How to remove swelling from the face: effective ways. How to quickly remove swelling from the face and eyes: diuretics in tablets and folk remedies for facial swelling

Before you fight swelling on your face, you need to find out why they appear. The main causes of swelling are:

  • lack of sleep or sleep disturbances;
  • stress and chronic fatigue;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • love of spicy and salty foods;
  • habit of drinking liquid at night.

Also, swelling of the face can signal health problems. Puffiness and morning “bags under the eyes” can be associated with the onset of menstruation, allergies, hormonal disorders, cervical osteochondrosis, kidney disease, and pregnancy.

If swelling appears every morning, it makes sense to consult a doctor and find out the cause. If swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath, you need to check your heart function.

Not all swelling is harmless and only causes cosmetic harm to the face. For example, Quincke's edema is deadly and requires emergency medical attention.

Swelling of the entire face occurs due to alcoholism or chronic respiratory diseases. In this case, only treatment of the underlying disease will help.

The location of the swelling can indicate a possible illness. Mild morning bags under the eyes and a yellowish tint to the skin may be signs of kidney problems.

Swelling in the paranasal sinus area often indicates an infection. Inflamed areas impede the drainage of lymph, which leads to the formation of edema.

How to remove swelling from the face and bags under the eyes at home

The most common cause of morning swelling on the face is large fluid intake before bed, so you need to reconsider your drinking regime and diet.

Limit the amount of fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods on the menu. Do not drink water or other drinks (tea, juice, coffee) before bed. Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum; frequent nights out will definitely leave a mark on your face.

During the cold season, central heating dries out the air greatly, which can lead to swelling on the face. Therefore, regularly ventilate the room and monitor the air humidity level.

To tone your skin, drink a glass of water with lemon in the morning. The acid contained in citrus fruits effectively relieves puffiness and removes bags under the eyes.

The easiest ways to remove puffiness from the face at home:

  • compresses;
  • washing with cold water;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • light lymphomassage;
  • rubbing with ice cubes.

Dampen a small towel with cold water, wring it out, and cover your face with it. The procedure will take 7-10 minutes, during which the towel will need to be soaked a couple more times in cold water.

Prepare ice cubes in advance from herbal infusion, ordinary or mineral water. Rubbing with ice effectively relieves swelling and tones the skin of the face.

If you have sensitive skin, wrap the ice in a tissue.

A regular contrast shower in the morning also helps relieve swelling.

To avoid a “bruised” swollen face, you need to get a good night’s sleep. Go to bed before 12 am in a pre-ventilated room. The pillow should be comfortable, medium size and moderate softness. When resting, your head should not be much higher than shoulder level.

Lotions with strong tea or slices of cucumber will help remove bags under the eyes. They need to be placed on top of the eyelids and face and lie quietly for 10-15 minutes. [box#2]

To quickly relieve allergic swelling, you need to take an antihistamine. If the swelling is severe, be sure to consult a doctor. It is necessary to identify the cause of the allergy, for this you will need to undergo an examination, take tests and tests for allergens.

At the pharmacy you can buy special diuretics or herbal teas. They will help remove excess fluid from the body. But before taking diuretics, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Homemade masks for swelling on the face

You can prepare effective anti-puffiness masks at home. Grate a fresh cucumber on a medium grater, squeeze out the juice a little and apply the cucumber pulp all over your face. Lie with this mask for 10-12 minutes. Cucumber will relieve swelling, refresh and moisturize the skin.

The apple-lemon mask copes well with swelling. Take a green apple, grate it on a coarse grater and add 5 drops of lemon juice to the pulp. Apply the mask to your face for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Quick mask: add finely chopped dill to cold sour cream. Keep on face for 10-12 minutes.

One-time swelling on the face caused by simple reasons (excess fluid, alcohol) can be easily eliminated by changing your lifestyle and diet. A regularly swollen face is a reason to urgently seek medical help. This is especially true for sudden swelling with rash, itching and changes in complexion.

Edema is fluid that has stagnated in soft tissues. This is not an independent disease, so before choosing a treatment method, you should think about what caused the swelling.

Six tricks to quickly relieve swelling

How to remove morning swelling from the face after a party or lack of sleep? Effective measures to return your skin to normal quickly:

  • Cold compress: Throw handfuls of cold water onto your skin for 10 minutes or moisten a soft cloth with cool water and place on your face.
  • Wrap the ice in a cloth and apply it to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • Instead of cold water, use an infusion of herbs: a glass of boiling water with 1-2 teaspoons of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort. Use as compresses.
  • Green tea. Properly brewed tea, cooled to room temperature, in compresses or for washing.
  • Do not drink hot drinks in the morning, do not eat salty foods, do not take a hot bath - the swelling will subside faster. Take a contrast shower.
  • Light massage. But not with a scrub, it’s better to take soft cosmetic oil (peach, avocado, apricot), add a couple of drops of any essential oil (myrtle, geranium, cypress, pine, rosemary, lavender, orange).

Proper lifestyle to prevent edema

How to get rid of edema caused by poor diet and lifestyle?

Swelling in the morning does not necessarily indicate illness. The body reacts to negative habits and lifestyle. Even a healthy person can experience such edema.

The original reason is poor nutrition. Eating at night or right before bed, excess saltiness, fast food, insufficient drinking - all this can cause swelling. What rules should be followed to remove morning swelling of the face?

  • Reduce your intake of salty foods or avoid them completely for a while.
  • Drink enough fluid – up to 2 liters per day. Don't drink before bed. Eat food and water at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Balanced diet. Focus on foods high in fiber. Minimizing processed food, canned food, spicy foods, soda, coffee, alcohol.
  • Proper sleep - fresh air in the room, a high firm pillow, position - on the side or on the back.

Therapeutic agents for internal use are varied. Many of them are also delicious, so include them in your menu. You can prepare infusions and decoctions of the following herbs: bear's ears (bearberry), bay leaf, dandelion roots, lingonberry leaves. Drinks: rose hips, flax seed, dill based, parsley, tomato juice, fresh pineapple juice, pumpkin juice or raw pumpkin, carrots, cottage cheese with apples, cranberries, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar (add to other juices and dishes).

Products that are best excluded: cheese, eggs, ham, smoked fish, chocolate, margarine, baked goods, sauces, fatty dairy products, any products with artificial additives. They can cause fluid retention in the body.

When the diet is normalized, the problem will disappear by itself.

How to get rid of bad eating habits? There are a number of rules: do not engage in self-criticism, do not scold yourself for failures, establish a contractual relationship with yourself, excluding something from the menu, introduce a replacement, for example, dried fruits instead of sweets.

Masks made from natural resources

How to get rid of swelling and improve skin condition? Natural masks will not only relieve swelling, but will also contribute to overall health. Many products have a complex effect.

These remedies do not work quickly. To get results, you need to do it twice a week or in courses of 7-10 days, repeat after a two-day rest.

Pharmacy products

We remove swelling after injuries and bruises caused by lack of sleep.

Gels that will help relieve swelling of the face and skin around the eyes:

  • Troxevasin. Not intended for facial skin, but can eliminate puffiness and cyanosis around the eyes in 3-4 days.
  • Lyoton-gel. Not very suitable for those with dry skin. Ideal for oily and normal skin types. Apply a thin layer to swollen areas.
  • Heparin ointment has a lot of contraindications; use should be discussed with your doctor. Apply a very thin layer, using light patting movements, no more than once a day.

There are a lot of similar products: Dolobene-gel, Proctosan, Aurobin. All of them are intended for the treatment of bruises, soft tissue swelling, hemorrhoids, and cracks. They can relieve swelling of the facial skin, but require a careful and thoughtful approach. They are not cosmetics. Carefully study the instructions and composition.


