Dry rash on the face of a child. Rash on a child’s face photo all types of rash

A rash on the cheeks of a child at a young age, or simply diathesis, is a very common occurrence in our time. Many children suffer from the disease from time to time. The rash often appears on the chest, cheeks, arms, and causes a lot of inconvenience to everyone. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of all kinds of irritations, atopic dermatitis, and rashes, and often the mother herself is to blame for this, or rather the foods she ate during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, and then after birth. If measures are not taken in time, then a banal baby rash can easily develop into psoriasis, eczema and a number of other unpleasant things.
Children aged 3-9 months are most susceptible to rashes on the cheeks, and by 1.5 and 2 years, usually tiny is cured of it. Actually, it is extremely difficult to identify the true cause of the rash; usually it is one of the causes to which your child is predisposed, but various foods, dust particles, animal hair, household chemicals, clothing, etc., can act as irritants. Breastfeeding mothers often have to go on a diet and strictly control the foods they consume. And those who feed artificially have to change and try new mixtures, in general, their heads are spinning.
Rash in a child This is largely due to the fact that the intestines are not yet working at full capacity, and its natural protective functions are reduced. There are not enough enzymes, antibodies are not produced, the intestinal wall is often thin and absorbs everything. In this regard, many substances entering the digestive tract are easily absorbed and enter the bloodstream, causing various allergic reactions, and all sorts of peeling, itching, redness, spots, pimples.
Rash on the cheeks of a child is divided into categories:

  • Maculae (spots) are elements that are located on the same level with healthy skin and do not cause serious structural changes
  • blisters - are slightly swollen, compacted areas of skin resulting from swelling of the dermis
  • papules (nodules) - flattened formations on the skin without voids
  • pustules (purulent blisters) - cavities in the skin containing pus.

One of the most common types of rash in infants is erythema toxicum. It often manifests itself in the form of spots and nodules, and primarily affects the face and hands. It can occur on days 2-4 of a new person’s life, and when preventive and hygienic measures are taken, it will leave the child forever after just a few days, leaving behind local traces of peeling skin on the cheeks.
If you find that your child has allergic reactions in the form of various types of rashes, then the main way to combat the disease will be proper nutrition. If this is an infant, feeding with your own milk is expected, because it is not initially allergenic and does not cause side effects. Eliminate dairy products, sugar, cow's milk. If you are feeding complementary foods, you should start with vegetables and neutral fruits, like apples, then gradually add porridge. Be careful when taking vitamins and medications, they may also cause a rash on your child's cheeks. To relieve your baby’s unpleasant symptoms of spots, rashes, and peeling skin, you can carefully use creams to cool the skin and relieve hypersensitivity. You can additionally take warm baths with oak bark and wheat bran. You should be extremely careful about the food you give your baby, exclude his contact with pets, and keep his room clean and tidy.

Babies have incredibly delicate and soft skin. Just touching her brings pleasure. She's just perfect. But, as practice shows, various rashes may appear on a child’s face. It is clear that parents are not happy with this situation, and, moreover, they are terrified, since the reasons for the appearance of these rashes are not clear.

The worries are completely justified, because a tiny child cannot express in words possible pain or discomfort in the body, so the body itself gives an important signal that something has gone wrong. It is very important to study this rash in detail and find out its nature.

In medicine, the most common types of rash are distinguished:

  • hormonal;
  • heat rash;
  • food allergies;
  • from scarlet fever;
  • roseola;
  • contact allergy;
  • measles.

Hormonal rash

The hormonal type rash is better known as infant acne. About 30% of newborns are at risk of developing such a rash. Acne is completely safe for others, that is, it is not transmitted by airborne droplets or through contact. In order to eliminate this rash, there is no need to use medications or any special preparations.

These rashes appear on the face as well as on the head. With a hormonal rash, there are no pimples in the form of ulcers, since in this case there is no clogged pore. This rash simply slightly changes the texture of the skin, and in some cases it can be felt by touch. The reason for the appearance of this rash is the process of normalization of hormonal levels.

Acne also occurs because there is an excessive amount of fungi on the surface of the skin, which belong to the normal microflora. You should not try to cure hormonal rashes in infants with compresses based on tinctures, such as calendula. This procedure can be harmful to the baby's skin.

