Is there an analogue to Ovestin candles? Ovestin analogue - which drugs are similar in composition and action? Ovestin and its action

Ovestin drug contains natural female hormone estriol, which is a hormone short acting, which means it does not stimulate proliferative processes in the endometrium. The drug promotes the regeneration of the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa, restoration of the pH environment and natural microflora of the vagina, all this increases local immunity and prevents the development of pathological flora.

Indications for use

- age atrophic changes vaginal mucosa associated with estrogen deficiency (including dryness, itching and discomfort in the vagina, pain during intercourse);
-increased urination, pain when urinating;
-prevention inflammatory diseases urogenital area;
-urinary incontinence;
- for diagnosis, with unclear results of a vaginal smear for cytology;
- infertility associated with cervical factor;
- prevention of complications during operations with transvaginal access.

Mode of application

Ovestin can be used both internally, in the form of tablets, and topically, in the form of suppositories and cream. The effectiveness of the drug does not change. Regardless of the method of administration, the drug is used once a day. The cream is usually administered before bedtime using an applicator.
For atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa, the following method of use is recommended: 2-4 tablets (4-8 mg), for a month, with a further transition to a maintenance dosage of 1-2 tablets (1-2 mg). For urinary incontinence, it is possible to prescribe, in more high dosages. Suppositories are administered once a day, and when symptoms improve, they switch to more rare administration - 2 times a week. The cream is administered using an applicator, at the beginning of treatment every day, when the condition improves, they switch to administering the drug 2 times a week. The course of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Preparation for surgery with transvaginal access, women of menopausal age: 1 suppository daily, starting 2 weeks before surgery and one suppository 2 times a week, for 14 days after surgery. Tablets are used according to following diagram: 4-8 mg 14 days before surgery and 1-2 mg 14 days in the postoperative period. The cream is administered according to the same scheme: 14 days before surgery once a day, in the postoperative period - 2 times a week.

For pathological menopause: 4-8 mg, s gradual decline doses as the condition improves.
For diagnosis, if the results of a vaginal smear for cytology are unclear: 1 suppository every other day for 1 week before taking the next smear. Cream, according to the same scheme as the candles.
For infertility associated with cervical factor: 1–2 mg per day from the 6th to the 15th day menstrual cycle, sometimes the dose is increased to 8 mg per day.
If you miss the next dose of the drug, if the interval between doses is no more than 36 hours, you must take the missed dose and then continue taking the drug according to the regimen. If more than 36 hours have passed, you just need to continue taking the drug according to the regimen.

Side effects

Local: irritation and itching in the vagina.
General: discomfort and pain in the mammary glands, nausea. Very rarely: headache, increase blood pressure.


Intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
Current, history or suspected breast cancer.
An estrogen-dependent malignant tumor, most often endometrial cancer, or a suspicion of this type of tumor.
Vaginal bleeding unknown etiology.
A history of an episode of arterial or venous thromboembolism.
Liver diseases in acute stage or changes in liver function tests.


The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Interaction with other drugs

Cases of adverse interactions with other drugs have not been reported, but given pharmacological properties Ovestin, possible interaction with: anticonvulsants(barbiturates, carbamazepine), antibiotics (for example, with rifampicin), antiretroviral drugs, with preparations based on St. John's wort.
It is possible that estriol may enhance pharmachologic effect some corticosteroids and theophylline.


Overdose symptoms Ovestin: nausea, vomiting, vaginal bleeding. There is no specific antidote; treatment is symptomatic.

Release form

Tablets 1 mg, 2 mg No. 30;
Vaginal cream in tube 15 g;
Vaginal suppositories 0.5 mg No. 15.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from sunlight.
Store cream and suppositories at temperatures from 2 to 25 °C; tablets at temperatures from 2 to 30 °C.


Ovestin tablets:
Active substance: estriol - 1 or 2 mg.
Additional substances: potato starch, amylopectin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, povidone, silicon dioxide.

Ovestin candles:
Active substance: estriol - 0.5 mg
Additional substances: vitepsol S 58.

Cream Ovestin:
Active substance: estriol - 1 mg/g.
Additional substances: octyldodecanol, cetyl palmitate, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, polysorbate, sorbitan stearate, lactic acid, chlorhexidine hydrochloride, sodium hydroxide, prepared water.


Treatment high doses should not last longer than a few weeks.
With long-term treatment with the drug, careful monitoring of the condition is necessary: ​​control of coagulogram, examination of the mammary glands, gynecological examinations.

Main settings

ATX code: G03CA04 -

In addition, the hormonal drug is intended for postmenopausal women during operations with the so-called vaginal access. Use medication with diagnostic purpose when the results are unclear cytological examination cervix.

