Sujok therapy for stomach treatment. Su-Jok therapy

The Su-Jok therapy method was created by South Korean professor Park Jae-woo in 1986. This healing system has deep roots in ancient Traditional Eastern medicine. Having deeply rethought the experience of traditional medicine and modern achievements of science, Professor Park Jae Woo made a huge step in the development of reflexology.

His healing system is effective, simple and has won recognition all over the world.

History and ideology of the method

Modern medicine, having quite effective means for providing first aid, a prerequisite for the effectiveness of its implementation requires the presence of special medications and instruments, as well as complex skills in performing assistance techniques. At the same time, some of the recommendations for providing medical care for a number of diseases do not involve any intervention and the victim must endure often unbearable pain and simply wait for an examination by a qualified medical professional. But why endure pain? Isn't it better to get rid of it and calmly wait for the doctor? Su Jok is a universal method of treating minor diseases without taking drugs, without harming the entire body. Method of providing first aid in emergency conditions. A method that is specific for each given disease. The method does not require significant material costs and special medical knowledge, complex skills and tools. A method that every person at any age can master and apply in their daily life for the benefit of their health and the health of their loved ones.

Everyone knows acupuncture, which has a four-thousand-year history, and its varieties - acupressure, exposure to biologically active points with heat, electricity, etc. These treatment methods are the prerogative of medical specialists and require long-term preparation. In the hands of an amateur, attempts at treatment using them can not only bring benefits, but also cause irreparable harm. After many years of careful research and clinical experience, Korean Professor Park Jae Woo, Academician of the IAS (Berlin), President of the Korean Su-Jok Institute, President of the International Association of Su-Jok Physicians (London, 1991) introduced a new system of acupuncture, affecting only the hand and foot. Hands and feet are most often subject to mechanical and other types of irritation during walking or any work, which ensures the maintenance of health in the body. We owe it to them that we don’t get sick all the time. We start rubbing our brushes first in severe frost. Warm feet are the basis for a comfortable state in cold weather. When a disease occurs in some place of the body, points or zones of increased sensitivity appear in the correspondence systems of the hand and foot, and when exposed to these, an impulse is generated that goes to the area of ​​the disease, which indicates the body to the pathology, and the body takes measures to get rid of it.

The essence of treatment is to find the most painful points in one of the correspondence systems, in the zone corresponding to the diseased organ or place, and influence them using one of the methods available to everyone: mechanical massage, magnetic field, biological force of living seeds, heating, color. This alone leads to recovery in the initial stages of diseases, allows one to prevent severe consequences in life-threatening conditions, and prevents the development of exacerbations of chronic
diseases. When giving practical recommendations for treatment, we intentionally talk only about the impact on the hands, since it is easier and more convenient to act on the hands when providing self- and mutual assistance. Active points on the feet are also very effective in treatment. If desired, everyone can find points of correspondence on the feet, guided by the patterns of the hands, taking into account that the hands and feet have a fundamentally identical structure.

Video on the history of the Su Jok method

Basic compliance systems

The main ones are correspondence systems in which the entire body is projected onto the hand or foot. In this case, the thumb corresponds to the head, the palm and sole to the body, the III and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the legs, and the II and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the arms.

When searching for points of correspondence, the hand is positioned with the palm facing forward. The index finger of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand correspond to the right hand. The middle finger of the right hand and the ring finger of the left hand correspond to the right leg. The ring finger of the right hand and the middle finger of the left hand correspond to the left leg. The little finger of the right hand and the index finger of the left hand correspond to the left hand. The elevation of the palm at the base of the thumb corresponds to the chest, and the palm as a whole corresponds to the abdominal area.

Correspondence diagram of organs on the legs. The foot correspondence system is based on the same principles as the basic hand correspondence system. The structure of the foot is similar to the hand, and the hand is similar to the body. Because the foot is subject to significant natural stimulation during movement, the correspondence system located there is especially effective.

The presented figure clearly displays the projection points of the organs of the human body on the sole and palm. To stimulate these correspondence points at home, you can use either special tools, seeds, small pebbles, beads, massagers, or perform simple acupressure stimulation with your finger.

Mini-systems for matching fingers and toes. Each finger and toe is similar to the human body as a whole. The finger has 3 parts - phalanges, and the body without limbs has three parts - head, chest and abdominal cavity. These parts are clearly demarcated from each other both on the body and on the finger. This is the so-called “insect” matching system.
Mini-correspondence systems on the tips of the fingers and toes. Considering the bony base of the fingers as a spine, it is possible to stimulate the corresponding affected vertebrae from different angles. This is one of the great advantages of this system. On each of the fingers and toes there is a healing system of an “insect”, in which the last phalanx corresponds to the head, the middle one to the chest, and the first to the abdominal cavity. The correspondence of the joints of the hands and feet is in the flexion position at the Yin-Yang boundary of the fingers.

Video on the Su Jok compliance system

Treatment points Su Jok

In order to find a healing point corresponding to a diseased organ or diseased part of the body, you need to know how the body is projected onto the hand or foot. Then, by applying even pressure in the intended area with a match, an unsharpened pencil or a special diagnostic stick, you can determine the exact location of the treatment point of correspondence.

Using a probe (or any object with a rounded end with a diameter of about 2 mm), press in the area corresponding to the disease until the pain is tolerable. The points where the pain will sharply increase with the same pressure force will be the points of correspondence, the points of treatment for this disease. The advantage of this system is its simplicity, safety and effectiveness. It can be used by both healthcare workers and trained people for self-medication.
The intended points should be pressed with equal force and, very importantly, not too hard from the very beginning. The healing point manifests itself by the fact that at the moment of pressure on it, a motor reaction appears (involuntary movement due to sharp pain). Accurately determining the point is only half the battle. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you must be able to stimulate it correctly. This can be done in different ways.

Video on finding Su Jok matching points

Methods of influencing correspondence points

Press the most painful point found until the pain is tolerable and massage it with a vibrating motion for 1–2 minutes. In this way, you can treat only one point or several, or massage the entire correspondence zone with a massage roller or massage ring. For mechanical impact on the correspondence points, you can use many available means: small pebbles, metal or other material balls, cereal grains, etc. These objects are glued with an adhesive plaster to the correspondence points and massaged periodically - for example, every hour for 1-2 minutes.
After finding the point, you need to press it quite firmly with a diagnostic stick (instead, you can use any non-sharp object - a match, a pen, or even your own nail). After the pain under the diagnostic stick has passed, you can continue massaging the point with rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, pressing the stick a little harder. It is necessary to massage the treatment point completely once until the residual pain disappears and a feeling of warmth appears in it. In the case of chronic diseases, a single impact on the points is not enough. Correctly found points should be massaged forcefully for 3–5 minutes every 3–4 hours daily until the condition improves. Repeated massage of the correspondence zones leads to improvement, in some cases this happens very quickly.

