Boiled corn: calorie content, benefits and harms of the product. This amazing corn

Corn was originally a wild plant. The yellow edible cobs that are familiar to us appeared only after man domesticated it. It has been used as food since ancient times. This is the food of both the ancient inhabitants of America and the people of the Middle Ages. Despite the fact that growing the plant requires considerable effort, it was and is still consumed today. And all this thanks to its nutritional value and beneficial properties. The benefits and harms of corn have been studied quite well during its use. The homeland of the vegetable is Mexico. In Europe it became known quite late. Initially, corn was valued for its decorative qualities, and only later it began to be eaten.

The benefits of corn for the body

The benefits of corn for the body are explained by its composition, rich in vitamins and elements necessary for humans:

  • The product contains a large amount of protein, as well as fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is a smart choice for vegetarians who want to give up meat without compromising their health;
  • A balanced content of vitamins B, C and PP, phosphorus, potassium, and various minerals helps to compensate for the lack of all necessary elements in the body;
  • The vegetable is indicated for nephritis, gout, epilepsy;
  • Glutamic acid promotes strong memory, stimulates brain function by improving important metabolic processes;
  • Pectins have a preventive effect against the occurrence of cancer. If a person has tumors, they prevent them from developing;
  • Milk corn helps remove toxins and waste and strengthen the nervous system. It is indicated for people experiencing nervous system overload: depression, stress, sleep disorders;
  • Corn starch is involved in the creation of muscle fibers. It is a natural remedy for increasing muscle growth, especially indicated for athletes;
  • The vegetable relieves constipation, improves the functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • B vitamins help improve sleep;
  • Vitamin K improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents heart disease;
  • Vitamin E has a rejuvenating effect and improves skin condition;
  • Vitamin C promotes good functioning of the immune system;
  • Vitamin D has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and teeth;
  • Iron prevents anemia, increases blood quality;
  • Potassium and magnesium contribute to proper metabolism.

Due to its properties, corn is often used in medicine. Decoctions based on it help with cholecystitis, liver and gallbladder diseases, improve metabolism, and stimulate the functioning of the immune system. They have choleretic properties. Corn oil is often prescribed for diets. Based on the grains of the product, masks are prepared that improve the condition of the skin and have a whitening effect. This is a nutritious product that is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, sulfur and other elements. The Queen of the Fields is used when preparing soups, creating various dishes, and preparing face masks. Most often it is used boiled or canned.

Harm contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body in the presence of various diseases. Otherwise, this is a clean and healthy product. The plant is difficult to grow, and therefore it is watered with chemicals in large quantities. However, they do not cause harm, since the product has an important quality - the cobs are resistant to the absorption of foreign elements.

Corn is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Thrombosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Increased level of blood clotting;
  • Individual intolerance.

Frequent use may cause allergic reactions and digestive system disorders.

Boiled corn

The vitamins and beneficial elements of the plant are preserved during processing, so it makes sense to consume it in boiled and canned form. After cooking, 80% of important trace elements are retained, which is a very high figure. The benefits and harms of boiled corn are determined by those elements that remain in it after heat treatment:

  • Vitamin B4 improves the quality of body cells, reduces cholesterol levels, restores the functions of the nervous system;
  • Gold, which is part of the composition, helps destroy microbes, bacteria, infections, leprosy, lupus, and has a beneficial effect on tuberculosis;
  • Gold and a complex of vitamins make the brain work more efficiently, improve the quality of memory, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, have a preventive effect on bone, pulmonary diseases, and liver diseases;
  • Vitamin K, preserved during processing, increases the ability of blood to clot.

Frequent consumption of boiled queen of the fields with butter helps to alleviate liver, vascular, and heart diseases. The dish relieves constipation. If you want to preserve the maximum beneficial qualities of the product, it is recommended to steam it. This preservation method will allow you to obtain a healthy and nutritious product. Leave the corn in the steamer for 30 minutes. The young plant is boiled in a saucepan for 15-20 minutes. If it is old, the cooking time increases to two hours. Salt should only be added after the heat has been turned off, as it can make the product dry and hard.

Boiled vegetables are not indicated for people who may develop blood clots. It is contraindicated for gastritis and other stomach diseases. The fact is that the product is difficult to digest. It can only be eaten by people with a normally functioning digestive system. Boiled corn can cause gas formation. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in the presence of ulcers in the acute stage, diseases of the duodenum.

Canned corn

When canning, about 15-20% of minerals and elements are preserved. Therefore, it is less nutritious, its beneficial qualities are not as great as in the case of cooking. However, this option also has advantages. Canned corn can be eaten at any time of the year. If this is your favorite product, you can’t do without preservation. This way it is universal in use. It can be used for salads, appetizers, and as an independent dish.

The canned product has a sweetish, memorable taste. Indicated for the following problems:

  • Diabetes mellitus, as the product normalizes sugar levels;
  • Women's diseases;
  • Liver and heart diseases;
  • Problems with the intestinal tract and stomach;
  • Anemia;
  • Allergic reactions.

It has rejuvenating properties and is therefore suitable for those who want to maintain longevity. Frequent use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. This is a low-calorie product that can be used in diets.

The canned product has a higher sodium content. It also does not cause gas, unlike fresh corn.

Despite all its advantages, the plant can also cause harm. Its excessive consumption can cause headaches, stomach and intestinal disorders. To protect yourself from harm, you should carefully select canned goods, paying attention to their expiration date. The fill, in a good product, has a transparent appearance. It smells a little sweet. Canned food should be placed in glass containers to prevent oxidation.

The tins in which the vegetable is stored enrich the product with iron. This can cause an excess of salts in the body, which causes organ dysfunction. However, such harm is unlikely unless you use the product every day and in large quantities. The benefits and harms of canned corn vary depending on what it is packaged in. When purchasing, it is better to prefer glass jars to tin jars, as they will not lead to the deposition of iron salts.

Corn received its title of queen of fields not by chance. It is universal in use and allows you to prepare both first and second courses. It can also be eaten as an independent product. The product is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements, minerals that are preserved during heat treatment. In winter, you can eat canned food, and in summer, fresh.

