Dyskinesia of the duodenum. Intestinal dyskinesia

The term “intestinal dyskinesia” is collective in nature and unites a set of intestinal disorders that can arise as a result of long-term disturbances in the tone of the intestinal muscular lining and motility. Such disorders are especially characteristic of the large intestine. In this case, no pathological changes are detected, but the organ is still not able to perform its job normally. As a rule, the disease is more common in women, and this diagnosis is also often made in children.

Forms and types of intestinal dyskinesias

There are primary and secondary forms of disorders. Primary dyskinesia is a completely independent disease, the development of which is not affected by concomitant gastrointestinal diseases. The appearance of the secondary form is associated with the intake medicines(some antibiotics, diuretic and psychotropic drugs). However, it is sometimes very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, to accurately determine the form of violations.

The nature of the disturbance in intestinal motility determines the type of intestinal dyskinesia:

Hypermotor, or spastic, is characterized by increased tone and convulsive contractions, leading to the appearance of intestinal colic. Also, the main symptom of hypermotor dyskinesia is constipation.

Hypomotor, or atonic, is marked sudden weakening muscle tone and slower motor skills. The result is regular constipation, dull pain that can last for several hours, a feeling of fullness, which can lead to intestinal obstruction, both acute and chronic.

Clinical symptoms of bowel dysfunction

Symptoms of primary dyskinesia include intestinal and neurotic complaints. Some of them allow you to suspect functional disorders of the intestine even at an appointment with a gastroenterologist, which will require appropriate diagnostics to confirm.

Intestinal dyskinesias are characterized by a whole complex unpleasant signs which cannot go unnoticed by the patient himself.

1. Varied nature of pain. It can be dull, boring, aching, cramping, cutting. Painful sensations spread throughout the entire abdomen. As a rule, there are no clear boundaries and localization locations. However, it is more intense in the lower abdomen and around the navel. Pain increases after eating and subsides after defecation or release of gas.

2. Abdominal bloating is especially worse in the evening and is accompanied by loud rumbling.

3. Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, frequent belching, constant nausea, independent of food intake.

4. Violation of stool frequency and stool consistency. Intestinal dyskinesias are characterized by constipation, which can sometimes be followed by short-term diarrhea. With dyskinesia of the small intestine, constantly increasing diarrhea is observed.

5. Mental disorders(anxiety, depression, nervousness).

Such disturbances in the functioning of the duodenum are characterized by nausea, vomiting mixed with mucus and bile. Pain sensations are localized under the right hypochondrium or in the epigastrium. It should be noted that the pain appears in the morning and subsides at night. After awakening, its intensity increases. Constant constipation can cause hemorrhoids or anal fissures. The inability to defecate and the accumulation of feces causes intoxication, as a result of which patients complain of constant dizziness, headache, loss of strength, fatigue, decreased performance and attention, decreased appetite. Possible appearance allergic reactions.

Diagnostic tests confirming the diagnosis of intestinal dyskinesia

Due to the unclear location of the pain and symptoms very similar to those of others gastrointestinal pathologies, it is very difficult to accurately establish intestinal dyskinesia only from the patient’s words and regular examination. Therefore, gastroenterologists, as a rule, carry out diagnosis by the method of exclusion.

This diagnosis includes 3 sequential stages:

  • Exclusion of clearly localized (limited) intestinal pathologies: polyps, tumors, diverticula and other developmental anomalies.
  • Exclusion of inflammatory pathologies of the colon.
  • Separation of primary and secondary dyskinesia, determination of the causes of intestinal disorders.

The following studies help clarify the diagnosis:

1. allow us to identify occult blood in feces and the presence of dysbacteriosis.

2. allows us to identify dyskinesia of the distal colon. The proctoscope is difficult to insert, and against the background of a slightly irritated mucosa, a convulsive contraction of the muscular lining of the intestine can be detected.

3. with hypermotor dyskinesia, it reveals a spasmodic area that looks like a cord, it is also noted incomplete emptying sigmoid colon. With hypomotor intestinal dyskinesia, decreased tone and expansion of the intestinal cavity are detected.

4. . Hypermotor dyskinesia is determined by the presence of peristalsis, a healthy appearance of the mucosa and the presence of individual spasmodic parts of the intestine. Hypomotor dyskinesia is characterized by the absence of peristalsis, the mucous membrane is usually dull and dry. Also, during the study, an intestinal biopsy can be performed, the results of which will help exclude oncological diseases intestines.

Treatment of intestinal dyskinesia

Treatment of intestinal disorders requires an integrated approach, which includes:

  • treatment with appropriate medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • changing not only your diet, but also your lifestyle in general.

Treatment of primary dyskinesia will require consultation with a psychotherapist, since very often it occurs against a background of constant stress and nervous tension. Psychological factor successfully eliminated by prescribing tranquilizers (Elenium), neuroleptics (Sonapax), antidepressants (fluoxetine), as well as psychotherapy sessions. The use of such drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor and is not advisable for a long time.

As a rule, treatment of intestinal dyskinesia is limited to a proper diet. But sometimes dietary changes no longer help, and therefore they resort to drug treatment, which is determined by the type of intestinal dysfunction.

Therapy for hypermotor intestinal dyskinesia includes:

  • to reduce pain - antispasmodic drugs (no-spa, papaverine, metacin);
  • antiemetics – cerucal, metoclopramide;
  • medications for topical use, such as oil microenemas (based on sea buckthorn and sunflower oil) and antispasmodic suppositories (buscopan, belladonna extract).

Despite the fact that constipation is a common accompaniment of dyskinesia, laxatives are contraindicated for hypermotor dyskinesia.

In case of hypomotor disorders, antispasmodics should not be used, since they promote even greater relaxation of the intestines, causing constipation and obstruction.

Drug therapy for such intestinal disorders includes:

  • drugs that stimulate motility - peristil, trimedate, domperidone, motilium, motilak;
  • antiemetics – metamol, ceruglan;
  • choleretic (ursosan) and enzyme (mezim, pancreatin);
  • anticholinesterase (ganatone, prozerin, peristil).

If drug therapy hypomotor dyskinesia does not produce results, then it is supplemented with laxative drugs. As such it is better to use herbal preparations: bisacodyl, senadexin, buckthorn bark, and also containing sodium picosulfate (guttalax). They should be taken no more than twice a week.

Diet for motor impairment

Diet is the basis for a speedy recovery. It should contain all the vitamins, minerals, essential microelements and nutrients. However, it is necessary to include foods that stimulate intestinal motility in the daily diet, as well as exclude those that contribute to gas formation.

Compliance with the Basic Principles rational nutrition will help you get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. All dishes should be either steamed or well boiled. It is advisable not to chop the products, that is, cook them whole, but cut and chop them when serving.

To improve motor function, the menu should contain fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables that do not linger in the intestinal lumen and do not contribute to fermentation. These can be plums, white cabbage, apples.
Different types of bowel dysfunction require adherence a certain regime nutrition.
Hypomotor dyskinesia “requires” that the daily menu consist of foods rich in fiber, such as avocado, broccoli, beets, zucchini, Bell pepper, carrot. However, you will have to exclude those vegetables and herbs that contain a large number of essential oils (onion, celery, parsley, dill, garlic, radish).

You should include black bread and cereals cooked exclusively in water, and low-fat soups in your diet. The presence of lean meats and fish, eggs, but not more than two per day is also permissible. In addition, every day you need to drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, there are dried fruits, apples and bananas. Due to the content of organic acids, these products stimulate intestinal motor function. Fermented milk products containing live bifidobacteria are very beneficial.

To make bowel movements regular, you should eat cold food. Also in this case will help wheat bran. They need to be eaten in pure form for 6 weeks. The bran is poured with boiling water and left for 15-20 minutes. This can be either a separate dish, for example, a full hearty breakfast, or it can be an addition to any other (you can add it to soup or mix it with buckwheat and cook porridge).

Hypermotor dyskinesia “requires” a slightly different approach to nutrition. Such patients need to regularly consume vegetable oils, they will have to exclude white bread, baked goods, starch-containing foods, fatty fish and meat, spicy, smoked, fried foods, strong coffee and tea. It is advisable to consume foods that contribute to increased gas formation as little as possible.

A slag-free diet based on a large consumption of vegetable oils has also proven itself to be excellent. Foods containing fiber should be excluded, as they increase intestinal contractility and can cause abdominal pain.

As soon as intestinal motility begins to improve, you can gradually introduce vegetables, first well-cooked and then raw.

Preventive measures

First of all, people predisposed to developing intestinal dyskinesia should strengthen nervous system. To do this, you can undergo a course of treatment, if necessary, taking sedatives and tonics.

To strengthen the immune system and “fighting spirit”, it is recommended to exercise regularly and carefully monitor your diet. It is also very important to promptly treat any gastrointestinal disorders, seeking the help of specialists, rather than self-medicating.

Contents of the article:

Duodenal dyskinesia is a dysfunction of this body, namely the contractile and evacuation function of the intestine, which is why the patient’s food is retained at 12- duodenum or it is digested too quickly. Most often, this disease makes itself felt if the patient already had problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of the disease

In humans, the motor function of the duodenum is impaired. All this cannot but affect the digestion of food. Why are such deviations observed?

Doctors are confident that evacuation disorders occur because the motor function of the patient’s intestines changes and there are disturbances in its regulation. All this happens reflexively, due to the fact that a person has certain diseases.


Symptoms of dyskinesia can be different; they can also appear during remission, but most often at this time they subside or are mild. During the period of exacerbation they make themselves felt following symptoms:

  • the person is in constant pain;
  • the patient is worried about heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting may occur, sometimes there is bile in it;
  • the stomach swells, the stool becomes unstable;
  • sometimes patients refuse to eat due to poor appetite and begin to lose weight;
  • often patients complain of weakness, fatigue, and are irritable;
  • Symptoms of the underlying disease may make themselves felt, against the background of which the patient developed dyskinesia.


The most studied type of duodenal dyskinesia is duodenostasis. This is an increase in the length of time processed food stays inside the intestines. Most often, this disease occurs in young people, aged 20 to 40 years, in women.

Duodenostasis in a patient mainly appears against the background of other gastrointestinal diseases. It is difficult to diagnose, so patients are often diagnosed with correct diagnosis. Patients who may develop duodenostasis need to be examined more carefully.


There are two types of symptoms of this disease. Let's take a closer look at each group.

Dyspeptic symptoms:

  • stomach pain, paroxysmal pain, occurs some time after eating;
  • the patient is bothered by nausea, it often exhausts the patient, he develops an aversion to food;
  • the patient vomits, it happens about an hour after eating, with an admixture of bile, in the initial stages of the disease after vomiting, the stomach does not hurt so much, relief comes, but later the state of health does not improve even after vomiting;
  • the patient often burps or has belching;
  • The patient’s stomach often growls and swells;
  • I'm worried about increased flatulence.

Intoxication of the body occurs due to the fact that the contents of the patient’s duodenum stagnate, fermentation of the food bolus begins, toxic substances enter the bloodstream. Symptoms of intoxication are as follows:

  • the patient quickly gets tired and complains of apathy;
  • sometimes he becomes irritable;
  • a person loses his appetite, which is why he quickly loses weight.

