I got my period 2 times. I got my period twice a month: what should I do? Causes of non-pathological recurrent menstruation

The influence of sex hormones causes menstruation, which normally occurs in women once a month. However, in some cases, periods may come twice - this is already a pathology. There are several reasons for this deviation.

Hormonal disorders

“Why did I get my period for the second time in a month?” is a fairly common question among women. It is hormonal imbalance that in most cases becomes the cause of this pathology. The disorder is accompanied by a stable change in the menstrual cycle, when there is no clear duration. This problem does not appear suddenly and does not go away on its own in most cases. The development of the deviation most often begins at the time of puberty or after serious infections.


Stressful situations can also be the answer to the question: “Why did I get my period for the second time in a month?” Stress causes sudden stress, which provokes menstrual-like bleeding. In most cases, this happens once and does not happen again in the next cycle. At the same time, remember that stress is not only emotional or nervous shock. Chronic lack of sleep, a serious infection, and severe fatigue can become a stressful situation for the body.

Age-related changes

The situation when menstruation began for the second time may be associated with age-related changes. The premenopausal period in women may be accompanied by a shortening and decrease in regulation. Discharge occurs in the middle of the cycle, or it turns into a shortened menstrual cycle, becomes longer and more abundant, and only then decreases and the cycle shortens.

IUD - intrauterine device

It is not uncommon for a woman to experience menstrual-like bleeding in the middle of her cycle, accompanied by sharp pain in the lower abdomen, after installing an IUD or other IUDs. The discharge may be profuse, but after 3 months everything returns to normal. If the problem does not disappear, you will have to change the method of contraception.


The reason why your period came for the second time in a month may be a benign tumor - fibroids. This problem is more common in women over 35 years of age. Also, diseases such as the inflammatory process - adenomyosis, polyps, cancer of the cervix and body, can also cause menstruation again.

The reason why menstruation came for the second time in a month is also the disease salpino-oophoritis - inflammation of the ovaries. Poor blood clotting can also cause double periods.

Spontaneous abortion, when the body rejects a fertilized egg, can provoke menstruation for the second time in a month, in the middle of the cycle.

A recurrence of menstruation observed after a recent abortion may indicate inflammation of the mucous and muscular lining of the uterus due to infection.

How to be

There is only one way out in such a situation - a trip to the gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the problem. Be healthy!

2 times a month - does that happen? Menstruation accompanies a young woman for many years and often changes its usual characteristics throughout her life. All kinds of menstrual cycle disorders make up a significant part (almost 80%) of visits to a specialist, but only in a third of women who seek help, such changes are due to pathological reasons.

Among menstrual disorders, patients often indicate a change in the rhythm of menstruation, that is, when menstruation occurs more than once a month. Often, premature menstruation is accompanied by unusual pathological symptoms: pain, high fever, poor health, large blood loss, weakness.

Often, women mistake uterine bleeding similar to menstruation that occurs between two normal periods for extraordinary menstruation.

To figure out for yourself why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, every woman should have an idea of ​​the normal menstrual cycle and understand when irregularities should cause concern.

So, the menstrual cycle is understood as a time period equal to the number of days that have passed between two subsequent menstruation. The first day of bleeding is both the first day of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Not all women experience menstruation the same way; they may differ in duration, amount of blood loss, the presence of subjective sensations and many other clinical nuances. In order to have an idea of ​​their individual menstrual “norm” and to control any deviations that have arisen, all women should keep a menstrual calendar, where the first day of menstruation is noted, and if there are unusual changes, their nature is indicated.

