Diet for breast mastopathy. The right choice of products for mastopathy

To moisturize the skin, get rid of wrinkles and look attractive at any age, every woman tries to find the perfect face cream. One that does not dry, does not tighten, does not remain a greasy film, is well absorbed - the selection criteria for each individual. Consider how to choose a cream that suits you.

Types of face creams

Great amount types of face creams makes it easier and more difficult to choose at the same time, because in order to understand what suits you best, you need to try a lot of options. There are day and night facilities. By type of exposure - for dry, combined, oily skin, moisturizing, mattifying, corrective, anti-aging. The main thing in choosing is to determine your skin type and necessary complex procedures with the help of a cosmetologist or independently, observing the quality and structure of the pores.


Most firms of face creams have been known for a long time. French cosmetics L'oreal, Garnier are popular in the mid-price segment. The more affordable ones include the German company Nivea and the Russian brands Pure Pearl, Black Pearl, Pure Line, a new, developing brand Libriderm. More expensive funds belong to the group of medical cosmetics, they can be found in pharmacies, specialty stores. These are Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Avene, Lierac - mostly French brands that are more expensive, but position themselves as an exceptionally high-quality product.


There are mineral, collagen products, with hyaluronic, salicylic acid, glycerin, with natural plant ingredients, antioxidants, white clay, oils (olive, shea, avocado). Full squad face creams are always printed on the packaging, you need to read and check if there are substances among the ingredients that can cause you an allergy.

Nourishing face cream

Effective Results, according to consumer reviews, has La Roche-Posay Nourishing Face Cream. Their Nutritic line is perfect for nourishing, hydrating different types skin, can be used in combination with special local funds. If you have dry skin, cosmetics from the Toleriane series are well suited.

Main advantages:

  • light, delicate texture, quickly absorbed;
  • has a quick effect;
  • small expense;
  • high price.

Price: from 1300 to 1500 rubles per 40 ml tube. You need to apply it very little, so this amount can be enough for several months of daily use.

Among the cheaper products, one can single out the Russian organic company Natura Siberica: a night or day nourishing cream for oily facial skin with an anti-aging effect. It contains natural extracts of Manchurian aralia, calendula, cornflower flowers, cloudberries, which improve skin tone, start regeneration processes and actively saturate cells.

Nourishing face cream is one of the important components of facial skin care. Grooming is important at any age. Even young skin requires additional nutrition with special formulations included in cosmetic creams. However, thoughtlessly buying these products is not worth it - an incorrectly selected drug can be harmful.

Benefits of nourishing face cream

All nourishing creams have two main effects on the skin: they saturate it with vitamins and minerals, and also moisturize, promoting cell regeneration. In addition, each drug has a number of useful action making skin healthier. Actions of the nourishing cream on the skin:

  • Vitaminization of cells promotes their renewal, helping to heal small wounds.
  • The restoring effect is able to make tissues more elastic.
  • Strengthening the collagen structure of the dermis, from which the skin becomes elastic.
  • Normalization of water balance contributes to the elimination of wrinkles.
  • Peeling on the skin disappears and irritations are removed.
  • Nutrients help fight pigmentation and improve skin tone.
  • Provide protection from negative influences environment(ultraviolet, frost, dust).

In other words, nourishing creams are excellent products that have fortified, moisturizing, medicinal properties. They help not only solve problems with appearance, but are also a good prophylactic tool for prolonging youth.

Cream composition

Manufacturers are trying to choose such a composition so that the cream carries only beneficial properties for the skin. However, before making a purchase, you should familiarize yourself with the components included in the nutritional preparation in more detail:

  • The main food ingredients are vitaminsA, D, C, E, F.
  • Proteins are required in creams - collagen and elastin.
  • To strengthen the epithelium is necessary hyaluronic acid.
  • Mineral salts (magnesium, calcium, zinc) needed for cell viability.
  • Helps maintain beauty hormonal component.
  • Oils (olive, sea buckthorn, etc.), fatty substances give good protection from microbes.
  • plant extracts make the skin soft and supple.
  • A quarter of the composition of each cream is water essential for cell viability.

Some creams that are considered nourishing include other ingredients that are undesirable for healthy skinalbumins, aluminum acetate or silicate. Oils should be only vegetable origin and not mineral.

Contraindications for use

No matter how good the properties of nourishing creams are, they may not suit every woman. Everything will depend on individual characteristics and skin conditions

  • Do not use creams if there is a predisposition to allergies to any component of the cream. First, you need to test to make sure that the nutrient does not provoke a rash, redness or itching of the skin.
  • With great care, cosmetics should be used by people with sensitive skin th.

At serious problems skin care preparations should be selected only after consultation with a dermatologist. After all, here you should not buy ordinary nutritional products, but those that are of a medicinal nature.

Before purchasing any cosmetic, you need to take into account not only the trendy name. Creams are selected for your skin type, otherwise they will harm. Each season requires its own composition of cosmetics. So, winter will protect the skin from frost, summer - from the rays of the sun. Do not forget about the age categories. For mature woman the composition of the nutritional components will be somewhat different than for the young.

