A simple way to restore your health. How to restore health with cedar oil

Pain (often acute) - and the owner of the body begins a feverish search for ways to get rid of it. At this stage, it is especially important to make informed treatment decisions based on knowledge rather than random advertising. Although a wise person tries not to bring his body to such a point. After all, everything does not happen suddenly - the body desperately signals its owner about the onset of a problem, first with slight pain and discomfort in the back or other parts of the body...

This information may be useful to those who have a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle and who have already had to deal with “unexpected things” in the form of problems with the intestines, back problems, headaches and other abnormalities in the functioning of the body. Perhaps someone will decide not to wait for such “collisions”, but to avoid them by using this information.

More than twenty years ago, my body went into disarray. Back pain began to bother me, my intestines worked with prolonged interruptions, and headaches appeared. Naturally, this could not but affect the productivity of my IT work. And not only that - life began to take on more and more gray colors. Multiple trips to doctors and chiropractors gradually convinced me that they, at best, would not help me. In the worst case, with their help I will “drown” faster. It dawned on me that I need to deal with this problem myself, since I created it myself. I created it through my attitude towards my own body, through its merciless exploitation to achieve goals that are very important to me and, most importantly, through my ignorance. As they say, life forced me and I could no longer tell myself that I had no time to take care of my body.

I will try to summarize in a concise form the essence of what helped me personally and some of my family and friends. What is written is not a panacea. Everyone has their own characteristics of the body, their own reserve of strength, their own genes and, most importantly, their own degree of desire for health for them. Yes, and I don’t urge you to completely abandon Aesculapians - there are times when you can’t live without them, especially in emergency cases and when you don’t understand what’s happening to your body.

First, most important- the desire to have a healthy body and be ready to allocate a certain time budget for this purpose.

Second- awareness that the state of the body at the moment is mainly determined by my past habits. If there are malfunctions in the body’s functioning, the lion’s share of the “merits” in this is mine. Of course, external factors are also important. But, with a very high probability, the source of the problems is myself and no one will solve them for me. Hence the need to observe the body and study its structure. Since the “chemistry” of the body, its hormones, are closely related to the emotional state, it would also be useful to work on stabilizing one’s psyche - relaxation and yoga are welcome.

Our bodies can be considered as a very complex structure of pipelines of various lengths and diameters - intestines, arteries, veins, capillaries, etc. The state of internal “logistics” is extremely important for the body. In fact, the movement of fluids through these pipelines is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of the body. Timely and complete delivery of nutrition to each cell and safe, timely removal of its waste is the key to the health of the body. As well as the normal movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, its absorption and timely removal of waste products.

From this point of view, most of the so-called. diseases of the body is a problem of its internal logistics. For example, if you have a headache, the nervous system signals that perhaps the brain cells are not receiving enough “food” or are “drowning in their feces.” Another example is if a person has the so-called. goiter - with a very high probability he has problems with blood flow in the neck (muscle contracture, swelling) and the thyroid gland is starving or “cannot go to the toilet” due to disturbances in venous blood flow. The same reason is possible for deterioration of vision - it greatly depends on the condition of the neck. If you massage your neck carefully and thoroughly, your vision usually improves. Sometimes significantly and especially in children. A person sees not so much with the eyes, but with the back of the brain - which is why it is so important to have good blood flow in this part. And the eyes themselves receive nutrition from the neck area. And there are many such examples.

As you know, pipelines can transport either liquid or gas. In the vast majority of cases, fluid is transported in the body, the basis of which is pure water - a universal solvent and transport agent. If a person drinks little clean water, sooner or later this will lead to disturbances in the body. This can be compared with the fact that, as I learned, in one of the cities of Ukraine, utility workers are sounding the alarm - due to high tariffs for water and sewerage, people have sharply reduced the volume of flushing water, the flow of which in sewer pipes has become insufficient to flush these pipes and they began to gradually fill with silt.

First practical conclusion: You need to drink clean water in sufficient quantities.

In terms of quantity, everyone has their own measure, but, as a rule, for an adult it is at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

As for the purity of the water.

1. Tea, coffee, jelly, compotes, coca, Pepsi and other tonics cannot be considered pure water. The body needs to spend a lot of effort to “desalinize” these drinks and waste “desalinated” water to waste “desalination” products.

2. Not in every city the water in the water supply can be considered clean. For example, it didn’t immediately occur to me to pay attention to the quality of tap water. When I asked local water supply specialists, they assured me that the water in our city is excellent. But I was looking for the cause of the illness and questioned everything external and a lot of internal things. When I managed to arrange the delivery of drinking water from springs in rural areas, I realized that tap water requires purification. I didn’t know what to clean it from and how to clean it, but the result was obvious - with the imported water, the constant bloating stopped and intestinal function noticeably improved. For cleaning, I first tried to use carbon filters - there were no membrane filters yet. I even thought about ordering very expensive overseas ones, but a very simple solution was found - freezing tap water in the freezer. I poured water into a 10 liter plastic container with a lid and put it in the freezer for about a day so that about 1/5 - 1/6 of the total volume remained unfrozen. When water freezes, it tends to form regular crystals and all impurities are forced out into the unfrozen part of the water. When you remove the lid, you see that the unfrozen liquid is inside the mass of ice. To drain these one and a half to two liters of brine with impurities, you need to break through the ice in two places with a strong knife. The remaining ice contains water of purity not much inferior to mountain water. After thawing, I used this water for drinking and cooking. With long-term use of such water, the results were even better than when drinking spring water - my well-being improved significantly, but the problem did not completely go away.

Questions remained about the thickest pipeline of the body - the large intestine, its peristalsis. This problem was solved as follows.

