Special exercises for the eyes. Gymnastics for the eyes - help yourself

Vision is one of the most important functions of the body, which allows you to fully work, live and relax. The ability to see the world around us, given to us from birth, is taken for granted. While caring about the beauty of the face and figure, we care little about the health of the eyes and begin to pay attention only when we encounter obvious problems.

Today, medicine allows you to effectively cure many eye diseases without making any special efforts. But all "fast" methods have a number of contraindications, complications and risks. A slow but effective way, if not to improve, then to significantly stop the decline in vision and achieve a certain improvement, is eye gymnastics, which requires only one thing from a person - perseverance in its implementation. Nowadays, there are a huge number of corrective techniques and exercises that are designed for people with absolutely healthy eyes and for those who have vision problems, including children.

Below you will learn about the most popular and effective sets of exercises that can improve and maintain the condition of the organs of vision. They are clear, simple and easy, and most importantly, safe and require only work on yourself.

Universal eye gymnastics to improve and maintain vision

The set of exercises below is great for those whose profession is associated with constant eye strain, children with myopia or with a predisposition to this disease (stressful study, heredity, etc.).

It is important to repeat them every day, allocating time for gymnastics, so that nothing interferes or distracts you during its implementation. You can resort not to all exercises, but to decide only on the most suitable ones.

So, universal exercises for the eyes:


Sit on a chair and close your eyes for five seconds, then open your eyelids for five seconds. You need to repeat seven to eight times.

Effect: strengthening the muscles of the eyelids, relaxing the muscles of the eyes, improving blood circulation.


Sit on a chair, keeping your head straight, start blinking rapidly for at least one minute.

Effect: improved blood supply and circulation of the eyes.

    "Moving gaze".

In a standing position, look into the distance for two to three seconds. Bring the index finger to the face at a distance of thirty centimeters from the eyes (in the middle), move the eyes to the tip of the finger, and in this position hold the gaze for three to five seconds, then lower the hand. Repeat the exercise at least ten times.

Effect: eye muscle training.

    "Massage of the Ages".

Sit on a chair, close your eyelids and gently massage your eyes with a fingertip: the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner, the upper eyelid - vice versa. Repeat this massage for one minute.

Effect: stimulation of blood circulation, relaxation of the muscles that hold the eye.

    "Alternate eye training".

Stand up and place your index finger on the midline of the face at a distance of thirty centimeters from the eyes, carefully peering at the tip of the finger for five seconds. Close your left eye with the palm of your hand for five seconds. In this case, the right finger should not take your eyes off the finger. After that, remove your palm and again look at the finger with both eyes for five seconds. In the same queue, do the exercise with the second eye. Repeat five times for the right and left eyes.

Effect: eye work training.

    "Horizontal eye movements".

In a standing position, keeping your head straight, take your right hand to the side (in a half-bent position), stretch out your index finger and, slowly, move your hand to the other side, carefully watching your finger, then slowly return your hand to its original position, without taking it away from the finger glance. Repeat ten times.

Effect: improving eye coordination, strengthening the muscles that are responsible for the horizontal movements of the eyeball.

    "Press on the eyelids."

Sit on a chair, close your eyes, put three fingers on each eyelid and gently press on the eyelid, holding your fingers for two seconds, then take your hands away from your eyes. Repeat the exercise five times.

Effect: fluid circulation inside the eye improves.

    "Look fixation".

Sitting on a chair, look into the distance, fixing your gaze for five seconds, then transfer it to the tip of the nose and fix it for five seconds. Repeat six times.

Effect: development for a long time to keep a look at those objects that are close to the eyes.

    "Vertical eye movements".

Standing with a motionless head, raise the right hand (half-bent), stretch out the index finger of the hand and fix the gaze on it, then slowly move the hand vertically down and just as slowly return it to its original position. Repeat ten times.

Effect: training eye coordination, strengthening the muscles that are responsible for the vertical movements of the eyeballs.

    "Circular Movements".

In a sitting position, with a motionless head, stretch your arm in front of you, and then take it to the right. Next, extend the index finger of the hand, focus on it and start circular movements (clockwise) so that the finger is at a distance of half a meter from the eyes. Do exactly the same manipulations with the other hand, performing circular eye movements counterclockwise. Repeat five times.

Effect: strengthening of the vestibular apparatus, development of coordination of complex movements.

    "Movement in different directions."

Stand up and, keeping your head still, raise your eyes as high as possible, then lower them down, then to the right and to the left. Repeat eight times.

Effect: eye training, namely complex movements by them.

    "Circular motions - 2"

Sit on a chair, fix your head motionless, raise your eyes up and move them clockwise. Then do the same movements, but counterclockwise. Repeat five times.

Effect: the development of complex eye movements, improve the stability of vestibular reactions.

    "Statistical stress".

Close your eyes while sitting and keep your head still. Raise your eyes up with closed eyelids, then lower them down, turn right and left. Repeat this exercise six times.

Effect: development of static stress.


Lower your head in a standing position and look at your left foot, then raise your head and look to the upper right corner of the room. Lower your head and look at the right foot, then raise your head and look at the upper left corner of the room. Repeat four times.

Effect: improved head-eye coordination.

    "Training the muscles of the eyes."

Standing, look at the opposite wall of the room (being only a few meters away from it), then mentally divide the distance to the wall into two parts and look at an imaginary point that separates both halves of the room. Next, divide the half closest to you by another half and direct your gaze to an imaginary point in the middle. Divide the other part of the distance in half again and fix your eyes on the point that is in the middle. Repeat five times.

Effect: training and coordination of the external and internal muscles of the eyes, the development of the ability to judge the distance.

By showing diligence for at least six months, you can improve your eyesight. Such voltages are aimed at solving certain problems that lead to myopia. The first seven exercises are considered easier and simpler, so they are suitable for beginners and those who do not have vision problems, that is, as a preventive measure. The remaining exercises are considered more complex gymnastics and are aimed at correcting vision, but despite this, you need to move on to them only after you have mastered the first half of the complex. Moreover, the total time for performing a set of exercises, after you learn and master them, should be seven to ten minutes. Such quick, easy and useful gymnastics will improve vision without health risks and significant financial costs.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov

Mirzakarim Norbekov, the author who convened this vision restoration technique, is not a doctor, but positions himself as a person with high strength of mind and will. Norbekov, having improved his knowledge in martial arts, devoted a lot of time to studying the aspects of health promotion and a healthy lifestyle. He opened the Institute for Self-Healing and ran it successfully.

The technique developed by him is controversial and is evaluated in the circle of ophthalmologists in the same way as the well-known work of the author “The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment”.

In his methodology, he describes gymnastics for the eyes and the normalization of the emotional background, or auto-training. In his opinion, only when you perceive yourself as healthy, happy, active, it is really possible to achieve healing. So, patients who have begun to implement this complex should not perceive themselves as sick people, and the world around them should become a kindred and close environment.

The complex includes seven exercises that gently affect the eyes. When performing gymnastics, there should be no pain or strain in the eyes. All exercises are performed with a flat back, which is the main factor for success.

Eye exercises from Norbekov:

    The head is fixed in a straight position. Slowly look up to the maximum extreme point, and then continue to move your eyes, as if you were passing your gaze through your forehead. Then return your gaze to its original position, direct it down, as if you were looking through your throat, returning to its original position.

    The head is in a straight position. Look through the right ear, return to the starting position. Then do the same, but with the right ear.

    The head is fixed and level. Draw geometric shapes with your eyes, but without straining your muscles or squinting: draw a diagonal, directing your eyes from the lower left corner of the room to the upper right corner. Go down to the lower right corner of the room and swipe to the upper left corner. Then do this exercise in reverse.

    "Eight". The head is in a fixed position, and with the eyes you need to draw an infinity sign (horizontal figure eight). In this case, the size of the figure should correspond to the contours of the face. Change the direction of "drawing". At the end of the exercise, blink your eyes, trying to relax the muscles.