You should buy 2 jars at once - day and night cream. Nutrient ingredients are more in the product that is applied to the face in the evening, but the morning preparation helps to moisturize and protect. Even if all selection criteria have been taken into account, the cream can still have a negative effect if used incorrectly. Appearance care is a whole ritual:

  • The skin must first be prepared - washed warm water and then additionally cleanse with tonic. This will give access to the pores, which will enhance the penetration effect.
  • The cream is applied half an hour to an hour before bedtime (night) or leaving the house (daytime).
  • The nourishing layer of the cream should be thin - the skin will not take more than it is capable of, but the pores will become clogged with excess, and the cells will not be able to breathe. That is why 20 minutes after applying the composition, the excess cream from the face must be removed with a napkin.
  • To make nutrition more effective, it is recommended to apply warm compress. A terry towel is moistened with herbal decoction and apply on a face smeared with cream. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  • Do not apply cream to areas where hair grows - over upper lip or on the chin (some women have such signs).

How to apply face cream

It is very important to apply the cream on the face correctly if the goal is to eliminate wrinkles. The cream can be distributed on the face with a cotton swab, but it must be pre-moistened in salted water. Although it is more convenient to do the procedure by hand. To do this, the mass is applied first to the fingertips and then, as it were, “driven” into the skin. Such patting movements are a kind of acupressure allowing you to evenly apply the cream on your face. You should move in turn in the following directions:

  • from the bridge of the nose above the eyebrow to the outer corner of the eye, then to the inner;
  • then from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  • light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear, from the center of the chin to the earlobe;
  • the area around the mouth is massaged with semicircular movements;
  • on the chin, circular actions go from the right corner of the jaw to the left.

When applying the cream on the face, one should not forget about the neck - here the skin ages faster. Distribute the mass with movements from top to bottom, starting from the ear towards the collarbone.

Firms and names of nourishing creams

Going to the store for a nourishing cream, and taking into account all the above recommendations, a woman will definitely turn her attention to brand names that have long been heard. And if you really buy a trend, then only high-quality. Among the many cosmetic products sold, it is possible to single out the most valuable nourishing creams in composition and quite affordable:

  • Many interesting products are produced by France. "Ultracomfort 24" by Yves Rocher has a well-balanced nutritional composition.

  • You can also suggest from Vichy excellent inexpensive remedy rejuvenation "Essentielles" also from France.

  • Cosmetics are quite popular Oriflame. A company from Sweden offers to pay attention to the cream "Macadamia".

  • ABOUT healing properties Dead Sea everyone knows, so any of the creams with the brand Naomi worthy of attention.

  • Cream "Himalaya herbals" based on herbal ingredients, they are produced in the United Arab Emirates, and the recipes of the ancient healers of India are taken as the basis, which already speaks in favor of nutritional properties.
  • Russian cosmetologists also care about the beauty of their compatriots. "Aevit" from Librederm is a complete complex of vitamins and minerals, so useful female skin. Domestic products are famous for their nutritional value, good medicinal properties and harmlessness, since the composition is based on natural components. With high quality, low cost makes Russian cosmetics the most popular.

Video about nourishing face creams

Among all face care products, nourishing creams should be singled out as a separate category. Cosmetologists advise using them on both young and mature skin. Regardless of age and condition, it needs regular “reinforcement” with nutrients. Useful components penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, restore it, accelerate cell regeneration, and make the skin supple. Such funds are especially relevant in the cold season. They are most often thick and oily in texture, although some modern manufacturers have developed nourishing formulas with a more airy consistency. The most useful ingredients of such creams are fruit acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, collagen, etc. The more natural ingredients present in the product, the best effect available. In addition, in such cases, the skin is not adversely affected. Among the wide variety of nourishing creams, it can be difficult to choose the best one. We learned what to look for when buying:

  1. Compound. The best beauty products contain a large amount of natural herbal ingredients. This ensures the safety of the cream and has a beneficial effect on the result of its use. If it contains oils, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, collagen, then the result will be noticeable quickly enough.
  2. Best before date. Due to their oily content, nourishing creams often have a short shelf life, so always look for this information on the packaging. The longer the shelf life, the more often chemical elements can be found in the composition.
  3. Availability SPF-factor a will definitely be a big plus. Skin (especially mature) under the influence sun rays loses moisture and, consequently, elasticity. A UV protection cream will prevent such situations.
  4. Value for money should be optimal. If a product is more expensive than average, then you need to understand what the price consists of (ingredients, effectiveness, quality, etc.). In addition, many budget creams have proven themselves quite well.
  • Components;
  • customer reviews;
  • recommendations of cosmetologists;
  • manufacturer's reliability;
  • efficiency.

The best inexpensive nourishing creams: budget up to 300 rubles.