Long-term and severe intoxication is very dangerous, as the kidneys or heart can be damaged, and it can even end in death. Therefore, it is so important to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment.

Diagnosis of duodenostasis

The appearance of one or another sign of a disease is a reason to consult a doctor, in this case, a gastroenterologist. It can be very difficult for a doctor to make a diagnosis, since the same symptoms of the disease appear in many gastrointestinal pathologies. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the duodenum, that is, seek help from an endoscopist. There are some signs that indicate duodenostasis, so a preliminary diagnosis can be made using esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Patients may also be prescribed a barium passage x-ray, which will show that antiperistalsis is quite pronounced, and the movement of food masses through the intestines can be difficult. If the contrast moves through the duodenum long enough, remaining there for more than 40 seconds, then the patient may be diagnosed with duodenostasis.

What other studies may be prescribed:

  1. Relaxation duodenography.
  2. Antroduodenal manometry. Needed to examine the peristalsis of the patient’s upper gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Duodenal intubation, which examines the contents of the duodenum. It will help determine whether there is congestion in the patient’s intestines, the degree of this congestion, and will also tell whether intoxication syndrome is developing.
  4. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. It is necessary to understand the causes of duodenostasis, since sometimes it develops due to mechanical reasons, that is, tumors, adhesions, and so on.

How to treat duodenostasis

If the doctor finds significant duodenostasis, he may insist on hospitalization of the patient. He will be admitted to the gastroenterology department. First, the patient is carefully examined, then conservative treatment is prescribed.

Even if such treatment is ineffective and surgical intervention is necessary, it is necessary. Conservative treatment helps improve the condition of the intestines and also relieve symptoms of intoxication, so the patient can more easily endure surgery.

What kind of conservative treatment is this? It consists of several parts:

  1. Diet. The patient often eats small portions; dishes are selected for him that contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins, but little fiber.
  2. Physiotherapy. It alleviates the patient's condition and normalizes intestinal function. But physical exercise should be moderate.
  3. Intestinal lavage. A probe is inserted into the duodenum, through which mineral water (300-350 ml) is poured. Sometimes a double-lumen probe is used, when fluid is introduced from one channel and removed from the other. Thanks to this procedure, fermentation products are removed from the patient’s body, and intoxication can be prevented.

If conservative treatment does not help, the patient is prescribed surgery. The doctor can perform a variety of operations, but most often it is a duodenectomy. But surgery is a last resort, used when other treatment is ineffective. And it doesn't guarantee full recovery, since in a third of cases the patient does not fully recover after it.

Diagnosis of duodenal dyskinesia

We talked about the diagnosis of duodenostasis. But dyskinesia is more broad concept: food is not always retained in the duodenum; sometimes, on the contrary, it moves too quickly. How to determine that a patient has dyskinesia? First, the doctor will examine the patient. Pain may appear on palpation. Then he will send the patient to x-ray examination. This is the easiest way to diagnose the disease.

What procedures should the patient undergo:

  1. Relaxation duodenography. Air and barium sulfate solution are introduced into the patient's colon through a catheter. This examination helps to find out whether there are abnormal abnormalities and their degree.
  2. Balloonless research with a radiotelemetry capsule. It helps to determine what pressure is in the organ, and also to evaluate the activity of the intestinal wall, to see how quickly the contents move through it.
  3. Balloon kymography study. Rarely used. Using it you can find out the number of compressions of the duodenum. This method is often combined with intraduodenal pH-graphy.
  4. Electromyographic study using intraduodenal electrodes.


If a patient has dyskinesia, then he will have to reconsider his menu, he must follow a diet, eat right. The patient should eat small meals, at least 4-6 times a day. Select foods that are easily digestible but contain many vitamins. It is advisable to reduce the amount of fiber consumed.

The patient may also be prescribed physical therapy. The attending physician may also prescribe special massage and physical therapy. When the patient's condition improves, he can be sent for sanatorium treatment.

Taking medications is also important. The doctor himself selects medications, which may include antispasmodics, sedatives and other drugs. Washing the colon with mineral water also helps to cope with the disease. 350 ml of water is gradually poured into the intestines. If treatment does not help, the doctor may insist on surgery.


To prevent dyskinesia, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, you will have to give up bad habits, individually selected physical activity is also useful. The mental state of a person is also very important; it is better to avoid stress.

If the patient has other gastrointestinal diseases, they must be treated so that dyskinesia does not develop against their background. Nutrition must also be correct, balanced, the body must receive everything essential minerals and vitamins.

Duodenal dyskinesia is dangerous disease which must be treated. So, if you start duodenostasis, constant intoxication of the body occurs, which can even lead to death. But if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable.

Often a person is lost in the unknown: what happened to his intestines? An insidious disease encircles the entire abdomen. The patient is perplexed about what is bothering him, why constant constipation suddenly gave way to frequent diarrhea, and unbearable pain They sometimes bother you for hours... Intestinal dyskinesia is a common disease among both adults and children. How to recognize the disease, relieve pain and normalize intestinal functionality?

Dyskinesia or spastic colitis is a common ailment, especially among the female population. The disease manifests itself as a whole complex of digestive disorders, small and large intestines. Irritable bowel syndrome is another name for dyskinesia. Against the background of pain, the functionality of the colon mucosa is disrupted. Let's look at the types of spastic colitis, the main symptoms, the causes of the disease and valid methods therapy.

Symptoms of intestinal dyskinesia in adults

The symptoms of colon dyskinesia vary significantly among patients, so it is often difficult for a doctor to diagnose the disease. Characteristic symptoms of spastic colitis:

  • Pain syndrome in the abdominal area - main feature illness. Often the patient is not able to explain where it hurts, since the pain is localized widely.
  • Varied nature of pain. This is a boring or aching, dull or paroxysmal, cutting pain that lasts from several minutes to several hours.
  • Another sign of the disease is that the pain stops at night, but returns again when the person wakes up.
  • Feeling of pain in the intestines after meals, against the background of psycho-emotional disorders.
  • Spastic colitis is manifested by frequent bowel movements in the form of diarrhea.
  • Frequent constipation, alternating loose stools with or without mucus. Many people note relief after bowel movements and the release of gases that swell the stomach and cause bloating.
  • Constant rumbling in the abdomen also makes it difficult to feel comfortable. There are cases that rumbling in the stomach is the only symptom that manifests itself with dyskinesia, making it difficult to make a diagnosis of an insidious, hidden disease.
  • Patient complaints about dull pain in the heart or back area, sleep disturbance, nervousness, depression.

Types of disease

Colon dyskinesia is of two types:

  • as an independent disease with impaired intestinal motility, called “primary spastic colitis”,
  • a disease that occurs as a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of other organs digestive tract(liver diseases and poor flow of bile, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis) and hormonal changes endocrine system(so-called “secondary colitis”).

Judging by the clinical picture of the course of the disease, dyskinesia is distinguished with painful diarrhea, constipation and mucous colic (hypermotor colitis).

Spastic (hypermotor) dyskinesia

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Hypermotor or spastic dyskinesia of the intestine is manifested by an increase in its tone and the presence of spastic contractions. The patient is exhausted by constant loose stools, which is accompanied by pain and colic. Abdominal pain is paroxysmal. There is bloating in the abdomen due to the accumulation of gases (flatulence). Often the patient notices belching, feels heaviness, fullness of the intestines and abdomen.

Atonic (hypomotor) dyskinesia

Atonic or hypomotor dyskinesia is characterized by a sharp weakening of peristalsis and tone of the colon and, as a result, intestinal constipation occurs. This problem is often aggravated by bursting pain in the lower abdomen from the accumulation of dense fecal masses. Against the background of constant constipation, the general condition of the body worsens, the patient suffers from nausea, belching, weakness, and constant mood swings. Chronic intestinal constipation leads to the formation of hemorrhoids, fissures, and rectal polyps.

Causes of intestinal dyskinesia

There is an opinion that primary spastic colitis occurs against the background of factors of a psychogenic nature: stress, tension, prolonged depressive states, negative emotions. The nature of the food consumed in the diet also makes its mark on the condition of the colon: a limited amount of fiber provokes the development of the disease. Primary dyskinesia is also caused by the penetration of intestinal pathogens.

Secondary colitis manifests itself as a result of previous and chronic ailments of the abdominal organs (liver, pancreas, spleen, as well as the formation of ulcers in the stomach). Hormonal disorders (pituitary gland), diabetes are also considered harbingers of the disease in question - colon dyskinesia. Excessive use of antibiotics, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, psychotropic drugs – Right way to the occurrence of secondary spasmodic intestinal colitis.


Diagnosis of dyskinesia is based on the use of an exclusive exclusion method. A phased examination includes:

  • exception dangerous pathologies large intestine (tumors, polyps, diverticulum),
  • scatological research,
  • stool analysis for the presence of bloody discharge,
  • irrigoscopy,
  • endoscopy,
  • intestinal biopsy if necessary.

Find out more: intestinal diverticulosis - what it is, how to treat the disease.

Methods for treating intestinal dyskinesia

Treatment of colitis is carried out both with medication and with the help of folk remedies. Doctors often recommend approaching the problem of dyskinesia in a comprehensive manner, combining medications, herbal medicine, and psychotherapy methods. It is important to always monitor your diet - nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins and fiber. A sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, and juices reduces the risk of relapse of spastic colitis. To avoid the development of the disease, prolonged constipation should not be allowed, that is, monitor bowel movements and avoid stress.

Drug treatment

The method of treating intestinal colitis depends on the type of dyskinesia:

  • In case of hypermotor intestinal colitis, the use of laxatives is excluded, and antispasmodic tablets (no-spa, papaverine) are prescribed.
  • For the second type of colon disease, enzyme preparations are used, choleretic agents, a combination of vitamin B1 and potassium chloride, metoclopramide.
  • To avoid constipation, patients are advised to take laxative plant extracts: buckthorn bark, senna, rhubarb, alternating them and consuming them orally no more than twice a week.

To relax the nervous system, antidepressants and antipsychotics are prescribed. Abuse of these drugs is unacceptable. Additional methods of treating dyskinesia (spastic intestinal colitis) include psychotherapeutic methods: autogenic training, meditation, hypnosis, yoga and physical therapy complex special exercises(physical therapy). According to experts, the best therapeutic effect comes from the combined effects of existing methods for treating dyskinesia.

Special diet

  1. Products must be of high quality, without preservatives, dyes and various flavoring additives.
  2. Porridges are healthy (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, wheat), but the consumption of rice should be limited.
  3. The daily diet needs to be varied sufficient quantity fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber to restore intestinal functionality.
  4. It is good for chronic intestinal constipation to drink juices (apple, carrot, beetroot, cabbage) on an empty stomach.
  5. Drink plenty of liquid per day (from 1.5 l).
  6. Steam or boil food. Eliminate fried, fatty, spicy foods from your diet.
  7. Do not consume fatty sour cream, fatty fish and meat.
  8. Fermented milk products should be on the menu every day.
  9. Eliminate from diet flour products, sweets, white bread, white cabbage, garlic, radishes, turnips, mushrooms.
  10. Don't add enough salt to your food.
  11. It is useful to drink rosehip decoction, but without sugar.
  12. Doctors, as a rule, recommend eating small meals, at least 5-6 times a day. Don't overeat.

