Constant aching dull pain in the lower back. Overweight

The health of your spine Andrey Viktorovich Dolzhenkov

What causes heaviness in the lower back and what can be done?

“Tell me, doctor,” another patient asks, “why, even after a short sitting, do I get heaviness in the lower back?” And I can’t stand for a long time - my lower back hurts. And when I walk or lie down, the discomfort decreases. Sometimes they disappear altogether. What is it connected with?

The doctor will think for a very short time - after all, in his practice he has already met with similar situations. It seems to the patient that his case is unique, that the pain and inconvenience that he experiences cannot be compared with anything. In fact, we all get sick more or less the same way. Our ailments are comparable. Everyone is subject to them - and doctors, by the way, including. Simply, knowing the structure of the human body more deeply than others, doctors are able to successfully deal with ailments. And an experienced vertebrologist in most cases will immediately determine the causes of back pain. But sometimes special studies are needed for the accuracy of the diagnosis.

If the patient is 30-40 years old, then the pain is most likely associated with age-related changes in the spine. Intervertebral discs, as already mentioned in the first chapter, lose their elasticity over the years, their depreciation properties decrease. Flattening of the discs due to their drying leads to convergence of the bodies of adjacent vertebrae. This leads to a change in the relationship between their contacting articular processes, which form common joints, which is unfavorable from the point of view of movements. Naturally, the joints begin to experience overload, they become not as stable as before. On the deep muscles of the back, extensors, therefore, a more significant load is placed. After all, before all of them - and disks, and joints, and muscles - equally divided their hard work. Now the extensors have to work with large overloads. Maintaining the body in one position, they quickly get tired. They get tired. They start to hurt. Sometimes from overwork they start spasms.

Try to change position, walk around, move around. Then the load from the previously hard-working muscles will be redistributed to those that had previously rested. They, full of energy, will get to work. Lower back pain will disappear or at least decrease. It is similar to working on a rotational basis, when a rested team comes to replace a tired team. For round-the-clock shift work of a factory or plant. To send some units of the active army to rest and to bring fresh reserve forces into battle. However, enough comparisons. The essence of what is happening is clear: “Osteochondrosis!” the doctor will say.

But it also happens. The doctor will send the patient to x-rays lower back, and there are minimal or no changes at all. The patient is complaining. Here the doctor has the right to assume deep muscle dystrophy and prescribe a treatment that restores their mass. It is she who may be the most likely cause of back pain in those who have passed their third decade. If a teenager, a young man or a girl turns to a vertebrologist, then the doctor will most likely suspect changes in ligamentous apparatus. Soft ligaments - we already talked about them a little in the first chapter - that's what it's all about!

Do you do twine without difficulty? Can you easily clasp your hands behind your back? Do you have a natural gift for flexibility? This is a very beautiful, but insidious gift! After all, it is the ligaments in to a large extent are responsible for the correct mutual position of the vertebrae during the movement of the spine. They are the support and support of the spinal column. If the ligaments are too soft and, therefore, do not provide adequate support to the spine, all other supporting structures are forced to work in emergency mode. What happens if three people in a team of ten take a long smoke break? That's it! What if there are five?

Abnormally mobile, soft ligaments are a congenital pathology. Therefore, rapid fatigue of the back, spasms in tired muscles and, as a result, pain in the lower back during short sitting and standing can appear already in adolescence- much earlier than with natural age-related changes in the spine.

Of course, there are many other reasons, or combinations of them, causing pain in the lower back during statokinetic loads, that is, while maintaining a position or movement. For example, the different direction of the articular spaces in the left and right joints connecting the vertebrae, spodilolisthesis, non-closure of the vertebral arch ... But you never know what else!

What can be recommended in this regard? Treatment using an ordinary tennis ball is quite effective ... No, we do not urge you to go to the court or take part in the Big Hat tournament. Not everyone has enough training and equipment for this. But the ball is available to everyone, and if used correctly, you can improve the well-being of your lower back.

So, you take an ordinary tennis ball. Then lie down on the floor and put the ball under your back. Now "ride" on it. Don't hurt yourself too much thrill: try to bypass the most painful areas by slightly raising your back. But the spinous processes of the vertebrae located near the pain centers - the bones that are palpable on the back - “knead” as carefully as possible. Thus, with the help of a ball, you yourself will make a very useful massage of the spine. The procedure will take you about five minutes, but this is quite enough. And don't be embarrassed if you don't feel better after the first session. At first, on the contrary, the pain may even increase somewhat. But usually the next day the pain disappears or decreases significantly, especially if self-massage is combined with deep inclinations according to the scheme proposed in the book.

After these exercises, you can hang on the crossbar. If there is no crossbar in the house - it does not matter: it will be replaced by a closet. Grasp its upper edge, bend your legs without lifting them off the floor, but without leaning on it, and hang as long as your hands can withstand.

Repeat the recommended exercises every other day for two weeks. Soon you will notice a clear improvement in the functioning of the spine, especially in lumbar. The point is positive action is that you eliminate the spasm of the back muscles, improving blood circulation in them.

If these measures were not enough - well, obviously, things have gone too far. The spine is very overworked, so you need to get some rest. Rest, observing bed rest if possible.

What if there is no such possibility? It is sad, of course, but sometimes even a few days of complete rest for many of us is an unaffordable luxury. But even in this situation, there is no reason to despair.

“Forget about tennis for a while,” the doctor might joke, “think about weightlifting.” And he will tell you about an orthopedic product called the "weightlifter's belt." This wide leather belt, tightly fitting the lumbar spine, facilitates the work of muscles and ligaments, thereby reducing the load on the intervertebral discs and joints. Equipped in this way, you will give your spine a rest even with an active lifestyle. (There are other orthopedic products of this kind, we will talk about them a little later.)

The patient continues to ask questions:

- What if the lower back hurts, and the weightlifter's belt is not found on the farm?

It's okay, you can help yourself here too. Make a wide belt from some dense material. In the end, for this purpose, you can use an ordinary sheet, folding it in several layers. Wrap it tightly around the waist, grabbing upper part pelvis, and secure the ends. You will get a completely acceptable orthopedic fixator. Just remember: the lumbar region of your spine is experiencing quite significant difficulties. Whether you managed to find time for complete rest during bed rest, found or made an orthopedic belt - you still need to take anti-inflammatory drugs two or three times a day: orthofen (diclofenac), voltaren, indomethacin ...

For those who suffer peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis or other diseases gastrointestinal tract The listed drugs should be used with extreme caution. For them, ointments with anti-inflammatory activity are more acceptable. For example, indomethacin, butadionic, hydrocortisone. Or gel forms of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac gel. Apply ointments and gels in the morning and evening with a thin layer on the sore areas of the spine and cover with a woolen cloth.

Continue treatment for a week. Most likely, during this time you will feel better. And if not, an additional examination is required: some serious changes have occurred in the spine.

Put the book aside for a while and go to see a doctor - best of all, a vertebrologist. He will find underlying causes your discomfort and will needed help. Knowledge and experience is a great thing!

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Many people today complain of back pain. It arises suddenly and sharply limits the capacity of a person, and can easily become a lifelong companion, sometimes plunging into despair. Various causes can provoke malaise, but the consequences are always unpredictable.

Therefore, it is so important to seek help from specialists in time and immediately go to see a doctor, even if it just pulls your lower back, and there are no others. characteristic manifestations. Such discomfort may be alarm signal and indicate both problems with the spine and diseases of the internal organs. Why this happens, and how to understand what caused the discomfort in the lower back, everything is in more detail in the article.

back problems

Most of us are familiar with the feeling of a stiff back. If you sit for a long time wrong position, her bottom loses sensitivity, heaviness necessarily appears, but if not serious pathologies, some exercise performed immediately, it is easily removed. However, if after a warm-up the lower back still pulls, there is reason to start worrying. And that's why.

