Doctors can't make a diagnosis. What to do in a situation where doctors cannot make a diagnosis, and the disease progresses

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century and there are a lot of progressive medical technologies in diagnostics, dozens of forums are full of questions: Doctors can't install diagnosis, heat , What do?»; « Doctors can not to diagnose, How be cured from unknown disease?»; « Help baby cannot determine!

The main reason why the patient goes to the doctor- to figure out real reasons his disease. Accurate conclusion is the basis proper treatment and a speedy recovery.

The diagnostic process consists of questioning the patient, his examination, laboratory and instrumental research. And at each stage, reasons may arise that complicate the final conclusion.

Why doctors can't always install diagnosis?

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • The questioning of the patient was not given due attention, there was no contact between the patient and doctor, and in the course of the conversation, significant circumstances and details did not come to light.
  • The qualification of a specialist does not correspond to the proper level of professionalism: in modern healthcare, an older generation doctors they do not know, and sometimes do not want to know, about innovative methods, and the youngest lacks skills, and, to tell the truth, there are a lot of “random” people.
  • Occurred for last years changes in symptoms have led to some disease have similar characteristics and are difficult to distinguish.
  • Technical failures of equipment. No matter how new and advanced the equipment is, it is just a machine that may have violations and you should not unconditionally trust its results.
  • Data Misinterpretation diagnostic equipment diagnostician.

Therefore, unfortunately, there are cases of lack of conclusion or erroneous diagnosis. Both are extremely dangerous. endanger human life. The first case is fraught with the loss of invaluable time and, as a result, the development of the disease. In the second, complications, deterioration in health, side effects from the medications taken, material costs, etc.

Where to go, If doctors can't install?

Several variants:

  • Do not stop at one conclusion, get the opinion of several similar ones doctors, preferably different ages(because there is a difference in approach, principles and methodology) and compare, compare them.
  • Take advantage of your case medical commission existing at any clinic and hospital.
  • If you are insured, do not miss the opportunity to resort to the help of an insurance company, to the department for checking the medical services provided, specially organized for such situations.
  • Get directions to regional hospital(in them and professionalism doctors larger and more modern equipment).
  • Report your case to the department federal service for health care supervision.
  • Ministry of Health, finally. Inflorescence collected in the capital doctors your perseverance will be rewarded.

Your health is in your hands. Salvation is only in your perseverance. Be firm and patient and your question will not go unanswered. The main thing is not to lose faith, fight, knock on all doors, apply to all responsible services and the chances of recovery will increase significantly.

Personal effectiveness: advice from psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya

Text version of the video:

Question: “The question is kind of like a lawyer. As a result of his stay in the federal hospital, the doctors did not establish a diagnosis, they came for rounds every other day, and only blood tests were taken from the examinations. Serious diagnosis installed later in another honey. institution. Is it worth punishing the doctors of the first hospital for illiteracy and inaction, and how to do it competently (to whom and how to complain)? I’m not interested in financial compensation, but in order to be fired or somehow punished.”

Question: “What to do in a situation where doctors cannot make a diagnosis, and the disease progresses. All available specialists looked, tests were passed, - "polyneuropathy of unknown origin", the peripheral nervous system is destroyed. What can be done on the physical plane (what actions to take) and the esoteric plane (even though I'm an agnostic). I don't want to leave this game-life, there are many plans, desires, and the children are not grown. can this be retribution, and how to fix it?

On the first question. Maybe a complaint to the Ministry of Health will help, but most likely not. Because - what was appointed, then they were appointed. The salaries of doctors are cheap, the qualifications are low. If you want to be superbly cured for free, then this is an infantile position.

If you want to normal treatment, examination and a normal attitude towards oneself, you need to look for the best specialist and individually pay him money. And to expect that someone will treat you for free ... As you pay, so they treat you. You don't pay anything - what do you really want?

An infantile position - everyone around me owes a freebie - you see the result. The idea that in Russia there is a quality medical service, free and for everyone - this is a child's idea. Really, even for a fee, even visiting a bunch of specialists, people are constantly faced with mistakes, illiteracy and lack of qualifications.