When asking a question about how to remove swelling and swelling of the face, determine the cause. If this is not a disease, then there are three groups of external remedies that will help relieve swelling: pharmaceutical gels, cold compresses, masks made from natural products.

Facial swelling is not only an unpleasant aesthetic problem that can ruin your mood for the whole day, but also a possible symptom of serious disorders in the body. Most often, swelling appears in the morning immediately after waking up, while women are susceptible to this phenomenon almost 50% more often than men, which is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of hormone-secreting organs.

Such swelling is normal and in a healthy person goes away on its own after a cool wash and a light massage while applying care cosmetics, but if this does not happen, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance. There are many ways to quickly remove swelling from the face using available means - they will be discussed below.

Why does the face swell?

Facial skin in normal condition and with swelling

Any edema is an accumulation of fluid (water, lymph, a solution of organic salts) in tissues and organs, which develops when it is impossible to remove it naturally. Facial edema refers to local edema and pathomorphologically is the result of increased permeability of small blood vessels. This leads to an increase in pressure in the capillaries against the background of a simultaneous decrease in the colloid-osmotic pressure of plasma blood components with the further release of fluid and exudate from the bloodstream into the facial tissue.

There can be many reasons for this condition. Physiological causes associated with natural biochemical reactions in the body, as well as a person’s diet and lifestyle, can be easily corrected and do not require the use of medications. Isolated cases of swelling of the soft tissues of the face are associated with exposure to external and internal unfavorable factors that can cause fluid retention in the cells and interstitial space. It can be:

  • consumption of large quantities of foods containing salt (smoked meats, pickled and canned vegetables, potato chips and crackers, sausages, etc.), as well as hot spices and seasonings that cause severe thirst and increase fluid consumption;
  • drinking a large amount of alcohol the day before (drinking beer with a snack containing a large amount of salt and flavorings, such as chips, snacks, smoked fish, has a particularly adverse effect on the facial condition);
  • lack of sleep or unhealthy sleep (can be caused by synthetic bedding, sagging or low-quality mattress, etc.);
  • severe emotional experiences;
  • insect or arthropod bite;
  • allergic reaction to food, dust, fur and secretions of animals, pollen and other allergens;
  • hypodynamic disorders;
  • facial injuries.

Reasons why facial swelling occurs

To combat such edema, comprehensive measures to correct the regimen, as well as the use of short-term symptomatic therapy, which is selected taking into account the severity of symptoms and the overall clinical picture, are sufficient.

Swelling on the face in women

Women are more likely to experience swelling on the face, since their hormonal levels are less stable, which often leads to endocrine changes and an increase in the production of hormones that contribute to the retention of sodium ions in organs and tissues (primarily the mineralocorticosteroid hormone of the adrenal cortex - aldosterone). Aldosterone increases the concentration of vasopressin, a protein hormone of the hypothalamus, which is also called antidiuretic hormone. This hormone is directly involved in maintaining water-electrolyte balance and regulates the amount of fluid in the body, and in high concentrations it retains water in the interstitial space, which contributes to the formation of edema not only on the face, but throughout the body.

Swelling of facial tissues in women can also be observed during premenstrual syndrome, right up to the end of menstruation. During this period, the face looks haggard and puffy, and the maximum amount of fluid usually accumulates in the eyelid area. Such swelling is accompanied by typical signs of PMS: instability of the emotional state, drowsiness, decreased performance, pain in the lower abdomen.

Important! In women who frequently diet or practice fasting, swelling on the face may be associated with a lack of protein (hypoproteinemic edema). To eliminate such edema, it is necessary to gradually adjust the diet and ensure sufficient protein intake - at least 1 g per kg of weight per day.

Causes requiring treatment

Experts distinguish three types of edema, the diagnosis of which is necessary to prescribe the correct treatment and select a compensatory recovery program. Descriptions of the types of edema are presented in the table below.

How to quickly remove swelling on the face

If the cause of swelling on the face is not diseases of the internal organs, you can cope with them quite quickly at home.

Since morning

Swelling in the morning is the most common type of facial swelling. Coping with them in the absence of serious illnesses is quite simple. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. The easiest way to remove swelling is to narrow the blood vessels. To do this, you need to wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes. This massage also helps improve blood circulation and lymph flow, which will have a positive effect on the appearance and condition of the skin. Instead of water to make ice, you can use decoctions of chamomile, thyme, calendula, rose - they soothe the skin and saturate it with healthy vitamins and acids.
  2. Massage also effectively combats edema, since this procedure “accelerates” blood through the blood vessels and prevents fluid stagnation - the main cause of edema. The massage must be performed strictly in the direction of the lymph flow with light stroking and rubbing movements.
  3. If time permits, it is useful to take a contrast shower.

Advice! If swelling appears on your face in the morning, you should not supplement your breakfast with coffee. It is better to replace it with lingonberry tea - such a drink not only tones the body and saturates it with useful elements, but also removes excess fluid.

Under the eyes

Eye compresses to help relieve puffiness

Swelling around the eyes must be removed very carefully, since the skin in this area is very thin and sensitive. All movements must be performed with light touches, avoiding rubbing and pinching the skin. There are several other methods to solve the problem of puffiness under the eyes:

  • The classic method of combating periorbital edema is tea leaves. Regular tea bags remaining after brewing tea should be squeezed out a little and applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. It is important that the tea is without sugar and added flavorings. For the procedure to be effective, the tea must also be of high quality, since only real tea leaves contain antioxidants that help fight swelling.
  • A quick way to remove puffy eyes is a cucumber compress. You can use whole slices or grate the cucumber, wrapping the resulting pulp in gauze.
  • Similar to the previous method, you can use potatoes. If you add egg white to potato pulp, you will get an excellent remedy for combating dark circles.

Eyelid skin care cream should be applied no earlier than half an hour after applying the masks.

After an insect bite

Insect bites are one of the most serious causes of local swelling in the face and neck. This problem is especially relevant for the warm season, when the number of blood-sucking and stinging insects on the street becomes too large.

After mosquito bites, you need to lubricate the bite site with a soothing balm or calendula tincture, then apply a cold compress for 10-15 minutes. If the bite is accompanied by itching, Fenistil gel or emulsion is suitable. This is an antihistamine that relieves itching and swelling. It should be applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day until symptoms are completely eliminated.

Gel "Fenistil" for relieving swelling after insect bites

Soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water), peony or thyme tincture, and aloe juice also work well for swelling after an insect bite.

If swelling on the face is caused by a stinging insect bite, you must first carefully remove the sting, having first cleansed the skin of dirt and poison residues, and then disinfect the wound with alcohol or any antiseptic.

Important! If the swelling after an insect bite is large, does not go away within several hours, or is accompanied by symptoms of anaphylaxis, you should immediately go to the hospital. A doctor's examination is also required in cases where the bite is in the eye, eyelid or neck area.

For allergies

If your face is swollen after eating allergenic foods or contact with animals, it is most likely caused by an allergic reaction. In this case, you must immediately take any antiallergic drug (Suprastin, Loratadine, Cetirizine), and then contact an allergist for allergy tests.

In severe cases, antihistamines cannot immediately relieve allergy symptoms, so in addition to them, glucocorticosteroid hormones, for example, dexamethasone or prednisolone, are used.

After the bruise

Facial swelling caused by a bruise will become less noticeable if you immediately apply a cold compress to the bruised area (apply every 1.5-2 hours for 10-15 minutes).

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine recipes are also an excellent way to cope with edema that is not caused by nephrological, cardiac or hepatological diseases. Nutritionology offers many recipes that can not only remove excess water from the soft tissues of the face, but also improve the condition of the skin, even out its color and texture.