Problems of internal organs

As mentioned above, if the lower back is pulled, there may be several reasons for the malaise. Some of them are associated with violations of the internal organs. Most often, these symptoms can provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract, malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, diseases of the pelvic organs. It is not difficult to distinguish such a clinic from diseases of the spine without medical help. If the nature of the pain does not depend on motor activity, which means that the causes of the disease must be sought in another area. Let's see which one.

Sometimes pulling in the lower back due to ischemia

When pain in the lower back occurs on the left side, this fact suggests that the patient may have heart problems. Do you want to know why? These are the symptoms of ischemia. It forms a steadily aching pain in the back. chest. Pain along the nerve endings descends down the spinal column, therefore, in the region of the coccyx on the left side, a painful focus is often formed. A heart attack is also accompanied by severe pain in the left side of the body. It is given everywhere: in the left hand, in the left leg, in the left part of the lower back. When such symptoms appear, you should immediately call a cardiologist.

If the aches just below the waist are accompanied by a strong cough, the patient develops acute pneumonia. And all because the bronchi have their own smooth muscles. It contracts sharply during spasms, changes the pressure in the chest, this leads to static tension in the back muscles, so it pulls.

It is impossible to cope with pneumonia on your own. Delay can be fatal, so here, too, an ambulance is needed.

Problems of the female body

Sometimes in women, lower back pain occurs when the lower abdomen is pulled, why does this happen? reason similar discomfort can be easily explained by the characteristics of the female body. The malaise is associated with a change in the hormonal background and with menstruation. At this time, it is released into the blood great content prostaglandins, which should cause rhythmic uterine contractions.

Sometimes pulls the lower back with female diseases

If it simply pulls the lower abdomen, and discomfort occurs before menstruation or immediately after them, then this is a normal physiological process, so there is no particular reason to see a doctor. But when a strong aching pain is added to the discomfort on the right or left of the lower back, we can talk about the development of endometriosis or the presence of fibroadenoma. And here a visit to the gynecologist will be useful. And all because often the lower abdomen hurts not only before and after menstruation, but all the time between two menstrual cycles. Pulling and blunt, they often affect the lower back, creating a girdle hoop. Such symptoms indicate the presence of fibroids, which is also not worth treating on your own.

In any case, if the lower abdomen hurts, or pulls in the lumbar region before or after menstruation, this is a reason to start worrying and take a closer look at your health.

Sometimes pain occur during pregnancy. At this time, it completely changes again hormonal background This helps the embryo develop properly. The fetus grows, the stomach grows, the center of gravity changes, the load on the spine increases, so the lower abdomen often starts to hurt, discomfort in the lower back appears.

Many people wonder why this is happening. Because the hormone relaxin is actively produced. It significantly relaxes literally all the ligaments, including those that support the lower abdomen and the organs that are in this area. The larger the volume of the abdomen, the stronger the pain becomes. A special bandage helps to reduce them, which takes on part of the load.

Pain during ovulation

Stretches the lower back during ovulation

Sometimes the causes of back pain are associated with another physiological process. They can occur during ovulation, before or after it. They do not last long, and in most cases pass on their own. As a rule, they are found only in young girls, adult women do not feel any discomfort during ovulation. Why do some suffer and others don't?

Because some have ovulation disorders, while others do not have such changes. Such deviations have easily explainable reasons. They can be provoked by an inflammatory process affecting the genitals, disruption of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, stress and other complex systemic diseases. Their presence may be indicated bleeding, which stand out not just before the menstruation, but long before them.

What happens during ovulation? In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the follicle matures, it gradually grows. Its growth is provided by the vessels through which blood flows. On the 14th day from the beginning of the cycle, the follicle ruptures, the process of ovulation begins. At the site of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum, which indicates the readiness of a woman to conceive.

During ovulation, bleeding occurs in the abdominal cavity. They are the main causes of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Over time, the fluid is absorbed and the pain subsides. Then they occur immediately before menstruation and after them. Lower back pain sometimes occurs before ovulation, before the release of the egg, the cause is stretching of the ovary.

Characteristic symptoms

Immediately before the described process and after ovulation, characteristic symptoms. Drawing pain in the lower back appears suddenly, without warning, and also suddenly disappears. It looks like a spasm, an attack that is easily eliminated by painkillers. An attack can last for a minute or several hours. Nausea may appear before him, but after an attack there is no discomfort left. It pulls the lower back every month, before menstruation two weeks before them, its causes are associated with the physiological process. During ovulation, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, and then spreads to the lower back. And this must be taken into account when making a diagnosis.

As you can see, heaviness in the lumbar region sometimes has different causes, which is why it is so important to be able to distinguish between symptoms and know which doctor you need to contact for help.

  1. Physical activity in the conduct of household, summer cottages, intensive sports. In these cases, with fatigue, a large amount of lactic acid is released in the muscles, the skeletal muscles lose their elasticity, and may swell. This generates a series discomfort in humans: heaviness, pulling or pressing pains when moving, burning sensation on the surface of the back.
  2. Inactive lifestyle or prolonged stay in one position. In people engaged in mental work and staying more than two hours in one position, heaviness may appear in the lumbar region and above it due to congestion in this zone, temporary disturbances in peripheral circulation. Such processes are also characteristic of obese people with high weight, which lead to sedentary image life.
  3. Pain and oppressive feeling in the back or lower back may be the result of a malfunction of the stomach or intestines (with increased gas formation or difficulty digesting food when overeating).
  4. Hypothermia often provokes a spasm of the capillaries and slows down the blood circulation of the internal organs (spine, kidneys), this causes the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the back.
  5. Premenstrual syndrome and regulation in women. This process is associated with monthly changes in the uterus, rejection of its mucous membranes, which often causes pain and heaviness in the lower back.
  6. Pregnancy. The birth of the embryo and the development of the fetus in the pelvic area proceeds with its smooth expansion, in addition, the uterus is constantly increasing in size. All of these physical factors create pressure in the lower back.
  7. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially at night. Such a drinking regimen can overload the renal system and slow down the natural outflow of urine. This is also possible when consuming a large amount of salty foods.
  8. Psycho-emotional stress. At severe stress back muscles can spasm, causing feelings of stiffness, pressure and discomfort.

The feeling of heaviness in these cases disappears when the underlying cause is eliminated or upon completion of the restructuring of the body.

  • Active people need to reduce the load and be able to fully relax, and hypodynamic citizens, with overweight, it is important to introduce gymnastics and long walks in the fresh air into your life.
  • Knowledge workers will benefit from physical culture breaks in the process of work.
  • Gynecologists often recommend wearing a bandage for pregnant ladies to relieve severity.
  • For emotional upsets, it is important to relax or take a mild sedative.