You can find a normal diagnostician, maybe one in a thousand or ten thousand, and not in an ordinary free hospital and for free. I know very wealthy acquaintances who, even in paid clinics, received anyhow results that contradict everything. And in free ones ... I don’t know what to think in order to count on free medicine.

And why try to punish a person who works in this hospital for 2 kopecks? Here the position that the state owes me something is an infantile childish position. If you want good service, pay. If you want to be treated by the best doctor, find this doctor through your friends the best doctor agree, pay.

It just doesn't happen. Free, freebie Dr. House's Russian conditions cannot exist, I can say for sure.

And about your disease, this is not a question for a free ten-minute answer. All I can say is fantasies and hypotheses.

I can fantasize that you feel that the world is bad and will get worse. And you are bad, you have a feeling of guilt. Then life becomes completely meaningless. If the world is terrible and you are terrible, then this is suicide. No point in living in a terrible world horrible person no, no prospects.

Then there is unconscious self-destruction, and this may not be diagnosed. Now, in general, a very interesting trend has begun that people have terrible tests, but at the same time they feel great, they are worn. And if they had not taken tests, no one would have guessed that something was wrong with them. Doctors are already shrugging their shoulders, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on tests.

And esotericists hypothesize that this is a process of transformation from a caterpillar through a chrysalis into a butterfly. And at the chrysalis stage they change biochemical processes body, when the analyzes no longer meet the standards, but there is a transformation from an ordinary person into a spiritual person. This is one of the esoteric theories.

Gone, alas, are the days when the analysis clearly made a diagnosis and it coincided with the whole picture. Now I can say, yes, I myself remember how I was pregnant. I take tests, the doctor is shocked that the corpses have better characteristics. My pressure is such that I have to lie in a swoon, and hemoglobin is almost absent. And I drive, I have a lot to do, business. There is no reason to believe that I feel differently if I am healthy, blooming, I have a lot of energy. The doctor is shocked by the tests. By the third child, she was already used to it. She had several like me.

Doctors are having a hard time right now. very many clinical pictures do not match textbooks. You need to be dealt with - with your guilt towards yourself. You clearly go - the world is bad, people are bad. You blame the children, and the husband, and the doctors. The world is bad and unfair. Total accusation of the world, anger towards the world. And you blame yourself. There is a constant transmission of feelings of guilt in relation to her husband, children.

This is a clear hit in the suicide square. Then it is not surprising that your body is being destroyed, and doctors cannot do anything about it. Long-term psychotherapy is needed so that you can finally free yourself from guilt towards yourself and acquire at least some kindness towards the world. But this process is not fast and requires very serious internal changes of yours.

Chat: "In pay centers the same doctors as in free hospitals. In paid centers, they do not become smarter, with very rare exceptions.

That's exactly what I said. One in a thousand! I have a lot of friends for serious money received the same nonsense in diagnoses. My friend went to Germany for treatment, the second went to Israel. I personally find the only specialist in the whole city, I am ready to pay him any money. I won't go to anyone.

I can tell you horror stories about medicine for a few hours. I think you can tell me too. It is in any field, doctors are no exception. And it's the same with psychologists. One out of 200 will be adequate. 199 will solve their problems at the expense of the client, for the client's time, for the client's money. The loot will be pulled for years without any benefit. The same will happen with lawyers. 99 lawyers will extract fees from you, there will be no result in court.

In any profession, in any field, find that 1% good specialists- is a separate Homework. And they definitely don't come for free.

Chat: "In paid ones, they can come up with diagnoses to rip off money."

I'm telling you, don't go to people from the street. Need to walk very good advice from people who had clear results to those who are that 1% or 0.1%.

Chat: “Yes, according to the doctors, I suffer from many diseases, and the old women look much better according to the tests. I find it funny to go to the hospital too.”

I’m saying that for many people about analyzes, for those who are engaged in personal development, spiritual growth, esoteric practices, something else, at some point, the analyzes no longer fit into the norms of the standard ordinary person. It's already enough known fact that some of the analyzes have nothing to do with real diseases and to the real well-being of a person.

Therefore, I believe in the version of those esotericists who claim that these changes occur at the biochemical level in the body of a person who is growing spiritually. It's just a stage from a caterpillar - to a chrysalis - to a butterfly. That from the point of view of a caterpillar, a chrysalis that turns into a butterfly has the wrong analyzes.

I decided to stick with this version. If I have feeling great, a lot of energy, nothing hurts, there are no problems and complaints, then the numbers written in the textbook may not have anything to do with me. When I came to this conclusion, I just calmed down. I do not fit this standard, what can I do.

Chat: “Great version, first time I hear it.”

I like her. It at least explains how people who, according to all studies, should be dying, feel great, work, and everything is fine with them. Then the most interesting thing is that their tests return to normal after a while.

Such miracles happen. Found incurable disease. The man scored, did nothing. After some time is carried out next survey- ah, we made a mistake. Of course, maybe the laboratory assistant mixed up the test tubes, or maybe the person underwent an internal transformation, at the time of which his numbers were not the same, and then they became the same. So many interesting versions there are things you want to believe.

Chat: "I have splinters after a spinal fracture in spinal region resolved. They said that it doesn’t happen, but you have it like that. ”

Now such miracles happen - and cancer spontaneously heals, and everything else. How did these global changes in the world go, a lot of things that are inexplicable from the point of view of medicine are happening.

Sometimes there are cases when doctors cannot make a diagnosis, although the person constantly feels pain. It is known that pain is usually associated with some kind of disease, since it is she who is protective function organism. But when it is impossible to make a diagnosis, and the pain does not leave the person, then it turns into independent disease called chronic pain syndrome.

Exclusion Diagnosis

chronic pain, which is isolated as an independent disease, basically contains pathological somatic changes and dysfunction of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Changes in the psycho-emotional sphere can also be associated with its symptoms.

When all known diseases and injuries that are characteristic of certain kind pain, which means that the diagnosis cannot be made. In this situation, the patient is diagnosed with exclusion, which is called chronic pain syndrome (CPS). Such a diagnosis says that the doctors could not establish the cause of the pain. In addition to the fact that it is impossible to make a diagnosis, CBS differs in that it is difficult to treat drug treatment. Greater effect on pain reduction psychological factors involved in the development of this syndrome.

The treatment of such patients is symptomatic treatment, which is aimed only at reducing pain.

Till now, CVD remains a little-studied phenomenon. Its main manifestation is a long-term pain syndrome, not associated with organic pathology, which can manifest itself in any part of the body, although most often the pain is felt in the abdomen, back, large joints, heads, hearts.

None scientific methods that can confirm and evaluate the pain syndrome, no, therefore, the diagnosis is made based on the subjective feelings of the patient. Most often, the patient finds it difficult to describe pain, since it can change the area of ​​localization, and besides, it does not have clear characteristics. Chronic pain can be both constant and paroxysmal, dull, pulling, burning, it can intensify depending on the position of the patient.

The main signs of functional disorders in chronic pain

First of all, such a sign is that the pain is noted for a long time, but is not progressive. By the patient himself, the pain is regarded as very severe. It can decrease or even disappear completely during sleep and intensify in the morning and afternoon. Psychosocial factors are involved in the occurrence of the main symptoms of chronic pain syndrome.

With chronic pain syndrome the patient often has hidden manifestations symptoms atypical depression, which is expressed in the constant manifestation of depressed mood, which is accompanied by sleep disturbance; increased fatigue; impaired concentration; feeling of hopelessness; low self-esteem.