It turned out that plant fiber must certainly be present in the food bolus. It is this that is one of the main partners for the large intestine - in addition to improving peristalsis, it is able to retain water in the food bolus and the feces are not overdried, not hard, but soft and elastic. Anyone who has suffered from constipation knows what we are talking about.

Second practical conclusion: Food should contain sufficient fiber.

For myself, I resolved this issue by completely abandoning store-bought bread, which, as a rule, is made from pure flour without bran and is also fermented with something that I cannot control. And there are more than enough questions about modern baker’s yeast; this is a separate topic.

I replaced store-bought bread with my own. At first I bought regular flour and bran at the market. I made dough from flour, bran, water, salt, a little vegetable oil (or without it) and baked bread without any fermentation. Later I bought a small grain crusher and a millimeter mesh for it and started grinding whole grain. You don’t have to add bran to this flour, but if you need to help the intestines faster, it’s better to strengthen it with bran.

Over time, it turned out that there is a huge scope for creativity in baking your own bread. You can add various seasonings, vegetables, raisins to the dough - you can’t list everything. If you want leavened bread, you can add a little cottage cheese and sour cream to the dough and leave it overnight in a warm place, and bake it in the morning. The baking sheet is sprinkled with bran or flour so that the bread can be easily removed after baking.

The use of bran bread had a decisive effect - from that time to this day I practically forgot about serious problems with the intestines, which I wish for all those who suffer.

Of course, this positive effect can easily be nullified by insufficient consumption of clean water, overeating, or eating late. Everything can also be ruined by tobacco, alcohol, and fast food. For example, I like to eat dairy products instead of meat. Also, the proteins in amaranth are of higher quality than in meat, so I often add amaranth flour to my bread - it turns out very tasty, satisfying and gives increased performance.

It may seem like all this takes a lot of time. Consciousness is always afraid of the new and unknown. In fact, the one who is painted is not so scary - over time, some skills are acquired and everything is done quickly, as if in passing, without particularly being distracted from the main tasks of existence in this world.

How can you restore the health of your body without medications? Part 2.

Looking at the human body as a very complex system of pipelines, and functional deviations in this body as violations of logistics in this system, allows us to fully appreciate the role of the abdominal organs in the functioning of a healthy body and see the causes of many body diseases. And when the cause of the disease is known, it is easier to decide what to do to get rid of the disease.

To make it easier to understand the degree of complexity of “transport tasks” inside our body, let’s refresh our knowledge of the anatomy of the abdominal cavity of the human body.

Diagram of part of the digestive tract:

Abdominal arteries:

Abdominal veins:

Nerve plexuses of the abdominal cavity (simply nerves can be considered as hollow tubes filled with electrolyte):

The diverse infrastructure of pipelines located in the abdominal cavity is very complex. If we consider that the pictures do not show everything that actually exists, then the complexity of logistics in this part of our body can be considered prohibitive.

In fact, the entire logistics of the body's pipelines begins in the abdominal cavity by receiving (together with the lungs) pure blood, saturated with nutrients and delivering this fluid to all cells of the body. In the abdominal cavity, this logistics ends with the return of venous blood and the removal of cell waste from the body.

Hence the conclusion: The primary cause of most body diseases is malfunction of the abdominal organs..

You can treat for a very long time, for example, headaches with medicines for the head, heart pain with medicines for the heart, pain or impaired mobility in the foot, knee or shoulder with medicines for pain in the foot, knee or shoulder. It is possible to treat, no question, but how to cure, and not temporarily relieve pain? The answer is simple - without eliminating the cause of the disease, it is difficult to cure it; you can only distort the clinical picture with medications to create the illusion in the patient that he is really being helped to cope with his problem.

If our goal is to cure, then it is necessary to track the entire chain of supply of nutrients to the diseased organ and the chain of waste removal from its activity, as well as the state of its innervation.

For example, if there are any problems with the right leg, then first of all you need to examine the right lower abdomen. The main arterial and venous (forward and reverse) blood flow to this leg passes through this area of ​​the abdominal cavity. If there are problems with both legs, then you need to examine the entire lower abdomen and especially the area slightly below the navel, where the aorta and vena cava are divided into two parts - to the left and right legs, respectively. If, upon palpation of the abdomen, bloating, painful or non-painful swelling, and hardening are felt in these places (a feeling as if you are pressing on a piece of wood, although there should be soft tissue there) - it is very likely that the iliac artery and vein are “tight” in the literal sense. In such conditions they cannot provide adequate blood supply to the legs. More than once, after more or less successful elimination of these violations, I had to witness that a person felt “blood running down his legs.” And he easily begins to climb flights of stairs, although before the session he could barely climb them.

This article aims to focus on the general principle of finding and eliminating disturbances in the functioning of the body as a complex transport system. By applying this principle, there is a considerable chance of solving specific (non-traumatic) problems in any part of the body.

Let's move from theory to practice. I would like (based on my personal experience of helping myself and others) to recommend to those who wish to restore their health and to those wise people who wish to carry out preventive measures to strengthen the health of their body, the following ways to restore logistics in the abdominal cavity:

For example, as an option, “Genghis Khan’s recipe” + a laxative every other day (usually castor oil or magnesium sulfate). This very effective effect on almost all types of helminths was used by the author on himself many times, and those to whom he recommended this recipe were very pleased with the result. The only thing is that garlic needs to be taken with fermented milk products - for me it was easiest with fermented baked milk. I tried the advice on the Internet to wash it down with brine - it was much less comfortable. The most harmless laxative is castor oil 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. If you use magnesium sulfate, there are some contraindications (read the instructions), and you need to drink as much water as possible, preferably 2-3 liters within a few hours after taking it. Otherwise, discomfort from dehydration of the body is possible - the drug “dries out” it greatly.