3 Vitex Protection from cold and frost

Protects against the negative effects of frost and wind
Country: Belarus
Average price: 135 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

An excellent option for winter skin care is offered by the Belarusian manufacturer of budget cosmetics Vitex. The special formula protects against frost and prevents chapping. The cream protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment. The composition includes several natural oils: jojoba, wheat germ, shea, vaseline. They form a special film on the surface of the epidermis, which actively repairs damage caused by frost and wind. The main ingredient of the cream is water. Immediately after use, a strong softening effect is noticeable.

The tool moisturizes and nourishes the skin not only of the face, but also of the hands. It is applied in a small amount, rubbing well. Judging by the reviews, the cream copes well with dehydration. Suitable for any skin type. The volume is 45 ml. Presented in a small plastic jar with a convenient twist-off lid. The texture is very thick and takes a long time to absorb. Pros: Intense protection winter period, well nourishes and moisturizes, low cost, high content of vegetable oils, positive feedback from girls. Cons: leaves greasy marks.

2 Himalaya Herbals

Best Value
A country: India (manufactured in the UAE)
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The active ingredient of the cream of the famous Indian brand is aloe. Combined with Vitania, it intensively nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin from environmental influences. His important difference- Incredibly light texture for a nutrient. It absorbs almost immediately without leaving a sticky film. The cream is designed for all skin types and is ideal for use in the cold season. There are no age restrictions. Most reviews of Himalaya Herbals are overwhelmingly positive.

Despite its low cost, the tool increases elasticity and tone. After application, a feeling of comfort appears. Floral fragrance with oriental notes stays on the skin for a while. The cream is produced in a plastic jar with a large volume (150 ml). Designed for daily use twice a day. By the way, this cream is often applied to dry skin of the hands. Main advantages: the best price, excellent consistency, nice smell, good reviews, one jar is enough for a long time, suitable for dry skin of the hands. Cons: Contains mineral oil and parabens.

1 Nivea Creme

The most popular budget nourishing cream
Country: Germany
Average price: 140 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The blue tin with snow-white cream inside from Nivea is perhaps the most popular nourishing product for face, hands and body in the ranking. It is ideal for use in winter, because. intensively fills the skin with nutrients. Its important feature is consistency. It is quite oily and dense, which allows you to cope even with the most severe dryness during the cold season. Immediately after application, the cream begins to melt and quickly absorbs into the skin. It has a mild anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

The package contains 150 ml of the product, which is consumed quite quickly (on average for 3 weeks). A rich cosmetic fragrance with citrus notes is liked by most girls. Despite the fact that the cream belongs to the type of moisturizers, it has an effective nourishing effect. It has no age restrictions and suits all skin types. Should be applied as needed. Main features: high popularity, effective, no preservatives, large volume, suitable for face, hands and body, many positive feedback. Disadvantages: leaves a slight oily sheen, fast consumption.

The best nourishing creams of the middle price category: budget up to 1000 rubles.

3 L "Oreal Paris Luxury food, Lightness of silk

Best product for dry skin
A country: France (produced in Germany)
Average price: 480 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

L "Oreal Paris "Luxury nutrition, Lightness of silk" was created specifically to combat dryness and flaking. It instantly makes her rested, giving a feeling of comfort. The cream intensively nourishes, restores protective barrier and makes the skin noticeably smoother. Recommended for use in daytime. Due to its light melting texture, it does not leave a film and can be used immediately before applying makeup. Another feature of the cream is deep hydration. Contains flower oils, white jasmine extract, various vitamins. The formula intensively nourishes the skin, which becomes noticeable after just a few applications.

The manufacturer recommends using the product at the age of 30 to 50 years. It is produced in small jars (volume 50 ml). One package, judging by the reviews, is enough for six months. Appears to be flesh-colored, has a rich cosmetic smell. Absorbs almost instantly and leaves no greasy residue. Immediately after application, the skin is visibly softened. Advantages: effectively fights peeling and dryness, the lightest texture, pleasant sensations on the skin, lasts for a long time. Disadvantages: the presence of chemical components in the composition.

2 Natura Siberica Nutrition and Recovery

Useful components, good quality
Country Russia
Average price: 370 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Another worthy product of the middle price category from a domestic manufacturer is Natura Siberica "Nutrition and Recovery" cream. It belongs to the night means and is designed specifically for dry skin. The active ingredient here is Manchurian aralia. She fills the skin useful elements, makes it moisturized, radiant, and also significantly improves tone. The cream protects against the influence of environmental factors (for example, temperature changes). The unique formula stimulates the production of collagen and accelerates the process of cellular metabolism. Among the components there are beneficial extracts following plants: calendula, meadowsweet, etc.

The combination of all components allows the product to have the most beneficial effect on the skin. Throughout the night, it is filled with vitamins and heals. The cream is made in tubes of 50 ml, equipped with a pressure dispenser. Thanks to him, the consumption is very slow. An important feature of the product is the presence in the composition of plants grown in natural environment. For best result It is worth applying the cream once a day at night with a small layer. Advantages: useful components, good quality and efficiency, no harmful elements, economical consumption, best reviews, can be used for hands.