At best, the rash will become slightly inflamed and become more noticeable, and at worst, allergic reactions may develop. To eliminate this rash, simply follow standard hygiene rules. The rash will go away on its own. This can take from one to several months, it all depends on the child’s body.

If the healing process is very slow, then a specialist can simply prescribe special ointments that speed up the process. Infant acne appears before the age of three months.

Between 3 and 6 months, your baby may develop baby acne. In this case, the characteristics of the rash are completely different. The pimples have a black head, which is characteristic of acne. These pimples may leave marks in the form of scars. There are specific reasons for the appearance of infant acne. This is a high level of androgen production. And in this case, professional treatment is necessary.

Prickly heat

Infants quite often suffer from rashes such as prickly heat. It appears not only when the temperature outside is very high and the baby is sweating a lot, but at any time of the year. This is a pink rash. The rashes are slightly raised and therefore can be felt by touch. It may even be slightly cool outside, but the rash will still appear, since a small child has his own characteristics of body thermoregulation. The main causes of rashes can be identified:

  • overheating of the baby's body;
  • inadequate hygienic care;
  • long stay in wet pants.

To avoid the appearance of this type of rash, it is necessary to control the temperature in the room. It should be at 18 degrees Celsius.

Miliaria can appear on the face, namely on the cheeks, forehead, neck, ears, legs and arms, but the rash itself does not bring any discomfort to the child. You should not treat prickly heat, since it will disappear on its own as soon as the reasons for which it appeared are eliminated.

Allergy to food

In the first year of life, a child may have a reaction to certain foods. This is a food allergy. It is characterized by a red rash. These pimples appear on the cheeks, as well as on the ears and chin area. These rashes appear in the form of spots that peel off. They can appear not only on the face, namely the cheeks, ears, but also on the back, stomach, legs and other parts of the body.

If a child constantly eats food that causes a similar reaction in him, this can lead to the rash taking the form of a scab.

In general, it looks very unpleasant, and not only on the face, but also on areas of the body that are hidden under clothing. A baby who is fed breast milk may experience such a reaction due to the mother's failure to comply with the diet. You should not eat all the foods in a row, since the infant’s digestive system is not yet strong, and it cannot accept some types of food. Everything needs to be approached gradually.

If there is a need to introduce a new type of food into the mother’s diet, then this must be done gradually, that is, first eat a small amount of the product and see the child’s reaction, does it break out? First of all, rashes appear on the face.

An allergic reaction in a baby can be caused by:

  • red fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus;
  • some types of meat.

Allergic pimples can appear in infants who eat artificial formulas. They contain a large amount of proteins, and they are the allergens that cause pimples. If a baby develops rashes in this form, then you need to stop using the mixture and choose another suitable option.

Contact type of allergy

Infants are susceptible to allergies that appear not only internally, but also appear on the skin. Contact allergies are also commonly called dermatitis. This is a small rash that looks very similar to a simple chafing.

The cause of this type of rash is believed to be the use of laundry detergents that contain large amounts of fragrance. Most often, a large proportion of fragrances is contained in mouthwashes.

The skin of an infant is very sensitive, so when washing clothes it is necessary to use only hypoallergenic products that do not contain components that can cause allergies.

Contact allergies appear on those areas of the skin that come into contact with clothes washed using incorrectly selected products.

That is, if it is a cap, then the rash will appear on the face, ears and head. The appearance of pimples can be caused by clothing made from synthetic materials.


Roseola is an infectious disease that is typical for children under two years of age. This disease has symptoms that are unique to it. Initially, the temperature rises, and it can only be brought down on the third day.

As soon as the temperature returns to normal, red pimples appear on the skin. They are located in patches and can be on the face, as well as other parts of the body. With roseola, there is no point in treating a child with medications.

Scarlet fever

This is a small rash that appears in the form of small pimples in the neck, back and chest. In addition, it can spread to other parts of the body, and even appear on the face. This disease can be transmitted through the air. Treatment is carried out only according to the doctor’s recommendations.


With measles, the rash has a characteristic large size of lesions and a bright color. Initially, rashes in the form of papules appear behind the ears, as well as on the face, that is, on the eyelids, cheeks and other parts of the body. If measles appears in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only a specialist will prescribe the correct treatment that will help prevent the formation of unpleasant scars on the eyelids, cheeks, and ears that remain after measles.

In general, the result can be very unpleasant, so you need to worry about the child’s face and contact a specialist.

Young children cannot always tell what is bothering them. Very often, adults guess about a child’s illness by increased screaming and crying, changes in behavior and appetite. But it often happens that the first symptoms of the disease are “obvious,” or rather, on the face. In response to the introduction of a foreign substance (allergen, bacteria, fungus or virus) into the baby’s body, a small rash appears on the skin. This is a response from the immune system, a signal that something has gone wrong in the body. You always need to find the cause of the rash, and not just eliminate a cosmetic defect. The causes of the rash can be different, ranging from banal diathesis to serious infectious diseases. If a small rash appears on a child’s face, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause and rational treatment.

Why does a small rash appear on a child’s face?

Diathesis. Food allergies or diathesis very often lead to redness on the baby’s face. They are usually accompanied by itching and are treated by eliminating the allergen from the diet of the child or nursing mother. Antihistamines are used as medications.

Prickly heat. Miliaria in newborns occurs due to peculiarities in the functioning of the sweat glands and non-compliance with hygiene rules. Rashes should be looked for not only on the face. For treatment, mild cleansers and drying powders are used.

Acne. Sometimes newborn babies develop acne - pustules on the face and body associated with a temporary excess of male hormones. These violations stop on their own. The skin clears up in a couple of weeks.

Measles. Minor rashes on a child’s face caused by infectious diseases require special attention. Recently, due to the negative attitude of young parents towards vaccinations, cases of measles have become more frequent. This is a rather dangerous childhood infection, and a small rash on a child’s face is one of its main manifestations.

How to recognize measles?

Measles is a well-studied disease. The cause of its occurrence is a virus that is transmitted through the air. During the course of the disease, symptoms appear in a certain sequence and gradually replace each other, creating a specific clinical picture.

It takes about 10 days from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of measles. The disease begins as a banal ARVI. The temperature rises to high levels, profuse nasal discharge appears, which gradually becomes purulent. The child complains of a sore throat, sometimes the voice becomes hoarse, and a cough appears. A typical symptom is conjunctivitis, which is accompanied by a fear of bright light. From the first day, the lymph nodes and spleen enlarge.

On the 3-5th day of illness, pinkish-red rashes appear on the soft and hard palate, and grayish-white spots the size of semolina can be found on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, lips or gums. They are usually surrounded by a bright red corolla. These are Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots. They signal that in 1-2 days a small rash specific to measles will appear on the child’s face.

The rashes are bright red. They appear on unchanged skin and do not itch. On the first day, the rash appears behind the ears and on the face, on the second day it spreads to the torso, and on the third day it spreads to the arms and legs. At the same time, the temperature remains high, and the child’s condition is serious.

The rash quickly darkens and turns brown. In its place, pigmentation appears - darkening of the skin. Usually pigmentation lasts up to 1.5 - 2 weeks, then disappears. The skin then peels off. After pigmentation appears on the skin, the child’s condition begins to improve and recovery gradually begins.

What complications can measles cause?

The disease is accompanied by severe intoxication and fever, starting from the first day. Convulsions and disturbances of consciousness may occur. Against the background of a dry, debilitating cough, which often accompanies the onset of the disease, croup may occur. This is the name for a spasm of the larynx, which makes it difficult for a child to breathe. In severe cases, emergency measures are required, including dissection of the trachea.

Sometimes the virus damages platelets, the blood cells responsible for blood clotting. This is manifested by hemorrhages in the skin, bleeding, and anemia.

Measles is usually complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection. In this case, severe bacterial pneumonia, bronchitis, and otitis occur. One of the most severe complications is measles meningitis and encephalitis. It should be noted that even several years after measles, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis can develop - this disease steadily progresses and within a couple of months leads to the development of dementia (dementia).

How to treat a small rash on a child’s face due to measles?

Despite active vaccination, up to 30 million people fall ill with measles every year. Up to 4% of deaths among children under 4 years of age are still attributed to measles! Therefore, at the age of 12-15 months, it is advisable for all children to be vaccinated against measles.

A rash on a child’s face, photos, all types of rashes - this is what will be discussed in this article. After all, it is a serious problem, as it spreads rapidly throughout the body and can turn into an intractable disease. In the future, we will consider how to recognize this in a child and what signs they have.

What does urticaria look like in a child?

This disease is easy to diagnose independently; most often it affects children under 3 years of age. Often it appears in the form of small dots. A rash on a child’s face, photo, all types of rashes should be examined very carefully. They are distinguished by the presence of a reddish tint and blisters, which increase in size when scratched. The cause of the occurrence is the entry of an allergen into the body, due to which an increased amount of histamine is produced, leading to thinning of the walls of blood vessels. In this case, the urticaria disappears quite quickly, within two hours, appearing in another place almost immediately. The irritants are:

  1. Food products such as milk, eggs, chocolate, fruits and more.
  2. Infections from viruses, bacteria.
  3. Medications.
  4. Impurities such as pollen, dust, fluff and the rest.
  5. Nickel, resin.
  6. Dyes.

To make a diagnosis, it is enough to tell your doctor the time and place of the onset of the initial symptoms.

To make sure the diagnosis is correct, your doctor may do skin tests, a full-body examination, and a blood test.

Urticaria should be treated immediately, because it can develop into a severe form, which will be accompanied by labor-intensive treatment and a long onset of results.

Measles and what it looks like


In the first months after the birth of a baby, many changes occur in his body, because he quickly adapts to life in a new environment. For parents, in addition to joyful excitement, this is also a period of worry and searching for answers to questions that have arisen. So, is it necessary to treat the rash that periodically appears in various forms on the baby’s face?

What causes rashes to appear on the face of a baby - reasons

The main thing you need to know about this phenomenon is that a rash spreading over the baby’s delicate skin may indicate an onset of the disease or be a variant of the norm, and only a doctor should separate one from the other. Nowadays, there is so much open information about the manifestations of diseases in children with detailed descriptions and photos, but only a doctor can conduct a full diagnosis and speak competently about the child’s health status, assessing where and in what form the rash appeared.

So, a rash on the face of a baby can appear on the forehead, cheeks, around the mouth, and on the chin. This is due to differences in the structure of the skin in this area: a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands are localized here, the functions of which are still being regulated. In some cases, the rash can spread further along the neck and body. Find out what factors can cause a rash on the face of a baby, and what signs can be used to distinguish them from each other.

Allergic reaction

In many cases, the rash is nothing more than an allergy on the baby’s face. In this case, the pimples that appear itch, and the child becomes restless due to severe itching. If the allergen is not quickly eliminated and therapeutic measures are not taken, the functioning of the still fragile immune system may be disrupted. What often causes allergies in babies? Here is a sample list of factors:

  • reaction to improper feeding;
  • food diathesis;
  • medicines;
  • household chemicals;
  • inhalation of odors during flowering plants;
  • synthetic clothing;
  • sudden change in weather;
  • insect bites, etc.

Milia in newborns

Often, a rash on the face of a baby is a normal physiological phenomenon. For example, if white, painless nodules, called milia or whiteheads, appear on the baby's face, the mother does not need to worry. This rash is observed in the third week of a baby’s life; it is the result of activation of the baby’s sebaceous glands by the mother’s hormones. In fact, milia are an accumulation of sebum in the ducts; they go away on their own in a few weeks. There is no need to try to treat them, because this can only harm the baby.

Hormonal rash in newborns

This type of rash on the face of a baby is very common in the first months of a child’s life because the child’s body is actively adapting to life outside the mother’s womb. Doctors call such rashes pustulosis or acne, because they appear in the form of acne - pustular pimples. There is also no need to be afraid of these manifestations, because this is how the body reacts to the establishment of natural microflora. The hormonal rash does not require any treatment other than monitoring hygiene.

Infectious and viral diseases

The case when treatment is definitely required is when a rash on a child’s face is a symptom of his infection with pathogenic bacteria or viruses, and monitoring by a pediatrician is mandatory. The onset of a serious illness is indicated by a high temperature in the baby. Often, when infected, the rash is localized not only in the face or neck, but also spreads throughout the child’s body. The appearance of rashes in such diseases can be very different, for example, pink spots appear with rubella, small blisters with clear liquid - with chickenpox, etc.

Other reasons

In addition to the most common causes of rash in young children mentioned, such manifestations on the skin can also be caused by other factors. For example, prickly heat is often found on the face of a newborn; it looks like a scattering of small pink pimples. This phenomenon indicates that the body is overheating, because the ducts of the baby’s sebaceous glands cannot yet quickly remove fluid from the body. Often a rash appears with diaper dermatitis.

Types of rash

Rashes on a baby’s skin can come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Depending on the cause, these may be small dots, larger spots, colorless formations, or pink and red pimples. The rash may look like peeling skin or small pustules or blisters with clear contents. Remember that often different conditions of the baby’s body can manifest themselves in seemingly identical rashes at first glance, which is why it is so important to not hesitate to consult a doctor when they appear.

White pimples on the face of a newborn

Such rashes do not cause discomfort to the baby, since they are only evidence that the sebaceous glands are improving in the small body and hormonal changes are occurring. So, milia in a baby are not even felt to the touch, but an accumulation of sebum is simply visible, which will soon come to the surface of the skin on its own. As a result of a surge in hormones, the baby’s face may become covered with small white acne, but such pustules do not need to be treated, much less squeezed out, because they will soon go away on their own and without complications, provided hygiene is maintained.

These changes in the baby's skin can have a different nature. For example, they can appear as a result of a birth injury, if the capillaries burst due to pressure. Such consequences do not threaten the baby in any way and gradually disappear from the surface of the skin in his first year of life. Other reasons that cause red spots on a baby’s face are much more dangerous to his health. Such changes may indicate allergic irritation or infectious diseases:

  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • chicken pox;
  • rubella;
  • impetigo.


What does a rash on the face of a baby, manifested by the skin losing its normal tone, indicate? Often, an allergic reaction can occur this way, for example, if a child is intolerant to whole milk. Sometimes colorless spots indicate a violation of the synthesis of melanin in the skin, a hormone that should protect the child’s body from the harmful influences of the external environment. The same reaction can occur from hormonal changes, fungal infection, and even when the child is overly excitable.

Small pimples

Such a rash can be seen on a baby’s face very often. For example, while heat regulation mechanisms are being adjusted in the baby’s body, small pimples on the baby’s face will often signal heat rash. The fact that hormonal changes are actively occurring in the body is evidenced by small pustules - pustulosis. A rash of small pimples may be the first symptom of an infection, so you should not hesitate to go to the doctor to accurately determine the causes of its appearance!

Rough skin

Such changes in the skin of a baby's face should never be ignored. The most harmless factors that can make the skin rough are the influence of the environment: cold weather, dry air, hard bathing water, etc. The same manifestations can also indicate serious illnesses in a child:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • congenital diabetes mellitus;
  • hypothyroidism – decreased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • genetic pathology – ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis.

How to treat a rash on the face of a newborn

Caring for a child who has recently been born causes a lot of anxiety for parents. One of the frequently encountered questions that they must solve is what to do with a rash on the face of a baby? It must be remembered that the baby’s immunity and protective functions of the skin are still developing, so the appearance of various rashes is a natural phenomenon. In order not to upset the delicate balance in the body, you should absolutely not self-medicate and try to get rid of the rash without consulting a doctor.

The specialist will tell you what methods to use to cure the rash, for example, smearing it with zinc ointment or Bepanten cream. In order for the skin on the baby’s face to clear up as quickly as possible, the mother needs to follow these recommendations:

  • adhere to a certain diet, do not eat foods that can cause a reaction in the baby;
  • observe hygiene standards: bathe the baby every day in soft boiled water, using decoctions of medicinal herbs: string, chamomile, celandine;
  • Keep your baby's clothes and bedding clean, and frequently do wet cleaning in his room.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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