Fast and rapid birth. Quick birth

  • The essence of the concept
  • Causes
  • Signs
  • Peculiarities
  • Treatment
  • Consequences
  • Prevention

Preparing for the long-awaited birth of a baby, every woman dreams that it will go smoothly - without complications and as quickly as possible, so as not to endure painful contractions for too long.

In fact, the whole process lasts differently for everyone: for some, everything ends in 2 hours, and for some, they are relieved of the burden only at the end of the day. Both are pathologies. And those very quick births that all expectant mothers dream about do not always end well. What is the reason?

The essence of the concept

First, you need to figure out what quick labor means and whether it is actually dangerous for mother and baby.
Secondly, it is advisable to distinguish between two very similar concepts that exist in gynecology - rapid and rapid labor.
Thirdly, you need to understand that they will be different for first- and multiparous women. For some, the body experiences such stress for the first time, which means that the cervix, birth canal, pelvic bones - everything will diverge much more slowly. For others, the so-called “body memory” is triggered + all the organs involved in this process have already been stretched the last time, so now this all happens with the least amount of time. The birth canal is better prepared, and the cervical canal is stretched along its entire length at once, rather than gradually.

According to medical terminology, rapid labor is one that lasts less than 6 hours for primiparous women and less than 4 hours for multiparous women. People also call them street ones. Normally, this period of time should be from 7 to 15 and from 5 to 12 hours, respectively. It is calculated based on the average normal value for a primigravida woman - the rate of cervical effacement, which is 1 cm per hour. Anything that does not fit into this framework is considered pathology in gynecology.

There is also rapid labor, which can last only 4 hours when the first child appears and 2 hours if the woman in labor already has children.

Why is the baby in such a hurry to be born, endangering not only his own life and health, but also his mother’s? The main reasons are the characteristics of the female body, not the fetus. If a pregnant woman pays attention to them from the beginning, she will be able to avoid rapid labor and complications associated with it.

This is interesting. Previously, midwives said that a woman in labor should not see the dawn twice, that is, childbirth should not last more than a day.


As a rule, the reasons for rapid labor in first-time mothers and those who have already given birth are the same. With timely diagnosis and regular monitoring by a doctor, they are detected long before the baby is born. With the correct and coordinated actions of the pregnant woman and the gynecologist, they can be eliminated. These include:

  • pathology of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • incoordination of labor, when the duration and power of contractions are unpredictable;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • pathological course of pregnancy: polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, low placenta, placental insufficiency, large fetus, Rh conflict, gestosis;
  • psychological unpreparedness for childbirth: fear provokes the release of adrenaline in huge quantities, which disrupts the regulation of labor and leads to its discoordination;
  • inflammatory diseases suffered during pregnancy;
  • past abortions and miscarriages;
  • diseases of the uterus: tumor, adenomyosis, endometritis;
  • operations on the uterus;
  • menstruation disorders before conception;
  • if all previous births were quick;
  • The age of the woman giving birth is less than 18 years or more than 35.

Timely elimination of these causes reduces the risk of rapid labor, and therefore the complications that they are fraught with. If you couldn’t avoid this, you just need to be well prepared for this process in order to help your own body and baby overcome all difficulties without consequences. It is quite possible. And the first step towards this is to understand from the very beginning of contractions that this is happening much more quickly for you than is normal.

According to statistics. Rapid labor is diagnosed in 1% of cases.


What signs may indicate that rapid labor has begun in first-time mothers:

  • sudden increase in heart rate;
  • shortness of breath;
  • contractions move from the top of the abdomen down for 3 hours instead of the prescribed 5;
  • at the first stage of labor, contractions repeat every 7-8 minutes instead of the normal 10-15;
  • the first contractions last 20-25 seconds instead of the prescribed 10-15;
  • pushing lasts less than an hour instead of two.

Labor begins in approximately the same way for multiparous women, but it is much less painful. However, the risk of repeated ruptures, if they have occurred before, increases. With a colossal load on the organs involved in this process, the previous sutures cannot withstand and come apart again, no matter how well they were made the previous time.

To be prepared for all surprises, it is useful for a woman to find out how all this happens in order to behave correctly and reduce the risk of complications.


If you have already realized that a quick birth cannot be avoided, calm down and try to behave correctly at every stage of the difficult process. A lot depends on this: consequences, complications, injuries, ruptures, etc. If you prepare well and do everything that the doctor says, the risks can be minimized.

First period

  1. The uterine os opens.
  2. In primiparous women, rapid labor lasts about 3 hours, in multiparous women it lasts only 1 hour.
  3. Regular contractions of the uterine muscles - contractions - appear. They occur involuntarily, but with a certain frequency.
  4. They are felt first in the upper abdomen, and then spread downward within 3 hours instead of the prescribed 5.
  5. Contractions repeat every 7-8 minutes instead of the normal 10-15, and the first ones last 20-25 seconds instead of the required 10-15.
  6. Under the influence of contractions, the pressure inside the uterus increases, the cervix becomes shorter and opens.
  7. During rapid labor, contractions are extremely strong and occur almost every 2 minutes towards the end of the period.
  8. At this stage, such rapid labor activity can lead to disturbances in uteroplacental or fetal placental blood flow, hypoxia, fetal death, and placental abruption.

Second period

  1. If the first stage of rapid labor is completed successfully, you need to prepare for the second stage - pushing.
  2. Duration is about an hour for primiparous women and only 15 minutes for multiparous women.
  3. The contractions are accompanied by pushing - this is the name given to contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
  4. They are involuntary, but the woman in labor can, if possible, intensify or inhibit them.
  5. The diaphragm lowers, the abdominal muscles tense, and the pressure in the uterus and abdominal cavity increases.
  6. The fetus begins to move along the birth canal to the exit.
  7. This is where problems such as injuries in a child and ruptures in a woman in labor can begin.

Third period

  1. The postpartum period in rapid labor is no different from normal labor in terms of time, as it lasts on average about half an hour.
  2. The placenta and placenta are separated.
  3. A feature of rapid labor at this stage is frequent bleeding, which, in the absence of medical assistance, can lead to the death of the woman in labor.

If this is a very quick birth (rapid), you need to act wisely and without panic. According to statistics, if the pregnancy proceeded without pathologies, there is every chance that the child and the woman’s body will cope with this situation without any problems. Although many experts argue that such childbirth will still have negative consequences for both. Here, much will depend on the actions of the doctor delivering the baby.


With the rapid development of labor, various therapeutic measures are carried out depending on the condition of the mother and child. They are aimed at reducing the activity of the uterus.

  1. Intravenous drip administration of drugs to relax the muscles of the uterus and ease contractions (for example, Ginipral).
  2. After this, the power and frequency of contractions are taken under control and regulated by changing the rate of administration of the prescribed drug.
  3. Contraindications for the administration of these drugs: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases. In these cases, calcium antagonists (for example, Verapamil) are administered intravenously. They reduce the contraction of muscle cells.
  4. During a quick birth, the woman in labor needs to lie on the side where the back of the fetus is located. This position reduces the contractile activity of the uterus.
  5. Simultaneously with these measures, constant monitoring of the baby’s condition is carried out using cardiotocography.
  6. If hypoxia is suspected, doctors take measures to improve uteroplacental blood flow.
  7. When everything is over, a thorough examination of the birth canal is carried out. In case of ruptures, stitches are applied.

