Flu pills while breastfeeding. Is the flu transmitted through breast milk?


Can you breastfeed with the flu? This question torments many mothers who unexpectedly fell ill with this viral disease. Concern immediately arises: will the disease be transmitted with milk to the baby, because he is still so small? Are such fears justified? Will boiling breast milk help protect the baby from illness? Need to figure it out.

Why is the flu dangerous?

The flu is a disease infectious nature caused by viruses. It affects, as a rule, the upper respiratory tract of the diseased. Currently, more than 200 varieties of this virus are isolated.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person when coughing, sneezing. For another person to get sick, it is enough for the microorganism to get on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, from where, in fact, the infection begins. It is manifested by coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion. The virus then enters the blood, causing unpleasant symptoms: a significant increase in temperature, aching muscles and bones, chills, weakness, headache sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. A person usually becomes ill within 1-2 days from the moment of infection.

Without laboratory research it is not possible to distinguish influenza from SARS, since the symptoms of these diseases are very similar. With a favorable prognosis, already after 4-5 days in the case of influenza, the patient feels relief.

In severe cases it is possible the following complications: cerebral edema, meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, rhinitis, tracheitis, otitis and others.

The treatment for influenza is to relieve the symptoms of the disease, as well as taking antiviral drugs. In parallel, doctors prescribe rest, plentiful drink, antipyretics and antitussives, vitamin preparations. The patient during this period is advised to refrain from alcohol and smoking. Many begin to self-medicate and drink antibiotics. It is not right. Uncomplicated flu cure antibacterial drugs impossible, because the causative agent of the disease is not bacteria, but viruses.

All this a nursing mother should know for sure. She should see a doctor to prescribe medication, given that the woman is breastfeeding. The influenza virus, compared to other viruses, has a stronger effect on the immune system, weakening it. That is why the flu often has complications.

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To feed with the flu or not to feed?

The answer of pediatricians to this question is unequivocal: the flu during breastfeeding is not a reason to stop or interrupt it. First, if the child is only on breastfeeding, if the mother refuses to feed during the period of illness, she will have to resort to the use of a mixture, which is extremely undesirable for either the mother or the child. Secondly, without interruption for the duration of the illness, the mother protects her baby by passing antibodies to the flu with her milk. They will be produced in the body of a woman a few days after the onset of the disease. Together with milk, the mother will share antibodies with the baby, laying a good foundation for immunity. But the flu virus with mother's milk will not be transmitted to the baby. Therefore, breastfeeding during the flu is not only possible, but necessary. Just remember to take a few precautions. There are two dangers in this case:

  1. the risk of infecting the baby;
  2. do not overdo it with medications for own treatment because the baby will get them through milk.

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What medicines to treat mom?

When prescribing flu drugs, the doctor will proceed from their safety for the baby, who receives milk from the mother.

As antiviral agent during lactation, doctors often prescribe Viferon suppositories, drops of Grippferon or Nazoferon. These medicines are absolutely safe for mother and child. They have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. If the mother is worried about a very high temperature, she is allowed to use garacetamol or urofen as an antipyretic. Vasoconstrictor drops in the nose from congestion are also not contraindicated. But it is better not to use cough tablets based on chemistry. Their components are too aggressive and can harm the baby. Cough in this case is best treated with herbal preparations. Suitable decoctions of thyme, plantain, thyme. Well proven chest fees. With a minimum of harm, they contain a maximum of substances useful for recovery.

Suitable for throat treatment antiseptic preparations in the form of lozenges and spray. But you can't get carried away using them. It is better to give preference to gargling with chamomile or furacilin.

But any warming procedures, including steaming the legs in a basin, should be abandoned. The fact is that similar procedures cause an increase in milk production. Milk in the breast will stagnate, it will need to be constantly expressed. In addition, you can’t soar your legs even at high temperatures.

Thus, flu treatment for a nursing mother is simply necessary. But only a qualified doctor should prescribe this treatment.

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Should milk be boiled?

Some mothers, for fear of infecting the child, express milk, boil it, and only then give it to the baby. This is not recommended. The fact is that at high temperatures, mother's milk loses all its beneficial features: trace elements, vitamins, minerals and even hormones, which are found in small quantities in women's milk.

In addition, boiling significantly changes the taste of milk. Therefore, it is likely that the baby simply does not want to drink it. thermally process breast milk Not recommended. Influenza during breastfeeding is not a reason to change something in the baby's feeding system.

During lactation, taking many drugs can lead to unexpected adverse reactions. If during pregnancy the placenta protects the child from the influence of medicines, then after its appearance, all the medicines taken by the mother inevitably enter the milk. At the same time, the immunity of a nursing woman is always somewhat weakened, since many parents cannot eat fully, and the vitamins and minerals that come with food are taken by the baby.

What to do if a representative of the weaker sex gets sick in How can nursing mothers be treated for colds and flu? Today's article will answer these questions for you. You will learn about the drugs you can take, as well as find out everything about folk recipes actively used by women.