What are the contraindications for use of Ovestin?

I will list when the hormonal drug Ovestin (suppositories, cream, tablets) instructions for use do not allow use for medicinal purposes:

Breast cancer;
Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
Estrogen-dependent tumors, such as endometrial cancer;
Venous thrombosis;
Endometrial hyperplasia;
Thromboembolic disease;
Severe illness liver.

In addition, when hypersensitivity to the active substance of the hormonal drug.

What is the use and dosage of Ovestin?

Ovestin cream is injected into the vagina using the supplied applicator; it is recommended to carry out the procedure at night. One application contains 500 mcg of estriol. When treating atrophy of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract, 1 application per day is carried out for 4 weeks, then the dose is gradually reduced (to 1 application 2 times per week).

For diagnostic purposes, Ovestin is used in the amount of 1 application every other day for a week before taking the next smear. Do not put the applicator into boiling water after use.

In the treatment of atrophy of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract, Ovestin suppositories are used in the amount of 1 suppository / day for the first 4 weeks or Ovestin tablets 4-8 mg / day, followed by a gradual reduction in the dose, based on the relief of symptoms, until a maintenance dose is reached (i.e. 1 suppository 2 times per week or in the case of tablets - 1-2 mg/day).

Overdose from Ovestin

An overdose of Ovestin may cause nausea and vomiting. In this case, the woman is symptomatic treatment.

What are the side effects of Ovestin?

The use of the drug Ovestin can cause the following side effects: itching, local irritation, increased tension, increase and some, in addition, acyclic discharge from the genital tract of a bloody nature is possible, breakthrough bleeding, as well as metrorrhagia.

special instructions

It is recommended to stop therapy with Ovestin if a woman develops following symptoms: jaundice, will increase blood pressure, headache of the so-called migraine type. To avoid stimulation of the endometrium daily dosage There should not be more than one application.

If, after treatment, a woman experiences symptoms of potential pain, for example, she develops shortness of breath, painful swelling of the legs, or sudden chest pain, then further use of this drug should be suspended, and urgently consult a doctor.

How to replace Ovestin, what analogues should I use?

Estriol, Ovipol Clio, in addition, Estrovagin, Estrocad, Elvagin, as well as micronized Estriol.


The use of the drug Ovestin should be carried out on the recommendation of a qualified specialist.

Be healthy!


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Among estrogen preparations, cream, tablets, and suppositories include Ovestin positive reviews during menopause in women. The main component of any form of release of this product is natural estrogen called Estriol. It is effective both during premenopause and to eliminate unpleasant symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency.

Women among the main advantages this drug highlight its short-term action. In other words, Estriol is not present in endometrial cells for long, so it does not provoke excessive cell division, thereby protecting the endometrium from tissue growth. Therefore, there is no need to take progestogens cyclically, and bleeding is not observed.

Release form and composition of the drug

This drug can be found in the pharmacy in several versions:

  1. Cream. Produced in special tubes (15 g). In addition to estriol, the composition contains lactic acid, sodium hydroxide, cetyl palmitate and others.
  2. Candles. One package contains 15 suppositories of 0.5 mg Estriol each. An additional component is vitepsol S 58.
  3. Pills. Available in the form of capsules (1 or 2 mg) based on Estriol. One package contains 30 capsules. Additionally, the composition contains starch, lactose monohydrate, amylopectin, magnesium stearate.

There is no particular difference between these forms of release. This variety helps a woman choose a drug individually, based on intolerance to additional components and the convenience of using one or another form of the product. But it is still necessary to adhere to the rules for using candles, creams, and Ovestin tablets, where each case has its own characteristics and recommendations.

The hormone estriol and its benefits for the body

Estriol is the active substance in any form of Ovestin release. Its action is characterized by selectivity in influencing reproductive organs women. After its use, estrogen production is stimulated, due to which:

  • stops the thinning of the vaginal walls;
  • inflammatory processes in the vaginal tissues are stopped;
  • eliminates dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • disappear painful sensations during sex;
  • sexual desire increases;
  • stimulates the production of cervical mucus;
  • blood circulation of the pelvic organs is normalized;
  • increases natural protective barrier from various infections;
  • the vaginal microflora is restored.

Ovestin has a fast but short-term effect. Taking this medication does not cause bleeding. Excreted by the kidneys (98%), as well as the intestines (2%).
Indications for use of Ovestin

Many women take Ovestin as an element to increase estrogen production. Menopause causes many unpleasant symptoms, where Estriol helps to effectively combat:

  • vaginal atrophy;
  • dryness;
  • involuntary loss of urine;
  • hot flashes and increased sweating;
  • infertility (solving the problem with cervical mucus);
  • urogenital disorders;
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • other menopausal disorders associated with a lack of estrogen.