Hello, it all started a very long time ago, in 2012 I caught a cold, at first I treated it like a common cold, but it didn’t give results, I started to hurt my forehead, took a picture, and diagnosed sinusitis. They put me in the hospital, while I felt not so deplorable, no hellish pains, Just constant feeling pressure and congestion of the nose and forehead. They gave antibiotics, did a lavage (cuckoo move), spent 10 days in the hospital, I didn’t feel much better, went for a CT scan (X-ray of the nasal and frontal sinuses), a cyst was diagnosed in frontal sinus, small, so it's up to you to delete it or not. Since the pains were moderate, naturally I did not agree to peck my forehead, and they said that it could resolve itself. After a couple of weeks, I felt much better, I don’t know why, either the factive antibiotics that I drank worked, or a miracle. Then I had a cold more than once, and this was always accompanied by pain in the frontal lobe and pressure, they took a picture, the sinuses were clear. Somewhere in early May, I constantly wanted to sleep, my work was light industrial, practically idle, from which I was so tired, it was not clear. And in early July, I again caught a little cold somewhere, having gone to work for a smoke break, I felt weak and dizzy, having come to workplace, I looked at the top showcase, and I was led, there was a table well nearby and I leaned against it, stood there for about 5 minutes, then it got a little better and I sat down at a chair. After finishing the rest of the day, I came home and immediately went to bed. The next morning I had a day off, I somehow got out of bed, went to the kitchen and I was staggered again, I didn’t understand what it was, so I spent the whole day lying on the couch. When I went to work the next day, I didn’t feel well, but not so bad that I would take sick leave and stay at home, but they wouldn’t give me one, then again I went out for a smoke break at work in the morning ... And then I again staggered, this time the effect was not letting go, I called a taxi and went to the hospital. I couldn’t get an appointment for a long time, I was still staggering and my speech seemed intoxicated and they didn’t really want to believe that I was not under weed, etc., when I got there, I started telling the doctor about my condition, but after 5 minutes I wasn’t really I understood what I was saying and if I could sit on a chair, he sent me to take a measurement of intracranial pressure, but when I left the office I just rolled down the wall and rested my hand so as not to fall, the doctor brought me to the measurement room, my father arrived, they measured the pressure, like everything is fine, they gave the direction to surrender ecg tests and so on, we went home, although if I were them I would still put me in the hospital. I did all the tests, ecg ... No deviations ... I still had a feeling of nasal congestion, dizziness, temperature and a headache ... Examination of the ENT specialist, neurologist, therapist, the pictures did not give anything. They did an MRI and it was also empty there, after 10 days I was discharged because they had no idea what was wrong with me, I felt a little better, but all the symptoms remained ... All this time I did not get better, constant temperature, weakness, I went to bed at 9 o'clock, although when I felt good I went to bed at 12 and watched TV. And in mid-July, I felt worse again, my head was crushing and spinning, constantly, I could not sleep, although I went to bed at 9, got up at half past six, it felt like I was walking on clouds, the symptoms were still the same, constant temperature 37.5 Without take-offs and falls stuffy nose, pressure and headache ... One neurologist diagnosed inflammation of the meninges of the brain + VSD, the other almost meningitis. They started to put droppers, I don’t remember which ones, but I can clarify. After the first one, I felt great, and my eyes seemed to have whitened, I was so happy, and I thought that everything ... But no, after the second effect it was not the same, and after the end of the treatment I was not much better, and right on the next day, when I went to work, the temperature jumped to 38-8, the next day it again fell to 37.5, I went to Voronezh to see a candidate of sciences (ENT), they did a CT scan, and found nothing, went to the eye socket, the same nothing ... In general, for these 3 months I was at the allergist, 2 therapists, 3 neurologists, 4 ENTs, I did an MRI, CT scan, ultrasound scans, ultrasound of the heart (they found a protrusion but they said it was not connected in any way), donated blood from a finger from a vein, urine ECG and td ... Nothing, but I'm better off not becoming. I almost always go to bed when I come home from work, a constant feeling of cotton wool in my head, a temperature of 37.3 I always stuff my nose on one side, rarely on both, constant discomfort in the forehead, bruises under the eyes like a drunk, dizziness, constant weakness and I really want to sleep ... It seems like everything points to blood vessels or oxygen starvation, after I smoke it gets a little worse, and sometimes even without it it gets worse ... Now I’m sitting at work and I’m thinking that it’ll turn me off ... I can’t leave, because even free medicine is not such, let alone what to live on something is needed, and even without a diagnosis they won’t put me in the hospital .... If there was a diagnosis and they told me, lie down for a month for free and we will cure you, you will be like new, then of course I would leave ..... Honestly I don’t know what to do, I’ve written more than once, .. There is only one answer, .. Contact your therapist (attending doctor for advice) ... I just don’t know how much longer I can hold out like this ... Sometimes there is a state that is about to arrived....