Use only approved antivirals

Most often, the common cold is of viral origin. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 patients are affected by viruses. Some time ago, such a pathology did not require medical correction. The body itself is able to cope with the disease. But a woman who is lactating is not allowed to take risks. After all, a complication may begin that will require even more strength and medicine. So how to treat a cold for a nursing mother? You can take approved antivirals.

  • Anaferon and Ergoferon. These drugs are produced by the same manufacturer. They have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Tablets "Ergoferon" also have antihistamine activity. Both funds are allowed for use during the activation period.
  • "Genferon" and "Viferon" - immunomodulator, produced in the form of suppositories. You can safely use it for a nursing mother and baby (for the purpose of prevention).
  • "Grippferon"- spray or drops with antiviral activity. This medicine is given to pregnant women and newborn babies. It can also be used during lactation.

Homeopathy: pros and cons

It is believed that homeopathic remedies are safe and effective. They are prescribed for expectant mothers and children preschool age. And what can you drink from a cold for a nursing mother from Here are some proven and safe medicines:

  • "Oscillococcinum"- pellets made from duck liver. Used at the first symptoms of a cold for three days.
  • "Aflubin"- a preparation based on herbal extracts. Available in tablets and drops. The latter contain ethanol in their composition, therefore they are not recommended for lactating women.
  • "Engistol"- a medication that is an analogue of "Aflubin". But this tool contains much less components.

Many doctors do not recommend taking homeopathic remedies during lactation. Doctors assure that you can drink such drugs for a cold (to a nursing mother) only in exceptional cases. It has long been known that the active substance of such medicines is not found in the blood. Therefore, the principle of drug operation is not fully known. Perhaps it may not be as harmless as it is believed today.

How to eliminate nasal congestion and runny nose?

Often an infection (viral and bacterial) is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose. This is a completely natural reaction to a stimulus. The tissues fill with blood, hyperemia occurs. How to make breathing easier? How to treat a cold for a nursing mother with such symptoms?

Use safe saline solutions("Dolphin", "Aquamaris", "Rinostop", "Sodium Chloride"). They will wash the mucous membrane, remove pathogens, soften and moisturize the tissues. In addition, such drugs can slightly relieve puffiness due to the salt content. You can also use the Miramistin antiseptic. This remedy will have an antibacterial and antifungal action, will prevent further reproduction of viruses. Among antiviral drugs for nasal use, Grippferon, Interferon, Nazoferon can be distinguished.

If the nose is very stuffy, then use vasoconstrictor drugs. It is worth remembering that such drugs are not used for more than 3-5 days. It is especially dangerous to get used to such medications for women during lactation. How to treat a cold for a nursing mother with swelling of the nasal mucosa? Pay attention to such tools as "Nazivin", "Snoop", "Rinostop", "For the Nose". Use them only as needed and in the minimum dosage.

What antibiotics can a nursing mother take?

What drugs can breastfeeding mothers take with a cold if it is caused bacterial infection? In such a situation, self-treatment is unacceptable. It is strictly forbidden to use antibiotics alone. Be sure to see a doctor. Before prescribing this or that medication, the doctor will definitely conduct a number of tests. preference is given penicillin series or macrolides. The question of the possibility of continuing breastfeeding is decided individually.

What to do at high temperature?

What can be taken from a cold for a nursing mother in order to eliminate fever? Many mistakenly believe that a woman's milk burns out at a high temperature. At the same time, mothers begin to refine themselves as soon as they can: they boil breast milk, express it before attaching the baby. All these manipulations not only do not bring benefits. Moreover, they are harmful to you and the baby. If you have a fever, then you just need to take an antipyretic.

A nursing mother can use the same medicines as a baby. Medicines based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are usually prescribed: Nurofen, Panadol, Ibuklin, and so on. Use them strictly established instruction dosage. It is strictly forbidden to take aspirin! If you do not have the specified safe medicines, then you can use any available (in addition to aspirin), but only once and in the case when the thermometer level exceeds 38.5 degrees. Remember the rules for measuring temperature for nursing mothers.

How to get rid of cough?

What should I do if my mother has a cough? Can I take any medication on my own? Before treating a cold for a nursing mother and using antitussive medicines, you should consult a doctor. You can't always choose the right medicines on your own.

The cough may be wet or dry. In the first case, mucolytic compounds are prescribed, for example, Gerbion, ACC. If a dry cough is accompanied by wheezing in the bronchi, then you need to use "Lazolvan" or "Ambrobene". These drugs help thin the sputum and gently remove it from respiratory tract. When a dry cough is caused by irritation of the throat, the doctor recommends taking antitussive compounds: Codelac, Gerbion, Sinekod. But at the same time, it is necessary to compare the expected benefits for the mother and possible risk for the baby.

Treat a sore throat

What drugs can breastfeeding mothers take with colds and flu to relieve sore throat? Medicines are usually prescribed in the form of sprays and lozenges. They act locally on the source of the disease and practically do not enter the bloodstream. It is allowed to use such compositions as "Tantum Verde", "Ingalipt", "Miramistin", "Chlorophyllipt", "Strepsils" and some others. After using such drugs, you should refrain from eating and drinking for a while.