Parsley mask

In addition to its anti-edematous effect, this mask also has a whitening effect, so it can be recommended for women with hyperpigmentation.

  1. Grind 50-70 g of fresh parsley to a paste.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of full-fat sour cream and a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. Mix everything and apply to face for 15-20 minutes.

After such a mask, the skin will be soft, smooth and rested, and the puffiness of the face will disappear within half an hour.

Pumpkin puree mask

Pumpkin mask is a real storehouse of beneficial substances for the skin. It contains vitamins, zinc, chromium, calcium, various acids and organic compounds that affect metabolic processes in facial tissues. The puree for this mask can be bought in the store (it is important that the composition contains only pumpkin, without sugar and starch) or you can prepare it yourself.


  1. Boil 200-250 g of pumpkin in water without adding salt.
  2. Mash the finished pieces with a masher or grind with a blender.
  3. Add a tablespoon of sesame seed flour and ¼ tablespoon of olive oil.

Keep the pumpkin mixture on your skin for at least 20 minutes. It is advisable to steam the skin first so that the effect of the active ingredients is maximum.

Tonic ice

Such ice can rightfully be considered a “lifesaver” in situations where it is necessary to quickly remove swelling and refresh the face. You need to prepare it in advance, after which you can use ready-made ice if necessary: ​​this method will help give your face a healthy look in just 5 minutes.

Scheme for rubbing the face with tonic ice

It is prepared very simply:

  1. In a saucepan, mix in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each) rose leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers, and rose hips.
  2. Add some pumpkin peels and add 1 liter of water.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 8-12 minutes.
  4. Remove the container from the stove, leave for 1-2 hours and strain.
  5. Add a few drops of tea tree oil and lemon juice to the decoction.
  6. Pour the product into ice-freezing molds and place in the freezer.

You can store the finished ice for 3 months, after which it is recommended to prepare a new batch.

Banana mask

A banana mask not only relieves swelling, but also perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

This mask can be prepared as follows:

  1. Mash 1 ripe banana well with a fork.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of natural white yogurt and a drop of rose oil.
  3. Mix everything.

It is best to keep the mask on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the product with warm water without soap.

No way to get rid of swelling on the face will be effective enough if a person does not follow the principles of a healthy diet and lifestyle. General recommendations are daily walking, a balanced and balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Physical activity and plenty of fresh air can also help prevent excessive swelling.

But there are also special recommendations, the observance of which directly affects the appearance of the face and its freshness. Their implementation is useful not only for the prevention of edema, but also for increasing efficiency in cases of puffiness that has already appeared.

To prevent facial puffiness, it is recommended to adhere to the following:

  1. One of the main causes of morning puffiness is the wrong choice of sleep accessories. The pillow must be appropriate for your age and body size, have an anatomical shape and natural filler. The mattress must also be chosen carefully, taking into account its hardness and maximum load capacity.
  2. Berry fruit drinks and teas will help prevent the appearance of edema. Lingonberry, cranberry, and cloudberry leaves have a weak diuretic effect. Drinks made from these berries can be consumed daily if you are not allergic to red berries.
  3. Salt consumption should be limited - no more than 5-15 g per day. You should also limit foods with seasonings, many of which have the side effect of increased thirst, which leads to excess fluid consumption.
  4. Cosmetics for night skin care should be applied 2-3 hours before bedtime. Closer to sleep, the facial muscles practically do not work, which is guaranteed to lead to the accumulation of lymph in the soft tissues if creams are applied during this period.
  5. Coffee lovers are advised to reduce the share of this drink in their daily diet and replace it with herbal or green tea, dried fruit compotes, fruit and vegetable juices.

If swelling on the face constantly appears, it is necessary to check the functioning of the kidneys, endocrine glands, heart and liver, and also evaluate the condition of the blood vessels to exclude thrombophlebitis.

Causes of swelling on the face and ways to get rid of them

Swelling on the face is a common problem faced not only by women, but also by men. It is not difficult to cope with it if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, eats right and monitors his psychological and emotional state. If, despite all the measures taken, swelling does not go away, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination (urine and blood tests, Dopplerography of blood vessels, ultrasound of the kidneys, ECG and ECHO-CG), as this may be a symptom of serious pathologies, including heart failure and vascular diseases systems.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Waking up in the morning, every woman wants to be beautiful, fresh, and look rested. It is not always possible to achieve the desired effect, especially if you drank a cup of tea at night, and in the morning you don’t know how to remove swelling from your face. The cause of swelling is not only the abuse of liquid before bed, but also more serious signals - from chronic fatigue to significant pathologies in human health.

Causes of swelling on the face

Before you start fighting swelling, trying to remove it yourself or using cosmetic procedures, you need to find out why your face swells in the morning. The reasons may be the following:

  • Sleep disturbances. Swelling appears both due to lack of sleep and due to excess sleep. In this case, the face looks puffy in the eyelid area.
  • Chronic fatigue. At the same time, bags appear under the eyes, and the area of ​​the nasolabial folds swells.
  • A large amount of liquid in your diet before bed will definitely affect the condition of your facial skin in the morning in the form of bags and swelling, especially if you are over thirty. This is explained by metabolic disorders; from this age, metabolism slows down.
  • After a feast, which is traditionally accompanied by a large amount of alcohol, salty and fatty snacks. In a morning hangover you are always thirsty, but the liquid does not have time to be processed and this manifests itself in bags.
  • During cold periods, central heating, which dries out the air in the bedroom, can cause bags and redness of the epidermis. This phenomenon can be easily eliminated by regularly ventilating the room.
  • Puffiness of the face occurs in the case of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This disease is accompanied by periodic swelling and numbness of areas, starting from the chin and ending with the temporal region.
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system are accompanied by swelling of the face and limbs.
  • Kidney disease or poor functioning of the kidneys leads to swelling.
  • Allergy. It occurs on anything: food products, household chemicals, cosmetics, dust with toxic elements, flowering plants, mosquito and fly bites. If allergic swelling occurs, you should immediately see a doctor.
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and in the cervical lymph nodes often lead to swelling.
  • During pregnancy, facial swelling often plagues women.

What to do if there is swelling on the face

If the phenomenon appears more and more often and becomes an integral part of your face, then doctors recommend not to ignore such a symptom, but to seek help. At the appointment, the doctor will order tests, diagnose the body for the presence of diseases, and prescribe treatment that corresponds to the results. Swellings that are minor in nature, appearing occasionally when you overdo it with tea at night, tend to go away on their own.

Even slight swelling is visible to the naked eye in the reflection of the mirror and in the photo. If you need to quickly get rid of it, then use these tips to help eliminate the problem:

  • Open the windows and ventilate the room well. The skin, saturated with oxygen, will quickly return to normal.
  • Drink a glass of cool water with lemon. The acid contained in citrus fruits can instantly eliminate bags under the eyes.
  • Get a massage. Using tapping movements, starting from the frontal part, massage with the pads of your fingers with pressure to the point of pain. Going below the eyebrows, reduce the pressure in the temporal region and, with very light touches, press on the eyelids and the area around the eyes.

After sleep in the morning

Many women suffer from puffiness under their eyes in the morning. This occurs mainly due to drinking large amounts of water or tea at night, lack of sleep, or severe fatigue. How to remove swelling from the face in such cases? There are many proven ways with which you can easily overcome this symptom and your appearance will be fresh:

  • Compress. Soak a soft cloth (small towel) in ice water, wring it out and cover your face with it. This procedure will take ten minutes; during this time, wet the towel several times, because... it is heated by the body.
  • Fresh cucumber applications. This vegetable can not only provide the skin with beneficial vitamins and minerals, moisturize it and make it fresh, but also absorb excess fluid from deep tissues and reduce swelling. The cucumber should be cut into thin slices and covered with them on the face and eyelids. You need to relax and lie down with this mask for ten minutes.
  • Rubbing with a piece of ice. For such a case, let water in silicone or polyethylene molds be frozen in advance in the freezer, even better if it is a decoction of herbs such as chamomile or thyme. Iced brewed coffee works well for removing bags around the eyes.