Warming up

Heat, as expanding energy, has a stimulating effect, therefore, for a number of diseases associated with a lack of energy or excess cold, warming up the correspondence points has a good effect. Warming is carried out with special wormwood sticks (moxas), which are placed on the skin directly without additional devices or using special stands. The moxa is set on fire and smolders, warming the point of correspondence. Warming up the points or corresponding area on the hand and foot can be done simply with a warm object of the appropriate configuration and size.

Moxibustion therapy is very effective for colds and flu.

At the initial manifestations of a cold (flu), carry out 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 warmings of active points on the hands or feet with an interval of 12 or 24 hours. If it took more than one warming to eliminate the symptoms, then the disease without treatment would be more severe, the more warmings you performed before recovery. Moxibustion therapy will also have an effect if you are late with treatment and start it at the height of your illness. If you don’t have moxa, then you can use any available method to warm up the active points or the entire palm, including the palmar surface of the thumb. This can be done by placing your palms over a heat source or, for example, pouring hot water into a glass jar, covering it with your palms or feet and heating them for 10–15 minutes.
In the treatment of almost all chronic diseases, moxotherapy can be used as an auxiliary treatment method. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic intestinal diseases, chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, indolent dermatitis, etc.), chronic respiratory diseases.
All weakened and elderly people are recommended to use moxotherapy as an auxiliary method of treating the disease or as a means of increasing the overall tone of the body and increasing its vitality. In these cases, treatment is carried out in sessions of 5–10 procedures.
Almost all people, especially people over 40 years old, who feel unwell, weak, exhausted, tired, or dissatisfied with their well-being, can conduct moxotherapy sessions. The number of procedures is chosen by the patient himself, depending on his state of health.

The use of this technique for the treatment of hypertension and hyperthyroidism is undesirable.

Wormwood cigars are also used to warm up correspondence points and energy points. Warming up of the points is carried out remotely, until a persistent warmth is felt in the heated zone.

To stimulate correspondence zones, different magnets are widely used: ring, round, magnetic arrows, you can use magnets from road chessboards. The patch is used to attach magnets to treatment points on the hands and feet. The magnet is installed at the most painful point. The magnetic star combines two directions of influence on the correspondence point - mechanical and magnetic field.

Treatment with natural stimulants-seeds

Everyone knows the power of germinating seeds when a delicate-looking seedling breaks through dense soil. This potential energy is used in Su Jok therapy. The seeds are glued with a sticky plaster to the area corresponding to the pathological process. The action of the seed on the points of correspondence is also carried out in two directions - mechanical and bioenergetic influence. Seeds are the most commonly used naturally occurring surface applicators. As living biological structures, seeds have a large supply of vital energy necessary for the development of a new plant. When the seeds are attached to the points of correspondence, they awaken, and their biological fields interact with the “balls of correspondence” to diseased organs and parts of the body, restoring their energy potential.

For treatment, seeds that are intact and capable of germinating are selected. Usually the seeds of radishes, beets, buckwheat, peas, beans, peppers, flax, apples, grapes, pomegranates, viburnum, pumpkin, etc. are used. The seeds are attached to a piece of adhesive tape and then fixed on the hand or foot. When choosing seeds, you should consider their shape. For diseases of internal organs, it is better to use seeds with a similar shape. For example, heart disease can be treated with viburnum seeds, kidney disease with bean seeds, lung disease with buckwheat seeds, for pancreatitis, grape seeds are used, etc. The application time for seeds ranges from several hours to a day. You can apply additional pressure on them (at intervals of once or twice an hour for 3–5 minutes). If it is necessary to continue treatment, after a day the seeds are replaced with new ones and the procedure is repeated.

Treatment with color

Many diseases, especially diseases that have external manifestations, can be treated with color. If the disease manifests itself only as redness, there is no swelling or pain yet, it must be treated black. If the disease manifests itself as swelling, itching, weak dull transient pain, it must be treated green . If the disease manifests itself with significant, but not constant pain, the appearance of erosions, it must be treated in red . If the disease manifests itself with severe constant pain, ulcers appear, the affected area acquires a grayish-black tint, it must be treated yellow . To apply color therapy, you need to paint the points or areas of correspondence with a felt-tip pen of the appropriate color, or stick colored paper with the colored surface to the skin.

You can get acquainted with other methods of influencing and treating Su-Jok therapy from books on Su-Jok by Park Jae-Woo and his followers.

Video about methods and means of Su Jok therapy

Preventive manual massage of hands and feet

Using your index finger or thumb, carefully examine the surfaces of your hands and feet on both sides. In this case, you will find painful areas, various seals, and spasmodic areas of muscles. These are signals about the beginning of disorder in your body. Such areas must be massaged well with your fingers until a feeling of warmth appears in them, pain and hardening disappear.
If you know which of your organs is sick or weakened, then massage the areas where it corresponds especially carefully.
Remember that massage of the fingertips and nail plates of the hands and feet is very useful. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-systems of correspondence. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a lasting feeling of warmth is achieved. This has a healing effect on the entire body.
A person should not endure pain - relieve it yourself, thereby speeding up recovery and mobilizing the body’s strength to fight the disease, but if necessary, consult a doctor so that he can professionally assess your condition.

The Su-Jok therapy method was created by South Korean professor Park Jae-woo in 1986. This healing system has deep roots in ancient Traditional Eastern medicine. Having deeply rethought the experience of traditional medicine and modern achievements of science, Professor Park Jae Woo made a huge step in the development of reflexology.

His healing system is effective, simple and has won recognition all over the world.

History and ideology of the method

Modern medicine, having quite effective means for providing first aid, a prerequisite for the effectiveness of its implementation requires the presence of special medications and instruments, as well as complex skills in performing assistance techniques. At the same time, some of the recommendations for providing medical care for a number of diseases do not involve any intervention and the victim must endure often unbearable pain and simply wait for an examination by a qualified medical professional. But why endure pain? Isn't it better to get rid of it and calmly wait for the doctor? Su Jok is a universal method of treating minor diseases without taking drugs, without harming the entire body. Method of providing first aid in emergency conditions. A method that is specific for each given disease. The method does not require significant material costs and special medical knowledge, complex skills and tools. A method that every person at any age can master and apply in their daily life for the benefit of their health and the health of their loved ones.

Everyone knows acupuncture, which has a four-thousand-year history, and its varieties - acupressure, exposure to biologically active points with heat, electricity, etc. These treatment methods are the prerogative of medical specialists and require long-term preparation. In the hands of an amateur, attempts at treatment using them can not only bring benefits, but also cause irreparable harm. After many years of careful research and clinical experience, Korean Professor Park Jae Woo, Academician of the IAS (Berlin), President of the Korean Su-Jok Institute, President of the International Association of Su-Jok Physicians (London, 1991) introduced a new system of acupuncture, affecting only the hand and foot. Hands and feet are most often subject to mechanical and other types of irritation during walking or any work, which ensures the maintenance of health in the body. We owe it to them that we don’t get sick all the time. We start rubbing our brushes first in severe frost. Warm feet are the basis for a comfortable state in cold weather. When a disease occurs in some place of the body, points or zones of increased sensitivity appear in the correspondence systems of the hand and foot, and when exposed to these, an impulse is generated that goes to the area of ​​the disease, which indicates the body to the pathology, and the body takes measures to get rid of it.