Is it okay to use herbs? Medical opinion

You already know how to treat a cold for a nursing mother. More than half of the fairer sex prefers to use folk remedies. The opinion of newly minted parents is that such formulations will not negative impact because they have no chemicals. But doctors think otherwise.

Doctors say that many folk medicines may cause even more backlash than proven drugs. After all, the composition of "safe" drugs includes herbs. They are strong allergens. If mommy does not notice the expressed unpleasant consequences, then for the baby it can be quite dangerous. Doctors do not recommend self-medication, and even more so take folk remedies by ourselves. Such compositions should be prescribed only by a specialist after a thorough examination.

Folk remedies

Despite all medical recommendations, many mothers prefer grandmother's recipes. How are newly-made parents treated for a cold? Here are some ways that are proven, but, remember, not safe!

  • Garlic and onion - natural antiseptics. From these components, you can prepare nose drops. Add some sodium chloride or olive oil. After using such a medicine, a woman may change the taste of milk, which is also fraught with its consequences.
  • Aloe juice - good remedy for instillation of the nose. Clears nasal passages and makes breathing easier bactericidal action. May cause allergies in children.
  • Honey with milk - great medicine From cough. Softens the mucous membrane of the larynx and has an immunomodulatory effect, relieves inflammation. Honey is an allergen for a baby, and milk can cause digestive problems.
  • Herbal teas with chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme and sage - perfectly relieve inflammation, heal, fight germs and viruses. They can also cause allergies in a child, take them very carefully.
  • Vitamin C - improves immunity, fights viruses, improves blood circulation. Contained in all citrus fruits, parsley, cabbage.

What should not be done?

How to treat a nursing mother for a cold and not infect a child? Many people think that breastfeeding should be stopped during the illness. This is more of a misconception, because antibodies are secreted with milk that protect the baby from infection. So the first wrong move is

It is also unacceptable to take such drugs as Arbidol, Isoprinosine, Rimantadine, Amiksin. Forbidden independent application antibiotics - you already know about it. In addition, they are completely ineffective at viral infection.

It is forbidden to self-medicate if within three days you do not feel better. You should definitely consult a doctor if you have a high temperature, strong cough, general deterioration of well-being.


From the article, you were able to learn how to treat a cold for a nursing mother. Folk remedies should not be abused. Do not think that they are all safe and harmless. Many can cause a severe allergic reaction in a baby, getting into his body through breast milk. It doesn't mean to use folk methods it is forbidden. You can, you just need to consult with a specialist on this issue. Heal properly, and, better, do not get sick!

Treatment of influenza during breastfeeding should be given special attention, because we are talking about the health of not only a young mother, but also her baby. Some mistakenly believe that lactation should be stopped during this period, but this is not the case, since with mother's milk the child receives protective antibodies even in case of illness and, accordingly, he is protected from infection due to passive immunity.

What should be done? This is what should be discussed separately.

The treatment of influenza while breastfeeding should be taken very seriously

Treatment for breastfeeding influenza cannot be self-administered, as this is too serious a matter, and the disease - if treated incorrectly or started too late - is fraught with dangerous complications.

It is necessary to take into account the incompatibility of many combined medicines with lactation. However, interferons, as a rule, are allowed - Grippferon and Viferon are considered the most popular among them. They are also taken as a preventive measure to protect a person from influenza infections.

Decrease high temperature resolved with the help of Paracetamol and medications made on its basis. Another doctor may recommend Nurofen and some other drugs.

How to treat the flu for a nursing mother, if it is difficult nasal breathing? First of all, moisturizing the nasal mucosa is recommended - for this, special sprays can be used. Directly breathing is facilitated by Navizin, Pinosol and some other drugs.

Why is the treatment of influenza during lactation an important issue?

The treatment of influenza during lactation must be taken seriously, also considering that female body turns out to be rather weakened after having experienced such a shock as childbirth. Accordingly, the probability respiratory infections increases significantly.

And it should be understood that influenza during breastfeeding should be treated differently than influenza infection in a patient who is not breastfeeding.

Remember that in the mother's body - even in the case of infection - immunoglobulins continue to be produced and they are transmitted to the baby through mother's milk. This process is called obtaining passive immunity. However, an infected mother must wear a protective mask (gauze bandage) during feeding so that the child does not become infected by airborne droplets.

Treatment of a severe form of influenza infection in a nursing mother is often carried out with the same drugs that treat this disease in children under the age of six. For example, to begin with, Aflubin is prescribed. And if there is a strong fever, taking Nurofen helps. Before taking these and other medicines, carefully read the instructions for them and, of course, consult your doctor.

If we talk about how to treat a nursing woman, one should also note some folk remedies. But it is important that she and the baby was not allergic reactions. In general, the most commonly used to combat the disease are:

  • tea, to which lemon and a little honey are added;
  • breast collection;
  • tea, to which raspberries, currants and / or viburnum are added;
  • milk, to which you can add a little honey.

