How to treat cough in newborns 6 months. Cough during teething

To help your child cope with a coughing fit, you need to know the causes of its occurrence. The doctor can help you choose effective means, including inhalations and drugs allowed from birth.

A cough that occurs in a baby brings him and his parents a lot of trouble. Sleep is disturbed, the baby's appetite is disturbed. In addition, the risk of transition of the disease to the lower sections increases. respiratory tract. Therefore, at the very first stages, it is important to understand why the child is coughing in order to start proper treatment. But you should not do this on your own, you definitely need to contact a specialist. by the most effective way cough control are inhalations. The doctor will help you choose the medicine and the exact dosage for the nebulizer.

Characteristics of cough

Cough is a defensive reaction of the body. Thus, he tries to get rid of the irritant or infection. Normally, a baby may have several coughs a day.

Why the kid infancy can cough? The reasons can be both the most harmless and very serious. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an examination in time, establish a diagnosis in order to help the child alleviate the condition.

In young children, a physiological cough that is not associated with pathology may appear. Mom observes that after sleep, in the morning, he begins to cough. In a dream, babies sleep only on their backs, as they cannot roll over on their own. Mucus can accumulate in the nasopharynx, which begins to irritate the walls of the trachea. Treatment in this case is not required.

During teething, a lot of saliva begins to be produced, which causes coughing, especially during sleep or in the morning. At night, the child does not have time to swallow saliva, and a cough reflex occurs. Treatment should begin with the use of special gels and ointments for the gums.

Other causes of cough in a child include:

  • viral infection;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • allergy;
  • otitis;
  • foreign body in the airways;
  • dry, polluted air.

Coughing can be caused by a reflex when food from the esophagus enters the nasopharynx. The child begins to vomit after feeding while awake and coughs in the morning after sleep.

Why unpleasant symptom can a child pass with and without a temperature? If a runny nose appeared along with a cough, the temperature rose, most likely, the baby had ARVI. Cough develops during sleep. If these symptoms are not present, but it continues long time, then you can suspect an allergy or whooping cough. Even if the child occasionally coughs, it still needs to be shown to the doctor. In children under one year old, the respiratory system is not fully formed, and viscous mucus stagnates in lower sections respiratory system. And this leads to bronchitis or pneumonia.

With ARVI, the child begins violent attack in a dream, symptoms such as fever, sore throat and head, runny nose join.

Cough is dry and wet

Dry cough causes irritation of the mucous surface of the respiratory system, does not bring relief. There are many reasons for its occurrence. With this type of cough, any colds. Most often, cough develops in the morning, after sleep. At the same time, body temperature rises. As he recovers, the cough turns into a wet one.

Dry cough in a child may occur due to an allergic irritant (food, dust, animal hair), bronchial asthma or whooping cough. If the cause is an allergy to bedding or dust in the room, then the cough most often intensifies in the morning.

Why can a child cough intensified in morning time? If a child coughs heavily in the morning, while it is difficult for him to cough, take a breath, bronchitis and asthma should be ruled out. Spasm intensifies at night muscular musculature, in a dream and after a dream there is a cough.

A wet cough is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature and brings relief. The color of sputum can also be used to judge the processes occurring in the body. If the mucus is clear, then there are no complications. If it has a greenish or yellowish tint, then there is an inflammatory process in the bronchi or lungs.

The child urgently needs to be shown to the doctor and treatment should be started if other symptoms appear against the background of coughing:

  • coughing fits become stronger at night interfere with sleep;
  • the baby refuses to feed, vomiting is observed;
  • coughing attacks are getting worse every day.

Wet cough does not always indicate the stage of recovery. If it is prolonged, does not decrease every day, but, on the contrary, the amount of sputum increases, increases in sleep, then tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis should be excluded.

Therapeutic procedures and medicines

If it is established that the baby has ARVI, then the doctor can begin treatment according to the following scheme.

  • Antivirals.
  • Nasal lavage saline solutions. Sometimes vasoconstrictor drops may be prescribed.
  • Antipyretics.
  • Homeopathic remedies are often prescribed for infants, as they have natural basis. For example, "Stodal". The medicine helps with cough of any nature, relieves inflammation, thins and removes sputum.

The most popular cough medicines used in pediatrics for infants are divided into three groups: expectorants, mucolytics and antitussives.

Treatment with expectorants is started at wet cough when mucus is poorly excreted. They will come to the rescue vegetable syrups based on, for example, herbs such as plantain, thyme, thyme. But they can cause allergies in a child. Due to the activation of the ciliated epithelium, sputum begins to separate from the mucosa.

  1. "Gedelix". Syrup can be used from birth. It should be given a lot of liquid at the same time, it is allowed to dilute in the diet.
  2. Syrup based on licorice root.
  3. "Linkas". The syrup has an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect, liquefies and removes sputum. The syrup is approved for use from 6 months.