The cleansing process begins with preparing the body. On the day of the cleanse decision, the last meal should be no later than 8 pm. At 21-22 hours, eat an apple, or a pickled cucumber, or 1-2 tablespoons of sauerkraut.

After that, finely chop the garlic in the amount of 200 grams. and in small portions, a teaspoon, swallowed (without chewing), washed down with brine from cucumbers, tomatoes or sauerkraut.

In some cases, you can use different juices, for example, tomato juice, ideally freshly squeezed from celery, carrots, apples, or a combination.

If discomfort occurs in the abdomen after swallowing garlic, gently apply pressure to the area of ​​pain through the front wall of the abdomen until it disappears.

To carry out 2 l. The enema solution is prepared as follows: brew chamomile 1 tbsp. spoon and after cooling and filtering the solution, add tbsp. a spoonful of sea salt and a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. When performing an enema, it is advisable to go when you feel the urge, either into a potty or into a stepped toilet, where you can see what comes out of a person (pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms). After such a procedure, sometimes a person’s body may smell unpleasant for a day or two, so it is advisable to carry it out at the end of the week, when you do not need to go to work. After cleaning the intestines, to improve digestion, it is advisable to add microflora using various biological products (narine-forte, biovestin-lacto, biovestin, etc.).

Second cleaning option (slow cleaning): In the evening, peel the head of garlic, finely chop it, then swallow it without chewing, with juice (carrot, tomato, plum, etc.). Before the procedure, it is advisable to eat an apple or, as in the first case of cleaning, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sauerkraut. This procedure can be done for a month, every day. You need to start taking garlic first with a small head, and then as you get used to it, the dose of consumption can be increased to a large one.

During the procedure, the skin is cleansed, keratomas and sometimes pigment spots go away, and the condition of small vessels improves.

Of course, this is not the only option; less extreme cleaning methods are also possible. Experience shows that very often the presence of helminths causes serious functional disorders and significantly complicates their diagnosis, “blurring” the picture. And often starting on the wrong trail. It is easier to carry out a preventive fight against them than to be examined for their presence. The likelihood of them being detected by clinics is extremely low.

In my practice, there was a case when my friend suddenly suffered from an attack of appendicitis. His wife called me and asked for help. I agreed - it was in a remote village, but I had vermox and castor oil on hand. By that time, I already knew that in more than 95% of cases the cause of inflammation of the “rudiment of atavism” is the whipworm. With the help of palpation, I was convinced that the appendix was indeed inflamed, swollen and painful. Swelling and pain were removed with visceral massage (according to Ogulov). Then the “patient” friend took 2 tablets of Vermox, two more in the evening, and a couple of hours later - castor oil. At night he had a sharp drop in temperature, he sweated a lot, and he had a fever. At this point the attack stopped - and to this day, thank God.

2. Organize fasting days - for example, once a week, relatively speaking, hang a plaster on your mouth with the inscription “Closed for food - repairs!” 🙂 For water, on the contrary, we drink more if there are no contraindications.

At one time, I was greatly fascinated by the phrase “If my body or soul is sick, I refuse food.” I don’t remember where I read or heard it, but it helped me a lot in life.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov notes the most important role of pepsins in the stomach, not only for the digestion of food, but also for general cleansing of the body. Excess pepsins are absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. With their help, the body gets rid of dead cells, dirt in blood vessels, and cleanses the intercellular matrix. Boris Vasilyevich recommends drinking a weak solution of a set of acids to enhance the production of pepsins in the stomach. In my opinion, this is a somewhat artificial technique and is aimed at compensating for the consequences of overeating.

It is much more natural to spend fasting days, during which all pepsins from the stomach are absorbed into the blood and used exclusively to cleanse the body. Also very wise in this regard is the advice to eat only when you are really hungry (usually we are driven to the refrigerator by anxiety about food, but not by hunger). And stop eating even before you are full. In this case, some of the pepsins are saved and they will cleanse the body of “toxins” every day. In case of overeating - there is no chance of cleansing - there are not enough pepsins even to process food, part of which in this case turns into the same waste.

An interesting example is former concentration camp prisoners. I know of several cases where they maintained phenomenal health of body and were able to conceive children at a very (by ordinary standards) old age.

“Give dinner to the enemy” . Ayurveda also talks about this, linking the process of digestion with solar radiation. Anyone can verify this if they wish. I have tested this and there is no doubt - at night, most of the late evening food goes, at best, “to the dump,” and at worst, to toxins.

In fact, if I have a very clear goal to live the life of a Human, and not just to exist as an organism, nutritional issues are much easier to regulate.

Long-term practice of abdominal breathing and the transition to it in everyday life work wonders. It is especially beneficial for the abdominal organs. In fact, for them it is a gentle massage and increased oxygen nutrition.

How can you restore the health of your body without medications? Part 3.

Learn at least basic massage of the abdominal organs.

This massage is also called visceral massage, visceral therapy, visceral chiropractic, abdominal massage. This massage is not a panacea, but in some cases it significantly speeds up recovery when combined with other treatment methods. And sometimes it is simply irreplaceable in itself.

In the second part of the article, an example was already given when, with the help of visceral massage and simple medications, it was possible to avoid surgery to remove an inflamed appendix.

Another example. Several years ago, my 10 year old granddaughter had an acute kidney attack. As I found out later, she ate boiled corn and there were corn silks along with the cobs, which triggered the attack. One session of visceral massage was enough to solve the problem. She didn't complain about her kidney anymore.

In my opinion, if parents have at least basic skills in such massage, their children’s health problems will be solved mainly without medications. Experience shows that acute diseases of the internal organs in the abdominal cavity, especially in children, can often be stopped with one or two sessions. Another thing is chronic diseases, especially in adults - here you need to “sweat” to improve the health situation. Of course, everyone has their own characteristics, there are different situations, but basically the trend is this.