By following these simple recommendations, you will be able to achieve significant success: intestinal motility will improve, preventing the occurrence of constipation. As a result, spastic colitis does not progress, but rather the opposite: intestinal dyskinesia recedes.

Folk remedies

Considering effective methods alternative treatment, we can highlight acupuncture and herbal medicine. Traditional medicines are used long time to achieve the desired effect and complete cure neluga. Traditional recipes will help women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Infusion for the treatment of colon dyskinesia

Ingredients: a mixture of oak bark, sage herb, motherwort, St. John's wort flowers, yarrow - 2 tbsp. l.

Indications: intestinal diseases, in particular spastic colitis or dyskinesia.

Application: prepare a medicinal infusion by pouring the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Strain and take 100 ml before meals four times a day.

  • Healing collection for restoring normal peristalsis of the rectum

Ingredients: valerian root (1 tsp), mint leaves, chamomile flowers.

Indications: an infusion of the above ingredients is used for stool disorders and for the treatment of spastic (atonic) colitis.

Application: Take 1 tsp. each plant, pour a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for at least 20 minutes. Strain and drink half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Mineral waters will also help:

  1. Regular consumption of low-mineralized water will help with intestinal diarrhea (Essentuki 14, Jermuk). Drink warm before meals, a glass of liquid. The permissible daily intake is twice a day: morning and evening.
  2. For constipation, take highly mineralized mineral water (Batalinskaya or Essentuki No. 17). Nutritionists recommend taking 200 g three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Including fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, and bran bread and cereals in your daily diet will help prevent constipation from recurring. At the moment when abdominal pain worsens, they switch to a “gentle” diet. Its duration is 3-5 days. These days it is recommended to use boiled egg, lean chicken broth, rosehip infusion, jelly. A compress on the abdominal area has excellent effectiveness:

  • Ingredients: vinegar – 1/2 cup, water – 3 liters.
  • Indications: the compress is used to relieve spastic colic and pain due to dyskinesia.
  • Application: moisten gauze in a vinegar compress and apply it to the stomach. Leave for an hour.

Also, for spastic colitis, pine baths and paraffin applications are effective. Using many of the above recipes in combination will allow you to enjoy life, and not experience constant inconvenience and painful sensations associated with the disease. The person will perk up, and the illness will recede.

Features of the disease in children

Atonic or spastic colitis often occurs in early childhood. As in adults, the disease progresses in almost the same way in children: constipation is replaced by diarrhea. With the spastic type of dyskinesia, the child suffers from abdominal pain that does not go away even with a large dose of antispasmodic drugs. It is easy to diagnose intestinal problems in a baby if the stomach is swollen and your touch causes the baby to cry. In addition, in the presence of the following symptoms, the development of intestinal colitis is confirmed:

  • the child refuses to eat (lack of appetite),
  • pale skin,
  • physical activity is reduced.

Secondary manifestations of the inflammatory process in the large and small intestines in children:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight,
  • muscle dystrophy,
  • intestinal dysbiosis,
  • anemia.

During the treatment of dyskinesia, it is important to regulate the child’s physical activity, nutrition and rest regime.

Often, dysfunction of the intestinal digestion begins due to a decrease in the amount of enzymes produced. Secondary spastic colitis develops as a complication of pancreatitis in chronic form. The same condition of the patient is observed with improper functioning of the bile ducts of the liver. As a result of untimely supply of bile by the gallbladder, fermentation occurs in the intestines and an insidious, debilitating disease develops. A characteristic symptom in this case will be fatty feces with a small admixture of mucus.

How can I help my child with a digestive disorder called colon dyskinesia?

  • To relieve pain, apply a warm heating pad to your tummy, the effect will be in just a few minutes.
  • If a child constantly suffers from intestinal constipation, give him a laxative in the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • In case of frequent urge to defecate, a decoction of chamomile and calendula, a hard-boiled egg or thick jelly will help. Take these measures before the pediatrician arrives.

Find out in more detail what intestinal colitis is - symptoms and treatment in adults.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky about intestinal dyskinesia in a child

Diseases of the duodenum occupy one of the leading places among all diseases gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, if previously they appeared in people over 30 or 40 years old, now the diseases have become significantly “younger”. And therefore, in order to prevent their further development in time, it is necessary to know the symptoms of manifestation in order to promptly contact a specialist.


The process of intestinal digestion begins in the duodenum.

Before moving on to what diseases a person may develop and what symptoms they will manifest, it is necessary to pay attention to the organ itself, learn about its functions and purpose.

It must be said right away that the name duodenum was given for a reason. Its length is 25-30 centimeters, or as they also consider 12 sizes of a human finger (transverse). The intestine is divided into four sections:

  • Upper. This part of the intestine is directed obliquely, and then forms a slight bend and passes into next part. Its length is approximately 5 or 6 centimeters
  • Descending. This section is located immediately after the upper one. And if we talk roughly about its location (to make it more clear), then it is approximately at the level of the lumbar region to the right of the spine. In this part of the intestine there is a very important fold with a papilla from which ducts extend. The length of this part of the intestine is approximately 7 to 12 centimeters
  • Lower. This area is located transverse to the spine. Its length is approximately 6-8 centimeters
  • Rising. This is the shortest part of the intestine, the length of which ranges from 4 to 5 centimeters (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism). This part is located directly at the level of the lumbar region. But in some people it is not clearly expressed

In addition, the duodenum has one anatomical feature, depending on age and obesity. So, in people who are fuller and younger, it is located much higher than in thin or elderly people. If we talk about the functions of the organ, they are as follows:

  1. It begins the process of intestinal digestion, that is, food bolus processed with acid and alkali to such a state that further passage is possible
  2. Regulates the release of pancreatic enzymes depending on what food is ingested and how much effort is required to digest it
  3. Supports feedback between the stomach, that is, it has the most direct effect on normal functioning all digestive processes

And therefore, if some pathological changes occur in the duodenum and it stops working as the body requires, this will negatively affect all organs of the digestive system, and then the entire human body in general.


Duodenitis is inflammation of the duodenum.

One of the most common diseases of this organ is duodenitis, or otherwise inflammation of the duodenum. There are many reasons for the development of the disease, however, doctors note that how independent disease it is quite rare. It mainly develops due to the influence of the following negative factors:

  1. Food poisoning. At least once in his life a person ate foods that caused him food poisoning. For some it could occur in a weaker form, but for some it had to be caused ambulance. And it is precisely this kind of poisoning that can provoke the development of duodenitis
  2. Poor nutrition, namely abuse of spicy foods. Since the mucous membrane becomes inflamed only because it is damaged in some areas, something must be damaging it. And it’s precisely spicy food that negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane, contributing to its destruction.
  3. Abuse alcoholic drinks, which negatively affect not only the duodenum, destroying it, but also the entire body as a whole
  4. Damage to the mucous membrane by a foreign object. Such damage can occur if the remains of shellfish, bones, etc. enter the body.
  5. The presence of foci of infections in the body
  6. The presence in the body of such a harmful bacterium as Helicobacter, which has a destructive effect on the stomach and duodenum, respectively
  7. Stress, during which the body’s main forces are aimed at maintaining the emotional state, and this is done at the expense of the well-being of other organs
  8. Taking certain medications that negatively affect the mucous membrane, destroying it

Depending on what caused the development of the disease, the chosen treatment tactics will depend, because initially doctors fight not only the symptoms, but also the irritants (provocateurs). If we talk about the symptoms of duodenitis, there are a lot of them:

  • Digestive problems, which can manifest as heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of overeating, even if not much food was eaten
  • Poor appetite due to digestive problems
  • Attacks of nausea and sometimes vomiting that occur during an exacerbation
  • Painful sensations in the abdominal area, and the pain does not have a specific character of manifestation
  • Night hunger pains, which cause a person to get up at night and either eat or take a pill
  • Impurities of blood in the stool or vomit, which appear there due to damage to the mucous membrane. And this means that the damage is much more serious than the person himself assumes
  • Anemia, which indicates that there is a bleeding site in the body
  • Constant weakness due to anemia, poor appetite

Depending on which part of the duodenum the lining of the duodenum is damaged and inflamed, symptoms may vary slightly, especially when it comes to pain after eating. If the upper section is damaged, it will appear much earlier than if the lower section is damaged.

Peptic ulcer

Peptic ulcers can be caused by Helicobacter bacteria.

Almost every person knows that there is such an unpleasant and dangerous bacterium as Helicobacter, which provokes the appearance of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, and the duodenum is no exception. Of course, this is not the only reason.

This also includes increased acidity gastric juice that enters the upper intestine, weak immunity, genetic predisposition, stress, poor diet, etc. But the cause does not play a special role in the manifestation of symptoms. They will be the same in any case. The main symptoms of duodenal ulcer include:

  1. Painful sensations, which are one of the most basic symptoms that a person has developed an ulcer. Moreover, duodenal ulcers are characterized by special manifestations of pain. So, it appears mainly on an empty stomach, or after about 2 hours have passed after eating. But that's not all. Patients note that most often they are tormented by pain at night, which occurs due to a strong accumulation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach at night. Sometimes pain occurs in case of poor nutrition, namely the consumption of spicy, fatty, salty, alcohol, etc.
  2. Heartburn, and some patients note that it begins abruptly and does not go away on its own. I have to drink special drugs because at some moments the heartburn becomes unbearable
    Belching. This is one of those symptoms that causes a person more discomfort, as it appears very suddenly and at inopportune moments.
  3. Bloating
  4. Nausea, which can occur at any time of the day or night
  5. Vomiting, and it brings relief to the patient. And often, in order to somehow improve their well-being, a person specifically calls it
  6. Constipation. For people with duodenal ulcers, stool retention lasts for several days, and in the most severe cases, for several weeks.
  7. An admixture of blood in the stool, which appears due to damage to the mucous membrane. But to a greater extent, blood is present in the stool after long-term constipation, when the stool itself can damage the intestinal walls
  8. Losing weight while the person continues to eat normally and consumes the same amount of calories as always

Doctors note that symptoms may appear once a year, or several times. Yes, and a certain seasonality stands out. Thus, most patients with duodenal ulcers note that there are much more attacks in spring and autumn than in summer and winter.

The following video will tell you in detail about peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum:

Duodenal dyskinesia

Another serious disease, the symptoms of which are similar to those listed above, is duodenal dyskinesia. Dyskinesia is a disorder motor function, due to which chyme is retained in the intestine. Symptoms of the disease will be as follows:

  • Pain after eating, which will intensify immediately after eating, and subside a little after a while
  • Constipation, which causes many other discomforts. Moreover, the most dangerous thing that can happen as a result of prolonged constipation is intoxication of the body, during which a person’s well-being will sharply deteriorate. And if treated incorrectly, it can be fatal.
  • Poor appetite, and after this the patient’s weight will decrease
  • Heaviness after eating, which is difficult to relieve with medications
  • Nausea and sometimes even vomiting

The symptoms are quite common, and therefore only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, who, based on the research carried out, can prescribe the correct treatment.