Corn, which once came to us from America, has long ago turned from exotic into a familiar product. Such a simple dish as boiled corn cobs has gained great popularity. The beneficial properties of such a product have been well studied, but many of its lovers do not know about them.

Meanwhile, eating corn has important features.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The energy value of corn grain is 97 kcal per 100 grams of product. The same amount of grain contains:

  • - 3.3 g;
  • fat - 1.3 g;
  • - 19.2 g.

In addition, corn grain contains the following mineral elements (per 100 grams of product):
  • - 302 mg;
  • - 287 mg;
  • - 127 mg;
  • - 115 mg;
  • - 60 mg;
  • - 35 mg;
  • - 2120 mcg;
  • - 1085 mcg;
  • - 435 mcg;
  • - 272 mcg;
  • - 92 mcg.

This product is also rich in vitamins. It contains the following substances (per 100 g):

  • (vitamin C) - 7 mg;
  • (B1) - 0.2 mg;
  • (B3, also known as PP) - 1.7 mg;
  • (B6) - 0.6 mg;
  • (B7) - 21 mcg;
  • (B9) - 47 mcg;
  • (A) - 10 mcg.

Video: beneficial properties of corn

What are the benefits of boiled corn?

Corn is eaten in a variety of forms, including boiled. This product, which has good taste, is also very useful for humans, and in addition to the general benefits, it has a specific beneficial effect on the female and male bodies.

Did you know? In many European languages, in Latin, as well as in its homeland of origin, corn is called “maize”. The name “corn” comes from the Turkish language and comes from the word “kokoroz”, which means “tall plant”. Indeed, the thickets of this cereal reach a height of 3 meters, and in some cases the stems of this crop grew up to 6–7 meters.

For women

When boiled, this product is useful for the following:

  • has a beneficial effect on the body during pregnancy;
  • alleviates pain during menstruation;
  • facilitates the course of the menopause;
  • promotes skin rejuvenation (although it is less effective than corn flour-based masks);
  • generally slows down the aging process of the body;
  • softens the effects of eating heavy food;
  • optimizes cholesterol levels.

For men

Boiled corn is also good for men because:

  • improves potency;
  • helps cope with the consequences of alcohol consumption;
  • promotes muscle formation;
  • slows down the aging of the body;
  • relieves fatigue.

Important! Corn grains do not absorb nitrates, sulfates and other chemicals used in agriculture. In addition, when boiling the cobs, they retain all the beneficial substances as much as possible.

Is it possible to eat

This product is very popular, but the question may arise: is it useful to use when breastfeeding a child, in weight loss diets, or for various diseases.

When losing weight

Although corn contains a lot of carbohydrates, it is used (in limited quantities) in some diets recommended for weight loss.

At the same time, its use provides the following effects:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleansing the body;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • strengthening the immune system.

During pregnancy and pregnancy

Boiled corn is also useful during pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding a child.
The benefits of using it are as follows:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • alleviates the condition during toxicosis and allergies;
  • relieves headaches;
  • contains a number of amino acids that are especially necessary during lactation;
  • has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Important! During pregnancy, it is usually recommended to eat no more than half a cooked corncob per day. It is recommended for a nursing mother to start eating corn when the baby reaches one month of age. In this case, you first need to limit yourself to a small amount of the product and observe the baby’s reaction. If he does not experience bloating, colic or allergies during the day, then corn can be safely introduced into the diet.

For diabetes

For people suffering from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of boiled corn. Only occasional use in small quantities is allowed.
This is due to the value of the glycemic index (GI) - for this product it is equal to 70 units, and a GI value of more than 50 is considered high. This indicator reflects the effect of the product on the rate and level of increase in blood glucose.

For pancreatitis and gastritis

A person suffering from acute or chronic pancreatitis should absolutely not eat boiled corn cobs. With this disease, the pancreas becomes inflamed and cannot cope with the digestion of rough food.

People with gastritis can eat this product if it is not a chronic or acute form of gastritis. It is recommended to consult a doctor about this. For cooking, it is advisable to use freshly picked young cobs.

Eating this cereal allows you to:

  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce consumption of meat products.

In acute and chronic forms of gastritis, eating boiled corn is prohibited, as it overloads the digestive system, which leads to further exacerbation of the disease.

For constipation

Introducing corn into the diet helps to cope with this problem.
Its use for constipation provides the following advantages:

  • facilitates the process of defecation due to the large amount of fiber in the grains;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.

Important! Only fresh young cobs can help with constipation; old ones will only aggravate the problem.

It is recommended to separate the corn kernels from the cob and be sure to mix them with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil - it is in combination with this additive that the boiled kernels will act as a laxative. You can, of course, simply brush the boiled cob with butter.

In terms of cooking technology, boiled corn is a very simple dish, however, there are some nuances that it is advisable to take into account during the cooking process and before:

  • from the point of view of usefulness, the best are young fresh cobs, the raw grains of which are light in color and have a sweetish taste;
  • It is recommended to purchase unpeeled cobs, in leaves;
  • the water in which the cobs are boiled is not added with salt;
  • It is better to cook with hairs (aka corn silk) - this will enhance the beneficial effect of the product on the gastric mucosa;
  • when steamed, beneficial substances are better preserved;
  • if the boiled cobs cool directly in the pan, in water, then they will not wrinkle over time;
  • Usually the finished product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Video: how to cook boiled corn

Harm to health

With all the undoubted advantages, in some situations, eating corn can be harmful to the body.

Did you know? Each ear of corn always has an even number of rows of kernels. Most often, cobs contain from 10 to 16 such rows, and the number of grains in one cob can reach a thousand.

This happens in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance, resulting in an allergic reaction in the form of rash and itching;
  • consumption in large quantities can lead to constipation, especially if you eat boiled old cobs;
  • it should not be used for diseases such as pancreatitis, acute gastritis, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, any form of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, as well as poor blood clotting;
  • Since this cereal is a coarse product, people with digestive system disorders need to limit its consumption so as not to provoke the occurrence or exacerbation of diseases.

So, corn is a product containing many substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the human body.

When cooking corn cobs, this entire unique set of substances is preserved almost completely. However, we should not forget about the contraindications to the use of this product, as well as the harm it can cause if used incorrectly.

