What to do with a severe cut. How is an open wound treated? Why open wounds take a long time to heal

A person often puts himself in danger. Even while doing ordinary household chores, such as cooking, you can get hurt. Though deep cut finger and does not affect the vital important organs However, cases are known when improper treatment of a wound became the result of blood poisoning and even death. Therefore, it is important to know what measures to take.

Deep cut of the finger - what to do?

Before embarking on any activities, it is necessary to wash and disinfect your hands. Such actions will prevent foreign substances from entering the wound and prevent suppuration.

What to do if with a deep cut of the finger there is blood? You should press a piece of gauze to the wound and lift the limb up. If you find a bandage leak, apply another layer.

An important event is antiseptic treatment deep cuts. But it is worth remembering that some means, although they prevent infection, slow down the process of tissue repair.

After this step, do the following:

  1. Delete everything foreign objects with tweezers.
  2. Around the cut, iodine or brilliant green is applied. In this case, you need to try not to get on the wound itself.
  3. Then apply a tight bandage.

To prevent the bandage from sticking to the skin, it is recommended to lay a piece of paper soaked in peroxide as the first layer. To understand how tightly you tied your finger, you can by its color. At first it should be white, and then the skin will gradually acquire a pink tint. If this does not happen, then the finger is pinched.

How to treat a deep cut of the finger?

Wash the wound daily until it is completely healed. The damaged area should be lubricated once a day with a healing agent, produced in the form of a lotion, ointment, cream. It is useful for processing to use decoctions of chamomile and other medicinal herbs.

If recovery for a long time is not observed, then you should use more powerful ointments containing antibiotics. TO they are attributed.

Everyone who has held a knife in their hands at least once in their life knows what a cut is. But it turns out it's not just small wound which heals fairly quickly. IN modern medicine there is a whole classification of cuts, the consequences of each of which can be very unpleasant and even dangerous. So before you start learning how to properly handle a variety of cuts, let's find out what their types are.

Understanding the classification

So, wounds are divided into the following types:

  • Stab. Such a wound can be obtained using an awl or a thin knife. characteristic feature such damage is not only a small diameter of the wound, but also a significant depth of damage;
  • Narrow. You can get such a wound when cut with glass. Attention! In this case, you need to very carefully examine the entire damaged surface for small glass fragments. Since in the future they can bring you enough unpleasant minutes;
  • Wounds with torn edges. You can become the owner of such damage when hit with a blunt object. Roughly speaking, in this case, the skin simply bursts under pressure. The disadvantage of this type of wound is a rather long healing process, since it is quite difficult to splice torn edges. And in most cases, you still have to see a doctor for help, since the edges of the wound will need to be stitched.

Problems with deep finger cuts

In fact, an ordinary, as you think, deep cut of the finger can cause not only discomfort, but also cause quite big problems in the functioning of the injured limb.

For example, if after some time after a cut you start to feel that your finger is starting to go numb, then you should urgently seek medical assistance. Such numbness may indicate damage to the nerve responsible for sensitivity. And it needs to be stitched urgently if you do not want to lose sensitivity forever.

Another sign of impending problems is too much bleeding, as it can be caused by a compromised artery. Another sign of damage to the artery that supplies your finger with blood is the outflow of blood in jolts.

In this case, you should immediately bandage your finger above the cut with a tight bandage and raise your hand up. Thus, the amount of blood entering your limb will decrease slightly and the bleeding will eventually stop.

If the edges of the wound are constantly diverging, then the help of a doctor is also needed. After all, such a cut will heal for a very long time. And the probability of the appearance of a wide ugly scar as a result is almost 100%. And given that beautiful hands- This business card every woman, you and I do not need such consequences at all.

And, of course, another rather unpleasant and even health-threatening consequence of such damage is infection in an open wound. Determining its presence is very simple: if after a while, contrary to healthy logic, the finger starts to hurt more and more, and the skin around the injury site begins to redden and burn, then there is an infection!

In this case, you should not use all possible folk remedies and try to remove pus and inflammation. on your own. Urgently go for a doctor's consultation, he will clean the wound from the already formed pus and prescribe you a healing ointment based on an antibiotic.