Duodenal cancer

Duodenal cancer develops quickly and is therefore difficult to detect at an early stage.

Every year the number of cancer patients increases, and if previously tumors mainly appeared in the mammary glands, stomach, and lungs, now the disease is gradually moving to other places.

And those forms that were common before have now faded into the background. Duodenal cancer is no exception. This diagnosis is often made today. Symptoms of a tumor (malignant) include:

  1. Pain that occurs due to tumor enlargement. At the moment when the tumor begins to grow, it puts pressure on the nerve endings, which transmit such impulses to the brain. The larger the tumor, the more it puts pressure on the endings, the stronger the pain
  2. The appearance of biliary hypertension, which is manifested by stool discoloration, jaundice (both weak and strong), dark urine. Moreover, hypertension can also cause neurological disorders, including unreasonable irritability
  3. Constant fatigue. Sometimes a person can walk long distances and not feel tired, and sometimes in the morning it is even difficult for him to get out of bed, his body is so exhausted
  4. Dramatic weight loss, with some patients noting that their diet has not changed much
  5. Skin itching. Moreover, the use of creams and antihistamines and hormonal drugs Does not help
  6. Fever, when a person gets hot and cold. And this condition is very difficult to control

Duodenal cancer develops quickly, so doctors are not always able to detect it at an early stage.

The symptoms of duodenal disease are almost the same, which is why, in some cases, making an accurate diagnosis can take much longer than initially expected. But the most important thing is to pay attention to the ailment in general, so that there is a chance to recover and return to a normal and fulfilling life.

Intestinal dyskinesia is a pathology caused by a decrease in intestinal tone and motor function. The main category of patients is women and children; intestinal dyskinesia is much less common in men. In women, gynecological diseases are added to the provoking factors common to all.

Problems of the pelvic organs cause disturbances in the motility of the digestive organs. Children suffer from this disease due to their excitability or hypovitaminosis, which has a detrimental effect on the growing body.

Diet is an important part of treatment

If you have dyskinesia, you should not eat fatty foods.

Most often, this disease is provoked by dietary disorders and bad eating habits.

In children, such habits are formed by parents, so most of the responsibility for the appearance of dyskinesia in a child falls on them.

Excess weight is another cause of intestinal pathology. Following a diet will help restore the optimal weight of a sick person.

In addition to overeating, dyskinesia is caused by dietary disorders - an excess of refined foods and animal fats. To achieve sustainable remission, you will have to stick to the diet for a long time. Basic Rules:

  • Do not eat fatty foods;
  • Adhere to gentle methods of food processing - stewing, steaming;
  • Keep your food intake even - at least 5-6 times a day.
  • Avoid overeating, eat small portions.

In case of exacerbation of dyskinesia, adhere to the following nutritional principles for 2 weeks:

  1. You need to eat pureed food, or twisted through a meat grinder, evenly chopped.
  2. Fruits are baked in the oven or rubbed through a sieve;
  3. Fresh fruits should not be consumed during an exacerbation; even bananas are steamed and wiped afterwards;
  4. Fruit and berry juices are diluted by half or a third with water; vegetable juices are not consumed at all.

Principles of diet for intestinal motility disorders

Fruits and vegetables must be sterile.

There are 2 types of intestinal dyskinesia. Treatment of each of them, as well as the diet used, requires taking into account the symptoms of the disease.

Hypomotor dyskinesia is a decrease in peristalsis and general intestinal motility. Symptoms of hypomotor dyskinesia: rare stools, constipation, flatulence, pain and heaviness in the abdomen.

The main factor of dyskinesia is excessive sterility of products, especially fruits and vegetables, minimal amounts in the diet fermented milk products, porridge, wholemeal bread.

Hypermotor dyskinesia is excessive intestinal motility. The bolus of food passes through the intestines too quickly, the main substances are not absorbed through its walls, rushing to the exit. The main symptoms of hypermotor dyskinesia are attacks of spasmodic pain, frequent cases bowel movements, diarrhea.

The main reason for this pathology is incompatibility of products, poisoning by microorganism toxins. Each diet has its own patterns aimed at improving the patient’s condition, however, there are general principles for the formation of a diet and new eating habits. Basic principles of the diet:

  • Meals should only be fractional, general diet should be divided into 5-6 servings, replacing the usual 3-4 meals.
  • To prevent overeating, portions should be made small, the average volume of each is 200-250 ml.
  • Plant fiber is very important for optimal bowel function. To obtain it, they eat vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs. These products should be present in every meal; chopped herbs are sprinkled on every dish.
  • Refractory animal fats are not included in the diet of a person with dyskinesia. Its menu can include unrefined sunflower oil(up to 10 ml/day).
  • Salted, pickled, smoked, spicy foods and the dishes are not included in the diet of a patient suffering from this pathology. The preferred processing method is boiling in water or steaming, baking in the oven.
  • Complex carbohydrates and refined foods are excluded from the menu for dyskinesia, and the proportion of simple carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum. These are confectionery products such as cookies, as well as tea and other dishes with added sugar (no more than 30 g in total).

The video will introduce you to the features of the diet for intestinal dyskinesia:

Features of nutrition for hypomotor dyskinesia

Dried fruits stimulate intestinal function.

Since the main goal of this type of diet is to stimulate motility and speed up bowel movements, it is important to include certain dishes in the menu.

Despite the restrictions, such a diet must take into account all the needs of the body. Foods and dishes that stimulate bowel function:

  1. fresh, baked, stewed, steamed
  2. vegetables, greens;
  3. fresh fruits, berries, apples are especially useful;
  4. dried fruits;
  5. hard-boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day);
  6. wholemeal bread;
  7. dairy products;
  8. first courses, mainly cooked in vegetable broth (borscht, pickles, cereal-based soups);
  9. well-boiled porridge cooked in water;
  10. low-fat varieties veal, beef, rabbit, chicken,
  11. turkey, offal, sea and river fish;
  12. natural butter, vegetable oils;
  13. sweets in minimum quantities(honey, jelly, jam, ice cream);

It is very useful to add bran of various types to first and second courses. cereal crops(wheat, buckwheat, rye) courses for 6 weeks. They are poured with boiling water in advance or mixed with soups and side dishes. Bran helps to establish regular bowel movements. For the same purposes, it is recommended to eat cold food.

Spices are added to dishes in moderation. Recommended drinks are kvass, weak black and green tea. It is undesirable to consume foods that stimulate fermentation and rotting of food, or foods that remain in the digestive tract for a long time.
Prohibited products:

  • fatty varieties of meat and fish products, canned food from them;
  • rice products, semolina, rolled oatmeal, pasta;
  • pastries, white bread, cookies;
  • confectionery with chocolate, coffee, cocoa;
  • astringent fruits (blueberries, quince);
  • cabbage and legumes;
  • juices from apples and grapes;
  • alcohol of any strength.

Features of nutrition for hypermotor dyskinesia

Kissel slows down the progress of the food bolus.

With increased intestinal motility, the main goal of the diet is to provide the body with mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are missing due to too rapid bowel movements and frequent diarrhea.

They begin to be introduced into the diet after a persistent improvement in health, preferably in boiled form, as well as in the form of juices (from a quarter to half a glass 2-3 times a day). Foods and dishes to slow down intestinal motility:

  1. Slimy soups, pureed porridges, jelly - the best astringents to slow down the movement of the food bolus without irritating the intestinal mucosa.
  2. Compotes and baked desserts from pears, bird cherry, quince, blueberry, dogwood. The tannins contained in these berries and fruits bind and firm the stool. In their raw form, these products have the opposite effect, stimulating peristalsis.
  3. Strong green tea.
  4. Side dishes and dishes made from rice and semolina.

To slow down peristalsis, it is advisable to eat food warm. A slag-free diet with minimal fiber content and a high concentration of vegetable fats will help treat hypermotor dyskinesia. Prohibited foods for increased peristalsis:

  • Fatty meats (pork, lamb, beef, goose, duck);
  • Fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, sturgeon);
  • Baking, white bread;
  • Foods high in starch;
  • Products that cause gas formation and irritate the mucous membrane (white cabbage, radish, peas, radishes, onions, garlic);
  • Carbonated drinks, alcohol in any form;
  • Fried, smoked, canned, pickled foods.
  • Hot seasonings, spices (mustard, horseradish, pepper, adjika).

Sample menu

The morning should start with cottage cheese.

  1. Morning - porridge with water, salad of boiled vegetables or cottage cheese with sour cream, or buckwheat with dried fruits. Drinks – tea with dried bread, fermented baked milk.
  2. Second breakfast - fresh fruit or compote, jelly.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup with cereals or vegetarian noodle soup, for the second - vinaigrette with vegetable oil or stewed fish with vegetables, for the third - dried fruit compote, jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack – fresh fruit, compote with dry cookies, biscuits, crackers.
  5. Dinner – buckwheat or millet porridge, steamed omelette, tea with bread.
  6. Snack before bed - kefir with soaked dried apricots or prunes.

Correct selection of dishes, careful selection of products corresponding to the type of dyskinesia will significantly improve the patient’s well-being, eliminate negative symptoms diseases, normalize weight, improve metabolism.

Intestinal dyskinesia is a pathology characterized by impaired intestinal tone and motility. When diagnosed, the patient does not have any organic damage, but the functional activity of the colon is significantly reduced. The disease has a negative impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and provokes indigestion. It is impossible to cure intestinal dyskinesia on your own; if the first symptoms of pathology occur, you should contact a gastroenterologist for a full examination and drug therapy.

Intestinal dyskinesia is accompanied by inflammation and pain


The causes of intestinal dyskinesia are not fully understood, but most often diarrhea or chronic constipation occurs as a result of neurological disorders. It is not surprising that the disease is diagnosed mainly in the fair sex, who are less resistant to stress compared to men. Dyskinesia of neurogenic origin is a difficult to diagnose pathology and requires a special approach to treatment.

Factors that provoke a decrease in motor skills also include:

  • lack of foods high in fiber in the diet;
  • abuse of fatty, fried, high-calorie foods;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • predisposition to the development of allergic reactions;
  • bacterial and viral intestinal infections;
  • diseases of the endocrine system - hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency;
  • genetic predisposition to colon dyskinesia;
  • course treatment with pharmacological antibacterial drugs, anticholinergics, anesthetics;
  • emotional instability.

Intestinal dyskinesia in children develops as a result of a deficiency of vitamins in the body, increased nervous excitability and impaired production of hormones by the glands. internal secretion. It is extremely rare that the cause of intestinal dyskinesia is the penetration of helminths into it.


Treatment of intestinal dyskinesia is based both on reducing the severity of symptoms and on eliminating the main cause of the decrease in the functional activity of the colon. Therefore, when diagnosing, it is important to determine the type of pathology. Gastroenterologists classify the disease as follows:

  • primary - occurs as an independent pathology;
  • secondary - develops against the background of already existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system.

