How does the baptism ceremony for a baby boy take place? Child baptism: rules, tips and practical issues

Baptism of an infant is a sacrament during which a small person is accepted into the fold of the Orthodox Church. This sacrament is considered the spiritual birth of a baby, one of the main events of his life on our planet. When a child is baptized, a guardian angel appears, invisibly present with him and protecting him for the rest of his life. Believers should take the rite of baptism, choosing godparents and preparing for this sacrament seriously.

Preparing for the baptism of mother and baby

Before performing the sacrament of baptism, you need to discuss with the clergyman all issues related to the ritual. The presence of the mother at baptism is discussed separately. It is believed that a woman who has given birth is purified only after forty days after giving birth. If the sacrament is performed before this time, then the mother cannot be present at the ceremony. When baptizing a child who is over forty days old, the mother can be present in the church if she wishes, but for this, the priest must read a special prayer over her in advance.

What is needed for a baby's baptism

What to take with you to your baby's christening

Preparation for the ceremony also includes collecting things for the sacrament. When baptizing your baby you need to take with you:

  1. Cross for a child. It is believed that it should be given as a christening gift by the future godfather. A silver cross is suitable for a baby, which, according to signs, will protect him from the evil eye.
  2. Special shirt or dress. Today, children's stores sell many different options for baptismal shirts and dresses. You can sew this outfit yourself. According to tradition, it should be given to the baby by the future godmother.
  3. Kryzhma or towel. The child is wrapped in it after the bath. According to popular belief, such a towel cannot be washed after baptism. If a child is sick, then he needs to be covered with kryzhma.
  4. Birth certificate of the baby and parents' passports.
  5. A blanket to change your baby on.
  6. A bag in which a cut strand of hair is placed during the sacrament.
  7. Things the baby needs, such as diapers, pacifiers, wet wipes, etc.
  8. Money. It is better to discuss the cost of the ceremony and other financial issues in advance with the priest performing the sacrament.

How to dress a baby for baptism

When choosing a christening shirt for a baby, you should give preference to soft, comfortable and natural outfits. It is better if the chosen clothing allows easy access to the baby’s body. Clothing can be light colors or white. When deciding how to dress a baby for baptism, you should also take into account the time of year when the ceremony takes place and the temperature in the church where the child will be baptized.

Adults who are going to be present at the baptism of a baby should also pay attention to their clothing. There is no need to choose overly festive attire. Women, and especially godmothers, should wear a skirt or dress of sufficient length and cover their head with a scarf or headscarf. For men, it is better to choose a strict, classic version of clothing, for example, trousers and a shirt.

Baptism of a baby: rules

The rules for infant baptism include the following points:

  1. The most important condition for the ceremony is the sincere faith of the parents.
  2. When choosing the date of baptism, it is worth checking the church calendar; it is better to refuse the sacrament on major holidays and during periods of strict fasting.
  3. Parents and godparents need to know at least the Lord's Prayer.
  4. Choose believers as godparents for your baby. It is advisable that they undergo the rite of confession and communion before the sacrament.
  5. All people who are going to attend a baptism should dress appropriately.
  6. Future godparents must not be married to each other; they also cannot be the child’s father, mother, sister or brother.
  7. At the ceremony itself, only one godfather is allowed to be present.
  8. If the child’s secular name is not in the Orthodox canons, then it is worth choosing a suitable or consonant name for him, under which the child will be baptized. Subsequently, this name is used in all church rituals.

How is the baptism ceremony performed?

The duration of the baptism ceremony can be up to one and a half hours. The baby is brought into the church by his godparents: usually the girl is brought in by the godfather, and the boy by the godmother. The child must be completely undressed and wrapped in a baptismal towel or kryzhma.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the godparents pronounce their vows. They must answer the priest’s questions, since the baby is still too small for this. During the sacrament, the priest applies oil to parts of the baby’s body, and then, symbolizing the protection and patronage of God, places his hands on the child. After this, the godparents read the “Creed” prayer while standing near the font. It contains vows to fulfill the commandments and not give in to the devil. Then the priest sanctifies the water in the font and immerses the baby in it three times, accompanied by reading prayers.

Next, the ritual of anointing takes place, during which a cross-shaped application of chrism is performed on the baby’s head. Afterwards, the child is given to his godparents, and they dress him in a pre-consecrated cross, shirt or dress, and for girls - a cap or scarf. The priest also cuts a lock of the baby's hair as a symbol of submission. During the process of churching, the first communion may take place, in which boys are carried through the altar, and girls are applied to the icon of the Mother of God and brought to the gates.

The sacrament of baptism ends with the making of appropriate entries in church books and the issuance of a baptismal certificate.

After the end of the ceremony, parents usually invite all relatives and friends present at it to visit. The feast should not be too rich and it is better if it is not accompanied by the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Communion of a baby after baptism

Children of any age can receive communion after their baptism. Quite often a lot of time passes between the sacrament of baptism and the infant’s communion. Parents explain this by the impossibility of explaining to their child the rules of behavior during communion and the foundations of faith and the Orthodox Church. However, belonging to God is not tied to age, gender and other characteristics of a person; even infants can and should be given communion. The first communion should take place a few days after baptism.

How infants receive communion after baptism

During church services, diluted wine and a bowl containing pieces of bread are brought out. Above them, the priest reads the necessary prayers, invoking the spirit of Christ. Before communion with bread and wine, you need to receive the priest’s blessing for it. In this case, infants should be placed on the right arm of an accompanying adult; older children should have their arms folded on their chest, with the right one on top. It is necessary to try to explain to the baby that a piece of bread needs to be swallowed. Children are usually given communion first, and the priest should be told the child’s church name.

  1. Infants should be fed approximately one and a half hours before the sacrament. It is better not to feed children over three years old at all before this.
  2. Depending on the age, it is worth trying to explain to the child the procedure for communion and its meaning. During the ritual, you need to cross your arms over your chest, not talk, not play around or laugh, calmly tell the priest your name and swallow a piece.

When going to church for communion, you must wear a cross around your baby’s neck.

Baptism is one of the main sacraments of Orthodoxy. This rite consists of accepting the Christian faith. It is designed to protect a person from the influence of dark forces and direct his life in a bright spiritual direction. There is an opinion regarding the correctness of accepting Christianity already at an adult, meaningful age. However, Orthodox priests claim the opposite. Being baptized in infancy, a person early finds a guardian angel, is cleansed of original sin and is forever accepted into the holy church monastery.

The Orthodox Church recommends that infants be baptized on the 8th or 40th day after their birth. Newborn children with a dangerous illness should be baptized as soon as possible. Before the christening, you need to decide on the choice of an Orthodox name for the baby. A saint bearing the same name becomes his intercessor before higher powers. An Orthodox name should be known to a limited number of people; this will make a person invulnerable to evil and ill-wishers.

