Dog chipping is the law. In Russia, it is mandatory to start chipping animals

In accordance with the decree of the Government of Russia, next year animals in the country will begin to receive unique identification numbers (UINs). Under the new requirements, pet owners and farmers must mark their pets through implantation of chips or other permitted means. In parallel with this, the authorities will create a special information system (FSIS), which will collect information about issued UINs.

The initiative, which chipization of pets in 2018, is still under development. However, the main stages have already been passed. In particular, back in the late winter of this year, the relevant departments worked out a scheme for implementing the identification project. However, not everything is so smooth.

The views of the specialists of the Ministry, owners of animals, as well as independent experts regarding the labeling procedure differed significantly.

Officials insist on the need for innovation, as this will streamline relations in this area and increase the responsibility of owners (including farmers who raise livestock for sale or slaughter) for their pets. The second side believes that such an initiative of the authorities is premature and, instead of a clear regulation, can only give rise to even more problems.

Who will be chipped and how

At the direction of the authorities, UINs will be assigned to cattle, deer, horses, pigs, poultry, dogs, cats, rabbits, bees, and fish. A complete list of animals that are subject to labeling will be determined a little later, when the initiative is fully developed. Only wild animals living in natural conditions will be able to avoid chipization.

The Ministry of Agriculture notes that clearer marking and accounting rules are still being developed and coordinated at different levels. When the animal identification measures are ready, their implementation will be entrusted to the regional authorities.

From the existing information, it is known that it will be allowed to microchip animals both individually and in groups. For example, in the presence of a large aquarium, one UIN can be assigned to all its inhabitants at once, and in the case of keeping bees, to the entire apiary.

The UIN itself will look like a 15-digit code, which will include: the RU sign, which means that the animal is registered in the Russian Federation, a digital digit indicating identification, and a P or F sign, indicating that the animal is a pet or is raised for for food or medical purposes.

The method of marking the owner of the animal can choose independently. There are various means to choose from, for example, visual ones: tags, tattoos, rings, etc. You can also choose electronic identification: implant a special chip under the skin of the animal. If desired, you can combine several different types of marking.

An UIN must be assigned to an animal within 3 months after its birth or import into the territory of the Russian Federation. Information about the UIN will be immediately entered into the FSIS, in particular, the registry will contain the number of the animal, information about its species, sex, place and date of birth, veterinary operations, movements, malformations, etc.

The project implementation is planned to be divided into two stages. In 2018, donkeys, horses, mules, deer, cattle, camels, and pigs will be the first to receive UIN. And since 2019, other animals will be chipped.

Why chipization is needed

The authors of the bill motivate the introduction of the labeling procedure, referring to the experience of foreign countries. They point out that this is a common practice that has been successfully applied in different states for a long time. In addition, some pet owners already carry out microchipping on a voluntary basis - for trips abroad and to protect their pets from kidnapping. All-Russian chipization, according to the developers of the document, will allow:

  1. Develop and streamline uniform content rules.
  2. Increase the degree of responsibility of animal owners.
  3. Protect owners from theft of their purebred pets.

Another important positive point is the chipization of meat animals. After the introduction of the relevant law, the buyer, before buying meat, will be able to view basic information on a particular individual:

  • the farm where it grew;
  • past illnesses;
  • date of slaughter;
  • etc.

An animal chip, of course, will not be put on the counter. For these purposes, it is proposed to develop QR codes that can be decrypted using a smartphone.

Veterinarians are also in favor of the adoption of the new law, since the streamlining of records will facilitate the process of detecting epidemics and their rapid elimination. And it will be much easier for doctors themselves to work, because with the help of a chip they can quickly find out all the information about the animal, its characteristics and past diseases.

Arguments against chipization

Dissatisfaction with innovations is shown, first of all, by animal rights activists. They back up their position with the fact that after the entry into force of mandatory chipization requirements, a large number of pets will be on the street.

Owners who cannot pay for the labeling or simply do not want to do so can refuse pets.

In favor of this argument is the increase in the cost of the service. If earlier the price tag for this procedure was set at around 300 rubles, today the implantation of a chip will cost 600-700 rubles. As a result, the owners, not wanting to incur unnecessary expenses, will simply drive cats and dogs out of the house. Moreover, the current legislation does not regulate such a situation in any way and does not provide for any penalties for such owners.