Whatever the individual characteristics of the menstrual cycle in women, they all almost always fit into generally accepted ideas about physiological menstruation. Menstruation is considered “normal” if:

  • they arrive at equal intervals with permissible deviations of 2-5 days, more often it is 28 days;
  • the duration of menstrual bleeding does not exceed seven days, and the most significant amount of blood leaves the uterus in the first three days (“heavy days”), after which the amount of discharge decreases, and before the end of menstruation it becomes spotty and scanty;
  • they do not pass through excessively, that is, the number of sanitary pads changed daily should not exceed four;
  • there are no large blood clots or any unusual impurities in the menstrual blood: mucus, pus, etc.;
  • they are not accompanied by severe pelvic pain and other unpleasant pathological symptoms that force you to take medications and change your usual rhythm of life.
A change in menstrual rhythm can occur without pathological causes. So, for example, menstruation twice a month in adolescents is not uncommon, because during the period of formation of menstrual function, the body of a young girl completes sexual development (puberty) and tries to “find” her individual menstrual norm.

For understandable physiological reasons, menstruation may occur 2 times a month even in women entering menopause, when the hormonal function of the ovaries gradually begins to fade away, and the content of hormones is inconsistent.

After childbirth, periods come 2 times a month for several reasons. The most popular of them is a change in the nature of menstrual function due to hormonal dysfunction, when the quantitative ratio of hormones does not have time to reach prenatal values.

Among the pathological causes of shortening the intermenstrual interval, there is often an inflammatory process, interrupted short-term pregnancy (and ectopic one too), non-physiological hormonal dysfunction, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polyps and many others.

It should be noted that short-term shortening of the intermenstrual interval is very rarely associated with serious pathology. If menstruation comes 2 times a month without an obvious reason and without accompanying pathological symptoms (pain, temperature, bleeding, etc.), and in subsequent cycles they appear on time and are no longer disrupted, this failure is physiological.

Keeping a menstrual calendar helps women independently find the simplest explanation why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, namely: if menstruation begins at the beginning of the month (the first days), and the duration of the cycle does not exceed 31 days, the next menstruation will certainly come again. When menstruation occurs 2 times a month due to a shortening of the usual intermenstrual interval for several (usually three) consecutive cycles, one should look for a more serious reason that provoked menstrual dysfunction.

The scope of examination of patients with short menstrual cycles depends on the specific clinical situation. As a rule, after a conversation and gynecological examination, laboratory diagnostics are performed. It helps to identify signs of infection and inflammation, and a study of the hormonal profile indicates an existing hormonal imbalance. Ultrasound scanning can diagnose inflammatory changes in the pelvic organs, assess the condition of ovarian and endometrial tissue, and also detect cysts, polyps and myomatous nodes.

Menstruation 2 times a month in adolescents is often correlated with a variant of the physiological norm, therefore they do not resort to drug therapy, provided that according to other parameters, menstruation falls within the boundaries of the established “norm”.

Isolated from the cause, menstruation coming twice a month is not cured. A short intermenstrual interval, like any other disorder of the usual menstrual cycle, is never an independent disease. If your period comes 2 times a month, it is always considered only a symptom, and you should look for the cause, that is, the underlying disease, which should be treated.

Menstruation 2 times a month - reasons

A change in menstrual rhythm is not a rare situation and does not always mean trouble in the body.

As already mentioned, if you have your period twice a month, you should initially pay attention to the intermenstrual interval and the number of days in the current month. So, if there is a 31st day in a month, menstruation can be repeated twice a month, if the usual cycle does not exceed 30 days in duration.

Why do healthy women still have periods 2 times a month? There are many physiological reasons for a shortening of the menstrual cycle. The most popular are colds and hypothermia, excessive physical activity (heavy lifting, improper physical activity, exhausting fitness, etc.), severe psycho-emotional abnormalities and stress, climate change (for example, traveling to a tropical country in winter).

Hormonal dysfunction of the ovaries can also distort the usual menstrual rhythm. After childbirth, menstruation may occur twice a month for the first few cycles after the resumption of menstrual function, because the ovaries need to “remember” how they functioned in the prenatal period. The start time of the first menstruation in women who have given birth directly depends on lactation. To maintain milk secretion, the nursing mother synthesizes the hormone prolactin, which inhibits menstrual function. Therefore, after giving birth, breastfeeding women may start their periods later, even after a year.

The menstrual cycle is formed with the participation of almost all the most important systems - nervous, endocrine, metabolic, and the “control organs” are located in the brain - the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. For menstruation to occur, a sequential chain of structural and functional processes is launched in the body, which ultimately lead to menstrual bleeding. Any disruption in this chain provokes menstrual dysfunction, so determining its cause is not always easy, because it can be located not only in the uterus and/or appendages.

All pathological causes of shortening of the intermenstrual interval can be divided into two groups. The first includes changes in the uterus. Menstrual bleeding begins when the inner lining (endometrium) is shed from the uterine wall, and the uterine musculature (myometrium) begins to contract rhythmically to evacuate the shed tissue and blood out. If these processes are disrupted, the very nature of menstruation is correspondingly disrupted. It may change due to the presence in the uterus of a myomatous node, a polyp, a focus of endometriosis, or severe infectious inflammation (endometritis, endomyometritis).

Menstruation 2 times a month often occurs against the background of an intrauterine device. Its presence is perceived by the uterine wall as the presence of a foreign body that should be gotten rid of, which is why the contractile function of the myometrium changes. If, due to the IUD, periods come more often, but everything else remains the same, no special measures are required. It is necessary to remove the IUD if, in addition to a slower cycle, severe pain, fever, increased blood loss and duration of menstruation (longer than seven days), or intermenstrual bleeding or any other pathological discharge occurs.

It is not always possible to distinguish the next menstruation that occurred earlier from bleeding on your own, especially if it is similar in nature to menstruation. Repeated “menstruation” can occur against the background of early termination of a short-term pregnancy. In this case, the bleeding that appears will not be menstruation. A similar situation can occur during ectopic pregnancy.

The second group of reasons for the appearance of menstruation twice a month includes hormonal dysfunction associated with incorrect functioning of the ovaries during the inflammatory process (salpingoophoritis, oophoritis), the presence of cysts or insufficiency of the corpus luteum. The correct cyclic secretion of ovarian hormones (estrogens, progesterone) is influenced by pituitary hormones (FSH, LH, prolactin). If they are secreted in an incorrect rhythm, the ovaries also stop working correctly, and periods may come more often, less frequently, lose their cyclicity, or stop.
Menstruation 2 times a month - what to do

If your periods disrupt their usual rhythm and then begin to come as usual, we can assume that the disruption that occurred was physiological.

To understand why your period comes repeatedly twice a month, you must first look at your personal menstrual calendar and look at your cycle. Sometimes menstruation in healthy women “shifts.” For example, if they usually began in the middle of the month, then the next ones came only in the middle of the next (or so). If the date of your period has changed to the beginning of the month, for example, after a cold, then the next ones will come after the usual interval, but at a different time, that is, at the end of the current month. A shortening of the cycle to 21 days or less is not considered normal and requires additional examination.

In women who neglect the necessary contraception, the premature onset of menstruation may be associated with pregnancy, therefore, before visiting a doctor, it is advisable to use an express test for its presence, which allows you to diagnose early pregnancy of any location (uterine and ectopic).

Sometimes periods begin to come 2 times a month while taking hormonal contraceptives, and they may become light (but not scanty) and shorter (but not shorter than five days). If you selected the drug yourself, you should check with your doctor for the correct choice.

Some non-gynecological ailments can affect menstrual function, most often these are: diabetes mellitus, severe obesity, thyroid pathology, blood and liver diseases.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of menstruation 2 times a month. However, if your period not only comes earlier than expected, but is also accompanied by atypical symptoms, you should not neglect timely medical consultation.

Pathological symptoms accompanying menstruation include:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding (especially with clots), which may not be “real” menstruation, but indicate a gynecological pathology.
  • Severe pelvic pain of varying intensity and localization. More often they are associated with an inflammatory process or an interrupted pregnancy, including an ectopic one. Sometimes, in addition to pain, fever, weakness and deterioration in health appear.
  • Prolonged scanty bleeding on the eve of menstruation or after it ends.
  • Pathological vaginal discharge of yellow or yellow-green color during the intermenstrual period.
  • If the reason for the change in menstrual rhythm is not obvious, it is necessary to obtain a qualified consultation with a gynecologist.