To understand the mechanism of visceral massage, you need to understand what happens in the abdominal cavity when various functional abnormalities occur in the functioning of its organs. The reasons for deviations can be very different (we do not consider injuries). Although, by and large, the main reasons are that we eat the wrong thing, in the wrong quantity and at the wrong time, we are afraid of something, we worry, we overexert ourselves, we move little, we allow a lot of negative thoughts into our heads and few positive ones.

For many reasons, the belly ultimately reacts by disrupting internal logistics. For a particular organ, this means either starvation, or overflowing with its own waste, or with the waste of a neighboring organ. The result is swelling and overflow with blood of the organ and mucous membrane of the abdominal veins (up to varicose veins), spasms of internal valves, degeneration of blood vessels and organs. In medical language it sounds like “venous discirculatory disease of the abdominal organs” (3).

The task of visceral massage is to mitigate the consequences of this disease, and, if possible, eliminate its cause.

This article focuses on the fact of the existence of such an effective technique as visceral massage, but does not claim to be a complete description of it. For those who are interested in it and want to get to know it in more detail, they can use the books that are listed at the end of the article, as well as videos (especially with the participation of A.T. Ogulov), of which many can be found on the Internet. Only the main points of using the technique are noted here.

Often a person’s knowledge about the structure of his body comes down to the phrase: “Here something hurts me.” It is from this “stove” that we will “dance.” But before you begin practical work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with and remember or print out a diagram with the sequence of locations of points on the stomach:

It is in the sequence indicated by the numbers that it is advisable to massage the abdominal organs. Why is this sequence important and for whom is it obligatory?

Let me explain with examples.

If you do not work on the head of the pancreas (point 2) and the hepatoduodenal ligament (point 4), but immediately start working with the gallbladder (point 5) and activate the movement of bile from the liver or gallbladder, problems may arise with the discharge of this bile into the duodenum. These problems can occur when there is spasm or swelling of the bile ducts (or other vessels in this ligament), which pass inside the ligament, or the head of the pancreas, in the depths of which the bile ducts end their journey to the cavity of the duodenum.

Another example. First, the bladder is worked out (point 6), ureters 7 and 9), and then the kidneys (8 and 10). This prevents urine discharge problems when affecting the kidneys.

I note that the more problematic the stomach, the more strictly the indicated sequence must be followed. If you already know the characteristics of a particular abdomen, then you can start immediately from the place where the main impact is required. But it’s better not to take risks, but to do it consistently.

According to the topography of the impact zones in the diagram. It is quite arbitrary and can be slightly adjusted depending on the specific design of the abdominal cavity and the current location of the organs in it (organs are mobile in a living organism). The reference points of the diagram are: the navel, the xiphoid process (lower central part of the sternum) and the pubic bone. For example, point 1 is located 2/3 of the distance from the navel to the xiphoid process. Zones 2 and 3 - 1/3 of this distance. Point 6 - almost immediately above the pubic bone. The liver is not indicated in the diagram; it is implied that it can be worked on together with the gallbladder (point 5). Similarly, it is advisable to work on the stomach together with the pancreas (zone 3).

I think it is useful here to look again at the diagram of the abdominal organs and try to combine it in your imagination with the sequence indicated above.

Now you can start practicing. It's best to practice on yourself. We lie on our backs, head on a low pillow, legs bent at the knees (you can put something under your feet so that your legs don’t move and are relaxed). The position should be comfortable and the body should be as relaxed as possible.

We find point 1 (duodenal bulb) on the stomach and with three fingers (index, middle and ring) of the right hand we begin to gently press towards the back. The force of influence is developed with experience; it should not be very strong, but also sufficient to immerse the fingers deep inside the abdominal cavity.

If there is no pain or obvious hardening in this place, we consistently check the surroundings of this point in the same way. If within a radius of approximately 3 cm (in a child - less in proportion to the size of the abdomen) pain and hardening are not detected - the bulb is, to a first approximation, in order.

If pain appears, fix the pressure until a slight pain appears, hold it for a minute or two and watch the pain subside. At the same time, a piece of ice seems to melt under the fingers and the fingers themselves sink deeper without increasing the pressing force. In the same way, we work on some surrounding area of ​​the painful point and ensure that the entire area of ​​the bulb is soft and painless.

We look at the diagram (or remember it) and move on to point 2, which is worked out in the same way as point 1. And so on according to the scheme.

Important! Contraindications to visceral massage - when pressure is applied, the pain at the point does not go away over time, but even increases.

The general principle of visceral massage is a not very strong, but long-lasting effect.

Interestingly, this same principle is actually applied in yoga and acupuncture.

The preferred direction of impact on the abdominal organs is to the back and to the navel, i.e. slightly obliquely, as if pushing the organs towards the center of the abdomen.

A.T. Ogulov, as I understand it, at the time when I studied his methods did not take into account the experience of V.V. Turret due to the ability of the pancreas to move upward from its socket and compress the mesenteric veins. I also didn't know this at first and failed several times trying to help people with a "jumping" tumor-like mass in the upper abdomen. This is how the pancreas, which has moved upward, makes itself known.

A simplified version of visceral massage - lie on your stomach (for example, before going to bed) and place your right (or left) fist approximately in the area of ​​the first point on the diagram. Lie like this until the initial discomfort passes. Then move your fist to the area of ​​the next point in the diagram. Lie down again for a while until the pain and swelling go away. And so on according to the scheme. If you really want to sleep and don’t have the strength to follow the diagram, place your fist under your navel and you can sleep :)

The last piece of advice for normalizing the functioning of the abdominal organs is that a good addition to visceral therapy would be the bow and peacock poses, which are performed for at least 3-5 minutes, and if possible, longer.

