How to change pediatrician in a children's clinic. Is it possible to change a doctor or clinic?

A local pediatrician is a person on whom your child’s health largely depends. In the first years of a child’s life, you meet with the pediatrician very often (routine examinations, illnesses, examinations, etc.). And if your local pediatrician is a qualified, competent specialist, if you have developed a good, trusting relationship with him, you are very lucky.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when parents do not trust the local pediatrician. These are cases of doctor incompetence, establishing misdiagnosis, refusal to refer for hospitalization or examination (necessary, according to the parents), rude, inappropriate behavior doctor, finally, just a personal conflict between parents and doctor. Then the question arises about changing the local pediatrician.

Is it possible to change the local pediatrician?

Can. Not only that, you have it every right. There is such a document as Article 30 of the Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens”, approved by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1.

This article states that

“When applying for medical care and receiving it, the patient has... the right to choose a doctor, including a family and attending physician, taking into account his consent, as well as to choose a medical institution in accordance with compulsory and voluntary health insurance contracts” .

In our case, the patient is minor child Therefore, his right to choose a doctor is exercised by his parents (legal representatives of the interests of the child). But you need to pay attention to the fact that you can choose a doctor “taking into account his consent.” Those. the doctor you choose must agree to observe and treat your child, bypassing the principle of territoriality medical care population.

The Ministry of Health recommends obtaining written consent from the new attending physician to treat your child. But these recommendations have no legal significance, and, in addition, lawyers explain that the phrase “subject to consent” does not mean “with mandatory consent.” And here comes the moment when you need to contact the administration of the clinic - the head of the department or the chief physician.

What should you do to change your local pediatrician?

The same article 30 of the “Fundamentals of Legislation...” states that if a patient’s rights are violated, he has one more right:

“The right to file a complaint directly with the head or other official of the medical institution in which he is receiving medical care, with the relevant professional medical associations and licensing commissions, or with the court in cases of violation of his rights.”

All negotiations with the administration of the clinic must be confirmed by written documents. Otherwise, you may hear a verbal refusal in response to your oral statement, and you will not be able to confirm anything in the future.

You need to write a reasoned statement in 2 copies with a request to change the precinct in the name of the head physician of the clinic or the head of the department and give one copy to the administration representative for signature on the 2nd copy, which remains with you. A sample application is given below.

The following situation often arises: the doctor agrees to see your child, but refuses to visit him at home, because... its own site is located far from your place of residence, and our local doctors (with rare exceptions) are not provided with transport. Those. The very same local pediatrician with whom you do not want to deal will come to your sick child’s home when you call.

But there is a way out of this situation, even two. The first option: you provide the doctor with transport, i.e. bring him to the call by taxi or own car, and take it away in the same way. Second option: if the pediatrician in this case refuses to serve your child at home, you again write a statement to the administration of the clinic with a request that calls to your child be handled by a doctor “on call.”

In all children's clinics, house calls are accepted until a certain time (until 12.00 or until 14.00), then they are served by a local pediatrician. If a call arrives after the agreed time, it is handled by a “call attendant.” In some clinics there is a position of a doctor who serves only “evening calls”; in others, all doctors take turns handling “evening calls”. This way, you and your child will be spared contact with a doctor you don’t want.

It must be emphasized that changing the local pediatrician should be due to objective reasons, and not your whim.

Sample applications

Manager (mu)
MLPU No....
Full name of the manager (m)
From ...., the mother (father) of a child registered at the outpatient clinic .....
Living at the address...


Dear…. (acting manager)!

I ask you to transfer my child... (child's full name) from the outpatient register with the doctor... (full name of the doctor you want to refuse) to the doctor.... (full name of the doctor you are going to) on the basis of Art. 30 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens.” The consent of the doctor (full name of the doctor you are going to) is confirmed in writing.

The reason for my refusal of the doctor’s services (full name of the doctor you are refusing) was.... (THE MOST COMPLETE AND DETAILED BASIS INVOLVING ALL NECESSARY CERTIFICATES, RECIPES AND REFUSIONS)

If my application is left without progress within 14 calendar days I reserve the right to appeal your actions and the actions of the doctor (full name of the doctor you want to refuse) to the Department of Health of the city of N, the Ministry of Health of the N region and the prosecutor's office of the N region.

Sincerely, …. (Your full name)

Signature of the accepting person___________

Explanation of signature_______________ (position and full name)

Date of acceptance:___________________________

Complaint about refusal to exercise the right to choose a local doctor.

To the City Health Department N

(Ministry of Health of the N region)

From... (Your full name)

Living at address

Complaint about unlawful actions of an official

“__”_______ 20__, I submitted an application to the health care institution MLPU No. ... containing a request for a transfer from the attending local doctor .... (Name of the doctor you are refusing) my child…. (full name and year of birth) for outpatient registration with... (full name of the doctor you are going to). The doctor's consent... is confirmed in writing. The request was completely justified. The application was submitted by the head of the MHPU No. ... (full name of the head (go)), about which there are corresponding marks on the applications.

My request in no way contradicts the law, and the right of a citizen to choose a doctor is enshrined in Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 30 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens.”

Based on all this, the actions of the head of MHPU No.... and the chief physician of MLPU No.... are a violation of my constitutional rights and freedoms.

Thus, based on all of the above, I ask:

1. Transfer my child... (child’s full name) to the outpatient department from the doctor... to the doctor....

2. Reprimand the head of the medical treatment facility No. ... and enter it in her personal file.

If my complaint is not considered within 14 calendar days, I reserve the right to go to court.


1. Application - 1 copy on 1 sheet

2. Insurance policy... (child’s full name) – 1 copy on 1 sheet

3. Written consent of the doctor... (full name of the doctor you are going to) – 1 copy on 1 sheet

Sincerely, ________________

"___" ________ 20__
Signature of the accepting person___________
Explanation of signature_______________ (position and full name)
Date of acceptance:___________________________


I wrote the text and found standard sample statements

pediatrician Lyudmila Sokolova specially for the site I am a young mother

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There are situations when contact with a doctor worsens for objective reasons (he does not pay due attention to the child, there was a specific case when he missed something fundamentally very important, etc.). Then it makes sense to think about changing your local pediatrician. For some mothers, this topic causes stress in advance, but being tied to one doctor only at your place of residence is not a death sentence.
In most cases, mothers today have two options at their disposal. The first is a doctor at a state clinic, which is provided from the moment the child is born, and the second is a doctor whom you can find yourself in a private children’s clinic or at a medical center
Especially if you have real and compelling reasons.
After all, the fact that sometimes some pediatricians do not meet simple requirements, ignore serious issues, or you simply do not have a mutual understanding on some psychological reasons, this is also true.
To change your pediatrician, first find out if the clinic you are assigned to has other responsible and qualified doctors. Chat with the mothers with whom you sit in line, or on the playground near your home, or on forums for mothers. In clinics, the reputation of doctors becomes known very quickly.
When you decide, you need to meet with the chosen doctor and talk about him taking you on as a patient.
Pediatricians in in rare cases They object when mothers come with such requests. They are ready to receive you, but keep in mind that calling home to a sick child will be more difficult if the specialist is geographically assigned to another site. do not forget to discuss this issue at the first meeting, so that an unpleasant situation does not arise later.
In addition, you will need to write an application addressed to the head doctor of the children's clinic with a request to be transferred to another local doctor - this is mandatory!
If you haven’t found a suitable doctor in your institution, you can look for another clinic. The methods are still the same: talk to mothers you know, go to the nearest playground, where you can always see your “colleagues” with their children.
At the same time, you should immediately assess the geographic location of the clinic. If the area served by the selected specialist is located far from your home, it will be difficult for the doctor to come when you call, and, accordingly, it will be difficult for you to get to the clinic with a small child, especially in inclement or cold weather.

Please note that clinics do not need such cases. Sometimes the behavior of the local pediatrician may also change, especially if the head physician talks to him after your application. The question is how you will communicate with him further. Although sometimes such methods work to build constructive communication.

According to the basic legislation, every person has the right to choose a specialist. This also includes the right of every mother to choose a local pediatrician for her child.

On the other hand, if you are sure of the need to change your doctor, and the head physician is not very cooperative, be prepared to show strength of character. In this case, you need to write a statement in two copies, where you indicate the reasons for refusing the doctor. The document must be registered and assigned an incoming number for transmission to the chief physician of the clinic. The second copy (or copy of the document), which must also be marked registration number, you need to keep it and wait for a written invocation.
If you really need to change doctors, you can do it and overcome the bureaucratic conventions.
This is the part of communication where you need to show not emotions, but a normal business approach in which you pursue your goals and protect your interests.

Many patients ask how to change their local doctor. We answer:

You can change your doctor simply by writing an application addressed to the chief physician of your district clinic.

You can change both the doctor and the clinic.

The question is different - what to do with a house call. Doctors have their own areas, if you are assigned to another doctor, it means that he will have to bypass his area, and then go to another. Just go, because in district clinics I have not seen local doctors being transported in cars.
How will the new doctor handle such a workload?

Some clinics ask you to check with the doctor you want to see if he will agree to visit you at home. Some doctors suggest that you come to the clinic on your own, then they agree to supervise you regardless of your residential address.

If you are changing clinics, you should get the consent of the head physician of another clinic, because they often say they are too overwhelmed. Essentially this is not true. They do not have the right to refuse patients assigned to them under the policy.

So, you can be assigned to a clinic in your area, and to dentistry (or antenatal clinic. oncology dispensary. KVD, etc.) - completely different areas - the choice is yours!

If you are denied service, feel free to go (or call) insurance company, where they received the policy. Involve them in the details of the case. They are obliged to help you.

The right to choose a doctor - including a family and attending physician, taking into account his consent, as well as the right to choose medical institution in accordance with contracts of compulsory or voluntary medical insurance are enshrined in paragraph 2 of Article 30 “Fundamentals of legislation on the protection of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”.

This is also evidenced by Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”, which guarantees the right of the insured person to choose a doctor and choose medical organization.

Here's what an insurance company employee says about changing doctors and clinics:

When we're talking about about VHI - everything is simple and clear. You say which specific doctor you want to make an appointment with - and they make an appointment with him.

But when you try to do the same thing in the clinic to which you are assigned under the compulsory medical insurance policy, problems immediately begin. The clinic staff will immediately give you 1000 and 1 reasons why this is impossible. Or they’ll even bark: “Your house is attached to Dr. Ivanova, go to her.”

What to do? How to change a doctor if you are categorically not satisfied with your local pediatrician?

  1. Obtain the consent of the doctor from whom you wish to be treated in the future. To do this, you need to talk with the doctor himself. According to the law, the addition of new patients is allowed only with his consent. As a rule, doctors are interested in increasing the number of patients - after all, this is reflected in their salary. They rarely refuse - only when they have too many patients.
  2. If the doctor agrees to take you “under his wing,” write an application addressed to the head physician or the head of the clinic, in which it is advisable to indicate the reason for the change of doctor and, necessarily, the consent of the doctor you have chosen.

In practice, especially when it comes to a clinic, your attempt to register at the wrong address may encounter active resistance from the administration of the chosen medical institution. In this case, you can act through an insurance company. Ask your insurers to help you fill out the necessary application and contact the head physician of the relevant clinic.

According to the basic legislation, every person has the right to choose a specialist. This also includes the right of every mother to choose a local pediatrician for her child.

If you are absolutely sure that you need to change your doctor, but heads. the doctor, for some reason, does not want to meet you halfway, be prepared to show strength of character. Don’t be afraid to prove that you’re right or even threaten to complain to the Ministry of Health or the insurance company.

  • Write the application in 2 copies.
  • Indicate the reasons for your refusal to use a specific doctor.
  • The document must be registered with you and assigned an incoming number for transmission to the chief physician of the clinic. The second copy (or a copy of the document), which must also have a registration number, must be kept for yourself and await a written response.

Do you need to change doctor?

  • You have every right to do this, overcoming the bureaucracy and laziness of the medical staff.
  • There is no need to show emotions, no need to swear, be offended, or get angry. Be calm and firm in your decision.
  • You pursue your goals and protect your interests. Remember this!

Change the doctor who doesn't suit you! Truth and law are on your side.

anonymous, Male, 35 years old

Hello! In our clinic, the neurologist often changes and each new one is worse than the previous one. We have a couple of dozen sites, we serve a fairly large area, so an appointment with one single neurologist is made 2-3 weeks in advance. I have problems with neurology since childhood. The last time the neurologist didn’t read what the previous one wrote or look at the examination results, he just quickly asked “where does it hurt?”, without even looking at me, and wrote osteochondrosis lumbar region spine and everything. Although, previous doctors already gave me this diagnosis. In response to my requests to schedule examinations (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound scan), he said that right now there is no nurse to prescribe them. It turns out that now we have to wait 3 weeks again next appointment. I told the therapist about my last visit to the neurologist and asked for a referral to another medical institution, where the neurologist was not so busy, she just grinned and confirmed that his nurse was indeed on sick leave and suggested waiting until she went to work. Still, do I have the right to request a referral to another doctor from another medical institution? Or even transfer to another clinic? Because, to be honest, our clinic is very inferior to many others in our city in terms of the number of doctors, availability of appointments, etc.

Hello. In accordance with Federal laws on the basics of protecting the health of citizens (Article 21) and compulsory medical insurance of citizens (Article 16), citizens of the Russian Federation have a guaranteed right to choose a medical organization (MO) to receive permanent outpatient care medical care within the framework of the state guarantee program. The right to choose a medical organization can be exercised no more than once per calendar year. This right is exercised in the manner approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 No. 406n. The regulatory procedure stipulates that in order to exercise the right to choose a municipality, it is necessary and sufficient for a citizen to contact the chosen municipality with an application containing the information provided for by Order No. 406n, a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy, after which the municipality, independently taking actions to actually “detach” the citizen from the previous municipality , is obliged to inform the citizen about the attachment within 2 days. That is, the right to choose a medical organization is exercised in a notification (and not a permitting) manner. The right to choose a specific local physician (pediatrician) is subject to the prior consent of the doctor. If no doctor “agreed,” the attachment is made at the discretion of the Moscow Region administration. If the citizen who has chosen a medical organization does not live in the territory of the district serviced by doctors of this medical organization, then medical care from a general practitioner () at home is not provided to him. Specialized medical care is provided to citizens within the framework of the state guarantee program based on referrals from attending physicians and in accordance with the procedures for providing medical care and routing patients in a particular region (clauses 13-15 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 No. 406n). Accordingly, the patient can exercise his right to choose a specialist with the necessary medical specialty only within the limits of the information provided to him by the attending physician about the possibilities of choosing from organizations that have the necessary resource capabilities and have the obligation to accept a “foreign” patient upon the doctor’s referral. At the same time, the “breadth of choice” in a number of regions, for objective reasons, is limited to one single organization and one doctor. In your specific case, replacing a neurologist or an entire medical organization does not guarantee quality provision You need medical services in future. The doctor’s refusal to give you a referral to another is probably due to objective reasons (mentioned by me above). In order to resolve the problem, I would recommend that you submit a written complaint about the quality of neurological care provided to you to the insurance company that issued you compulsory medical insurance policy, also ask the insurer to protect your rights to quality medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system. The application (complaint) is submitted to free form, and must be reviewed within 30 days.

