Foreskin piercing options for men. Genital piercing (male)

Genital piercing is an integral aspect of sexual freedom, an opportunity to complement and decorate yourself and your sex life
It is equally important that it is made by an experienced, reputable professional in a safe environment and that the jewelry is made from a safe material.


1. Intimate peering - is it painful or not?
Clients notice that the pain during genital piercings is the same as during piercings on other parts of the body, if not less.
Some types of piercings (clitoral and glans piercings) can be more painful. But in general, any piercing is tolerable and done in the blink of an eye!

2. Does intimate piercing take a long time to heal?
The tissues of the genitals are extremely elastic and equipped with a large number of blood vessels - this contributes to the rapid healing of the piercing.
With rare exceptions, a genital piercing will heal completely within a month or two, while other tissue (ear cartilage, navel, nipples, cheeks) may
heal for six months or more.
Fast healing reduces the possibility of various infections getting into the puncture to a minimum.

3.Can such a puncture easily become infected?
No! Clothing protects your genital piercing from airborne dirt, which can cause infection and irritation to your facial piercing.
The main reason for infection in genital piercings is unprotected sexual contact. Fast healing reduces infection in intimate piercings to almost zero.

4.Can I have sex after intimate piercing?
The piercer must explain not only the rules for caring for the piercing, but also emphasize
that during healing, all sexual and oral contact should be safe in terms of the exchange of fluids: either barriers (such as condoms) should be used,
or abstain.

5.Is it possible for minors to have intimate piercings?
No, until the age of 18, even with parental permission, this is unacceptable! It is advisable to wait even 20-21 years.
But in fact, these punctures are most often done by adults in search of new sensations.

RESULT: genital piercings are safe and easy to heal if done correctly by an experienced and qualified artist in a studio where sanitary standards are maintained,
if the client is caring for him and refrains from unsafe contact.
Punctures of intimate places are now chosen by many people of different ages, professions and morals in order to discover new facets of sensations, relax and love themselves and their bodies even more.


1.Prince Albert.
Extremely popular! Complete healing in only 4-8 weeks.
Outwardly, it may seem that doing it is very painful, but this is absolutely not the case! The puncture passes through the urethra and comes out at the frenulum, thereby only thin skin is pierced.
Thick jewelry (from 14 Ga, or preferably thicker) is placed in the primary piercing; the shape is a ring, circular or banana of a suitable size.
Albert will enhance sensations for both you and your partner.

2. Frenum (frenulum piercing)
It is also popular among men and for the same reasons - fast healing (6-8 weeks) and almost painless puncture.
The owner of such a piercing will not have increased sensitivity, but his partner will feel additional stimulation during sexual intercourse.
Decoration - a barbell or a banana, or a ring.

3.Hafada(Scrotal piercing)
Mainly done for aesthetic purposes, they often make not one, but two or three punctures and place them in the middle.
complete healing takes 2-3 months.
Jewelry for this piercing is no thinner than 14Ga, preferably 12Ga or 10Ga - rings or circulars

With this puncture, the rod passes horizontally through the head of the penis, the puncture is quite painful and takes longer to heal than others - 4-6 months.
Ampalang will bring new sensations to both the owner of the puncture and his partner.
A bar no thinner than 14 Ga is placed in a fresh puncture of such a size that the balls do not put pressure on the tissue during an erection.

There is also an analogue of the ampalang - apadravia, this is the same puncture, but is located vertically.

Juliana Ralph

Men's piercing has long become not just a fashion statement, but also a stylish accessory that can tell interesting details about its wearer from their personal life. If in ancient times earrings were worn mainly by warriors and representatives of special castes, then today dumbbells and tubes decorate the ears, eyebrows and other parts of the body of bohemians, creative intelligentsia and young people who simply want to stand out against the background of the gray mass of big cities and the monotony of quiet Russian provinces.

The choice of men's piercing accessories is in no way inferior to women's. Among the usual rings and studs, there are also exotic models, mainly used to decorate piercings in non-standard places. Do not forget that the piercing procedure should be treated as a medical operation. Only in this case, along with a stylish accessory, you will not acquire a lot of unwanted “bonuses”.

What should men get pierced?

