Why did I get my period 2 times a month? Pathologies that cause bleeding

Violations menstrual cycle- This is something that almost every woman faces. Often the symptoms are expressed in the fact that menstruation occurs 2 times a month. For young girls whose cycle is not yet fully formed, this is not a symptom of any disease. However, having periods twice a month is not typical for adult women who have not had any disruptions in their cycle before. Let's try to figure out why menstruation began for the second time in a month.

What menstrual cycle is considered normal?

There are two phases in the menstrual cycle - follicular and luteal. During the follicular phase, the egg matures and is then released from the follicle at ovulation. This phase begins on the first day of menstruation. It is replaced by the luteal phase, during which hormone-producing iron is formed in place of the egg. corpus luteum.

Under the influence of hormones (including progesterone), preparations for conception and pregnancy begin in the female body. It consists of the following processes:

  • other follicles stop developing for a while;
  • the epithelial tissues of the uterus, into which a fertilized egg is implanted in the future, increase in size, and the network of blood vessels expands;
  • the immune barrier is weakened to prevent embryo rejection;
  • ducts enlarge in the mammary glands.

If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum dies, and with the arrival of menstruation the next menstrual cycle begins. A normal menstrual cycle usually lasts from 28 to 32 days. Allowed small deviations– cycles of 21-35 days are not considered a pathology.

Possible reasons why periods come twice a month

In a situation where your period comes for the second time in a month, the reasons may be different. There are several of them:

  1. Application oral contraceptives. The body may react in this way to taking the pills in the first three months.
  2. Use of an intrauterine device. Frequent menstruation , characterized by heavy discharge, is a reason to change your contraceptive method.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. Violation hormonal levels disrupts the menstrual cycle. Menstruation may come twice a month or, conversely, once every two months. Call similar problems can inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system. One of the reasons that your period started for the second time in a month may be hormonal disbalance caused by abortion or childbirth.
  4. Age characteristics of a woman. Menstruation 2 times a month in a teenager enough common occurrence, as the formation of the cycle continues. A similar situation is observed in premenopausal women.
  5. Light bleeding may occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle due to ovulation or implantation of the embryo into the uterus.

The answer to the question of why menstruation occurs twice a month may lie in some pathologies. The most common among them are:

  • Uterine fibroids. Represents benign neoplasm, which sometimes reaches large sizes. This is often the cause of malfunctions. hormonal system. In this regard, frequent heavy periods are observed. Fibroids subject compulsory treatment, often involving surgery.
  • Inflammatory processes in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervical erosion can cause menstruation to occur out of schedule.
  • Endometriosis and polyps can also cause recurring periods.
  • Adenomyosis – inflammatory disease which occurs due to hormonal imbalances.
  • Period for the second time in a month Brown, having a watery consistency, are often a symptom of uterine cancer. This is a serious indication for an urgent visit to the gynecologist.
  • Unscheduled periods can occur due to a miscarriage, if the fertilized egg was rejected by the body.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If a fertilized egg has implanted into the fallopian tube, bleeding may occur. This condition is life-threatening and requires prompt diagnosis.
  • Bleeding disorders can cause unscheduled menstruation.

The influence of stressful situations on menstruation

It is important for every woman to understand that bloody vaginal discharge are not always menstrual. Often this is bleeding, only similar to menstruation.

It happens that stress is to blame for this phenomenon. Emotional experience provokes a hormonal surge, which, in turn, causes sudden bleeding. The same phenomenon can be observed when the climate changes during a move or travel.

The following tips will help you avoid worrying about getting your period twice a month:

  1. try to refrain from strong shocks,
  2. take it easy on little things,
  3. carefully monitor the medications you take,
  4. Get tested regularly and keep your hormone levels under control.


In case of menstrual irregularities, the following examinations are usually prescribed:

  • External gynecological examination.
  • A smear test to detect infection.
  • Laboratory blood test to determine hormone levels.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Also, if indicated, an ultrasound scan of the adrenal glands is performed, thyroid gland.
  • Comprehensive examination of the brain using MRI.

This order diagnostic procedures due to the fact that the identification of active inflammatory process eliminates the need for other manipulations (ultrasound, MRI). These procedures are required only when other diagnostic methods have not been able to detect the reason why the patient’s period is bothering her for the second time in a month.

Indications for a visit to the gynecologist

Dark red color of discharge during menstruation is considered normal. By the end of menstruation, the discharge may become brown tint due to blood oxidation. Scarlet, not changing for 4-5 days, the color of blood when recurrent menstruation signals uterine bleeding. In this case, you need to visit a doctor without delay. After diagnosis, he will prescribe hemostatic drugs.

If menstruation occurs two weeks after the previous one and is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately call ambulance. This is most often the case with an ectopic pregnancy.

It is generally accepted that the average menstrual cycle is 28 days. There are also some deviations that are equated to the norm, when the cycle lasts from three weeks to thirty-five days. If menstruation occurs 2 times a month, the reason for this may be unclear to the woman.

Do you have periods twice a month?

At the reception female doctor The question always arises about how menstruation proceeds. If the cyclicity is correct, this is considered one of the keys to sexual health, although it is far from the only one. Miscellaneous violations- both lengthening and shortening of the cycle - should alert you and become a reason for a detailed examination.

It is common that the frequency with which menstruation occurs is 2 times a month. This phenomenon does not always indicate an illness. For example, if the cycle is short, then regulation is possible both at the beginning and at the end of one calendar month. A temporary non-pathological failure, when menstruation occurs twice in a row, may indicate the following:

  • the use of methods of protection against conception - intrauterine, hormonal;
  • the beginning of the cycle;
  • hormonal disorders after childbirth or termination of pregnancy;
  • period;
  • vivid neuro-emotional shocks;
  • disruption of the usual biorhythm of life;
  • past infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In addition, an insignificant highlight bloody mucus is acceptable during ovulation, and then a woman may think that her period started a week after the previous one or a couple of weeks later. After ovulation, when conception occurs, the fertilized cell attaches to the uterine tissue, which is accompanied by damage to the capillaries, which explains the appearance of brownish spots on underwear.

Why do I get my period twice a month?

If a girl notes that she has periods twice a month, the reasons are often pathological. At the same time, accompanying complaints are sometimes symptoms such as pain in lower third belly, elevated temperature, general deterioration in health. It is worth understanding that when menstruation occurs 2 times a month, the cause of which is related to illness, this may not be menstrual discharge, but uterine bleeding. Let's consider why periods 2 times a month sometimes appear in girls who previously recorded stability:

  • interrupted short-term pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • malignant tumors in the uterus;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • tumors and cystic formations ovaries;
  • damage to the fallopian tubes;
  • damage and tumors of the pituitary gland of the brain;
  • blood clotting abnormalities.

A teenager's period is 2 times a month.

It can be considered absolutely normal for teenage girls to have periods twice a month when their first periods begin. During this period, the body experiences significant changes are controlled by hormones and can take about two years to establish a regular cycle. In this case, it is possible not only to reduce the period between regulations, but also to delay for 2, 3 months, sometimes even six months. In addition, the nature and amount of discharge can vary greatly.

After childbirth, menstruation 2 times a month

After the birth of a child, a woman experiences difficult period, during which all systems begin to organize their activities. This takes from six months, depending on the course of gestation, childbirth and many other factors. During the first two months, the uterus cleanses and heals with bloody discharge from the vagina, the volume of which gradually decreases.

For those women who do not breastfeed, the menstrual cycle stabilizes approximately six weeks after delivery. Nursing mothers note a lack of regulation for six months or more. Normalization does not occur immediately, and some failures are quite acceptable. Therefore, postpartum women have periods twice a month for physiological reasons. This applies not only to those who have had natural childbirth, but it is not uncommon to have periods 2 times a month after a cesarean section.

Menstruation twice a month – pregnancy

Menstruation twice a month can serve as a kind of “bell” about the onset of pregnancy. After conception, menstrual processes stop. When menstruation occurs twice a month in the first month of pregnancy, the reason often lies in the implantation bleeding that occurs when the egg attaches to the uterine wall. This physiological phenomenon. In addition, bleeding from the vagina is possible in case of involuntary miscarriage or complications.

Menopause – menstruation 2 times a month

During menopause hormonal changes In the female body, menstruation twice a month can be considered standard. The final menstruation occurs irregularly, sometimes becoming less frequent, sometimes more frequent, with heavy or scanty discharge, and varies in duration. This period ranges from two to ten years. Menstruation disappears altogether after estrogen production has completely stopped.

Menstruation 2 times a month - what to do?

You should immediately consult a doctor when you experience heavy periods 2 times a month, and the color of the discharge is scarlet for 4-5 days. In this case, it is necessary to take medications that stop bleeding. Also, immediate hospitalization is required by conditions in which repeated menstruation in a month is accompanied by intense pain, indicating a probable ectopic pregnancy. A consultation with a gynecologist is also recommended in other cases - to conduct research (for the presence of infections, neoplasms, hormonal imbalances) and determine treatment.

Periods usually indicate a new menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is a change that periodically occurs in the female body. Translated from Latin language The word menstruus means monthly. The main purpose of critical days is readiness female body to possible conception. In order to figure out whether menstruation can occur 2 times a month, you need to find out what regulates the frequency and nature of menstruation. It's very simple.

This function is assigned to hormones, which, in turn, are produced either in the pituitary gland or in the hypothalamus. The entire menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 phases. Each phase is characterized by certain changes not only in the inner lining of the uterus, which is called the endometrium, but also in the ovaries. The first day of menstruation is the beginning of the first phase of the cycle. Judging by the changes in the ovaries, it is possible to accurately determine the phase in which this moment The menstrual cycle is located: follicular, ovulatory or luteal. Accordingly, changes in the uterus are also divided into three phases: menstrual, proliferative or secretory.

What's the matter?

When you have your period 2 times a month, you must understand that this is by no means physiological process. In order to change, first of all, you need to find out the reason, find out why your periods come 2 times a month. Further tactics for normalizing your menstrual cycle depend on the answer to this question. Let's make a reservation here right away. There are situations in which the presence of menstruation twice a month is the norm. This often happens when taking oral contraceptives and this phenomenon lasts for first three months. The amount of vaginal discharge plays a big role. The situation is unacceptable when there is an abundance of it. This is a real cause for alarm and immediate appeal to the doctor. Spotting and slight discharge may appear at first.

If they appear it may be due to age-related changes cycle. There are two possible options here. In the first case similar violations occur in girls After the onset of the first menstruation, within two years, the menstrual cycle is established, so such situations are not uncommon. The second option, on the contrary, is characterized by extinction menstrual function. This phenomenon occurs in some women during menopause.

Another cause from the vagina may be implantation into the uterine cavity or tube. Please note that if you are not yet planning to become pregnant, and you have had sexual intercourse this month without any means of contraception, sudden bleeding should raise suspicions about possible conception. Therefore, in such a situation, it is better to immediately consult a doctor after undergoing thorough examination.

Intrauterine device, used as reliable means contraception, can often be the cause of prolonged and frequent discharge. They clearly indicate that you should not use this remedy for contraception, try switching to something else. After discharge, the coil must be removed. In this regard, it is better to consult with your gynecologist, who will conduct an examination and advise what is best for you.

We act immediately

If you have your period 2 times a month for several cycles, the advice suggests itself - immediately consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should you postpone this visit, as these bleedings will certainly lead to the development of a disease such as anemia.

Therefore, love yourself, take care of your health.

Normally, critical days should come monthly - once every 28 days. Having periods twice a month may be a sign gynecological disease: every woman needs to monitor her cycle, noticing the duration of the period. It is much worse if menstruation occurs 3 times a month - cyclic failure indicates serious problems With women's health.

Menstruation 2 times a month - what does this mean?

Menstruation should always be monitored, both for girls and women of the childbearing and premenstrual period. An unstable menstrual cycle, when bleeding occurs twice a month (less than 21 days pass between periods), is called polymenorrhea.

At the same time, you need to understand that the abundance of bleeding does not always matter: on the days of expected menstruation, normal periods occur, and after 10-14 days bleeding begins to bother you. Or after a couple of weeks, the typical period came for the second time. Every woman has it individually, but critical days 2-3 times a month refers to pathological condition, in which it is necessary to look for the cause of menstrual irregularities.

Why menstruation comes twice a month - reasons for women

When critical days come for the second time in a month, and this cycle failure does not occur for the first time, you should conduct an examination with your doctor. Conventionally, all reasons can be divided into 2 groups – functional and organic. In the first case, the following factors cause a cyclic failure:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Changes in climatic conditions;
  • Sharp fluctuations in body weight;
  • Eating disorders.
  • Hello. Is it normal to have periods twice a month? What could it be? Alexandra, 31 years old.

    Hello, Alexandra. Menstruation normally comes once a month. It may be normal to have spotting twice in one month, but only in cases where menstruation occurs at the beginning and end of the same calendar month. It is advisable to monitor the regularity of the cycle - if critical days occur 2-3 times per short period time, then you need to visit a doctor.

    External factors can provoke one-time or random disruptions of the menstrual cycle - when functional problems are eliminated, menstruation is restored on its own. To organic or internal reasons include the following diseases:

    1. Benign neoplasms in the reproductive organs;
    2. Chronic inflammatory process in the uterus or appendages;
    3. Hyperplasia in the endometrium;
    4. Diseases of endocrine organs;
    5. Diseases of blood vessels and the circulatory system;
    6. Consequences of complicated pregnancy and childbirth;
    7. Postoperative complications (immediate and long-term);
    8. Liver pathology;
    9. Malignant tumors.

    It is always necessary to find an answer to the question - why do menstruation occur 2 times a month? By postponing the examination or ignoring the first symptoms of the disease, you can get many problems with women's health.

    Hello. Critical days 2 times a month. What can a woman have at 45 years old? Nina, 45 years old.

    Hello Nina. With age, menstrual irregularities are more common. Women aged 45 years and older experience a shortening of the cycle to 21 days, so it is quite possible that menstruation occurs twice a month. It is necessary to monitor the rhythm and abundance of critical days, promptly contacting a doctor in case of cyclic disorders.

    Can menstruation occur twice a month?

    A short cycle is the only relatively normal option when menstruation can occur 2 times a month. Normally from the first day of menstruation to next start Your period should be at least 21 days (and no more than 35). Therefore, sometimes a coincidence is possible - some critical days come in the first days, and others come at the end of the month.

    Most often, a shortening of the menstrual cycle occurs. But even in this case, it is important to pay attention to the short period between bleeding, especially if this background creates conditions for anemia. Most often, anemia in women occurs against the background of frequently recurring heavy periods.

    Hello. Menstruation twice within 1 month. What does it mean? Alina, 22 years old.

    Hello, Alina. In young women, repeated episodes of menstruation are influenced by external factors. If you have recently had exams, a job change, emotional stress and severe exercise stress, then a menstrual irregularity is quite possible. If the problem recurs, you should seek medical help.

    Second time in a month - what to do

    A one-time cycle failure can be an accident (for female students during an exam, for women during emotional stress or on a strict diet).

    If cyclic disorders recur, then it is important to consult a doctor in time - there is no need to think and reflect on what this means, consult with friends or use ineffective methods traditional medicine. The only correct answer to the question - what to do if there are repeated disruptions of the menstrual cycle - consult a doctor. At functional changes the doctor will help you get it back regular cycle. For organic – will prescribe effective treatment. The main goals of therapy are preservation reproductive function and preventing the progression of dangerous female diseases.

    Regardless of the reason, the recurring occurrence of menstruation 2-3 times a month is serious reason for examination by a gynecologist. It is important to do everything on time, without postponing until “later” solving problems with menstruation, especially if in the near future a woman plans to conceive and bear the desired baby.

    Hello. What to do if your period comes 2 times a month? Natalya, 29 years old.

    Hello, Natalia. A one-time menstrual cycle disorder does not always indicate serious problems with women’s health. It is necessary to count the number of days that have passed from the first day of the last menstruation to the beginning of the next cycle. It is important to assess the abundance of menstruation. If in any doubt, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    Ask a free question to a doctor

    Menstrual dysfunction is one of the most common pathologies in gynecology. Even banal viral infection may cause unscheduled periods. The incidence rate reaches up to 20% in the general segment of female pathology.

    The main reasons for frequent periods

    The cause of more than a quarter of all pathological uterine bleeding are organic changes. In other cases, frequent periods are caused by hormonal disorders.

    The following names are used to refer to irregular periods. The term "polymenorrhea" is used when periods become heavy. The term “metrorrhagia” is used when bleeding occurs unsystematically, regardless of the day of the cycle.

    The woman's age plays important role in definition exact reason pathology. There are menstrual irregularities juvenile, reproductive and menopausal age. Frequent periods of a hormonal nature are more common in adolescence and at a young age, while organic changes are more typical for women during menopause.

    At the heart of the functional hormonal disorder lie:

    1. Neuropsychic and physical stress. The most common cause of conditions such as menstruation several times a month is mental or physical fatigue, tantrums and other emotional outbursts lead to disruption of the production of ovarian hormones (estrogens) and the release of a large dose of the stress hormone cortisol. This causes circulatory disorders in the endometrium, it premature detachment. And your period can start immediately.
    2. Age-related changes. Until normal hormonal levels are established and coordinated work glands internal secretion Teenagers' periods are irregular. They are characterized by copious discharge and may occur irregularly.

    In the last decade, all developed countries of the world have seen an increase in the prevalence of various forms menstrual dysfunction among adolescents. Most experts associate this trend with an increase in psycho-emotional stress on an unformed organism, the influence of technogenic factors, poor nutrition, non-compliance healthy image life and others external reasons.

    In women in menopause coming gradual decline hormonal background. Last cycle occurs between 47 and 50 years of age. During this period, you can often hear complaints about: menstruation once every 2 months, menstruation often, menstruation every week and two weeks. Stabilization of hormonal levels may occur naturally. To relieve the condition, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

    Causes of cycle disorders in adulthood:

    1. Side effects of medications, including birth control pills. All medications, which influence hormonal levels, can cause menstruation to occur for several weeks in a row.
    2. A blood disease that causes a disruption of the coagulation system. Impaired blood hemostasis can lead to repeated and more massive bleeding when the internal layers of the endometrium are rejected.
    3. Miscarriage. Largest quantity Miscarriages happen in the first trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, every second woman does not know that she is pregnant and perceives this incident as a repeat menstruation.
    4. Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs. Acute stage inflammatory process of the uterus can begin with discharge from the genital organs of various nature(bloody, bloody-purulent and purulent).
    5. Endocrine diseases. Endocrine system The human gland is represented by endocrine glands of different structure, size and functions. Their total weight is about 100 grams, and the level of hormones in the blood reaches several milligrams. However, the impact on the health and functioning of the entire body is enormous.
    6. Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium and uterine fibroids may be the cause bloody discharge outside of menstruation.

    To find out the causes of private menstruation, it is necessary to exclude the pathology of the endocrine glands, which are associated with the functioning of the female reproductive system - thyroid and epithelial body, adrenal glands and others.

    The answer to the question why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, often should be looked for in liver and kidney problems. All abdominal organs to one degree or another participate in the metabolism of hormones and the maintenance of normal hormonal levels. Thus, the liver is the chemical factory of the body. It is actively involved in the production of hormone precursor compounds and their synthesis. Therefore, a malfunction of the liver affects the frequency of menstruation. If menstruation is irregular or the patient complains of menstruation twice a month with apparent well-being, then the first thing is to check all the organs and systems of your body.

    At organic changes bleeding can occur at any time and recur regardless of the level of hormones and phases of the cycle. Most common reasons speakers:

    • malignant and benign formations genitals;
    • cysts and tumors in the ovaries;
    • polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • polyposis and cervical cancer;
    • uterine fibroids;
    • endometriosis.

    Features of the functioning of a woman’s body

    A woman's sexual or menstrual cycle consists of several stages and lasts from 21 to 35 days. Its task is to prepare the woman’s body as much as possible for conceiving and bearing a child.

    The biological cycle begins with a hormonal peak and rejection of the inner layer of the uterus. If your period starts, it means that the process of tissue rejection and bleeding from the inner layer of the uterus has begun.

    After 3-7 days, the bleeding stops, the uterine tissue is restored and prepares to receive a fertilized egg. The egg matures in 6-7 days. If she remains unfertilized, then the level of hormones drops due to complex biological processes in the ovary. This is a signal for the female body about the onset of a new cycle.

    In the event of fertilization, the egg begins to divide, descending fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. The endometrium, or inner layer of the uterus, is the surface with big amount vessels. The fertilized egg is implanted into the endometrium. This is how it begins new life, and then the birth of a new person. Naturally, we can’t talk about any periods.

    Critical days resume on postpartum period. At normal course restoration of the menstrual cycle occurs 8 weeks after birth. However, during breastfeeding, the hormone prolactin is produced, which inhibits the release of a mature egg. In such cases, the restoration of menstruation can occur at any time, including only after stopping feeding.

    The menstrual cycle is complex biological system, which is regulated by the coordinated work of the ovaries, uterus, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland and other organs. One failure in this chain leads to menstrual dysfunction and complaints of frequent menstruation, menstruation twice a month, menstruation every other week and other menstrual dysfunction.



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