Pathological causes

  1. Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine (sciatica, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, Bechterew's disease, etc.) All unpleasant symptoms in these pathologies are associated with movements, pain and heaviness appear during physical activity, sharp turns or torso bends. Depending on the affected area, discomfort appears in the neck, sternum, lumbar or sacral region.
  2. heart disease or coronary vessels(angina pectoris, ischemia, atherosclerosis, etc.) In these cases, pain or a feeling of squeezing is localized in the subscapular region and disturbs patients both during movement and at rest. These ailments are accompanied by a feeling of fear, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, changes in blood pressure.
  3. Diseases of the urogenital area (nephritis, colpitis, endometritis, inflammation of the ovaries, prostate, Bladder, urolithiasis disease etc.) These pathologies lead to swelling of the parenchyma of the affected organs and surrounding tissues, which contributes to a feeling of heaviness in the lower back in patients. These diseases occur with severe disorders of urination, sexual and (or) reproductive function. Basically, pain disturbs patients either during the act of urination or in the process intimacy. Many of them are accompanied by temperature jumps and signs of intoxication.
  4. Myositis (inflammation of the muscles). In addition to heaviness in the back, the disease develops against the background of subfebrile temperature, a sharp swelling of the tissues and soreness with any movement.
  5. Injuries (bruises, dislocations, sprains, wounds). Falls, bumps and more physical influences may cause pathological changes in the hard and soft structures of the back and discomfort in its area. Signs of such damage are the formation of subcutaneous hematomas, pathological mobility of the vertebrae, visible (or diagnosed on X-ray) violations of the integrity of muscles and (or) bones.
  6. Diseases bronchopulmonary system(bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma). Inflammatory changes in these organs congestion in them give rise to a feeling of heaviness in the upper back. These diseases are characterized by the appearance of cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, fever, deterioration in the general well-being of patients.
  7. Pathologies in digestive system. Pain in the development of gastritis, enteritis, dysbacteriosis, diverticulosis can often be manifested by heaviness and back pain. In gastric diseases, these sensations are localized in the upper back, with intestinal diseases - in the lower.
  8. Pathological processes in the area of ​​small and greater pelvis(bursitis, synovitis, osteomyelitis). In these cases, inflammatory changes provoke various unpleasant feelings in patients in the lumbar region, they are accompanied by severe pain during movement, redness and swelling of the joints.


To identify the cause of heaviness in the back, lower back, it is necessary thorough examination using:

  • x-ray;
  • Ultrasound, MRI, CT;
  • biochemical and general laboratory tests;
  • ECG, gastroscopy.

Therapeutic measures

Symptom therapy is carried out against the background of treatment of the underlying disease.

  1. For pathologies of the spine, joints and muscles, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, a course of chondroprotectors physiotherapy, massage and physiotherapy.
  2. In the treatment of heart disease, it is important to limit physical activity, take cardiac glycosides and drugs that improve myocardial blood supply.
  3. Diseases digestive tract require compliance with the norms of dietary nutrition, the course of taking drugs that stimulate motor skills, enveloping agents.
  4. Bronchopulmonary pathologies are treated with the use of antibacterial or antiviral drugs, decongestants and bronchodilators.
  5. Kidney disease and pelvic inflammatory disease also require a course of antimicrobial agents and physiotherapy.

Folk ways to relieve heaviness in the back and lower back

  1. Light self-massage, which helps to eliminate pain and improve peripheral circulation. It is carried out in the area of ​​discomfort, from the spine to the sides. No need to apply great force, the movements should be light and stroking, for 7-15 minutes.
  2. The warm-up is carried out in order to relax the skeletal muscles, relieve muscle clamps. It should start with smooth tilts back and forth, left and right. Then you can make several circular movements with the pelvis. Exercises should be carried out in a gentle mode, without tension and sudden movements.
  3. Compresses from the leaves of burdock, cabbage and plantain. The leaves of these plants are applied with the back (fleshy) side to the sore spot, covering the top with a towel or a warm scarf (shawl). You need to calmly lie down with them for a minute. This will allow medicinal substances to be absorbed and relieve swelling of the subcutaneous tissue.


  1. Avoid hypothermia, stress, excessive exercise, overeating.
  2. Leading a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Timely treatment and prevention of acute and chronic diseases.

Romanovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

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Pulls the lower back. Main reasons

Lower back pain is a fairly common occurrence, doctors often hear complaints about discomfort in this area.

But if it is enough for some patients to relax and limit physical activity for a few days, then others can be treated for months.

Pulling pain can be not only a symptom of problems with the spine, but also serious diseases of the internal organs.

What are the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon?

Why pulls the lower back

If pulling pains appear after minor exertion or during calm state and do not go away for a long time, it is necessary to find the cause of the pain.

Spinal injury

Single lesions or deformity of the vertebrae

Inflammatory process in the muscles of the back (myositis) caused by hypothermia or hard physical work

Bechterew's disease - a form of arthritis that affects the joints of the spine

Diseases of the internal organs

Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)

Drawing pains in women

In a woman, pulling pains in the lower back can also occur for other reasons that are associated with pregnancy, menstrual cycle and gynecological diseases.


During this period in female body the center of gravity shifts, the load on the spinal column is steadily increasing.

In the body of a pregnant woman, the amount of the hormone relaxin increases, which takes part in the preparation for childbirth, it relaxes the articular-ligamentous apparatus, affects the ligaments and tendons.

To reduce pulling pains during pregnancy, it is necessary to wear a bandage, it will reduce the load.

Menstrual cycle

Pain in the lumbar region appears before the onset of menstruation and in the first days of the cycle. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, no action should be taken.

Gynecological diseases

One of the most common causes of discomfort in the lumbar region is uterine fibroids of intermuscular localization, which affects women aged 35 to 50 years.

The peculiarity of this disease is the presence of only two symptoms - pulling and dull pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.

The sooner you contact a specialist and start treatment, the faster the recovery will occur.

Clinical manifestations

Back pain can be chronic or acute.

Acute pains appear unexpectedly and fetter the entire back, movements are difficult, pain is localized in the waist area on the left or right side. After a few days of rest, the discomfort disappears. Acute pains appear when the vertebrae are displaced or the spine is fractured, the condition is slightly facilitated only by ensuring the immobility of the damaged area.

Chronic pain is not as severe as acute pain, but once it occurs, it does not go away until the right treatment is done. complex treatment. The problem is that people get used to unpleasant sensations, do not turn to a specialist, and at this time a serious disease progresses in the body (tumors of various etymologies, osteomyelitis, arthritic changes bone tissue etc.)


To prevent the onset of pain, you need to monitor your physical activity, perform useful exercises and monitor the condition of internal organs.

If the pain still appears and does not give rest, it is first necessary to exclude organ damage and infections, and then use means that will ease the discomfort: warming creams and ointments, compresses, baths with aromatic oils. But remember that all methods of getting rid of pain and preventive measures can only be prescribed by an experienced specialist.

Drawing pains in the lower back can occur due to problems with the spine and back muscles, however, discomfort can be associated with infections, malfunctions of internal organs and serious gynecological diseases. Remember that even if the pain does not bring you severe discomfort and do not increase over time, you still need to contact a specialist, this will help to identify the disease at an early stage and provide timely qualified assistance.

How to treat heaviness in the lower back

“Tell me, doctor,” another patient asks, “why, even after a short sitting, do I get heaviness in the lower back?” And I can’t stand for a long time - my lower back hurts. And when I walk or lie down, the discomfort decreases. Sometimes they disappear altogether. What is it connected with?

The doctor will think for a very short time - after all, in his practice he has already met with similar situations. It seems to the patient that his case is unique, that the pain and inconvenience that he experiences cannot be compared with anything. In fact, we all get sick more or less the same way. Our ailments are comparable. Everyone is subject to them - and doctors, by the way, including. Simply, knowing the structure of the human body more deeply than others, doctors are able to successfully deal with ailments. And an experienced vertebrologist in most cases will immediately determine the causes of back pain. But sometimes special studies are needed for the accuracy of the diagnosis.

What are the causes of heaviness in the lower back

If the patient is 30–40 years old, then heaviness in the lower back is most likely associated with age-related changes in the spine. Intervertebral discs, as already mentioned in the first chapter, lose their elasticity over the years, their depreciation properties decrease. Flattening of the discs due to their drying leads to convergence of the bodies of adjacent vertebrae. This leads to a change in the relationship between their contacting articular processes, which form common joints, which is unfavorable from the point of view of movements. Naturally, the joints begin to experience overload, they become not as stable as before. On the deep muscles of the back, extensors, therefore, a more significant load is placed. After all, before all of them - and disks, and joints, and muscles - equally divided their hard work. Now the extensors have to work with large overloads. Maintaining the body in one position, they quickly get tired. They get tired. They start to hurt. Sometimes from overwork they start spasms.

Try to change position, walk around, move around. Then the load from the previously hard-working muscles will be redistributed to those that had previously rested. They, full of energy, will get to work. Lower back pain will disappear or at least decrease. It is similar to working on a rotational basis, when a rested team comes to replace a tired team. For round-the-clock shift work of a factory or plant. To send some units of the active army to rest and to bring fresh reserve forces into battle. However, enough comparisons. The essence of what is happening is clear: “Osteochondrosis!” the doctor will say.

But it also happens. The doctor will send the patient for x-rays of the lower back, and there the changes are minimal or not at all. The patient complains of heaviness in the lower back. Here the doctor has the right to assume deep muscle dystrophy and prescribe a treatment that restores their mass. It is she who may be the most likely cause of back pain in those who have passed their third decade. If a teenager, a young man or a girl turns to a vertebrologist, then the doctor will most likely suspect changes in the ligamentous apparatus. Soft ligaments - we talked about them a little in the first chapter - that's what it's all about!

Do you do twine without difficulty? Can you easily clasp your hands behind your back? Do you have a natural gift for flexibility? This is a very beautiful, but insidious gift! After all, it is the ligaments that are largely responsible for the correct mutual position of the vertebrae during the movement of the spine. They are the support and support of the spinal column. If the ligaments are too soft and, therefore, do not provide adequate support to the spine, all other supporting structures are forced to work in emergency mode. What happens if three people in a team of ten take a long smoke break? That's it! What if there are five.

Abnormally mobile, soft ligaments are a congenital pathology. Therefore, rapid back fatigue, spasms in tired muscles and, as a result, lower back pain with short sitting and standing can manifest themselves already in adolescence - much earlier than with natural age-related changes in the spine.

Of course, there are many other causes or combinations of them that cause low back pain during statokinetic loads, that is, while maintaining a position or movement. For example, a different direction of the joint spaces in the left and right joints that connect the vertebrae, spodilolisthesis, non-closure of the vertebral arch ... But you never know what else!

How to treat heaviness in the lower back

What can be recommended in this regard? Treatment using an ordinary tennis ball is quite effective ... No, we do not urge you to go to the court or take part in the Big Hat tournament. Not everyone has enough training and equipment for this. But the ball is available to everyone, and if used correctly, you can improve the well-being of your lower back.

So, you take an ordinary tennis ball. Then lie down on the floor and put the ball under your back. Now "ride" on it. Do not inflict too much pain on yourself: try to bypass the most painful areas by slightly raising your back. But the spinous processes of the vertebrae located near the centers of pain - the bones that are palpable on the back - “knead” as carefully as possible. Thus, with the help of a ball, you yourself will make a very useful massage of the spine. The procedure will take you about five minutes, but this is quite enough. And don't be embarrassed if you don't feel better after the first session. At first, on the contrary, the pain may even increase somewhat. But usually the next day the pain disappears or decreases significantly, especially if self-massage is combined with deep inclinations according to the scheme proposed in the book.

After these exercises, you can hang on the crossbar. If there is no crossbar in the house - it does not matter: it will be replaced by a closet. Grasp its upper edge, bend your legs without lifting them off the floor, but without leaning on it, and hang as long as your hands can withstand.

Heaviness in the lower back. Repeat the recommended exercises every other day for two weeks. Soon you will notice a clear improvement in the functioning of the spine, especially in the lumbar region. The essence of the positive action is that you eliminate the spasm of the back muscles, improving blood circulation in them.

If these measures were not enough - well, obviously, things have gone too far. The spine is very overworked, so you need to get some rest. Rest, observing bed rest if possible.

What if there is no such possibility? It is sad, of course, but sometimes even a few days of complete rest for many of us is an unaffordable luxury. But even in this situation, there is no reason to despair.

“Forget about tennis for a while,” the doctor might joke, “think about weightlifting.” And he will tell you about an orthopedic product called the "weightlifter's belt." This wide leather belt, tightly fitting the lumbar spine, facilitates the work of muscles and ligaments, thereby reducing the load on the intervertebral discs and joints. Equipped in this way, you will give your spine a rest even with an active lifestyle. (There are other orthopedic products of this kind, we will talk about them a little later.)

... The patient continues to ask questions:

-What if the lower back hurts, and the weightlifter's belt is not found on the farm?

It's okay, you can help yourself here too. Make a wide belt from some dense material. In the end, for this purpose, you can use an ordinary sheet, folding it in several layers. Wrap it tightly around the waist, grabbing the top of the pelvis, and secure the ends. You will get a completely acceptable orthopedic fixator. Just remember: the lumbar region of your spine is experiencing quite significant difficulties. Whether you managed to find time for complete rest during bed rest, found or made an orthopedic belt - you still need to take anti-inflammatory drugs two or three times a day: orthofen (diclofenac), voltaren, indomethacin ...

For those who suffer from peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the listed drugs should be used with extreme caution. For them, ointments with anti-inflammatory activity are more acceptable. For example, indomethacin, butadionic, hydrocortisone. Or gel forms of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac gel. Apply ointments and gels in the morning and evening with a thin layer on the sore areas of the spine and cover with a woolen cloth.

Continue treatment for a week. Most likely, during this time you will feel better. And if not, an additional examination is required: some serious changes have occurred in the spine.

Put the book aside for a while and go to see a doctor - best of all, a vertebrologist. He will find the underlying causes of your ailment and provide the necessary assistance. Knowledge and experience is a great thing!

I often feel heaviness in my back. What reasons?

Answers the question chiropractor, neurologist, podiatrist, osteopath

Heaviness in the back can be a sign of curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, or other pathology. Also possible reason- excessive loading of the vertebrae due to excess weight, work in a permanent sitting or standing position. We recommend that you do not postpone the visit to the therapist, because in addition to severity, pain and restriction of movements may occur. You can make an appointment for an examination by a doctor who practices in our clinic, he will establish exact reason discomfort and prescribe treatment.

    • In adults
    • Back pain
    • Joint pain
    • Pain in the neck
    • Coccyx hurts
    • Stomach ache
    • Dizziness
    • Insomnia
    • Headache
    • Leg pain
    • Excess weight
    • In children
    • Headache in a child
    • Joint pain in children
    • Back pain in a child
    • Pain in the abdomen in a child
    • Insomnia in children
    • Overweight in children
    • Posture disorder in a child

    © Clinic Rehabilitation Medicine

    Causes and treatment of back pain

    Often, complaining of back pain, you can hear a confident diagnosis (even from a doctor!): "You have osteochondrosis." But many doctors say that in 50% of cases this diagnosis is wrong. The Japanese believe that if your back hurts, it indicates a general problem with the body. So don't rush to sign up. manual therapy, probably, your problem is not connected in any way with a backbone. Causes and treatment of back pain actual topic for many of us...


    In the East, they have long noticed a close energy relationship between the spine and internal organs. Academic medicine is ready to agree with this, however, it approaches the issue of the relationship more pragmatically: from spinal cord nerve endings go to the internal organs. So the signal about the trouble of the internal organ will certainly reach the corresponding section of the spine, which will be reflected on the back in the form of acute pain, tingling or aches.

    “Many of us do not even think that, for example, lower back pain may be the result of exacerbation of gastritis or inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs,” adds Sergey Tarasyuk, PhD, neurologist at the Moscow Homeopathic Center. - If back pain is caused by a malfunction of any internal organ, there will be other signs of the disease. So, in the case of gastritis, it is bad breath or indigestion.

    That is why the diagnosis and treatment of back pain requires close cooperation between a neurologist and a therapist. Initially, the diagnosis and course of treatment is prescribed by a neurologist. After an x-ray of the spine, you can already draw some conclusions about the causes of pain. If they are based on diseases of the internal organs, the therapist will continue the treatment.