This question can be answered this way: if you are a representative of a creative profession (rock musician, futurist artist, etc.), then the choice of puncture site will be limited only by personal fantasies and phobias about injections. But actors, models and civil servants should not pierce their bodies too much, as this can negatively affect their career. Representatives of professions in which a strict appearance means money (sales managers, bank employees, retail employees) should also restrain their fantasies within the dress code.

Earlobes and eyebrows

Most often, men decorate their earlobes, due to which many do not classify these piercings as “piercings.” Small earrings can be seen in the ears of not only famous football players and actors, but also office workers, and even representatives of blue-collar professions. It is important to understand here that ear piercing also has its limits. While small rings or studs in the ear lobes are suitable for almost everyone, three-centimeter cylinders, bone plugs or dumbbells in the cartilaginous part of the ear will not always be appropriate and will not suit everyone. With small rods and special balls you can decorate not only the auricle, but also the tragus.

Punctures located on the lobe heal the easiest, but the cartilaginous part of the ear takes at least 3-4 weeks to heal on average. Overall, ear piercings are the easiest to care for and are less painful. But eyebrow piercings are performed exclusively in specialized salons. Carriers of eyebrow barbells may encounter problems with expanding the puncture site, as well as specific care features.

Nose and nasal septum

Piercing of the nose and nasal septum can often be seen on representatives of some youth subcultures, as well as musicians. Most of these guys prefer to wear jewelry in the nostril. These can be small rings, as well as special earrings with a loop. A piercing in the nasal septum is not only a kind of challenge to the piercing community, but also evidence that the wearer of such an accessory is a brave and clean person. The fact is that a puncture in this part of the body can only be done by a specialist, and the procedure itself is very painful. This type of piercing requires constant hygiene, both after the procedure and when subsequently wearing a barbell or other type of nose earrings.

Tongue and lips

Piercings in the tongue and lips can be considered exotic, since jewelry in these parts of the body is worn by real fans of pain, needles and antiseptics. If the labrets are visible to everyone, then the barbell in the tongue will be the secret of a man and his woman. As experts note, this type of piercing is one of the most dangerous, since the puncture can cause infection.

Exotic piercing solutions

Nipple piercings and other exotic types of male piercings are always reserved for truly brutal or unusual guys. It is interesting that in many native tribes such decoration was the prerogative of warriors, but women were forbidden to perform such experiments on their bodies. Exotic piercings also include the implantation of plates and balls under the skin, which can be located in various places on the body.

Types of earrings for piercing

Surprisingly, a men's box with this kind of jewelry can surprise even sophisticated ladies. Precious metals (silver, gold), as well as surgical steel and even titanium, can be used to make accessories. Among young people, plugs and extenders made of silicone and natural materials (bone, wood, stone) are more popular. Fans of club life should take a closer look at glow-in-the-dark baubles, which are often made of silicone and acrylic.

As for the shapes of earrings, it is quite difficult to understand without a special dictionary of terms from a male piercer. If even youngsters who have recently crawled out of tights and shorts have heard about rings, studs, barbells, bananas and tunnels, then only those initiated into the caste of piercers know about stretch marks, labrets, circulars, skin divers and other gadgets.

Among the new products, it is worth mentioning special transparent earrings, designed for those who do not want to part with their favorite accessory, but the situation and dress code do not allow them to openly wear labrets in their lips or ears. Retainers are also suitable for athletes.

A special group consists of microdermals, many of which have an internal and external part. At the same time, the base implanted under the skin is often made of titanium, but the replaceable head is made of surgical steel. This type of puncture can also be perfectly camouflaged, which is perhaps why titanium body painting is popular among men who sit in stuffy offices during the day and turn into wild pubgoers in the evening.

Piercing Care

Since the piercing procedure involves causing microtrauma, like any wound, the puncture will require special care. Most recommendations for all types of male piercings boil down to basic hygiene rules, which always start with thorough hand washing.

To wash punctures, it is necessary to use alcohol-free antiseptics, for example, chlorhexidine or miramistin. Traditional iodine and brilliant green will, on the contrary, dry out the canal. Moving the piercing is not recommended, especially while the wound is healing. In this case, it is important that the antiseptic gets not only onto the area around the earring, but also inside the hole. This procedure should be done 3-4 times a day every day.