1 Kora Nourishing evening cream

Excellent nourishing effect, suitable for any skin
Country Russia
Average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The leading line of the rating is occupied by the evening face cream from Kora. It is designed to restore the skin after exposure. various factors during the day. Dirty air, stress, UV rays - all this has a Negative influence. Due to the high content of various vitamins (A, E, C), the product slows down the process of skin aging and strengthens its immunity. It has an active moisturizing and nourishing effect. The main ingredients here are honey and beeswax. They restore the water-lipid balance of the skin and fill it with nutrients.

The composition also contains moisturizing vegetable oils and extracts. Each pack comes in a 50 ml jar with a screw cap. The cream is created for any type of skin and has no age restrictions. The texture is quite thick and oily. Has a pleasant aroma. After application, it does not form a film, but, on the contrary, gives a feeling of freshness. Girls note that in the morning the skin looks rested. Advantages: good result after application, optimal volume, excellent composition, high content of natural ingredients.

The best premium nourishing creams: budget up to 5000 rubles.

4 AVENE Nourishing Compensating Cream

Great product for sensitive skin
Country: France
Average price: 1500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Created on the basis of branded thermal water, AVENE cream perfectly nourishes the skin and actively cares for it. It restores the water-lipid balance and the protective film. Deeply moisturizes and has an antioxidant effect. Recommended for dry and sensitive skin. Suitable for daily use, because. restores important features epidermis. The active ingredients here are an innovative nutritional complex, vitamin E and AVENE thermal water. Suitable for ages 30+. In the reviews, the girls indicate a pleasant sensation after use and noticeable results after a few weeks.

The consistency of the product is quite dense, but when applied it is absorbed as a light fluid. Leaves no shine or film. Apply the cream twice a day to previously cleansed skin. It instantly becomes soft, supple and elastic. Available in packs of 50 ml. Advantages: suitable for sensitive skin, restoration of hydrolipidic balance, consists of useful components, melting texture, fast absorption, optimal value for money.

3 Janssen DEMANDING SKIN Rich Nutrient Skin Refiner

Enriched composition
Country: Italy
Average price: 2200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The next line in the ranking of the best is Janssen's nourishing cream, which belongs to daytime products. It is enriched with such useful elements as vitamins E, C, squalane, hyaluronic acid, etc. It not only fills the skin with useful substances, but also protects it from the negative effects of UV radiation due to the presence of SPF 15. Suitable for use at any time of the year, but especially in winter. The cream copes well with irritations and dehydration. Designed for dry skin. It intensively smoothes wrinkles, improves elasticity, regulates the water-lipid balance and even has a noticeable lifting effect. The cream has a good effect on mature skin as well. accelerates cell turnover and fills in wrinkles caused by dryness.

Recommended by the manufacturer as the last step in skincare. Apply a thin layer to the face, décolleté and neck area. The composition includes hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture, a moisturizing component, invert sugar, and natural oat extract, which is responsible for lifting. Judging by the reviews, immediately after application, the skin noticeably softens and becomes more healthy look. Main advantages: enriched with useful components, visible effect, pleasant sensations after application, excellent quality.


Best Revitalizing Nourishing Cream
Country: France
Average price: 1800 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The leading position in the rating is occupied by a French-made cream cream from La Roche-Posay, which belongs to the category pharmaceutical products. It intensively restores the skin in three stages: activation of the synthesis of ceramides, strengthening of the structure, deep hydration. The active ingredients here are MP-Lipids, developed by modern dermatologists. After application, the skin feels comfortable, tightness disappears. Noticeable results of the cream are observed in 90% of girls already 2 weeks after the first application. Designed for problem skin.

Another feature of NUTRITIC INTENSE RICHE is the absence of preservatives. It is available in a glass jar of standard volume - 50 ml. The texture of the cream is both light and thick, applied and absorbed quickly enough. A tool has been created for the most intensive recovery and nutrition of very dry skin, so it is effectively taken with peeling. Advantages: better recovery and food, excellent reviews, high efficiency, clinically proven, does not contain preservatives, sold in pharmacies. Cons: The price is above average.


Top quality, innovative formula
Country: Israel
Average price: 4000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Israeli cosmetics Christina is valued among girls for its composition and noticeable results from the application. Nourishing cream from the MUSE line is no exception. Among the components here is squalane - an incredibly useful ingredient contained in vegetable oils, vitamin E, cornflower extract, an innovative complex of active elements Telosense Active, which is responsible for the normalization life cycle cells. It is designed for all skin types, including problematic and sensitive. Gives it noticeable elasticity, improves regeneration, improves appearance. The tool serves last step care and applied at night in a small amount. It has a deep nourishing effect.

Produced in glass jars of 50 ml, each of which is enough for at least 3 months of regular use. An important feature of the cream is the incredible aroma of roses. Comes with a special spatula for application. Consistency medium density. In the morning the skin is fresh and rested. Benefits: The best quality, wholesome ingredients, unique formula, nice texture, excellent nutrition, good reviews. Disadvantages: high cost.