The essence of treatment is to find the most painful points in one of the correspondence systems, in the zone corresponding to the diseased organ or place, and influence them using one of the methods available to everyone: mechanical massage, magnetic field, biological force of living seeds, heating, color. This alone leads to recovery in the initial stages of diseases, allows one to prevent severe consequences in life-threatening conditions, and prevents the development of exacerbations of chronic

Illnesses. When giving practical recommendations for treatment, we intentionally talk only about the impact on the hands, since it is easier and more convenient to act on the hands when providing self- and mutual assistance. Active points on the feet are also very effective in treatment. If desired, everyone can find points of correspondence on the feet, guided by the patterns of the hands, taking into account that the hands and feet have a fundamentally identical structure.

Video on the history of the Su Jok method

Basic compliance systems

The main ones are correspondence systems in which the entire body is projected onto the hand or foot. In this case, the thumb corresponds to the head, the palm and sole to the body, the III and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the legs, and the II and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the arms.

Basic brush matching system

When searching for points of correspondence, the hand is positioned with the palm facing forward. The index finger of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand correspond to the right hand. The middle finger of the right hand and the ring finger of the left hand correspond to the right leg. The ring finger of the right hand and the middle finger of the left hand correspond to the left leg. The little finger of the right hand and the index finger of the left hand correspond to the left hand. The elevation of the palm at the base of the thumb corresponds to the chest, and the palm as a whole corresponds to the abdominal area.

Basic foot conformity system

Correspondence diagram of organs on the legs The correspondence system of the foot is based on the same principles as the basic correspondence system of the hand. The structure of the foot is similar to the hand, and the hand is similar to the body. Because the foot is subject to significant natural stimulation during movement, the correspondence system located there is especially effective.

The presented figure clearly displays the projection points of the organs of the human body on the sole and palm. To stimulate these correspondence points at home, you can use either special tools, seeds, small pebbles, beads, massagers, or perform simple acupressure stimulation with your finger.

Mini "insect" matching system on hands and feet

Mini-systems of correspondence of fingers and toes Each finger and toe is similar to the human body as a whole. The finger has 3 parts - phalanges, and the body without limbs has three parts - head, chest and abdominal cavity. These parts are clearly demarcated from each other both on the body and on the finger. This is the so-called “insect” matching system.

Mini-correspondence systems on the tips of the fingers and toes Considering the bony base of the fingers as a spine, it is possible to stimulate the correspondences of the affected vertebrae from different angles. This is one of the great advantages of this system. On each of the fingers and toes there is a healing system of an “insect”, in which the last phalanx corresponds to the head, the middle one to the chest, and the first to the abdominal cavity. The correspondence of the joints of the hands and feet is in the flexion position at the Yin-Yang boundary of the fingers.

Video on the Su Jok compliance system

Treatment points Su Jok

In order to find a healing point corresponding to a diseased organ or diseased part of the body, you need to know how the body is projected onto the hand or foot. Then, by applying even pressure in the intended area with a match, a mildly sharpened pencil or a special diagnostic stick, you can determine the exact location of the treatment point of correspondence.

The healing point is always sharply painful!

Using a probe (or any object with a rounded end with a diameter of about 2 mm), press in the area corresponding to the disease until the pain is tolerable. The points where the pain will sharply increase with the same pressure force will be the points of correspondence, the points of treatment for this disease. The advantage of this system is its simplicity, safety and effectiveness. It can be used by both healthcare workers and trained people for self-medication.

The intended points should be pressed with equal force and, very importantly, not too hard from the very beginning. The healing point manifests itself by the fact that at the moment of pressure on it, a motor reaction appears (involuntary movement due to sharp pain). Accurately determining the point is only half the battle. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you must be able to stimulate it correctly. This can be done in different ways.

Video search for matching Su Jok points

Methods of influencing correspondence points

Mechanical massage

Press the most painful point found until the pain is tolerable and massage it with a vibrating motion for 1-2 minutes. In this way, you can treat only one point or several, or massage the entire correspondence zone with a massage roller or massage ring. For mechanical impact on the correspondence points, you can use many available means: small pebbles, metal or other material balls, cereal grains, etc. These objects are glued with a sticky plaster to the correspondence points and massaged periodically - for example, every hour for 1-2 minutes.

After finding the point, you need to press it quite firmly with a diagnostic stick (instead, you can use any non-sharp object - a match, a pen, or even your own nail). After the pain under the diagnostic stick has passed, you can continue massaging the point with rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, pressing the stick a little harder. It is necessary to massage the treatment point completely once until the residual pain disappears and a feeling of warmth appears in it. In the case of chronic diseases, a single impact on the points is not enough. Correctly found points need to be massaged forcefully for 3-5 minutes every 3-4 hours daily until the condition improves. Repeated massage of the correspondence zones leads to improvement, in some cases this happens very quickly.

Warming up

Heat, as expanding energy, has a stimulating effect, therefore, for a number of diseases associated with a lack of energy or excess cold, warming up the correspondence points has a good effect. Warming is carried out with special wormwood sticks (moxas), which are placed on the skin directly without additional devices or using special stands. The moxa is set on fire and smolders, warming the point of correspondence. Warming up the points or corresponding area on the hand and foot can be done simply with a warm object of the appropriate configuration and size.

Moxibustion therapy is very effective for colds and flu.

At the initial manifestations of a cold (flu), carry out 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 warmings of active points on the hands or feet with an interval of 12 or 24 hours. If it took more than one warming to eliminate the symptoms, then the disease without treatment would be more severe, the more warmings you performed before recovery. Moxibustion therapy will also have an effect if you are late with treatment and start it at the height of your illness. If you don’t have moxa, then you can use any available method to warm up the active points or the entire palm, including the palmar surface of the thumb. This can be done by placing your palms over a heat source or, for example, pouring hot water into a glass jar, covering it with your palms or feet and heating them for 10-15 minutes.

In the treatment of almost all chronic diseases, moxotherapy can be used as an auxiliary treatment method. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic intestinal diseases, chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, indolent dermatitis, etc.), chronic respiratory diseases.

All weakened and elderly people are recommended to use moxotherapy as an auxiliary method of treating the disease or as a means of increasing the overall tone of the body and increasing its vitality. In these cases, treatment is carried out in sessions of 5-10 procedures.

Almost all people, especially people over 40 years old, who feel unwell, weak, exhausted, tired, or dissatisfied with their well-being, can conduct moxotherapy sessions. The number of procedures is chosen by the patient himself, depending on his state of health.

The use of this technique for the treatment of hypertension and hyperthyroidism is undesirable.

Wormwood cigars are also used to warm up correspondence points and energy points. Warming up of the points is carried out remotely, until a persistent warmth is felt in the heated zone.