Corn is rightfully considered one of the most ancient and widespread agricultural crops on earth. It is known that it was cultivated by the Incas in ancient Mexico four thousand years BC, and it was also known in India, Australia, and Africa. But this plant came to Russia only in the 17th century, and like everything foreign (remember potatoes and tomatoes), it was initially received with hostility. Corn took root only after the peasants began to be given boiled cobs “for free”, as well as free seed material. In Soviet times, it was proclaimed the “queen of the fields” for its productivity and low cost. And today it is respected for its valuable nutritional properties, satiety, taste, versatility - after all, it can be boiled, stewed, made popcorn, canned, processed into flour, cereals, etc. But the most favorite folk dish is young cobs boiled in salted water. And information about the benefits and harms of boiled corn can be extremely useful. After all, although nutritionists classify it as a dietary product, it is not recommended for everyone.

Are there any benefits from boiled corn?

Those who are interested in the question of what benefits boiled corn can have should pay attention, first of all, to the composition of this product. It contains a lot of valuable biological substances. First of all, this applies to starch. The first component is good for the intestines, as it helps optimize its functioning and cleanse it, while the second component provides corn with high nutritional value. In addition, boiled cobs contain many simple carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids. There are also vitamins here, primarily group B, as well as choline, vitamin PP, beta-carotene, various minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc. Therefore, boiled corn is good for vision, helps improve appetite and general health. well-being. It can easily replace traditional carrots, the famous folk “eye healer”. It also prevents the appearance of blood clots by normalizing cholesterol metabolism, helps raise the tone of the gallbladder walls, removes alcohol toxins during a hangover, relieves chronic fatigue and blues, and relieves bloating.

However, it is worth saying that the composition determines not only the benefits of boiled corn, but also the harm.

The benefits of boiled corn for weight loss

Another valuable property of this product is its relatively low calorie content. Together with one hundred grams of boiled corn, a person receives 96 kcal (with one cob - almost 200). It seems that this is not so little, but this dish dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. Therefore, nutritionists especially note the benefits of boiled corn on the cob for weight loss. For this purpose, it is recommended to eat it on fasting days to cleanse the intestines. But you shouldn’t overuse it, because in large quantities it causes constipation. And the grains must be chewed thoroughly. It is better to cook the cobs without salt, without adding it to the finished dish. Four to five pieces per day will be enough.

Who is the product contraindicated for?

As mentioned above, boiled corn not only has health benefits, but can also be harmful. It should not be eaten by people who have low blood clotting, since it already thins it greatly, as well as by those who suffer from stomach ulcers and allergy sufferers. In addition, it is not recommended for people who cannot chew grains well. Because poorly ground corn in the mouth causes flatulence and intestinal disorders.

For several thousand years, humanity has been growing the “queen of fields,” corn. This plant occupies an honorable third place among cereal crops and comes right behind wheat and rice.

Why has corn gained such popularity and recognition?

What is her secret? The fact is that maize grains are not only very tasty, but contain many useful substances.

Composition and calorie content

The benefits and harms of corn are determined by its vitamin and mineral composition. Corn (maize) contains a whole range of elements beneficial to human health.

It contains:

  • fiber, fatty and essential oils,
  • vitamins (A, C, PP, E, almost all group B),
  • a large number of minerals (magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc and others).
  • Mono- and disaccharides, starch are also present in the grains of the plant.

100 g of product contains 67.5 g of carbohydrates, 10.3 g of proteins and 4.9 g of fat. The calorie content of different varieties of corn is different and can range from 88 to 325 kcal per 100 g.

But even with such a fairly high calorie content, this cereal is considered a dietary product.

Basic properties

The surprisingly rich composition of this cereal (it contains 26 elements of Mendeleev's periodic table) makes it a good auxiliary in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

What benefits does corn bring to the body?

Its main benefit is that when eaten it:

  1. strengthens the immune system;
  2. cleanses the body - removes waste and toxins;
  3. lowers cholesterol levels, helps in the prevention of heart disease;
  4. due to its diuretic and choleretic properties, it is widely used for hypertension and increased swelling;
  5. normalizes stomach function;
  6. has a beneficial effect on the intestines;
  7. improves metabolism and is an effective tool in the fight against excess weight;
  8. safe for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

The benefits of fresh corn on the cob and grain decoctions

The main food consumed is corn grains boiled right on the cob. And somehow it is not customary to eat it fresh.

It turns out that you can add fresh grains to soups, salads and other dishes.

The dishes turn out very tasty and fill the body with energy, not to mention vitamins and minerals.

Corn helps prevent the occurrence of many diseases, including quite serious ones, such as cardiovascular diseases.

Corn on the cob is also useful for patients with enterocolitis, since the substances contained in its grains inhibit the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines. It improves digestion and neutralizes the effects of alcohol.

The beneficial properties of corn are also used in nutrition. Doctors have long appreciated the benefits of boiled corn and recommend it to patients suffering from both excess weight and underweight.

It also improves the condition of the nervous system - helps to cope with depression and stress. Moreover, it is recommended even for epilepsy. Many people underestimate the benefits of corn decoction, and in vain. After all, a decoction of grains can restore strength and calm migraines when overworked.

For example, maize porridge with corn oil, if consumed regularly, reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.

This cereal has long been known among people as a good remedy for diarrhea and dysentery.

If you have diarrhea, you should eat a teaspoon of grains fried with honey every half hour and wash them down with water.

For men, eating cereal will help cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as impotence.

The beneficial properties of boiled corn include the fact that golden cobs sprinkled with oil improve the condition of nephritis and other kidney problems, constipation and gout.

Corn soup is useful for gastritis, as it has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.

Maize is also used in cosmetology. Eating the “queen of the fields” helps to improve skin health, make it elastic and firm, and slow down cell aging.

Corn-based masks will reduce pigmentation, even out complexion, and relieve the effects of acne.

Such masks are especially useful for oily skin - they perfectly cleanse pores and eliminate greasy shine.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. maize flour
  • the white of one chicken egg.

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin of the face, and after 20 minutes. rinse with warm water.

Other vitamin hair masks can be found in our article

And at the address you will find out which vitamins are most needed for hair.

Boiled or canned – which is healthier?

The benefits and harms of boiled corn are not much different from the properties of fresh corn on the cob.

Unlike many vegetables and fruits, which lose most of their benefits during heat treatment, the shell of corn kernels is not destroyed even after cooking, so it is useful in any form - both fresh and boiled.

Canned corn is a little less healthy.

It also contains many vitamins and minerals, but their concentration after preservation becomes several times less.

At the same time, only high-quality products should be consumed.

Don't buy canned corn in dented cans. In this case, its internal coating may be damaged. When the liquid component of corn comes into contact with the can, oxidation of the metal occurs. In this case, canned corn will do more harm than good.

In addition, some of the beneficial properties of canned corn are lost when it is processed before canning. It is also worth adding that some cans of corn contain GMOs.

The benefits of corn for children and pregnant women

It is impossible to ignore that cereal brings particular benefits to the female body:

  • it alleviates the condition during menopause and menopause,
  • improves the condition of the reproductive system.

During pregnancy, fresh or steamed corn will give a woman strength to cope with enormous stress, and decoctions from maize grains will relieve swelling.

It is not only nutritious, but also very beneficial for digestion. It can and should be included in a child’s diet, because it helps build muscle mass and contains almost all the elements and vitamins needed in childhood.

How else is corn used?

Traditional medicine has adopted mainly corn oil. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry in the production of vitamins and biologically active substances, as well as in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Corn starch is used as a filler in baby powders and tablets. And meal (residual product) is added to confectionery products for diabetics.

In folk medicine, the beneficial properties of corn silk are often used. Decoctions and extracts are prepared from them, which are recommended for patients with hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and cholelithiasis.

Corn silk can have a bile- and diuretic effect, reduce the level of glucose and bilirubin in the blood, improve blood clotting, and have an anthelmintic effect.

The benefit of corn silk is that tea made from it treats kidney and liver diseases. From the waste of their processing, plants form the basis for obtaining glutamic acid (this is a drug that is used to treat patients with diseases of the central nervous system and mental disorders).

Modern research shows the possibility of creating antitumor agents from components of corn silk.

How to lose weight with a corn diet?

Few people know that corn is a product that effectively copes with excess weight. You can lose 2-3 extra pounds in just 4 days using a special corn diet.

The effectiveness of this diet is achieved due to the fact that the consumption of corn grains reduces the feeling of hunger and also removes excess fat.

  • In the first 2 days, you should include fresh or canned corn (400 g each) in various dishes - soups, salads, stews).
  • In the remaining days, the amount of cereal should be halved.
  • In addition to corn, you can eat fruits (kiwi, apples), fish and meat at this time.
  • It is recommended to replace usual drinks with green tea and yogurt.

If we talk about a slim figure, then we need to talk about the benefits of figs for weight loss.

And thanks to omega-7 fatty acids, sea buckthorn will help you maintain weight; more about this in the link.

What are the benefits and harms of corn flakes and sticks?

Many parents prefer so-called quick breakfasts for their children, which include corn flakes, and children allow their children to nibble on corn sticks at any time of the day.

Corn sticks and flakes are beneficial only if they are actually made from grains and are enriched not with dyes and flavors, but with vitamins and microelements.

Many nutritionists, if not most of them, consider breakfast cereals, including those made from corn, to be much less beneficial in terms of the content of substances needed by the body than ordinary cereals with the addition of fruits and honey.

They warn that too much consumption of such foods, especially corn flakes, instead of improving your figure shape, can lead to the opposite result and cause the appearance of excess fat around the waist.

This is due to the fact that corn flour, from which flakes and sticks are made, contains quickly digestible carbohydrates that easily turn into fat when ingested. In addition, the amount of sugar, fat and additives can be up to half the weight of the product.

Therefore, it is better to choose corn sticks and flakes without additives. They should be consumed with low-fat fermented milk products - yogurt, kefir - and not for breakfast, but between meals. This way they will bring minimum harm and maximum benefit.


Corn and drugs based on it are contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to form blood clots;

In addition, it must be borne in mind that, despite the high nutritional value of the product, it should not be consumed regularly without medical supervision. An excess of vitamins and minerals is even more dangerous than their deficiency.

The valuable cereal, once imported from the American continent, has long ceased to be exotic on the tables of Europeans. And not only here, because corn is grown on all continents, with the possible exception of Antarctica.

This unpretentious crop grows well in different conditions, invariably accumulating in its cobs all the best that the earth and the sun can give.

When purchasing, there is one important point that should be taken into account - the corn that ends up on store shelves is often a genetically modified product.

Since there is no reliable evidence of the harmlessness of such products, it is better to protect yourself and buy corn with the inscription “Does not contain GMOs” on the packaging.


What is corn?

What is corn, the benefits and harms of corn for the human body, what medicinal properties does it have? All this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment, including using vegetables and cereals So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Corn is an annual, herbaceous plant that grows up to three meters in height. It is grown for its cobs and grains and is the most important grain crop after wheat and rice. Corn is divided into 9 groups (depending on the properties of the grain): flint, tooth-like, semi-tooth, popping, sugar, starchy, starchy-sugar, waxy and filmy.

Corn (or sweet corn) is the only representative of the genus Corn belonging to the family of cereals (or Poaceae). In addition to cultivated corn, the genus Corn includes several wild subspecies. Corn is considered one of the oldest plants cultivated by mankind - according to scientists, it was introduced into cultivation about 8,700 years ago in the Balsas Valley (Mexico).

Historians believe that corn played an important role in the development and establishment of all highly developed cultures of America (May, Aztecs, Olmec culture), explaining this by the fact that it formed the basis of highly productive agriculture, without which a developed society could not arise. After the discovery of the American continent by Columbus, corn appeared in Europe and very soon “conquered” this part of the world. Currently, corn is one of the most important food crops grown by humans. And the largest producers of this cereal include the USA, China, Mexico, India, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, South Africa, France and Italy.

The crop is photophilous and heat-loving, quite drought-resistant, does not tolerate shading, especially in the first half of the growing season. The growing season is usually 90-150 days.

People call her the “queen” of the fields. Corn is very unpretentious, but there are two prerequisites for obtaining a good harvest - loose and well-fertilized soil and abundant watering. Manure can be used as a fertilizer, which is applied during the autumn digging process.

Corn is planted in late April - early May, when the threat of frost is behind us. Then all that remains is to wait for germination and ripening. A sign of ripening corn cobs, as experts note, is dried hairs on the cobs. Corn is harvested as the cobs ripen. The cob grains should be soft and release milky juice when pressed.

Corn grain produces: cereal, flour, starch, alcohol, animal feed; from the germ - corn oil. Green mass, silage, hay - feed for livestock; from dry stems and cobs - paper, linoleum, viscose, etc. It is widely cultivated in all agricultural regions of the world. Grain yield 30-100 c. with 1 hectare or more.

Corn is one of the most popular foods on Earth, so it is not surprising that it has many culinary uses. In industry, artificial fiber is obtained from corn protein; corn starch is used in the production of medicines, viscose fiber, glue, paper and explosives, as well as for finishing fabrics and leather. Corn oil is used to make paints, soaps, and rubber substitutes.

Corn stalks and leaves are used in the production of fertilizers, paper, packaging and construction materials; and from the stalks furfural is obtained - a raw material necessary for the production of nylon, plastics and other synthetic substances; "corn hair" is used in medicine.

Corn comes to the table of a modern person in completely different versions: in the form of fresh cobs for cooking, canned food, frozen mixture, cereals, butter, flour. In addition to its good taste, corn also has medicinal properties.

Beneficial features:

Corn is a valuable vegetable crop, a healthy food product and a source of a huge amount of healing substances.

Composition of corn:

Corn grains contain vitamins C, K, PP, D, group B, as well as fiber, starch, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, nickel, tocopherol, pyridoxine, biotin, pantothenic and linoleic acids.

Phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, rutin and glycosides were found in corn leaves; in stigmas - fatty and essential oils, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, steroids, saponins, glycosides and other substances.

Beneficial features:

  • Eating corn has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and relieves constipation.
  • Corn starch helps form muscle fibers and nourishes nerve cells.
  • Pectins contained in grains exhibit antitumor activity.
  • Glutamic acid improves memory and also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes occurring in the brain.
  • Young corn cleanses the body well of harmful substances and accumulated toxins.
  • The choleretic properties of corn are used in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis.
  • Corn dishes are recommended for those who suffer from obesity, diabetes, and allergies.
  • Corn is useful as a dietary food for nephritis, epilepsy, gout and liver diseases.

Corn has a beneficial effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and a number of harmful substances from the body, and activates all metabolic processes.

Regular consumption of fresh or cooked corn reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. Corn silk preparations have a beneficial effect on urinary functions and normalize kidney function. Corn oil stimulates the functions of the gallbladder, helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.


Of course, corn is a very healthy and valuable product, but it also has a number of contraindications. Harmful in cases of thrombosis, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis. This vegetable is not advisable for people with low appetite and low body weight. During an exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers, the consumption of corn grains and crushed corn can negatively affect health.


  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis
  • poor appetite, low body weight

Medicinal properties:

In medicine, there are many recipes based on corn, and different parts of the plant are used in the recipes:

  • corn silk has a diuretic effect;
  • corn oil normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • corn flour helps to cure infertility, and for men - to restore sweating.

The beneficial properties of corn oil are used for nourishing masks for hair and facial skin. As a result, hair follicles are enriched with vitamins, and the natural elasticity of the skin is restored.

Grains activate metabolism, and corn decoction helps burn fat. That is why nutritionists recommend not pouring out the liquid after boiling the cobs, but taking a glass daily.

The use of corn in folk medicine is quite widespread. This is argued by the fact that corn contains many useful minerals and is saturated with a variety of vitamins and other substances. There are a large number of different folk recipes using corn that can relieve a person from ailments.

  • Corn silk contains large amounts of ascorbic acid, essential oils and pantothenic acid;
  • Stigmas have a fairly strong choleretic property, which is a long-known fact;
  • Thanks to corn, the total level of bilirubin is significantly reduced, which helps reduce the viscosity of bile and helps normalize the functioning of several organs;
  • Preparations that contain corn help stop bleeding of varying degrees, while significantly increasing blood clotting;
  • Corn, despite its high calorie content and nutrient content, will help those people who want to lose weight. This is explained by the fact that corn can reduce appetite.


  • stool retention,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • heart failure,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • kidney and bladder diseases.

Treatment of chronic stool retention and hemorrhoids with corn:

Recipe 1

Pass 100 g of fresh corn grains through a meat grinder and mix with 2 teaspoons of corn oil. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for chronic stool retention and/or hemorrhoids.

Recipe 2

Pour boiling water over corn leaves and apply to the nodes for 15 minutes for external hemorrhoids. Carry out the procedure once a day until complete recovery.

How to treat gallbladder diseases with corn?

Recipe 1

Take 1 tablespoon of unrefined corn oil 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. The course of treatment for cholelithiasis is 3 months, acute cholecystitis – 7 days, chronic – 28 days.

Recipe 2

Boil 2 kg of corn cobs in 5 liters of water, remove the corn, grind some of the grains using a blender, mix with 1 liter of broth, add 200 ml of infusion of St. John's wort herb. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis. The course of treatment is 28 days.

Treatment of kidney and bladder diseases:

Recipe 1

Pour 2 tablespoons of corn silk into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 150 ml 3-4 times a day for cystitis and pyelonephritis. The course of treatment is 7–10 days.

Recipe 2

Pour 1 tablespoon of corn silk with boiling corn broth (0.5 l), leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 200 ml 2 times a day for kidney stones. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Recipe 3

Pour 1 tablespoon of corn silk with boiling meadow clover decoction (0.5 l), leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day for cystitis and kidney stones. The course of treatment for cystitis is 14 days, for kidney stones – at least 1 month.

Reducing cholesterol levels and preventing cardiovascular diseases:

Recipe 1

To reduce cholesterol levels, carry out a two-week cleansing course according to the following scheme: Day 1 – take 100 ml of corn silk infusion 3 times a day; Day 2 – eat 300 g of boiled corn grains during the day; Day 3 – take 200 ml of corn broth 3 times a day; from the 4th to the 10th day - instead of dinner, eat 300 g of boiled corn, washed down with corn broth; from the 11th to the 14th day - drink 0.5 liters of corn silk infusion daily.

Recipe 2

Mix 100 ml of unrefined corn oil with 30 g of crushed walnut kernels. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of prophylaxis is 28 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out 2–3 times a year.

Recipes from D. Nesterova’s book “We are treated with vegetables. Healers from the gardens."

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Until recently, people didn't really know whether corn had beneficial properties or was just a regular vegetable that contained some vitamins. Recent studies conducted in laboratories at the University of Oxford have shown that corn contains the largest amount of substances beneficial to the body.

This simple vegetable, which grows in almost everyone’s garden, is much healthier than ginseng, aloe, celandine, plantain and cyclamen! What exactly are the healing properties of corn, who needs it in their diet, and what it helps against - read on!

What are the benefits of corn and what does it contain?

In fact, corn contains many more vitamins, macronutrients and minerals than you realize. More than 30 vitamins that affect human health and are essential in the daily diet. 100 g of young corn (on the cob) contains 16.5 grams of carbohydrates, 2 g of fat, 3.6 g of protein and 3 grams of dietary fiber.

As for vitamins, the cobs contain the most niacin (aka B3) and thiamine; they have a positive effect on the body’s immune properties. The vitamin content is much more concentrated than in the echinacea tincture, which is prescribed in the hospital to anyone who needs to quickly and effectively increase the protective properties of the immune system.

It is also worth noting that 1 ear of young corn contains beta-carotene and riboflavin, and in sufficient quantities to provide the body with these components for several weeks ahead! Together with carotene (which is also found in corn), these components have a positive effect on human vision and 100 grams of cooked cob is equivalent to 4-5 kilograms of carrots, which are known for their healing properties for vision.

Pyridoxine with pantothenic acid is also important (content in mature corn is 0.76 mg and 0.05 mg, respectively), they improve metabolism in the body, have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system - the best sedative! Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is contained in 100 g of fresh corn in an amount of 7 mg, has a general strengthening effect on the body! Thus, corn is the most useful vegetable for strengthening the body and preventing viral diseases!

The cobs contain the following vitamins in smaller quantities:

  • B5 is an indispensable component for accelerating the metabolism of fats in the body, as well as for the absorption of carbohydrates.
  • B6 is a replenishable vitamin in the human body; it is needed for proper metabolism and absorption of protein in the body.
  • E - improves the absorption (absorption) of oxygen by muscle tissue, necessary during training and other types of physical activity.
  • K - vitamin is necessary for optimal blood clotting, accelerates metabolism and the dissolution of fats.

The usefulness of corn does not end there for the body, since the cobs also contain a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other macroelements that are necessary for humans, especially at an early age. Corn is indispensable for children, it promotes better formation of bone tissue, and the amount of phosphorus is no less than in fish!

The vegetable contains the most essential microelements for humans: magnesium, zinc, iron, without which proper metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system are impossible. In addition to the above, cobs contain more than 20 vitamins, which play an important role for human health!

Corn – harm and benefit or what is more?

In addition to the long list of corn benefits and nutrients, it can also cause harm to the body, especially if you consume it in excessive quantities in your diet. It is contraindicated to eat a lot of corn if:

  • There is a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting. As mentioned above, corn contains a lot of vitamin K, which improves blood clotting, so for people who have a tendency to form blood clots, corn is very dangerous.
  • Had gastritis or stomach problems. As a food, corn is quite heavy and for its digestion it is important to avoid problems with the stomach and the secretion of enzymes.
  • There are exacerbations of ulcers or problems with the duodenum. Corn grains can cause bloating in the intestines, which will aggravate the patient’s condition and may injure him.

People who are underweight are not recommended to eat corn, as it significantly reduces appetite. Moreover, it has been proven that underweight people have difficulty digesting corn due to a lack of the necessary enzymes to break it down. People who have severe allergic reactions are also not advised to consume corn - it aggravates the reaction to allergens.

The benefits of corn for weight loss

Corn is very filling, it is enough to eat only 200-300 grams of it until you are completely satisfied, but its main advantage is that 100 grams of product contains only 95 calories. That is, by eating cobs, you reduce the average calorie consumption in 1 day by several times.

Due to the fact that most of the macroelements and vitamins contained in corn contribute to better metabolism in the body, the body is naturally cleansed of toxins. Thus, 10-15 days after you started eating cobs just once a day, you can feel significant lightness. Your weight will gradually return to normal.

One of the main benefits of corn for weight loss is the ease of the process. You can eat it in any form, be it porridge, fresh boiled corn or cereal - there is no difference. Thus, you can lose weight not only quickly, but also quite pleasantly and without any effort or extreme stress on the body. Moreover, you can hardly find a weight loss product tastier than fresh corn cobs!

Is corn good for pregnancy?

Every expectant mother asks this question, especially when she wants to eat sweet young cobs, and her pregnancy is already quite long. But few people know how corn is beneficial for pregnant women! Let's take a closer look at the benefits of corn for the body of mother and child.

  1. Cobs contain folic acid, which is needed not only by the young mother, but also by the fetus.
  2. Corn is very useful for toxicosis - its main property is precisely to reduce the toxic effect on the body, it significantly improves the well-being of the expectant mother and with periodic consumption of the cobs, toxicosis will stop in the shortest possible time.
  3. Sensitivity to fried foods and fish is reduced, so if you have not excluded corn from your diet, then you can eat all other foods without any problems!
  4. It has been repeatedly proven that it is corn that affects the amount of milk a mother has after giving birth. If you want your child to have good immunity and nutrition, then you should definitely eat corn!
  5. As you know, during pregnancy, almost all calcium leaves the body, since the fetus requires it to form the skeleton. Corn cobs will easily restore its deficiency and also saturate the body with other necessary macroelements.
  6. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, which prevents many diseases that can occur both during and after childbirth.

Eating corn is beneficial at any stage of pregnancy, both for the mother and the child. The only thing to remember is that you should not overuse the vegetable, as it is very hard on the stomach!

Boiled corn has been a favorite “summer” delicacy for adults and children for many years. The health benefits and harms of boiled yellow corn, as a rule, rarely become a topic of discussion, the main thing is that the corn is still soft and tasty! But if you learn more about the product, you can enjoy it, knowing that you are getting benefits and not harm!

