress oils, which indicates the existence of trade in essential oils already at that distant time. However, there is every reason to believe that these oils were obtained by pressing (squeezing) rather than distillation, since no mention of distilled oils was found. Sandalwood, myrrh and frankincense are already mentioned in the Old Testament.

ABOUT widespread use The Jews' knowledge of aromatic substances is evidenced by numerous indications contained in the Holy Scriptures.

The Greeks, Arabs, Persians and other peoples of Asia Minor, as well as the Romans, adopted the experience of the ancient Egyptians. The Indians, Chinese, and Japanese developed their own ways of using aromatic plants for treatment, rituals and other needs.

The ancient Greeks also studied the healing powers of plants. They discovered that plant essences have different effects and can excite, refresh, relax, and lull.

Hippocrates, now revered as the father of medicine, describes a large number of medicinal plants in his writings.

In order to absorb their healing power and smell from flowers and herbs, the Greeks used olive oil, which was then abundant. They flavored the oil and used it for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Greek warriors, going to battle, took with them an ointment made from myrrh, this ointment was used to treat wounds.

IN Ancient Rome Galen, the physician of the famous Marcus Aurelius, wrote a lot about the theory of herbal treatment and even developed his own classification of plants, now known as the “Galenic” classification. In addition, he invented the "cold cream", the prototype of modern ointments. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, many doctors moved to Constantinople. The works of these doctors, which became famous, were widely translated into foreign languages, most of these books were collected in the medical library of Alexandria. So ancient knowledge came to the Arab world.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, the use of essential oils in Europe ceased for a long time.

In the East, the famous Arab physician Abu Ali ibn Sina (980 - 1037), better known as Avicenna, left behind scientific works in which he described more than 800 plants and their effect on the human body. Avicenna did especially a lot for aromatherapy - he is credited with inventing the process of distilling essential oils. Avicenna was the first to obtain rose essence through distillation.

Arab countries have become the world center for the production and trade of aromatic substances. Raw materials were imported from Egypt, India, China and Tibet.

Chinese healers believed that essential oils contained the magical powers and souls of plants. The ancient Chinese used essential oils in combination with acupuncture and massage thousands of years ago.

The medicinal plants of India were known throughout Asia and finally entered the medical recipes of the West. Mint, eucalyptus, lavender, clove, sandalwood and geranium make up the standard aromatherapy arsenal.

In Ancient Babylon, aromatic oils were specially added to the building materials from which temples were erected. 600 BC Babylonian merchants supplied incense in flasks, alabaster and porcelain jars to Roman and Greek markets, and around 500 BC. There was an incense factory in Corinth. Incense in the form of oils, ointments, resins and “roots” were symbols of wealth and were one of the most valuable gifts.

In Australia, for example, the Aborigines used tea tree leaves. They were very well aware of the amazing medicinal properties of this plant, which grew in the swampy areas of their homeland. To use these properties, crushed leaves were applied in a thick layer to the wounds and covered with warm mud. Cuts, wounds and all types of skin infections were treated this way. Tea tree oil has remained a popular and widely accepted natural antiseptic for centuries. The areas of application of tea tree oil are very extensive and varied.

In Russia, aromatic oils were produced in the royal pharmacy, their recipes were kept secret.

In Europe in the 12th century, oriental incense, that is, essential oils, became known. The art of perfumery began to develop. The Crusaders brought to Europe not only incense, but also the knowledge of its preparation. Since the aromatic resinous trees of the East were unknown to Europeans, they began to use lavender, rosemary, thyme and other Mediterranean plants. Medieval manuscripts contain various recipes aromatic oils. With the invention of printing, recipes were published in special books describing plants. Housewives made their own medicines, lavender and herbal pads for their own use, and complex mixtures were purchased from pharmacies.

It was customary, when appearing in public places, to have balls or small bouquets scented with essential oils in order to protect oneself from infectious diseases, especially the plague. Such customs were often declared superstition, but now, using modern knowledge of science, we can say that this was not without meaning: it is known that many of the plants used in this case have a strong disinfectant effect, killing bacteria and even viruses. Other plants repel fleas, lice and flies that serve as carriers of infection.

During the Great Plague, aromatic fires were burned every 12 hours. The great predictor Nostradamus made anti-plague tablets from aromatic oils, mainly rose oils, which saved many people.