The time it takes for a permanent hole to form may vary. For example, an earlobe heals on average in 12-14 days, an eyebrow can ooze up to 2-3 months. Punctures in the nose and ear cartilage will cause the most discomfort for the longest time. During this time frame, it is also important to avoid visiting bathhouses, public swimming pools, rivers and lakes. For a better effect, you can drink zinc-containing vitamins during this period.

To be or not to be?

Like a tattoo, male piercing requires an informed decision: before the procedure, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is important to remember that some types of piercings can leave noticeable marks. Therefore, beginners should not immediately make permanent punctures. To begin with, you can wear magnetic clips, which will accustom your ears to unusual heaviness.

What does Wikipedia tell us about piercings? Piercing(English) piercing- “piercing”) is a form of body modification, creating a piercing in which jewelry is worn. The term “piercing” itself can refer to both the process of piercing and the holes made by piercing.

You can start with the fact that I got my first puncture when I was 15 years old. I pierced my ear without really thinking about its meaning. Well, you know, summer, sun, alcohol, close friends at that time nearby. We ran to the nearest kiosk and bought some children’s and girl’s earrings. A plastic yellow smiley with a rivet, just like in the picture. It’s good that my friend had disposable tools with him. This is one of the most important rules.

They pierced the ear and lobe (the least painful thing, by the way) and only then were they puzzled by the question, which one should it be? Right or left? The puncture was made on the right one. Anyone in the know will understand ;-)

And so, on the way home, passers-by turn around. Look at what it was like. A guy, about 16-18 years old, is walking drunk, in a white T-shirt, his right shoulder is bloody, there is a smiley face in his right ear. I come home, a neighbor stops me and tells me a joke:

The guy came home with an earring in his ear. The father looks at him and says:

- You know, son, from time immemorial, earrings were worn in the ears either by pirates or by *****. I’ll look out the window now, and God forbid, your ship isn’t there.

They laughed and laughed, but I still didn’t understand the joke. My parents took it calmly, a week later I turn 16 years old, and my mother gave me a titanium earring. It was cool, but she didn't know that this was just the beginning of my piercings. Therefore, I believe I have the right to talk about piercings.

Ear piercing

  1. Helix
  2. Industrial
  3. Daith
  4. Tragus
  5. Auricle
  6. Antitragus
  7. Lobe

One of the ear piercings is helix- creating a hole in the helix of the auricle or in the upper part of the ear (cartilage). The decoration most often used is a small ring with a ball - a clasp or a small earring - a stud. Heals in 6-10 weeks. It hurts because it's cartilage. I personally had 2 such punctures in one, and 3 in the other.

This type of piercing is widespread nowadays: industrial- piercing any two holes connected by one direct decoration, but more often two upper cartilage punctures. A kind of helix. One is done quite close to the head, the second down the cartilage, on the opposite side of the ear. Industrial can be positioned however you like. You can pierce the end of the ear, you can completely horizontally, you can obliquely, and vertically. It’s a matter of taste. Heals from 3 months to 1 year. For industrial piercings, a long barbell is used to connect two piercings. There was only one industrial, it was very uncomfortable to sleep during the healing period.

There is a type of ear piercing such as rook, passing through the upper inner side of the cartilage. Heals within 2-3 months. Rings, rods and bananas are used as decoration. This is very difficult - to pierce carefully, under no circumstances do not inject yourself, or at a friend’s apartment!

Tragus puncture ( tragusa) - part of the outer ear, located directly opposite the auricle, also serves, as a rule, for wearing jewelry. Most often, a small ring with a ball clasp or a small stud earring are chosen as decoration. Tragus piercing is also called (English: tragus) “tragus piercing.” They take about a month to take root.

Another type of ear piercing is snug- passing through the antihelix of the ear from the middle to the lateral surfaces. Healing takes place within 2 - 3 months. A banana or a barbell is used as an earring.

And finally - earlobe. We see pierced earlobes hundreds of times a day. But if you decide to somehow diversify your body with an extra couple of the cutest holes in your body, but are not ready for radical decisions, then you can pierce your earlobe first.

This is just a starting point for moving on to more exotic piercings - just like your parents, before buying you a puppy, first buy a hamster.