Child baptism in church

Many people are interested in what days and how a child is baptized in the church. The rules are almost the same in every Orthodox church. You can choose any day of the week for christening. The exception is major church holidays, when due to heavy workload the priest will not be able to perform the ceremony.

Preparation for the sacrament

Preparation for the sacrament involves the purchase of a baptismal kit, preliminary conversations with a clergyman and the choice of godfather and mother. The baptismal set includes a shirt (diaper), a pectoral cross and an icon depicting the patron saint. For female infants, a hat or scarf is added. The baptismal shirt (kryzhma) is considered a miraculous amulet and must be kept throughout the life of its owner.
With its help, traditional healers remove curses and help in the treatment of serious diseases.

Kryzhma for baptism

You can buy kryzhma or sew it yourself. This can be done by both the mother and the future godmother. Preference is given to the white color of the fabric as a symbol of purity and purity.

Traditionally, the godfather buys the pectoral cross. It should be made of inexpensive metal. It is allowed to have a cross made of silver, as this metal is capable of purifying and driving away evil spirits. But gold is not considered pure, so gold crosses are undesirable. You can purchase such a cross in the future, not forgetting to consecrate it. After the sacrament is performed, the pectoral cross is supposed to be worn constantly as a symbol of faith.

Godparents often wonder what is better to buy for the cross: a chain or a cord? In church shops they sell ropes - gaitanchiki, specially designed for wearing it. They are safe and easy to use and are especially suitable for young children.

Relatives and godparents should first visit the priest and ask him all the necessary questions about the upcoming ceremony. He will tell you in detail what is needed to properly participate in it. To take photos or videos, you must obtain his approval and blessing. On the day of christening, you must have the baby's birth certificate with you. Based on this, a baptismal certificate will be issued.

Choosing godparents

The choice of godparents should not be made for mercantile reasons. Priests advise inviting believers for this, who in the future are able to become spiritual parents and mentors for the godson, and, if necessary, replace his father and mother. They must necessarily belong to the Orthodox faith.

Future godparents are invited to the temple for a conversation with the priest. The priest will tell them how the child is baptized, explain their role in the ceremony and in the spiritual life of the future godson. Church rules strictly define the category of persons who cannot be godparents:

  • the child's parents;
  • atheists and representatives of other religions;
  • temple staff;
  • minors;
  • persons who are married to each other.

Women are forbidden to be present in the holy monastery during menstrual periods. Before the sacrament, godparents are required to observe a three-day fast, confess and receive communion.

Baptism of children in church

Church rules previously prohibited parents of children from being with them during the ceremony. Today, the procedure for the ceremony has changed somewhat and an Orthodox priest can baptize a baby in their presence.

All participants in the ceremony need to pay attention to their appearance. It must meet church requirements. In clothes, subdued colors are preferred. All those present should be wearing crosses and holding baptismal candles.

Women are not supposed to wear short, revealing dresses or skirts. The head is covered with a scarf or scarf. Flashy jewelry and bright makeup are excluded. Female children must also have their heads covered. Men are allowed into the temple without a headdress.

Christenings of children of both sexes follow the same rules. The first sacred act is the laying of the hand of the priest on the baby. Such a gesture symbolizes gaining the protection of God. The godparents answer some of the priest’s questions on behalf of the godson, then the priest anoints the child with church oil (oil).

After the anointing, the godparents with the baby in their arms must go to the font. The priest sanctifies the water and immerses the baby in it three times. If a boy is being baptized, then the godmother brings him to the font, and if a girl is baptized, then the godfather brings him to the font. After washing, you need to put on a baptismal shirt and cover your head. The priest performs the rite of anointing, which happens only once in a lifetime.

Rules for baptism in the church

Then a small strand of hair is cut from the child's head. The baby is carried around the font 3 times. This means that he accepted the Orthodox faith and united with it forever. The entire ceremony is accompanied by constant reading of prayers.

Upon returning from the holy monastery, all those invited gather at the festive table. During the celebration, children are given gifts and warm, sincere wishes.

Duration and cost of the ceremony

The duration and cost of the ceremony vary. Many parents are interested in how long it takes to baptize a child in a church. This largely depends on the priest. Most often, the ritual takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The main material expenses fall on the shoulders of the blood father and mother, although there was once a custom to pay everything in full to the godfather. The cost of baptism in a church is indicated in the price list with prices for church services. It can be found in the icon shop. You can find out how much it costs to baptize a child in a church from its workers. Traditionally, the amount ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in omens or not. There are beliefs associated with christenings. Our wise ancestors advised us to do the following:

  • do not inform strangers about the date of the upcoming christening;
  • allow only an even number of guests into the temple;
  • before the christening, count all the money in the house - this will ensure the child a comfortable life;
  • on the day of christening, as well as on church holidays, do not perform any work;
  • do not open the doors of the house to anyone until all participants in the ritual return from the temple;
  • do not take a pregnant woman as a godparent;
  • on a holiday, do not make noise or quarrel in the house;
  • After the feast, the last of the guests should be the godmother and father.

Orthodox priests teach that the mere fact of baptism is not enough to enter the Heavenly Kingdom. Further life in Christ and participation in all church sacraments is important. The Church calls on parents of baptized children to live in its bosom and set a worthy example to the growing generation.

Rules for baptizing a child in church: video

“...Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God...” (John 3:5).
“...He who has faith and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not have faith will be condemned...” (Mark 16:16)

The Church Sacraments are a Divine institution, and the Lord Himself performs them. A sacrament is a sacred action in which the grace of the Holy Spirit, or the saving power of God, is secretly (incomprehensibly) given to a person through visible signs and symbols.

The very word “sacrament” indicates that it is not subject to investigation by the mind, but is accepted by the believing heart.

The door to the Church of Christ is the Sacrament of Baptism: only a person who has received Baptism can become a member of the Church, and therefore this Sacrament is also called “spiritual birth.” For an unbaptized person, the gates of heaven are closed. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself told His disciples: “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. (John 3.5) - And before ascending to heaven he blessed them, - Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit...” (Matthew 28:19).

The sacrament of Baptism consists of the consecration of water and oil, anointing with consecrated oil and the subsequent, most important sacred rite, three times immersion of the baptized person in water with the words: “The servant of God (his name) is baptized in the name of the Father. Amen. And the Son. Amen. And the Holy Spirit. Amen". Since ancient times, water has been a symbol of purification, and immersion in it is a symbol of repentance. The consecrated oil, which during the Sacrament is first anointed with water and then with the person being baptized, is a symbol of healing and health, reconciliation and peace. The candles represent the light of the right faith; censer - the fragrance of the Holy Spirit. The white robes of the newly baptized person represent the new life or soul of a Christian freed from the power of sin and Satan, which he must keep unsullied; and, finally, the pectoral cross - the crucifixion of Christ and a sign of faith in His victory.