Mucolytic drugs are designed to thin viscous sputum in the respiratory system. These are drugs based on bromhexine, ambroxol. Among them, the most famous are "Ambrobene", "Lazolvan". Effective inhalation with these drugs.

Pediatricians for cough are prescribed the following expectorant drugs for babies:

  1. "Ambrobene". The syrup is allowed for children from birth - 2.5 ml each. Facilitates breathing, thins mucus and removes phlegm. Known for its effectiveness solution for inhalation.
  2. "Bronhikum". Syrup based on thyme is allowed for use from six months of age, ½ teaspoon. You can use this syrup for up to two weeks.
  3. "Ambroxol". The syrup is effective for viscous sputum, it is prescribed from birth in 2.5 ml. Do not drink syrup for more than 5 days.
  4. "Bromhexine". Syrup and solution for inhalation for children from birth.

Treatment with antitussive drugs is necessary to suppress the cough reflex. They are prescribed for a strong, dry cough that interferes with sleep and eating. They are also prescribed for whooping cough. Treatment with these drugs is carried out with extreme caution among children under the age of one year.

  1. The permitted drug is drops or syrup "Sinekod", you can give it from 2 months.
  2. "Stoptussin". The drug is presented in the form of drops that can be given with a dry cough after 6 months. You need to drink it after feeding.

You can not combine expectorant and antitussive drugs. This leads to the development of pneumonia. Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor - the risk of side effects increases.

What are adults allowed to do?

When the baby coughs, parents try to help him by all means. Among them there are those that can be harmful to health. With caution, you need to use folk remedies.

How can mom help?

  1. As often as possible, put the baby to the breast. If the child is on artificial feeding then give him more fluids. Children after six months can be given a decoction or compote.
  2. Do not dress your child too warmly, especially when he has a high fever.
  3. When the cough proceeds without a high temperature, it is allowed to walk on the street. There is better ventilation of the lungs, microbes begin to die faster. Do not be afraid if the child began to cough more after a walk, this is normal.
  4. The room where the baby is located should be ventilated more often. Be sure to humidify the air. Dry air provokes a cough even more due to the drying of the mucous membrane.
  5. You can do inhalation. Only babies under one year old are not recommended to do steam inhalation, as the risk of burning the respiratory tract increases. If the cough is dry, then they go into the bathroom with the baby and fill it with water. You can breathe the vapor that comes from hot water with soda.
  6. If there is no temperature and the baby feels satisfactory, you can take a bath with sea ​​salt or add a decoction of eucalyptus, chamomile.
  7. Massage chest and backs.

Do not make compresses with alcohol, vinegar or dry mustard - the risk of poisoning, burns and the development of spasms of the larynx increases. Caution should be given herbal decoctions and infusions. Allergic reactions often occur.

Folk remedies in the fight against cough are:

  • tea with raspberries, chamomile;
  • you can give a little honey, putting it on the cheek or under the tongue;
  • help relieve an attack will help warm milk with soda on the tip of a knife.

Treating a cough in a child with soda has several options.

Treating the throat with soda can help relieve inflammation and irritation in the throat. To do this, gauze soaked in water with soda is wound around the finger, and it is carefully processed. oral cavity child.

Inhalations are effective mineral water"Borjomi" or water with soda. To make a solution with soda, you need to take 3 teaspoons of soda and dilute in 800 ml of water. The water should be warm, but not hot.

Useful are steam inhalations with soda, performed in a different way. Pour a liter of water into the pan, throw in a few cloves of garlic and boil for 5 minutes. Then diluted with soda. You can breathe for about a few minutes.

A liter of hot water is diluted with soda and 2 drops of iodine are added. Baking soda helps loosen mucus and make breathing easier.

Folk effective means are inhalations with eucalyptus. They eliminate wheezing and prolonged coughing. Cough treatment for initial stage can be carried out using a nebulizer and saline solution. Inhalations should be done for 5 minutes. Pour 5 ml of the solution into the cup of the device. Helps to moisturize respiratory organs, relieve irritation and dilute thick mucus.

Parents should pay attention to even slight coughs in the baby. Many respiratory diseases are silent and may not be accompanied by fever or other symptoms. Only experienced specialist can sort out the problem.

If your child is coughing, then this is not independent disease, and as a rule speaks of the protective state of the body, showing a cough as a symptom. It removes from the body particles that are inhaled along with oxygen, as well as phlegm and mucus. The main cause of cough is a respiratory tract infection. In order to find out the cause of the cough, you must first listen to it. Distinguish the following types cough: dry, barking, wet, painful.

Types of cough in the chest

  1. Dry cough most often indicates an allergic reaction of the body. Due to the fact that the function of the gastric sphincter (closing mechanism) is not yet fully developed in the child, a dry cough often causes vomiting.
  2. A barking cough may appear as a development of an inflammation called Croup. It leads to narrowing of the larynx and upper respiratory tract, resulting in a barking cough.
  3. A wet cough may indicate a buildup of mucus in the airways. The cause of a wet cough most often lies in a respiratory tract infection. However, excessive production of mucus (secretion) can also be the cause.
  4. Painful cough is the cause possible inflammation lungs (pneumonia). Most often, in this case, the pain is localized in the abdomen or lungs.

Duration of chest cough

If the cause of the cough was not an infection, its duration will be several days, after which it will subside.

If the infection is the cause, then the child, in addition to coughing, will also have other symptoms, such as fever or fatigue, but after about 6-7 days, such a cough will also subside.

If coughing attacks appear with a certain frequency, or do not stop for several weeks, then it is likely that this is a manifestation of immunodeficiency or the beginning of emerging asthma.

The baby is coughing - what to do?

Coughing is most often an indicator that there is a focus of irritation in the airways, it can be a microbe, mucus, or something else. Accordingly, to get rid of a cough, we need to get rid of the irritant.

If the cough is severe, then the child needs plentiful drink This is necessary to keep the airways hydrated. Also, the liquid helps to dilute the mucus and, as a result, to simplify its removal from the body. In order to humidify the air, you can leave wet clothes in the room.

Also, with a wet cough, it will be useful to carry out inhalation with a solution table salt, in this way you will carry out direct humidification of the respiratory tract. It is necessary to do inhalations with a frequency of 3-4 times a day. It is also possible to use an isotonic solution for inhalation.

If the cough is not prolonged, you can drink expectorant solutions. plant origin, for example, mukaltin is suitable.

However, cough mixtures should not be given to a child without a doctor's prescription. They only suppress an attack of coughing, interfering with the cleansing of the bronchi.

For a dry cough, a soothing syrup can be used to prevent throat irritation.

Please note that codeine-containing mixtures can only be used after a doctor prescribes it.

With a strong cough or if the child has bronchitis, various inhalations are prescribed with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of bacterial cough, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

If a child has a dry cough for a long time (several weeks), the attending physician must determine its origin. Since this symptom is possible with the development of asthma, or it may be an allergic reaction.

If the child coughs in winter time, this may be due to insufficient humidity in the room. To prevent this, in winter you need to often ventilate the room, hang wet clothes in the room, and so on. upper part body high, that is, stand.

If the child's cough is accompanied by noisy breathing then you need to see a doctor immediately.

If the cause of the cough is a common cold, then it is quite suitable folk remedies cough treatment.

Some advice from pediatrician Martin Lang:

Prepare a tea with a mixture of anise, cumin, primrose and linden, all of these plants have a beneficial effect on the treatment of cough.

If the cough is dry, warm milk with a spoonful of honey is perfect.

Can't be treated children's cough preparations containing eucalyptus or menthol, as this can lead to acute respiratory failure. This also includes essential oils.

Do not delay contacting a doctor if:

  1. The child's cough is accompanied by an increase in temperature above 38.5 degrees;
  2. The cough is dry and does not go away for more than 3-4 days;
  3. The child has rapid breathing;
  4. Breathing is difficult and pain is present;
  5. Noisy breathing;
  6. Blood is secreted during expectoration;
  7. If the child refuses food and water;
  8. The cough is sudden and does not stop;
  9. The general condition of the child is unsatisfactory;
  10. Barking cough with shortness of breath and loud breathing.
Author of the publication: Eduard Belousov

Parents immediately begin to suspect SARS, but if the baby is not naughty, does not refuse food and sleeps well, then do not panic. Cough without fever baby May be physiological phenomenon. This occurs very often and in most cases is associated with the natural process of accumulation of mucus. But sometimes coughing fits indicate allergies, respiratory problems, or other serious problems. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right treatment as soon as possible.

Main types of cough

A cough in an infant without fever may be dry or wet (depending on the presence or absence of sputum). Dry cough usually occurs at the beginning of the respiratory viral disease. After a few hours, signs of a cold are added: runny nose, lethargy, poor appetite, fever, moodiness. Sputum with a dry cough is difficult or absent, which only increases the irritation of the mucous membranes. In children under one year old, such a symptom may be observed, because the cough reflex is not yet sufficiently developed.

With a wet cough, sputum is actively formed, during the discharge of which the airways self-cleanse. At bacterial infection the mucus is green or yellow, with a viral one it is transparent. Wet cough occurs already on final stage disease, but if the recovery is long, then the symptom should not be ignored. Often without fever, bronchitis or pneumonia can occur - dangerous diseases that require mandatory treatment under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Causes of cough in infants

What can cause a cough in a baby without fever? The most common reasons are the following:

  1. Infections caused by a virus entering the body. At the very beginning of the disease, a dry cough occurs. Pathology can be localized in the upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx) or lower (lungs, bronchi, trachea, larynx).
  2. Inflammation of the ENT organs, bronchial asthma, adenoids. In this case, the cough may not be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  3. High concentration in the air harmful substances. A cough in a baby without fever can begin if the child is in a smoky or smoky room.
  4. Hit It can be small parts of toys, dust, crumbs, food particles.
  5. Dryness and high temperature in the room. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract occurs, as a result of which a cough begins.
  6. Diseases that are not related to the respiratory system. Seizures can occur with pathologies of cardio-vascular system or digestive organs. Diagnosis in this case is complicated, so you have to go through a comprehensive medical examination to reveal exact reasons cough.
  7. Psychogenic or reflexogenic cough is characteristic symptom with otitis, education sulfur plugs V ear canal.
  8. Physiological cough in newborns is considered the norm. The baby can cough reflexively in the morning. So the airways are cleared of mucus.

Physiological cough

A cough in an infant without fever is a common physiological phenomenon that does not need to be treated. So the airways are freed from mucus. There is a physiological cough up to twenty times a day in the form of coughing. It occurs mainly in the morning or after sleep. Parents do not need to worry if the child’s body temperature does not rise, the baby is not naughty, eats and sleeps well enough time.

Coughing may be due to the fact that during feeding a small amount of food enters the trachea. Babies may cough when crying (especially intense) due to a large number saliva during the period of eruption of the first teeth and active development salivary glands. This state is the norm.

When teething, a dry cough or cough with sputum in infants without fever may be observed. The causes are, respectively, nasal congestion, due to which the mucous membrane becomes dry, or the accumulation of mucus. In order not to confuse the protective reaction of the body with a symptom of a disease, you need to pay attention to concomitant signs teething: irritation of the skin on the chin due to heavy salivation, separation of watery mucus without impurities and odor, no wheezing when coughing, redness and swelling of the gums, capricious behavior. Possible diarrhea, fever.

Dry air cough

Excessive dryness of the air provokes dryness in the child. chest cough(without fever and other signs of illness). Especially the problem becomes relevant in the cold season, when the central heating system is turned on. In the room where the child is optimum temperature air is 22 degrees Celsius, the humidity level is at least 40%. To increase humidity, you need to carry out wet cleaning, ventilate the room (previously dress the child warmer or move it to another room), use a humidifier.

Foreign body entry

Cough reflex occurs when ingested foreign objects into the respiratory tract. It can be crumbs, small parts of toys, pieces of food. At infants dust should not be inhaled. At a sharp attack obligatory urgent health care. To help the baby, you need to put the child on your knees, tilt the body and gently tap the edge of your palm on the back. Helps laying on the stomach. After the attack, the child must be examined by a specialist.

Respiratory system diseases

Barking may be a symptom dangerous diseases(false croup, laryngitis or bronchial asthma). Attacks begin suddenly and usually at night. The child is very frightened and cries, begins to cough and choke. In severe cases, wheezing and shortness of breath are heard. The sputum does not go away, because of this, the walls of the larynx are irritated, causing pain. With the development of edema, a condition occurs that is life-threatening for the child. With a strong cough in an infant without fever and other symptoms of SARS, parents should immediately call a doctor - this can be a serious disease of the respiratory system. If there are no attacks, but the cough is bothering, you need to visit a pediatrician to determine the diagnosis and start treatment on time.

Cough as a manifestation of allergy

allergic cough is a natural reaction of the body to the ingress of allergens into the respiratory tract. When the allergen comes into contact with the mucosa, a reaction occurs that leads to inflammation. As a result, the mucous membrane swells and becomes irritated, which leads to coughing. An attack can begin due to sputum, which begins to be actively produced.

With an allergic reaction, the cough is dry, often occurs at night or after an irritant enters the body, and can last several weeks. Seizures are sudden additional symptoms diseases (fever, capriciousness, lethargy, refusal of food) are usually not observed. Sputum without pus, light shade, separated at the end of the attack.

Allergy treatment is mainly medical. Apply antihistamines: "Erius" in the form of syrup is allowed from one year, "Cetrin" in syrup - from two years, "Zirtek" (drops) - from six months, "Zodak" (drops) - after a year. WITH one month old"Suprastin" can be used ( intramuscular injections). In addition, expectorant drugs, inhalations are prescribed. In severe allergic reactions in a hospital setting, corticosteroids may be used. How to treat a cough in a baby without fever, only a doctor can determine. Self-medication is strictly unacceptable.

Treatment tactics for infants

How to treat a cough without fever in a baby? Before giving to an infant any medicine, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. Coughing may be a physiological phenomenon. In this case, therapy is not necessary. Sometimes the symptom can be removed if you increase the level of humidity in the room or just walk more often. But coughing can also indicate serious illness. Then carefully selected treatment is needed.

Cough remedies for babies

In most cases, infants and one-year-olds are treated with drops and syrups. These are safe forms. medical preparations. What to give a baby for a cough? You need to use the drug that the pediatrician will recommend. All cough medicines are usually divided into three main groups:

  1. Mucolytics. They are produced on the basis of ambroxol, hydrochloride, acetylcysteine, or bromhexine, which dilute sputum. Safe for children up to a year cough syrups "Flyuditek", "Mukodin", "Bromhexin", "Ambrobene", "Lazolvan" "Flavamed". Use only after consulting a pediatrician. When dry prolonged cough in infants without fever. The listed syrups contribute to the discharge of sputum, which is not present with a dry cough.
  2. Antitussives. They are prescribed for dry cough, which occurs in the form of seizures. Medicines reduce the cough reflex. Most drugs can be prescribed only from the age of two. Cough syrups "Sinekod" and "Panatus" are allowed for children under one year old, but therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Expectorants. Effective for wet coughs with difficult expectoration. Infants are usually prescribed syrups based on plantain or ivy extracts. Includes additional herbal ingredients: thyme, licorice, wild rosemary, coltsfoot, elecampane, thyme, oregano, anise, marshmallow. Pediatricians often recommend "Doctor MOM", "Bronchicum", "Doctor Theiss", "Gedelix", "Prospan". Last drug permitted from four months of age. When applying, you need to monitor the reaction, because an allergy is possible. When swelling occurs or skin rash medication should be discontinued.

Syrup "Ambrobene" for children

Instructions for use allow the use of the drug in the form of syrup from the first days of life. The drug is prescribed not only for coughing, but also to prevent sticking of the alveoli and as a prophylaxis of bronchitis. The action of the drug begins 30 minutes after ingestion and lasts 6-12 hours. For sustainable and lasting effect it is necessary to apply Ambroxol for at least four days.

Instructions for use of syrup for children regarding the dosage contains the following recommendations: for infants and children under two years old - 2.5 ml (half of the measuring cup that comes with the kit) a maximum of twice a day, from two to six years - the same dose a maximum of three times per day, from six to twelve years, you can give 5 ml two or three times a day. The usual course duration is five days.

What to give a baby for a cough? Doctors most often prescribe "Ambrobene" in the form of a syrup, but it is possible to use a solution for oral administration or injection. If for some reason it is impossible to use the medicine orally, injections are prescribed. The daily volume of the drug up to 24 months is 1 ml, the number of injections per day is 2. If we are talking about the solution for internal use, then the daily volume is 2 ml, two doses per day. Cough in an infant (without fever and accompanying symptoms SARS) will be relieved in a few hours.

Since Ambrobene is used to treat even infants, the list of contraindications is very short. You can not use any form of medicine for bronchial asthma, tablets are prohibited with a lack of lactase and children under six years of age, syrup is contraindicated in case of glucose intolerance. You can not use "Ambrobene" for epilepsy and convulsive syndrome, use with caution in violation of the kidneys, liver disease, exacerbation peptic ulcer. Dose adjustment is required for kidney disease.

The drug is prescribed for pneumonia and bronchitis, COPD, for relief respiratory distress syndrome. Indications for use are inflammatory diseases lower respiratory tract with difficulty expectorating sputum. "Ambrobene" prevents the stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, ensures the removal of pathological secretions, does not allow the cilia of the bronchial epithelium to stick together, increases the amount of mucus, which helps to restore the balance of sputum components.

First aid for a child

Coughing and sneezing in infants without fever and other signs of SARS require a pediatrician's consultation. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can alleviate the condition of the child at home. Plentiful drinking is shown (a newborn can be fed only with water, and with breastfeeding- more often offer breasts, from six months you can give a decoction of linden or wild rose, dried fruit compote), walks in the air (if, apart from coughing, there are no more symptoms of the disease, and general state normal), safe inhalations (with a dry cough, doctors advise filling the bath hot water, add soda and sit in the bathroom with a baby in her arms). It is necessary to control the humidity of the air and do not wrap the baby in warm clothes.

Prevention of cough in infants

A cough without fever in an infant can be very dangerous, so parents need to take preventive measures. From the first days of a baby's life, contact with infectious patients should not be allowed, pets and flowering plants should be abandoned. indoor plants(for the first year of a child's life), regularly carry out wet cleaning, provide fresh air, wash hands often, temper the baby. Nursing mothers should provide a complete diet and take appropriate vitamins.

Periodic coughing in a newborn scares parents and for a reason. A cough without signs of fever or colds is quite difficult to eliminate, since the causes of its formation are very different. To help the baby get rid of the disease, it is important to have information about first aid.

What to do if the baby coughs, must install pediatrician because parents are not always aware of side effects all medicines which they are going to accept. find out practical advice about how to cure the disease from the chief pediatrician of Russia and Ukraine.

Cough is a symptom of colds, infectious or viral diseases. It appears as defensive reflex, during which the body tries to get rid of particles of dust, dirt and other foreign objects in the respiratory system. If the immune system can handle adverse particles environment independently, then inflammatory process, which occurs against the background of a cold or flu, medical assistance is required.

Coughing of a physiological nature does not require medical treatment.

The cough reflex is of several types:

If in case infectious inflammation, cough manifests itself as dangerous symptom, That at physiological process Parents don't need to be scared. It appears as natural process during which the baby gets used to the new living conditions.

More about physiological cough

The reason for the formation of adaptive cough lies in anatomical structure baby's respiratory system. Due to the fact that the process of removing mucous secretions from the baby is not yet fully formed, the baby often coughs. In this way, he tries to eliminate the phlegm that occurs in all people.

For reference! Every day, an adult produces up to one hundred milliliters of mucus.

Coughing during the physiological process not dangerous. Normally, a baby can cough up to ten times a day.

Why does non-infectious inflammation occur?

If the baby coughs after feeding or the cough is formed against the background of excessively dry air, you should not be scared either. The same reasons include irritants in the form strong odors, allergic reaction and other household reactions.

Non-infectious inflammation indicates the baby's adaptation to environmental changes, but this does not mean that the child does not need medical help.

Cough can form for a number of reasons. The main factors include:

  • excessively dry air;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • foreign object in the respiratory system;
  • frequent exposure to air conditioning;
  • allergic reaction.

Interesting! Sometimes a cough occurs due to the accumulation of saliva. In this case, the child should be given a large amount clean water.

infectious infection

Sometimes a cough develops as a result of a cold or infection respiratory system. At this point, SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza and other inflammations are usually diagnosed. Cough on the background of acute respiratory diseases manifested due to respiratory failure and the accumulation of a large amount of mucus from the lungs or bronchi.

Do not use in the treatment of children folk recipes as they can cause an allergic reaction.

In addition to the fact that the child complains of fever, runny nose and other symptoms of the disease, the baby suffers from a debilitating dry cough. He calls severe irritation mucosa, can cause hemoptysis and throat disorders.

In addition, a cough can occur against the background of otitis media, which quite often occurs in children under twelve months of age. The inflamed middle ear of a baby causes severe pain, because of which the baby constantly cries and refuses to eat.

Keep in mind that infectious cough is divided into two types:

  • dry;
  • wet.

In the first case, the disease is very difficult, since the unproductive process causes itching and irritation, vomiting and severe pain. It is quite difficult to cure a dry cough, as children do not know how to spit out mucus, but simply swallow sputum.

In the event of an incorrect or untimely treatment in this case, the child may experience laryngitis, whooping cough or tracheitis. Syrups and various inhalations will help get rid of a cough.

With a wet cough, the treatment is much easier. To get rid of inflammation, the baby is prescribed mucolytic and expectorant medicines, as well as syrups and inhalations.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of non-infectious inflammation should begin with the elimination of the cause. If in case cigarette smoke the conclusion is clear and parents should get rid of addiction, then therapy for an allergic reaction should take place under the supervision of a physician.

To get started, install type of stimulus. These include pet hair, flowering, dust, certain products food, powders, cosmetics and so on.

Newborn children easily tolerate treatment if the preparations are made from natural ingredients.

In case of coughing due to dry air, you should purchase humidifier. Before buying a device, find out which one is best with . In addition, parents should not forget about the need for daily wet cleaning, airing the living room and removing carpets, pillows and large toys. Such elements accumulate a large amount of dust in themselves, which often causes an allergic reaction in babies.

The most popular syrups for treating children under one year old are described.

In case of an infectious nature, the baby is prescribed the following medicines:

  1. With ARVI, the child needs immunomodulating antiviral drugs . by the most effective drug recognized "Viferon"
  2. If the cough is accompanied high temperature give baby antipyretic. For the treatment of newborns, any syrups based on Ibuprofen or Paracetamol are suitable.
  3. During the development of inflammation, it is important to eliminate the risk of complications. For this it should flush the nasal passages. If the child is over a year old, sanitation should be carried out using "" or "", but for the treatment of newborns, you should simply clear the nose with turundas.
  4. After sanitation of the nasal passages, it is necessary moisturize the nasal passages oil drops , for example, "Ectericide".
  5. The course of treatment includes the use homeopathic remedies. For infants, Stodal syrup is usually prescribed. It has an antitussive effect and has an expectorant effect.
  6. With a wet cough, the patient needs expectorants. It is best to use the following drugs- "Prospan", "Bronchicum", "Doctor Theiss", "Doctor Mom", "Gedelix". Almost all preparations are made from natural ingredients and are safe for the treatment of newborns.
  7. In addition, the baby needs mucoltics- "Ambrobene", "Flavamed", "Flyuditek", "Lazolvan", "Mukosol", "Ambrohexal", "Bromkeksin". They will remove phlegm and help improve the functions of the immune system.
  8. The next step on the path to recovery will be the use of antitussive drugs- "Panatus", "Sinekot" and others. Before you start taking these drugs, consult your doctor, as the drugs may be contraindicated in some cases.

Important! In the treatment of infants, it is strictly forbidden to use antibacterial drugs.

The most famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises not to ignore methods traditional medicine . You can get rid of infectious inflammation only with the help of complex therapy, so do not risk the health of your own child. In addition, remember that many medicines cannot be used in infants, therefore, before starting treatment in without fail get checked out by a pediatrician.

Komarovsky reminds that babies should not be given anything other than mother's milk and clean water. Especially it is important to monitor the nutrition of the child if he suffers from elevated temperature body.

You can tell if you are giving your baby the right amount of water by looking at the condition of the diaper. If it is not filled within three hours, the child should take more fluids.

Important! If the child is more than five months old, water can be replaced with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

The pediatrician has repeatedly spoken about the need to humidify the living room, so keep an eye on the condition of the air in the bedroom. Normally, the air temperature should be from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. The required humidity with this indicator is from fifty to seventy percent.

If the child does not have a fever, Komarovsky clarifies the need for walks on fresh air. Do not be afraid if immediately after walking, the baby began to cough more. In this way, phlegm is secreted, which is useful for coughing.

Some sources say that in complex treatment cough includes inhalation. Remember that steam can cause irreparable damage Therefore, such procedures are strictly prohibited.

Komarovsky advises inhalation in a steamy bathroom. To do this, fill the bath warm water and add a small amount essential oils. Make sure the child does not have allergic reactions for the selected ingredient.

Interesting! When dry and unproductive cough instead of aromatic oils add baking soda and salt to the water.


The treatment of the newborn should be selected by a qualified doctor. The use of drugs without practical knowledge is dangerous for the baby, so trust the professionals. Remember that the methods alternative medicine dangerous for the health of the crumbs, as well as ignorance about side effects medicines.

A baby is a defenseless and tender creature. Even minor ailments on his part plunge adults into a panic. So why does the baby cough, and what to do if such a nuisance happened in your family, we will tell further.

Coughing is a normal, protective reaction of the body.

Before the age of two months, the child coughs because his respiratory system is so adjusted to the new environment. The baby does not change in behavior, actively eats and sleeps enough. Over time, these coughs disappear.

Baby teething as a test of endurance

The appearance of teeth is a painful process. The baby reacts to it with an increase in temperature, sleep disturbance, refusal to eat, secretion of a large amount of saliva, which he coughs up ( moist cough) or spits.

Can be mistaken this phenomenon for SARS. But swollen and reddened gums with the rudiments of milk teeth inform frightened parents - the child is growing up.


Otitis media inflammation of the middle ear. Coughing is associated with irritation of the nerve, which innervates the oropharynx and ear cavity with its branches. Therefore, the impulse reflexively passes from the damaged organ to the healthy one, and symptoms of both otitis media and pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) appear.

Low air humidity

Parents try to create a warm, cozy environment for their child, even in summer, and they can overdo it. The child is disturbed by a dry, hysterical cough. And all because of the too dry climate in the room. Dry air irritates the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

Advice! Parents, remember that maintaining sufficient air humidity is necessary for both adults and children. After all, water is life. And it is also needed for the functioning of the respiratory system. Be careful!

Contaminated air

Air is detrimental to small dick families. Therefore, stop smoking at least near the child. If the baby coughs in the yard where there is industrial smoke or the result of combustion autumn leaves, it is better to choose more appropriate place for a walk.

Intrauterine infection - infection of the baby before birth

threatens the child congenital pneumonia which is difficult to treat. This happens when the mother is sick during pregnancy. infectious diseases and not receiving adequate treatment.

Baby sneezes and coughs

Often these are symptoms of a common cold or SARS. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by fever and copious mucous secretions from the nasal cavity. These same secretions provoke a wet cough when they get on back wall pharynx (sensitive cough area of ​​the upper respiratory tract), and sneezing.

If the baby wheezes and coughs - an alarm for parents. These may be symptoms of acute laryngotracheitis or, as it is popularly called, false croup, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, specific barking cough(see), noisy breathing and untimely assistance can end sadly.