It may not work out right away, most likely it will be something like this:

Peacock pose is a particularly powerful visceral pose:

For starters, this will do:

Despite the apparent complexity, everyone can master these poses in one form or another. Maybe not as quickly as we would like. For example, I had to spend a couple of months to accustom my body to the peacock pose.

Other exercises and poses are also suitable, but only static ones, corresponding to the main principle of visceral massage - not very strong, but long-lasting effects.

How can you restore the health of your body without medications? Part 4.

The logistics of the nutritional fluids in the back are fundamentally different from the logistics of most of the rest of the body. Perhaps this is due to the blatant ignorance in the choice of methods of treatment and prevention of spinal diseases that prevails in our time.

An example of such a misconception is the belief about “salt deposition” as one of the main causes of back problems, which has firmly entered the consciousness of not only the “broad masses”, but also the majority of those who call themselves vertebrologists, i.e. spine specialists. This statement will not seem too categorical if you carefully study the anatomy of our body.

The figure below shows a general view of the spine (back and left):

And in this figure there is a very clear vertical section of this pair of vertebrae (turned by the spinous processes to the right).

I would like to draw your attention to the spongy substance of the porous structure of the vertebrae and the complete absence of any vessels leading to the intervertebral disc (hereinafter simply referred to as the disc).

Neither arteries nor veins approach the disc; it is nourished solely by diffusion (free flow) and osmosis (pump principle) of nutrient fluid from the porous structure of the upper and lower vertebrae into the tissue of the disc.

This is a very important, key point in understanding back health. More on this below, but now, while the drawing is still in view, I would also like to draw attention to how the upper vertebra “rests” on the lower one. The lion's share of the load from the upper vertebra to the lower is transmitted through the disc and a smaller part of the load - through two joints (only one is visible in the section), formed by the articular processes of the vertebrae.

In order to more clearly imagine what the main load-bearing part of our body, its spine, is, I will try to give the following analogy. Although it is rough and not entirely correct, it can help to understand the structure of the back.

Imagine yourself as a vertebra, for example, in the lumbar region of the human body.

You sit inside this organism, facing its back, on an elastic, flattened ball, which is glued to your butt with superglue.
This ball is located on the head (and glued to it) of another vertebra that is located below you. Inside the ball there is a gel-like mass that can absorb water from the vertebrae (upper and lower) and retain water, which provides the elastic, shock-absorbing properties of the ball.
With its two arms (upper articular processes), raised up and to the sides, the lower vertebra supports your two legs by the heels, bent at the knees and spread to the sides (lower articular processes).
There is a ball glued to the top of your head, which is approximately the same as the one below. On it (also glued) sits your neighbor, the vertebra on top, whose heels you hold in your hands.
Behind you and your neighboring vertebrae there is a wide strip of tape running from top to bottom, which is poorly glued to the balls, but very well - to your bodies (anterior ligament).
In front, also from top to bottom, there is almost the same wide tape of adhesive tape, which is well glued to the balls and relatively weakly to your bodies (posterior ligament).
In front of your “face”, between your arms and legs, a thick tube runs from top to bottom - the spinal cord.
Above your head and under your butt, thinner tubes extend from this tube to the right and left - these are nerve roots and blood vessels.
Behind you is the abdominal cavity of the organism in which you are a vertebra (you are a lumbar vertebra:).
And there are twenty-three links like you (with some differences from bottom to top).

Imagine how many people are sitting on top of each other like links in one column, the balance of which depends on the ability of each vertebra to maintain this balance. This “team” with all its might is trying to fulfill all the motor whims of the owner of the body, who at any moment may feel the urge to run, jump, and tumble , dig potatoes or just sit in front of the monitor or lie on the sofa in front of the TV.

And at the same time, he (the team) tries to maintain the integrity of the system, to avoid damage to the spinal cord, nerve roots, and blood vessels due to excessive turns or tilts of the body.
For example, if suddenly the owner wants to turn the upper part of his body 360 degrees relative to the lower part, then he is unlikely to succeed - you, like a vertebra, with your own hands firmly hold the heels of the neighbor above, and your heels are in the strong hands of the neighbor below . For this reason, your neighbors can turn relative to you at a relatively small angle, which protects from destruction or tearing of the balls (discs) that are between you and other undesirable consequences. The same applies to attempts at excessive bending.

We will return to the model of the spine described above. And now - more about disks.

Spending constant time in the gym or strictly is all great, but for this we often have to limit ourselves in some way. Improving your health is not difficult or challenging at all, but it does require making small changes in your daily life.

All the little things we do during the day may seem insignificant, but they all add up to a big result. Below are twenty-one ways you can improve your health every day.

1. Walk often.
If you sit in an office all day, get up and walk around as often as you can. Just make sure you don't get fired for this. If you sit at a desk or drive most of the day, make it a point to do at least 20 minutes in the morning, evening, or lunchtime.

2. Walk up the stairs.
Is your office on the second floor? Or maybe on the eighth? Walk up the stairs every day. You may be able to barely breathe when you walk up to the eighth floor at first. But in a year, you will fly up to the eighth floor, overtaking your colleagues who are taking the elevator at that moment. Stair climbing is a great way to painlessly add exercise into your day without even having to visit your neighborhood gym.

3. Drink water.
You've heard this before, but it never goes away. Water works wonders. To stay healthy you need it every day. Try replacing unhealthy drinks with a glass of clean water when you feel thirsty. Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go, so you have no excuse not to take a sip.

4. Have breakfast.
Yes, breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. Even if you are not hungry, you should try to eat something. Is there anything healthy from the food in the house? Eat something! - this is the meal when it is better to eat something unhealthy than nothing at all. However, oatmeal with blueberries, raisins and bananas is best. Bring an apple or orange to work to snack on later after breakfast.