Is it possible to change a local doctor (pediatrician)?

    If for some reason you are not satisfied with your local pediatrician, you can contact another doctor. The hospital is an institution that does not have such strict rules. Ask to see another doctor, they will definitely see you.

    In case of any difficulties, contact the head of the department (children's consultation) or the chief physician. Usually they always meet halfway.

    Yes, you can. I argued with the local pediatrician more than once and disagreed with the prescribed treatment. When the child had a fever, she refused to come to our house, explaining that it was difficult for her to climb to the fourth floor, and parents could bring the child by taxi or their own car to the hospital themselves. When I got tired of it, I simply went to another clinic.

    Any local doctor can be considered; it happens that some doctors treat children better, but the most important thing for a parent is that the treatment be effective. To change your local doctor, you can simply write an application; in our case, for example, the application is signed by the doctor, and then through the reception you can go to the desired area.

    I live in Lithuania. Family doctor we can change it. Possibly a pediatrician.

    Now you can change your pediatrician to anyone of your choice. My neighbor with her child did just that through the main doctor’s department because she did not agree with the previous one in almost everything, she was not satisfied with him as a doctor. In our clinic there are about 20 doctors, there is a large choice, there is also the option of a paid doctor.

    Of course you can. The main thing is that there is a reason for it

    You go to the clinic and fill out an application with a request to change your local doctor

    Of course, do not forget to indicate the reason - negligence must be punished

    Although it sometimes happens that the parents are wrong, but the doctor is not at all to blame.

    This happens if the child’s parents are not very cultured people.

    Of course it is possible, there is a pediatrician in our area, whom I do not trust at all, I only go to my doctor with the child, on the contrary, she is glad that she can help us.

    Can! We changed. For some personal reasons, we did not like registering with a pediatrician in our area. We turned to the head of the children's clinic with a request to be transferred to a pediatrician in a neighboring area; we wrote a statement and were transferred. This can be done in any medical institution.

    I know for sure that you can change your local pediatrician. I also encountered negligence towards my child. Only in my case, I took the card and moved to another clinic at a different address, but to an attentive doctor

    My friend works as a pediatrician in our clinic, but in a different area. I calmly changed pediatricians and now we go to her for appointments without queues. So contact the reception desk of your clinic. You can also change the clinic, you just need to get a policy that will indicate your new residential address. Or you can be treated in a private clinic.

    Yes, indeed, it is possible to change your local doctor, including your pediatrician. To do this, you need to go to the head doctor, describe the situation to him, and then write a statement asking to change the pediatrician, indicating the reason. A friend of mine had a similar situation

    The answer to this question is written in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 5 of Article 19 323-FZ, it states that the patient has every right to choose a doctor. If the patient has not chosen his own doctor, then primary medical care will be provided to him by those doctors to whom the person is assigned on a territorial-precinct basis. If you want to choose a doctor yourself, you will have to write a written application in any form addressed to the head of the clinic and indicate the reasons why you want to change the attending physician.

    The chief physician of the hospital, for his part, is obliged, within three working days from the date of receipt of the application, to inform the patient about the doctors who correspond to the specialty and about the timing of medical care. And at the same time, it is necessary that the attending physician gives his consent to the treatment.

    It is good that such changes have occurred in the healthcare sector, when the patient himself (or the child’s parents) has the right to choose his own doctor.

    We had one local pediatrician elderly woman, but after she came to us on a call while drunk and somehow looked at the baby, we changed the doctor.

    To do this, go straight to the head physician (the head of the clinic) and write a statement asking to be placed with another doctor (you choose the doctor yourself or they will assign you another one).

    You can give any reason why you are not satisfied with your doctor, up to and including the fact that you don’t like his appearance. We, of course, did not indicate the real reason According to which we are changing doctors, this woman will retire in six months. They won’t be able to refuse you, they don’t have the right.



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