A quick birth is always stressful for the mother’s body, for the baby and for the entire team of doctors who take part in it. At each stage, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the fetus in order to avoid tragic consequences.

Despite the fact that this is very rare given the modern level of medicine, they still make up a larger percentage than with the normal duration of the birth process.


Is rapid birth good or bad? This question does not have a clear answer, even among specialists. Most of them are still inclined to the second option, since in 6 hours the body of a young woman who is giving birth for the first time cannot prepare for such a stressful and difficult event.

It is increasingly said that the consequences of rapid childbirth may not appear immediately, but only over time. However, no specific research has been carried out in this direction. You need to be prepared for anything.

Consequences for the mother

  1. The cervical canal does not have time to stretch, as does the pelvic bone ring. The result is tears and cracks.
  2. Rapid stretching of the symphysis pubis is the cause of its rupture. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks of bed rest in a stationary state.
  3. Episeotomy or episeorrhaphy - dissection of the perineum to avoid its deep rupture.
  4. Rupture of the perineum to the muscular sphincter of the rectum. Such an injury causes incontinence of gases and feces and requires reconstructive surgery.
  5. Severe uterine bleeding, which in severe cases leads to the death of the woman in labor.

Consequences for the child

  1. The bones of the baby’s skull do not have time to transform during a rapid birth.
  2. Very high risk of traumatic brain injury.
  3. Very often, fractures of the clavicle and humerus occur, ruptures of the nerve plexuses with further development of paralysis of the arm, and damage to the cervical spine. This is because the baby’s body does not have time to turn and adjust to the birth canal.
  4. The cervix may shrink due to sudden stretching. Such spasms lead to numerous hemorrhages and hematomas on the child’s body. It is even more tragic when this causes a rupture of the liver or spleen.
  5. Fetal hypoxia due to the fact that the uterus, not having time to relax, compresses the blood vessels. Fetal asphyxia can lead to its death.
  6. Premature placental abruption.

The most serious consequences for the child are those that are difficult to identify immediately after birth, much less to treat. Knowing about this kind of complications, you need to pay special attention to some points in its development, not miss a single consultation with a pediatrician and carry out maximum examinations for the presence of abnormalities.

This is the only way to eliminate the complications of rapid labor. And, of course, it is best to engage in timely prevention so that the birth of the baby takes place within normal limits.


Prevention of rapid labor is no different from the recommendations for pregnant women, which are known to everyone. If a woman leads a healthy lifestyle for 9 months (and ideally, several months before conception) and protects herself from diseases, everything will be fine, without pathologies. To do this, it is enough to follow the common truths:

  1. Be examined for pathologies and diseases.
  2. Get treatment.
  3. Be psychologically prepared for childbirth, do not be afraid and do not panic.
  4. Protect yourself from infections and inflammations.
  5. Avoid abortions and miscarriages.
  6. If possible, do not give birth before 18 and after 35 years.
  7. I would like to say special attention to those who are looking for exercises for quick labor: they are recommended to be performed only by those who are at risk of prolonged labor. Do not provoke such a situation - let everything take its course: it will be better for everyone.

So, dear women, there is no need to dream about giving birth too quickly, which does not always end well and can have a lot of negative consequences for yourself and your baby. Let everything go well within the normal limits and without complications. And if you had to face such a situation, do everything correctly - this will minimize risks and avoid troubles.

Many expectant mothers dream of a quick birth, especially after listening to their friends’ stories about how well and quickly their birth went, because I suffered less with contractions. Whether this is good or bad, most pregnant women do not think about this question. But obstetricians have a very, very negative attitude towards childbirth “according to the accelerated program”, that is, fast and rapid. Such births are fraught with many dangers, primarily for the baby, but also for the mother.

Duration of labor

Even in ancient times, they said that the sun should not rise over a woman in labor twice, that is, labor should not last 24 hours or more, but also should not be too short. The birth process is complex and time-consuming, especially for the fetus. During the entire birth period, the baby must not only be born, but also pass through the birth canal, and, first of all, overcome the bony ring of the mother’s small pelvis.

Passage through the birth canal is accompanied by certain rotations of the presenting part of the fetus in one or another plane of the pelvis. This is necessary for optimal placement of the fetal head at the pelvic outlet and the least traumatic birth of the baby. In addition, the fetus experiences stress during childbirth, which is necessary for the child to quickly adapt to existence in the outside world. And, accordingly, with a quick birth, as well as with a caesarean section, adaptation mechanisms are not triggered, which can negatively affect the baby’s health.

Total duration of labor:

  • in primigravidas it is 8 – 12 hours;
  • for women giving birth not for the first time – 7 – 10 hours.
  • The maximum duration of labor is 18 hours.

Let's define the terms

The total number of births accounts for 0.8% of “expedited” births.

  • What kind of birth is called rapid? If labor is “shortened” to 4 – 2 hours for first-time mothers and lasts 2 hours or less for multiparous women.
  • Which ones are fast? If labor lasts 6 to 4 hours for firstborns and from 4 to 2 hours for multiparous women, it is called rapid.

Separately, they talk about “street childbirth,” when the labor process and subsequent birth of a child takes a woman by surprise (on the street or in transport). Moreover, this happens in a vertical position (the woman is either standing/sitting or actively moving.

This type of birth, and specifically its rapid completion, is a complete surprise for the woman due to the absence of contractions and pushing and any painful sensations. Both the woman’s inexperience (if the birth is the first) and the lack of resistance of the cervix (during normal childbirth, it performs the function of “constipation” and opens gradually, preventing the rapid passage of the fetus through the birth canal) cannot be ruled out. The cervix does not offer resistance in the case of isthmic-cervical insufficiency or in women with a history of multiple births.


The reasons for rapid and rapid labor are the same:

Genetically determined pathology of myocytes (muscle cells)

In this case, the excitability of myocytes is significantly increased and a slight force of influence is sufficient to cause contractions of the myometrium. This feature can be inherited, so the risk group includes women whose mothers or close relatives suffered a rapid or precipitate birth.

Excessive excitability of the nervous system

Emotional lability, a tendency to depression, neuroses, anxiety, as well as psychological unpreparedness for childbirth can provoke excessively strong labor. Pregnancy in women with hypertension, anemia, infectious diseases and pathology of the cardiovascular system is also at risk in terms of the development of rapid labor.

Diseases of the endocrine glands and metabolic disorders

This group includes diseases of the thyroid gland (for example, with thyrotoxicosis, metabolism accelerates and, accordingly, their effect on the nervous system). Diseases of the adrenal glands also contribute (increased synthesis of norepinephrine and acetylcholine - mediators that provoke excitability of the autonomic nervous system).

Aggravated medical history

Various pathologies of the reproductive system: cycle disorders, inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, tumors and cysts, endometriosis, uterine malformations. The course of the previous birth matters: fast or rapid, protracted or traumatic for both mother and baby.

Pathology of real pregnancy

Severe early toxicosis and/or gestosis, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, large fetus size, placenta previa, kidney pathology, post-term pregnancy or Rh conflict.

Iatrogenic causes

Incorrectly calculated dosage when administering birth stimulants (oxytocin, prostaglandins). Also unjustified labor stimulation with the same drugs.