The 15th century was the century of glory for the great European perfumers: their products were widely used to mask unpleasant odors and repel diseases. In the 17th century learned about the ability of certain aromatic substances to cause sexual arousal, and in the works of such famous herbalists as Culpeper, the healing effects of aromatic oils were noted, which became the basis of modern aromatherapy.

The chemist Friedrich Hoffmann (1660–1742) studied the natural structures of essential oils and mineral water several resorts. In the 18th and 19th centuries, chemists isolated substances such as morphine, quinine, caffeine and atropine from plants.

With the development of technological progress in the 19th century, the creation of a new generation of synthetic drugs began and the popularity of herbal treatment began to decline. Cheaper artificial analogues began to be used in cosmetics and perfumes.

In the 20s of our century, the French chemist René-Maurice Hatterfoss, as part of a family enterprise, studied the medical effects of essential oils. He found that many essences have a stronger antiseptic effect than the chemicals used. One day, an explosion occurred in the laboratory where Maurice Gattefoss worked, as a result of which the researcher received a severe burn to his hand. He immediately dipped his burned hand into a container of pure lavender oil. This helped him avoid inflammation of the affected tissues. The wounds healed quickly, leaving no scars on the skin. After this incident, Maurice Gattefos began using essential oils in the treatment of skin diseases. It was he who first used the term “aromatherapy” and published a book on this topic in 1928. This is how the development of modern aromatherapy began in France, then in England, and now throughout the world.

The work of Rene-Maurice was continued by Dr. Jean Valnet. During the Second World War, he used aromatic oils to treat wounds and discovered their antiseptic and regenerative effects.

Modern aromatherapy - This is a preventive, health-improving, completely natural way to maintain good psycho-emotional and physical shape, a therapy that allows you to relieve and resolve daily stress, prevent the development of illnesses and add the beauty of aromas to everyday life.

Plant aromas normalize mood, relieve fatigue, improve memory, strengthen sleep, they are able to regulate many processes in the body and restore its functioning. Aromatherapy is pleasant and easy to use, provides permanent positive and stable result, helps restore self-regulation mechanisms and stabilizes human biorhythms.

Interest in aromatherapy, which arose at the beginning of the 20th century, increased sharply in the second half of the century, which can largely be explained by the increasing number of side effects and allergic reactions from the use of synthetic drugs. Every day there is a growing understanding that it is time to move from therapy with certain drugs to effective and non-toxic ones. natural means, the benefits of which have been proven for centuries.

People stop trusting synthetic ones medicines, primarily due to their possible negative side effects. "Back to Nature, to natural remedies“- this is how we can formulate the trend of our time.

1.2. Physical and chemical properties of essential oils

Essential oils are multicomponent volatile plant oils (from 50 to 500 compounds) organic matter having characteristic aroma. Terminologically, essential oils contain the genius and error of the ancients, who interpreted the fragrant volatility of incense as an ethereal substance given to people by the gods of Olympus, while oily-looking liquids in their chemical composition do not belong to the class of fats (oils).

Essential oils contain the following groups chemical compounds: terpenes, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, phenols, therefore they are characterized by the following physical and chemical properties: density - 0.8-1.5 g/cm; boiling point - 160-240° C; crystallization temperature - from +17 to -30° C. Under the influence of light and oxygen they resin. Do not react with Br, I, KMnO, S, P.

They are insoluble or partially soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, fatty oils and some organic solvents. The water-soluble components of essential oils are predominantly oxygen compounds. Within 1-3 hours they completely evaporate from a sheet of white paper.

Essential oils dissolve rubber, some types of polyethylene, sealing wax, paraffin, and also cause corrosion of most metals. This reactivity of essential oils is ensured by the presence of double bonds, due to which oxidation occurs, especially quickly in the light. Reactivity explains the storage requirements for essential oils:

Store in a cool, dark place;

There should be no air volume in the bottle above the essential oil, or it should be minimal;

Observe the shelf life of essential oils, especially essential oils from citrus peels.

Essential oils are flammable; This property was first described by C. Linnaeus. His daughter, walking with a candle past a blooming nasturtium, discovered the air igniting near the flowers.

1.3. Raw materials for the production of essential oils

There are about 3,000 plants on Earth from which essential oils can be extracted. These are trees, shrubs and herbs. Aromatic substances are found in special “reservoirs” of plants, formed by separation and dissolution of cells, as well as in special storage cells.