    In a silent and calm environment, stop looking at your nose tip, then slowly direct your eyes in front of you, trying to look at the surrounding objects located on the sides, while the eyes should remain motionless.

Once you have mastered the technique, the exercises should be performed in the following sequence:

    fix your gaze on the tip of the nose;

    slowly move your gaze forward;

    fixation of objects that are on the sides (eyes remain motionless);

    fix the gaze on the bridge of the nose, then slowly move it forward again and try to see the neighboring environment (the eyes are motionless);

    the same thing, but with fixation of the gaze on the bridge of the nose.

    Bring your index fingers to the tip of your nose, fix your gaze on them and, slowly, spread your fingers apart, trying to follow the corresponding finger with each eye (lateral vision). Repeat the exercise two or three times, then blink twenty times to relax your eyes.

    "Great circle". The head is in a fixed position, which must be maintained throughout the exercise. Imagine a dial in front of your eyes, which is painted in gold. Circle the even contour of the dial with your eyes, gradually increasing in diameter. Repeat several times.

To achieve maximum effect, Mirzakarim Norbekov recommends:

    strictly adhere to the specified sequence of exercises;

    at first, perform a set of exercises with open eyes, then with closed eyes, and at the last stage - mentally;

    do everything in a good mood, positive and in a pleasant, calm environment;

    have a good attitude and believe that with each opening of the eyes after training, your vision is restored.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov

V. G. Zhdanov is the author of a well-known technique, which is based on the fact that visual impairment appears due to improper functioning of the eye muscles responsible for their mobility. The exercises he developed are reminiscent of gymnastics, which was first proposed by W. Bates at the beginning of the 20th century.

A set of exercises for the eyes is based on toning weakened muscle fibers and relaxing highly tense muscles. This allows you to create a better balance of muscle mobility, which should restore focus and visual acuity.

Affordable and simple techniques help to cope with farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism, identified in the early stages.

Exercises for farsightedness and nearsightedness

Before proceeding with their implementation, you need to relax, taking a sitting position, and quickly blinking your eyes. The exercise is performed only with the eyes, while the face is motionless. Each exercise lasts about five seconds and is repeated five to ten times.

1. Look up and then look down, only the eyeballs should move. Repeat for five seconds, but at least six times.

2. Look to the left as far as possible, then to the right.

3. Quickly squeeze / unclench the eyelids.

4. Circular eye movements (first clockwise, then counter-clockwise).

5. Draw diagonal lines with your eyes: from the lower right corner, look to the upper left, and vice versa.

6. Blink quickly and often, avoiding excessive squeezing of the eyelids.

7. Place your index finger on the bridge of your nose and focus on it.

8. Stand near the window, focus on the window handle, then quickly look at a distant object and focus on it.

Exercise for astigmatism

The exercises we have described for astigmatism do not find recognition among specialists, but, despite this, the number of fans of this technique is steadily growing.

All exercises must be repeated at least six times, after which, by blinking (not squeezing the eyelids strongly), relax the eyes:

    alternately draw imaginary lines with your eyes up and down, and then right and left, as if drawing a cross;

    outline the correct circle with your eyes;

    repeat the first exercise, but having completed the crosses from straight diagonal lines;

    draw an imaginary square;

    outline an imaginary number 8, and then an infinity sign;

    in the future, a set of exercises for the eyes can be complicated by “drawing” more complex geometric shapes (polygon, trapezoid, spiral).

Palming for the eyes

Such techniques warm the eyes with the warmth that comes from the palms, improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, so they can be used by all people with vision problems.

Sit at the table in such a way that it is comfortable, place your elbows on the surface of the table. Fingers should be tightly connected and rubbed with palms in this position. After closing the eyes, press the crossed palms to the face, leaving the nose free, and close the eyes with them. When opening the eyelids, the light should not break through the fingers, that is, exclude all gaps. You need to stay in this position for two to three minutes.

Tibetan gymnastics

Eyes in Eastern medicine are associated with the color green and the Wood element. It is the green color that has a positive effect on the organs of vision. For this reason, experts advise placing some kind of green object next to the computer and periodically looking at it for five to ten minutes.

Eye massage

During the day, during breaks (you need to break away from the monitor every 45 minutes), you can perform a useful self-massage, which consists in smoothing the lower and upper eyelids with your eyes closed. Another technique is circular rotations with closed eyes, slightly pressing on the eyelids with your fingers.

A set of exercises for the eyes

Simple and effective exercises that have been developed for a very long time contribute to the restoration of vision.

    Place your index fingers in a vertical position at a distance of forty centimeters from the eyes. Concentrate your gaze on the finger, then begin to spread your arms to the sides until the eyes can see the fingers with peripheral vision, then bring your hands together again, without releasing your index fingers with your eyes. This exercise gradually progresses into the next one.

    The index fingers are located in front of the eyes, it is necessary to focus on them, and then look at an object that is several meters away. Concentrate on a distant object for five seconds, then look at your fingers again. Repeat the exercise three or four times.

    Close your eyes and gently press on the eyelids with your fingertips (six times). Then open your eyes and do not blink for six seconds. Repeat three times.

    Close and open your eyes six times with effort, then open your eyes wide and do not blink, trying to keep your eyes open for six seconds. Perform the exercise at least three times.

    Then lower your eyes down, hold them to the right, up, left and down, repeating the circle three times. Then raise your eyes and look only to the right for a certain time. Now repeat the exercise three times on the other side.

    Without squinting, blink your eyes often for two minutes.

    With light finger movements, gently stroke the eyelids.

At the end of the complex, you need to sit with your eyes closed for three to five minutes.

Eye wash

For such a useful procedure, you need to take a wide basin, filling it with cold water. For extra cooling, add a few ice cubes to the water. Lower your face into the water, keeping your eyes closed, then open your eyes. Perform circular eye movements in the water with a large amplitude - three sets of ten to twenty times. At the end of washing, you need to wipe your face with a terry towel.

The vessels of the eyes constrict under the influence of cold water, and then, as the procedure is completed, the vessels dilate again, which leads to an improvement in blood circulation. The eyes get a healthy glow, and the whites become brighter.

There are other techniques of Tibetan gymnastics that are performed at the energy level. According to their adherents, they improve vision with the inner potential of a person and the power of thought.

Connoisseurs of the Tibetan methodology and something that cannot be disagreed with ophthalmologists - dull eyes signal that a person is sick. But a clear look speaks of strong mental and physical health.

Children's gymnastics for the eyes

In childhood, myopia, in addition to congenital pathologies and hereditary factors, develops as an adaptation of the eyes to a high visual load. Functional changes turn into structural ones, making it easy to see those objects that are located at a short distance from the eyes, but the ability to see distant objects deteriorates over time.

To slow down the process of progression and prevent myopia, ophthalmologists advise regularly resorting to gymnastics. For children aged three to four years, two sessions of three to four minutes a day are sufficient. In the future, it is recommended to increase the training time, but not more than ten minutes, otherwise the eyes will get tired. For children from six years old, you can safely use the first seven exercises that were presented at the beginning of our article, and for older children up to ten years old, add a couple of exercises to the complex from the second part of the same complex.

Gymnastics for the eyes in children involves the movement of the eyeballs in different possible directions. But children are far from always able to perceive exercises well, despite the fact that they will be uncomplicated. Many authors of exercise methods advise doing gymnastics with children in a poetic or playful form. Children will never perceive such activities as boring, they will rather remember and start doing the exercises.

    Children are well receptive to associations. For any exercise, you should come up with the most appropriate action that is familiar to the kids. For example, blinking your eyes often helps, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

    You can easily find such exercises on the Internet or, having shown your imagination, come up with them yourself, each time writing new poetic rhymes.

    At the end of each exercise, do not forget to praise the children, encourage their efforts with kind words.

    After completing a set of exercises, it is important to relieve eye strain, kids can make grimaces - this is very useful and fun!


    A dragonfly flew in - like pea eyes (make glasses with your fingers). Right - left, forward - back (drive with eyes)

    Well, just like a real helicopter (circular eye movements clockwise).

    We are flying high (raise your eyes up).

    We fly low (lower eyes down).

    We are flying far (children look ahead).

    We fly close (lower eyes down).

    Our window has swung open (children spread their arms to the sides).

    The cat climbed onto the ledge (they walk like a cat).

    She looked up (raise her eyes).

    She looked down (lower down).

    Here she turned to the left (turn her eyes to the left).

    Looked uh (look to the right).

    Looked at the mouse (look to the right)

    And then I looked straight ahead (look straight ahead)

    And she covered them with her hands (children close their eyes).

Gymnastics for the eyes for kids is usually called ophthalmic pauses. It is one of the effective methods of restoring vision. Moreover, it can be useful for those children who do not experience vision problems - exercises can strengthen the eye muscles, relieve tension and increase blood circulation in the eyes. No special conditions are required for their implementation, they can be carried out in the classroom, in kindergartens and at home.

It is important that the child's head is still. This position is easier to maintain while sitting.

    Lower and lower your eyes in turn, then look to the left and right side. Repeat the exercise three times.

    Close your eyes and stay in this position for ten seconds.

    Draw a circle with your eyes, first in one direction, then in the other.

    Draw an imaginary square, and then move your gaze, building imaginary diagonals.

    Draw some shape in the air with your nose (for example, a letter or number).

    Close your eyes, bring them to the tip of your nose and imagine that it begins to grow, like Pinocchio's (about eight seconds), then imagine how it decreases again (the same time), and open your eyes.

    Make faces (ask the baby to portray this or that animal).

What are the contraindications to gymnastics for gas

If you are faced with some eye diseases or you have changes in the health of the organs of vision, you should check with an ophthalmologist about the possibility of performing the exercises described above.

Any exercises for the eyes, in which the muscular apparatus of the eyes is involved, are categorically not recommended for retinal detachment and during the recovery period after retinal surgery.

23-05-2010, 12:04


Eyes... How many of you are really aware of the role that the eyes play in our daily life, and how many know what and how to do in order for your eyes to be healthy? Unfortunately, this question can be answered in the negative. Very few are fully aware that among the impressions perceived by our sense organs from the environment, visual ones are of particular importance, since about three-quarters of the information that enters our brain passes through the eyes. Loss of sight, therefore, for a developed, cultured person is an irreparable loss, not to mention everyday troubles due to this state of affairs.

Eye axioms:

1. Everything that is good for the body is good for the eyes.

2. Body exercises they also have a beneficial effect on the eyes, but these exercises are never enough for the eyes - they also need their own.

3. Eye exercises have their full effect, that is, they strengthen and develop vision, only if they are performed systematically daily and several times during the day. It takes a lot of time to restore health, including eye health, but who wants to be healthy he finds the time.

4. eye fatigue- one of the expressions of the general fatigue of the body. The eyes, like any other organ, need rest: the very ability of the eyes to work presupposes their rest, and rest for them is relaxation of the psyche, exercise and sleep. The eyes are self-healing and self-healing.

5. At the heart of everything visual impairment there is tension and overstrain of the psyche.

Perfect vision is acquired only by relaxation. Make relaxation, even and joyful mood the style and norm of your life if you want to regain healthy vision.

6. Sunlight and vision of a black field with closed eyes- two powerful levers in the restoration and maintenance of healthy vision.

7. Glasses - an expression of impotence and helplessness of official ophthalmology. They are the key to further deterioration of your vision. So if you want to take off your glasses, then take them off. Remember that the whole difference between crutches and glasses is that crutches can no longer ruin your gait, while glasses ruin your eyesight incessantly and inevitably.

8. Eyes- this is not just an organ of vision and not only a "mirror of the soul", but also a tool with which we can
manage your mood, it is a subtle regulator of the state of mind. Control over your gaze is control over your psyche. Therefore, by controlling your own gaze, you can control not only yourself, but also other people.

9. The beauty of the eyes- this is not a consequence of tinting and casting shadows, but an expression of the spiritual beauty and spiritual wealth of the individual.

Dynamic and static eye exercises

Starting position for all exercises: sit straight or stand straight (Tada-sana), and best of all, take the lotus position (Padmasana); breathe rhythmically with full breath, focus your attention and all thoughts on your eyes, look straight ahead. The muscles of the body and face should be relaxed.

Preliminary exercises:

1. Massage

Carefully, without pressure, massage the skin of the lower eyelids with your middle fingers, after closing your eyes, for 10-20 seconds.

2. Blink

Squeeze and open your eyelids quickly without straining them. Blink for 30-60 seconds. Close your eyes and relax them. Rest for a minute like this. Such a rest should be arranged for the eyes at the slightest appearance of fatigue, interspersed with a long series of exercises. This exercise gives the eyes a good rest, increases blood circulation in them.

A comment. Both of these exercises, if performed before the exercises of other groups, help to focus attention on the eyes, and are also an excellent sedative.

Group of exercises - focusing the gaze


(focusing on the point between the eyebrows)

Bring your gaze up and inward, focusing it at a point between the eyebrows. Breathe rhythmically, look into the space between the eyebrows calmly and without compulsion. Don't blink. Do not lift your head up, keep it straight. When tired, return to the starting position and blink several times.

A comment. At first, it will be difficult for you to hold your gaze between the eyebrows for more than a few seconds. In this case, you need to repeat the exercise several times. Gradually work up to a few minutes. Close your eyes, relax them and rest for half a minute. If possible, do the exercise 2 more times.

In addition to the general strengthening effect on the eyes, focusing on the point between the eyebrows, to a much greater extent than other exercises, contributes to the development of mental concentration skills. This is very important for further improvement in yoga.


(focusing on the tip of the nose)

1. Bevel eyes down and inward, focusing on the tip of the nose. With good mobility of the eyeballs, the wings of the nose and a strip of skin above the upper lip will be visible. Breathe rhythmically. Look without looking away, without straining your eyes and eyelid muscles, and without blinking. Don't think about anything, just watch carefully. Do not lower your head down, keep it straight. When tired, return to the starting position and blink several times.

A comment. At first, do the exercise for 10-20 seconds. Gradually extend this time until slight tearfulness and pain in the eyes appear. In the future, you will develop the ability to look at the tip of the nose for 365 minutes without any tension. In conclusion, close your eyes, relax them and rest for half a minute. Repeat 2 times.

2. Without turning your head, turn your eyes as far to the left as possible. Stay in this position. Don't blink. When tired, return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

3. The same, but to the right.

Repeat 2-3 times, then blink several times and rest for half a minute, closing your eyes.

4. Raise your eyes as high as possible, looking up, but not reducing it to a point between the eyebrows. Do not raise your chin, the head does not change position. Look without blinking. When tired, return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. Lower your eyes as low as possible while keeping your head straight. Do not reduce your gaze to one point. Don't blink. When tired, return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times, then blink several times and rest for half a minute, closing your eyes.

6. Squint your eyes to the lower left corner (to the left shoulder). Focus on your left shoulder and look at it carefully, without blinking. Do not turn your head to the left. The back is straight. When tired, return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. The same to the right side with a focus on the right shoulder - 2-3 times.

8. Squint your eyes to the upper left corner 2-3 times.

9. Squint your eyes to the upper right corner 2-3 times. Blink a few times and rest for half a minute with your eyes closed.

A comment. Gaze concentration exercises increase the ability of the lens to focus vision at different distances, develop the strength of the eye muscles, and develop the ability to focus. And a few more exercises of this kind.

10. Look at some object directly in front of you and turn your head left and right without taking your eyes off this object.

11. The same, but now instead of turning your head from side to side, raise and lower your chin.

12. Look at some object, describing circles with your chin clockwise and counterclockwise.

13. Blink for half a minute, close your eyes and rest for a minute. Open your eyes. Start describing the horizontal figure eight with your eyes - 7 times.

14. The same, but in the other direction - 7 times.

15. Now describe with your eyes a vertical figure eight - 7 times.

16. The same, but in the other direction - 7 times.

17. Now the same movements (No. 5-9), but with closed eyes.

18. Open your eyes, blink several times and, closing your eyes again, rest for a minute.

Group of exercises - eye rotation in a circle and figure eight

1. Starting position: the gaze is directed forward. Then raise or lower your eyes and describe with them from this starting point 7 circles of maximum radius in a clockwise direction. Movements should be smooth, without jerks. The head is always motionless.

2. The same, but counterclockwise.

3. Repeat exercises 1 and 2 2-3 times, then blink and rest for a few seconds, closing your eyes.

4. Now the same movements (No. 1-3), but with closed eyes. This exercise requires even more concentration.

A comment. Performing these exercises, turn your eyes to the left, right, up and down as far as possible. Remember the constant clarity of the image of objects while moving and stopping the eyes, achieve this clarity not through volitional effort, but by focusing attention. Unlike the previous group of exercises, where the continuity of movement occurs due to successive microcontractions of the eye muscles, when turning the eyes, the gaze quickly moves from one edge of the visual field to the opposite with a delay of several seconds in each position.

Group of exercises - eye movement to the sides

1. Up-down-7 times.

2. Left - right - 7 times.

3. Straight - up - straight - down - 7 times.

4. Straight - left - straight - right - 7 times.

5. Look diagonally: upper left corner - lower right corner - 7 times.

6. Lower left corner - upper right corner - 7 times.

7. Upper left corner - straight - lower right corner - straight - 7 times.

8. Lower left corner - straight - upper right corner - straight - 7 times.

9. Squint your eyes to the left: up - down - 7 times. At the same time, try to keep your gaze moving on the wall in a straight line perpendicular to the floor.

10. Squint your eyes to the right: up - down -7 times.

11. Raise your eyes: left - right - 7 times.

Try to keep your gaze moving along the ceiling in a straight line perpendicular to your bridge of the nose.

12. Lower your eyes: left - right - 7 times.

At the same time, the gaze moves along the floor in a straight line.

13. Combined movement: upper left corner - lower right corner - lower left corner - upper right

Angle - upper left corner - lower left corner - upper right corner lower right corner - 7 times.

14. Give freedom to your imagination: for example, describe with your eyes semi-circles, all kinds of geometric shapes, or simply rotate them in the most random way, while achieving clarity of the image. We remind you once again that the movements do not have to be fast. The main thing is concentration.

15. Blink a few times, close your eyes and rest for a minute.

16. The same exercises (No. 1-13), but now with closed eyes.

A comment. Just do not think that in a closed version you can perform these exercises at any time and in any situation. This will not happen because even with your eyes closed, your eye movements will be visible, and you, being in society, can scare someone from the uninitiated or they will think something about you. So be careful.

Having done all these exercises, you thus fully loaded all six groups of major muscles. This series of exercises and the previous one train and strengthen the muscles of the eyes, increasing your ability to focus accurately. The exercises of these two series are dynamic, they are easier than static ones (the first series), the implementation of which requires a long fixation of the gaze at certain points. After these exercises, you are ready to do the exercises of the next group with maximum benefit.

Group of exercises - changing the focal length

A comment. This group combines the most important exercises - those that strengthen the annular muscle, strengthen the rectus and oblique muscles surrounding the eyeball, and thereby maintain the elasticity of the eyeball and lens. In addition to doing the exercises with both eyes at the same time, do them also separately, with each eye separately, especially the one that focuses, that is, focuses, worse. Have patience, don't expect immediate results, and take pleasure in celebrating every step you manage to take forward.

1. Maximum tension and relaxation of the muscles of the eye.

A comment. It is performed with each eye separately, while the unused eye is covered with a palm in such a way as to avoid pressure on the eyeball. The closed eye remains open.

1) Bring a small object very close to your eye, such as the tip of a ballpoint pen or the eye of a needle, trying to see clearly and clearly all its details.

Hold this position for a while.

The annular muscle of the eye is extremely tense, the lens is in a state of greatest convexity. The oblique muscles are tensed to the maximum, and the eyeball is lengthened to the extent that its own elasticity now allows it.

2) Now your task is to expand, to swing this amplitude of elasticity of the eyeball and lens, on the one hand, and the degree of tension and relaxation of the oblique and annular muscles, on the other. To do this, you need to use the power of contrast: look into the distance for a moment and return to the starting position again. Again look into the distance and again return to the starting position.

3) Now bring the object a little closer to the eye, still holding its clear vision.

4) In conclusion, look into the distance, thereby relaxing the eye muscles.

5) Do the same with the other eye.

The following exercises in this group are modifications of this.

2. The gaze is focused on the finger. Keep your finger in the starting position at a distance of 40-50 cm in a straight line from the face. Now the finger either approaches the eyes, then moves away to the distance of an outstretched hand - 10 times. Achieve such a sharpness of the image of the finger so that the skin pattern is clearly visible on it.

3. Starting position: the same. But now the finger moves left to right -10 times.

4. Now the finger approaches and moves away diagonally from left to right - 10 times.

5. The same, but from right to left - 10 times.

6. Look at the tip of the nose, and then into space. The tip of the nose and the point in space should be approximately in the same direction, so that when the gaze is shifted, the displacement of the eyeballs is minimal. Repeat 10 times.

7. Look at the tip of the nose, then at the tip of the finger. Now the finger is motionless, keep it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the face. The finger and tip of the nose should also be oriented in the same direction as far as possible, for the reason just mentioned above. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

8. Finger - space. The above remarks hereinafter remain in force - 10 times.

9. Nose - finger - space - finger nose - 10 times.

10 Nose - space - finger - space - nose - finger - nose. This exercise is best performed rhythmically - 10 times.

11. Blink a few times, close your eyes and rest for a minute. Such a rest, we repeat, should be given to the eyes at the slightest appearance of fatigue, interspersed with a long series of exercises.

12. When possible, do this exercise: look into the distance, changing focus: 5 m, 10 m, 20 m ... 100 m, 150 m, 200 m, 300 m ... 1 km, 1.5 km, 2 km, and vice versa.

A comment. Do not make any effort and do not strain while looking. There should be ease in performing the exercises. When doing these exercises, do not be afraid to experiment carefully, while maintaining relaxation in seeing at the far and near points. If you look without compulsion, you cannot harm your eyes. If you take a deep breath and then exhale every time you look into the distance, you will be pleasantly surprised by the sharpness of vision returning to you.

Each time you manage to get a glimpse of better vision, it means that the next glimpse will be easier for you and will last longer. Remember always - there is vision in the myopic eye. When you learn to relax the two oblique muscles that keep the eye constantly elongated, the eye will flatten and you will be able to see far as well as near.

As you do exercises #6-10, you will notice a curious phenomenon called the rocking illusion. To you, who know the structure and function of the eye, we think the cause of this sensation is clear, and therefore we will not take the place of its explanation, but will talk about the significance of this phenomenon.

When the rocking, visual or mental (remember the power of imagination), is successful, the person may experience a feeling of relaxation, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling of general rocking. This sensation is associated with any object that is seen, felt or realized by a person. You can imagine this movement in any part of the body to which your attention is directed. It can be associated with the floor on which you sit in the lotus position, or with any object around you. Swinging can be represented by the building in which or near which you are sitting, and the whole world around you.