Outpouring of waters

Rapid emptying of the uterus in case of polyhydramnios when the water breaks can also trigger labor according to the “accelerated program”. A sharp and rapid decrease in intrauterine pressure irritates the myometrium and causes hypertensive contractions of the uterus. Therefore, in case of polyhydramnios, early amniotomy is performed with careful opening of the amniotic sac and monitoring the rate of release of water.

Prolonged irritation and compression of the cervix by the fetal head.

In this case, the first stage of labor is protracted, contractions last 10–12 hours, and the presenting part remains in the same plane for a long time, which causes compression and irritation of the cervix. After which the head begins its rapid movement along the remaining planes of the small pelvis, and the neck rapidly opens.

Risk factors

The following factors predispose to the development of “speedy” labor:

  • neuroses;
  • parity (in the past 3 or more births);
  • the pelvis is too wide and the fetus is small;
  • premature birth;
  • age (women under 18 years of age are characterized by immaturity and unpreparedness of the central nervous system for gestation and childbirth, and women over 30 have a burdened obstetric and gynecological history and chronic somatic diseases);
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Course of labor

Knowledge about the course of normal (physiological childbirth) will help you suspect rapid or rapid labor. Experienced mothers who have given birth in the past know that second (third, etc.) births often go faster, so they seek medical help when the first contractions appear. Rapid labor, especially for first-time mothers, is an unpredictable process not only for the woman in labor, but also for the doctor. Therefore, when caring for a pregnant woman in a antenatal clinic, the woman is assigned to one or another high-risk group, including “accelerated” childbirth. The birth act includes three periods:

First period

This stage begins with the onset of regular contractions (2 - 3 in 10 minutes), and therefore it is called the period of contractions or dilatation of the cervix. It is at this stage that the intensity and frequency of contractions gradually increases, and the cervix opens, which is necessary for the passage of the fetal head. At the end of the first period, the cervix (uterine os) opens completely (10 - 12 cm). The duration of the first stage of labor is 2/3 of the total labor time and approximately takes 8 – 10 hours.

Smooth and gradual opening of the uterine pharynx under the influence of intensifying contractions prevents various injuries to the birth canal (cervix) and uterus, and also relieves the baby’s head from excessive pressure. The end of the first period is characterized by a slight decrease in the strength of contractions.

Second period

As soon as the uterine os has reached full dilation, the second period begins (another name is the “period of expulsion of the fetus”). At this stage, each uterine contraction (contraction) promotes the advancement of the fetus along the birth canal to the vulvar ring - the “exit”. Due to the stretching of the vagina and cervix and the pressure of the head on the rectum, the woman in labor has a desire to push. Therefore, this period is also called pushing.

The course of the second period is shorter than the first and is approximately 1 – 2 hours. Slow movement of the baby helps to gently stretch the tissues of the birth canal and prevents damage (tears of the vagina, vulva). In addition, the slow movement of the head through the vagina allows the child to adapt to the pronounced pressure of its walls, which prevents the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhages.

Third period

This period is called the afterbirth period. It lasts no more than half an hour and is characterized by the birth of the placenta (placenta, remnants of the membranes with the umbilical cord). This is the fastest period, usually lasts several minutes and is characterized by one contraction.

The course of “accelerated” labor

“Accelerated” birth can occur in several scenarios:

1 option

In this case, rapid labor is characterized by a uniform acceleration of the labor process as a whole, that is, there is an acceleration of both the first and second periods. Rapid labor begins from the moment the uterine os opens. The accelerated course of the first two periods is due to increased extensibility of the cervix, vaginal walls and perineum. As a rule, the reason for the acceleration of labor is the weak resistance of the soft tissues of the birth canal against the background of increasing contractions. This option is often observed in women with hyperestrogenism, with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, or in multiparous women.

Clinical manifestations: during the first hour of the onset of rapid labor, the strength and duration of contractions increases inadequately (2 - 3 contractions in 5 minutes), the total duration is about 4 - 5 hours, but are not accompanied by significant damage to the birth canal. Such a birth scenario is more dangerous for the child, especially in the case of prematurity or, on the contrary, a large fetus, or with existing intrauterine pathology (hypoxia, developmental delay or malformations).

Option 2

The course of labor according to option 2 is characterized by spastic convulsive contractions. Clinical manifestations:

  • sharp and sudden onset of frequent, prolonged and very painful contractions;
  • There are practically no intervals between contractions;
  • the number of contractions reaches 5 or more in 10 minutes;
  • restless state of the woman in labor;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • tachycardia.

Due to very intense, frequent and sharp contractions, the cervix, vagina, perineum are damaged (torn), and possibly damage to the body of the uterus. Childbirth can be complicated by premature placental abruption, impaired placental blood flow, fetal hypoxia and uterine bleeding. There is a high probability of developing complications for the fetus.

The duration of labor is no more than 3 hours, the birth of a child occurs in 1 - 2 attempts, which appear immediately after the complete opening of the uterine pharynx (the biomechanism of labor is disrupted, which leads to serious injury to the fetus).

Option 3

This scenario for the course of labor is characterized by rapid birth of the fetus and is fundamentally different from the first two options. The main difference is the disturbed relationship between the first and second periods. More often, labor proceeds normally in the first period or can be somewhat accelerated, but the second period (expulsion of the fetus) takes only 3 to 5 minutes. This type of rapid birth (first or second/third) is typical for premature birth or with fetal malnutrition or a wide pelvis of the woman in labor. Unreasonable drug labor stimulation can make labor quick and even rapid.

The rapid course of the period of pushing is fraught with severe damage to the soft tissues of the vulva and vagina for a woman, and for a child with traumatic brain and spinal injuries.

Management of childbirth

As already indicated, even at the stage of managing a pregnant woman, predisposing factors for “accelerated” labor are identified in the antenatal clinic, and if there is a high degree of risk, the woman is hospitalized in the maternity hospital in advance, 1 - 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.

If the rapid or rapid course of labor begins outside the walls of a medical institution, the woman in labor is urgently hospitalized in the maternity hospital (on a gurney from the moment the woman is discovered until she is transported to the ward) and all measures are taken to “slow down” labor:

Cleansing enema

A cleansing enema is mandatory for all women in labor to stimulate contractions, but in cases of rapid labor it is contraindicated.

Horizontal position

The woman in labor spends the entire first and second periods lying down. During contractions, she should lie on the side opposite to the position of the fetus (not on the side where the back is located, but vice versa) - it reduces the frequency and intensity of contractions.

Administration of tocolytics

In the absence of contraindications, an intravenous infusion of tocolytic drugs is performed (they relax the uterus): partusisten, ginipral, bricanil). Otherwise, calcium antagonists are injected intravenously: nifedipine, verapamil. Magnesium sulfate, antispasmodics and narcotic analgesics (promedol, baralgin) are also administered intravenously.

Epidural anesthesia

If necessary, EDA is performed (injection of an anesthetic into the suprathecal space of the spinal cord at the level of the lumbar vertebrae).

Management of 2nd and 3rd periods

The woman in labor also spends the second period on her side with intravenous administration of drugs that improve uteroplacental circulation. Immediately after the birth of the fetus, oxytocin or methylergometrine is added intravenously and manual monitoring of the uterine cavity is carried out for remaining placental lobes and membranes.