After drinking

Drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, causes swelling of the skin, has a detrimental effect on the entire body, and poisoning of internal organs occurs: the stomach, kidneys, and liver. This is a lot of stress for a person, so traces of yesterday's fun are manifested not only by a sore head, but also by swelling of the eyelids, cheeks and perioral area. Here are some tips:

  • You need to take a cold shower. If this is too difficult, then contrast (alternately turn on cold and then warm, ending the procedure with cool water): this method not only normalizes your overall well-being, but also helps remove bags under the eyes after a feast.
  • Drink a glass of cold water with the addition of any sour juice.
  • Light facial massage using patting movements.

After the blow

Sports fans, especially boxers, know how after a blow to the face, the part where the fist hit immediately swells. In such cases, pain and swelling of the skin can be relieved by applying cold to the damaged area immediately after the blow, otherwise this method will not work. In more difficult situations, medications will help - special ointments that are sold in pharmacies. They not only relieve puffiness, but also heal damaged skin. This must also be done if a child is bruised - immediately apply a cold compress to the swollen abrasion.

After tooth extraction

After visiting the dentist, when the anesthesia wears off, swelling of the cheek often occurs, which goes away on its own after a few hours. It is possible to speed up this process with the help of a cold compress. If swelling persists for more than three hours and is accompanied by pain, then you should consult a dentist. Sometimes this is a sign of the development of an infection in the oral cavity and requires drug treatment.

Effective methods for eliminating swelling

There are many ways to get rid of swelling of the skin. Some methods help relieve annoying swelling, others do not give any effect. The effect of any methods directly depends on the cause of this problem:

  • Cosmetologists say that the best remedy for the problem is cosmetic procedures in the form of injections and professional masks.
  • Doctors insist that it is necessary to seek help at a hospital where drug treatment is prescribed.
  • Traditional healers also know how to get rid of skin swelling using natural natural remedies.

Using cosmetics at home

In cosmetology, there is a huge selection of products that can relieve facial swelling at home in a short time. Many of them, with long-term use, permanently eliminate swelling. Cosmetologists note the most effective and popular means for removing swelling:

  • Anti-swelling mask from Avon. Apply in the evening to cleansed skin. After application, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. This remedy is used to reduce swelling and for its prevention. It nourishes the skin and has a slight whitening effect. It is recommended to use this mask no more than once a week.
  • Roller mask from Garnier. This leave-in cream is applied to the skin around the eyes morning and evening daily. It has a convenient roller with which the product is applied evenly. During application, the metal ball serves as a skin massager and perfectly relieves swelling around the eyes.
  • Smoothing cream after 35 years from Yves Rocher. The product is designed to combat age-related changes in the skin, and at the same time relieves fatigue and swelling of the skin. Contains wheat germ oil, which enriches the face with vitamin E.
  • Gel "Lioton", which is made to relieve swelling and fight varicose veins of the legs, successfully fights swelling of the face. To do this, it must be applied to the skin in a thin layer, after absorption, do not rinse off, blot off excess with a napkin and apply your daily cream or foundation.

Drug treatment

If your skin is prone to swelling, and creams and masks have little effect, then doctors in such cases recommend using diuretics to remove retained fluid from the body. Diuretics for facial swelling:

  • Furosemide is a diuretic for the treatment of swelling. It is used strictly as prescribed by the doctor, who sets the treatment period and dosage. Contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and lactation.
  • “Torasemide” is a diuretic tablet prescribed for those suffering from swelling caused by problems of the cardiovascular system. This drug removes uric acid, excess fluid from the body. Taken as prescribed by a doctor. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy.
  • "Amiloride" removes excess fluid from tissues and cleanses the lymphatic system. Has good reviews among women. The drug is taken once a day, according to the instructions.

Folk remedies

In the fight against edema, many people prefer folk remedies, and this is understandable, because... These methods have long proven themselves to be good. Here are some proven recipes:

  • Birch juice. This drink should be drunk in the morning before meals, in unlimited quantities. The natural elixir is useful in the fight against edema during pregnancy, people with heart disease, and kidney failure.
  • Flax is able to absorb excess fluid from the body. To do this, you need to include it in your diet, after grinding it into flour using a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is diluted with warm water until a rare porridge is formed. This is an excellent breakfast, which, if consumed daily, will relieve swelling and saturate your body with vitamins.
  • An excellent recipe - grate onions (2 heads) on a fine vegetable grater, add granulated sugar (1 tbsp.) or honey (1 tbsp.), leave for several hours. After this, pass the onion through a sieve to strain out the juice and discard the pulp. Drink the resulting syrup in the morning before meals. This remedy will get rid of your problem in just two days.
  • Another remedy is to finely chop fresh or dry parsley root (2 tablespoons), pour boiling water over it, it is better to do this in a thermos. Leave for at least three hours and strain. The resulting drink should be drunk instead of tea, in the morning after meals and in the evening a few hours before bedtime. By taking this infusion daily for five days, you will notice a decrease in facial swelling.

Prevention of swelling

Experts note the most effective ways to prevent the appearance of facial edema, aimed at changing lifestyle:

  • Adjusting your diet will help relieve swelling of the skin. You need to control what you eat. Avoid fried, fatty, salty foods, replacing them with fresh vegetables, juicy, aromatic fruits.
  • Hardening the body perfectly improves cardiac activity, puts metabolism in order, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, fluid does not linger in the tissues, and swelling stops appearing.
  • Giving up bad habits does its job in the fight against edema! After just seven days without smoking, alcohol, or drinking strong coffee, you will see that swelling in the morning becomes less and less, and soon it will stop bothering you completely.
  • Sleeping in a well-ventilated area will relieve swelling of the facial skin. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the position of the neck and head during sleep so that it does not rise too much above shoulder level. The pillow should be of medium size and moderate in softness - this is a very important rule in the fight against edema.

Video: how to quickly remove swelling from the face and eyes

In the video, the host of the program “Everything will be fine” and a popular cosmetologist will talk about how to remove swelling from the face using folk methods. They will clearly demonstrate step-by-step recipes for preparing products that will help you overcome skin problems and smooth out existing wrinkles. After watching the video, you will see many secrets for getting rid of swelling, redness and dry skin. Be sure to watch the video to the end and find out what product the actors use to instantly relieve swelling, and how to remove bags under the eyes at home using improvised means.

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How to remove swelling from the face

A facial tumor is characterized by edema, puffiness of the eyelids above and below the eyes, and the entire part of the facial area, caused by fluid retention in the body.

Causes of facial swelling:

  1. 1. Medicines. Some drug components can disrupt the permeability of cell membranes and accelerate the absorption of salts. Such side effects are often accompanied by treatment for cardiovascular diseases. Relevant drugs act by widening the diameter of blood vessels. This impairs blood flow, causing stagnation and preventing timely removal of excess water from the body. In addition, some sports nutrition products for increasing muscle mass cause fluid retention.
  2. 2. Nutrition. Excessive consumption of salty and smoked foods causes increased thirst.
  3. 3. Alcohol. Frequent drinking leads to the fact that the fluid does not leave the body. After heavy drinking, the face and other parts of the body swell. Thus, alcohol affects the exchange of water and salt in the human body.