Intestinal dyskinesia is divided according to the predominance of certain signs in the clinical picture:

Gastroenterologists also use the classification of the disease based on its occurrence:

  • neurogenic. The cause of the pathology is organic lesions central or peripheral nervous system;
  • psychogenic. The disease develops against the background of depression and various neuroses;
  • endocrine. A factor provoking intestinal dyskinesia is a disruption of the functioning of one of the endocrine glands;
  • toxic. Pathology occurs after the penetration of spoiled food products, poisons of plant and animal origin, heavy metals, caustic alkalis and acids into the human gastrointestinal tract;
  • medicinal. The disease appears in people who take laxatives or restorative medications for a long time and uncontrollably;
  • nutritional Dyskinesia is diagnosed in patients who have rapidly lost or gained weight;
  • hypodynamic. Pathology develops after surgical interventions on the abdominal organs and in people with asthenic syndrome.

Intestinal dyskinesia can be hyperkinetic or hypokinetic. In this case, motor reactions become the determining factor.

Unbalanced diet and alcohol are the main causes of intestinal dyskinesia

Main types of pathology

Intestinal dyskinesia is characterized by impaired peristalsis as a result of a decrease or increase in smooth muscle tone. Depending on the type of pathology, etiotropic and symptomatic treatment is carried out.


The disease develops against a background of persistent spastic contractions of the intestines, which can cause painful colic and progressive constipation. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen and sides, it is sharp and cramping. Only bowel movement helps reduce their severity until the next exacerbation of the pathology.

Warning: “With this type of disease, bowel movements may not occur for several days, and then a large amount of feces is released. Certain areas of the colon dilate, which has a negative effect on its contractility. The sphincter tone gradually decreases and the person develops stool incontinence.”

Hypermotor dyskinesia is always accompanied by excessive gas formation. A person experiences a feeling of distension and bloating in the abdomen, an unpleasant smell from the mouth, and a formation of white coating. Palpation reveals heterogeneity of the colon - some areas are dilated and spasmodic.


This type of pathology is characterized by a sharp weakening of peristalsis and a decrease in the tone of the intestinal muscle wall. A person develops chronic constipation, dull painful cramps appear in the abdomen, and a feeling of fullness and bloating occurs. The pain spreads to the entire abdominal area; it is impossible to even approximately determine its location. Hypomotor dyskinesia provokes a slowdown in metabolic processes; food stagnates in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, which causes weight gain, despite a frequent lack of appetite.

During bowel movements, feces are passed out with difficulty and in small quantities.

Warning: “The danger lies in incomplete passage of stool. Feces remain in the intestines and lead to the absorption of undigested breakdown products. Symptoms of general intoxication of the body arise - fever, indigestion, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness.”

Hypomotor dyskinesia often causes the development of allergic reactions due to a sharp decrease in immunity and chronic intoxication with metabolic products. The evacuation ability of the intestines is impaired as a result of insufficient physical activity or unbalanced nutrition. In the absence of medical intervention, the pathology degenerates into intestinal obstruction, which can only be eliminated by emergency surgery.

Symptoms of intestinal dyskinesia can be eliminated with Motilium

Clinical picture

Despite the dissimilarity of symptoms of various types of dyskinesia, there are also common signs of impaired intestinal motility. Their severity depends on the age and gender of the person, a history of diseases, and the body’s resistance to viral and bacterial intestinal infections. What is characteristic of the pathology:

  • increased painful spasms due to emotional shock or neurological disorders;
  • increasing pain after each meal;
  • absence of pain during sleep and its resumption after breakfast;
  • excessive gas formation: belching with unpleasant smell, rumbling and seething in the stomach;
  • chronic constipation followed by diarrhea;
  • the appearance of greenish mucus in the stool;
  • pain of neurogenic origin in the heart or spine;
  • increased anxiety, nervous excitability, depression.

Due to chronic intoxication of the body and emotional instability, a person’s mental and physical performance decreases. Often people consider chronic constipation or diarrhea to be an unimportant problem and are in no hurry to make an appointment with a doctor. Self-medication with laxatives or fixative drugs only aggravates the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Colonic dyskinesia can be detected by differential diagnosis, that is, the gradual elimination of diseases with similar symptoms. What studies does a gastroenterologist recommend for a patient:

  • laboratory tests of stool, urine and blood to determine the location of the inflammatory focus;
  • coprogram for identifying intestinal dysbiosis;
  • sigmoidoscopy to assess the condition of the colon;
  • colonoscopy to determine the type of dyskinesia;
  • irrigoscopy to detect damaged areas of the colon.

If these methods are insufficiently informative, instrumental studies are carried out: ultrasound, MRI, computed tomography of the intestine.

When choosing a therapeutic tactic, the gastroenterologist takes into account all factors: the type of disease and its immediate cause, symptoms. Diet for dyskinesia is one of the most important stages in the treatment of adults and children, comparable in importance to taking pharmacological drugs.

Advice: “In some cases, it is enough to adjust your diet to get rid of constipation and flatulence forever. At the initial stage of therapy, strict restriction of certain foods is required, and then gradually the list of permitted foods expands.”


A decrease in the functional activity of the intestines is always complicated by symptoms of flatulence, so you should exclude from the diet foods the consumption of which provokes excessive gas formation and triggers the processes of putrefaction and fermentation. The diet for intestinal dyskinesia is based on the absence of the following products in the daily menu:

  • legumes - lentils, beans, peas;
  • whole milk (especially if you are lactose intolerant);
  • potatoes, white cabbage, raw onions;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • rich broths;
  • fresh white bread, various types of black bread;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • baked goods made from puff pastry and butter dough;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • chocolates, confectionery with custard and butter cream.

Gastroenterologists recommend that patients eat fractionally (6-7 times a day), but in small portions. During treatment, you should drink about 2 liters of clean still water daily, but only before or after meals. If you drink drinks during meals, the concentration of gastric juice will decrease, which will affect the quality of digestion. What can you eat if you have dyskinesia?

  • clear broths;
  • seafood, lean fish and meat;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, soft cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets;
  • puree soups;
  • juices from fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dried white bread;
  • infusion of rose hips;
  • cereal porridge;
  • hard cookies.

At the initial stage of treatment, it is necessary to exclude from the daily menu products containing essential oils: spicy fresh herbs, radishes, radishes.

Pharmacological drugs

To reduce pain, patients are recommended to take antispasmodics: Drotaverine, Duspatalin, Buscopan, Spasmalgon. If intestinal dyskinesia is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, metoclopramide and its analogues are used in treatment. The use of antacids is advisable when there is excessive production of hydrochloric acid by the walls of the stomach. What drugs are the most effective:

  • Gastal;
  • Rennie;
  • Maalox;
  • Phosphalugel.

These drugs not only reduce acidity, but also form a strong protective film on the gastric mucosa.

Laxatives are rarely used in the treatment of the disease, as the body quickly gets used to them. IN further patient It will be difficult to empty the intestines, and the dose of these drugs will have to be constantly increased. Gastroenterologists advise taking mild cumulative laxatives with lactulose - Duphalac, Prelax.

To improve peristalsis, a course of treatment with Motilak, Trimedat or Motilium is carried out. They reduce the severity dyspeptic disorders and stimulate intestinal motility. If the causes of the pathology are neurogenic in origin, then it is necessary to take sedatives, sedatives, and in some cases tranquilizers and antidepressants - Afobazole, Tenoten, Adepress, peony tinctures, valerian, motherwort.

Dyskinesia is often diagnosed in people who neglect their diet - they like to snack on the run and eat incompatible foods. Just review your diet and follow medical recommendations will allow you to defeat this insidious disease forever.

If your baby systematically complains of abdominal pain, upset stool and at the same time refuses to eat, this is a reason to sound the alarm and see a doctor. These symptoms indicate processes pathological nature in the child’s digestive system and may be signs of a disease such as dyskinesia. Parents should not lose their vigilance, because dyskinesia in children in the early stages often does not reveal itself, but in its advanced form it can have severe symptoms.

Dyskinesia is a set of diseases of the digestive system, manifested in a disorder of its motor functions, as a result of which the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract is complicated. The disease can develop in any part of the gastrointestinal tract in which smooth muscle peristalsis occurs.

Dyskinesia is a fairly common disease among children. According to statistics, every fourth child faces this disease.

Reasons for development

Key factors in the development of the disease include:

  1. Weak physical activity. Excessive time spent on the computer and TV, sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Improper eating behavior. Unbalanced diet, eating on the run, without drinking the proper amount of water, overeating, abuse of fatty foods, hasty absorption of food.
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD). Disruption of the autonomic nervous system due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth ( intrauterine infections, birth injuries, long-term or rapid labor), diseases of the endocrine system, traumatic brain injuries, conflicts in the family.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the abdominal and pelvic organs.
  5. Genetic predisposition.

Gastroenterologists distinguish 4 types of dyskinesia:

  • esophageal dyskinesia;
  • gastric dyskinesia;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • intestinal dyskinesia.

Esophageal dyskinesia

Dyskinesia of the esophagus is a violation of its motor function. It is characterized by several forms:

  1. Atony. Characterized by decreased tone walls of the esophagus.
  2. Esophagospasm. Involuntary spasms of the esophageal muscles.
  3. Sphincter dysfunction. Constant ejection of food together with gastric juice back into the esophagus (lower sphincter disorder), or difficulty swallowing (upper sphincter disorder).


The main symptom of this type of disease is dysphagia - the feeling of a “lump in the throat” when eating, when the swallowing process causes difficulty. The following symptoms are also observed:

  1. Sharp pain behind the sternum. They arise in response to experienced stress, but also occur in calm state. Sometimes accompanied by sweating, chills, and fever.
  2. Regurgitation (regurgitation). Involuntary regurgitation of stomach contents for no apparent reason. More often occurs when bending forward and in a lying position. For an infant, this is considered a normal physiological phenomenon.
  3. Swallowing disorder. For example, it is difficult to swallow liquids, while solid food passes through the esophagus easily.


Main informative diagnostic method for this type of dyskinesia, fluoroscopy is used. Stool analysis, esophageal manometry, esophagoscopy and endoscopic examination are also used.


A gastroenterologist prescribes drug therapy, which includes calcium channel blockers, anticholinergics, nitrates, and sedatives are also widely used. If dyskinesia is a concomitant disease, then treatment is determined by eliminating the main disease. Surgical intervention indicated in cases of severe forms of the disease and the ineffectiveness of the conservative method.

Doctors advise trying not to take body positions that provoke regurgitation, reducing physical activity, and avoiding stress conditions. It is recommended to sleep with the head of the head elevated. Avoid foods that are too cold/hot, spicy, fatty foods, sour-tasting juices, and coarse fiber. Take food little by little and in fractions of 4 - 6 rubles. per day, give preference to boiled and grated food.

Gastric dyskinesia

Enough rare disease, occurs mainly among newborn boys in the first months of life and is manifested by pain in the abdominal area. At the same time, it can be difficult to determine the location of the pain, since it usually has a blurred character. Often painful sensations have nothing to do with eating or nervous shock.