A rapid birth may occur without consequences for both the child and the mother, but the risk of its development remains high.

Maternal complications

  • Damage to the soft tissue of the birth canal. Grade 3 - 4 ruptures of the cervix, vaginal walls and fornix, perineum, rupture of the cervix, as well as uterine rupture are accompanied by severe bleeding and threaten the woman’s life.
  • Divergence of the symphysis pubis. It is characterized by severe pain and requires either surgery (osteosynthesis) or long-term (up to a month or more) stay in a fixed position (lying on your back with legs apart and bent at the knees).
  • Premature placental abruption. An extremely dangerous complication for both the woman and the fetus. The birth ends with an emergency caesarean section.
  • Violation of uteroplacental blood flow. Leads to the development of acute intrauterine hypoxia and also requires immediate delivery (caesarean section).
  • Violation of placenta separation. It is accompanied by retention of placenta lobes and membranes in the uterus, provokes bleeding and requires manual control of the uterus.
  • Hypotonic bleeding. Develops in the early postpartum period (the first 2 hours after the completion of labor). Uterotonics (oxytocin) are administered intravenously; if ineffective, manual control of the uterine cavity and massage of the uterus on the fist are performed.

Consequences for the child

  • Injuries to the soft tissues of a child. Hemorrhages of varying intensity in the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Damage to the clavicle and humerus. Due to a violation of the biomechanism of childbirth, the fetus does not have time to complete turning after the birth of the head and the birth of the shoulders occurs in an oblique size, which is accompanied by fractures of the clavicle and humerus.
  • Cephalohematomas. The rapid advancement of the fetal head disrupts the biomechanism of labor; the head does not have time to configure itself, which leads to hemorrhage under the periosteum of the cranial bones).
  • Hemorrhages into internal organs. Massive hemorrhages in parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys and adrenal glands) are possible.
  • Cerebrovascular accident. Due to spasm of cerebral vessels, blood circulation in the brain is disrupted, which leads to strokes and death of brain cells. Increased intracranial pressure also impairs blood flow in the brain. The listed factors can lead to the death of the child or his disability in the future.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Acute hypoxia and birth of a fetus in asphyxia. Requires resuscitation measures. In the distant future of the child, it is possible that he will lag behind in neuropsychic and physical development.

Question answer

Is the risk of complications reduced during a second rapid labor?

No. The development of complications accompanies almost all rapid births, and the number of previous births does not matter.

My birth was easy and quick. She gave birth in 4.5 hours (first birth) and without any complications, including for the child. So, do doctors simply scare mothers with the consequences of rapid (quick) labor?

No, doctors are absolutely correct in warning about the high likelihood of complications in the event of an “accelerated” course of labor. And you were just lucky that there were no complications.

Will the next birth necessarily be shortened after a rapid labor?

There is no clear answer to this question. Of course, you have a high risk of so-called rapid labor, especially if there are predisposing factors, but it is quite likely that labor will progress normally.

I was in labor for a total of 12 hours. The child was “pushed” in one push. The extract from the maternity hospital says that the birth was rapid. Why?

You answered your own question. A rapid birth of the fetus occurs, and the period of contractions in duration approaches normal values, and the second period proceeds in one or two attempts. It was precisely on the basis of a significant shortening of the pushing period that obstetricians and gynecologists diagnosed rapid labor.

How to prevent accelerated labor?

Firstly, when determining a high degree of risk for rapid or rapid labor, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the obstetrician at the antenatal clinic. Avoid physical activity and heavy lifting, if necessary, undergo preventive treatment in a hospital (threat of premature birth, ICN, fetal growth retardation), attend courses on psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth and be prepared for prenatal hospitalization in the maternity hospital.

Anna Sozinova

Every pregnant woman has her own problems. Someone suffers from the threat of miscarriage as a result, and someone, as the due date approaches, can no longer wait for a certain relief that guarantees a successful delivery. The question of how to speed up labor comes, of course, to mothers of the second category: those whose pregnancy was not complicated by any risks, but for some reason the baby is still in no hurry to announce its arrival to the world. The last weeks, and especially the days of pregnancy, are not easy for each woman. And if the process of childbirth itself is delayed, then these circumstances force the woman to think about how to speed up the birth.

Is it possible to speed up labor?

First of all, you should always take into account how strong the need is for this very acceleration of the onset of labor. After all, according to doctors, many ladies who still do not feel the approach of the cherished hour have a hereditary tendency to. So, if mothers and grandmothers carried the baby under their hearts longer than prescribed by traditional medicine, then, most likely, their daughters and granddaughters will also have this characteristic feature. Also, last but not least, the onset of labor on time depends on the woman’s menstrual cycle: if it is more than 30 days, then we can expect a delay in the onset of labor in the future. But, if, in spite of everything, the expectant mother can no longer bear to endure all the delights of pregnancy, and she no longer wants to postpone meeting the baby, then you can try to speed up the birth. First, of course, using folk methods proven by the experience and knowledge of previous generations, which, according to those who have tried them on themselves, are completely safe.

Only if it is not possible to solve the “problem” on your own, should you resort to inducing labor with medication. But only on condition that the pregnancy turns out to be truly post-term, that is, if an ultrasound examination confirms that the placenta has begun to age - and the fetus suffers from a lack of substances necessary for it. You should not be afraid of inducing labor: it is carried out solely in the interests of the baby, believe me! But if you have the time and opportunity, then you should try to speed up the onset of labor on your own - what if it works? Moreover, all these methods are safe and completely accessible to every woman whose pregnancy is prolonged.

How to speed up childbirth at home?

The most pleasant way to speed up labor is sexual intercourse. Moreover, you need to make sure that during orgasm the sperm enters the vagina: it contains prostaglandins, which then act on the uterus, causing it to contract. And, in addition, sex promotes greater blood flow to the pelvic organs, including the reproductive organs and the uterus, thus stimulating its contraction.

You can try to speed up labor by increasing physical activity. More movement - house cleaning with washing windows or landings, squats, side bends or rotational movements of the pelvis - all this can become a “push” for the start of uterine contractions. True, it is advisable that someone close to you knows about the expectant mother’s intention to quickly meet the baby and is close to the pregnant woman during the implementation of this method of speeding up labor: by the time contractions begin, she will definitely need help.

Many women have heard that excessive stimulation of the nipples in the early stages and even in the middle of pregnancy is unacceptable, as it can lead to miscarriage. But as a method of accelerating labor, nipple stimulation is very suitable: during nipple massage, a special hormone is released, which also promotes uterine contractions.

Diet can also play a role in speeding up labor: the intestines should work “like a clock,” nothing should interfere with its peristalsis. And for this, the intestines need vegetables and fruits in large quantities, salads from fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil. Traditional medicine claims that beets, parsley and spicy foods are especially good at stimulating the onset of labor.

If the matter cannot be solved with vegetables and fruits alone, then you can resort to an enema: such means cause the intestines to contract, the intestines, in turn, affect the uterus, “transferring” to it the ability to contract along the chain, which ultimately leads to the onset of contractions . Castor oil has long been used as the most effective laxative in this case: previously, even in maternity hospitals, in order to stimulate the onset of labor, a woman was given a piece of black salted bread with castor oil dripped onto it. The same “delicacy” can be eaten at home with no less success if there is a need or desire to speed up labor.