    The beautiful half of humanity often faces pain in the neck. And this is by no means accidental! “The cervical spine is the most mobile,” Sergey Tarasyuk explains. - Any awkward movement or turn can cause slight displacement of the vertebrae, sprains or muscle spasm in this area".

    Such back injuries often go away on their own without medical intervention after a few days (if you are the lucky owner of a relatively healthy back). The most important thing in this situation is to relax the muscles. To do this, use ice for the first 24 hours, which will do this very well. Then switch to heat - do not rub the sore spot too much, while it is advisable to use an ointment or cream with a warming effect. And don't stay in bed too long! Prolonged bed rest weakens the muscles of the back, and any vigorous activity in moderation will be extremely useful for their recovery after a microtrauma. If after all the above measures, the back pain does not subside within a week, consult a doctor.

    Young women may experience back pain after pregnancy or sudden weight loss. This is due to the fact that the internal organs of the abdominal cavity are displaced from their places intended by nature and create an excessive load on the spine, mainly on the lumbar region. “During pregnancy, the ligaments that attach the abdominal organs to the spinal column are stretched,” explains Silk Way osteopath Galina Zyukina. It will take some time for them to get back to normal. The same thing happens with a sharp weight loss due to large losses of internal fat.

    In order for the internal organs to quickly take their original position, use corrective underwear or a bandage. It should be worn daily for at least 3-4 weeks, and then as needed. And be sure to visit an osteopath. After several sessions of abdominal massage, there will be no trace of back pain.


    Stress is to blame - we are used to this statement and do not take it seriously. But in the case of back pain, it is as relevant as possible. stressful situations, depression, lasting for several weeks, lead to muscle strain, including the back, vasospasm. This violates not only the nutrition of the spine, but can also lead to its curvature or displacement of the vertebrae.

    The state of increased tension and anxiety can only be removed by a neurologist. He will eliminate the physical cause of the pain and provide you with psychological support. In especially severe cases, psychotropic medications or antidepressants will be required. Only a specialist can appoint them!


    One of the most common phenomena is a feeling of heaviness in the muscles of the back and spine. This is the so-called tired muscle syndrome, which manifests itself even in very young women. This ailment has a very simple cause, and the treatment of this type of back pain is also not difficult. The reason is a long-term unbearable load or lack of proper rest. Tired muscles often accumulate lactic acid (a by-product of the work of muscle cells), which causes these unpleasant sensations. To remove it from muscle fibers, a large amount of oxygen is needed.

    As soon as you feel the onset of fatigue, start breathing deeply. Take a slow breath, and then the same slow exhale. Repeat this exercise several times. If your back muscles feel heavy and tired for no apparent reason for several weeks, see your doctor.

    Should I be worried if it pulls and aches in the lumbar region

    Most people have experienced an excruciating feeling that pulls the lower back and It's a dull pain covers lower part body. If after some time the discomfort disappears, the matter is most likely in awkward posture during sleep or prolonged sitting in one place, in which the muscles become numb, causing discomfort.

    Causes and symptoms of pulling back pain

    However, if discomfort persists after a short warm-up, you should seriously consider the reasons that could cause soreness:

    • Spinal injury

    Acute pulling pain, localized in the waist and radiating to the arm or leg, may signal damage to the spine. At first, sensations may not cause visible discomfort, appearing only with static loads or active body movements. Subsequently, if appropriate treatment has not been carried out, the aches take on a permanent character and cover the entire lumbar region.

    • Single lesions or deformities of the vertebrae

    Deviation of the spine as a whole or any of its departments from the physiological position is called deformation. Such a pathology can be both congenital and acquired. In both cases, such pathologies are accompanied by a characteristic aching pain in the back, localized in places of deformation. An ache in the lower back can be accompanied by severe migraines, as well as disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which also cause some discomfort.

    • Inflammatory process in the muscles of the back (myositis) caused by hard physical work or hypothermia

    Solid painful lumps that occur in the back muscles under the influence of an infection or injury can cause gradually increasing aches and discomfort in the lumbar region. Heaviness in the back, which occurs either on the left or on the right, increases during movement or during palpation of the affected area. Discomfort is often accompanied by visible swelling or hyperemia of the tissues of the back.

    • Bechterew's disease - a form of arthritis that affects the joints of the spine

    The inflammatory process in the joints of the spinal column leads to a violation of the mobility of the latter. As a result of this pathology, the spine not only loses most of its mobility, but also significantly shortens in size. The first symptoms of the disease are considered weak pulling pains just below the middle of the back - in the sacrum or in the groin. Along with the development of the disease, stiffness of the spine increases and unpleasant attacks become more frequent, most often overtaking the patient in the morning.

    Breaking sensations in the lower back caused by disturbances in the functioning of the internal organs are different character. This is explained by the fact in which of the organs there is a failure. With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, most often pulls the lower back. If the violation is caused by renal colic or diseases of the pelvic organs in women, the pain takes on a pulling, aching character. Distinctive feature similar sensations is the lack of dependence of the nature of pain on the physical activity of a person.

    • Cardiovascular diseases

    Lower back pain, localized on the left, most often speaks of heart problems in a patient. One of the most common signs of coronary heart disease is called pulling pain behind the sternum, often responding to the back. A heart attack is accompanied by tingling in the heart, as well as unpleasant painful sensations of heaviness in the left arm or on the left side of the back.

    It is characterized by an ache in the waist that appears during bouts of convulsive coughing. This is explained by smooth muscle bronchi, contracting as much as possible when coughing, changes the pressure in the chest and causes static tension in the back muscles. Drawing pains in the lower back during coughing is a sure sign that it will no longer be possible to cope with a cold on your own, and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Drawing pains in women

    A separate point is the pain of a pulling nature during menstruation, observed in young girls and women of childbearing age. The cause of discomfort in most cases is considered to be an increased secretion of prostaglandin hormones, which are responsible for the rhythmic contraction of the uterus.

    If the feeling of heaviness in the lower back turns into severe aching pain on the left or right, in the lower back, this may signal the presence of complicating factors (fibroadenoma or endometriosis).

    Acute or chronic pain

    Heaviness in the lower back, accompanied by characteristic sensations, is acute or chronic.

    In the first case, pain occurs suddenly and most often accompanies stretching of the long muscles of the back. Discomfort in this case is of a pulling nature, localized just above the waist, on the right or left, and extending to the leg or groin. The spasm that affects these muscles causes temporary immobility of the affected area, which disappears after a few days, when the inflammation of the muscles passes.

    Another cause of acute pain, in which the lower back hurts, is a fracture of the spine. A similar injury can be obtained by landing unsuccessfully on your feet or during sports. If the spine is affected malignant neoplasm or during osteoporosis, such an injury can occur even with minimal physical activity.

    Displacement of the lumbar vertebrae can also cause pulling pain. A person experiences temporary relief by maintaining a stationary position.

    The insidiousness of chronic pain lies in the fact that over time people get used to the pain syndrome, starting to ignore both the sensations themselves and the problems that they signal. Alas, once ill, the back will not pass without appropriate treatment, and the causes that caused the pathology will worsen over time and begin to progress.

    Osteomyelitis, tumors of various etiologies that occur on the spine, arthritic changes in bone tissue - with all these serious illnesses chronic pain in the lower back can be observed.

    If pain in the back, even if it does not cause you any visible inconvenience, does not go away for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor. Qualified diagnostics will help to recognize the pathology at an early stage and prescribe a qualified treatment.

    Bechterew's disease and other autoimmune diseases

    Back pain (dorsalgia)

    Other pathologies of the spinal cord and brain

    Other musculoskeletal injuries

    Diseases of the muscles and ligaments

    Diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues

    Curvature (deformity) of the spine

    Treatment in Israel

    Neurological symptoms and syndromes

    Tumors of the spine, brain and spinal cord

    Answers to questions from visitors

    Soft tissue pathologies

    Radiography and other instrumental diagnostic methods

    Symptoms and syndromes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    Vascular diseases of the CNS

    Spinal and CNS injuries

    ©, medical portal about back health

    All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Deforming gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) is a disease in the hyaline knee cartilage, caused by an inflammatory degenerative-dystrophic process. This disease covers the condyles of the tibia and femur.

Arthrosis of the knee joint develops slowly. The primary symptoms of this disease are pain and stiffness of movements. This type of arthrosis, like gonarthrosis, is the most common in comparison with other types (arthrosis of the phalanges of the fingers, hip arthrosis, elbow or shoulder arthrosis).

This disease manifests itself most often in middle-aged people (40-45 years), mainly in women. The cause of arthrosis in young people can be any serious injury or heavy load (for example, in athletes).

Causes of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The cause of deforming arthrosis of the joints cannot be one, usually it is a combination of circumstances and many catalyzing factors that eventually lead to the development of the disease. In medicine, the causes of arthrosis are divided into:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Primary arthrosis develops in older people due to the natural aging (erasing) of the cartilaginous tissues of the body in conjunction with the accompanying complications. Complications include problems such as:

  1. hereditary pathology;
  2. increased stress on the joints throughout life;
  3. obesity (in 10% of cases).

Secondary deforming arthrosis includes 30% of all cases of disease in the knee joint. This form of arthrosis develops as a result of various traumas:

  • meniscus injury;
  • tibia fracture;
  • ligament rupture;
  • severe bruising and pain in the kneecap.

Symptoms of secondary arthrosis appear very late - after 3-4 years, however, with serious injuries, signs of the disease are detected after 3-4 months.

The risk group for developing gonarthrosis includes people who, after the age of 40, begin to actively engage in sports or other physical activities. Running, squats or push-ups give extra work worn joints. Such activities can lead to rapid development degenerative and dystrophic processes in joints.

There are frequent cases of the development of arthrosis on the basis of concomitant diseases present in the patient:

  1. ankylosing spondylitis;
  2. rheumatoid, psoriatic or reactive arthritis;
  3. gout;
  4. phlebeurysm;
  5. excess weight (obesity).

The reasons for the development of deforming arthrosis directly in the knee joint include:

  • regular heavy physical activity;
  • weight lifting;
  • frequent climbing stairs;
  • professional sports;

The risk of getting a diagnosis such as gonarthrosis increases if the patient has injuries. spinal department bones, various neurological diseases, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and (in 3-5%) cases a genetic predisposition due to weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

Often (50-60%), the development of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint occurs due to muscle spasm of the anterior surface of the thigh. Such a spasm does not manifest itself until the onset of pain in the knees. Discomforts are mild lower back pain, heaviness in the legs and fatigue.

If the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles are constantly in a state of spasm, with age the patient will develop a "tightening" of the knees, which will significantly limit motor function.

The latest discovery of scientists

Belgian orthopedic surgeons from the city of Leuven recently discovered a previously unknown and completely unexplored ALL ligament, which is localized in the human knee. This ligament has been given the name "anterolateral" or "anterolateral".

The studies, which lasted for 4 years, were confirmed by rare cases when patients after successful surgery due to torn ligaments or injuries of the knee, pain did not disappear during physical exertion, and instability of the knee joint was observed.

About 40 patients were involved in the research, which made it possible to discover this very ligament, about which physicians had no data at all. As it turned out, the main function of the anterolateral ligament is the rotational movements of the tibia.

When a knee was injured, doctors did not even know about the need for its correction during a surgical operation.

Classification of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

Often the disease develops in only one knee joint. Given the intensity of the development of pathological processes, doctors distinguish 3 degrees of gonarthrosis:

  1. The first degree of knee arthrosis does not entail deforming changes, however, there are characteristic periodic pain sensations after loads on the joint. At times, slight swelling of the joint appears, disappearing on its own.
  2. With arthrosis of the knee joint of the second degree, the symptoms of the disease are significantly aggravated. Pain syndrome manifests itself after a small physical activity. Walking, lifting weights cause prolonged and intense pain, the patient develops a characteristic knee crunch. A slight deformity of the joint and a slight limitation of movement are likely to occur.
  3. In the third degree of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint, the maximum disclosure of the symptoms of the disease is observed. The patient has a disturbed gait, a pronounced deformity of the joint and a serious functional limitation of movements. Pain increases depending on weather conditions, the limitation of the joint reaches its maximum point. The pain is so strong that the patient cannot find a position in which it would decrease, sleep is disturbed.

What can be confused with arthrosis of the knee joint?

There are several diseases similar in their symptoms to knee arthrosis:

Blockade of the knee joint and blockade of the meniscus. This disease develops rapidly. With a sharp movement, a crunch occurs in the knee, accompanied by an attack of acute pain, which disappears after 10-15 minutes. A day later, swelling of the kneecap is formed.

Various types of arthritis (rheumatoid, psoriatic, reactive), articular rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, gout. You can distinguish these diseases from arthrosis using a blood test.

Inflammation of the tendons of the knee. This disease affects mainly women after 40 years. Pain occurs when lifting weights or going down stairs. Pain covers inner surface knee, but the functionality of the joint is not limited.

Vascular pain in the knee joints. This is a symmetrical lesion of the joints, covering both knees at the same time. It occurs mainly in the younger generation due to accelerated growth bones. Pain syndrome is noted:

  • when changing weather conditions;
  • with colds;

Defined as aching pain (twisting).

Symptoms of deforming knee arthrosis by stages

In the first stage affected knee-joint By outward signs no different from healthy.

  1. Sometimes in the affected area you can notice a slight swelling.
  2. IN rare cases in the joint there is an accumulation of fluid, and it swells strongly, taking on a spherical shape.
  3. Synovitis develops.
  4. The functionality of the joint is limited.
  5. There is a feeling of heaviness.

What is the reason for this?

At the initial stage of the development of arthrosis in the joint, there is a violation of small intraosseous vessels and blood circulation in general, on which the nutrition of hyaline cartilage depends.

At further development disease (second stage) symptoms intensify. The pain is determined in the anterior-internal side of the joint and bothers even with small loads, receding at rest and returning with the slightest movement.

With deforming arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree, a significant deformation of the articular bones is observed. They push into each other cartilage tissue practically destroyed, functional limitations are increasing. The pain syndrome does not recede even for a minute, regardless of the tension or state of rest in which the joint is located. Flexion and extension of the limb is difficult.

The joint is severely deformed, the legs are bent into an O- or X-shape, the gait becomes unstable and waddling. Quite often, the patient has to move around with the help of crutches or a cane.

What to do if the lower back hurts on the left side

If pain occurs in any part of the body, a person should be alert, because this serious signal that he has certain disabilities. Pain in the left lower back is one of the most common painful conditions that can affect any person, regardless of age, occupation and state of health. And it can be caused by a variety of reasons.

  • Pain in the left side of the lower back and its main causes
  • back pain during pregnancy
    • Diagnostic methods
    • Pain treatment
  • Prevention of diseases and back pain
  • Conclusion

If a person values ​​his health, then when such sensations appear, he will immediately consult a doctor. Most often, experts call the most likely causes of deterioration in well-being fatigue, long hours V sitting position or standing, carrying loads, or pregnant. If any of the above apply to you, then you can be sure that this is directly related to back pain on the left. However, at the same time, this syndrome may indicate the presence of more serious diseases of the back and internal organs.

Pain in the left side of the lower back and its main causes

Most often, experts refer to as main reason, which can provoke back pain, problems with the spine. Statistics show that in most patients this symptom indicates the presence of an intervertebral hernia. This disease is often accompanied prolapse of intervertebral discs from their place, as a result of which they enter the spinal canal. This, in turn, explains why a person in this condition may feel pain in the heart, chest or back on the left.

To understand whether back pain on the left is a marker of an intervertebral hernia, you can use the following criteria:

  • in addition to the lower back, pain is felt in the sternum, and also radiates to the left arm;
  • an unpleasant symptom gradually begins to be felt in the lower extremities.

Also, by the presence of pain on the left in the lower back, it can be assumed that this is caused by other diseases. One of the most common is spondylolisthesis and spondylosis. Sometimes this may be related to congenital disorder spinal development. If a person has pain, then in some cases this may be due to the development of tumors, which can be benign or malignant and appear on the spine and internal organs.

Such discomfort can disturb a person due to certain neurological diseases. In such patients, pain in the left side of the back may occur due to a malfunction of the nerves in the lower extremities.

Also, a similar symptom may indicate the presence neurological problems with sacrum and loins. Among men, the most commonly diagnosed neurological disease, like sciatica, which occurs due to hypothermia. And this ailment manifests itself most often as a shooting sharp pain, which is localized in the region of the sacrum or lower back.

Another reason that can provoke frequent bouts of low back pain may be an injury in the left parts of the body that was transferred many years ago.

You should not delay visiting a doctor if the pain only intensifies over time. Already on the basis of this, it can be assumed that there is a certain pathology of internal organs. On the left side of the lower back are important internal organs - the spleen, kidneys, part of the intestines and pancreas. Women also need to be careful, because here in their body is one of important organs reproductive system - left ovary.

You can understand whether pain indicates a disease of the internal organs, the nervous system and the spine, if you pay attention to the nature of the pain. If it has a aching and pulling character, worries at rest, in a sitting or lying position, then it can be assumed that this is due to a violation of the spine.

In cases where pain is localized from the side of the back and has a sharp and strong manifestation, disturbs a person in the form of a backache, then most likely there is a neurological problem.

Deep, aching and growing pains often indicate diseases of the internal organs, and this is typical for both women and men. Acute diseases often manifest themselves in the form of sharp and sharp pain, which can radiate to the top and lower limbs , chest, and in women in the lower abdomen.

back pain during pregnancy

By the presence of pain, it can be assumed that this can be caused by both a serious illness and fatigue of the spine and its overstrain. Just such conditions have to be observed in pregnant women. Experts identify a number of reasons that can lead to pain in the left side of the back in a woman in position.

For the first time, a future mother may encounter such an unpleasant symptom at an early stage of pregnancy, when she still does not know about the child. At this point, significant changes occur in the body that affect the internal organs. This is precisely what explains that at this moment a slight aching pain begins to disturb the woman. And in this case, the left ovary cannot be considered a source of pain. After the third week of pregnancy, this symptom no longer bothers the expectant mother, so it is commonly called one of the early signs of pregnancy.

Exacerbation of pain in pregnant women is often observed as the abdomen grows. This happens already at the 20th week, and gradually the pain increases towards the end of pregnancy. They can have a nomadic character, and then they affect not only the right, but also the left side.

But if a pregnant woman is worried about pain, then this does not always mean a restructuring of her body. Sometimes this can indicate diseases of the internal organs. If the expectant mother has noticed a rise in temperature, and she is also worried about bouts of nausea and vomiting, and in addition to this, there is also strong pain in the left side of the back, then, most likely, this is the beginning of the development of pyelonephritis or inflammation of the kidneys. This disease is often diagnosed in most pregnant women.

Treatment of pain in the left side of the lower back

The very fact that a person begins to worry about pain on the left side is a sufficient reason to see a doctor. Considering that these sensations can be caused different reasons, the patient needs to appear first of all to the therapist. After studying secondary symptoms He refer the patient to a specialist doctor. For example, he may write a referral to an orthopedist, urologist, neurologist or surgeon.

Diagnostic methods

It is very important to exclude diseases of the internal organs during the diagnosis. And for this it is necessary to prescribe an examination with the help of ultrasound. Based on its results, it is possible to establish the presence of a tumor, as well as determine the size of the internal organs. Based on the results of a blood and urine test, it can be understood whether this is due to inflammatory infectious diseases. To make sure that everything is in order with the spine, it is necessary to undergo an examination using an MRI.

Pain treatment

Most diseases that are accompanied by pain in the left side can be cured without resorting to surgery. However, there are such among them, especially if they have moved into severe form, which are no longer amenable to treatment with pills and injections. In this case, the only way out is surgery.

If back pain associated with neuralgia or herbs, then for treatment you can use:

  • warming ointments;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

If back pain has worsened to such an extent that it is no longer possible to endure, then it is allowed to undergo a course of treatment with injections.

Very often, back pain bothers teenagers during puberty. This process is accompanied by such a rapid growth of the young organism that it does not have time to strengthen the spine. This leads to a violation of posture, the appearance of scoliosis, pain in the lower back and back. But to spend special treatment pain relief is not required. It is only necessary to ensure that the body is not subjected to significant stress, also need to start exercising. It is very important to choose the right furniture for the child, which should correspond to his height. It is necessary to monitor the weight of the child in order to prevent obesity. Otherwise, it can also harm the health of the spine.

If back pain arose unexpectedly, and the person was not prepared for it, then in this case it is possible to help the person. If the pain syndrome is not associated with inflammatory processes and tumors, then sensations can be weakened with the help of hot bath. If the pain is caused by neuralgia, then the cause of their occurrence may be the infringement of the nerve. In this case, you need to properly prepare the bed, which should be so comfortable as to ensure maximum unloading of the spine. To do this, use a pillow that is placed under the legs during sleep and rest.

Prevention of diseases and back pain

To make lower back pain less likely to disturb, it is necessary to take appropriate measures that will help prevent unpleasant symptoms. efficient preventive measure The fight against back pain are regular exercise. They strengthen the muscles of the back and unload the spine. If, due to a state of health, a person cannot go in for sports or if back pain has already appeared, then their further spread can be avoided with the help of massage.

But massage should be carried out with caution, because with some ailments it can harm health. Therefore, before carrying out it, it is necessary to discuss this issue with the doctor.

Usually, infections are involved in inflammation processes, which often appear in people with low immunity and after hypothermia. Moreover, inflammation of the internal organs can occur not only in the cold season, but also in summer. Girls need to be especially careful when swimming in cold water, since hypothermia causes serious harm to the body in general and the genitourinary system in particular. Inflammatory diseases guilty of many incurable ailments, including infertility.

Elderly people need to be very careful to the health of your back.

  • If for a long time work in the country and lift weights, then in the future symptoms of rheumatism can appear, as well as severe shooting pains in the back.
  • Harm can cause constant lying or sitting. To keep your back healthy, it is recommended to maintain an optimal level of physical activity. This is possible with the help of sit-ups and regular walks for several kilometers.


For a person who does not take good care of his health, even pain in the lower back on the left side is unlikely to say anything. In fact, this may represent great danger for health, since any pain in most cases indicates disorders in the body. If the pain arose in the lower back on the left rear, then it is difficult for a non-specialist to understand what this may be due to. Accordingly, the treatment, if carried out at home, is often ineffective due to ignorance of the cause of the pain.

That is why it is necessary to correctly treat the pain syndrome in the back, if it occurs on the left rear. It is necessary, without delay, to see a doctor so that after necessary examinations he was able to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.

Why can the lower back and lower abdomen hurt and what to do about it?

Lower back pain often develops in combination with pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Of course, such symptoms to a greater extent characterize the diseases of the female body. However, it is not uncommon for such signs to be observed at the reception and urologists.

In general, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back can speak of many pathological conditions. And in order to start the right treatment, one should without fail contact a specialist in the field.

On examination, the doctor first of all pays attention to the intensity of pain and its nature. It can be sharp or aching. Sometimes accompanied by an increase or, conversely, a decrease in body temperature, vomiting, bleeding. If the patient is a woman, then the doctor must definitely find out if the pain is related to pregnancy or the menstrual cycle.

The main causes of pain

One of the most common causes, of course, is the presence of a patient acute cystitis. In cases where, in addition to the pains described above, there is blood in the urine, pain at the very end of urination, or it is too rapid, it can be said with confidence that the patient develops cystitis “safely”. In this case, a sick person must necessarily go through all necessary research prescribed by a urologist.

If the pain in the abdomen and lower back is not accompanied by the above symptoms, then we can assume that the patient has problems with the intestines. And in women, in addition to intestinal problems, such pain often indicates the initial stage of development of an ovarian cyst, adnexitis, or other, more serious diseases of the female genitourinary system. When such symptoms appear, a woman should immediately make an appointment with a urogynecologist or gynecologist.

Cases when men have pain in the lower back and lower abdomen are quite rare. However, these symptoms may indicate serious illnesses digestive or urinary system. Quite often such pains meet at development at the man of a prostatitis. Therefore, in order to put accurate diagnosis, the patient should visit not only a gastroenterologist, but also a urologist. In no case should you delay the visit to the doctor. Often, along with such pains, an increase in the temperature of the human body is observed - such a development of symptoms may indicate the following diseases: mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea or ureoplasmosis.

Of great importance in the diagnosis is the nature of pain and the frequency of its occurrence in various diseases. So, for example, in the acute nature of the course of the disease, cramping pains are often observed, growing and often complicated by chills, nausea and fever. The presence of such pain often indicates a developing inflammatory process. If such pains are observed for a long time, you should consult a specialist, because in this case there is a high probability of developing a chronic disease.

Chronic abdominal and back pain

The feeling of discomfort in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen in medicine has a specific name - chronic pelvic pain. Such a diagnosis is made in cases where the above symptoms have bothered a person for at least six months. pelvic pain in ¾ of cases it is caused by gynecological diseases and in ¼ - by extragenital diseases.

Among more rare causes pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, the following can be distinguished:

  • Osteocondritis of the spine;
  • Herniated disc;
  • Arthrosis of the intervertebral joints;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Stenosis of the intervertebral canal;
  • Infectious lesions of the vertebrae;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Stroke;
  • Osteoporosis.

Why does it hurt mainly in young girls?

Such pain in girls is most often observed before the onset of menstruation or directly during it. Most often they are cramping in nature and are observed in the first three days of menstruation. Scientific research they say that more than 50% of women feel spasms, but in most they have a moderate intensity and do not cause any special problems.

It should be said that the nature of such pain directly depends on the amount of special hormones (prostaglandins) in the female body. However, there are times when the pain is quite strong and painful. Then you should be examined for the presence of other complicating factors (for example, endometriosis or fibroids).

Often, pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen is observed in pregnant women. What is associated with an increase in the load on the female spine. If pulling pains begin to appear shortly before childbirth, then this may indicate false contractions (Braxton-Hicks). On early dates such symptoms look especially scary, because they can mean a threatened miscarriage. In such cases, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor on your own.

Another reason why girls have stomach pulls can be prolonged hypothermia. First of all, this applies to those who neglect their health for the sake of beauty, going out into the street in cool weather with a bare lower back. By the way, after such walks, many girls hear from their doctor a terrible diagnosis - infertility. Therefore, it is worth considering: is the beauty of such sacrifices worth in the future?

Most people have experienced an excruciating feeling in which the lower back is pulled and aching pain covers the lower part of the body. If after some time the discomfort disappears, it is most likely an uncomfortable position during sleep or prolonged sitting in one place, in which the muscles become numb, causing discomfort.

Acute or chronic pain

Heaviness in the lower back, accompanied by characteristic sensations, is of an acute or chronic nature.

They occur suddenly and most often accompany stretching of the long muscles of the back. Discomfort in this case is of a pulling nature, localized just above the waist, on the right or left, and extending to the leg or groin. The spasm that affects these muscles causes temporary immobility of the affected area, which disappears after a few days, when the inflammation of the muscles passes.

The insidiousness of chronic pain lies in the fact that over time people get used to the pain syndrome, starting to ignore both the sensations themselves and the problems that they signal. Alas, once ill, the back will not pass without appropriate treatment, and the causes that caused the pathology will worsen over time and begin to progress.

Osteomyelitis, various etiologies, changes in bone tissue - with all these serious diseases, chronic pain in the lower back can be observed.

Causes of pulling back pain

You should seriously consider the causes that could cause soreness.

Spinal injury

Acute pulling pain, localized in the waist and radiating to the arm or leg, may signal about. At first, sensations may not cause visible discomfort, appearing only with static loads or active body movements. Subsequently, if appropriate treatment has not been carried out, the aches take on a permanent character and cover the entire lumbar region.

The cause of acute pain, in which the lower back hurts -. A similar injury can be obtained by landing unsuccessfully on your feet or during sports. If the spine is affected by a malignant neoplasm or during an illness, such an injury can be obtained even with minimal physical activity.

Displacement of the lumbar can also cause pulling pain. A person experiences temporary relief by maintaining a stationary position.

Single lesions or deformities of the vertebrae

Deviation of the spine as a whole or any of its departments from the physiological position is called deformation. Such a pathology can be both congenital and acquired. In both cases, such pathologies are accompanied by a characteristic aching pain in the back, localized in places of deformation. An ache in the lower back can be accompanied by severe migraines, as well as disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which also cause some discomfort.


Myositis is caused by hard physical work or hypothermia. Hard painful seals that occur in the muscles of the back under the influence of an infection or injury can cause gradually increasing aches and discomfort in the lumbar region. Heaviness in the back, which occurs either on the left or on the right, increases during movement or during palpation of the affected area. Discomfort is often accompanied by visible swelling or hyperemia of the tissues of the back.

Bechterew's disease

This is a form of arthritis that affects the joints of the spine. The inflammatory process in the joints of the spinal column leads to a violation of the mobility of the latter. As a result of this pathology, the spine not only loses most of its mobility, but also significantly shortens in size. The first symptoms of the disease are considered weak pulling pains just below the middle of the back - in the sacrum or in the groin. Along with the development of the disease, stiffness of the spine increases and unpleasant attacks become more frequent, most often overtaking the patient in the morning.

Cardiovascular diseases

Lower back pain, localized on the left, most often speaks of heart problems in a patient. One of the most common signs of coronary heart disease is called pulling pain behind the sternum, often responding to the back. A heart attack is accompanied by tingling in the heart, as well as unpleasant painful sensations of heaviness in the left arm or on the left side of the back.

Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)

It is characterized by an ache in the waist that appears during bouts of convulsive coughing. This is explained by the fact that the smooth muscles of the bronchi, contracting as much as possible when coughing, change the pressure in the chest and cause static tension in the back muscles. Drawing pains in the lower back during coughing is a sure sign that it will no longer be possible to cope with a cold on your own, and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Diseases of other internal organs

Breaking sensations in the lower back, caused by disturbances in the work of internal organs, are of a different nature. This is explained by the fact in which of the organs there is a failure. With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, most often pulls the lower back. If the violation is caused by renal colic or diseases of the pelvic organs in women, the pain takes on a pulling, aching character. A distinctive feature of such sensations is the lack of dependence of the nature of pain on the physical activity of a person.

Menstrual pain in women

A separate item can be identified, observed in young girls and women of childbearing age. The cause of discomfort in most cases is considered to be an increased secretion of prostaglandin hormones, which are responsible for the rhythmic contraction of the uterus.

If the feeling of heaviness in the lower back turns into severe aching pain on the left or right, in the lower back, this may signal the presence of complicating factors (fibroadenoma or endometriosis).

If pain in the back, even if it does not cause you any visible inconvenience, does not go away for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor. Correct diagnosis will help to recognize the pathology at an early stage and prescribe a qualified treatment.



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