  4. 4. Sleeping in an awkward position. After a long journey in transport, when the body is in the same position for a long time, blood circulation and lymphatic flow are disrupted. As a result, the tissues swell and become bulky and “filled” with water. The same thing happens to the face in the morning, when at night, in a fixed position on the pillow, the skin does not breathe, which disrupts the circulation and supply of oxygen to its cells.
  5. 5. Hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, water accumulates in the tissues of a woman's body. Swelling of the nose, lips, eyelids. Swelling can also appear during menstruation and menopause.
  6. 6. Prolonged crying. Tears cause swelling of the eyes. This happens due to a banal violation of the water-salt balance, as a result of which the circulation of fluid in the body is disrupted.
  7. 7. Tooth extraction. Quite often after such a procedure, swelling of the facial tissues is observed (usually on the side where the tooth was removed). Swelling provokes inflammation of the injured tissue or the tooth extraction itself. In most cases, this condition does not pose a threat to human health.
  8. 8. Facial bruise. After an impact, the integrity of small blood vessels (capillaries) is disrupted, which leads to tissue swelling.
  9. 9. Operation. After surgery, there is an increased flow of lymph to the damaged tissues. Typically, such swelling lasts a long time and is practically untreatable. It goes away on its own after some time.

Pathologies of internal organs and their systems cause chronic edema. This is the most serious cause of facial swelling, which requires the use of complex therapy under the supervision of medical professionals.

Fluid retention can affect the kidneys, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Often, swelling is a signal of metabolic disorders of the liver, lymph and protein.

  • Removing swelling from the face quickly
  • Salt compress
  • Contrast compress
  • Folk remedies for edema
  • How to quickly remove a swollen face
  • Potato mask
  • Green tea
  • Parsley mask

Facial swelling can occur for various reasons, for example, if you drink too much liquid shortly before bed, after a stormy party with drinking alcohol, or because of problems with the kidneys or heart. There are many methods to eliminate this problem. It is about them that will be discussed further.

Removing swelling from the face quickly

Women very often encounter situations where they need to get themselves in order as quickly as possible. Therefore, knowing how to remove swelling from the face in just a few minutes will be useful for every representative of the fair sex. To do this, you can use one of the following methods.

Salt compress

A very effective method, but it can only be used in extreme cases.

  1. Dissolve four tablespoons of table salt in two liters of hot water. How to remove swelling from the face
  2. Soak a terry towel in the resulting solution, wring it out and place it on your face, leaving only your nose open so you can breathe.
  3. Cover the top of the compress with a dry towel. Keep it until it cools down.
  4. This procedure should be repeated three times. After this, wash your face and apply a cream, preferably a nourishing one, to your skin.

Contrast compress

  1. You will need two bowls, fill one with cold water (you can add ice to it for better results), and the other with tolerably hot water.
  2. Soak a towel in hot water, wring it out and place it on your face. This compress should be kept until it cools down.
  3. Next, soak the towel in cold water and apply it to your face for forty seconds. Repeat the procedure four times.

How else can I remove swelling from my face? You can use ice cubes. This method is suitable for not very pronounced swelling. To eliminate them, just wipe your face with ice. To do this, you can use ordinary ice from water, but frozen decoctions of birch buds, plantain, and chamomile have the best effect.

Folk remedies for edema

The cause of edema is usually fluid retention in the body; this problem can be solved using some traditional methods. An effective way to remove a swollen face is with diuretics. Of course, they won’t work instantly, but they will help cope well with swelling that occurs regularly.

An infusion of horsetail, birch buds or burdock, rosehip or lingonberry tea, and a decoction of flax seeds have a diuretic effect. Collections have a good effect, for example, you can prepare the following:

  1. Mix equal amounts of nettle leaves, bearberry, St. John's wort, plantain and crushed rose hips.Red swollen face
  2. Steam a tablespoon of the mixture with 600 milliliters of boiling water.
  3. After cooling completely, strain the infusion.

You need to drink a glass of it three times a day.

Another folk remedy - rosemary water - can help quickly tidy up a red, swollen face. It not only quickly removes swelling, but also improves metabolism in skin cells, disinfects and tones. To prepare this remedy:

Chop three fresh large sprigs of rosemary thoroughly and pour a glass of fairly hot water over them.

The mixture must be allowed to brew for a week in the refrigerator. After which the water can be used.

Causes of facial swelling

All reasons can be divided into two large groups: disease-related and situational.

Let us briefly list the maximum possible reasons:

  1. Problems with the kidneys (if the swelling is concentrated mostly under the eyes). Also, the cause of disturbances in water-salt metabolism can be: diseases of the genitourinary system, pregnancy, toxicosis, the onset of menstruation.
  2. Problems in the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.
  3. Respiratory infections. The lymph nodes become inflamed, the outflow of lymph becomes difficult, hence the swelling.

Such swelling cannot be treated with cooling compresses!

If the swelling is accompanied by itching, skin rash, redness of the eyes, a feeling of suffocation, a feeling of tickling and constriction in the throat, a sharp change in complexion, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Below we will look at how to get rid of a cosmetic defect due to overwork and lack of sleep (after a party, corporate event, etc.). But before the procedures, make sure whether there is reason to suspect the disease. It is necessary to analyze what circumstances preceded the appearance of edema and how often the face swells.

Six tricks to quickly relieve swelling

How to remove morning swelling from the face after a party or lack of sleep? Effective measures to return your skin to normal quickly:

  • Cold compress: Throw handfuls of cold water onto your skin for 10 minutes or moisten a soft cloth with cool water and place on your face.
  • Wrap the ice in a cloth and apply it to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • Instead of cold water, use an infusion of herbs: a glass of boiling water with 1-2 teaspoons of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort. Use as compresses.
  • Green tea. Properly brewed tea, cooled to room temperature, in compresses or for washing.
  • Do not drink hot drinks in the morning, do not eat salty foods, do not take a hot bath - the swelling will subside faster. Take a contrast shower.
  • Light massage. But not with a scrub, it’s better to take soft cosmetic oil (peach, avocado, apricot), add a couple of drops of any essential oil (myrtle, geranium, cypress, pine, rosemary, lavender, orange).

Proper lifestyle to prevent edema

How to get rid of edema caused by poor diet and lifestyle?

Swelling in the morning does not necessarily indicate illness. The body reacts to negative habits and lifestyle. Even a healthy person can experience such edema.

The original reason is poor nutrition. Eating at night or right before bed, excess saltiness, fast food, insufficient drinking - all this can cause swelling. What rules should be followed to remove morning swelling of the face?

  • Reduce your intake of salty foods or avoid them completely for a while.
  • Drink enough fluid – up to 2 liters per day. Don't drink before bed. Eat food and water at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Balanced diet. Focus on foods high in fiber. Minimizing processed food, canned food, spicy foods, soda, coffee, alcohol.
  • Proper sleep - fresh air in the room, a high firm pillow, position - on the side or on the back.

Therapeutic agents for internal use are varied. Many of them are also delicious, so include them in your menu. You can prepare infusions and decoctions of the following herbs: bear's ears (bearberry), bay leaf, dandelion roots, lingonberry leaves. Drinks: rose hips, flax seed, dill based, parsley, tomato juice, fresh pineapple juice, pumpkin juice or raw pumpkin, carrots, cottage cheese with apples, cranberries, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar (add to other juices and dishes).

Products that are best excluded: cheese, eggs, ham, smoked fish, chocolate, margarine, baked goods, sauces, fatty dairy products, any products with artificial additives. They can cause fluid retention in the body.

When the diet is normalized, the problem will disappear by itself.