Winter is a dangerous time of the year for the skin of the face. Depending on the type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive), the skin to one degree or another is bound to face problems such as peeling, dullness and chapping. Among the recommendations of dermatologists for skin care in winter, protective and nourishing creams are a separate front.

When choosing the best remedy for adults and children, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. skin type. Choose a cream according to your skin type for best results. Contrary to the misconception that the oily epidermis does not need to be moisturized and nourished during the period of winds and frosts, this type of skin, as well as others, requires daily high-quality care. As for dry and sensitive skin, the owners of these types of epidermis suffer the most during the cold season. For them, a nourishing cream is not a luxury or preventive measure but a paramount necessity.
  2. Structure. Beauticians emphasize that the cream should have a dense texture. Thus, it can reliably protect the skin of the face from temperature extremes and gusts of wind. In addition, the cream deeply moisturizes the epidermis, and qualitatively nourishes the skin cells with useful substances.
  3. Compound. In view of the thinning of the epidermis in winter, it is necessary that the cream includes silicone components, vegetable oils, allantoin and panthenol, vitamins (A, C and E), glycerin, hyaluronic acid. They form a lipid protective layer-film, nourish the skin, restore the epidermis, strengthen and moisturize it.

Since the market for skin care creams is crowded in winter, we have compiled a rating best products today, according toreviews of dermatologists and ordinary users.

The best nourishing face creams in winter

Nutrition is necessary for all skin types without exception. The hydrolipidic layer of the epidermis acts as a natural defense. In warm weather due to active work sebaceous glands self-replenish lipid reserves, while in winter there is depletion even in representatives of oily skin types, to say nothing about dry epidermis. Salvation is - nourishing cream.


Optimal for sensitive skin. Expressed regenerative properties
Country: India
Average price: 142 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The best nourishing cream for sensitive skin is, according to buyers, Himalaya Herbals. It is a light and non-greasy cream suitable for daily use. Designed to maintain the health and elasticity of the skin. Gently moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis. As active components aloe vera, pterocarpus, withania and centella act, which have a calming effect and prevent the formation of wrinkles. In addition, the cream has unique regenerating properties, antioxidant and antiseptic effects.

It is recommended to use the product twice a day, applying to the face with massaging movements. With regular use, the skin becomes velvety. The reviews emphasize that the product is especially relevant for owners of sensitive skin types. Does not cause allergic reactions.

4 Lirene Vita Oil "Perfect Smoothing"

For women over 35. Smoothes fine wrinkles
Country: Poland
Average price: 185 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The budget Polish brand of care products Lirene has released a nourishing Vita-Cream "Perfect smoothing", which will be a godsend in winter for women after 35 years. The cream is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive. The dual active complex, including vitamin C and grape oil, has the most powerful antioxidant effect, neutralizing free radicals, helping to activate natural cell renewal and smoothing wrinkles.

According to the women who participated in the testing of the cream, its effectiveness has been proven in terms of the following indicators: improvement in the general condition of the skin - by 92%; increase in elasticity - by 85%; increase in elasticity - by 77%. The product also has moisturizing and skin softening properties; peeling is eliminated, the complexion is leveled. The texture of the cream is oily, without a pronounced smell. A 40 ml tube, judging by the reviews, is enough for a month of regular use.


Best-seller. Complex impact on the skin
Country Russia
Average price: 304 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The leader among nourishing creams that are relevant for use in winter is Aevit from Librederm. This is the most popular remedy in special demand, and here's why. This cream evenly moisturizes the epidermis and helps restore skin elasticity. Vitamin A, a key component, promotes collagen synthesis, which is responsible for the beauty and freshness of the face. Also, vitamin A is involved in the regulation of the sebaceous glands, so the cream with its inclusion in the composition has a positive effect on the fight against acne.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that slows down the aging process and stimulates the production of estrogen. As a result, puffiness of the face is eliminated. Regular application of the product maintains the water-lipid balance and improves blood circulation. Users in the reviews talk about the pronounced tonic and regenerating properties of the cream, which are so important in winter.

2 Natura Siberica "Nutrition and hydration"

Review Leader
Country Russia
Average price: 366 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Cream from Natura Siberica is known, at least, due to the many positive reviews on the Internet. Organic cosmetics of this brand are traditionally distinguished by safe ingredients - wild herbs and flowers. The cream is most preferable for dry skin. It is aimed at nourishing and deep hydration of the epidermis, increasing elasticity, and retaining moisture. As part of the extract of wild-growing Manchurian aralia, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, plant ceramides.

Users in the reviews mention that the cream does not contain parabens, silicones, mineral oils and other elements that could adversely affect skin health. An added bonus is UV protection.SPF 20), which are harmful even in winter.