It is not for nothing that the traditional place for wearing earrings is the earlobe - there are fewer important active points in it than in other areas of the ear, there is no cartilage, healing occurs faster, literally a month or two. My earlobe seems to be small, but at one time there were 5 punctures in one ear, and 3 punctures in the other.

Piercing in the form tunnels, is the insertion of plastic and metal tubes or plugs into the cavity of soft tissues. Most often, such jewelry is inserted into the earlobe. An important aspect of the puncture procedure is the gradual expansion of the hole to the required size, according to the diameter of the tube. A tunnel with a diameter of up to 8-10 mm is most often tightened after removal; if it is larger, surgical intervention may be necessary, although the characteristics of each person’s body play a large role in this. If the diameter of the hole is too large, then the inner wall is cut to close it, after which the filling takes place quite quickly. Holes that are too large are simply sewn up. Healing occurs within 2-3 weeks. I stretched one of my ears to 10 mm and the other to 50 mm, but now the ears are not drooping, I have grown them in. But they didn’t look very good without jewelry, so THINK WITH YOUR HEAD before getting a piercing.


Standard rinsing procedure superficial piercing involves superficial removal of lymph from the jewelry. Since it is not possible to rinse the canal from the inside (and there is no point in doing so), you should always treat a fresh piercing very gently! You will need a solution chlorhexidine or miramistina. Chlorhexidine and Miramistin are broad-spectrum antiseptics.

You should wash your piercing twice a day, morning and evening, throughout the initial healing period. To do this, use a cosmetic stick or napkin soaked in Miramistin to clean the jewelry from released blood plasma and lymph. Do not, under any circumstances, remove the crust of blood from the decoration using your nails! To remove dried blood, apply a tampon soaked in Miramistin or chlorhexidine to the puncture site for 5-10 minutes. Apply antiseptic ointments(for example, levomekol and the like) is possible only in difficult cases of healing when infection is suspected, no more than 2 times a day, but no more than 5-7 days in a row. Otherwise, antibiotic additives in ointments destroy the body's natural bacterial defenses and the healing process stops completely.

Next time I’ll tell you about piercing other parts of the body.

To be continued...

Since ancient times, people have decorated their bodies in different ways, and one of the most popular is piercing. The word "piercing" comes from the English. Pierce, which means to bore, pierce. In general, this word refers to the insertion of objects into holes that have been made for this purpose on the face or body. Piercing refers to the object itself, which is inserted into a hole made, for example, a ring.

People's attitudes towards piercings

In Ancient Egypt, to demonstrate their belonging to the aristocracy, the Egyptians pierced their navels, and Indian women even today insert an earring into their nose upon marriage. Piercing has long been popular in Russia, as anywhere on the body, and also as a demonstration of belonging to a certain group of people. But be that as it may, the attitude towards piercing in our country is quite ambiguous, because earrings in the ears can be seen on almost every female representative, but many do not approve of other piercings on the body and piercings for guys.

Types of piercing and its features:

Many people don’t even consider ear piercing a piercing, it has become so traditional and widespread. The earlobe is an ideal place, as piercing it does not cause any inconvenience. This area has poor blood supply and reduced sensitivity. But modern ear piercings, earlobe piercings, and many earrings in the cartilage are quite diverse, including the tragus - a small bulge above the exit of the ear canal. More and more often there are people on the streets who have tunnels or large holes in their ears, mostly guys have this type of piercing.

Ear piercings take a very long time to heal. Puncture of the lobes lasts for 3-4 months, in the cartilage for more than six months.


This type of piercing is quite dangerous. It can be vertical (more common), horizontal or inclined. Healing takes about a month and, according to many, eyebrow piercing is quite painful. Anesthesia cannot be used during a puncture - there are many nerve endings in the eyebrows.

Nose piercing is second in popularity after ear piercing. The nose can be pierced in different ways: the wings of the nose, in the center between the eyebrows (bridge) and the nasal septum (septum). The operation itself is quick and the pain is not severe. Heals in 2-3 months.


Lip piercing is one of the safest and simplest, because our lips do not have large blood vessels and complex nerve nodes. And therefore this type of piercing is very diverse and popular in Europe. On the inside, the earring should be between the teeth, this way it does not destroy their enamel. Healing time is 1-2 months.