It happens that traditional methods of accelerating labor have no effect on the pregnant woman. Moreover, she is recommended to induce labor in a hospital setting, after hospitalization in the maternity hospital. The ideal way to speed up labor in this case would be a gradual and smooth induction of labor, preparing the uterus for dilation, softening the cervix with special drugs, and only then using means to induce labor. However, more often doctors resort to another method: opening the amniotic sac. Its essence is that after the discharge of amniotic fluid, the uterus begins to rapidly contract, which means labor begins.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Preparing for the long-awaited birth of a baby, every woman dreams that it will go smoothly - without complications and as quickly as possible, so as not to endure painful contractions for too long.

In fact, the whole process lasts differently for everyone: for some, everything ends in 2 hours, and for some, they are relieved of the burden only at the end of the day. Both are pathologies. And those very quick births that all expectant mothers dream about do not always end well. What is the reason?

First, you need to figure out what quick labor means and whether it is actually dangerous for mother and baby.
Secondly, it is advisable to distinguish between two very similar concepts that exist in gynecology - rapid and rapid labor.
Thirdly, you need to understand that they will be different for first- and multiparous women. For some, the body experiences such stress for the first time, which means that the cervix, birth canal, pelvic bones - everything will diverge much more slowly. For others, the so-called “body memory” is triggered + all the organs involved in this process have already been stretched the last time, so now this all happens with the least amount of time. The birth canal is better prepared, and the cervical canal is stretched along its entire length at once, rather than gradually.

According to medical terminology, rapid labor is one that lasts less than 6 hours for primiparous women and less than 4 hours for multiparous women. People also call them street ones. Normally, this period of time should be from 7 to 15 and from 5 to 12 hours, respectively. It is calculated based on the average normal value for a primigravida woman - the rate of cervical effacement, which is 1 cm per hour. Anything that does not fit into this framework is considered pathology in gynecology.

There are also ones that can last only 4 hours when the first child appears and 2 hours - if the woman in labor already has children.

Why is the baby in such a hurry to be born, endangering not only his own life and health, but also his mother’s? The main reasons are the characteristics of the female body, not the fetus. If a pregnant woman pays attention to them from the beginning, she will be able to avoid rapid labor and complications associated with it.

This is interesting. Previously, midwives said that a woman in labor should not see the dawn twice, that is, childbirth should not last more than a day.


As a rule, the reasons for rapid labor in first-time mothers and those who have already given birth are the same. With timely diagnosis and regular monitoring by a doctor, they are detected long before the baby is born. With the correct and coordinated actions of the pregnant woman and the gynecologist, they can be eliminated. These include:

  • pathology of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • incoordination of labor, when the duration and power of contractions are unpredictable;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • pathological course of pregnancy: multiple pregnancy, placental insufficiency, large fetus, Rh conflict, gestosis;
  • psychological unpreparedness for childbirth: fear provokes the release of adrenaline in huge quantities, which disrupts the regulation of labor and leads to its discoordination;
  • inflammatory diseases suffered during pregnancy;
  • past abortions and miscarriages;
  • diseases of the uterus: tumor, adenomyosis, endometritis;
  • operations on the uterus;
  • menstruation disorders before conception;
  • if all previous births were quick;
  • The age of the woman giving birth is less than 18 years or more than 35.

Timely elimination of these causes reduces the risk of rapid labor, and therefore the complications that they are fraught with. If you couldn’t avoid this, you just need to be well prepared for this process in order to help your own body and baby overcome all difficulties without consequences. It is quite possible. And the first step towards this is to understand from the very beginning of contractions that this is happening much more quickly for you than is normal.

According to statistics. Rapid labor is diagnosed in 1% of cases.


What signs may indicate that rapid labor has begun in first-time mothers:

  • sudden increase in heart rate;
  • shortness of breath;
  • contractions move from the top of the abdomen down for 3 hours instead of the prescribed 5;
  • at the first stage of labor, contractions repeat every 7-8 minutes instead of the normal 10-15;
  • the first contractions last 20-25 seconds instead of the prescribed 10-15;
  • pushing lasts less than an hour instead of two.

They begin in approximately the same way, but they are much less painful. However, the risk of repeated ruptures, if they have occurred before, increases. With a colossal load on the organs involved in this process, the previous sutures cannot withstand and come apart again, no matter how well they were made the previous time.

To be prepared for all surprises, it is useful for a woman to find out how all this happens in order to behave correctly and reduce the risk of complications.


If you have already realized that a quick birth cannot be avoided, calm down and try to behave correctly at every stage of the difficult process. A lot depends on this: consequences, complications, injuries, ruptures, etc. If you prepare well and do everything that the doctor says, the risks can be minimized.

First period

  1. The uterine os opens.
  2. In primiparous women, rapid labor lasts about 3 hours, in multiparous women it lasts only 1 hour.
  3. Regular contractions of the uterine muscles - contractions - appear. They occur involuntarily, but with a certain frequency.
  4. They are felt first in the upper abdomen, and then spread downward within 3 hours instead of the prescribed 5.
  5. Contractions repeat every 7-8 minutes instead of the normal 10-15, and the first ones last 20-25 seconds instead of the required 10-15.
  6. Under the influence of contractions, the pressure inside the uterus increases, the cervix becomes shorter and opens.
  7. During rapid labor, contractions are extremely strong and occur almost every 2 minutes towards the end of the period.
  8. At this stage, such rapid labor activity can lead to disturbances in uteroplacental or fetal placental blood flow, hypoxia, fetal death, and placental abruption.

Second period

  1. If the first stage of rapid labor is completed successfully, you need to prepare for the second stage - pushing.
  2. Duration is about an hour for primiparous women and only 15 minutes for multiparous women.
  3. The contractions are accompanied by pushing - this is the name given to contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
  4. They are involuntary, but the woman in labor can, if possible, intensify or inhibit them.
  5. The diaphragm lowers, the abdominal muscles tense, and the pressure in the uterus and abdominal cavity increases.
  6. The fetus begins to move along the birth canal to the exit.
  7. This is where problems such as injuries in a child and ruptures in a woman in labor can begin.

Third period

  1. The postpartum period in rapid labor is no different from normal labor in terms of time, as it lasts on average about half an hour.
  2. The placenta and placenta are separated.
  3. A feature of rapid labor at this stage is frequent bleeding, which, in the absence of medical assistance, can lead to the death of the woman in labor.

If this is a very quick birth (rapid), you need to act wisely and without panic. According to statistics, if the pregnancy proceeded without pathologies, there is every chance that the child and the woman’s body will cope with this situation without any problems. Although many experts argue that such childbirth will still have negative consequences for both. Here, much will depend on the actions of the doctor delivering the baby.


With the rapid development of labor, various therapeutic measures are carried out depending on the condition of the mother and child. They are aimed at reducing the activity of the uterus.