1 Missha Time Revolution Nutritious Cream

The best moisturizer. rich composition
Country: South Korea
Average price: 2,950 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Nourishing cream from one of the most popular Korean cosmetic brands - Missha - will be a salvation for dry skin in winter, it will moisturize the deepest layers of the epidermis and completely eliminate peeling. Immediately after absorption, the skin becomes velvety to the touch and perfectly even in tone, the oval of the face is noticeably tightened. The cream slows down the aging process of tissues by nourishing and smoothing only emerging wrinkles.

Missha Time Revolution Nutritious Cream boasts a rich list of useful components in its composition: proteins, vitamins, various minerals, micro and macro elements. Polyglutamic acid, sorbitol, soy and lentil extract, macadamia, coconut, shea butter - all these are the best ingredients of natural origin that moisturize the skin. Vitamins E and B3 will prolong the youthfulness of the epidermis. And chamomile and lavender will give radiance and tone to the tissues. The cream can also be a wonderful base for make-up.

The best protective face creams for chapping

Protective creams are designed to create a thin film on the skin, thanks to which it will be possible to protect the face from winds and negative temperatures. Silicone components merge with the stratum corneum of the epidermis, forming a barrier that prevents the evaporation of moisture in the cells. Protective creams from this category are the best in their segment.


Wide use. Economic consumption
Country Ukraine
Average price: 146 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.4

Cream "Winter Care" from Biocon is widespread and easy to find in stores. The cosmetic product shows high results in the fight against drying out of the epidermis during the cold months, intensely nourishing the skin. The cream protects the face from frost (up to -40 degrees) and wind by replenishing useful substances and elements. The composition is enriched with natural shea butter (shea), cotton, peach, flax seed oil, vitamin F, panthenol and olive oil.

As a result of regular application of the cream, as user reviews assure, the skin remains qualitatively moisturized even in bad weather. There is a decrease in irritation. The tool prevents moisture loss. The cream is enough for almost a season. Consumption, therefore, can be called quite economical. Thanks to UV filters (SPF 12), the epidermis is protected from solar radiation. This is a kind of prevention of premature aging.


Instant protection effect
Country: Belarus
Average price: 145 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

According to the results of the survey, the Belarusian brand Vitex was recognized as the best among protective creams. This cream, as the name implies, protects the skin from the vagaries of the weather. The tool is intended for daily care. Efficiency provides a safe composition based on a complex of vegetable oils - jojoba, shea, sesame, etc. These components contribute to the rapid regeneration of the skin, which is extremely important in winter - you can forget about redness, irritation, peeling and dryness.

The cream is recommended to be applied during the day. So with morning use, you can count on the creation of a thin, imperceptible to the eye, airtight film that will reliably protect the skin from aggressive environmental influences. Night use will ensure the restoration of the epidermis, and if you apply the cream after taking a bath or shower, the product will prevent dehydration. The reviews emphasize that after the first application, the skin becomes soft and smooth.


Creates a barrier that protects against dehydration and low temperatures
Country Russia
Average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Hypoallergenic protective cream against frostbite and chapping "Nanocenter", which included vitamins and oils, is an excellent a budget option for sensitive skin. The manufacturer has developed the FrostCare complex, which is an imitation of a barrier similar to the natural epidermal mantle on human skin, consisting of sebum, sweat, horny scales and microorganisms, which protects tissues from dehydration (dehydration) and low temperatures.

Oil grape seed- this is one of the few nourishing and moisturizing oils that does not clog pores, is not comedogenic. Remove redness and inflammation, run regenerative process Vitamin B5 and E will help, the latter, by the way, is known as a natural antioxidant with softening and moisturizing qualities. The big advantage will be the absence of petroleum products, parabens, animal fats and dyes.

2 Nivea "Nourishing Day Cream"

Intensive nutrition. SPF protection
Country: Germany
Average price: 218 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Nivea Nourishing Cream is designed for dry and sensitive skin types. This German brand cream is recommended for use during the day, however, some prefer night application. A distinctive feature of the product is the formula enriched with almond oil and Hydra IQ technology. The cream intensively nourishes the epidermis, leaving a feeling of softness on the face. According to reviews, the skin is deeply moisturized, becomes velvety and radiant. In addition, the composition is aimed at protecting the dermis from ultraviolet rays, which pose a threat to the skin, including in winter.

In the comments, users call the cream a real skin saver in winter time of the year. For those who suffer from dehydration of the epidermis, peeling, chapping and irritation during the cold months, buyers recommend applying this composition regularly, and soon see for themselves its high effectiveness.

1 Dermosil Winter Face

Better pH regulation. Excellent restores
Country: Finland
Average price: 1,000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The cream, created in Finland, a country where frosts are known firsthand, has absorbed the best protective components of natural origin, which in addition nourish the cells of the epidermis. Also, the cream is able to regulate the pH level. The manufacturer claims that Dermosil Winter Face is effective even in the coldest winter, at temperatures down to -30. The texture of the cream is dense, well distributed, with a vanilla flavor that quickly disappears. Sold in a 50 ml tube with a narrow spout that economically dispenses required amount product.