Treatment with magnets

To stimulate correspondence zones, different magnets are widely used: ring, round, magnetic arrows, you can use magnets from road chessboards. The patch is used to attach magnets to treatment points on the hands and feet. The magnet is installed at the most painful point. The magnetic star combines two directions of influence on the correspondence point - mechanical and magnetic field.

Treatment with natural stimulants-seeds

Everyone knows the power of germinating seeds when a delicate-looking seedling breaks through dense soil. This potential energy is used in Su Jok therapy. The seeds are glued with a sticky plaster to the area corresponding to the pathological process. The action of the seed on the points of correspondence is also carried out in two directions - mechanical and bioenergetic influence. Seeds are the most commonly used naturally occurring surface applicators. As living biological structures, seeds have a large supply of vital energy necessary for the development of a new plant. When the seeds are attached to the points of correspondence, they awaken, and their biological fields interact with the “balls of correspondence” to diseased organs and parts of the body, restoring their energy potential.

For treatment, seeds that are intact and capable of germinating are selected. Usually the seeds of radishes, beets, buckwheat, peas, beans, peppers, flax, apples, grapes, pomegranates, viburnum, pumpkin, etc. are used. The seeds are attached to a piece of adhesive tape and then fixed on the hand or foot. When choosing seeds, you should consider their shape. For diseases of internal organs, it is better to use seeds with a similar shape. For example, heart disease can be treated with viburnum seeds, kidney disease with bean seeds, lung disease with buckwheat seeds, for pancreatitis, grape seeds are used, etc. The application time for seeds ranges from several hours to a day. You can apply additional pressure on them (at intervals of once or twice an hour for 3-5 minutes). If it is necessary to continue treatment, after a day the seeds are replaced with new ones and the procedure is repeated.

Treatment with color

Many diseases, especially diseases that have external manifestations, can be treated with color. If the disease manifests itself only as redness, there is no swelling or pain yet, it must be treated with black. If the disease manifests itself as swelling, itching, and weak dull transient pain, it should be treated with green. If the disease manifests itself with significant, but not constant pain, the appearance of erosions, it should be treated with red. If the disease manifests itself with severe constant pain, ulcers appear, the affected area acquires a grayish-black tint, it must be treated with yellow color. To apply color therapy, you need to paint the points or areas of correspondence with a felt-tip pen of the appropriate color, or stick colored paper with the colored surface to the skin.

You can get acquainted with other methods of influencing and treating Su-Jok therapy from books on Su-Jok by Park Jae-Woo and his followers.

Video about methods and means of Su Jok therapy


Preventive manual massage of hands and feet

Using your index finger or thumb, carefully examine the surfaces of your hands and feet on both sides. In this case, you will find painful areas, various seals, and spasmodic areas of muscles. These are signals about the beginning of disorder in your body. Such areas must be massaged well with your fingers until a feeling of warmth appears in them, pain and hardening disappear.

If you know which of your organs is sick or weakened, then massage the areas where it corresponds especially carefully.

Remember that massage of the fingertips and nail plates of the hands and feet is very useful. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-systems of correspondence. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a lasting feeling of warmth is achieved. This has a healing effect on the entire body.

A person should not endure pain - relieve it yourself, thereby speeding up recovery and mobilizing the body’s strength to fight the disease, but if necessary, consult a doctor so that he can professionally assess your condition.

Examples of therapeutic effects using Su Jok methods

Video on examples of the therapeutic effects of Su Jok therapy

The invention relates to medicine, gastroenterology. At the same time, the Manipura chakra and biologically active points RP-1, RP-2 are affected for 30 minutes. The chakra is affected by EHF radiation. Biologically active points are impacted with needles. And from the 5th session, Su-Jok acupuncture is performed on the moisture points of the pancreas, the cold points of the kidney and the heat points of the brain. The method increases remission. 2 ill., 1 tab.