  1. Intravenous drip administration of drugs to relax the muscles of the uterus and ease contractions (for example, Ginipral).
  2. After this, the power and frequency of contractions are taken under control and regulated by changing the rate of administration of the prescribed drug.
  3. Contraindications for the administration of these drugs: thyrotoxicosis, cardiovascular diseases. In these cases, calcium antagonists (for example, Verapamil) are administered intravenously. They reduce the contraction of muscle cells.
  4. During a quick birth, the woman in labor needs to lie on the side where the back of the fetus is located. This position reduces the contractile activity of the uterus.
  5. Simultaneously with these measures, constant monitoring of the baby’s condition is carried out using cardiotocography.
  6. If hypoxia is suspected, doctors take measures to improve uteroplacental blood flow.
  7. When everything is over, a thorough examination of the birth canal is carried out. In case of ruptures, stitches are applied.

A quick birth is always stressful for the mother’s body, for the baby and for the entire team of doctors who take part in it. At each stage, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the fetus in order to avoid tragic consequences.

Despite the fact that this is very rare given the modern level of medicine, they still make up a larger percentage than with the normal duration of the birth process.


Is rapid birth good or bad? This question does not have a clear answer, even among specialists. Most of them are still inclined to the second option, since in 6 hours the body of a young woman who is giving birth for the first time cannot prepare for such a stressful and difficult event.

It is increasingly said that the consequences of rapid childbirth may not appear immediately, but only over time. However, no specific research has been carried out in this direction. You need to be prepared for anything.

Consequences for the mother

  1. The cervical canal does not have time to stretch, as does the pelvic bone ring. The result is tears and cracks.
  2. Rapid stretching of the symphysis pubis is the cause of its rupture. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks of bed rest in a stationary state.
  3. Episeotomy or episeorrhaphy - dissection of the perineum to avoid its deep rupture.
  4. Rupture of the perineum to the muscular sphincter of the rectum. Such an injury causes incontinence of gases and feces and requires reconstructive surgery.
  5. Severe uterine bleeding, which in severe cases leads to the death of the woman in labor.

Consequences for the child

  1. The bones of the baby’s skull do not have time to transform during a rapid birth.
  2. Very high risk of traumatic brain injury.
  3. Very often, fractures of the clavicle and humerus occur, ruptures of the nerve plexuses with further development of paralysis of the arm, and damage to the cervical spine. This is because the baby’s body does not have time to turn and adjust to the birth canal.
  4. The cervix may shrink due to sudden stretching. Such spasms lead to numerous hemorrhages and hematomas on the child’s body. It is even more tragic when this causes a rupture of the liver or spleen.
  5. due to the fact that the uterus, not having time to relax, compresses the blood vessels. Fetal asphyxia can lead to its death.
  6. Premature placental abruption.

The most serious consequences for the child are those that are difficult to identify immediately after birth, much less to treat. Knowing about this kind of complications, you need to pay special attention to some points in its development, not miss a single consultation with a pediatrician and carry out maximum examinations for the presence of abnormalities.

This is the only way to eliminate the complications of rapid labor. And, of course, it is best to engage in timely prevention so that the birth of the baby takes place within normal limits.


Prevention of rapid labor is no different from the recommendations for pregnant women, which are known to everyone. If a woman leads a healthy lifestyle for 9 months (and ideally, several months before conception) and protects herself from diseases, everything will be fine, without pathologies. To do this, it is enough to follow the common truths:

  1. Be examined for pathologies and diseases.
  2. Get treatment.
  3. Be psychologically prepared for childbirth, do not be afraid and do not panic.
  4. Protect yourself from infections and inflammations.
  5. Avoid abortions and miscarriages.
  6. If possible, do not give birth before 18 and after 35 years.
  7. I would like to say special attention to those who are looking for exercises for quick labor: they are recommended to be performed only by those who are at risk of prolonged labor. Do not provoke such a situation - let everything take its course: it will be better for everyone.

So, dear women, there is no need to dream about giving birth too quickly, which does not always end well and can have a lot of negative consequences for yourself and your baby. Let everything go well within the normal limits and without complications. And if you had to face such a situation, do everything correctly - this will minimize risks and avoid troubles.

selection from the sibmama forum

Martha: Two popular methods: sex and enema. Both provoke contractions. You also need to talk to the child, tell him how you are waiting for him. Don't rush things at all. He himself knows when to go out. But don’t gain weight - be sure to persuade her. Tell him that it will be hard for mom, and that it will be hard for him himself.

Svetlanka: They say it helps to squat...

Young lady Anyuta: We walked around the floors of the maternity hospital. Someone carried a chair on outstretched arms, crawled on all fours, someone rode in a car around the maternity hospital. Before giving birth, my mother washed the floor with her hands... Someone prepared lunch for the whole family and warmed up with a vacuum cleaner. There are a lot of these tales, if you go to the maternity hospital early, you will hear a lot more.

Ryzhik: I would advise you to walk more. Something to tidy up the house. Nipple stimulation also helps a lot. You can read more about this on the Internet. Sex seems like a good idea. Although with such a belly it is difficult. In general, this is all advice from my doctor.

Jenny: hot bath.

Manyusha: I did squats, and walked along the street for a long time (they were walking with heavy bags from the store), and I had sex, and my nipples were stimulated. Some of this helped. Well, at worst, an enema - they say it causes contractions. About sex: activity is not as important here as sperm! It contains some substances that have a positive effect on the dilation of the cervix. So you can lie down like a log.

Laticka: run up and down the stairs, wash the floors and persuade the child, I remember, I was sitting there persuading on August 2, like - daughter, get ready for the world, it’s very difficult for me, etc., etc.

Oklen:"In recent years, new means of artificially inducing labor have been discovered. These are prostaglandin substances, which are found in large quantities in amniotic fluid. Previously, these drugs were used in the form of a solution that was administered intravenously, but now a gel has been developed that is used vaginally. It gradually dissolves , causing initial contractions of the uterus. If there are no contractions within 4 hours, the procedure is repeated. The good thing is that contractions are caused gradually, causing the cervix to dilate, which stimulates the onset of normal labor. And in cases where repetition of the procedure does not leads to childbirth, it is completely safe to postpone the procedure until the next day."

Bantikova: Girls, my birth was sped up at the consultation. This is not a guide on how to give birth, but I’ll just share... They gave me a kelp candle in the evening, the doctor told me to drive up to her in the morning, she would remove it... And I decided why I should go (the path is not close), I went to a consultation with myself, anyway, there was a scheduled appointment that day, I asked them to clean it up. It turned out that the thread had come off... And in general, while they were looking for this kelp for me and trying to get it, my contractions started right on the chair. But they never got this candle, although they assured me otherwise. I came with contractions to my doctor, where she got it (the candle) for me quickly and most importantly - painlessly... In general, this is how my labor was sped up at the “native” consultation. On the same day I gave birth to a son.

Phantom: Acupressure massage is a natural treatment that can be used to induce labor in women who have been post-term, to reduce pain associated with childbirth, or to speed up a slow labor.
Massage of biologically active points of the body is similar to acupuncture, but the difference is that it uses finger massage rather than needles. The greatest benefit of acupressure massage is that it is an effective way to induce labor as well as reduce pain associated with childbirth.

Megan: From grandmother's advice: wash the floor in the entire apartment - not with a mop, but by hand, while squatting. From personal experience: long walks. Try to talk to your baby again, explain to him why it is better to be born now. I know that many children in such a situation obeyed.