We must not forget about such effective therapeutic agents as:

  • steaming feet in heated water;
  • compresses at night;
  • wearing socks with dry mustard sprinkled in them;
  • inhalations over steaming potatoes;
  • heating under a blue lamp.

In general, it is better to prevent the flu during breastfeeding than to subsequently spend time and energy fighting it, worrying about the disease not being transmitted to the child. That is, prevention plays a huge role.

Prevention of influenza during lactation is very important question: it is better to prevent than to suffer later

Among other things, do not forget the importance of:

  • good nutrition;
  • normal sleep;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • the use of vitamins;
  • regular wet cleaning.

Even the psycho-emotional component is important, that is, a woman with lactation should try to get upset as little as possible, and more often be in a positive mood.

How to treat influenza with hv? Usually, treatment involves not only physiotherapy, but also some other methods. In particular, homeopathy is allowed. Aromatherapy is also helpful.

In general, during lactation, female representatives are quite prone to colds due to a weakened body.

But how to treat the flu when a nursing mother gets sick? Only those medicines that are allowed for use by women who are in the period of feeding. One of these effective drugs Paracetamol is considered, but even taking it implies the obligatory observance of the dosage indicated in the instructions. The same goes for Ibuprofen.

Paracetamol, in particular, is taken at 4 tablets per day, despite the fact that general course is a maximum of three days (if taken longer, there is a possibility of adverse effects on the liver).

What can be done to treat a cough? Well suited for this herbal preparations, however, medicines containing bromhexine are not used. Complex means also do not apply.

It must be taken into account that even before the initial signs disease in the mother, the baby may already be infected. However, it is mother's milk that enriches children's body the antibodies it needs to successful fight with infection attacks.

But a child weaned at such a difficult time from the breast will have a hard time, and before the disease he is practically defenseless (since his own immunity has not yet been formed).

Main symptoms colds in lactating women it turns out to be quite standard:

  • fever;
  • malaise;
  • migraine;
  • sore throat.

With the flu, everything can be the same, but in more pronounced forms (despite the fact that cough and runny nose, unlike fever, do not begin immediately, but in the following days of illness).

The duration of ARI can be up to ten days. influenza infection lasts a little longer - up to two weeks.

What to do with gv in such cases? Treat the health of a young mother with special attention to avoid complications of the disease. Besides, in without fail you should consult a doctor to find out the exact diagnosis: what you may take for signs of intoxication with a common ARVI may turn out to be intestinal flu or something else dangerous, requiring timely initiation of therapy. Moreover, the treatment should be appropriate, and not "anyhow."

What can and should be done when breastfeeding with the flu:

  • do not wean the child from the breast, otherwise you deprive him of the most effective protection against infectious attacks;
  • do not strain milk, and also do not boil it, exercising natural feeding(otherwise the milk will be rid of beneficial trace elements and protective agents).

What flu medicines can breastfeeding mothers take? To fight a high temperature, you can not use Aspirin: it has too much big amount side effects. Antibiotics are also prohibited because instead of destroying the virus, they will destroy beneficial antibodies, and the disease will only become more complicated because of this.

However, sometimes doctors still prescribe antibiotics if the cause of the disease is pathogenic bacteria. However, these medicines must be taken with probiotics (such as homemade yogurt), otherwise there is a serious risk of violation intestinal microflora and dysfunction of the digestive tract.

If a woman already has the flu while breastfeeding, the main focus medical process should be done on strengthening the immune system and the production of antibodies.

Askorutin also helps against influenza in this state, due to which the level of permeability decreases, and the capillary walls become less brittle. It also successfully relieves inflammation, has antioxidant properties. Thanks to this medicine activated carbohydrate metabolism, tissue repair improves, connective tissue is synthesized. But without medical permission, taking this drug is not recommended. Also, it is important to read the annotation before using.

Non-drug methods

Concerning non-drug methods treatment of influenza in a nursing mother, they often help fight the symptoms of the disease.

For example, a cough can be defeated with:

  • breast collection;
  • licorice root;
  • radishes with honey and so on.

It is important to maintain the water-salt balance and, of course, drink plenty of water. Remember that due to dehydration, the patient's blood circulation will worsen, and toxins will accumulate in the body (without the ability to exit). Sometimes doctors even prescribe diuretics along with drinking plenty of water.

AND balanced diet is another issue whose importance cannot be underestimated. Both overeating and fasting should be avoided.

Bed rest is also indicated. Those who spend all the time on their feet will not wait for the strengthening of the body soon.

Don't forget to ventilate the room too. Avoid using heating equipment that dries the air.

Press the baby to the chest more often - this contributes to a mutually beneficial energy exchange

The baby is advised to apply to the chest more often - this creates a very favorable energy circulation for both.

If you feed baby and you are tormented by a runny nose, you can use the solution sea ​​salt, propolis or onion juice (all this is buried in the nose).

But soaring the legs of women during lactation is not worth it, as this contributes to excessive blood circulation in the area chest, as well as in the genitals (and in fact the temperature in the chest area is increased even in a healthy nursing mother).