When a person becomes aware of this rocking, he loses the memory of the object from which it began. And as long as you are able to maintain a sense of such movement in a direction opposite to the actual movement of the eyes or the movement that you imagine mentally, relaxation will continue. However, if the direction of this movement changes, then tension will appear. It is quite easy to imagine everyone swaying with their eyes closed. Following this, it is possible to do this with open eyes. Later, the feeling of relaxation that accompanies the rocking can be achieved without being aware of this latter, although the rocking effect itself is achieved only when a person thinks about it.

Remember that there is only one reason for failure to achieve the illusion of rocking. This reason is tension. Swinging comes by itself, without any effort, if the movement of the gaze is carried out correctly. Swinging does not create relaxation, but it is evidence of it.

The better your vision is at the moment, the greater the amplitude of these strokes. If in one eye this amplitude is less than in the other, then work with this eye additionally, covering the best eye with your palm in the manner that has already been indicated more than once. Keep in mind that movement and the illusion of swaying are often best achieved by resting the eyes, closing them, and swaying. By this alternation of resting and moving the eye, people with very imperfect vision have sometimes achieved temporary or permanent improvement in vision in as little as a few weeks.

Group of exercises - general strengthening exercises


A comment. These exercises are, strictly speaking, neither dynamic nor static. Again, this is a relaxation exercise. Their action becomes especially valuable after the previous groups of exercises have been completed.

1. Open your eyes very wide and look like this without blinking for a few moments.

Then blink several times - 3 times.

2. The same movement, but now, having relaxed the cheeks and muscles of the neck, also lower the lower jaw. The mouth remains closed - 3 times.

3. Without tension and without blinking, look straight ahead, trying to clearly see everything in your field of vision, that is, not only what is directly in your line of sight, but also to the left, and to the right, and above, and below it .
Or rather, even to say, try to clearly see just everything that is not directly in your line of sight. If tired, blink a few times and close your eyes.

A comment. This exercise should be done often enough, because it develops not only peripheral vision, but also observation, as well as the ability to see in the dark. However, make sure that it does not come at the expense of your ability to centrally fixate.

4. With your eyes closed, massage your eyelids by gently stroking them with your index and middle fingers in the direction from the nose to the outer corners of the eyes.

5. Return to the starting position. With your eyes closed, gently place the tips of your index, middle, ring and little fingers on your eyeballs and feel the prana pass from your fingers to your eyes as you exhale.

Complete the entire cycle of exercises with glazing.

A comment. We repeat: it is advisable to perform the entire cycle of exercises while sitting in the lotus position. But if you have not yet mastered Padmasana, then do these exercises while sitting in a comfortable position on a chair or in an armchair. They can also be practiced while lying on the floor or in bed.

People often ask, "How long should we do these exercises?" We answer: until right habits of sight become subconscious in you. Then your eyes will be able to cope with their duties by themselves, because they will be in a relaxed state. Let's explain our point with the help of such an ordinary example: when driving a car, you never think about which foot you should apply the brake with, because at the same moment as the brain realizes this need, the brake is already pressed. This happens because we are dealing here with a well-established reflex that controls the foot. The same is true with the eyes. When the eyes, instead of staring at objects, learn to move and blink frequently, when vision begins to be accompanied by deep breathing, you will stop straining your eyes and will not force them to look, but allow them to see. This is the whole secret.

With the correct use of the eyes, vision will continually improve, just as a pianist develops fluency and power in his fingers when, having got rid of tightness in the fingers and stiffness in the back, he devotes some time to the exercise of the game. Make relaxed activities a way of life. Learn to use your eyes in a relaxed manner and you will avoid future vision troubles.

Are you saying that there is too much exercise? Yes, you have to admit it: there are really a lot of exercises, and they take a lot of time, but they are all important. And so we say to those who are dissatisfied once again: "Whoever wants to be healthy finds time!"

Here we give a complete cycle of exercises, but if time does not allow you to complete it in its entirety, then do the exercises at least selectively. Determine the most important for you and do not waste those free minutes that are given out even in the busiest day; do these exercises regularly, conscientiously and thoroughly.

Let's suppose that you have achieved excellent results in improving your vision, but then the day came when it seemed to you that it had deteriorated again. Don't be surprised and don't worry. Keep in mind that in general progress goes like this: improvement, then a temporary break, or even some regression. It is possible that at this time you physically or mentally did not feel well. Or was it just a pause during which nature redistributed the nerve force released as a result of your improvement in vision. Don't forget that straining your eyes depletes up to 90% of your Nerve Force. When this power is restored for later normal use, significant changes for the better occur throughout the human nervous system.

Study regularly, study with a firm belief in success, study with pleasure - and good results will not be slow to affect!


In order for the muscles of our body to be more resilient and strong, to be in good shape, they should be trained. But few people might think that the eye muscles also need physical activity. Properly selected exercises can not only slow down or stop the process of vision deterioration, but also significantly improve it.

Palming by W. G. Bates

Palming is a fairly popular and simple exercise to relax the eye muscles. This exercise involves both hands. The principle of palming consists of the following steps:

  1. You need to warm up your palms. The best way to do this is to rub them together until they are slightly reddened and hot.
  2. Fold your palms so that they touch each other with internal ribs and are located in the same plane.
  3. Bend your elbows, finding a point of support (for example, a table or knees) and close your eyes with your palms so that only the fingers of one hand are on top of the other.
  4. Hold in this position for 5-7 minutes. If necessary, repeat after a while.

The essence of palming is to cause the so-called "lightning" in the eyes. However, you should not put pressure on the eyeballs.

Such a simple exercise can improve vision performance, and is effective for farsightedness. When palming, the heat from the palms acts on the facial nerves, as well as on the eye muscles, relaxing them and providing them with blood flow. Such regular training can even change the angle of the eyeball, that is, it is quite possible to count on a noticeable positive effect even with strabismus. You just need to squeeze your fingers as tightly as possible so that light does not penetrate through them. It is important that when performing palming, you need to relax as much as possible, take a comfortable and relaxing position.

Important!!! At the initial stage of palming, there may be not very pleasant sensations in the eye area, soreness and a feeling of pressure “from the inside”. This is a completely normal condition, after a few exercises the discomfort will pass.

Solarization is a set of exercises, the main active factor of which is bright light.

Solarization can be carried out using:

  • Sveta
  • the sun;
  • candles;
  • electric incandescent lamp.

Solarization is carried out in several steps:

  1. Take a position relative to the light source so that the face is directly opposite it. The eyes must be closed.
  2. Without squinting, try to get used to the bright light (eyes should still be closed). If there is pain in the eyes, you can cover them with your palms for a short time, and then remove them and try again.
  3. It is necessary to slowly turn the head, first to the right, then to the left, so that the light can evenly exert its effect.
  4. At the end of solarization, do palming.

Solarization is effective in restoring vision. It improves blood circulation, and also promotes rapid regeneration of eye tissues, especially in the postoperative period.

Movement Based Exercises

There are several types of basic exercises, of which it is recommended to make individual complexes:

  • circular movements of the eyes;
  • describing geometric shapes with the eyes;
  • eye focus;
  • guide lines (up-down, left-right);
  • blinking/squinting.

Exercises that can be used as a prevention and treatment of myopia include:

1 FocusingYou should take your eyes off into the distance, direct it to the farthest point within sight. Slowly look at the tip of the nose
2 Circular movementsDescribe a circle with your eyes. Repeat 10 times. Next - do the exercise in the opposite direction
3 blinkingBlink quickly for a couple of minutes
4 Squinting while sittingClose your eyes for a few seconds, perform several times
5 Eyelid massageClose your eyes and massage your eyelids in a circular motion with light pressure.
6 ConvergenceDirect your gaze to the place of eyebrow fusion, hold it for 2-3 seconds, then to the starting position and repeat
7 Head turn with gaze shiftYou should slowly turn your head to the side, moving your eyes in the same direction. Next - turn your head in a different direction

The most effective exercises for farsightedness are:

  1. Focusing on a distant subject. Place your finger at a distance of 3-40 cm from the face. Look into the distance, then focus on the finger.
  2. Reading between the lines. Pick up a book, read a few paragraphs of text, then focus on the white space between the lines.
  3. Head turns. Turn your head to the left, then to the right, while looking forward all the time.
  4. Watching moving objects.

Important!!! After each set of exercises, you need to give your eyes a rest. You can relax the eye muscles with a light massage or compresses.

Preventive gymnastics

In order for visual acuity not to decrease, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive exercises from time to time:

  1. "Drawing Letters" Eyes need to describe any few letters from the alphabet. The exercise can be considered fully completed if it was possible to describe all 33 letters. 1. Open your mouth - close your eyes. Open your mouth at the same time, then open your eyes wide. Try to simultaneously open your mouth and eyes.
  2. Blinking/squinting. It is necessary to alternate frequent blinking with 3-5 second squinting.
  3. Massage the upper eyelids with light circular movements.
  4. Move your gaze up and down.
  5. Move your eyes diagonally.
  6. pressure. Close your eyes and do not put too much pressure on the eyelid.
  7. Look through your fingers. Closing your eyes with your palms, spread your fingers a short distance, look through them for a couple of seconds and squeeze them tightly again.
  8. Narrowing. It is necessary to cover your eyes, touch the middle fingers to the outer corner of the eye, and pull to the sides. You should feel a slight tension in the muscles.
  9. Tilt your head down, relaxing your neck muscles and resting your chin on your sternum. Look to the floor. Then slowly tilt your head back, looking up.

Do not underestimate preventive gymnastics for the eyes. After all, it is the eyes that are constantly exposed to the most harmful factors. Stress, bad habits, vitamin deficiencies, frequent illnesses and an unfavorable environment often cause sudden and rapid loss of vision.

The table below shows three groups of exercises that provide a set of preventive measures.

Group of exercisesInitial positionExample
Exercises to strengthen the eye musclesSitting, the head is stillLooking to the right, then to the left, without changing the position of the head
Exercises to Stimulate Circulation and Blood FlowsittingAlternate squinting of eyes
Accommodation exercisesstandingFix a hand with an outstretched finger at a distance of 30 cm from the face, focus on it. Without changing the focus, slowly move your finger towards your face. When it seems that the finger is doubled, it is necessary to smoothly move it back to its original distance.

For those people who spend a lot of time at the computer, working with papers and small print, preventive exercises are a must.

Morning exercises for the eyes

Charging in the morning allows the body to wake up quickly, tones the muscles and gives a good mood for the whole day. And what about the morning? Feelings from her are no less pleasant.

Morning exercises for the eyes can be done in a few steps:

  1. Remaining in a horizontal position, stretch, relaxing the muscles of the neck.
  2. Several times, synchronously, open your mouth and eyes wide.
  3. Perform several squints, lasting 3-5 seconds.
  4. Then blink often, but not very quickly.
  5. Close your eyes and describe any figure in the air with your nose. You can thus "write" words, letters or "draw". The duration of such an exercise, on average, is 2-3 minutes. The images that arise during such an exercise make the brain “wake up” faster and get to work.
  6. Raise and lower your eyebrows several times. As if frowning, then surprised.
  7. Do palming while lying on your back.
  8. For 2-3 minutes, turn your head from side to side. Thus, tension is removed from the upper spine, this is especially important if you had to sleep in an uncomfortable position.

In total, it will not take much time in the morning, but it will produce a noticeable positive effect: after 1-2 weeks, visual acuity will noticeably improve, the number of headaches will decrease, and there will be no signs of fatigue on the face.

Tibetan gymnastics

There are many methods that include various sets of exercises for the eyes, aimed at correcting vision, preventing cataracts and treating many diseases associated with the eyes. Tibetan eye gymnastics is one of the most common and effective. It includes the following exercises:

  1. Peripheral vision training. Stretching your arms in front of you, put two index fingers in front of your eyes at a distance of 35-40 cm, connecting them together. Without changing your gaze, slowly spread your arms with outstretched fingers to the sides. The task is to look straight ahead, but see the fingers with peripheral vision. Then again bring your fingers together in front of you.
  2. Pressure. Slightly and quickly press on closed eyes with your fingers, then open your eyes and try not to blink for about 5-6 seconds.
  3. Square. Describe a square with your eyes: look down - left - up - right. Then repeat in the opposite direction: look up - right - down - left.
  4. Frequent blinking for a minute.
  5. Light massage of the eyelids. Close your eyes and with light massaging movements draw from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one along the upper eyelid, then along the lower one.

Important!!! Each exercise in Tibetan gymnastics should be performed for at least one minute or at least 10-15 repetitions.

It is not necessary to follow any one set of classes, because it is not so difficult to create an individual program for yourself on your own. It can include active exercises, massages and exercises that relieve fatigue.

Video - Gymnastics for the eyes

Everyone at some point felt a deterioration in vision. This may be due to physical and emotional overwork, lack of sleep, pressure surges, etc. Such phenomena can be both temporary and permanent.

The reasons for the fall in visual acuity can be problems associated with the physiology and anatomy of the eye, as well as systemic diseases of the body, which entail all sorts of visual impairments, including age-related changes.

Why is consistency in eye gymnastics important?

Performing an eye warm-up is the simplest technique for keeping one of the six senses of a person normal.

All components of the eye form a complex system that is responsible for the perception, processing and transmission of visual information to the brain.

The slightest failures in the program entail a distortion of the overall picture. The first, main reason for this is the weakening and unbalanced work of the eye muscles. All muscles need regular exercise, eye muscles are no exception.

Eye exercise to improve vision is the easiest and simplest action that any person can perform, it is only important to take them as a rule, develop a system.

Currently, people, both at work and at home, spend a lot of time in front of computer monitors, TV screens, reading texts. It is not the technique itself that has a negative effect on the condition of the eyes, but, first of all, the wrong ones:

  • lighting;
  • arrangement of the workplace;
  • use of office equipment.

From this, the tension in the eyes increases, the light-sensitive retina suffers, changes in the curvature of the lens occur, the muscles that control it become lethargic.

This can be avoided by the mandatory organization of short breaks to relieve general fatigue and relieve eye strain through light gymnastics.

Note! When working at a computer constantly, it is recommended to use protective glasses to block radiation.

To choose the right type of glasses: progressive, varifocal, monofocal, bifocal, trifocal, you should find out the state of eye health from an ophthalmologist. And in combination with exercises for the eyes, the ability to improve vision grows.

Systematic performance, several exercises for training and relaxing the eye muscles, helps to improve and prevent disorders of the visual organ. The entire human body needs regular rest, and the benefits of outdoor activities have an extensive evidence base.

Complex: improve blood circulation

All types of circulatory disorders entail serious problems. The parts of the eye are fed and supplied with oxygen through the blood vessels; in case of failures in the system, the retina of the eye first of all suffers. Its layers form a complex multifunctional structure.

Retinal pathology is an urgent problem for ophthalmologists. The easiest and most effective way to keep the circulatory system working is proper nutrition and exercise therapy.

To improve vision, it is reasonable to combine eye exercises with massage:

  • Sit up straight, take a relaxed position. Closing your eyes, it is easy to press your fingers on the eyelid, release, repeat 5-10 times. Open eyes.
  • Massage the eye, in circular motions over the closed eyelid.
  • Make rotations in a circle and turn your head left, right, forward, backward.
  • Close your eyes, open your eyes as wide as possible. Repeat 4-7 times.

  • Perform 7-10 times circular movements of the pupils in both directions, while not moving the head, the eye muscles are relaxed.
  • Without focusing your eyes, draw a horizontal line with your pupils, left-right, then vertical.
  • Relax the muscles with contrast compresses. To do this, soak two cotton pads in hot water, at a reasonable temperature, apply to the eyes, after 1 - 2 minutes, replace with cold ones. The temperature of the water should not cause discomfort, it is better to perform the procedure lying down.

There are much more necessary exercises for the eyes that can improve vision in the retina, you can perform any at will and possibilities.

Daily gymnastics develops a capillary network, promotes muscle flexibility, normalizes blood pressure, and provides proper cell nutrition.

Carefully! With the existing pathology of the eyes, the set of exercises should be selected according to the doctor's recommendations. In the presence of, for example, retinal detachment, glaucoma, some manipulations should be excluded and replaced by others.

Dealing with myopia

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the ability to see well up close, but distant objects are blurry. It can be hereditary and acquired.

This happens due to a violation of the refractive power of the lens, the shape of the eye, as a result of which a fuzzy image is transmitted to the retina and brain. Subject to it are people whose activities are associated with a close concentration of visual attention.

Regular eye exercises to improve vision help stop negative processes. After all, glasses only compensate for the defect.

It is important to know! Myopic parents should know that their child has a predisposition to myopia, which means that from childhood he already needs to choose a set of exercises for prevention.

The basis of gymnastics for myopia is complete relaxation. Under the condition of a temporary, but complete distraction from pressing matters, massage and light gymnastics have a beneficial effect on visual function and muscle relaxation. Then - on focusing the gaze, for example:

  • Sit up straight, raise your finger. Concentrate your attention on it, slowly bringing your finger closer to your nose and pushing it back.
  • In the same position, focus on the tip of the index finger, close one eye with your free hand, remove your hand, close the other eye, repeat 6-8 times.

Eye exercises to improve vision in some cases help to avoid surgery to correct defects in the lens
  • Concentrate your eyes on the finger, slowly move your hand to the right, without taking your eyes off and without turning your head, try to turn on peripheral vision. Return to original. Move your hand to the left.
  • Place a bright object at arm's length, looking at it, blinking frequently, focusing on its center. Then change the picture, looking away at the nature outside the window. Repeat several times.
  • Concentrate on the object, trying to mentally reduce it in size, without stopping actively blinking, as if squeezing the muscles of the eye. Change focus.

All sets of exercises have a prerequisite for complete relaxation with the presence of elements of breathing exercises.

This allows you to release the tension of the muscles of all groups as much as possible, will allow you to learn how to control them and make them work in concert, which is extremely important for the eyes.

What exercises can relieve fatigue

It is the extreme tension of the muscles, followed by their lethargy, stiffness, that is the main provocateur of eye problems. Therefore, the basic emphasis of all exercises is to relieve fatigue. Palming is the easiest and most affordable way.

Feeling tired, you need to postpone work for a while, sit down comfortably, relax, even out your breathing. Further:

  • Warm the palms of your hands by rubbing them together.
  • It is convenient to lean on the table, fold your palms like a boat, close your eyes with them, eyelashes should not touch your hands. At the same time, the eyelids are open, the body is relaxed, slightly tilted forward.
  • Look straight ahead, without peering, without thinking about anything, until complete darkness appears before your eyes.
  • Slowly open your eyes.

Perform actions gradually increasing the duration of time, up to about 2-5 minutes. Palming perfectly relieves eye fatigue with the energy of your own hands. To enhance the effect, you can first look at the sun, absorb a piece of its light.

A simple exercise gives positive results not only for relieving eye fatigue, but also for the prevention of visual defects and rehabilitation after surgery.

The most effective eye exercise to improve vision

Any method of solving a particular problem should always be selected according to the characteristics and condition of your own body. For eye muscles and toning the blood supply system, it is useful to perform, for example, such exercises:

  • Put the index and thumbs on the corners of the eyes, squeeze and relax the eyes;
  • Then move your thumbs to the inside of the eyebrows;

  • With your index fingers, lightly press on the superciliary arches, look up and try to raise your eyebrows up to the stop. These exercises should be performed 10 to 15 times;
  • With the pupils of the eyes, draw a circle, a vertical and horizontal line, a simple geometric figure, etc.

Favorite eye exercise to improve vision, you can perform anywhere: at work, at home, in transport, while walking, without embarrassing others.

There are many different methods for maintaining visual function. Definitely, it is much easier to get into the habit of regularly doing gymnastics than to wait for the need for medical treatment.

Problems Solutions
eye fatiguePalming, massage
Violation of blood circulation and nutrition of cellsPalming, massage, contrast compresses, exercises, vitamin nutrition
farsightednessPalming, massage, exercise, proper nutrition
Age changesPalming, massage, eye exercises to improve vision, compresses, nutrition

Children's gymnastics for the eyes

The development of visual function, mindfulness in children requires close attention and creativity in adults.

In kindergartens, elementary grades of the school, it is imperative to conduct short physical education sessions. Gymnastics for the eyes they need to be taught in a playful way, using poems, songs, jokes.

In this design, let them open several times - close their eyes, blink quickly or slowly, shoot their eyes around, etc.

At the same time, not only the tension from the eye muscles will be removed, but the overall emotional load will also relax., and this only stimulates thought processes and the correct formation of personality.

The ability to see is one of the six vital human senses. And it is necessary to maintain the main visual organ from childhood. All types of gymnastic complexes are the easiest way for this, moreover, it does not require large time, material and physical costs.

Useful video

The rhythm and living conditions of a modern person, poor environmental conditions, prolonged work at a computer screen, physical inactivity, stress and overwork often lead to overstrain of the whole organism and seriously affect the state of vision. Gymnastics for the eyes helps relieve fatigue, relax the intraocular muscle and improve vision.

Gymnastics for the eyes - do not rush to put on glasses!

Roy, Bates, Windolph, Zhdanov, Corbett, Marilyn, Araval, Shichko and other authors, among whom there are experienced ophthalmologists and scientists, have developed their own effective methods for the restoration and prevention of various visual impairments based on special exercises.

Causes of visual impairment

According to statistics, in our country every second inhabitant has vision problems. The level of ophthalmic diseases is constantly growing, the number of children suffering from eye pathologies is increasing.

  • Fatigue

In addition to hypermetropia, myopia, astigmatism, strabismus and age-related changes in the condition of the eyes, the most common and relevant for most people is "computer visual syndrome". It occurs due to the constant tension of the eye muscle. Therefore, relaxation exercises and training of these muscle fibers can improve the condition and normalize vision.

  • Back

Pathologies of the spine are directly related to the organ of vision. Damage to the vertebrae and their displacement, compression and infringement of the spinal roots of the cervical spine, which innervate the visual analyzer, immediately affect the health of the eyes and affect visual acuity. Therefore, many treatment methods necessarily contain exercises that improve the mobility of the vertebrae, relax and strengthen the muscles that support the spinal column.

Displacement of the vertebrae causes not only severe pain, but can also contribute to visual impairment.
  • Diseases

Various inflammatory and infectious diseases of the body can also cause disorders and loss of vision. Bacteria and viral agents are able to invade cells and affect both the organ of vision itself and the central nervous system of the body, affecting the visual centers. Serious violations can cause vascular diseases.

  • intoxication

Vision is negatively affected by intoxication of the body with alcohol, narcotic substances, toxins in case of poisoning and slagging.

  • Lifestyle

Improper nutrition and beriberi often cause visual impairment in children, so it is important to ensure that their diet is complete and balanced. Lifestyle, reading and work mode also affects the condition of the eyes and the quality of vision.

Complex of gymnastics for the eyes

The developed methods for correcting and restoring vision with the help of special eye gymnastics have helped many to normalize eye function and prevent the development of complications. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete daily exercises. They are absolutely harmless and have practically no contraindications, are simple and accessible to everyone and have a beneficial effect on the condition and health of the eyes.


A simple and effective exercise developed by the American scientist W. Bates helps to restore vision. He called it palming ("palm" in English means "palm").