On Rozhana’s website, in the “Childbirth” section, there is a description of a herbal mixture to speed up opening and relieve pain, but it is noted that you need to start drinking it with the onset of contractions. I had a fairly quick birth, and I think it was thanks to him.
"Collection for childbirth: 1 tablespoon of thyme, peppermint, lemon balm, rose hips, oregano, brew 300 g of water in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and add a glass of boiled water. Take a few sips at the beginning of contractions until fully dilated necks".
I repeat that I spent most of the time with this preparation at home, in a fairly relaxed state, and gave birth 30 minutes later. upon arrival at the maternity hospital, however, it was the second birth.
Therefore, be sure to note the PERIODICITY of contractions. Painful sensations are not an indicator.

NataliaI: I used window cleaning for this purpose, remembering my mother’s story that I was born after she sealed the windows. It helped, but I somewhat regret it, because perhaps the body was not ready yet, and everything did not go well

VaLerochka: Sex, mopping floors, walking up to the 9th floor, walking with bags... None of this helped! Although, after mild contractions, there were 7 fingers dilated and a very soft neck, according to the doctor. Maybe sex helped here?
And the birth began after I took off the curtains and hung them back, and also lifted the stool (we have them heavy) with outstretched arms above my head. I did all this in the afternoon, and at 3 am I woke up with a stomach ache. Began.

Oza: Sex (necessarily with orgasm so that the uterus contracts), long walks and a warm bath.

Stepan: In my opinion, the best stimulation is a good mood and warm relationships with others, when everything has already been decided and determined, you can simply relax and enjoy life.

palmira: But nothing helped me - neither running (at the last stages), nor walking, nor washing the floor by hand, nor lifting weights, nor sex... absolutely nothing. Except! An examination on a chair, where they checked whether the bladder was intact by poking their fingers at the top of the child’s head. So we were born the next day.

A little pregnant: The doctor advised me to stimulate my nipples. That's what I did for two days. Even in the evenings, when it was impossible to walk, I ran up the stairs there, and when it was possible, I walked. I went to the city by minibus (I gave birth in Pervomaika).

Senefera: And I gave birth after the girls and I laughed until we lost our pulse and cried in the evening! And 2 hours later the contractions started!

Nana: I, apparently, also stimulated myself. 2 weeks in pathology, transfer to another maternity hospital (the city hospital was closed for cleaning), my nerves could not stand it, and I spent the whole evening sobbing into my husband on the phone about how much I wanted to go home. That same night, contractions began, and my son was born at 37 weeks.

Magali: labor begins when the baby produces a special hormone. How jumping and squats can contribute to this is not very clear))) Sex helps to some extent, there is prostaglandin in sperm, it softens the cervix....

Eseniya: I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or not, but the fact is obvious. That day I wanted to do a huge cleaning, I even washed the windows, in general, I was so tired in the evening that I didn’t even understand why my whole body was aching. Well, at one o'clock in the morning I already gave birth

Aksa: I can say that it really helped me to give birth at 38.5 weeks without stimulation and tearing:
1) olive oil from one to 3 tablespoons 2 months before the PDR.
2) tea from raspberry leaves a month before the PDR.
Walk on stairs, but only after 2 steps and preferably at a fast pace.

Lenka: What helped me with my first Re was a relaxing bath by candlelight + a glass of red wine + sex. Then we immediately went to give birth.

Free_Dom+: I also tried - walks (a lot and more), a special diet, soaping the floors, thinking about the baby, and everything that is described here. In the end, an examination on the chair helped. Or maybe not, but after examination she gave birth 12 hours later.

K@tenok: I gave birth at exactly 40 weeks because I was actively preparing so as not to go through the transition - sex (a lot), moving, assembling cabinets, long walks with my eldest daughter, and especially drinking raspberry leaf tea - I drank liters of it the last 2 days before giving birth.


KatyaD (06/01/2019)

Woman, 20 years old. Primipara. 39 weeks. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. On the advice of an experienced friend, I collected six boxes of matches scattered on the floor in order to give birth faster. Squatted. I went down and up to the ninth floor without an elevator. We run, back and forth, back and forth. Heavy bleeding. Severe fetal hypoxia. Extirpation of the uterus. The child could not be saved.

Adocada (01/06/2017)

Until recently, I walked a lot, did repairs, talked with my daughter, because... I felt that it was already hard for her - it didn’t help. And all sorts of somersaults with cabinets/refrigerators/floors can be harmful. If you have a trained body, your muscles, even stretched ones, will withstand the load, there will be no contractions, but your water may break.
I decided to get a pedicure after a shower, and eventually my water broke, but there were no contractions as such. The contractions went normal after 5 hours, I also gave birth only 5 hours after the contractions started, and even then with the help of an oxytocin drip, an epidural and the doctor’s elbows.
As a result, hypoxia, tight entanglement of the umbilical cord and other “delights” of the abnormal course of labor (although the entanglement was filmed by ultrasound 10 days before).
So be careful with somersaults and weights. As an option, prostaglandins, but not from tubes, but from your husband - sex. Many people have an effect, and if not, then at least without harm and with pleasure.

Shabalinova Tatyana (01/02/2011)

I gave birth twice after rubbing my nipples...natural oxytocin is produced this way, but it doesn’t work for everyone, as many breastfeed for a long time and sensitivity decreases, or sensitivity is simply reduced by nature. For this very reason (due to high sensitivity) I could not breastfeed, because the sensations were unpleasant, to put it mildly.....

We never tire of sharing where it turned out that only 4% of women give birth on their prenatal period and that the period of normal pregnancy varies for women with delta by as much as three weeks!

One midwife told us this: “Imagine that two apple trees are growing - one is an early ripening one, and the other is an autumn variety. Both bloom in spring, stand in the rain and bask in the sun. But one is designed in such a way that it will have apples already in July, while the other will have apples no earlier than September. All the apples are tasty and rosy, they just ripen at different times.”

I remember one day a worried dad called me: “How can we speed up the birth? She seems to love being pregnant so much that she won’t even give birth by 45 weeks!”

And sometimes it happens that a woman wants to somehow influence the process and speed up the birth of the baby a little. Sometimes, before the recommended medical induction (labor induction), mothers try gentler ways to start labor.

N.B.Any, even mild and natural, means to induce labor are an interference in the natural process of the birth of a baby.Check with your doctor and/or midwife before using them.

Is there really cause for concern?

20 ways to speed up labor or what to do if labor doesn’t start?

Why does this work?

Because the specialist stimulates biologically active points associated with the uterus. If it is not possible to visit a trusted specialist, then you can try self-stimulation “based on” in the format of a general relaxing massage with clary sage (a few drops in base oil)


A glass of wine or champagne, if necessary.

Why does this work?

Under the influence of alcohol, the cerebral cortex is inhibited, a pronounced sedative effect appears - in other words, a woman calms down and stops worrying about every issue. The level of stress hormones decreases again.

Most often, women abstain from alcohol during pregnancy, so even a glass of wine is enough to have a clear effect.

**Attention! If you are categorically against alcohol during pregnancy, you do not need to use this method - there are many others!


Talk to the child, ask him to quickly go to a meeting with mom and dad; talk to each other and discuss ALL possible “what if” options again; talk to a specialist you trust.