An aroma-containing plant can be either the entire plant or a specific part of it: stems, roots, fruits, seeds, inflorescences, flowers, needles, leaves, wood. Sometimes from the same type of plant you can get many essential oils that differ in their properties, aroma and action. Thus, three completely different essential oils are obtained from bitter orange: “Bitter Orange” - from the peel of the fruit, “Petite grain” - from the shoots and “Neroli” - from the inflorescences.

In different cases, the raw materials for obtaining essential oils can be either fresh (for example, jasmine petals, which must be collected strictly at 4 a.m. and immediately immersed in a tank for enfleurage) or dried (blue chamomile flowers). Percentage of essential oil content in a plant relative to total mass varies (for example, up to 3 kg of incense is obtained from 100 kg of eucalyptus leaves, and only 350-400 g of myrrh essential oil is obtained from 100 kg of commiphora resin).

1.4. Production of essential oils

Obtaining essential oils is a very delicate procedure. For example, flower petals or leaves must be collected exactly in certain time, otherwise it will affect the quality of the oils.

Essential oils are obtained from plant leaves, flower petals and heads, seeds, nut kernels, bark, stems and tree resins. They are used to add a sensual aroma to perfume, anoint the body, when taking a bath and in many other cases.

Molecular structure allows essential oils to easily penetrate the skin, while regular vegetable oils remain on its surface. Essential oils have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. In our time they have become natural alternative therapy, and help treat almost all types of pain, and also relieve stress and tension that abound in modern life.

Each essential oil production technology has secrets and features associated with the extraction of aroma from a specific plant and the purification of this aroma from hydrocarbons containing free radicals (deterpenization):

Steam distillation of volatile fractions of plant materials along a coil through filters (distillation). In this production method, the selection of the optimal steam temperature is very important, since intensive temperature treatment increases the yield of essential oil while compromising its quality. This is why domestically produced essential oils often do not meet international standards.

Centrifugation of aromatic substances obtained by cold pressing followed by filtration. The method is used mainly for fruit and peel essential oils and is the cheapest, especially if you “save” on deterpenization (rectification and freezing).

Enfleurage is the absorption of aromatic substances from subtle organs plants (petals, thin leaves, inflorescences, roots) onto plates coated with oils or fats. Oil soaked in incense (aromatic lipstick) is carefully scraped from glass (silk) plates, subjected to extraction, after which the solution is freed from impurities (alcohol, fats) to obtain absolute essential oil. Of course, enfleurage essential oils (tuberose, jasmine, verbena, rose, mimosa, narcissus) are the most expensive (10 g costs the manufacturer at least $50-100).

Cold or warm extraction of essential oils from plants with alcohols, ethers, butane, followed by purification from the solvent.

Pressing is the squeezing of essential oils from the peel or peel.

Maceration (soaking) - flowers are poured with hot oil. Wherein plant cells are destroyed and the aromatic components pass into the oil, which is then purified to extract the aromatic base.

1.5. Counterfeiting of essential oils

Adulteration is the act of lowering the standard or quality of a product by adding components of lower quality, and usually cheaper ones, without declaring such changes in order to benefit from selling them at inflated prices. Essential oils, as well as resins, absolutes and balms, which consist of many hundreds of components, are especially susceptible to such manipulations.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between fraudulent and technological falsification. Fraudulent adulteration involves changing the composition of an essential oil without indicating such change in order to profit from its sale. Technological falsification is a way of obtaining cheaper products of a certain reduced quality, indicating characteristic features counterfeit.

Most consumers know that adulterated oils lack any therapeutic properties In general, they can cause rashes and skin irritations.

Many sellers do not realize that the essential oils they sell are obtained from chemical laboratories. There are huge chemical companies that specialize in duplicating essential oils. For every kilogram of natural essential oil, there are from 5 to 100 kilograms of synthetic essential oil.

The main purpose of counterfeiting is to make it possible to sell expensive essential oils at low prices.

Unintentional adulteration often occurs due to the lack of botanical and systematic knowledge of producers when essential oil is marketed from chemotypes - that is, species or varieties of plants not usually accepted for the production of essential oils, but passed off as type ones. This essential oil is completely natural, but its composition does not meet standard standards. Often these essential oils are obtained from “wild plants,” that is, plants grown in the wild. Among them there are very interesting unique specimens. The disadvantage of such essential oils is that they appear sporadically, their composition is unclear and it is very difficult to make any plans for their use.