5. Spend some time in the sun.
The sun has all the healing properties. Yes, it can cause skin problems, but I'm not talking about going out naked and sunbathing for eight hours straight. Just go outside to catch some rays during your lunch break. Spend a day off outside, for example, and take a walk in the forest along a well-known route.

6. Stretch every day.
Your muscles are like elastic bands. The less they stretch, the tighter and harder they become. Stretching improves blood flow and helps deliver nutrients to all parts of your body. Think about the normal positions your body is in and stretch in opposite directions. If you sit a lot, stand up and stretch your arms up above your head. After you get out of bed, spend at least two minutes stretching before heading to the shower. You don't have to do yoga. Just stretch to feel good.

7. Eat organic foods.
It seems like a given, but it's absolutely vital to our health. Eco-friendly products are healthy. When we eat them, they make our body healthy. It's really that simple. Organic foods are mostly unprocessed or mechanically produced: fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains. Try to develop the habit of eating one apple a day. Keep a bag of nuts in the car and snack on the way home.

8. Watch your posture.
Everyone has their own posture, but there is such a thing as “correct posture.” Assess your posture. Do you slouch? Are you walking with your head down? Imagine that someone has tied a string to the back of your head and is pulling it (no, they are not going to hang you). Do the same with your posture: roll your shoulders back, push your chest forward, elongate your neck and breathe. Try to monitor your posture throughout the day and correct yourself as soon as you notice.

9. Change your eating habits.
We all need to eat. By the time you become an adult, . However, small changes to your daily eating habits can have long-term effects on your health. Do you usually eat toast for breakfast? Try blueberry banana porridge instead. Do you usually drink your coffee with two creamers and four sugars? Try with two creams and one sugar. Slowly change your eating habits in a healthier direction, and before you know it, you'll be feeling much healthier.

10. Meditate.
This does not mean that you need to become a monk and spend the rest of your life in spiritual enlightenment. Gather your thoughts. Spend a couple of minutes calming your mind. Breathe deeply and relax your entire body. You can try this in the morning (before stretching) or before you go to bed. Even a lunch break is good for.

11. Avoid feeling overeated.
The goal of eating should not be to eat to capacity. This is an uncomfortable condition and is unhealthy. If overeating is a common feeling for you, just try eating slightly smaller portions. It's normal to feel a little hungry after eating. You won't die. The worst thing that will happen is a slight feeling of hunger before your next meal. Science has proven that there are many benefits to eating fewer calories, so try not to overeat—this doesn't mean you have to fast.

12. Treat physical inconveniences as mini-workouts.
If you have to drag a heavy box into another room, consider it a mini workout. If you can't find a good parking spot nearby and have to walk longer than usual, consider it a mini-cardio workout. Many physical inconveniences can be considered opportunities to improve your health. Instead of complaining, think about how it makes you stronger and healthier.

13. Get enough sleep.
Our body requires sleep to recharge itself. If you skimp on sleep, your body will be more stressed than it should be. Stress causes aging and chemical reactions that are harmful. Everyone has different sleep needs, but you will know when you've gotten enough sleep. Go to bed a little earlier than usual. Try not to drink caffeinated drinks at least 5 hours before bed. Also, eating a lot of food and watching TV will prevent you from falling asleep quickly. Regular exercise will help you fall asleep earlier.

14. Go barefoot.
Your feet contain many nerve points connected to different parts of your body. Walking barefoot stimulates these points and improves blood circulation throughout the body. If you usually spend your day wearing shoes, try walking barefoot. If possible, walk around the office wearing only socks (just make sure they don't smell). Next time you go take out the trash, do it barefoot. Take your time, your feet may be super sensitive from living comfortably in shoes.

15. Try something you've never tried before.
Our body and brain require stimulation to stay healthy. If you do the same thing every day, or perform the same set of activities every weekend, you are seriously limiting your growth. Sign up for a martial arts class. Visit. Try trail running. Rent a mountain bike and explore famous forest trails from a new perspective. Listen to some new direction in music. Read a different type of book. Explore that street you walk down every day but have no idea where it leads.

16. Move often.
Objects in motion always remain in motion. If you want to be healthy, you need to move, both physically and mentally. Try to be as active as possible (again, both physically and mentally). Try not to sit in one place for more than one hour. Get up, walk, stretch, squat, jump, whatever. Think of activity as life and inactivity as progressive death (once again, both physically and mentally).

17. Do something relaxing.
Make time for rest as often as possible. This could mean anything: spending quality time with family, reading a book by the sea, going on a weekend hike, or just sitting outdoors. You should set aside time to relax every day, but even if your entire week is busy, stress can be relieved in a matter of hours on the weekend by doing something that relaxes you.

18. Breathe deeply.
Taking a deep breath supplies enough oxygen to the body, calms the muscles and... This is something you can do anytime, anywhere. Throughout the day, try to take a deep breath as soon as you feel the first signs of fatigue. Fight stress with oxygen!

19. Laugh more often.
Just like taking a deep breath, laughter is a great stress buster. Science has proven that it can even potentially physically heal the body. It is a pure expression of joy and happiness. Even if you have no one to laugh with, try it yourself. This is just great!

20. Watch children play.
Watching children play reminds us what it is to live without worry and stress, to live carefree and enjoying the moment. There is a child inside all of us that never dies, and by watching children play, we allow our inner child to emerge. It allows us to rediscover the joy and beauty of every moment of life.

21. Think about the future.
The reason we want to be healthy is because we want to live without discomfort and pain. If we think short-term, we don't see the value for which we need to improve our health today. Ask yourself what you will think tomorrow or in a year about you today. Will that person look back with pride and admiration for the efforts you make to be healthy? The future begins today.