It is often written in reviews that the cream perfectly restores and soothes already weathered, damaged facial skin, and this is true, because in the list of ingredients you can find anti-inflammatory components, for example, flax and tocopherol acetate. By the way, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) is known as a strong antioxidant that fights wrinkles and flaccidity of tissues.

The best baby face creams in winter

Delicate baby skin needs extra protection. With the onset of cold weather, doctors recommend lubricating the face with a protective composition that will prevent skin irritation, peeling and dryness. The funds presented in the category found the largest number positive feedback by parents and pediatricians.


Reliable protection at the best price
Country Russia
Average price: 55 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Anti-chapping cream from Morozko "Rosy cheeks" is a reliable protection for the baby from the first days of life. This cream differs from other rating nominees by the lowest price. Another important argument in favor of purchasing the product is its hypoallergenicity. The cream, produced in a 50 ml bottle, has been tested and recommended by pediatricians.

Thanks to useful components (beeswax, coconut and castor oil, vitamins A and E, chamomile, allantoin, etc. ) children's faces are well protected from wind and cold. The composition provides cell regeneration and prevents irritation, as a result of application, the skin softens and calms down. Users find the cream safe and effective. In the reviews, parents note that this cream quickly relieves redness and eliminates peeling.


Effective at the lowest temperatures
Country Russia
Average price: 180 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Children's protective face cream "Little Polar Explorer" from Natura Siberica is a hypoallergenic product that can be used from birth. special value cream represents for babies born in winter. The most delicate children's skin from the first walks is exposed to temperature changes, frost and wind, and it is this cream that has managed to establish itself as highly effective and reliable - it has been tested in Siberia at -50 degrees.

The product includes organic Cedar oil, calendula extract, shea butter. At the same time, mineral oils, fragrances, parabens and dyes are completely absent in the composition. The cream has a moisturizing effect, relieves "frosty" skin irritation and redness, and effectively fights peeling. The reviews note that it is recommended to apply a 75-ml cream abundantly - in a thick layer on the exposed areas of the face and hands of babies about half an hour before going for a walk.


The best nourishing cream for children
Country: Germany
Average price: 230 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Cream from Bübchen is suitable for children from birth. PH-neutral skin care designed to stabilize the moisture content and prevent its loss. The main thing is that the composition does not contain mineral oils, preservatives and dyes that prevent the skin from breathing and disrupt natural metabolic processes. Their presence can cause clogging of pores and, as a result, irritation and dermatitis. The protective cream, sold in a 75 ml bottle, is enriched with panthenol, natural shea butter, beeswax, vitamin E and almond oil. These components contribute to the nutrition of the epidermis and high-quality hydration.

Users in the reviews positively evaluate the beneficial properties of the cream. This nutrient prevents irritation by creating an easy airtight protective film. The cream is definitely recommended for purchase by parents of newborns, noting the prevention of chapping of delicate baby skin.

2 Babycoccole "Protective Winter"

Immunomodulatory properties. Hypoallergenic
Country: Italy
Average price: 460 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The Italian brand Babycoccole is famous for the fact that it strives to use the best hypoallergenic ingredients for the manufacture of products, which is very important for newborns, whose skin is especially sensitive. The composition is completely free from coarse surfactants, alcohol, dyes and preservatives. The texture of the cream is quite oily, so very little product is needed, because of this, the 100 ml tube is guaranteed to be enough for the entire frost season.

Oat beta-glucan is an immunomodulator, more than ever, it comes in handy in winter, when immunity is seriously weakened. Almond protein regulates the protein balance of epidermal cells and gives super softness without creating a film. Flaxseed oil contained in the cream is a source of vitamin F, which acts as a healing and anti-inflammatory agent, which will help out in a situation where Babycoccole "Protective Winter" was not applied to the face in advance and the skin was already frostbite.

1 Topfer "For wind and weather protection"

The most natural composition
Country: Germany
Average price: 700 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Topfer "For protection from wind and bad weather" is a children's nourishing cream-balm of German quality. The peculiarity of the cream is that only environmentally friendly raw materials that have passed laboratory control are used for its manufacture. All components, to the last, are of natural origin, which makes the cream the best choice for children from the very first days of life. And its sweet-creamy aroma will definitely please the crumbs.

The set of moisturizing oils involved by the manufacturer is surprising: meadowfoam, sunflower, olive, almond, shea, jojoba. Immediately after absorption, the baby's epidermis becomes soft by adjusting the pH level. Extracts of rosemary, calendula and wheat relieve inflammation. Not without vitamin E - the main component of any care and protective cream. Topfer "For protection from wind and bad weather" will be appropriate not only in winter, but also for everyday use.

What woman does not dream of clean and smooth skin? Unfortunately, poor ecology, changeable weather conditions, exposure to heating appliances and air conditioners, stress that have become a constant companion of our lives, adversely affect the skin, not only polluting and depriving normal nutrition, but also dehydrating it, provoking premature aging.

After all, it is water that is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. In addition, most facial treatments (removing peeling and redness, smoothing wrinkles, and others) are effective only if it is sufficiently moisturized.