The second large group expressing dissatisfaction with the new legislative initiative are pet owners. From their point of view, the owner of the pet must decide whether he will implant the chip into the body of his pet or not. In addition, for residents of small settlements or villages, this procedure seems absolutely unnecessary, and the cost of marking is prohibitive for their modest budget.

There are also objections from experts. They point out that not every veterinary clinic - especially in remote locations - has the specialized equipment necessary for chipization. After the adoption of the law, they will have to rush to buy new equipment, which will not be easy, because many organizations do not have enough money even to buy medicines.

Nevertheless, the Ministry of Agriculture continues to insist on the need for chipping, believing that such an approach will only bring benefits. Ministry specialists admit that many points still need to be improved, but by 2018 all conflicts will be resolved.

Video news

The citizens of Russia were excited by the news of the imminent introduction (beginning of 2018) of the tax on pets. Some news publications and Internet resources have actively connected to the hot topic, talking about an “unprecedented law” that allegedly has already entered into force (or is about to come into force) and threatens with unthinkable requisitions for everyone who has a cat or dog at home.

The people were alarmed and even panicked, and among the indignant voices, separate sensible calls were lost to not rush and calmly sort everything out.

As it turned out, the law is only being discussed in the State Duma, and it has yet to undergo fundamental changes - after analyzing the opinions of all interested parties, animal lovers, veterinarians, animal rights activists, manufacturers and the rest of the caring population.

In fact, this topic is far from new, the State Duma began to closely deal with the laws on pets back in 2010, but they can’t finish it in any way.

Animal rights activists have long been urging legislators to bring animal legislation to a digestible state. They also offered their own options, but to no avail.

Things got to the point that the president personally demanded "to formalize a civilized procedure for the treatment of animals." He did this in 2016, focusing on the problem of homeless animals and urging parliamentarians to speed up work on this resonant issue.

Essence of the question

Less than a year later, the parliamentarians responded to the president's demand. The law being considered in the State Duma proposes to formalize the relationship of a person with pets and introduce a financial component into them. This may be tax, registration and chipping.

At first, only dogs and cats will have to be registered. The data will be entered into the database, indicating the characteristics of the animal and information about the owner.

Veterinarians and animal rights activists insist on paid registration. Residents of apartment buildings are in solidarity with them, especially those in whose entrance there live aggressive dogs or a dozen cats in one apartment.

While the parliamentarians are thinking, in some places all this is already working - for example, in the Crimea.

Registering a dog here costs 52 rubles, the procedure includes an examination of the animal by a veterinarian, vaccination against rabies and entering data into a single register for Crimea.

The owner is given a dog's veterinary passport (you have to pay 109 rubles), and the dog can receive, at the request of the owner, a metal token or a chip (764 rubles).

The most consistent supporters of chipping are animal rights activists, veterinarians and breeders. They believe that a dog must have a chip without fail. Only in this case the idea makes sense and will protect the animal.

If the dog is lost or injured, it is easy to find and return to the owner. If she messes up, then the owner will have to answer for the fact that he looked after her badly or did not educate her properly.

Most importantly, a chipped dog cannot be thrown out the door, because the owner will be found and punished.

Voluntary chipping is still practiced today, it is done in veterinary clinics, while the data is entered into the international network.

Russian dog breeders and pet owners alike resent the idea of ​​a tax, despite the fact that dog taxes have long been introduced in many countries and are beneficial.

In Europe

Germans pay a tax of 150-300 euros per year. If there are several dogs, then the fee for the next one increases. You have to pay more for fighting dogs - 600 euros per year.

The tax on dogs in Holland has the same "progressive" character. If you have one dog, you pay 57 euros per year, but each subsequent one costs 85 euros.

The Swedes pay less, the annual dog tax is 50 euros, the Swiss - 100.

For Spaniards, an ordinary dog ​​costs a ridiculous amount of 15 euros per year, and a potentially dangerous one costs 35 euros. If you adopted it from a shelter, then you don’t need to pay tax at all. It is not charged even if your dog performs a social function, for example, works as a guide.

In the United States, there is no tax on pets, this duty is assigned to pet food manufacturers.

But paid licensing of dogs is practiced, although in some states it is voluntary. Here it is believed that owning a dog is not only a right, but also a privilege, so this pleasure cannot be free.