Another way of falsification is to replace one essential oil with another that is similar in name or chemical components. This is possible, for example, if you pass off lavandin as lavender. True lavender oil is expensive and difficult to obtain. Most batches of lavender oil sold today are actually a hybrid, lavandin, which is grown and distilled in China, Russia, Ukraine and Tasmania. This oil is then sent to France where it is “improved” with synthetic linalyl acetate.

Natural essential oils are mixtures of chemicals whose concentrations may change or deviate from standardized ranges due to climatic or environmental reasons. It is possible to standardize the content of characteristic substances by adding substances, for example, isolated from another natural source or produced artificially.

Essential oils available ( rose oil, jasmine oil or neroli - bitter orange flower oil), which are too expensive for use in economical functional perfumery such as fragrances for soaps, detergents or other household products. Therefore, these natural substances are reconstructed, that is, the natural formula of the essential oil is made up of a mixture of natural substances or so-called substances identical to natural. It is clear that it is impossible to recreate the complete chemical composition of natural essential oils because they consist of several hundred chemical compounds, many of which are unknown.



apparatus for preparing essential oil by evaporation: 3 heat-resistant containers, 2 gas outlet tubes, lids with holes;

apparatus for preparing essential oil using the enfleurage method: glass plates, animal fat, alcohol;

apparatus for preparing essential oil by maceration method: animal fat or neutral oil, container, alcohol;

sheets of white paper.


basil shoots;

geranium leaves;

juniper branches;

grapefruit peel.

(Appendix 1, Fig. 1-4)

1. Obtaining essential oils in various ways.

Method No. 1- maceration (soaking)

This method is used to obtain essential oils from fragrant flowers. The crushed raw materials are mixed with fat or neutral oil, heated to 60-70 ͦC. The resulting mixture. stirring occasionally, leave for seven days at room temperature. Essential oils turn into fat. New portions of raw materials are infused with the same fat, and raw materials are replaced up to 10-15 times. (Appendix 3, Fig. 1-4)

Method No. 2- enfleurage (absorption)

A thin layer of pork fat is applied to glass plates, flowers are placed on the fat and left for two to three days. The procedure is repeated many times, saturating the fat with essential oils. When the fat is maximally saturated with essential oils, it is mixed with alcohol. Essential oils turn into alcohol. Then the alcohol evaporates and what remains is absolutely pure oil. oils obtained by this method are the highest quality and most expensive in the world. Due to its high cost and time-consuming nature, it is now practically not used. (Appendix 4, Fig. 1-4)

Method No. 3- evaporation

Pour water into a fireproof bowl and put it on fire - the water should boil. Shortly before boiling, a second container with material filled with water is heated. When the water boils, steam will be supplied to the container with the material through the outlet tube, the end of which must be lowered to the very bottom. When treated with hot steam, the material releases essential oil, which, together with the steam, enters an empty container through a second outlet tube, which is placed in ice to accelerate condensation. (Appendix 5, Fig. 1)

2. Determination of essential oil quality

One drop method. A drop of essential oil is applied to a white sheet of paper. We carefully consider whether a drop of oil leaves watery stains. Place the sheet with the drop in an inaccessible place for a day. After a day, we see whether the drop has evaporated or not. High-quality essential oil will evaporate, but will leave a slight smell, sometimes color.

Three tone method. The aroma of essential oils is divided into three tones (some aromas contain 4-5 tones.) The scent opens like a flower. For the experiment, you need to take three strips of paper and drop essential oil on them every 30 minutes. All three strips will have a different scent. The drop on the first leaf should smell like the bottom note of the aroma. The scent on the second strip will have a medium tone (“heart” tone). These central notes are tart, deep, and refined. The top tone (last leaf) will contain a bright, rich scent, bringing freshness and lightness.


1. Obtaining essential oils using various methods

Obtaining essential oils by maceration method

Essential oil obtained by maceration is of high quality. This method requires quite a long time for preparing oils, but the amount of oil obtained is quite large, which suggests its effectiveness. (Appendix 6, Fig. 1-4)

Obtaining essential oils using the enfrerage method

During the work, essential oils of basil, geranium, grapefruit, and juniper were obtained.

The enfleurage method requires a lot of materials and time. The oil obtained by this method is concentrated, of good quality, but in small quantities. (Appendix 7, Fig. 1-4)

Obtaining essential oils by evaporation

During the work, essential oils of basil, geranium, grapefruit, and juniper were obtained.