How to get rid of bad eating habits? There are a number of rules: do not engage in self-criticism, do not scold yourself for failures, establish a contractual relationship with yourself, excluding something from the menu, introduce a replacement, for example, dried fruits instead of sweets.

Masks made from natural resources

How to get rid of swelling and improve skin condition? Natural masks will not only relieve swelling, but will also contribute to overall health. Many products have a complex effect.

These remedies do not work quickly. To get results, you need to do it twice a week or in courses of 7-10 days, repeat after a two-day rest.

Pharmacy products

We remove swelling after injuries and bruises caused by lack of sleep.

Gels that will help relieve swelling of the face and skin around the eyes:

  • Troxevasin. Not intended for facial skin, but can eliminate puffiness and cyanosis around the eyes in 3-4 days.
  • Lyoton-gel. Not very suitable for those with dry skin. Ideal for oily and normal skin types. Apply a thin layer to swollen areas.
  • Heparin ointment has a lot of contraindications; use should be discussed with your doctor. Apply a very thin layer, using light patting movements, no more than once a day.

There are a lot of similar products: Dolobene-gel, Proctosan, Aurobin. All of them are intended for the treatment of bruises, soft tissue swelling, hemorrhoids, and cracks. They can relieve swelling of the facial skin, but require a careful and thoughtful approach. They are not cosmetics. Carefully study the instructions and composition.


Before you start dealing with swelling, it is important to understand why it occurred. Each case requires its own special, only correct approach.

  • One of the most common causes of swelling is disturbances in wakefulness and night rest. This includes lack of sleep and too much sleep, which is also not good for the body. The norm for an adult is 7-8 hours a day. This time is enough to restore strength. Swollen, heavy eyelids are a sign of disturbances in this area.
  • Chronic fatigue entails various kinds of negative changes in the functioning of the body. The appearance of bags under the eyes and swelling of the nasolabial area are a consequence of lack of rest.
  • The most well-known cause of facial swelling is excessive fluid intake at night. People who have passed the thirty-year mark especially suffer from this. Their metabolic processes begin to slow down, and everything they drink will be retained in the body.
  • Before you remove swelling from your face, you need to normalize your diet. This unpleasant phenomenon can be caused by excess food consumption, and, conversely, fasting or too strict a diet.
  • Puffiness may appear during cold periods when the central heating is on. The main method of control in this case is to humidify the air using special devices or wet towels on the radiator, as well as regular ventilation.
  • Swelling of the face may appear due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Blockage of nerves by deformed intervertebral discs causes numbness and fluid retention.
  • Another medical reason is diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, not only the face swells, but also the hands and feet.
  • Kidney diseases cause disruption of fluid circulation in the body, which, in turn, causes swelling.
  • Another reason is an allergic reaction to certain irritants (food, dust, seasonal, etc.).
  • Before removing the tumor from the face, make sure there is no inflammation in the oral cavity or in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.
  • During pregnancy, fluid balance is disrupted and swelling may occur.
  • Unauthorized use of antibiotics or multivitamins in large quantities may cause swelling of the face.

How to get rid of swelling?

There are a large number of folk ways to remove swelling on the face. Some of them are not entirely safe, others are not effective. We have chosen those that can really help in the fight against the problem without causing harm.

Salt compress

If you wake up in the morning with a swollen appearance, and you urgently need to remove the swelling from your face, the following remedy will do. Take 100 grams of salt, dissolve in two liters of hot water. Make sure all the grains disappear. Soak a clean towel or gauze in the solution, folding it in several layers. The compress should be applied to your face, it should be as warm as you can tolerate. Just be careful of burns! The top of the fabric can be insulated with polyethylene. When the compress has cooled, soak it in the warm solution again and repeat the manipulations. In general, the procedure can be repeated three times. After finishing it, wash your face thoroughly and apply a moisturizer of the brand you are used to to your skin.

It should be remembered that a salt compress is a harsh procedure. It should be used only in extreme cases - if you urgently need to get your face in order.

Contrast compresses

How to remove swelling from the face? A sharp sequential change of hot and cold exposure will help. Take two containers. Fill one with hot water or chamomile/linden decoction, the other with cold water (you can add ice cubes there). Soak the towel alternately in the first and second vessels and apply to your face for a minute. The total duration of the procedure is half an hour.

Ice cubes for washing with herbs

If the problem of how to remove swelling bothers you quite often, and you already know your body’s ability to retain fluid, you can take care of your appearance in advance. Brew medicinal herbs in hot water (ideally if you use a thermos) - one or a mixture.

This could be plantain geranium, yarrow or sage, oak bark or birch leaves, medicinal chamomile or thyme.

When the broth has infused (at least two hours must pass), strain it and pour into ice cube trays. By freezing your herbal wash, you will be able to combat swelling on a daily basis. This remedy is especially effective against bags under the eyes and swelling on the eyelids, which it quickly removes. At the same time, you will nourish the skin with useful substances, tone it and maintain youth and healthy color.

Herb tea

Despite the fact that edema itself is fluid retention in the body, some drinks can expel excess fluid and relieve swelling. If you are familiar with this problem firsthand, you should drink herbal teas three or four times a day (about half a glass). Suitable for brewing are strawberry and lingonberry leaves, rose hips and young nettles, thyme and plantain.

If you decide to remove puffiness from your face using this method, you need to remember two things. Firstly, most herbs have a diuretic effect, so you should not drink them before a responsible event, an important meeting or a trip. Secondly, some decoctions can be harmful to pregnant women, for example, thyme has the property of stimulating contractions. If you are pregnant, you should consult your obstetrician-gynecologist before using the infusion.

Potato compress

How to remove a tumor that appears due to the accumulation of fluid in the layers of the epidermis? Take a couple of potatoes, peel and wash them, grate them on a fine grater. Mix with a handful of finely ground oatmeal. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and cover it with gauze or a napkin. Ideally, you need to soak the potato-oat compress for at least one and a half hours.

At the end of the procedure, carefully remove everything, wash your face and apply your usual cream to your face.

If swelling bothers you in the eyelid area, apply slices cut from potatoes to them for half an hour.

Tea compress

Our grandmothers also knew how to quickly remove swelling with tea. You need to brew a good large-leaf black or green drink, strain it, soak a towel in the resulting liquid and apply it to your face. It is better if you find the opportunity to keep such a compress for more than half an hour, ideally 40-45 minutes. You need to complete the procedure by washing with an ice cube, melt water or snow (if possible).

Bay leaf

This is an effective method for swelling caused by salt accumulation. For example, you know that the day before you ate pickled cucumbers or drank too much mineral water. How to quickly remove swelling from your face? Brew 5-7 laurel leaves in a glass of boiling water, wet a towel and apply to the skin for half an hour. If there are no contraindications, drink a tablespoon of infusion twice a day.


Among the variety of ways to combat swelling, there is massage. Its function is to restore blood circulation, cellular metabolism and lymph flow.

  • Wash your face as usual, wipe your face with ice, apply cream to your hands and get started.
  • To begin, pat your cheeks with your palms for five minutes.
  • The next action is to move your index fingers along the orbital bones under the eyes to the bridge of the nose and back (5 minutes).
  • Finish the massage by making a vigorous movement with pressure from the bridge of the nose to the temples and down to the neck area.
  • Do this massage 10-12 times with the tips of four fingers, then close your eyes for a few minutes and relax.
  • The massage is over. This method is an excellent option for removing swelling on the face.

Causes of swelling

  • disruption of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • abuse of strict diets, in particular, poor nutrition;
  • complications of the cardiac and vascular system;
  • incorrect activity of the endocrine glands;
  • excessive fluid intake (including alcohol) before bedtime;
  • allergic reaction;
  • vitamin deficiency or excess of certain vitamins and elements;
  • taking complex antibiotics without authorization (lack of control by a doctor);
  • resting on a too high or, conversely, low pillow;
  • eating salty, spicy, fatty foods shortly before bedtime;
  • general overheating of the body, dehydration;
  • slow blood circulation.