Rates for different states are different, but not at all small, and literally everything is paid. For older owners, a discount is usually applied.

In Canada, both dogs and cats are covered by this order, registration is mandatory for all animals. If the owner refuses, he is punished with a fine of $240 to $5,000, depending on the circumstances.


The issue of streamlining relations with animals, apparently, is so ripe that even the neighbors are stirring.

For example, Belarusians introduced an annual tax on dogs, making it dependent on the height of the dog.

In Ukraine, dogs run along the streets of cities, decorated with dog tags on their ears, such dogs were seen in Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson. Chipping is not yet mandatory, but is about to become one. However, there is no animal tax yet.

In Russia, many people like to keep animals next to them, there are about 20 million dogs, and even more cats, 25-30 million.

Now imagine that all these individuals are covered by paid registration, even at the meager Crimean price of 52 rubles. More than 2.5 billion rubles. will go to the budget! True, once.

There is also chipping, which will cost the owners much more. Today, the cost of the procedure ranges from 1000 to 4000 rubles., depending on which region we are talking about (it also depends on the status of the veterinary clinic).

So far, not all owners do it, but you can oblige everyone who has dogs! You will get a substantial contribution to the state treasury.

The financial services have certainly estimated the possible income from the tax on animals, but these estimates are only in theory. In the near future, apparently, they will remain there.

Speculation on a resonant topic, petitions

Fake news about the tax on animals has excited citizens, especially since the topic is painful. As a result, a petition appeared on the international platform calling for a ban on the animal tax law in Russia.

In general, the whole process of the misadventures of animal laws is accompanied by a heated discussion in society. New initiatives are constantly being born in social networks, often they result in petitions. Their direction is different, it is dictated by the interests of the authors.

Animal rights activists, for example, have been pushing for the introduction of registration and chipization of animals for a long time. On their behalf, a petition has been posted on demanding that they finally pass laws that have been stalling for 20 years.

The word "tax" always causes an unequivocal reaction - a sharp protest. In the comments and on the forums, the inhabitants of the Russian Federation express their opinion directly, without any diplomacy: “Oh, the tax is being introduced again at the numerous requests of the working people!”

And then the deputies and officials go nuts, they are traditionally persuaded, regardless of what kind of tax the conversation comes up.

As for the tax on dogs and cats directly, words in support of it are not uncommon in the comments. It is considered as an effective regulatory mechanism in the relationship between humans and animals. Provided, of course, that the money raised will really go to the creation of shelters, special sites, sterilization of stray dogs and other measures in this direction.

Many do not welcome the idea of ​​a tax, but agree with veterinarians and animal rights activists that the registration of pets should be paid. However, this must be done within reasonable limits, taking into account the social status of the owner.

That is, the tax as a way of withdrawing money from the population, of course, causes unanimous rejection. At the same time, citizens agree to discuss a specific type of tax on pets, and some people perceive it as a thing that is quite useful.

The deputies of the State Duma, after all approvals, will adopt the main document, the law "On the veterinary safety of pets", and the by-law, "Rules for the registration and registration of pets." Also, the bill "On the responsible treatment of animals" is awaiting consideration.

There is no talk of a tax on animals yet at all. Although animal rights activists still consider the introduction of a tax for dog owners to be a necessary measure. They also object to the voluntariness of chipping, insisting that the owner is obliged to pay for the registration of a pet - this will awaken in him a sense of responsibility for his actions.

At the moment, no amounts are specified in the law under discussion, perhaps registration will even be free. As for chipping, it will remain paid and, apparently, voluntary for the time being.

All innovations will not be implemented at once, a transitional period is provided for this. Here, abrupt movements are harmful, since deep ties and multilateral relations are affected. But there is nothing to pull, changes are long overdue.

Animals and people are forced to coexist in one common space, and it must be adapted to ensure that everyone is comfortable. We lack something in life without a cat or a dog. Probably warmth, devotion, affection and just love.

For our part, it is necessary to be guided by the parting words of Saint-Expery: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." In this case, it should be understood absolutely literally, and not to grumble if this responsibility takes on a monetary expression. For example, a pet tax form.

According to the government decree, by 2018 all animals in the Russian Federation will receive UIN - unique identification numbers. According to the innovation, pet owners and farmers will have to provide their "wards" with special chips or other identifiers with UIN. The authorities will also create a federal state information system (FSIS), which will record information about each animal with UIN.