Ovestin is very often used before surgical operations on organs reproductive system, and also as a drug for the recovery period. In addition, the use of the product is preventive measure on the issue of prevention inflammatory processes And infectious diseases urinary tract and vagina.

Contraindications and possible side effects

This hormonal drug should not be used without medical supervision. After all, it is not suitable for all patients. The main contraindications are:

  • bleeding with an unknown cause;
  • suspicion of breast cancer or its presence;
  • hereditary predisposition to cancer;
  • various neoplasms;
  • period of exacerbation of endometriosis;
  • liver or kidney problems;
  • individual intolerance to the composition of the product;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombosis.

Ovestin treatment is prescribed with special caution to women with diabetes mellitus. In this case, choose a form of the drug that does not contain lactose monohydrate (suppositories or cream). You should also consult your doctor if you have cardiovascular diseases or various pathologies.

According to reviews, side effects of the product appear in the first few months of use. The following undesirable effects most often go away on their own and do not require discontinuation of the course of treatment:

  • headache;
  • short-term nausea;
  • loose stools;
  • chest pain;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands.

If it appears on the skin allergic reaction, then this may indicate individual intolerance components of the drug. Immediate cessation of treatment is necessary in the following situations:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • systematic headache, migraine;
  • the occurrence of fainting;
  • general weakness;
  • destabilization of liver and kidney functions;
  • bleeding;
  • vomit;
  • jaundice.

Here you need to consult a doctor who will either stop the drug altogether or reduce the dosage. In addition, other pathological processes in organism.

Useful information and instructions while taking the drug

Before starting any hormone replacement therapy, you must:

  • pass general analysis blood;
  • establish the blood level of Estradiol, FSH and LH;
  • visit a therapist;
  • undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • undergo a mammogram;
  • take a general urine test;
  • be examined by a gynecologist;
  • undergo a Pap test (cytology smear);
  • check changes in blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • get screened for osteoporosis.

When taking Ovestin, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate examination every six months so that any pathological changes identify on early stages, and also stop the drug in time. In this matter, much depends on the woman herself and her responsible attitude towards her health. After all, when wrong approach to treatment with HRT can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body.

In addition, it is important to follow the instructions for use of the drug, based on the release form.

Instructions for using Ovestin


  1. The suppository must be inserted into the vagina once a day in the evening. For the treatment of problems with the genitourinary system, the course is one month. For the first 14 days, the candle should be placed daily. Then the dose is gradually reduced. For example, when significant improvement well-being and reducing the frequency and intensity of menopausal symptoms, suppositories are already used once every two weeks.
  2. If a woman uses suppositories before surgery, the course is 14 days (one suppository daily). And after surgery, Ovestin can be used for two weeks (two suppositories for 7 days).
  3. If there is a shortage cervical discharge candles are used only a week every other day.
  4. If a woman violates the course (missed one injection of a suppository), then the suppository must be placed at the first opportunity. But if more than twelve hours have already passed, then the procedure is skipped, and the next suppository is administered according to the treatment schedule.
  5. It is forbidden to insert two suppositories into the vagina at once ( serious violation optimal dosage).
  6. If Ovestin is the first HRT drug in a woman’s life, then the course of treatment can be started any day. And when switching from another drug, a break of one week is necessary (the exact period is determined by the doctor based on the characteristics of the drugs).
  7. As for the time of use, it is advisable to place suppositories at the same time. A deviation of one hour is allowed.


  1. For one day, the dose should be in the range of 4-8 mg. It must be used at the same time, preferably before bedtime.
  2. For the treatment of vaginal atrophy and menopausal symptoms, the drug is taken for thirty days, adhering to determined by the doctor doses. Then the dosage is reduced to 1 mg per day.
  3. Before surgery, Ovestin should be taken for two weeks at the prescribed dosage, and after surgery, the course is two weeks, 1 mg per day.
  4. To normalize cervical discharge, tablets should be taken from days 6 to 15 of the menstrual cycle, 1 mg each. It is allowed to increase the dose monthly until the discharge is completely normalized.
  5. If you miss a pill, you can take it at any time, but no more than 12 hours after missing it. In this case, the reception procedure is skipped, and next tablet taken according to the course of treatment.

In tablet form, Ovestin is quite easy to use, but the presence of lactose monohydrate makes taking it impossible for women with diabetes.


The cream is used using a special applicator, which is administered before bedtime.

  1. The dosage corresponds to the suppository or tablet.
  2. Contains 500 mcg Estriol.
  3. The dose and schedule of use are the same as other forms of release.

Should be adhered to following instructions on using the cream:

  • carefully remove the cap;
  • open the protective film;
  • put the applicator on the tube and fill it to the specified level values ​​easy by pressing;
  • securely close the tube with the cap;
  • the applicator must be inserted into the vagina in a lying position;
  • press the piston only when the applicator is inserted to a sufficient depth;
  • After use, the applicator should be rinsed warm water, not forgetting to rinse it;
  • Do not treat the applicator with boiling water.

Prices for Ovestin

This product can only be purchased with a prescription from your doctor, who will advise you on the appropriate use. Prices for Ovestin may be higher or lower in different regions:

  • Cream – 1000-1300 rub.;
  • Candles - about 1200 rub.;
  • Tablets – 900-1100 rub.

You can choose cheaper analogues. But you need to remember that the actions of the funds may differ slightly. Therefore, the price must be taken into account last resort, guided by the recommendations of the attending physician.

Analogues of the drug

Instead of Ovestin, you can take almost any drug that is based on the same active substance. Among the popular analogues it is worth highlighting:

  • Ovipol Clio
  • Microfollin-forte
  • Estrovagin
  • Dimestrol
  • Elvagin
  • Tephastrol
  • Estrocade
  • Estriol
  • Klimonorm

But most reviews from women indicate that Ovestin still has an optimal effect on the body, in which practically no symptoms appear. side effects. In addition, it begins to act faster without lasting effects.

Which release form should I choose?

In this matter big influence women have personal preferences. After all different shapes release of Ovestin during menopause do not make much difference among themselves. But you should still listen to your doctor, who will explain the specifics of use, as well as explain the effect auxiliary components funds for the body.

Often women note that it is easiest to use candles, but they take longer to dissolve. But the cream is quickly absorbed by the vaginal mucosa, but some patient reviews indicate problems with guiding the applicator. But the cream quickly eliminates dryness and discomfort in the vagina. With tablets, an overdose most often occurs, the symptoms of which are nausea and vomiting. But if you follow the doctor’s recommendations, this factor is reduced to almost zero.

We can conclude that you need to choose the form of the product individually. Ease of use, additional components, etc. are taken into account. And the effect after use remains the same.

Menopause requires a woman to be careful and attentive to her health. If the body does not have enough estrogen, then Ovestin can be used, but only after the approval of the attending physician. Any HRT drug, if used incorrectly, can cause serious side effects that will make life even more difficult during menopause.

Analogues of Ovestin cream are vaginal creams, suppositories or tablets, the active substance of which is estriol, it is used to treat the symptoms of diseases caused by a lack of estrogen. Doctors note that these drugs are most effective in combating urogenital abnormalities.

Ovestin cream is capable of inducing proliferation activity in the vaginal epithelium, helps restore its microflora, normalizes blood circulation, has a positive effect on the physiological environment of the cervix and improves the quality of cervical fluid. All these factors provide epithelial cells with immunity against inflammation and infections.


Estrocad is the first analogue of Ovestin, which is presented in pharmacies in the form of suppositories and cream. It has the same active substance, estyrol. The drug cannot be considered safe in any way, since side effects in combination with gestagens, it can cause breast cancer, provoke venous thromboembolism or myocardial infarction. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about such a replacement; perhaps it is better to buy Ovestin suppositories and not look for cheaper medicines.

Estrocad is prescribed for the following diseases

  1. Atrophic disorders of the urogenital tract associated with a lack of estrogen.
  2. In the period before or after postmenopausal surgery.
  3. The ointment can be used to clarify diagnostic data if the tests did not provide clarity when taking a smear to study atrophic changes.


This Ovestin substitute is strictly forbidden to be used by patients who have malignant formations, in particular breast cancer, estrogen-dependent formations or if their existence is suspected.

Other diseases for which Estrocad is prohibited:

  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • venous thromboembolism (including idiopathic);
  • arterial thromboembolism;
  • acute liver dysfunction;

Also, the drug is not used by women during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Important! Long-term treatment The estrocade must include detailed medical examination every six months while using the medicine. Special attention is devoted to examination of the mammary glands.

Ovipol Clio

Ovipol Clio is another medicine that is considered as analogues of Ovestin in the form of suppositories. The price for Ovipol Clio ranges from 510 to 620 rubles. Candles have exactly the same indications for use as Estrocad.

Contraindications include many diseases, including:

  • genital bleeding of unknown origin;
  • venous or arterial thrombosis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • diagnosed thrombophilias;
  • otosclerosis;
  • porphyria;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug components;
  • endometriosis;
  • if there is a suspicion of malignant tumors;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • heart diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • abnormalities in liver function;
  • pancreatitis;
  • migraine;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thrombophlebitis of deep veins.

Ovipol Clio suppositories should not be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.