The following manifestations are typical for this type of dyskinesia:

  1. Heartburn. Unpleasant sensations, a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach or in the throat due to the release of acidic contents into the esophagus.
  2. Belching. Reflex expulsion of gases from the stomach through the oral cavity with the accompanying smell of rotten eggs.
  3. Vomit . Sudden expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. The vomit is greenish in color.
  4. Pneumatosis. Increased concentration of gases in the stomach, characterized by distension in the abdomen and constant loud belching.
  5. Breathing disorder. As a result of excessive concentration of gases, the enlarged stomach props up the diaphragm, causing breathing problems and chest pain.
  6. Feeling of squeezing in the abdomen.


Electrogastrography is considered the main method for diagnosing gastric dyskinesia. An equally informative method is fluoroscopy. Gastroscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy are also used.


Treatment of this type of dyskinesia usually occurs in laboratory conditions, but for the purpose of extended diagnostics (in case of severe pain), a gastroenterologist may refer for hospitalization. The main condition for recovery is the adjustment of nutrition - the child should adhere to the regime, observe the volume of portions and frequency of meals.


Sedative, neurotropic and psychotropic drugs are prescribed. Treatment of disorders of motor functions of the stomach occurs with the help of M-anticholinergics; caffeine, Proserin (for atony), and Eufillin are prescribed. Since gastric dyskinesia is often accompanied by a disorder of its secretory function, it is prescribed replacement therapy- the child takes natural gastric juice, pancreatic enzyme preparations, “Acidin-pepsin”.


Physiotherapy is highly effective in this type of pathology: mud applications, electrophoresis, warming procedures, diathermy, ozokerite therapy and paraffin treatment. When determining the method of treatment, the doctor relies on the type of contractile activity disorder and the clinical picture of the disease.

Biliary dyskinesia

JVP is a disease that is characterized by a general disorder of the functioning of the biliary tract organs, in particular the gallbladder, as a result of which the outflow of bile synthesized by the liver into the duodenum is disrupted. It comes either in excessive or insufficient quantities. Dyskinesia of the gallbladder is a functional disease. This means that unpleasant symptoms are not the result of a structural change in organs, but a consequence of a violation of their functions.

Dyskinetic disorders are of 2 types. In children, a hyperkinetic form of the disease is more often observed, and less often - a hypokinetic form of the disease. The hypokinetic form is characterized by weakened activity of the gallbladder muscles, and the hyperkinetic form is characterized by increased voltage gallbladder muscles and too intense contractions with not fully opened sphincters.


Children suffering from the hypokinetic form of the disease complain of a dull aching pain in the chest, which increases some time after eating. Bitterness in the mouth appears when the diet is not followed, for example, the abuse of fatty foods. Children suffer from low blood pressure, bradycardia, increased sweating and salivation, as well as flatulence, vomiting, nausea. In the hyperkinetic form, intense tingling is observed in the right hypochondrium after stress and emotional stress or increased physical activity. The child experiences discomfort in the intestines, frequent migraines, apathy, weakness, and nausea. Sometimes the disease is accompanied frequent vomiting and diarrhea.

Treatment of hyperkinetic type JVP

Nutritional correction plays an important role in the treatment of this type of disease. For dyskinesia of the hyperkinetic type in children, products that reduce the tone of the gallbladder are recommended and, conversely, products that increase its contraction are contraindicated.

Drugs are prescribed to eliminate tone: “Papaverine”, “No-shpa”, “Spazmofen”. Sedative drugs: valerian, bromine preparations, motherwort, etc. Magnesium preparations: “Asparkam”, “Donat-magnesium”, “Magnesium B6”, etc.

Treatment of hypokinetic type JVP

Children with dyskinesia of the hypokinetic type are prescribed choleretic drugs: “Cholenzim”, “Hofitol”, “Magnesia”, “Xylitol”, “Sorbitol”, etc., as well as drugs with a tonic effect: Chinese lemongrass, ginseng, Eleutherococcus preparations.

Intestinal dyskinesia

IN Lately Gastroenterologists are increasingly diagnosing functional intestinal disorders in children due to a deficiency of enzymes in the body.

Intestinal dyskinesia manifests itself against the background of a disorder of intestinal motor functions and is functional disease. This means that the development of the disease does not change the shape and appearance of the organ, but at the same time negatively affects its performance. At the same time, the symptoms can be quite extensive and have all the previously listed forms inherent in other types of gastrointestinal pathologies, so diagnosing the disease can be problematic.

As a rule, dyskinesia in children progresses in the large intestine. But motor function disorders often occur in the area of ​​the duodenum, which entails accelerated or, conversely, slow movement of food through the intestine.

Gastroenterologists distinguish 2 types of intestinal dyskinesia:

  • . It is characterized by relaxation of the intestinal muscles and, as a result, a deterioration in its motor function.
  • . Characterized by severe tension and involuntary spasms of the muscles of the large intestine.


Children may complain of a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal cavity, while localizing the painful spasm can be difficult due to its “spread out” nature, which complicates diagnosis and further treatment. Some children experience a dull, aching pain, while others experience a drilling or cutting pain. Some note that pain occurs or worsens after eating, stress and nervous tension. It is interesting that while the child sleeps, the pain becomes dull or stops altogether, and after waking up, it appears again and intensifies progressively. Symptoms for each type of intestinal dyskinesia have their own characteristics:

  • Atonic or hypomotor. Blunt tissues develop in the large intestine nagging pain, feeling of fullness, constipation (often this condition becomes a harbinger of intestinal obstruction).
  • Spastic or hypermotor. Drawing aching pain in the abdomen, constipation.


Diagnosis of intestinal dyskinesia includes: stool analysis, coprological examination, endoscopy, irrigoscopy, and, if necessary, intestinal biopsy.


When treating a disease, it is important to adhere to a diet - nutrition should be complete, contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. You should eat more vegetables, fruits and juices.


The choice of drug treatment is determined by the type of illness. For the first type of disease, the doctor prescribes “No-shpu”, “Papaverine” and other antispasmodic drugs. For the second type, drugs of an enzymatic nature, choleretic drugs, Metoclopramide, a combination of vitamin B1 and potassium chloride are used. It is recommended to use infusions of plants with laxative properties: senna, water lily bark, rhubarb. To relieve the nervous system, antidepressants and antipsychotics are prescribed.


With this type of dyskinesia, diet should also not be neglected - the diet should be rich fresh fruit and vegetables containing fiber, including healthy cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, etc.). You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day; food should be steamed or boiled; it is necessary to remove flour products, white bread, radishes, garlic, turnips from the diet; do not overuse salt.

  • Never feed your baby against his will.
  • Avoid overeating.
  • For infants, introduce complementary foods in accordance with age and quantitative norms.
  • Involve your child in sports - swimming, skiing, walking help strengthen muscles.
  • Do not treat your child yourself. Treatment for each specific case of the disease is prescribed only by a doctor after an appropriate examination.

Primary ciliary dyskinesia

There is another type of dyskinesia that does not relate to gastrointestinal pathologies. Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a rare genetic disease that is characterized by impaired motility of the cilia of the respiratory tract due to their erroneous structure, resulting in a disorder in the coordination of their movements. The most well-known form of pathology is Kartagener's syndrome, which is manifested by bronchiectasis, sinusitis and inversion of internal organs.

Character traits

In affected children, some signs are detected almost immediately after birth, while others appear during the first years of life. The following symptoms are typical for this type of dyskinesia:

  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • purulent nasal discharge;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • chronic otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • nasal polyps.

With Kartagener's syndrome, the reverse arrangement of internal organs or isolated dextrocardia is also noted.

Children with PCD may experience delayed physical development.


Treatment of this type of pathology consists of eliminating the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and lungs. For this purpose, methods such as exercise therapy, postural drainage, inhalations, and therapeutic bronchoscopy are used.


To avoid any type of dyskinesia, the child needs to adhere to the following rules: eat right, refrain from increased physical and psychological stress. The food must be of high quality, the products are fresh and healthy. With timely treatment, the prognosis for any type of dyskinesia is favorable, and after complex therapy the child will be able to regain a healthy, full life.

And therefore, in order to prevent their further development in time, it is necessary to know the symptoms of manifestation in order to promptly contact a specialist.


The process of intestinal digestion begins in the duodenum.

Before moving on to what diseases a person may develop and what symptoms they will manifest, it is necessary to pay attention to the organ itself, learn about its functions and purpose.

It must be said right away that the name duodenum was given for a reason. Its length is equal to centimeters, or as they also consider 12 sizes of a human finger (transverse). The intestine is divided into four sections:

  • Upper. This part of the intestine is directed obliquely, and then forms a slight bend and passes into the next part. Its length is approximately 5 or 6 centimeters
  • Descending. This section is located immediately after the upper one. And if we talk roughly about its location (to make it more clear), then it is approximately at the level of the lumbar region to the right of the spine. In this part of the intestine there is a very important fold with a papilla from which ducts extend. The length of this part of the intestine is approximately 7 to 12 centimeters
  • Lower. This area is located transverse to the spine. Its length is approximately 6-8 centimeters
  • Rising. This is the shortest part of the intestine, the length of which ranges from 4 to 5 centimeters (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism). This part is located directly at the level of the lumbar region. But in some people it is not clearly expressed

In addition, the duodenum has one anatomical feature that depends on age and fullness. So, in people who are fuller and younger, it is located much higher than in thin or elderly people. If we talk about the functions of the organ, they are as follows:

  1. The process of intestinal digestion begins in it, that is, the food bolus is treated with acid and alkali to such a state that its further passage is possible
  2. Regulates the release of pancreatic enzymes depending on what food is ingested and how much effort is required to digest it
  3. Maintains feedback between the stomach, that is, it has a direct impact on the normal functioning of all digestive processes

And therefore, if some pathological changes occur in the duodenum and it stops working as the body requires, this will negatively affect all organs of the digestive system, and then the entire human body in general.


Duodenitis is inflammation of the duodenum.