Finger cut: myths

It would seem, what myths can be associated with damage to the tissues of the fingers. And they are! Well, for example, what is the first thing you do if you cut your finger? Try to lick the wound or stick the injured limb under cold running water. This is exactly what is not recommended.

After all, no matter how deep the cut, our fingers do not have so much blood vessels to cause you to bleed a lot. But by sticking your finger under the water in the hope of stopping the bleeding quickly and effectively, you are actually creating everything. favorable conditions for infection to enter the wound, since there are a huge number of microbes in our water supply system that are diverse and not very healthy for health.

The same applies to licking the injury site. It is only in dogs that saliva is sterile, but in humans, microbes exist in the mouth quite well. Therefore, if you cut yourself, then raise your hand above your head and go towards the first aid kit for cotton wool and peroxide.

Also, do not lubricate the open wound with antiseptic ointments. In this case, you block the access of oxygen to the damaged epidermis, and this significantly delays the healing process.

And one more thing: if you are a fan of thickly lubricating the cut with iodine, then you should know that this leads to the fact that all the cells of the epidermis that are in the immediate vicinity of the wound die off, since you create a local burn.

Hence, the healing time is increased. You can only lubricate the skin around the injury site with iodine, so you can minimize the possibility of microbes entering the wound.

What to do with a deep cut toe

First of all, it is worth remembering that there is no reason to panic. Therefore, we calmly raise our hand with a damaged finger up, and with a healthy one we reach for our home first aid kit. First of all, you and I need to stop the bleeding. Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for this. With its help, we wash the wound.

Attention! If you see that your cut is too deep, then it is better to use peroxide to a minimum, since it is too a large number of air bubbles can cause blockage of small blood vessels.

After the blood has stopped flowing strongly, it is advisable to treat the skin around the wound with iodine. Do not be too zealous, because too dried edges of the wound also do not bode well. After first aid has been provided, be sure to apply a tight bandage. Here, too, there are nuances. For example, do not apply gauze directly to a wound.

Since in this case, not even an expert knows that after the blood stops and you have to change the bandage, you will tear it off along with a part of the epidermis, which will simply dry to it. To avoid such consequences, you must first wrap your finger with a small piece of plain paper. But this must be done so that the paper is completely wrapped around the phalanx.

After that, you can stick a bactericidal patch or tie gauze. By the way, the paper holds the edges of the wound more firmly, which means that the healing process is much faster.

Also, for faster healing, you can use special atraumatic dressings, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Such dressings have special coatings, due to which the wound is constantly under the influence of antibacterial agents. For extreme cases you can find dressings and coated with a mild antibiotic.

After you have treated a deep cut on your finger, keep a close eye on your condition for several days. And if the first signs of inflammation appear, then immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat a finger cut: folk methods

If you are sure that no nerve or artery is affected due to the cut, then you can use folk methods. For example, aloe leaves, which have an amazing antibacterial effect. Most effective way their uses are considered lotions.

You can do them as early as a day after the cut, provided that the wound has already dried up a little. The procedure itself is as follows: take a small piece of cotton wool or gauze and apply on the entire surface Fresh Juice aloe. The lotion is applied to the wound for ten minutes. After that, we put on the usual bandage and go about our business.

Unfortunately, in Everyday life cuts are very common.

The slightest carelessness while working with a sharp blade of a knife, razor, as well as broken glass often ends with a violation of the integrity of the skin and bleeding.

I am glad that in most cases with cuts medical intervention will not be required, however, each person should be informed about how to stop blood from a finger with a deep cut at home.

This article will serve as a kind of instruction, following which you can achieve the speedy healing of a wound.

All bleeding is divided into three types: capillary, venous, arterial. Each of them differs from each other in the intensity and nature of the outflow, as well as in the color of the blood.

If we talk about capillary bleeding, then, as a rule, there is no danger. At superficial wounds blood flows out in small drops.

If the victim has normal blood clotting, then the bleeding stops quickly on its own. To avoid infection, it is necessary to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and lubricate its edges with iodine.

Venous bleeding is characterized dark color and flows out in a constant stream. In case of damage to the limb, in order to reduce pressure on the vessels and reduce the intensity of bleeding, it should be raised above the level of the heart.

To stop venous bleeding press the damaged vessel, while squeezing it with surrounding tissues. Next, you need to apply a pressure bandage. First, put a piece of gauze on the wound, and then a bandage folded in a couple of layers, and bandage it tightly.

In case of absence at hand necessary materials To apply a pressure bandage, hold the bleeding area firmly with your hand.

Bleeding that poses the greatest danger is arterial. At the same time, blood flows out in a scarlet color in the form of a fountain. In addition, the jet beats in time with heart contractions.

Extremely dangerous bleeding from the carotid, axillary, femoral artery because the affected person can die in minutes.

That is why with this type of bleeding, it is urgent to take necessary measures upon his stop.

To do this, immediately apply a rubber band, placing it above the injury site.. Apply it not to the skin, but to the segment soft tissue. In the absence of such, it can be replaced with other improvised means: a piece of a shirt, a scarf, a belt, a tie and others.

After you have applied a tourniquet, blood no longer enters the limb, so you need to apply it for one and a half to two hours.

Then the victim should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. medical institution for speedy surgical intervention.

If the tourniquet needs to be held longer, pinch the wound with your fingers, remove the tourniquet and hold for ten minutes. After that, apply a new tourniquet slightly higher than the previous one. While the tourniquet is out, clamp the pulsating artery to stop the bleeding.

Ensure complete rest and immobility of the injured limb after applying the tourniquet. Also, write a note stating the date and time the tourniquet was applied.

A deep cut always causes discomfort, and besides, it can cause all sorts of problems in full-fledged work damaged limb - the skin changes, the finger becomes numb, a scar may remain.

If you feel that the finger is numb, this indicates that the nerve responsible for sensitivity has been damaged. In this case, it should be urgently stitched in order not to lose sensitivity forever.

Extremely unpleasant and dangerous consequences for health from a deep cut of the limb appear when an open wound is infected. You can learn about infection by observing the following symptoms: with soreness of the finger, with redness and a burning sensation of the skin area around the wound.

If an infection of an open wound has occurred, in no case should you self-medicate at home, as this requires an urgent consultation with a doctor.

Fortunately, most often we encounter shallow cuts through negligence, so below we will discuss in detail how to properly provide first aid for a finger cut.

First, immediately isolate the wound in such a way that infection does not enter it.. Next, take a small pile of clean cloth, soak it under warm water, apply soap on it and then gently, slowly treat the wound.

If you are completely sure that the object that caused the bleeding was absolutely clean, do not touch the wound inside, but rather carefully walk around it. Then rinse the wound well with water.

After thoroughly rinsing, disinfect the finger itself. How to treat a cut on the finger? Doctors recommend using either peroxide or brilliant green for this purpose.

Take a piece of a cotton swab or cotton wool, soak it in peroxide or brilliant green and hold it on the wound for several minutes. When doing this, it is best to keep your hand upright, but ideally raise your hand up.

Then wrap your finger. If there is someone nearby who can help with this, be sure to use his help. He will need to take a sterile bandage or gauze and gently bandage his finger without overly tightening the wound. Fix this design on top with adhesive tape.

In order not to injure the finger again, the bandage or gauze must be moistened in brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide immediately before applying the bandage. Thanks to this, the bandage will be removed easily.

Doctors often do not advise using iodine for any kind of wounds or cuts, as it can burn the wound, which greatly increases the healing process. If you are worried that an infection has entered the wound, such as dirt, chemical agent, contact your doctor immediately.

After the blood has completely stopped from the finger, the wound can be re-lubricated with hydrogen peroxide in the place where the blood has caked, in this way it will be possible to thoroughly disinfect the wound.

This tool is completely painless, and also effectively acts both for disinfection and for wound healing.

With a minor cut, try to use this hand as little as possible, strain it less.

Every day, wash it until it is completely healed.

Also lubricate the injured area once a day with Dexpanthenol, a healing drug that is available in the form of an ointment and cream.

But how to treat a wound if it does not heal well after a long period of time? You have to go to the doctor, who thorough examination prescribe antibiotics:

  • Gentomycin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Levosin.

If, when receiving a wound, a person came into contact with the earth or animals, he must be vaccinated against tetanus.

If the victim is not able to provide assistance on their own, someone should be asked to perform the required procedures. The first of which is the examination of the wound.

So, if you decide to help the victim, be sure to wear gloves or treat your hands with effective disinfectant. This simple manipulation is designed to protect both from infection.

So the person who volunteered to help will protect himself from diseases transmitted through the blood, and the victim will be sure that harmful bacteria will not get into the wound.

What to do if you cut your finger to the meat? If you observe a noticeable fat layer in a deep cut (looks like a yellowish tuberous tissue), or bone (a hard surface that has white shade) or muscle (dark red sinewy tissue), or the wound has severely disintegrated into different sides or torn edges are visible, the patient urgently needs surgery for suturing, although the first thing to do is stop the bleeding.

The victim must be taken to the hospital quickly, within 6 hours after the injury, so that the patient will increase the chances of a quick recovery.

Otherwise, apply a delayed secondary suture. This procedurecomplicated operation, requiring a lot of time, emotions and strength. Such manipulation should be carried out in case of severe contamination of the wound.

The following symptoms also indicate the need immediate appeal in hospital:

If the injury is extensive copious excretion blood, it must be wrapped with a stronger bandage, you can also use a towel. In a difficult situation, it is forbidden to clean the wound of the victim with improvised means.

It is also not allowed to independently remove debris, glass from the cut, since such an attempt to get rid of an extra object can exacerbate the problem. In addition, do not try to sew or glue the edges of the wound yourself.

So, from the above, we can conclude that for professional rendering first aid for cuts and wounds, you should not only know step by step instructions but also stock up on the necessary medicines.

So, any first aid kit should have a set of the following tools:

  • hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • green diamond solution;
  • rubber band;
  • sterile bandages;
  • cotton wool

We are sure that this article will help everyone learn how to act quickly and correctly when various kinds bleeding!

What to do with cuts?

Rule #1. The earlier the better

Immediate assistance to a person, immediately after a cut, plays a huge role. Initially, you should examine the site of the cut: determine the degree of bleeding and the presence of possible fractures.

With a minor cut, blood oozes from the wound for several minutes and quickly coagulates. Along with the blood, a certain amount of bacteria is washed out of the wound.

If we are talking about a shallow cut or slight damage to the skin, then after stopping the bleeding, the damaged area is washed.

Rule #2. How to treat a cut? Wound wash

Never wash a wound tap water, nor water from reservoirs, in order to avoid blood poisoning, but only boiled. If this is not possible, for example, on the street, then hydrogen peroxide (3%) should be used. You can buy it at a pharmacy, and you need to take peroxide on hikes - without fail.

Rule #3.

When disinfecting with brilliant green or iodine, it is necessary to treat the skin around the cut, and not apply them to the wound itself, as many mistakenly believe.

Rule #4. Protecting the cut

The cut site must be protected from careless touches, and from all kinds of pollution. In this case, use a bandage or patch. If the damage area is large, then special sterile gauze squares are used, and they are already fixed with a bandage or plaster.

Bandages should be applied so strongly so as not to disrupt the flow of blood to the damaged area. It is not recommended to change bandages often, so as not to cause additional damage. If the bandage is loose or dirty, then a new bandage should be applied over it.

Feeling, on the first day, of pulsation and itching at the site of the cut - quite normal phenomenon. But if this continues for several days, then there is a possibility that an infection has entered the bloodstream. The cut site will swell and turn red. In this case, the treatment of the cut should be continued by a specialized specialist.

What to do with a serious cut? Consider a number of cases when it is necessary to consult a doctor:

- if the bleeding is intense and has a pulsating character;

- a very deep cut (possible damage to the muscles and nerve endings);

- any cut on the head, face and, especially, in the mouth;

- the edges of the wound diverge so much that there is a need for suturing;

- there is a foreign body in the wound (pieces of glass, etc.).

In the first two cases, the result will depend on how quickly the person is given health care.

Everything needs to be done quickly, the main thing is to try to stop the bleeding. You can use both a tourniquet and improvised means (a piece of clothing, fabric). The tourniquet is applied above the wound and strongly tightened. Until the bleeding stops. The wound should be treated with peroxide and bandaged tightly. The damaged area should be in an elevated position relative to the entire body.

Two hours, this is the maximum time for which a tourniquet is applied. Then - the tissues begin to die. If after the expiration of two hours the person was not provided with medical assistance, then the tourniquet should still be loosened. Bleeding, in part, will be prevented by bandages.

With not so significant damage, as described above, do not worry. Enough of taking simple measures, and the wound will heal in a few days.

Oleg Orlov, doctor

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Cuts are a breach of integrity skin pointed objects. If cuts affect only the skin and adipose tissue they pass by themselves. In case of damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels, you should consult a doctor. Such injuries are considered common occurrences in everyday life. They are available to adults and children. To avoid negative consequences from cuts with a knife, blade or glass, you need to know elementary rules first aid.

What are the dangers of cuts?

  • Injuries with pointed objects: with a knife, blade or glass are dangerous damage to the artery, nerve, large vessels. If cuts on the hands with a blade or other pointed object are not immediately treated, dangerous microorganisms will enter the wound. Gangrene may begin or form trophic ulcer which cannot be healed. The infection can be life-threatening.
  • If the cut becomes inflamed, complications are possible in the form of purulent streaks and phlegmon. This is a condition when pus does not flow out, but remains inside and spreads into the surrounding tissues. With an increase in temperature and general weakness need to call a doctor immediately.

First aid for cuts

Anyone can get hurt with a sharp object. You can also deal with a small cut yourself if you know how. What to do if you cut your hand in the first minutes after injury? First of all, don't panic. If a person himself is afraid of the sight of blood, first aid should be provided by someone who is not afraid of it. It is as follows:

  • The cut is carefully examined to determine how severe the injury is.
  • After examination, the wound is well washed with running water. If it is not possible to do this, you can use bottled water, which is sold in every kiosk.
  • To prevent the spread of infection in the wound, you should not touch it with your hands. If necessary, you can wash the cut with soapy foam, which should be washed off immediately after treating the wound. Can not use laundry soap. For this purpose, children's is better suited.

  • Everything that is described above is done very quickly, in a matter of seconds. Most importantly, to stop the bleeding, for which the hand, finger or leg is raised so that the cut is above the level of the body. The cut should be squeezed with fingers wrapped in a bandage or a clean cloth. After a few minutes, the bleeding should stop if the cut is shallow.
  • If an artery is affected, which can be determined by a stream of bright scarlet blood, a tourniquet should be applied above the wound. And if the bleeding is venous - lower. flows quietly, no jet, and has dark color. When the blood circulation in the arm stops. Therefore, in order to prevent necrosis of the limb, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • After all measures have been taken to stop the bleeding, the cut should be disinfected. To do this, treat it with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. But if the wound is deep, the solution should not get inside, as small vessels can become clogged with air. The place around the wound is treated alcohol solutions. For this, iodine or brilliant green is suitable.
  • The last thing to do when providing first aid, if you get a cut on your hand with a knife or other pointed object, is to apply a sterile bandage or just a clean handkerchief to the wound, constantly wetting the bandage with disinfectants. aqueous solutions. This is necessary so that the bandage always remains wet and does not stick to the wound.

If more than ten minutes have passed since the first aid was given and no positive results no, that is, the blood does not stop, you need to call an ambulance.

glass injury

Glass cuts most often a person can get in living conditions or at enterprises associated with its release. Glass is a very brittle and brittle material that often breaks. The slightest negligence leads to injury.

Cuts on the hands and other parts of the body obtained from glass have their own characteristics. They are incised bleeding wounds. Their edges are smooth and even, so they do not crush or crush the fabric. This is more favorable for healing than lacerations.

Cuts on the arms and hands are the most common. As a rule, their back surface is damaged. Hot glass injuries are the most dangerous. It has the peculiarity of rapidly cooling and disintegrating in the skin and muscle tissue into many small fragments that are not visible even on x-ray. Such fragments are difficult to remove, and migrating in the tissues, they cause pain, new damage and bleeding. Sometimes the fragments remain in the tissues for years. Hot glass injury can be aggravated by thermal burns.

What should be done with glass cuts?

  1. Toilet the wound, that is, wash it with a 70% alcohol solution or chlorhexidine.
  2. Do local anesthesia imposition of primary seams.
  3. For minor injuries, Michel's brackets are used. The victim does not need surgical care. Enough to put on the wound aseptic bandage after washing the wound.
  4. If cuts on the hands are accompanied by burns, the wound does not need to be sewn up. It should be treated and a bandage lubricated with ointment should be applied.
  5. When glass fragments are found in the tissue, visible to the eye, you need to take them out and further treatment see a doctor.

When cut, the man lost consciousness. What to do?

Sometimes even small cuts can lead a person to fainting state. To prevent this, you need:

  • Ensure inflow fresh air if the victim is in the room. To do this, you need to open windows and doors, but exclude drafts.
  • Take deep breaths several times.
  • Massage the earlobes and upper lip.
  • Rub cheeks vigorously.
  • If this does not help, you should wet the cotton ammonia and give the victim a sniff.

Knife and blade cuts

Most often, a person gets a cut on his hand with a knife, since he uses this cutting object all the time: at work or at home. Carelessness leads to injury. There are times when stab wounds are deliberately inflicted. This happens during a fight or a robbery attack on a person. No less rare are cuts on the hands with a blade while shaving or creative work associated with its use. The cuts are different. It depends on how they were applied.

  • For an injury inflicted by a sharp object - a knife, blade, glass, cut wounds are characteristic.
  • If the injury is caused by a blunt object, then the cut has torn edges. Such wounds most often occur on the hands and fingers.
  • If at the same time you act with a traumatic object on the arm, leg or any other part of the body with a blunt and sharp objects, then the wound will be combined.
  • spicy and thin object: The awl leaves a stab wound.

with cuts

During an injury, a vein in the arm may be cut. This is easily determined even visually. Blood from the wound flows calmly, without pulsing, has a dark color. In this case, a person loses a lot of blood. Of particular danger is the fact that air is sucked into the vessels and can enter the heart. If this happens, death occurs.

To stop bleeding from a vein, pressure bandage. The wound is covered with clean gauze and pressed on top with an unfolded bandage. If it is not at hand, you can fold a handkerchief or a clean cloth several times. Then the applied means should be pressed against the wound. The blood must stop. If nothing is at hand, then the cut of the vein on the arm or leg is immediately pressed with the fingers, and the limbs rise up.

When do you need to see a doctor for cuts?

  • If the cut is deep and its length is more than two centimeters.
  • When it is impossible to quickly stop the bleeding.
  • If, during first aid, it was not possible to remove fragments of foreign objects from the wound.
  • When cuts on the hands or other parts of the body are caused by a contaminated object. It could be a shovel or a rake.
  • If the victim is a child or an elderly person.
  • When the skin around the cut acquires an atypical color on the second day after the injury, pus oozes from the wound and numbness occurs at the site of injury.
  • If there is an increase in body temperature and general weakness.
  • When a week after injury

The victim is obliged to tell the doctor what actions were taken to provide first aid and how the wound was treated. Then the specialist himself will decide how to treat the cut.


  • Cuts on the hands (photo above) can turn into irreversible consequences if they are applied to the wrist area. In this case, the nerves and tendons are damaged.
  • Often during an injury, the victim receives hands. What to do? Seek immediate medical attention. The point is that treatment deep wounds performed by suturing immediately after injury. If this is not done eight hours after the cut, in the future it is impossible to sew up the wound at all, since bacteria will have time to get into it. When closing the wound, they can cause suppuration.
  • If cuts on the hands are accompanied heavy bleeding with a bright scarlet color of blood, then the artery is damaged.
  • Remember even minor cut, especially on the face, leaves a scar.

  • If you do not remove fragments from the wound foreign body, it becomes inflamed and pus may ooze from it.
  • To prevent a serious cut injury from causing complications, a tetanus shot should be given.


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