The active substance of Elvagin is Estyrol. It is an analogue of Ovestin candles and its cream. It may have a slight effect on increasing the amount of beta lipoprotein in the blood, improves glucose suppression, and helps the liver produce globulin.

In what cases should you not take Elvagin?

  1. If you are sensitive to estyrol or other components of the drug.
  2. Pulmonary embolism.
  3. Myocardial infarction.
  4. During pregnancy.
  5. During lactation.
  6. Malignant formations or their possible presence.
  7. Endometrial cancer.
  8. Liver diseases.
  9. Deep vein thrombosis.

What side effects might there be?

Elvagin can cause itching and pain in the mammary glands. If it is used together with gestagens, the drug can cause vascular purpura, dementia, manifest as erythema nodosum, breast cancer, venous thromboembolism, as well as some benign tumors.

Note! If the drug has been used for long term, doctors recommend a thorough gynecological examination and general medical.


Estrovagin is sold in pharmacies in the form of light cream or white. The Ovestin analogue contains estyrol and vitepsol W35. Estrovagin is a hormonal drug that replaces the natural female hormone. The medicine is particularly effective in treating urogenital disorders due to its urotropic activity.

Estyrol - as an active substance, unlike other estrogens, only has a short-term effect on structures sensitive to it. This has its advantage, since it is taken once a day, endometrial proliferation will not be provoked.


  • HRT – hormone therapy used for atrophy of the lower zone of the urinary and reproductive tract, provoked by estrogen deficiency;
  • if the diagnosis is unsuccessful, suppositories are used to clarify it during cytological studies;
  • therapy before or after surgical intervention in the vaginal area for postmenopausal women, when vaginal surgery will be performed or has already occurred.

Use extreme caution when prescribing such hormonal medications performed in the presence of endometriosis, thromboembolism or if there is a risk of its progression. It is also not recommended to use if there is a possibility of developing a breast tumor, arterial hypertension or neoplasms in the liver.

Side effects

Deviations from the norm can manifest themselves in the area of ​​the mammary glands, namely in the form painful sensations, tension, breast enlargement or acyclic bloody discharge. This is explained by the fact that Estrovagin is not a non-hormonal drug.


Estriol can be produced in the form of a cream, suppositories or tablets. The drug has a positive effect on the restoration of the vaginal epithelium if atrophic changes have been noticed during menopause or the postmenopausal period. It also restores the pH of the vaginal microflora and increases the level of protection against the development of infectious diseases and inflammation.

Contraindications for use

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pronounced abnormalities in liver function;
  • neoplasms in the mammary glands associated with hormonal changes in organism;
  • uterine hemorrhages of unknown origin;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • pregnancy period;
  • while expecting pregnancy;
  • arterial and venous thrombosis.

Note! In case of overdose, vomiting, unexplained nausea, or unexpected bleeding from the vagina. Particular care should be taken in patients suffering from heart failure, normal operation kidneys, epilepsy, severe liver diseases and arterial hypertension.

Indications for use of Estriol

  1. Increased vaginal dryness.
  2. Frequent urge.
  3. Atrophy of the mucous membrane.
  4. Therapy before or after surgery.
  5. Infertility due to low-quality cervical mucus.
  6. Menopausal syndrome.
  7. Dyspareunia.
  8. Urinary incontinence (not advanced stage).


Whatever analogues Ovestin has, cheap or expensive, in the form of tablets, suppositories or cream, the most important thing in selecting a drug is to assess the characteristics of the patient’s body and possible risks.

It is also always worth remembering that in no case should you self-medicate and select Ovestin analogues at your own discretion, this can cause permanent processes and aggravate the problem.

Ovestin is original drug, containing estriol. Producing countries: France and Holland. Like any branded drug, Ovestin has cheaper structural analogues and substitutes with similar effects.

IN female body and to a lesser extent male gland internal secretion produce specific hormones steroid nature - estrogens. They affect almost everything metabolic processes necessary to maintain homeostasis. There are three subtypes of estrogens: estriol, estradiol and estrone, each of which is responsible for specific biochemical processes. The main component of the drug Ovestin is estriol.

Estriol reaches its highest concentration in a woman’s body during pregnancy; the rest of the time, this hormone remains at a relatively low level. Of all three subtypes, estriol is considered the least active and rapidly degrading hormone. However, it was found that estriol has high specificity for receptors located in the genitourinary system, and therefore it began to be introduced into the treatment of conditions such as mucosal atrophy lower section genitourinary system, in pre- or postmenopausal periods, especially for patients who have undergone surgical interventions on the genitals. Estriol, acting in isolation on epithelial cells with specific receptors for it, improves trophism, helps restore the biocenosis and acid-base balance of the vagina, improves resistance to pathogenic microorganisms, reduces symptoms during menopause.