All sorts of achievements in the cosmetic industry come to the rescue, including moisturizing face creams containing whole cocktails of the healthiest oils, vitamins, nutrients and rightfully occupy a worthy place in the cosmetic bag of each of us.

Why and how to choose?

How to navigate the countless offers of the cosmetic market, how to be guided by the choice of products and what are the requirements for it?

The first thing you need to know: the difference good creams for the face is that they should not only moisturize and nourish the skin at the same time, but also retain moisture in it. So to say, three in one.

The most important condition when buying: the product must match exactly your skin type, which is known to almost every girl. And for those who have doubts about this, you need to test it on external stimuli. These can be personal care or dishwashing products, cosmetics, and so on. After a couple of days of introspection, you will have accurate information about your skin type.

The second condition is the composition of the product. Keep in mind: not always a resounding brand or beautiful packaging guarantee the quality of the cream, and most importantly, its safety. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not cause irreparable harm to health, you need to pay attention to its composition. This is not difficult, since the list of contents is indicated on the package.

The dominant ingredient is usually indicated at the beginning of the list, and the rest are already in descending order of concentration.

For example, if you buy a cream that says it's made from "aloe flowers" and they're only mentioned at the very end of the list, be sure you're being fooled! At best, the content of aloe will be purely symbolic.

What should not be included

Never buy a cream that contains formaldehyde (formalinum) - carcinogens which, having penetrated the skin, destroy it. Some creams contain the carcinogen Triethanolamine, another terrible poison.

Another suspicious product is paraben. With excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties, however, it is a serious allergen, and according to many experts, it can also provoke breast cancer.

If the paraben content in a cosmetic product exceeds 0.3 percent, feel free to refuse to buy, despite the fabulous promises of manufacturers!

Nothing good should be expected from our body also from mineral oils, heavy silicones, ethylene and propylene glycols, phthalates.

Of course, it is impossible to do without emulsifiers and preservatives, which help to increase the shelf life of the product and preserve its properties. But they should be located in the last places in the list, which will mean their insignificant content.

On the video: how to choose a moisturizer for the face

Healthy Ingredients

But enough of the horror stories. Now let's turn to the beneficial substances contained in face creams - water, vitamins, amino acids, biologically active substances.

The presence of panthenol (pantenol) in the cream guarantees softening and rejuvenation of your skin, and allantoin (allantoin) will allow you to retain moisture for a long time, creating a regenerating effect. For good absorption of vitamins contained in creams, lecithin based on soybean oil or egg yolk is used.

Actually, vitamins are also added to creams in a synthesized form. For example, tocopheryl acetate is nothing but the synthesis of vitamin E obtained from vegetable oils.

The presence in the creams of azulene, obtained from medicinal herbs, produces a calming, healing and nourishing effect.

You can find everything about Maybelline lipstick.

In general, the plant-based face moisturizer should match the type of skin. For example, strawberries are suitable for oily, and St. John's wort with lavender is dry and mixed type skin.

Well, let's not forget about the perfectly moisturizing and skin-protecting glycerin with glauric acid, various hydroacids and vegetable oils, which are a guarantee of the high quality of the cream.

Two more important tips

  1. High-quality moisturizing creams smell with a delicate aroma of flowers and fruits. Or they don't smell at all.
  2. Acid - alkaline balance the cream should be in the range from 5 to 9.

On the video: the best moisturizer for the face

Top best

100% on the first three lines natural products that do not contain fragrances, dyes and oils of mineral origin.

Cream for day care “Rose” Dr.Hauschka perfectly moisturizes and protects dry and normal skin. Rosehip and rose extracts will restore mature skin, while avocado extract will smooth and soften it. The cream is also suitable for sensitive skin, strengthening it, absorbing well and having a beneficial effect on water-fat metabolism.

The price of the product is about 1950 rubles.

Find out more about Lierac cosmetics.

Refreshing Day Cream - Care Weleda- reliable and intensive protection against bad ecology, excellent moisturizing of the skin of the face with a velvety shade. natural oils Together with Moroccan iris extract, they help maintain the hydrolipid balance of the epidermis. The cream also has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The price is about 1000 rubles .

LAVERA bio moisturizing cream BASIS SENSITIV. Ideal for those with skin problems (it fights well with problematic skin). Moisturizing natural factors - rose and lemon balm essence. Fatty acid, vitamin E together with shea butter will protect skin covering from harmful effects and premature aging.

The cost of packing the cream is 1200 rubles.

Vitamin, intense moisturizing good for all skin types, and most importantly - budget.

200 ml. packaging costs only about 350 rubles.

Marykay's TimeWise Firming Moisturizing Cream for 10 hours will moisturize and saturate the skin on the face, while preventing the aging process. An added benefit is UV protection.

Unique moisturizer from CLINIQUE, reliably retaining moisture inside, strengthens the protective barrier of the skin. Suitable for dry and combined types.

The price of the product ranges from 1150 to 1200 rubles.

Back massage technique provided.

How to properly perform a head massage for a headache is described in the article.



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