Requirements for participants in the Sacrament of Infant Baptism

Infants cannot consciously begin the Sacrament of Baptism, therefore the baptism of children is performed according to the faith of parents and godparents (godparents), who become full participants in this Sacrament along with infants.

Only baptized people of the Orthodox faith who have not fallen away from church communion are allowed to receive the Sacraments of the Church. Falling away from the Church occurs not only as a result of committing grave (mortal) sins, but also in cases where people have not begun the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Repentance for a long time. Didn’t take Communion - in fact, didn’t want to have a part with God. “Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day” (John 6:53-54). Therefore, before participating in the Sacrament of Baptism, such people who have fallen away from church communion must be reunited with the Church through repentance. In the Sacrament of Confession, a person receives forgiveness for his sins and is reunited with the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. It should be noted here that Repentance implies not only a listing of the sins committed, but also a firm decision to change one’s life. The Greek word for repentance is “metanoia,” which literally translates as “change of mind.” A change of mind is an awareness of the disgust of your current state and a desire to be reborn, a desire to change for the better, which excludes a formal attitude towards this Sacrament.

These preparatory requirements apply not only to the child’s natural parents (at least one of them), but also to godparents. In addition, he who approaches the Sacraments of the Church must undoubtedly know the basics of the Orthodox faith: what he believes in and in Whom he trusts. Therefore, at a minimum, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the interpretation of the Creed and read at least one Gospel (for example, according to Mark).

Baptism of infants without parental preparation is permissible only “out of fear of death,” i.e. in case of a threat to the child’s life (serious illness, urgent complex surgery).

If you live a full church life and began the Sacrament of Holy Communion no later than a year ago, then immediately before the baby’s baptism it is not necessary to confess and receive communion.

The ritual preceding baptism is the reading of a cleansing prayer over mothers

During the first forty days after the birth of a child, the mother “according to the ordinary law of natural purification,” which for her is like a seal of the original curse on the woman, is prohibited from entering the temple. On the fortieth day, the mother stands at the entrance to the temple, holding the baby in her arms, ready to offer him and her motherhood to God. In her prayers, the Church unites two motherhoods: human and the motherhood of the Most Pure Virgin, who gave birth to the true Lawgiver. Prayer fills human motherhood with the unique joy and fullness of Mary's Divine Motherhood. The child, whom She carried and with whom, as Mother, she was completely united, filled Her with grace. Now this grace fills the Church, and every mother who brings her child to God receives it.

What happens during baptism?

The word baptism means immersion. The main action of baptism is the three-time immersion of the baptized person in water, which symbolizes the three-day stay of Christ in the tomb, after which the Resurrection took place.

Everyone who is baptized repeats the path of Christ. Just as Christ died on the Cross as a sacrifice for our sins, in the sacrament of baptism we die to a sinful life and the creation of the will of Satan, in order to then be resurrected to life with God. Our entire nature is renewed to its very foundations. All our sins, for which we sincerely repented, are left to us.

If a baby is baptized, then he must have godparents, whose responsibilities include the Christian education of their godchildren. They will give a strict answer for them at the Judgment of God. Anyone who has agreed to become a godfather must realize that he is taking on enormous responsibility for the child, and if he neglects to fulfill his duties, he will be severely punished.

To give a child a Christian upbringing, the godparents themselves must live a Christian life and pray for their godson.

Godparents - godparents

The custom of having recipients at Baptism dates back to the most ancient Apostolic Tradition. The Greek word anadekhomenos (receiver) also means “guarantor for the debtor.” Saint John Chrysostom, in one of his catechetical conversations, explains the role of recipients as follows: “If you wish, let us turn our word to your recipients, so that they too can see what reward they will receive if they show great zeal for you, and, on the contrary, what condemnation will follow them if they fall into carelessness. Think, beloved, about those who have accepted a guarantee for money, that they are in greater danger than the debtor who took the money. For if the debtor appears prudent, then the guarantor will lighten the burden; if he becomes unreasonable, then great danger will be in store for him. Therefore, a certain sage instructs, saying: “If you guarantee, take care as if you are obliged to pay” (Sir. 8:16). If those who have accepted the guarantee of money consider themselves responsible, then how much more those who are involved in the spiritual, those who have accepted the guarantee of virtue, must show great care, convincing, advising, correcting, showing fatherly love. And let them not think that what is happening does not matter to them, but let them know for sure that they too will become partakers of glory if with their instructions they lead those being taught to the path of virtue; and if they fall into idleness, there will be much condemnation for them. For this is why it is customary to call them spiritual fathers, so that they learn through the actions themselves what kind of love they should show in teaching about spiritual things. And if it is commendable to lead those who are not relatives to zeal for virtue, then how much more should we fulfill what is required in relation to the one whom we accept as a spiritual child. Now you, the recipients, have learned that you are in considerable danger if you fall into carelessness.”

Parents need to remember that to the decision to baptize a child they must attach a conscious promise to God to raise him according to the rules of the Orthodox Church. But, in addition to their commitment, the commitment of the godparents is also required. It is expressed in the baptismal vow of the godparents for the baby before God and the Church: “I renounce Satan, I am united to Christ.” Therefore, when baptizing a baby, special attention should be paid to the godparents and their faith.

In general, only one recipient is considered necessary: ​​a man for a male person to be baptized or a woman for a female person. But, according to established tradition, there are two recipients: a man and a woman.

During infant baptism, the recipients hold their godchildren in their arms throughout the entire Sacrament. It is preferable that the boy be held by the godfather, and the girl by the godmother, but if this is difficult, then you can hold them in turns. After immersing the baby in the font three times, he is passed into the arms of his godfather or godmother (depending on the gender of the person being baptized). It is precisely because, after immersion in the font, the godfather takes the baby from the hands of the priest, that the Slavic name “receiver” came about. Thus, for the rest of his life, he takes upon himself the responsibility to raise the child in the Orthodox spirit, and he will give an answer for this upbringing at the Last Judgment. Godparents try to teach their godchildren faith and piety, introduce them to the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church and pray for them until the end of their days.

Often people are not serious about choosing godparents for their child. The vast majority of godparents do not meet the minimum requirements of the Church: they do not know a single prayer, have not read the Gospel, do not know how to cross themselves correctly, and do not wear a cross. Such a recipient will become only a formal godfather for the child, although the Church places great responsibility on him for the spiritual education of the newly baptized person.

It is completely unacceptable for people who have fallen away from the Church as a result of committing grave (mortal) sins to become godparents. (The most “ordinary” of them are fornication (carnal intimacy between men and women without legal marriage), adultery (cheating on one’s husband or wife), abortion (killing one’s own children), the responsibility for which is shared by the man. Treason against the Lord is also a grave sin God through turning to other religions, sects, spiritual healers, psychics, sorcerers, fortune tellers, astrologers, etc.). Before participating in the Sacraments of the Church, such people must reunite with the Church through repentance in the Sacrament of Confession.

This applies not only to godparents, but also to parents. For those who are not churchgoers, confession is mandatory!

You need to understand that parents should choose their adoptive parents depending on the spiritual qualities that they want to see in their child in the future. Therefore, you need to ask to become godparents exactly those people who meet these qualities. Parents also need to remember that by offering other people to be godparents, they impose on them great responsibility regarding raising a child in the Orthodox faith.

Therefore, before inviting someone to become godparents of your child, you need to determine for yourself whether this person can bear such responsibility, whether this will not be an unnecessary sin for which you will have to answer at the Last Judgment.

While godparents are responsible before God for the upbringing of their godchildren, parents bear full responsibility for the spiritual, mental and physical development of their children, and godparents are only assistants in this.

Subsequently, when the child reaches conscious age, the recipient must explain to him the basics of the Orthodox faith, take him to Communion and take care of his moral and spiritual state. This once again shows that you need to choose godparents from people who are baptized and Orthodox believers, who are familiar with the content of the Holy Scriptures, who live the church life in its Sacraments.

It is advisable that some time before the child’s baptism, the godparents confess and receive communion.

It is desirable that children be excluded from participating in the Sacrament of Baptism as recipients, since they themselves still know too little and cannot be the true educators of their godson. Monks and nuns are not allowed to be godparents, and parents cannot be godparents of their own children.

In spiritual kinship, marriage is prohibited between recipients and those received in the Sacrament of Baptism, as well as with the parents of those received. That is, the godfather and godmother cannot marry either godsons or goddaughters, or their blood-related fathers and mothers. The recipient and the recipient (godfather and mother of the same baptized person) can be married to each other.

Order of announcement

Baptism is preceded by the rite of announcement, during which the priest reads prohibitory prayers directed against Satan.

The priest blows crosswise on the person being baptized three times, saying the words: “drive out from him (or from her) every evil and unclean spirit hidden and nesting in his heart...”. They are a reminder that “the Lord God created man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Gen. 2.7). Then he blesses three times and, laying his hand on the head of the person being baptized, reads a prayer. The hand of the clergyman is the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, which is a gesture of protection and blessing, for in the future this person will face a mortal battle with the forces of darkness.

Three prohibitions against unclean spirits

The Church tells us about the rebellion against God in the spiritual world He created on the part of the angels, overwhelmed by pride. And the source of evil lies not in their ignorance and imperfection, but, on the contrary, in that knowledge and perfection that led them to the temptation of pride and falling away. Satan belonged to the very first and best creations of God. He was perfect, wise and strong enough to know the Lord and disobey Him, rebel against Him, desire “freedom” from Him. But since such “freedom” (i.e. arbitrariness) is impossible in the Kingdom of Divine Harmony, which exists only with voluntary agreement with the Will of God, Satan and his angels are expelled by God from this Kingdom.

That is why, at baptism, the prohibition of “Satan and all his angels” is first performed. St. Cyril of Jerusalem says in a catechetical teaching: “The content of these prohibitions is as follows: first, he casts out and drives away the devil and all his actions with Divine names and sacraments that are terrible for him, casting out the devil, commands his demons to flee from man and not to create misfortunes for him. Similarly, the second prohibition drives out demons by the Divine Name. The third prohibition is also a prayer offered to God, begging to completely expel the evil spirit from God’s creation and establish it in the faith.”

Renunciation of Satan

The baptized person (or godparents, if a baby is baptized) renounces Satan, that is, rejects sinful habits and lifestyle, renounces pride and self-affirmation, realizing that an unbaptized person is always a captive of passions and Satan.

Confession of Fidelity to Christ

However, a person himself will never be able to wage war with the devil without an alliance with Christ. Therefore, after a declaration of war against Satan, the rite of announcement follows a combination with Christ.

The child becomes a member of Christ's army. His weapons will be fasting, prayer, participation in church sacraments. He will have to fight with his sinful passions - the evil hidden in his heart.

The person being baptized confesses his faith and reads the Creed. If an infant is baptized, then the Creed must be read by the recipient for him.


1I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
2And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were.
3 For our sake, man and for our salvation came down from heaven, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human.
4 She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.
5And he rose again on the third day according to the Scripture.
6And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.
7And the one who is to come will judge with glory the living and the dead, whose kingdom will have no end.
8And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and the Son, we are worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets.
9Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
10I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
11I look forward to the resurrection of the dead,
12 and the life of the next century. Amen.

The Creed contains all the basic Christian truths. In ancient times, a person had to study them before baptism. And now this is a necessary condition for baptism. If a person does not agree even slightly with the Creed, i.e. does not have the proper faith, then he cannot proceed to the Sacrament of Baptism in person and even baptize his own children. What will he teach them? The responsibility for teaching the truths of the faith to infants lies with their recipients and parents, and if they forget about this, they commit a grave sin. A detailed interpretation of the Creed can be found in any book “The Law of God”.

Since the time of the apostles, Christians have used “articles of faith” to remind themselves of the basic truths of the Christian faith. The ancient Church had several short creeds. In the 4th century, when false teachings about God the Son and the Holy Spirit appeared, the need arose to supplement and clarify the previous symbols. Thus, the Creed now used by the Orthodox Church arose. It was compiled by the Fathers of the First and Second Ecumenical Councils. The First Ecumenical Council adopted seven members of the Creed, the Second - the remaining five. The First Ecumenical Council took place in 325 AD in Nicaea to establish the true teaching about the Son of God against the false teaching of Arius that the Son of God was created by God the Father. The Second Ecumenical Council - in Constantinople in 381 to establish the true teaching about the Holy Spirit against the false teaching of Macedon, who rejected the Divine dignity of the Holy Spirit. When studying, the Symbol is divided into 12 members. The first talks about God the Father, then through the seventh inclusive - about God the Son, in the eighth - about God the Holy Spirit, in the ninth - about the Church, in the tenth - about baptism, in the eleventh - about the resurrection of the dead, in the twelfth - about eternal life.

Sacrament of Baptism

Blessing of water

At the beginning of the Sacrament of Baptism itself, the priest censes around the font and reads prayers for the consecration of the water, then blesses the water in which the person being baptized will wash his sins. He makes the sign of the cross over her three times, blows on her, saying the prayer: “May all opposing forces be crushed under the sign of the image of Your Cross.”

The consecration of water for Baptism is one of the most important parts of the rite, which has the deepest connection with the sacrament itself.

In prayers and actions during the consecration of water for Baptism, all aspects of the sacrament are revealed, its connection with the world and matter, with life in all its manifestations is shown. Water is the oldest religious symbol. From a Christian point of view, three main aspects of this symbolism seem important. Firstly, water is the primary cosmic element. At the beginning of creation, “the Spirit of God hovered over the waters” (Gen. 1, 2). At the same time, it is a symbol of destruction and death. The basis of life, life-giving force and, on the other hand, the basis of death, destructive force - such is the dual image of water in Christian theology. And finally, water is a symbol of purification, rebirth and renewal. This symbolism permeates all of scripture and is included in the narrative of creation, fall and salvation. Saint John the Baptist called the people to repentance and cleansing from sins in the waters of the Jordan, and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, having received Baptism from him, sanctified the water element.

Blessing of the oil

After the consecration of the water, the priest reads a prayer for the consecration of the oil (oil) and the water is anointed with it. Then the priest anoints the person being baptized with oil: the face, chest, arms and legs. In the ancient world, oil was used primarily as a remedy. Oil, symbolizing healing, light and joy, was a sign of God's reconciliation with man. The dove that Noah released from the ark returned and brought him an olive branch, “and Noah knew that the water had departed from the earth” (Gen. 8:11). So, in anointing the water and the body of the baptized with oil, the oil signifies the fullness of life and the joy of reconciliation with God, since “in Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:4-5).

Baptism renews and restores the whole person to his original integrity, reconciling soul and body. The oil of gladness is anointed on the water and body of man for reconciliation with God and in God with the world.

Immersion in the font

Immediately after anointing comes the most important moment of baptism - immersion in the font.

The priest immerses the person being baptized into water three times with the words: The servant of God (name is called) is baptized in the name of the Father, Amen (first immersion). And the Son, amen (second immersion). And the Holy Spirit, amen (third immersion). Immediately after immersion, a cross is placed on the newly baptized person - a sign of his acceptance of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, the faith that Christ truly died and truly rose from the dead, so that in Him we can die to sin in relation to our mortal life and become partakers - here and now - eternal life.

Vestment of the newly baptized

Putting on the “robes of light” after Baptism marks, first of all, a person’s return to the integrity and innocence that he possessed in paradise, the restoration of his true nature, distorted by sin. Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, compares this clothing with the shining vestments of Christ, transfigured on Mount Tabor. The transfigured Christ revealed Himself to the disciples not in the nude, but in clothing “white as light,” in the uncreated radiance of Divine glory. In the sacrament of Baptism, a person regains his original robe of glory, and the fundamental truth of Christianity is clearly and truly revealed to the believing soul: having received Baptism, “you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory” (Col 3:3-4). The deepest mystery is being accomplished: the unity of the human and the Divine in “new life.” The grace given to a person in Baptism, as in the other sacraments, is the fruit of the sacrificial death of Christ and His Resurrection. She gives a person the will to salvation and the strength to go through life, bearing his cross. And therefore Baptism can and should be defined not figuratively, not symbolically, but essentially as death and resurrection.

In the Christian understanding, death is, first of all, a spiritual phenomenon. You can be dead while still living on earth, and not be involved in death while lying in the grave. Death is the distance of a person from life, that is, from God. The Lord is the only Giver of life and Life Itself. Death is not the opposite of immortality, but of true Life, which was “the light of men” (John 1:4).

Life without God is spiritual death, which turns human life into loneliness and suffering, fills it with fear and self-deception, turns a person into slavery to sin and anger, emptiness.

We are saved not because we believe in the supernatural power and might of the Lord, since this is not the kind of faith He wants from us. Believing in Christ means not only recognizing Him, not only receiving from Him, but, above all, working for His glory. You cannot expect help from Him without fulfilling His commandments and, above all, the commandments of love; one cannot call Him Lord and bow before Him without fulfilling the will of His Father.

Immersion in water means that the baptized person dies to a life of sin and is buried with Christ in order to live with Him and in Him (Rom. 6:3-11. Col. 2:12-13). This is the most important thing in the sacrament of Baptism. Only by the grace of God do we know that “this water is truly both a grave and a mother for us...” (St. Gregory of Nyssa).

Sacrament of Confirmation

After immersion in the font and donning white clothes, the priest anoints the newly enlightened one with the holy Myrrh: he seals it with the “seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Through confirmation, the Holy Spirit descends on each of us, filling us with the power of God, just as he once descended on the disciples of Christ on the day of Pentecost.

Holy myrrh is oil prepared in a special way, which is consecrated by the patriarch once a year and then sent to all dioceses, where the bishops distribute it to the abbots.

The priest anoints an already baptized person with holy oil. His forehead, eyes, nostrils, lips, ears, chest, arms and legs are anointed.

Different parts of the body are anointed with the Holy Myrrh in order to sanctify the whole person through anointing: both his body and his soul. The forehead is anointed to remove the shame that covered it due to the crime of Adam, and to sanctify our thoughts. Our eyes are anointed so that we do not grope in the dark along the path of vice, but so that we walk along the path of salvation under the guidance of the gracious light; ears - so that our ear becomes sensitive to hearing the word of God; lips - so that they become capable of broadcasting Divine truth. Hands are anointed for sanctification for pious work, for deeds pleasing to God; feet - for our walking in the footsteps of the commandments of the Lord; and the chest - so that we, clothed with the grace of the Holy Spirit, overcome all enemy power and can do everything in Jesus Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 4:13). In a word, our thoughts, desires, our heart and our whole body are sanctified in order to make them capable of a new Christian life. Anointing with Myrrh is a visible sign, a seal that the newly baptized person is given the Holy Spirit from God. From the moment this sacred seal is placed on us, the Holy Spirit enters into betrothal, into a close living connection with our soul. From that very moment we become Christians.

Each time the priest repeats the words: “The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit,” and at the end of the anointing the recipient replies: “Amen,” which means “Truly, truly.”

Confirmation is a new independent sacrament, although it is connected with Baptism and is performed, according to the rules of the Orthodox Church, immediately after immersion in the font three times.

Having acquired a new son through Baptism, our caring mother - the Holy Church - without any delay begins to apply her care to him. Just as in bodily life air and food are needed to strengthen the strength of a baby, so those born spiritually through Baptism need special, spiritual food. Such food is taught by the Holy Church in the sacrament of Confirmation, through which the Holy Spirit descends on our soul. It is similar to the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, which happened at the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Reading of the Holy Scriptures and procession around the font

After the Sacrament of Confirmation there is a threefold procession around the font.

The solemn circumambulation of the font with the singing of “Be baptized into Christ…” is, first of all, an expression of the joy of the Church about the birth of its new member by the Spirit of God. On the other hand, since the circle is a sign of eternity, this procession shows that the newly enlightened person expresses the desire to serve God forever, to be a lamp that is placed not hidden, but on a candlestick (Luke 8:16), so that he may shine on all people with his goodness. deeds and asks the Lord to grant him eternal bliss. Immediately after the procession around the font there is a reading of the Apostle and the Gospel. During the reading, the godparents stand with lit candles.

Final rites of Baptism

The final rites of Baptism and Confirmation - washing off the Holy Chrism and cutting hair - are performed immediately after reading the Gospel.

The first rite is washing off the newly baptized holy Myrrh from the body. Now external, visible signs and symbols can be eliminated, because from now on only the internal assimilation by a person of the gift of grace, faith and fidelity will support him and give him strength. A Christian must bear the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit in his heart.

The cutting of hair, which occurs immediately after washing the newly baptized Holy Myrrh from the body, has been a symbol of obedience and sacrifice since ancient times. People felt the concentration of strength and energy in their hair. This rite is found both in the rite of initiation into monasticism and in the rite of initiation of readers. In a fallen world, the path to the restoration of Divine beauty, darkened, humiliated, distorted, begins with a sacrifice to God, that is, with bringing to Him with joy and thanksgiving what has become a symbol of beauty in this world - hair. The meaning of this sacrifice during Infant Baptism is revealed especially vividly and touchingly. The child cannot offer God anything else, and therefore several hairs are cut off from his head with the words: “The servant of God (servant of God) [name] is tonsured in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


Holy Baptism is the spiritual birth of a person, i.e. the beginning of his spiritual life, and in the early years it depends on his parents and godparents what the continuation will be. Try to ensure that your child’s communication with God continues, first of all, in the Sacrament of Holy Communion, in which a person truly unites with God.

A child can receive communion in any Orthodox church. An infant (up to 7 years old) does not need to confess before Communion, and does not have to be in church for the entire service. He can be brought/brought after the start of the service, depending on his spiritual age. Very young children can be given communion after feeding (but not immediately after; children in church should not be allowed to chew bagels, crackers, etc. before communion). When feeding, meat foods should be excluded. If possible, try to start giving your children communion on an empty stomach earlier, teaching them the skills of fasting, i.e. After midnight on the day of communion, the child should not be allowed to eat or drink. After 4 years, you can only take communion on an empty stomach.

From an early age, try to instill in your children the skills of communication with God, knowledge about faith and the Church through reading prayers, Holy Scripture for children (the Bible, the Holy Gospel), reading the lives of saints, the law of God and other spiritual literature. Teach children to see the presence of God in all manifestations of the world around us.

Memo to parents

To baptize a child you must:

1) purchase in the temple:
- a consecrated cross on a ribbon (if the cross was purchased at a jewelry store, then it must be consecrated);
- baptismal shirt;
- a baptismal icon (usually bought by godparents): for a boy - the Savior, for a girl - the Most Holy Theotokos (this icon should be beautiful and expensive (to the best of your ability), because it will be with the child all his life and it is with this icon that you will then bless him upon entering into marriage).

2) bring with you:
- diaper and towel for the baby;
- a paper napkin or handkerchief to wipe the child’s face.

During the Baptism of children, a boy needs a godfather, a girl needs a godmother, you can invite both. Godparents must be over 16 years of age.

Women should enter the temple in modest clothing, without lipstick, otherwise, when you kiss the icons and the cross, traces of lipstick will remain on them. If you only have short skirts in your wardrobe, i.e. above the knee, it is better to come in trousers and tie the skirt provided in the temple.

Women (mother and godmother) in monthly impurity cannot participate in the sacraments until the end of these days.

If you would like to take photos or videos during the sacrament of Baptism, you should ask in advance for the blessing of the priest who will perform the sacrament.

Appendix: prayers for children

Daily Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Your mercy on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and the eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Holy Gospel, and guide them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayer for children (Reverend Ambrose of Optina)
Lord, You alone weigh everything, you can do everything, and you want everyone to be saved and to come to the mind of Truth. Enlighten my children (names) with the knowledge of Thy truth and Thy Holy will and strengthen them to walk according to Thy commandments and have mercy on me, a sinner.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ for godchildren
Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Thy mercy on my godchildren (names), keep them under Thy roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open the ears and eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my godchildren (names) and turn them to repentance.

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my godchildren (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Holy Gospel, and guide them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the conversion of a lost godson (St. Gabriel of Novgorod)
Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Look with Your mercy on this (name), deprived of God’s mercy and grace, intercede with Your Mother’s boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul!

What actions does Baptism consist of? and how parents and godparents should behave in church during Sacraments, what is required of them - especially if you are baptizing your first-born.

Dear mothers and fathers, we sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your baby - a new person who has come into the world! And now you have the most important church rite ahead of you, which is often called a second birth - spiritual: the baptism of a son or daughter.

Today, due to the considerable workload of everyday worries, few people have time to find out what actions it consists of and how parents and godparents should behave in the temple during the ceremony, what is required of them - especially if you are baptizing your first-born. That’s why we decided to help you by telling you in detail about the content of the baptismal ceremony and how exactly it happens. And immediately prepare yourself for the fact that this ceremony is quite long, it will take at least forty minutes.

Presence of parents (child's mother and father) in church

Of course, the main participant in baptism is your baby. In addition to him, godparents and the priest participate in the ritual, and, starting from the end of the century before last, the presence of parents and guests is allowed: in this case, the mother is allowed to observe the baptism of her child only if 40 days have passed since the birth. This is precisely the period established by the Church for the process of postpartum cleansing.

As you already understand, parents participate in the ceremony until its completion solely as observers. So it is better to stand away from the place where the ritual is performed; you cannot sit down during it.

Sequence of actions of the Sacrament of Baptism

Before starting the ceremony itself, a priest in white vestments walks around the temple in a circle, reading prayers, then takes his place in front of the altar - at the baptismal bowl. The godparents with the baby stand next to him: if a girl is baptized, she should be in the arms of the godmother, the boy - in the godfather. If there is only one godmother, it is allowed for the baby to be in her arms. By this time the baby should already be completely undressed.

Next action: the priest reads three prohibitory prayers against evil and the baby’s renunciation of it. Only clergy know these prayers, but godparents must cross themselves at the end of each of them and say the word “Amen” together or after the priest. Then the priest and godparents turn to face the west, and three more prayers are read against Satan. Turning again to the Altar, the priest reads prayers to bless the baby, laying his hand on his head. At this stage, the clergyman asks questions. Initially, in ancient times, they were intended for those being baptized, but when infants are baptized, godparents must answer them.

These are the questions and their answers:

1)Father: “Do you deny Satan?”
Answer: “I deny”
(repeated three times)
2) Father: “Have you renounced Satan?”
Answer: “I renounced.”

After this, the baby is already under the protection of Jesus Christ. At the end of this stage, godparents must read the “Symbol of Faith” prayer with the priest(text of the prayer is given at the end). This is a rather long prayer, including all the basics and content of Orthodoxy. And if the godparents do not know this prayer or have difficulty remembering it, in recent years they have been allowed to read from the prayer book, which they must take with them to church. In some churches, this prayer, written on a scroll, is hung in advance before baptism so that it is visible to the godparents.

Dipping into the font

Then the priest blesses the water in the baptismal cup and the oil (oil) with which the baby will soon be anointed, and dips him three times into the holy baptismal water, at the same time calling the baby’s baptismal name: “God’s servant so-and-so is baptized.” From the bowl, he passes it to his godmother or godfather, who needs to prepare a kryzhma (baptismal swaddling cloth or towel) in advance in order to receive the baby into it.

Confirmation of the baby

Next, the priest anoints the baby: forehead, eyes, cheeks, chin, chest, arms and legs, while saying “Seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen." He picks up the boy again and carries him around the altar three times. With girls, this point is omitted because in the Orthodox Church women cannot be clergy.

Then the priest reads several excerpts from the Gospel and the Apostle, at this time the godparents put a cross and snow-white baptismal clothes on the baby - as a sign of his belonging to the Church of Christ and angelic purity, and the priest, at the end of the reading, cuts a small tuft of hair from the baby’s head, the hairs will remain in temple as a symbol of the first sacrifice to God in life. The ceremony is completed.

What name is one baptized with?

Often the baptized name is the second name for a newborn, in addition to the one that his parents named him. For example, the name of a saint born on the baby’s birthday or later, but closest. In addition, it is allowed to baptize with the name indicated on the baby’s birth certificate, if it is in the Saints.

When to wear baptismal clothes

In some churches, godparents put baptismal clothes on the child immediately after anointing, especially if the baptism takes place during the cold season. In addition, the baptismal rite will be complete in some places, as described above, and in others it will be slightly abbreviated; some details or stages of the rite may be swapped. That is why, before choosing the day of baptism, godparents or parents need to see the priest or rector of the temple in which the ceremony will take place, and find out both the duration of baptism and the sequence of its stages. And also ask other questions if you have any.

Parents' clothes in the Orthodox Church

Both godparents and parents need to know that in an Orthodox church they must be dressed in accordance with the requirements of the Church: women must have their heads covered, clothing covers their arms at least to the elbows, it is unacceptable for women to participate in the ritual in trousers, it is better to wear a long skirt . It is enough for men to attend the temple with their heads uncovered, but wearing a closed long-sleeved shirt or suit, even if it is hot summer outside. Shorts, T-shirts and short sleeve shirts are also not allowed. And, of course, both mom and dad and godparents must wear a cross.


Text of the prayer “Creed”

One of the most important events in the life of a believer is the sacrament, during which he is accepted into the faith and the church. The baptism of a child, both a boy and a girl, is carried out according to certain rules of the church. The sacrament is carried out according to a ritual that has not changed for several centuries. Parents and godparents must prepare carefully and in advance for this significant event.

What is baby baptism

The rite of baptism of a child is an important step for believing parents and their baby, a procedure after which a person is accepted into the Christian faith and church. Christenings have a long history, but the basic rules and canons have been preserved to this day. The holy baptism of a child is not a tribute to fashion or tradition; the rite rids the baby of sins (hereditary or personal) and birth takes place for a holy, spiritual life.

Choosing a name

If the name with which the baby is registered on the birth certificate is not in the calendar, then you should decide on choosing another one. They select names for the child’s baptism that are consonant with the world, for example, Zhanna - Anna, Sergei - Sergius. When there is no such correspondence in the church calendar, the name of the saint is used, who is honored immediately after the birth of the baby. When choosing a name, it is better to seek help from a clergyman rather than doing it yourself. In church rituals, the name given during the sacrament is used. It is necessary to know him in order to honor the heavenly intercessor.

At what age is it better to baptize a child?

The Church recommends scheduling a baby's christening as early as possible. Catholics and Orthodox Christians schedule the baptism of a child in the first months from the date of birth, although a person of any age is allowed to perform the ceremony. Some people postpone baptism until a person can independently decide on his choice of religion. Often the date for the sacrament is set on the 40th day of the baby’s life. The choice of the date of baptism, which establishes when to baptize a child, has several reasonable explanations:

  • newborns up to 3 months can easily tolerate head-first dives;
  • babies behave calmer and are not afraid when strangers pick them up;
  • The mother of the baby is allowed to enter the church after 40 days from the date of birth.

Child christening - rules and signs

If the baptism of an infant is carried out according to all the rules, preparation for the sacrament should begin in advance. For future godparents, the church prescribes going to confession a few days before the date of christening, repenting and receiving communion. It is also recommended to fast for 3-4 days, although this condition is not mandatory. On the morning of the ceremony, godparents should not eat or have sex the day before.

On what days are children baptized in church?

You can carry out the sacrament of baptism of a child on any day, be it a holiday, an ordinary day, or a fast day. In church calendars there are no prohibitions on certain dates for the ceremony. The only exceptions are Christmas, Easter and Trinity, when the churches are crowded and it will be difficult to conduct the sacrament. Some churches have their own schedule related to internal regulations. When choosing the day on which the baptism of children will be scheduled, it is better to consult with a priest.

Rules for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church

When you decide to baptize a child, it is important not only to choose a temple and purchase baptismal supplies, but also to familiarize yourself with the conditions defined by the church that parents and guests must follow. Church rules state that everyone must wear crosses. Women should wear closed dresses and cover their heads with a scarf. The baptism process lasts at least half an hour, the baby will be held in your arms, so it is better to avoid uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.

Men will need a dark suit, but not black. Although the church does not set strict rules regarding the appearance of men, it is not necessary to arrive at the place where the sacraments are performed wearing shorts and a T-shirt. On the eve of the solemn event, the parents, as well as godmothers and fathers, must confess. A few days before the sacrament takes place, you should fast.

What is needed for the baptism of a boy child

When a boy is christened, the godfather is always involved in the ceremony. Traditionally, he takes on all financial obligations, buys a cross for the ceremony and a gift. The custom of paying for the ritual is not always entrusted to the godfather; depending on the financial situation, the child’s natural parents can make a donation to the church. It is up to the godmother to buy a baptismal set, which includes a shirt, a blanket, and sometimes a cap. She is also responsible for buying kryzhma and a silk scarf for the clergy.

Girl christening

At the sacrament of baptism of a girl, the godmother is considered the main recipient. Its main task is to read the “Creed” prayer during the ceremony. If it is difficult to memorize a text, you can take a hint with words. Traditionally, a woman gives a baptismal set and buys a kryzhma (white towel) for her godchildren. As a gift, you can present an icon of the saint whose name the goddaughter bears. The godfather must buy a cross, and also helps the girl’s parents financially by paying for the ceremony.

Choosing godparents

One of the main tasks of parents is to choose the right godparents (fathers) from Orthodox Christians for their newborn. These are not just those people who give gifts to a child on holidays, but also engage in spiritual education, teach the rules of Christian life and the basics of Orthodox doctrine. According to the church charter, one godparent is required: for a girl - a woman, for a boy - a man, but often both the godmother and the godfather are invited for the baptism procedure. Both recipients must be Orthodox Christians.

Receivers cannot be changed, so parents must carefully select mentors for their child. Often the child’s relatives are invited to this responsible “position”. Grandmothers, uncles, older sisters and any other people close to the family can become godparents. If you choose adoptees from the family, the godson will communicate with them more often, for example, at family events. In addition to the conditions set by the church, it is worth paying attention to the following qualities of potential godparents:

  • reliability;
  • responsibility;
  • high moral and ethical values.

Who has no right to be a godfather

According to the norms of church law, sometimes a person cannot become a godfather or godmother. The high responsibility that is imposed on the recipients determines the circle of people who cannot claim such an honorable role. The following cannot become godparents:

  • spouses or bride and groom for one child;
  • parents for their baby;
  • monks and nuns;
  • non-Orthodox, unbaptized;
  • immoral or insane;
  • children (boys under 15, girls under 13).

The sacrament of baptism - rules for godparents

Responsibility for raising their godchildren in the Orthodox spirit is assigned to their godchildren. Preparing for this most important stage in a child’s life plays a huge role, although it does not require much effort. Previously, recipients need to undergo a special interview by visiting the church. The godmother helps the parents prepare some items for the child's baptism. It is important that she knows how to handle the child, that she can take off his clothes and put on the baptismal set.

The godmother plays the most important role when the sacrament is performed on a girl. In cases where male infants are baptized, the godfather bears great responsibility. He takes the baby after immersing himself in the holy font, when the baby is wrapped in kryzhma. The godfather can also participate in the purchase of a baptismal set or cross. All material expenses are secondary; the main condition for a child’s baptism is the sincere faith of the relatives and godparents.

What you need to know

Godparents are entrusted with the enormous responsibility of spiritual education of the godson, teaching him the basics of the Christian faith. If the recipients are not sufficiently informed, then they should fill in the gaps, study the relevant literature, and talk with priests. Before the sacrament, it is better to learn about the rules of the ceremony. It is important to clarify at what stage the godmother takes the baby, and when the baby is held by the godfather, at what point the child is wrapped in kryzhma, and when the baptismal shirt is put on him.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

To receive the sacrament of baptism, a person (or recipients, if the ceremony is performed on a child) needs to know two fundamental prayers for all Christians: “Our Father”, “Creed”. It is better to know their text by heart and understand the meaning. In the modern church, they are tolerant of the fact that recipients do not remember prayers. It is allowed to read them according to the prayer book.

Responsibilities of godparents

The role of godparents does not end after the sacrament of baptism; they need to pay a lot of attention to the spiritual education of the godson. Through personal example, the recipients must demonstrate human virtues to the child and teach him the basics of the Christian faith. With Christian upbringing, children need to learn to resort to the sacraments of confession, communion, and become familiar with the dates of church holidays. Godparents give knowledge about the gracious power of the icon of the Mother of God and other shrines.

The godparents teach the godchildren to attend services, pray, observe fasting and other provisions of the church charter. Of the many tasks assigned to godparents, the most important is daily prayer for their godson. Throughout your life, you should maintain a warm and trusting relationship with your godson, be with him in sorrow and joy.

How does the baptism ceremony take place?

The sacred sacrament is carried out according to a specific plan and in an established order, which does not change for many years. The baptism of a child is called a spiritual birth, the main participants in the process are the priest, godparents and the newborn. According to ancient customs, the baby’s natural parents should not be present during the ceremony, but today they treat this with loyalty and allow mom and dad to attend the sacrament. The procedure can be divided into the following stages:

  1. The rite of announcement. At that stage, over those preparing for baptism, the priest three times reads prohibitory prayers against evil and the baby’s renunciation of it. The baby is wrapped only in diapers, his chest and face should be free.
  2. Prohibition on unclean spirits. Turning to the west, the priest reads prayers against Satan three times.
  3. The renunciation of the recipients. The priest asks questions, and the recipients are responsible for the baby.
  4. Confession of fidelity to the son of God. The godparents and the baby turn to the east and again answer the priest’s questions. At the end of the rite of confession of allegiance, the recipients read the prayer “Creed.”
  5. Blessing of water. The priest dresses in white robes and performs the ceremony. The receivers each take a candle in their hands, and 3 more are lit on the eastern side of the font. After reading the prayer and asking for illumination of the water, the priest baptizes the water three times and blows on it.
  6. Blessing of the oil. This stage of baptism is carried out similarly to the illumination of water. The priest blows into the vessel with oil three times, makes the sign of the cross over it, and reads a prayer. The water of the font is anointed with sacred oil when the person is baptized.
  7. Immersion of the baby in the font three times. The priest baptizes the child by immersing him in water three times. The procedure is accompanied by special prayers. After the baby is dipped into the font three times, the priest hands the baby over to his receivers. The godfather takes the boy's child, and the godmother takes the girl's child. The baby is wrapped in a baptismal towel or kryzhma.
  8. Dressing the baby in baptismal clothes. The baptism ceremony continues with the putting on of baptismal shirts on the newly baptized, and the baby is also given a cross.
  9. Sacrament of Confirmation. The priest anoints the baby’s forehead, eyes, cheeks, chest, arms and legs while saying a prayer. The boy is carried around the altar three times, the priest helps the girls to venerate the icon of the Mother of God. The process is accompanied by a prayer of churching.
  10. Hair cutting ritual. The priest cuts some hair from the newborn's head. At the end of the sacrament, this hair remains in the church as a symbol of the first sacrifice to God.

Celebration of christening

The holy sacrament of baby baptism ends with a family celebration. The ceremonial table should include dishes made from dough and cereals. Guests are often treated to pancakes, pies and other pastries. It is traditional to serve poultry; clay dishes are used for baking it. An indispensable treat should be vegetables and herbs, symbolizing spring and the beginning of a new life. Godparents and guests present the baby with a gift. There are no special requirements for choosing a gift. You can give anything: from an icon of a saint to a set of silver spoons.

What to do with baptismal items

How to be baptized is described in detail in the Bible, but there are no recommendations for the use of baptismal paraphernalia. Because of this, there are many opinions and advice. Priests can recommend several options for storing kryzhma to parents:

  • put it in a corner of the chest of drawers and take it out in extreme cases (if the baby is sick or is acting restless);
  • place the kryzhma near the crib, hiding it from public view, so that it protects the baby.

When the baby does not wear the cross all the time, it can be stored along with the kryzhma in the chest of drawers. While opinions may differ regarding the use of kryzhma, there are actions that absolutely cannot be carried out with it. The baptism towel cannot be washed, thrown away, or baptized another person in it. The baptismal shirt is put into a box or a special bag and kept for life. There is an opinion that it has healing powers; the shirt can be applied to the sore spot of the person who has been baptized in it.




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