Folk remedies for swelling on the face

The method is considered effective, but it is recommended to use it only in emergency cases. Prepare a solution of 110 g. crushed table salt and 2.2 liters of boiling water, wait until the composition dissolves and it partially cools to an acceptable temperature (the mixture should not burn your face). Soak a thick towel in it, wring it out a little and apply. If desired, you can place cling film on top so that the compress retains heat longer. The exposure time is not limited; remove the towel from your face the moment it cools down. After that, wet it again and repeat the previous manipulations 2 more times. At the end of the procedure, apply hydrogel or moisturizer to the skin.

Temperature contrast
Prepare 2 bowls: fill one with hot water, and the other with cold water with ice cubes. Dip a towel into the first bowl, apply it to your face for 3-5 minutes, then wet the cloth in the second bowl, repeat the previous steps. Carry out the procedure for half an hour, creating a temperature contrast. If desired, you can brew linden or chamomile flowers in the first bowl of boiling water.

Ice on herbs
Ice based on medicinal herbs effectively fights swelling. Brew sage, geranium, yarrow, oak or birch bark, linden, chamomile, thyme or plantain in boiling water. Leave for 3 hours for the herbs to release their beneficial substances. After the expiration date, strain the mixture (if desired), then pour into molds and freeze. Rub the skin for 5-7 minutes at intervals of a quarter of an hour. The total number of wipes per procedure should be 5 times.

Medicinal infusion
Not many people know, but an effective way to eliminate swelling on the face is medicinal herbal infusions that must be taken orally. To properly prepare the composition, mix 100 grams together. rose hips, 20 gr. St. John's wort, 35 gr. thyme, 30 gr. nettle leaves, 20 gr. bearberry and 25 gr. plantain. Pour 1.3 liters of boiling water over the plants and let it brew for 1 hour. After the time has passed, strain through a filter made of gauze and cotton wool, take 150 ml orally 3 times a day.

Raw potatoes

Wash 2 medium potato tubers well, grate them on a fine grater or chop them in any convenient way. Do not remove the peel. Mix the resulting porridge with 20 gr. coarsely ground oatmeal, spread a generous layer over your face. Place gauze or bandage on top to prevent the mixture from falling off. The exposure time should be maximum; if possible, go to rest for 1.5-2 hours. If swelling has formed on the eyelids, apply thick slices of potato to them rather than porridge.

The method has been known for its properties for a long time; even our grandmothers used it to combat edema. Brew 45 g. loose leaf tea in 300 ml. boiling water, wait a quarter of an hour for the mixture to brew. After this, strain the mixture, dip a towel in it and apply to your face. Leave for at least 45 minutes. In the summer, you need to prepare a compress based on black tea; it will at the same time emphasize your tan. In winter, it is better to use pure green tea, which has lightening properties. At the end of the procedure, you need to wipe the skin with ice or wash with melt water.

Bay leaf
If the swelling is caused by excessive accumulation of salt and, as a result, fluid in the subcutaneous tissues, try to eliminate it with an infusion of bay leaves. Brew in 200 ml. boiling water 5 pcs. bay leaf, leave for 1 hour. After this, make a compress by soaking a towel in the solution. If desired, you can drink 1 tablespoon of infusion 2 times a day to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Cottage cheese and vegetables
In addition to the fact that the mask will remove swelling from the face, it will also tighten the skin and make it more elastic. To properly prepare the mixture, grind 45-50 grams in a blender. rowan berries, turning them into porridge. Grind 40 gr. fat cottage cheese with 10 gr. cane sugar. Finely grate or chop half the carrots and 1 raw potato in a food processor. Mix all ingredients together, add 30 ml. sea ​​buckthorn oil and 5 walnut kernels, pre-crushed. Cover your face with the mixture and place a piece of gauze on top to prevent the mixture from falling off. Wait 30-40 minutes, then wash with cold water and rub ice on your skin. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Corn silk and parsley
A common cause of facial swelling is considered to be disturbances in the activity of the heart muscle. If you consider yourself to be in this category of people, proceed as follows: pour in 800 ml. hot water 40 gr. corn silk, leave for 2.5-3 hours, then strain. Mix 20 g into the solution. liquid honey, heat the infusion and drink 200 ml every 4 hours. during the whole day. Along with this, freeze a bunch of parsley, then chop it in a blender and make a mask, leave for half an hour.

Massage is considered especially relevant in the morning, when the eyelids, area under the eyes, and cheeks swell. First, wash your face with cold water and wipe your skin with cosmetic ice based on medicinal herbs. Lubricate your hands with cream, start patting your cheeks for 3 minutes (intensively, but not too much). Then apply a special cream to the area around the eyes and move along the line of the orbital bone for 5 minutes, restoring blood circulation. Smooth your face with your hands, moving from the bridge of your nose to your temples, do not press too hard. The total massage time should be at least 25-30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash your face several times, first with warm water, then with ice water.

Diuretic drugs for swelling on the face
Very often, swelling on the face is caused by the accumulation of fluid, this occurs due to a violation of the water-salt balance. In this case, over-the-counter diuretics will help. Buy bear ears, brew 20 grams. plants in 300 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Strain, drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals. In addition to the fact that the product removes excess fluid, it is also an excellent preventive measure for kidney disease. You can buy topical diuretics in tablet form, but they are less effective.

  1. Along with folk remedies, diuretics and massage, use cosmetic ice. Wipe your skin with it before and after using masks/compresses. This will significantly increase the chances of success. Make it a habit to tone your face this way every morning as a preventive measure.
  2. In cases where swelling appears not only on the face, but also on the body, prepare a bath with crushed sea salt. Take it for half an hour 2 times a day. The duration of the course should be at least a week.

Swelling may be a consequence of a malfunction of internal organs, so if prolonged and unsuccessful treatment, consult a doctor. Watch your diet, do not eat salty and heavy foods at night, do not drink too much liquid before bed, especially alcohol.

Causes of facial swelling

Swelling and puffiness on the face develop for the following reasons:

In all cases where swelling of the face is not associated with a general disease of the body, folk remedies and some pharmaceutical remedies will help. Before using any of them, it is necessary to study contraindications and consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health.

Emergency folk remedies for edema

So, having found out the cause of the formation of bags under the eyes, you can begin to eliminate it. Very often, changing your lifestyle, adjusting your diet, and eliminating discomfort in the bedroom helps to quickly remove swelling from the eyes. By normalizing all these components, you will wake up in the morning with a fresh face and forget about swelling. This process takes some time, so for now let’s try to solve the problem of facial swelling using traditional medicine at home.

The most effective emergency folk remedies include the following:

Traditional express methods for relieving edema work well if the edema process is associated with external factors and is temporary. In case of painful conditions of the whole body, more serious measures are needed.

A few more quick ways to combat swelling, bags and bruises under the eyes are suggested in the video:

Pharmaceutical products for quick relief of puffiness under the eyes

From pharmaceutical products, you can use ointments for swelling, but they must be used with extreme caution so as not to harm the skin. Ointments and gels quickly eliminate puffiness and bruises under the eyes. In the most urgent cases, the use of ointments for hemorrhoids or varicose veins is allowed. These products literally have an instant effect, but they cannot be used often.

Ointments for emergency cases:

You can remove bags under the eyes in a short time using special patches based on moisturizing and toning agents - aloe juice, camellia extract. The patches are very convenient to use; they are intended for daily care. The patch is attached under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. It has a drainage effect, eliminating congestion in the area around the eyes.

If you tend to have puffy eyes in the morning, we recommend using a pharmacy eye cream with caffeine for daily care. It activates blood circulation in the tissues, and swelling goes away faster.

To improve skin condition, use vitamin E capsules along with your regular cream. Your skin will be more hydrated, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and your face will look younger.

Diuretics in the fight against swelling

In extreme cases, it is acceptable to use diuretics. However, they have a large number of contraindications, especially for people suffering from heart and kidney diseases. Popular pharmaceutical drugs include Furosemide, Lasix, etc. When resorting to such a strong remedy, do not forget that in about an hour you will need the toilet and will probably be in demand for several hours (depending on the individual characteristics of the body), so plan things according to new needs. Swelling will also not go away instantly.

A substitute for pharmaceutical products will be diuretic herbs that can remove swelling from the face. Here is a list of plants that have the ability to remove excess water from the body:

  • birch leaves, buds and catkins;
  • lingonberry leaves and berries;
  • horsetail grass;
  • stinging nettle;
  • Lespedeza bicolor;
  • parsley leaves and roots;
  • violet;
  • Dill seeds;
  • centaury;
  • leaves and berries of black currant.

The use of herbal decoctions and infusions is safer for health than the use of pharmaceutical diuretics. However, they also have contraindications, so do not forget to study the instructions on the herbal packages.

If you do not have serious chronic diseases, then lingonberry juice or a decoction of lingonberry leaves will help best. Lingonberries cope especially well with swelling in pregnant women.

Dill seed quickly and without consequences removes excess water from the body. The effect can appear within 30 minutes after taking the decoction.

Relieving long-term swelling

If swelling on the face appears regularly, it is necessary to diagnose the body and identify the cause of this phenomenon. At home, the following recipes will help relieve long-term swelling:

Several more useful, proven ways to get rid of puffiness under the eyes are presented in the video:


All these methods are dedicated to quickly relieving external symptoms of internal ill-being in your body. Swelling is a sign of problems in the body. If they become a frequent and even habitual occurrence, do not delay your visit to the doctor, so as not to worsen your health condition even more.

How to deal with swelling?

Of course, if this condition is associated with some disease, then it is necessary to first treat it, and then relieve the symptoms themselves. If you are not exactly sure of the diagnosis, then first visit a therapist and take basic tests.

How to prevent facial swelling:

  • Control your fluid intake before bed. The norm for an adult is 1.5 liters of water per day. By the way, it is better to drink pure water, and not teas, drinks, etc.
  • Eat healthy, limit your intake of too salty foods and sweets, because they cause thirst.
  • Get enough rest (sleep should last 8 hours). Rest is especially important for pregnant women, but walks in the fresh air are also needed. Try not to get nervous and stay calm.
  • Choose a good, comfortable pillow for yourself. Orthopedic will be especially effective.
  • Avoid exposure to untested chemicals, drugs and cosmetics to avoid an allergic reaction.
  • Remember the dangers of alcohol and do not abuse it.
  • Treat caries on time, otherwise inflammation and a swollen cheek are guaranteed.

What can you do to relieve swelling?

How to remove swelling from the face quickly at home:

  1. Brew and drink an infusion of herbs (for example: rose hips, oregano, chamomile, nettle). They remove excess water from the body and improve metabolism. You can buy diuretic tea at the pharmacy, consisting of a whole collection of herbs. A course (1-2 weeks) of such drinking will help relieve swelling from the face, especially if you have kidney problems. If you have green tea at home, drink it, it also helps remove excess water.
  2. A quick way to relieve puffiness is to wipe your face with an ice cube, then it will become less swollen. You can freeze cucumber juice, mineral water or herbal decoctions, so the effect will be even more noticeable. But this method cannot be used if you have rosacea, as the cold will worsen the situation.
  3. If you have swollen eyelids after sleep, place a tea bag on your eyes for 15 minutes (or better yet, use natural tea leaves and soak a gauze pad in it).
  4. Another way is a light massage. It is done using cream with smooth, circular movements. Massage will improve the circulation of fluid under the skin and relieve swelling.
  5. A cool compress will help quickly relieve swelling on the face that appears after sleep, possibly due to lack of sleep, stress, or drinking large amounts of water or alcohol. Use just water or the same decoction (calendula, chamomile, mint). It will be especially useful for the face. To get yourself in order in the morning, you can do contrasting washes with cold and hot water.
  6. In cases where facial swelling is associated with allergies, take an antihistamine. But this will work for mild types of allergies; in case of severe reactions, you need to consult a general practitioner.

These methods will be effective if the swelling is not associated with a disease. Otherwise, the face will begin to swell again, so treatment is necessary.

Homemade masks for facial swelling

Special masks quickly and reliably remove facial swelling. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or made at home.

1. Mask with gelatin.


  • gelatin – 1 tsp;
  • sour cream – 1 tsp;
  • boiled water – 100 ml.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water, add sour cream and stir. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

2. Mask with potatoes for facial swelling.


  • sauerkraut – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • raw potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • vitamin C or A (in ampoules) as desired.

Grate the potatoes, combine with cabbage and squeeze them a little. Wrap the vegetables in gauze and apply a compress to your face. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then remove and wash with cool water. This mask will effectively and quickly help relieve swelling on the face, especially under the eyes. You can use just potatoes, without additives.

A slice of raw, chilled potato or cucumber helps with bags on the lower eyelids. Boiled potatoes in their jackets are used against swelling of the face. It needs to be kneaded and mixed with milk to the consistency of sour cream, so that it is convenient to apply it to the face. Wash off this mask after half an hour and apply cream to your skin.

This effective home remedy for puffy eyes will leave your skin soft and smooth.

You will need:

  • peach;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Grind the peach in a blender, mix it with sour cream. Apply this mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with cool water.

4. Oatmeal mask at home.

  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chamomile – 4 tbsp. l.

You need to make a decoction of chamomile. Grind the oatmeal and pour boiling water over it (you can use whole oatmeal, or use milk for steaming). Mix the broth and porridge in equal proportions. Cover your face with this mixture and lie down for 15 minutes. There is also a recipe with oatmeal and chopped apple: the components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face until dry. An oatmeal mask will help quickly relieve swelling and irritation, and also nourish and soften the skin.

5. Cucumber mask.


  • fresh cucumber;
  • starch – 0.5 tsp;
  • olive oil – half a teaspoon;
  • aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Recipe: squeeze the juice out of a cucumber, mix it with the rest of the ingredients and use it as a mask. Wash with cool water. This product refreshes the skin and eliminates facial puffiness.

6. Mask with pumpkin.


  • pumpkin (boiled) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp. honey

To prepare the mask, you just need to mix pumpkin with honey. Keep it on your face for 15 minutes, then wash.

7. Buckwheat for puffiness.

It is necessary to grind the cereal (in a blender or coffee grinder), put it in a linen bag and lower it into boiling water for 2-3 minutes. When the buckwheat has cooled, apply it to your face. This helps relieve swelling after sleep and refreshes the face.

8. Egg white mask.

An effective remedy for swelling caused by sun rays. It is necessary to beat the egg white well and spread it on your face using a cotton swab. When it dries, rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream so that the skin does not tighten.

9. Parsley.

Parsley is used for bags under the eyes. It needs to be chopped, wrapped in gauze and applied to problem areas for 15 minutes.

Remember that if facial swelling appears again and again, even if you follow all the recommendations and make masks, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Such a symptom may indicate various disorders of the cardiac and hormonal systems or kidney function. A strong allergic reaction with swelling, from which the face changes beyond recognition, should be alarming.



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