Active work is underway to implement the initiative. So, on behalf of the government, in February 2017, the relevant departments should create a scheme for the implementation of the identification project. According to the plans of the authorities, chipization of pets in 2018.

The opinions of experts and pet owners about the innovation were divided. On the one hand, chipization should increase the responsibility of animal owners, especially farmers who raise livestock for sale and slaughter. On the other hand, this idea seems to many to be premature and such that it will create more problems than it solves.

Who will be chipped and how

At the direction of the authorities, UINs will be assigned to cattle, deer, horses, pigs, poultry, dogs, cats, rabbits, bees, and fish. A complete list of animals that are subject to labeling will be determined a little later, when the initiative is fully developed. Only wild animals living in natural conditions will be able to avoid chipization.

The Ministry of Agriculture notes that clearer marking and accounting rules are still being developed and coordinated at different levels. When the animal identification measures are ready, their implementation will be entrusted to the regional authorities.

From the existing information, it is known that it will be allowed to microchip animals both individually and in groups. For example, in the presence of a large aquarium, one UIN can be assigned to all its inhabitants at once, and in the case of keeping bees, to the entire apiary.

The UIN itself will look like a 15-digit code, which will include: the RU sign, which means that the animal is registered in the Russian Federation, a digital digit indicating identification, and a P or F sign, indicating that the animal is a pet or is raised for for food or medical purposes.

The method of marking the owner of the animal can choose independently. There are various means to choose from, for example, visual ones: tags, tattoos, rings, etc. You can also choose electronic identification: implant a special chip under the skin of the animal. If desired, you can combine several different types of marking.

An UIN must be assigned to an animal within 3 months after its birth or import into the territory of the Russian Federation. Information about the UIN will be immediately entered into the FSIS, in particular, the registry will contain the number of the animal, information about its species, sex, place and date of birth, veterinary operations, movements, malformations, etc.

The project implementation is planned to be divided into two stages. In 2018, donkeys, horses, mules, deer, cattle, camels, and pigs will be the first to receive UIN. And since 2019, other animals will be chipped.

Why chipization is needed

The authors of the innovation point out that chipping animals is a common practice that has long existed in different countries of the world. Moreover, many Russians are already assigning chips to their pets to take them abroad and protect them from theft. Mass labeling of animals will help streamline their maintenance and increase the responsibility of pet owners.

Separately, the importance of chipization for meat buyers should be highlighted. After the introduction of innovation, each consumer will have access to information about the animal: where it grew up, what diseases it had, when it was slaughtered, etc. Of course, the chip itself will not be on the counter, but special QR codes can be developed for consumers, by scanning them with a smartphone, you can find out all the necessary information.

Welcome about chipization and veterinarians. In their opinion, when all animals are registered, the process of identifying epidemics and fighting them will be much simpler. In addition, it will be much easier for doctors themselves to work, since they will have all the information about the animal, its diseases and characteristics.

Arguments against chipization

First of all, animal advocates oppose chipization. They point out that after the introduction of this innovation, many pets will end up on the street, because their owners will not want or be able to pay for labeling. So, if earlier the implantation of a chip cost about 300 rubles, now the cost of the service has increased to 600-700 rubles. As a result, many owners of dogs and cats will simply abandon them, driving them out of the house. However, the legislation does not provide for punishment for such actions.

Owners of pets themselves express dissatisfaction with the new initiative of the government. In their opinion, the owner has the right to independently decide whether he will mark his pet. In addition, for residents of small villages and towns, chipization only means additional costs that they consider unnecessary.

Many experts also point out that not every veterinary clinic is equipped with chipization equipment, especially in remote areas. After the entry into force of the law, hospitals will have to purchase the appropriate equipment, which is not easy, given that many of them do not have enough money to purchase medicines for animals.

But the Ministry of Agriculture assures that it is necessary to introduce chipization and this innovation will bring only positive results. So far, many points of the initiative remain unclear and need to be improved, but the authorities promise to deal with all controversial points.

Animal microchipping is a process in which an animal microchip containing a special identifier is inserted under the skin. Such a system was formed in the early 1980s. The first developments in the USSR and the successful use of chips for implanting them into an animal body became known at a scientific conference dedicated to the anniversary of the zoo in 1984. A large number of such chips were planned to be released within two years.

The initial cost of such a service was US$100. Chipping of animals in terms of income received takes an honorable second place. The use of such implants in 2014 reached 600 million per year. Electronic identification is the backbone of RFID applications. This technology first appeared in Holland in 1989. Since that time, this technology has increased by 20 million. Chipping of animals in Russia has not yet become relevant, it is growing slowly.

At least only because it will be impossible to import animals into the territory of any European state without a chip. Also with safety in mind. Chipping of animals from 2018 will become mandatory, according to the adopted decree of the government of the Russian Federation. People's opinions are divided on this. On the one hand, this technology increases the responsibility for the animal, on the other hand, microchipping is considered too premature.

Why you need a chip

A chip is a small microcircuit that is separated by a piece of glass that is not rejected by the body. Each chip has an individual identification code. If the chip is original, then two identical codes cannot be. The size of the chip is so small that it is very difficult to feel it after insertion under the skin. Only when scanning with a special device, you can track a small circuit, an individual code will be displayed on the display of the device. This serial number can only be compared with your passport number. These data are entered into a specialized database.

It is no longer possible to import animals into the EU countries that have not passed the chipization technology. The function of such a chip is one - to mark and register the animal. Imagine such a situation. Your pet is lost. What to do and how to be? Here you will be helped by a collar on which the address of residence of the pet is indicated. And if it doesn't exist, what then? The chip will be your salvation. The found animal must be taken to the clinic, where they will scan the place in which the chip is implanted. The display will show a 15-digit code. With it, we learn the name, surname and address of the owner of the pet.

Description of the animal chipization law

The draft law on chipping animals has been developed since 2011. It is assumed that the law on chipping animals in 2018 will be made and apply to large livestock. The development of the law on chipping animals in Russia in 2018 is focused on creating a database with information. Many advocates have spoken out about the prospects for an animal tax through coding. There are several types of chipping.

  1. Bracelets are used only for birds whose species are endangered.
  2. Ear clips are attached to livestock.
  3. There are also ingestible variants that enter the animal's digestive system.
  4. Implantation of an implant from which information is read.

The last option is considered chipization. A mini-device is inserted under the skin with a needle. This procedure does not cause pain, it is somewhat similar to a conventional vaccine. The veterinarian then scans and recognizes the identification code. Thanks to him, we get all the information we need.

The procedure is considered simple in its structure, however, the law on chipping animals in Russia is being delayed for some reason.

Since chipization needs a large amount of fauna accounting. Against the backdrop of high prices, many Russians are skeptical about the implantation of an implant. This situation raises fears that animals may end up on the street. The draft law includes a recycling procedure, because they need to be buried in special pits. And if death occurs with poor treatment, a fine is paid. The settlement procedure is rather complicated. As a result, the initiative of the law is being developed, the details are being discussed, but it is still unclear when the system will be implemented.

Which animals will be required to be microchipped?

Russia will create a unified chipization system for domestic and farm animals. In the near future, all animals will receive a unique code. In 2018, the owners will be sure to chip the animals. The identification includes the following animals: horses, cattle, deer, poultry, dogs, cats, rabbits, bees, fish. Only wild animals that are in their natural habitat are excluded. According to the order, you can even mark a group of animals and assign a number to each. Primary registration of a pet is carried out in the first 3 months after birth or importation into the country. The labeling medium is chosen with convenience in mind. These include: a tag, a tattoo, rings and a collar.

Peculiarities of microchipping in Russia of cats and dogs

Chipping dogs is a fairly simple manipulation, completely painless, reminiscent of a conventional vaccine. Such a procedure does not cause complications. This is the chipping process.

  1. The vet takes the chip. Then he compares the description on the package and what is displayed on the display of the device itself. The numbers must match.
  2. The chip must be sterilized.
  3. Next, the doctor inserts the chip under the skin. The injection area is the withers. After the chip is entered, we scan the contents. If everything is done correctly, then the numbers will appear on the screen.
  4. Further, the documents are filled out and entered into the database. And the code is written in the animal's passport.

Chipping cats is the same as for dogs. There are no differences. Do not forget that cats love to walk and thus run away. In order not to lose your pet forever, it is better to do chipization. You can not chip if the animal is sick, as well as one chip for two animals at once.

Chipping of cats and dogs is carried out in clinics by veterinarians. Do not trust dubious people who do not have a license. Don't risk your pet's health. So far, a law has not been passed in Russia, so the price for this service is low.

People are getting more and more cute pets. They help us diversify our leisure time, bring a lot of positive emotions and become good friends for us.

We are always upset if for some reason we have lost a pet, this leads to complete apathy. And in order to easily find a pet, chipping was invented. This is always one hundred percent guaranteed to find any loss.

Which animals need to be microchipped?

Until now, in accordance with the Law on Chipping of Pets, it is mandatory to chip cattle, poultry from 2018, and pets from 2019. The list of mandatory animals that will undergo the microchip implantation procedure will be legislatively developed a little later. But preliminary they say that only wild animals living on the street can avoid this procedure.

At this stage, everything is only in development, and there are no exact rules. The timing of its implementation depends on the speed of its development by the State Duma.

The essence of mandatory chipping

When chipping, you are provided with an electronic passport of the animal, which contains all the information not only about the pet, but also about its owner. As well as a lot of other useful information. For example, about vaccinations and special properties of the animal. Also there is a history of diseases, photos and contact details of the owner are possible. The beauty of such a passport is that it is always with your pet and nothing will happen to it. You can’t lose or spoil it in any way, it is done once for the entire lifespan of the animal

Chipping is useful for nurseries where there are many animals. Or for owners of purebred pets, which are so often lost or stolen. But even for the most ordinary pets, a microchip will bring considerable benefits. Its presence will help confirm the owner's rights to the animal.

If the lost pet has a chip, then the person who found it can safely take it to the clinic, where you can scan the implanted chip and find out the address of its owner.

Somewhere since the beginning of 2002, it is not possible to transport animals abroad without a chip. And from the end of 2015 to the beginning of 2016, in some cities, the electronic identification of pets is a mandatory procedure.

What is a pet chip

Chipping is provided not only for domestic animals, but also for agricultural livestock. It is also possible for exotic animals of various breeds. Birds and fish can get an electronic passport.

The chip itself is an ordinary microcircuit that is placed in a capsule. It is completely sterile, you can not worry about the health of the patient. She will not bring discomfort to the fluffy. The capsule itself is smaller than a grain of rice, made of special glass, so you should not be afraid of rejection by the body either. The chip contains a memory block for collecting and transmitting information.

The most important part of the chip is the number. All data is contained in the number and can be read harmlessly for the pet using a scanner. When it is scanned, 15 digits are displayed on the instrument panel - this is the code. When you enter it into the database, you will find out the name of the owner and his address.

Repeating an identical number is impossible for a hundred years, so you are insured against failures. The amount of information contained in the numbers is not limited. The chip does not need any auxiliary means, for example, recharging, and it is activated only with the help of a scanner. It is very comfortable.

If your animal is caught by the capture service, then thanks to the presence of a chip, you will soon see it.

What we already know about the Law on Mandatory Microchipping of Pets

  • Since the passage of the Pet Chip Act, execution will be entrusted to the regional authorities.
  • To date, it is known that number of chipped one person units is not limited. That is, you can give the code not one, but say three or more dogs. With an aquarium or an apiary, the situation is such that one chip can go to all at once.
  • Marking method you choose yourself. And there are several types, such as tags or rings, even a tattoo or a chip is possible.
  • Give your pet a number during three months after his birth. Or if you brought a pet from another country, you have the same deadline to register it.

At the moment, the law on mandatory chipping has not entered into force. And penalties for pet owners who are not registered, Not yet. Of course, it will be difficult to hold the owner accountable for not complying with it, and so far no sanctions have been introduced by law. Deputies hope for the consciousness of the owners.

Now things stand in such a way that if people consciously relate to this issue, there will be no consequences. So far, the Government is not going to push people towards chipping, intimidating them with negative consequences. But all this is a matter of time. If a very small number of citizens will treat their smaller brothers with full responsibility, then fines and punishments may be introduced.

How much does it cost to chip an animal?

So weigh the pros and cons well. Is it worth it to implant your little friend with a chip, is it worth the risk? Although modern medicine does not stand still, but as we all understand, anything can happen. There are some pets that do not leave the apartment at all. And if you like to travel and take it with you, this procedure is simply necessary. Many people find a lot of usefulness in this procedure. And if you are worried about the safety of the fluffy, then you should carry out this simple procedure.



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