In this case, it is also necessary to humidify the air. The hot steam of a working kettle or a bathroom with big amount water (sauna effect), distraction therapy in the form of a back massage or patting on the buttocks.

Congenital heart disease is accompanied by dry frequent cough, shortness of breath, blanching, blue skin. The baby is restless, the intercostal spaces and fontanelles are intensely retracted when the baby cries.

Advice! Suspicion of a pathology of the development of the heart is the reason for contacting pediatric cardiologist. It is also important to know that in infants normal frequency heartbeat - 130-140 beats / min at rest, and, for comparison, in adults - 60-90.

What to do if the baby coughs in the morning?

Morning is the time for the reign of the vagus. In other words, physiological activation vagus nerve which causes the bronchi to constrict.

Shortness of breath in combination with wheezing are symptoms of acute obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma. The last ailment is hereditary, associated with allergies (see) and requires special thorough examination and treatment. Children whose mothers are accustomed to smoking cigarettes are at risk for developing bronchitis.

Cough after feeding

Occurs for several reasons:

  • Inappropriate position for breastfeeding
  • Large amount of milk in the mother's breast
  • Increased pressure inside the stomach.

Advice! For better regurgitation of excess milk, the mother should lift the baby and gently press it to her, put a warm diaper on her tummy, in a word, relax the intestinal muscles. So you can stop the attack intestinal colic, which is manifested by the excitation of the child when he cries after feeding due to bloating and not passing gases.

Treatment for cough in the chest

You need to contact a specialist. A doctor who examines and treats newborns is a neonatologist. A pediatrician deals with babies older than a month.

Actions for a runny nose during SARS

The baby's nose in this case must be washed antiseptic solution. The best option- drops. Then, using a rubber bulb, the contents of each nasal cavity are removed in turn.

Advice! During this unpleasant procedure it is necessary to close the entrance to the ear of the cub with a finger to prevent mucus from entering the ear cavity behind the pressure gradient. Thus, you will prevent the development of otitis media.

If the air in the room is dry

Simple ways to increase the humidity in your home:

  • If it's cool outside, enough for a short time open the window in the room.
  • Put a bowl of water near the hot battery. You can make a simple device from a plastic bottle and fix it in a warm place. The water will evaporate and the climate in the room will improve significantly.
  • Shake several times with a wet towel.
  • Hang damp linens around the room.

When the cause of the cough is confirmed bronchial asthma or bronchitis, the doctor prescribes inhaled saline, bronchodilators (bronchodilators) through a nebulizer - modern apparatus to turn the liquid into fine particles, which can easily get into even the most distant and narrow branches of the bronchial tree.

Instructions for pulmicort:

  • The active substance is budesonide.
  • Group of drugs: hormonal bronchodilator.

  • The effect occurs 1 hour after administration, but persists for a long time.
  • Release form: suspension for inhalation, 0.25 ml/kg.
  • Indication: bronchial asthma.
  • Price: about 400 UAH.

Mode of application:

  • babies under 6 months with caution and strict indications- 0.25 mg / kg / day, diluted with 0.9% saline before use;
  • children older than 6 months - 0.25-0.5 mg / kg / day.

Advice! It is necessary to prepare a solution for inhalation strictly according to the instructions and use it for 30 minutes.

If there is no nebulizer in the house, use inhalations (see) over dishes with steaming tea from rose hips, sage herb or chamomile flowers. The method is cheap but effective. Dried plants in pharmacies cost a penny, and side effects with moderate use do not cause.

A dry cough can be turned into a wet cough by mucolytics, drugs that reduce the viscosity of sputum.

Mucolytics allowed in infancy

Name of the drug Release form Dose daily
Bronchicum Drops, bottle, 30 ml Children from 6 to 12 months. ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml) 2 times a day
Altey Syrup ½-1 tsp, pre-dilute in ¼ cup warm water, 2-4 times a day
Ampoules 10% 2 ml 10-15 mg/kg 2 times a day
Prospan Drops, bottle, 25, 50, 100 ml Up to 1 year - 10 drops (2.5 ml)
Sinupret Drops With caution, children under 1 year old - 1 tsp. 3 times a day
Evkabal balm C Syrup, fl. 100 ml From 6 months up to 6 years - 1 tsp (5 ml)

To prevent coughing fits ethnoscience advises to put sage leaves in the corners of the nursery.

If it is determined that the baby's cough is associated with the appearance of teeth, then his suffering can be alleviated by such methods:

  • use special toys for biting, which must first be cooled, they relax the gums well and relieve pain due to the distracting effect;
  • grandmother's method - gum lubrication thin layer honey, but provided that there is no allergy;
  • Dentol 7.5% is an anesthetic ointment approved for children older than 4 months.

The video in this article will acquaint parents with the basic information about a physiological cough and one that indicates a disease.



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