One of the most common diseases of this organ is duodenitis, or otherwise inflammation of the duodenum. There are many reasons for the development of the disease, however, doctors note that as an independent disease it is quite rare. It mainly develops due to the influence of the following negative factors:

  1. Food poisoning. At least once in his life, a person ate foods that caused him food poisoning. For some, it could occur in a weaker form, but for some they had to call an ambulance. And it is precisely this kind of poisoning that can provoke the development of duodenitis
  2. Poor nutrition, namely abuse of spicy foods. Since the mucous membrane becomes inflamed only because it is damaged in some areas, something must be damaging it. And it’s precisely spicy food that negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane, contributing to its destruction.
  3. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, which negatively affect not only the duodenum, destroying it, but also the entire body as a whole
  4. Damage to the mucous membrane by a foreign object. Such damage can occur if the remains of shellfish, bones, etc. enter the body.
  5. The presence of foci of infections in the body
  6. The presence in the body of such a harmful bacterium as Helicobacter, which has a destructive effect on the stomach and duodenum, respectively
  7. Stress, during which the body’s main forces are aimed at maintaining the emotional state, and this is done at the expense of the well-being of other organs
  8. Taking certain medications that negatively affect the mucous membrane, destroying it

Depending on what caused the development of the disease, the chosen treatment tactics will depend, because initially doctors fight not only the symptoms, but also the irritants (provocateurs). If we talk about the symptoms of duodenitis, there are a lot of them:

  • Digestive problems, which can manifest as heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of overeating, even if not much food was eaten
  • Poor appetite due to digestive problems
  • Attacks of nausea and sometimes vomiting that occur during an exacerbation
  • Painful sensations in the abdominal area, and the pain does not have a specific character of manifestation
  • Night hunger pains, which cause a person to get up at night and either eat or take a pill
  • Impurities of blood in the stool or vomit, which appear there due to damage to the mucous membrane. And this means that the damage is much more serious than the person himself assumes
  • Anemia, which indicates that there is a bleeding site in the body
  • Constant weakness due to anemia, poor appetite

Depending on which part of the duodenum the lining of the duodenum is damaged and inflamed, symptoms may vary slightly, especially when it comes to pain after eating. If the upper section is damaged, it will appear much earlier than if the lower section is damaged.

Peptic ulcer

Peptic ulcers can be caused by Helicobacter bacteria.

Almost every person knows that there is such an unpleasant and dangerous bacterium as Helicobacter, which provokes the appearance of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, and the duodenum is no exception. Of course, this is not the only reason.

This also includes increased acidity of gastric juice, which enters the upper intestine, weak immunity, genetic predisposition, stress, poor diet, etc. But the cause does not play a special role in the manifestation of symptoms. They will be the same in any case. The main symptoms of duodenal ulcer include:

  1. Painful sensations, which are one of the most basic symptoms that a person has developed an ulcer. Moreover, duodenal ulcers are characterized by special manifestations of pain. So, it appears mainly on an empty stomach, or after about 2 hours have passed after eating. But that's not all. Patients note that most often they are tormented by pain at night, which occurs due to a strong accumulation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach at night. Sometimes pain occurs in case of poor nutrition, namely the consumption of spicy, fatty, salty, alcohol, etc.
  2. Heartburn, and some patients note that it begins abruptly and does not go away on its own. I have to take special medications because at some moments the heartburn becomes unbearable

Belching. This is one of those symptoms that causes a person more discomfort, as it appears very suddenly and at inopportune moments.

  • Bloating
  • Nausea, which can occur at any time of the day or night
  • Vomiting, and it brings relief to the patient. And often, in order to somehow improve their well-being, a person specifically calls it
  • Constipation. For people with duodenal ulcers, stool retention lasts for several days, and in the most severe cases, for several weeks.
  • An admixture of blood in the stool, which appears due to damage to the mucous membrane. But to a greater extent, blood is present in the stool after long-term constipation, when the stool itself can damage the intestinal walls
  • Losing weight while the person continues to eat normally and consumes the same amount of calories as always
  • Doctors note that symptoms may appear once a year, or several times. Yes, and a certain seasonality stands out. Thus, most patients with duodenal ulcers note that there are much more attacks in spring and autumn than in summer and winter.

    The following video will tell you in detail about peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum:

    Duodenal dyskinesia

    Another serious disease, the symptoms of which are similar to those listed above, is duodenal dyskinesia. Dyskinesia is a disorder of motor function, due to which chyme is retained in the intestine. Symptoms of the disease will be as follows:

    • Pain after eating, which will intensify immediately after eating, and subside a little after a while
    • Constipation, which causes many other discomforts. Moreover, the most dangerous thing that can happen as a result of prolonged constipation is intoxication of the body, during which a person’s well-being will sharply deteriorate. And if treated incorrectly, it can be fatal.
    • Poor appetite, and after this the patient’s weight will decrease
    • Heaviness after eating, which is difficult to relieve with medications
    • Nausea and sometimes even vomiting

    The symptoms are quite common, and therefore only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, who, based on the research carried out, can prescribe the correct treatment.

    Duodenal cancer

    Duodenal cancer develops quickly and is therefore difficult to detect at an early stage.

    Every year the number of cancer patients increases, and if previously tumors mainly appeared in the mammary glands, stomach, and lungs, now the disease is gradually moving to other places.

    And those forms that were common before have now faded into the background. Duodenal cancer is no exception. This diagnosis is often made today. Symptoms of a tumor (malignant) include:

    1. Pain that occurs due to tumor enlargement. At the moment when the tumor begins to grow, it puts pressure on the nerve endings, which transmit such impulses to the brain. The larger the tumor, the more it puts pressure on the endings, the stronger the pain
    2. The appearance of biliary hypertension, which is manifested by discoloration of feces, jaundice (both weak and strong), dark urine. Moreover, hypertension can also cause neurological disorders, including unreasonable irritability
    3. Constant fatigue. Sometimes a person can walk long distances and not feel tired, and sometimes in the morning it is even difficult for him to get out of bed, his body is so exhausted
    4. Dramatic weight loss, with some patients noting that their diet has not changed much
    5. Skin itching. Moreover, the use of creams and antihistamines and hormonal drugs does not help
    6. Fever, when a person gets hot and cold. And this condition is very difficult to control

    Duodenal cancer develops quickly, so doctors are not always able to detect it at an early stage.

    The symptoms of duodenal disease are almost the same, which is why, in some cases, making an accurate diagnosis can take much longer than initially expected. But the most important thing is to pay attention to the ailment in general, so that there is a chance to recover and return to a normal and fulfilling life.

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    Doctors emphasize duodenal stasis - a type of evacuation disorder. At first, its appearance was associated with congenital barrier causes or acquired character:

    • tumor;
    • adhesions;
    • arteriomesenteric compression;
    • pathology of the duodenum and neighboring organs.

    Duodenostasis occurs infrequently.

    The clear cause of evacuation defects is a violation of the motor functionality of the duodenum associated with changes in regulation against the background of pathology of organs located nearby, a violation nerve conduction, for diseases of the central nervous system.

    Causes of the disease

    Pathologies of the patency of the duodenum arise due to penetration gallstones, compression of the superior mesenteric artery, abdominal aortic aneurysm. There are mechanical causes that are less common. These are congenital or acquired anomalies.

    Primary causes of the disease:

    Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the disease. Associated with the duration of the disease, the presence of defects in neighboring organs, pathologies in the mucous membrane of the duodenum. Dyskinesia is characterized by periods of exacerbation, calm - they differ in their course and the presence of different symptoms.

    The period of exacerbation is accompanied by three symptoms - sharp pains, frequent nausea, vomit. The main symptom is pain. Pain syndrome is not associated with eating. The pain has no clear location. They are felt on the right under the ribs or in the area under the pit of the stomach. Often the pain intensity increases. The appearance of pain is influenced by two factors: distension of the 12-fingered intestine with its contents and peristalsis.

    The reflex spasm of the pylorus makes its contribution - frequent, prolonged nausea, which is extremely unpleasant. Vomiting occurs several times a day, often after eating, regardless of food. People, susceptible to disease, feel bitterness after vomiting, due to the presence of bile. After emetic release of the stomach, short-term relief occurs.

    In addition to the three main symptoms, deterioration of apatitis, constipation, and significant weight loss were noted. Signs of intoxication are identified: increased temperature, impotence, sleep disturbance, short temper, pain in the leg muscles.


    The doctor, based on the patient’s medical history, directs tests and diagnostics. He is able to determine an accurate, correct diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment only when he receives the results.

    To diagnose the disorder, the patient's abdomen is examined. Often a swollen abdomen in the upper part. The pain is localized at the top right side, sometimes it is possible to determine the “splash noise” - a phenomenon when there is both liquid and gases in the cavity at the same time.

    X-ray analysis is also used. Indicators of the disease are:

    • The barium suspension is delayed for more than 40 seconds.
    • In the place of contrast there is a dilated intestine.
    • A spasm in one segment is combined with an increase in another.
    • The contents are thrown into the proximal sections.

    The disease may accompany clinical sign, characteristic of acute diseases of the intestinal tract - severe pain.

    Signs of duodenostasis, both clinical and peripheral, are often associated with other pathologies of the digestive tract, such as gallstone ileus, chronic duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, as well as a peripheral sign - tumors. In such cases, it is difficult to diagnose impaired patency of the duodenum.

    To assess the amount of mass in the organ, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out, which combines intraduodenal pH-graphy and balloon kymography. Often the patient is referred for electromyographic diagnostics. The balloon kymographic diagnostic method is also used, but very rarely.

    Patients also undergo blood, urine and stool tests, the results of which will complement existing data on abnormalities in the human body.


    When the doctor suspects an acute blockage of the duodenum, the patient is urgently hospitalized and the surgeon conducts an examination.

    When detecting anomalies in the functions of the 12-fingered intestine, it is used complex treatment, which is prescribed individually to each patient. The main goal is to eliminate the acute disease and restore the normal functionality of the organ.

    Doctors prescribe a special diet that involves eating in small doses up to five times throughout the day. The diet includes foods that are easily digestible, with various vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body. Edibles containing fiber are not recommended. The diet is especially useful for poor patency in the 12-fingered intestine.

    The course of medications includes various antispasmodic drugs, anticholinergics, drugs that act sedatively, as well as different means, improving nerve patency. In special circumstances, weak tranquilizers are used. Physiotherapist treatment is effective. They send to massotherapy or physical education (physical therapy), herbal medicine or reflexology is recommended. For dyskinesia, it is carried out mud treatment, ozokerite therapy or various balneological techniques. During a lull, sanitary and health treatment is carried out.

    Duodenal lavage is also effective treatment dyskinesia. Mineral water is poured in small volumes directly into the organ in a step-by-step sequence. The washing process is carried out twice a week, no more often.

    Insufficient sleep duration is also a cause of exacerbation of the disease, so it is necessary to get enough sleep. The duration of night sleep should be at least 9 hours. Physiotherapy exercises consolidate the results obtained; it also improves well-being and health. A complex of vitamins and minerals is taken as prescribed by the doctor.

    Symptoms and treatment of duodenal dyskinesia

    Irritability of the intestine (duodenal dyskinesia) is a disorder in the functionality of the duodenum, in which the periods of food processing increase or decrease due to a violation of its motor-evacuation work. The influencing factors of such a violation are called:

    At the same time, the more determining and frequent causes of the development of irritable bowel syndrome are disorders associated directly with the duodenum and adjacent organs, these include:

    • duodenal ulcer;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • diseases of the biliary tract;
    • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

    Symptoms of duodenal dyskinesia

    The reasons affecting the regulation of the motor functioning of the organ, as well as the secretion of the juices of the digestive system, in sufficiently reduce the organ’s ability to properly digest food. Consequently, this leads to the possible rapid movement of food through the organ or, conversely, food will remain in it longer.

    The symptoms of dyskinesia are quite varied. These symptoms reduce the patient’s appetite, and because of this, body weight decreases. If such symptoms are detected, a person should consult a gastroenterologist. Particularly typical ones include:

    • pain in the abdomen of various types (both persistent and sudden onset);
    • different pains over time, usually concentrated near the navel or lower abdomen;
    • flatulence (bloating), which is usually accompanied by obvious rumbling and often a feeling of pain in the abdomen;
    • heavy feeling in the stomach;
    • nausea;
    • belching;
    • vomiting is normal or with bile impurities;
    • state of weakness of the whole organism;
    • a clear feeling of fatigue;
    • diarrhea or constipation.

    Diagnostic methods

    When you press your fingers in the area of ​​the organ, pain is observed. The most effective method for diagnosing this pathology is an X-ray examination of the patient. For a more detailed study of the condition of the duodenum, they resort to different types X-ray studies.

    These include:

    • Relaxation (hypotonic) duodenography. During this procedure, a solution of barium sulfate and air is injected into the colon through a catheter. Based on the results of this procedure, the degree of abnormal deviations on the walls of the organ can be assessed.
    • Balloon-kymographic type of study. Today, a rare diagnostic method, it records the number of compressions of the duodenum to identify pathologies in its motor functions.
    • Combination of balloon kymography study with intraduodenal pH-graphy. Tracks the passage period of intestinal contents.
    • Balloonless type of research with a radiotelemetry capsule. The pressure in the space of the organ is studied, including the activity of the walls of the organ and the speed of movement of the contents through it.
    • Electromyographic type of study using intraduodenal electrodes.

    Treatment and prevention

    If a pathology such as intestinal dyskinesia is detected, systemic and individual therapy is carried out. It is aimed at eliminating the symptoms described above and at correcting the motor function of the organ. The very first and most important point in treatment will be special food. It will consist of fractional meals in small portions 4-6 times a day. The menu should consist of products that are easily digestible, but contain many vitamins. It is advisable to exclude fiber. Such treatment is typical for the resumption of motor activity of the organ.

    Medication therapy includes:

    • drugs that relieve spasms and relax (antispasmodics);
    • drugs with a sedative effect (psycholeptics);
    • anticholinergic drugs (anticholinergics);
    • psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers);
    • drugs that stabilize the conductivity of nerve cells.

    Therapeutic exercise is an effective means in the fight against illness in combination with other treatment methods.

    A sufficient effect in treatment can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy. The attending physician, according to indications, sends the patient to physical therapy (physical therapy), special massage, and in some cases determines treatment with herbs (herbal medicine), reflexology, mud treatment, warm wax treatment (ozokerite therapy) and other water procedures. During the easing of symptoms, attention is focused on spa treatments.

    Direct lavage of the duodenum with mineral water is considered a fairly effective measure in the fight against pathology. The solution is poured in gradually and brought to a volume of approximately 350 ml. In situations where therapy has not brought visible results and all symptoms persist, it is worth considering the option of a surgical solution to the problem. Doctors insist on the importance of sleep when diagnosing pathology; its lack can provoke complications of the disease.

    Main preventive measure To eliminate duodenal dyskinesia is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It includes: abstinence from bad habits; monitoring the correctness and balance of nutrition, namely, including foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the menu; control of the amount of fluid entering the body. Also individually adjusted physical activity, including childhood, have a beneficial preventive effect. To prevent pathology of the duodenum, it is necessary to monitor your mental state and try to avoid stress. Prevention of the secondary type of intestinal dyskinesia implies not starting treatment for other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Duodenal dyskinesia

    Functional disorders of motor activity of the duodenum most often develop secondary to pathological disorders in the duodenum itself or adjacent organs according to the principle of the viscero-visceral reflex, - this is modern point views on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, confirmed by anatomical studies and experimentally.

    The motor function of the duodenum is directly affected by acidic gastric contents, the excess of which, especially in cases of disturbances in the alkalizing function of the duodenum, can lead to the development of motor disorders in it. Hormones of the gastrointestinal tract occupy a certain place in the regulation of the motor function of the duodenum. P.K. Klimov noted in an experiment a slowdown in the evacuation of intestinal contents after the administration of gastrin. The mechanism of development of chronic functional duodenostasis, accompanied by persistent disorders of motor-evacuation activity of the duodenum and ectasia, appears to be associated mainly with the occurrence of reactive and degenerative changes in the intramural nervous apparatus of the intestine. They develop as a result of long-term and diverse impulses that enter the duodenum, and the more significant the reactive and degenerative changes in nerve fibers Auerbach plexus of the duodenum, the more pronounced anatomical changes in the form of ectasia and atony.

    Clinical picture functional motor disorders of the duodenum have been well studied only in chronic functional duodenostasis. The disease is characterized by alternating exacerbations and remissions. The exacerbation phase of chronic duodenostasis is characterized by the following symptoms: constant pain in the epigastric region, right hypochondrium, which can intensify after eating, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting (usually mixed with bile). In addition, patients may complain of constipation, poor appetite, and weight loss. Can be expressed general symptoms intoxication.

    Other forms of disturbances in the motor function of the duodenum do not have an independent clinical picture. However, when examining 67 patients with various diseases organs of the hepatopancreatoduodenal system and concomitant dyskinesias, we found that 38 of them (56.7%) complained of nausea, heaviness in the epigastric region, or both symptoms together. Apparently, the appearance of these symptoms in any form of disorders of the motor function of the duodenum is associated with a violation of the passage through this intestine, the plastic tone of its wall, which are more common and more pronounced in chronic duodenostasis.

    Recognizing disorders of the motor function of the duodenum is a rather difficult task. Clinical manifestations of chronic duodenostasis and other types of duodenal dyskinesia are quite varied and depend on the degree of impairment of its motor function, the duration of the disease, and the involvement of surrounding organs in the process.

    The leading place in detecting motor changes belongs to X-ray method of examination. Under normal conditions x-ray examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract, various functional motor disorders of the duodenum can be identified. They are expressed in the retention of the contrast agent in one or several areas of the intestine for a period of more than 45 seconds. Most often, barium suspension stasis is detected in the bulb, lower horizontal or descending part of the duodenum; Especially often, stasis of the contrast agent can be detected in the lower flexure of the intestine (Fig. 41). In the area of ​​stasis, the intestine is slightly expanded, proximal or distal to this area, and in some cases, enhanced, often spastic contractions of the intestine with accelerated movement of the contrast agent can be detected on both sides. In some cases, there is a reverse throwing of it from the distal parts of the duodenum into the overlying parts up to the bulb, into the stomach. Sometimes there is a combination of stasis of the contrast agent with spastic contraction of the intestine above the site of its expansion. Thus, in the presence of functional duodenostasis, the following radiological signs are present:

    • 1) retention of barium suspension in any part of the duodenum;
    • 2) expansion of the intestinal lumen at the site of slow passage of the contrast agent;
    • 3) backflow of contents from the underlying parts of the duodenum to the proximal ones;
    • 4) a combination of spastic contraction in one of the areas of the duodenum with stasis of the contrast agent in another area.

    Functional dyskinesias are characterized by combinations of atony and spastic contraction of areas of the duodenum. In relaxed areas of the intestine, some stasis of the barium suspension is observed. Then propulsive and segmental contractions are detected, which were rare in the relaxed parts of the intestine. Most of the intestine is almost completely freed from the contrast agent, then it begins to be filled with new portions of barium suspension and all movements are repeated again.

    Studies of the motor-evacuation function of the duodenum can be of great help in diagnosing motor disorders. The most commonly used method at present is the balloon method for studying motor function, which allows recording contractions. intestinal wall and, thus, judge changes in the motor function of the duodenum. For diseases accompanied by increased acid formation (duodenal ulcer, duodenitis), high motor activity of the duodenum is more typical; for pancreatitis, a hypokinetic type of motility in the relatively early stages of inflammation of the pancreas and an akinetic type in the later, fibrotic stages.

    The combination of this method with multichannel intraduodenal pH-metry, which allows one to judge the time of evacuation of the duodenum, can give a more complete picture of its motor-evacuation function.

    The open catheter method makes it possible to study the average total pressure in the lumen of the duodenum, which varies depending on the plastic tone of its wall and the rate of passage of intestinal contents. Thus, in patients with pronounced duodenal stasis pressure in the lumen of the duodenum is reduced, but increases sharply and inadequately during a stress test - administration of 100 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

    Identifying duodenogastric reflux, which is quite common in motor disorders of the duodenum, helps to make a correct diagnosis. It can be detected by X-ray examination, gastric intubation (visual as well as chromatographic determination of bile admixture in gastric contents, determination of alkaline phosphatase activity in it, gastroduodenofibroscopic examination (reflux of bile into the stomach, admixture of bile in gastric contents), pH-metry of the stomach.

    Complications of disorders of the motor function of the duodenum may manifest themselves in different ways. Thus, with experimental stenosis of the duodenum, dilatation and atony quickly develop biliary tract, infection of the bile occurs, inflammatory changes in the liver parenchyma such as angiocholitis and signs of acute pancreatitis occur. In the majority of our patients (83.3%) with various forms of duodenal dyskinesia, with comprehensive clinical examination concomitant pathology of the organs of the hepatopancreatoduodenal system was identified.

    In recent years wide use received the reflux theory of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Many authors believe that bile, pancreatic enzymes, intestinal juice with prolonged exposure, they can be an important factor in stomach irritation and lead to the development of gastritis and even gastric ulcers. In 37.5% of the patients we observed with various dyskinesias of the duodenum, endofibroscopic examination revealed antral subatrophic or atrophic gastritis. Thus, any form of dysfunction of the motor function of the duodenum can sooner or later cause disease in adjacent organs and therefore requires targeted treatment.

    It is necessary to pay attention to those cases where a concomitant disorder of the motor function of the duodenum changed the clinical picture of the underlying disease, which could lead to a diagnostic error. In persons suffering from peptic ulcer disease, duodenitis, pain either appeared in the second half of the day or was completely absent; in patients with pancreatitis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder, an “ulcer-like” pain syndrome was observed.

    Treatment of duodenal motility disorders must be comprehensive and strictly individual. It should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and restoring normal motor function of the duodenum. The purpose of the diet largely depends on the underlying and concomitant diseases (peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis). In cases where movement disorders are accompanied by deterioration drainage function, duodenal obstruction, patients need frequent fractional meals(up to 5-6 times a day in small portions). The use of anticholinergic drugs is recommended, not only for spastic, hypermotor variants of dyskinesia, but, as O. B. Milonov and V. I. Sokolov (1976) believe, also for early forms of functional duodenostasis, in which the use of these drugs does not result in depression , but strengthening the motor-evacuation function of the duodenum. Justified use when motor disorders duodenum metocloporamide and its analogues (cerucal, raglan), which accelerate transit through the duodenum, enhance its motor activity, and a particularly pronounced effect is observed in cases of hypermotor kinetics of the duodenum. According to our observations, drugs of this series in most cases give a quick positive effect, relieve nausea and heaviness in the epigastric region.

    Effective means of treating duodenostasis include washing the duodenum: using a conventional duodenal tube, 300-350 ml of mineral water is sequentially injected into the duodenum once every 3-4 days.

    For severe neurosis, sedatives are prescribed.



    2023 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs