Ovarian cyst and pregnancy at the same time: is it so scary? Causes of ovarian cysts during early pregnancy: how dangerous the formation is and whether it needs to be treated How a cyst affects pregnancy.

A round formation that appears on the surface of the ovary or inside the follicle is called a cyst. It is a cavity with a liquid substance with a diameter of 1-2 to 15-20 cm. As a rule, the development of a tumor is stimulated by sexually transmitted infections, obesity of the upper body, frequent stressful situations, strict diets, and disruptions at the hormonal level. A woman may suspect the presence of pathology due to menstrual irregularities.

Most types of ovarian cysts are absolutely harmless to the health of both the fetus and the expectant mother, so the tumors are not necessarily treated or removed surgically. The gynecologist may not do anything at all if the cystic formation is benign, since it often resolves on its own.

Endometrioid cyst

This formation is benign, has walls made of uterine endometrium and is filled with dark brown liquid inside. With the constant influence of hormones during menstruation, some cells enter the uterine cavity, as a result of which the cyst increases in size. An endometroid tumor does not disappear on its own, so the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment for the woman. As a rule, therapy involves taking contraceptives and medications that cause temporary menopause, so pregnancy is impossible with this disease.

Follicular cyst

A neoplasm of this type often develops during pregnancy. As a rule, a follicular tumor forms during the period from the beginning of the cycle to ovulation. Its size does not exceed 55 mm and the pathology does not pose a danger to the fetus. Almost always, such a formation resolves on its own, but in extremely rare cases complications may develop, for example, rupture of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy. At the same time, the girl feels nausea and sharp pain in the lower abdomen. However, even this will not cause much harm to the woman or child.

Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary

The cavity of this type of cystic formation is usually filled with yellow liquid (sometimes there is a small admixture of blood in it). Often the tumor appears on only one ovary - the right or left. The formation of a corpus luteum cyst is facilitated by impaired lymph flow and blood circulation. In this case, after the release of the egg, instead of the proliferation of follicular cells and the normal formation of the corpus luteum, it stretches and is subsequently filled with a serous substance.

As a rule, such a tumor does not pose a threat to the health or life of the mother and fetus. The size of a neoplasm of the corpus luteum is considered normal up to 6 centimeters. Within 3 months after the doctor discovers the pathology, the woman must undergo regular examinations using an ultrasound machine to monitor the process of its development. As a rule, such a cyst is diagnosed during early pregnancy and disappears on its own.

Why is a cyst dangerous?

Even a benign formation can pose a danger to the body of a pregnant woman. If it increases in size, at some point it may burst or the ovary will twist, which will cause severe pain and may provoke a miscarriage or premature contractions. To prevent such negative consequences, the doctor periodically examines the patient. If the cyst grows more than 6-8 cm, surgery is prescribed to remove it.

When diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, in most cases the neoplasm resolves on its own during pregnancy. However, if the gynecologist recommends surgery, it is better to follow his advice. Ovarian cysts are removed during pregnancy only in the second trimester (starts at 14 weeks). To do this, either laparoscopy or laparotomy is used. The maximum danger for pregnant girls is endometrioid, paraovarian cystic formation and cystadenoma.

  1. Endometrioid formation develops as a result of endometriosis, in which uterine tissue grows outside the organ (usually in the ovary). The cavity is filled with brownish liquid and when it ruptures, hemorrhage occurs into the abdominal cavity. The appearance of ovarian cysts is provoked by an imbalance of hormones: a common cause of pathology is an increase in the amount of estrogen. Gynecologists recommend undergoing an examination before conception in order, if necessary, to cure the disease in advance.
  2. Cystadenoma is a formation filled with mucus or a watery substance. Serous cystadenoma can reach sizes of up to 30 centimeters, and the growth of the tumor is noticeable by a woman. The main symptom is severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Paraovarian formation is localized on the ligaments connecting the ovaries to the uterus and is dangerous due to its unpredictability. Despite the fact that this tumor does not affect female reproductive abilities, it increases the risk of complications during pregnancy. Such a cyst never disappears on its own and can grow to impressive sizes in a short time. Ideally, it should be removed before the baby is conceived.

Ovarian cyst rupture

As a result of the development of such a complication, the woman begins to lose blood, purulent peritonitis begins, and adhesions form, which leads to infertility. Timely diagnosis of ovarian cyst rupture and adequate measures taken to treat it minimize the danger to the health of the expectant mother and child. Symptoms of the pathological condition:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • hypotension;
  • presence of acute abdomen;
  • pale skin;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit.

Leg torsion

This complication develops as a result of a sharp turn of the body or a woman’s fall. In this condition, a bundle of nerves is compressed, the symptoms of which are similar to those characteristic of a ruptured tube during an ectopic pregnancy and are approximately the same as with a burst cyst, so the pathological conditions can be confused. The complication manifests itself:

  • tachycardia;
  • panic attack;
  • severe dizziness;
  • pain syndrome;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • disruptions in bowel function;
  • pale skin;
  • vomiting;
  • the presence of subfertile temperature.

How is an ovarian cyst treated during pregnancy?

The doctor selects treatment tactics based on the type of formation and its size. A follicular ovarian cyst during pregnancy, as well as a tumor of the corpus luteum, cannot be treated if there is no active growth. However, the gynecologist constantly monitors the patient and, if necessary, prescribes surgical removal of the formation. If the tumor has decreased in diameter over several months, this is a positive sign and means that the pathology will regress on its own.

Left/right ovarian cyst is a diagnosis that many women are afraid to hear; it becomes especially alarming if the pathology was discovered during pregnancy. Don't rush to panic. Let's figure out together whether cystic formation is dangerous for mother and child.

Although cystic formations affect the reproductive system, in most cases they do not prevent conception. An ovarian cyst during pregnancy, as in other periods, mostly occurs without symptoms; symptoms appear only with rapid growth of the cavity or with complications. This is why most expectant mothers have no idea about the presence of a benign formation.

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy, as a rule, is not dangerous either for the body of the expectant mother or for the development of the baby; the consequences can only appear with complications of pathologies. For example, if during pregnancy a cyst on the right ovary rapidly increases in size, this increases the risk of miscarriage. The danger is posed by both rupture of the cystic formation and torsion of the cystic pedicle.

If during pregnancy you have a cyst on the left (right) ovary, but it does not become inflamed or grow, then there is no need to panic. In this case, treatment consists of observing the formation over time, which allows timely measures to be taken if complications arise. During pregnancy, removal of a pathological cyst is indicated, which can cause various types of complications. Excision is carried out using laparoscopy, which is safe for the embryo.

Only a doctor can objectively assess the risks posed by a cystic formation. He assesses the nature of the cyst, its size, and based on this, determines the possible danger and prescribes treatment.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy

Among cystic formations, there are those that prevent conception. This type of pathology includes an endometrioid ovarian cyst: if it was diagnosed and pregnancy did occur, then this is an exception to the rule. The possibility of conception with this pathology before treatment is very low, but it exists. An endometrioid cyst has an effect on the ovaries, but this may be minimal if the cyst itself is small.

Gynecologists have not reached a consensus regarding the treatment of pathology during pregnancy. The doctor must evaluate the cyst and weigh the possible risks, and then suggest treatment options. If the endometrioid cyst did not interfere with conception, then most likely it will not affect the course of pregnancy.

Functional ovarian cyst and pregnancy

A functional ovarian cyst (both follicular and luteal) and pregnancy are compatible. Formations of this type are almost always asymptomatic and do not interfere with conception. In the early stages, small functional cysts do not cause discomfort, but if the formation begins to grow during pregnancy, then discomfort occurs. Functional cysts rarely affect the course of pregnancy, but they require monitoring over time.

A follicular ovarian cyst also belongs to functional formations, therefore, even with such a physiological anomaly, pregnancy occurs. The cyst does not affect the development of the child, but it is impossible to predict how it will develop in the future. Only monitoring the dynamics will help avoid consequences.

Gynecologists recommend planning pregnancy. The first planning step is to screen for the presence of cystic formations.

Paraovarian ovarian cyst and pregnancy

Pregnancy can occur if a paraovarian ovarian cyst has formed and the formation is large. This pathology is asymptomatic, so often a woman finds out about it when she is already in an “interesting situation.” A small paraovarian cyst does not require treatment; it is simply monitored during pregnancy, and treatment, if necessary, is prescribed after childbirth. This type of formation is not an indication for a caesarean section; the only condition is that childbirth should be carried out carefully; when pushing, it is not advisable to suddenly change positions.

Complications of a paraovarian cyst during pregnancy are accompanied by severe symptoms, in particular, abnormal discharge and bleeding can be observed. Do not be alarmed in advance: this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. Any unusual symptoms should be reported to your doctor.

Ovarian dermoid cyst and pregnancy

Ovarian dermoid cyst and successful pregnancy are compatible concepts. A small cystic formation does not interfere with either conception or fetal development. If a cyst is detected after pregnancy, treatment is usually postponed until the postpartum period. If a tumor formation takes on an abnormal shape or becomes inflamed, it can be removed without consequences, even during pregnancy. The operation is performed laparoscopically, but not earlier than after the sixteenth week, in this way it is possible to avoid disturbances during the gestation process.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst

To exclude possible gynecological complications, before pregnancy it is necessary to undergo examination for the presence of cystic formations. If they are detected and removal is indicated, then there is no need to be afraid that such an operation may affect reproductive functions. Removal of cysts is carried out by laparoscopy, which is recognized as the safest and most effective among surgical methods. After laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, pregnancy occurs differently for each patient, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. You can plan to conceive immediately after the cycle is restored, that is, when ovulation appears. The first cycles may be anovulatory, but this is normal. Usually, after laparoscopy, the ovary returns to normal after three months. According to statistics, when a cyst is removed, most patients become pregnant in the first year after surgery.

Any deviation from the norm during pregnancy causes panic in the woman. Moreover, the specialist’s words about the lack of treatment and observation only frighten us even more.

The unknown is depressing even in the presence of a harmless pathology. In fact, we can talk about ovarian cysts for a long time, since its occurrence entails many questions.

What is an ovarian cyst?

We are talking about a pathological process, which is a benign neoplasm.

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It can originate from neighboring tissues, the follicle or the endometrium. In this case, it makes absolutely no difference which ovary, right or left, the pathology chooses for its localization.

Oddly enough, the size of the tumor varies greatly. Sometimes cysts can be less than a centimeter, but there have been cases when they reached 20 cm in volume.

Moreover, each of them requires therapeutic therapy due to the possible risk of degeneration into cancer.

During pregnancy, this problem does not pose a danger to the female body. After all, formations of this type begin to regress after the 1st trimester. Of course, in another situation you will have to resort to the help of a surgeon and remove the problem.


There are the following types:

  • Cystic. It can be of three types: serous, mucinous or dermodal. The mucinous type of formation has a special difference from other types; its cavity contains a mucous substance. During the growth period, this cyst can reach gigantic sizes, and there may be several additional ones in one capsule. Cystic formation of the dermoid type contains several types of connective tissue. Cysts of mucinous and dermoid types can lead to the formation of a malignant process.
  • Functional. The presence of such a problem is usually caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. The patient may be diagnosed with a follicular or corpus luteum cyst, also called a luteal cyst. It has a detrimental effect on reproductive function and a woman has problems conceiving. Provided that these neoplasms are localized in the abdominal cavity, their size can become enormous.
  • Paraovaryl. These cysts affect the epididymis, located at the top of the ovary. In this case, the cystic capsule has a thin wall and there is a colorless liquid inside it. A feature of a paraovarian neoplasm can be called a pronounced pattern of capillaries over the entire surface. Such cysts are most often diagnosed in women who have reached the age of 40. There are no problems with reproductive function.
  • Endometrioid. This cyst poses the greatest danger, as it is classified as endometriosis. Typically, these cysts appear in wounds that can occur in areas of inflammation. If the disease has a long course, bloody cavities may occur. Damage to the ovaries with an endometrioid cyst is characterized by the presence of severe pain. In most cases, women with this problem are subsequently unable to conceive. Since the risk group is quite young, the issue of pregnancy is very acute for them.

Therapy for cystic formation of the type described is not advisable; only complete removal of the node solves the problem. At the same time, the chance of relapse remains incredibly high, despite a good treatment outcome.


The following symptoms occur:

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Diagnosis of cysts during pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, a woman needs to undergo regular ultrasound examinations. With their help, you can easily identify the presence of a cyst, since it is clearly visualized on the monitor. It is difficult to encounter pronounced symptoms in this pathology; rare patients complain of ailments.

If a woman has warning signs, then most likely she has a history of severe inflammation.

The main methods for determining the presence of a cyst in the ovary are:

  • CT scan;
  • ultrasound examination using a transvaginal sensor;
  • laparoscopic technique.

It is these manipulations that will bring enough information about cystic formation. In addition, the specialist will advise taking tests to determine hormonal levels, tumor markers, and biochemical studies. Sometimes it is not superfluous to perform a puncture.

When using laparoscopy, a specialist can immediately carefully remove the cyst. In this case, tissue injury will be minimal, and the further outcome will be positive.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

Every woman worries about her reproductive function, so the presence of a tumor on the ovaries frightens her incredibly. The ability to conceive depends on the type of cyst, as each has its own characteristics.

With follicular pathology, there is completely no barrier to pregnancy. During pregnancy, this cyst was not detected. But “chocolate” cysts are already dangerous, since conception does not occur with them.

After all, this cyst is considered part of a disease such as endometriosis, with which fertilization of an egg is impossible. There are exceptions that require careful medical supervision without prescribing additional treatment.

Dermoid cysts do not affect hormonal levels in any way, which means that pregnancy occurs without any problems. The pathological process may occur due to the pronounced volume of the cyst.

By the way, the paraoval type of formation, which has volumes that do not exceed the norm, will not affect the patient’s reproductive function.

Do not forget that if there is some kind of failure, the functional cyst grows to a huge size, which can provoke a miscarriage. With a different clinical picture, the woman has no risk to her health and fetus. After the first trimester, a lack of progesterone is noted, which contributes to the resorption of the problem.

My personal story

Premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge are over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It’s scary when women don’t know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

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Causes of cysts during pregnancy

Reasons for appearance:

How does an ovarian cyst manifest itself during pregnancy?

Usually there are no symptoms of a problem, but if it suddenly arises while carrying a baby, then we are talking about the growth of education. In addition, twisting of the cyst stalk, its rupture, or inflammation in the peritoneum may be detected.

The first thing you should pay attention to is a sharp pain syndrome that covers the entire lower abdomen. In this case, the strongest sensations are localized in the area of ​​one of the ovaries.

In some cases, spasms occur in the lower back or pelvic area.

The clinical picture is always accompanied by the following signs:

  • swelling in various parts of the body;
  • attacks of nausea, profuse vomiting, which is difficult to control;
  • temperature rise beyond 38 degrees;
  • disruption of intestinal function due to severe pressure from a cystic formation or an enlarged uterus.

Doctors note that when palpating the abdomen, it is quite hard, and there may be pronounced bloating at the site of the cyst. A woman at any stage needs hospitalization if she has a similar condition. There is a risk to the mother's health and the threat of fetal loss.

Is a cyst during pregnancy dangerous for the expectant mother and baby?

In practice, any cystic formation can harm the health of a woman and her fetus. The condition is especially dangerous when the volume of the capsule becomes gigantic and exceeds 6 cm.

There is a high probability that such a neoplasm can rupture or twist at the base.

In such a situation, the patient suffers from heavy bleeding, and the general condition noticeably worsens. In the early stages, a miscarriage may occur or premature labor may begin.


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If we focus on cysts, based on their type, then, as in other situations, cystadenomas and endometrioid ones are recognized as the most dangerous.

The latter will have a very dark liquid in the capsule, which is distinguished by its viscousness. Typically, these neoplasms are detected with endometriosis. Patients with this problem require treatment, because an increased level of estrogen will provoke cysts to grow.

Cystadenomas can reach 30 cm in size and greatly complicate the lives of patients. The patient's general condition is deteriorating, she constantly feels pain at the location of the problem. There is excess pressure on the fetus, which negatively affects its development. Constant discomfort due to the large volume greatly affects the psychological state of the patient.

Dermoid or follicular cysts are almost harmless as they do not require surgery.

In addition, therapy can be prescribed after labor. But, often, functional cysts regress without outside help. Dermal cysts are not as simple as increased growth can also lead to rupture.

In the first part of pregnancy, a woman may have a corpus luteum cyst, which disappears on its own by the second trimester. The risk of rupture is minimal; it can only be caused by excessive physical activity or sexual intercourse. For this reason, when confirming the diagnosis, it is better to exclude these 2 risks from the patient’s life.

No differences in the development of cysts depending on the location of the ovary were found. Symptoms may be affected by the location of the capsule, its size, or the characteristics of the clinical picture.

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Every year, 90,000 women undergo surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Just think about these numbers! The important thing is that simply removing fibroids does not cure the disease, so in 15% of cases, fibroids appear again. Fibroids will go away on their own without any surgery if you drink on an empty stomach ordinary herbal mixture...

Is pregnancy possible after removal of an ovarian cyst?

Women who are still of childbearing age should understand that the possible presence of postoperative adhesions can put an end to their reproductive function.

It is possible to correct the picture if the cystic neoplasm is eliminated using endoscopic techniques.

Abdominal operations are quite dangerous, since after them the help of a surgeon is required to separate the adhesions. They can cause infertility in a woman.

Thanks to the development of new technologies, high-quality instruments remove the capsule precisely, while the ovary itself continues to function perfectly.

After the operation, you will have to be observed by a doctor and undergo laboratory tests. To improve the functioning of the reproductive organs, it is recommended to prescribe medications that have a beneficial effect on women's health.

As practice shows, cystic formations cannot become a problem for further pregnancy. It is important that they are diagnosed in time and do not affect the functioning of the ovaries. Under the supervision of gynecologists, patients with this pathology successfully bear and give birth to offspring.

Treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy

Functional type cysts do not require surgical removal; moreover, they do not require therapy. It is enough to observe them, monitoring possible growth based on ultrasound results.

But, in most cases, such cystic formations resolve over a certain period of time. By the end of the first trimester, not a trace remains of the pathology.

The question of surgery may arise if a cyst rupture, twisting of its stem, or possible blood loss is detected. The doctor opts for the laparoscopic technique, which allows not to terminate the pregnancy.

Cystic neoplasms of other types require more careful monitoring. If some signs are present, the question of inducing labor is raised, usually after the 3rd trimester.

If the cyst is not global in size, and its presence does not in any way interfere with natural childbirth. Then therapy for the treatment of pathology can be postponed until the birth of the baby.

Large volumes require a cesarean section with joint removal of the cyst. It is impossible to delay in such a situation because of the risk of rupture of the tumor.

Conventional methods for treating the problem in this case are not suitable due to the threat to the life of the fetus. Oral contraceptives, which are commonly used, contribute to miscarriage.

Laparoscopic technique during gestation

For up to 16 weeks, it is possible to use this medical procedure to eliminate a cystic neoplasm:

Contraindications for surgery:

  • excess body weight;
  • asthma or breathing problems;
  • various infectious processes in the body;
  • anemia, malfunction of the cardiac system;
  • surges in blood pressure.

This operation has the only drawback; it is used to eliminate cysts that have not grown more than 6 cm. Provided that the tumor has reached an impressive volume, the question arises about prescribing a laparotomy.

When should you urgently seek medical help?

As soon as the patient experiences any of the following signs, she should call an ambulance:

Prevention of disease occurrence

It is important to know that diagnosing a cyst during pregnancy is not a prerequisite for abortion. With such a pathology, it is possible to go through the entire stage of pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child. The only condition for this is considered to be an intensive examination of the patient, which will exclude the presence of serious complications.

To avoid this problem, doctors advise:

  • monitor your health and promptly combat ailments of internal organs;
  • carefully select food products, follow the regime;
  • forget about tobacco and alcohol products;
  • try not to carry out abortions and pharmaceutical termination of pregnancy;
  • be more active, engage in physical therapy;

Since during pregnancy the load on a woman’s body doubles, it is worth planning this important event in advance.

This measure will avoid the presence of serious diseases of internal organs that can be accidentally diagnosed during pregnancy.

Provided that the cyst was detected already during pregnancy, it should be observed. Don’t panic, just find a good specialist who will care for the patient for 9 months. In most cases, complications rarely arise from this pathology, and its relief occurs successfully after therapy.

A cyst during pregnancy is a cavity that can form inside any internal organ, both before and during pregnancy. A cyst is most often filled with fluid; the contents depend on the mechanism of its formation and on the tissue or organ where the cyst was formed.

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Is pregnancy possible with a cyst?

Is pregnancy possible with a cyst? Many women worry. Pregnancy in the presence of a cyst is usually possible. Because cysts are often functional in nature, periodically appearing and disappearing on their own. Pregnancy can be hampered by multiple ovarian cysts (polycystic) and endometriotic ones. But eliminating such cysts maximizes the ability to conceive a child. To do this, you need to consult a gynecologist who will prescribe appropriate therapy - surgical removal of the cyst and conservative therapy aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the formation of the cyst.

Ovarian cyst and pregnancy planning

Ovarian cyst and pregnancy planning is a very important issue and should be decided by the woman together with her obstetrician-gynecologist. There are cysts that must first be removed and then planned for pregnancy, these include endometrioid, multiple, paraovarian, cervical cysts, and dermoid cysts. Ideally, it is necessary to first cure the cyst, and then plan for the child, so that during pregnancy you do not have to worry about how the cyst will behave - it will disappear or begin to grow and become complicated by inflammation, torsion, bleeding, which will negatively affect the course of pregnancy, the woman herself and the child. As a rule, the presence of functional cysts (follicular and luteal) is not a contraindication for planning pregnancy.

How does a cyst affect pregnancy?

How a cyst affects pregnancy worries many women who have a cyst.

  • The cyst may not affect the course of pregnancy or the development of the fetus in any way; in addition, some cysts, such as functional ones, are able to resolve on their own during pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, a cyst may begin to increase in size, which increases the risk of its complications - torsion of the cyst leg, inflammation and suppuration of the cyst, its rupture and bleeding, which will significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and negatively affect the pregnant woman and the condition of the fetus.

Pregnancy after cyst removal

It is better to plan pregnancy after cyst removal after completing a certain course of therapy that normalizes hormonal levels. This takes somewhere from two months to six months, approximately the same amount of time is needed to restore ovarian function. If pregnancy occurs after removal of a cyst, the woman must register in a timely manner and be regularly monitored by a doctor.

Symptoms of a cyst during pregnancy

Symptoms of a cyst during pregnancy may be absent or nonspecific - there may be a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. Pronounced symptoms of a cyst appear when it becomes complicated (suppuration, torsion, rupture). In such cases, there is an increase in temperature, acute pain in the lower abdomen, a drop in blood pressure, impaired consciousness, cold sweat and pale skin. Which requires immediate surgical intervention.

Cyst in early pregnancy

A cyst in early pregnancy can be detected using ultrasound. As a rule, in the early stages of pregnancy the cyst does not have a negative effect on the body of the woman and child. Moreover, it is believed that the presence of cysts in the early stages is a variant of the norm due to the restructuring of the female body. Quite often, cysts discovered in the early stages of pregnancy are able to resolve. Having discovered a cyst in the early stages, it is necessary to carefully monitor it in order to prevent its possible complications in time.

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Cyst of the right or left ovary during pregnancy

Cysts of the right or left ovary during pregnancy are usually asymptomatic. And for a pregnant woman, it doesn’t really matter where the cyst is located - on the right or left. Differences in clinical presentation may occur if the cyst becomes complicated. With a complication of a cyst on the right ovary, acute pain is more disturbing on the right side; also, the proximity of the cecum, the pain can imitate appendicitis. If there is a complication of a left ovarian cyst, acute pain may be felt more on the left.

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Corpus luteum (luteal) cyst during pregnancy

A corpus luteum (luteal) cyst during pregnancy usually does not affect it in any way. The ovarian corpus luteum cyst is functional and is formed due to the accumulation of fluid at the site of the corpus luteum, due to rupture of the follicle. In rare cases, the cyst may be filled with blood. It occurs against the background of hormonal disorders and almost always disappears on its own.

Clinically, the corpus luteum cyst does not manifest itself, but sometimes nonspecific symptoms may be observed, such as heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In extremely rare cases, a corpus luteum cyst is complicated by torsion or rupture, which is accompanied by acute pain, decreased pressure, pallor of the skin and requires surgical intervention.

If you discover a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy, you should not panic, since in this case the cyst performs the function of the corpus luteum, namely, it produces the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the preservation and proper course of pregnancy. The cyst differs from the corpus luteum only in its structure. As a rule, a corpus luteum cyst exists until 12 weeks of pregnancy, and then gradually disappears. This is due to the fact that the formed placenta now begins to perform the function of the corpus luteum cyst. But, in any case, careful monitoring of the cyst is necessary throughout pregnancy using ultrasound.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy

Endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy is a controversial issue. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is believed that this cyst can cause childlessness, although there are pregnant women who are diagnosed with this particular type of ovarian cyst. What is an endometrioid cyst? An endometrioid ovarian cyst is one of the signs of a disease such as endometriosis, when the cells of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) are found in unusual places, in this case in the ovary. An endometrioid cyst, especially a small one, may not manifest itself clinically and is discovered accidentally during an ultrasound examination. With large sizes of such a cyst, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • menstrual disorders,
  • spotting discharge is possible before and after critical days,
  • severe pain during menstrual periods,
  • pain during intercourse or bowel movements,
  • inability to conceive a child.

After eliminating the endometrioid cyst, the chances of pregnancy are very high. In addition, the earlier such a cyst is treated, the less traumatic it is, gives better results and a favorable prognosis.

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Why can an endometrioid cyst lead to infertility?

  • Endometriosis is always accompanied by a woman’s hormonal imbalance, which can lead to infertility.
  • the structure of the ovary altered by the cyst leads to disruption of its functioning. Because endometriosis is characterized by the formation of adhesions, which is accompanied by the proliferation of connective tissue and, as a result, the egg is not able to leave the ovary and its fertilization becomes impossible.

But there are cases when such a cyst is detected in a pregnant woman and such a pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy child. Therefore, it is not always true to say unequivocally that an endometrioid cyst leads to infertility, although it all depends on the severity of endometriosis.

When a cyst of this type is first detected on ultrasound in a pregnant woman, she should not be particularly concerned, because in such cases, the cyst is small, does not cause discomfort and does not complicate the course of pregnancy. But it is worth paying more attention to the condition of the pregnant woman, both on the part of doctors and on her part. Often, after the birth of a child, a woman is asked to remove this cyst.

Follicular ovarian cyst and pregnancy

Follicular ovarian cyst and pregnancy - their relationship? A follicular cyst is functional and occurs when, for some reason, ovulation does not occur and a blister with liquid contents forms at the site of egg maturation. And because If ovulation has not occurred, then the conception of a child will not occur. However, this does not mean that pregnancy is completely impossible; ovulation can occur in the other ovary, which will lead to pregnancy. In cases where pregnancy occurs in the presence of a follicular cyst, it can proceed without complications, especially if the cyst is small (up to 6 cm), in addition, the cyst can disappear on its own by the 15-20th week. But sometimes the presence of a follicular cyst is dangerous for a pregnant woman, since the cyst, especially if it is large (more than eight centimeters) and continues to grow, can become complicated:

  • Torsion of the ovary or pedicle of the cyst, which occurs when the body position changes. Acute pain appears in the groin from the side of the cyst, a decrease in blood pressure, the appearance of cold sweat and a feeling of fear. In this case, emergency surgical intervention is necessary.
  • Rupture of the cyst (in 10-15% of cases), which manifests itself as sharp, piercing pain. Emergency surgical therapy is indicated.
  • Internal bleeding, which occurs when a cyst ruptures at the location of a blood vessel. The clinical picture depends on the severity of the bleeding; pallor of the skin, decreased blood pressure, lethargy, lethargy, and even shock are possible. Treatment is often emergency surgery.

Considering the possible complications of a follicular cyst, close monitoring of the pregnant woman under ultrasound control is necessary. If the cyst enlarges, surgical removal will be considered - laparoscopically or through an incision in the abdominal wall to avoid complications.

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Paraovarian cyst and pregnancy

Placenta cyst during pregnancy

A placental cyst during pregnancy is the result of an inflammation process:

  • early stages of pregnancy - the formation of a placental cyst is an adaptive reaction that protects against the effects of inflammation and is considered as a normal variant (up to 20 weeks).
  • The formation of a placental cyst in late pregnancy indicates a recent inflammatory process in the placenta.

A placental cyst has no blood supply and is isolated from the entire placenta. In the case of the presence of single, small cysts of the placenta, this does not affect the condition of the fetus in any way. And if the whales are multiple and large, then placental insufficiency may occur; the fetus may not receive enough oxygen, which will affect its development. In such cases, placental insufficiency is prevented by prescribing appropriate medications. The tactics for managing pregnancy in the presence of placental cysts are chosen by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

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Functional cyst and pregnancy

A functional cyst and pregnancy can successfully exist simultaneously. This cyst is the most common form of cystic formation and one of the safest. It is usually small in size and capable of spontaneous resorption. There are no clinical symptoms. Functional ovarian cyst is divided into:

  • Follicular - formed at the site of egg maturation, in the case when ovulation has not occurred.
  • Luteal - forms in place of the corpus luteum after rupture of the follicle (corpus luteum cyst).

Against the background of a functional cyst, pregnancy may occur. The presence of such a cyst during pregnancy usually does not disrupt its course and does not affect the development of the fetus. But sometimes, as the cyst increases in size, it can cause complications - torsion of the cyst or ovary stalk, cyst rupture and hemorrhage, which is accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture - acute pain, decreased pressure, pale skin, cold sweat, etc. A complicated cyst requires emergency surgery. Therefore, the presence of a functional cyst in a pregnant woman requires strict monitoring using ultrasound throughout pregnancy. If there is a suspicion of a gradual increase in the cyst, the issue of removing it from the pregnant woman may be considered, without waiting for complications. But in some cases, a functional cyst resolves on its own during pregnancy.

Ovarian dermoid cyst and pregnancy

Ovarian dermoid cyst and pregnancy require careful monitoring. A dermoid cyst is a benign ovarian tumor that occurs as a result of a violation of embryonic development. A dermoid cyst is represented by tissues of the human body - skin, hair, nails, teeth, etc. In 90% of cases, such a cyst is unilateral. A characteristic feature of a dermoid cyst is its constant, slow growth. Therefore, the sooner it is removed, the better.

When a dermoid cyst is first detected during pregnancy, strict monitoring is necessary. Such a cyst does not affect the development of the child, but the course of pregnancy can complicate it. Because the growth of the uterus is accompanied by some displacement of organs, including the dermoid cyst, which can lead to its torsion, infringement and to its ischemic, necrotic changes or to a violation of its integrity. Therefore, an identified dermoid cyst during pregnancy must be removed. The cyst is removed after 16 weeks of pregnancy, unless there are indications for earlier removal. Sometimes, at the discretion of the doctor, depending on the size of the dermoid cyst, observational tactics are possible for it and it is removed after childbirth.

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Kidney cyst during pregnancy

A kidney cyst during pregnancy requires careful attention from a doctor.

  • If the cyst is single (solitary), small and not complicated by renal hypertension, then pregnancy is possible, proceeds without complications and ends safely.
  • The presence of polycystic disease - a large number of cysts in both kidneys - is unfavorable for the course of pregnancy. Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, it is rare and the continuation of pregnancy with this pathology is decided on an individual basis, depending on the severity of functional kidney disorders. Often, pregnancy is not recommended for women with polycystic kidney disease, because... They are characterized by the early development of renal failure, which is aggravated by pregnancy and also worsens chronic pyelonephritis. Patients with polycystic disease often develop arterial hypertension and eclampsia in late pregnancy, and it is also possible to inherit this defect to their child.
  • With numerous cysts in the renal pyramids (spongy kidney), renal failure, as a rule, does not develop. This pathology is bilateral and is characterized by pain in the lumbar region, the presence of hematuria and pyuria. Pregnancy with this pathology is possible, its course is usually favorable. Possible exacerbation of pyelonephritis during pregnancy.

Bartholin gland cyst during pregnancy

A Bartholin gland cyst during pregnancy is a limited accumulation of secretion in the gland located in the vestibule of the vagina, due to blockage of its duct. A cyst occurs due to:

  • sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis,
  • nonspecific infections – streptococcus, Escherichia coli,
  • decreased immunity,
  • violations of personal hygiene rules,
  • injuries during hair removal,
  • wearing tight underwear,
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body.

If the cyst is not complicated, then it is practically painless and is a swelling in the area of ​​the labia majora (its lower part). A small Bartholin cyst is asymptomatic and is detected by chance during examination by a gynecologist.

There is a high probability of complications of the cyst - it increases in size, suppurates and forms an abscess. Which is clinically manifested by deterioration of the condition, increased temperature, pain in the perineal area. Therefore, a Bartholin gland cyst discovered during pregnancy must be removed - it is punctured and the contents are aspirated (this applies to uncomplicated cysts).

If there is a complicated cyst, it is opened and drained. In this case, it is possible to prescribe antibiotic therapy, depending on the infection that caused it (specific or nonspecific), because infections, especially specific ones - Trichomonas, gonococcus, etc. can cause fetal development disorders. If there is no infection, which is confirmed by laboratory data, then dysbacteriosis is possible and it is necessary to normalize the vaginal microflora.

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Tooth cyst during pregnancy

A dental cyst during pregnancy is a fairly serious disease that can worsen. A dental cyst in the early stages can only be detected by x-ray; there are no clinical symptoms. Symptoms arise only when the cyst becomes complicated - it becomes inflamed and suppurates, and this is an additional source of infection that can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. In this regard, dentists recommend that before planning a pregnancy, an X-ray examination of the oral cavity is performed in order to promptly eliminate existing problems in the oral cavity and thus remove foci of infection.

A detected dental cyst must be removed, but, unfortunately, pregnancy is not a very good time for such activities. Therefore, if it is possible to delay surgery, it is better to wait. But in case of inflammation and suppuration of a dental cyst, it is necessary to remove it immediately in order to eliminate the purulent focus of the infection, to prevent its further spread, so as not to aggravate the course of pregnancy. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, the cyst will be removed separately, or the apex of the tooth will be resected, or the tooth will be removed along with the cyst.

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Pregnancy and breast cyst

Pregnancy and breast cyst are absolutely compatible. During pregnancy, a breast cyst may disappear, remain unchanged, or enlarge. The appearance or enlargement of a breast cyst during pregnancy is associated with a change in the woman’s hormonal state - an increase in estrogen and the hormone prolactin. But, as a rule, pregnancy and breastfeeding have no effect on breast cysts.

The presence of small cysts in the mammary gland during pregnancy does not require therapy. If a large cyst is noted, then the question of its puncture may be considered, followed by the introduction of air into the cavity of the cyst in order to stick its walls together.

Women with mammary cysts are recommended to adhere to a balanced diet to normalize metabolism (the so-called anti-estrogenic diet) - low-fat meats, dairy products, fish, consumption of vegetables and fruits, and cereals. It is necessary to minimize the intake of fatty foods, chocolate and coffee, which leads to an increase in cholesterol with subsequent additional formation of estrogens. Pregnant women with breast cysts should be regularly monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Thyroid cyst and pregnancy

A thyroid cyst and pregnancy, as a rule, do not complicate each other. Thyroid cysts often appear during pregnancy due to:

  • lack of iodine in the body,
  • hormonal changes,
  • decreased immunity,
  • possible inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland,
  • nervous overstrain.

With a minor thyroid cyst, there are no clinical manifestations. As the cyst enlarges, due to compression of nearby organs, you may experience a sore throat, cough, difficulty swallowing, and discomfort in the neck. If the cyst is complicated by inflammation and suppuration, then the temperature rises and the general condition worsens, which requires surgical intervention, but this happens extremely rarely. Basically, a thyroid cyst during pregnancy does not require therapy and does not complicate its course. But it is necessary to carefully monitor her throughout the pregnancy (palpation, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, blood test for thyroid hormones). In the case of a large uncomplicated cyst, its removal is postponed until the postpartum period.

Coccyx cyst during pregnancy

A coccyx cyst during pregnancy is a very rare occurrence, since it occurs three times less often in women than in men. A coccyx cyst (epithelial coccygeal duct) is a congenital malformation of the skin and can only be eliminated surgically.

A cyst can exist for a long time and not appear. In case of complications of the cyst - the addition of a bacterial infection, suppuration, the formation of a fistula, pain appears in the sacrococcygeal region, the temperature rises, and general well-being is disturbed. If the cyst becomes complicated, surgical intervention followed by antibiotic therapy is required. Therefore, if a coccyx cyst is detected before pregnancy, it is better to remove it routinely, without waiting for complications. If a coccyx cyst is discovered during pregnancy, then the issue of its treatment is decided by an obstetrician-gynecologist together with a surgeon.

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Vaginal cyst during pregnancy

Vaginal cysts during pregnancy most often occur due to fluid secretion disorders. As a rule, a vaginal cyst is asymptomatic, but it needs to be monitored throughout pregnancy. Usually such a cyst is not removed during pregnancy. Sometimes pregnant women with a large vaginal cyst undergo a puncture and its contents are sucked out, but this does not last long, because... the cyst subsequently fills with secretion again and enlarges. Its radical removal is carried out after childbirth. In cases where a vaginal cyst can interfere with the process of childbirth through the natural birth canal, the pregnant woman undergoes a cesarean section.

Brain cyst during pregnancy

Brain cysts during pregnancy are not a common occurrence. If the cyst was there for a long time before pregnancy, then pregnancy may not affect it, but it is possible that the cyst will begin to increase in size. Quite often, in the presence of a brain cyst, as with any other brain pathology, a cesarean section is performed. Because it is the optimal method of delivery in conditions of brain pathology, both for the woman and the child. It is dangerous to go into labor through the natural birth canal, because the woman may lose consciousness, and during pushing, the cyst also becomes tense, which can lead to its rupture.

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Ovarian retention cyst and pregnancy

Ovarian retention cyst and pregnancy are quite common and, as a rule, do not interfere with each other. Retention cysts arise due to blockage of the ducts of the ovarian glands, and the result of this is the accumulation of secretions. The cause of such cysts is most often an inflammatory process in the ovaries. Retention cysts can be follicular, luteal and paraovarian, and can also occur with endometriosis. The insidiousness of such cysts is that they may not manifest themselves in any way, and then become complicated and cause harm to the body, so they require dynamic monitoring, especially during pregnancy. Although the majority of retention cysts are functional in nature, they are able to resolve on their own and do not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy.

Paraurethral cyst during pregnancy

A paraurethral cyst (Skeene gland cyst) is formed near the mouth of the urethra, due to inflammatory processes or trauma. An uncomplicated cyst does not cause any clinical symptoms and is detected accidentally during a gynecological examination. A paraurethral cyst during pregnancy usually does not affect its course or the process of childbirth. Only if it is large, it is possible to change the delivery tactics towards a cesarean section, which is extremely rare. If the paraurethral cyst is not complicated by inflammation and does not cause pain, then it should not be touched during pregnancy. Because After the operation, the formation of strictures and scar tissue is possible, which may not withstand the load during childbirth, which will lead to ruptures of the labia minora and involve the paraurethral area and the urethra itself.

Cyst rupture during pregnancy

Rupture of a cyst during pregnancy is a very serious complication and occurs very rarely, if the cyst is not detected in a timely manner and the pregnant woman seeks medical help (late registration, lack of appropriate examinations).

A rupture of the cyst is indicated by a sharp deterioration in the general condition - fever, acute pain in the lower abdomen, possible bleeding from the genitals, nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness, pale skin, drop in blood pressure. When a cyst ruptures, its contents can enter the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by a high percentage of peritonitis. And this is a real threat to health and life, both for the pregnant woman and for the fetus. This complication requires emergency surgical intervention. Therefore, in order to avoid such a formidable complication, it is necessary to register in a timely manner, undergo all the necessary examinations and be under the strict supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist throughout pregnancy, especially if any, even the most harmless, cyst is detected.

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Is a cyst dangerous during pregnancy?

Whether a cyst is dangerous during pregnancy is a difficult question. No one knows how the cyst will change during pregnancy. The cyst may remain unchanged or even resolve, which happens in most cases and the pregnancy will end happily. And if the cyst begins to increase in size, then it becomes dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus, because it may become complicated and will have to be removed surgically during pregnancy in order to save the health and life of the pregnant woman and the child.

What to do if you have a cyst during pregnancy?

What to do with a cyst during pregnancy is the question every pregnant woman who has a cyst asks herself. The main thing is not to panic, but to be attentive to your situation and health, regularly undergo examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist and examinations (ultrasound, necessary laboratory tests). If you notice the slightest changes in the body, inform your doctor in order to promptly diagnose the problem and begin therapy, and prevent possible complications of the cyst (torsion, rupture, bleeding). And thus protect yourself and the health of your unborn child.

What to do if the doctor confuses pregnancy with a cyst?

It is impossible to confuse pregnancy with a cyst, especially during an ultrasound examination. Only a very inexperienced and incompetent specialist can make such a mistake.

Treatment of cysts during pregnancy

Treatment of a cyst during pregnancy, as a rule, is not carried out, especially if it is a functional and not large cyst that can disappear on its own. Basically, during pregnancy, observational tactics are chosen with regular ultrasound examinations. But with growing cysts, when there is a risk of complications (torsion, rupture, bleeding), the cyst can be punctured with aspiration of the contents or removed using laparoscopy, less often laparotomy, followed by antibiotic therapy. Surgical removal of the cyst is carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy (after 16-18 weeks); removal at an earlier stage increases the risk of miscarriage.

Laparoscopy of ovarian cyst during pregnancy

Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy, if necessary, is the most optimal and safe method of cyst removal for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. Laparoscopy is a low-traumatic surgical operation that provides excellent visibility and significant enlargement of internal organs with small openings on the anterior abdominal wall. Using a trocar, three holes are made on the anterior abdominal wall, a camera is inserted into one hole, through which the image will be displayed on the monitor, and special surgical instruments are inserted into the other two holes, with the help of which the cyst is removed.