The invention relates to medicine, namely to gastroenterology, and can be used in the treatment of various pathological conditions developing in the pancreas (P) and accompanied by pancreatic insufficiency. According to foreign and domestic researchers, the annual increase in patients with chronic pancreatitis is two or more times. The tendency to progression, relapsing course, as well as the difficulties of therapy determine the relevance of the search for effective methods of treating chronic pancreatitis. Clinically, the disease manifests itself in dysfunction of absorption in the intestines (diarrhea, steatorrhea, flatulence) with or without pain, psycho-emotional tension, and decreased performance. Physiotherapeutic methods for treating this pathology without surgical intervention are known, including the effect of an alternating magnetic field on the area of ​​​​projection of the pancreas with a certain frequency and induction, exposure to low-intensity radiation of the optical or extremely high-frequency (EHF) wavelength range directly on the lesion and (or) on biologically active points and zones (BAP and BAZ) both in monotherapy and in combination with medications and acupuncture (IRT). The closest analogue (prototype) is a method for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, including the effect of EHF on BAP for 20-40 minutes with 10-15 sessions per course of treatment, daily during the first week and then every other day, while for the synergy of therapy, patients used mineral -amino acid complex 0.250 g throughout the course of treatment in the morning, half an hour before meals. The disadvantage of this known method is the instability of the therapeutic process. The purpose of the invention is to increase the stability of therapy for chronic pancreatitis and prolong remission. This goal is achieved by the fact that in the method of treating chronic pancreatitis, including exposure to extremely high frequency radiation, to increase the stability of therapy and prolong remission, the two-level human energy system is simultaneously affected, while its central part (the Manipura chakra) is exposed to EHF radiation with a frequency 42.2 GHz for 30 minutes daily with 10 sessions per course, its peripheral part (heat and wind points of the pancreas - RP2, RPI) is exposed to needles in the same time mode, and the normalization of emotional energy is carried out by Su-Jok acupuncture by enhancing the energy anxiety (humidity point of the pancreas), weakening the energy of fear (cold point of the kidney) and increasing the energy of satisfaction (heat point of the brain) for 30 minutes, starting from the fifth session and until the end of the course of treatment. The method is carried out as follows. Using a computer diagnostic complex using the Nakatani method, the patient is examined according to indicators of the energy state of the body, the energygram of which indicates its functional state. At the same time, the small diameter of the energygram demonstrates a decrease in the overall energy capacity of the body and, as a rule, is accompanied by insufficiency of the functional state of the pancreas. The complex was also used to monitor the dynamics of the patient’s paired meridians during the course of treatment. The research results were compared with a control group of patients for whom therapy was carried out in a known manner. Therapy according to the proposed method is carried out by exposing the acre of Manipur to electromagnetic EHF radiation, for which an external applicator-irradiator of the EHF apparatus is installed on the surface of the patient’s body. This chakra controls the central energy of the body's moisture and the function of the pancreas. Duration of exposure - 30 minutes per session. At the same time, the peripheral part (the second energy level of the system - the distal BAPs of the pancreatic energy channel RP1 and RP2) is exposed to needles for 30 minutes. Acupuncture improves pancreatic function by enhancing heat energy (RP2) and wind energy (RP1). Starting from the fifth session, simultaneously with the impact on the patient’s two-level energy system, which purposefully and effectively improves the functional state of the pancreas, Su-Jok acupuncture is performed by influencing the metaphysical channels of the hand, while increasing the energy of anxiety (the wetness point of the pancreas), reducing the energy of fear (kidney cold point) and enhance the energy of satisfaction (brain heat point), which normalizes the patient’s emotional energy. Example. Patient B-va E.S., 43 years old, complained of intermittent pain in the epigastric region and in the area of ​​the pancreas, loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability, psycho-emotional lability. She considers herself sick for six months when, after severe mental stress, she felt a progressive deterioration in her health. From the anamnesis it was established that even in her student years she experienced periodic “hunger pains” in the epigastric region, which she did not pay attention to at that time. About 10-12 years ago, a diagnosis was made: chronic gastritis, chronic colitis, chronic cholecystitis. Currently, the weight deficit is 8 kg. In fig. 1, 2 show energygrams of the patient before and after the course of treatment, respectively, where the numbers indicate: 1,2 - individual norm corridor, demonstrating the general energy capacity of the body; 3,4 - energygrams of the patient along paired meridians. Objectively: the patient has low nutrition, the skin turgor is sluggish, the grayness of the skin of the face and cyanosis of the lips attract attention. The abdomen is painful on palpation in the projection of the pancreas, positive Schaeffer's sign (increased pain on palpation of the pancreas in the position on the right side, sitting and standing). The tongue is covered with a gray coating. A diagnostic energyogram performed before the start of treatment revealed a decrease in the overall energy potential and a sharp weakening of the pancreas function (see Fig. 1). Based on the anamnesis and objective examination data, a diagnosis was made: exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, depression. Treatment was carried out in two courses of 10 sessions each, session duration 30 minutes. During the first course, acupuncture improved pancreatic function by enhancing organ heat energy (RP2) and wind energy (RPI). Millimeter therapy was carried out on the Manipura chakra. At the same time, Su-Jok acupuncture improved the function of the pancreas and brain by normalizing emotional energy: increasing the energy of anxiety (the humidity point of the pancreas), weakening the energy of fear (the cold point of the kidney) and increasing the energy of satisfaction (the heat point of the brain. The patient’s energygram after the first course of therapy was significantly improved: energy potential more than doubled, pancreatic function improved by 63.7%. Considering the long period of the disease, the patient was asked to undergo a second course of treatment after completion of the first course. The second course of treatment was carried out according to the above scheme, with the exception that the millimeter therapy was carried out from the fifth session until the end of treatment, while the remote applicator-irradiator of the EHF apparatus "Stella-1" was installed on the Manipur chakra, which controls the energy of humidity and the function of the pancreas. After the second course of treatment, the disease was completely stopped and there was no relapse within a year The proposed method was used to treat 84 patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis both in the remission phase (24 people) and in the exacerbation phase (60 people) aged from 24 to 54 years (56 women, 28 men). Of these, 6 patients underwent surgery 3 to 5 years ago for cholecystectomy. The general condition of the patients is moderate. Severe pain in the upper abdominal cavity, nausea, sometimes vomiting, pale skin, loss of body weight, increased temperature to 37.2 o C, and tachycardia were observed. According to computer diagnostics using the Nakatani method, almost all patients have decreased energy of the pancreas meridian before treatment. The results of the proposed method for treating chronic pancreatitis and the method set out in the prototype are presented in the table. Comparative assessment of the treatment of CP in control group No. 1 - 80 patients and the proposed method in group No. 2 - 84 patients. In the first group, five patients underwent cholecystectomy, and in the second group - four. As can be seen from the data presented, the groups of patients are quite comparable in age, gender, number of courses of treatment and operations undergone. As for the treatment results, they are significantly higher in the second group of patients than in patients of the first group, both in terms of complete recovery (85.7% versus 55%) and in six-month remission (57% versus 20%). The proposed method of treating chronic pancreatitis increases the stability of the therapeutic process, relieves pain, normalizes the psycho-emotional status of the patient by stabilizing the absorption and digestive ability of the epithelium of the large and small intestine and influencing the mechanism of secretion and regulation of neurotransmitters. Bibliographic data 1. Nogaller A.M., The New in Hepatology, (Falk Simposia in Italy), Bolzano, apr., 1995. 2. Anikin B.S. etc. Difficulties and defects in diagnosing chronic pancreatitis in the therapeutic department of a city hospital. Siberian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tomsk, October 1996, Volume 1, No. 3, p. 119. 3. Fedorova A.A. and others. Method of treating patients with chronic pancreatitis, ed. St. USSR 1711919, priority dated 08/25/1987. 4. Gubergrits N.B. and others. Method of treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Application for invention 93027839/14, priority dated May 12, 1993, publ. B.I. N 21, 1995. 5. Agapov Yu. K., Agapova I.D., Votoropin S.D. Proceedings of the 10th Russian Symposium with international participation "Millimeter waves in medicine and biology", - M., 1995, p. 81. 6. Devyatkov N.D., Kislov V.Ya. Computerized electrophysical diagnostics and EHF correction of the functional state of human internal organs. Radio engineering and electronics, vol. 12, 1994, pp. 2059-2064.

Here are some techniques of Su Jok therapy - a natural, drug-free method of treatment that was developed and presented to the world by a professor from South Korea, Park Jae Woo.

Only part of the theory and techniques are given that can be mastered and used in practice by people not related to medicine.

In Su Jok therapy, to provide therapeutic assistance, influence is applied to points or zones of the so-called correspondence systems. Correspondence systems are peculiar copies or projections of the human body on various parts of the body: on the hands, feet, auricle, iris, etc. (Fig. 1). For example, on the palmar surface of the hand there is a zone (group of points) that is in a certain connection with the heart (Fig. 2). This area on the hand is called the area corresponding to the heart.

There is a close interaction between any point on the body and a point in the correspondence systems. These points seem to be in resonance with each other. When any disease develops, for example, in the heart, the signal, or information about it, arrives in all areas corresponding to the heart. As mentioned above, such correspondence areas are located in a wide variety of areas of the body. In these areas, one or more points become very sensitive and painful. If you exert some kind of influence on such a point (press on it, rub it), then a signal will be sent from it - a healing wave - to the heart (Fig. 3). This will have a therapeutic effect: pain will disappear, the condition of the heart will normalize.

Rice. 1. A number of correspondence systems located in the head area

Massage with fingers the zones corresponding to the heart

Massage with a diagnostic stick the points corresponding to the heart on the hands and feet


Most often, for practical convenience, compliance systems located on the hands and feet are used. The brush in its shape and structural features resembles the human body, which makes it easier to find the desired point (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Similarity of the hand to the body in terms of the number of protruding parts

Rice. 5, 6. Areas corresponding to body parts and internal organs on the hands and feet.

right yin yang left

Fig.7 Each of the fingers has its own system of correspondence to the human body. They are called the “insect system.”

Bottom line of aperture

Upper aperture line

Rice. 8 Correspondence systems located on the nail phalanges of the fingers. These are mini systems.

Rice. 9 Two options for the projection of the head on the finger.