This method is the most profitable for obtaining concentrated essential oils, taking into account the amount of essential oil obtained and the cost of the experiment. (Appendix 8, Fig. 1-4)

2. Determination of the quality of the obtained oils

To resolve the issue of the naturalness of an essential oil, a chromatographic analysis is carried out and the resulting chromatogram is compared with the chromatogram of a known natural sample of essential oil, published in special publications. (“fingerprint analysis” method). Since this cannot be done at home, we used other methods to determine the quality of the prepared essential oil.

During the experiment, it turned out that the highest quality essential oils were prepared by maceration and enfleurage methods. Fragrance oils prepared by evaporation are of slightly lower quality, as they leave small stains on the paper.


1. Essential oils are a unique link connecting our health with the riches of the world around us. Each oil has its own chemical composition, which determines its aroma, color, volatility and the way it affects the body.

2. During this work, essential oils of basil, geranium, grapefruit and juniper were obtained in three ways.

3. The maceration method takes a long time, but the essential oil obtained by this method is of good quality

4. The enfleurage method is the most convenient for obtaining essential oils from flower petals, but it requires a lot of materials and time.

5. The most profitable method for obtaining concentrated essential oils is the evaporation method, taking into account the amount of essential oil obtained and the cost of the experiment, but the oils obtained by this method are of lower quality.


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In our unstable times, when we become so accustomed to stressful situations that we no longer even pay attention to the state of our nerves, we need more than ever to balance negative emotions with initial stage so that after a while anxiety and nervousness did not turn into depressive states. Aromatherapy offers excellent remedies for these problems. She uses calming and invigorating essential oils that provide a compelling alternative to antidepressants and other chemical medications. These oils can remove nervous tension and at the same time stimulate the brain, helping to restore inner balance and self-control. Therefore, with constant psychological stress and nervous fatigue, it is recommended to use soothing and invigorating essential oils (basil, bergamot, geranium, lavender, sandalwood). These oils can be used alone or in combination with other essential oils. What are essential oils? Essential oils are mixtures of volatile, fragrant substances; they were previously called incense. Not all plants produce essential oils in the same way; this is most pronounced in essential oil plants, which grow in abundance in the Holy Land. The amount of essential oils in plants varies widely - from thousandths of a percent to 25%. The accumulation of essential oils is influenced by: climate, light, soil, age, type of fertilizer, development phase, etc. Essential oils accumulate in plants in various places: leaves, flowers, fruits, roots... Smells are powerful signals, catching which the brain gives us access to the very depths of our memory. Only they, smells, can fish out other experiences and states from these depths. More than the other four of our five senses. Sounds romantic but it's pure scientific fact. The use of essential oils as aromatic substances has a long history. The name for this group of substances was given in the 18th century, when nothing was known about their chemical composition. In our unstable times, when we become so accustomed to stressful situations that we no longer even pay attention to the state of our nerves, we need more than ever to balance negative emotions at the initial stage, so that after some time the anxious state and nervousness do not turn into depressive states. Aromatherapy offers excellent remedies for these problems. She uses calming and invigorating essential oils that provide a compelling alternative to antidepressants and other chemical medications. These oils can relieve nervous tension while stimulating the brain, helping to restore inner balance and self-control. Therefore, with constant psychological stress and nervous fatigue, it is recommended to use soothing and invigorating essential oils (basil, bergamot, geranium, lavender, sandalwood). These oils can be used alone or in combination with other essential oils. What are essential oils? Essential oils are mixtures of volatile, fragrant substances; they were previously called incense. Not all plants produce essential oils in the same way; this is most pronounced in essential oil plants, which grow in abundance in the Holy Land. The amount of essential oils in plants varies widely - from thousandths of a percent to 25%. The accumulation of essential oils is influenced by: climate, light, soil, age, type of fertilizer, development phase, etc. Essential oils accumulate in plants in various places: leaves, flowers, fruits, roots... Smells are the most powerful signals, catching which the brain gives us access to the very depths of our memory. Only they, smells, can fish out other experiences and states from these depths. More than the other four of our five senses. It sounds romantic, but it is pure scientific fact. The use of essential oils as aromatic substances has a long history. The name for this group of substances was given in the 18th century, when nothing was known about their chemical composition.



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