Otherwise, abundant inflows of milk will lead to stagnation and the development of puffiness. If this has already happened, the puffiness can be removed by means of cold compresses that are applied to the chest. cold temperature will narrow the blood vessels, and it will be easier to feed the baby.

A woman may have suspicions about the presence of some other serious pathology, as a result of which her chest hurts. In this case, you should compare the temperature readings in different areas body - in the armpits, inguinal folds, in the elbow bend and under the knee. When the most indicators are registered under the armpit, this is a rather alarming sign.


How to cure the flu for a nursing mother? can be successful and homeopathic treatment. Moreover, there are no restrictions and contraindications to it.

On the other hand, it should be understood that this is not a fight against immediate symptoms, but a strengthening of the whole organism. The immune system grows stronger and begins to fight the infection on its own.

The positive effect after homeopathy is seen within a few hours after administration. Moreover, homeopathy is allowed to be used even before the establishment accurate diagnosis, which will allow you not to waste time and be treated already at the first suspicion of the flu.

Some antibiotics are especially useful in this case. vegetable origin like onion or calendula.

Treatment of influenza in a nursing mother should be under the supervision of a doctor

But the treatment of influenza in the mother during the feeding period - and this binding rule ! - should be carried out under constant surveillance doctor. This does not mean hospitalization at all (except for a severe form of the disease), but be observed by a qualified medical specialist needed on a regular basis.

During breastfeeding, women are not recommended to use medications however, in some cases this cannot be avoided. Choosing, if necessary, a flu medicine, a nursing mother must make sure that it does not harm her baby.

Last consultation

Gulnaz asks:

Good afternoon Is it possible to take nol flu tablets for a nursing mother?


Hello Gulnaz! Breastfeeding is a contraindication to taking Nollgipp. This is written in the instructions for the drug. Take care of your health!

Olga asks:

What drugs can be taken while breastfeeding from SARS

Responsible Abrosova Anna Stepanovna:

Good afternoon, Olga!
For the treatment of lactating women, Viferon suppositories can be used, which are a complex of recombinant alpha-2b human interferon in combination with tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid or Nazoferon drops. Most safe means fever in breastfeeding mothers is paracetamol or ibuprofen. Complex preparations from colds "Tetraflu", "Coldrex", etc., lactating women are not recommended to use. drugs, the main active substance which is Bromhexine (Ambroxol) lactating and pregnant women are contraindicated. When coughing, you can use herbal preparations based on licorice root, anise, ivy, thyme, thyme, plantain and others. herbal ingredients. May be helpful for colds vasoconstrictor drops and oil drops. You can use them no longer than 3-5 days. With a sore throat, it is possible to use antiseptic (antimicrobial) preparations of local action, lozenges "Sebidin", "Strepsils". How antipyretic drug you can use ibuprofen, paracetamol, mefenamic acid. They enter the milk in small quantities, are quickly excreted from the body. It is advisable not to use several drugs at the same time. With a long course of treatment, the drug should be taken in evening time after the last feeding.

Anna asks:

My youngest daughter is 1.5 years old and she is still breastfeeding. But a month ago I started menstruation. Milk is slowly disappearing. And Lerochka loves her mother's milk very much. How should I do everything to increase lactation or still wean her from the breast a little?

Responsible Shevchenko Albina Anatolievna:

Hello. In any case, you will have to wean the baby sooner or later. Modern Recommendations are based on the position that the baby knows when to stop breastfeeding. But, if at 1.5 years the amount of milk is already gradually decreasing, then you should not worry too much about this, but start transferring the child first to mixed, and then to completely “adult” food. For weaning a baby from the breast, mutual consent of both mother and child is required. It is up to you to decide when you need to fully wean your baby from the breast. As the child gets older, breastfeeding occurs less frequently. This natural process. You also need to watch yourself: if by the end of the day the breasts are still filled with milk, then it is too early for you to stop feeding. So the final advice would be: listen to yourself and your child. Unlike average book recommendations, you feel your child better. If your daughter needs breast milk, and you have it, you should not deprive your child of this useful joy. Good luck.

Oksana asks:

Is it possible to breastfeed at a temperature

Responsible Medical consultant of the health-ua.org portal:

Hello Oksana! By itself, the temperature in a nursing mother is not a contraindication to breastfeeding; rather, it is important what exactly caused the temperature and what treatment the mother receives. In the event that the mother is ill with an acute respiratory viral infection, it is necessary to wear a mask and ventilate the apartment in order to prevent infection of the child as much as possible. It is very important to try not to stop feeding the child in such a situation, because already prepared antibodies from the infection enter the child's body with milk. Such is the natural immunoprophylaxis of the disease in a child. In addition, it is necessary to remember the dangers of self-medication during breastfeeding. After all, what is familiar and “safe” for you can be very harmful for a child. All the best!

Asks Bondarenko I.A. :

Please tell me, is it possible to breastfeed a baby with a flu with a temperature? And how to be treated more effectively and safely without consequences for the child?