To carry out treatment, you can use any matching system that is most convenient for you.

It is important to correctly find the desired point and exert sufficient influence on it to obtain the result. Guided by the drawings, you first need to determine where (for example, on the hand) the projection of the part of the body or internal organ you need is located. Then in this area you need to identify all the painful points. A special probe is used to search for points. Under normal conditions, this can be a wooden stick with a rounded tip, a mildly sharpened pencil, a ballpoint pen, a match, etc. (Fig. 10).

Fig. 11.

If you accurately hit the point with the probe, you will definitely feel a sharp pain in this place.

At first, the search for points should be carried out with a slight pressure, since if the pressure is too strong, it will hurt everywhere and you may not notice any difference in your sensations.

After identifying all the painful points in the area corresponding to the part of the body or organ you are interested in, you must decide how exactly you will act on them.

You can influence the points in various ways. This may involve rubbing the points, pressing on them, or massaging them with a fingertip, fingernail, or an object such as your point probe. Such a point can be influenced by temperature changes (for example, applying a heated object or a piece of ice). An effective method of treatment is application - applying natural or artificial materials to the points using an adhesive plaster (Fig. 11). Exposure to natural materials seems to be the most natural and interesting, since, for example, plant seeds contain a large vital force that can give life to an entire plant, and they also contain information about certain properties of the plant, which can also be used in treatment.

After applying (application) the seeds to the points of correspondence, their vital energy begins to interact with the affected area of ​​the body, and the seeds may even change their color or shape (blacken or discolor, crack, increase or decrease in size). Seeds can be kept at the correspondence points from several hours to a day. If it is necessary to continue treatment, then after 24 hours these seeds must be replaced with new ones.

Some natural materials are convenient to use as massagers (fruit seeds, nuts, chestnuts, pine cones).

The massager can be a piece of a twig, a plant trunk, or a whole fruit (apple, potato tuber, carrot).

Artificial materials can also be used for massage (special massagers, massage rings, a probe for finding points and other convenient items, Fig. 13).

Rice. 13 Massage the joints with an elastic ring.

Application (the application of some materials to points) can be carried out both on a separate point and on the entire zone of the correspondence area. In the latter case, there is no need to search for a painful point. For example, in case of lung disease, you can cover the entire area corresponding to the lungs with seeds (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. The use of brown apple seeds for inflammatory lung diseases.

If the matching zone is small in size (for example, when treating an eye, tooth, ear), only one seed of suitable size can be used (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15. Application of metal balls to the points corresponding to the eyes

As mentioned above, when choosing seeds, you can take advantage of some of their features. This may be their shape, color, taste, medicinal properties of the plant, or their internal structure.

Let's look at this in more detail.

As we know, seeds come in very different shapes: elongated, round, oval, ribbed, hemispherical, etc. Various internal organs and parts of our body also differ in shape. For example, the arms, legs, intestines, esophagus, and nose are elongated, while the eye or the entire head is rounded. This similarity in shape of body parts and seeds can be used in treatment.

Rice. 16. Similarity between the “joints” of a clove and the joints of a hand

Rice. 17

Some plant stems have joints that resemble joints (Figure 16), while other plants may resemble spines and ribs (Figure 17).

The bean is shaped like a kidney, and the viburnum seed resembles a heart. The two halves of a walnut are very similar to the two hemispheres of the brain, and an elongated apple or grape seed is very similar to the shape of the pancreas (Fig. 18).

Bud Beans

Pancreas Grape seeds

Brain Walnut

Heart Viburnum seed

Rice. 18. Similarity in the shape of seeds and internal organs

You can also take advantage of certain properties of plants.

For example, applying watermelon seeds to the kidney area will cause increased urination, and if bile stagnates, oat or rose hip seeds can be applied to the liver area to increase bile secretion. Blueberry seeds, which have astringent properties, on the intestinal area will help stop diarrhea (diarrhea).

If processes such as compression, squeezing, or vice versa, expansion, increase in size, as well as movement disturbances (for example, peristalsis in the intestines) occur in any organ or part of the body, you can use another method of using seeds or plant parts – taking into account the direction of energy flow into them.

As mentioned above, in any living object there is a certain vital force, vital energy, which allows us to call this object alive. This energy circulates inside living organisms along many special paths - energy channels. In a whole plant, or in a seed, or in some separate part of it, one can identify the main direction of energy movement, common to most energy flows in it.

Rice. 19 The direction of energy movement coincides with the direction of plant growth.

Rice. 20 Cutting a branch of a plant. Garlic slice.

If you cut a seed or a branch of a plant, you can also highlight the direction of energy flows: from the center to the periphery (Fig. 20) - the way the plant grows (thickens).

Rice. 21. Treatment of constipation with apple seeds

Rice. 22. Seed therapy for pain in the right hypochondrium

This feature - the direction of movement of energy flows - can be used in the treatment of diseases.

For example, for constipation, you can apply a whole chain of seeds to the area corresponding to the large intestine, taking into account the direction of movement in it (Fig. 21).

Rice. 23. Use of plant twigs for increased appetite

For colic in the gallbladder, seeds or a cut of a plant must be applied to the corresponding area so that the direction of the energy flow contributes to the expansion process (Fig. 22). The same placement of seeds will occur in case of renal colic, bladder spasm, etc.

In case of increased appetite, apply a chain of seeds or other stimulants, for example, a sprig of a plant, to the area corresponding to the mouth, esophagus and stomach so that the direction of the energy flow is opposite to the direction of food movement - from the stomach to the mouth (Fig. 23), and in case of vomiting, the energy flow should be directed in the opposite direction - from the mouth to the stomach. Instead of applying any stimulator, you can draw an arrow, for example, with a felt-tip pen, “indicating” the direction of the energy flow (Fig. 24).

Treatment according to the correspondence system is the effect on the affected organ or part of the body through the painful points found in the correspondence system.

There are several approaches to carrying out such treatment.

Rice. 24. Stopping an attack of vomiting

1. The impact is directly on one or more points in the correspondence system.
2. The impact is on the entire area corresponding to the affected organ or part of the body.
3. Treatment at 2 points. The impact is only on 2 points located on the borders of the affected area of ​​the body or internal organ (Fig. 25).

4. 3-point treatment. The impact is on the identified painful point in the area corresponding to the affected area and on 2 additional points located on the adjacent joints above and below (vertical treatment) or on the right and left (horizontal treatment) - fig. 26.

5. Treatment in 5 steps (or 5 stages of treatment).

1st stage: impact on the identified painful point in the affected area.

2nd stage: impact on additional, also painful, points around the main, most painful point.

All these points form an interconnected group of points, although they may be located at some distance from each other.

Rice. 25. Seed therapy for diseases of the thoracic spine and pancreas at two points

Rice. 26. Use of three points in treatment according to the correspondence system for pathology of the lower extremities

If you do not influence these additional points, then, despite the certain therapeutic effect obtained when acting on one - the most painful - point, this may lead to a relapse of the disease over time, since influencing only one point may not be enough for a complete cure . In addition, one of these additional points may turn out to be “command” - the most “interested” in the development of the disease.