Ovestin is available in several pharmacological forms: tablets for oral administration, suppositories and in the form of a cream for intravaginal administration:

  1. Tablets, each containing 2 mg active substance, taken orally. The course, frequency of administration, single and daily dosage is selected by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the pathology and anamnestic data. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 8 mg.
  2. Suppositories for intravaginal administration: 1 suppository contains 0.5 mg of active ingredient. Usually 1 suppository is prescribed once a day for two weeks, the further course is determined by the doctor.
  3. Vaginal cream (1 g of cream equals 1 mg of estriol). Pharmacological agent The package contains a special applicator that helps to correctly dose and administer the drug. 1 dose in the applicator contains 0.5 mg of the substance. The drug is administered 1 dose daily for 2 weeks, then as recommended by the doctor (usually another 2 weeks, 1 dose twice a week).

Analogues of Ovestin in composition are presented in various forms release: tablets, suppositories and cream. Complete analogues in composition, containing the component of the same name, are represented by the following trade names:

  1. Estriol.
  2. Estrocad.
  3. Estriol-M pessaries.
  4. Ovipol Clio.
  5. Orniona.
  6. Elvagin.
  7. Estrovagin.

Cheap analogues of Ovestin in tablets

Among inexpensive drugs that have similar indications to Ovestin and a similar mechanism of action, but are based on a different active component, include the drugs Proginova, Mikrofollin, Klimen, etc.


Refers to estrogen drugs, 1 tablet contains estradiol valerate 2 mg. Estradiol is one of the subtypes of estrogen that affects the metabolism of many substances. Proginova contains synthetic estradiol, which is almost identical to biogenic. Estradiol is the most active subtype of estrogen necessary for normal development, functioning and trophism of the female reproductive system and many other tissues and organs. IN male body Produced in small quantities by the adrenal cortex.

Proginova is taken 1 tablet daily for the first 3 weeks. Next, it is recommended to take a one-week break. The feasibility, duration and need for further therapy are decided together with the attending physician. Indications include hormonal replacement therapy in cases of identified estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women.


  1. Pathological sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Suspicion or diagnosed breast cancer at any stage.
  3. Estrogen-dependent malignant tumor of any location.
  4. Bleeding from the genital tract without established cause.
  5. Excessive growth of the endometrium, resistant to treatment.
  6. Disruption of the hemocoagulation system, tendency to thrombosis.
  7. Dysfunctional pathologies, liver tumors.
  8. High levels of triglycerides in the blood.

Ovestin and Proginova contain estrogens, but their different fractions: Ovestin has estriol, Proginova has estradiol, as a result of which the drugs have some differences in indications for use.

Side effects:

  1. Cephalgia, dyspepsia.
  2. Skin hyperimmune manifestations in the form of a rash.
  3. Uterine bleeding, changes in the amount of secretion menstrual blood, intermenstrual bleeding.
  4. Changes in body weight, swelling.
  5. Pain in the mammary glands.
  6. Deterioration of mood, dizziness, blurred vision, tachycardia.


Synthetic estrogen, 1 tablet contains 0.05 mg ethinyl estradiol. Microfollin contains ethinyl estradiol, which is similar to human estrogen. Causes proliferation of the inner layer of the uterus, improves trophism of tissues of the female reproductive system. Exhibits a powerful antiandrogenic effect, as a result of which it is widely used in cancer therapy prostate gland.

It is taken orally, the dose is selected individually for each patient. For prostate carcinoma, a starting dose of 0.05-0.1 mg three times a day is prescribed, which is subsequently reduced for maintenance therapy. At long absence menstruation not associated with pregnancy, women are prescribed 0.05 mg daily for 20 days, after which therapy continues with progesterone for 5 days. To stop lactation for 3 days you need to take 1 tablet daily, then ½ tablet. For acne - half or 1 tablet daily.


  1. Menstrual irregularities (absence of menstruation, small amount of blood excreted, uterine bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding).
  2. Termination of lactation.
  3. Acne.
  4. Prostate carcinoma.
  5. Climax.

Contraindications include estrogen dependent tumor diseases various localizations, malignant neoplasms breast, a tendency to thrombosis and/or a history of thromboembolic complications, impaired functioning of hepatocytes.

Unlike Ovestin, Microfollin contains a more active fraction of estrogen - ethinyl estradiol, and therefore has more wide range indications and various regimens of use.

Side effects: pathological reactions to components, cephalgic syndrome, nausea, vomiting, osteoporosis associated with an imbalance in calcium metabolism, pathology bone marrow, its hypoplasia, swelling.