Responsible Drannik Georgy Nikolaevich:

The influenza virus is not transmitted through mother's milk. With mother's milk, protective antibodies will get to the child (this is not bad). The main danger is to infect the baby.
In this situation, two options are possible - breastfeeding and communicating with the baby in a mask, or expressing milk and feeding from a bottle.
Unfortunately, specific drugs aimed at destroying the pathogen are quite toxic chemical agents and are not used during lactation, since all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, penetrate into breast milk. From preparations safe for the child infancy you can recommend antipyretics containing paracetamol, as well as vitamins such as ascorbic acid(vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P).

Tatyana asks:

Hello! I had a sore throat, a headache, and a runny nose. Apparently it's SARS. Please tell me how to protect a child for 2 months from a cold and how to speed up my recovery process?

Responsible Parshin Sergey Alexandrovich:

First of all, the tactics depend on whether you are breastfeeding your baby. If not, then you need to isolate yourself from the child and carry out full treatment.
If you are breastfeeding then:
1. Constantly ventilate the room (naturally, the child should be in another room).
2. Process oxolinic ointment and wash the nasal passages of the child with Aqua Maris.
Personally, you need therapy. It is possible to use homeopathic antiviral drugs. If the severity of the condition does not allow them to be limited, then when using synthetic antiviral drugs, it is always necessary to use the principle of risk to your child and benefit to your health.

Anna asks:

My son is 4 months old. She has been breastfeeding with one breast (the second without milk) since birth, she does not take a bottle and a nipple. the doctor believes that for his age one breast is no longer enough, and he does not want to eat the mixture. What should we do, tell me please, how to increase the volume of milk? Or do you need food?

Responsible Burlaka Evgenia Anatolievna:

Dear Anna, you will definitely not increase the amount of milk. But complementary foods and supplementary foods (these are different things) your child already needs. Supplementation is the supplementation of a child with the amount of milk (mixture) that is not enough. The baby is just not used to the nipple, try with a different size nipple or supplement the baby with formula from a spoon.
Complementary foods are the introduction into the child's diet of other foods, except for milk (vegetable puree, milk porridge).
They are introduced during breastfeeding from 5 months. How and what to enter, the pediatrician will tell you. In addition, at 3.5 months you must introduce corrective additives ( fruit juice fruit puree, yolk).

asks Svetlana Cheskidova:

What drops in the nose can I drip, I breastfeed the baby. The child is 3 months old.

Responsible Strizh Vera Alexandrovna:

Good afternoon Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used to treat rhinitis. In resolving this issue, it is necessary to use only such methods and means that are absolutely safe for mother and child, and are also quite effective. On your own, you can use drops based on sterile sea ​​water, instill an isotonic solution, use folk remedies (breast milk, diluted onion juice etc.). It would not hurt to contact the ENT in order to establish the cause of the common cold and, if necessary, to select stronger and more approved drugs for breastfeeding. Be healthy!

Dinara asks:

Good evening!!! I don’t know if I have a flu or a cold, for the third day it hurts in my bones, itches in my throat and I have a dry, irritating cough, but there is no temperature in the evening, it can be 36.9 or 36.8. I smear oksalinka on my son and sprinkle irs 19, I started drinking beseptol, I disdain inhalipt, I drink a lot of tea with lemon and honey, and also insti tea. Tell me if I'm doing it right. In advance of the blog I give you

Responsible Medical consultant of the health-ua.org portal:

Good afternoon, Dinara! As part of remote consultation it is impossible to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Though the complaints listed by you really most often accompany an acute viral infection. And if we consider the existing disease as SARS, then the treatment should look like in the following way: antiviral drugs(especially effective in the first three days of illness: arbidol, anaferon, vifiron, lafirobion, etc.), antihistamines(laratodin, erespal, etc.), immunomodulators, multivitamins, drinking plenty of water. In addition, appoint symptomatic treatment depending on the prevalence of one or another symptom of the disease: with a runny nose - vasoconstrictor, with sore throat - antiseptics, with cough - expectorant, with fever - antipyretic, etc. Biseptol, as well as antibiotics, are prescribed only by a doctor in cases high risk development bacterial complications. And finally, on the issue of preventing the disease in a child and other family members: reduce contact to a minimum, use protective equipment ( gauze bandage, for example), give prophylactic antiviral drugs, and IRS is not appropriate here. All the best!

Anna asks:

Hello! Please tell me! My daughter started to get sick from Saturday, she coughed up snot. at first they drank sumomed, it did not help. Then they began to inject cefozalin injections, there was no temperature like the third day. Today is the third day of injections for her. Yesterday I felt bad, my throat hurt and I started coughing, my temperature was 37-5. Please tell me if I can infect it again, because we are on GV. I gargle with sage and I want to insert Genferon candles. Is this correct? Thanks in advance!

Responsible Medical consultant of the health-ua.org portal:

Good afternoon, Anna! If you have a viral infection, then the possibility of infecting a child is really high (not through milk, but by airborne droplets). But here I have a question: did your daughter infect you? In general, in order to understand the nature of the pathological process and prescribe adequate treatment, a full-time examination of a specialist is necessary - be sure to call the family doctor at home. With regard to treatment - in this situation, vifiron or nasoferon is more indicated, for example (genferon has primarily a pronounced local antimicrobial effect and is more effective in treating gynecological diseases and sexually transmitted infections). The same drugs can be used for prevention in a child, but only after prior consultation with the doctor. Don't forget also about simple rules anti-epidemic measures - wear a mask, wash your hands and minimize contact with the baby. And, most importantly, do not stop feeding the baby, because breast milk contains so much useful substances, including antibodies to the infection that you have now. All the best!