3rd stage: impact on painful points of internal organs.

Often, painful sensations in any part of the body can be associated with a disease of the internal organs. For example, headaches may occur due to problems in the stomach, bladder, or some other organ. Therefore, it is necessary to identify all the painful points in the areas corresponding to the internal organs and select the 2-3 most painful points to influence them.

4th stage: impact on painful points of the spinal cord.

When the disease has already developed in the body, this means that, most likely, a certain part of the spinal cord is also involved in the pathological process. The spinal cord performs a certain controlling function - a link between parts of the body and the brain: through it, information from the cells of the body enters the brain, and from the brain, back to each part of the body, a certain command is received - in order to make the necessary adjustments to the brain. their work.

When disturbances occur in the functioning of the spinal cord at the level of the body (for example, in some organ), an imbalance occurs. In other words, we can say that when the spinal cord does not act as a connecting link, information coming from parts of the body to the brain and back is distorted - that is, it is not transmitted accurately or is not transmitted at all, which leads to the occurrence of pathological processes - diseases , functional disorders, etc.

When searching for painful points on the spinal cord, you can focus on the affected area of ​​the body (Fig. 27). For example, in case of heart disease, the search for points can begin from the thoracic spine, and in case of intestinal disease - from the lumbosacral region, etc.

5th stage: impact on painful points of the brain.

The brain is the “command post” of the body, a key organ of the central nervous system, connected to every cell of the body. It receives information from the entire body, analyzes it, makes decisions and then transmits commands through the spinal cord aimed at maintaining the body in a healthy, harmonious state.

When a pathological process or any disturbance occurs in any organ or part of the body, a signal about this immediately goes to the brain - to its parts corresponding to the given structure of the body, as well as to those brain structures that need to be used to “restore order” in organism.

These areas of the brain, as it were, create a response team that deals with solving the problem that has arisen; they become more sensitive, which is reflected in the formation in the correspondence systems of the brain of points that are painful when pressed, on which the therapeutic effect is applied.

Rice. 27. Autonomic nervous system

To do this, you need to select 2-3 most painful ones from all identified sensitive points. In Fig. Figures 28 and 29 show functional areas and the motor area of ​​the brain, which can help in identifying areas of the brain that are “interested” in a particular disease.

Rice. 28. Functional areas of the brain

Rice. 29. “Motor Man.”

Rice. 30. Zones corresponding to the thymus

For treatment, you can use any of the above approaches. Perhaps a simple approach will be enough to get rid of any ailment, but in serious cases, 5-step treatment is the most holistic approach, in which various areas and systems of the body are involved in the treatment process, including its “command” centers - the spinal and the brain, which contributes to greater effectiveness of treatment for long-standing, chronic diseases.

Rice. 31. Treatment of chronic bronchitis with flax seeds according to the “insect” system

In chronic infectious diseases, when the body is weakened and cannot cope with the infection, an effect on the thymus gland (thymus) is indicated - to activate the body’s defenses (Fig. 30).

Now let's look at several examples of the practical application of Su Jok therapy for various ailments.

In case of inflammatory processes (pneumonia, acute bronchitis) in the area corresponding to the lungs, you can apply the application of seeds, taking into account the direction of the energy flow in them (see Fig. 14).

For chronic bronchitis, a good therapeutic effect is achieved by using flax seeds (Fig. 31), and for frequent colds - black peppercorns or buckwheat seeds.

Rice. 32. Seed therapy for poor sputum discharge

Rice. 33. Treatment of angina with viburnum seeds

If it is difficult to discharge sputum due to lung disease, the chain of seeds should be arranged as shown in Fig. 32.

In Fig. Figure 33 shows the placement of viburnum seeds on the area corresponding to the heart for symptoms of heart failure, palpitations, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and in Fig. 34 – green pea seeds for dull, aching pain in the heart with extrasystole, interruptions in heart function.

Rice. 34. Seed therapy for pain in the heart area

Rice. 35. Seed therapy for varicose veins of the lower extremities

For varicose veins, seeds can be placed on the area corresponding to the shins, taking into account the energy flow in them (Fig. 35).

Rice. 36. Seed therapy for colds

With swelling of the legs, the direction of the energy flow should be directed from the feet to the torso (bottom to top).

In case of recent, acute inflammatory process or bleeding, you should choose black or brown seeds (for example, buckwheat), you can apply a piece of ice or paint over the corresponding area with black (felt-tip pen) - for example, with nosebleeds.

For colds accompanied by nasal congestion, sore throat (catarrhal manifestations) and fever, you can use a combination of different seeds: red radish seeds - on the throat area, buckwheat seeds - on the nose area and - to increase the body's resistance - on the area of ​​the eye gland ( thymus), and viburnum seeds - to the area corresponding to the heart (Fig. 36).

In case of increased sensitivity to cold, constant chilliness, you can apply red beans to the area corresponding to the kidneys (Fig. 37), the same setting is indicated for kidney stone disease, you can also use orange and yellow seeds, which will help dissolve and remove stones .

For acute pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes in the kidneys, dark (black, brown) seeds are used.

Rice. 37. Seed therapy for hypersensitivity to cold

Rice. 38. Seed therapy for cystitis

For cystitis (dull aching pain, blood in the urine), black and brown seeds can be applied to the area corresponding to the bladder, and when a stone passes through the ureter, orange, yellow, and red seeds can be applied, which will promote the expansion of the ducts (Fig. 38).

Rice. 39. Seed therapy for bladder sphincter weakness

Rice. 40. Treatment of uterine prolapse with seeds

Rice. 41. Seed therapy for menstrual pain

If the bladder sphincter is weak, seeds can be placed taking into account the energy flow in them (Fig. 39).

In Fig. 40 shows options for placing seeds during uterine prolapse. The same formulation is applicable for uterine bleeding.

For pain and cramps during menstruation, you can use red pepper seeds (Fig. 41), which will help both alleviate the condition and cure such disorders in the future.

The methods of using seeds for gallstone disease, taking into account the energy flow in them, have already been mentioned above (see Fig. 22), and for cholecystitis, with enlargement and overstretching of the gallbladder, the placement of seeds should be the opposite - the energy flow should be directed from the periphery to the center, which will contribute to compression processes in the gallbladder.

The placement of seeds for constipation is shown in Fig. 21. Accordingly, with increased peristalsis and severe diarrhea, the placement of seeds, taking into account the energy flow in them, should be the opposite.

Rice. 42. Seed therapy in the “insect” system for gastritis

For chronic gastritis with low acidity, pumpkin seeds can be applied to the area corresponding to the stomach (Fig. 42), and for acute gastritis, with high acidity, a chain of seeds can be used so that the energy flow in them is directed against the direction of food movement (this arrangement should Use only between meals, but not during or immediately after meals).

In case of spinal disease, options for planting seeds, including taking into account the direction of energy flow, are shown in Fig. 43.