This is an estrogen-progesterone drug. 1 tablet of Clymene contains 2 mg of estradiol and 1 mg of cyproterone acetate. Clymene contains synthetic estradiol, which is identical to endogenous estradiol. It compensates for estradiol deficiency that occurs in patients in menopause, due to which the symptoms associated with the onset of menopause are reduced.

Cyproterone acetate is a synthetic analogue of endogenous progesterone, which has an active antiandrogenic and antiproliferative effect. Due to the fact that the isolated use of estradiol causes hyperproliferation of the endometrium, the addition of a progestogen component eliminates this undesirable effect.

Clymene is used according to the following schemes:

  1. If not previously used similar drugs, then Climen begins to be taken from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, one tablet daily.
  2. If you need to switch from another hormonal drug Klimen's treatment begins immediately after the end of the previous course, without taking a break.

The package contains 21 Clymene tablets in two colors (white and pink), which are used daily. During the first 11 days, take 1 white tablet, the next 10 days - 1 pink tablet. Indications: estrogen deficiency in pre- and postmenopause, prevention of osteoporosis during these periods (in women with increased risk occurrence of disease0.


  1. Hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Suspicion or established breast cancer, estrogen-dependent tumor of another location.
  3. Metrorrhagia without a diagnosed cause.
  4. Proliferation of the endometrium.
  5. Hypercoagulation of blood (history of thromboembolism).
  6. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  7. Hepatocyte dysfunction.
  8. Increased triglycerides in the blood.

Klimen differs from Ovestin in that it is more active estradiol and additional component– cyproterone, due to which Klimen can be used and is indicated for patients with an increased risk of osteoporosis. The dosage and method of application also vary.

Inexpensive analogues in candles and gel

Suppositories intended for intravaginal administration and gels containing female sex hormones have their own advantages, including: more local impact, in this regard, it is possible to use small dosages, which helps reduce undesirable effects and reduces the number of contraindications.

Ovipol Clio

Drug group - drugs containing female sex hormones of the estrogen series. The active component is estriol, which is contained in 1 suppository at a dosage of 500 mcg. There are many receptors for estriol in a woman’s body, which are concentrated mainly in the cells of the uterus, vagina, mammary gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, etc.

By binding to receptors located on the surface of cells of the female reproductive system, the drug improves blood circulation, metabolism, enhances the proliferation of the inner layer of the uterus, balances the acid-base state, and normalizes normal biocenosis in the vaginal cavity. Also steroid hormone affects carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Apply medicine intravaginally, 1 suppository at night (before bedtime). Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. It is not recommended to take more than 1 suppository per day.

Indications for use:

  1. Estrogen deficiency during menopause or premenopause, manifested by thinning of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract and other symptoms, pre- and postoperative period(operations with intravaginal access).
  2. Menopause accompanied characteristic symptoms, bringing discomfort and/or disruption of general well-being.
  3. Infertility (if the cause is due to a cervical factor).
  4. Pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, itching, enuresis.
  5. For diagnostic purposes.

Contraindications include hyperreaction to the components of the drug, pathology of the blood coagulation system such as hypercoagulation, various manifestations history of thrombosis, severe liver pathology, estrogen-sensitive tumors of the reproductive system, metrorrhagia without an established cause, pregnancy.

The original drug and its analogue Ovipol Clio differ only in the price category, the latter is cheaper.

Side effects:

  1. Discomfort, irritation at the injection site.
  2. Tension and pain in the mammary glands.


Natural estradiol in gel form for cutaneous use. 1 g of gel contains 0.6 mg of active substance; with one press, 1.25 g of gel is released, which corresponds to 0.75 mg of estradiol. The use of estradiol transdermally allows the drug to act by bypassing the liver, which minimizes bad influence on hepatocytes and increases the half-life.

Estrogel replenishes estrogen deficiency during menopause and premenopause. 1 dose of gel, which is equal to 1 press (0.75 mg active component), applied to large areas of intact skin (abdomen, forearm, lower back, etc.) thin layer 1 time per day after morning or evening skin cleansing. The duration of use is 21-28 days per month. The dose may vary (on average no more than 2.5 g of gel per day); in the future, it is necessary to take a one-week break. Further therapy is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.


  1. Postmenopausal or menopausal hormonal deficiency and associated symptoms.
  2. Prevention of calcium leaching from bone in postmenopausal women.

Contraindications are similar to the drug Ovipol Clio.

Estrogel is different from Ovestin pharmacological form and method of application (Estrogen is a gel intended for transdermal administration, Ovestin is a cream for vaginal administration). The drugs contain different estrogen fractions and dosages.