There are many ways to improve our health every day, but reading about them is not enough. Choose several of these methods, whether it is one or twenty-one methods, and follow them in your daily life.

Do you have other ways to improve your health every day? Share them in the comments below.

Your body knows when something is wrong with it. If you are often nervous, work a lot and move little, rarely spend time in the fresh air, eat poorly and sleep little, it begins to send alarm signals. This could be a headache, dizziness, lack of appetite or, conversely, a voracious appetite, sudden weight fluctuations. Is it possible to help the body quickly regain its shape? Certainly! It is enough to cleanse the body.

1. Drink more water

To cleanse the body, you will have to drink 3 liters a day! The best option is non-carbonated mineral water.

2. Herbal decoctions will help

They will also help you cleanse your body. In particular, the herb cassia and buckthorn, which are sold in pharmacies. You can remove toxins from the body using a decoction of nettle and horsetail. Metabolism is improved by infusions of juniper fruits and wheatgrass rhizomes.

3. Rice diet

An effective way to cleanse is a one-day fast (when you drink only water or juices) or a rice diet. In the morning, boil 200 grams of rice and divide it into 4 servings, which you eat throughout the day. In addition to rice, you can also afford 2 bananas and a plate of berries (raspberries, strawberries or currants). In addition, drink 3 liters of unsweetened liquid. The rice diet is low in calories, so you should stick to it for no more than one day. It is better to arrange a fasting day during vacation or on weekends, when you are not as tired as, for example, at work.

4. Useful menu

If you want to remove toxins from your body, but you can’t afford to starve, create a “light” menu. Many foods that you eat every day have unique cleansing properties. This:

5. Sports and air

Don't forget about regular exercise - it improves metabolism. A brisk walk in the forest or park will give excellent results.

6. Down with bad habits

In the fight for cleanliness of the body, your main enemy is the desire to indulge in cigarettes, coffee and alcohol. Limit their consumption at least for a while.

Better go to the bathhouse, pool or sauna!


Before your main meal, eat something salty. This simple technique stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Prepare a decoction of dandelion roots (as a rule, they are dug up in the fall or early). Pour two tablespoons of dandelion roots 0.5 l into a thermos. boiling water, leave overnight. Typically a single dose is 100 grams. During the day, before each meal, drink the decoction, and you will definitely feel better. appetite.

Video on the topic


  • no appetite after antibiotics

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Accompanied by nausea, flatulence, vomiting, burning pain in the abdomen and left hypochondrium, which can last from several hours to several days. In this case, it radiates to the back, shoulder blade and behind the sternum, and can cause loss of consciousness, shock and collapse. The pain syndrome is not relieved by antacids as with ulcers. illnesses, which easily determines the nature of these pains.

You will need

  • - sage;
  • - St. John's wort;
  • - wormwood;
  • - dried fruit;
  • - horsetail;
  • - series;
  • - burdock roots;
  • - elecampane roots;
  • - pharmaceutical camomile;
  • - calendula flowers;
  • - iris;
  • - buckwheat flour;
  • - kefir.


Take equal parts of sage, St. John's wort, cudweed, string, horsetail, wormwood, burdock and elecampane roots, calendula and chamomile flowers, chop all the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Then pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave with the lid of the thermos open for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day in equal parts 30 minutes before meals. Course – 3. Repeat three times a year.

The bitterness of wormwood with iris is beneficial. Take equal quantities of wormwood grass and the above-ground part of iris, chop and mix. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then strain and drink 1/3 glass three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of admission is 3 weeks. Repeat 2-3 more throughout the year.

Buckwheat flour and kefir are very effective. Take 2 tablespoons of pure buckwheat, grind it in a coffee grinder or food mill. In the evening, pour a glass of kefir or yogurt over the resulting flour. In the morning, instead of breakfast, eat this mixture and do not eat anything else for 4 hours. For chronic pancreatitis, have breakfast 17-19 times a month with this composition for at least a year.

Video on the topic


You should know that enzymatic preparations prescribed for pancreatitis and designed to promote the digestion of food can completely stop the functioning of the pancreas, so you should not get carried away with them. It is necessary to force your pancreas to work independently, which is facilitated by taking medicinal herbs.

Helpful advice

It should be remembered that pancreatitis occurs as a result of a large feast, alcohol abuse, fatty foods, fried, spicy and smoked foods. Therefore, the primary measure to eliminate the symptoms of the disease is a strict diet in the first days after an attack, up to complete refusal of food, and a significant correction of the diet subsequently.

After work Not everyone manages to spend an evening in an atmosphere of relaxed tranquility. Household chores, troubles with children and communication with loved ones also take a lot of energy. Effective recovery after work will help you recharge your batteries and fully relax.

You will need

  • - aroma oils;
  • - mastering meditation.


Plan your day so that after work you had half an hour just to yourself. When you return, do not immediately start household chores. Be sure to take a shower to wash away the fatigue and negative energy that has accumulated during the day.

Meditation is perfect for relaxation and recuperation. If you are far from this, start with the basics. Take a comfortable position, close and try all your thoughts. Just listen to your breathing, imagine how life-giving air enters your body, saturates it with energy, and then takes away fatigue and irritation. Be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to concentrate right away, but gradually you will begin to feel the miraculous power of meditation.

Try to get enough sleep. Set your own individual sleep schedule that makes you feel best. On the weekend, try to lie in bed a little longer, and then spend the morning in a leisurely and relaxed atmosphere.