Cyst removal during pregnancy

Removal of a cyst during pregnancy is carried out, most often, in emergency cases, when the cyst is complicated by torsion, inflammation, bleeding and it is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Removal of a cyst in a pregnant woman can be carried out using laparoscopy (most often) and laparotomy - through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall. Anesthesia can be local, regional and general. The choice of anesthesia depends on each individual case and the extent of the surgical intervention.

Pregnancy, as you know, although studied, is a rather mysterious condition of a woman, because it is impossible to say with a 100% guarantee how the pregnancy will develop and what complications are possible during this period. Often, while pregnant, a woman is diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. As a rule, the presence of this disease is known even before a woman becomes pregnant, but it is not uncommon that doctors either overlooked the formation on the ovary, or the cyst arose during pregnancy.

What is an ovarian cyst and its types

An ovarian cyst is a cavity formation that occurs in the ovary itself and is filled with fluid, blood or other contents. There are several types of ovarian cysts:

Follicular or functional cyst

A follicular cyst occurs even before pregnancy at the time of maturation of the egg in the ovary. As you know, the egg comes out of the bursting main follicle, while the walls of the latter collapse and a corpus luteum forms in its place. For some reason, the follicle may not rupture, but fluid begins to accumulate in it, resulting in the formation of a follicular cyst. Ovulation does not occur this month. A follicular cyst rarely reaches large sizes (no more than 6–8 cm) and, as a rule, resolves on its own, therefore it does not require treatment and is called a functional cyst.

Dermoid cyst

A dermoid cyst can form at any age, but the causes of its occurrence should be sought in the antenatal development of the girl. A dermoid cyst is filled with oil from hair, nails and even teeth. A dermoid cyst can reach gigantic sizes (up to 30 cm in diameter), but this disease does not prevent conception. However, it is advisable to remove the dermoid cyst before pregnancy.

Ovarian cystadenoma

Ovarian cystadenoma is filled with serous or mucinous fluid, constantly increases in size, and is dangerous because it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. Therefore, cystadenoma, regardless of its diameter, must be removed, preferably before pregnancy.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst

An endometrioid cyst, as the name implies, occurs with a disease such as endometriosis. Such a cyst is filled with a dark bloody (chocolate) liquid, and increases in size with the onset of each menstruation. An endometrioid cyst can cause infertility, but behaves well once pregnancy occurs.

Corpus luteum cyst (luteal)

A corpus luteum cyst often occurs during pregnancy. In place of the corpus luteum, under the influence of certain factors (endocrine disorders, stressful situations, disturbances in blood flow and lymph flow in the corpus luteum), a cyst is formed. Such a cyst rarely reaches large sizes (usually no more than 8 cm) and disappears on its own by the end of the first trimester (by 14–16 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta begins to form, which produces progesterone instead of the corpus luteum).

How does an ovarian cyst manifest itself during pregnancy?

If the size of the ovarian cyst is small, then, as a rule, the formation is asymptomatic and is a finding when a woman undergoes an ultrasound. With large sizes and growth of the cyst, aching or pressing pain appears in the lower abdomen, which is often taken as a sign of miscarriage. In addition, due to compression of neighboring organs, dysuric phenomena (increased urination) or intestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation, bloating) may occur.

During a gynecological examination, in addition to the enlarged uterus due to pregnancy, a tight-elastic, mobile, painless formation is detected in the appendages on one side or the other. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a pelvic ultrasound.

What to do with an ovarian cyst during pregnancy?

Usually, an ovarian cyst during pregnancy does not require any radical measures, with the exception of cystadenoma. Laparoscopy for cystadenoma is performed routinely at 16–18 weeks. In other cases, the woman is observed and, if necessary, preserving therapy is prescribed, as well as preventive courses during critical periods of pregnancy. A woman is prohibited from all physical activity, especially sudden bends and turns. The gigantic size of an ovarian cyst is an indication for a planned cesarean section, since during childbirth a large formation can interfere with the normal birth process or become complicated (twist or burst).

Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst

One of the serious complications of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy can be torsion of the pedicle, which is caused by the growing uterus, which displaces the cyst from its usual place. This condition manifests itself as symptoms of an “acute” abdomen. A sharp pain appears in the lower abdomen, which does not disappear (the blood supply and innervation of the cyst is disrupted), the patient takes a forced position (lying on her side, with her legs bent at the knees), and the temperature may rise. Palpation of the abdomen is sharply painful; tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall is noted. During a gynecological examination, a formation is identified, which, as a rule, is located in front and in the center of the small pelvis and does not move.

  • I had a young multiparous patient with a similar complication. I was admitted at night with the above complaints. The pregnancy is short, about 7-8 weeks, and I haven’t had time to register yet. As it turned out, there was no history of an ovarian cyst, from which I concluded that it was a corpus luteum cyst. It is necessary to urgently operate on the woman, and I honestly warned her that, most likely, the pregnancy would be terminated right on the operating table immediately after the cyst was removed. Imagine my (and then her) joy that the cyst turned out to be not luteal. The woman carried out her pregnancy and gave birth to a wonderful baby.

Ovarian cyst rupture

Another equally dangerous complication of an ovarian cyst is its rupture. Usually, when a rupture occurs, massive intra-abdominal bleeding begins, since the ovary is very well supplied with blood. Manifestations of a ruptured ovarian cyst are typical: first there is a sharp pain, then, as intra-abdominal bleeding increases, pale skin, weakness (up to loss of consciousness) appear, blood pressure decreases, and the pulse quickens. As a rule, a ruptured ovarian cyst is mistaken for a terminated ectopic pregnancy. But in any case, the situation requires immediate surgical intervention.

  • In my personal practice, there have been many cases of ovarian cyst ruptures during pregnancy, but, unfortunately, I cannot say that all pregnancies ended successfully. For some, the pregnancy was terminated immediately or a few days after the operation (rupture of a corpus luteum cyst), while for others it proceeded normally (rupture of a cystadenoma).

Anna Sozinova, obstetrician-gynecologist



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