Galina asks:

The doctor diagnosed me with angina. He prescribed Chlorophilipt (but the instructions say that nursing is not allowed) and Septefril, Askorutin, and also drip calendula tincture into the ears. Can I take these medicines? The child is 7.5 months old. I breastfeed. And now an incomprehensible corrosive cough has begun. What can you advise me? Thank you!

Responsible Kovbasko Ekaterina Mikhailovna:

Good afternoon, angina - raids on the tonsils, temperature, increase cervical lymph nodes. Just a sore throat and fever - not a sore throat. So, if you have a sore throat - be sure to take antibiotics (for example, augmentin) + locally rinse with furacillin, givalex, tinctures of calendula, chamomile, etc., + dissolve lysobact, + nurofen for a course of 3 days, regardless of temperature.
If the mother takes drugs that pass into milk, it is recommended to express milk and temporarily transfer the baby to formula. After recovery, breastfeeding should be resumed.

Eugene asks:

Hello! Tell me please, is it possible to take Askorutin for a nursing mother if the child is 2.5 months old?

Responsible Kundina Natalia Alekseevna:

Hello Evgeniya.
1. Askorutin - a drug that reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, strengthens vascular wall, reduces its swelling and inflammation, has antioxidant and radioprotective properties, participates in redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, education steroid hormones, tissue regeneration, element synthesis connective tissue. But ... when using the drug during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children, strictly observe the dosage and duration of the course prescribed by the doctor.

The question of how to treat during lactation was asked by every nursing mother who or has already become ill with this acute respiratory disease or is afraid of its appearance. After all, many medicines during this period are contraindicated because of the harm that they can cause to the baby through milk.

A nursing mother should not panic when she appears. After all, our body has evolved for many millions of years and has become resistant to various viruses. As for babies, you should not worry about them either, because usually such an infection in them is defeated by the protective forces of immunity in a matter of days.

The disease begins to develop according to the following principle: first it gets into healthy body and begins its active reproduction, and as a result, mucosal cells are damaged.Appears inflammatory process which manifests itself in hyperemia skin, increased blood circulation and edema. Development begins, and . In response to acute respiratory infections, they are immediately activated defensive forces organism.

The immune system produces specific antibodies that destroy this infection. You can not be afraid of complications with a cold if a nursing woman has good body resistance.You should not panic and calmly treat the appearance of such a disease.

It is necessary to make every effort to maintain your body in the fight against the emerging viral infection.

A cold during lactation has the following symptoms:

  • There is dryness and itching in the sinuses of the nose, which is a provocateur of frequent sneezing.
  • Hoarseness occurs in the voice, it is irritated and ticklish.
  • Begins.
  • Breaks joints and muscles.
  • A nursing mother has great weakness and fatigue accompanied by drowsiness.
  • begins to rise from very small numbers on the thermometer, to very large ones.
  • There is discharge from the sinuses with a transparent tint and an abundant liquid structure, which can thicken and turn into crusts.
  • Appears severe discomfort in the throat, which is associated with pain when swallowing.
  • Profuse lacrimation begins, accompanied by fear of light and pain in the eyes.

May manifest different combination symptoms. They are either pronounced or quite insignificant. But all these signs bring severe discomfort to a nursing woman.

Breastfeeding for a cold

Some mistakenly believe that breastfeeding during SARS is dangerous. But this is absolutely not true. On the contrary, it can help the child. As mentioned earlier, along with mother's milk, the baby receives a number of antibodies that resist such a virus. With a high degree of probability it can be argued that infant won't get a cold while breastfeeding.

When such a viral infection appears, it is best not to deprive the baby of mother's milk, trying to protect him from the disease.

But there are situations when feeding a child is contraindicated.

These are cases when the mother is very serious condition with, and such her well-being does not allow her to properly care for the baby.Such a disease can threaten complications in the form of pneumonia and acute bronchitis. If they have come, then it is better for a woman to stop breastfeeding and transfer the baby to formula feeding.

Most of medical preparations contraindicated in lactation. This is due to the fact that drugs can harm the health of the child if they enter his body with mother's milk. It is for this reason that a nursing mother should choose only safe drugs that will not harm the newborn baby.