Why does this work?

Nobody fully understands about talking to a child, but this advice is given not only by traditional midwives, but also by official doctors.

About conversations with adults - the same effect about reducing stress, sharing responsibility and accepting the situation as it is.


Elizabeth Davis, a Californian midwife with 30 years of experience, in her book “Hearts and Hands” recommends taking Cosimifuga 30C once an hour for 8 hours, and then also Caulophyllum 30C to ripen and soften the cervix. If the cervix is ​​already soft, then Elizabeth advises taking Caulophyllum 200C once at night.

Why does this work?

It is believed that microdoses of the active substance cause a strong response in the body according to the principle of treating like with like.Randomized trialsThe effectiveness of Caulophyllum for inducing labor has not yet been confirmed. However, this may be due to the need for an individual approach when prescribing homeopathic medicines, scientists say.

***Keep in mind : the effect of medications is reduced by consuming caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and mint (tea, paste, chewing gum).

“Shake yourself up” with sex, walking up and down the stairs, walking in the park, swinging on a fitball and yes, washing the floors, thanks to Olga Fokina for the reminder!

Why does this work?

In response to physical activity, uterine contractions are triggered and, if the body is ready for childbirth, there is a chance that contractions will become regular and intensify.


Dates, hot curry, ginger, pineapples, eggplants, licorice, balsamic vinegar, fermented baked milk with cinnamon (thanks to Yulia Karpenko for the recipe).

Why does this work?

If there is already research about dates, then the remaining components of the menu relate to traditional, but not scientifically proven methods. It is believed that the mechanism of action is usually based on two factors: the presence of substances that promote softening and ripening of the cervix, and stimulation of the intestines.

OneAmerican pizzeriaThey even serve a special “labor-inducing salad” (green leaves + olive oil and balsamic dressing).


“Give yourself time...children are born when they are ready for it...” - that’s all true, but how painful it can be to just sit and wait!

Therefore, many women find important and useful things for themselves that are worth finishing before the onset of labor: finding the best-mattress-for-the-crib, learning to bake a Napoleon cake, creating a wardrobe for after childbirth - sale now, watching all parts of the series “Midwives” or “Fizruk”, submit financial statements. Who knows what will be useful for you?

Why does this work?

Because sometimes you just have to wait.

The onset of labor is associated with the baby's readiness to breathe. If everything is fine with mother and child (a test, CTG and regular observation by a doctor/midwife can confirm this), all that remains is to wait for the moment. It is believed that women with a long cycle can add as many days to their cycle as the cycle is longer than 28 days.

    Get rid of constipation

Dried fruits (pre-soak in water for several hours) ordried fruit candies , mild laxatives, enemas help cleanse the intestines and stimulate excretory processes.

Why does this work?

As you know, mild diarrhea is one of the harbingers of imminent childbirth. Bowel contractions can stimulate contractions. Emptying your bowels (and bladder) allows your uterus to contract more effectively.

**Attention! Drink thirstily, as severe diarrhea causes dehydration, which, on the contrary, interferes with labor.

It is often recommended as a “home” method of inducing labor. In Russia they usually recommend an “obstetric cocktail” (a glassapricot juice and brut or soda mixed with a couple of tablespoons of ground almonds and castor oil), in America it is more often mixed with orange juice. Dosages vary greatly - from 10 to 100 ml. Accordingly, the effect occurs within 3-12 hours. Before the era of synthetic prostaglandins, castor oil was quite officially used for induction in maternity hospitals.

Why does this work?

Castor oil increases the production of prostaglandins, causing the cervix to soften, and the accompanying diarrhea and bowel contractions further stimulate the uterus.Researchshow that castor oil did not affect either the duration of labor or the health of the mother or child.

**Attention! Modern midwives are divided in their attitude to inducing labor with castor oil. Many consider its use unjustified, since severe diarrhea causes dehydration, which leads to loss of strength and the prospect of giving birth on the toilet. Also, contractions caused by castor oil may subside within a few hours, which in a maternity hospital will most likely lead to additional interventions to stimulate labor.

    Evening primrose oil

Typically used as a dietary supplement (500-2000 mg per day) and as a perineal massage oil.

Why does this work?

It is believed that gamma-linoleic acid, which is rich in evening primrose oil (evening primrose), helps the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for cervical ripening.

Scientific researchThere are few evening primrose oils and they are contradictory. Some show no effect, others show faster ripening of the cervix, others show a bunch of side effects from an increased risk of bleeding and premature rupture of amniotic fluid to an increase in the duration of labor and more frequent stimulation with oxytocin.

Yes, at least just sit quietly for 10 minutes. You can download a special application for meditation.

Why does this work?

It is believed that meditation helps relieve stress, calm the mind and trigger relaxation mechanisms in the body. This is confirmed by a number of studies (for example, a professor from Harvard even created a special Mind-Body Institute to study the effects of meditation).

    Tenderness and everything that helps you find yourself in bliss and bliss.

A four-hand massage, a bath with foam and essential oils of lavender and rose, lying in bed all day, going to the opera, gourmet eating or going to the bathhouse - everything that previously gave you a feeling of absolute happiness will work now.

Why does this work?

When we relax and enjoy ourselves, the level of stress hormones decreases and oxytocin is produced more easily.


This is not manual therapy, all manipulations are very gentle. So if you're going for the first time, prepare to be surprised. In most cases, the effect occurs within 2-3 days, and before that many people wonder: did I just spend 3-5-7 thousand on gentle strokes? Give yourself time, it works!

Why does this work?

A gentle effect on muscles and ligaments that helps balance tension and relaxation in the body. Sometimes the baby won’t take any action and the contractions start and then subside again. An osteopath can help relax the ligaments that support the uterus, allowing the baby to finally get into the best position for birth.

Some women find that alternating physical activity with intense relaxation helps them calm down and relieve stress. For example, a swimming pool and yoga nidra practice. Or maybe a sauna or just an endless bath with jasmine

Attention! Jasmine essential oil causes uterine contractions

Why does this work?

Sometimes labor does not begin because the woman is tired, worried and afraid. When stress hormones and adrenaline accumulate in the body, the production of oxytocin becomes difficult. Exercise and relaxation help relieve tension and get a rush of endorphins. From this state, starting labor is much easier and more enjoyable.


Yes, cunnilingus counts too. Yes, you can do it without a condom. Yes, orgasm is important.

Why does this work?

Firstly, blood flows to the pelvic organs.

Secondly, during orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is released, which, as is known, is also responsible for uterine contractions during childbirth. If the uterine receptors are already sensitive enough, an additional portion of oxytocin can be a trigger.

Thirdly, semen contains prostaglandins, which promote the ripening and softening of the cervix.

    Nipple stimulation

The movements should be quite active, similar to pumping. Some moms even use a breast pump to stimulate their nipples.

Why does this work?

The uterus contracts in response to the release of oxytocin during nipple stimulation. Yes, yes, oxytocin is also needed during breastfeeding - it is responsible for the milk release reflex. Don't be alarmed if you see droplets of colostrum - many mothers already have it in their breasts before giving birth.


It’s enough just to start with what you yourself will enjoy doing. Hints? Soft pastel and drawing “Landscape of Childbirth”, a diary in pictures or a whole DIY project for the nursery.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs