Traditional composition of Swedish herbs, their composition, properties, contraindications. The most unusual varieties of ice cream

Good afternoon, evening or Good night dear guests, friends and just readers of the blog. Well, as promised, I am giving you information about the old manuscript of the Swedish bitter balm.

A copy of the original is called " Healing power Swedish herbs." I really want to share with you information about the old manuscript. There's so much in it effective advice treatment with Swedish herbs!

Read the article and you will see for yourself. After all, such traditional healers like Maria Treben give methods that are easy to use and effective in treating and restoring our health. They share the treatment tips that they have experienced and are one hundred percent confident in them.

1. I’ll start right away with advice that has benefited many and will continue to do so. And so dizzy and headache- to get rid of pain, wet a cloth with Swedish bitters balm and place it on your head from time to time.

Also if you are the very first cervical vertebra smear, inhale and sniff Swedish bitters balm, your dizziness will go away and will not occur. Brain function and memory will also improve.

2. Balm is an excellent helper for poor eyesight, with redness and. The balm helps even when your eyes are inflamed and you see in a fog. Thanks to this doctor, it is possible to get rid of cataracts and corneal clouding.

What to do in this case - systematically irrigate the corners of your eyes or moisten a cloth with Swedish balm and place it on your closed eyes.

3. If you have problems and - the most various rashes when crusts form in the nose or on the surface of the skin. Lubricate sore areas with Swedish balm more often.

4. If you have, take one tablespoon, add a little water and put it in your mouth. Keep the liquid in your mouth or you can soak a cotton swab in the balm and moisten your tooth with it, the pain will stop.

5. With blisters on the tongue and other damage, everything will heal very quickly if you thoroughly moisten it with balm.

6. If you have inflammation in your throat or you have somehow injured it, you find it difficult to swallow food and drink, irrigate your throat with balm three times a day, morning, afternoon and evening, and the inflammation will go away.

7. If you have stomach cramps, take one tablespoon of balm and drink it, the cramps will go away very quickly.

8. You will feel relief from colic if you drink three tablespoons of Swedish bitters balm one after another.

9. The balm helps with constipation, relieves stomach pain and also soothes other pains, and also soothes pain in the stomach.

10. If your stomach does not digest food well, the balm will definitely help you.

11. If you have pain in gallbladder, the balm will definitely help you. Take it one tablespoon early in the morning and in the evening, also make a compress with balm at night. The pain will stop quickly.

12. Take a tablespoon of balm in white wine for six weeks in a row for dropsy.

13. If you have noise and pain in your ears, soak a cotton swab in the balm and place it in your ear. Not only will it help you get rid of pain and tinnitus, but you will also hear better.

14. If a woman suffers from pain, she should drink balm in red wine in the morning for three days in a row. One tablespoon of balm per glass of wine. After you have taken this medicine, go for a walk half an hour later.


After your walk, go have breakfast, but under no circumstances should you eat milk at this time, milk is strictly prohibited. Also, the balm cannot be taken with milk.

15. The balm stimulates labor if you take it a tablespoon in the morning and evening for the last fourteen days. To make the afterbirth come out faster, every two hours after giving birth you need to drink a coffee spoon of balm and the afterbirth will come out easily.

16. Many women who have given birth know what a baby is, and not just from hearsay. If this happens, wet a piece of cloth with balm and place it on your chest, your breasts will quickly return to normal.

17. Previously, children often had smallpox, which can also be treated with Swedish balsam. I don’t know smallpox, but I know chickenpox. Also water pustules, you need to give the child a diluted balm to drink, depending on his age.

When the pockmarks begin to dry out, take the Swedish balsam again and moisten them with it more often. There won't be any traces left.

18. Swedish bitter balm perfectly removes worms, even tapeworms, in both adults and children, only children need less balm. How to do this - take a cloth, wet it with balm and place it on your navel, just make sure that the cloth is wet all the time.

19. Give a tablespoon of Swedish balsam three times a day for jaundice and apply compresses to the liver if it is enlarged.

20. Swedish balsam improves appetite, helps digest food, removes depression and melancholy, treats kidneys, and is also great for hemorrhoids.

How the balm helps with hemorrhoids - at first, lubricate only the bump more often. Take the balm orally, especially before bedtime. After such procedures, you will feel how the hemorrhoids soften.

Moisten the tampon with balm and apply it externally. Such procedures will relieve burning and improve blood circulation.

22. If a person faints and if it is necessary for the person to come to his senses, open his mouth and give him a tablespoon of balm.

23. The balm relieves pain and spasms, but not immediately.

24. If a patient has pulmonary tuberculosis, give him balm on an empty stomach in the morning. Continue this treatment for six weeks.

25. In the absence of menstruation, or, on the contrary, too much, drink the balm for three days and repeat this twenty times. In both cases everything goes back to normal.

26. Balm helps with leucorrhoea.

27. In case of an epileptic attack, immediately give the balm. A person with epilepsy should take the balm. In this way, it will strengthen the nervous system and help get rid of many diseases.

28. Swedish bitters balm relieves nausea and dizziness. They can treat paralysis.

29. Swedish bitters balm treats erysipelas.

30. Drink a tablespoon of balm before you take other medications: for fever, chills, weakness and you will quickly feel better. The temperature will settle, the pulse will improve and you will feel better.

31. Swedish balsam treats old sores, dry and cracked hands. If old wounds are festering or there is wild meat on them, wash well with white wine, wet the cloth with balm and place on the sore spot.

The balm eliminates “wild meat” and tumors, wounds heal and pain is relieved.

32. You can treat any wounds with balm without fear. You just need to wet a piece of cloth with it and apply it to the sore spot. The pain will pass quickly, the wound will stop burning and will fester.

Old shot wounds even heal. You can drip the balm into deep wound without even cleaning it first. It will heal quickly if you carefully apply a bandage soaked in balm to the wound.

33. Swedish balm removes all scars very quickly. If you lubricate old cuts and wounds with balm up to forty times, you will get rid of them.

34. Swedish bitters balm heals fistulas completely. Even if it seems to you that it is useless, no matter how many years the fistula has been, the balm will heal.

35. With Swedish balm you will heal burns, no matter what - oil, fire, hot water. If you diligently lubricate all these wounds with balm, you will get rid of them. Thanks to the balm, inflammation will be relieved and there will be no blisters. Everything will be healed, even purulent ones.

36. Thanks to the balm you will get rid of bruises and bumps.

37. Swedish balm will restore your appetite.

38. Take the balm for anemia in the morning for a while. Swedish balsam cleanses the blood, improves blood circulation, and helps increase blood flow.

39. Taking the balm in the mornings and evenings and placing a cloth soaked in the balm on the sore spots will relieve rheumatic pain.

40. If you have frostbite, as well as you open wounds, apply a cloth moistened with balm more often and at night too.

41. Place a tampon moistened with balm on the calluses and make sure that the tampon is wet all the time. In three days the callus will fall off and pull out the stem - it’s painless.

42. Bites from a variety of animals and even mad dogs Swedish bitters balm cures. It disinfects all poisons if you take the balm internally, and apply the cloth moistened with the balm to the wounds.

43. Take Swedish Bitters often throughout the day for contagious illnesses.

44. Swedish bitters balm will also help you. If you have insomnia nervous soil, moisten a cloth with balm diluted with water and place it on the heart area.

45. Two tablespoons of balm will instantly sober up a drunk.

46. ​​Those people who take Swedish bitters in the morning and evening, they do not need other medicines. Why you ask? The balm refreshes the blood, heals the nerves, strengthens the body, and relieves trembling of the legs and arms. In general, everything heals.


Be sure to dilute all of the above tips and recipes for treatment with balm with herbal tea or water.

All the points of the old manuscript that are listed in the article once again confirm that Swedish bitter balm has a huge healing power. Maria Treben wrote that there is no disease for which Swedish bitters balm would not help. This is the basis of treatment of any disease.

Oral use - for prevention, as evidenced by the old manuscript, use one teaspoon of diluted balm in the morning and evening.

If everything is fine with you, you can drink three teaspoons a day, also diluted. If you have serious illness, then take two or three tablespoons every day like this:

Dilute each tablespoon of balm with herbal tea (one eighth of a liter). Then divide the prepared drink so that you can take the composition this way - half an hour before meals and half an hour after each meal.

Swedish bitters balm compress depends on the size of the disease. Take a piece of cotton wool, moisten it with balm and apply it to the sore spot. Just lubricate the sore spot with calendula ointment or oil first.

Place thin cellophane on top and tie it with a scarf or you can wrap it with a bandage. This compress depends on the disease you have. It can be left on the body from two hours to all night.

After you have removed the compress, powder the skin on which the compress was applied. If you experience skin irritation from a compress, do not do this compress for long, or do not do it at all for a while.

If you are allergic, it is better to do without cellophane, but rather wrap yourself in a scarf. Do not forget to lubricate the skin with fat, and if irritation occurs, lubricate the area with calendula ointment.

Well, I kept my promise, I told you about the old manuscript of the Swedish bitter balm and what this unique one is capable of healing collection. Read and draw conclusions. I will be very glad if the old manuscript of Swedish bitters balm interests you and it will help you.

Be healthy and happy.

1. Where do Swedish herbs come from, and how can you be sure of their authenticity?

I order “Swedish Bitters” herbs and bring them from Germany. They come in imported paper packaging with each of the 22 herbs packed into a separate small bag. Each bag is signed with a number (from 1 to 22). The package also contains a piece of paper with numbers and names of herbs written on it. German(or a list of herbs may be listed directly on the package). This is how I send it to those who order “Swedish Bitters”.

2. What is the shelf life of Swedish bitters?

“Swedish bitters,” like tea, can be stored dry for several years. The prepared Swedish balsam is good for as long as the vodka with which these herbs are infused is good, that is, about two years.

3. How quickly does the Swedish balm work, how long should it be taken?

Since each of us has different organisms that perceive tinctures, tablets and even food differently, it is impossible to say a specific period after which the Swedish balm will help or cure. Personally, I felt a change after five months of regularly taking Swedish Bitters. My parents are in a few weeks. Many wrote to me that it helped someone immediately (heartburn disappeared, liver pain stopped).

For prevention, you need to take the balm for 3-4 months every day, morning and evening. If you have any specific diseases, they will not be cured yet, but I recommend taking a break for several months every six months.

4. What is the best way to infuse Swedish herbs?

Typically, herbs need to be infused in good, high-quality vodka. But, some of the buyers said that they would insist on rubbing alcohol, and then responded positively. That is, there are two options: medical alcohol and vodka. Personally, I take herbs infused with vodka, and you can choose for yourself what suits you best.

5. Are there any side effects or negative effects of Swedish bitters?

Swedish bitters are a collection of natural herbs, which do not contain any chemical impurities. If in drug treatment there are many side effects, then in treatment with Swedish balsam it is not observed. But it is possible that the body cannot tolerate a particular herb. For diabetes, for example, you can eliminate sugar.

6. Do herbs help and cure stomach ulcers and gastritis?

After receiving calls from several people who took Swedish Bitters from me and said that the herbs helped them recover from these illnesses, I can confidently say yes! And this makes me very happy, it means it’s not in vain that I bring these herbs and people really really need them.

7. Are you planning to bring Swedish Bitters skin cream?

Yes, moreover, I already brought several jars. I’ll try it on myself first, so that with a clear conscience and confidence that it’s good, I can offer it to you. The cream smells of honey and herbs, I will soon post information and photos on my blog.

8. How long should I take Swedish Balm and should I take breaks?

In the instructions in German, I did not find any restrictions regarding the duration of use of the Swedish balm. I know many people who take it for years, taking breaks every six months for several months. For some reason, I think that after a person has cured his illness, he needs to take a break for several months and repeat the course (one package) to consolidate. And then drink only when necessary (colds, feeling unwell, pain). If you take Swedish herbs for prevention, then a couple of courses is also enough. But these are just my thoughts, so everything is at your discretion.

9. Is it possible to give Swedish Balsam to pets when they are sick, what dosages?

If animals have stomach problems, colds, or fever, you can give them the balm several times for 2-3 days.
Some clients called and said that they had given water to small ducklings and a sick goat - the balm helped very well. True, the ducklings slept a lot afterwards and ran around a little drunk)))
For small livestock - a tablespoon per half glass of water, for large animals - 3 tablespoons per glass of water.

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Everything you need to know about Swedish Balsam


Swedish Bitters is a collection of herbs that helps fight various diseases; Swedish Bitters Balsam can help with abdominal pain, problems in the digestive tract, normalize digestion, help cleanse the liver and blood, and is also effective as a treatment for candidiasis. May be useful in treating allergies, skin diseases and some types of hemorrhoids. Swedish Bitters is also used as a mild laxative tonic. Swedish Bitters can help those who suffer with inflammation such as arthritis, swollen joints and sprains. There is also information, evidence and recommendations that this specific herbal infusion can cleanse the body of toxins.

In addition, taking bitters helps cope with the symptoms of certain diseases. gastrointestinal tract(nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, heaviness in the stomach, bloating, heartburn, constipation, etc.).

We have two types of Swedish Bitters available for sale. Small Swedish Bitters, consisting of 11 ingredients and Large Swedish Bitters, consisting of 22 ingredients. Swedish Bitters was widely used by Maria Treben (famous Austrian healer and writer). Recommendation from Maria Treben to a large extent was based on the experience of German and Eastern European healers.


Many people think that the name "Swedish Bitters" came from Sweden (Swedish), but this is not so. The name comes from Swedish doctor Klaus Samst. Swedish Balsam is believed to be the creation of a Swiss physician, Dr. Philip Paracelsus, who practiced in the 1500s. However, it was not until the 18th century that Bitter Herbs were officially named "Swedish Balsam" by Dr. Klaus Samst.

Mixture with various medicinal herbs have long been known among Swedish doctors, but over time they were forgotten.

Doctors Dr. Klaus (Klaus) and Dr. Urban Samst Hjärn discovered this in the 18th century, and brought back herbal treatment, which has helped many people with different problems and diseases.

It is believed that a drug similar to Swedish Balsam belongs to Philip Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim Aureolus (Paracelsus), who lived in the 16th century and received much criticism from pharmacists and doctors, despite his successes in herbal medicine, it was seen as an alternative to traditional medicine.

Dr. Samst died at the age of 104 after falling from a horse. They say that his ancestors lived long life and reached biblical age.

The use of Swedish Balsam herbs was resurrected by Maria Treben, who reviewed Dr. Samst's "old manuscript" detailing the tincture's effectiveness in over 40 medical cases. Maria Treben published the recipe for this mixture in her book “Health from God's Pharmacy”; more than eight million copies of the book have been sold. Maria Treben's specialty is herbal medicine and alternative methods treatment (for the priest and gynecologist Sebastian Kneipp).


One of the main functions of Swedish bitters is to promote the secretion of pancreatic and stomach juices and to soothe digestive tract. Swedish Balsam stimulates liver function and promotes the secretion of bile from the liver, which breaks down fat and cleanses our body of cholesterol. Availability healthy liver improves general process digestion, which prevents bloating and ensures good absorption of nutrients.


Swedish Bitters can be used both externally and internally for internal benefits and healing.


Swedish Bitters Balm was originally formulated and discovered by Dr. SamstDr. Samst. The Original Swedish Bitters blend consisted of 22 ingredients. Some of the herbs are cheap and available whole year, and some are very expensive and difficult to find due to small yields and sometimes poor quality.

For this reason and to increase profits, some merchants and pharmacists have begun to create a product that consists of only 11 cheap and easily available ingredients. Even Maria Treben, who is very famous as an herbalist, wrote about this in her book.


If you take a closer look at the prices, you will realize that there is not much point in buying the “Little Balm”, since the “Big Balm” contains the same 11 herbs as the “Little Balm” plus 11 more HIGH EFFECTIVE herbs almost the same price!

The original and ORIGINAL SWEDISH BITTERS balms had a mixture of 22 ingredients. I assume that Dr. Samst, who created the original Swedish bitters recipes, really knew what he was doing when he created it.


Bitter herbs can be sold both in finished form (ready-made tinctures with alcohol) and in the form of a set of dry herbs, which can be used to make your own balm at any convenient time.

There are two main types of bitters on the market today: medicinal and aromatic.

Medicinal bitters include unique herbs, which have a therapeutic effect and are used to eliminate the symptoms of various diseases.

Aromatic bitters are commonly used in bars and restaurants to provide a unique taste and flavor. alcoholic cocktails and drinks.


It all depends on what exactly you need. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of ready-to-use Swedish Bitters tinctures:


You don't have to wait, because the bitters are already ready to use.

You don't have to buy anything (alcohol) to make the tincture.

You can purchase bitters in small quantities.


You cannot be sure of the high quality of the herbs used to prepare the tincture.

You cannot make a tincture using your favorite alcoholic drink.

You will have to pay more money.

You cannot change the ratio of medicinal herbs to the amount of alcohol in the bitters.

The main advantage of the dry collection of “Swedish Bitters” and preparing the tincture yourself is the ability to clearly control the quality of the main ingredients. In addition, you can use more expensive types alcoholic drinks, or make non-alcoholic Swedish Bitters tea, getting much more tincture for the same money.

Click here to see the main types of Swedish Bitters infusions and tinctures available on the market, as well as compare their cost and volume.


As mentioned above, bitters and infusions are a unique mixture of medicinal and healing herbs that have complex impact on the body and help normalize digestive processes. Besides, healing herbs, included in the tincture, increase the effectiveness protective functions your body, activate the work immune system, and reduce painful sensations with a variety of inflammatory diseases. It is worth noting separately that the use of bitter tinctures and preparations does not cause side effects, and is recommended for regular use by a number of specialists. However, there are known cases of side effects after taking " Swedish bitters", so you should always consult your doctor before taking bitters, especially if you are already taking other medications or medications.


Research on the effectiveness of unique medicinal herbs Swedish Bitters tinctures have shown that regular use bitter tincture stimulates work salivary glands, stomach, and also increases excretion gastric juice And digestive enzymes. In addition, bitter tincture enhances worm-like movements of the intestines and helps cleanse the liver of waste and toxins. Moreover, it has been proven that the unique tincture allows you to normalize the work nervous system and increase the efficiency of our body's immune system.

Even in ancient times, bitters were actively used to solve a wide variety of health problems. Today, there are several types of bitters and infusions on the market, which include from 11 to 22 medicinal herbs. Below is a list of herbs and ingredients that are most often used to prepare Swedish Bitters tincture:

Click here to learn more about each of the ingredients in Swedish Bitters and see photos of each.


Some of the bitters on the market do not contain candis sugar. Sugar Candis plays important role as part of a bitter tincture, and helps speed up the process of getting into active substances into the blood. If you suffer from diabetes, you should exclude candis sugar from your tincture.


IN last years bitter balm has become incredibly popular because of its unique ability to cleanse the body and restore the functioning of the digestive system.

Today, there are two main types of Swedish Bitters balms: small and large. Large bitters balm option includes a mixture of 22 active herbs and components, while the small bitter balm contains from 11 to 16 medicinal herbs.


Bitters usually contain alcohol. To prepare the tincture, you will need a full set of medicinal plants (which can be purchased at pharmacies or health stores) and a 40% alcoholic drink (vodka, rum or wine).

After preparation, the tincture must be kept for at least two weeks in a dark and cool place, stirring thoroughly. After this, the tincture must be poured into a clean container and taken according to the instructions.


Bitters improves the efficiency of digestion and metabolism. When taken orally, the tincture has therapeutic effect throughout the entire digestive system, allowing the body to be completely freed from waste and toxins.

Rhubarb root and senna leaves stimulate worm-like movements of the intestines. Aloe vera activates the production of enzymes that relieve inflammation and increase appetite. Calamus root helps heal scars, has an antibacterial effect, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Gentian root, cinnamon, and saffron are commonly used to improve appetite, speed up digestion, and stimulate the production of gastric juices and digestive enzymes.



Bitters should not be used by persons who are intolerant to any medicinal herbs included in the tincture. In addition, the tincture should not be used for diarrhea, intestinal obstruction and liver problems. The use of tincture is prohibited for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. Swedish Bitters may cause side effects when used concomitantly with other medications and medicines. Be sure to consult your physician before taking bitters.


The tincture may have a mild laxative effect.

You should stop drinking alcohol if you have liver or stomach disease.

You can take bitters before, during, and after treating candidiasis, but you should not do it for long periods of time. Swedish Bitters includes berberine, which can be found in Oregon grape root and goldenseal. This ingredient is an alkaloid and can damage the lining of the intestines with prolonged use.

In addition, another side effect may be a decrease in potassium levels in the body, leading to increased blood pressure. It is worth noting that you can avoid this side effect by taking the bitters in small portions for about 2 weeks.

Bitters may cause dehydration (especially in children), uterine bleeding, as well as spontaneous abortion in pregnant women. Taking bitters is not recommended for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, or if they have an ulcer.

Do not use bitters if you have stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, or if you have diarrhea or upset stomach.

In some cases, taking Swedish Bitters can lead to the appearance of allergic reactions. You can learn more about the list of side effects from taking “Bitters” by clicking on this link.


It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of Swedish Bitters twice a day (alternatively, you can take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day). The tincture can be dissolved in a glass of tea, water or juice.

You can take the bitters for 14-30 days, after which it is recommended to take a break. After this, you can repeat the course if necessary.

When used externally, a compress soaked in Swedish Bitters tincture must be placed on the damaged or affected area (before using a compress with tincture, you must lubricate the skin with oil or oil solution). On average, the compress should be left on the skin for 2-3 hours, and you need to determine this time yourself, depending on your problem and individual tolerance.


In most cases, using bitters in large quantities does not cause severe consequences. When using alcoholic tincture, you can get alcohol poisoning.

Excessive consumption of bitters may lead to allergic reactions, nausea or dizziness.


Swedish Bitters tincture can have negative impact to others medications, as well as enhance the effectiveness of certain medications. That is why it is recommended to take any medical supplies at least 30-60 minutes before using bitters. Be sure to consult with your doctor, especially if you are taking other medications or medications on an ongoing basis.


Bitters and tinctures should be stored in a cool, dry place, at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit). It is necessary to store tinctures and preparations out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the tincture is 3 years, but many people say that the longer the exposure, the greater the effectiveness of the tincture.


The dosage of bitters should be chosen depending on the type of your disease and its severity. If you suffer from heartburn, bloating, constipation, inertia or apathy, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of tincture 3 times a day before meals. You can dissolve the tincture in a glass of water, tea or juice.

The average duration of treatment is from 2 to 3 months, because it is at this time that your body begins to actively cleanse itself of waste and toxins, optimizing the functioning of all organs and systems.

In addition, the tincture can be used externally to treat ulcers, acne and scars, and as a mouthwash. Swedish Bitters tincture can be used in compresses to reduce the intensity of joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism.


Bitters and tinctures contain 22 medicinal plants and ingredients that are used in a large version of "Swedish Bitters":

Angelica, aloe vera, moss moss, berednets, stemless thorn, Veronica officinalis, marshmallow, yellow gentian, calamus, camphor cinnamon, candis sugar, mistletoe, commiphora, nuts, rhubarb palmate, safflower tincture, senna alexandria, ginkgo biloba, theriac, cinquefoil erecta, wormwood, turmeric cedoaria.


The tincture “Swedish Bitters” is known as different names. Below are just a few of the main options:

Elixir of Longevity

Swedish bitters

Bitter tea


Kräuterbitter tea



Bitters cannot be called unpleasant in taste, but they are indeed very bitter. If the taste of the tincture is too intense for you, you can dilute the tincture in a glass of tea, juice or water. When used in combination with water, juice or tea, you will get the unique taste of the herbs included in the tincture. Some people say that Swedish Bitters is very bitter, while others rave about its taste and add it to tea to get that unforgettable taste and aroma. IN various compositions different tinctures are used alcoholic drinks, which make the taste more pleasant. It is worth noting that the main goal of the medical version of Swedish Bitters is not to provide a pleasant or bad taste. The main goal of Swedish Bitters is to heal your body and improve your overall condition.


In general, bitters are not used for weight loss, and most bitters reviews talk about the benefits and effectiveness of the tincture in other areas. I'm sure that proper diet and an effective training program can solve the problem excess weight. At the same time, taking the Swedish Bitters tincture can have a positive effect on the speed of your weight loss, because the tincture improves digestion. Having achieved proper operation digestive system, you will be able to work more efficiently and quickly, which will undoubtedly affect the speed of your weight loss.

You can find information about how Swedish Bitters can help you lose weight faster using this link.

Does not currently exist medical research, confirming the effectiveness of “Swedish Bitters” in the fight against overweight or reducing fat volume.


Tincture “Swedish Bitters” is rightfully considered universal remedy getting rid of many diseases. The composition of the tincture includes 22 main ingredients and is called “BIG SWEDISH BITTER”. It includes dry herbs, medicinal plants, roots and oils. To prepare the tincture, a bitters collection weighing approximately 210 grams (7.4 ounces) is used. This collection can yield about 1.5 liters (17 ounces) of finished Swedish Bitters tincture.

Unique tincture “Great Swedish Bitters”

To prepare bitters using alcohol, you need to pour herbs and plants into a glass container and add vodka. After this, it is necessary to keep the resulting mixture in a dark and cool place for 14-20 days. It is necessary to stir your future tincture daily. After 14-20 days, your bitters will be ready to use.

Watch a video that details how to prepare Swedish Bitters from the herbal mixture:


Tincture “SWEDISH BITTERNESS” from Maria Treben can be used both internally and externally.

Using the balm can reduce the intensity of pain from rheumatism, improve health, normalize blood flow in the damaged area, cleanse the body of toxins, and normalize the functioning of the urinary system.


The bitters, which are made according to Dr. Theiss's recipe, come in the form of an elixir, ready for use. It can be used both internally and externally. The tincture includes bitter substances that are necessary to normalize the functioning of the organs and systems of your body. The tincture helps digestive system restore normal work all major organs.

Swedish Bitters tincture can be used as a compress to reduce the intensity of pain due to rheumatism, as well as to heal wounds, ulcers or insect bites.


When using the tincture as preventative measure, take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. You can dilute the tincture in water or tea.

When treating diseases, it is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons during the day. If you dilute the tincture in tea or water, you need to divide the serving into two parts, taking half a glass before meals and the other half after meals.

In addition, you can use the tincture in compresses, placing them on damaged, swollen or bothersome areas.


If you order at least 10 packs of Swedish Bitters, each pack will cost only $20, including FREE SHIPPING!

To order bitters to MOLDAVIA, please write to us or contact us via Skype:


You can pay for your order:

Personal bank card *

Cash on delivery (at post office)

You can offer another payment method

*You can top up your account bank card using any ATM (private banks) or bank branch, and also transfer cash using the Privat24 or PayPal system.


Our representatives work in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, USA and Kazakhstan. Delivery will be arranged immediately after receiving the order.


All items are delivered within 3-4 weeks and are sent from the USA, Austria or Germany. Delivery costs may vary depending on the size of the order and where you live.

Please CLICK HERE to contact us for answers to your questions or for assistance with ordering Swedish Bitters.

Let me tell you about Swedish ice cream, which I love most dearly. :)))

When I tried store-bought Swedish ice cream for the first time, I was very, very surprised. :))) It was excellent creamy ice cream, with a wonderful natural taste, a pleasant consistency and made only from " natural ingredients". At the same time, it was bought in a nearby rather cheap superstore, literally for a “penny” of money.

By that time, in Estonia I bought ready-made ice cream only a few times a year, the rest of the time making do with a variety of homemade ones. Estonian ice cream, IMHO, even expensive, has been “leaving much to be desired” for the last 8-10 years, and the quality is slowly but steadily falling. The composition is replete with non-dairy and non-cream ingredients, the taste is chemical. And packs of imported ice cream (I don’t really like portioned ice cream), as a rule, even if they taste good, are unreasonably expensive.

In Sweden, as it turned out a little later, everything is strict with the production of ice cream (and not only ice cream, food, in general). Declared "gräddglass" or "mjölkglass" - "cream ice cream" or "milk ice cream" - and no vegetable fats and proteins cannot be added instead of/together with milk/with milk. :)))) And also other strange non-dairy thickeners of unknown origin. All sorts of artificial additives And getting carried away with flavorings is also not welcome. And, most importantly, manufacturers honestly comply with all restrictions imposed on the composition. With this attitude, ice cream - whether cheap or expensive varieties - always turns out to be of equal quality and decent taste.

The most typical Swedish ice cream is indeed creamy ice cream. Made from whole cream and whole milk, with the most delicate creamy taste, uniform velvety consistency, pleasant smelling. This is exactly the kind of ice cream that Swedish immigrants dream about in their blogs; many Swedish-Americans who have visited their “historical homeland” remember it.

Although nothing stands still, the trends of the last 10-15 years are such that there is a growing demand for “light” low-fat varieties of milk ice cream, fruit and berry sorbets/sorbets, vegan and vegetarian options for cold treats, ice cream for diabetics and people who are lactose intolerant , etc. Eco-friendly and Fair Trade brands are not forgotten either. All these trends are taken into account by Swedish ice cream producers, and in the refrigerators of grocery supermarkets you can find frozen sweets for every taste and requirement.

But I’ll return to cream and milk ice cream - they are the ones I love most. I usually buy ice cream two Swedish companies:

GB Glace also produces MAGNUM popsicles

And different varieties Carte d'Or ice cream (also my favorite)

and Viennetta ice cream cakes

And other brands and varieties of ice cream, in other parts of Europe known under the brand name Algida and Langnese, Wall's.

The first reaction to a new ice cream trend is always surprise.

Ice cream, like clothes, is also in fashion at the resort.

This year, black ice cream has become fashionable. Incredibly attractive, refreshing and very tasty.

From this year to free sale There is not only the usual white, chocolate, creme brulee, multi-colored, but also black ice cream.

This ice cream came to the world from Japan, where it appeared at the beginning of the 21st century. Like all unexpected new products, it aroused interest and was liked by many tasters. Black ice cream began to spread quickly and was enjoyed everywhere, and the inventor of black ice cream received his dividends, quickly becoming rich.

The idea of ​​delicious new black ice cream was continued throughout Asia, in America, then in England and the European Union, and now in Russia, where the population eats it with pleasure black delicacy in a black waffle cup.

What is unusual black ice cream made from?

Taste, color and main ingredient of black ice cream from Japan

The original ice cream, invented in Japan, is not black in color, but gray, with an ashen tint. This is due to the presence of such a food ingredient in ice cream as black sesame seed(Urbech) in large quantities. The taste of the ice cream clearly has a hint of sesame.

Taste, color and main ingredient of black ice cream from America

In America, black ice cream was first offered at Morgenstern’s Cafe in New York City. It looks really very unusual. One gets the impression that this is a dummy, and not delicious dessert. In that natural product The basis and, accordingly, the color is coconut ash. It can be obtained in a simple way by firing the coconut shell.

Instead of coconut ash you can use Activated carbon, who is famous for his main function– cleansing the body, especially in case of food poisoning.

In this black ice cream, its creator uses high-fat cow butter and coconut flakes with milk. This gives the ice cream a pleasant coconut aftertaste.

Taste, color and main ingredient of black ice cream from Russia

In Russia, preference in preparing black ice cream that is new to the population is given to something that is absolutely harmless to human bodycharcoal in combination with the kernels of two types of nuts - cashews and almonds. The pleasant nutty aroma in taste and the unusual black color for ice cream sundae made it a “hit” of this summer season.

How to make your own black ice cream?

Surprisingly, black ice cream is quite easy and simple to prepare yourself in your home kitchen. Its preparation does not require any special skills or abilities. The result will definitely exceed all expectations. Surprise and delight from loved ones is guaranteed.

Grocery set of ingredients for black ice cream:

  • very fat milk (from 6%) – 300 ml;
  • very fat cream (from 35%) - 300 g;
  • yolks from fresh large chicken eggs – 6 pcs;
  • sweet paste from black sesame seeds (sold in the grocery section of the supermarket) – 150 g;
  • fine powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • sugar-vanilla powder – 40 g.

Step-by-step recipe for making ice cream:

  1. In a thick-bottomed non-stick saucepan, combine milk and half the amount of cream (150 g).
  2. Place the saucepan with the milk mixture over high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer the mixture for a couple of minutes.
  3. In a special bowl, grind both types of sugar with the yolks using a blender with a whisk attachment.
  4. Without ceasing to work with the blender, gradually add a warm mixture of cream and milk into the sweet yolk.
  5. Pour the resulting sweet yolk-milk mass into the same thick-bottomed pan and place over low heat.
  6. Stirring constantly, cook the sweet yolk-milk mass for about 5 minutes until a cream of uniform consistency forms.
  7. Now it's time to add sweet black sesame seed paste to the mixture. Mix it thoroughly into the resulting warm cream. Cool.
  8. Beat unused cream (150 g) with a blender until stable peaks form.
  9. Add whipped cream to the now cooled black cream and mix again with a blender.
  10. Transfer the whipped black mass into a container with a lid and place it in the freezer to harden for 4 hours.
  11. The prepared black delicious ice cream sundae is impressively served in a black waffle cone.

To give the black ice cream a creamier taste, you can whip 75 g of sweet cream together with the cream. natural oil fat content more than 82.5%.



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