It is a very dangerous piercing, since there are two very thick veins under the tongue, and if you damage one of them during a puncture, especially on your own, fatal blood loss is likely in 15 minutes. The earring can be placed at the very tip or at the root of the tongue. It can manifest itself from a slight lisp to loss of sensitivity of the tongue. And if you are allergic to the material of the jewelry, the tongue can become very swollen and there is a risk of suffocation. The puncture is very painful and anesthesia is given. Healing takes 2 months and during this period you will have to fall in love with purees and yoghurts.


The piercing of this part of the body is very painful, but lasts less than a second, so anesthesia is not recommended. Healing time is 3-6 months.

Other types of piercings

There is also piercing of the genitals, tailbone, brain piercing - this is drilling two holes in the skull. If you are interested in these types of punctures, then you should familiarize yourself with the “works” of the master, since for a non-professional, unpleasant consequences and pain are guaranteed.

Remember that piercing is an operation, although most of it lasts seconds. There should not be a single microbe in the wound, and special tools are needed for each type of piercing.

It turns out that not only women are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of beauty and endure various procedures in order to improve their own appearance. Men also do not lag behind the fair sex. How can they surprise a lady? There is a method that will cause amazement, make sexual intercourse bright and unforgettable, and give partners unusual but very pleasant sensations. This will be possible if a man decides and gets his penis pierced.

Eccentric Prince

Who was the first to decorate the intimate part of the body? It was interesting that His Highness did the penile piercing not for aesthetic or erotic reasons, but for purely practical reasons. Tight trousers prevented him from properly positioning his manhood, which caused discomfort to the august person. This was especially felt when the prince rode a horse or traveled on foot. Then the thought struck him that it would be nice to be able to fix it in the desired position. For this purpose, for the first time in history, a piercing was made on the penis by attaching a ring to it. This is how Albert fastened his penis to his trousers. Such an original method completely relieved the prince of the problem, and he did not hide his invention from others. It instantly became popular among men of that era, and penis piercing is still veiledly called “Prince Albert”.

Victorian pleasure

However, this is the name given to only one of the methods by which this procedure is carried out. Namely: a piercing in which the ring passes through the urethra and is brought out. This is the fastest procedure and healing occurs after 4-6 weeks. This is much faster than any other type of surgery called penile piercing. This becomes possible due to the fact that urine disinfects the wound, since the ring is partially located in the urethra. External piercings are treated in the same way as other types of piercings. Once the wound has healed, testing can begin. It is believed that the ring provides additional stimulation and enhances orgasm for both partners.

There is a choice

There are other types of procedure. For example, penile piercing involves the possibility of piercing the foreskin or skin of the penis, as well as the scrotum. A variety of decorations are used: rings, barbells, as well as horseshoes and earrings.

In addition, there are several other options:

  1. Ampalanga is a transverse puncture of the head of the penis. At the client's request, the manipulation is done above the urethra or passes through it. Healing occurs within 3-9 months.
  2. Apadrayva is a vertical puncture of the head of the penis. It is made so that the bottom ball of the rod is at its base. Although final healing may take several months, this piercing option significantly enhances mutual sexual pleasure between partners.

Simple options

For those who strive for new sensations, but want to choose a simpler option, a procedure called Dido is suitable. In this case, only the edge of the head is pierced, and a rod with two balls is inserted into the hole. Often men do not stop there and decorate the head with several decorative elements. Another type of piercing that can be classified as a simple procedure is Frenum. To decorate the penis, the frenulum is pierced. Moreover, you can thread a ring, a horseshoe or a barbell into the hole. This type of piercing not only makes sex bright, but also helps prolong sexual contact, to the mutual pleasure of the partners. For variety, several frenulum piercings are allowed.

Sensual experiments

Some men believe that the scrotum can also be decorated with piercings. This method is called Nafada. Because the skin of the scrotum is thin, the puncture heals quickly. The ring in the area to the left of the penis is believed to symbolize masculinity and is also a fashion accessory. Although other decorations can be used. In order to create an unforgettable sensation during sexual intercourse, men use a procedure such as perineal piercing between the anus and scrotum. This area is already very sensitive, and after additional stimulation due to the movement of the jewelry during intimacy, the sensations become extraordinary.

How is the procedure done?

It begins with a man going to a specialized salon, where the master will tell you in detail about the genital organ, what contraindications and possible complications exist. Instructs in aftercare of wounds once the procedure is over. Then you need to decide on the thickness of the puncture, because the diameter of the needle that the specialist will choose will depend on this decision. The main thing is that all instruments are sterile. Next, a decoration is selected that will be immediately inserted into the hole. It also undergoes antimicrobial treatment to prevent infection. Don't be nervous: the professional knows where to make the puncture so that bleeding does not occur and the piercing does not cause inconvenience when moving in the future. To prevent the skin from slipping out during the operation, the master uses special clamps. This means that the puncture will be made exactly in the place where it is needed, since these instruments ensure immobilization of the genital organ. Professionals work only with gloves, using special means for disinfection and sterilization.

Responsible moment

When everything is ready, it's time to start. The master processes the site of the future puncture, then marks the points at which it should be made. You must be prepared for the fact that the procedure is very painful and try not to move during it. Otherwise, nothing may work out. Now the specialist unpacks the needle, takes it out of the bag and applies a special ointment to it. Then, with a quick and precise movement, he performs a puncture. The needle extends 2 centimeters from the other side. A piece of jewelry will be put on it to insert it into the skin of the genital organ. Having secured the barbell, earring or ring to the needle, the master pulls it through the puncture, and it is threaded into the hole. Now the decoration needs to be fastened and processed.

How to care for your piercing?

Although everything is ready and sex is the main reason for this procedure, you will need to abstain from it for a long time (about several weeks), and if healing is slow, even months. This can be an unpleasant surprise for partners, so it is better to find out about such details in advance. You will also need additional care of the puncture site, frequent changes of bandages, and treatment of the piercing area with antiseptic agents. It is best to keep the area covered with a bandage to avoid unnecessary injury while walking or wearing clothing.

You also need to follow a few simple rules to avoid infection and inflammation, which is difficult to fight. Namely: do not swim, do not take a bath (wash only in the shower), avoid open bodies of water. When you are allowed to resume sexual activity, you will have to use condoms for about 2 months. This is necessary to protect against penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the puncture site.

If an infection does get into the wound, you should contact a medical facility. The doctor will recommend special remedies, for example, Levomikol, tetracycline ointment or baths and compresses with chlorhexidine. If after several weeks of fighting the infection cannot be defeated, then to maintain health you will have to get rid of the jewelry and heal the puncture site.

Is this manipulation harmful?

Of course, not every man decides to get a penis piercing, the photos of which are undoubtedly impressive and make you want to change your own body in a similar way. Most men do not dare to do this because they are afraid of this kind of medical intervention. Perhaps they are right. Because penis piercing is really dangerous and everyone should know about it before allowing the hand of a specialist to start the procedure. The blood supply to the genital organ is significant, so even minor operations can cause heavy bleeding. Another danger is the ingress of microbes and suppuration, which can appear at any time until the puncture has completely healed.

Some inconveniences

In addition to the fact that the additional jewelry that a man acquires when getting a piercing of the head of the penis (photos of which are attractive and can interest partners) stimulate sexual sensations, they can cause discomfort when walking or wearing clothes, as well as pain during sexual intercourse, and both men and women.

You must constantly ensure that the rough surface of the jewelry does not get caught on fragments of clothing, otherwise there is a danger of damaging the puncture site.

How to protect your health?

Penis piercing is a serious procedure and should only be performed by professionals in licensed salons. Sometimes they think that skin puncture is not difficult and any home-grown “master” can handle it, but this is not so. The person doing the penis piercing should have the skills and knowledge to avoid complications, as well as provide advice on caring for the piercing site. The master is responsible for the client’s health if something goes wrong due to his fault. There is a risk of infection with hepatitis, staphylococcus or even HIV. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how tools and jewelry are processed. Needles must be disposable and removed from sealed packages. The procedure should be done only on a healthy genital organ, and for this it would not hurt to undergo a medical examination first.

It is necessary to seriously approach the issue of choosing a salon in which the client will undergo this simple, but at the same time dangerous procedure. Then the man can be proud of the piercing that adorns his penis. Photos that attract partners will probably turn out excellent.



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