Hello, dear doctors. I really need your consultation. 20 years ago I started to worry dull pain in on the right side, in the center of the waist, in a standing position. Suspicion fell on the kidneys, but the tests and ultrasound results were normal. After 2 weeks, the pain disappeared and I forgot about it. She appeared, about a year later. Urology did not find anything, neurologists too. Over time, the pain became more intense and longer in time. 4 years ago, the attack lasted about 2 months, passed spontaneously and suddenly, as it began. The last attack began at the end of September. Hospitalized with renal colic, treated for 10 days, but the pain so they remained. On CT, the urolithiasis was not confirmed, intravenous urography was normal. During that time, a lot of examinations took place, but there was still no diagnosis. I did an MRI with contrast of the abdominal organs, lumbar and thoracic of the spine and madly formed when the results of the world showed the presence of a hernia. But 4 neurologists and a neurosurgeon, after neurological examination categorically reject the possibility of having this pain from a hernia. The pain is very intense, more acute, in the center of the waist, with the transition to the lower back, the side becomes numb, gives to pelvic bone and sometimes in the groin. The pain began to bother both at night and in the supine position, but it greatly intensifies with vertical position. Analgesics, antispasmodics, non-steroids are not stopped. Neurology was prescribed treatment: thorax, xefocam, baclosan, toris, dexamethasone, magnesia drip, carbamazepine, mexidol.

After initiation of treatment, for 3 days there was practically no pain. On the 4th day there was a moderate one, after 10 days, everything returned to normal. Thanks to the doctors of the forum, in particular Zinchuk Igor Grigorievich, he advised me on the next step and the diagnosis, which was a neurosurgeon and a thoracic surgeon , albeit reluctantly, they confirmed it. The diagnosis was made - Sliding rib syndrome (thoracic surgeon and tunnel neuropathy of the medial cutaneous branch of the intercostal cutaneous branch. Severe pain syndrome.)

I went to Chita, where I spent 3 weeks in neurosurgery. There I was given 2 blockades. thoracic surgeon and, having palpated the chest, he determined that my 11th rib was painful, its edge was stronger. private clinic I insisted on resection of the rib, although the doctors did not give any guarantee of pain relief. After the operation, the surgeon said that perhaps the 11th rib was hypermobile, which caused pain.

At present, 13 days have passed since the operation. There is no pain in the side, perhaps this is the effect of the blockade, I don’t know. Still, I hope it positive result performed surgical intervention.

The anterior-lateral rotation of the abdomen is not sensitive (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendix, it used to give pain here) But now, when I began to move more actively and stopped being anesthetized, I noticed that the pains, of exactly the same nature and always in a standing position, were concentrated around the postoperative scar, on the back lateral surface of the back, aching, dull, below the seam and up to the area, just above the buttocks. I clearly share the surgical pain, which now almost does not cause problems for me, and this one, the same one that bothered me before the operation, but in the side area. Perhaps this my old pains, which scares me a lot and drives me to depression. Currently, I receive dexamethasone and ketonal in an ampoule a day, but despite this, it is these stupid and aching pain are not bought.

Perhaps it was necessary to resect the rib completely, and not the edge? Or after the operation, the pain goes away immediately from the main focus, but can it persist for some time along the course of the nerve?

Doctor, please do not refuse advice, because I have no one to turn to here. Is it possible that the pain is associated with traumatic injury nerves, during the operation and they will pass with time, or do you still need to pay attention to the diagnosis of the neurosurgeon, or look for another reason? Which doctor, about Is it advisable for me to observe these pains? The surgeon warned that the pain would persist for 6 months and it would be very painful, a large number nerve endings in chest. Is the term "hypermobile rib" appropriate in this situation and does sliding rib syndrome really not manifest itself to the 11th rib?

Thank you very much for your help! With great respect for you. Natalia



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