A regular menstrual cycle is considered one of the most important indicators of the health of the female reproductive system, but many women are familiar with disruptions in the “schedule” of menstruation. Why do I have frequent, irregular periods? If you have your period 2 times a month, what is the reason, what does this symptom mean? Is it normal to have periods every 2 weeks at 30, 40, 45 or after giving birth? What symptoms indicate that it is time to see a doctor? Let's figure it out together.

What should a normal menstrual cycle be like?

For each woman, the duration and frequency of menstruation is individual and is associated with the physiological characteristics of the formation and maturation of eggs. There are a number of criteria that will help determine whether the cycle is normal or if there are deviations and it has gone astray.

Signs of a normal cycle:

  1. Regularity. Discharges come once a month. If the duration to which a woman is accustomed is, for example, 24-26 days, then the onset of menstruation on the 36th day will be a deviation, whereas for a patient with a 35-36-day cycle, a similar situation is considered normal.
  2. Duration. Menstruation can last from 2-3 days to 7 days. According to statistics, the further south the patient lives, the shorter the duration of her periods.
  3. Average. The “standard” norm is 28-30 days. Permissible deviations are 7 days up or down.

Causes of abnormalities in the menstrual cycle

Not all women can boast of an ideal menstrual cycle. Many people are familiar with certain forms of deviations. Painful menstruation is widespread, there are cases of their absence in women of fertile age, not related to pregnancy, as well as frequent and/or heavy periods or periods that last a month. The most common causes of failures:

  • early menopause - the absence of timely menstrual flow with a delay of two weeks or more sometimes indicates premature ovarian depletion;
  • 2 times or more spotting occurs due to traumatic injury or inflammation in the uterine endometrium (most often a consequence of abortion or installation of an IUD);
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system leads to the fact that menstrual flow will be more / less than normal;
  • functional cystic formation in the ovaries;
  • infections affecting the reproductive system;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight (including as a result of diet);
  • stress;
  • negative psycho-emotional experiences of high intensity.

Why can periods come twice a month?

Frequent periods that occur twice a month (or more, for example, starting for the third time) are a deviation from the normal menstrual cycle. If the critical days began ahead of schedule, for example, menstruation began after two weeks, and not after 4, then it is imperative to establish the cause - such deviations can be completely physiological or indicate a pathological process. What can cause frequent, heavy periods - common reasons are listed below.

Pathological reasons causing bleeding

If you get your period for the second time within a month, this may be a sign of illness. When only 14-15 days pass between the previous and subsequent menstruation, there is reason to suspect a pathological process developing in the pelvis.

Most often, the cause of bleeding is inflammation, but there is also a possibility that a neoplasm has formed. Pathological causes of frequent bleeding:

  • Blood diseases. Bloody discharge twice a month or more often, which a woman may mistake for menstruation, may indicate a bleeding disorder.
  • Frequent periods may begin due to the formation of malignant neoplasms. A sign of such a dangerous pathology is brown or watery discharge that appears regardless of the stage of the menstrual cycle.
  • If menstruation began 2 weeks after menstruation, the root cause may be a pathological pregnancy with an abnormal attachment of the fertilized egg (ectopic). This condition poses a danger to a woman’s life. It is imperative to consult a doctor to terminate.
  • Miscarriage. Rejection of the fertilized egg in the early stages after conception, accompanied by spotting, is often mistaken for extraordinary menstruation, which began just a couple of weeks after the previous one.
  • Polyps are a subtype of focal hyperplasia. Surgical or drug treatment is indicated.
  • Hyperplasia of the uterine endometrium. Accompanied by bleeding before or after critical days, and the volume of blood released is twice (and sometimes three times) the norm (80 ml).
  • Myoma is a benign tumor. In the early stages it is subject to conservative treatment.
  • Erosion leads to the destruction of the vascular network of the reproductive organs and, as a result, to bleeding between menstruation.
  • Inflammatory process in the uterine cavity.

Physiological reasons

If menstruation comes for the second time in a month, this is not always a sign of a pathology that requires treatment. In some cases, repeated critical days are the result of physiological reasons and do not pose a danger to the woman’s health. Frequent periods are quite normal in the following situations:

  • Installation of an intrauterine contraceptive device. Everything returns to normal two to three cycles after the procedure.
  • If the fertilized egg, having attached to the uterine wall, has implanted itself in the mucous layer, this can also lead to small amounts of bleeding.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Such phenomena can accompany menopause (for some women it begins very early - at 40-45 years). Frequent menstruation is not uncommon in a teenage girl before a regular cycle is established.
  • Disruptions may occur after an abortion or childbirth. After birth, they can come in two weeks and it takes up to 8-10 months for the cycle to normalize.
  • Taking hormonal contraceptive pills. The frequency should become regular again a few cycles after you start taking it. If this does not happen, it is better to choose another drug.

Warning symptoms that should prompt you to see a doctor

“Unscheduled” bleeding from the female genital tract does not always indicate pathology. However, in some cases, if bleeding occurs, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. You should immediately visit a doctor if the following alarming symptoms appear:

  1. My period returned soon after my regular menstrual flow. In addition to blood, the woman notices the appearance of bursting, throbbing pain, similar to contractions - this is a clear symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.
  2. The discharge is bright scarlet, not brown or purple, and is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. This is not menstruation, but uterine bleeding.
  3. Abnormal color of menstrual flow (normally it is brown towards the end and has a purplish tint at the beginning).

What to do if menstruation returns?

If your period comes again in one month, the discharge is accompanied by abnormal phenomena (abnormal color, severe pain, large volume of blood), then you cannot independently diagnose yourself and prescribe medications. What to do? It is better to consult a doctor, get examined and, if necessary, undergo treatment prescribed by a specialist. It is also recommended to take into account the following tips:

  • Select hormonal contraceptives on the recommendation of a doctor. Hormonal medications can disrupt the cycle, and it can take up to 3-4 months to normalize it. If a lot of time has passed and your periods have not become regular, it means that the medication was not suitable. It is better to go to the doctor and ask to recommend another drug with a similar effect.
  • The cause of bleeding between periods may be pregnancy. You should do a test and consult a gynecologist.
  • Constantly maintain a “women’s” calendar and analyze it. This will help not only to know in advance when to expect menstruation, but also to note failures. A slight shift in dates may be due to overwork, a stressful situation or a common cold, but if 20 days or less have passed between menstruation, this is a cause for concern.

Menstruation 2 times a month- it happens? Menstruation accompanies a young woman for many years and often changes its usual characteristics throughout her life. All kinds of menstrual cycle disorders make up a significant part (almost 80%) of visits to a specialist, but only in a third of women who seek help, such changes are due to pathological reasons.

Among menstrual disorders, patients often indicate a change in the rhythm of menstruation, that is, when menstruation occurs more than once a month. Often, premature menstruation is accompanied by unusual pathological symptoms: pain, high fever, poor health, large blood loss, weakness.

Often, women mistake for extraordinary menstruation something similar to menstruation that happened between two normal menstruation.

To figure out for yourself why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, every woman should have an idea of ​​the normal menstrual cycle and understand when irregularities should cause concern.

So, the menstrual cycle is understood as a time period equal to the number of days that have passed between two subsequent menstruation. The first day of bleeding is both the first day of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Not all women experience menstruation the same way; they may differ in duration, amount of blood loss, the presence of subjective sensations and many other clinical nuances. In order to have an idea of ​​their individual menstrual “norm” and to control any deviations that have arisen, all women should keep a menstrual calendar, where the first day of menstruation is noted, and if there are unusual changes, their nature is indicated.

Whatever the individual characteristics of the menstrual cycle in women, they all almost always fit into generally accepted ideas about physiological menstruation. Menstruation is considered “normal” if:

- they arrive at equal intervals with permissible deviations of 2-5 days, more often it is 28 days;

- the duration of menstrual bleeding does not exceed seven days, and the most significant amount of blood leaves the uterus in the first three days (“heavy days”), after which the amount of discharge decreases, and before the end of menstruation it becomes spotty and scanty;

- they do not pass through excessively, that is, the number of sanitary pads changed daily should not exceed four;

— there are no large blood clots or any unusual impurities in the menstrual blood: mucus, pus, etc.;

- they are not accompanied by severe pelvic pain and other unpleasant pathological symptoms that force you to take medications and change your usual rhythm of life.

A change in menstrual rhythm can occur without pathological causes. So, for example, menstruation twice a month in adolescents is not uncommon, because during the period of formation of menstrual function, the body of a young girl completes sexual development (puberty) and tries to “find” her individual menstrual norm.

For understandable physiological reasons, menstruation may occur 2 times a month even in women entering menopause, when the hormonal function of the ovaries gradually begins to fade away, and the content of hormones is inconsistent.

After childbirth, periods come 2 times a month for several reasons. The most popular of them is a change in the nature of menstrual function due to hormonal dysfunction, when the quantitative ratio of hormones does not have time to reach prenatal values.

Among the pathological causes of shortening the intermenstrual interval, there is often an inflammatory process, interrupted short-term pregnancy (and ectopic one too), non-physiological hormonal dysfunction, ovarian cysts, polyps and many others.

It should be noted that short-term shortening of the intermenstrual interval is very rarely associated with serious pathology. If menstruation comes 2 times a month without an obvious reason and without accompanying pathological symptoms (pain, temperature, bleeding, etc.), and in subsequent cycles they appear on time and are no longer disrupted, this failure is physiological.

Keeping a menstrual calendar helps women independently find the simplest explanation why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, namely: if menstruation begins at the beginning of the month (the first days), and the duration of the cycle does not exceed 31 days, the next menstruation will certainly come again. When menstruation occurs 2 times a month due to a shortening of the usual intermenstrual interval for several (usually three) consecutive cycles, one should look for a more serious reason that provoked menstrual dysfunction.

Menstruation 2 times a month in adolescents is often correlated with a variant of the physiological norm, therefore they do not resort to drug therapy, provided that according to other parameters, menstruation falls within the boundaries of the established “norm”.

Isolated from the cause, menstruation coming twice a month is not cured. A short intermenstrual interval, like any other disorder of the usual menstrual cycle, is never an independent disease. If your period comes 2 times a month, it is always considered only a symptom, and you should look for the cause, that is, the underlying disease, which should be treated.

Menstruation 2 times a month - reasons

A change in menstrual rhythm is not a rare situation and does not always mean trouble in the body.

As already mentioned, if you have your period twice a month, you should initially pay attention to the intermenstrual interval and the number of days in the current month. So, if there is a 31st day in a month, menstruation can be repeated twice a month, if the usual cycle does not exceed 30 days in duration.

Why do healthy women still have periods 2 times a month? There are many physiological reasons for a shortening of the menstrual cycle. The most popular are colds and hypothermia, excessive physical activity (heavy lifting, improper physical activity, exhausting fitness, etc.), severe psycho-emotional abnormalities and stress, climate change (for example, traveling to a tropical country in winter).

Menstruation 2 times a month often occurs against the background of an intrauterine device. Its presence is perceived by the uterine wall as the presence of a foreign body that should be gotten rid of, which is why the contractile function of the myometrium changes. If, due to the IUD, periods come more often, but everything else remains the same, no special measures are required. It is necessary to remove the IUD if, in addition to a slower cycle, severe pain, fever, increased blood loss and duration of menstruation (longer than seven days), or intermenstrual bleeding or any other pathological discharge occurs.

It is not always possible to distinguish the next menstruation that occurred earlier from bleeding on your own, especially if it is similar in nature to menstruation. Repeated “menstruation” can occur against the background of early termination of a short-term pregnancy. In this case, the bleeding that appears will not be menstruation. A similar situation can occur during ectopic pregnancy.

The second group of reasons for the appearance of menstruation twice a month includes hormonal dysfunction associated with incorrect functioning of the ovaries during the inflammatory process (,), the presence of cysts or insufficiency of the corpus luteum. The correct cyclic secretion of ovarian hormones (estrogens, progesterone) is influenced by pituitary hormones (FSH, LH, prolactin). If they are secreted in an incorrect rhythm, the ovaries also stop working correctly, and periods may come more often, less frequently, lose their cyclicity, or stop.

Menstruation 2 times a month - what to do

If your periods disrupt their usual rhythm and then begin to come as usual, we can assume that the disruption that occurred was physiological.

To understand why your period comes repeatedly twice a month, you must first look at your personal menstrual calendar and look at your cycle. Sometimes menstruation in healthy women “shifts.” For example, if they usually began in the middle of the month, then the next ones came only in the middle of the next (or so). If the date of your period has changed to the beginning of the month, for example, after a cold, then the next ones will come after the usual interval, but at a different time, that is, at the end of the current month. A shortening of the cycle to 21 days or less is not considered normal and requires additional examination.

In women who neglect the necessary contraception, the premature onset of menstruation may be associated with pregnancy, therefore, before visiting a doctor, it is advisable to use an express test for its presence, which allows you to diagnose the early onset of any (uterine and ectopic) localization.

Sometimes periods begin to come 2 times a month while taking hormonal contraceptives, and they may become light (but not scanty) and shorter (but not shorter than five days). If you selected the drug yourself, you should check with your doctor for the correct choice.

Some non-gynecological ailments can affect menstrual function, most often these are: severe pathology of the thyroid gland, blood and liver diseases.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of menstruation 2 times a month. However, if your period not only comes earlier than expected, but is also accompanied by atypical symptoms, you should not neglect timely medical consultation.

Pathological symptoms accompanying menstruation include:

- Heavy menstrual bleeding (especially with clots), which may not be “real” menstruation, but indicate a gynecological pathology.

— Severe pelvic pain of varying intensity and localization. More often they are associated with an inflammatory process or an interrupted pregnancy, including an ectopic one. Sometimes, in addition to pain, fever, weakness and deterioration in health appear.

- Prolonged scanty bleeding on the eve of menstruation or after it ends.

— Pathological vaginal discharge of yellow or yellow-green color during the intermenstrual period.

If the reason for the change in menstrual rhythm is not obvious, it is necessary to obtain a qualified consultation with a gynecologist.

Menstrual dysfunction is one of the most common pathologies in gynecology. Even a simple viral infection can trigger unscheduled periods. The incidence rate reaches up to 20% in the general segment of female pathology.

The main reasons for frequent periods

More than a quarter of all pathological uterine bleeding is caused by organic changes. In other cases, frequent periods are caused by hormonal disorders.

The following names are used to refer to irregular periods. The term "polymenorrhea" is used when periods become heavy. The term “metrorrhagia” is used when bleeding occurs unsystematically, regardless of the day of the cycle.

A woman’s age plays an important role in determining the exact cause of the pathology. There are menstrual disorders of juvenile, reproductive and menopausal age. Frequent periods of a hormonal nature are more common in adolescence and young adulthood, while organic changes are more typical for women during menopause.

The basis of functional hormonal disorders are:

  1. Neuropsychic and physical stress. The most common cause of conditions such as menstruation, several times a month, is mental or physical fatigue, tantrums and other emotional outbursts lead to disruption of the production of ovarian hormones (estrogens) and the release of a large dose of the stress hormone cortisol. This causes poor circulation in the endometrium and its premature detachment. And your period can start immediately.
  2. Age-related changes. Until normal hormonal levels and coordinated functioning of the endocrine glands are established, periods in adolescents are irregular. They are characterized by copious discharge and may occur irregularly.

In the last decade, all developed countries of the world have seen an increase in the prevalence of various forms of menstrual dysfunction among adolescents. Most experts associate this trend with an increase in psycho-emotional stress on an unformed body, the influence of technogenic factors, unhealthy diet, non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle and other external reasons.

In women during menopause, there is a gradual decrease in hormonal levels. The last cycle occurs at 47 - 50 years. During this period, you can often hear complaints about: menstruation once every 2 months, menstruation often, menstruation every week and two weeks. Stabilization of hormonal levels can occur naturally. To relieve the condition, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Causes of cycle disorders in adulthood:

  1. Side effects of medications, including birth control pills. All medications that affect hormonal levels can cause menstruation to occur for several weeks in a row.
  2. A blood disease that causes a disruption of the coagulation system. Impaired blood hemostasis can lead to repeated and more massive bleeding when the internal layers of the endometrium are rejected.
  3. Miscarriage. The largest number of miscarriages occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, every second woman does not know that she is pregnant and perceives this incident as a repeat menstruation.
  4. Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs. The acute stage of the inflammatory process of the uterus can begin with discharge from the genital organs of various types (bloody, bloody, purulent and purulent).
  5. Endocrine diseases. The human endocrine system is represented by endocrine glands of different structure, size and functions. Their total mass is about 100 grams, and the level of hormones in the blood reaches several milligrams. However, the impact on the health and functioning of the entire body is enormous.
  6. Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium and uterine fibroids can cause bleeding outside of menstruation.

To find out the causes of private menstruation, it is necessary to exclude pathology of the endocrine glands, which are associated with the functioning of the female reproductive system - the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands and others.

The answer to the question why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, often should be looked for in liver and kidney problems. All abdominal organs are, to one degree or another, involved in the metabolism of hormones and maintaining normal hormonal levels. Thus, the liver is the chemical factory of the body. It is actively involved in the production of hormone precursor compounds and their synthesis. Therefore, a malfunction of the liver affects the frequency of menstruation. If menstruation is irregular or the patient complains of menstruation twice a month with apparent well-being, then the first thing is to check all the organs and systems of your body.

With organic changes, bleeding can occur at any time and recur regardless of the level of hormones and phases of the cycle. The most common reasons are:

  • malignant and benign formations of the genitals;
  • cysts and tumors in the ovaries;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • polyposis and cervical cancer;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis.

Features of the functioning of a woman’s body

A woman's sexual or menstrual cycle consists of several stages and lasts from 21 to 35 days. Its task is to prepare the woman’s body as much as possible for conceiving and bearing a child.

The biological cycle begins with a hormonal peak and rejection of the inner layer of the uterus. If your period starts, it means that the process of tissue rejection and bleeding from the inner layer of the uterus has begun.

After 3-7 days, the bleeding stops, the uterine tissue is restored and prepares to receive a fertilized egg. The egg matures in 6-7 days. If she remains unfertilized, then the level of hormones drops due to complex biological processes in the ovary. This is a signal for the female body about the onset of a new cycle.

In case of fertilization, the egg begins to divide, descending through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. The endometrium, or inner layer of the uterus, is the surface with big amount vessels. The fertilized egg is implanted into the endometrium. This is how a new life begins, and then the birth of a new person. Naturally, we can’t talk about any periods.

Critical days resume in the postpartum period. In a normal course, the menstrual cycle resumes 8 weeks after birth. However, during breastfeeding, the hormone prolactin is produced, which inhibits the release of a mature egg. In such cases, the restoration of menstruation can occur at any time, including only after stopping feeding.

The menstrual cycle is a complex biological system that is regulated by the coordinated work of the ovaries, uterus, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland and other organs. One failure in this chain leads to menstrual dysfunction and complaints of frequent menstruation, menstruation twice a month, menstruation every other week and other menstrual dysfunction.



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