Medical treatment

It is necessary to treat a cold during lactation with medicines that do not contain any harmful components:

  • To eliminate the strong, you should take drugs with an expectorant effect. With lactation good choice will be taking drugs or Ambroxol. To make breathing easier, recommended remedies such as Breast Elixir or, that is, those syrups that have medicinal herbs in their composition.
  • Severe congestion in the sinuses is eliminated with the help of the Tizin, Farmazolina or type. Abuse of such drugs can lead to complications in the form of atrophic rhinitis, so you should not get carried away with these funds. You can use them for no more than seven days.
  • At the time, you should use tools that have local action and antimicrobial character. These include Geksoral, and Strepsils. As for the mucous membrane, it can be smeared.
  • Oil drops from herbs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on the sinus area.
  • ARI, which is caused by infections of viral origin, can be eliminated with the help of Grippferon. This drug has no contraindications to treatment during lactation. In addition, the body tolerates it well.
  • The nasal mucosa during a cold needs to be additionally moistened. This can be achieved with sea salt drops and sprays.

It should be remembered that during lactation it is strictly forbidden to use drugs that have bromhexine in their composition.

Folk methods of treatment

Since ancient times, the treatment of acute respiratory infections with the help of prescriptions traditional medicine was not only safe, but also had a fairly good effect:

  • The application acts as safely as possible on the mother's body. They can be made using herbs (for example, steaming eucalyptus leaves). An excellent result is the use of steam from boiled potatoes. To make the process easier, you can buy special drug– . It will come in handy for mom and when the child grows up, for treatment. Inhalations with its help are done using Borjomi, Ambrobene (solution) or saline. What remedy will be most effective for acute respiratory infections, the doctor must decide. Making inhalations three to four times a day, after two days you can see how your health has improved.
  • With the help of raspberry tea, you can easily soften general state during such illness.
  • To help a sore throat, use a solution for, which contains water (1 cup) and Apple vinegar(1 tablespoon). Procedures with its help should be carried out at least once every hour.
  • To facilitate breathing through the nose, resort to the following recipe: heat a quarter cup with a water bath sunflower oil and mix with pre-chopped garlic and onions. Such a mixture is infused from an hour to two, and the sinuses inside are lubricated with the resulting composition.
  • Linden tea with the addition of honey has a wonderful effect. The concentration of such a drink should not be too strong, it should be slightly darker than water. Zealous with the use of linden is not worth it, its excessive use is fraught with the appearance of pain in the region of the heart.
  • With acute respiratory infections, the use of onions and garlic is very useful. They can be pre-crushed and mixed with honey. To get rid of a cold, one or two teaspoons of this composition are eaten after each meal. However, we should not forget that these odorous products can provoke the occurrence in an infant. Therefore, before using such a drug, you need to consult a doctor.

Useful video - Cold during lactation.

Many nursing mothers are concerned about the question, is it possible to soar legs if a cold occurs during lactation? Yes, such procedures are indicated during acute respiratory infections. It is very important to follow one rule: the water temperature should not be more than 40 degrees, and the process itself should last approximately 8-12 minutes. This method is quite efficient. And to make it even better, you can add a small amount of mustard to the water. Cotton socks should be put on immediately after the procedure.

Actions at temperature

If lactation has increased to 38.5 degrees, a nursing mother can take paracetamol (one tablet) or preparations based on it. This medicine is the safest for lowering high fevers. Such a drug perfectly eliminates pain in the head and muscles that accompany acute respiratory infections.

But before that, you need to consult a doctor, in order to avoid unwanted effects. As for drugs such as Theraflu, Fervex or Coldrex, it is better not to take them on your own, since it has not yet been established how they can affect the baby's body.

At temperatures below 38 degrees, you can use a rubdown based on a weak vinegar solution. For this purpose, vodka in equal proportions with water is also suitable. After the whole body is rubbed, you need to cover yourself with a light sheet.Repeat these steps every 15-25 minutes. If the thermometer shows a temperature of 37.5, then it does not need to be knocked down.

But when the temperature is very high (more than 38 - 38.5 degrees), the milk may well "burn out" and lactation will stop.

One important rule during acute respiratory infections says that when a prolonged increase in body temperature occurs, you should never self-medicate. You should immediately resort to the help of a general practitioner, while not forgetting to mention breastfeeding at the appointment. The specialist can prescribe antibiotics and other drugs against this viral infection that will not harm the health of the baby.

There are situations when to cure this type infectious disease without simultaneous interruption of lactation is not possible. This can occur with diseases that are bacterial in nature. There are also cases where it is required surgical treatment for a nursing mother. If such a situation has come, a woman needs to consult a doctor and warn him that she is breastfeeding.

If OCR entails that are in no way compatible with breastfeeding baby, the doctor will prescribe a transition to artificial feeding. In this situation, the child may need complementary therapy if he is already infected. This is a necessity, because having lost the milk of his mother, the baby needs natural increase the immune forces of your body.

If the doctors' prognosis is not so disappointing, and the complications of acute respiratory infections in the mother can be combined with breastfeeding, then it is not necessary to stop it. To do this, a woman must express her milk so that lactation function remains normal. You need to do this several times a day.

Before you start treating a cold and its complications medications, you should carefully read the instructions attached to them in advance.

These actions are necessary because anyone, even the most safe drug may contain chemical components that can harm the health of a nursing mother and her baby. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the amount of the indicated dose prescribed in the instructions for the drug.By following all of the above rules, you can easily survive the unpleasant period of a cold during lactation and not be afraid that the baby will be left without breastfeeding.



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