2 hours before bedtime, try not to eat anything so that the body does not waste strength on . Take yourself a half-hour walk in the fresh air or do a simple yoga routine. An hour before bed, take a warm bath with sea salt and aromatic oils. Essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang, sweet orange will help you relax and

Everyone wants to know how to restore health in the simplest and most reliable way. We have found the answer to this question. It was obtained from long-livers of the Siberian taiga, who do not even know what poor health is, and whose life expectancy reaches 130-140 years. Their women give birth to children at the age of 80, they are full of strength and energy. All this thanks to one natural product. But first things first...

The main causes of deterioration in health

Cedar oil perfectly normalizes intestinal function

Nature endows us with health from birth, and also lays down mechanisms for restoration and self-healing. Unfortunately, health in some cases can deteriorate over the years, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Poor nutrition.

Many of us often skip breakfast or snack on the go, preferring fast food and other unhealthy foods. Some workers simply do not have time to eat during the day, compensating for this by overeating at dinner. These and other reasons can lead not only to the appearance of diseases of the digestive tract. It is known that more than 30% of visits to the doctor are associated with patients’ reluctance to adhere to proper nutrition. But diseases such as diabetes, stroke and some types of cancer are directly related to poor nutrition.

  1. Ecological situation.

Research shows that residents of large cities most often suffer from this problem. At the same time, one of the main pollutants is motor transport. And emissions from industrial enterprises also have a significant impact on the environmental situation.

  1. Frequent stress.

Cleansing fins body rejuvenation

Unfortunately, stress is a very common condition of modern people. Occasional stress is inevitable, but it does not cause much harm. However, regular and severe stress can directly affect the depletion of the human body’s defense system. It has been proven that this condition manifests itself as a response to an external stimulus, when the body cannot find new resources to maintain internal balance.

  1. Insufficiently active lifestyle.

Many people dream of an active lifestyle, but work or lack of motivation prevents them from leading it. A sedentary life can lead to poor posture, chronic fatigue, and even muscle pain. The more physically fit the human body is, the better all body systems work.

  1. Bad habits.

Regular smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits allow a person to feel short-term relaxation, while causing enormous harm to the body and reducing life expectancy.

  1. Insufficient and inadequate sleep.

In order for a person to work normally, he needs, on average, 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Constant lack of sleep is fraught with harmful consequences - from neurosis to heart disease. Lack of sleep leads to overeating, suffocation of attention and appearance, as well as excessive emotionality.

Key factors for good health

Qualitative analysis of cedar oil surprised scientists

Nature gives us health, but if we do not take measures to preserve it, then it can deteriorate. Unfortunately, in many cases the person himself becomes the cause of deterioration in health.

According to statistics provided by scientists, health depends on:

  • by 10% of the level of medicine;
  • 20% from the external environment;
  • 20% from heredity;
  • 50% from lifestyle.

As you can see, lifestyle has a greater impact on health. Among its components are:

  • proper nutrition;
  • organizing a proper daily routine;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • maintaining physical activity.

How to restore health using traditional methods

Cedar oil will bring you health and lightness

When their physical condition worsens, many are accustomed to turning to the latest medications. However, due to the side effects of one medicine, you can acquire a new disease. But how to restore health in this case? The answer is simple - turn to traditional medicine. Many highly qualified specialists have recently recommended treatment to their patients using herbs and other means.

The main advantages of traditional medicine:

  1. Natural medicines have a gentle effect on the body, being a kind of natural support for the body.
  2. The risk of side effects is minimized. The vast majority of traditional medicine drugs are very well tolerated by patients. Therefore, they can be used for a long time without fear of addiction.
  3. Availability for consumers. Today there is no need to independently collect herbs for treatment: most remedies are available to people in ready-made form.
  4. Low price, since traditional medicine can be afforded by people with different incomes.

How to restore health with cedar oil

Our cedar oil is a true elixir of health

Cedar oil is often used in folk medicine. In addition, it was recognized even by official medicine. This product is made by squeezing pine nuts, which is highly valued by the residents of Siberia. As you know, it is the inhabitants of the Siberian taiga who have excellent health, physical strength and endurance. The whole secret lies in the use of remedies given by nature itself.

This miracle product of nature can be called unique due to its rich composition and the impossibility of reproducing a synthetic analogue. This product is considered the most beneficial for the body compared to other vegetable oils. It is used to treat diseases of the skin, bronchopulmonary apparatus and digestive system.

Among the useful properties raw pressed cedar oil highlight:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removal of harmful cholesterol;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

About the most important

We squeeze our wonderful cedar oil on a wooden press

It is thanks to Living cedar oil, pressed not on metal industrial screws, but on a wooden press, without heating, that the inhabitants of the taiga have excellent health and pass on this valuable product and knowledge about it from generation to generation. It’s just a pity that this information is not available to modern residents. He is forced to take synthetic, chemical vitamins from the pharmacy that have no real benefit. One taiga resident once said: “I feel very sorry for modern people, because they suffer from illnesses and do not know how to restore their health. If every person drinks at least 2-3 tablespoons of real Living raw-pressed cedar oil a day, they will forever receive good health and strong immunity.

This is not a complete list of the positive properties of the product. Taking it internally every day and rubbing it into the skin will cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system and get rid of many health problems. Wherein Live cedar oil It is approved for use by both children and elderly people. You can purchase it on our website website

We have been studying this wonderful product for a long time. Many people send us their very good results, this inspires us even more in what we do. Each person is responsible for his own health! It’s better to immediately start improving your health than to catch yourself later and restore what you lost. After all, according to statistics, the money spent on treatment is 5 times more than the money required to afford to constantly eat such a product as Living Cedar Oil, especially since we offer the lowest price for cedar oil pressed on a wooden press (not to be confused with store-bought cedar oil pressed using an industrial method, although it says that it is cold pressed).

You can read an article on our blog about how to quickly normalize intestinal function and cleanse it of toxins using cedar oil.



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