This exercise is performed with the palms of the hands. To verify the effectiveness of such a session, you can prepare a table for checking vision in advance and install it in front of your eyes at a certain distance. Control is carried out before the exercise and immediately after it.

  1. It is necessary to remove the glasses, look at the table, then rub your hands together until you begin to feel pleasant warmth in them.
  2. Squeeze your fingers tightly one to the other, turn your palms with the inside towards you. Place your palms at a 90° angle so that the fingers of one hand are above the fingers of the other hand, and the palms themselves are free.
  3. Place your palms with a “house” or “lid” on your eyes in such a way that you do not press on the eyeball and do not let light through. The edges of the palms will touch the nose.
  4. If, when you close your eyes, you see light reflections and bright flashes, then your vision is strained. You need to relax and wait until this light effect disappears. The signal of absolute relaxation is complete darkness.
  5. To enhance the effect, it is important to create maximum psychological comfort. Therefore, during eye gymnastics, you can turn on quiet, calm music. You can evoke pleasant associations, imagine a beautiful landscape, remember what causes pleasure and bliss.
  6. Nothing should distract from such a state of relaxation, turn off the phone, protect your thoughts from pressing problems.
  7. When finished, remove your palms from your face, but do not immediately open your eyes, wait a bit. Close your eyes slightly, blink a little and look at the letters in the table. The result is quite noticeable.

This simple exercise can be repeated several times a day. It teaches to relax the eye muscles, trains and strengthens them. Contraindications for this procedure are recent eye surgery and retinal detachment.

Oculomotor gymnastics

A forced long delay in looking at one object can lead to visual impairment and loss of sharpness. Simple oculomotor exercises will help to improve the clarity of perception. They should be carried out with complete relaxation of the eyes. For control, you can also use the table to check your vision before and after class.

Gymnastics to relax the eyes

  1. Sit comfortably. Try to relax as much as possible.
  2. Direct your gaze into the distance, after 5 seconds, transfer it to the tip of your nose, then again into the distance, then to the bridge of your nose.
  3. Alternately, fix your gaze for a short while on an object distant from you, on the area between the eyebrows, again on a distant one located in front of you, then look up, as if you want to see the crown.
  4. Look ahead, then at your lips.
  5. To reduce tension, close your eyes, blink frequently, then repeat the cycle again.

Gymnastics of the eyes for the development and increase in the angle of view

  1. Stretch your arms in front of you, clench your palms into fists, putting out only your index fingers, and take them to opposite sides.
  2. At the same time, continue with your left eye to follow the index finger of your left hand, and with your right eye, respectively, follow the finger of your right hand.
  3. Continue to slowly move your hands away until your gaze fixes both fingers. When one of the fingers is lost from view, return to the original position.
  4. Repeat the same again, spreading your arms up and down, to the sides, diagonally.
  5. Watch your fingers carefully, making circular movements with your hands clockwise and counterclockwise.

To improve eye coordination, you can describe circles with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise without moving your head. Enough 2-3 sets of 10-15 circles in each direction.

Vertical and horizontal eye movements (up and down 10–15 times and left and right) also improve the functioning of the eye muscles and strengthen them. You need to do these exercises, alternating with relaxation, with the help of palming. After each cycle, you can fix your eyes on the control table.

Gymnastics for children's eyes

Particular attention should be paid to the child's vision. The first 10 years of his life is the growth, formation and intensive development of visual analyzers. Various forms of negative impact: infections, injuries, poor ecology, high load when reading in poor lighting conditions, watching TV, playing at the computer, all this negatively affects children's vision.

It is not difficult to resist negative factors. It is necessary to accustom the child to a certain regimen, monitor his posture, teach him simple exercises for the eyes and carry out such visual gymnastics with him regularly.

  • Palming. Let the baby cover his eyes with his palms so that no light seeps into them. In this state, you can stay from 30 seconds to 1 minute. This exercise can be done during breaks between lessons.
  • Nose drawing. Let the baby imagine that the tip of the nose is a pen. Let him close his eyes, relax. Invite him to draw a circle, square, triangle, flower, sun in the air with his nose. If he knows numbers and letters, let him write words and numbers. In this case, only the neck and head should move. This helps to improve blood circulation in the cervical region and nutrition of all eye tissues.
  • Fixation of gaze on near and distant objects. Teach your child to keep his eyes on objects in the room, located near and close, left and right, above and below, without moving his head. Fixation time should be increased gradually. At first, a few seconds are enough. Over time, he will be able to hold his gaze up to 1-2 minutes in any position.
  • Fast and slow movements of the pupils of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise, up and down, left and right.
  • Fixing the gaze on a certain object, let the child make turns and tilts of the head, circular movements.

All exercises should be alternated with relaxation and carried out regularly, gradually increasing the time and number of repetitions and visits. For holding it is better to choose the most convenient time interval from 11 to 16 hours. This will help the child maintain vision and prevent early impairment.

Exercises for farsightedness and nearsightedness

Farsightedness (hypermetropia) is a visual impairment in which a person clearly sees distant objects, and those located nearby are blurry. With myopia (or myopia), the picture is diametrically opposite. Both one and the other pathology are quite common both in adult patients and in children.

Ophthalmologists prescribe regular therapeutic exercises for the eyes to prevent and improve vision. The exercises recommended by experts for myopia and hypermetropia are almost identical. They should be done regularly. All of them are aimed at:

  • improvement of blood circulation and nutrition of the eye muscles;
  • normalization of the movement of blood and lymph through the vessels in the cervical region;
  • relaxation, strengthening and training of the eye muscles;
  • training and stimulation of the lens;
  • training for correct eye focus.

The difference between exercises for farsightedness is that you should first look at distant objects, those that are clearly and clearly visible, and then look at vague nearby ones. With myopia, the opposite is true: first, focusing on nearby objects is carried out, and then the gaze is shifted to distant points.

The basis of the exercises is focusing the gaze on objects

There are quite a few methods and programs based on gymnastics for the eyes, but their basic exercises are similar.

Exercise 1

For relaxation, palming is the most effective and efficient exercise. In the most comfortable state of sitting, you need to cover your eyes with your hands so that light does not penetrate through your fingers. In this position, all the muscles of the eyes are as relaxed as possible.

Exercise 2

Drawing with the tip of the nose in the air helps relieve tension from the muscles of the neck, normalize blood circulation. Close your eyes, relax and draw in the air any conceived shapes, letters or numbers. Movements should be smooth and calm.

Exercise 3

Relaxes the visual muscles scattered look through the fingers. Raise your hands to the level of the bridge of your nose, open your fingers and look through them at the objects around you. During the exercise, do not focus on the fingers, but look at distant objects without dwelling on them for a long time.

Exercise 4

For an exercise with a special Sivtsev table, you will need 2 sheets: one small (manual version of the table), and the second in the usual format (wall). Examine both tables daily in different lighting, alternate focusing on different lines from the large and small tables, on individual letters and on white spaces between lines.

Exercise can be done 5 times a day, alternating approaches with rest. You can alternate focusing on close and distant objects using an ordinary book and a landscape outside the window.

Exercise 5

For training the eye muscles, the best exercises are eye movements in a straight line (up and down, left and right, diagonally), as well as clockwise and counterclockwise. Periodic squinting, blinking, bringing the eyes to the bridge of the nose allows you to relieve the tension that accumulates in the process of performing all the exercises.

Exercise 6

Stick a small picture on the window glass or make a mark with a marker, step back 1.5–2 meters and look alternately: first at a distant object, then at this mark.

Exercise 7

Rotations, turns of the head, tilts to the right and left allow you to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and normalize the blood supply to this important department.

When gymnastics for the eyes is performed, it is important to understand that attention should not be focused on the amount of exercises (this can lead to overstrain and even more harm), but on the regularity of classes. Then the result will not be long in coming. You should start with several exercises in 2 sets, increasing the load as the eye muscles strengthen.



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