Does boiling corn deprive it of valuable qualities?

No one doubts that heat treatment is a rather “aggressive” way of preparing vegetables and fruits. Due to high temperatures, vitamins and minerals that the human body really needs begin to be destroyed.

“But they don’t eat corn raw!” - the hostesses will object. You can please them: this is not at all necessary, since corn is a unique grain that retains most of its valuable substances when boiled. The high density of the grain shell is a serious protection that can withstand even boiling water.

What does a corn kernel contain?

So, what important compounds for the body are hidden in corn kernels?

Composition of corn:

  • multivitamins of groups B, A, K, PP, E;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • abundance of minerals;
  • amino acids, mono- and disaccharides;
  • starch, varieties of essential oils and plant fibers.

The hard natural coating of the corn not only protects it from the effects of hot water, but also prevents the grain from accumulating chemicals that are used as fertilizers in the fields.

What is the benefit of boiled corn?

If there are already bright yellow corn cobs on the dish, be prepared for the fact that your well-being will improve, and not only because of the surge of positive emotions that the taste of your favorite product gives!

Healthy sleep

With many valuable amino acids, corn will bring tryptophan into your body. This compound will act no worse than a sleeping pill, but without side effects - your sleep will “go on the right track”, falling asleep will become easier, and it will not be easy to reset your biological clock again.

Fruitful mental work

A vitamin complex, especially vitamin K, will help you feel like a “budding genius” at work! The fact is that this substance helps to remember large amounts of information, activates the functioning of the intellect, and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Vitamin K will also prevent blood clotting disorders.

Strong bones and a lion's heart

Glutamic acid contained in corn prevents the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. In addition to strong bones, “golden grains” will reward you with another sign of good health - the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Calm and beauty

Stress and noisy holidays often turn people from balanced and reasonable employees into irritated and not always adequate team members. At a birthday party they offer to say a toast, and this is not the first time, but do you have to go to work tomorrow? After a glass of alcohol, eat a couple of boiled corn cobs - this will help you not get drunk.

Selenium, which this product abounds in, is hostile not only to alcohol - the microelement reduces the risk of long-term depression and improves the health of the skin and hair.

Good digestion

Dietary fiber, which is found in any plant food, always has a beneficial effect on the digestive system - it cleanses the intestines and improves its functions. If you eat boiled corn regularly, frequent constipation and allergic reactions will stop. The secret of this effect is that corn grains are well absorbed, inhibit the processes of decay and remove spoiled food debris from the intestines.

Is corn a dietary product?

Nutritionists say that one of the valuable dietary products is corn. Health benefits and harms, calorie content of boiled grains can serve as confirmation of these words. The question is ambiguous, because 100 g of boiled corn is 123 Kcal. However, during a diet, you still shouldn’t give up this unusual product, which is often called a cereal vegetable.

If you have corn for breakfast, the benefits and harms will not be equal - it’s easy to burn a little extra calories during the day. But you will quickly get enough of the yellow grains, the feeling of hunger that forces you to break your diet will recede for a long time, your metabolism will accelerate and the removal of toxins, toxic compounds and fats that could be deposited and ruin your figure.

Aren’t such properties direct proof that corn is the best companion for losing weight? Of course yes!

Corn decoction gives youth and health

Nature helps preserve girlish beauty without expensive cosmetics. Try boiling white milk corn without removing its “hairs” and leaves, and then leave the broth until the product and the water in which it is located have cooled. You will get an excellent remedy that helps you gain stress resistance, improve metabolic processes and slow down aging.

This drink will prove to be an effective medicine for pancreatic lesions, nervous disorders and epilepsy. Take 0.5 liters of the product per day.

The benefits and harms of corn decoction are similar to the main product - it is contraindicated in the same cases as corn grains.

For whom is the corn breakfast cancelled?

A sense of proportion is an important personal quality, even when it comes to healthy products. Excessive passion for boiled corn turns its benefits into harm. Instead of excellent digestion of food and a healthy intestine, you will get the opposite changes in well-being - problems with digestion.

Don't forget that too much of a good thing is bad! In some cases, corn kernels will have to be abandoned altogether. Such food is harmful when there is increased blood clotting, a tendency to form blood clots, and also during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer.

Corn is a tall annual herbaceous plant reaching a height of 3 m.

Corn is grown to produce ears with edible grains. It is the most important grain after wheat and rice.

Corn is sown when the soil warms up at a sowing depth of 10-12 degrees, in the middle zone this happens on May 10-15, according to the 60*70 or 70*70 cm pattern to a depth of 4-10 cm. Crops in the 3-4 leaf phase are thinned out to two plants in a nest. Application 10 g/sq.m. m of superphosphate with sowing increases the yield. Can be grown through potted 15-25 day old seedlings. Plants are hilled before the formation of panicles. The stepsons of the lower leaves are removed when they are 5 cm in size. 1-2 times per season they are fed with mineral fertilizers 10 g/m of superphosphate, 5 g/m of am. saltpeter and potassium chloride Ears of early and medium varieties ripen 65-75 days after germination, which are boiled and consumed with salt and butter. Green beans, sweet peppers, tomato paste, fried onions are added to the boiled grains and stewed.

Depending on the properties of the grain, corn is divided into 9 botanical groups: flint, dentate, semi-tooth (widely cultivated), popping, sugar, starchy, starchy-sugar, waxy (limited areas), filmy (not cultivated).

The crop is photophilous and heat-loving, quite drought-resistant, does not tolerate shading, especially in the first half of the growing season. The growing season is usually 90-150 days.

People call her the “queen” of the fields. Corn is very unpretentious, but there are two prerequisites for obtaining a good harvest - loose and well-fertilized soil and abundant watering. Manure can be used as a fertilizer, which is applied during the autumn digging process.

Corn is planted in late April - early May, when the threat of frost is behind us. Then all that remains is to wait for germination and ripening. A sign of ripening corn cobs, as experts note, is dried hairs on the cobs. Corn is harvested as the cobs ripen. The cob grains should be soft and release milky juice when pressed.

Corn grain produces: cereal, flour, starch, alcohol, animal feed; from the germ - corn oil. Green mass, silage, hay - feed for livestock; from dry stems and cobs - paper, linoleum, viscose, etc. It is widely cultivated in all agricultural regions of the world. Grain yield is 30-100 centners per hectare or more.

Corn calories

Corn has a high carbohydrate content, and its calorie content is 93 kcal per 100 g of product. 100 g of boiled corn contains 123 kcal, and 100 g of canned corn contains 119 kcal. With moderate consumption of this product, the body will receive beneficial substances without harm to the figure.

Nutritional value of boiled corn without salt in 100 grams:

Useful properties of corn

One-half cup of raw corn has 66 calories and 2.1 grams of fiber, while the same amount of cooked corn has 88 calories and 2.3 grams of fiber. Corn contains vitamin E, as well as ascorbic and folic acid.

Corn, indeed, can boast of its medicinal properties, since it “stored” a whole storehouse of useful elements in its grains. It is often neglected due to its starch content, but vitamins of the group , , PP , , , as well as starch, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, nickel are also not alien to it.

Corn silk contains fatty oil (up to 2.5%), essential oil (up to 0.12%), phyloquinones, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, carotenoids, inozide, steroids sitosterol and stigmasterol, saponins (about 3%), bitter glycoside-like substances, gum-like substances (3-4%).

The seeds contain tocopherols, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, biotin, fatty oil (up to 5%), a significant amount of linoleic acid derivatives, pentosans (up to 7%). In the leaves of corn, esters of phenol carbonic acids were found - ferulic, caffeic, etc. - flavonoids, luteolin, tricine, quercetin, vitexin, hemoorientin, rutin, robinin, glycosides of orientin and saponaretin.

It is also beneficial to consume corn bran, which is rich in nutrients that have antioxidant properties.

Scientists have concluded that regular consumption of corn can reduce the risk of stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as the body receives sufficient amounts of dietary fiber, fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E and other beneficial substances contained in corn and thus all metabolic processes are most activated. And this leads to improved human health and the immune system as a whole.

Nutritionists say that by consuming corn, older people will help maintain and improve their vision, but only if they eat it properly. Yellow corn kernels contain a large amount of carotenoids, and this is one of the best tools for maintaining good vision, just remember that for cooking you should choose the cob with young, tender kernels, milky-waxy ripeness, and not old and overripe, with a rough kernel structure , which is difficult for the body to absorb.

Corn oil is made from the germ of ripe corn seeds (the “living” part of the grain). If you take 1 tablespoon of corn oil 2 times a day with breakfast and dinner for a month, this will protect the body from many troubles (asthma, migraines, skin diseases).

Corn oil has a beneficial effect on metabolism and is a valuable nutritional and medicinal product. In the experiment, corn oil increases the tone of the gallbladder, enhances contractions of its walls, and regulates the activity of the sphincter of Oddi. After 1-17 hours, the tone of the gallbladder decreases and the bladder is again filled with fresh bile. Corn oil has a similar effect on gallbladder motility as egg yolk. What they have in common is the short period of initial expansion of the bladder (2-3 minutes) followed by a long and vigorous contraction, the absence of sharp fluctuations in bladder tone and the rhythmic activity of the sphincter of Oddi.

At the same time, there is a difference in the effect of corn oil and yolks. In response to taking corn oil, the contraction of the walls of the gallbladder lasts longer, but a persistent decrease in tone and filling of the gallbladder with fresh bile occurs later. Sunflower oil, unlike corn oil, immediately after consumption causes a decrease in the tone of the gallbladder, followed by a gradual tonic contraction of its walls. Atropine largely reverses the motor effect caused by corn oil. Apparently, the change in the motor activity of the biliary system under the influence of corn oil occurs with the participation of the vagus nerve system.

The value of corn oil is also determined by its content of unsaturated fatty acids (80%) and phosphatides - 1.5 g per 100 g of oil. Unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic are involved in many metabolic processes. They are among the substances that regulate cholesterol metabolism. Unsaturated fatty acids form soluble compounds with cholesterol and prevent its deposition in the vascular wall. There are indications that in patients with coronary atherosclerosis, consuming foods rich in linoleic acid, the tendency to thrombus formation decreases. Linoleic and linolenic acids are not synthesized in the body; they come only from food. One source of unsaturated fatty acids is corn oil.

Corn oil is also rich in phosphatides, biologically active substances that are part of cell membranes; Phosphatides play a particularly important role in the function of brain tissue. Phosphatides regulate cholesterol levels in the body and promote the accumulation of proteins. In the absence of phosphatides, fats accumulate intensively and cholesterol is deposited in tissues. The body's need for phosphatides is relatively high, and one of their sources may be unrefined corn oil. Corn oil in its raw, unrefined form is recommended as an auxiliary dietary agent for the prevention and treatment of general and regional atherosclerosis, obesity, occlusive arterial diseases in diabetes mellitus, etc.

Corn oil is recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Take it 25 g 3 times a day with meals. Taking the oil reduces blood cholesterol levels, improves overall health, mood and sleep.

Dangerous properties of corn

After conducting many different examinations, it was concluded that modified corn has a negative effect on terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Originally, genetically modified corn was bred to protect against pests. But, during cultivation, scientists recorded that corn pollen contains a very harmful poison. This poison kills absolutely all insects, be they pests or innocent creatures.

And although scientists claim that this poison does not pose any threat to humans, in some countries the use of modified corn has been prohibited by law. Therefore, the use of these products remains a controversial issue, and depends entirely on the consumers themselves.

The effect of transgenes on the human body has not been fully studied, but the era of food mutants, which came in handy for the fast food industry, coincided with a sharp increase in the percentage of allergy sufferers, people suffering from obesity and other consequences of metabolic disorders.

Corn in any form is contraindicated during exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers, since, by causing intestinal bloating, it can aggravate the patient’s condition.

In addition, you should not consume corn if you have increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis, since the substances contained in it can affect this process and provoke exacerbations.

It is not advisable for people with too low body weight to eat corn, since one of its properties is to reduce appetite, which is why it is used in many diets.

In turn, corn oil is contraindicated for obese people, as well as those who are allergic to it.

Did you know that corn can be canned not only in grains, but also in whole cobs? No? Then watch this video!



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