Undesirable effects:

  1. Deterioration of mood, irritability, cephalgia.
  2. Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis.
  3. Abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting.
  4. Benign liver tumor, increased levels of liver enzymes, cholelithiasis.
  5. Chloasma, skin rash.
  6. Menstrual irregularities, endometrial hyperproliferation, endometriosis.
  7. Cramps in some muscle groups, peripheral edema, weight changes.


The drug is available in suppositories containing 0.5 mg of estriol. The mechanism of action is similar to Ovestin. Estrocad is used according to the following schemes:

  1. For atrophic manifestations of the lower urogenital tract, 1 suppository daily for 3 weeks, then the dose is reduced to 0.5 mg (1 suppository) twice a week.
  2. Before and after surgical interventions with vaginal access in postmenopausal women - for 2 days, take 0.5 mg daily (in preoperative period) and 1 suppository twice a week (in the postoperative period).
  3. For diagnostic purposes, it is used for a week every other day before taking a smear.

Indications include estrogen replacement therapy in case of estrogen deficiency (dryness and thinning of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract, pain during sexual intercourse, itching and discomfort in the vagina, enuresis mild degree), in the treatment of menopausal or postmenopausal patients who are undergoing surgery with or after vaginal access. In order to additional diagnostics if atrophy is suspected, after taking a smear from the cervical canal.

Contraindications coincide with the contraindications of the drug Ovipol Clio. Estrocad and Ovestin are similar in all criteria, the only difference is different manufacturer and the price of drugs.

Undesirable effects: tension, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary gland, peripheral edema, the presence of transparent mucous discharge, increased blood pressure, muscle cramps, cephalgic syndrome, skin hyperpigmentation.

Drug substitutes in ampoules

Ovestin is not available in the form of ampoules, but some pharmacological companies produce medications, which contain hormonal agents for parenteral use.


The medication belongs to hormonal drugs, used for pathology of the genital area. The active ingredient is hexestrol. One ml contains 1 mg or 20 mg Hexoestrolum.

Hexestrol is an estrogenic synthetic drug non-steroidal structure. By specifically affecting receptors, it improves metabolic processes, blood circulation, prevents the leaching of calcium from the blood and prevents fragility bone tissue in postmenopausal women.

The drug is injected deep into the gluteal muscle at a dose of 1-2 mg daily, the duration of the course depends on the indication:

  1. With primary amenorrhea - 15-20 days, hypooligomenorrhea - during the first half of the menstrual cycle.
  2. For uterine hypoplasia – 4-6 weeks.
  3. At malignant tumor mammary gland, use a 2% solution of 1 ml daily, then gradually increasing the dose to 5 ml.
  4. For prostate carcinoma - 3-4 ml of a 2% solution daily for 2 months, then 0.5-1 ml per day.

Indications: ovarian hypofunction, which is manifested by underdevelopment of the female genital organs, amenorrhea, disorders during menopause and postmenopause, therapy for breast cancer in women over 60 years of age, therapy for prostate cancer.

Contraindications: dysfunctional conditions of the liver and kidneys, mastopathy, the presence of foci of endometrioid tissue, metrorrhagia, tumors in women under 60 years of age, diabetes mellitus, blood hypercoagulation and complications associated with it, pathological sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Ovestin and Sinestrol are different active substance, release form, route of administration, course of therapy, indications and contraindications.

Side effects:

  1. Dyspeptic symptoms, cholestasis, flatulence.
  2. Swelling of the limbs.
  3. Cephalgia, dizziness.
  4. Increased thromboembolic risks and associated complications.
  5. Metrorrhagia, breast tension and tenderness, breast tumors, increased libido, feminization in the opposite sex.
  6. Increased endometrial proliferation
  7. Pain and swelling at the injection site.


Refers to estrogens intended for parenteral administration in cases of pathology in the reproductive system. 1 ml of solution contains 1 mg of estrone. The mechanism of action is similar to Ovestin.

Method of administration: the drug is administered intramuscularly, the dosage is selected individually. Usually the drug is prescribed 1-2 ml daily from 15-17 days to 1-2 months or more. The next step is to prescribe progesterone intramuscularly for 5-8 days.

For weakness labor activity or postterm pregnancy, 4-5 ml is prescribed 2-3 hours before the administration of birth-stimulating drugs.


  1. Hormonal imbalance caused by decreased production of the estrogen component (amenorrhea, genital hypoplasia).
  2. Menopause and postmenopausal period, accompanied by deterioration general condition, discomfort and other manifestations.
  3. Infertility caused by hypoestrogenism.
  4. Insufficient development of secondary sexual characteristics.
  5. Weakness of labor, post-term pregnancy.

Contraindications are identical to the list of restrictions when taking Ovestin and its other analogues. Folliculin is different active ingredient, method of application and release form. Undesirable effects are similar to Ovestin.



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