A warning should be made: when applying seeds, taking into account the direction of the energy flow in them, you need to observe yourself for some time. If, after some time after placement, it seems to you that the painful sensations are intensifying, or you begin to experience some discomfort, try rearranging the seeds so that the energy flow is directed in the opposite direction. Having chosen the directional placement option that suits you, you can leave the seeds for 2 hours first. With subsequent performances, you can gradually increase the exposure time.

If you do not experience any unpleasant sensations when placing the seeds in the direction, then let us remind you that these seeds can be kept in the corresponding area for no more than a day, after which these seeds should be replaced with new ones.

Rice. 43. Seed therapy for pain in the lower thoracic spine and lower back

We also remind the reader that for application, in addition to using plant seeds, you can use any other materials - pieces of plastic, pebbles, metal objects, etc.

We hope that by using the above information and some of the given examples of the practical use of Su Jok therapy, you will be able to help yourself and alleviate your condition for a variety of ailments.

We talked here only about some methods of using Su Jok therapy at home.

To receive qualified assistance, you should contact specialized Su Jok therapy centers, where specialist doctors will be able to provide treatment taking into account both your energetic and psycho-emotional state.

Diseases occur from excess or lack of energy. Dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, such as low acidity of gastric juice and sluggishness of the esophagus, are associated with a lack of channel energy. Any therapist will tell you what diseases arise due to low acidity and sluggishness of the esophagus: anacid gastritis, for example (chronic gastritis with low acidity), and even atrophy of the esophagus. But if such serious problems as atrophy are a rare phenomenon, then low acidity occurs quite often in practice.

Lack of stomach energy has a bad effect on your emotional state. From an energetic point of view, this is explained by the fact that the stomach-like zone is energetically closely connected with the pancreas zone. And the painful manifestations of the pancreatic canal at first are expressed only by neuroticism. It is at this moment that you need to catch the disease before it comes to gastritis.

A good effect when there is a lack of energy is provided by influencing the painful point, which corresponds to the transition of the esophagus to the stomach. Find it using the standard system in the center of the triangle formed by the lines of the skin at the wrist fold (Fig. 20, a). Apply pressure to the point with a massage stick, applying circular pressure clockwise.

If there is excess energy, which is expressed by belching, perform a massage movement with a probe, roller massager or finger in the direction of the arrows: from the oral cavity (on the distal phalanx) to the stomach and duodenum. After 5–7 minutes, relief will come. If the stomach is not functioning well, we will attach applications of flax seeds, pears or apple trees, zucchini or pumpkin along the length of the zone. Please note: the sharp end of the grain faces the direction of food passage.

Zones of similarity with pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) are shown in the figures (Fig. 20, a, b, c).

With low acidity, the breakdown of proteins in the stomach is difficult, their breakdown products accumulate, which leads to inflammation of the stomach lining and its rather serious complications. Motility of the stomach and intestines is reduced, constipation occurs. The doctor prescribes drugs to the patient that replace hydrochloric acid and enzymes, thereby aggravating the problem: the patient’s own enzyme activity decreases. With low acidity, it is better to eat sour berries or fruits. They do not increase acidity, but will increase the production of enzymes. But any doctor will prohibit coarse, fatty and fried foods for such a patient, and that’s right: you need to eat light meals, little by little, but 5-6 times a day!

Stomach prolapse

If during the day you have to spend a long time in a constant position (sitting or standing) and general mobility is insufficient, there is a danger of flaccidity of the stomach walls (hypotension). The development of hypotension sometimes leads to prolapse of the stomach (gastroptosis), especially if the patient takes medications that enhance digestive activity, or is prone to overeating with weak abdominal muscles. The stomach may drop below the navel, causing damage to the internal organs of the peritoneum; in women, this can additionally provoke prolapse of the uterus.

Rice. 20, a, b, c. Areas of influence for gastritis and pancreatitis

Symptoms of weakness of the peritoneal muscles are as follows: heaviness and distension in the stomach, poor appetite, weight loss, fatigue, frequent headaches. Several nodular muscle compactions can be felt above the pectoralis major muscle. The disease progresses against the background of habitual constipation or diarrhea; they must be excluded first. And the next stage of treatment is strengthening the abdominal and peritoneal muscles by influencing the spine area! The similarity zone of the lower spine according to the insect system falls on the proximal (closest to the palm) phalanges of each finger (Fig. 21, a).

Rice. 21, a. Zone of similarity of the spine according to the insect system

Rice. 21, b. Spinal semblance zone in the palm

Rice. 21, c. Spinal semblance zone on the foot

The basic system involves detailed elaboration of the mid-vertical line of the palm with a probe or fingers (Fig. 21, b). But much more effective for strengthening the peritoneum is massage of the peritoneum and lumbar spine on the foot (Fig. 21, c). Use your finger to feel the outer surface of the foot along the spine area and the width of your thumb to the left and right of the spine. Carry out an intensive massage of all pain points until they are completely relaxed.

How to benefit from any food you eat

Treatment of the pancreas is impossible without following a diet. Reflexology will not replace fasting in the first days of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. And in the future you will have to blacklist foods that the pancreas does not accept. Pork and sausages (even sausages!), milk (although fresh milk is sometimes quite suitable), ice cream, legumes, tomatoes and tomato sauce, potatoes (alas!), oranges and tangerines, many berries are prohibited.

People who practice reflexology do not need to be reminded that coffee and alcohol are unacceptable. But it’s not superfluous to remind about sweets: easily digestible sweets “persuad” the pancreas to reduce insulin production. The pancreas, exhausted by pancreatitis, easily agrees to such relaxation, reduces the secretion of the hormone and there is a danger of developing diabetes mellitus, especially if the age has already exceeded forty!

When patients admit that they cannot constantly adhere to a gentle diet or healthy eating, because it is expensive, or because they do not have the willpower to withstand the temptation of fatty and fried foods, or the necessary products are not on sale, or their quality does not meet expectations - we learn figurative presentation.

Our lessons immediately cut off any discussions about nutrition, and give the body a lot! Good visual representation and energy balance in the body allow us to extract maximum value from any food. Let's take one lesson, it won't seem superfluous to you!

1. When sitting down at the table, imagine what exactly you would like to eat. Imagine the best quality dish or the juiciest fruit. Remember the taste and aroma of the best dish (although they say that it is impossible to recall the smell in memory and only the real sensation of the smell brings back many memories).

2. Start eating the food you have without losing the feeling of wanting food. The body will respond to real food according to your needs. Water can have similar effects on the body as pomegranate juice if you visualize yourself drinking the juice! And this will not be an imitation of sensations: after a few weeks of drinking water like pomegranate juice, the Eastern master of cultivating energy can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood!

You can also try to get drunk from water at any time, so that if necessary, you can relieve stress without straining your gastrointestinal tract.

3. Never eat food with doubt. If you have already decided to eat any dish at a common table (especially on a holiday), mentally endow it with the best taste and dietary qualities. You will see how enzyme activity can match your mood! But there is no need to constantly stimulate it in this way: being your own Eastern doctor means cultivating prudence, first of all.

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2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs